London’s Tempe
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Londons Tempe,
O R,
The Feild of Happines.
In which Feild are planted ſeuerall Trees of Magnifi-
cence, State and Bewty, to Celebrate the Solemnity of the Right
Honorable Iames Campebell, At his Inauguration into the Honorable
Office of Prætorſhip, or Maioralty of London, on Thursday the 29 of October, 1629.
All the particular Inuentions, for the Pageants, Showes of Tri-
umph, both by Water and land being here fully ſet downe, At the ſole Coſt,
and liberall Charges of the Right worſhipfull Society of Ironmongers.
O R,
The Feild of Happines.
In which Feild are planted ſeuerall Trees of Magnifi-
cence, State and Bewty, to Celebrate the Solemnity of the Right
Honorable Iames Campebell, At his Inauguration into the Honorable
Office of Prætorſhip, or Maioralty of London, on Thursday the 29 of October, 1629.
All the particular Inuentions, for the Pageants, Showes of Tri-
umph, both by Water and land being here fully ſet downe, At the ſole Coſt,
and liberall Charges of the Right worſhipfull Society of Ironmongers.
Honorable Prætor:
THe Triumphes which theſe few leaues of paper, pre-
ſent to your vew, (Albeit their glories are but
ſhort-liued as glittering onely for a day) Boldly ſhow their
faces vnto the eye of the world, as Seruants attending on
your Lordſhip onely to doe you honor.
ſent to your vew, (Albeit their glories are but
ſhort-liued as glittering onely for a day) Boldly ſhow their
faces vnto the eye of the world, as Seruants attending on
your Lordſhip onely to doe you honor.
With much care, coſt
and curioſity are they brought
forth; And, with exceeding greatnes of Loue, a free han-
ded bounty of their Purſe, a Noble and generous Alacrity
of Spirit, haue your worthy Fraternity, and much to be
honored Brother-hood of Ironmongers, beſtowed them
vpon you.
forth; And, with exceeding greatnes of Loue, a free han-
ded bounty of their Purſe, a Noble and generous Alacrity
of Spirit, haue your worthy Fraternity, and much to be
honored Brother-hood of Ironmongers, beſtowed them
vpon you.
It much winnes vpon them, to haue ſuch a Cheife; and
you cannot but be glad to haue ſuch a Society: By a free
Election are you Londons Prætor; The Suffrages of
Commoners call you to your ſeate. A ſucceſſion to the
place, Takes you by the hand, your Industry hath met with
Bleſsings, thoſe bleſſings giuen you ability, and that ability
makes you fit for a Maieſtrate.
you cannot but be glad to haue ſuch a Society: By a free
Election are you Londons Prætor; The Suffrages of
Commoners call you to your ſeate. A ſucceſſion to the
place, Takes you by the hand, your Industry hath met with
Bleſsings, thoſe bleſſings giuen you ability, and that ability
makes you fit for a Maieſtrate.
Yet there is a muſicke in your owne boſome, whoſe ſtrings
A 2
The Epiſtle.
being touchd yeilds as harmonius a ſound to you, as All theis:
And that is, to ſee your ſelfe heire to that Patrician Dig-
nity with which your Father was Inueſted. It was an ho-
nor to him to weare that Robe of Scarlet, It is a double
glory to you, in ſo ſhort an age to haue his ſword borne be-
fore you.
And that is, to ſee your ſelfe heire to that Patrician Dig-
nity with which your Father was Inueſted. It was an ho-
nor to him to weare that Robe of Scarlet, It is a double
glory to you, in ſo ſhort an age to haue his ſword borne be-
fore you.
You haue the voyce of Senators breathing out your wel-
come, A confluence of Graue Citizens, Adding ſtate to
your state, The acclamations of People, vſhering you along.
Whilſt I (the leaſt part of this Triumphant day) ſpend ſuch
ſand as I haue to helpe to fill vp the houre glaſſe, my Ser-
uice ronning.
come, A confluence of Graue Citizens, Adding ſtate to
your state, The acclamations of People, vſhering you along.
Whilſt I (the leaſt part of this Triumphant day) ſpend ſuch
ſand as I haue to helpe to fill vp the houre glaſſe, my Ser-
uice ronning.
Attending on your Lordſhip
Thomas Dekker.
Londons Tempe.
WEre it poſſible for a Man, in the
Compaſſe of a Day, to behold (as
the Sunne does) All the Citties in
the World, as if he went with Wal-
king Beames about him; That
Man ſhould neuer ſee in any Part
of the yeare, Any Citty, ſo Magni-
ficently Adorned with All Sorts of Tryumphes, va-
riety of Muſicke, of Brauery, of Bewty, of Feaſtings,
of Ciuill (yet Rich) Ceremonies, with gallant Lords
and Ladies, and Thronges of People as London is in-
riched with, on the firſt Day, that Her Great Lord (or
Lord Maior, for tis all one) Takes, That Office vpon
Compaſſe of a Day, to behold (as
the Sunne does) All the Citties in
the World, as if he went with Wal-
king Beames about him; That
Man ſhould neuer ſee in any Part
of the yeare, Any Citty, ſo Magni-
ficently Adorned with All Sorts of Tryumphes, va-
riety of Muſicke, of Brauery, of Bewty, of Feaſtings,
of Ciuill (yet Rich) Ceremonies, with gallant Lords
and Ladies, and Thronges of People as London is in-
riched with, on the firſt Day, that Her Great Lord (or
Lord Maior, for tis all one) Takes, That Office vpon
In former Ages, He was not Encompaſt with ſuch
Glories, No ſuch Firmaments of Starres were to be
ſeene in Cheape-ſide; Thames dranke no ſuch Coſtly
Healthes to London, as hee does Now. But as Troyno-
uant ſpred in Fame, ſo our Engliſh Kinges, ſhined vpon
her with Fauours.
Glories, No ſuch Firmaments of Starres were to be
ſeene in Cheape-ſide; Thames dranke no ſuch Coſtly
Healthes to London, as hee does Now. But as Troyno-
uant ſpred in Fame, ſo our Engliſh Kinges, ſhined vpon
her with Fauours.
In Thoſe Home-ſpun Times, They had no Collars
of SS, no Mace, Sword, nor Cap of Maintenance,
of SS, no Mace, Sword, nor Cap of Maintenance,
A 3
Theſe came by Degrees, as Additamenta Honoris, ad-
dit ons or Enſignes of more Honour, Conferd by ſe-
uerall Princes on this Citty: For, in the time of Ed-
ward Confeſſor, the chiefe Ruler of the Citty was called
Reeue, Greeue, or Portreeue: The next to him in autho-
rity, Prouoſt.
dit ons or Enſignes of more Honour, Conferd by ſe-
uerall Princes on this Citty: For, in the time of Ed-
ward Confeſſor, the chiefe Ruler of the Citty was called
Reeue, Greeue, or Portreeue: The next to him in autho-
rity, Prouoſt.
Then in the firſt of Richard 1. two Bayliffes carried
the ſway: This continued till the ninth of King Iohn,
who by Letters Patents gaue the Citizens power,
yearely to chooſe themſelues a Lord Maior, and two
the ſway: This continued till the ninth of King Iohn,
who by Letters Patents gaue the Citizens power,
yearely to chooſe themſelues a Lord Maior, and two
Then, King Henry 3. made the firſt Aldermen in
London (yet the Name of Ealdorman was knowne in
the Saxons time, for Alwin in the reigne of Edgar, was
Alderman of All England, that is to ſay, Chiefe Iustice:)
and thoſe Aldermen of London, had Rule then (as
Now) ouer the Wardes of the Citty, but were euerie
yeare changed, as the Sheriffes are in theſe dayes.
London (yet the Name of Ealdorman was knowne in
the Saxons time, for Alwin in the reigne of Edgar, was
Alderman of All England, that is to ſay, Chiefe Iustice:)
and thoſe Aldermen of London, had Rule then (as
Now) ouer the Wardes of the Citty, but were euerie
yeare changed, as the Sheriffes are in theſe dayes.
Then Edward 1. ordained that the Lord Maior,
ſhould in the Kings abſence, ſit in all Places within
London, as Chiefe Iustice; And that euery Alderman
that had bin Lord Mayor, ſhould be a Iuſtice of Peace
for London and Middleſex all his life after.
ſhould in the Kings abſence, ſit in all Places within
London, as Chiefe Iustice; And that euery Alderman
that had bin Lord Mayor, ſhould be a Iuſtice of Peace
for London and Middleſex all his life after.
Then, in the reigne of Henry7. Sr. John Shaw Gold-
ſmith, being Lord Maior, cauſed the Aldermen to ride
from the Guild-hall to the water ſide, when he went to
take his Oath at Weſtminster, (where before they Rode
ſmith, being Lord Maior, cauſed the Aldermen to ride
from the Guild-hall to the water ſide, when he went to
take his Oath at Weſtminster, (where before they Rode
by land thither,) and at his returne to ride againe to
the Guild-hall, there to dine, all the Kitchens, and o-
ther Offices there, Being built by Him: ſince which
time, the Feaſt has there bin kept: for before, it was ei-
ther at Grocers Hall, or the Merchantaylors.
the Guild-hall, there to dine, all the Kitchens, and o-
ther Offices there, Being built by Him: ſince which
time, the Feaſt has there bin kept: for before, it was ei-
ther at Grocers Hall, or the Merchantaylors.
Thus, ſmall Rootes grow in time to Cedars, ſhallow
ſtreames, to riuers, and a Hand of Gouernment to be
the ſtrongeſt Arme in a Kingdome. Thus you ſee
London in her meane attyre, then in Robes Maieſtical;
and ſitting in that Pompe, caſt your Eye, vpon thoſe
alluring Obiects, which ſhe her ſelfe Beholds with
ſtreames, to riuers, and a Hand of Gouernment to be
the ſtrongeſt Arme in a Kingdome. Thus you ſee
London in her meane attyre, then in Robes Maieſtical;
and ſitting in that Pompe, caſt your Eye, vpon thoſe
alluring Obiects, which ſhe her ſelfe Beholds with
The firſt.
The firſt Scæne is a Water-worke, preſented by
Oceanus, King of the Sea (from whoſe Name the Vni-
uerſall Maine Sea is called the Ocean) He, to celebrate
the Ceremonies and Honors, due to this great Feſti-
uall, and to ſhew the world his Marine Chariot, ſits
Triumphantly in the Vaſt (but Queint) ſhell of a ſil-
uer Scollup, Reyning in the heads of two wild Sea-
horſes, proportioned to the life, their maynes falling
about their neckes, ſhining with curles of gold.
Oceanus, King of the Sea (from whoſe Name the Vni-
uerſall Maine Sea is called the Ocean) He, to celebrate
the Ceremonies and Honors, due to this great Feſti-
uall, and to ſhew the world his Marine Chariot, ſits
Triumphantly in the Vaſt (but Queint) ſhell of a ſil-
uer Scollup, Reyning in the heads of two wild Sea-
horſes, proportioned to the life, their maynes falling
about their neckes, ſhining with curles of gold.
On his head, which (as his Beard) is knotted, long,
careleſly ſpred, and white, is placd, a Diadem, whoſe
Bottome, is a conceited Coronet of gold; The middle
ouer that, is a Coronet of ſiluer Scollops, and on the
careleſly ſpred, and white, is placd, a Diadem, whoſe
Bottome, is a conceited Coronet of gold; The middle
ouer that, is a Coronet of ſiluer Scollops, and on the
top a faire ſpreading branch of Corrall, interwouen
thickly with Pearle. In his right hand, a golden Tri-
dent, or three forked Scepter.
thickly with Pearle. In his right hand, a golden Tri-
dent, or three forked Scepter.
His habit is Antique, the ſtuffe watchet, and ſiluer:
a mantle croſſing his body, with ſiluer waues, Baſes,
and Buskins cut likewiſe at the top into ſiluer ſcol-
lups. And in this language he congratulates his Lord-
a mantle croſſing his body, with ſiluer waues, Baſes,
and Buskins cut likewiſe at the top into ſiluer ſcol-
lups. And in this language he congratulates his Lord-
Oceanus his Speech.
THus Mounted, hither comes the King of waues,
Whoſe voyce Charmes rougheſt Billows into ſlaues,
Whoſe Foote, treades downe their necks with as much (Eaſe
As in my ſhelly Coach, I reyne up Theſe.
Lowd Ecchoes cald me from my glittering Throne
To ſee the Noble Thameſis, - A Sonne
To this my Queene and Me, (Tethys) whoſe Eare
Ne’re Ieweld vp ſuch Muſick as ſounds Here.
For, our vnfaddomd World, Roares out with None
But Horrid Sea fights, Nauies Ouerthrowne,
Hands halfe-drownd in Bloud, Pyrates pell mell,
Turkes ſlauiſh tugging Oares, The Dunkerks Hell,
The Dutchmans Thunder, And the Spaniards Lightning,
To whom, the Sulphures Breath giues Heate & Heightning,
O! Theſe are the Dire Tunes my Conſort ſings,
But here! old Thame out-ſhines the Beames of Kings.
This Citty Addes New Glories to Ioues Court.
And to All you, who to this Hall reſort,
This Lactea via (as a Path) is giuen,
Being Pau’ed with Pearle, as that with Starres in heauen
I could (to ſwell my trayne) Becon the Rhine.
(But the wilde Boare has tusked vp his vine.)
I could Swift Volga Call, whoſe curld head lies
On ſeauen rich pillowes, (But, in merchandizs
The Ruſſian, him imployes) - I could to theis
Tagus whoſe golden Hands claſpe Lisbone walles,
Him could I call too,-But what neede theis calles?
Were they all here, they would weepe out there eyes,
Madde that new Troys high towers on tiptoe
To hit Heauens Roofe: Madde, to ſee Thames this
( For all his age ) in wanton windinges Play,
Before his, new Graue Prætor, and before
Theis ſenators,-Best fathers of the poore.
That Grand Canale, where (ſtately) once a yeare
A Fleete of bridal Gondoletts appeare,
To marry with a golden Ring, (Thats Hurld,
Into the ſea) That minion of the world
To theſe full Brauereis of Thameſis.
Goe therefore vp to Cæaſars Court,-And clayme
What honors there are left to Campe-bels name
As by diſent, whilſt we tow vp a tyde
Which ſhall ronne ſweating vp by
your barges ſide:
The ſecond
The Inuention is a Proud ſwelling Sea, on whoſe
Waues is borne vp a ſea Lyon, as a proper and emi-
nent Body, to Marſhall in the following Triumphes;
In reguard it is one of the ſupporters of the Eaſt In-
dian Company, of which his Lordſhip is free, and
a great aduenturer. And theſe Marine creatures, are
the more fitly imployed, In regard alſo, that his Lord-
ſhip is Maior of the Staple, Gouernour of the French
Company, and free of the Eaſt-land Company.
Waues is borne vp a ſea Lyon, as a proper and emi-
nent Body, to Marſhall in the following Triumphes;
In reguard it is one of the ſupporters of the Eaſt In-
dian Company, of which his Lordſhip is free, and
a great aduenturer. And theſe Marine creatures, are
the more fitly imployed, In regard alſo, that his Lord-
ſhip is Maior of the Staple, Gouernour of the French
Company, and free of the Eaſt-land Company.
On this Lyon (which is cut out of wood to the
life) rides Tethys wife to Oceanus, and Queene of the
Sea; for why ſhould the King of waues be in ſuch a
glorious progreſſe without his Queene, or ſhe with-
out him? They both therefore twin themſelues toge-
ther to heighten theſe ſolemnities.
life) rides Tethys wife to Oceanus, and Queene of the
Sea; for why ſhould the King of waues be in ſuch a
glorious progreſſe without his Queene, or ſhe with-
out him? They both therefore twin themſelues toge-
ther to heighten theſe ſolemnities.
Her haire is long,and Diſheuelled, on her head,
an antique ſea-tyre, encompaſt with a Coronall of
gold and pearle, her garments rich, and proper to her
quality, with a Taffaty mantle fringed with ſiluer
croſſing her body. Her right hand, ſupporting a large
ſtreamer, in which are the Lord Maiors armes.
an antique ſea-tyre, encompaſt with a Coronall of
gold and pearle, her garments rich, and proper to her
quality, with a Taffaty mantle fringed with ſiluer
croſſing her body. Her right hand, ſupporting a large
ſtreamer, in which are the Lord Maiors armes.
On each ſide of this Lyon, attend a
Mermaid, and
Merman, holding two Banners, with the Armes of
the two New Shrieues, ſeuerall fiſhes ſwimming as it
were about the border. And theſe two hauing diſpat-
ched on the water, haſten to aduance themſelues on
the two New Shrieues, ſeuerall fiſhes ſwimming as it
were about the border. And theſe two hauing diſpat-
ched on the water, haſten to aduance themſelues on
The third.
The third ſhow is an Eſtridge, cut out of timber to
the life, biting a horſe-ſhoe. On this Bird rides an In-
dian boy, holding in one hand a long Tobacco pipe, in
the other a dart. His attire is proper to the Country.
the life, biting a horſe-ſhoe. On this Bird rides an In-
dian boy, holding in one hand a long Tobacco pipe, in
the other a dart. His attire is proper to the Country.
At the foure angels of the ſquare where the Eſtridg
ſtands, are plac’d a Turke, and a Perſian. A pikeman &
a Muſketeere.
ſtands, are plac’d a Turke, and a Perſian. A pikeman &
a Muſketeere.
The fourth.
The fourth preſentation is called the Lemnian Forge-
In it are Vulcan, the Smith of Lemnos, with his ſeruants
(the Cyclopes) whoſe names are Pyracmon, Brontes &
Sceropes, working at the Anuile Their habits3 are waſt
coates, and lether approns: their haire blacke and
ſhaggy, in knotted curles.
In it are Vulcan, the Smith of Lemnos, with his ſeruants
(the Cyclopes) whoſe names are Pyracmon, Brontes &
Sceropes, working at the Anuile Their habits3 are waſt
coates, and lether approns: their haire blacke and
ſhaggy, in knotted curles.
A fire is ſeene in the Forge, Bellowes blowing, ſome
filing, ſome at other workes; Thunder and Lightning
on occaſion. As the Smiths are at worke, they ſing in
praiſe of Iron, the Anuile and Hammer: by the concor-
dant ſtrokes and ſoundes of which, Tuballecayne be-
came the firſt inuentor of Muſicke.
filing, ſome at other workes; Thunder and Lightning
on occaſion. As the Smiths are at worke, they ſing in
praiſe of Iron, the Anuile and Hammer: by the concor-
dant ſtrokes and ſoundes of which, Tuballecayne be-
came the firſt inuentor of Muſicke.
The Song.
BRaue Iron! Braue Hammer! from your ſound,
The Art of Muſicke has her Ground,
On the Anuile, Thou keep’st Time,
Thy Knick-a-knock is a ſmithes Beſt Chyme,
Yet Thwick a-Thwack,
Thwick, Thwac-a-Thwac-Thwac,
Make our Brawny ſinewes Crack,
Then Pit a-pat-pat, pit-a-pat-pat,
Till thickeſt barres be beaten flat.
We ſhooe the Horſes of the Sunne,
Harneſſe the Dragons of the Moone,
Forge Cupids Quiuer, Bow, and Arrowes,
And our Dames Coach, thats drawne with Sparrowes.
Till thwick-a-thwack, & c.
Ioues Roaring Cannons, and his Rammers,
We beate out with our Lemnian Hammers,
Mars his Gauntlet, Helme and Speare,
And Gorgon Shield are all made here.
Till thwick a-thwack, & c.
The Grate which (ſhut) the Day out-barres,
Thoſe golden ſtuddes which naile the ſtarres,
The Globes-caſe, and the Axletree,
Who can Hammer theſe but Wee.
Till thwick-a thwack, & c.
A Warming-panne to heate Earth’s bedde,
Lying i th frozen Zone halfe-dead,
Hob-nailes to ſerue the Man ith Moone,
And Sparrow-bils to cloute Pan’s ſhoone.
Whoſe worke but ours? Till thwic-a-thwack, & c,
Venus Kettles, Pots and Pennes,
We make, or elſe ſhe Brawles and Bannes,
Tonges, Shouels, And irons haue their places,
Elſe ſhee ſcratches all our faces.
Till thick a-thwack, & c.
Cupid ſits in one place of this Forge; on his head a
curld yellow haire, his eyes hid in Lawne, a Bow and
Quiuer, his armour: Wings at his backe; his body in
light colours, a changeable ſilke mantle croſſing it:
Golden and ſiluer arrowes, are euer and anon reached
vp to him, which hee ſhootes vpward into the aire,
and is ſtill ſupplied with more from the Forge.
curld yellow haire, his eyes hid in Lawne, a Bow and
Quiuer, his armour: Wings at his backe; his body in
light colours, a changeable ſilke mantle croſſing it:
Golden and ſiluer arrowes, are euer and anon reached
vp to him, which hee ſhootes vpward into the aire,
and is ſtill ſupplied with more from the Forge.
On the top ſits Ioue, in a rich Antique habite, a long
white reuerend hayre on his head, a beard long and
curld : A Mace of Triple fire in his hand burning
who calling to Vulcan, This language paſſes betweene
them. Ioue. Ho Vulcan.
white reuerend hayre on his head, a beard long and
curld : A Mace of Triple fire in his hand burning
who calling to Vulcan, This language paſſes betweene
them. Ioue. Ho Vulcan.
We are making arrowes for my ſlip-string ſonne,
Here, ---reach him thoſe two dozen; I muſt now
A golden handle make for my wifes fann:
Worke my fine Smugges.
Ioue First heare; you ſhall not play,
The Fates would ſcold ſhould you keepe Holiday.
Vul. What then?
Iov. Command thy Brawny-fiſted ſlaues to ſweate
At th’Anuile, and to duſt their Hammers beate,
To ſtuffe with Thunderbolts Ioues Armoryes,
For Vices (mountaine-like) in black heapes rize,
My ſinewes crack to fell them:--Ideot pride
Stalkes vpon ſtilts,-Ambition, by her ſide,
Climbing to catch Starres, breakes her necke it’h fall,
The Gallant Roares,--Roarers drinke oathes and gall,
The Beggar curſes,--Auarice eates gold
Yet ne’re is fild,--Learning’s a wrangling ſcold,
Warre has a Fatall hand,--Peace, whoriſh Eyes,
Shall not Iove,
beate downe ſuch Impieties?
Ist not high time, Iſt not true Iustice then
(Vulcan) for thee,
and thy tough Hammer-men
To heate thy Anuile, --and blow fires to flames
To burne theſe Broodes, who kill euen with their Names?
Iove. And what helpes this, but Iron! O then, how high
Shall this Great Troy, Text vp the Memory
Of you her Noble Prætor, and all Thoſe
(Your worthy Brotherhood) through whoſe Care goes
That rare, rich prize of Iron, to the whole Land,
Iron! farre more worth then Tagus golden Sand.
Iron! beſt of Mettals! Pride of Minerals!
Hart of the Earth! Hand of the World, which fals
Heauy when it ſtrikes home:--By Irons ſtrong Charmes
Ryots lye bound:--Warre ſtops her rough Allarmes
Iron; Earthquakes strikes in Foes:--Knits friends in loue,
Iron’s that maine Hinge, on which the World doth moue:
No Kingdomes Globe can turne, Euen, Smooth and Round,
But that his Axletree in Iron is found:
For, Armies wanting Iron, are puffes of wind,
And, but for Iron, who thrones of peace would mind?
Were there no gold nor ſiluer in the land:
Yet Nauigation (which on Iron does ſtand)
Could fetch it in--Gold’s Darling to the Sunne,
But Iron, his hardy Boy, by whom is done
More than the Tother dare: The Merchants Gates
By Iron, barre out theeuiſh aſſaſsinates:
Iron is the Shop-keepers both Locke and Kay,
What are your Cours of Guard, when Iron’s away?
How would the Corne pricke vp her golden Eares:
But that Iron Plough ſhares, all the labour beares
In Earth’s ſtrange Midwiffry? Braue Iron! what praiſe
Deſerues it? More tis beate, more it obayes,
The more it ſuffers: More it ſmoothes offence:
In Drudgery, it ſhines with Patience.
This Fellowſhip, was then with Iudging Eyes
Vnited to the twelue great Companies:
It being farre more Worthy, than to Fill
A File inferiour;--Yon’s the Sunne’s guilt Hill:
Ontoot: Ioue
guardes you on: Cyclopes, a Ring
Make with your Hammers, to whoſe Muſicke Sing.
The Fift.
The fift Preſentation is called Londons Tempe, or
The Field of Happineſſe; thereby reflecting vpon the
name of Campe-bell, or Le Beu Champe, A faire and glo-
rious field. It is an arbor, ſupported by 4 Great Termes:
On the 4 Angles, or corners ouer the Termes, are pla-
ced 4 Pendants with armes in them.
The Field of Happineſſe; thereby reflecting vpon the
name of Campe-bell, or Le Beu Champe, A faire and glo-
rious field. It is an arbor, ſupported by 4 Great Termes:
On the 4 Angles, or corners ouer the Termes, are pla-
ced 4 Pendants with armes in them.
It is round about furniſhed with trees and flowers:
the vpper part with ſeuerall fruites: Intimating that
as London is the beſt-ſtored Garden in the Kingdome
for Plants, Herbes, Flowers, Rootes, and ſuch like;
So, on this day it is the moſt glorious Citty in the
Chriſtian world.
the vpper part with ſeuerall fruites: Intimating that
as London is the beſt-ſtored Garden in the Kingdome
for Plants, Herbes, Flowers, Rootes, and ſuch like;
So, on this day it is the moſt glorious Citty in the
Chriſtian world.
And therefore Tytan (one of the names of the Sun)
in all his ſplendor, with Flora, Ceres, Pomona, Ver and
Eſtas, are ſeated in this Tempe; on the top of all ſtands
a Lyons head, being the Lord Maiors Creſt.
in all his ſplendor, with Flora, Ceres, Pomona, Ver and
Eſtas, are ſeated in this Tempe; on the top of all ſtands
a Lyons head, being the Lord Maiors Creſt.
Tytan being the Speaker, does in this language
court his Lordſhip to attention.
court his Lordſhip to attention.
Tytan his Specch.
WElcome (great Prætor) Now heare Tytan ſpeake,
Whoſe beames to Crowne this Day, through Clouds (thus Breake
My coach of beaten gold is ſet aſide,
My Horſes to Ambroſiall mangers tied,
Why is this done? why leaue I mine owne Sphere?
But here to circle You, for a whole Yeare:
Embrace then Tytans
Counſell:--Now ſo Guide
The Chariot of your ſway in a Iust Pace,
That All (to come hereafter) may with Pride,
Say, None like you did Noblier quit the Place:
Lower than Now you are in Fame, Neuer fall,
Note me (the Sunne) who in my Noone Careere,
Renders a ſhaddow, short or None at all,
And ſo, ſince Honors Zodiac is your ſphere,
A ſhrub to you muſt be the talleſt Pine,
On poore and rich you Equally muſt ſhine.
This if you Doe, my Armes ſhall euer ſpread
About thoſe Roomes you Feast in:--From her head
Flora, her garlands
plucke (beeing Queene of Flowers)
To dreſſe your Parlors vp like ſummers Bowers:
Ceres, lay golden
ſheaffes on your full boord,
With fruit you from Pomona ſhall be ſtoard,
From this your Tempe, Winter, till he Diue
I’th frozen Zone, and Tytans Radiant ſhield
Guard Campe-bels
Beu champe, Londons
faireſt field.
The ſixth and laſt
This is called Apollo’s pallace: becauſe 7. perſons
repreſenting the 7 liberall Sciences are richly Inthro-
repreſenting the 7 liberall Sciences are richly Inthro-
nedned in this Citty. Thoſe 7 are in looſe roabes of ſeue-
rall cullors, with mantles according, and holding in
their hands Eſcutcheons, with Emblemes in them
proper to euery onesones4 quality.
rall cullors, with mantles according, and holding in
their hands Eſcutcheons, with Emblemes in them
proper to euery onesones4 quality.
The body of this worke is ſupported by 12 ſiluer
Columnes. At the foure angles of it, foure Pendants
play with the Wind; On the top is erected a ſquare
Tower, ſupported by foure golden Columes. In euery
ſquare is preſented the Emboſd antique head of an
Emperour, figuring the 4. Monarches of the world,
and in them, pointing at foure Kingdomes.
Columnes. At the foure angles of it, foure Pendants
play with the Wind; On the top is erected a ſquare
Tower, ſupported by foure golden Columes. In euery
ſquare is preſented the Emboſd antique head of an
Emperour, figuring the 4. Monarches of the world,
and in them, pointing at foure Kingdomes.
Apollo is the chiefe perſon; on his head a
garland of
bayes; In his hand a Lute; Some Hypercriticall Cen-
ſurer perhaps, will aske, why hauing Tytan, I ſhould
bring in Apollo, ſithence they both are names proper
to the Sunne. But the yongeſt Nouice in Poetry can
anſwer for me, that the Sunne when he ſhines in hea-
uen is called Tytan, but being on Earth (as he is here)
we call him Apollo. Thus therefore Apollo tunes his
bayes; In his hand a Lute; Some Hypercriticall Cen-
ſurer perhaps, will aske, why hauing Tytan, I ſhould
bring in Apollo, ſithence they both are names proper
to the Sunne. But the yongeſt Nouice in Poetry can
anſwer for me, that the Sunne when he ſhines in hea-
uen is called Tytan, but being on Earth (as he is here)
we call him Apollo. Thus therefore Apollo tunes his
APollo neuer ſtucke in Admiration till now: My
Delphos is remouedremoued6 hither; my Oracles are ſpo-
ken here: Here the Sages vtter their wiſedome,
Here the Sybels their diuine verſes.
Delphos is remouedremoued6 hither; my Oracles are ſpo-
ken here: Here the Sages vtter their wiſedome,
Here the Sybels their diuine verſes.
I ſee Senators this day in Scarlet riding to the Ca-
pitoll, and to morrow the ſame men riding vp and
pitoll, and to morrow the ſame men riding vp and
down the field in Armors Gowned Citizens, and
Warlike Gowne-men. The Gunne here giues place,
and the Gowne takes the vpper hand. The Gowne
and the Gunne march in one File together.
Warlike Gowne-men. The Gunne here giues place,
and the Gowne takes the vpper hand. The Gowne
and the Gunne march in one File together.
Happy King that has ſuch people, happy Land in
ſuch a King! Happy Pretor ſo grac’d with Honors!
Happy Senators ſo obayed by Citizens. And happy
Citizens that can command ſuch Triumphes.
Happy Senators ſo obayed by Citizens. And happy
Citizens that can command ſuch Triumphes.
Go onGo on8 in your full glories: whilſt Apollo, and theſe
Miſtreſſes of the Learned Sciences, waft you to that
Honourable ſhore; whither Time bids you haſten to
Miſtreſſes of the Learned Sciences, waft you to that
Honourable ſhore; whither Time bids you haſten to
AFter the glorious troubles of this day,
Night bids you welcome home,—Night who does lay
All pompe, all Triumphs, by, -ſtate, now defends,
Here ourour10 Officious Trayne their ſeruice ends,
And yet not all, for ſee: the golden Sunne,
AlbeitAlbeit11 he has his dayes worke fully done,
Sits vp aboue his houre, and does his beſt
To keepe the ſtarres from lighting you to reſt,
Him will I take along to lay his head
In your yeares Zodiacke13 may you fairely moue,
Shin’d on by Angels, bleſt with good mens14 loue.
C 2
Thus much, his owne worth, cryes vp the Work-
man (M. Gerard Chriſmas) for his Inuention, that all
the peeces were exact, and ſet forth liuely, with much
Coſt. And this yeere, giues one Remarkeable Note
to after times, that all the Barges followed one ano-
ther (euery Company in their degree) in a Stately
and Maieſticall order. This being the Inuention of a
Noble Citizen, one of the Captaines of the Citty.
man (M. Gerard Chriſmas) for his Inuention, that all
the peeces were exact, and ſet forth liuely, with much
Coſt. And this yeere, giues one Remarkeable Note
to after times, that all the Barges followed one ano-
ther (euery Company in their degree) in a Stately
and Maieſticall order. This being the Inuention of a
Noble Citizen, one of the Captaines of the Citty.
- The line originates in Martial’s Epigrams 5.19 ()↑
- The figure is an engraving of the Ironmongers’ crest. An image from Stow (1633) is available here: (MK)↑
- Bowers corrects the tense of
(JT)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
(MK)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
(MK)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
(MK)↑ - Given the context, this string is an imperfect correction. (MK)↑
- NLS copy corrects the spelling of
toGo on.
(MK)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
(MK)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
(MK)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
(MK)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
(MK)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
(MK)↑ - NLS copy corrects the spelling of
togood mens.
Dekker, Thomas. London’s Tempe. The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Vol. 4. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1961.This item is cited in the following documents:
Early English Books Online (EEBO). Proquest LLC. Subscription.This item is cited in the following documents:
EEBO-TCP (EEBO Text Creation Partnership). [The Text Creation Partnership offers searchable diplomatic transcriptions of many EEBO items.] Web.
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MLA citation
London’s Tempe. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,
. Chicago citation
London’s Tempe.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.
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The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
2018. London’s Tempe. In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Dekker, Thomas ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - London’s Tempe T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2018 DA - 2018/06/20 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
RT Web Page SR Electronic(1) A1 Dekker, Thomas A6 Jenstad, Janelle T1 London’s Tempe T2 The Map of Early Modern London WP 2018 FD 2018/06/20 RD 2018/06/20 PP Victoria PB University of Victoria LA English OL English LK
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#DEKK1"><surname>Dekker</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">London’s Tempe</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>Personography
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad, associate professor in the department of English at the University of Victoria, is the general editor and coordinator of The Map of Early Modern London. She is also the assistant coordinating editor of Internet Shakespeare Editions. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), and Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, forthcoming). She is currently working on an edition of The Merchant of Venice for ISE and Broadview P. She lectures regularly on London studies, digital humanities, and on Shakespeare in performance.Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
Author of Stub
Author of Term Descriptions
Author of Textual Introduction
Copy Editor
Course Instructor
Course Supervisor
Course supervisor
Data Manager
Encoder (Structure and Toponyms)
Final Markup Editor
GIS Specialist
Geographic Information Specialist
Geographic Information Specialist (Modern)
Geographical Information Specialist
JCURA Co-Supervisor
Main Transcriber
Markup Editor
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Transcriber
Name Encoder
Peer Reviewer
Primary Author
Project Director
Second Author
Second Encoder
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Mark Kaethler
Mark Kaethler, full-time instructor at Medicine Hat College (Medicine Hat, Alberta), is the assistant project director of mayoral shows for the Map of Early Modern London (MoEML). Mark received his PhD from the University of Guelph in 2016; his dissertation focused on Jacobean politics and irony in the works of Thomas Middleton, including Middleton’s mayoral show The Triumphs of Truth. His work on politics and civic pageantry has appeared in the peer-reviewed journals Upstart and This Rough Magic, and he is currently finishing work on Thomas Dekker’s lord mayor’s show London’s Tempe for MoEML. He is the co-editor with Janelle Jenstad and Jennifer Roberts-Smith of a forthcoming volume of essays entitled Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media: Old Words, New Tools (Routledge, 2017) and is co-authoring a piece on creating the digital anthology of mayoral shows with Jenstad for a forthcoming collection of essays on early modern civic pageantry. The mayoral shows project affords Mark the opportunity to share his research skills in governance, civic communities, urban navigation, bibliographical studies, and the digital humanities with MoEML.Roles played in the project
Assistant Project Director, Mayoral Shows
Second Transcriber
Mark Kaethler is mentioned in the following documents:
Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Research assistant, 2013-15, and data manager, 2015 to present. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
Author of Term Descriptions
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Geographic Information Specialist
Markup Editor
Metadata Architect
MoEML Researcher
Name Encoder
Contributions by this author
Tye Landels-Gruenewald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Tye Landels-Gruenewald is mentioned in the following documents:
Quinn MacDonald
Undergraduate research assistant and encoder, 2013. Quinn is a fourth-year honours English student at the University of Victoria. Her areas of interest include postcolonial theory and texts, urban agriculture, journalism that isn’t lazy, fine writing, and roller derby. She is the director of community relations for The Warren Undergraduate Review and senior editor of Concrete Garden magazine.Roles played in the project
First Markup Editor
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Quinn MacDonald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Quinn MacDonald is mentioned in the following documents:
Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present; Associate Project Director, 2015–present; Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014; MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
Associate Project Director
Author of MoEML Introduction
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Contributor
Data Manager
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach
Encoder (People)
Geographic Information Specialist
JCURA Co-Supervisor
Managing Editor
Markup Editor
Metadata Architect
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Research Fellow
MoEML Transcriber
Second Author
Secondary Author
Secondary Editor
Contributions by this author
Kim McLean-Fiander is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kim McLean-Fiander is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present; Junior Programmer, 2015 to 2017; Research Assistant, 2014 to 2017. Joey Takeda is an MA student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests include diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
Author of Stub
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Date Encoder
Encoder (Bibliography)
Geographic Information Specialist
Geographic Information Specialist (Agas)
Junior Programmer
Markup Editor
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Encoder
MoEML Transcriber
Second Author
Transcription Editor
Contributions by this author
Joey Takeda is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Joey Takeda is mentioned in the following documents:
Zaqir Virani
Graduate Research Assistant, 2013-14. Zaqir Virani completed his MA at the University of Victoria in April 2014. He received his BA from Simon Fraser University in 2012, and has worked as a musician, producer, and author of short fiction. His research focuses on the linkage of sound and textual analysis software and the work of Samuel Beckett.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
First Transcriber
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Second Transcriber
Contributions by this author
Zaqir Virani is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Zaqir Virani is mentioned in the following documents:
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Author of abstract
Name Encoder
Post-conversion and Markup Editor
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Cambell is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Dekker is mentioned in the following documents:
Edgar is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward I
Edward I King of England
(b. between 17 June 1239 and 18 June 1239, d. in or before 27 October 1307)King of England.Edward I is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward the Confessor
Saint Edward the Confessor King of England
(b. between 1003 and 1005, d. between 4 January 1066 and 5 January 1066)King of England venerated as a saint after his death.Edward the Confessor is mentioned in the following documents:
Eros is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Fitzalwine is mentioned in the following documents:
Neptune is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of the great river that the Greeks believed encircled the world. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Oceanus is mentioned in the following documents:
An influential Greek deity with multiple meanings and functions. Since the time of Homer, he has been defined as the god of divine distance.Apollo is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of the season of spring. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Ver is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of the River Thames. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Thamesis is mentioned in the following documents:
John I is mentioned in the following documents:
Allegorical character representing the city of London. See also the allegorical character representing Roman London, Troya-Nova.London is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Okes is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard I
King Richard I the Lionheart
(b. 8 November 1157, d. 6 April 1199)King of England, duke of Normandy and of Aquitaine, and count of Anjou. Third son of King Henry II.Richard I is mentioned in the following documents:
Troya-Nova (alias New Troy)
Allegorical character in mayoral shows who personifies the geographic area and settlement of Roman London. See also the character of London.Troya-Nova (alias New Troy) is mentioned in the following documents:
Brontes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir James Cambell
Sir James Cambell Sheriff Mayor
(b. 1570, d. 1642)Sheriff of London from 1619—1620 CE. Mayor from 1629—1630 CE. Member of the Ironmongers’ Company. Son of Sir Thomas Campbell.Sir James Cambell is mentioned in the following documents:
Ceres is mentioned in the following documents:
Gerard Christmas
(d. 1634)Carver and sculptor, known for his artistic contributions to mayoral shows.Gerard Christmas is mentioned in the following documents:
Roman personification of the season of summer. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Æstas is mentioned in the following documents:
Euphrates is mentioned in the following documents:
Flora is mentioned in the following documents:
Ganges is mentioned in the following documents:
Jupiter is mentioned in the following documents:
Nilus is mentioned in the following documents:
Pomona is mentioned in the following documents:
Pyracmon is mentioned in the following documents:
Sceropes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Shaa
Sir John Shaa Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1503)Sheriff of London from 1496—1497 CE. Mayor from 1501—1502 CE. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Son of Sir Edmund Shaw.Sir John Shaa is mentioned in the following documents:
Tagus is mentioned in the following documents:
Titan is mentioned in the following documents:
Venus is mentioned in the following documents:
Vulcan is mentioned in the following documents:
Cheapside Street
Cheapside, one of the most important streets in early modern London, ran east-west between the Great Conduit at the foot of Old Jewry to the Little Conduit by St. Paul’s churchyard. The terminus of all the northbound streets from the river, the broad expanse of Cheapside separated the northern wards from the southern wards. It was lined with buildings three, four, and even five stories tall, whose shopfronts were open to the light and set out with attractive displays of luxury commodities (Weinreb and Hibbert 148). Cheapside was the centre of London’s wealth, with many mercers’ and goldsmiths’ shops located there. It was also the most sacred stretch of the processional route, being traced both by the linear east-west route of a royal entry and by the circular route of the annual mayoral procession.Cheapside Street is mentioned in the following documents:
The Thames is mentioned in the following documents:
Guildhall is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster is mentioned in the following documents:
Grocers’ Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Merchant Taylors’ Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Goldsmiths’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths
The Goldsmiths’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Goldsmiths were fifth in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths is still active and maintains a website at, with a useful overview of their history and role in the annual Trial of the Pyx.The coat of arms of the Goldsmiths’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Ironmongers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Ironmongers
The Ironmongers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Ironmongers were tenth in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Ironmongers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a page on their history.The coat of arms of the Ironmongers’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents: