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Londini Emporia, OR Londons MercaturaExpreſt in ſundry Triumphs, Pageants and
Showes, at the Inauguration of the Right Honorable
RALPH FREEMAN into the Maiorty of the
Famous and farre Renowned
Citty LONDONAll the Charge and Expence of the laborious Proiects, both
by Water and Land, being the ſole vndertaking of the Right
Worſhipful Comapny of the Cloath-WorkersHorizontal rule
Horizontal ruleHorizontal ruleRedeunt Spectacula.Horizontal Rule
To the Right Ho
- nourable RALPH FREEMAN, Lord
Maior of this Renowned Me
tropolis LONDON
Rights Honourable,
THE Triumphs and sollemnities of this Day,
are dedicated and devoted to this your happy
Inauguration, which as Time warranteth,
ſo Cuſtome confirmeth: And herein hath
this City a Priority above any Metropolis in
Europe: For Rome it ſelfe when the Monarchy of the world was vnder her ſole Iuriſdiction,
neuer receiued
her Praetor, Conſul, or Dictator with the like Pompe and Sol
- emnity: yet it is deriued vnto you from Antiquity, and I
with it may continue to all Poſterity. And Sir, for you owne
part I am not altogether vnacquainted with your Modeſty,
which would willingly haue euaded this honourable trouble, but
now you finde that the Condition of Honour is ſuch, that it
inquireth after him who regardeth it not, courteth him that
affecteth it not, and followeth him faſteth who moſt flyeth it,
as knowing that it is not the Place which maketh the perſon,
but the Perſon which maketh the Place truely Honourable,
which now hath inuited you to your merit, howſoeuer againſt
The Epistle.
your minde, according to that of the famous Hiſtoriographer
Lyui. Decad Lib. 4. Gratia & honos opportuniores in
- terdum non cupientibus ſunt. Aduiſing you withall to this
your high Office and Calling, to obſerue the neceſſary adjuncts
thereto belonging, namely, Affability with Authority, and
with your Sword and Power, Commiſeration and Pitty:
Neither can I wiſh you a better Preſident to imitate then your
Predeceſſor, of whom I amy ſay, Semper honos nomenque suum laudeſque manebunt. Not queſtioning but that wee may ſeake the like of your ſelfe,
and the two worthy Gentlemen the Sheriffes, your Affiliants,
when Time ſhall ſummon you to reſigne your places to theſe
which ſhall ſucceed you: And thus I humbly take my leaue of
your Lordſhip, with this Sentence Borrowed from Seneca, Bo
- num eſt laudari, ſed praestantius eſt eſſe laudabilem.
Mercatura, i. Merchandiſe, the Greekes
call Emporia, and Empores a mer
- chant, the Hebrewes Meker. From
hence (it ſeemes) the Poets call
Hermes (the Sonne of Jupiter and
Maia) Mercury, making him the
God of Merchants and Merchandiſe.
The Miſtery whereof hath in the an
- cient times beene held glorious, and the profeſſors there
- of illuſtrious as thoſe, by whoſe Aduenture and Induſtry
vnknowne Counteries haue beene diſcouered, Friendſhip
with forreigne Princes contracted, barbarous Nations to
humane gentleneſſe and courteſie reduced, and all ſuch
vſefull commodoties in forreigne Climates abounding, and in
,lb/>their owne wanting, made conducible and frequent, nay,
many of them haue not beene onely the Erectors of braue
and goodely ſtructures, but the Founders of great and fa
mous Cities: (for ſo ſayth Plutarch in Solon) Merchan
diſe it ſelfe, according to Ariſtotle, confiteth of three
things, Nauigation, Foeneration, and Negotiation, all which
are commendably approued, if conſiderately and conſcio
- nably vſed.
Eight Offices of Piety are in a Merchant required.
1. Recitudo Conscientia, Uprightneſſe of Conſcience, which
Londons Emporia,
is moſt acceptable to the Creator, (and therefore ought to
be more prized by the Creature) then any vaine-glorious
Title: as as ſtiled by our beſt Theologiſts, the indulgent mo
- ther of all Vertues whatſoeuer. 2. Simulationis & dissimu
- lationis ſecluſio, i. A ſecluſion or ſeperation from all diſ
- ſembling or equivocation. 3. Frandem devitare, i. to a
- bandon all fraud or deceite in bargaining, but in all Coue
- nants and Contracts to obſerve truth and irreporoveable fi
- delity. 4. Iuſtitiam exerceri, i. To exerciſe Iuſtice: which
- excludeth the practice of Iniury, Extortion, and Oppreſ
- ſion. 5. Superbiam deponere, To lay by all pride, for (as
diuine Plato ſayth) Hee who knoweth himſelfe beſt, eſteemeth
of himſelfe the leaſt: Wee reade alſo in Socrates, that pride
is a vice which of young men ought to be carefully auoi
- ded, of old men vtterly abjured, of all men ſuſpected and
feared. 6. Beneficientia vti, i. Out of his abundance to bee
open-handed vnto all, but eſpecially vnto the poore and in
- dignant. 7. Avaritiam froenare, To bridle the inſatiate
deſire of getting, for the avaritious man wanteth as well
what he hath, as what he hath not: who hath great trauaile
in gathering Weatlh, more danger in keeping it, much Law
in defending it, moſt torment in departing from it. 8. Solli
- citudines reſecare, i. Toi renounce all care and trouble of
minde, which may hinder Diuine contemplation, but ra
- ther to fixe his thoughts vpon that Heauenly treaſure which
the Moath corrupteth not, the Fire cannot waſte, nor the
Sea wracke: All theſe things deſireable being knowne to
be eminent in your Lordſhip, was the maine inducement to
intitle this preſent Show by this apt Denomination, Londi
ni Emporia: Further of Merchants we reade Horace thus,
Impiger extremes curris Mercater ad Indos
Per mare pauperiem fugiens, per ſaxa per ignes.
The Merchant to the farthest Indies flies,
Through ſeas, rockes, fires, lest Want ſhould him ſurpriſe.
Or Mercatura.
Concerining this Company of Cloath-workers, none
hath beene more ancient, as claiming their place from the
firſt inſtitution, and though in count the laſt of Twelue,
yet euery way equall with firſt or any: the reaſons are
pregnant and briefly theſe: The Nobility of the Land are
called Pares, (that is) Peeres. For their parity and equali
- ty, as hauing preualent voyces in the high Seſſion, or Court
of Parliament. The two famous Uniuerſities are equall
Sisters: neyther can one claime priority aboue the other,
yet becauſe they cannot be named at once, thoſe of Cam
bridge ſay, Cambridge and Oxford: Thoſe of Oxford ſay,
Oxford and Cambridge, which neither addeth nor de
ttracteth from the other: In all numbers there is a compul
ſiue neceſſity of order, onely for for method ſake, not that we
can properly ſay, this Figure in it ſelfe is better then that,
being all of them onely helpers to make vp an Account:
ſince that all the Lord Maiors of this honourable City:
(from which of the Twelue Companies ſoeuer they be E
- lected) beare on Sword, receiue one Power, and retaine
like Authority: (There being no difference at all in place,
office, or in granting Priuiledges or Immunities &c.) I hold
them all equall without difference, or if any ſhall claime
priority or precedence aboue the reſt, let it bee conferr’d
vpon that which breedeth the beſt Magiſtrates, and of this
Company haue beene theſe after named, not of the leaſt
Eminence, as Sir William Hart, L. Maior Anno 1559. Sir
Rowland Hayward An. 1570, who was twice L. Maior at
the lea’t. Sir Iames Howell An. 1574. Sir Edward Oſborne
An. 1583. Thomas Skinner, who dyed before hee was
Knighted, 1596. Sir Iohyn Spencer An. 1594. Sir Michael
oſeley 1599. Sir John Watts 1606. And now this preſent
yeare 1633. the Right Honourable Ralph Freeman: Ney
- ther is the leaſt honour to this right Worſhipfull Frater
- nity, that it pleaſed Royall KLing Iames, (of ſacred memory)
Londons Emporia,
beſides diuers others of the Nobility, to enter into the free
- dome and brother-hood of this Company.
I come now to the firſt ſhow by water which is a Sea
- chariot beautified and adorned with ſhel-fiſhes of ſundry
faſhion and ſplendor, the Fabricke it ſelfe being viſible to
all, needeth not any expreſſion from me. This Chariot of
no vſuall forme or figure, is drawne by two Griffons.
The ſupporters to the Armes of this Worſhipfull Compa
- ny: Thoſe which ride vpon theſe commixt Birds and
Beaſts bearing ſtaues with pendants falling from their tops,
in which are portrayſd the Armes of the two Sheriffes now
in place: The ſpeaker is Thameſis, or the Genius of the Ri
- uer Thames, increaſed to this nauigable depth by the mee
- ting of the Tame and Iſis, he being ſeated in the front of
the Chariot with his water Nymphes clad in ſeuerall co
- lours about him, ſeemeth aſleepe, but at the approach of
the Lord Maiors Barge, he rowzeth himself as being new
- ly wakend from a Dreame, and ſpeaketh as followeth.
The Speech by Water
CAn Thameſis himſelfe ſo farre forget?
But tis ſo long ſince Tame and Iſis met,
That ’tis not rare; for we two are grown old,
And being Riuers, ſubject to take cold:
Forc’t with extremity of paine to grone,
As troubled with the grauell and the stone.
(Whole ſhelues are in our raines) but (Fates ſo pleaſe)
By Artists helpe we late haue got ſome eaſe.
Thanks to our Patriots: O when I looke
On you, I muſt aknowledge to a Brooke
My Riuer had beene turn’d, bad not your care
Beene evuer ſtudious for our beſt well-fare.
(My recollection helpe me) you are hee
That up to Stanes and downe as farre as Lee,
Or Mercatura.
Are my great Lord in cheife, firſt then I bow
To your Inauguration, and I now
Rowe me in my Sea Chariot, drawne or led
by your owne Griffons: Birds, who haue the head
Of Eagles, Lyons body, wings beſide,
All Symboles of that Praetor, who ſhall guide
So great a ſtate; know further, Griffons can
Snatch from the Earth the harneſt horſe and man
To pray on them at pleaſure, theſe imply
That you muſt alwayes haue an Eagles eye
To out gaze the Sun, and keepe that Aquilant ſight
To ſee whatſs wrong, and to diſtinguiſh right.
The Lyons strenght and boldnes you muſt haue
(With all his pitty,) for to ſuch as craue
Or yeeld vnto him, faining themſelves dying,
Scorning to kil, he will not touch them lying:
But ſuch as striue or ſhall opugne his lawes,
He rends and teares them with his Kingly pawes.
The wings your Griffons beare, import what ſpeede
ſhould be apply’d to ſuch as iuſtice neede:
But why ſhould I though beſt of Neptunes ſonnes
(Whoſe ſtreame almoſt by your permiſſion runnes)
Inſtruct him who can teach? ſince the laſt yeare
Till this day, neuer ran my Tides ſo cleare
As now they doe, were neuer ſo become
With Barges, Enſignes; Trumpets, Fyfe and Drum,
Me thinks you make me yong againe to view
Old cuſtomes kept, and (in them) all things new.
Though I by name of Thameſis ame knowne
My ſtreames are yours, you welcome to your owne,
Paſſe, and returne ſafe, thus much on we build,
what’s on my Waters wanting Land ſhall yeeld.
Londons Emporia,
THe firſt Show by Land, Preſenteth it ſelfe in Paules
Church yard, which is a Shepheard grazing his flocke
vpon an Hill adorned with ſeuerall Trees, and ſundry ſorts
of Flowers, he ſitteth vpon a Dyall to which his ſheepe
- hooke is the Gnomon, (a symbole of his care and vigilancy,)
vpon the ſame plat-forme where his Sheepe are reſting in
ſeuerall poſtures, appeareth a Woolfe ready to ceaſe vpon
his prey, at whoſe preſence though his Dogge ſeeme terri
- fied and flyes for refuge to his maſter, yet he ſtands ready at
all houres with a bole ſpirit and wakefull eye, both for the
defence of his charge and offence of the comon aduerſary
the Woolfe, which reflecteth vpon the office of the Praetor
this day Inaugurated wherein is expreſt, not oneely the care
he ought to haue of his flocke, but of the profit alſo which
ariſeth from the fleece, from which the mistery of the
Cloath-workers deriueth its Originall. Pastor or Opilio
in the Roman tongue, and in ours a Shepheard: the Hebrues
Call Roheh, from which ſome are of opinion Rex and Roy are
deriued, the Greekes call him Poimin, which properly im
- plyes Ouium paſtor or a feeder of Sheepe:
none ought to aſpire who is not lawfully called, but this
Shepheard entereth by the dore which is the voyce of a
free election, and is not that Mercinarius paſtor of whom it
is thus ſpoken, Hee ſeeth the Woolfe comming, and leaueth
the Sheepe and Fleeth, &c. I ſhall not neede to ſwell my pa
ges by reciting the ſundry profits and emoluments a
- riſing from this moſt neceſſary Miſtery, without which no
Common-Weale were able to ſubſiſt, nor to reckon vp in
- to how many ſeuerall Prouinces and Countries this como
- dity of Cloathy is tranſported and vended, nor what ſeuerall
ſorts of wares (by barter, and commerce) are in exchange
of that brought ouer into our owne Kingdome, therefore
to cut of circumſtance, I proceede to the Shepheards
Speech as followeth.
Or Mercatura.
The Shepheards Speech
If a true Shepheard you deſire to ſee,
Looke this way, for heeſs embleam’d here in me:
But you graue Praetor rais’d to this high ſtate,
Hee whom as now I only perſonate
The numerous throng, which you this day behold
Are your owne Sheep, this Citty is their fold,
And by your graue deſcretion they ſhal beſt,
Know where to browze by day, by night to reſt.
As I, ſo you must on a Diall ſit
Which hat no Gnomon but my ſtaffe to it,
And ſuch your Swoord is now, your wakefull eye
Must still be ope to watch where you can ſpy
The Rauenous Woolfe to preſſe, and block the way,
Least hee on any of your Flocke ſhould prey:
Although my Dog fly from him, who hath binne
Rent with his, and feares his horrid grinne,
Yet at all houres (you ſee I already ſtand
With armed hart, and Sheep-hoke in my hand,
(So with your Swoord muſt you) both with an hye
Vndaunted Spirit, and with a Vigilant eye,
Least any envious thorne, or ſchratching bryer,
May race their Skinnes, or on their Fleeces tyer,
And that your charge ſo carefully be borne
They may neuer But in Seaſon ſorne:
Great reaſon too you haue, for by this Trade,
(Of which Great Freeman, you firſt Free were made)(
The whole Land’s Cloath, no Mi’tery, no Art,
Science, or Manifacture, that hat part
In Theory or Practick, but muſt all
Giue due reſpect to this in generall:
For ſince the Trade of Cloathing firſt begun,
Both from the ſcorching of the ſommers Sun,
Londons Emporia,
And blustering North-Winds, Rich, Poore, Young and Old
Haue beene defenc’d nor could that Fleece of Gold
Colchos ſtillboaſts, (in the Ancient Poets read
So vsefull proove, or make ſo fine a thread
With ours, (low pris’d because not counted rare)
No remote Climat’s able toi compare:
It is that onely Merchandize which brings
All novels wanting heere, even forreigne Kings
Have thought themſelves Rich Habited to haue worne
Such Cloath as for the commoneſſe we ſcorne,
Oh bleſſe then our increaſe, thoſe that haue been
I’th Worlds remote parts, and ſtrange Nations ſeene,
For want of Cloath find them goe naked there,
Yet men like vs, and the ſame Image beare,
Make much sir of your great charge, ’tis not mine,
Y’are the true Shepheard, I my place of reſigne.
THe ſecond Show by Land preſented in the vpper end
of Cheape-ſide, is a Ship moſt proper to the Trade of
Merchant-aduenturers: neither know I whom more aptly
to imploy as Pilot therein then Mercury, whom the Poets
Feigne not onely to be Diactorus, or Internuntius betwixt
the gods and men: as alſo the Leader of the Graces, the
Inuenter of Wreſtling, the Deuiſer of Letters, the Pa
- tron of Eloquence, &c. (From whence hee hath ſundry at
tributes and denominations conferrſd vpon him) but he is
alſo termed the god of Barter, buying, ſelling, and com
merce in all Merchandiſe whatſoeuer.
Wee reade of two onely imployed by the gods in Embaſ
- ſie vnto men, namely, Iris and Mercury: The difference
Betwixt their imployments is, that Iris (for the moſt part
commanded by Iuno, (as being her chiefe Attendant) and
neuer by the reſt of the gods, vnleſſe to fore-tell Warre,
Famine, Peſtilence, or ſome ſtrange Diſaſter: And Mercury
Or Mercatura.
was negotiated but in ſports, paſtimes, marriage Feaſts,
ſollemne meetings, Showes, Ouations, Triumphs, ſpec
- tacles of the like nature, and therefore more proper to this
Dayes imployment. He is figured like a young man, freſh
coloured and beardleſſe: In his right hand holding a Gol
den Purſe, in his left a Caduzcaeus, (a Rod with two Snakes
twined and internoded about it,) their Heads Meeting at
the top, and their Tayles at the bottome, which the Ae
gyptians held to be an Embleame of Peace: and in ancient
dayes Great men imployde in the affaires of State, or for
- reigne Embaſſies, boare ſuch Staues, from whence they
were called Caduceatores: Hee weares Wings vpon his
Hat and Heeles, intimating his Celerity: and behinde him
ſtands a Cocke, denoting his Vigilancy: ſo much for the
perſon, I come now to his Speech.l
Mercuries Speech
I Mercury, the Patrone of all Trade,
Of Trafficke and commerce, am this day made
A ſpeaker from the gods: (for my quick motion
Can ſayle as well vpon the Land as Ocean):
And who the Merchant better can aſsure,
Then Mercury, the Lord of Mercature?
To you, this Day with ſtate and power indow’d,
Who’e winged Ships all forreigne Seas have plow’d
And mauger, ſurge, guſt, or tempestuous ſtowe
Diſcouered what our Pole-ſtarre neuer ſaw
They from cold Arctos to the burning Zone
Haue Waſht their keels to find out lands vnknowne.
Croſſing the Boreal and the Auſtrall lynes,
To view the ſet and riſe of all the Signes.
To you whoſe Factors in both Indies Lye,
The Eaſt and Weſt: (all parts both farre and nye,)
London Emporia,
Who ſometimes vp, then downe the Volga ſteere,
To know in Muſco what is cheape or deere:
And what Heſperian Tagus can affoord,
(To enrich this noble Island) take aboard.
There’s nothing the braue Per’ian can hold rare,
but his hither brought by your great Coſt and Care.
The potent Turke (although in faith aduerſe
Is proud that he with England can commerce.
What Genoua, Luca, Florence, Naples yeeldes,
What growes, or’s found through all the Latian fields.
What is in China, Greece, or Ormous ſold.
(That Diamond worthy to be ſet in Gold.)
For Norway, Danske, France, Spaine, the Netherlands,
Whatſs Beſt in them, comes frequent to our hands.
And for our tranſportage of ſome ſurplus ware,
(Our owne wants furnishſt) what we beſt can ſpare.
No rarity for profits or for pleaſure,
But brought to vs in an abundant meaſure.
To this braue Iſle, (by Neptune moated round)
You give a Wall; not fixt on any ground,
But moving ’tweene the Ocean and the Ayre,
Which as you build, ſo yearely you repayre.
And (though a woodden Fabricke) ſo well knit,
That ſhould inuaſiue force once menace it
With loud-voic’t Thunder, mixt with Sulpherous flame,
’Twould ſinke, or ſend them backe with feare and ſhame
Graue Sir, no other preſidant you neede
To follow now, then him where you ſucceede:
Let your trust be in him that reignes aboue.
The third Show by Land, is a Modell deuiſed for ſport
to humour the throng, who come rather to ſee them to
heare: And without ſome ſuch intruded Anti-maske, many
Or Mercatura.
who carry their eares in their eyes, will not ſticke to ſay, I
will not giue a pinne for the Show. Since therefore it con
- ſiſts onely in motion, agitation and action, and theſe (ex
- preſſed to the life) being apparently viſible to all, in vaine
ſhould I imploy a ſpeaker, where I preſuppoſe all his words
would be drown’d in noy’e and laughter, I therefore paſſe
to the fourth and laſt
Which is a curious and neately framed Architect, neau
- ified with many proper and becomming Ornaments: bea
- ring the Title of The Bower of Bliſſe. An Embleame of that
future Happineſſe, which not onley all iuſt and vpright
Magiſtrates, but euery good man of what condition or
quality ſoeuer in the courſof his life, eſpeically aimeth at:
I dwell not on the deſcription thereof, I will onely illuſtrate
the purpoſe for the which it was intended: This Pageant is
adorned with foure perſons, which repreſent the foure Car
- dinall vertues, which are behoouefull vnto all who enter
into any eminent place or Office. prudence, Temperance
Iuſtice, and Fortitude, which are ſo concatinated amongſt
themſelues that the one cannot ſunſiſt without the other.
The firſt Prudence, Reformeth Abuſes paſt, ordreth af
- faires preſent, and fore-ſeeth dangers future: Further (as
Cicero obſerues) Iuſtice without Prudence is reſolu’d into
Cruelty, Temperance into Fury, Fortitude into Tyranny.
Next Temperance, which as Hermes ſayth, is Rich in
loſſes Confident in perills, prudent in aſſaults, and hap
- py in it ſelfe. As a man cannot be Temporate vnleſſe he be
Prudent, ſo none can be truely valiant vnleſſhe be Tempe
- rate, neyther can Iustice exiſt without Temperance,
since no man can be truely iuſt, who hat not his breſt free
from all purturbations.
The Iustice (which according to Cicero) is the
badge of Verute, the ’taffe of Peace, the maintenance of
Honour. Moreouer, Iustice and Order are the preſeruers
London Emporia,
of the Worlds peace, the iuſt Magiſtrate is in his word
Faithfull, in his thought ſincere, in his heart Vpright,
without feare of any but God and his Prince, without hate
of any but the wicked and irregular.
Laſt Fortitude, which (as Epictetus obſerues) is the companion of Iustice, and neuer
contendeth but in Righteous
Actions, in contemneth Perill, deſpiſeth Calamities, and
conquers Death, briefely Fortitude without Prudence is
but Raſhnes, Prudence without Iuſtice is but Graſtines, Iuſt
- ſtice without Temperance but Tyrany, Temperance without
Fortitude but Folly.
Amongſt the reſt of the Perſoins placed in this ſtructure,
are the three Theologicall Vertues, Faith, Hope, and
Charity, as hand-maides attending to conduct all ſuch pious
and religious Magiſtrates, the way to the caeleſtiall Bower
of Bliſſe, (of which this is but a meere repreſentation and
signe) who ayme at that Glorious Place, least they any
- way deuiate from the true path that leadeth vnto it. I pro
ceede to the Speech
Graue Praetor, with your Cenſors, (Sheriffes elected,
And now in place) it is from you expected,
That hauing your Authority from Kings,
(And many hundred yeares ſince) all ſuch things
As Cuſtome (by Time ſtrengthned) hath made good,
You ſhould maintaine, withall your liuelyhood,
Which that you will performe, we doubt the leſſe.
When we conſider who’s your patroneſſe,
The Holy and bleſt Virgin, (further) this
Fabricke vefore you plac’t, The Bower of bliſſe.
If we to greater, leſſthings may compare
Theſe preſent, but the petty Symbols are
Or Mercatura.
Of what is future; for bare Prudence here
Pent and confinſd in humane knowledge, there
Shall be reduc’t to Wifedome that’s Divine.
Temperance (which is bare Abſtinence) ſhall ſhine
In clarity immaculate: Iuſtice, which
Oft ſwayes the Ballance ſo, that to the Rich
It moſt inclines, ſhall by an equall Scale,
(Leauing nor this, nor that way) ſo preuaile,
That Right in Glorious Star-wreaths ſhalbe crown’d
And Iniury in tenebrous Lethe drwond.
Braue Fortitude which chiefely doth ſubſiſt
In oppoſition of the Antigoniſt
(Whether that hee the Bodies mortall ſtate
Seeke to ſupplant,l or soule inſidiate)
Shall ſtand impugnable, and thenceforth be
Finſd and repur’d to all Eternity:
When you arriue at yon Celeſtiall Tower
Which aptly may be titled FREEMANS Bower.
The way to finde which, through theſe vertues lies
Callſd Cardinall: The ſtepps by which to riſe,
Theſe Graces ſhewe, Faith, Hope, and Loue attend you:
Who on their vnſeene wings ſhall ſoone aſcend you.
Theſe (when all Earths pompe failes) your prayers ſhall bring
Where Saints and Angels Haleluiahs ſing
I cannot without iuſt taxation of ingratitude, omit to
ſpeake ſomething of this Worſhipfull company of the
Cloath-Workers, at whoſe ſole charge the Tryumphs of
this day were celebrated, for the Master the Wardens and
the Committi, choſen to ſee all things accomodated for this
buſines then in motion, I cannot but much commend both
for their affabillity and courteſie, eſpecially vntoi my ſelfe
being at that time to them all a meere ſtranger, who when
I read my (then vnperfect) Papers, were as able to iudge of
London Emporia,
them, as alternituely to heare them, and rather iudicially
conſidering all things, then nicely carping at any thing,
as willing to haue them furthered for his honour, to
whom they are dedicate, as carefull to ſee them performed
to their owne reputation and credit, in both which, there
was wanting in them neyther incouragement nor bounty>
and as they were vnwilling in any vaine glory to ſhew new
preſidents to ſuch ſhould ſucceede them, ſo they were
loath out of parſimony toi come ſhort of any who went be
- fore them, leſſe I could not ſpeake in modeſty, and more
forebeare to vtter leaſt I might incurre the imputation of
flattery, I come now toi the twelue celeſtiall Signes, which
may aptly be applied vnto the twelue Moneths during the
Lord Mayors gouernment.
The Speech at Night
SLeepe may you ſoundly Sir, tomorrow prest
to a yeares trouble for this one nights rest,
In which may Starres and Planits all conſpire,
To warme you ſo by their celeſtiall fire
Aries whoſe Gold-Fleece Greece doth ſo renowne
May Both incirch you and this Glorious Towne
That Taurus in your ſtrength may ſo appeare,
You this great weight may on your Shoulders beare:
That the two Twins the Mothers bleſt increaſe
May in this Citty ſtill continue peace.
That Cancer who incites to hate and ſpleene
May not in your faire Gouernment be ſeene
That Leo waiting on your iudgement feaste
May moderate his rage and ſcorching heate
That the Celeſtiall Maide may you aduice
Virgins and Orphans ſtill to patronize
And rather thm your iuſtice heere ſhould faile,
Libra no more be ſeene with Golden ſcale
Or Mercatura.
And that the Scorpions ſting may be ſo charm’d
That poore may not be wrong’d, nor innocent harm’d,
That Chirons bent bow ’o may guide your will,
You may still aime, but neuer ſhoot to kill:
And Capricorne though all things ſaid to dare
Though he haue power, yet may haue will to ſpare
That as Aquarius doth his water power
You may your goodness on this Citty ſhower,
Piſces, the laſt of Twelue, the Feete they guide
From Head to foot, O may you so provide.
I conclude with the excellent Artiſt Mr. Gerald Chriſmas,
whoſe worth being not to be queſtioned (as a prime Maſter
in his profeſſion,) I am of opinion that there is not any a
bout the towne who can goe beyond him, of whom I may
boldy ſpeake, that as Art is an helpe to nature, ſo his ex
- perience is, and hath beene an extention to the tyrall and
perfection of Art, therefore let euery man in his way
ſtriue to be eminent, according to that of Ouid.2 De pont.
Artibus ingenuis queſita eſt gloria multis.
The figure is an engraving of the Clothworker’s crest. ()↑
Early English Books Online (EEBO). Proquest LLC. Subscription.
Heywood, Thomas. Londini Emporia or Londons Mercatura. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,
Chicago citation
Heywood, Thomas. Londini Emporia or Londons Mercatura.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.
APA citation
Heywood, T. 2018. Londini Emporia or Londons Mercatura. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
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TEI citation
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<title level="m">Londini Emporia or Londons Mercatura</title>. <title level="m">The
Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename>
<surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>,
<date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>
Janelle Jenstad, associate professor in the department of English at the University
of Victoria, is the general editor and coordinator of The Map of Early Modern London. She is also the assistant coordinating editor of Internet Shakespeare Editions. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival,
the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. Her articles have appeared
in the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from
Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), and Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, forthcoming). She is currently working on an edition of The Merchant of Venice for ISE and Broadview P. She lectures regularly on London studies, digital humanities, and
on Shakespeare in performance.
Research assistant, 2013-15, and data manager, 2015 to present. Tye completed his
undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.
Undergraduate research assistant and encoder, 2013. Quinn is a fourth-year honours
English student at the University of Victoria. Her areas of interest include postcolonial
theory and texts, urban agriculture, journalism that isn’t lazy, fine writing, and
roller derby. She is the director of community relations for The Warren Undergraduate Review and senior editor of Concrete Garden magazine.
Roles played in the project
First Markup Editor
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Quinn MacDonald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present; Associate Project Director, 2015–present;
Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014; MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander
comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the
sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project
to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the
Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social
and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources
that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation
and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and
so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise
to bear on the MoEML project.
Programmer, 2018-present; Junior Programmer, 2015 to 2017; Research Assistant, 2014
to 2017. Joey Takeda is an MA student at the University of British Columbia in the
Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA
honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria
in 2016. His primary research interests include diasporic and indigenous Canadian
and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC).
Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database
implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the
project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was
a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.