The Ironmongers Faire Feild

[A Pageant at the installation of
Sir Thomas Cambell in the office of
Lord Mayor of London, 29 Oct.

The Ironmongers Faire Feild.

In a goodly Iſland ſtyled inſula beata2, or the land of
Happynes, we ſuppoſe that true Maieſty holdeth her
gouernement: This Iſland is round en3girt with rich
Rockes of Gold Oare and Chriſolytes, the maine O-
cean alſo running naturally about it, wherein Corral,
Amber, Chryſitis and the other rich gemmes of the
Sea do ſhew themſelues, as glorious embelliſhments
to the Rockes. There, in a golden Feild or Garden,
imagined of the nature of the Heſperides,4 where all the
Trees and Fruites are of pure golde, do we erect Maie-
watch Tower, which being ſquare, conſiſteth of
very artificall Colloms, Arches, Corniſh, Freeze &
other skilfull Architecture, but the whole bodie ther-
of being ſo tranſparant, as both ſhe and her royall at-
tendants may be eaſily therein diſcerned.
In a rich Throane, which ſupporteth three imperi-
all Diademes, ſitteth a beautifull Nymph, attyred apt-
ly to her high ſtate and dignity, in whome we preſup-
poſe the perſon of Maieſtie. She hath a coſtly vaile of
golde Tinſell on her head, & therevpon her Crowne
imperiall, a Mownd in her left hand, and a golden
Scepter in her right.
Directly before her, in a place anſwerable to her
worth and merrit, do we ſeate Religion, in a Virgin ve-
ſture of pure white, vayled round with a flame colour
Tinſell ſhadowe. She holdes a rich Booke in one
hand, and a ſiluer rod in the other, as her Enſignes of
good reward and encouragement, to the Dilligent &
Studious, and deſertfull chaſtiſement of ſuch, as by o-
uer headdie zeale, or too coole reminſſnes, ſhall dare
to diſturb her lawes and inſtuctions.
On either ſide the ſtate, but ſomewhat in a lower


Camp-bell, or

diſcent, are ſeuerall ſeates, the one on the right hand
is ſupplyed by a fayre and gracious Nimph tearmed
Nobilitie, in a looſe rich garment of many commixed
colours, and a mantle of ſiluer Tinſell foulded about
her, holding a ſiluer ſtaffe of Counſell in her hand.
The other on the left hand perſonates Pollicy, richly
veſturde as a perſon of honour, with a ſiluer ſtaffe like-
wiſe, and a roule of paper in his other hand: Theſe are
not vnapt attendants, to be euer in preſence of Soue-
raigne Maieſtie.
Loweſt of all on this forefront, we place Memorie
and Vigillancie, two reſpected handmaides to Maieſtie,
and of very ſerious imployment. The one to foreſee
and preuent domeſtick or forraigne vnbeſeeming de-
uiſes or practiſes, And the other to regiſter all occur-
rences, that make moſt for the glory of ſo great a go-
uernement, as alſo for the good of the weale publike,
Vigillancie holdeth a Bell and an houre Glaſſe, Memorie
a Table Booke with a ſiluer pen ſtill ready to write.
So much for the forefront.
In the moſt eminent place behinde, & back to backe
with Soueraigne Maieſtie, we ſeate that euer bleſſed
Companyon of all Royall Kingdomes, Tranquility, a
Nimphe of gracious and Maieſticke preſence, attired
in Carnation, with a rich Tinſell veyle likewiſe vpon
her head, a branch of Palme in one hand, and a fayre
Chaplet or wreath of Floures in the other.
Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphroſine, thoſe three gracious
Deities, in whome are figured Cheerfulnes, Peacefulnes,
and Happynes, are ſeated according to their ſeuerall
degrees and condition. The firſt in Crimſon Tinſell,
the ſecond in willowe collour, & the third in Purple.


The Ironmongers Faire Field.5

The laſt ſitteth in a golden Caue, holding a faire ſhield
wherein Fame triumpheth ouer Death. The ſecond
holdes another Shield, wherein Eternity treadeath v-
pon Hell and the Deuill, and the firſt hath her Shield,
wherein Tyme ſits ſleeping, his houreglaſſe layd along
and not running, and his Scithe broken in two pee-
ces: Alluding to the continuall beatitude of Maieſties
triumphing, which neither Time, Death | nor Hell, ſhall
in our beſt wiſhes) haue power to alter.
The whole Iſland and Tower of ſoueraigne Maieſtie,
we ſuppoſe to floate vpon the calme Sea of disſcreete
and loyall affections. Being round circkled with the
immooueable Rocks, Firſt of Dutie, to obey the com-
maund of ſacred Maieſtie, Next enriched with the
wealthie treaſures of ſtrong Power, to offend any in-
ſulting forraigne enemie, and to defend from the (in-
ſolence of home-bred trecherie
Out of thoſe Rockes (as good thoughts do dayly a-
riſe out of loyall hearts) in diuers places are to be diſ-
cerned, the iſſuing foorth of thoſe harmeles Serpents
called Lyzards, which by Pliine, Geſner, and other wri-
ters, are ſaid to breede in the riftes of Rockes. But ac-
cordning to Cardanus, Mathiolus, Solynus, &c. they hold
them to breed in Iron Mines, and in that regard (as I
gueſſe) the Lyzard is giuen as Creaſt to the Armes
of the Ironmongers Society, which inciteth me the
rather willingly thus to make vſe of them, as ſporting
and playing in the Sun-ſhine of this royal happynes.
The Sea (as hath bene ſaid before) round circkling
this Iſland and Tower, which ſeemeth to floate in a
ceaſeles motion: we order foure Neriades or Trytons,
to daunce vpon the billowes thereof, at the ſeuerall


Camp-bell, or

corners of the Iſland. In them we figure thoſe foure
Seas, that naturally do engirt this Iſland of great Brit-
aine: As the Germane Ocean on the Eaſt ſide,
the Iriſhe on the Weſt: the Scottiſh or Ablanian on the
North, & the Gallo-Belgick or French on the South. Theſe
Trytons, with others of their younger broode, do play
vpon inſtruments, as if they anſwered one another in
Ecchoes and pleaſsing reportes. In briefe, this whole
relation, and circumſtances thereto belonging, is but
a morall type or figure of his Maieſties moſt happie
and gracious gouernement, which heauen bleſſe with
vnaltering continuance.
To acquaint the Lord Maior, with the relation and
meaning of both theſe deuiſes, and yet with ſuch bre-
uity as ſo buſie a day doth conueniently require, we
haue made election of the ſuppoſed ſhapes of great
Brittaines two Champions, Saint George, and
Saint Andrew, vnited now in euerduring6 amitie: S.
worthily mounted vpon his conquered Dra-
gon, and S. Andrew on a goodly Vnicorn, armed at
all pointes as beſt becommeth them. And the rather
haue we yeelded to this kinde of deliuery, becauſe our
time for preparation hath bene ſo ſhort, as neuer was
the like vndertaken by any before, nor matter of ſuch
moment ſo expeditiouſly performed. Beſides, the
weake voyces of ſo many Children, which ſuch
ſhewes as this doe vrgently require, for perſona-
ting each deuiſe, in a crowde of ſuch noyſe and
vnciuill turmoyle, are not any way able to be vn-
derſtood, neither their capacities to reach the full
height of euery intention, in ſo ſhort a limitation for
ſtudy, practiſe, and inſtruction. In regard of both


The Ironmongers Faire Feild.

which weightie enforcements, the two imagined
Champions, being men of action and audible voices,
doe (on behalfe of that worthy Companie) at whoſe
coſt and charge all hath bene performed, in as briefe
a Method as can be deſired, expreſſe the full drift and
intent of the whole dayes Tryumphe.

Saint Andrew his ſpeech to the
Lord Maior

HOnourable Lord, this firſt
deuiſe, had it but a tongue whereby to
expreſſe it ſelfe, would vſe this or the
like language to you. It deriues it owne
beſt conceit from the borrowed Cara-
cter of your name, Faire Feild, and your name being
Campbell, dooth argue and expreſſe the very ſame. It
is a Feild, wherein, beſides the goodly Trees, Fruites,
and faire Fountaine that giues it ornament, you may
diſcerne a farre fayrer embelliſhment. Thoſe ſeauen
royall and vnparalled Vertues, that are this lifes beſt
glory, and the futures Crowne, do make it ſeeme a
Feild of heauenly happines. For beſide their owne en-
dowment of worth and excellence, deliuered in their
ſeuerall names and natures: They appeare (in hope-
full preſage) to foretell or prognoſticate, ſeauen
gladſome and fayre nouriſhing yeares of comfort, to
extenuate or wipe out the remembrabce of thoſe ſea-
uen ſad & diconſolate yeares paſſed. For in their hea-
uen-borne natures, they declare a true ſenſe and fee-
ling, of thoſe woes, wants, and calamities, which ſo
long time hath lyen heauie vpon this Cittie. And ther-

Camp-bell, or

fore, with this your reioycing day, beſide their pre-
ſence in perſon to honor it, they do eleuate their di-
uine ſoules in ſweete Hymnes, Pæans pleaſing
Songs to heauen, that their hope may ſucceed in hap-
pines, their expectation in the largeſt fulnes, and
their deſires to be granted endleſſe.
That, as Faire Feild begins our mirthfull day,
So, ne’re more may fayre Comfort fall away.

Saint George his ſpeech to the
Lord Maior.

WHat I haue to ſay woorthy
Lord) muſt likewiſe be ſhort, and ſuta-
ble to this ſerious daies buſines. Knowe
then, that the tipe or figure of true born
Maieſtie, is caractered in this glorious
Monument, Preſenting a fortunate and happy Iſland,
where awfull power commaundeth, true Religion
with honourable Care and Councell aſſiſteth, and
Loyalty in all Dutye obeyeth. Where Tranquility
backs al other bleſſings, and where the diuine Graces
ſo gouerne, as neither Mallice, Time, Death nor hell
it ſelfe, can hurt or hinder what heauen will haue to
proſper. The Seas do round engirt it, as the German, I-
, Scottiſh, and Gallo-Belgick, figured in thoſe Trytons
liuing in that watry Element: But loyall hearts, ſpirits
of courage, and hands inured to warre or peace, are
the beſt walles about it, as defenſive againſt inuading
Enuie, or homebred trecherie, as offenſiue to any hot
ſpleene of Malignitie. So much for this.
And now honourable Lord, I am to ſalute yee


The Ironmongers Faire Feild.

from that kinde, and no leſſe kinde then truely Wor-
ſhipfull Company of Ironmongers
, of whome (by
freedomes affinity) you are a worthy Brother. How
their loue to you declares it ſelfe apparantly this day,
I ſpare to ſpeake, becauſe that euery eye plainely diſ-
cernes it. And let me tell you, did their number hold
leuell with other Societies, or carry corresſpondencie
in the beſt helping matter, their bountie ſhould hard-
ly haue gone behinde the beſt, and yet they come now
but little ſhort of precedent examples. In a word, their
hearts, purſſes and all are yours, but much more their
loue, which goeth beyond all. So worthy Lord;
If you accept but what is done this day
Be yours the Honour, ſo they bad me ſay.


Printer’s ornament


  1. Only one copy of this pageant book is known to have survived. Owned by the British Library, it is missing the A gathering and contains only the four leaves of the B gathering. This information appears on the handwritten title page that is attached to the EEBO transcription of the text. See Bergeron 31. (KMF)
  2. Bleedthrough. (MS)
  3. Checked against Bergeron. (MS)
  4. In Greek mythology, the Hesperides are nymphs who tended Hera’s orchard of golden apples. (SM)
  5. This is the only running title with the spelling Field instead of Feild. (CB)
  6. Checked against Bergeron. (MS)


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Munday, Anthony. Camp-Bell, or the Ironmongers’ Fair Field. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

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Munday, Anthony. Camp-Bell, or the Ironmongers’ Fair Field. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Munday, A. 2018. Camp-Bell, or the Ironmongers’ Fair Field. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Camp-Bell, or the Ironmongers’ Fair Field
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Munday, Anthony
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Camp-Bell, or the Ironmongers’ Fair Field
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MUND1"><surname>Munday</surname>, <forename>Anthony</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">Camp-Bell, or the Ironmongers’ Fair Field</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>

