All Hallows Barking

The church of All Hallows Barking is in Tower Street Ward on the southeast corner of Seething Lane and on the north side of Tower Street. Stow describes it as a fayre parish Church.
There was initially a chapel built on the site by King Richard I. It was not until the reign of King Richard III that the chapel was replaced by a church and a College of Priests installed. The college had been suppressed in 1548 and the church pulled down. It was replaced by a large strong frame of Timber and bricke... and imployed as a store house of Marchantes goodes brought from the sea (Stow). In 1613 however, after Stow’s death, the church was restored (Harben). There continues to be a church on the site to the present day.
All Hallows Barking is found on the Agas map at the east end of Tower Street labelled Barkyng. It is also featured on Benjamin Cole’s 1754 engraving of Tower Street Ward (Cole).
See also All Hallow’s Barking modern church website


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MLA citation

Adams, Neil, and Janelle Jenstad. All Hallows Barking. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

Chicago citation

Adams, Neil, and Janelle Jenstad. All Hallows Barking. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

APA citation

Adams, N., & Jenstad, J. 2018. All Hallows Barking. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - Adams, Neil
A1  - Jenstad, Janelle
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - All Hallows Barking
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Adams, Neil
A1 Jenstad, Janelle
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 All Hallows Barking
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
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TEI citation

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