Printer’s ornament surrounds title-page text

of the Pageant
before Woolſtone Dixi
LORD Maior of the
Citie of London.
An. 1585.

October 29.

Printer’s ornament

at L O N D O N by
Edward Allde.

A Speech ſpoken by him that rid
on a Luzarne1 before the Pageant

apparelled like a Moore.

FRom where ye Sun dooth ſettle in his wayn 
And yoakes his Horſes to his fiery Carte,
And in his way giues life to Ceres Corne,
Euen from ye parching Zone behold I come 
A ſtraunger ſtraungely mounted as you ſée, 
Seated vpon a luſty Luzerns back. 
And offer, to your Honour (good my Lord) 
This Emblem thus in ſhowe ſignificant.
Loe louely London riche and fortunate,
Famed through the Worlde for peace and happineſſe: 
[…]éer aduaunc’t and ſet in Higheſt ſeat, 
Bea2wtified throughly as her ſtate requires.
Firſt, ouer her a Princely Trophey ſtandes,
Of beaten golde: a riche and Royall Armes: 
Wher–too this London euer more bequeathes,
Seruice of Honour and of Loyaltie.
Her props are well aduiſed Maieſtrates,
That carefully attend her perſon ſtill. 
The honeſt Franklin and the Huſband–man, 
Layes downe his ſackes of Corne at Londons féet, 
And bringes ſuch preſents as the Countrie yéeldes.
The pleaſaunt Thames a ſwéet and daintye Nymphe
For Londons good conuayes with gentle ſtreame, 
And ſafe and eaſie paſſage what ſhée can, 
And kéepes her leaping Fiſhes in her lappe. 
The Souldier and the Sayler franckly bothe, 
For Londons ayde are all in readines,
To Uenture and to fight by Land and Sea. 
And this thriſe reuerend honorable Dame, 
Science the ſap of euery common wealth. 


The Deuice

SurnameMechanicall or Liberall 
Is vowed to honour London with her ſkill, 
And London by theſe fréendes ſo happy made: 
Firſt thankes her God the Author of her peace, 
And next, with humble geſture as becomes, 
In méeke and lowly manner dooth ſhe yéeld, 
Her ſelfe her welthe with hart and willingnes. 
Unto the perſon of her gracious Quéene, 
Elizabeth renowned through the world, 
Stall’d and annointed by the higheſt powre, 
The God of Kings that with his holy hand, 
Hath long defended her and her England.
This now remaines right honourable Lord, 
That carefully you doo attend and Kéep, 
This louely Lady rich and beautifull· 
The Iuel wherwithall your ſoueraigne Quéene,
Hath put your honor louingly in truſt: 
That you may adde to Londons dignity, 
And Londons dignity may adde to yours, 
That woorthely you may be counted one, 
Among the number of a many moe: 
Carefull léeftenaunts, carefull Maieſtrates, 
For Londons welfare and her worthines. 

¶Spoken by the Children in the
Pageant viz.
NEW Troye I hight whome Lud my Lord ſurnam’d, 
London the glory of the weſtern ſide: 
Throughout the world is louely London fam’d, 
So farre as any ſea comes in with tide. 
Whoſe peace and calme vnder her Royall Quéene: 
Hath long bin ſuch as like was neuer ſéene.

of the Pageant.

Then let me liue to caroll of her name, 
that ſhe may euer liue and neuer dye: 
Her ſacred ſhrine ſet in the houſe of fame,
conſecrate to eternall memorie. 
My péerles miſtreſſe ſoueraigne of my peace: 
Long may ſhe ioy with honours great increaſe.

THe Cuntry and the Thames affoord their aide,
and carefull Maieſtrates their care attend:
All Engliſh harts are glad, and well appaide,
in readines their London to defend.
Defend them Lord and theſe faire Nimphs likewiſe:
that euer they may doo this ſacrifice.

THe greateſt treaſure that a Prince can haue,
dooth louely London offer to her Quéene,
Such loyaltie as like was neuer ſéene.
and ſuch as any Engliſh hart can craue.

The Cuntry
FOr Londons aide the Cuntry giues ſupplie,
of néedfull things, and ſtore of euery graine:
London giue thanks to him that ſits on hie,
had neuer Towne leſſe cauſe for to complaine,
And loue and ſerue the ſoueraigne of thy peace:
Under whoſe raigne thou haſt this rich encreaſe.

The Thames.
WIth ſiluer glide my pleaſant ſtreames doo runne,
where leaping fiſhes play betwixt the ſhores:
This gracious good hath God and kinde begun,
for Londons vſe with help of Sailes and Ores.

The Speeches

London reioyce and giue thy God the praiſe:
For her whoſe highnes lengths thy happy daies. 

The Souldier.
ARmour of ſafe defence the Souldier hath,
So louely London carefully attends:
To kéep her ſacred ſoueraigne from ſkathe,
That all this engliſh land ſo well defends. 
And ſo farre London bids her ſouldiers goe,
As well may ſerue to ſhéeld this land from woe.

The Sayler.
THe Sayler that in colde and quaking tide,
the wrathfull ſtormes of Winters rage dooth bide 
With ſtreamers ſtretcht, prepares his mery bark,
for cuntries welth to ſet his men awark.
That Quéene and Cuntry eazely may ſée:
The Sea–man ſerues his Prince in his degrée.

FOr Londons ſafety and her happines, 
the Souldier and the Sayler may you ſée:
All well prepar’d and put in redines, 
to doo ſuch ſeruice as may fitting be,
and Arte with them doo ioyne and they with me.
London then ioy and let all ages knowe,
What duty to thy ſoueraigne thou doo ſhowe.

THus with the morning Sun and euening ſtarre,
theſe holy lights ſhall burne, the chéerfull flame 
With ſwéeteſt odour ſhalt perfume as farre 
as India ſtands in honor of her name.
Whoſe Trophey we adore with ſacred rights:
With ſwéeteſt incenſe and with endles lights.

of the Pageant.

SO long as Sunne dooth lend the world his light,
or any graſſe dooth growe vpon the ground:
With holy flame, our Torches ſhall burne bright,
and fame ſhall brute with golden trumpets ſound 
The honor of her ſacred regiment:
That claimes this honorable monument.

OUr holy lights ſhall burne continually,
to ſignifie our duties to her ſtate:
Whoſe excellent and princely maieſtye,
approoues it ſelfe to be moſte fortunate.

VErtue ſhall witnes of her woorthines, 
and fame ſhall regiſter her princely déeds:
The world ſhall ſtill pray for her happines,
from whome our peace and quietnes procéeds.

Verſes written vnder the Armes
of England.

Gallia victa dedit flores inuicta Leones,
Anglia, ius Belli in flore, Leone ſuum:
O ſic ô ſemper ferat Anglià laeta triumphos,
Inclita gallorum Flore, Leone ſuo.

Donne by George Peele Maiſter of
artes in Oxford.

Printer’s ornament


  1. Lynx. (SM)
  2. An ink smudge partially obscures three characters here. They have been supplied based on the context and the shape and size of the characters. (SM)

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MLA citation

Peele, George. The Device of the Pageant Borne before Wolstan Dixie. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

Chicago citation

Peele, George. The Device of the Pageant Borne before Wolstan Dixie. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

APA citation

Peele, G. 2018. The Device of the Pageant Borne before Wolstan Dixie. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Peele, George
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Device of the Pageant Borne before Wolstan Dixie
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Peele, George
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Device of the Pageant Borne before Wolstan Dixie
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#PEEL1"><surname>Peele</surname>, <forename>George</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">The Device of the Pageant Borne before Wolstan Dixie</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>




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