Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without

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THe farthest West Warde
The Ward of1 Faringdon without2
of this Citie, being the 25. Warde of London, but without the Walles is called Faringdon without, and was of olde time part of the other Faringdon with
, vntil the 17. of Richard the second: in which it was diuided and made twaine, by the names of Faringdon infra, and Faringdon extra, as is afore shewed.

The bounds of which warde, without Newgate, and Ludgate, are these. First on the East part thereof, is the whole precinct of the late priorie of Saint Bartholomewe, and a part of Long Lane, on the North, towards Aldersgate stréete, and Ducke Lane, with the Hos
pitall of Saint Bartholomewe
on the West, and all Smithfield to the Barres in S. Iohn stréete. Then out of Smithfielde, Chicken Lane toward Turmile brooke, and ouer that brooke by a bridge of timber, into the field: then backe againe by the Pens (or foldes) in Smithfield, by Smithfield pond, to Cowe-Lane, which turneth to
ward Oldboorne: and then Hosiar Lane, out of Smithfield, also to
ward Oldboorne, till it meete with a part of Cowe Lane. Then Cocke Lane out of Smithfield, ouer against Pye corner: then also is Giltspur stréete, out of Smithfield to Newgate, then from New
West by Saint Sepulchres church to Turnagaine Lane: then to Oldboorne conduit, on Snor hill, to Oldboorne bridge: vp Old
to the Barres on both sides, on the right hand or North side, at the bottome of Oldboorne hill, is Gold Lane, sometime a fil
thy passage into the fieldes, now both sides builded with small tene
ments. Then higher is Lither Lane, turning also to the field, and so to the Barre. Now on the left hand or South side from Newgate, lyeth a stréet called the Olde Baily, or court of the Chamberlaine of this citie: this stretcheth down by the wall of the citie vnto Ludgate: on the West side of which stréete, breaketh out one other Lane, cal
led Saint Georges Lane, till yee come to the Southende of Seacole Lane: and then turning towards Fléetestréete, it is called Fléete Lane. The next out of the high stréete from Newgate turning down South, is called the little Baylie, and runneth downe to the East of Saint Georges Lane. Then is Seacole lane, which turneth downe into Fleetelane: neare vnto this Seacole lane, in the turning to
wards Oldboorne conduit, is an other lane, called in Record, winde
againe lane
, for that it turneth downe to Turmill Brooke, and from thence backe againe, for there is no way ouer. Then beyond Old
to Shooe lane, which runneth out of Oldboorne vn
to the conduit in Fléetestréete. Then also is Fewtars lane, which likewise stretcheth South into Fléetestréete, by the East end of Saint Dunstons church, and from this lane to the Barres, bee the bounds without Newgate.

Now without Ludgate, this ward runneth vp from the saide gate to Temple bar, and hath on the right hand or northside, the south end of the Olde Bayly, then downe Ludgate hill, to the Fleete lane, ouer Fleete bridge, and by Shooe lane, and Fewters lane, and so to New streete (or Chancery lane) and vp that lane to the house of the Rolles, which house is also of this warde, and on the other side to a lane ouer against the Roules, which ente
reth Ficquetes fielde.
Then harde by the Barre is one other lane called Shyre lane, because it deuideth the Citie from the Shire, and this turneth in
to Ficquetes fielde.
FTEMP1rom Ludgate againe on the left hand, or south side to Fleete bridge, to bride lane, which runneth south by Bridewell, then to Water lane, which runneth downe to the Thames.
Then also by the White Fryars, and by the Temple, euen to the Barre aforesaide, bee the boundes of this Faringdon warde without.
Touching Ornamentes and Antiquities in this warde, first be
twixt the said Newgate and the parish Church of S. Sepulchers is a way towardes Smithfielde, called Guilt spurre, or Knightri
dars streete
, of the knights and other riding that way into Smith
fielde, replenished with buildinges on both sides vp to Pie corner, a place so called of such a signe, sometimes a fayre Inne for receipte of Trauellers, but now deuided into Tenements, and ouer against the saide Pie corner lyeth Cocke lane, which runneth downe to Oldbourne Conduite.
Beyond this Pie corner lyeth west Smithfielde, compassed a
bout with buildinges, as first on the south side following, the right hand standeth the fayre parish church, and large Hospitall of Saint Bartilmew, founded by Rahere the first Prior of Saint Bartil
thereto neare adioyning, in the yeare 1102.
Alfune (that had not long before builded the parish church of S. Giles without Cripplegate, became the first Hospitelar, or Proctor for the poore of this house, and went himselfe dayly to the Shambles and other marketes, where he begged the charity of deuout people for their releefe, promising to the liberall giuers, (and that by alledging Testimonies of the holy scripture) reward

at the hands of God, this Hospital, was since repayred about the yeare 1423. of the goodes and by the Executors of Richarde VVhitington, sometime Maior of London, and was gouerned by a Maister, and eight Brethren, being Priestes for the church, and foure Sisters to see the poore serued.
Sir Iohn VVakering Priest, Maister of this house in the yere 1463. amongst other bookes gaue to their common Libra
ry the fayrest Bible, that I haue seene written in large velame, by a Brother of that house, named Iohn Coke at the age of 68. yeares, when hee had been Priest 43. yeares, since the spoile of that Library. I haue seene this booke in the custody of my wor
shipfull frend maister, VValter Cope.
Monumentes in this Church of the dead, Benefactors ther
unto be these, Elizabeth wife to Adam Hone Gentleman, Bar
tilmew Bildington
, Iane
wife to Iohn Cooke, Dame Alis wife to Sir Richarde Isham, Alice wife to Nicholas Bayly, Iohn Woodhouse Esquier, Robert Palmar Gentleman, Ido
wife to Iohn VValden lying by her husband on the North side late newly builded, 1424. Sir Thomas Malifant Baron of Winnow, Lord Sir George in Glamorgan, and Lord Ockene
and Pile in the county of Pembroke, 1438. Dame Marga
his wife, Daughter to Thomas Astley Esquier, with Ed
and Henry his children, William Markeby Gentleman 1438. Richard Shepley, and Alice his wife, Thomas Sauill Sarieant at Armes, Edwarde Beastby Gentleman, and Marga
his wife, Walter Ingham and Alienar his wife, Robert War
and Alice Lady Carne, Robert Galdfet, Iohan and Ag
his wiues, Sir Robert Danuars, and Dame Agnes his wife, daughter to Sir Richarde Delaber, William Brookes Esqui
er, Iohn Sirley Esquier, and Margaret his wife, hauing their pictures of Brasse, in the habite of Pilgrimes on a fayre flat stone with an Epitaph. 1456. Iane Lady Clinton, who gaue ten pound to the poore there, 1458. Agnes Daughter to Sir VVilliam, S. George, Iohn Rogebrooke Esquier, Richarde Surgeon, Thomas Burgan Gentleman, Elizabeth wife to Henry Skinard daughter to Chincroft Esquier, VVilliam Mackeley Gentlman and Alice his wife, VVilliam Fitzwater Gentleman, 1466.

This Hospitall was valued at the suppression in the yeare, 1539. the 31. of Henry the eight to 35. pounde, six shil
linges, 7. pence, yearely. The church remaineth a parish church to the Tenantes dwelling in the precinct of the Hospitall, but in the yeare 1546. on the 13. of Ianuarie, the Bishop of Roche
, preaching at Paules Crosse, declared the gift of the said king, to the Citizens for releeuing of the poore, which conteyned the Church of the Gray Fryars, the church of S. Bartilmew with the Hospitall, with all the Messuages and appurtenances in Gilt
, alias Knightridars streete, Breton streete, Petar Kay, in the parish of S. Mary Magdalen, in olde Fishstreete, and in the parish of S. Benet Huda, Lymehurst, or Lymehost, in the Pa
rish of Stebunheth
, &c. Then also were orders deuised for releefe of the poore, the inhabitants were al called to their parish churches whereby Sir Richarde Dobbes then Maior their seuerall Alder
men, or other graue Citizens, they were by eloquent orations perswaded how great and how many commodities woulde ensew vnto them and their Citie, if the poore of diuers sorts which they named were taken from out their streets, lanes, and allies, & were bestowed and prouided for in Hospitalles abroade &c. therefore was euery man moued liberally to grant, what they woulde impart, towardes the preparing, and furnishing of such Hospitals & also what they would contribute weekely towardes their main
tenance for a time (which they saide should not be past one yeare or twaine) vntill that they were better furnished of endowment: to make short euery man granted liberally, according to his habi
lity, and bookes were drawne of the releefe in euery warde of the City, towardes the new Hospitalles, and were deliuered by the Maior, to the kinges Commissioners, on the 17. of February, and order was taken therein, so as the 26. of Iuly, in the yeare 1552. the repayring of the Gray Fryars house, for poore father
lesse children, was taken in hand, and also in the latter ende of the same moneth, began the repayring of this Hospitall of S. Bartil
, and was of new endowed, and furnished at the charges of the Citizens.
On the east side of this Hospitall, lieth Duke lane, which run
neth out of Smithfielde south, to the northend of little Bretaine

streete. On the east side of this Ducke lane, and also of Smithfield lyeth the late dissolued Priorie at S. Bartilmew founded also by Rahere, a pleasant witted Gentleman, and therefore in his time called the kinges Minstrell, aboute the yeare of Chris3t 1102. hee founded it in a part of ye oft befor named morish ground, which was therefore a common Lay stall of all filth, that was to bee voyded out of the City, hee placed Canons there, and himselfe became their first Prior, and so continued till his dying day, and was there buried in a fayre monument, of late renued by Bolton.
Amongst other memorable matters touching this Priorie, one is of an Archbishops visitation, which Mathew Paris hath thus. Boniface (sayth hee) Archbishoppe of Canterbury,
Archbishop of Canterburie visiteth Saint Bartilmewes Priorie with stripes.
in his Uisitation, came to this Priorie, where being receiued with Pro
cession, in the most solemne wise, hee saide that he passed not vpon the honor, but came to visite them, to whome the Canons an
wered that they hauing a learned Bishop, ought not in contempt of him, to be visited by any other: which answere so much offen
ded the Archbishop,
Words of the Archbishop to the Prior and Canons.
that hee forthwith fell on the Supprior and smote him on the face, saying, indeede, indeede doth it become you English Traitors so to answere mee, thus raging with othes not to bee recited, hee rent in peeces the rich Cope of the Supprior,
Suppriors cope rent and trodē vnder foote & himselfe al
most slaine.
and trode it vnder his feete, and thrust him against a Pillar of the Chancell, with such spirituall violence, that hee had almost killed him: But the Chanons seeing their Supprior thus almost slaine, came and plucked off the Archbishop
The Archbi
shop armed & ouerthrowne.
with such force that they o
uerthrew him backwards, whereby they might see that hee was armed and prepared to fight, the Archbishops men seeing their maister down (being all strangers and their maisters countrimen, borne in Prouence) fell vpon the Chanons, beate them, tare them and trod them vnder feete,
The Canons beaten and trod vnder foote.
at length the Canons
The Canons complayned but could not be heard.
getting away as well as they could, ran bloody and myry, rent and torne, to the Bishop of London, to complaine, who bad them goe to the king at Westminster, and tell him thereof, whereupon foure of them went thether, the rest were not able, they were so sore hurt, but when they came to Westminster, the king would neither heare nor see them, so they returned without redresse, in the meane season the whole Citie was in an vprore and ready to haue rung the com

mon bell, and to haue hewed the Archbishop into small peeces, who was secretly crept to Lambhith, where they sought him and not knowing him by sight,
The whole ci
tie in an vp
rore against the Arch
saide to themselues, where is this Ruf
fian, that cruell smiter, hee is no winner of soules, but an exactor of money, whome neither God, nor any lawfull or free election, did bring to this Promotion, but the king did vnlawfully intrude him, being vtterlie vnlearned, a stranger borne and hauing a wife &c. but hee conueyed himselfe ouer, and went to the king with a great complaint, against the Chanons, whereas himselfe was guilty.
Bolton last Prlor of S. Bartlmew a great builder there.
was the last Prior of this house, a greate builder there: for he repayred the Priorse church with the parish church adioyning, the offices and lodginges to the saide Priorie belong
ing, and neare adioyning, hee builded of new the Mannor of Cha
at Islington which belonged to the Canons of this house, and is situate in a low ground, somewhat north from the parish Church there, but hee builded no house at Harrow on the hill, as Edwarde Hall hath written, following a fable then on foote. The people (sayeth hee) being feared by Prognosticati
ons, which declared that in the yeare of Christ 1524. there should be such Eclipses in watry signes & such coniunctions, that by wa
ters and floudes manye people shoulde perish, people victu
led themselues and went to high groundes for feare of drowning and especiallie one Bolton, which was Prior of S. Bartilmewes in Smithfielde builded him a house vpon Harrow on the hill, one
ly for feare of this floude, thether hee went and made proui
sion of all thinges necessary within him for the space of two mo
nethes &c. but this was not so indeede as I haue beene credibly enformed: true it is that this Bolton, was also Parson of Har4row, and therefore bestowed some small reparations on the Personage house, and builded nothing there more then a Douehouse, to serue him when he had forgon his Priorie.
To this Priorie king Henry the second granted the Priuiledge of a fayre to bee kept yearely at Bartilmewtide
for three dayes, to wit, ye Eue, the day, & next morrow, to the which the Clothi
ars of all England
, and Drapers of London repayred, and had their Boothes and standinges within the Churchyarde of this

Priorie closed in with walles and gates locked euery night, and watched for safety of mens goodes, and wares, a court of Pie
Court of Pie
was dayly during the Fayre holdē for debts & contracts. But now in place of Bothes within this Church yarde (onely letten out in the fayre time) be many large houses builded, and the North wall towardes Long lane being taken down, a number of Tenementes are there erected.
The monuments of the dead in this Priorie, are these of Ra
the first founder, Roger VValden Bishoppe of London, 1406. Iohn Warton Gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter to William Scot Esquier, Iohn Louth Gentleman, Robert Shikeld Gentleman, Sir Bacon knight, Iohn Ludlow, and Alice his wife, VV. Thirlewall Esquier, Rich
arde Lancaster
Herralde at Armes, Thomas Torald. Iohn Roiston, Iohn Watforde, Iohn Carleton, Robert sonne to Sir Robert Willowbie, Gilbert Halstocke, Elianor wife to Sir Hugh Fen, mother to Margaret Lady Burgaueny, VVilliam Essex Esquier Richarde Vancke Baron of the Exchequer, and Margaret his wife, daughter to VVilliam de la Riuar, Iohn Winderhall, Iohn Duram Esquier, and Elizabeth his wife, Iohn Malwaine, Alice wife to Balstred daughter to Kniffe, VVilliam Scarlet Esquier, Iohn Golding, Hugh VValter Gentleman, and the late wise and worthy Sir VValter Mild
knight, Chancelor of the Exchequer &c.
This Priorie at the late surrender thereof made the 30. of Henry the eight was valued at 653. £. 15. . by yeare.
The Church and Bell Tower (hauing six Bels in a Tune) were solde to the parish of S. Sepulchers, and then the church be
ing pulled downe to the Quire, the Quire was by the kinges or
der annexed for the enlarging of the olde Parish church thereto adioyning, and so was vsed till the raigne of Queene Mary, who gaue it to the Fryars Preachers or Blacke Fryars, and was v
sed as their conuentuall Church, vntill the first of our Soue
raigne Lady Queene Elizabeth
, those Fryars were once more put out, and then all the saide church was wholie as it stoode in the last yere of Edwarde the sixt giuen by Parliament to remaine for euer a parish Church for the inhabitantes within the Close called

greate S. Bartilmewes. Since the which time, that olde Church is pulled down, except the Steeple of rotten timber ready to fall of it selfe, I haue oft heard it reported that a new steeple should be builded with the stone of the olde Parish Church, but no such thing is performed, for it is more easie to pul downe then to set vp and builde. On the North side of this Priory, is the lane, truelie called Long, which reacheth from Smithfield towards Aldersgate streete, the rest of Smithfield, from long lane ende to the Bars is inclosed with Innes, Brewhouses, and large tenements on the west side is Chicken lane downe to Cowbridge.
Then be the PensMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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Pens in Smith
fieldeMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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or Foldes so called of Sheepe there parted, and penned vp to be solde, on the market dayes.
Then is Smithfielde Pond,
Smithfielde pond some time a Poole.
which of olde time in recordes was called Horse Poole, for that men watered horses there, and was a great water. In the 6. of Henry the fift, a new building was made in this west part of Smithfielde betwixt the said Poole and the Riuer of the Wels, or Turnemill Brooke, in a place (then called the Elmes,
The Elmes in Smithfielde a place wherein Trespassers. were executed
for that there grew many Elme trees) and this had beene the place of execution for Offendors: since the which time the building there hath beene so increased, that now remaineth not one tree growing.
Amongst these new buildinges is Cowbridge streete, or Cow lane, which turneth toward Oldbourne, in which lane, the Prior of Semperingham had his Inne or London lodging.
The rest of that west side of Smithfielde, hath diuers fayre Innes and other comely buildinges vp to Hosiar lane,
Hosiar lane.
which also turneth downe to Oldbourne, till it meete with Cowbridge street. From this lane to Cocke lane, ouer against Pie corner.
And thus much for incrochmentes and inclosure of this Smith
, whereby remaineth but a small portion, for the olde vses, to wit, for marketes of horses and cattle, neither for Militarie exer
cises, and Iustinges,
Iustinges in Smithfielde.
Turninges, and great triumphes which haue been there performed before the Princes and Nobilitie both of this Realme, and Forraigne countries.
But now to returne through Giltspurre streete by Newgate where I first beganne, there standeth the faire parish church called S. Sepulchre in the Bayly, or by Chamberlaine gate in a fayre

church yarde, though not so large as of olde time, for the same is letten out for buildinges &c. This church was newly reedified or builded about the raigne of Henry the sixt, or of Edwarde the fourth, one of the Pophames
Pophames builders of S. Sepulchers Church.
was a great builder there, name
ly of one fayre chappell, on the south side of the Quire, as ap
peareth by his Armes, and other monumentes in the glasse win
dowes thereof, and also of the fayre Portch of the same church towardes the South, his Image fayre grauen in stone, was fix
ed ouer the saide Portch, but defaced and beaten downe, his title by offices was this, Chancellor of Normandy, Captain of Ver
noile, Pearch, Susan
, and Bayon, and Treasurer of the kinges houshold, hee dyed rich, leauing great Treasure of strange coynes and was buried in the Charterhouse churchMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, by west Smithfield: the first nobilitating of these Pophames was by Mathild the Em
presse, daughter to Henry the first, and by Henry her sonne, one Pophame gentleman of very fayre landes in Southampton shire dyed without issue male, about Henry the sixt, and leauing foure daughters they were maried to Fostar, Barentine, Wodham, & Hamdē, Popham Dean (distant 3. miles from Clarendon, & 3. miles from Motisham) was sometime the cheefe Lordshippe or Mannor house of these Pophames.
There lye buried in this Church, William Andrew Esquier, Stephen Clamparde Esquier, Lawrence Warcam Esquier, Iohn Dagworth, William Porter, Esquier, Robert Scarlet Esqui
er &c.
There lyeth a streete from Newgate west, to the end of Turn
againe lane
, and winding north to Oldbourne Conduite. This Conduite by Oldbourne Crosse was first builded 1498. Thoma
Widow to Iohn Perciuall, Maior, gaue to the second ma
king thereof twentie markes, Richarde Shore ten pound, Tho
mas Kensworth
and others also did giue towardes it.
But of late a new Conduite was there builded in place of the olde, namely in the yeare one thousand fiue hundrd seauentie sea
, by William Lambe sometime a gentleman of the Chap
pell to king Henry the eight, and afterwarde a Cittizen and Clothworker of London, the water thereof hee caused to bee conueyed in Leade, from diuers springes to one heade and from

thence to the said Conduit, and wast of one Cocke at Oldborne bridge, more then 2000. yards in length, all which was by him performed at his owne onely charges (amounting to the summe 1500. pound) and by him finished.
From the west side of this Conduit is the high way there called Snor hill, stretcheth out by Oldborne bridge ouer the ost named water of Turmill brooke, and so vp to Oldeborne hill, all repleni
shed with faire building.
Without Oldborne bridge on the right hand is Gold lane, as is afore shewed: vp higher on the hill be certaine Innes, and other faire buildings, amongst the which of olde time was a Messuage called Scrops Inne, about the 37. of Henry the sixt.
Then is the Bishop of Elies Inne, commonly called Ely place, for that it pertaineth vnto the Bishops of Ely, the which Iohn de Hotham Bishoppe of Elie did giue by the name of his Mannor and sixe tenements in Oldeborne to the Church and couent of Ely, as appeareth by pattent
of Record, the 9. of Edwarde the thirde. This man was 20. yeares Bishop of Elie, and deceased 1336.
Thomas Arundell Bishoppe of Elie beautifully builded of newe his Pallace at Elie, and likewise his Mannors in diuers places, especially this in Oldeborne, which he did not onely repaire but rather new builded, and augmented it with a large Port gate house, or front towards the stréet or high way: his armes are yet to be discerned in the stone worke thereof: he also sate Bishop of Ely 14. yeares, and was translated to Yorke.
In this house for the large and commodious roomes thereof, di
uers great and solemne feastes haue béene kept, especially by the Sergeantes at the law, whereof twaine are to be noted for poste
ritie. The first in the yeare 1464. the fourth of Edward the fourth in Michelmas tearme, the Sergeants
Sergeants feast in Elie house.
at Law helde their feast in this house, to the which amongst other estates, Mathew Phillip Mayor of London, with the Aldermen, Sheriffes, and commons of diuers crafts being inuited did repaire: but when the Mayor loo
ked to kéepe the state in the hall as it had béene vsed in all places within the Citie and liberties (out of the Kings presence) the Lord Gray of Ruthen, then Lord Treasurer of England, vnwitting the Sergeantes and against their willes (as they said) was first

placed: wherevpon the Mayor, Aldermen, and commons depar
ted home, and the Mayor made the Aldermen to dine with him: howbeit he and all the Citizens were wonderfully displeased, that he was so dealt with, and the newe Sergeantes and others were right sorie therefore, and had rather then much good (as they said) it had not so happened.
One other feast was likewise there kept, in the yere 1531. the 23. of king Henry the 8. the Sergeants then made were in num
ber 11. namely, Thomas Audeley, Walter Luke, I. Bawdwine, I. Hinde, Christopher Iennie, I. Dowsell, Edward Meruine, Edmond Knightley, Roger Chomley, Edward Montague, and Roger Yorke.
These also held their feast in this Elie house for fiue daies, to wit, Fryday the 10. of Nouember, Saterday, Sunday, Munday, and Tuiesday. On Munday (which was their principall day) King Henry
King Henry the 8. and Q. Katherine di
ned at the Ser
geants feastes.
and Quéene Katherine dined there (but in two chambers) and the forreine Ambassadors in a third chamber. In the Hall at the high table, sate Sir Nicholas Lambard Mayor of London, the Iudges, the Barons of the Exchequer, with certain Aldermen of the Citie: At the boord on the south side, sate the mai
ster of the Rowles, the maisters of the Chauncerie, and worship
full Citizens: On the North side of the Hall certayne Aldermen began the boorde, and then followed Merchantes of the Citie: in the Cloistrie, Chappell and gallorie, Knights, Esquires and Gen
tlemen were placed: in the halles, the Craftes of London: the Sergeants of Law and their wiues kept in their owne chambers.
It were tedious to set downe the preparation of fish, flesh, and other victuailes spent in this feast, and would séeme almost incredi
ble & (as to me it séemeth) wanted little of a feast at a coronation: neuerthelesse a little I will touch, for declaration of the change of prices. There were brought to the slaughter house 24. great Béefes, at 26. shillings, viij.pence the péece from the shambles, one carkasse of an Oxe at 24. . one hundred fat Muttons, ijx.ď the péece, 51. great Ueales at iiij..viij.ď.the péece: 34. Porkes iij..viij.ď.the péece, 91. Pigs vj.ď.the péece, Capons of Grece of one Poulter, (for they had thrée) 10. dozens at xxij.pence the peece, Capons of Kent 9. dozens, and sixe at xij.ď.the peece, Ca
pons course 19. dozen at vj.ď.the peece, Cockes of grose 7. dozen

and nine at viij.ď.the peece, Cockes course 14. dozen and 8. at iij. ď.the peece, Pullets the best ij ď.ob. other Pullets ij.ď.Pigeous, 37. dozen at x.ď.the dozen, Swannes 14. dozen, Larkes, 340. dozen at v.ď.the dozen &c. Edward Neuill was Seneshal or stew5ard, Thomas Ratcliffe Controwler Thomas Wildon, Clearke of the kitchin.
Next beyond this Mannor of Ely house, is Lither lane, turning into the field. Then is Furniualles Inne,
Furniuals Inne an Inne of Chauncery.
now an Inne of chaun
cerie, but sometime belonging to Sir William Furniuall knight, and Thomasin his wife, who had in Oldborne two Messuages, and 13. shops as appeareth by Record of Richarde the 2. in the sixt of his raigne. Then is the Earle of Bathes Inne, now cal
led Bath place, of late for the most part new builded, and so to the Barres. Now againe from Newgate on the left hand or South side lyeth the Olde Bayly, which runneth downe by the wall vp
on the ditch of the Citie called Hounds ditch to Ludgate: I haue not read how this streete tooke that name, but is like to haue ri
sen of some Court of old time there kept: and I find that in the 34. of Edward the third the tenement and ground vpon Hounds ditch betweene Ludgate on the South, and Newgate on the North was appointed to Iohn Cambridge Fishmonger, Chamberlane of London: whereby it seemeth that the Chamberlaines of Lon
haue there kept their courts, as now they do by the Guildhal and till this day the Mayor and Iustices of this Cittie kept their sessions in a part thereof, now called the sessions hall, both for the cittie of London and shire of Middlesex. Ouer against the which house on the right hand tuxneth downe S. Georges lane, to
wards Fléet lane. In this S. Georges lane on the North side ther
of, remaineth yet an old wall of stone inclosing a peece of grounde vp Seacoale lane, wherein by report sometime stoode an Inne of Chauncery: which house being greatly decayed, and standing re
mote from other houses of that profession, the company remo
ued to common hosterie, called of the signe, our Lady Inne, not far from Clements Inne, which they procured from Sir Iohn Fi
, Lord chiefe Iustice of the Kings bench, and since haue helde it of the owners by the name of New Inne, paying therefore vi.£. rent by the yeare as tenants at their owne will: for more (as it is

said) cannot be gotten of them, and much lesse wil they be put from it. Beneath this S. Georges lane, the lane called Fleet lane win
deth south by the prison of the Fleet into Fleetstreete, by Fleete bridge. Lower downe into the Olde Bayly, is at this present a standard of
A standard of spring water in the olde Bayly.
timber with a cocke or cockes, deliuering fayre spring water to the inhabitants, and is the wast of the water, seruing the prisoners in Ludgate.
Next out of the high street turneth downe a lane, called the lit
tle Baylie
, which runneth downe to the East ende of S. Georges lane. The next is Seacoale lane, I thinke called Limeburners lane,
Seacoale lane, or Limebur
ners lane
, sometime so called.
of burning their lime there with Seacole. For I reade in recorde of such a lane to haue beene in the parish of S. Sepulcher, and there yet remaineth in this lane an Alley, called Limeburners Alley. Neere vnto this Seacoale lane in the turning towardes Oldborne Conduit is Turne-againe lane, or rather as in a record of the fift of Edward the third, Windagaine lane, for that it go
eth downe West to Fleete dike, from whence men must turne a
gaine the same way that they came, for there it is stopped. Then the high stréete turneth downe Snor hill, to Oldborne Conduit, and from thence to Oldborne bridge, beyond the which bridge on the left hand is Shooe lane, by the which men passe from Oldborn to Fleetestreete, by the Conduite there. In this Shooe lane on the left hande is one olde house called Oldborne hall, it is now letten out into diuers tenementes. On the other side at the ve
ry corner standeth the parish Church of S. Andrew, in the which church or neare therevnto was sometime kept a Grammer schoole as appeareth in an other place by a Pattent, made as I haue shewed for the erection of schooles. There bee Monumentes in this Church of an Earle of Southampton buried there Raph Rokeby, of Lincolnes Inne Esquire, Mayster of S. Katherines, and one of the Maysters of Requestes to the Quéenes Maiestie, who deceased the 14. of Iune 1596. He gaue by his testament to Christs Hospital in Londō 100.£. to the Colledge of the poore of Queene Elizabeth in East GreenwichMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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100. pound, to the poore schollers in Cambridge 100. pound, to the poore schollers in Ox
100. pound, to the prisoners in the two Compters in Lon
200. pound, to the prisoners in the Fleet 100. pound, to the

prisoners in Ludgate 100. pound, to the prisoners in the Kinges bench 100. pounde, to the prisoners in the Marshalsey an hun
dred pounde, to the prisoners in the White Lion 20. pounde, to the poore of S. Katherines, 20. pounde, and to euery brother and sister there 40.. There was also of olde time (as I haue read in the third of Henry the fift) an Hospital for the poore, which was a cell to the house of Cluny in Fraunce, and was therefore suppressed among the Priories Aliens.
From this Church of S. Andrew vp Oldborne hill be diuers fayre builded houses, amongst this which on the left hande there standeth three Innes of Chauncery, whereof the first adioyning vnto Crookhorne Alley is called Thaues Inne & standeth opposite or ouer against the said Elie house. Then is Fewter lane which stretcheth south into Fleetstreet by the East end of S. Dunstones church, and is so called of Fewterers (or idle people) lying there as in a way leading to gardens: but the same is nowe of later yeares on both sides builded with many faire houses.
Beyond the Fewters lane is Barnardes Inne, alias Mot
worth Inne
, which is the second Inne of Chauncerie, belonging to the Deane and Chapter of Lincolne, as saith the Recorde of Henry the sixt, the 32. of his raigne. Then is Staple Inne the thirde Inne of Chauncery, but whereof so named I am ignorant: the same of late is, for a great part thereof fayre builded, and not a little augmented: and then at the barre endeth this Ward without Newgate.
But now without Ludgate, on the right hande or North side from the said gate lyeth the Old Bayly, as I saide: then the high streete called Ludgate hill downe to Fleete lane, in which lane standeth the Fleete, a prison house, so called of the fleet or water running by it.
I reade that Richard the first in the first of his raigne confir
med to Osbert (brother to William Longshampe Chauncelor of England and elect of Elie) and to his heires for euer the custodie of his house or palace at Westminster, with the keeping of his gaole at London, also King Iohn by his pattent dated by thirde of his raigne, gaue to S. Archdeacon of Welles, the custodie of the saide Kinges house at Westminster, and of his Gaole of the FleeteMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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The Fleet or GaoleMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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in the raigne of Ri
chard the first

with the Wardship of the daughter and heyre of Robert Leueland &c. Then the next is Fléete bridge, pitched ouer the said water.
Then also against the South end of Shooe lane standeth a faire water Conduite, whereof William Eastfield sometime Mayor, was founder: for the Mayor and communaltie of London being possessed of a Conduit head, with diuers springs of water gathered thereinto in the parish of Padington, and the water conueighed from thence by pypes of lead towardes London vnto Teyborne: where it had layne by the space of sixe yeares and more: The executors of Sir William Eastfield obtained licence of the Mayor and communaltie, for them in the yeare 1453. with the goodes of Sir William to conueigh the said waters: first in pipes of lead into a pipe begun to be laid besides the great Conduit heade at Maribone, which stretcheth from thence vnto a seperal late be
fore made against the chappell of RounseuallMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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by Charing crosse, and no further, and then from thence to conuay the said water into the cittie, and there to make receipt or receiptes for the same vnto, for the weale common of the comminaltie, which water was by them brought thus into Fléetstréete to a standarde, which they had made and finished 1471. neere vnto Shooe lane.
The inhabitants of Fleetestréete in the yeare 1478. obtained licence of the Mayor, Aldermen and communaltie to make at their owne charges two cesternes, the one to be set at the said standard, the other at Fleet bridge for the receipt of the wast water: this ce
sterne at the standard they builded, and on the same a fayre tower of stone garnished with images of S. Christopher on the top, & Angels with sweetsounding belles before them, wherevpon by an Engine placed in the tower) they diuers houres of the day, and night, with hammers chymed such an hymne as was appointed.
This conduit or standard was againe new builded with a lar
ger cesterne, at the charges of the cittie in the yeare 1582.
From this Conduit vp to Fewters lane and further is the pa
rish church of S. Dunstan, called in the West, (for difference from S. Dunstone in the east) where lyeth buried T. Duke Skin
ner in S. Katherines chappell by him builded 1421. Raph Bane Bishop of Couentrie and Lichfield 1559. and other.

Next beyond this church is Cliffords Inne, sometime belong
ing to Robert Clifforde, after whose death Isabell his wife let the same to students of the law, as by the records following may appeare: Isabell quæ fuit vxor Roberti Clifford, Messuagiū vni partium, quod Robertus Clifford habuit in parochia sci. Dunstoni West. in suburbic Londini, &c. tenuit & illud dimisit post mortem dict. Roberti, apprenticijs de ban
pro x.l.anuatium &c. Anno 18. Eduardi tertij, inquisitis post mortem Reberti Clifford
This house hath since fallen into the Kings hands, ( as I haue heard) and is now letten to the said studentes for foure pounde by the yeare.
Somewhat beyond this Cliffords Inne is the South ende of Newe streete (or Chancelar lane) on the the right hand where
of is Sergeantes Inne called in Chauncery lane. And then next was sometime the house of the conuerted Iewes, founded by king Henry the third, in the yeare 1233. and the 17. of his raigne, who builded there for them a faire church, now vsed & called the chappel for the custodie of Rolles and records of Chauncerie. It standeth not farre from the olde temple, but in the midway, betwéene the old Temple and the new, in the which house all such Iewes and infi
dels as were conuerted to the Christian faith, were ordayned and appointed (vnder an honest rule of life) sufficient main
tneaunce, whereby it came to passe, that in short time there were gathered a great number of conuerts, which were baptized, instucted in the doctrine of Christ, and there liued, vnder a learned Christian appointed to gouerne them: since the which time, to wit, in the yeare 1290. all the Iewes in England, were banished out of the realme, whereby the number of conuerts in this place was almost decayed: and therefore in the yeare 1377. this house was annexed by Pattent to William Burstall Clearke Custos Rotulorum or kéeper of the Rolles of the Chauncerie by Edward the third in the one and fiftieth yeare of his raigne: and this first Maister of the Rolles was sworne in Westminster hall, at the table of marble stone: since the which time, that house hath beene commonly called the Rolles in Chauncerie lane.

Notwithstanding such of the Iewes or other Infidels as haue in this realme beene conuerted to christianity and baptized, haue béen relieued there: for I find in Recorde, that one William Piers a Iew that became a Christian, was baptized in the fift of Richard the second, and had two pence the day allowed him during his life by the saide king. On the West side sometime was an house pertayning to the Prior of Necton ParkeMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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Prior in Nec
ton parke his Inne or houseMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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of the sixe Clearkes.
(a house of Chanons in Lincolne shire) this was commonly called Hereflete InneMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, and was a Brewhouse, but now faire builded for the sixe Clearkes of the Chauncerie, and standeth ouer against the saide house, called the Rolles, and neare vnto the lane which now entreth Fickets croft, or Fickets field. Then is Shire lane opening also into Fic
, hard by the barres. On this North side of Fléetstréet, in the yeare of Christ 1595. I obserued, that when the laborers had broken vp the pauement, from against Chauncerie lanes end, vp towards S. Dunstones church, and had digged foure foot déepe, they found one other pauement of hard stone, more sufficient then the first, and therefore harder to be broken, vnder the which they found in the made ground, piles of timber, driuen very thicke and almost close together the same being as blacke as pitch or coale, and many of them rotten as earth, which prooueth that the ground there (as sundry other places of the Cittie) haue beene a marish or full of springes.
Now on the South side from Ludgate be faire builded houses to Fléete bridge, on the which bridge a Cesterne for receite of spring water was made by the men of Fléetestréete, but the wa
tercourse is decaied and not restored.
Next is Bridelane, and therein Bridewell, of olde time the Kinges house: for the Kinges of this Realme haue beene there lodged, and their Courtes of lawe haue béene there kept of olde time, to wit till the ninth of Henry the thirde, the Courtes were kept in the kings house whersoeuer he was lodged, as may appeare by auncient records, whereof I haue seene many, but as for exam
ple I haue already set forth one, in the Chapter of Towers and Castels before.
Liber Burton snper Trenthā fol. 46.
King Henry the eight builded there a stately and beautifull house of new, for receit of the Emperor Charles the 5. who in the

yeare of Christ 1522. was lodged himselfe at the Blacke Fryars, but his Nobles in this new builded Bridewell, a Gallery being made out of the house ouer the water, and through the wall of the Cittie into the Emperors lodging, at the Blacke Fryars, king Henry himselfe oftentimes lodged there also, as namely in the yere 1525. a Parliament being then holden in the Blacke Fryars, he created States
States created at Bridewell.
of Nobilitie there, to wit, Henry Fitz Roy, a childe (which he had by Elizabeth Blunt) to bee Earle of Not
, Duke of Richmont, and of Somerset, Leiuetenante Generall, from Trent Northwarde, Warden of the East, mid
dle, and West Marches for Anenst Scotland.
Henry Courtney, Earle of Deuonshire, Cosen German to the king to bee Marques of Excester, Henry Brandon a childe of two yeares olde, sonne to the Earle of Suffolke, to bee Earle of Lincolne: Sir Thomas Mannars, Lorde Rose, to bee Earle of Rutland, Sir Henry Glifforde to bee Earle of Comberlaud, Sir Robert Ratliffe to bée Uicont, Fizwater, and Sir Thomas Boloine Treasurer of the kinges Householde, to bee Uicont Rochforde.
In the yeare 1528. Cardinall Campeius was brought to the kinges presence being then at Bridewell, whether hee had called all his Nobility, Iudges and Councellors &c. And there the eight of Nouember in his great Chamber he made vnto them an orati
on touching his marriage with Queene Katheren, as yee may read in Edward Hall.
In the yeare 1529. the same king Henry and Queene Ka
were lodged there, whilest the question of their marriage was argued in the Blacke Fryars &c.
But now you shall heare how this house became a house of correction. In the yeare 1553. the seauenth of king Edwarde the sixt, the tenth of Aprill, Sir George Baron (being Maior of this Citie) was sent for to the Court at White hall, and there at that time the king gaue vnto him, for the Comminaltie and Citi
zens to bee a Workehouse for the poore
Bridewell giuē to the Citie of London, to be a workehouse for the poore.
and idle persons of the Citie, his house of Bridewell, and 700. markes land late of the possessions of the house of the Sauoy, and all the bedding and other furniture of the saide Hospitall of the Sauoy towardes the main

of the saide Workehouse of Bridewell, and the Hospitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke
This gift king Edwarde confirmed by his Charter, da
ted the 26. of Iune next following, and in the yeare 1555. in the moneth of Februarie Sir William Gerrarde Maior and the Al
dermen entred Bridewell, and tooke possession thereof according to the gift of the saide king Edwarde, the same was also confir
med by Queene Mary.
The Bishop of S. Dauides had his Inne ouer against the north side of this Bridewell (as I haue heard.)
Then is the parish church of S. Bridget or S. Bride, (as they terme it) now a fayre church, the which William Venor Esqui
er, Warden of the Fleete aboute the yeare 1480 increased with a large body, and side Isles from the Quire (which of olde time was the whole Church) downe to the west end, all through this Church builded of his charges is wrought in the stone worke, round about both within and without, the figure or likenes of a vine with Clusters of Grapes amongst the leaues &c.
The next is Salisbery court a place so called, for that it belonged to the Bishops of Salisbery, and was their Inne, or London house at such time as they were summond to come to the Parliament, or came for other busines, it hath of late time beene the dwelling, first of Sir Richarde Sakeuile, and now of Sir Thomas Sake
, his sonne Baron of Buckhurst, one of her Maiesties most honorable Counsaile.
Then is Water lane running downe by the west side of a house called the hanging sworde to the Thames.
Then was the white Fryars church called Fratres beatæ Mariæ de monte Carmeli, first founded (saieth Iohn Bale) by Richarde Gray Auncestor to the Lorde Grey Codnor, in the yeare 1241. King Edwarde the first gaue to the Prior and Brethren of that house a plot of grounde, in Fleetestreete, whereupon to builde their house, which was since reedified or new builded, by Hugh Courtney, Earle of Deuonshire, about the yere 1350. the 24. of Edwarde the thirde, Iohn Lufken Maior of London, and the Comminalty of the Citie granted a lane called Crockars lane, reaching from Fleetestreete so the Thames to

builde in the west end of that Church, Sir Robert Knoles knight was a great builder there also in the raigne of Richarde the se
and of Henry the fourth, hee deceased at his Mannor of Scone Thorp in Norfolke, in the yeare 1407. and was brought to London, and honorably buried by the Lady Constance his wife, in the body of the said White Fryars church, which hee had newly builded.
Robert Marshall Bishop of Hereforde, builded the Quire, Presbetery steeple, and many other partes, and was there buried about the yeare 1420. there lyeth buried also in the new Quire Sir Iohn Mowbery Earle of Nottingham, Sir Edward Court
. Sir Hugh Mongomery, and Sir Iohn his Brother, Iohn VVolle, sonne to Sir Iohn Wolle, Thomas Bayholt Esquier, Elizabeth Countis of Athole, Dame Iohan wife to Sir Tho
mas Say
of Alden, Sir Pence Castle Baron, Iohn Lord Gray son to Regnalde L. Gray of Wilton, 1418. Sir Iohn Ludlow knight, Sir Richarde Derois knight, Richarde Gray knight, Iohn Ashley knight, Robert Bristow Esquier, Thomas Per
Esquier, Robert Tempest Esquier, William Call, William Neddow.
In the olde Quier, lye Dame Margaret &c. Elienor Grist
, Sir Iohn Brown knight, and Iohn his sonne and heire, Sir Symon de Berforde knight, Peter Wigus Esquier, Robert Mathew Esquier, Sir Iohn Skargel knight, Sir Iohn Norice knight, Sir Geffrey Roose knight, Mathew Hadocke Esquier, Williā Clarel Esquier, Iohn Aprichard Esquier, William Went
Esquier,. Thom. Wicham Esquier, Sir Terwhit knight, Sir Stephen Pophā knight, Bastard de Scales, Henry Blunt Esquier, Elizabeth Blunt, Iohn Swan Esquier, Alice Fostar one of ye heires of Sir Stephē Popham, Sir Robert Brocker, knight, Iohn Drayton Esquier, Iohn son to Robert Chanlowes, and his daughter Katherine, Iohn Saluin Esquier, William Hampton Esquier, Iohn Bampton, Esquier, Iohn Wintar Esquier, Ed
mond Oldhall
, VVilliam Appleyarde
Esquier, Thomas Dabby Esquier, Sir Hugh Courtney knight, Iohn Drury son to Robert Drury, Elizabeth Gemersey Gentlewoman, Sir Tho
mas Townesend
knight, Sir Richarde Greene knight, Wil

Scot Esquier, Thomas Federinghey, I. Fulforde Esquier, Edwarde Eldsmere Gentleman, W. Hart Gentleman, Dame Mary Senelare, daughter to Sir Thomas Talbot knight, An
Esquier, Sir William Moris knight, & Dame Christian his wife, Sir Peter, de Mota knight, Richard Hewton Esquier, Sir I. Heron knight, Richarde Eaton Esquier, Hugh Stapleton Gentleman, VVilliam Copley Gentleman, Sir Ralph Saint
knight, Sir Hugh Bromeflete, knight, Lord Vessey prin
cipall founder of that order, the sixt of Edward the fourth, &c.
This house was valued at 62.£.7..3.ď. & was surrendred the tenth of Nouember, the 30. of Henry the eight.
In place of this Fryars church bee now many fayre houses builded, lodginges for noble men and others. Then is the Sar
ieantes Inne
, so called for that diuers Iudges and Sarieantes at the Law, keepe a Commons, and are lodged there in Terme times. Next is the New Temple, so called because the Tem
plars before the building of this house, had their Temple in Old
. This house was founded by the knightes Templars in England, in the raigne of Henry the second, and the same was de
dicated to God and our blessed Lady, by Heraclius, Patriarke of the Church, called the holy resurrection in Iherusalem, in the yeare of Christ, 1185.
These knightes Templars
Originall of the Thmplars.
tooke their beginning about the yeare 1118. in manner following. Certaine noble men, horse
men, religiously bent, bound by vow themselues in the handes of the Patriarke of Iherusalem, to serue Christ after the manner of Regular Chanons in chastitie & obedience, and to renounce their own proper wils for euer: she first of which order were Hugh Paganus, and Geffery de S. Andomare. And whereas at the first they had no certaine habitation, Baldwin king of Ierusalem, granted vnto them a dwelling place in his Pallace, by the Tem
ple, and the Chanons of the same Temple, gaue them the streete thereby to build there in their houses of office, and the Patriarke, the king, the Nobles, and Prelates: gaue vnto them certaine re
uenewes out of their Lordshippes.
Their first profession
Profession of the Templars.
was for safegarde of the Pilgrimes comming to visite the Sepulchre and to keepe the high waies a

the lying in waite of Theeues, &c. About ten yeares af
ter they had a rule appointed vnto them, and a white Habite by Honorius then Pope, and whereas they had been but nine in num
ber, they beganne to increase greatly. Afterwarde in Pope Euge
time, they bare crosses of red cloth on their vppermost gar
mentes, to be knowne by from others: and in short time because they had their first mansion hard by the Temple of our Lord in Ierusalem, they were called knightes of the Temple.
Many noble men in all parts of Christendome, became Breth
ren of this order, and builded for themselues Temples in euery ci
tie or great Towne. In England this was their cheise house, which they builded after the forme of the Temple, neare to the sepulchre of our Lord at Ierusalem,
Mathew Paris.
they had also an other Temple in Cambridge, one other in Bristow, in Canterbury, Douer, Warwicke, & others in other places. This Temple in London, was often made a storehouse of mens Treasure, I meane such as feared the spoile there of in other places.
Mathew Paris noteth that in the yeare 1232. Huberte de Burgh Earle of Kent, being Prisoner in the Tower of London, the king was enformed that hee had much Treasure layde vp in his new Temple, vnder the custody of the Templars, whereupon he sent for the maister of the Temple, and examined him straight
lie, who confessed that money being deliuered vnto him and his Brethren to be kept, he knew not how much there was of it, the king demanded to haue the same deliuered, but it was answered that the money being committed vnto their trust, could not be de
liuered without the licence of him that committed it, to Ecclesi
asticall protection, whereupon the king sent his Treasurer and Iusticiar of the Exchequer vnto Hubert to require him to resigne the money wholy into his handes, who answered that he would gladly submit himselfe, and all his vnto the kinges pleasure, and thereupon desired the knightes of the Temple in his behalfe to present all the keyes vnto the king to doe his pleasure, with the goodes which he had committed vnto them. Then the king com
manded the money to be faithfully tolde and laide vp in his Trea
sure, by Inuentorie, wherein was found (besides readie money) vessels of gold, and siluer vnpraiseable, and many pretious stones

which would make al men wonder, if they knew the worth of thē.
This Temple was againe dedicated 1240. belike also new
lie reedified then.
These Templars at this time were in so great glorie, that they entertayned the Nobilitie, forraine Ambassadors, and the Prince himselfe, very often, insomuch that Mathew Paris crieth out on them for their Pride, who being at the first so poore, as they had but one horse to serue two of them, (in tokē whereof they gaue in their Seale,
Seale of the Templars.
two men riding vpon one horse,) yet suddainely they waxed so insolent, that they disdayned other orders, and sorted themselues with Noble men.
King Edwarde the first in the yeare 1163. taking with him Robert Waleran, and other came to the Temple, where calling for the Keeper of the Treasure house, as if hee ment to see his mo
thers Iewels, that were laide vp there, to bee safely kept hee en
tred into the house, breaking the Coffers of certaine persons that had likewise brought their money thether, and hee tooke away from thence to the valew of a thousand pound.
Many Parliamentes
Parliament at the New Temple.
and great Counsailes haue been there kept as may appeare by our histories. In the yeare 1308. all the Templars in England as also in other parts of Christendome were apprehended and committed to diuers prisons, In 1310. a prouinciall Counsaile was holden at London against the Templars, in England, vpon heresie, and other Articles where
of they were accused, but denied all except one or two of them, notwithstanding they all did confesse that they coulde not purge themselues fully, as faultles, and so they were condemned to per
petuall pennance, in seuerall monasteries, where they behaued themselues modestly.
Phillip king of France procured their ouerthrow, throughout the whole world, and caused them to be condemned
The order of Templars condemned.
by a generall Counsaile to his aduantage, as he thought, for he beleeued to haue had all their landes in France, and therefore seazed the same into his handes, (as I haue read) caused the Templars to the number of foure and fifty, (or after Fabian threescore) to bee burned at
Templars bur
Edward 2. in the yere 1313, gaue vnto Aimor de Valence,

Earle of Penbrooke, the whole place and houses called the New Temple at London, with the ground called Ficquetes Croft,
and all the Tenementes and Rentes with the Appurtenances that belonged to the Templars in the Citie of London, and Sub
urbes thereof.
After Aimer de Valence
The Temple giuē to Aimer de Valynce.
(sayeth Some) Hugh Spencer, v
surping the same held it during his life, by whose death it came a
gaine to the handes of Edwarde the thirde, but in the meane time to wit, 1324. by a Counsaile holden at Vienna, all the landes of the Templars (least the same should be put to prophane vses) were giuen to the knightes Hospitelars of the order of S. Iohn Baptist, called S. Iohn of Iherusalem,
Temple giuen to the Hospita
lers of S. Iohn of Ierusalem.
which knightes had put the Turke out of the Isle of Rhodes, and after wan vpon the said Turke dayly for a long time.
The saide Edward the thirde therefore granted the same to the saide knightes,
Patent 2. E 3.
who possessed it,
Clase, 18. E. 3.
and in the eighteenth yeare of the saide kinges raigne, were forced to repayre the Bridge of the saide Temple. These knightes had their head house for England by West Smithfielde, and they in the raigne of the same Edward the third granted (for a certaine rent of x.pound by the yeare) the said Temple,
The Temple granted to the Studentes of the Law and made an Inne of Court.
with the appertenants therevnto adioyning, to the stu
dents of the common Lawes of England: in whose possession the same hath euer sithence remained, and is now diuided into 2. hou
ses of seuerall students, by the name of Innes of Court, to witte, the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, who keep two seue
ral Hals, but they resort al to ye said Temple Church, in the round walke whereof (which is the West part without the Quire) there remaineth monuments
Monuments in the Temple Images of knightes buri
ed crosse leg
ged the cause why.
of Noble men there buried, to the number of xi.eight of them are Images of armed Knights, v.lying crosse legged, as men vowed to the holy land, against the infidels and vn
beleeueing Iewes: the other three straight legged: the rest are coa
ped stones all of gray Marble: the first of the crosse legged was William Marshall the elder Earle of Pembroke, who died 1219. William Marshall, his sonne Earle of Penbroke was the second, he died 1231. and Gilbert Marshall his Brother, Earle of Penbroke, slaine in a Turnement of Hertford, besides Ware, twentie miles from London, was the thirde he died in the

yeare 1241.
After this Robert Rose, otherwise called Fursan, being made a Templar in the yeare 1245. dyed and was buried there, and these are al that I can remember to haue read of. Sir Nicholas Hare, Maister of the Roles was buried there in the yere, 1557.
In the yeare 1581. the Rebelles of Essex, and of Kent, destroyed and plucked downe the houses and lodginges of this Temple, took out of the Church the bookes & Records
Recordes of the Temple destroyed and burnt.
that were there in Hutches, of the Apprentizes of the Law, carried them in
to the streetes, and there brent them, the house they spoiled and brent for wrath, that they bare Sir Robert Halles Lord Prior of S. Iohns in Smithfielde, but it was since againe at diuers times repayred, namely the gate house of the Middle Temple in the re7igne of Henry the eight by Sir Amias Paulet knight, v
pon occasion as in my Annales I haue shewed. The greate hall of the Middle Temple, was new builded in the yeare 1572. in the raigne of our Queene Elizabeth.
This Temple Church hath a Maister, and foure Stipendarie, Priestes, with a Clarke, these for the ministration of diuine ser
Order for di
uine seruice in the Temple
there, haue stipendes allowed vnto them, out of the possessi
ons and reuenewes of the late Hospitall and house of S. Iohns of Ierusalem in England, as it had beene in the raigne of Edward the sixt, and thus much for the saide New Temple the farthest west part of this warde, and also of this Citie for the Liberties thereof, which warde hath an Alderman, and his Deputies three: In Sepulchers parish common Counsaile six, Constables foure, Scauengers foure, Wardmote inquest twelue: S. Bridgetes parish, common Councellors eight, Constables eight, Scauen
gers eight, Wardmote inquest, twentie: in S. Androwes common Councell two, Constables two, Scauen
gers three, Wardmote inquest twelue. It is taxed to the fifteen in London, at 35.£. and in the Exchequer at 34.£.20. .


  1. Letters missing.
  2. Letters missing. (SM)
  3. Underinking. (SM)
  4. Letters missing. (SM)
  5. Letter unclear; context obvious. (SM)
  6. I.e.Dunstones (SM)
  7. Gap in inking; context obvious. (SM)


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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Stow, J., & fitz Stephen, W. 2018. Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - fitz Stephen, William
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 fitz Stephen, William
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname><nameLink>fitz</nameLink> Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>


