of re-vnited
Performed at the coſt and charges of the
Right Worſhip: Company of the Merchant-
Taylors, in honor of Sir Leonard Holliday kni:
to ſolemnize his entrance as Lorde Mayor of
the Citty of London, on Tuesday the 29. of
October. 1605.
of re-vnited
Performed at the coſt and charges of the
Right Worſhip: Company of the Merchant-
Taylors, in honor of Sir Leonard Holliday kni:
to ſolemnize his entrance as Lorde Mayor of
the Citty of London, on Tuesday the 29. of
October. 1605.
Printed at London by W.
BEcauſe our
preſent conceit,
reacheth vnto the antiquitie
of Brytaine, which (in many
mindes) hath carried as ma-
ny and variable opinions: I
thought it not unneceſſary,
(being thereto earneſtly ſo-
licited) to ſpeake ſomewhat
concerning the eſtate of this our Countrey, euen
from the very firſt originall, vntil her honourable
attaining the name of Brytannia, and then laſtlye
how ſhe became to be called England. Moſt Wri-
ters do agree, that after the Deluge, Noah was the
ſole Monarch of all the World, and that hee deui-
ded the dominion of the whole earth to his three
ſonnes: all Europe with the Iſles therto belonging
(wherein this our Iſle of Brytaine was one among
the reſt) fell to the lot and poſſeſsion of Iaphet his
third ſonne. Samothes the ſixt ſonne of Iaphet, cal-
led by Moſes Meſech, by others Dys, had for3 his por
tion the whole contrey lying between the Ryuer of
Rhene and the Pyrenian mountains, where he foun-
led Celtæ, which name, by the opinion of Bale our
Countrey man, was indifferent to them of Gallia,
and vs of this Iſle of Britaine. This Samothes being
the firſt King ouer theſe people, of him came line-
ally theſe kings following: Magus, Sarron, Druis
and Bardus, all ruling ſeuerally ouer the Celts and
Brytons, who were not then ſo called, but Samothe-
ans, after the name of Samothes. Of Bardus, whoe,
according to Beroſus, was very famous for inuen-
ting of Muſicke and Ditties, came an order of phi-
loſophicall Poets or Heralds, called Bardi, after his
owne name, whoſe excellent qualities were of ſuch
power, as they coulde enforce armies of Enemies
ready to fight fierce battell, to ſtand at a gaze, and
forbeare their cruell intent, vntil theſe Bardes lefte
ſinging, and went out of the battel: According to
reacheth vnto the antiquitie
of Brytaine, which (in many
mindes) hath carried as ma-
ny and variable opinions: I
thought it not unneceſſary,
(being thereto earneſtly ſo-
licited) to ſpeake ſomewhat
concerning the eſtate of this our Countrey, euen
from the very firſt originall, vntil her honourable
attaining the name of Brytannia, and then laſtlye
how ſhe became to be called England. Moſt Wri-
ters do agree, that after the Deluge, Noah was the
ſole Monarch of all the World, and that hee deui-
ded the dominion of the whole earth to his three
ſonnes: all Europe with the Iſles therto belonging
(wherein this our Iſle of Brytaine was one among
the reſt) fell to the lot and poſſeſsion of Iaphet his
third ſonne. Samothes the ſixt ſonne of Iaphet, cal-
led by Moſes Meſech, by others Dys, had for3 his por
tion the whole contrey lying between the Ryuer of
Rhene and the Pyrenian mountains, where he foun-
I. Bale cent. 14
ed his kingdome of Celtica ouer his people cal Aii.
The Triumphes
led Celtæ, which name, by the opinion of Bale our
Countrey man, was indifferent to them of Gallia,
and vs of this Iſle of Britaine. This Samothes being
the firſt King ouer theſe people, of him came line-
ally theſe kings following: Magus, Sarron, Druis
and Bardus, all ruling ſeuerally ouer the Celts and
Brytons, who were not then ſo called, but Samothe-
ans, after the name of Samothes. Of Bardus, whoe,
according to Beroſus, was very famous for inuen-
ting of Muſicke and Ditties, came an order of phi-
loſophicall Poets or Heralds, called Bardi, after his
owne name, whoſe excellent qualities were of ſuch
power, as they coulde enforce armies of Enemies
ready to fight fierce battell, to ſtand at a gaze, and
forbeare their cruell intent, vntil theſe Bardes lefte
ſinging, and went out of the battel: According to
Vos quoque qui fortes animas belloque peremptas,
Laudius in longum vates dimittitis auum,
Plurima ſecuri ſudiſtis carmina Bardi.
Many of theſe Bards liued among the Britans, be-
fore the birth of Christ
Since then, Thaleſtine, the two Merlins,6 Melkin,
Elaskirion and others. Among the Welſhmen nowe
of late daies, Dauid Die, Iollo Gough, Dauid ap-Wil-
liams, and diuers others remayning yet amongeſt
them, and called in their owne language Bardhes.
fore the birth of Christ
I. Bale
Brit. cent. 2
I. Priſe. defe[n]s
hiſt. Brit.
Caius de ant
Cant lib. 1
Iohn Leland
filla. ant. dict.5
, as Plenidius and Oronius.Brit. cent. 2
I. Priſe. defe[n]s
hiſt. Brit.
Caius de ant
Cant lib. 1
Iohn Leland
filla. ant. dict.5
Since then, Thaleſtine, the two Merlins,6 Melkin,
Elaskirion and others. Among the Welſhmen nowe
of late daies, Dauid Die, Iollo Gough, Dauid ap-Wil-
liams, and diuers others remayning yet amongeſt
them, and called in their owne language Bardhes.
Thus continued the name of Samothes the ſpace
of 310. yeares, ti’l Neptune put his ſon Albion the
Gyant in poſſeſsion of this land, who ſubduing the
Samotheans, called this Iland Albion after his owne
name. Concerning the comming hither of Da-
naus 50. daughters, and that one of them ſhoulde
be called Albina, and ſo the land to bee named by
her: Firſt, not any one of them was ſo named, nei-
ther do I thinke the ſtorie ſo authentical, but doe
hold Albions name for the trueſt.
of 310. yeares, ti’l Neptune put his ſon Albion the
Gyant in poſſeſsion of this land, who ſubduing the
Samotheans, called this Iland Albion after his owne
name. Concerning the comming hither of Da-
re-vnited Britannia.
naus 50. daughters, and that one of them ſhoulde
be called Albina, and ſo the land to bee named by
her: Firſt, not any one of them was ſo named, nei-
ther do I thinke the ſtorie ſo authentical, but doe
hold Albions name for the trueſt.
The Country thus peopled with Giantes, and
continuing after the name of Albion for 600. years:
Brute, (being directed by a viſion in his ſleepe, to
finde out a country ſcituated8 in the Weſt) with the
remaines of his Troyan folowers, arriued and Lan-
ded at the hauen now called Totnes, the yeare of the
world, 2850. after the deſtruction of Troy, 66. be-
fore the building of Rome 368. and 1116. before
Christs natiuity. He, ſearching the land ouer from
ſide to ſide, found it to be very fertile, and inhabited
by vnciuil, monſtrous huge men of ſtature, tear-
med Giants, whom he with his bolde and reſolued
companions ſlew and deſtroyed. One of them na-
med Goemagot or Gogmagog, exceeding the reſt in
ſtrength and courage9, Brute cauſed Corineus, one
of his confederates, to wraſtle with the ſaid Goe-
magot at a place beſide Douer, where the Giant
hapned to break a rib in the ſide of Corineus, which
ſo ſharply incenſed him, that redoubling his power
to win the victory, he threw him headlong downe
from off one of the Rocks, which place was after
called Gogmagogs leape The Gyant being thus diſ-
patched, in reward of this honourable piece of ſer-
uice, Brute gaue vnto Corineus a part of his lande,
which according to his name, was, and yet is vnto
this day, caled Cornwall.
continuing after the name of Albion for 600. years:
Brute, (being directed by a viſion in his ſleepe, to
finde out a country ſcituated8 in the Weſt) with the
remaines of his Troyan folowers, arriued and Lan-
ded at the hauen now called Totnes, the yeare of the
world, 2850. after the deſtruction of Troy, 66. be-
fore the building of Rome 368. and 1116. before
Christs natiuity. He, ſearching the land ouer from
ſide to ſide, found it to be very fertile, and inhabited
by vnciuil, monſtrous huge men of ſtature, tear-
med Giants, whom he with his bolde and reſolued
companions ſlew and deſtroyed. One of them na-
med Goemagot or Gogmagog, exceeding the reſt in
ſtrength and courage9, Brute cauſed Corineus, one
of his confederates, to wraſtle with the ſaid Goe-
magot at a place beſide Douer, where the Giant
hapned to break a rib in the ſide of Corineus, which
ſo ſharply incenſed him, that redoubling his power
to win the victory, he threw him headlong downe
from off one of the Rocks, which place was after
called Gogmagogs leape The Gyant being thus diſ-
patched, in reward of this honourable piece of ſer-
uice, Brute gaue vnto Corineus a part of his lande,
which according to his name, was, and yet is vnto
this day, caled Cornwall.
The Triumphes of
Brute thus hauing the whole Land in his owne
quiet poſſeſsion, began to build a citty, neer to the
ſide of the Riuer Thameſis, in the ſecond yeare of
frey Lhoyd ſaith, Troinewith; which is, newe Troy:
in remembrance of that famous citty Troy, whence
hee and his people (for the greater part) were deſ-
cended. Now beganne he to alter the name of the
Iland, and according to his owne name, called it
Brytaine, and cauſed all the inhabitantes to bee na-
med Brytons, for a perpetuall memory, that he was
the firſt bringer of them into this land. In this time
he had by his wife faire Innogen, daughter to King
Pandraſus king of the Greeks, three worthy ſonnes,
the firſt named Locrine, the ſecond Camber, and the
third Albanact, to which three (not long before his
death) he deuided his whole kingdome in ſeuerall
partitions, giuing to Locrine all that part which we
know beſt by the name of England, then tearmed
by him Loegria or Logres. To Camber he limitted
the Countrey of Wales, called Cambria after his
name, and deuided from Loegria by the riuer of Sa-
uerne. To Albanact his third ſonne, he appointed
al the North part of the Ile, lying beyond the Ri-
uer of Humber, then called Albania, now Scotland;
and to that Riuer11 then Albania did reach. But ſince
that time, the limits of Loegria were enlarged, firſt
by the proweſſe of the Romanes, then by our owne
conqueſts, that the Tvvede on the one ſide, and
the Solue on the other, were taken for the principal
boundes between vs and Scotland.
quiet poſſeſsion, began to build a citty, neer to the
ſide of the Riuer Thameſis, in the ſecond yeare of
Gal. Mon.10
which he named Troynouant, or as Hum-frey Lhoyd ſaith, Troinewith; which is, newe Troy:
in remembrance of that famous citty Troy, whence
hee and his people (for the greater part) were deſ-
cended. Now beganne he to alter the name of the
Iland, and according to his owne name, called it
Brytaine, and cauſed all the inhabitantes to bee na-
med Brytons, for a perpetuall memory, that he was
the firſt bringer of them into this land. In this time
he had by his wife faire Innogen, daughter to King
Pandraſus king of the Greeks, three worthy ſonnes,
the firſt named Locrine, the ſecond Camber, and the
third Albanact, to which three (not long before his
death) he deuided his whole kingdome in ſeuerall
partitions, giuing to Locrine all that part which we
know beſt by the name of England, then tearmed
by him Loegria or Logres. To Camber he limitted
the Countrey of Wales, called Cambria after his
name, and deuided from Loegria by the riuer of Sa-
uerne. To Albanact his third ſonne, he appointed
al the North part of the Ile, lying beyond the Ri-
uer of Humber, then called Albania, now Scotland;
and to that Riuer11 then Albania did reach. But ſince
that time, the limits of Loegria were enlarged, firſt
by the proweſſe of the Romanes, then by our owne
conqueſts, that the Tvvede on the one ſide, and
the Solue on the other, were taken for the principal
boundes between vs and Scotland.
After Brute, I finde not any other alteration of
our Countryes name, vntill the raign of King Ec-
bert, who about the yeare of Grace 800.12 and the
first of his raigne, gaue foorth an eſpeciall Edict,
dated at Wincheſter: that it ſhoulde be named An-
gles Land, or Angellandt, for which (in our time)
we do pronounce it England. Nor can Hengyſt the
Saxon be the Father of this latter name, for Ecbert,
becauſe his anceſtors deſcended from the Angles,
one of the ſixe Nations that came with the Saxons
into Britaine, (for they were not all of one, but of
diuers Countries, viz: Angles, Saxons, Germains,
Switzers, Norvvegians, Iutes, otherwiſe tearmed
Iutons, Vites, Gothes, or Getes and Vandales, and all
comprehended vnder the name of Saxons, because13
of Hengiſt the Saxon and his company, that firſt
arriued here before any of the other) and thereto
hauing now the Monarchy and preheminence, in
manner of this whole Iſland, called the ſame after
the name of the country, from whence he deriued
his originall. So that neither Hengiſt, nor anye
Qu.14 named Angla, or deriuation ab Angulo, is to
be allowed before this ſounde and ſure authoritye.
Thus much briefely concerning the names of our
Countrey, now come wee to diſcourſe the whole
frame and body of our deuiſe, in this ſolemne tri-
umph of re-vnited Brytannia.
our Countryes name, vntill the raign of King Ec-
bert, who about the yeare of Grace 800.12 and the
first of his raigne, gaue foorth an eſpeciall Edict,
dated at Wincheſter: that it ſhoulde be named An-
gles Land, or Angellandt, for which (in our time)
we do pronounce it England. Nor can Hengyſt the
Saxon be the Father of this latter name, for Ecbert,
becauſe his anceſtors deſcended from the Angles,
one of the ſixe Nations that came with the Saxons
into Britaine, (for they were not all of one, but of
diuers Countries, viz: Angles, Saxons, Germains,
Switzers, Norvvegians, Iutes, otherwiſe tearmed
Iutons, Vites, Gothes, or Getes and Vandales, and all
comprehended vnder the name of Saxons, because13
of Hengiſt the Saxon and his company, that firſt
arriued here before any of the other) and thereto
hauing now the Monarchy and preheminence, in
manner of this whole Iſland, called the ſame after
the name of the country, from whence he deriued
his originall. So that neither Hengiſt, nor anye
Qu.14 named Angla, or deriuation ab Angulo, is to
be allowed before this ſounde and ſure authoritye.
Thus much briefely concerning the names of our
Countrey, now come wee to diſcourſe the whole
frame and body of our deuiſe, in this ſolemne tri-
umph of re-vnited Brytannia.
The Shippe called the
All hayle faire London, to behold thy Towers,
After our voyage long and dangerous:
Is Seamens comfort, thankes vnto thoſe powers,
That in all perils haue preſerued vs.
Our Royall Exchange hath made a rich
Laden with Spices, Silkes, and Indico,
Our wines that for our abſence long did mourne,
Now find releaſe from all their former woe.
Maiſter tis true, for, ſee what troupes appeare,
Of Cittizens, to beare him company.
Harke how the Drums and Trumpets cheerely ſound,
To ſolemnize the triumph of this day,
Shall we do nothing, but be idle found,
On ſuch a generall mirthfull Holyday?16
Take of our Pepper, of our Cloues and Mace,
And liberally beſtow them round about,
Tis our ſhips luggage, and in ſuch a caſe,
I know our Owner meanes to beare vs out.
Then, in his honor: And that company,
Whoſe loue and bounty this day doth declare,
Your Ordinance, and of fireworkes make no ſpare,
To adde the very
vttermoſt we may,
To make this vp a
cheerefull Holi-day.
re-vnited Britannia.
The Lyon, and the Camell.
ON the Lyon and Camell, we doe figuratiuely
perſonate Neptune and his Queene Amphi-
trita, who firſt ſeated their ſonne Albion in
this land. And in them we figure Poetically, that
as they then triumphed in their ſonnes happy for-
tune, ſo now they cannot chuſe but do the like, ſee-
ing what happy ſucceſſe hath thereon enſued, to re-
nowne this Countrey from time to time. And as
times haue altred former harſhe inciuilities, brin-
ging the ſtate to more perfect ſhape of Maieſtie,
ſo (as occaſion ſerues) do they likewiſe laye their
borrowed formes aſide, and ſpeak according to the
nature of the preſent buſines in hand, without any
imputation of groſneſſe or error, conſidering the
lawes of Poeſie grants ſuch allowance and libertye.
Corineus and Goemagot, appearing in the ſhape and
proportion of huge Giants, for the more grace &
beauty of the ſhow, we place as guides to Britani-
aes mount, and being fetterd vnto it in chaines of
golde, they ſe17eme (as it were) to drawe the whole
frame, ſhewing much enuy and contention,
whoe ſhall exceed moſt in duty and ſeruice.
perſonate Neptune and his Queene Amphi-
trita, who firſt ſeated their ſonne Albion in
this land. And in them we figure Poetically, that
as they then triumphed in their ſonnes happy for-
tune, ſo now they cannot chuſe but do the like, ſee-
ing what happy ſucceſſe hath thereon enſued, to re-
nowne this Countrey from time to time. And as
times haue altred former harſhe inciuilities, brin-
ging the ſtate to more perfect ſhape of Maieſtie,
ſo (as occaſion ſerues) do they likewiſe laye their
borrowed formes aſide, and ſpeak according to the
nature of the preſent buſines in hand, without any
imputation of groſneſſe or error, conſidering the
lawes of Poeſie grants ſuch allowance and libertye.
Corineus and Goemagot, appearing in the ſhape and
proportion of huge Giants, for the more grace &
beauty of the ſhow, we place as guides to Britani-
aes mount, and being fetterd vnto it in chaines of
golde, they ſe17eme (as it were) to drawe the whole
frame, ſhewing much enuy and contention,
whoe ſhall exceed moſt in duty and ſeruice.
The Pageant.
ON a Mount triangular, as the Iſland of Bri-
tayne it ſelfe is deſcribed to bee, we ſeate in
the Supreame place, vnder the ſhape
of a fayre and beautifull Nymph, Britania hirſelfe
accoſted with Brutes deuided kingdoms, in the like
female repreſentations, Loegria, Cambria, and Al-
bania. Brytania ſpeaking to Brute her Conqueror,
(who is ſeated ſomwhat lower, in the habite of an
aduenturous warlike Troyan) tels him, that ſhe had
ſtill continued her name of Albion, but for his con-
queſt of her virgine honour, which ſince it was by
heauen ſo appointed, ſhe reckons it to be the very
beſt of her fortunes. Brute ſhewes her, what height
of happineſſe ſhe hath attained vnto by his victo-
rie, being before a vaſt VVildernes, inhabited by
Giantes, and a meere den of Monſters: Goemagot
and his barbarous brood, being quite ſubdued, his
ciuill followers, firſt taught her modeſt manners,
and the meanes how to raigne as an Imperial lady,
building his Troyanoua by the riuer Thameſis, and
beautifieng his land with other Citties beſide.
But then the three Virgin kingdomes ſeeme to reproue
him, for his ouermuch fond loue to his ſons, and
deuiding her (who was one ſole Monarchy) into
three ſeueral eſtates, the hurt and inconuenience
whereon enſuing, each one of them modeſtly de-
liuered vnto him. He ſtaies their further progres
in reproofe, by his and their now preſent reuyued
condition, beeing raiſed againe by the powerfull
vertue of Poeſie (after ſuch length of time) to be-
hold Britaniaes former Felicity againe, and that
the ſame Albania, where Humber ſlew his ſon Al-
banact, had bred a ſecond Brute, by the bleſſed ma-
riage of Margaret, eldeſt daughter to king Henrie
the ſeauenth, to Iames the fourth king of Scotland,
of whom our ſecond Brute (Royall king Iames) is
truely and rightfully deſcended: by whoſe happye
comming to the Crowne, England, Wales, & Scot-
land, by the firſt Brute ſeuered and diuided, is in our
ſecond Brute18 re-united, and made one happy Bri-
tania again: Peace and quietneſſe bringing that to
paſſe, which warre nor any other meanes could at-
taine vnto. For ioy of which ſacred Vnion and com
bination, Locrine, Camber, and Albanact, figured
there alſo in their antique eſtates, deliuer vp theyr
Crownes and Scepters, applauding the day of this
long wiſht coniunction, and Troya-noua (now Lon
don) incites fair Thameſis, and the riuers that boun-
ded the ſeuered kingdoms, (perſonated in faire and
beautifull Nymphs) to ſing Pæans and ſongs of try-
umph, in honor of our ſecond Brute, Royall King
Iames. Thameſis, as Queene of all Britaines riuers,
begins the triumphal courſe of ſolemne reioyſing.
Next her, Sauerne, that took her name of Sabrina,
begotten by Locrine on faire Elſtrid, and both mo-
ther and daughter were drowned in that riuer, by
Guendolenaes command, the wife to Locrine, dooth
the like. Laſtly, Humber, whoſe name was deriued
from Humber king of the Scythians, who being pur
ſued by Locrine and Camber, in reuenge of theyr
Brothers death, was inforced to leap into that Ry-
uer, and there drowned himſelfe, of whom I finde
theſe verſes written.
tayne it ſelfe is deſcribed to bee, we ſeate in
the Supreame place, vnder the ſhape
The Triumphes
of a fayre and beautifull Nymph, Britania hirſelfe
accoſted with Brutes deuided kingdoms, in the like
female repreſentations, Loegria, Cambria, and Al-
bania. Brytania ſpeaking to Brute her Conqueror,
(who is ſeated ſomwhat lower, in the habite of an
aduenturous warlike Troyan) tels him, that ſhe had
ſtill continued her name of Albion, but for his con-
queſt of her virgine honour, which ſince it was by
heauen ſo appointed, ſhe reckons it to be the very
beſt of her fortunes. Brute ſhewes her, what height
of happineſſe ſhe hath attained vnto by his victo-
rie, being before a vaſt VVildernes, inhabited by
Giantes, and a meere den of Monſters: Goemagot
and his barbarous brood, being quite ſubdued, his
ciuill followers, firſt taught her modeſt manners,
and the meanes how to raigne as an Imperial lady,
building his Troyanoua by the riuer Thameſis, and
beautifieng his land with other Citties beſide.
But then the three Virgin kingdomes ſeeme to reproue
him, for his ouermuch fond loue to his ſons, and
deuiding her (who was one ſole Monarchy) into
three ſeueral eſtates, the hurt and inconuenience
whereon enſuing, each one of them modeſtly de-
liuered vnto him. He ſtaies their further progres
in reproofe, by his and their now preſent reuyued
condition, beeing raiſed againe by the powerfull
vertue of Poeſie (after ſuch length of time) to be-
hold Britaniaes former Felicity againe, and that
the ſame Albania, where Humber ſlew his ſon Al-
banact, had bred a ſecond Brute, by the bleſſed ma-
riage of Margaret, eldeſt daughter to king Henrie
the ſeauenth, to Iames the fourth king of Scotland,
of whom our ſecond Brute (Royall king Iames) is
truely and rightfully deſcended: by whoſe happye
comming to the Crowne, England, Wales, & Scot-
land, by the firſt Brute ſeuered and diuided, is in our
ſecond Brute18 re-united, and made one happy Bri-
tania again: Peace and quietneſſe bringing that to
paſſe, which warre nor any other meanes could at-
taine vnto. For ioy of which ſacred Vnion and com
bination, Locrine, Camber, and Albanact, figured
there alſo in their antique eſtates, deliuer vp theyr
Crownes and Scepters, applauding the day of this
long wiſht coniunction, and Troya-noua (now Lon
don) incites fair Thameſis, and the riuers that boun-
ded the ſeuered kingdoms, (perſonated in faire and
beautifull Nymphs) to ſing Pæans and ſongs of try-
umph, in honor of our ſecond Brute, Royall King
Iames. Thameſis, as Queene of all Britaines riuers,
begins the triumphal courſe of ſolemne reioyſing.
Next her, Sauerne, that took her name of Sabrina,
begotten by Locrine on faire Elſtrid, and both mo-
ther and daughter were drowned in that riuer, by
Guendolenaes command, the wife to Locrine, dooth
the like. Laſtly, Humber, whoſe name was deriued
from Humber king of the Scythians, who being pur
ſued by Locrine and Camber, in reuenge of theyr
Brothers death, was inforced to leap into that Ry-
uer, and there drowned himſelfe, of whom I finde
theſe verſes written.
Dum fugit obſtat ei flumen ſubmergitur illic,
Deque ſuo tribuit nomine nomen aquae.
The Triumphes of
What further may be required, to expreſſe Brita-
niaes triumph more perfectly to the life, with al the
other perſonages her ſeruants and attendantes, is
more at large ſet downe in the ſeuerall ſpeeches,
which I haue hereto annexed as moſt meet & con-
niaes triumph more perfectly to the life, with al the
other perſonages her ſeruants and attendantes, is
more at large ſet downe in the ſeuerall ſpeeches,
which I haue hereto annexed as moſt meet & con-
The ſpeeches deliuered by the ſeuerall chil
dren, according to their degrees of ſeating
in the PAGEANT.
dren, according to their degrees of ſeating
in the PAGEANT.
I that ſometime was termed Albion,
After the name of Neptunes valiant Sonne:
Albion the Gyant,
and ſo had ſtill held on,
But that my conqueſt, firſt by thee begun,
Hath in fames Chronicle ſuch honor woon,
Albania in Greece.
That thy firſt ſetting from Albania,
Crownd me thy virgin Queene Britania.
Wherein, recount thy height of happineſſe,
Thou that before my honord victorie,
Wert as a baſe and oregrowne wildernes,
Peopled With men of inciuility,
Huge and ſtearne Gyants, keeping company
With ſauage monſters, thus was Albion then,
Till I firſt furniſht thee with ciuill men.
Goemagot, and all
his barbarous brood,
(When he was foyld by Corineus hand,)
Were quite ſubdued, and not one withſtood
My quiet prograce ouer all thy land,
But, as ſole Conqueror, I did commaund:
And then from Albion
did I change thy name,
But ſhe whom thou hadſt made one Monarchy
To be ſo ſeuerd, to thy ſonnes might ſhew
Some ſigne of loue, to her ſmall courteſie,
When three poſſeſſe what one did ſolie owe,
It makes more waies to harme then many know.
And ſo proou’d that deuiſion of the land,
It brought in warre that helliſh
The king of Hunnes
entred Albania,
Slew Albanact thy
Sonne, and there bare ſway,
And to reuendge their Brothers death made way,
Which inſtantly they did without delay,
And made that Riuer20 beare the proud kings name,
That thus intruded, drownd him in the ſame.
See, after ſo long ſlumbring in our toombes
Such multitudes of yeares, rich poeſie
That does reuiue vs to fill vp theſe roomes
The Triumphes of
And tell our former ages Hiſtorie,
(The better to record Brutes memorie,)
Turnes now our accents to another key,
To tell olde Britaines new borne happy day.
That ſeperation of her ſinewed ſtrength,
Weeping ſo many hundred yeeres of woes
Whereto that learned Barde dated long length
Before thoſe vlcerd wounds againe could cloſe,
And reach vnto their former firſt diſpoſe.
Hath run his courſe thorough times ſ23andie glaſſe,
And brought the former happines that was.
Albania, Scotland, where my ſonne was ſlaine
And where my follies wretchednes began,
Hath bred another Brute, that giues againe
to Britaine her firſt name, he is the
On whoſe faire birth our elder wits did ſcan,
Which Prophet-like ſeuenth
Henry did forſee,
Of whoſe faire childe comes Britaines vnitie.
And what fierce war by no meanes could effect,
To re-vnite thoſe ſundred lands in one,
The hand of heauen did peacefully elect
By mildeſt grace, to ſeat on Britaines
Wales, England, Scotland, ſeuerd firſt by me:
To knit againe in bleſſed vnity.
I yeelded long ago, and dyd in heart,
Allow Britanniaes firſt created name,
My true borne Brutes haue euer tooke her
And to their laſt houre will maintaine the
It is no meruaile though you gladly yeeld,
When the all-ruling power doth ſo commaund,
I bring that Monarch now into the field,
With peace and plenty in his ſacred hand,
To make Britannia one vnited land:
And when I brought
him, after times will ſay
It was Britanniaes
happy Holi-day.25
The Triumphes of
Then you faire Swans in Thameſis that ſwim,
that from the North brought you this bleſſed
And in one tuneful, harmonie lets ſing,
Welcome King Iames, welcome bright Britaines King.
I that am Queene of all Britanniaes
The Oceans darling and endeard delight,
that wanton daily with the Sunnes guilt beames
and ore my boſome ſuffer daie and night,
Faire flotes of ſhips to ſaile in goodlie ſight:
Welcome King Iames, welcome great Britaines King.
(Whereby the name of Sauerne fell to me:)
When Locrines
Quendoline in anger
My wombe to be their diſmall tragedie,
Whereof my Nymphes (as yet) talke
Welcome King Iames, welcome great Britaines King.
Whoſe brethren foreſt him to a ſhamefull flight,
When in my watrie armes his life I wrackt,
I tooke his name, and kept it as my right,
For which my Nymphes ſtill dauncing in
With me theſe Peans
and ſweet Canzons ſing,
re-vnited Britannia.
The Chariot.
FAME that attends on Britaines
Thus revnited to one ſtate againe,
Vſhers this Chariot of true dignity,
Wherein ſeauen kings that did in England raigne,
Theſe Royall vertues in their ſhields
Expreſsing what great grace each Maieſty,
Gaue to the Marchant-Taylors
When they were firſt a Guilde, and bare the ſtile
Of Taylors, and of Armorers beſide
Of the Linnen armorie: for no little while
Were they ſo knowne, and daily did prouide,
Thoſe coats of armes that quaild our ſoe-mens pride
When Englands bent-Bow, and the gray-goos wing
Our many victories abroad did ſing.
From this employment for the States defence,
Their ancient tytle firſt vnto them came,
and then their following care and dilligence,
Squarde them the way to order well and frame,
all meanes to keepe their Guilde in honeſt fame.
Now gratious vertues vnto you I leaue,
What further fortunes Time did them bequeath.
EDward the third, whoſe Noble name I beare,
Hearing the Loue and royall amity,
The Triumphes of
That good report gaue of them euery where,
Preſeruing peace and kinde ſocitie,
In his firſt yeare vnto this Companie,
He gaue this Charter to confirme their Guilde:
To build this body on a ſtronger frame,
Richard the ſecond
gaue authoritie,
A Mayſter and foure keepers they ſhould name,
and full elect to ſway their myſterie,
Granting them power to haue a Lyuerie,
and hold a Feaſt on ſaint Iohn Baptiſt day,
Yearelie for euer, as they do and may.
To fortifie a worke ſo well begun,
Henrie the fourth did liberally create:
(Beſide the former fauours to them doone,)
Their Guilde a Brother-hood incorporate,
And thought it no diſgrace to his high ſtate,
To weare the Clothing of the Companie,
A moſt Maieſtike royall courteſie.
Of my ſixt Henry
they as freely gainde,
all former graunts in ſelf-ſame qualitie,
He wore their clothing, milde and graciouſly:
For Princes looſe no part of dignity,
In beeing affable, it addes to Maieſty.
re-vnited Britannia.
Thus long a Mayſter and foure keepers ſtood.
Till my fourth Edward changde the keepers name
To Wardens: for the ſtrength of
And thus at firſt Mayſter and Wardens came.
And for they traded, as no men did more,
With forren Realmes, by clothes and Merchandize,
Returning hither other Countries ſtore,
Of what might beſt be our commodities,
Henry the ſeuenth a gracious king, and wiſe,
To Merchant-Taylors did exchange their name:
Since when, with credite they haue kept the ſame.
But ſacred Lady, deigne me ſo much grace,
As tell me, why that ſeat is vnſupplied·
Being the moſt eminent and chiefeſt place,
With State, with Crowne and Scepter dignified?
Haue our diſcourſes (Pheme) let thee know,
That ſeauen Kings haue borne free brethrens name,
Of this Societie, and may not time beſtow
an eight, when Heauen ſhall ſo appoint the ſame?
I finde recorded in my Regiſter,
Seauen Kings haue honord this ſociety:
The Triumphes of
Fourteene great Dukes did willingly prefer,
Their loue and kindneſſe to this Company,
Threeſcore eight Lords declarde like amitie,
tearming themſelues all brethren of this band,
The verie worthieſt
Lordes in all the Land.
Three Dukes, three Earles, foure Lords of Noble name
all in one yeare did ioyne in Brother-hood:
all in one yeare did ioyne in Brother-hood:
IN the yeare 1390.
Edward Duke of Yorke35 Tho-
mas, Duke of Gloceſter. Henry Duke of Hereford
and Earle of Darby, vvho afterward vvas K. Henry
the fourth. Edvvard, Earle of Rutlande. Thomas
Earle of Warvvick. Iohn Holland, Earle of Hunting
don. Iohn, Lord Roſ. Rafe Lord Nevill. Thomas L.
Furniuall. Reignald, Lord Gray of Rithin.
mas, Duke of Gloceſter. Henry Duke of Hereford
and Earle of Darby, vvho afterward vvas K. Henry
the fourth. Edvvard, Earle of Rutlande. Thomas
Earle of Warvvick. Iohn Holland, Earle of Hunting
don. Iohn, Lord Roſ. Rafe Lord Nevill. Thomas L.
Furniuall. Reignald, Lord Gray of Rithin.
I finde beſide great Lords from France there came
To hold like league, and do them any good:
Yet no imbaſing to their heigth in bloud:
For they accounted honor then moſt hie,
When it was held vp by communitie.
Of Biſhops, Knights and Deanes, to thoſe before,
(Not ſpoke in vaunt, or any ſpirit of pride)
My Records could affoord as many more·
All Brethren, Marchant-Taylors ſignified
That liu’de in loue with them, and when they
Left me their names, to aftertimes to tell,
Thus then they did, and thought it good and well.
re-vnited Britannia.
Neptune on the Lyon.
MY borrowed name of Neptune now I leaue,
the like doth Amphitrita my faire Queene,
And worthy Lord, grant fauour to receiue
What in theſe myſteries we ſeeme to meane,
Britanniaes glorie
hath beene heard and ſeene,
Reuiu’de from her old Chaos of diſtreſſe,
and now vnited in firme happineſſe.
that ſet this wreath of Vnion on her head,
Whoſe verie name did heauenlie comfort bring,
When in deſpaire our hopes lay drooping dead,
When comfort from moſt harts was gon and fled,
Immediatlie the trumpets toong did ſay,
God ſaue king Iames: Oh twas a happie daie.
OVr lateſt Phænix whoſe dead cinders ſhine,
In Angels ſpheres, ſhe, like a mother milde,
yeelding to Nature, did her right reſigne
To times true heyre, her God-ſon, and lou’de childe,
When giddy expectation was beguilde:
And Scotland yeelded out of Teudors race,
a true borne bud, to ſit in Teudors place.
Which ſeat to him and his, heauen euer bleſſe,
that we nere want a Roſe of Teudors tree,
to maintaine Britaines future happineſſe,
to the worldes end in true tranquilitie.
Sir Leonard
Holiday, now vnto thee,
My loue in ſome meane meaſure let me ſhew,
heauen hath cald thee to this dignity,
Which (then my ſelfe) farre better thou doeſt know,
I make no doubt thou wilt thy time beſtow,
To gouerne iuſtlie, and amend each miſſe.
Bethink thee how on that high Holyday,
Which beares Gods Champion, th’Arch-angels name,38
When conquering Sathan in a glorious fray,
Michaell Hels-monſter nobly ouercame,
And now a ſacred Saboath being the ſame,
A free and full election on all parts,
Made choiſe of thee, both with their hands and harts.
Albeit this day is vſuall euery yeare,
For new election of a Magiſtrate,
Yet, now to me ſome inſtance doth appeare,
Worth note, which to my ſelfe I thus relate,
Holyday, cald on
Holyday to ſtate,
Requiers methinks a yeare of Holydayes,
To be diſpoſd in good and vertuous wayes.
For I account tis a Lords Holyday,
When Iuſtice ſhines in perfect Maieſty,
When as the poor can to the rich man ſay,
The Maieſtrate hath giuen vs equity,
And lent no eare to partiality,
When ſinne is puniſht, lewdnes beares no ſway:
All that day long, each day is Holyday.
re-vnited Britannia.
When good prouiſion for the poore is made,
Sloth ſet to labour, vice curbd euery where,
When through the Citty euery honeſt trade,
Stands not of might or inſolence in feare,
But Iuſtice in their goodneſſe does them beare:
then, as before, in ſafety I may ſaie:
All that yeare long, each daie is Holliday.
Now in behalfe of that Societie,
Whereof thou bear’ſt a louing brothers name,
What hath bin do on this day to dignifie,
they pray thee kindly to accept the ſame,
More circumſtance I ſhall not need to frame:
But from the Marchant-Taylors
this I ſay,
They wiſh all good to Leonard Holliday.
- Marginal note illegible due to poor EEBO image. Text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (KMF)↑
- Marginal note illegible due to poor EEBO image. Text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (KMF)↑
- Gap in inking; text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (NK)↑
- Marginal note illegible due to poor EEBO image. Text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (KMF)↑
- Marginal note illegible due to poor EEBO image. Text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (KMF)↑
- We are unsure who the second Merlin being referred to is. (SM)↑
- Marginal note illegible due to poor EEBO image. Text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (KMF)↑
- I.e., situated. (SM)↑
- Gap in inking; letter obvious from context. (NK)↑
- Marginal note illegible due to poor EEBO image. Text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (KMF)↑
- The Humber River.↑
- Ecgberht’s reign actually began in 802, not 800. (SM)↑
- Gap in inking; missing letters distinguishable by context. (NK)↑
- I.e., Queen. (SM)↑
- Sir Leonard Holliday, founder of the East India Trading Company. (SM)↑
- Munday puns on the name of the mayor, Sir Leonard Holliday. (SM)↑
- Letter distinguishable by context. (NK)↑
- The speaker is praising the visiting King James by comparing him to the first Brute, founder of London, who gave Britain its name. (SM)↑
- Locrine, Camber, and Albanact (NK)↑
- The River Humber. (SM)↑
- Gap in inking; missing letter distinguishable by context. (NK)↑
- Marginal note illegible due to poor EEBO image. Text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (KMF)↑
- Gap in inking; missing letter distinguishable by context. (NK)↑
- As mentioned above, the speaker is comparing King James I to Brute. The first Brute divided Britain, the second (James) reunites it. (SM)↑
- Again, punning on the name of the new mayor, Sir Leonard Holiday. (SM)↑
- Gap in inking; text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (NK)↑
- Gap in inking; missing letter distinguishable by context. (NK)↑
- Gap in inking; missing letters distinguishable by context. (NK)↑
- Gap in inking; missing letter distinguishable by context. (NK)↑
- Gap in inking; text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (NK)↑
- Again, the second Brute refers to King James. (SM)↑
- Again, the second Brute refers to King James. (SM)↑
- Again, the second Brute refers to King James. (SM)↑
- Gap in inking; text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (NK)↑
- Munday means Edmund, Duke of York. His son Edward (mentioned below as the Earl of Rutland) did not become Duke until his father’s death in 1402. (SM)↑
- Gap in inking; missing letter distinguishable by context. (NK)↑
- Gap in inking; text proofed against David M. Bergeron’s transcription. (NK)↑
- Michaelmas, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, occurs on the 29 of September in the Christian calendar. (SM)↑
Bergeron, David M., ed. The Triumphs of Re-United Britannia. Pageants and Entertainments of Anthony Munday: A Critical Edition. New York: Garland, 1985. 1-24.This item is cited in the following documents:
Early English Books Online (EEBO). Proquest LLC. Subscription.This item is cited in the following documents:
EEBO-TCP (EEBO Text Creation Partnership). [The Text Creation Partnership offers searchable diplomatic transcriptions of many EEBO items.] Web.
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The Triumphs of Reunited Britannia. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,
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The Triumphs of Reunited Britannia.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.
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The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
2018. The Triumphs of Reunited Britannia. In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Munday, Anthony ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - The Triumphs of Reunited Britannia T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2018 DA - 2018/06/20 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
RT Web Page SR Electronic(1) A1 Munday, Anthony A6 Jenstad, Janelle T1 The Triumphs of Reunited Britannia T2 The Map of Early Modern London WP 2018 FD 2018/06/20 RD 2018/06/20 PP Victoria PB University of Victoria LA English OL English LK
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MUND1"><surname>Munday</surname>, <forename>Anthony</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">The Triumphs of Reunited Britannia</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>Personography
Cameron Butt
Encoder, research assistant, and copy editor, 2012–13. Cameron completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2013. He minored in French and has a keen interest in Shakespeare, film, media studies, popular culture, and the geohumanities.Roles played in the project
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Cameron Butt is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Telka Duxbury
Telka is an MA student at the University of Victoria. Since 2010, she has been a research assistant for the Internet Shakespeare Editions.Roles played in the project
Telka Duxbury is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad, associate professor in the department of English at the University of Victoria, is the general editor and coordinator of The Map of Early Modern London. She is also the assistant coordinating editor of Internet Shakespeare Editions. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), and Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, forthcoming). She is currently working on an edition of The Merchant of Venice for ISE and Broadview P. She lectures regularly on London studies, digital humanities, and on Shakespeare in performance.Roles played in the project
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Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Noam Kaufman
Research assistant, 2012-13. Noam Kaufman completed his Honours BA in English Literature at York University’s bilingual Glendon campus, graduating with first class standing in the spring of 2012. An incoming MA student specializing in Renaissance drama, he is currently researching early modern London’s historic cast of characters and neighbourhoods, both real and fictional.Roles played in the project
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Research assistant, 2013-15, and data manager, 2015 to present. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
Author of Term Descriptions
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Quinn MacDonald
Undergraduate research assistant and encoder, 2013. Quinn is a fourth-year honours English student at the University of Victoria. Her areas of interest include postcolonial theory and texts, urban agriculture, journalism that isn’t lazy, fine writing, and roller derby. She is the director of community relations for The Warren Undergraduate Review and senior editor of Concrete Garden magazine.Roles played in the project
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Quinn MacDonald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present; Associate Project Director, 2015–present; Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014; MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
Associate Project Director
Author of MoEML Introduction
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Director of Pedagogy and Outreach
Encoder (People)
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MoEML Research Fellow
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Second Author
Secondary Author
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Contributions by this author
Kim McLean-Fiander is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kim McLean-Fiander is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present; Junior Programmer, 2015 to 2017; Research Assistant, 2014 to 2017. Joey Takeda is an MA student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests include diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
Author of Stub
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Date Encoder
Encoder (Bibliography)
Geographic Information Specialist
Geographic Information Specialist (Agas)
Junior Programmer
Markup Editor
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Encoder
MoEML Transcriber
Second Author
Transcription Editor
Contributions by this author
Joey Takeda is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Joey Takeda is mentioned in the following documents:
Zaqir Virani
Graduate Research Assistant, 2013-14. Zaqir Virani completed his MA at the University of Victoria in April 2014. He received his BA from Simon Fraser University in 2012, and has worked as a musician, producer, and author of short fiction. His research focuses on the linkage of sound and textual analysis software and the work of Samuel Beckett.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
First Transcriber
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Second Transcriber
Contributions by this author
Zaqir Virani is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Zaqir Virani is mentioned in the following documents:
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Author of abstract
Name Encoder
Post-conversion and Markup Editor
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sarah Milligan
MoEML Research Affiliate. Research assistant, 2012-14. Sarah Milligan completed her MA at the University of Victoria in 2012 on the invalid persona in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese. She has also worked with the Internet Shakespeare Editions and with Dr. Alison Chapman on the Victorian Poetry Network, compiling an index of Victorian periodical poetry.Roles played in the project
Copy Editor
Date Encoder
Final Markup Editor
Formeworke Encoder
Gap Encoder
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Second Author
Contributions by this author
Sarah Milligan is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Sarah Milligan is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of purity. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral pageants.Agnites is mentioned in the following documents:
Allegorical character in Anthony Munday’s The Triumphs of Re-united Britannia who personifies the geographic area of Albania, later known as Scotland.Albania is mentioned in the following documents:
Amphitrita is mentioned in the following documents:
James IV is mentioned in the following documents:
John Bale
John Bale Bishop of Ossory
(b. 1495, d. 1563)Polemicist, historian, and bishop of Ossory.John Bale is mentioned in the following documents:
Mythical inventor of music and ditties. Spawned a line of poets who came to be known as the Bards.Bardus is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Beauchamp
Thomas Beauchamp Twelfth Earl of Warwick
(b. between 1337 and 1339, d. 1401)Magnate and twelfth earl of Warwick.Thomas Beauchamp is mentioned in the following documents:
(fl. between 300 BCE and 201 BCE)Writer, historian, and astronomer from the third century BCE.Berosus is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of Britain. Appears as an allegorical character in The Triumph of Re-united Britannia.Britannia is mentioned in the following documents:
Brute is mentioned in the following documents:
Allegorical character in The Triumph of Re-united Britannia who personifies the geographic area of Cambria, later known as Wales.Cambria is mentioned in the following documents:
Corineus the Briton
One of the Guildhall Giants and mythical companion of Brutus the Trojan. Slayed the native giant Gogmagog.Corineus the Briton is mentioned in the following documents:
Ecgbert of Wessex
Ecgbert King of Wessex
(b. between 769 and 771, d. 839)Ninth-century king of Wessex, reported to have changed the country’s name from Loegria to Angellandt (from which we now get England).Ecgbert of Wessex is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward III
Edward III King of England
(b. 12 November 1312, d. 21 June 1377)King of England and lord of Ireland, 1327—1377. Duke of Aquitaine, 1327—1360, and lord of Aquitaine, 1360—77. Son of Edward II and Isabella of France.Edward III is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward IV
Edward IV King of England
(b. 28 April 1442, d. 9 April 1483)King of England and lord of Ireland, 1461—1483. Son of Richard of York.Edward IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward of Langley
Edward of Langley Secod Duke of York
(b. 1373, d. 1415)Second duke of York and grandson of Edward III.Edward of Langley is mentioned in the following documents:
Eleutherios is mentioned in the following documents:
Lover of Locrine, by whom she had a daughter, Sabrina. Mother and daughter were drowned in the river Severn by his vengeful wife, Gwendoline.Estrildis is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of trust. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Epimeleia is mentioned in the following documents:
Eros is mentioned in the following documents:
Neptune is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of the River Thames. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Thamesis is mentioned in the following documents:
Gogmagog the Albione is mentioned in the following documents:
Reynold Grey
Reynold Grey Third Baron Grey de Ruthyn
(b. 1362, d. 1440)Third baron Grey de Ruthyn. Nobleman and administrator.Reynold Grey is mentioned in the following documents:
Gwendoline is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Leonard Holliday
Sir Leonard Holliday Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1595—1596 CE. Mayor from 1605—1606 CE. Member of the Merchant Taylors’ Company.Sir Leonard Holliday is mentioned in the following documents:
King Hengist the Saxon
(d. 488)Fifth century Anglo-Saxon king depicted in The Triumphes of Re-united Britannia, the details of whose life are believed to have been heavily mythologized in the centuries following his death.Hengist is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry IV
King Henry IV
(b. 1367, d. 1413)King of England and son of John of Gaunt. Also known as Henry of Bolingbroke.Henry IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry V is mentioned in the following documents:
John Holland
John Holland First Earl of Huntington
(b. 1352, d. 1400)Magnate and soldier, second son of Thomas Holland. Father of John Holland.John Holland is mentioned in the following documents:
Personifies steadfastness. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Hypomone is mentioned in the following documents:
Innogen is mentioned in the following documents:
William Jaggard is mentioned in the following documents:
James VI and I
King James Stuart VI and I
(b. 1566, d. 1625)King of Scotland, England, and Ireland.James VI and I is mentioned in the following documents:
Third son of Noah to whom dominion of Europe was given following the great flood.Japhet is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmund of Langley is mentioned in the following documents:
Wolfgang Laz is mentioned in the following documents:
John Leland is mentioned in the following documents:
Humphrey Llwyd is mentioned in the following documents:
Allegorical character in The Triumph of Re-united Britannia who personifies the geographic area of Logres, later known as England.Loegria is mentioned in the following documents:
Allegorical character representing the city of London. See also the allegorical character representing Roman London, Troya-Nova.London is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Tudor is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Munday
(bap. 1560, d. 1633)Playwright, actor, pageant poet, translator, and writer. Possible member of the Draper’s Company and/or the Merchant Taylor’s Company.Anthony Munday is mentioned in the following documents:
Noah is mentioned in the following documents:
Pheme is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard II
King Richard II
(b. 6 January 1367, d. 1400)King of England and lord of Ireland, and duke of Aquitaine. Son of Edward, the Black Prince.Richard II is mentioned in the following documents:
Sixth son of Japhet and first king of Celtica, the area of Europe now known as England.Samothes is mentioned in the following documents:
Saverne is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of self-control, temperance, and soundness of mind. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Sophrosyne is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of humility and modesty. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Tapeinotes is mentioned in the following documents:
Troya-Nova (alias New Troy)
Allegorical character in mayoral shows who personifies the geographic area and settlement of Roman London. See also the character of London.Troya-Nova (alias New Troy) is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas of Woodstock is mentioned in the following documents:
Boy of the Royal Exchange
A character representing a boy on the ship called the Royal Exchange. Appears as a character in mayoral pageants.Boy of the Royal Exchange is mentioned in the following documents:
Danaus is mentioned in the following documents:
David Die
Welsh bard.David Die is mentioned in the following documents:
David ap Williams
Welsh bard.David ap Williams is mentioned in the following documents:
John de Ros is mentioned in the following documents:
Bard.Elaskirion is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of the River Humber.Humber is mentioned in the following documents:
Jollo Gough
Welsh bard.Jollo Gough is mentioned in the following documents:
Magus is mentioned in the following documents:
Master of the Royal Exchange
A character representing the Master of the ship called the Royal Exchange. Appears as a character in mayoral pageants.Master of the Royal Exchange is mentioned in the following documents:
Mate of the Royal Exchange
A character representing the Mate of the ship called the Royal Exchange. Appears as a character in mayoral pageants.Mate of the Royal Exchange is mentioned in the following documents:
Melkin is mentioned in the following documents:
Merlin is mentioned in the following documents:
Michael is mentioned in the following documents:
Moses is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Neville
Thomas Neville 5th Baron Furnivall
(d. 1407)Fifth baron of Furnivall. Not to be confused with the sailor Thomas Neville.Thomas Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
Pandrasus is mentioned in the following documents:
Bard.Plenidius is mentioned in the following documents:
Sabrina is mentioned in the following documents:
Saron is mentioned in the following documents:
In the Christian tradition, the angel who fell from Heaven, also believed to be the serpent in the Garden of Eden who tempted Eve. In early modern thought, Satan is the principal devil.Satan is mentioned in the following documents:
Gaylard, Lord Danvers
Gaylard Lord Danvers
A French nobleman affiliated with the Merchant Taylors’ Company.Gaylard, Lord Danvers is mentioned in the following documents:
Barnard, Lord Montferrant
Barnard Lord Montferrant
A French nobleman affiliated with the Merchant Taylors’ Company.Barnard, Lord Montferrant is mentioned in the following documents:
Barnard, Lord Delamote
Barnard Lord Delamote
A French nobleman affiliated with the Merchant Taylors’ Company.Barnard, Lord Delamote is mentioned in the following documents:
The Thames is mentioned in the following documents:
The Drapers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Drapers
The Drapers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Drapers were third in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Drapers is still active and maintains a website at, with a history and short bibliography.The coat of arms of the Drapers’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Merchant Taylors’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors
The Merchant Taylors’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. Since 1484, the Merchant Taylors and the Skinners have alternated precedence annually; the Merchant Taylors are now sixth in precedence in odd years and seventh in even years, changing precedence at Easter. The Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors is still active and maintains a website at that includes downloadable information about the origins and historical milestones of the company.The coat of arms of the Merchant Taylors’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Early English Books Online–Text Creation Partnership
EEBO-TCP is a partnership with ProQuest and with more than 150 libraries to generate highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts corresponding to books from the Early English Books Online Database. EEBO-TCP maintains a website at
Roles played in the project
First Encoders
First Transcriber
First Transcribers
This organization is mentioned in the following documents: