Survey of London: Walbrook Ward

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WAlbrooke ward beginneth at the west end of Can
dlewicke street ward
. It runneth downe Candle
wicke street
west towardes Budge row. It hath on the north side thereof S. Swithens lane, so called of S. Swithens a parish Church by London stone: this lane is replenished on both the sides with faire builded houses, and is wholly of Walbrooke warde. The said parish church of S. Swithen standeth at the southwest corner of this lane, and hath beene lately new builded: for licence was procured to new builde & increase the said church & steeple, and churchyarde, in the yeare 1420. Sir Iohn Hend Draper Mayor was an especiall benefa
ctor thereunto, as appeareth by his armes in the glasse windowes, euen in the tops of them, which is in a field siluer, a chefe Azure, a Lion passant siluer, a Cheueron azure, thrée Escalops siluer: he ly
eth buried in the bodie of this church with a faire stone laid on him but the plates and other inscriptions are defaced, Roger Depham Alderman was buried there: Iohn Butler Draper one of the She
riffes 1420. Raph Iocoline Mayor a benefactor buried in a faire tombe, William White Draper, one of the Sheriffes, 1482.

On the north side of this church and churchyard is one faire and large builded house, sometime pertaining to the Prior of Torting
since that to the Earles of Oxford, & now to Sir Iohn Hart Alderman: which house hath a faire garden belonging thereunto, lying on the West side thereof. On the backe side of two other faire houses in Walbrook, in the raigne of Henry the seuenth, Sir Rychard Empson
Empson and Dudley.
knight dwelled in the one of them, & Edmond Dudley Esquire in the other: eyther of them had a dore of enter
course into this garden, wherein they met & consulted of matters at their pleasures. In this Oxford place Sir Ambrose Nicholas kept his mayoralty, & since him ye said Sir Iohn Hart did likewise.
On the south side of this high street, neare vnto the channell, is pitched vpright a great stone called London stone fixed in the ground very deep, fastned with bars of iron, & otherwise so strong lie set, that if cartes do runne against it through negligence, the Wheeles be broken, and the stone it selfe vnshaken.
The cause why this stone was there set, the verie time when, or other memory hereof, is there none, but that the same hath long continued there, is manifest, namely since (or rather before) the time of the conquest: for in the ende of a fayre written Gospell booke giuen to Christes church in Canterburie, by Ethelstane king of the west Saxons, I finde noted of Landes or Rentes in London belonging to the saide church, whereof one parcell is de
scribed, to ly neare vnto London stone.
Liber Trinitate Antiquity of London stone.
Of later time wee reade that in the yeare of Christ 1135. the first of king Stephen a fire which began in the house of one Ailwarde, neare vnto London stone consumed all east to Ealdegate, in the which fire the Priorie of the holy Trinitie was brent, & west to S. Erkenwalds shrine in Paules Church: and these be the eldest notes that I read therof.
Some haue saide this stone to haue beene set, as a marke in the middle of the cittie within the walles: but in truth it standeth farre nearer vnto the riuer of Thames, then to the wall of the ci
, some others haue saide the same to bee set for the tendering and making of paymentes by debtors to their creditors, at their ap
pointed daies, and times, till of later time, paymentes were more vsually made at the font in Pontes church, and now most com
monly at the Royall Exchange, some againe haue imagined the same to bee set vp by one Iohn or Thomas Londonstone dwelling there against, but more likely it is, that such men haue

taken name of the stone, rather then the stone of them, as did Iohn at Noke, Thomas at Stile, William at Wall or at Well, &c.
Down west from this parish church and from London stone, haue yee Walbrooke corner: from whence runneth vp a streete, north to the Stockes, called Walbrooke, because it standeth on the east side of the same brooke by the banke thereof, and the whole warde taketh name of that streete. On the east side of this streete and at the north corner thereof, is the stockes market, which had this beginning. Aboute the yeare of Christ 1282. Henry Wales Maior, caused diuers houses in this Citie to be builded to
wardes the maintenance of London bridge, namely one voide place neare vnto the parish church, called Woole church, on the north side thereof, where sometime (the way being very large and broade) had stoode a payre of stockes, for punishment of offendors, this building tooke name of these stockes, and was appointed by him, to bee a market place for fish and flesh in the midst of the ci
ty, other houses he builded in other places, as by the patent of Ed
the first
, it doth appeare dated the 10. of his raign. After this in the yeare 1322. the 17. of Edwarde the second a decree was made by Hamond Chickwell Maior, that none should sell fish or flesh out of the markets appointed, to wit Bridge streete,
The middest of the Citie.
East cheape, Olde fishstreete, S. Nicholas shambles, and the said Stocks vpon pain to forfeite such fish or flesh as were sold, for the first time, and the second time to loose their freedom, which act was made by commandemēt of the king vnder his letters patents dated at the Tower, the 17. of his raign, and then was this stockes let to ferme for six and fortie pound thirteene shillinges foure pence by the yeare. This Stockes market was again begunne to be builded in the yeare 1410. in the 11. of Henry the 4. and was cleane finished in the yeare next following. In the yeare 1543. Iohn Coutes being Maior, there was in this Stockes market for Fishmongers 25. boordes or stalles which rented yearely to thirty foure pound thirteene shillinges foure pence, there were for Butchers 18. boordes or stalles rented at 41.l.16..4.ď, and there were also chambers aboue, 16. rented at 5.£.13,.4.ď.
parish church of S. Mary Wool church
Next vnto this Stockes is the parish church of S. Mary Woll Church, so called of a Beame placed there, euen in the church yard (as it seemeth) for the same was thereof called Wooll church Haw, of the Tronage, or weighing of Woole there vsed, and to

. verifie this, I finde amongst the customes of London, written in French, in the raigne of Edwarde the second, a chapter intituled Les customes de Wolchurch haw, wherein is set downs what was there to be paide for euery Parcell of Wooll weighed. This Tronage or weighing of Wool
Tronage or weighing of wooll caused the church to bee named Wool church haw.
till the sixt of Richard the secōd, was there continued, and vntill that Iohn Churchman builded the custome house vpon Woolkey, to serue for the said Tronage, as is before shewed in the Towerstreete warde: This church is reasonable fayre and large, and was latelie new builded, by li
cence granted in the 20. of Henry the sixt, with condition to bee builded 15. foote from the Stockes market for sparing of light to the same. The Parson of this church is to haue foure markes the yeare for Tith of the saide Stockes, paide him by the maisters of the Bridge house, by a speciall decree made the second of Henry the seuenth. Iohn Wingar Grocer Maior, 1504, was a greate helper to the building of this church, and was there buried 1505. he gaue vnto it by his Testament, two large Basons of siluer, & 20.l. in money, also Richarde Shore Draper, one of the She
riffes 1505. Was a great benefactor in his life, and by his Testa
ment gaue 20.l. to make a portch at the west end thereof, and was there buried, Richard Hatfield of Steplemordē in Cambridge shire, lieth intombed there, 1467. Edwarde Deoly Esquier, 1467. Iohn Handford Grocer, made the Fount of that church very curiously wrought, painted and guilded, and was there buried: Iohn Archer Fishmonger 1487. &c. From the Stockes market, and this Parrish Church East vp into Lombarde streete, some seauen or eight houses on a side, and also on the south side of Woll Church, haue yee Bearebinder lane, which is of this Walbrooke warde, then downe lower in the stréete called Wal
is one other fayre Church of S. Stephen, lately builded on the east side thereof, for the olde church stoode on the west side, in place where now standeth the Parsonage house, and therefore so much nearer, the brooke euen on the banke. Robert Chichley Maior in the yeare 1428. the sixt of Henry the sixt, gaue to this Parrish of S, Stephen one plot of ground, contayning 208, foote and a halfe in length, and 66. foote in bredth, thereupon to builde their new church, and for their churchyarde: and in the seuenth of Henry: the sixt, the saide Robert one of the founders, laide the first stone for him selfe, the second for William Stondon Maior,

with whose goodes the ground that the church standeth on, and the housing with the ground of the churchyarde was bought by the saide Chichley for 200. markes, from the Grocers which had beene letten before for 26. markes the yeare. Robert Wittin
Draper laide the thirde stone, Henry Barton then Mai
or &c. The said Chichley gaue more 100.l. to the saide worke, and bare the charges of all the timber worke on the Procession way, and layd the lead vpon it of his owne cost, hee also gaue all the timber for the rooffing of the two side Iles, and paide for the carriage thereof. This church was finished in the yeare 1439. the bredth thereof is 67. foote, and length 125. foote, the church yarde 90. foote, in length, and 37. in bredth and more. Robert Wittingham (made knight of the Bath) in the yeare 1432. pur
chased the patronage of this church from Iohn Duke of Bedford, vnckle to Henry the sixt, and Edwarde the fourth, in the second of his raigne, gaue it to Richarde Lee, then Maior There be monumentes in this church of Thomas Southwell first Parson of this new church, who lieth in the quier, Iohn Dunstable Mai
ster of Astronomie, and Musicke in the yeare 1453. Sir Richard Lee Maior, who gaue the saide Patronage to the Grocers, Sir Rowland Hill Maior, 1549. Sir Thomas Pope first Treasur
er of the augmentations, with his wife dame Margaret. Iohn Kirkbie Grocer 1578. Sir Iohn Cootes Maior, 1542, Sir Iohn Yorke knight, Marchant Taylor, 1549. Edward Iack
Sheriffe, 1564, Richarde Achley Grocer, Doctor Owyn Phisition to king Henry the eight, and others.
Lower downe from this parish church bee diuers fayre houses namely one wherein of late Sir Richard Baker a knight of Kent was lodged, and one wherein dwelled maister Thomas Gore a marchant famous for Hospitality. On the West side of this Walbrooke streete, ouer against the Stockes market, is a parte of the high streete, called the Poultrie, on the south side west, till ouer against S. Mildredes Church, and the Skalding Wike, is of this warde. Then downe againe Walbrooke stréete some small distance, is Buckles Bury, a streete so called of Buckle that sometime was owner thereof, part of which streete, on both sides 3. or 4. houses to the course of the Brooke is of this warde, and so downe Walbrooke streete, to the south corner: from whence west downe Budge Row, some small distance to an Alley

and through that Alley south by the west ende of S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke, by the south side, and east end of the same, again to Walbrooke corner. This parrish church is called S. Iohn vpon Walbrooke, because the west ende thereof is on the verie banke of Walbrooke, by Horshew Bridge, a Bridge ouer the Brooke in Horsebridge lane. This church was also lately new builded: for aboute the yeare 1412. licence was granted by the Maior, and Comminalty, to the Parson and Parish there, for the enlarging thereof, with a peece of ground on the north part of the Quire, 21. foot, in length, 17. foot, in bredth, & 3. inches, & on the south side the Quire, one foot of the common soyle: There bee no monuments in this church of any account, onely William Com
Skinner, who gaue lands to that church, was there buri
ed, 1410. and Iohn Stone Taylor one of the Sheriffes 1464. was likewise buried there. On the south side of Walbrooke warde from Candlewicke streete, in the mid way betwixt Lon
, and Walbrooke corner, is a little lane with a turne
pike in the middest thereof, and in the same a proper parish church called S. Mary Bothaw, or Boatehaw, by the Erber: this church being neare vnto Downgate on the riuer of Thames, hath the addition of Boathaw or Boat haw, of neare adioyning to an haw or yarde wherein of old time, boates were made, and landed from Downgate to be mended, as may be supposed, for other reason I finde none why it should be so called. Within this Church, and the small Cloistrie adioyning, diuers noble men and persons of worship haue beene buried, as appeareth both by Armes in the windowes, by the defaced Tombes, and printe of plates torne vp and carried away, there remaine onely, of Iohn West Esquier, buried there in the year 1408. Thomas Huntley Es
quier 1539. but his monument is defaced. The Erbar is an ancient place so called, but is not of Walbrooke warde, and therefore out of that lane, to Walbrooke corner, and then downe till ouer against the south corner of S. Iohns church vpon Walbrooke. And this is all that I can say of Walbrooke warde. It hath an Alderman, and his Deputy, common Counsellors eleuen, Con
stables, nine, Scauengers six, for the Wardmote inquest, thirteen and a Beadle, it is taxed to the fifeteene in London, to forty pound and in the Exchequer to thirty nine pound.

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MLA citation

Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Walbrook Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Walbrook Ward. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Stow, J., & fitz Stephen, W. 2018. Survey of London: Walbrook Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - fitz Stephen, William
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London: Walbrook Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 fitz Stephen, William
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Survey of London: Walbrook Ward
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname><nameLink>fitz</nameLink> Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London: Walbrook Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>





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