Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark)
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Bridge ward without (the 26. in num
ber) consisting of the Borough of Southwarke in the Countie of Surrey.
ber) consisting of the Borough of Southwarke in the Countie of Surrey.
HAuing treated of Wardes
in London, on the North side the
Thames (in number 25.) I am now to crosse
ouer the said Riuer into the Bo
rough of Southwarke, which is also a Warde of London, without the walles, on the south side thereof, as is Portsoken on the East, and Faringdon extra on the West.
rough of Southwarke, which is also a Warde of London, without the walles, on the south side thereof, as is Portsoken on the East, and Faringdon extra on the West.
This Borough being in the countie of Surrey, consisteth of diuers
stréetes, wayes, and winding lanes, all full of buildings, in
habited: and first to begin at the West part thereof, ouer against the West suburbe of the Citie.
habited: and first to begin at the West part thereof, ouer against the West suburbe of the Citie.
On the banke of the riuer Thames, there is now a
continuall building of tenementes, about halfe a mile in length to the bridge.
Then from the bridge straight towardes the South a continuall stréete, called long Southwarke, builded on both sides with diuers
lanes and alleyes vp to S. Georges
church, and beyond it
through Blackman stréete, towardes new
towne, (or
Newington) the li
berties of which Borough extend almost to the parish Church of New towne, aforesaid distant one mile from London bridge: and also Southwest almost to Lambith more then one mile from the said bridge. Then from the bridge along by the Thames East
wardes is S. Olaues stréet hauing continuall building on both the sides, with lanes and alleyes vp to Battle bridge, to Horsedowne, and towardes Rother hith: also some good halfe mile in length from London bridge.
berties of which Borough extend almost to the parish Church of New towne, aforesaid distant one mile from London bridge: and also Southwest almost to Lambith more then one mile from the said bridge. Then from the bridge along by the Thames East
wardes is S. Olaues stréet hauing continuall building on both the sides, with lanes and alleyes vp to Battle bridge, to Horsedowne, and towardes Rother hith: also some good halfe mile in length from London bridge.
So that I accompt the whole continual buildings on the banke of the said riuer,
from the West towardes the East to be more then a large mile in length.
Then haue ye from the entring towards the saide Horsedowne one other continuall street called Bermondes eye stréete, which stretcheth South, likewise
furnished with buildings on both sides, almost halfe a mile in length, vp to the
late dissolued Monasterie
of S.
Sauiour called Bermondsey. And from
thence is one long lane (so called of the length) turning West to Saint
Georges church afore named. Out of the
which late mentioned long lane breaketh one other street towardes the South, and
by East, and this is called Kentish stréet, for that
it is the way leading into that countrey: and so haue you the boundes of this
The Antiquities most notable in this Borough are these: first for ecclesiasticall,
there was Beremondsey, an Abbey
An Abbey.
of blacke Monkes, S. Mary Oueries, a Priorie
A Priorie.
of Channons Regular, S. Thomas a colledge or Hospitall
A colledge & Hospitall.
for the poore,
& the Loke a Lazar house in Kent stréet. Parish
A lazar house Parish chur
there haue béen 6. wherof 5.
do remaine viz. S. Mary
Magdalens in the Priorie of S. Mary Ouerie. Now the
same S. Marie
Ouery is the parish Church for the said
Mary Magdalen, and for S. Margaret on the hill, and is called
S. Sauiour.
S. Margaret on the hill being put downe, is now a Court for Iustice, S. Thomas in the Hospitall serueth for a
parish Church as afore. S. George a parish
church as before it did: so doeth S. Olaue,
and S. Mary Magdalen by the Abbey of Bermondsey.
There be also these fiue prisons or gaoles.
The Clinke on the banke.
The Marshalsey.
The Kings Bench.
And the White Lyon, all in long Southwarke.
Houses most notable be these.
The Bishop of Rochesters house.
The Duke of Suffolkes house, or Southwarke place.
The Abbot of Hyde his house.
The Bridge house.
The Abbot of Battaile his houseMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to
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And the Beare gardens there.
Now to returne to the West banke, there be the two Beare
nels are there nourished to bait them. These Beares and other beastes are there bayted in plottes of grounde, scaffolded about for the beholders to stand safe.
The beare Gardens.
old and new places wherein be kept Beares, Bulles, and other beastes, to be
bayted. As also Mastiues in seuerall kenels are there nourished to bait them. These Beares and other beastes are there bayted in plottes of grounde, scaffolded about for the beholders to stand safe.
Next on this banke was sometime the Bordello (or Stewes) a place so
ledge, I haue read thus.
Liber mane script.
of certaine
The stew on the bank side.
priuiledged there, for the repaire of incontinent men to the like women of the
which priuiledge, I haue read thus.
In a Parliament holden at Westminster the
8. of Henry the
second, it was ordayned by the commons and confirmed, by the King and
Lordes, that diuers constitutions for euer should be kept within that Lordship or
franchise, according to the old customes that had béene there vsed time out of
mind. Amongst the which, these following were some, viz. That no stewholder or his
wife should let or stay any single woman to go and come fréely at all times when
they listed.
No stewholder to keepe any woman to borde, but she to borde abroad at her
To take no more for the womans chamber in the wéeke then fourtéene pence.
Not to keepe open his dores vpon the holy daies.
Not to keepe any single woman in his house on the holy daies, but the Bailiefe to
sée them voided out to the Lordship.
No single woman to be kept against her will that would leaue her sinne.
No stewholder to receiue any woman of religion, or any mans wife.
No single woman to take money to lie with any man, but she lie with him all night
till the morrow.
No man to be drawne or inticed into any stewhouse.
The Constables, Bailife, and others euery weeke to search e
uery stewhouse.
uery stewhouse.
Stewholder to keepe any woman that hath the perillous infirmitie of burning, nor
to sell bread, ale, flesh, fish, wood, coale or any victuailes, &c.
These and many more orders were to be obserued, vpon great payne and punishment: I
haue also séene diuers Pattents of con
houses had signes
ciled before their death. And therefore there was a plot of ground, (called the single womans Churchyard) appointed for them, farre from the parish Church.
LIS. Mary Eborum.
namely one dated 1345. the ninetéenth of Edward
the third. Also I find that in the fourth of Rychard the seconde, these Stewhouses belonging to
VVilliam VValworth then Mayor of London, were farmed by Froes
of Flaunders,
English peo
ple disdained to be baudes: Froes of Flaū
ders were wo
men for that purpose.
and were spoyled by
Walter Teighler, and other rebelles of Kent: Notwithstanding
I finde that ordinances for the the same place, and houses were againe confirmed
in the raigne of Henry the
sixt to be continued as before. Also Robert Fabian
ple disdained to be baudes: Froes of Flaū
ders were wo
men for that purpose.
Robert Fabian.
writeth that in the yeare
1506. the 21. of Henry the seuenth, the said stewehouses
Stewhouses put
downe by Henry the 7. for a time.
in Southwarke were for a
season inhibited, and the dores closed vp, but it was not long (saith he) ere the
houses there were set open againe for so many as were permitted, for (as it was
said) whereas before were eightéene houses, from thenceforth were appointed to be
vsed but twelue onely. These allowed stewhouses had signes
Signes on the
on their frontes, towardes the Thames, not hanged out, but painted on the walles, as a Beares
heade, the Crosse Keyes,
the Gunne, the Castle, the
Crane, the Cardinals
Hatte, the Bell, the
Swanne, &c. I haue heard auncient men of good
credit report, that these single women were forbidden the rightes of the
Single women forbidden rightes of the
so long as they continued that sinfull life, and were excluded
from Christian buriall, if they were not reconciled before their death. And therefore there was a plot of ground, (called the single womans Churchyard) appointed for them, farre from the parish Church.
In the yeare of Christ 1546. the 37. of Henry the eight, this row of stewes in Southwarke was put downe
mandement, which was proclaymed by sounde of Trumpet, no more to be priuiledged, and vsed as a common Bordell, but the inhabitantes of the same to keepe good and honest rule as in other places of this realme &c.
Stewhouses put downe.
by the kings commandement, which was proclaymed by sounde of Trumpet, no more to be priuiledged, and vsed as a common Bordell, but the inhabitantes of the same to keepe good and honest rule as in other places of this realme &c.
Then next is the Clinke, a Gayle or prison for the
trespassers in those parts, Namely in old time for such as should brabble, frey,
the peace on the said banke, or in the Brothell houses, they were by the
inhabitants there about apprehended, and committed to this Gayle, where they were
straightly imprisoned.
Next is the Bishoppe of Winchesters
or lodging, when hee commeth to this Cittie: which house
was first builded by William Gifford, Bishoppe of Winchester,
about the 1107. the seuenth of Henry
the first, vpon a plot of grounde pertayning to the Prior of Bermondsey, as appeareth by a writte directed
vnto the Barons of the Exchequer, in the yeare one thousande thrée hundred
sixtie sixe, the one and fortieth yeare of Edward the third, (the Bishops Sea being
voide) for 8. £. due to the Monkes Bermondsey, for the Bishop of
Winchesters lodging in South
warke. This is a very fayre house well repayred, and hath a large wharfe and landing place called the Bishoppe of Winchesters staires.
warke. This is a very fayre house well repayred, and hath a large wharfe and landing place called the Bishoppe of Winchesters staires.
Adioyning to this on the South side thereof is the Bishoop of Rochesters
Rochester house.
Inne or
lodging by whome first erected, I doe not now remember
mee to haue read, but well I wot the same of long time hath not béene frequented
by any Bishop, and lyeth ruinous for lacke of reparations.
East from the Bishop of Winchesters house
directly ouer against it, standeth a faire Church, called Saynt Mary, ouer the Rye, or Ouerie,
sight, and profites of a crosse ferrie or trauerse ferrie ouer the Thames, there kept before that any bridge was builded. This house of sisters was after by Swithen, a noble Ladie, conuerted vnto a Colledge of Priestes, who in place of the ferrie builded a bridge of timber, and from time to time kept the same in good re
parations, but lastly the same bridge was builded of stone, and then was this church againe founded for Channons Regular, by William Pont de le Arche, and William Dauncy, Knightes, Normans.
S. Mary
ries a Priorie, and now a parish church.
that is ouer the water. This Church or some other in
place thereof was of olde time (long before the conquest) an house of sisters,
founded by a maiden named Mary, vnto the which house and sisters she left
(as was left to her by her parentes) the ouerries a Priorie, and now a parish church.
sight, and profites of a crosse ferrie or trauerse ferrie ouer the Thames, there kept before that any bridge was builded. This house of sisters was after by Swithen, a noble Ladie, conuerted vnto a Colledge of Priestes, who in place of the ferrie builded a bridge of timber, and from time to time kept the same in good re
parations, but lastly the same bridge was builded of stone, and then was this church againe founded for Channons Regular, by William Pont de le Arche, and William Dauncy, Knightes, Normans.
William Gifford Bishop of Winchester was a good benefactor
for hee (as some haue noted) builded the bodie of that church in the years 1106.
the seuenth of Henry the
The Cannons first entred the said Church then.
Liber Rufen. Liber Ber
King Stephen confirmed the gift of king Henry, and also gaue the
stone house, which was Williams de Pont le Arche by
This Priorie was burned about the yere 1207. wherefore the
Chanons did found an Hospitall néere vnto their Priorie, where they celebrated
vntill the Priorie was repaired: which Hospitall was after by consent of Peter
de la Roch Bishop of Winchester remoued into the lande of
Anicius Archdeacon of Surrey in the yeare 1228.
a place where the water was more plentifull, and the ayre more holesome, and was
dedicate to S. Thomas.
This Peter de Rupibus,
or de la Roche
founded a large chap
pell of S. Mary Magdalen
pell of S. Mary Magdalen
Parish church of S. Mary
in the said Church of S. Mary Ouery, which Chappel was
after appointed to be the parish church for the inhabitants neere adioyning.
This Church was againe newly builded, in the raigne of Ri
chard the second and King Henry the fourth.
chard the second and King Henry the fourth.
Iohn Gower
factor to that worke, and was there buried on the North side of the said church vnder a tombe of stone, with his image also of stone lying ouer him: The haire of his heade aburne, long to his shol
ders, but curling vp, a small forked bearde, and on his head a chap
let, like a Coronet of foure Roses, therevpon an habite of purple, damasked downe to his féet, a collar of Esses gold about his necke, vnder his heade the likenesse of thrée bookes, which hee compiled. The first named Speculum Meditantis, written in French: The second Vox clamantis penned in Latine. The third Con
fessio Amantis, set forth in English.
Iohn Gower was no knight neither had he any
garland of Iuie & Roses but a Chaplet of foure Roses onely.
learned Gentleman and a famous Poet, (but no knight as some haue mistaken it) was
then as especiall benefactor to that worke, and was there buried on the North side of the said church vnder a tombe of stone, with his image also of stone lying ouer him: The haire of his heade aburne, long to his shol
ders, but curling vp, a small forked bearde, and on his head a chap
let, like a Coronet of foure Roses, therevpon an habite of purple, damasked downe to his féet, a collar of Esses gold about his necke, vnder his heade the likenesse of thrée bookes, which hee compiled. The first named Speculum Meditantis, written in French: The second Vox clamantis penned in Latine. The third Con
fessio Amantis, set forth in English.
This Priorie was surrendred to Henry the eight, the 31. of his raigne, the
27. of October, the yeare of Christ 1539. and was valued at 624.
pounde, sixe shillinges sixe pence by the yeare.
Christmasse next following, the church of the saide Priorie was purchased of the
King by the inhabitantes of the Borough. Doctor Stephen Gardiner Bishop
of Winchester putting to his helping hande, they made thereof a parish
Priorie of S. Marie Ouery made a
parish church.
for the parish church of
S. Mary Magdalen, on the south side of the
said quire, and of S. Margaret on the hill
which were made one parish of S. Sauiour.
There be monumentes in this Church of Robert Liliarde or
Hiliarde Esquire, Margaret daughter to the Ladie
Audley, wife to Sir Thomas Audley, Margaret wife to
William Gre
uell Esquire, and one of the heyres of William Spershut Esquire, William Greuel Esquire, Dame Katherine wife to Iohn Stoke Alderman, Robert Merfin Esquire, William Vndall Esquire, Lord Ospay Ferrar, Sir George Brewes Knight, Iohn Browne, Ladie Brandon, wife to Sir Thomas Brandon, William Lorde Scales, William Earle Warren, Dame Maud wife to Sir Iohn Peach, Lewknor, Dame Margaret Elrington, one of the heires of Sir Thomas Elrington, Iohn Bowden Esquire, Robert, S. Magill, Iohn Sandhurst, Iohn Gower Poet, Iohn Sturton E
squire, Robert Rouse.
uell Esquire, and one of the heyres of William Spershut Esquire, William Greuel Esquire, Dame Katherine wife to Iohn Stoke Alderman, Robert Merfin Esquire, William Vndall Esquire, Lord Ospay Ferrar, Sir George Brewes Knight, Iohn Browne, Ladie Brandon, wife to Sir Thomas Brandon, William Lorde Scales, William Earle Warren, Dame Maud wife to Sir Iohn Peach, Lewknor, Dame Margaret Elrington, one of the heires of Sir Thomas Elrington, Iohn Bowden Esquire, Robert, S. Magill, Iohn Sandhurst, Iohn Gower Poet, Iohn Sturton E
squire, Robert Rouse.
Now passing through S. Mary Ouers close,
(in possession of the Lord
Mountacute) and Pepper Alley
into long Southwarke, on the right hand thereof the
Market hill, where the leather is solde, there stood
the late named parish church of S. Margaret,
S. Margaret on the
hill made a Court of Iustice.
giuen to
S. Mary Oueries by Henry the
first, put downe and ioyned with the parish of S. Mary
Magdaline, and vnited to the late dissolued
Priorie church of S. Mary Ouery.
A part of this parish church of S. Margaret
is now a Court, & wherein the Assises & sessions be kept, and the Court of
son called the Compter in Southwarke, &c.
Court of Ad
is also there kept. One other part of
the same church is now a primiraltie.
son called the Compter in Southwarke, &c.
Farther vp on that side, almost directly ouer against S. Georges
church was sometime a large and most sumptuous house,
builded by Charles Brandon late Duke of Suffolke, in the raign of Hen
ry the eight, which was called Suffolke house,
terwardes into the Kinges hands, the same was called South
warke place, and a Mint
ry the eight, which was called Suffolke house,
but comming afterwardes into the Kinges hands, the same was called South
warke place, and a Mint
mint in Southwarke.
of coynage was there kept for the king.
To this
place came king Edward the sixt, in the seconde of his raigne,
from Hampton Court, and dined in it. He at
which time made Iohn Yorke one of the Sheriffes of London
knight, and then rode through the cittie to Westminster.
Queene Mary gaue this house to Nicholas Heth Archbishop of
Yorke, and to his successors for euer, so be their Inne (or lodg
ing for their repaire to London in recompence of Yorke house neare to Westminster, which King Henry her father had taken from Cardinall Wolsey, and from the sea of Yorke.
ing for their repaire to London in recompence of Yorke house neare to Westminster, which King Henry her father had taken from Cardinall Wolsey, and from the sea of Yorke.
Archbishop Heth hath sold the same house to a merchant, or to certaine
merchants, that pulled it downe, sold the lead, stone, iron &c. And in place
therof builded many small cottages of great rents, to the increasing of beggers in
that Burrough. The Archbishop bought Norwich
house, or Suffolke
place, neere vnto Charing
Crosse, because it was neere vnto the Court, and left it to his suc
cessors. Now on the south side to returne back again towards the bridge. Ouer against this Suffolke lane is the parrish Church of S. George,
cessors. Now on the south side to returne back again towards the bridge. Ouer against this Suffolke lane is the parrish Church of S. George,
Parish church of S.
sometime pertayning to the Priorie of Barmondsey, by the gift of
Thomas Arderne, and Thomas his sonne, in the yeare 1122.
There lie buried in this Church William Kerton Esquire, and his wiues
Then is the white Lyon a Gaole
White Lion a Gaole for
so called, for that the same was a
common hosterie for the receit of trauellers by that signe: This house was first
vsed as a Gaole within these fortie yeares last, since the which time the
prisoners were once remoued thence to an house in
Newtowne, where they remained for a short time, and
were returned backe again to the foresaid White Lyon,
there to remaine as in the appointed Gaole for the Countie of
Next is the Gaole or prison of the kinges
but of what antiquitie the same is I knowe not. For I
haue read that the Courts of the Kings Bench and Chauncery haue oft
times béene remoued from London to other places, and so hath likewise the
Gayles that serue those courtes, as in the yeare 1304, Edwarde
the first commanded the Courtes of the kings Bench and the Ex
chequer, which had remained seuen yeares at Yorke, to be remo
ued to their old places at London. And in the yeare 1387. the 11. of Richard the 2. Robert Trasilian chief Iustice came to ye city of
chequer, which had remained seuen yeares at Yorke, to be remo
ued to their old places at London. And in the yeare 1387. the 11. of Richard the 2. Robert Trasilian chief Iustice came to ye city of
Couentry, and there sate by the space of a moneth, as Iustice of the
kings Benches, and caused to be indighted in that Court, about the number of two
thousand persons of that country, &c.
It séemeth therefore, that for that time, the prison or gayle of that court was
not farre off. Also in the yeare 1392. the sixtéenth of the same
Richard, the Archbishop of Yorke, beeing Lord
celor, for good will that he bare to his citie, caused the Kings Bench and Chauncery to be remooued from London to Yorke, but ere long they were returned to London.
celor, for good will that he bare to his citie, caused the Kings Bench and Chauncery to be remooued from London to Yorke, but ere long they were returned to London.
Then is the Marshalsey
an other Gayle or prison, so cal
led, as pertayning to the Marshalles of England. Of what con
tinuaunce kept in Southwarke I haue not learned: but like it is, that the same hath beene remoueable, at the pleasure of the Mar
shalles: for I finde, that in the yeare, one thousand thrée hundred seuentie sixe, the fiftieth of Edward the third, Henry Percy (béeing Marshall) kept his prisoners in the citie of London, where hauing committed one Iohn Prendargest, of Norwiche, contrary to the li
berties of the Cittie of London, the citizens (by perswasion of the Lord Fitzwalter2 theyr Standart-bearer) tooke Armour and ranne with great rage to the Marshalles Inne, brake vp the gates, brought out the prisoner, and conueyed him away, minding to haue brent the Stockes in the middest of their citie, but they first sought for sir Henry Percy to haue punished him, as I haue noted in my Annalles.
led, as pertayning to the Marshalles of England. Of what con
tinuaunce kept in Southwarke I haue not learned: but like it is, that the same hath beene remoueable, at the pleasure of the Mar
shalles: for I finde, that in the yeare, one thousand thrée hundred seuentie sixe, the fiftieth of Edward the third, Henry Percy (béeing Marshall) kept his prisoners in the citie of London, where hauing committed one Iohn Prendargest, of Norwiche, contrary to the li
berties of the Cittie of London, the citizens (by perswasion of the Lord Fitzwalter2 theyr Standart-bearer) tooke Armour and ranne with great rage to the Marshalles Inne, brake vp the gates, brought out the prisoner, and conueyed him away, minding to haue brent the Stockes in the middest of their citie, but they first sought for sir Henry Percy to haue punished him, as I haue noted in my Annalles.
More, about the Feast of Easter next following, Iohn Duke of
Lancaster, hauing caused all the whole Nauy of England, to
bee gathered togither at London: It chaunced a certaine Esquire, to kill
one of the ship men, which act, the other shipmen taking in ill part, they brought
their suite into the kings court of the Marshalsey, which then as chaunsed (saith
mine Author) was kept in South
warke: but when they perceiued that Court to bee too fauoura
ble to the murtherer, and further, that the Kings warrant was also gotten for his pardon, they in great furie ranne to the house, wherein the murtherer was imprisoned, brake into it,
ded before them to theyr Shippes, and there in great triumphe they spent the rest of the day.
warke: but when they perceiued that Court to bee too fauoura
ble to the murtherer, and further, that the Kings warrant was also gotten for his pardon, they in great furie ranne to the house, wherein the murtherer was imprisoned, brake into it,
Saylers brake vp the Mar
and brought
forth the prisoner, with his Gyues on his legges: then thrust they a knife to his
heart, and sticked him, as if he had béene a
Hogge, then after this, they tyed a
rope to his Gyues, and drew him to the gallowes, where when they hanged him, as
though they had done a great act, they caused the Trompettes to bee sounded before them to theyr Shippes, and there in great triumphe they spent the rest of the day.
Also the Rebels of Kent,
ceipt of trauellers, by these signes: the Spurre, Christopher, Bull, Quéenes head, Tabarde, George, Harte, Kings head, &c. Amongst the which, the most auncient, is the Tabard, so called of the signe, which (as we now terme it) is of a Iacquit, or sléeuelesse coat, whole before, opē on both sides, with a square collor, winged at the shoulders: a stately garment of olde time, com
monly worne of Noble men and others, both at home and a
broade in the Warres, but then (to witte in the warres) theyr Armes embrodered, or otherwise depicte vppon them, that euery man by his Coate of Armes might bee knowne from others: but now these Tabardes are onely worne by the Heraults, and bee called their coates of Armes in seruice: For the Inne of the Tabard, Geffrey Chauser
mous Poet of England, in commendation thereof, in the raigne of E. the 3. writeth thus.
Rebels of Kent
brake vp the Marshalsey.
in the yeare 1381.
brake downe the houses of the Marshalsey, and Kings Bench in Southwarke, tooke from thence
the prisoners, brake downe the house of Sir Iohn
Imworth3, then Marshall of the
Marshalsey, and Kings
Bench, &c. After this, in the yeare, 1387.
the eleuenth of Richard
the second, the morrow after Bartholomewe day, the King kept a
great Councell in the Castle of Nottingham, and the Marshalsey of the
King, was then kept at
Lugborough, by the space of sixe dayes or
more. In the yeare 1443. Sir Walter Many was Marshall of the
Marshalsey, the twentie two of Henry the sixt. In the yeare 1504
the prisoners of the Marshalsey (then in Southwarke) brake out, and many of them béeing
taken, were executed, especially such as had béene committed for Felony or
Treason. From thence, towards London
Bridge, on the same side, be many fayre Innes, for receipt of trauellers, by these signes: the Spurre, Christopher, Bull, Quéenes head, Tabarde, George, Harte, Kings head, &c. Amongst the which, the most auncient, is the Tabard, so called of the signe, which (as we now terme it) is of a Iacquit, or sléeuelesse coat, whole before, opē on both sides, with a square collor, winged at the shoulders: a stately garment of olde time, com
monly worne of Noble men and others, both at home and a
broade in the Warres, but then (to witte in the warres) theyr Armes embrodered, or otherwise depicte vppon them, that euery man by his Coate of Armes might bee knowne from others: but now these Tabardes are onely worne by the Heraults, and bee called their coates of Armes in seruice: For the Inne of the Tabard, Geffrey Chauser
Geffrey Chauser.
Esquire, the most famous Poet of England, in commendation thereof, in the raigne of E. the 3. writeth thus.
It befell in that season, on a day,
In Southwarke at the
Tabart, as I lay,
To Canterbury, with full deuout courage:
That night was comen into the Hosterie,
Well nine and twentie, in a companie:
Of sundry folke, by aduenture yfall,
In fellowship, and Pilgrimes were they all,
That toward Canterbury, woulden ride,
The stables and chambers, weren wide
And well we were eased, at the best, &c.
Within this Inne was also the lodging of the Abbot of Hide,
The Abbot of Hide his
(by the Citie of
Winchester) a faire house for him and his
traine, when he came to the citie to Parliament, &c.
Then next haue yée the Hospitall of Saint
first foun
ded by Richard Pryor of Bermondsey, in the Selerars ground a
gainst the wall of the Monastery, in the yeare, 1213. hee named it the Almerie, or house of AlmesMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information, for conuarts and poore children, for the which ground, the Pryor ordained that the Almoner should paye tenne shillings foure pence yearely to the Selerar at Michæl
ded by Richard Pryor of Bermondsey, in the Selerars ground a
gainst the wall of the Monastery, in the yeare, 1213. hee named it the Almerie, or house of AlmesMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information, for conuarts and poore children, for the which ground, the Pryor ordained that the Almoner should paye tenne shillings foure pence yearely to the Selerar at Michæl
This Hospitall was againe new founded, by
Peter de Rupi
where, for the olde Rent to bee payde vnto the sayde Abbot and Co
S. Thomas Hospitall
the second time founded.
Bishop of Winchester, for Cannons,
Regular, in place of the first Hospitall: hee increased the rent thereof, to thrée
hundreth fortie foure pound by the yeare: thus was this Hospitall holden of the
Pryor and Abbot of Bermondsey, till the
yeare, one thousand foure hundred twentie eight, at which time a composition
was made betwéene Thomas Thetforde, Abbot of Bermondsey, and Nicholas Buckland, Maister of the sayde
Hospitall of Saint Thomas, for all the landes and Tenements which were
holden, of the sayd Abbot and Couent in Southwarke,
or elsewhere, for the olde Rent to bee payde vnto the sayde Abbot and Co
There bee the Monuments in this Hospitall Church, of Syr Robert Chamber
Knight, William Fnes, Lord Saye, Richard Chaunar Esquire,
Iohn Gloucestar Esquire, Adam Atwoode E
squire, Iohn Warde Esquire, Michæll Cambridge Esquire, Wil.
man, &c.
squire, Iohn Warde Esquire, Michæll Cambridge Esquire, Wil.
West Esquire: Iohn Golding
Esquire: Iohn Benham Gentleman: George Kirks gentlemā:
Thomas Knynton gentleman: Thomas Baker Gentleman:
Robert sonne to sir Thomas Fleming: Agnes Wife to Syr
Walter Dennis Knight, daughter and one of the heires of Syr Robet
Danvars: Iohn Euarey Gentleman, &c.
This Hospitall beeing in the yeare 1220. made to dispend
thrée hundred fortie foure pound by the yeare, was by the visitors, in the yeare
1538. valued at 266. pound seuentéene shillings 6. pence, and was
surrendred to Henry the 8. in the thirtieth of his raigne. In the yeare 1552. the citizens of
London, hauing purchased the voyde suppressed Hospitall, of Saint Thomas in Southwarke, in the
moneth of Iuly, began the reparations thereof, for poore,
tent, lame, and diseased people, so that in the moneth of Nouember next following, the sicke and poore people, were taken in.
tie, his house of Bride-well, and seuen hundred Markes lands, of the Sauoy rents (which Hospitall he had suppressed) with all the beddes, bedding, and other furniture belonging to the same, towards the maintenance of the said workehouse of Bridewell, and of this Hos
pitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke.
tent, lame, and diseased people, so that in the moneth of Nouember next following, the sicke and poore people, were taken in.
The 3. foun
dation of S. Thomas Hos
pitall, by the Cititizens of London.
And in the yeare 1553.
on the tenth of April, King Edward the sixt, in the seuenth of his raigne,
gaue to the Mayor, Communaltie, and cittizens of London, to be a
workehouse for the poore and idle persons of the cidation of S. Thomas Hos
pitall, by the Cititizens of London.
tie, his house of Bride-well, and seuen hundred Markes lands, of the Sauoy rents (which Hospitall he had suppressed) with all the beddes, bedding, and other furniture belonging to the same, towards the maintenance of the said workehouse of Bridewell, and of this Hos
pitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke.
Gift of E. the
6. to the Hos
pitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke.
This gift, the King
confirmed by his Charter, dated the twentie sixe of Iune,
next following, and willed it to be called the Kings
Hospitall in Southpitall of S. Thomas in Southwarke.
The Church of this Hospitall, which of olde time serued for the Tenements neare
adioyning and pertaining to the said Hospitall, remaineth now as it was before, a
parish church.
But now to come to Saint Olaues stréete: on
the Banke of the riuer of Thames, is the parish church of Saint Olaue,
a fayre
and méetely large church, but a farre larger Parrish, especially of
Aliens or Straungers, and poore people: in which Church, there lyeth
intombed, Syr Iohn Burcettur Knight, 1466.
Ouer against this Parish Church, on the South side the Stréete, was somtime one
great house builded of Stone,
mon hostery for trauellers, and hath to signe, the Walnut-trée. Then East from the said Parish church of Saint Olaue, is a Keye, In the yeare, 1330. by the license of Simond Swanlond, Mayor of London, builded by Isabell widow to Hamond Goodchepe. And next thereunto, was then a great house, of stone and timber, be
longing to the Abbot of Saint Augustin, without the walles of Can
terburie, which was an auncient péece of worke, and séemeth to bee one of the first builded houses on that side the riuer, ouer against the citie: It was called ye Abbots Inne of S. Augustine in Southwarke, and was sometime holden, of the Earles of Warren and Surrey, as appeareth by a déede, made 1281. which I haue read, and may bee Englished thus.
with arched gates, pertained to the
Prior of Lewes
Prior of lewe his
in Suffex, and was his
lodging when hee came to London: it is now a common hostery for trauellers, and hath to signe, the Walnut-trée. Then East from the said Parish church of Saint Olaue, is a Keye, In the yeare, 1330. by the license of Simond Swanlond, Mayor of London, builded by Isabell widow to Hamond Goodchepe. And next thereunto, was then a great house, of stone and timber, be
longing to the Abbot of Saint Augustin, without the walles of Can
terburie, which was an auncient péece of worke, and séemeth to bee one of the first builded houses on that side the riuer, ouer against the citie: It was called ye Abbots Inne of S. Augustine in Southwarke, and was sometime holden, of the Earles of Warren and Surrey, as appeareth by a déede, made 1281. which I haue read, and may bee Englished thus.
Wil. Thorne.
To all to whom this present writing shall come, Iohn Earle
Warren, sendeth gréeting. Know yée, that we haue altogither remi
sed, and quite claymed for vs and our heires for euer, to Nicholas Abbot of Saint Augustines of Canterburie, and the Couent of the same, and their successors, suite to our court of Southwarke, which they owe vnto vs, for all that Messuage and houses thereon builded, and all their appurtenances, which they haue of our Fée in South
warke, scituate vpon the Thames, betwéene the Bridge-house, and church of Saint Olaue. And the said Messuage, with the buildings thereon builded, and all their appurtenances to them and their suc
cessors, we haue graunted in perpetuall almes to hold of vs, and our heires, for the same: sauing the seruice due to any other persons, if any such bee, then to vs: and for this remitte and graunt, the said Abbot and couent, haue giuen vnto vs. 5. shillings of rent yeare
ly in Southwarke, and haue receiued vs and our heires in all bene
fices which shall bee in their church for euer. This suite of Court, one William Graspeis was bound to do to the said Earle, for the said Messuage: and heretofore to acquit in all things, the church of Saint Augustine, against the said Earle.
sed, and quite claymed for vs and our heires for euer, to Nicholas Abbot of Saint Augustines of Canterburie, and the Couent of the same, and their successors, suite to our court of Southwarke, which they owe vnto vs, for all that Messuage and houses thereon builded, and all their appurtenances, which they haue of our Fée in South
warke, scituate vpon the Thames, betwéene the Bridge-house, and church of Saint Olaue. And the said Messuage, with the buildings thereon builded, and all their appurtenances to them and their suc
cessors, we haue graunted in perpetuall almes to hold of vs, and our heires, for the same: sauing the seruice due to any other persons, if any such bee, then to vs: and for this remitte and graunt, the said Abbot and couent, haue giuen vnto vs. 5. shillings of rent yeare
ly in Southwarke, and haue receiued vs and our heires in all bene
fices which shall bee in their church for euer. This suite of Court, one William Graspeis was bound to do to the said Earle, for the said Messuage: and heretofore to acquit in all things, the church of Saint Augustine, against the said Earle.
This house of late time, belonged to Sir Anthony Sentle
gar, then to Warham Sentlegar, &c. And is now called Sentlegar house, but diuided into sundrie tenements. Next is the Bridge
gar, then to Warham Sentlegar, &c. And is now called Sentlegar house, but diuided into sundrie tenements. Next is the Bridge
The Bridge house.
called as being a Store house, for stone, timber, or whatsoeuer
pertaining to the building or
repairing of London bridge.
This house séemeth to haue taken beginning, with the first founding of the bridge
either of stone or timber: it is a large plot of ground, on the banque of the
Riuer Thames: containing diuers large buil
dings, for stowage of things necessarie, towards reparation of the said bridge.
dings, for stowage of things necessarie, towards reparation of the said bridge.
There are also diuers Garners, for laying vp of Wheate, and other grayners for
seruice of the Citie, as néede requireth.
theror, then a Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffes, 1516. gaue by his Testament towards the making of these Ouens, two hundreth pounde, which thing was performed by his Execu
tors. Sir Iohn Munday Goldsmith, then being Mayor: there was of late, for the enlarging of the sayde Bridge-house,
for corne in the Bridge-house.
there be certaine Ouens builded in number tenne: of which sixe be very large, the
other foure being but halfe so bigge. These were purposely made to bake out the
bread corne of the sayd Grayners, to the best aduantage for reléefe of the poore
Citizens, when néede should require. Sir Iohn Throstone knight, sometime
an Embrotheror, then a Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffes, 1516. gaue by his Testament towards the making of these Ouens, two hundreth pounde, which thing was performed by his Execu
tors. Sir Iohn Munday Goldsmith, then being Mayor: there was of late, for the enlarging of the sayde Bridge-house,
in the Bridge house.
taken in, an olde
Brew-house, called Goldings, which was giuen to the
Citie by George Monex, sometime Mayor, and in place thereof, is now a
faire Brew-house newe builded,
A brew-house
builded in the Bridge-house.
for seruice
of the Cittie with Béere.
Nexte, was the Abbotte Battailes InneMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to
contribute, please email the MoEML team.
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Abbot of
taile his InneMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information.
betwixt the Bridge-house, and Battaile Bridge,
likewise on the banque of the riuer of Thames: the
walkes and gardens thereunto appertaining, on the other side of the way, before
the gate of the said house, and was called the Maze:
There is now an Inne, called the Flower de Luce, for
that the signe is thrée Flower de Luces. Much other
buildings of small tenements are thereon builded, replenished with strangers and
other, for the most part poore people.
taile his InneMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
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Then is Battaile bridge,
called of Battaile Abbey, for that it standeth on the
ground, and ouer a water course (flowing out of Thames) pertaining to that Abbey, and was therefore both buil
ded and repaired, by the Abbots of that house, as being hard adioy
ning to the Abbots lodging.
ded and repaired, by the Abbots of that house, as being hard adioy
ning to the Abbots lodging.
Beyond this Bridge, is Bermondsey stréete,
turning South,
in the South end whereof, was sometime a Pryorie, or
Abbey, of Saint Sauior, called Bermonds Eye in Southwarke, founded by
Alwin Childe, a citizen of London, in the yeare, 1081.
Peter, Richard, Obstert, and Vmbalde Monkes, de
Charitate came vnto Bermondsey, in
the yeare 1089. and Peter was made first Pryor there, by appointment of
the Pryor of the house, called Charitie in France: by which
meanes, this Pryorie of Bermondsey (being a
Cell to that in France) was accounted a Pryorie of Aliens. In
the yeare, 1094. deceased Alwine Childe founder of
this house. Then William Rufus gaue to the Moonks, his manor of Bermond
sey, with the appurtenances, and builded for them there, a new great church.
sey, with the appurtenances, and builded for them there, a new great church.
Robert Blewet, Bishop of Lincolne (King Williams
celor) gaue them the mannor of Charlton, with the appurtenances. Also Geffrey Martell, by the graunt of Geffrey Magdauile, gaue them the land of Halingbury, and the tythe of Alferton, &c.
celor) gaue them the mannor of Charlton, with the appurtenances. Also Geffrey Martell, by the graunt of Geffrey Magdauile, gaue them the land of Halingbury, and the tythe of Alferton, &c.
More, in the yeare 1122. Thomas of Arderne and
Thomas his son, gaue to the Moonks of Bermonds
cond, confirmed to them the hyde or territorie of Southwarke, and Laygham Wadden, with the land of Coleman, &c. In the yeare 1371. the Pryories of Aliens, through out England, being seized into the Kings hands, Richard Denton an English man, was made Pri
or of Bermondsey: To whom was committed the custodie of the said Pryory, by the letters patents of king E. the 3. sauing to ye king, the aduowsons of churches. In the yeare, 1380. the 4. of Richard the 2. this Pryorie was made a Dinison (or frée English) for ye fine of 200.
Hide of South
warke to the Monkes of Bermondsey.
the Church of Saint George in
Southwarke, &c. In the yeare,
1165. King Henry the sewarke to the Monkes of Bermondsey.
cond, confirmed to them the hyde or territorie of Southwarke, and Laygham Wadden, with the land of Coleman, &c. In the yeare 1371. the Pryories of Aliens, through out England, being seized into the Kings hands, Richard Denton an English man, was made Pri
or of Bermondsey: To whom was committed the custodie of the said Pryory, by the letters patents of king E. the 3. sauing to ye king, the aduowsons of churches. In the yeare, 1380. the 4. of Richard the 2. this Pryorie was made a Dinison (or frée English) for ye fine of 200.
Bermonds Eye made an Abbey.
paide to the kings Hanaper in the Chauncery. In the yeare, 1399.
Iohn Attelborough, Pryor of Bermondsey, was made the first Abbot of that house, by Pope
Boniface the ninth, at the suite of King Richard the
In the yeare, 1417. Thomas Thetforde Abbot of Bermond
sey, held a Plea in the Chauncery against the King, for the manors of Preston, Bermondsey, and Stone, in the Countie of Summerset, in the which suite the Abbot preuailed, and recouered against the King.
sey, held a Plea in the Chauncery against the King, for the manors of Preston, Bermondsey, and Stone, in the Countie of Summerset, in the which suite the Abbot preuailed, and recouered against the King.
In the yeare, 1539. this Abbey was
valued to dispend by the yeare, foure hundred seuentie foure pound fouretéene
shillings foure pence halfe penny, and was surrendred to Henry the eight,
the one and thirtieth of his
raigne: the Abbey church was then pulled downe, by sir Thomas Pope Knight, and in place thereof, a good
ly house builded of stone and timber, now pertaining to the Earles of Sussex.
There are buried in that church, Sir William Bowes knight, and Dame
Elizabeth his wife. Sir Thomas Pikeworth Knight: Dame
Anne Audley: George, sonne to Iohn Lord Audley. Iohn
Winkefield Esquire. Sir Nicholas Blonket knight. Dame Brid
get, wife to William Trussell. Holgraue Baron of the Exche
quer, &c.
get, wife to William Trussell. Holgraue Baron of the Exche
quer, &c.
Next vnto this Abbey church, standeth a proper church of S. Mary Magdalē,
neth and serueth as afore, and is called a Parish church.
Pariw Church of Saint Mary
builded by the Pryors of Bermondsey, seruing for the resort of the
inhabitants, (tenants to the Pryor, or Abbots neare adioyning) there to haue their
diuine seruice: this church remaineth and serueth as afore, and is called a Parish church.
Then in Kent stréete is a Lazer house,
The Loke a Lazar house in Kent
for Leprous people: called the Loke
in Southwarke: the foundation whereof I finde
not. Now hauing touched diuers principall parts of this Borough, I am to speake
somewhat of gouernment, and so to ende.
This Borough vpon petition made by the citizens of Lon
uers causes, by Parliament, graunted to them for euer, yeelding into the Exchequer the Fée firme, of tenne pound by the yeare: which grant was confirmed by Edward the 3. who in ye third of his raigne, gaue them license to take a tole towards the charge of pauing the said Borough with stone.
of Southwarke, farmed by the Citizens of
to Edward the first, in the first yeare of his
raigne, was for diuers causes, by Parliament, graunted to them for euer, yeelding into the Exchequer the Fée firme, of tenne pound by the yeare: which grant was confirmed by Edward the 3. who in ye third of his raigne, gaue them license to take a tole towards the charge of pauing the said Borough with stone.
Southwarke first paued.
Henry the fourth confirmed the graunt of his predecessors: so did
Edward the 4. &c.
But in the yeare 1550. King Edward the 6. for the summe of
sixe hundreth fortie seuen pound two shillings and one penny, payde into his court
of Augmentations, & reuenewes of his crowne, granted to the Mayor and
Communaltie, all his lands & tenements in Southwarke,
sions called Southwarke Place, late the Duke of Suffolkes, and all the gardens and lands to the same appertaining: the Parks
session of the Archbishop of Canterbury & his sea, in Southwarke. Moreouer for ye sum of 500. Marks, he granted to ye said Mayor and Communaltie, and their successors, in and through the Borough and Towne of Southwarke: And in all the Parishes of S. Sauiour, S. Olaue, and S. George, and the Parish of S. Thomas Hospitall, now called the Kings Hospitall: And elsewhere in the saide Towne and Borough of Southwarke, and Kentish streete, Bermondsey streete, in the Parish of Newington, All Waiffes and streyes, trea
sure troue, All fellons goods, &c. within the Parrishes and precinct aforesaid, &c. The returne of writtes, processes, and warrants, &c. togither with a faire in
ders: A view of Franke pledge, with Attachments, Arrests, &c. Also to arrest all Fellons, and other Malefactors, within their precinct, and send them to Ward, and to Newgate. Prouided that nothing in that graunt should be preiudiciall to the Steward and Marshall of the Kings house. The same premisses to be holden of the Mannor of East Greenwitch, in the Countie of Kent, by fealtie in frée socage. Dated at Westminster the 23. day of Aprill, in the 4. of his raigne. All which was also confirmed by Parliament, &c. And the same year in the Whitson wéeke, in a Court of Aldermen, kept at the Guild-Hall of London, Syr Iohn Aylophe Knight, was sworne the first Alderman of the Bridge Warde without, and made vp the number of 26. Aldermen of London.
Liberties of
Southwarke purchased.
except & reserued
the capitall Messuage, two mansions called Southwarke Place, late the Duke of Suffolkes, and all the gardens and lands to the same appertaining: the Parks
and the Messuage called the
Antilope. Moreouer, he gaue them the Lordship
and Mannor of Southwark,
The Lordship and Mannor of
Southwarke pertaining to the Monastery of Bermond
with all members and rights thereof, late pertaining to
the Monastery of Bermondsey. And all
Messuages, places, buildings, rents, Courts, Waffes and streyes, to ye same appertaining, in the Countie of Surrey, except as is
before except. He also granted vnto them, his Manor & Borough of Southsey.
The Kings Mannor,
row of South
with al
the members, rights & appurtenances, late of the posrow of South
session of the Archbishop of Canterbury & his sea, in Southwarke. Moreouer for ye sum of 500. Marks, he granted to ye said Mayor and Communaltie, and their successors, in and through the Borough and Towne of Southwarke: And in all the Parishes of S. Sauiour, S. Olaue, and S. George, and the Parish of S. Thomas Hospitall, now called the Kings Hospitall: And elsewhere in the saide Towne and Borough of Southwarke, and Kentish streete, Bermondsey streete, in the Parish of Newington, All Waiffes and streyes, trea
sure troue, All fellons goods, &c. within the Parrishes and precinct aforesaid, &c. The returne of writtes, processes, and warrants, &c. togither with a faire in
Faire in South
the whole Towne, for thrée
dayes: to wit, the 7. 8. and 9. of September, yearly, with a Court of
ders: A view of Franke pledge, with Attachments, Arrests, &c. Also to arrest all Fellons, and other Malefactors, within their precinct, and send them to Ward, and to Newgate. Prouided that nothing in that graunt should be preiudiciall to the Steward and Marshall of the Kings house. The same premisses to be holden of the Mannor of East Greenwitch, in the Countie of Kent, by fealtie in frée socage. Dated at Westminster the 23. day of Aprill, in the 4. of his raigne. All which was also confirmed by Parliament, &c. And the same year in the Whitson wéeke, in a Court of Aldermen, kept at the Guild-Hall of London, Syr Iohn Aylophe Knight, was sworne the first Alderman of the Bridge Warde without, and made vp the number of 26. Aldermen of London.
Borough of
Southwarke, one of the Wardes of London.
This Borough at a subsidie to ye king, yéeldeth about 1000.
Marks, or 800. pounds, which is more then any one Citie in England pay
eth, except the Citie of London. And also the Muster of men
gers 6. Wardmote Inquest 20. And is taxed to the fiftéen, at 17.s.8.d.
eth, except the Citie of London. And also the Muster of men
Muster of men in Southwarke
in this Borough, doth likewise in
number surpasse all other citties, except London. And thus much for the
Borough of Southwarke: one of the 26. Wards of
London: which hath an Alderman. Deputies 3.
Suburbes without the Walles.
and a Bayliffe. Common
Councell none. Constables 16. Scauingers 6. Wardmote Inquest 20. And is taxed to the fiftéen, at 17.s.8.d.
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Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark).The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,
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Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark).The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.
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The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
, & 2018. Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark). In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Stow, John A1 - fitz Stephen, William ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark) T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2018 DA - 2018/06/20 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
RT Web Page SR Electronic(1) A1 Stow, John A1 fitz Stephen, William A6 Jenstad, Janelle T1 Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark) T2 The Map of Early Modern London WP 2018 FD 2018/06/20 RD 2018/06/20 PP Victoria PB University of Victoria LA English OL English LK
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname><nameLink>fitz</nameLink> Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark)</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>Personography
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad, associate professor in the department of English at the University of Victoria, is the general editor and coordinator of The Map of Early Modern London. She is also the assistant coordinating editor of Internet Shakespeare Editions. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), and Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, forthcoming). She is currently working on an edition of The Merchant of Venice for ISE and Broadview P. She lectures regularly on London studies, digital humanities, and on Shakespeare in performance.Roles played in the project
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JCURA Co-Supervisor
Main Transcriber
Markup Editor
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Transcriber
Name Encoder
Peer Reviewer
Primary Author
Project Director
Second Author
Second Encoder
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Janelle Jenstad is mentioned in the following documents:
Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Research assistant, 2013-15, and data manager, 2015 to present. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
Author of Term Descriptions
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Geographic Information Specialist
Markup Editor
Metadata Architect
MoEML Researcher
Name Encoder
Contributions by this author
Tye Landels-Gruenewald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Tye Landels-Gruenewald is mentioned in the following documents:
Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present; Associate Project Director, 2015–present; Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014; MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
Associate Project Director
Author of MoEML Introduction
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Contributor
Data Manager
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach
Encoder (People)
Geographic Information Specialist
JCURA Co-Supervisor
Managing Editor
Markup Editor
Metadata Architect
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Research Fellow
MoEML Transcriber
Second Author
Secondary Author
Secondary Editor
Contributions by this author
Kim McLean-Fiander is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kim McLean-Fiander is mentioned in the following documents:
Nathan Phillips
Graduate Research Assistant, 2012-14. Nathan Phillips completed his MA at the University of Victoria specializing in medieval and early modern studies in April 2014. His research focuses on seventeenth-century non-dramatic literature, intellectual history, and the intersection of religion and politics. Additionally, Nathan is interested in textual studies, early-Tudor drama, and the editorial questions one can ask of all sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts in the twisted mire of 400 years of editorial practice. Nathan is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of English at Brown University.Roles played in the project
Date Encoder
Formeworke Encoder
Gap Encoder
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Name Encoder
Contributions by this author
Nathan Phillips is mentioned in the following documents:
Sebastian Rahtz
Chief data architect at University of Oxford IT Services, Sebastian was well known for his contributions to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), OxGarage, and the Text Creation Partnership (TCP).Roles played in the project
Creator of TEI Stylesheets for Conversion of EEBO-TCP Encoding to TEI-P5
Paul Schaffner
E-text and TCP production manager at the University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service (DLPS), Paul manages the production of full-text transcriptions for EEBO-TCP.Roles played in the project
Editor of Original EEBO-TCP Encoding
Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present; Junior Programmer, 2015 to 2017; Research Assistant, 2014 to 2017. Joey Takeda is an MA student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests include diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
Author of Stub
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Date Encoder
Encoder (Bibliography)
Geographic Information Specialist
Geographic Information Specialist (Agas)
Junior Programmer
Markup Editor
Metadata Co-Architect
MoEML Encoder
MoEML Transcriber
Second Author
Transcription Editor
Contributions by this author
Joey Takeda is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Joey Takeda is mentioned in the following documents:
Katie Tanigawa
Katie Tanigawa is a doctoral candidate at the University of Victoria. Her dissertation focuses on representations of poverty in Irish modernist literature. Her additional research interests include geospatial analyses of modernist texts and digital humanities approaches to teaching and analyzing literature.Roles played in the project
Managing Editor
Markup Editor
Name Encoder
Project Manager
Second Author
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Katie Tanigawa is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Katie Tanigawa is mentioned in the following documents:
Jasmeen Boparai
Research Assistant, 2016. Jasmeen Boparai is an undergraduate English major and Medieval Studies minor at the University of Victoria. Her primary research interests include Middle English literature with a specific interest in later works, early modern studies, and Elizabethan poetry.Roles played in the project
Name Encoder
Jasmeen Boparai is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Jasmeen Boparai is mentioned in the following documents:
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Author of abstract
Name Encoder
Post-conversion and Markup Editor
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sarah Milligan
MoEML Research Affiliate. Research assistant, 2012-14. Sarah Milligan completed her MA at the University of Victoria in 2012 on the invalid persona in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese. She has also worked with the Internet Shakespeare Editions and with Dr. Alison Chapman on the Victorian Poetry Network, compiling an index of Victorian periodical poetry.Roles played in the project
Copy Editor
Date Encoder
Final Markup Editor
Formeworke Encoder
Gap Encoder
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Second Author
Contributions by this author
Sarah Milligan is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Sarah Milligan is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Audley
Sir Thomas Audley First Baron Audley of Walden
(b. between 1487 and 1488, d. 1544)Town clerk of Colchester, lord chancellor, and first baron Audley of Walden.Sir Thomas Audley is mentioned in the following documents:
Katherine Augustine
Wife of Benedick Augustine. Buried in St. Benet Fink.Katherine Augustine is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Chaucer is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward I
Edward I King of England
(b. between 17 June 1239 and 18 June 1239, d. in or before 27 October 1307)King of England.Edward I is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward III
Edward III King of England
(b. 12 November 1312, d. 21 June 1377)King of England and lord of Ireland, 1327—1377. Duke of Aquitaine, 1327—1360, and lord of Aquitaine, 1360—77. Son of Edward II and Isabella of France.Edward III is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward IV
Edward IV King of England
(b. 28 April 1442, d. 9 April 1483)King of England and lord of Ireland, 1461—1483. Son of Richard of York.Edward IV is mentioned in the following documents:
William fitz Stephen is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Fleming
Husband of Margaret Fleming. Buried in St. Katharine Cree.Sir Thomas Fleming is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Fleming
Sone of Sir Thomas Fleming.Robert Fleming is mentioned in the following documents:
John of Gaunt
John of Gaunt First Duke of Lancaster
(b. 1340, d. 1399)Duke of Aquitaine and first duke of Lancaster.John of Gaunt is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gower is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VIII is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry IV
King Henry IV
(b. 1367, d. 1413)King of England and son of John of Gaunt. Also known as Henry of Bolingbroke.Henry IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry II is mentioned in the following documents:
Mary I is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Mundy
John Mundy Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1537)Sheriff of London from 1514—1515 CE. Mayor from 1522—1523 CE. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Buried in St. Peter, Westcheap.Sir John Mundy is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard II
King Richard II
(b. 6 January 1367, d. 1400)King of England and lord of Ireland, and duke of Aquitaine. Son of Edward, the Black Prince.Richard II is mentioned in the following documents:
Stephen I is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow is mentioned in the following documents:
John Thurston
John Thurston Sheriff
(fl. 1516-19)Sheriff of London from 1516—1517 CE. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Buried in St. Peter, Westcheap.John Thurston is mentioned in the following documents:
William Walworth
William Walworth Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1370—1371 CE. Mayor from 1374—1375 CE and from 1380—1381 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company.William Walworth is mentioned in the following documents:
William II is mentioned in the following documents:
John Wolfe is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Wolsey is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Augustine of Canterbury
Saint Augustine of Canterbury
(d. 26 May 604)Archbishop of Canterbury and first official missionary to the Anglo-Saxons in Britain. Buried in the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Canterbury, Kent.St. Augustine of Canterbury is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Fabian
(d. 1513)Sheriff of London from 1493—1494 CE. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Husband of Elizabeth Peak. Stow incorrectly says he died in 1511. Likely buried in St. Michael, Cornhill.Robert Fabian is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishop William Giffard is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Arden
Along with his son, Thomas gave the monkes of Barmondsey the church of St. George in Southwarke in 1122.Thomas Arden is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Becket
Saint Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury
(b. 21 December 1120, d. 29 December 1170)Archbishop of Canterbury. Venerated as a saint and martyr after being assassinated in 1170.Thomas Becket is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey de Mandeville
Geoffrey de Mandeville First Earl of Essex
(d. 26 September 1144)First earl of Essex. Constable of the Tower of London and sheriff during the reign of King Stephen. Son of William de Mandeville.Geoffrey de Mandeville is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Ayliffe
Sir John Ayliffe Sheriff
Sheriff of London from 1548—1549 CE. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Buried at the Church of St. Michael in Bassinges Hall.Sir John Ayliffe is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Pope is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Yorke is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Chaucer
(d. 1348)Vintner. Potentially the grandfather of Geoffrey Chaucer and father of John Chaucer. Buried at St. Mary Aldermary. Misidentified by Stow as the father of Geoffrey Chaucer.Richard Chaucer is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Tyler
Spoiled stew houses belonging to William Walworth.Walter Tyler is mentioned in the following documents:
Founder of a nunnery, before the Norman Conquest, that would later become St. Mary Overie Priory. She inherited the profits for the nunnery from her parents.Mary is mentioned in the following documents:
Swithen is mentioned in the following documents:
William Pont de l’Arche
Norman Knight. Refounded priory of St. Mary Overie with William Dauncy. Established St. Mary Overie as an Augustinian priory in 1128.William Pont de l’Arche is mentioned in the following documents:
William Dauncy is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter des Roches
(d. 1238)Bishop of Winchester during reigns of King John of England and King Henry III.Peter des Roches is mentioned in the following documents:
Archdeacon of Surrey. A hospital was moved onto his lands in 1228 by the consent of Peter des Roches.Anicius is mentioned in the following documents:
Stephen Gardiner
(d. 1555)Bishop of Winchester. Helped merge parish of St. Mary Magdalen and St. Margaret into the parish of St. Saviour.Stephen Gardiner is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Lilliarde
Monument at church of St. Saviour.Robert Lilliarde is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Audley
(d. 1564)Daughter of Thomas Audley and his second wife, Elizabeth Audley. First married Henry Dudley, and then Thomas Howard, fourth duke of Norfolk. Monument at church of St. Saviour.Margaret Audley is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Audley
(d. 1564)Second wife of Thomas Audley. Mother to Margaret Audley and Mary Audley. Daughter of Thomas Grey, second marquess of Dorset.Elizabeth Audley is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Grevel
Wife of William Grevel. Monument at church of St. Saviour.Margaret Grevel is mentioned in the following documents:
William Grevel
Esquire, and husband of Margaret Grevel. Monument at church of St. Saviour.William Grevel is mentioned in the following documents:
William Spershut
Esquire. One of his heirs is buried at church of St. Saviour.William Spershut is mentioned in the following documents:
Katherine Stokel is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stokel is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Merfin
Esquire. Monument at church of St. Saviour.Robert Merfin is mentioned in the following documents:
William Undall
Esquire. Monument at church of St. Saviour.William Undall is mentioned in the following documents:
Ospay Ferrar
Lord. Monument at church of St. Saviour.Ospay Ferrar is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir George Brewes is mentioned in the following documents:
John Brown
Monument at church of St. Saviour.John Brown is mentioned in the following documents:
Lady Brandon is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Brandon is mentioned in the following documents:
Lord William Scales is mentioned in the following documents:
Earl William Warren is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Maud Peach is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Peach
John Peach
Knight banneret, and Grocer. Husband of Maud Peach. Built almes houses at the village of Lullingstone in Kent, and he was buried there.Sir John Peach is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Lewknor
Possibly Thomas Lewknor based on context and biographical entry. Monument at church of St. Saviour.Thomas Lewknor is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Elrington
One daughter of Sir Thomas Elrington. Monument at church of St. Saviour.Margaret Elrington is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Elrington is mentioned in the following documents:
John Bowden
Esquire. Monument at church of St. Saviour.John Bowden is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Robert Magil is mentioned in the following documents:
John Sandhurst
Monument at church of St. Saviour.John Sandhurst is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gower
(d. 1408)An English poet, contemporary of William Langland, and friend of Geoffrey Chaucer. Monument at church of St. Saviour.John Gower is mentioned in the following documents:
John Sturton
Esquire. Monument at church of St. Saviour.John Sturton is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Rouse
Monument at church of St. Saviour.Robert Rouse is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Browne First Viscount Montagu
Anthony Browne
(b. 1528, d. 1592)Knight, and oldest son of Sir Anthony Browne. Became Viscount Montague in 1554, and lived near St. Mary Overie with his second wife Magdalen Dacre.Anthony Browne First Viscount Montagu is mentioned in the following documents:
Charles Brandon First Duke of Suffolk
Charles Brandon
(b. 1484, d. 1545)Son of Sir William Brandon (standard-bearer to Henry Tudor), and husband of Mary Tudor. He had the Suffolk House built during the reign of Henry VIII.Charles Brandon First Duke of Suffolk is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Heath is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Arden is mentioned in the following documents:
William Kirton is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Tresilian is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Percy
(b. 1341, d. 1408)Originally a supporter of Edward III, and then later Richard II. Briefly given title of Marshal of England. Killed in 1408 after rebelling against England.Henry Percy is mentioned in the following documents:
John Prendergast
From Norwich. Imprisoned by Henry Percy, but broken out of prison by the citizens of London.John Prendergast is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Fitzwalter
(b. 1345, d. 1386)Soldier, and father to Walter Fitzwalter, Fourth Baron Fitzwalter. Persuaded citizens of London to free John Prendergast.Walter Fitzwalter is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Richard Imworth
Richard Imworth
Marshall of Marshalsea and King’s Bench. Rebels of Kent broke down his house.Sir Richard Imworth is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Walter Manny
Marshall of Marshalsea in 1443, during the reign of Henry VI. Not to be confused with Sir Walter Manny.Sir Walter Manny is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Dunton is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Thetforde
Abbot of Bermondsey, who had an agreement in 1428 with Nicholas Buckland for the rents from lands and tenements of St. Thomas Hospital to be paid to him.Thomas Thetforde is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Buckland
Master of St. Thomas Hospital. Made an agreement in 1428 for rents from lands and tenements of St. Thomas Hospital to be paid to Thomas Thetforde.Nicholas Buckland is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Robert Chamber
Robert Chamber
Sir Robert Chamber is mentioned in the following documents:
William Fines
Also known as Lord Say. Monument at St. Thomas’ Church.William Fines is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gloucester
Esquire. Monument at St. Thomas’ Church.John Gloucester is mentioned in the following documents:
Adam Atwood is mentioned in the following documents:
John Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Michaell Cambridge
Esquire. Monument at St. Thomas’ Church. Kingsfords suggets his name is Michael Enebrigge (see n.63).Michaell Cambridge is mentioned in the following documents:
William Weston
Monument at St. Thomas’ Church. Last English Prior of the Order of St. John. Not to be confused withWilliam Weston.William Weston is mentioned in the following documents:
John Golding
Esquire. Monument at St. Thomas’ Church.John Golding is mentioned in the following documents:
John Benham
Gentleman. Monument at St. Thomas’ Church.John Benham is mentioned in the following documents:
George Kirkes
Gentleman. Monument at St. Thomas’ Church.George Kirkes is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Knighton
Gentleman. Monument at St. Thomas’ Church.Thomas Knighton is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Baker is mentioned in the following documents:
Agnes Dennis is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Walter Dennis is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Robert Danvars
Robert Danvars
Husband of Agnes Danvars, both buried at St Bartholomew’s Church. Has a daughter with a monument at St. Thomas’ Church.Sir Robert Danvars is mentioned in the following documents:
John Evarey is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Burcettur is mentioned in the following documents:
Simon de Swanlond
Simon Swanlond
Mayor of London from 1329—1330 CE. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Permitted the re-building of St. Olave’s Church by Isabelle Godchep, the widow of Hamo de Godchep.Simon de Swanlond is mentioned in the following documents:
Isabelle Godchep
Isabelle Godchepe
Isabelle Godchep is mentioned in the following documents:
Hamo de Godchep is mentioned in the following documents:
John Warren, Earl of Surrey
John Warren
Mentioned in 1281 deed located at the Abbots Inn of St. Augustine. Slayed Alan de la Zouche in 1270 at Westminster Hall.John Warren, Earl of Surrey is mentioned in the following documents:
Abbot of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury during 1281. Mentioned in 1281 deed located at the Abbots Inn of St. Augustine. Originally had ownership of the house next to the Church of St. Olave.Nicholas is mentioned in the following documents:
William Graspeis
Bound to do as John Warren stated in a 1281 deed found in the Abbots Inn of St. Augustine, Canterbury.William Graspeis is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Anthony St Leger
Anthony St Leger
Politician and Lord Deputy of Ireland. Father of Sir Warham St Leger. Had ownership of the house that originally belonged to the Abbot of St. Augustine.Sir Anthony St Leger is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Warham St Leger
Warham St Leger
A soldier, and a son of Sir Anthony St Leger. Had ownership of the house that originally belonged to the Abbot of St. Augustine after his father, Sir Anthony St Leger.Sir Warham St Leger is mentioned in the following documents:
George Monoux is mentioned in the following documents:
Alwinus Child is mentioned in the following documents:
A monk who established the new Bermondsey monastery along with Richard, Osbert, and Umbald in 1089. Peter was the first prior.Peter is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard is mentioned in the following documents:
Osbert is mentioned in the following documents:
Umbald is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Bloet
(d. 1123)Bishop of Lincoln and Chancellor of England. Gave the monks of Bermondsey (Peter, Richard, Osbert, and Umbald) the Charlton mannor.Robert Bloet is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Martell
Gave the monks of Bermondsey (Peter, Richard, Osbert, and Umbald) the land of Halingbury and tithe of Alferton by the grant of Geoffrey de Mandeville.Geoffrey Martell is mentioned in the following documents:
John Attleborough
Prior of Bermondsey in 1399 and was also made the first Abbot of the house at Bermondsey by Pope Boniface IX.John Attleborough is mentioned in the following documents:
Pope Boniface IX is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Bowes
William Bowes
Knight, and husband of Elizabeth Bowes. Buried at church of Bermondsey.Sir William Bowes is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Elizabeth Bowes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Pikeworth is mentioned in the following documents:
George Tuchet
Possibly son of this Lord John Tuchet (alias John/James Audley). Buried at church of Bermondsey.George Tuchet is mentioned in the following documents:
Lord John Tuchet is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Audley
Buried at church of Bermondsey.Anne Audley is mentioned in the following documents:
John Winkfield
Esquire. Buried at church of Bermondsey.John Winkfield is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Nicholas Blonket is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Bridget Trussel is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Trussel
William Trussell
Knight, Speaker of House of Commons, and husband of Bridget Trussell. Buried at Westminster Abbey.Sir William Trussel is mentioned in the following documents:
Holgrave, Baron of the Exchequer is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Cranmer
Humanist, and Archbishop of Canterbury from 1532-1534. He helped in the annulment of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. Writer of the first two editions of the Book of Common Prayer.Thomas Cranmer is mentioned in the following documents:
Pope’s Head Alley
Pope’s Head Alley ran south from Cornhill to Lombard Street, and was named for the Pope’s Head Tavern that stood at its northern end. Although it does not appear on the Agas Map, its approximate location can be surmised since all three streets still exist. Although Stow himself does not discuss Pope’s Head Alley directly, his book wasImprinted by Iohn Wolfe, Printer to the honorable Citie of London: And are to be sold at his shop within the Popes head Alley in Lombard street. 1598
(Stow 1598). Booksellers proliferated Alley in the early years of the 17th century (Sugden 418).Pope’s Head Alley is mentioned in the following documents:
Lombard Street
Lombard Street runs east to west from Gracechurch Street to Poultry. The Agas map labels itLombard streat.
Lombard Street limns the south end of Langbourn Ward, but borders three other wards: Walbrook Ward to the south east, Bridge Within Ward to the south west, and Candlewick Street Ward to the south.Lombard Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Bridge Without Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Bridge Without Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Southwark is mentioned in the following documents:
The Thames is mentioned in the following documents:
Portsoken Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Portsoken Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Farringdon Without Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Farringdon Without Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Long Southwark is mentioned in the following documents:
London Bridge
From the time the first wooden bridge in London was built by the Romans in 52 CE until 1729 when Putney Bridge opened, London Bridge was the only bridge across the Thames in London. During this time, several structures were built upon the bridge, though many were either dismantled or fell apart. John Stow’s 1598 A Survey of London claims that the contemporary version of the bridge was already outdated by 994, likely due to the bridge’s wooden construction (Stow 1:21).London Bridge is mentioned in the following documents:
Lambeth is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Olave is mentioned in the following documents:
Battle Bridge (Tooley Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Horsleydown is mentioned in the following documents:
Bermondsey Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Bermondsey Abbey is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Mary Overie (Southwark Cathedral)
For information about St. Marie Overie (now known as Southwark Cathedral), a modern map marking the site where the it once stood, and a walking tour that will take you to the site, visit the Shakespearean London Theatres (ShaLT) article on St. Marie Overie.St. Mary Overie (Southwark Cathedral) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Thomas’ Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Mary Magdalen (Old Fish Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Saviour (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Clink Prison is mentioned in the following documents:
Southwark Counter is mentioned in the following documents:
Marshalsea is mentioned in the following documents:
King’s Bench is mentioned in the following documents:
White Lion
One of the five prisons in Southwark.White Lion is mentioned in the following documents:
Winchester House is mentioned in the following documents:
Tabbard Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Lewes Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Augustine Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Bridge House is mentioned in the following documents:
Bear Garden
The Bear Garden was never a garden, but rather a polygonal bearbaiting arena whose exact locations across time are not known (Mackinder and Blatherwick 18). Labelled on the Agas map asThe Bearebayting,
the Bear Garden would have been one of several permanent structures—wooden arenas, dog kennels, bear pens—dedicated to the popular spectacle of bearbaiting in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.Bear Garden is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster is mentioned in the following documents:
Bear’s Head (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Bear’s Head was a brothel in Southwark.Bear’s Head (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cross Keys (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Cross Keys was a brothel in Southwark.Cross Keys (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Gunn (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Gunn was a brothel in Southwark.Gunn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Castle (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Castle was a brothel in Southwark.Castle (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Crane (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Crane was a brothel in Southwark.Crane (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cardinal’s Hat (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Cardinal’s Hat was a brothel in Southwark.Cardinal’s Hat (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Bell (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Bell was a brothel in Southwark.Bell (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Swan (Southwark)
According to John Stow, the Swan was a brothel in Southwark.Swan (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cross Bones Graveyard
A graveyard for London prostitutes also called asingle women’s’ church yard
by John Stow. The Cross Bones served as a burial place for women deprived of a Christian burial because of their association with the brothels of Southwark.Cross Bones Graveyard is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishops of Winchester’s Stairs is mentioned in the following documents:
Dowgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Pepper Alley Stairs
One of the public stairs on the Surrey side of the Themes above London Bridge.Pepper Alley Stairs is mentioned in the following documents:
Southampton House is mentioned in the following documents:
Hampton Court is mentioned in the following documents:
Charing Cross is mentioned in the following documents:
Spur Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Christopher Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Bull Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Queen’s Head Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
George Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
White Hart Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
King’s Head Inn (Southwark) is mentioned in the following documents:
Bridewell, once palace, then prison, was an intriguing site in the early modern period. It changed hands several times before falling into the possession of the City of London to be used as a prison and hospital. The prison is mentioned in many early modern texts, including plays by Jonson and Dekker as well as the surveys and diaries of the period. Bridewell is located on the Agas map at the corner of the Thames and Fleet Ditch, labelled asBrideWell.
Bridewell is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Olave Street
A street near the bank of the Thames near to St. Thomas’ Hospital.St. Olave Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Sentlegar House
A house once belonging to the Sentlegar family in Southwark, eventually divided into tenements. Near to the Bridge House.Sentlegar House is mentioned in the following documents:
Manor of the Maze is mentioned in the following documents:
Flower de Luce is mentioned in the following documents:
Charlton House is mentioned in the following documents:
Newgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Asher House is mentioned in the following documents:
Guildhall is mentioned in the following documents:
Early English Books Online–Text Creation Partnership
EEBO-TCP is a partnership with ProQuest and with more than 150 libraries to generate highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts corresponding to books from the Early English Books Online Database. EEBO-TCP maintains a website at
Roles played in the project
First Encoders
First Transcriber
First Transcribers
This organization is mentioned in the following documents: