The Triumphs of Honour and Virtue

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Honor and Vertue.

A Noble Solemnitie, performed through the
City, at the sole Cost and Charges of the Honorable

Fraternitie of Grocers, at the Confirmation and
Establishment of their most worthy Brother, the Right
Honorable Peter Proby, in the high Of-
fice of his Maiestus
Lieutenant, Lord
Maior and Chancellor of the famous
City of

Taking beginning at his Lordships going, and perfecting
it ſelfe after His returne from receiuing the Oath of
Maioralty at Weſtminster
, on the Morrow after
Simon and Iudes Day, being the 29. of
October, 1622

Horizontal rule

Horizontal rule

Printed by Nicholas Okes,

The Honor of him, to whom the Noble
Fraternitie of Grocers, his Worthy Bro
thers, haue Dedicated their Loues, in coſtly
Triumphs; the Right Honorable, Peter
Proby, Lord Maior of this
Renowned City.

T1O be His Seruant, that hath ſeru’d
Two Royall Princes, and deſeru’d
So Worthily of Both; the Same
Call not Seruice, rather Fame.

At your Lordſhips Command:

Tho. Middleton.
Honor and Vertue.

I2F forreine Nations haue beene ſtrucke with Admiration at the Forme, State, and Splendor of some yeerly Triumphs, wherein Arte hath beene but faintly imitated: There is faire hope that things where Inuention flourishes, cleere Art and her gracefull Proprieties, should receiue fauor and encouragement from the content of the Spectator, which next to the seruice of his Honor and honorable Societie, is the principall reward it lookes for; then not despairing of that common fauour, this takes delight to present it ſelfe.
And first, to beginne with the worthy loue of his Noble Fraternity, after his Honors returne from Weſtminster, hauing receiued some seruice vpon the Water, by the conduct of two Artfull

The Triumphs of
Triumphs. Viz. The Throne of Vertue, and the Continent of Jndia; which also by Land attends his Lordships most wished arriuall, accompanied with the whole body of the Triumph, which neere vpon the time of his Honors approch are decently and distinctly placed; the first, bearing the Title of the Continent of India: A triumph replenished with all manner of Spice-plants, and trees bearing Odour, attends his Honors arriuall in Paules Church–yard; A blacke Personage representing India, call’d for her odours and riches, the Queene of Merchandize, challinging the most eminent Seate, aduanceth her selfe vpon a bed of Spices, attended by Indians in Antique habits: Commerce, Aduenture and Traffique, three habited like Merchants, presenting to her view a bright Figure, bearing the inscription of Knowledge, a Sunne appearing aboue the trees in brightest splendor and glory: The blacke Queene before mentioned, lending a voyce to these following words:
The Speech

Y3Ou that haue eyes of Iudgement, and diſcerue
Things that the beſt of Man and Life concerne,
Draw neere, this blacke is but my natiue dye,
But view me with an Intellectuall eye,

Honour and Vertue
As Wiſe men ſhoote their beames forth, you’le then find
A change in the complexion of the mind;
I’me beauteous in my blacknesse, O yee Sonnes
Of Fame and Honor, through my best part runnes
A Spring of liuing Waters, cleere and true,
Found firſt by Knowledge, which came firſt by you,
By you, and your examples, bleſt Commerce,
That by Exchange settles such happineſſe,
Of Gummes and fragrant Spices, I confeſſe
My Climate Heauen do’s with aboundance bleſſe,
And thoſe you haue from me, but what are they
Compar’d with Odours whoſe sent ne’re decay,
And thoſe I haue from you, plants of your youth,
The Sauour of eternall life ſweet Truth,
Exceeding all the odoriferous ſent,
That from the beds of Spices euer went:
I that command, (being proſp’roſ’ly poſſeſt)
The Riches and the Sweetneſſe of the Eaſt,
To that fam’d Mountaine Taurus ſpreading forth
My balmy Arme, whose height do’s kiſſe the North,
And in the Sea Eoum laue this hand,
Account my bleſsings not in those to ſtand,
Though they be large and fruitfull, but confeſſe
All wealth conſiſts in Chriſtian holyneſſe,
To such caeleſtiall knowledge I was led;
By Engliſh Merchants firſt enlightened,
B 2

The Triumphs of
Jn Honor of whoſe memory, onely Three
I inſtance here, all of this’ Brotherhood free,
To whoſe Fames the great Honor of this howre
Aptly belongs, but to that Man of Power
The firſt and chiefeſt, to whoſe worth so cleere,
Iuſtice hath giuen her Sword vp for a yeere:
And as yo’n Sunne his perfect ſplendor ſhowes,
Cheering the Plants; and no Cloudes interpoſe
His Radiant Comforts; ſo no Earthy part
Which makes Eclipſes in a Rulers hart
(As in that glorious Planet) muſt come nye
The Sunne of Iuſtice, all such myſts muſt flye;
You’re in an Orbe of Brightneſſe plac’d and fixt,
And with no ſoyle must Honor be commixt.
So to your worthy Progreſſe Zeale commends
Your Lordſhip, with your Graue and Noble friends.

The Speech being ended, to adde a little more help to the fainter Apprehenſions, the three Merchants plac’d in the Continent, haue reference to the Lord Maior and Sheriffes, all Three being this yeer Brothers of this Ancient and Honorable Society, which triple or three fold Honor hapned to this Worthy Company in the yeere 1577. Sir Thomas Ramſey being then Lord Maior, and Maſter Nicholas Backhouſe and MaſterFrancis Bowyer, Sheriffes; hauing cohereuce with this yeeres Honor,

Honour and Vertue
matcht and paralell’d with theſe Three their as worthy Succeſſors, the right Honorable, Peter Proby, and the generous and Nobly affected, Maſter Iohn Hodges, and Sir Humphrey Handford Sheriffes and Aldermen.
By this time his Lordſhip being gracefully conducted toward the Chariot of Fame, which awaits his Honors approach neare the little Conduit in Cheape; Antiquitie a graue and reuerend Perſonage, with a golden Regiſter-booke in his hand, giues life to theſe words:

The Speech

O4Biects of Yeeres and Reuerence greete mine eye,
A Sight moſt pleaſing to Antiquitie;
I neuer could vnclaspe this Booke of Fame
Where Worthies dwell by a distinguiſht Name,
At a more comely ſeaſon; I ſhall tell
Things ſprung from Truth, neere kin to Miracle;
With that of later dayes I firſt begin,
So backe into the deeper Times agen:
I onely touch Thy memory (which I know
In thankefulneſſe can neuer be found ſlowe)
With Heauens miraculous Mercy, to Thy Health
After ſo long a Sickneſſe, all the wealth
B 3

The Triumphs of
Which thou with an vnusuring hand haſt got
Which is not the leaſt wonder worthy note,
(Truth makes me ſpeake things frely) cannot be
A greater worke then thy recouerie,
Nine Brethren-Senators thy Seniors all
Whoſe times had beene before thee, Death did call
To their eternall Peace, from this degree
Leauing their earthly Honor now to thee,
Thinke and be thankefull ſtill, this ſeemes the more
Another obſeruation kept in ſtore,
For ſeuenteene Senators since thy time were choſe
And to this minute not one dead of thoſe.
Those are not vſuall notes, nor here it endes,
The Court and City two most Noble Friends,
Haue made exchange a late, I reade, from hence
There ha’s gone some moſt worthy Citizens
Vp to the Courts aduance; in lieu of that
You haue a Courtier now your Magiſtrate,
A Seruant to Elizabeth the bleſt,
Since to K. Iames that raignes with Salomons breſt.
Kept the Records for both, from the Queene tooke
Charge of three hundred Horſe, three thousand Foote,
Foure Attributes cleaues to this Man of Men,
A Scholler, Souldier, Courtier, Citizen,
Theſe are no vſuall touches, to conclude
(Like to his life with bleſsings so endude)

Honour and Vertue
Ha’s choſe his Brotherhood, men of that Fame
For Bounty, Amity and honored Name
The City bounds tranſcend not in their place,
And their word makes e’m proſper, God grant grace.
Honor they neuer wanted, when wa’ſt ſeene
But they had Senators to their Bretheren
Nay, one record here to make ioy more glad,
I finde ſeuenteene that were in Scarlet clad
All at one time of this Fraternitie,
Now fiue, for this houres honor brings forth three,
Fame triple will make triple vertue ſtriue
At whoſe triumphant Throne you next ariue.

For farther Illustration there are contained in Antiquities golden Legend, the Names of many Worthies of ancient Time, by whom this Noble Fraternity ha’s receiued much honor, ſuch as were the worthy and famous Sir Andrew Bockerell, who was Lord Maior of this City, the ſixteenth yeere of King Henry the third, and continued in the Magiſtracie ſeuen yeeres together, also the Noble Allen de la Zouch, who for his good gouernement in the time of his Maioralty, was by King Henry the third, created both a Baron of this Realme, and Lord chiefe Iuſtice of England. Alſo that famous Worthy, Sir Thomas Knowles, twice Lord Maior of this honorable City, which said Sir Tho-

The Triumphs of
mas beganne at his owne charge that famous building of Guild–Hall in London, and other memorable workes both in the City and in his owne Company, Reedifying also Saint Anthonies Church; with many others that are faire Ornaments to Memory. Viz. Sir William Seuenock, ſir Robert Chichsley, ſir Stephen Browne, ſir Henry Keble, ſir William Laxton, &c. Who by thoſe Vertues that they were most addicted vnto in their lifetime, are Illuſtrated by persons of Brightneſſe in the Throne of Vertue, the next part of Triumph that preſents it ſelfe: next beneath Antiquitie, sits Authoritie, plac’d between Wiſedome and Innocence, holding a naked Sword, a Serpent woond about the Blade thereof, two Doues ſtanding vpon the croſſe Barre of the Hilt, and two hands meeting at the Pummel, intimating Mercy and Iustice, accompanied with Magiſtracie, who holdes in his hand a Key of gold, ſignifying both the Key of Knowledge and of Confidence, the City Magiſtrate taking into his truſt the Cuſtodie of the Kings Chamber, the proper Title of the City; and which Key of gold alſo ſtands in his Lordſhips Creſt, viz. an Eſtridge holding a Key of gold in his Mouth, his Necke circled with a golden Crowne.

Honour and Vertue
His Lordſhip by this time arriuing at the Throne of Vertue, plac’d neere Saint Laurence-Lane end, Receiues this greeting from her Deitie.

The Speech

I5 See great Power approach; here makes a Stand,
Would it with Vertue ought? for ſome Command
Seemes ſo compleate in Selfe-Opinions Eye,
It will ſcarce looke on me, but paſſes by;
As if the Eſſence of my Deitie
Were rais’d by Power, and not Power rais’d by me;
But let ſuch Rulers know that ſo command
They build the Empire of their Hopes on Sand·
Still This remaines, with Eye vpon me fixt
As if he ſought to haue His ſplendors mixt
With theſe of mine, which makes Authoritie meeke,
And I’me ſo ſicke of Loue to thoſe that ſeeke
I cannot chooſe but yeeld; nor do’s it wrong
Great Power to come to Vertue to be ſtrong,
Being but a Woman, mercifull and milde,
Therein is Heauen with greater glory ſtilde
That makes weake things, as Clemencie, and Right,
Sway Power, which would elſe rule all by Might:
It maybe ſaid you did but late paſſe by
Some part of Triumph that ſpake Vertuouſly,
And one ſuch Speech ſuffices; ’tis not ſo
In taking of your office, there you goe

The Triumphs of
From Court to Court, before You be confirm’d
In this high place, which Praetorſhip is term’d;
From Vertue, if to Vertue you reſort,
It is but the ſame courſe you haue in Court
In ſetling of your Honor; which ſhould bee
Redoubled rather, that I hope to ſee:
So Power and Vertue when they fill one Seate,
The City’s bleſt, the Magiſtrate compleate.

At the close of the Speech, this Throne of Vertue with all her Caeleſtiall Concomitants, and the other parts of the Triumph, take leaue of his Lordſhip for that time, and till after the Feaſt at Guild–Hall reſts from Seruice; but the Feaſt ended, the whole ſtate of the Triumph attends vpon his Lordship, both to Saint Paules and homeward; and in Soper-Lane two parts of the Triumph stand ready planted; viz. the Throne of Vertue, and the Globe of Honor, which Globe ſuddenly opening and flying into eight Cants or diſtinct parts, diſcouers in a twinckling, eight bright Perſonages most gloriouſly deckt, repreſenting (as it were) the Inward Man, the Intentions of a Vertuous and Worthy Breſt, by the Graces of the Minde and Soule, ſuch as Cleere Conſcience, Diuine Speculation, Peace of Heart, Integritie, Watchfulneſſe, Æqualitie, Prouidence; Impartialitie, each expreſt by Its pro-

Honour and Vertue
per Illuſtration. And becauſe Mans perfection can receiue no conſtant Attribute in this Life, the Cloude of Frailty, euer and anon ſhadowing and darkening our brighteſt Intentions, makes good the Morality of thoſe Cants or Parts, when they fall and cloſe into the full round of a Globe againe, ſhowing, that as the Brighteſt Day ha’s his ouercaſtings; ſo the beſt men in this life haue their Imperfections; and worldly Miſts oftentimes interpoſe the cleereſt Cogitations, and yet that but for a ſeaſon, turning in the end like the mounting of this Engine, to their euerlasting Brightneſſe, conuerting it ſelfe to a Canopie of Starres: at the foure corners below are plac’d the foure Cardinall Vertues, Wiſedome, Iustice, Fortitude and Temperance, by each of them fixt a little Streamer or Banner, in which are diſplayed, the Armes of this Honorable City, the Lord Maiors, the Grocers, and the Noble East–India Companies: The outparts of the Globe ſhewing the Worlds Type, in Countries, Seas and Shipping, whereon is depicted or drawne Ships that haue bene fortunate to this Kingdome, by their happy and ſucceſſefull Voyages; as also that proſperous Plantation in the Colonie of Virginia, and the Bermudaes, with all good wishes to the Gouernors, Traders and Aduenturers vnto thoſe Chriſtianly Reformed Iſlands.

The Triumphs of
The Speech at Night, preſented by Ho-
nor, A Personage mounted on the top of this
Vnparalel’d Master–piece of Inuention and
Art, the Globe or Orbe of Honor.

B6Y Vertue you came last, and who brings home
True Honor, muſt by Vertue alwayes come,
The right Path you haue tooke then, ſtill proceede,
For t’is Continuance crownes each worthy Deeds:
Behold this Globe of Honor; euery Part
It is compos’d of, to a Noble Hart
Applyes Inſtruction; when t’is clos’d and round
It repreſents the World, and all that’s found
Within the labouring Circle of Mans Dayes,
Aduentures, Dangers, Cares, and ſteepie Wayes;
Which when a Wise–man thinkes on, ſtrait he mounts
To Heauenly Cogitations, and accounts
The vexing Spirite of Care and Labour vaine:
Lifting himſelfe to his full height againe:
And as this Engine do’s in eight Parts riſe
Diſcouering eight Bright Figures, so the Wiſe
From this Lifes ſlumber rowz’d, (which Time deludes,)
Opens his Heart to eight Beatitudes:
And as I (Honor) ouertopping All,
Here fixe my Foote on this Orbicular Ball,

Honour and Vertue
Ouer the World expreſsing my Command
As I in this Contemptuous Poſture ſtand:
So euery good and vnderſtanding Spirit
Makes but Vſe onely of this Life, t’inherit
An euerlasting Liuing; making Frends
Of Mammons Heapes, got by vnrighteous Ends,
Which happy Thou ſtandst free from, the more white
Sits Honor on thee, and the Coſt more bright
Thy Noble Brotherhood this Day beſtowes;
Expence is grac’d when Substance follow Showes,
Now to no higher Pitch of Praise I’le come,
Loue brought thee forth, and Honor brings thee home.

F7Or the body of the whole Triumph, with all the proper Graces and Ornaments of Art and Workemanſhip, the Reputation of thoſe, rightly appertaine to the deſerts of Maſter Garret Criſmas, an Exquiſite Master in his Art, and a Performer aboue his Promiſes.



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Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Honour and Virtue. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

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Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Honour and Virtue. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Middleton, T. 2018. The Triumphs of Honour and Virtue. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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T1  - The Triumphs of Honour and Virtue
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Middleton, Thomas
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Triumphs of Honour and Virtue
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MIDD12"><surname>Middleton</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">The Triumphs of Honour and Virtue</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>


