Cheapside’s Triumphs and Chyron’s Cross’s Lamentation

Part I
[Printer’s ornament]
Cheapſides Triumphs, and Chyrones Croſſes Lamentation.
To the tune of the Building.
[Woodcut image of London showing Cheapside Cross]
SEe the guilding
Of Cheapſides famous building
the glorious Croſſe,
Trimd vp moſt fairly,
With gold moſt rarely,
refin’d from droſſe:
A pleaſing proſpect to all beholders,
that ſhall but view it,
and lately knew it
Defac’d of beauty,
but now a ſumptuous thing:
Whoſe praiſe and wonder
Fame abroad doth ring.
Tricked moſt neatly
With coſt compleatly
adorn’d moſt rare,
Whoſe ſhining beauty,
ſhowes the Cities duty
and tender care:
To preſerue their rich & ſumptuous buildings,
in ſtately manner, 
ſuch coſt vpon her 
they beſtow with honour,
Such is the loue they beare
which now is ſeene
By Cheapſide gliſtering faire.
The Croſſe there placed,
Is now much graced,
that it may be knowne,
How well the Citie,
With care and pitie,
reſpects her owne:
Braue Citizens of worthy London,
ſuch loue they owe it,
and now they ſhow it,
freely beſtow it
Upon their City faire,
There’s none can make compare.
Search  England  ouer,
From hence to Douer ,
and ſo about,
The like to Cheapſide,
Faire  Londons chiefe pride,
you’l not find out:
Newly beautifi’d moſt neat and fairly,
all may admire,
and ſtill deſire,
to gaze vp higher,
To ſee the glorious ſtate
of this rare building,
Rais’d vp ve1ry late.
O ſight moſt bleſſed,
To ſée Cheapſide dreſſed,
in ſtately manner:
May you perſeuer
In loue foreuer,
tis for your honor,
To ſee your Croſſe excell in ſhining
all Croſſe2s elſewhere,
to this comes not neere,
now trimmed moſt rare:
And glorious to behold,
whoſe ſhining brauery
Gliſtereth all of gold.
This golden ſplendor
Makes all men wonder,
to ſée Cheapſide:
In ſumptuous manner
For Londons honor,
and state3 beſide:
Put downe fa4ire  Oxfordſhires chiefe beauty
Abingt5ons faire Croſſe
was neuer grac’t thus,
as is bright Cheaps Croſſe,
Now ſhining faire and bright,
whoſe excellent ſplendor
Giues the city light.

The ſecond part, To the ſame tuné.
[Woodcut image of a house framed by two pillars and two human figures (a courtier to the left and a king to the right]
KInd fri6ends pray turne ye,
With griefe now mourne ye,
to behold and ſée
An ancient building
Now downwards yeelding,
ah woe is me:
The prouerb here is verified truly,
old things are worth nought,
but that’s a bad thought,
for to forget ought
Once eſteemed deare,
But yet ala7ſſe
Too t8rue appeares.
In lamentation,
I make my ſupplication
to great and ſmall,
That erſt haue view’d me,
And now peruſ’d me,
then iudge withall,
That ancient things in theſe dayes are
more is the pity
that ſuch a city,
ſo wiſe and witty,
ſhould not regard their fame,
cenſure a9right,
Then tell me where’s the blame.
I long haue ſtood he10re,
Mary bad and good yeare,
pining away,
Expecting euer,
But I feare neuer
to ſee the day
Wherein my ſtate againe ſha11ll be aduanced,
and all things made good,
of ſtone or elſe wood,
where I ha12ue long ſtood,
Expecting e13uery day
I ſhould be once againe 
Made neat and gay.
Thou wert a deare one,
Old noble Chyron,14
that plac’t me here,
My firſt ſupporter
Of ſtone and morter,
was ſeated r15are:
But now you ſée my top is downward bending
my ſtate is reeling,
none hath a féeli16ng
to my appealing,
That now in ſad diſtreſſe
to court and city
My ſad woes doe expre17ſſe.
ſome honeſt Courtier
Be my ſupporter,
I now intreate,
ſome Lord or Barrone,
Pitty old Chyrone,
ere it be to18o late,
For now my ſtate you ſée is down declining 
my ancient building,
is downward yeelding,
In wofull manner
I waile my wretched ſtate,
Oh pity ſoone, for feare it be too late,
In time I craue it,
And faine would haue it,
for mercies ſake,
Take thou ſome pitie,
Faire London Citie,
my foundation make,
Aged Pauls and I may waile together
and pray to heauen
all may be eauen,
and gifts be giuen
By charitable men,
to beautifie
Our buildings faire agen.
F I N I S.
Printed for F. Coules, at the vpper end of the Old Baily.


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  14. We have been unable to determine the identity of Chyron. Please contact the MoEML team if you can provide information. (JJ)
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MLA citation

Anonymous. Cheapside’s Triumphs and Chyron’s Cross’s Lamentation. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

Chicago citation

Anonymous. Cheapside’s Triumphs and Chyron’s Cross’s Lamentation. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

APA citation

Anonymous. 2018. Cheapside’s Triumphs and Chyron’s Cross’s Lamentation. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
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A1 , 
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Cheapside’s Triumphs and Chyron’s Cross’s Lamentation
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#ANON2"><name ref="#ANON2">Anonymous</name></name></author>. <title level="a">Cheapside’s Triumphs and Chyron’s Cross’s Lamentation</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>





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