Ancient Drapery:
Rich Cloathing of England, in a ſe-
cond Yeeres performance.
In Honour of the aduancement of Sir Iohn
Iolles, Knight, to the high Office of Lord
Maior of London, and taking his Oath
for the ſame authoritie, on Monday,
being the 30. day of October.
Performed in heartie affection to him, and at the
bountifull charges of his worthy Brethren the truely
Honourable Society of Drapers, the firſt that re-
ceiued ſuch Dignitie in this Citie.
Ancient Drapery:
Rich Cloathing of England, in a ſe-
cond Yeeres performance.
In Honour of the aduancement of Sir Iohn
Iolles, Knight, to the high Office of Lord
Maior of London, and taking his Oath
for the ſame authoritie, on Monday,
being the 30. day of October.
Performed in heartie affection to him, and at the
bountifull charges of his worthy Brethren the truely
Honourable Society of Drapers, the firſt that re-
ceiued ſuch Dignitie in this Citie.
The olde Drapery and Cloathing
of England, triumphing a ſecond Yeere.
HAuing in our laſt yeeres diſcourſe of
Himatia Poleos, ſufficiently approued
the true antiquitie, and primary Ho-
nour of Englands Draperie, heere
in the Citie of London, firſt granted
by King Richard the firſt, and ſe-
conded by his brother King Iohn, by enſtalling that fa-
mous noble Gentleman, Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine
Knight, in the firſt dignity of L. Maior of London,
wherein he continued (by yeerely election) the ſpace
of twenty foure yeeres and an halfe, and longer had
done, if hee had longer liued: Seeing likewiſe, that
Drapery triumpheth now two yeers together, by ſuc-
ceſſion of two Lord Maiors in one and the ſame So-
ciety: I held it not fit (finding my ſelfe not barren of
inuention, in a Theame of ſuch ſcope and large ex-
tendure) to runne againe the ſame courſe of antique
honour: but rather to iumpe with the time, which
Himatia Poleos, ſufficiently approued
the true antiquitie, and primary Ho-
nour of Englands Draperie, heere
in the Citie of London, firſt granted
by King Richard the firſt, and ſe-
conded by his brother King Iohn, by enſtalling that fa-
mous noble Gentleman, Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine
Knight, in the firſt dignity of L. Maior of London,
wherein he continued (by yeerely election) the ſpace
of twenty foure yeeres and an halfe, and longer had
done, if hee had longer liued: Seeing likewiſe, that
Drapery triumpheth now two yeers together, by ſuc-
ceſſion of two Lord Maiors in one and the ſame So-
ciety: I held it not fit (finding my ſelfe not barren of
inuention, in a Theame of ſuch ſcope and large ex-
tendure) to runne againe the ſame courſe of antique
honour: but rather to iumpe with the time, which
A 3
e1uermore affecteth
nouelty, in a new forme of this ſe-
cond yeeres triumph, prepared for that honourable
and worthy brother of Drapery, Sir Iohn Iolles, Knight
and Alderman, on the day of his entrance into ſo
high a dignitie.
cond yeeres triumph, prepared for that honourable
and worthy brother of Drapery, Sir Iohn Iolles, Knight
and Alderman, on the day of his entrance into ſo
high a dignitie.
On Monday, being the 30. of October,
1615. ac-
cording to auncient and moſt honourable cuſtome,
the L. Maior being to paſſe by water to Weſtmin-
ſter, in company of his worthy Brethren, and atten-
ded by all other Companies in their ſeuerall Bardges
made fit for triumph, after ſuch manner as formerly
hath been obſerued: The firſt deuice that welcom-
meth him to the water, is an inuention proper to that
nature, and thought apt to conduct him in his paſ-
ſage. He being both a Draper and Stapler, and theſe
two profeſſions (in former times) appertaining to the
Brethren of Londons Drapery, trading only in wools
and woollen cloth, the then chiefe riches of the king-
dome: both theſe myſteries meeting together ſo con-
ueniently in one man, I did account it as a ſinne in me
to ſunder them, and therefore made vſe of that Creaſt
or Cognizaunce of the Golden Fliece, giuen by aun-
cient Heraldrie to them both, and remaining ſtill in
firme force with the Draper, as their Eſcutchion of
Armes maketh manifeſt.
cording to auncient and moſt honourable cuſtome,
the L. Maior being to paſſe by water to Weſtmin-
ſter, in company of his worthy Brethren, and atten-
ded by all other Companies in their ſeuerall Bardges
made fit for triumph, after ſuch manner as formerly
hath been obſerued: The firſt deuice that welcom-
meth him to the water, is an inuention proper to that
nature, and thought apt to conduct him in his paſ-
ſage. He being both a Draper and Stapler, and theſe
two profeſſions (in former times) appertaining to the
Brethren of Londons Drapery, trading only in wools
and woollen cloth, the then chiefe riches of the king-
dome: both theſe myſteries meeting together ſo con-
ueniently in one man, I did account it as a ſinne in me
to ſunder them, and therefore made vſe of that Creaſt
or Cognizaunce of the Golden Fliece, giuen by aun-
cient Heraldrie to them both, and remaining ſtill in
firme force with the Draper, as their Eſcutchion of
Armes maketh manifeſt.
In a goodly Argoe2, ſhaped ſo neere as Art could
yeeld it, to that of ſuch auncient and honourable
fame, as conuaied Iaſon and his valiant Argonautes of
Greece, to fetch away the Golden fleece from Cholchos;
we make vſe of that memorable hiſtorie, as fit both for
the time and occasion. Therein aloft ſitteth Medea,
whoſe loue to Iaſon, was his beſt meanes for obtaining
yeeld it, to that of ſuch auncient and honourable
fame, as conuaied Iaſon and his valiant Argonautes of
Greece, to fetch away the Golden fleece from Cholchos;
we make vſe of that memorable hiſtorie, as fit both for
the time and occasion. Therein aloft ſitteth Medea,
whoſe loue to Iaſon, was his beſt meanes for obtaining
Metropolis Coronata.
the Golden fleece: And therefore, as ſtill witneſ-
ſing the fiery zeale of her affection towards him, ſhe
ſitteth playing with his loue-lockes, and wantoning
with him in all pleaſing daliance, to compaſſe the
more ſettled aſſurance of his conſtancy: His noble
Companions, as Hercules, Telamon, Orpheus, Caſtor,
Pollux, Calais and Zethes the Sonnes of Boreas, are
ſeated about him in their ſeuerall degrees, attired in
faire guilt Armours, bearing triumphall Launces,
wreathed about with Lawrell, Shields honoured with
the Impreſſe of the Golden fleece, and their heads
circled with Lawrell, according to the manner of all
famous Conquerors. This Argoe is rowed by diuers
comely Eunuches, which continually attended on
Medea, and ſhe fauouring them but to paſſe vnder the
fleece of Golde, had all their garments immediatly
ſprinkled ouer with golde, euen as if it had ſhowred
downe in droppes vpon them, and ſo they rowe on in
Iaſons triumph.
ſing the fiery zeale of her affection towards him, ſhe
ſitteth playing with his loue-lockes, and wantoning
with him in all pleaſing daliance, to compaſſe the
more ſettled aſſurance of his conſtancy: His noble
Companions, as Hercules, Telamon, Orpheus, Caſtor,
Pollux, Calais and Zethes the Sonnes of Boreas, are
ſeated about him in their ſeuerall degrees, attired in
faire guilt Armours, bearing triumphall Launces,
wreathed about with Lawrell, Shields honoured with
the Impreſſe of the Golden fleece, and their heads
circled with Lawrell, according to the manner of all
famous Conquerors. This Argoe is rowed by diuers
comely Eunuches, which continually attended on
Medea, and ſhe fauouring them but to paſſe vnder the
fleece of Golde, had all their garments immediatly
ſprinkled ouer with golde, euen as if it had ſhowred
downe in droppes vpon them, and ſo they rowe on in
Iaſons triumph.
Hauing thus borrowed the helpe of this well
knowne ſtorie, to honour the day of our London Ia-
ſon3: we doe Poetically inferre, that Neptune hauing
declared himſelfe kinde in their comming hither, and
Thameſis ſhewen her ſelfe as gracious, in paſſing ouer
her watry boſome, To make his triumph more maie-
call, they lend the aſſiſtance of their Sea Chariot,
wherein they vſe to ſport themſelues on their watry
regiment, it being ſhaped like to a Whale, or the
huge Leuiathan of the Sea. Therein is placed the
ſhadow of Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine, to grace this dayes
honour, both by water and land, and by him are ſea-
ted eight royall Vertues, bearing the Enſignes of
knowne ſtorie, to honour the day of our London Ia-
ſon3: we doe Poetically inferre, that Neptune hauing
declared himſelfe kinde in their comming hither, and
Thameſis ſhewen her ſelfe as gracious, in paſſing ouer
her watry boſome, To make his triumph more maie-
call, they lend the aſſiſtance of their Sea Chariot,
wherein they vſe to ſport themſelues on their watry
regiment, it being ſhaped like to a Whale, or the
huge Leuiathan of the Sea. Therein is placed the
ſhadow of Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine, to grace this dayes
honour, both by water and land, and by him are ſea-
ted eight royall Vertues, bearing the Enſignes of
Metropolis Coronata.
Armes of eight honourable Drapers and
with beautiful ſhields, that declare each mans name,
vz. Poultney, Cromer, Aeyre, Wotton, Sidney,4 Bulloin,5
Capell, Champion. Many more we could haue brought
to accõpanie them, but neither place nor time might
afford it: only theſe are remembred for their high de-
ſeruings, as our Chronicles (at large) doe more am-
ply declare, Fame triumphing in the top, and Time
guiding the way before. No ſooner is my Lord and
his Brethren ſeated in their Bardge, and ſuch ſilence
obtained as the ſeaſon can beſt permit: but Fitz-Al-
wine ſaluteth him in this manner.
with beautiful ſhields, that declare each mans name,
vz. Poultney, Cromer, Aeyre, Wotton, Sidney,4 Bulloin,5
Capell, Champion. Many more we could haue brought
to accõpanie them, but neither place nor time might
afford it: only theſe are remembred for their high de-
ſeruings, as our Chronicles (at large) doe more am-
ply declare, Fame triumphing in the top, and Time
guiding the way before. No ſooner is my Lord and
his Brethren ſeated in their Bardge, and ſuch ſilence
obtained as the ſeaſon can beſt permit: but Fitz-Al-
wine ſaluteth him in this manner.
IT is now a compleate yeere,
Since in the borrowed ſhape I beare
Of olde Fitz-Alwine, I was rayſde from reſt.
On that dayes Triumph fully was expreſt
The honour due by graue Antiquitie,
By Royall Richard, who in me,
Firſt ſtilde the name of Maioraltie:
Which I held foure and twenty yeere,
As in good Records may appeare.
Metropolis Coronata.
In all this time my labouring ſoule,
Not quitted from the high controule
Of diuine Poeſie; hath waited ſtill
Vpon her great commanding will;
By information, that another
Of mine owne band, a Draper Brother,
Was to ſucceed in dignitie;
Of Londons famous Maioraltie,
This was a motiue of ſuch might,
That made me houer day and night,
To honour this ſolemnitie,
With whatſoere remaines in me.
Two Drapers to ſucceede each other?
I beeing their firſt aduanced Brother:
To both muſt my affection prooue
Of cordiall and ſincereſt loue.
Then Sir, as I am taught to know yee,
So doe theſe goodly Enſignes ſhew yee
Draper and
ſo was I,
And both but one Societie
In thoſe graue times when woollen Cloth
Seru’d beſt for King and ſubiect both.
The Draper and the
I tell yee were right worthy men,
And did more needy ſoules maintaine,
Then I feare will be ſeene againe.
But times muſt haue their reuolution,
And each their ſeuerall execution.
But paſſe wee them; And come to ſay
What Honours now doe crowne this day·
The Golden Fleece being the creſt
Of ancient
we digeſt
Metropolis Coronata.
The ſtory of the Golden Fleece,
Fetcht by the Argonautes of Greece
From Cholcos in reſemblance here,
Where Iaſon and
thoſe Greekes appeare,
Which in that trauaile did partake,
Both for his loue and honours ſake.
Medeas powerfull
charmes preuailde,
And all thoſe dreadfull Monſters quailde,
That kept the Fleece in their protection,
Which then was wonne by her direction.
By way of Morall application,
Your Honour may make ſome relation
Vnto your ſelfe out of this ſtorie,
Now going to fetch that fleece of Fame,
That euer muſt renowne your name.
An Oath of Faith and Fealtie
Vnto his ſacred Maieſtie,
That makes you his Great Deputie
Or Image of Authoritie.
No Monſters dare confront your way.
Imagine then, as well you may,
That all this faire and goodly Fleete,
Do in meere loue (on purpose) meete,
Like to thoſe Argonautes of Greece,
That then fetcht home their Golden Fleece,
To tend the Argoe where you ride,
Behind, before, on euery ſide
With all applauding melodie,
That beſt this day may dignifie.
To honour ſuch a day as this,
Metropolis Coronata.
Haue ſent out of their watry ſtore
Their owne Sea Chariot, which before
They nere would part with. But as now,
Their sacred Deities allow
Our vſe thereof, which we employ,
To make more full this day of ioy.
Eight Royall Vertues take the paine
Eight honoured Enſignes to ſuſtaine
Of eight Lord Maiors, as you may ſee
Deſcribed by their Heraldrie,
Drapers, and
Brethren kinde,
Leauing rare monuments behinde
Of their affection to this Citie,
For the poores good whom they did pittie.
Time checks me, that I may not tell
Their ſeuerall deedes. Nor fits it well
In ſerious buſineſſe to delay:
On then a Gods name, lets away.
The Speech being ended, the Companies witneſ-
ſing their ioy for his taking water, and the ſame fur-
ther confirmed by a gallant peale of Ordenance: wee
waite on my Lord ſo farre as conueniently we may,
euermore hauing care of our further employment in
the land ſeruice, the time being ſo ſhort, and our pre-
paration requiring ſuch decencie in order: yet much
abuſed by neglect in marſhalling, and hurried away
with too impudent haſtineſſe, albeit ſo aduiſedly ſet
downe in proiect, that nothing but meere wilfulneſſe
can miſplace them.
ſing their ioy for his taking water, and the ſame fur-
ther confirmed by a gallant peale of Ordenance: wee
waite on my Lord ſo farre as conueniently we may,
euermore hauing care of our further employment in
the land ſeruice, the time being ſo ſhort, and our pre-
paration requiring ſuch decencie in order: yet much
abuſed by neglect in marſhalling, and hurried away
with too impudent haſtineſſe, albeit ſo aduiſedly ſet
downe in proiect, that nothing but meere wilfulneſſe
can miſplace them.
B 2
Metropolis Coronata.
The Shewes appointed for ſeruice on
the LAND.
the LAND.
FIrſt, a faire and beautifull Shippe, ſtiled by the
Lord Maiors name, and called the Ioell, appea-
ring to bee lately returned, from trafficking
Wool and Cloth with other remote Countryes;
vſhereth the way for her worthy Owners ſeruice, and
is well gouerned by her Captaine, Maſter, Mate, &c.
Neptune, who hath been auſpicious to all her aduen-
tures, and Thameſis, by bringing her alwaies ſafely
within her owne bounds, beeing mounted in trium-
phall manner, the one on a pelletted Lyon, the ſup-
porter to the Drapers Armes, and the other on a ſea-
Horse, belonging to the Lord Maiors Armorie, doe
both (with their preſence) approue this dayes de-
lighting. Then followeth a goodly Ramme or Gol-
den Fleece, the honoured Creaſt (as already hath
been ſayd) to Drapers and Staplers, hauing (on each
ſide) a houſewifely Virgin ſitting, ſeriously imployed
in Carding and Spinning Wooll for Cloth, the ve-
ry beſt commoditie that euer this Kingdome yeelded.
The Argoe ſucceedeth this Fleece or Ramme, accor-
ding to our former deſcription: and then, in ſtead
of Neptunes Whale on the water, commeth another
Sea-deuice, tearmed The Chariot of Mans life, an-
ſwerable in all respects to Times relation thereof; as
alſo that other Monument of London and her twelue
Daughters9, at this time imploying Metropolis Coro-
nata10, the Kings chiefe Citty and Chamber, moſt de-
Lord Maiors name, and called the Ioell, appea-
ring to bee lately returned, from trafficking
Wool and Cloth with other remote Countryes;
vſhereth the way for her worthy Owners ſeruice, and
is well gouerned by her Captaine, Maſter, Mate, &c.
Neptune, who hath been auſpicious to all her aduen-
tures, and Thameſis, by bringing her alwaies ſafely
within her owne bounds, beeing mounted in trium-
phall manner, the one on a pelletted Lyon, the ſup-
porter to the Drapers Armes, and the other on a ſea-
Horse, belonging to the Lord Maiors Armorie, doe
both (with their preſence) approue this dayes de-
lighting. Then followeth a goodly Ramme or Gol-
den Fleece, the honoured Creaſt (as already hath
been ſayd) to Drapers and Staplers, hauing (on each
ſide) a houſewifely Virgin ſitting, ſeriously imployed
in Carding and Spinning Wooll for Cloth, the ve-
ry beſt commoditie that euer this Kingdome yeelded.
The Argoe ſucceedeth this Fleece or Ramme, accor-
ding to our former deſcription: and then, in ſtead
of Neptunes Whale on the water, commeth another
Sea-deuice, tearmed The Chariot of Mans life, an-
ſwerable in all respects to Times relation thereof; as
alſo that other Monument of London and her twelue
Daughters9, at this time imploying Metropolis Coro-
nata10, the Kings chiefe Citty and Chamber, moſt de-
Metropolis Coronata.
ſertfully crowned, as being the ancient Mother of
the whole Land, and firſt receiuing honour, by the
triple imperiall Crownes of Draperie.
the whole Land, and firſt receiuing honour, by the
triple imperiall Crownes of Draperie.
After all theſe ſhewes, thus ordered in their ap-
pointed places, followeth another deuice of Huntſ-
men, all clad in greene, with their Bowes, Arrowes
and Bugles, and a new ſlaine Deere carried among
them. It ſauoureth of Earle Robert de la Hude, ſome-
time the noble Earle of Huntington, and Sonne in
Law (by Marriage) to olde Fitz-Alwine, raiſed by
the Muſes all-commanding power, to honour this
Triumph with his Father. During the time of his
out-lawed life, in the Forreſt of merry Shir11wood, and
elſewhere, while the cruell oppreſſion of a moſt vn-
naturall couetous Brother hung heauy vpon him,
Gilbert de la Hude, Lord Abbot of Christall Abbey,12
who had all, or moſt of his Lands in morgage: hee
was commonly called Robin Hood, and had a gallant
company of men (Out-lawed in the like manner) that
followed his downecaſt fortunes, and honoured him
as their Lord and Maſter; as little Iohn Scathlocke,
Much the Millers ſonne, Right-hitting Brand13 Fryar
Tuck, and many more. In which condition of life
we make inſtant vſe of him, and part of his braue
Bowmen, fitted with Bowes and Arrowes, of the like
ſtrength and length, as good Records deliuer teſti-
monie, were then vſed by them in their killing of
pointed places, followeth another deuice of Huntſ-
men, all clad in greene, with their Bowes, Arrowes
and Bugles, and a new ſlaine Deere carried among
them. It ſauoureth of Earle Robert de la Hude, ſome-
time the noble Earle of Huntington, and Sonne in
Law (by Marriage) to olde Fitz-Alwine, raiſed by
the Muſes all-commanding power, to honour this
Triumph with his Father. During the time of his
out-lawed life, in the Forreſt of merry Shir11wood, and
elſewhere, while the cruell oppreſſion of a moſt vn-
naturall couetous Brother hung heauy vpon him,
Gilbert de la Hude, Lord Abbot of Christall Abbey,12
who had all, or moſt of his Lands in morgage: hee
was commonly called Robin Hood, and had a gallant
company of men (Out-lawed in the like manner) that
followed his downecaſt fortunes, and honoured him
as their Lord and Maſter; as little Iohn Scathlocke,
Much the Millers ſonne, Right-hitting Brand13 Fryar
Tuck, and many more. In which condition of life
we make inſtant vſe of him, and part of his braue
Bowmen, fitted with Bowes and Arrowes, of the like
ſtrength and length, as good Records deliuer teſti-
monie, were then vſed by them in their killing of
Now, becauſe after my Lords landing, protracti-
on of time neceſſarily required to be auoyded, in re-
gard of the Lords of his Maieſties moſt honourable
priuie Councell, and other great perſonages, inuited
on of time neceſſarily required to be auoyded, in re-
gard of the Lords of his Maieſties moſt honourable
priuie Councell, and other great perſonages, inuited
B 3
Metropolis Coronata.
gueſts to this ſolemne Feaſt: ſuch speeches as ſhould
haue beene ſpoken to him by the way, were referred
till his Honours returne to Saint Paules in the after-
noone. And then, another man, of no meane
ſufficiency, both for knowledge and exquiſite vſe of
action, who had in the morning guided and directed
Neptunes Whale, made in the forme of a Triumphall
Chariot on the water, and held the ſame office in the
other Chariot vpon the Land of Mans life: neere
to the little Conduit in Cheapside, hee deliuereth
this briefe ſpeech (importing a narration of the o-
ther deuiſes) to the Lord Maior in manner follow-
haue beene ſpoken to him by the way, were referred
till his Honours returne to Saint Paules in the after-
noone. And then, another man, of no meane
ſufficiency, both for knowledge and exquiſite vſe of
action, who had in the morning guided and directed
Neptunes Whale, made in the forme of a Triumphall
Chariot on the water, and held the ſame office in the
other Chariot vpon the Land of Mans life: neere
to the little Conduit in Cheapside, hee deliuereth
this briefe ſpeech (importing a narration of the o-
ther deuiſes) to the Lord Maior in manner follow-
HOnourable Lord, Time hath nothing elſe to tel
you, but the briefe meaning of theſe ſeuerall
inuentions. The water-deuices haue already
ſufficiently ſpoken themselues. This Ship, bearing
your owne name, and called the IOEL, trafficking
Englands Drapery with all other Countries, as by the
goodly Ramme or golden Fleece of England appea-
reth, where two Houſwifely Virgins ſit carding
and ſpinning, is (after many happie voyages) re-
turned to honour the day of her worthie Owner, be-
ing ſafely brought home by Neptune and Thameſis,
who (mounted on a Lyon and Sea-horſe) vouch-
ſafe their attendance on your triumph. And in ſtead
of that Sea Chariot, which waited on the Argoe in
you, but the briefe meaning of theſe ſeuerall
inuentions. The water-deuices haue already
ſufficiently ſpoken themselues. This Ship, bearing
your owne name, and called the IOEL, trafficking
Englands Drapery with all other Countries, as by the
goodly Ramme or golden Fleece of England appea-
reth, where two Houſwifely Virgins ſit carding
and ſpinning, is (after many happie voyages) re-
turned to honour the day of her worthie Owner, be-
ing ſafely brought home by Neptune and Thameſis,
who (mounted on a Lyon and Sea-horſe) vouch-
ſafe their attendance on your triumph. And in ſtead
of that Sea Chariot, which waited on the Argoe in
Metropolis Coronata.
the morning, they bring another, graced with
the same Royall Vertues, and Enſignes of Armes be-
longing to thoſe honourable Drapers. On the top is
placed a Spheare or Globe, intimating the world,
created for the vſe of man, and ſuch expence of time
as is allotted him. It is ſupported by the foure Ele-
ments, Water, Earth, Ayre, and Fire, as their figures
and Emblemes doe aptly declare. It runneth on ſe-
uen wheeles, deſcribing the ſeuen ages of man; his
Infancie, Child-hood, Adoleſcency, or Stripling e-
ſtate, Youth-hood, Man-hood, Age, and Ages extre-
mity, or decrepit condition: all of them ſubiected to
the power of the ſeuen Planets, as on each wheele
they beare their Characters. It is drawne by two Ly-
ons and two Horſes of the Sea, figuring what ſwift
motion haſtneth on the minutes, houres, months and
yeeres of our frailtie: and the whole frame or body
guided by Time, as Coach-man to the life of man.
That other goodly Monument or Pageant, with the
glorious Sunne in continuall motion ouer it, apper-
taining to the Drapers Armory; preſents yee London
in the ſupreme place of eminence, and the twelue
Companies (her twelue Daughters) all ſeated about
her in their due degrees, onely Drapery is neereſt to
her, as being the firſt and chiefeſt honoured Society
before all other.14 As ſupports to Londons flouriſhing
happineſſe, and continuance of the ſame in true tran-
quilitie: foure goodly Mounts (as ſtrong and defen-
ſiue bulwarkes) are rayſed about her, bearing Em-
blemes of thoſe foure eſpeciall qualities, which make
any Common-wealth truly happy. Learned Religi-
the same Royall Vertues, and Enſignes of Armes be-
longing to thoſe honourable Drapers. On the top is
placed a Spheare or Globe, intimating the world,
created for the vſe of man, and ſuch expence of time
as is allotted him. It is ſupported by the foure Ele-
ments, Water, Earth, Ayre, and Fire, as their figures
and Emblemes doe aptly declare. It runneth on ſe-
uen wheeles, deſcribing the ſeuen ages of man; his
Infancie, Child-hood, Adoleſcency, or Stripling e-
ſtate, Youth-hood, Man-hood, Age, and Ages extre-
mity, or decrepit condition: all of them ſubiected to
the power of the ſeuen Planets, as on each wheele
they beare their Characters. It is drawne by two Ly-
ons and two Horſes of the Sea, figuring what ſwift
motion haſtneth on the minutes, houres, months and
yeeres of our frailtie: and the whole frame or body
guided by Time, as Coach-man to the life of man.
That other goodly Monument or Pageant, with the
glorious Sunne in continuall motion ouer it, apper-
taining to the Drapers Armory; preſents yee London
in the ſupreme place of eminence, and the twelue
Companies (her twelue Daughters) all ſeated about
her in their due degrees, onely Drapery is neereſt to
her, as being the firſt and chiefeſt honoured Society
before all other.14 As ſupports to Londons flouriſhing
happineſſe, and continuance of the ſame in true tran-
quilitie: foure goodly Mounts (as ſtrong and defen-
ſiue bulwarkes) are rayſed about her, bearing Em-
blemes of thoſe foure eſpeciall qualities, which make
any Common-wealth truly happy. Learned Religi-
Metropolis Coronata.
on, Militarie Diſcipline, Nauigation, and Home-
bred Husbandrie.
bred Husbandrie.
For thus, my Lord, I truely vnderſtand,
No greater Croſſe can hap to any Land,
Then lacke of Schollars, Souldiers, Saylers,
Long may we haue them all, Time ſayes Amen.
Euening haſtening on ſpeedily, and thoſe
Ceremonies at Paules being accompliſhed: darke-
neſſe becommeth like bright day, by bountifull al-
lowance of lighted .Torches, for guyding all the ſe-
uerall ſhewes, and my Lord homeward. The way
being ſomewhat long, the order of march appeared
the more excellent and commendable, euen as if it
had been a Royall Maske15, prepared for the marriage
of an immortall Deitie, as in the like nature we hold
the Lord Maior, to be this day ſolemnely married to
Londons ſupreame Dignitie, by repreſenting the awe-
full authority of ſoueraigne Maieſtie. No ſooner
commeth he to his owne Gate, but there our ſuppo-
ſed Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine, on behalfe of the honou-
rable company of Drapers, who made no ſpare of
their bounty, for full performance of this dayes ſo-
lemne Honor; ſpeaketh this ensuing ſpeech.
Ceremonies at Paules being accompliſhed: darke-
neſſe becommeth like bright day, by bountifull al-
lowance of lighted .Torches, for guyding all the ſe-
uerall ſhewes, and my Lord homeward. The way
being ſomewhat long, the order of march appeared
the more excellent and commendable, euen as if it
had been a Royall Maske15, prepared for the marriage
of an immortall Deitie, as in the like nature we hold
the Lord Maior, to be this day ſolemnely married to
Londons ſupreame Dignitie, by repreſenting the awe-
full authority of ſoueraigne Maieſtie. No ſooner
commeth he to his owne Gate, but there our ſuppo-
ſed Sir Henry Fitz-Alwine, on behalfe of the honou-
rable company of Drapers, who made no ſpare of
their bounty, for full performance of this dayes ſo-
lemne Honor; ſpeaketh this ensuing ſpeech.
Metropolis Coronata.
NOw honour’d Lord, ſince day is done,
And you to your owne houſe are come,
With all delight that we can make yee:
Me thinks we ſhould not yet forſake yee,
But that ſtrict Time will haue it ſo,
And parts vs, whether we will or no,
All then my Lord that I ſhall ſay,
Is, that your Honour would well weigh
Your worthie-minded Brethrens loue,
Who haue in firme affection ſtroue;
How beſt they might renowne this day:
In honouring you. And I dare ſay,
That neuer men did more deſire
To ſtretch their loue and bounty higher
Then they haue done, and could afford
For ſuch a worthy minded Lord,
Which they by me humbly commend
Still at your ſeruice: So I end.
Afterward, as occaſion beſt preſenteth it ſelfe,
when the heate of all other employments are calmly
ouerpaſt: Earle Robin Hood, with Fryer Tuck, and his
other braue Hunteſ-men, attending (now at laſt) to
diſcharge their duty to my Lord, which the buſie
turmoile of the whole day could not before affoord:
they ſhewe themſelues to him in this order, and
Earle Robin himselfe thus ſpeaketh:
when the heate of all other employments are calmly
ouerpaſt: Earle Robin Hood, with Fryer Tuck, and his
other braue Hunteſ-men, attending (now at laſt) to
diſcharge their duty to my Lord, which the buſie
turmoile of the whole day could not before affoord:
they ſhewe themſelues to him in this order, and
Earle Robin himselfe thus ſpeaketh:
SInce Graues may not their Dead containe,
Nor in their peacefull ſleepes remaine,
But Triumphes and great Showes muſt vſe them,
And we vnable to refuſe them:
It ioyes me that Earle Robert
Fetcht from the Forreſt of merrie Shirwood,
With theſe my Yeomen tight and tall,
Braue Huntſmen and good Archers all:
Muſt in this Iouiall day partake,
Prepared for your Honours ſake.
No ſooner was I rayſde from reſt,
And of my former ſtate poſſeſt
As while I liu’d: But being alone,
And of my Yeomen ſeeing not one:
I with my Bugle gaue a call,
Made all the Woods to ring withall.
Immediatly came little Iohn,
And Scathlock
followed him anon,
And ere ought elſe could be done,
The frollicke Frier came tripping in,
His heart vpon a merrie pinne.
Metropolis Coronata.
Maſter (quoth he) in yonder brake,
A Deere is hid for Marians ſake,
That hath the happy hitting hand,
Shoote right and haue him. And ſee my Lord
The deed performed with the word.
For Robin and his
Bow-men bolde,
Religiouſly did euer holde,
Not emptie-handed to be ſeene,
Were’t but at feaſting on a Greene.
Much more then, when ſo high a day
Calls our attendance: All we may,
Is all too little, tis your grace,
To winke at weakeneſſe in this caſe.
So fearing to be ouer-long,
End all with our olde hunting Song.
But good Maſter ere they ſing,
Fauour me to moue one thing.
A boone, a boone, for Fryer
Who begges it with a lowly ducke.
Since we are thus rayſde from our reſt,
In honour of this famous feaſt,
And for his ſake that may commaund,
(Next to my Maſter) heart and hand,
Of mee and all theſe good Yeomen:
Ere we returne to ground agen,
Seeing iolly Christmas drawes ſo neere,
When as our ſeruice may appeare,
Of much more merit then as now,
Which doth no larger ſcope allow,
C 2
Metropolis Coronata.
Then that which is already done;
Your loue, my Lord, ſo much hath won
Vpon the Fryer and his Compeeres,
As we could wiſh to liue whole yeeres,
To yeeld you pleaſure and delight,
Be it by day, or be it by night.
For we haue choiſe delights in ſtore,
Command them, and I craue no more.
You heare (my Lord) the Fryers motion,
Out of meere loue, and pure deuotion.
You ſee beſide that all my men,
(For any ſeaſon, where or when,)
Second his ſute. May it pleaſe you then,
Not to diſlike his kinde requeſt,
Earle Robin frankly
doth proteſt,
We will all ſtriue to do our beſt,
When any occasion ſhall require,
The offer of our merry Fryer,
For ſuch a worthy minded Lord,
Robin Hood ſeales
it with his word.
Thankes my deare Domine,
And to you noble Homine,
For to this Indenter,
Frier Tuck
ſubſcribes Libenter.
Now leſt we offer wrong,
Fall to your Sing Song.
NOw wend we together, my merry men all,
Vnto the Forreſt ſide-a:
And there to strike a Buck or a Doae,
Let our cunning all be tride-a.
Then goe we merrily, merrily on,
To the Green-wood to take vp our ſtand,
Where we will lye in waite for our Game,
With our bent Bowes all in our hand.
What life is there like to Robin Hood?
It is ſo pleasant a thing a:
In merry Shirwood he ſpends his dayes,
As pleaſantly as a King a.
No man may compare with Robin
Their like was neuer, nor neuer will be,
If in caſe that they were gone.
C 3
Metropolis Coronata.
They will not away from merry Shirwood,
In any place elſe to dwell:
For there is neither City nor Towne,
That likes them halfe ſo well.
Our liues are wholly giuen to hunt,
And haunt the merrie Greene-wood:
Where our beſt ſeruice is daily ſpent,
For our Maſter Robin Hood.
- New page; catchword euer on previous page. (SM)↑
- The Argo is the ship that Jason and the Argonauts sailed to retrieve the Golden Fleece. (SM)↑
- The phrase
our London Iason
refers to Sir John Jolles. (KMF)↑ - No one called
appears to have been a draper or lord mayor of London.Sidney
is probably a transcription error forGedney,
as there was a John Gedney who was a draper and lord mayor of London in 1427-28 and 1447-48. (KMF)↑ - Munday is almost certainly referring to
Geoffrey Boleyn
who was lord mayor of London, 1457-58. Boleyn, however, was not a draper but rather a mercer. (KMF)↑ - The appositional phrases
our Iaſon
andLondons glorie
refer to Sir John Jolles. (KMF)↑ - As mentioned above, Sidney is probably a transcription error for
(SM)↑ - As
mentioned above, Munday is almost certainly referring to
Geoffrey Boleyn
; however, Boleyn was a mercer, not a draper. (SM)↑ - The
twelve daughters
refer to the twelve principal guilds of the City of London. (KMF)↑ - An allegorical representation of the City of London. (KMF)↑
- Gap in inking; missing letters obvious from context. (KMF)↑
- I.e. Kirkstall Abbey. (SM)↑
- Munday appears to have invented the character of
Right Hitting Brand
in the Robin Hood stories. In later periods, this character is sometimes calledHard-Hitting Brand.,
(KMF)↑ - Munday is incorrect in ranking the Drapers as the first in precedence. The Mercers were actually ranked first. (KMF)↑
- A royal masque was a form of courtly entertainment involving music, singing, dancing, acting and elaborate costume and stage designs. Masques were developed to celebrate and flatter their wealthy patrons. (KMF)↑
Early English Books Online (EEBO). Proquest LLC. Subscription.This item is cited in the following documents:
EEBO-TCP (EEBO Text Creation Partnership). [The Text Creation Partnership offers searchable diplomatic transcriptions of many EEBO items.] Web.
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Metropolis Coronata. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,
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Metropolis Coronata.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.
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The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
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Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Munday, Anthony ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - Metropolis Coronata T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2018 DA - 2018/06/20 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
RT Web Page SR Electronic(1) A1 Munday, Anthony A6 Jenstad, Janelle T1 Metropolis Coronata T2 The Map of Early Modern London WP 2018 FD 2018/06/20 RD 2018/06/20 PP Victoria PB University of Victoria LA English OL English LK
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MUND1"><surname>Munday</surname>, <forename>Anthony</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">Metropolis Coronata</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>Personography
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad, associate professor in the department of English at the University of Victoria, is the general editor and coordinator of The Map of Early Modern London. She is also the assistant coordinating editor of Internet Shakespeare Editions. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), and Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, forthcoming). She is currently working on an edition of The Merchant of Venice for ISE and Broadview P. She lectures regularly on London studies, digital humanities, and on Shakespeare in performance.Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
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Author of Textual Introduction
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Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Research assistant, 2013-15, and data manager, 2015 to present. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
Author of Term Descriptions
CSS Editor
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Geographic Information Specialist
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MoEML Researcher
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Quinn MacDonald
Undergraduate research assistant and encoder, 2013. Quinn is a fourth-year honours English student at the University of Victoria. Her areas of interest include postcolonial theory and texts, urban agriculture, journalism that isn’t lazy, fine writing, and roller derby. She is the director of community relations for The Warren Undergraduate Review and senior editor of Concrete Garden magazine.Roles played in the project
First Markup Editor
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Quinn MacDonald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present; Associate Project Director, 2015–present; Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014; MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
Associate Project Director
Author of MoEML Introduction
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Data Contributor
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Director of Pedagogy and Outreach
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Secondary Editor
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Kim McLean-Fiander is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kim McLean-Fiander is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present; Junior Programmer, 2015 to 2017; Research Assistant, 2014 to 2017. Joey Takeda is an MA student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests include diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
Author of Stub
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Data Manager
Date Encoder
Encoder (Bibliography)
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Zaqir Virani
Graduate Research Assistant, 2013-14. Zaqir Virani completed his MA at the University of Victoria in April 2014. He received his BA from Simon Fraser University in 2012, and has worked as a musician, producer, and author of short fiction. His research focuses on the linkage of sound and textual analysis software and the work of Samuel Beckett.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
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First Transcriber
Markup Editor
MoEML Transcriber
Second Transcriber
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Zaqir Virani is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Author of abstract
Name Encoder
Post-conversion and Markup Editor
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Sarah Milligan
MoEML Research Affiliate. Research assistant, 2012-14. Sarah Milligan completed her MA at the University of Victoria in 2012 on the invalid persona in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese. She has also worked with the Internet Shakespeare Editions and with Dr. Alison Chapman on the Victorian Poetry Network, compiling an index of Victorian periodical poetry.Roles played in the project
Copy Editor
Date Encoder
Final Markup Editor
Formeworke Encoder
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MoEML Transcriber
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Contributions by this author
Sarah Milligan is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Sarah Milligan is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Cappell
Sir William Cappell Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1489—1490 CE. Mayor from 1503—1504 CE and from 1509—1510 CE. Member of the Drapers’ Company.Sir William Cappell is mentioned in the following documents:
Simon Eyre
Simon Eyre Sheriff Mayor
(b. 1395, d. 1458)Sheriff of London from 1434—1435 CE. Mayor from 1445—1446 CE. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Appears as a dramatic character in Thomas Middleton’s The Shoemaker’s Holiday and Thomas Deloney’s The Gentle Craft.Simon Eyre is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Fitzalwine is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of fame. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows. -
Neptune is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of the River Thames. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Thamesis is mentioned in the following documents:
John I is mentioned in the following documents:
Allegorical character representing the city of London. See also the allegorical character representing Roman London, Troya-Nova.London is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Munday
(bap. 1560, d. 1633)Playwright, actor, pageant poet, translator, and writer. Possible member of the Draper’s Company and/or the Merchant Taylor’s Company.Anthony Munday is mentioned in the following documents:
George Purslowe is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard I
King Richard I the Lionheart
(b. 8 November 1157, d. 6 April 1199)King of England, duke of Normandy and of Aquitaine, and count of Anjou. Third son of King Henry II.Richard I is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of time. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Time is mentioned in the following documents:
Greek mythological heroes who accompanied Jason to Colchis in his quest for the Golden Fleece.Argonauts is mentioned in the following documents:
Sons of Boreas
In Greek mythology, Calais and Zethes were the sons of Boreas, god of the north wind.Sons of Boreas is mentioned in the following documents:
Right-Hitting Brand
Legendary fellow outlaw of Robin Hood and one of his Merry Men, according to Anthony Munday.Right-Hitting Brand is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Boleyn is mentioned in the following documents:
Calais is mentioned in the following documents:
In Greco-Roman mythology, Castor, along with his twin brother, Pollux. participated in the hunting of the Calydonian Boar and joined the crew of Jason’s ship, the Argo. The twins are known as the Dioscuri.Castor is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Richard Champion is mentioned in the following documents:
William Crowmere
William Crowmere Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1405—1406 CE. Mayor from 1413—1414 CE and from 1423—1424 CE. Member of the Drapers’ Company.William Crowmere is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gedney
John Gedney Sheriff Mayor
(d. 12 February 1449)Sheriff of London from 1417—1418 CE. Mayor from 1427—1428 CE and from 1447—1448 CE. Member of the Drapers’ Company. First master of the Drapers’ Hall. Buried in St. Christopher le Stocks.John Gedney is mentioned in the following documents:
Hercules is the Roman name for the Greek god Heracles, son of Zeus and Alcmene. Hewas famous for his strength.Hercules is mentioned in the following documents:
Robin Hood is mentioned in the following documents:
Gilbert Hood
Legendary relative (sometimes brother, sometimes uncle) of Robin Hood. Supposed lord abbot ofChristall [i.e., Kirkstall] Abbey.
Gilbert Hood is mentioned in the following documents:
Greek mythological hero known for his role as the leader of the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece.Jason is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Jolles is mentioned in the following documents:
Leviathan is mentioned in the following documents:
Little John
Legendary fellow outlaw of Robin Hood. Chief lieutenant and second-in-command of the Merry Men.Little John is mentioned in the following documents:
Maid Marian is mentioned in the following documents:
Greek mythological figure who was the wife of Jason and the daughter of King Aeëtesof Colchis.Medea is mentioned in the following documents:
Much the Miller’s Son is mentioned in the following documents:
In Greek mythology, Orpheus was a musician, poet, and prophet. He was a companion and the harpist of Jason and the Argonauts.Orpheus is mentioned in the following documents:
In Greco-Roman mythology, Pollux, along with his twin brother, Castor, participated in the hunting of the Calydonian Boar and joined the crew of Jason’s ship, the Argo. The twins are known as the Dioscuri.Pollux is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John de Pulteney is mentioned in the following documents:
Will Scarlet is mentioned in the following documents:
Telamon is mentioned in the following documents:
Friar Tuck is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Wotton
Nicholas Wotton Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1406—1407 CE. Mayor from 1415—1416 CE and from 1430—1431 CE. Member of the Drapers’ Company.Nicholas Wotton is mentioned in the following documents:
Zethes is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster is mentioned in the following documents:
Three Cranes Wharf is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral was—and remains—an important church in London. In 962, while London was occupied by the Danes, St. Paul’s monastery was burnt and raised anew. The church survived the Norman conquest of 1066, but in 1087 it was burnt again. An ambitious Bishop named Maurice took the opportunity to build a new St. Paul’s, even petitioning the king to offer a piece of land belonging to one of his castles (Times 115). The building Maurice initiated would become the cathedral of St. Paul’s which survived until the Great Fire of 1666.St. Paul’s Cathedral is mentioned in the following documents:
Little Conduit (Cheapside)
The Little Conduit in Cheapside, also known as the Pissing Conduit, stood at the western end of Cheapside outside the north corner of Paul’s Churchyard. On the Agas map, one can see two water cans on the ground just to the right of the conduit.Little Conduit (Cheapside) is mentioned in the following documents:
The Drapers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Drapers
The Drapers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Drapers were third in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Drapers is still active and maintains a website at, with a history and short bibliography.The coat of arms of the Drapers’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Early English Books Online–Text Creation Partnership
EEBO-TCP is a partnership with ProQuest and with more than 150 libraries to generate highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts corresponding to books from the Early English Books Online Database. EEBO-TCP maintains a website at
Roles played in the project
First Encoders
First Transcriber
First Transcribers
This organization is mentioned in the following documents: