The Queen’s Majesty’s Passage
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The receiving of the Quenes maieſtie
Vpon Saturday, which was the
xiiii. day of Januarie in the yere
of our Lord God .1558. about .ii.
of the clocke at after noone, the
moſt noble, and Chriſtian prin-
ceſſe, our mooſte dradde ſoue-
raigne Ladye Elyzabeth by the
grace of god Quene of England, Fraunce & Ire-
land, defendour of the faithe & c marched from the
towre to paſſe through the citie of London towarde
Weſtminſter, richely furniſhed, & most honorably
accompanied, as well with gentilmen, Barons, &
other the nobilitie of this realme, asalſo with a no-
table trayne of goodly and beawtifull ladies,richly
appoynted. And entryng the citie was of the people
receiued merueylous entierly, as appeared by thaſ-
ſemblie, prayers, wiſhes, welcomminges, cryes, ten -
der woordes, and all other ſignes, whiche argue a
wonderfull earneſt loue of moſt obedient ſubiectes
towarde theyr ſoueraigne. And on thother ſyde her
grace by holding up her handes, and merie counte-
naunce to ſuch as ſtode farre of, and moſt tender &
gentle to thoſe that ſtode nigh to her grace,
did declare her ſelfe noleſſe thankefullye to receiue
her peoples good wyll, than they louingly offredit
unto her. To all that wyſhed her grace wel, ſhe gaue
heartie thankes, and to ſuche as bade God ſave her
grace, ſhe ſayde agayne god ſaue them all, and than
ked them with all her heart. So that on eyther ſyde
ther was notyng but gladnes, nothing but prayer:
nothing but comfort. The Quenes maieſtie reioy-
ſed marueilouſlye to ſee, ye, ſo ecceadingly shewed to-
warde her grace, which all good princes have ever
deſyred, I meane ſo earneſt loue of ſubiectes, ſo eui-
dently declared euen to her gracesowne persone be-
ing caried in the middeſt of them. The people again
wer wonderfully rauiſhed with the louing anſwers
and geſtures of theyr princeſſe, like to the which they
had before tryed at her firſt comming to the towre
from Hatfield. This her graces louing behauiour
preconceiued in the peoples heades upon theſe con-
ſideracions was then throughly confirmed, and in
dede emplanted a wonderfull hope in them tou-
chyng her woorthy gouernment in the reſt of her
reygne. For in all her paſſage she did not only shew
her moſt gracious loue toward the people in gene-
rall, but alſo priuately if the baſer perſonages had
either offred her grace any flowres or such like, as a
ſignificacion of their good wyll, or moued to her any
ſute, ſhe most gently, to the common reioyſing of all
the lookers on, & priuate comfort of ye partie, ſtaid her chariot, and heard theyr requeſtes. So that if a
man ſhould ſay well, he could not better tearme the
citie of London that time, than a ſtage wherin was
ſhewed the wonderfull ſpectacle, of a noble hearted
princeſſe toward her most louing people, & the peo-
ples exceding comfort in beholding ſo worthy a ſo-
ueraigne, & hearing ſo princelike a voice which could
not but haue ſet thenemie on fyre, ſince ye vertue is
in thenemie cōmended, much more could not
but enflame her naturall, obedient, and moſt lo-
uyng people, whose weale leaneth onely uppon her
grace, and her gouernement. Thus therfore
the queenes maieſtie paſſed from the Towre
tyll she came to Fanchurche, the people on eche ſyde
ioyously beholdyng the viewe of ſo gracious a La-
dye theyr queene, and her grace no lesse gladlye no-
tyng and obſeruying the ſame. Hereunto fanchurch
was erected a ſcaffold richely furniſhed, wheron
stode a noyes of inſtrumentes, and a chyld in coſt
ly apparell, whiche was appoynted to welcome the
queenes maieſtie in the hole cities behalfe. Agaynſt
which place when her grace came, of her owne wyll
ſhe comaunded the chariot to be stayde, and that the
noyes might be appeaſed tyll the childe had uttered
his welcomming oration, which heſpake in Engliſh
meter as here foloweth.
xiiii. day of Januarie in the yere
of our Lord God .1558. about .ii.
of the clocke at after noone, the
moſt noble, and Chriſtian prin-
ceſſe, our mooſte dradde ſoue-
raigne Ladye Elyzabeth by the
grace of god Quene of England, Fraunce & Ire-
land, defendour of the faithe & c marched from the
towre to paſſe through the citie of London towarde
Weſtminſter, richely furniſhed, & most honorably
accompanied, as well with gentilmen, Barons, &
other the nobilitie of this realme, asalſo with a no-
table trayne of goodly and beawtifull ladies,richly
appoynted. And entryng the citie was of the people
receiued merueylous entierly, as appeared by thaſ-
ſemblie, prayers, wiſhes, welcomminges, cryes, ten -
der woordes, and all other ſignes, whiche argue a
wonderfull earneſt loue of moſt obedient ſubiectes
towarde theyr ſoueraigne. And on thother ſyde her
grace by holding up her handes, and merie counte-
naunce to ſuch as ſtode farre of, and moſt tender &
gentle to thoſe that ſtode nigh to her grace,
did declare her ſelfe noleſſe thankefullye to receiue
her peoples good wyll, than they louingly offredit
unto her. To all that wyſhed her grace wel, ſhe gaue
heartie thankes, and to ſuche as bade God ſave her
grace, ſhe ſayde agayne god ſaue them all, and than
ked them with all her heart. So that on eyther ſyde
ther was notyng but gladnes, nothing but prayer:
The receiving
nothing but comfort. The Quenes maieſtie reioy-
ſed marueilouſlye to ſee, ye, ſo ecceadingly shewed to-
warde her grace, which all good princes have ever
deſyred, I meane ſo earneſt loue of ſubiectes, ſo eui-
dently declared euen to her gracesowne persone be-
ing caried in the middeſt of them. The people again
wer wonderfully rauiſhed with the louing anſwers
and geſtures of theyr princeſſe, like to the which they
had before tryed at her firſt comming to the towre
from Hatfield. This her graces louing behauiour
preconceiued in the peoples heades upon theſe con-
ſideracions was then throughly confirmed, and in
dede emplanted a wonderfull hope in them tou-
chyng her woorthy gouernment in the reſt of her
reygne. For in all her paſſage she did not only shew
her moſt gracious loue toward the people in gene-
rall, but alſo priuately if the baſer perſonages had
either offred her grace any flowres or such like, as a
ſignificacion of their good wyll, or moued to her any
ſute, ſhe most gently, to the common reioyſing of all
the lookers on, & priuate comfort of ye partie, ſtaid her chariot, and heard theyr requeſtes. So that if a
man ſhould ſay well, he could not better tearme the
citie of London that time, than a ſtage wherin was
ſhewed the wonderfull ſpectacle, of a noble hearted
princeſſe toward her most louing people, & the peo-
ples exceding comfort in beholding ſo worthy a ſo-
ueraigne, & hearing ſo princelike a voice which could
not but haue ſet thenemie on fyre, ſince ye vertue is
in thenemie cōmended, much more could not
of the Quenes maiſtie.
but enflame her naturall, obedient, and moſt lo-
uyng people, whose weale leaneth onely uppon her
grace, and her gouernement. Thus therfore
the queenes maieſtie paſſed from the Towre
tyll she came to Fanchurche, the people on eche ſyde
ioyously beholdyng the viewe of ſo gracious a La-
dye theyr queene, and her grace no lesse gladlye no-
tyng and obſeruying the ſame. Hereunto fanchurch
was erected a ſcaffold richely furniſhed, wheron
stode a noyes of inſtrumentes, and a chyld in coſt
ly apparell, whiche was appoynted to welcome the
queenes maieſtie in the hole cities behalfe. Agaynſt
which place when her grace came, of her owne wyll
ſhe comaunded the chariot to be stayde, and that the
noyes might be appeaſed tyll the childe had uttered
his welcomming oration, which heſpake in Engliſh
meter as here foloweth.
Formal Greeting to the Queen at Fenchurch
O pereles ſoueraygne quene, behold what this thy town
Hath thee preſented with at thy fyrſt entraunce here:
Behold with how riche hope ſhe ledeth thee to thy crown
Beholde with what two gyfteſ ſhe comforteth thy chere.
The firſt is bleſſing tonges, which many a welcome ſay
Which pray thou maiſt do wel, which praiſe the to ſky
Which wiſh to the long lyfe, which bleſſe this happy day
Which to thy kingdome heapes, al that in tonges can lye.
The ſecond is true hertes, which loue thee fro their roote
Whoſe ſute is tryumphe now, and ruleth all the game.
Which faithfulneſ haue wone, & al untruthe driuen out,
Which ſkip for ioy, when as they heare thy happy name.
The receiving
At which wordes of the laſt line the hole people gaue
a great ſhout, wishing with one aſſent as the chylde
had ſaid. And the Quenes maieſtie thāked moſt har
tely both citie for this her gentle receiuing at the
firſt, & alſo the people for confirming the ſame. Here
was noted in the Queenes maiestieſ countenance,
during the time that the childe ſpake, besides a per-
petuall attentiuenes in her face, a meruelous chāge
in loke, as the childes wordes touched either her per
son or the peoples tonges and hertes. So that ſhe
with reioyſyng viſage did euidently declare that the
woordes tooke no leſſe place in her minde, than they
were moſte heartelye pronounced by the chylde, as frō
all the heartes of her moſt heartie citizeins.The
ſame verſes wer faſtened vp in a table vpon the ſcaf-
folde, and the latine therof likewiſe in latine verſes
in another table as hereafter ensuweth.
a great ſhout, wishing with one aſſent as the chylde
had ſaid. And the Quenes maieſtie thāked moſt har
tely both citie for this her gentle receiuing at the
firſt, & alſo the people for confirming the ſame. Here
was noted in the Queenes maiestieſ countenance,
during the time that the childe ſpake, besides a per-
petuall attentiuenes in her face, a meruelous chāge
in loke, as the childes wordes touched either her per
son or the peoples tonges and hertes. So that ſhe
with reioyſyng viſage did euidently declare that the
woordes tooke no leſſe place in her minde, than they
were moſte heartelye pronounced by the chylde, as frō
all the heartes of her moſt heartie citizeins.The
ſame verſes wer faſtened vp in a table vpon the ſcaf-
folde, and the latine therof likewiſe in latine verſes
in another table as hereafter ensuweth.
Vrbs tua quæ ingreſſu dederit tibi munera
O Regina parem non habitura, vide.
Ad diadema tuum, te ſpe quám diuite
Quæ duo lætitæ det tibi dona, vide.
Munus habes primŭ, linguas bona multa
Quæ te quum laudant, tum pia vota
Fœlicemgue diem hunc dicunt, tibi ſecula
Optant, et quicquid deniɋu, lingua
Quorum gens ludum iam regit vna tuum:
In quibus eſt infraƈta fides, falſumque
Quæque tuo audito nomine læta ſalit
Grata venis igitur, quantum cor concipit
Quantum lingua poteſt dicere, grata
Cordibus infraƈtis, linguisɋue per omnia
Grata venis: ſaluam to velis esse deus.
Presentation of the First Pageant at Gracious Street
Now when the childe had pronounced his orati-
on, and the Quenes highnes ſo thankefully had re-
ceiued it, ſhe marched forwarde towarde gracious
ſtreate, where at the upper ende, before the ſigne of
the Egle, the citie had erected a gorgeous and ſump
tuous arke as here foloweth.
on, and the Quenes highnes ſo thankefully had re-
ceiued it, ſhe marched forwarde towarde gracious
ſtreate, where at the upper ende, before the ſigne of
the Egle, the citie had erected a gorgeous and ſump
tuous arke as here foloweth.
A ſtage was made whiche extended from thone
ſyde of the ſtreate to thother, rychely uawted with
batlementes conteining three portes, and ouer the
middlemoſt was auaunced .iii. ſeuerall ſtages in de-
grees. Upon the loweſt ſtage was made one ſeate
royall, wherin wer placed two perſonages repreſen-
ting kynge Henrie the ſeuenth and Elyzabeth his
wyfe doughter of king Edward the fourth, eyther
of these two princes ſitting vnder one cloth of eſtate
in their ſeates, no otherwyſe diuided, but that thone
of them whiche was king Henrie the seuenth proce-
ding out of the house of Lancaſtre, was enclosed in
a read rose, and thother which was Queen Eliza-
beth being heire to the houſe of Yorke, encloſed with
a whyte rose, eche of them royally crowned, and de-
cently apparailled as apperteineth to princes, with
Sceptours in their hānds, & one vawt surmounting their heades, wherin aptlie wer placed two tables, eche conteining ye tytle of those two princes. And these personages were so set, ye the one of them ioyned handes with thother, with ye ring of matrimonie perceiued on ye finger. Out of the which two roses sprang two braunches gathered into one, which wer directed vpward to the second stage or degree, wherin was placed one, representing the valiant & noble prynce king Henrie theight which sprong out of the former stocke, crowned with a crowne imperiall, & by him sate one representing ye right worthie ladie quene Anne, wife to the said king Henrie theyght, & mother to our most soueraign ladie quene Elizabeth that now is, both apparelled with Sceptours & diademes, and other furniture due to the state of a king & quene & .ii. tables surmounting their heades wherein were written their names & tytles. From their seate also proceaded vpwardes one braunche directed to the third and vppermost stage or degree, wherin lykewyse was planted a seat royall, in the whiche was sette one representynge the Quenes most dradde soueraygne Ladie, crowned and apparelled as thother prynces were. Oute of the forepart of thys pageaunt was made a standyng for a chylde, whiche at the quenes maiesties comyng declared unto her ye hole meaning of the said pageaunt. The two sydes of the same were filled with loude noyses of musicke. And all emptie places thereof were furnished with sentences concerning unitie. And the hole pageant garnished with redde roses and white and in the forefront of the same pageant in a faire wreathe was written the name, and title of the same, which was The vniting of the two houses of Lancastre and Yorke. This pageant was grounded vpon the Queenes maiesties name. For like as the long warre betwene the two houses of Yorke and Lancastre then ended, when Elizabeth doughter to Edwarde the fourthe matched in mariage wyth Henry the seventhe heyre to the howse of Launcaster : so synce that the Queenes maiesties name was Elizabeth, and forsomuch as she is the onelye heire of Henrie the eyght, which came of bothe the houses as the knitting vp of concorde, it was deuised that like as Elizabeth was the first occasion of concorde, so she another Elizabeth might maintaine the same among her subiectes, so that vnitie was the ende wherat the whole deuise shotte, as the Queenes maiesties names moued the firste grounde. This pageant now against the Quenes maiesties comming was addressed with children representing the forenamed personages, with all furniture dew vnto the setting forthe of such a matter well ment, as the argument declared, costly and sumptuouslye set forthe, as the beholders can beare witnes. Now the Queenes maiestye drewe nere unto the sayde pageant, and forsomuch as the noyse was great by reason of the prease of people, so that she could skace heare the childe which did interprete the saide pageant, and her chariot was passed so farre forward that she could not well view the personages representing the kinges and Queenes abouenamed: she required to haue the matter opened vnto her, which so was, and euery personage appointed, and what they signified, with the ende of vnitie & ground of her name, according as is before expressed. For the sight wherof, her grace caused her chariot to be remoued back, & yet hardley coulde she see, because the children were set somewhat with the farthest in. But after that her grace ahd understode the meaning therof, she thanked the citie, praised the fairenes of the worke, and promised, that she would doe her whole endeuour for the continuall preseruacion of concorde, as the pageant did emporte. The childe appointed in the standing abouenamed to open the meaning of the said pageant, spake these wordes unto her grace.
ſyde of the ſtreate to thother, rychely uawted with
batlementes conteining three portes, and ouer the
middlemoſt was auaunced .iii. ſeuerall ſtages in de-
grees. Upon the loweſt ſtage was made one ſeate
royall, wherin wer placed two perſonages repreſen-
ting kynge Henrie the ſeuenth and Elyzabeth his
wyfe doughter of king Edward the fourth, eyther
of these two princes ſitting vnder one cloth of eſtate
in their ſeates, no otherwyſe diuided, but that thone
of them whiche was king Henrie the seuenth proce-
ding out of the house of Lancaſtre, was enclosed in
a read rose, and thother which was Queen Eliza-
beth being heire to the houſe of Yorke, encloſed with
a whyte
The receiving
a whyte rose, eche of them royally crowned, and de-
cently apparailled as apperteineth to princes, with
Sceptours in their hānds, & one vawt surmounting their heades, wherin aptlie wer placed two tables, eche conteining ye tytle of those two princes. And these personages were so set, ye the one of them ioyned handes with thother, with ye ring of matrimonie perceiued on ye finger. Out of the which two roses sprang two braunches gathered into one, which wer directed vpward to the second stage or degree, wherin was placed one, representing the valiant & noble prynce king Henrie theight which sprong out of the former stocke, crowned with a crowne imperiall, & by him sate one representing ye right worthie ladie quene Anne, wife to the said king Henrie theyght, & mother to our most soueraign ladie quene Elizabeth that now is, both apparelled with Sceptours & diademes, and other furniture due to the state of a king & quene & .ii. tables surmounting their heades wherein were written their names & tytles. From their seate also proceaded vpwardes one braunche directed to the third and vppermost stage or degree, wherin lykewyse was planted a seat royall, in the whiche was sette one representynge the Quenes most dradde soueraygne Ladie, crowned and apparelled as thother prynces were. Oute of the forepart of thys pageaunt was made a standyng for a chylde, whiche at the quenes maiesties comyng declared unto her ye hole meaning of the said pageaunt. The two sydes of the same were filled with loude noyses of musicke. And all emptie places thereof were furnished with sentences concerning unitie. And the hole pageant garnished with redde roses and white and in the forefront of the same pageant in a faire wreathe was written the name, and title of the same, which was The vniting of the two houses of Lancastre and Yorke. This pageant was grounded vpon the Queenes maiesties name. For like as the long warre betwene the two houses of Yorke and Lancastre then ended, when Elizabeth doughter to Edwarde the fourthe matched in mariage wyth Henry the seventhe heyre to the howse of Launcaster : so synce that the Queenes maiesties name was Elizabeth, and forsomuch as she is the onelye heire of Henrie the eyght, which came of bothe the houses as the knitting vp of concorde, it was deuised that like as Elizabeth was the first occasion of concorde, so she another Elizabeth might maintaine the same among her subiectes, so that vnitie was the ende wherat the whole deuise shotte, as the Queenes maiesties names moued the firste grounde. This pageant now against the Quenes maiesties comming was addressed with children representing the forenamed personages, with all furniture dew vnto the setting forthe of such a matter well ment, as the argument declared, costly and sumptuouslye set forthe, as the beholders can beare witnes. Now the Queenes maiestye drewe nere unto the sayde pageant, and forsomuch as the noyse was great by reason of the prease of people, so that she could skace heare the childe which did interprete the saide pageant, and her chariot was passed so farre forward that she could not well view the personages representing the kinges and Queenes abouenamed: she required to haue the matter opened vnto her, which so was, and euery personage appointed, and what they signified, with the ende of vnitie & ground of her name, according as is before expressed. For the sight wherof, her grace caused her chariot to be remoued back, & yet hardley coulde she see, because the children were set somewhat with the farthest in. But after that her grace ahd understode the meaning therof, she thanked the citie, praised the fairenes of the worke, and promised, that she would doe her whole endeuour for the continuall preseruacion of concorde, as the pageant did emporte. The childe appointed in the standing abouenamed to open the meaning of the said pageant, spake these wordes unto her grace.
The two princes that sit vnder one cloth of state,
The man in the red rose, the woman in the white:
Henry the .vii. And Queene Elizabeth his mate,
By ryng of mariage as man and wife vnite.
Both heires to both their bloodes, to Lancastre the king
The Queene to Yorke, in one the two houses did knit,
Of whom as heire to both, Henry the eyght
did spring,
In whose seat his true heire thou quene
Elsabeth dost sit.
Therefore as ciuill warre, and shede of blood did cease
When these two houses were vnited into one
So now that iarre shall stint, and quietnes encrease,
We trust, O noble Queene, thou wilt be cause alone.
The which also were written in laten verses, and bothe drawen in two tables uppon
the forefront of the sayde pageant as hereafter foloweth.
Hii quos iungit idem solium quos annulus
Hæc albente nitens, ille rubente Rosa:
Septimus Henricus Rex, Regina
Scilicet Hæredes gentis vterque suæ:
Hæc Eboracenis, Lancastrius ille
Connubio, e geminis quo foret vna domus
Excipit hos hæres Henricus copula regum
Octauus, magni Regis imago potens
Regibus hinc succedis auis, Regique
Patris iusta hæres Elizabetha tui.
Sentences placed therin concerning unite.
Nullæ concordes animos vires domant.
Qui iuncti terrent, deiuncti timent.
Discordes animi soluunt, concordes
Augentur parua pace, magna bello
Coniunctæ manus fortius tollunt onus.
Regno pro menibus æneis ciuium
Que diu pngnant diutius lugent.
Dissidentes principes sulditorum lues.
Princeps ad pacem natus non ad arma
Filia concordiæ copia, neptis quies.
Dissentiens respublica hostibus placet.
Qui idem tenent, diutius tenent.
Regnum diuisum facile dissoluitur.
Ciuitas concors armis frustra tentatur.
Omnium gentium consensus firmat fidem.
These verses and other pretie sentences were drawen in voide places of this
pageant, all tending to one ende that quietnes might be mainteined, and all
dissention displaced, and that by the Queenes maiestie, heire to agrement, and
agreing in name with her, which tofore had ioyned those houses, which had ben
thoccasion of much debate and ciuill warre within this realme, as maye apeare to
soche, as will search cronicles, but be not to be touched in this treatise onely
declaring her graces passage through the citie, and what prouisiou the citie
made therefore. And ere the Quenes maiestie came within hearing of this pageant,
she sent certaine as also at all the other pageants to require the people to be
silent for her maiestie was disposed to heare all that shold be said unto
Presentation of Second Pageant at Cornhill
When the Queenes maiestie had hearde the childes oracion, and understode the
meaning of the pageant at large, she marched forward toward Cornehill, alway receiued with like reioising of
the people, & there as her grace passed by the conduit which was curiouslye
trimmed against that time with riche banners adourned, and a noyse of loude
instrumentes vpon the top therof, she espied the seconde pageant, and because
shee feared for the peoples noyse, that she should not here the child which did
expounde thesame, she enquired what that pageant was ere that she came to it.
And there vnderstode, that there was a childe representing her maiesties person,
placed in a seate of gouernement, supported by certaiue vertues, which
suppressed other vices under their seate, and so forthe, as in the description
of the said pageant shall herafter apeare.
This pageant standing in the nether ende of Cornehill was exteuded from thoneside of the strete to the other, and
in the same pageant was deuised three gates all open, an ouer the middle parte
therof was erected one chaire a seate royall with clothe of estate to the same
apperteyning wherein was placed a childe representing the Queenes highnesse with
consideracion had for place conuenient for a table which conteined her name and
title. And in a comelie wreathe artificially and wel deuised with perfite sight
and vnderstanding to the people. In the front of the same pageant was written
the name and title therof, which is The seat of worthie gouernance, which seate
was made in such artificiall maner, as to the apperance of the lookers on, the
foreparte semed to have no staie, and therfore of force was stayed by liuely
personages, which personages were in numbre foure, standing and staieng the
forefront of the same seat royal, eche hauing his face to the Quene and people,
wherof euery one had a table to expresse their effectes, which are uertues,
namelie Pure religion, Loue of subiectes, VVisedome and Iustice, which did
treade their contrarie vices under their feete, that is to witte, Pure religion,
did treade uppon Superstition, and Ignoraunce, Loue of subiectes, did treade
upon Rebellion and Insolencie, VVisdome did treade upon follie and vaine glorie,
Iustice did treade upon Adulacion and Briberie. Eche of these personages
according to their proper names and properties, had not onlie their names in
plaine and perfit writing set vpon their breastes easelie to be read of all, but
also euery of them was aptelie and properlie apparelled, so that his apparell
and name did agre to express the same person, that in title he represented. Thys
part of the pageant was thus appointed and furnished. The two sides ouer the two
side portes had in them placed a noyse of instrumentes, which immediatlie, after
the childes speache gaue an heauenly melodie. Upon the top or uppermost part of
ye said pageant, stoode the armes of
England roially portratured with ye
proper beastes to vpholde the same. One representing the Quenes highnes sate in
this seate crowned with an Imperiall crowne, and before her seate, was a
conuenient place appointed for one childe which did interpret and applie the
said pageant as hereafter shalbe declared. Euery voide place was furnished with
proper sentences commending the seate supported by uertues, and defacing the
vices, to the vtter extirpation of rebellion, and to euerlasting continuance of
quietnes and peace. The Queenes maiestie approching nighe vnto thys pageant thus
bewtified and furnished in all pointes, caused her charyot to be drawen nyghe
thereunto, that her grace myght heare the childes oration whych was thys.
While that religion true, shall ignorance suppresse
And with her weightie foote, breake superstitions heade
While loue of subiectes, shall rebellion distresse
And with zeale to the prince, insolencie down treade.
While iustice can flattering tonges & briberie deface
while follie & vaine glory to wisedome yelde their handes
So long shal gouernment, not swarve from her right race
But wrong decayeth still, and rightwisenes vp standes.
Now all thy subiectes hertes, O prince of perles fame
Do trust these vertues shall maintein up thy throne,
And vice be kept down still, the wicked put to shame
that good with good may ioy, and naught with naught may mone.
Which verses were painted upon the right side of the same pageant, and the latin
therof on the left side in another table, which were these.
Quæ subnixa alte solio regina superbo
Effigies sanctæ principis alma refert,
Quam ciuilis amor fulcit, sapientia
Iustica illustrat, Relligioque beat.
Vana superstitio et crassæ ignorantia
Pressæ sub pura relligine iacent.
Regis amor domat effroenes, animosque
Iustus adulantes, Domiuorosque terit.
Cum regit imperium sapiens, sine luce
Stultitia, atque hurus numen inanis
Beside these verses there were placed in euery voide rome of the pageant both in
English and laten such sentences as aduanced the seate of gouernaunce vpholden
by vertue. The grounde of this pageant, was that like as by vertues (which doe
aboundantly appere in her grace) the Queenes maiestie was established in the
seate of gouernement: so she should syt fast in thesame so long as she embraced
vertue and helde vice vnder foote. For if vice once gotte vp the head, it woulde
put the seate of gouernement in perill of falling. The Queenes maiestie when she
had heard the childe and understode the pageant at full, gaue the citie also
thankes there, and most graciouslie promised her good endeuour for the
maintenance of the sayde vertues, and suppression of vyces, and so marched on
till she came against the great conduit in chepe, which was bewtifyed with pictures and
sentences accordingly agaynst her graces coming thither.
Presentation of Third Pageant at Soper’s Lane End
Against Soper lanes ende was extended from thone
syde of the streate to thother, a pageant which had three gates all open. Ouer
the middlemoste wherof wer erected three seuerail stages, whereon sate eight
children as hereafter foloweth. On the vppermost one childe, on the middle
three, on the lowest ,iiii, eche hauing the proper name of the blessing, that
they did represent, writen in a table and placed aboue their heades. In the
forefront of this pageant before the children which did represent the blessings,
was a conuenient standing cast out for a chylde to stande, which did expound the
said pageaunt unto the quenes maiestie, as was done in thother tofore. Euerie of
these children wer appointed & apparelled according vnto the blessing which
he did represent. And on the forepart of the said pageant was written in fayre
letters the name of the said pageant in this maner folowing.
The eight beatitudes expressed in the .v. chapter of the gospel of S.Mathew,
applyed to our soueraigne Ladie Quene Elizabeth.
Ouer the two side portes was placed a noyes of instrumentes. And all voide places
in the pageant wer furnished with prety sayinges, commending and touching ye meaning of the said pageant, which was
the promises & blessinges of almightie god made to his people. Before ye the quenes highnes came vnto this
pageant, she required ye matter somewhat
to be opened vnto her, ye her grace
might the better vnderstand, what should afterward by the child be sayd vnto
her. Which so was, ye the citie had
there erected the pageant which .viii. children, representing theyght blessinges
touched in the .v. Chapter of S.Mathew. Wherof, euery one vpon iust
consideracions was applyed unto her highnes, and that the people therby put her
grace in mind, ye as her good doinges
before had geuen iust occasion, why that these blessinges might fall vpon her,
ye so if grace did continue in her
goodnes as she had entred, she shoulde hope for the fruit of these promises due
vnto them, ye doe exercise themselues in
the blessinges, whiche her grace heard merueilous graciously, and required that
the chariot myght be remoued towardes the pageaunt, that she might perceyue the
chyldes woordes, which were these, the Quenes maiestie geuing most attentiue
eare, and requiring that the peoples noyse might be stayde.
Thou hast been .viii. times blest, o quene of worthy fame
By mekenes of thy spirite, when care did thee besette
By mourning in thy griefe, by mildnes in thy blame
By hunger and by thyrst, and iustice couldst none gette.
By mercy shewed, not felt, by cleanes of thyne harte
By seking peace alwayes, by persecucion wrong.
Therefore trust thou in god, since he hath helpt thy smart
That as his promis is , so he will make thee strong.
When these woordes were spoken, all the people wished, that as the child had
spoken, so god woulde strengthen her grace against all her aduersaries, whom
ye Quenes maiestie did most gently
thanke for their so louing wishe. These verses wer painted on the left syde of
the said pageant, and other in laten on thother syde, which wer these.
Qui lugent hilares fient, qui mitia
Pectora, multa soli iugera culta metent
Iustitiam esuriens sitiensue replebitur,
Fas homini puro corde videre deum
Quem alterius miseret dominus miserebitur
Pacificus quisquis, filius ille Dei
Propter iustitiam quisquis patietur
Demissam mentem, cælica regna capit.
Huic hominum generi terram, mare, sidera
Omnipotens, horum quisque beatus erit.
Besides these, euery uoide place in ye
pageant was furnished with sentences touching the matter and ground of the said
pageant. When all ye was to be said in
this pageant was ended, the Quenes maiestie passed on forward in Chepesyde.
Presentation of Fourth Pageant at the Little Conduit in Cheapeside
At the Standarde in Cheape which was dressed fayre agaynste the tyme, was placed a noyse
of Trumpettes, with banners and other furniture. The Crosse lykewyse was also
made fayre and well trymmed. And neare vnto thesame, vppon the porche of Saint
Peters church dore, stode the waites of the citie, which did geue a pleasant
noyse with theyr instrumentes as the Quenes maiestie did passe by, which on
euerie syde cast her countenaunce, and wished well to all her most louing
people. Sone after that her grace passed the crosse, she had espyed the pageant
erected at the litle conduit in cheape, and incontinent required to know what it
might signifye. And it was tolde her grace, that there was placed Tyme. Tyme up
she, and Tyme hath brought me hether. And so furth the hole matter was opened to
her grace as hereafter shalbe declared in the descripcion of the pageaunt. But
in the openyng, when her grace vnderstoode that the Byble in Englishe shoulde be
deliuered vnto her by Truth, whiche was therein represented by a childe: she
thanked the citie for that gift, and sayd that she would oftentimes reade ouer
that booke, commaunding sir John Parrat, one of the knightes which helde up her
canapy, to goe before and to receiue the booke. But learning that it should be
deliuered vnto her grace downe by a silken lace, she caused him to staye, and so
passed forward till she came agaynste thaldermen in the hyghe ende of Chepe tofore the little
conduite, where the companies of the citie ended, which beganne at
Fanchurch, and stoode alonge the streates one
by another enclosed with rayles, hanged with clothes, and themselues well
apparelled with many ryche furres and theyr liuery whodes upon theyr shoulders
in comely & semely maner, hauing before them sondry persones well apparelled
in silkes & chaines of golde, as wyflers and garders of the said companies,
beside a numbre of riche hangynges, aswell of Tapistrie, Arras, clothes of
golde, silver, veluet, damaske, Sattyn, and other silkes plentifully hanged all
the way as the Quenes highnes passed form the Towre through the citie. Out at the windowes & penthouses of
euerie house, did hang a number of ryche and costlye banners and streamers tyll
her grace came to the vpper ende of Cheape. And
there, by appointment, the right worshipfull maister Randolph Cholmley, Recorder
of the citie, presented to the Quenes maiestie a purse of crimosin sattin richly
wrought with gold, wherin the citie gaue vnto the Quenes maiestie a thousand
markes in gold, as maister Recorder did declare brieflye vnto the Quenes
maiestie, whose wordes tended to this ende, that the Lord maior, hys brethren,
and comminaltie of the citie, to declare their gladnes and good wille towardes
the Quenes maiestie, did present her grace with that gold, desyering her grace
to continue their good and gracious Quene, and not to esteme the value of the
gift, but the mynd of the geuers. The Quenes maiestie with both her handes tooke
the purse, and aunswered to him againe merueilous pithilie, and so pithilie that
the standers by, as they embraced entierly her gracious aunswer, so they
meruailed at ye cowching therof, which
was in wordes truely reported these. I thanke my lord maior, his brethren, &
you all. And wheras your request is that I should continue your good ladie &
quene, be ye ensured, that I wil be as
good vnto you, as euer quene was to her people. No wille in me can lacke,
neither doe I trust shall ther lacke any power. And perswade your selues, that
for the safetie and quietnes of you all, I will not spare, if nede be to spend
my blood, God thanke you all. Whiche aunswere of so noble an hearted pryncesse,
if it moued a meruaylous showte and reioysing, it is nothyng to be meruayled at,
since both the heartines thereof was so woonderfull, and the woordes so ioyntly
knytte. When her grace hadde thus aunswered the Recorder, she marched toward the
little conduit, where was erected a pageaunt
with square proporcion, standynge directlye before the same conduite, with battlementes accordynglye. And in
the same pageaunt was aduaunced two hylles or mountaynes of conuenient heyghte.
the one of them beyng on the North syde of thesame pageaunt, was made cragged,
barreyn, and stonye, in the whiche was erected one tree, artificiallye made, all
withered and deadde, with braunches accordinglye. And vnder thesame tree at the
foote thereof, sate one in homely and rude apparell crokedlye, and in mournyng
maner, hauying ouer hys headde in a table, written in Laten and Englyshe, hys
name, whiche was Ruinosa Respublica. A decayed common weale. And vppon thesame
withered tree were fixed certayne Tables, wherein were written proper sentences,
expressing the causes of the decaye of a common weale. The other hylle on the
South syde was made fayre, freshe, grene, and beawtifull, the grounde thereof
full of flowres and beawtie, and on thesame was erected also one tree very
freshe and fayre, vnder the whiche, stoode vprighte one freshe personage well
apparaylled and appoynted, whose name also was written bothe in Englyshe and in
Laten, whiche was, Respublica bene instituta. A florishyng common weale. And
vppon thesame tree also, were fixed certayne Tables conteyning sentences, which
expressed the causes of a flourishing common weale. In the middle betwene the
sayde hylles, was made artificiallye one hollowe place or caue, with doore and
locke enclosed, oute of the whiche, a lyttle before the Queenes hyghnes commynge
thither, issued one personage whose name was Tyme, apparaylled as an olde man
with a Sythe in his hande, hauynge wynges artificiallye made, leadinge a
personage of lesser stature then himselfe, which was fynely and well
apparaylled, all cladde in whyte silke, and directlye ouer her head was set her
name and tytle in latin and Englyshe, Temporis filia, the daughter of Tyme.
Which two so appoynted, went forwarde, toward the South syde of the pageant. And
on her brest was written her propre name, whiche was Veritas. Trueth who helde a
booke in her hande vpon which was written, Verbum veritatis, the woorde of
trueth. And out of the South syde of the pageaunt was cast a standynge for a
chylde which should enterpret thesame pageant. Against whom, when the Quenes
maiestie came: he spake unto her grace these woordes.
This olde man with the sythe, old father tyme they call,
And her his daughter Truth, whiche holdeth yonder boke
Whom he out of this rocke hath brought furth to vs all
From whence this many yeres she durst not once out loke.
The ruthfull wight that sitteth vnder the barren tree,
Resembleth to vs the fourme, when common weales decay
But when they be in state tryumphant, you may see
By him in freshe attyre that sitteth vnder the baye.
Now since ye Time again his daughter truth hath brought,
We trust O worthy quene, thou wilt this truth embrace.
And since thou vnderstands the good estate and nought
We trust welth thou wilt plant, and barrennes displace.
But for to heale the sore, and cure that is not seene,
Which thing ye boke of truth doth
reache in writing plain:
She doth present to thee thesame, O worthy Queene,
For that, that wordes do flye, but wryting doth remayn.
When the childe had thus ended his speache, he reached hys boke towardes the
Quenes maiestie, which a little before, Trueth had let downe vnto him from the
hill, which by maister Parrat was receiued, and deliuered vnto the Quene. But
she as soone as she had receiued the booke, kyssed it, and with both her handes
held vp thesame, and so laid it vpon her brest, with great thankes to the citie
therfore. And so went forward towards Paules
churchyarde. The former matter which was rehersed vnto the Queenes
maiestie was written in two tables, on either side the pageant eight verses, and
in the middest, these in laten.
Ille, vides falcem læua qui sustinet
Tempus is est, cui stat filia vera
Hanc pater exesa deductam rupe reponit
In lucem, quam non viderat ante diu
Qui sedet a læua cultu make tristi
Quem duris crescens cautibus orbis obit
Nos monet effigie, qua sit respublica
Corruit, at contra quando beata viget.
Ille docet iuuenis forma spectandus
Scitus, et æterna laurea fronde virens.
The sentences written in latin and englishe vpon both the trees, declaring the
causes of both estates, were these.
Causes of a ruinous common weale are these.
Want of the feare of god.
Blindnes of guides
Disobedience to rulers.
Briberie in maiestrats
Rebellion in Subiectes.
Vnmercifullnes in rulers.
Ciuill disagrement.
Vnthankfulnes in Subiectes
Flattring of princes.
Causes of a flourishing common weale.
Feare of god.
Obedient Subiectes.
A wise prince.
Louers of the common weale
Learned rulers.
Vertue rewarded
Obedience to officers.
Vice chastened.
The mater of this pageant dependeth of them ye went before. For as the first declared her grace to come out of ye house of vnitie, ye second ye she is placed in ye seate of gouernment staied with
vertues to the suppression of vice, and therfore in the third the eight
blessinges of almighty god might well be applied vnto her: so this fourth now
is, to put her grace in remembrance of the state of the common weale, which Time
with Truth his doughter doth reuele, which Truth also her grace hath receiued,
and therfore cannot but be merciful & careful for the good gouernment
Child’s Oration at St. Paul’s Churchyard
From thence the Quenes maiesty passed toward Paules
churchyard And when she came ouer against Paules scole, a childe appointed by ye scole master therof pronounced a
certein oracion in latin, & certain verses, which also wer ther written as
Philosophus ille diuinus Plato inter multa preclare
acsapienter dicta, hoc posteris proditum reliquit, Rempub: illam,
fælicissimam fore, cui princeps sophiæ studiosa, virtutibusque ornata
contigerit. Quem si vere dixisse censeamus (vt quidem verissime) cur non
terra Britannica plauderet? cur non populus gaudium atque lætitiam agitaret?
immo, cur non hunc diem albo (quod aiunt) lapillo notaret? quo princeps
talis nobis adest, qualem priores non viderunt, qualemque posteritas haud
facile cernere poterit, dotibus quum animi, tum corporis vndique
fæcilissima. Casti quidem corporis dotes ita apertæ sunt, vt oratione non
egeant. Animi vero tot tantæque, vt ne verbis quidem exprimi possint. Haec
nempe Regibus summis orta, morum atque animi nobilitate genus exuperat.
Huius pectus Cristi religionis amore flagrat. Hæc gentem Britannicam
virtutibus illustrabit, clipeoque iustitiæ teget. Hæc literis græcis et
latinis eximia, ingenioque prepollems est. Hac imperante pietas vigebit,
Anglia florebit, aurea secula redibunt. Vos igitur Angli tot commoda
accepturi Elizabetham Reginam nostram celeberriman ab ipso Christo huibus
regni imperio destinatam, honore debito prosequimini. Huius imperiis animo
libentissimo subditiestote, vosque tali principe dignos prebete. Et quoniam
pueri non viribus sed precibus officium prestare possunt, non Alumni huius
scholæ ab ipso Coleto olim Templi Paulini Decano, extructæ, teneras palmas
ad cælum tendentes Christum Opt: Maxi: precaturi sumus vt tuam celsitudinem
annos Nestoreos summo cum honore Anglis imperitare faciat, matremque
pignoribus charis beatam reddat. Amen.
Anglia nunc tandem plaudas, lætare, re
Presto iam vita est, præsidiumque tibi
En tua spes venit tua gloria, lux, decus
Venit iam solidam quæ tibi prestat
Succuretque tuis rebus quæ pessum
Perdita quæ fuerant hæc reparare volet
Omnia florebunt, redeunt nunc aurea
In melius surgent quæ cecidere bona.
Debes ergo illi totam te reddere fidam
Cuius in accessu commoda tot capies.
Salue igitur dicas, imo de pectore
Elizabeth Regni non dubitanda salus,
Virgo venit, veniatque optes comitata
Pignoribus charis, læta parens veniat
Hoc deus omnipotens ex alto donet
Qui cælum & terram condidit atque
Which the Queenes maiestie most attentiuely harkened vnto. And when the childe
had pronounced he did kisse the oration which he had there faire written in
paper, and deliuered it vnto the Quenes maiestie, which most gently receiued
Musical Greeting in Ludgate
And when he Quenes maiestie had heard all ye was there offred to be spoken, then her grace marched toward Ludgate where she was receiued with a noyse of
instrumentes, the forefront of ye gate
being finelie trimmed vp against her maiesties comming. From thence by the way
as she went down toward Fletebridge, one aboute her grace noted the cities
charge, that there was no coast spared. Her grace answered that she did well
consider thesame, and that it should be remembred. An honorable answere, worthie
a noble prince, which may comfort all her subiectes, considering there can be no
point of gentlenes, or obedient loue shewed towarde her grace, which she doth
not most tenderlie accept, and graciously waye.
Presentations of the Fifth Pageant at the Conduit in Fleet Street
In this maner, the people on either side reioysing, her grace went forwarde,
towarde the conduite in Fleetestrete, where was
the fifth and laste pageant erected in forme following. From the conduit which
was bewtified with painting, vnto the Northside of the strete, was erected a
stage embattelled with foure towres and in the same a square platte rising with
degrees, and vpon the vppermost degree was placed a chaire, or seate roiall, and
behinde the same seate in curious, artificiall maner was erected a tre of
reasonable height and so farre aduaunced aboue the seate as it did well and
semely shadow the same, without endomaging the sight of any part of the pageant,
and the same tree was bewtified with leaues as grene as arte could deuise, being
of a conuenient greatnes and conteining therupon the fruite of the date, and on
the top of the same tree in a table was set the name therof which was A Palme tree, and in the aforesaid seate or
chaire was placed a semelie and mete personage richlie apparelled in parliament
robes, with a sceptre in her hand, as a Quene, crowned with an open crowne,
whose name and title was in a table fixed ouer her head, in this sort. Debora the iudge and
restorer fo the house of Israel. Iudic.4. and the other degrees on
eyther side were furnished wyth .vi. personages, two representing the nobilitie,
two ye clergie, and two the comminaltie.
And before these personages was written a table Debora with her estates, consulting for
the good gouernment of Israel. At the feete of these and the lowest
part of the pageant was ordeined a conuenient rome for a childe to open the
meaning of the pageant. When the Queenes maiestie drew nere vnto this pageant,
and perceiued, as in the other, the childe readie to speake, her grace required
silence, and commaunded her chariot to be remoued nigher, that she might
plainlie heare the childe speake, which said as hereafter foloweth.
Iaben of Canaan king had long by force of armes
Opprest the Israelites, which for gods people went
But god minding at last for to redresse their harmes,
The worthy Debora as iudge among them
In war she, through gods aide, did put her foes to flight,
And with the dint of sworde the bande of bondage brast.
In peace she, through gods aide, did alway mainteine right
And iudged Israell till fourty yeres were past.
A worthie president, O worthie Queene, thou hast,
A worthie woman iudge, a woman sent for staie.
And that the like to vs enoure alway thou maist
Thy louing subiectes wil with true hearts & tonges praie.
Which verses were written vpon the pageant, and the same in latin also.
Quando dei populum Canaan, rex pressit Iaben,
Mittitur a magno Debora magna deo:
Quæ populum eriperet, sanctum seruatet
Milite quæ patrio frangeret hostis
Hæc domino mandante deo lectissima
Fæmina, et aduersos contudit ense viros
Hæc quater denos populum correxerat
Iudico, bello strenua, pace grauis.
Sic, O sic populum belloque et pace
Debora sis
Anglis Elizabetha tuis.
The voide places of the pageant were filled with pretie sentences concerning the
same matter. The ground of this last pageant was, ye forsomuch as the next pageant before
had set before her graces eyes the florishing & desolate states of a common
weale, she might by this be put in remembrance to consult for the worthie
gouernment of of her people, considering god oftimes sent women nobly to rule
among men, as Debora which gouerned Israell in
peace the space of .xl. yeres: & that it behoueth both men & women so
ruling to vse aduise of good counsell.
Child’s Oration at St. Dunstan’s Church
When ye Queenes maiestie had passed this
pageant, she marched towarde Temple barre. But as
St. Dunstones church were the children of
thospitall wer appointed to stande with their gouernours, her grace perceiuing a
childe offred to make an oracion vnto her, staied her chariot, and did cast vp
her eyes to heauen, as who shoulde saye, I here see this mercifull worke towarde
the poore whom I must in the middest of my royaltie nedes remembre, and so
turned her face towarde the childe, which in latin pronounced an oracion to this
effecte, that after the Queenes highnes had passed through the citie and had
sene so sumpteous, rich, and notable spectacles of the citiezens which delared
their most hartye receyuing and ioyous welcomming of her grace into the same:
thys one spectacle yet rested and remained, which was the euerlasting spectacle
of mercy vnto the poore members of allmighty God, furthered by that famous and
most noble prince king Henry the eyght, her graces father, erected by the citie
of London, and aduaunced by the most godly vertuous and gracious prince king Edwarde the .vi. her graces dere and louing
brother doubting nothing of the mercy of the Queenes most gracious clemencie by
the which they may not onely be releued and helped, but also stayed and
defended, & therefore incessauntly they would pray and crie vnto almighty
god for the long life and raigne of her highnes with most prosperous victory
against her enemies.
The childe after he had ended his oracion, kissed the paper wherin thesame was
written, and reached it to the Queenes maiestie which receiued it graciouslye
both with woordes & countenance, declaring her gracious mynde toward their
Presentation of Gogmagog and Corineus at Temple Bar
From thence her grace came to Temple barre, which
was dressed finely with the two ymages of Gotmagot the
Albione, and Corineus the Briton, two
gyantes bigge in stature furnished accordingly, which held in their handes euen
aboue ye gate, a table, wherin was
writen in laten verses, theffect of al the pageantes which the citie before had
erected, which verses wer these.
Ecce sub aspectu iam contemplaberis vno
O princeps populi sola columna tui.
Quicquid in immensa passim perspexeris
Qualige cepere omnes vnus hic arcus
Primus te solio regni donauit auiti,
Hæres quippe tui vera parentis eras.
Suppressis vitiis, domina virtute,
Firmauit sedem regia virgo tuam.
Tertius ex omni posuit te parte beatam
Si, qua cæpisti pergere velle, velis.
Quarto quid verum, respublica lapsa quid
Quæ florens staret te docuere tui.
Quinto magna loco monuit te Debora, missam
Cælitus in regni gaudia longa tui.
Perge ergo regina, tuæ spes vnica
Hæc postrema vrbis suscipe vota tuæ.
Viue diu, regnaque diu, virtutibus orna
Rem patriam, et populi spem tucare tui.
Sic o sic petitur cælum Sic itur in
Hoc virtutis opus, cætera mortis erunt.
Which verses wer also writtne in Englishe meter in a lesse table as herafter
Behold here in one view, thou mayst see all that plaine
O princesse to this thy people the onely staye:
What echewhere thou hast seen in this wide town, again
This one arche whatsoeuer the rest conteynd, doth say.
The first arche as true heyre vnto thy father dere,
Did set thee in the throne where thy graund father satte,
The second dyd confyrme thy seate as princesse here,
Uertues now bearyng swaye, and vices bet down flatte.
The third, if that thou wouldest goe on as thou began,
Declared thee to be blessed on euery side,
The fourth did open Trueth, and also taught thee whan
The common weale stoode well, & when it did thence slide.
The fifth as Debora declared thee to be
From heauen, a long comfort to vs thy subiectes all,
Therfore goe on O Queene, on whom our hope is bent,
And take with thee this wishe of thy towne as finall,
Liue long, and as long raigne, adourning thy countrie,
With vertues, and maintain thy peoples hope of thee,
For thus, thus heauen is won, thus must ye pearce ye skye,
This is by vertue wrought, all other must nedes dye.
Formal Farewell to the Queen
On the South side was appointed by the citie a noyse of singing children, &
one child richely attyred as a Poet, which gaue the quenes maiestie her farewel
in ye name of the hole citie, by these
As at thine entraunce first, O prince of high renowne,
Thou wast presented with tonges & heartes for thy fayre,
So now sith thou must nedes depart out of this towne
This citie sendeth thee firme hope and earnest praier.,
For all men hope in thee, that all vertues shall reygne,
For all men hope that thou, none errour will support,
For all men hope that thou will trueth restore agayne,
And mend that is amisse, to all good mennes comfort.
And for this hope they pray, thou mayst continue long,
Our Quene amongst vs here, all uice for to supplant,
And for this hope they pray ye
God may make the strong
As by his grace puissant, so in his trueth constant.
Farewell O worthy Quene, and as our hope is sure,
That into errours place, thou will now trueth restore,
So trust we ye thou will our
soueraigne Quene endure,
And louing Lady stand, from hencefurth euermore.
While these wordes were in saieng, and certeins wishes therein repeted for
maintenaunce of truthe and rooting out of errour she now and then helde vp her
handes to heauen warde and willed the people to say. Amen.
VVhen the child had ended, she sayd, be ye well assured, I will stande your good
quene. At which saieng her grace departed forth through temple barre towarde
VVestminster with no less shooting and crieng
of the people, then she entered the citie with a noyse of ordinance which the
towre shot of at her graces entraunce first
into towre streat.
The childes saieng was also in latin verses written in a table which was hanged
up there.
O Regina potens, quum primam vrbem
Dona tibi, linguas fidaque corda dedit
Discedenti etiam tibi nunc duo munera
Omina plena spei, votaque plena precum.
Quippe tuis spes est, in te quod prouida
Rexerit, errori nec locus vllus erit.
Quippe tuis spes est, quod tu verum omne
Solatura bonas, dum mala tollis, opes.
Hac spe freti orant, diuina vt gratia
Et veræ fidei te velit esse basin.
Iam Regina vale, et sicut nos spes tenet
Quod vero inducto, perditus error erit.
Sic quoque speramus quod eris Regina
Nobis per regni tempora longa tui.
Thus the Queenes hyghnesse passed through the citie, whiche without anye forreyne
persone, of it selfe beautifyed it selfe, and receiued her grace at all places
as hath been before mencioned, with most tender obedience and loue, due to so
gracious a quene and soueraigne ladie. And her grace likewise of her syde in all
her graces passage shewed her selfe generalye an ymage of a woorthie Ladie and
Gouernour, but priuately these especiall poyntes were noted in her grace, as
signes of a most prince lyke courage, whereby her louing subiectes maye ground a
sure hope for the rest of her gracious doinges herafter.
Certain notes of the quenes maiesties great
mercie, clemencie, and wisdome vsed in this passage.
About the nether ende of Cornehill towarde Cheape, one of the knightes about her grace had
espyed an auncient citizen, which wepte, and turned his head backe, and
therwith said this gentleman, yonder is an Alderman (for so he tearmed hym)
which wepeth & turneth his face backeward. Now may it be interpreted
that he so doth, for sorowe, or for gladnes. The quenes maiestie hearde him,
and said, I warrant you it is for gladnes. A gracious interpretation of a
noble courage, which wold turne the doutefull to the best. And yet it was
well known that as her grace did confirme thesame, the parties cheare was
moued for very pure gladnes for the sight of her maiesties person, at ye beholding wherof, he tooke such
comfort that with teares he expressed thesame.
In Cheapeside her grace smyled, and being
therof demaunded the cause, answered, for that she had heard one say,
Remember old king Henry theight. A naturall
child, which at the verie remembraunce of her fathers name toke so great a
ioy, ye all men may well thinke,
that as she reioysed at his name whom this realme doth holde of so woorthie
memorie, so in her doinges she will resemble thesame.
When the cities charge withoute parcialitie, and onely the citie was
mencioned vnto her grace, she sayd it shoulde not be forgotten. Which saying
might moue al natural Englishmen hertely to shew due obedience and entiernes
to their, so good a Queene which will in no point forget anie parcell of
duetie louingly shewed vnto her.
The answere which her grace made vnto maister Recorder of London, as the
hearers know it to be true, and with melting heartes herd the same: so may
the reader therof conceiue what kinde of stomacke and courage pronounced
thesame. What more famous thing doe we reade in auncient histories fo olde
time, then that mightye princes haue gentlie receiued presentes offered them
by base and low personages. If that be to be wondered at (as it is
passingly) let me se any writer that in any one princes life is able to
recount so manie presidentes of this vertue, as her grace shewed in ye one passage through the citie. How
many nosegaies did her grace receiue at poore womens handes & how
ofttimess staied she her chariot, when she saw any simple body offer to
speake to her grace. A branch of Rosemarie giuen to her grace with a
supplication by a poore woman about fleetebridge, was sene in her chariot
till her grace came to westminster, not without the meruaillous wondring of
such as knew the presenter and noted the Queenes most gracious receiuing and
keping the same.
What hope the poore and nedie may looke for at her graces hande, she as in
all her iourney continuallie, so her harkening to the poore children of Christes hospitall with eyes cast vp into
heauen did fullie declare, as that neither the welthier estate could stande
without consideracion had to the pouertie, neither the pouertie be dewlie
considered, vnles they were remembred as commended to vs by goddes owne
As at her first enterance she as it were declared, her selfe prepared to
passe through a citie that most entierlie loued her, so she at her last
departing, as it were bownd her selfe by promes to continue good ladie and
gouernor vnto that citie which by outward declaracion did open their loue,
to their so louing and noble prince in such wise, as she herselfe wonderyd
But because princes be set in their seate by gods appointing and therfore
they must first and chieflie tender the glory of him, from whom their glorie
issueth, it is to be noted in her grace, that forsomuch as god hath so
wonderfullie placed her in the seate of gouernment ouer this realme, she in
all doinges doth shew her selfe most mindfull of his goodnes and mercie
shewed vnto her, & amongest all other two principall sygnes thereof were
noted in this passage. First in the Towre,
where her grace before she entred her chariot, lifted vp her eyes to heauen
and sayd.
O Lord, almighty and euerlasting God, I geue thee most heartie thankes that
thou hast been so mercifull vnto me as to spare me to beholde this ioyfull
daye. And I acknowledge that thou hast dealt as wonderfully & as
mercifully with me, as thou didst wyth thy true and faithfull seruant Daniel
thy prophete whom thou deliueredst out of the denne from the crueltie of the
gredy and rageing Lyons: euen so was I ouerwhelmed, and only by thee
deliuered. To thee therfore only be thankes, honor, & prayse, for ever.
The second was the receiuing of ye
Bible at the little conduit in cheape. For
when her grace had learned that the bible in Englishe should there be
offered, she thanked the citie therefore, promysed the reading therof most
diligentlie, and incontinent commaunded, that it should be brought. At the
receit wherof, how reuerently did she with both her handes take it, kiss it,
& lay it vpon her brest to the great comfort of the lookers on. God will
vndoubtedly preserue so worthy a prince, which at hys honor so reuerently
taketh her beginning. For this saying is true, and written in the boke of
Truth. He that first seketh the kingdome of God, shall haue all other
thinges cast vnto him.
Now therfore all English hertes, and her
naturall people must nedes praise Gods mercie which hath sent them so
woorthie a prince, and pray for her graces long continuance amongest vs.
Anonymous. The passage of our most drad Soueraigne Lady Quene Elyzabeth through the citie of London to westminster the daye before her coronacion Anno 1558. London: Printed by R. Tottill, 23 Jan. 1558. STC 7590.
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The Queen’s Majesty’s Passage.The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,
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The Queen’s Majesty’s Passage.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.
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Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - , ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - The Queen’s Majesty’s Passage T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2018 DA - 2018/06/20 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#ANON2"><name ref="#ANON2">Anonymous</name></name></author>. <title level="a">The Queen’s Majesty’s Passage</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>Personography
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Jennie Butler is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad, associate professor in the department of English at the University of Victoria, is the general editor and coordinator of The Map of Early Modern London. She is also the assistant coordinating editor of Internet Shakespeare Editions. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), and Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, forthcoming). She is currently working on an edition of The Merchant of Venice for ISE and Broadview P. She lectures regularly on London studies, digital humanities, and on Shakespeare in performance.Roles played in the project
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Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Research assistant, 2013-15, and data manager, 2015 to present. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present; Associate Project Director, 2015–present; Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014; MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
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Kim McLean-Fiander is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kim McLean-Fiander is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present; Junior Programmer, 2015 to 2017; Research Assistant, 2014 to 2017. Joey Takeda is an MA student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests include diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
Author of Stub
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Encoder (Bibliography)
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Geographic Information Specialist (Agas)
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Joey Takeda is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Amorena Roberts
Student contributor enrolled in English 362: Popular Literature in the Renaissance at the University of Victoria in the Spring 2016 session, working under the guest editorship of Janelle Jenstad. Encoder and Research Assistant, April 2016 and March-April 2017.Roles played in the project
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Amorena Roberts is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
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Post-conversion and Markup Editor
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Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn Queen of England
(b. 1500, d. 1536)Queen of England. Second consort of King Henry VIII.Anne Boleyn is mentioned in the following documents:
Corineus the Briton
One of the Guildhall Giants and mythical companion of Brutus the Trojan. Slayed the native giant Gogmagog.Corineus the Briton is mentioned in the following documents:
Deborah is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward IV
Edward IV King of England
(b. 28 April 1442, d. 9 April 1483)King of England and lord of Ireland, 1461—1483. Son of Richard of York.Edward IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth Tudor I Queen of England and Ireland
(b. 7 September 1533, d. 24 March 1603)Queen of England and Ireland.Elizabeth I is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth of York
Queen Elizabeth of York
(b. 1466, d. 1503)Queen of England. Consort of King Henry VII. Mother of King Henry VIII.Elizabeth of York is mentioned in the following documents:
Gogmagog the Albione is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VIII is mentioned in the following documents:
This is a person who is either chosen to be anonymous or whose identity has been lost.Anonymous is mentioned in the following documents:
Tower of London is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster Palace is mentioned in the following documents:
Fenchurch Street
Fenchurch Street (often called Fennieabout) ran east-west from the pump on Aldgate High Street to Gracechurch Street in Langbourne Ward, crossing Mark Lane, Mincing Lane, and Rodd Lane along the way. Fenchurch Street was home to several famous landmarks, including the King’s Head Tavern, where the then-Princess Elizabeth is said to have partaken inpork and peas
after her sister, Mary I, released her from the Tower of London in May of 1554 (Weinreb, Hibbert, Keay, and Keay 288). Fenchurch Street was on the royal processional route through the city, toured by monarchs on the day before their coronations.Fenchurch Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Gracechurch Street
Gracechurch Street ran north-south from Cornhill Street near Leadenhall Market to the bridge. At the southern end, it was calledNew Fish Street.
North of Cornhill, Gracechurch continued as Bishopsgate Street, leading through Bishop’s Gate out of the walled city into the suburb of Shoreditch.Gracechurch Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Cornhill was a significant thoroughfare and was part of the cityʼs main major east-west thoroughfare that divided the northern half of London from the southern half. The part of this thoroughfare named Cornhill extended from St. Andrew Undershaft to the three-way intersection of Threadneedle, Poultry, and Cornhill where the Royal Exchange was built. The nameCornhill
preserves a memory both of the cornmarket that took place in this street, and of the topography of the site upon which the Roman city of Londinium was built.Cornhill is mentioned in the following documents:
Great Conduit (Cheapside) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cheap Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Cheap Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Soper Lane
Soper Lane was located in the Cordwainers Street Ward just west of Walbrook and south of Cheapside. Soper Lane was home to many of the soap makers and shoemakers of the city (Stow 1:251). Soper Lane was on the processional route for the lord mayor’s shows.Soper Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Cheapside Street
Cheapside, one of the most important streets in early modern London, ran east-west between the Great Conduit at the foot of Old Jewry to the Little Conduit by St. Paul’s churchyard. The terminus of all the northbound streets from the river, the broad expanse of Cheapside separated the northern wards from the southern wards. It was lined with buildings three, four, and even five stories tall, whose shopfronts were open to the light and set out with attractive displays of luxury commodities (Weinreb and Hibbert 148). Cheapside was the centre of London’s wealth, with many mercers’ and goldsmiths’ shops located there. It was also the most sacred stretch of the processional route, being traced both by the linear east-west route of a royal entry and by the circular route of the annual mayoral procession.Cheapside Street is mentioned in the following documents:
The Standard (Cheapside) is mentioned in the following documents:
Little Conduit (Cheapside)
The Little Conduit in Cheapside, also known as the Pissing Conduit, stood at the western end of Cheapside outside the north corner of Paul’s Churchyard. On the Agas map, one can see two water cans on the ground just to the right of the conduit.Little Conduit (Cheapside) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Churchyard is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s School is mentioned in the following documents:
Ludgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Fleet Street
Fleet Street runs east-west from Temple Bar to Fleet Hill (Ludgate Hill), and is named for the Fleet River. The road has existed since at least the 12th century (Sugden 195) and known since the 14th century as Fleet Street (Beresford 26). It was the location of numerous taverns including the Mitre and the Star and the Ram.Fleet Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Temple Bar
Temple Bar was one of the principle entrances to the city of London, dividing the Strand to the west and Fleet Street to the east. It was an ancient right of way and toll gate. Walter Thornbury dates the wooden gate structure shown in the Agas Map to the early Tudor period, and describes a number of historical pageants that processed through it, including the funeral procession of Henry V, and it was the scene of King James I’s first entry to the city (Thornbury 1878). The wooden structure was demolished in 1670 and a stone gate built in its place (Sugden 505).Temple Bar is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Dunstan in the West is mentioned in the following documents:
Tower Street
Tower Street ran east-west from Tower Hill in the east to St. Andrew Hubbard church. It was the principal street of Tower Street Ward. That the ward is named after the street indicates the cultural significance of Tower Street, which was a key part of the processional route through London and home to many wealthy merchants who traded in the goods that were unloaded at the docks and quays immediately south of Tower Street (for example, Billingsgate, Wool Key, and Galley Key).Tower Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Christ’s Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
Early English Books Online–Text Creation Partnership
EEBO-TCP is a partnership with ProQuest and with more than 150 libraries to generate highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts corresponding to books from the Early English Books Online Database. EEBO-TCP maintains a website at
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