Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Within

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ON the South side of Aldersgate Warde, lyeth Faringdon Warde, called Infra, or within, for a difference from an other Ward of that name, which lyeth without the walles of the Citie, and is therefore called Farindon Extra.
Farindon ex
, & Faring
don infra
, all one Warde, and then diui
ded into twain by Parliament How Faring
don Warde
, tooke that name of Wil
liam Farin
These two Wards of old time were but one, and had also but one Alderman, til ye 17. of Richard the second. At which time the saide Warde for the greatnesse therof, was diuided into twaine, & by Parlament ordered to haue two Aldermen, and so it continueth till this day. The whole great Warde of Farindon, both Infra and Extra, tooke name of William Farendon Goldsmith, Alderman of that Warde, and one of the Sheriffes of London, in the yere 1281. the 9. of Edward the first, he purchased the Aldermanry of this Ward, as by this abstract of déeds which I haue read thereof may appeare.
Thomas de Arderne, sonne and heire of Sir Ralphe Arderne knight,
Sir Ralphe Ar
derne Knight
, Alderman of that Warde, now called Faringdon, in the raigne of Hen. the third. Anketinus de Auerne, Al
derman. Ralphe le Feure Alder
graunted to Ralphe le Feure, Citizen of London (one of the Sheriffes in the yeare 1277.) all the Aldermanry with the appur
tenances within the Citie of London, and the suburbes of the same, betwéene Ludgate and Newgate, and also without the same gates: which Aldermanry, Anketinus de Ardone held, during his life, by the graunt of the said Thomas de Auerne: to haue and to holde to the said Ralphe and to his heires, fréely, without all chalenge: yéel
ding therefore yearly to the said. Thomas and his heires, one Cloue, (or slip) of Gilli-flowers, at the feast of Easter, for all secular seruice and customes, with warrantie vnto the said Ralphe le Feure, and his heires, against all people, Christians, and Iewes, in considerati
of twentie markes, which the said Ralphe le Feure did giue before hande, in name of a Gersum or fine, to the saide Thomas, &c. dated the fift of Edward the first, and witnesse G. de Rockesley Maior: R. Arrar one of the Sheriffes, H. Wales, P. le Taylor, T. de Basing, I. Horne, N. Blackthorne, Alderman of London. After this, Iohn le Feure,
Iohn le Feure, Alderman.
sonne & heire to the said Ralphe le Feure, granted to

William Farendon,
William Fa
rendon Al
Citizen and Goldsmith of London, and to his heires, the said Aldermanry, with the appurtenances, for the seruice therunto belonging, in the seuenth of Edward the first, in the yere of Christ 1279. This Aldermanry descended to Nicholas Farendon, sonne to the said William and to his heires: which Nicholas Faren
(also a Goldsmith) was foure times Maior, and liued many yeares after: for I haue read diuers déedes whereunto he was a witnesse, dated the yeare 1360. He made his Testament, 1361. which was 53. yeares after his first being Maior,
Nicholas Fa
liued 53. yeares af
ter hee had beene once Maior.
and was buried in S. Peters in Cheape. So this Warde continued vnder the go
uernment of William Faringdon the Father, and Nicholas his son, by the space of 82. yeares, and retaineth their name vntill this pre
sent day.
This Warde of Faringdon within the walles, is bounded thus: Beginning in the East, at the great Crosse in West Cheape, from whence it runneth West. On the North side from the parish church of S. Peter, (which is at the Southwest corner of Woodstréete) vnto Guthurums Lane, and downe that Lane, to Hugon Lane on the East side, and to Kery Lane on the West.
Then againe into Cheape, and to Foster Lane, and downe that Lane, on the East side, to the North side of Saint Fausters Church, and on the West, till ouer against the Southwest corner of the said Church, from whence downe Fauster Lane, and Noble Stréete, is all of Aldersgate stréete Warde, till ye come to the stone wall, in the West side of Noble stréete.
Then by the said wal downe to Winsor house, (or Neuils Inne) and downe Monkes-well stréete, on that West side, and then by London wall to Criple Gate. And the West side of that same Gate is of Faringdon Warde.
Then backe againe into Cheape, and from Fauster Lane end, to Saint Martins Lane end, and from thence through Saint Ni
, by Penticost Lane, and Butchers Alley, and by stinking Lane through Newgate Market, to Newgate. All which is the North side of Faringdon Warde.
Then on the South from against the said great Crosse in Cheap, West from Fridayes stréete, and downe that stréet on the East side, till ouer against the North East corner of S. Mathewes Church:

and on the West side, till the South corner of the said Church.
Then againe along Cheape to the old Exchaunge, and downe that Lane (on the East side) to the parish church of Saint Augu
, (which church and one house next adioyning in Watheling stréete, be of this Warde) and on the West side of this Lane, to the gate which entereth the South church yard of Saint Paules, and within that gate on the North side, to the Gate that entereth the North church yarde: all which North church yard is of this Fa
ringdon Warde
Then againe into Cheape, and from the North end of the old Exchaunge, West by the North Gate of Powles church yarde, vp Pater Noster Rowe, by the two Lanes out of Powles church, and to a signe of the Golden LyonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, which is some twelue houses short of Aue Mary Lane: the West side of which Lane, is of this Warde.
Then at the South ende of Aue Mary Lane, is Creed Lane: the West side whereof, is also of this Warde.
Now betwixt the South ende of Aue Mary Lane, and the North ende of Creede Lane, is the comming out of Powles Church yarde. On the East, and the high stréete called Bowier Rowe, to Ludgate on the West side: which way to Ludgate is of this Warde. On the North side whereof, is Saint Martins church. And on the South side, the turning into the blacke Friers.
Nowe to turne vp againe to the North ende of Aue Mary Lane, there is a short Lane which runneth West some small di
stance, and is there closed vp with a gate into a great house: and this is called Amen Lane.
Then on the North side of Pater Noster Rowe, beginning at the conduit ouer against the Olde Exchaunge Lane ende, and go
ing west by Saint Michæls church. At the west ende of which church, is a small passage through the Church, towards the North. And beyond this church some small distance, is an other passage, which is called Paniar-Alley: and commeth out against Saint Martins Lane ende.
Then further West, in Pater Noster Rowe, is Iuie Lane, which runneth North to the west ende of Saint Nicholas Sham
. And then west Pater Noster Rowe, till ouer against the

golden LyonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, where the Warde endeth for that stréete.
And then about some dozen houses (which is of Baynards Ca
stle Warde
) to UUarwike Lane ende: which UUarwicke Lane, stretcheth North to the high stréete of Newgate Market. And the west side of UUarwicke Lane is of this Faringdon UUarde. For the East side of UUarwick Lane, of Aue Mary Lane, and of Creed Lane, with the UUest ende of Pater Noster Rowe, are all of Baynards Castle UUarde.
Yet (to begin againe at the said Conduit by the old Exchange) on the North side thereof, is a large stréete that runneth vp to New
, as is aforesaid. The first part or Southside whereof, from the conduit to the Shambles, is called Bladder stréete. Then on the backe side of the shambles, be diuers slaughter houses, and such like, pertaining to the shambles, and this is called Mount-Godard stréet. Then is the Shambles it selfe. And then Newgate Market. And so the whole stréete on both sides vp to Newgate, is of this UUarde, and thus it is wholly bounded.
Monuments in this UUarde, there be these. First the great Crosse in UUest cheape. But in the warde of Faringdon, the which crosse was first erected in that place, in the yeare 1291. in the 19. of Edward the first, vpon this occasion.
Queene Elianor his wife, dyed at Herdeby (a Towne neare vnto the citie of Lincolne) her bodie was brought from thence to Westminster. And this King (in memorie of her) caused at euery place (where the bodie was staied in the way) a stately crosse of stone to be made and erected, with the Quéenes Image and Armes vpon it: as at Grantham, Woborne, Northampton, Stony Strat
foord, Dunstable, S. Albons, Waltham, West Cheape
, and at Charing, from whence she was conueyed to Westminster, and there buried.
This Crosse in west cheape, being like to those other, which re
maine till this day, and being by length of time decaied, Iohn Ha
being Maior, procured in the yeare 1441. license of King Henry the 6. in the 21. of his raigne, to reedifie the same in more bewtifull maner,
Crosse in Cheape new builded.
for the honor of the citie: and had also license to take vp 200. fodar of lead, for the building therof, and of certain conduits, and a common Gramarie, and it was very curiously wrought,

at the charges of diuers Citizens, Iohn Fisher Mercer gaue 600. markes towards it, and it was not finished before the yeare 1486. the second of Henry the seuenth. It was newe gilt all ouer in the yeare 1522. against the comming in of Charles, the fift Emperor, and was new burnished against the Coronation of Edward the sixt. And gilt againe in the yeare 1554. against the comming in of king Philip. Since the which time, the said Crosse
Corsse in Cheape in
dighted, the Images bro
hauing bene presented by diuers Iuries (or Wardmote Inquests) to stand in the highway, to the let of carriages, &c. In the yeare 1581. the 21. of Iune in the night, the lowest Images about the said Crosse, were broken and defaced.
Wherupon proclamation was made, that who so wold bewray the doers therof, shuld haue fortie crownes: but nothing came to light. The Image of the blessed virgin at the time robbed of her son, and her armes broken by which shee staied him on her knées, her whole bodie also was strained with ropes so as it was readie to fall: But was in the yeare 1595. againe fastened and repaired. In the yeare 1596. about Bartholomewtide1, a new Sonne mishapen (as borne out of time) was laide in her armes. The other Images remaining broken as before.
On the East side of the same Crosse, the steppes being taken thence, vnder the Image of Christes resurrection, was set vp a curious wrought frame of grey Marble, and in the same an Image in Alablaster of a woman, (for the most part naked) and Thames water
Thames wa
ter conueyed to the Crosse in Cheape.
prilling from her breasts: but the same is oft times dryed vp.
At the Southwest corner of Woodstréete, is the parish Church of S. Peter the Apostle, by the said Crosse, a proper Church lately new builded. Iohn Shawe Goldsmith Maior, deceased 1503. appoin
ted by his Testament, the said Church and stéeple to be newly buil
ded of his goods, with a flat roofe. Notwithstanding Tho. Wood Goldsmith; one of the Sheriffes, 1491. is accounted principall be
nefactor: because the roofe of the middle Ile is supported by Images of Woodmen. I finde to haue bene buried in this Church, Nicholas Farendon Maior, Richard Hadley Grocer, 1492. Iohn Palmer Fishmonger, 1500. William Rouse Goldsmith Sheriffe, 1429. T. Atkins Esquire, 1400. Ioh. Butlar Sherif, 1420. Ioh. Palmer,

Henry Warley Alderman, 1524. Sir Iohn Monday Goldsmith Maior, deceased, 1537. Augustin Hinde Cloath-worker, one of the Sheriffes in the yeare 1550. whose Monument doth yet re
maine, the others be gone.
The long shop, or narrow shed, incroching on the high way be
fore this Church, was licensed to be made in the yeare 1401. for thirtie shillings foure pence the yeares rent, but now increased much.
Then is Guthuruns lane,
Long shop or shead by the Crosse in Cheape.
so called of Guthurun, sometime owner thereof. The inhabitants of this lane, of olde time were gold
beaters, as doth appeare by records in the Exchequer. For the ea
sterling money was appointed to be made of fine siluer, such as men made into foyle, and was commonly called siluer of Guthuruns lane, &c. The Embrotherers Hall is in this lane. Iohn Throwstone Embrotherer, then Goldsmith, Sheriffe, deceased 1519. gaue fortie pound towards the purchase of this Hall. Hugon Lane on the East side, and Kery lane (called of one Kery) on the West.
Then in the high stréet on the same North side, is the Sadlers Hall. And then Fauster lane (so called) of Saint Fausters, a faire church, lately new builded. Henry Coote Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffes deceased 1509. builded S. Dunstons chappell there. Iohn Throw
, one of the Sheriffes, gaue to the building therof, one hundred pound, by his testamēt. Iohn Browne Seriant Painter, Alderman, deceased 1532. was a great benefactor, and was there buried. Wil
liam Tryst
Selerar to the King 1425. Iohn Standelfe, and Iohn Standelfe Goldsmithes, lye buried there. Richard Galder 1544. Agnes wife to William Milborne Chamberlaine of London, 1500. &c.
Then downe Fausterlane and Noble stréete, at the North end whereof, is one great house builded of stone, commonly called the Lord Windsors house, but I haue read it by the name of Neuels Inne in siluer stréete, and at the ende of Monkes well stréete.
In this streete on the west side thereof, is the Barbers Chi
rurgians Hall
, whom obtained their incorporation in the yeare one thousand foure hundred sixtie and foure, the second of Ed
the fourth
, since the which time, they builded theyr Hall.

At the North corner of this stréete, on the same side, was sometime an Hermitage, (or Chappell of Saint Iames) called in the Wall, neare Cripplegate: it belonged to the Abbey and Couent of Gara
don, as appeareth by a record of Edward the first in the twentie seuen yeare. And by a record of Edward the third, the sixtéenth yeare. William de Lyons was Hermit there, and the Abbot and Couent of Geredon, founded two Chapleins, cistercian Monkes of their house: in this Hermitage, one of them was founded there, for Aymor de Valence, Earle of Pembrooke, and Mary de Saint Paule, his Countesse.
Of these Monkes, and of a well pertaining to them, the stréete tooke that name, and is called Monkes-well streete. This Hermi
tage with the purtenāces, was in the raigne of Edward the sixt pur
chased from the said King, by William Lambe one of the gentlemen of the kings Chappell, Citizen and cloathworker of London: he de
ceased in the yeare 1577. and then gaue it to the Cloath-workers in London: with other Tenements, to the value of fiftie pound the yeare, to the intent they shall hire a Minister to say diuine ser
uice there, &c.
Againe to the high stréete of Cheape, from Fauster lane ende to S. Martins, and by that Lane to the Shambels or flesh market, on the North side whereof, is Penticost Lane, containing di
uers slaughterhouses for the Butchers: and there is the Butchers Hall.
Then was there of olde time, a proper Parish Church of Saint Nicholas, whereof the said flesh market tooke the name, and was called S. Nicholas Shambles. This church with the tenements, and Ornaments, was by Henry the eight, giuen to the Mayor and communaltie of the citie, towards the maintenance of the newe Parish church, then to bee erected in the late dissolued church of the Gray Fryers: so was this church dissolued and pulled downe. In place whereof, and of the church yard, many faire houses are now builded in a court with a well, &c.
Then is Stinking lane, so called, or Chicke-lane at the East end of the Gray Fryers church. And then the late dissolued church of the Gray Fryers: The Originall whereof, was this.

The first of this order of Fryers in England nine in number, arri
ued at Douer: fiue of them remained at Canterburie, the other 4. came to London, were lodged at the preaching Friers in Oldboorn, for the space of fiftéene dayes: and then they hyred an house in Corn
, of Iohn Treuers, one of the Sheriffes of London. They builded there little cells, wherein they inhabited, but shortly after, the de
uotion of the citizens towards them, and the number of the Fry
ers so increased, that they were by the citizens remooued to a place in S. Nicholas Shambles: which Iohn Ewin Mearcer, appropria
ted vnto the comunaltie, to the vse of these said Fryers, and him
selfe became a lay-brother amongst them. About the yeare 1225. William Ioyner builded their Quire, Henry Walles the body of the church: Walter Poter Alderman the Chapter house: Gregory Rokesly, their Dorter: Bartholomewe of the castle made the re
fectorie: Peter de Heliland made the infirmitorie: Beuis Bond king of Heraults, made the Studie, &c. Margaret Quéene, second wife to Edward the 1. began the Quire of their new church, in the yeare 1306. to the building whereof, in her life time, she gaue 2000. Markes, and one hundred marke by her Testament.
Iohn Britaine Earle of Richmond, builded the bodie of the church, to the charges of thrée hundred pound, and gaue many rich Iewels and Ornaments to be vsed in the same. Mary Countesse of Pembroke, seuentie pound. Gilbert de Clare, Earle of Gloster, be
stowed 20. great beams out of his Forrest of Tūbridge, & 20. pound Starlings: Lady Helianor le Spencer, Lady Elizabeth de Brugh, sister to Gilbert de Clare, gaue sums of money: and so did diuers citizens: as Arnald de Tolinea, one hundred pound. Robert Bar
ron Lisle
, who became a Fryer there, thrée hundred pound. Bartho
lomew de Almaine
fiftie pound. Also Philippe Quéene, wife to Edward the third, gaue 70. pound. And so the worke was done with
in the space of 21. yeares 1327. This church thus rich furnished with windowes made at the charges of diuers persons, the Lady Marga
ret Segraue
, Countesse of Norffolk, bare the charges of making the stalls in the quire, to the value of 350. markes, about the yeare 1380. Richard Whittington founded the Librarie, in the yeare 1429. which was in length, one hundred twentie and nine foote: and in breadth, one and twentie foote: all séeled with wainscot, hauing twentie eight deskes, and eight double settles of wainscot.

Which in the yeare next following, was altogither finished in buil
ding, and within three yeares after, furnished with bookes, to the charges of fiue hundred fiftie sixe pound, tenne shillings, whereof Richard Whittington bare foure hundred pound, the rest was boorne by Doctor Thomas Winchelsey, a Fryer there: and for the writing out of D. Nicholas de lira his workes in two volumes, to be chained there, 100. Markes, &c. The séeling of the Quire at diuers mens charges, two hundred markes, and the paynting at fiftie markes.
This whole Church containeth in length
Length and bredth of Gray Friers Church.
thrée hundred foote, of the feete of S. Paul: in breadth, eightie nine foote, and in heigth from the ground to the Roofe, 64. foote, and two inches, &c. It was consecrated 1325. and at the generall suppression, was valued at thirtie two pound, ninetéene shillings, surrendred the twelfth of Nouember, 1538. the 30. of Henry the eight, the ornaments and goods beeing taken to the Kings vse: the Church was shut vp for a time, and vsed as a Store house of goods, taken as pryses from the French: But in the yeare 1546. on the third of Ianuarie, was againe set open. On the which day, preached at Paules Crosse the Bishop of Rochester, where he declared the Kings gift thereof, to the Citie, for the releeuing of the poore.
Which gift was by pattent of Saint Bartholomewes Spittle in Smithfield, lately valued at thrée hundred fiue pound sixe shil
lings seuen pence, and surrendred to the King: of the said Church of the Gray Fryers, and of two parrish Churches,
Gray Freyers Church made a Parish Church.
the one of Saint Nicholas in the Shambels, and the other of S. Ewines in New
gate market
, which were to be made one Parish Church in the sayd Fryers Church, and in lands hee gaue for maintenance of the sayd Church, with diuine seruice, reparations, &c. 500. markes by yeare for euer.
The thirtéenth of Ianuarie, the 38. of Henry the eight, an a
gréement was made betwixt the King and the Maior, and commu
naltie of London: dated the 27. of December: by which the said gift of the Gray Fryers Church, with all the Edifices, and ground, the Fratrie, the Librarie, the Dortar, and Chapter-house, the great Cloystrie and the lesser: tenements, gardens, and vacant grounds, Lead, Stone, Iron, &c. The Hospitall of S. Bartholomewe in west

Smithfield, the church of the same, the leade, belles, and ornaments of the same Hospitall, with all the Messuages, Tenements, and ap
purtenances. The Parishes of Saint Nicholas, and of S. Ewin, and so much of Saint Pulchers as is within the gate, called New
, were made one Parish church in the Gray Fryers church, and called Christes church: founded by Henry the 8.
The Uickar of Christs church was to haue 26. pound, 13. s. 4. d. the yeare. The Uicar of S. Bartholomew 13. li. 6. s. 8. d. The Uisitar of Newgate (being a Priest) ten pound. And other 5. Priests in Christes church, all to be helping in the diuine seruice, ministring the Sacraments, and Sacramentals, the fiue Priests to haue 8. li. the péece. 2. Clarks, 6. pound each. A Sexton 4. li. Moreouer, he gaue them the Hospitall of Bethelem: with the lauer of Brasse, by estima
tion, 18. foote in length, and 2. foote and a halfe in depth, and the wa
ter course of leade to the said Fryer house belonging, conteining by estimation in lēgth, 18. Acres. In the yeare 1552. began the prepa
ring of the Gray Fryers house, for the poore fatherlesse children. And in the month of Nouember, the children were taken into the same, to the number of almost foure hundreth. On Christmas day in the afternoone, while the Lord Maior and Alderman rode to Powles, the children of Christs Hospitall stood, from S. Lawrence Lane ende in Cheape, towards Powles, all in one liuery of Russet cotton, 340. in number. And at Easter next, they were in blewe, and so haue con
tinued euer since.
The defaced Monuments in this church
Monuments in Christs Church.
were these. First in the Quire of the Ladie Margaret, daughter to Phillip king of France, and wife to Edward the first, foundresse of this new church, 1317. Of Isabel daughter to Edward the 3. wedded to the Lord Couse of France, Alianor, wife to Iohn Duke of Britaine, Beatrix Du
chesse of Britaine, daughter to Henry the 3. And Elianor Duchesse of Buckingham, 1530. Sir Robert Lyle Baron. The Lady Lysle and Margaret de Riuars, Countesse of Deuon, all vnder one stone. Iohn Hastings Earle of Pembrooke, 1389, Margaret daughter to Tho. Brotherton Earle Marshall, she was Duchesse of Norffolke, and Countesse Marshall, and Ladie Segraue, 1389, Peter Bishop of Carbon in Hungary, 1331. Gregory Rocksley Maior. Sir Iohn Deuerux Knight, 1385. Iohn Denham Baron, sometime

Treasuror of England, knight of the Garter, 1501. William Fitz Warren Baron, and Isabell his wife, sometime Quéene of Man. Robert Chalons knight, 1439. Iohn Chalons, Isabell Quéen wife to Edward the second, daughter to Philippe King of France, 1358. Isabell daughter to Edward the third, Countesse of Bedford, and Lady Cousie, Iohan of the Tower Qéene of Scots, daughter to E. the 2. Iohn duke of Burbon, and Augue, Earle of Claremond, Mounpauncer, and Baron Beaugen, who was taken prisoner at Agen-court, kept prisoner 18. yeares, and deceased 1433. Eli
zabeth Neuell
wife to Iohn, sonne and heire to Raphe Earle of Westmerland, and mother to Raphe Earle of Westmerland, and daughter to Richard Earle of Kent, 1423. Edward Burnell sonne to the Lord Burnell. In Alhallowes chapel. Iames Fines Lord Say. 1450. and Helenor his wife 1452. Iohn Smith Bishop of Landafe, 1478. Iohn, Baron Hilton: Iohn Baron Clinton. Ri
chard Hastings
Knight, Lord of Willowbie, and Wells, Tho. Bur
Esquire beheaded, 1477. Robert Lile son & heire to the L. Lisle. In our Lady chapell, Io. Gisors of Lo. knight. Humphrey Stafford Esquire of Woorstershire 1486. Rob. Bartram Baron of Bothell. Raphe Barons knight. Wi. Apleton knight. Reynold de Cambrey knight. T. Bewmond, sonne & heire to H. lord Bewmond. Iohn But
Knight. Adam de Howton knight, 1417. Bartholomew Caster knight of Lon. Reinfride Arundle kntght, 1468. T. Couil Esquire 1422. In the Postles chapel, Walter Blunt knight of the Garter, and L. Mountioy, Treasurer of England 1474. Edward Blunt L. Mountioye 1475. Alice Blunt Mountioye, sometime wife to Wil
liam Browne
Mayor of London, and daughter to Henry Kebell, Mayor 1521. Anne Blunt daughter to Iohn Blunt knight, Lord Mountioy, 1480. Sir Allen Cheinie knight, and sir Tho. Greene knight. William Blunt Esquire, sonne and heire to Walter Blunt, and father to Ed. Lord Mountioy. Iames Blunt Knight, sonne to Walter Blunt Captaine of Gwynes 1492. Flizabeth Blunt wife to Robert Curson knight, 1494. Bartholomew Burwashe, and Iohn Burwashe his sonne, Iohn Blunt Lord Mountioy captain of Gwins & Hams 1485. Alan Buxhall of London, Iohn Blunt knight 1531. Iohn Philpot knight Mayor, and the Lady Iane Sampford his wife 1384. Margaret daughter to sir Iohn Philpot, first married

to T. Sentler Esquire, & after to Iohn Neyland Esquire. Nicholas Biember knight Maior, Rowl. Blunt Esquire, 1509. Ro. Bradbury 1489. Nicholas Clifton knight. Frances Chape, 2. sons of Allayne Lord Cheinery, and Iohn sonne and heire to the same Lord Allayne Cheinie knight. Iohn Robpart knight of the Garter 1450. Alleine Cheiney knight, Thomas Malorye Knight, 1470. Thomas Yong a Iustice of ye Bench, 1476. Iohn Baldwin fellow of Grays Inne, and common Seriant of London, 1469. Walter Wrotsley knight of Warwick-shire, 1473. Stephen Ienins Marchantaylor, Mayor 1523. Thomas a Par, and Iohn Wiltwater, slaine at Barnet, 1471. Robert Elkenton knight 1460. Richard Hauering knight 1388. Robert Trisilian knight, Iustice, 1308. Geoffrye Lucy, sonne to Geoffrey Lucy, Iohn Water Alias Yorke Herault 1520. Iohn More (Alias Nory) Herault 1491. George Hopton Knight, 1489. Betwéene the quire and the Aulter, Rape Spiganell knight, Iohn Moyle gentleman of Greyes Inne, 1495. William Huddie knight 1501. Io. Cobham a baron of Kēt, Iohn Mortayn knight Iohn Deyncort knight, Iohn Norbery Esquire, high Treasurer of England, Henry Norbere his sonne Esquire, Iohn Southlee knight, Thomas Sakuile, Thomas Lucy knight 1525. Robert de la Riuar, sonne to Mauricius de la Riuar, Lord of Tormerton, 1457 Iohn Malmaynas Esquire, and Thomas Malmayns knights, Ni
cholas Malmains
Hugh Parsal
knight, 1490. Alexandria Kirke
knight, &c. In the body of the Church, William Paulet Esquire of Summersetshire 1482. Iohn Moyle gentleman 1530. Peter Champion Esquire 1511. Iohn Harte Gentleman 1449. Alice La. Hungarford, hanged at Tiborne, for murdering her husband, 1523. Edward Hall Gentleman of Grayes Inne, 1470. Ri. Churchyard Gentleman fellow of Grayes Inne, 1498. Iohn Mortimar knight beheaded 1423. Henry Frowike Alderman, Renauld Frowike, Philip Pats, 1518. William Porter Seriant at armes 1515. Tho
mas Grantham
Gentleman 1511. Edmond Rotheley Gentlemā 1470. Henry Reston Gentleman of Grayes Inne, 1485. I. Au
sonne to I. Aubrye, Maior of Norwich, 1368. Nicholas Mon
Gentleman, sonne to Io. Mongomery of Northampton
1485. Sir Bartho. Emfield knight: Sir Barnard, S. Peter knight, Sir Raphe Sandwiche knight, Custos of London. Sir An
drew Sakauile

All these and fiue times so many more haue bin buried there, whose Monuments are wholly defaced: for there were 9. Tombes of Ala
blaster and Marble, inuironed with strikes of Iron in the Quire, and one Tombe in the bodie of the church also coped with yron, all pulled downe, besides 7. score graue stones of Marble, all sold for 50. pound or thereabouts, by Sir Martin Bowes. Of late time buried there, Walter Hadden Doctor, &c.
From this church West to Newgate, is of this Warde. Now for the Southside of this Warde, beginning againe at the crosse in Cheape, from thence to Friday stréete, and downe that stréete on the West side, till ouer against the Northwest corner of S. Mat
. And on the West side, to the South corner of the said church, which is wholly in the Warde of Faringdon, a proper church, and hath these fewe Monuments of Sir Nicholas Twiford Goldsmith, Maior: who gaue to that church an house, with the ap
purtenances, called the Griffon on the Hope, in ye same stréet. Tho
mas Pole
Goldsmith, 1395. Robert Iohnson Goldsmith, Alder
man. Robert Harding Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffes, 1478. Iohn Twiselton Goldsmith, Alderman, 1525. Raphe Allen Gro
cer, one of the Sheriffes deceased, 1546. Anthony Gamage Iron
monger, one of the Sheriffes, deceased, 1579. Cage, Iohn Mabbe Chamberlaine of London, &c.
From this Friday stréete, West to the Old Exchaunge, a stréet so called of the Kings Exchaunge there kept, which was for the re
ceit of Bullion, to be quoyned. For Henry the 3. in the 6. yeare of his raigne, wrote to the Scabines and men of Ipre, that he and his councell had giuen prohibition, that none, Cnglishmen2 or other, should make chaunge of plate or other Masse of siluer, but onely in this Exchaunge at London, or at Canterbury. Andrew Buke
then had to Farme the Exchaunge of England, and was Ma
ior of London in the raigne of Henry the third. Iohn Somercote had the keeping of the Kings Exchaunge ouer all England. In the eigth of Edward the first, Gregory Rockesly was kéeper of the saide Exchaunge for the King. In the fift of Edward the second, William Hausted was kéeper thereof. And in the 18. Roger de Frowicke, &c.

These receiued the old stampe, or coyning yrons, from time to time, as the same were worne, and deliuered new to al the Mints in Eng
land, as more at large in another place I haue noted.
This stréete beginneth by West Cheape in the North, and runneth downe South so Knight-Riders stréete: that part thereof which is called Olde-Fish stréete, but the very housing and Office of the Exchaunge and Coynage, was about the midst therof, South from the East Gate that entereth Pawles Church yarde, and on the West side in Baynards Castle Warde.
On the East side of this Lane, betwixt West cheape, and the church of S. Augustine, Henry Walles Maior (by license of Ed. the first) builded one Rowe of houses, the profits rising of them to be im
ployed on London Bridge.
The parish church of S. Augustine, and one house next adioy
ning in Watheling streete, is of this Warde called Faringdon. This is a faire church, and lately well repaired, wherein be Monu
ments remaining of Henry Reade Armourer, one of the Sheriffes 1450. Robert Bellesdon Haberdasher, Maior, 1491. Sir Townley, William Dere one of the Sheriffes, 1450. Robert Ra
Haberdasher, 1500. Thomas Apleyard Gentleman, 1515. William Moncaster Merchant Taylor, 1524. Willi. Holte Mer
chant Taylor, 1544. &c.
Then is the North church yard of Powles, in the which stan
deth the Cathedrall church of S. Paule. This church was first foun
ded by Ethelbart King of Kent, about the yeare of Christ, 610. he gaue thereto lands, as appeareth.
Aedelbertus Rex deo inspirante, pro animæ sua remedio dedit epis
copo melito terram qua appellatur Tillingeham ad monaster: sui solatiū soilioz, S
. Pauli: Et ego Rex Aethelbertus ita firmiter concedo tibi presulimelito potestatem eius habendi & possidendi vt in perpetuum in monastary vtilitate permanet, &c. Athelstan, Edgare, Edward the Confessor
, and others also gaue lands therunto. Williā Conqueror gaue to the Church of S. Paule, and to Mauricius then Bishop, and his successors, the Castle of Stortford, with the appurtenances, &c. He also confirmed the gifts of his predecessors, in these words: Omne I Rex Angl. Clamo quietas in perpetuum, 24. Hidas quas Rex Aetholbert dedit S. Paulo iuxta murum London, &c.

The Charter of King William the Conqueror, giuen to the church of S. Paule in London, exemplified in the Tower: the la
tin thereof Englished thus.
William by the grace of God, King of Englishmen, To all his welbeloued French and English people, greeting. Know ye that I do giue vnto God and the Church of S. Paule of London, and to the Rectors and Seruitors of the same, in all their lands which the Church hath, or shall haue, within borough and without, sack and socke, Thole and The, Infangthefe, and Grithbriche, and all freeshippes by sea and by land, on tyde, and off tyde, and all the rights that into them. Christendome by rad and more speake and on buright hamed, and on buright worke, afore all the Bishop
pricks in mine land: and on each other mans land. For I will that the Church in all things be as free as I would my soule to be in the day of iudgement, witnesses Ofmound our Chancellor, Lamfranke the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Thomas Archbishop of York, Roger Earle of Salesbury, and Alane the Countie, and Geffrey de Magna villa, and Raphe Peuerell.
In the yeare 1087. this church of S. Paule was brent with fire, and therwith the more part of the citie which fire began at the entry of the West gate, and consumed to the East gate. Mauricius then Bishop, began therefore the foundation of a new church of S. Paule,
Foundation of the newe Church of S. Paul builded, stone brought from Cane in Normandie.
a work that men of that time iudged wold neuer haue bin fini
shed, it was to them so wonderfull for length & breadth, & also ye same was builded vpon Arches (or Uaultes) of stone, for defence of fire, which was a manner of woorke before that time vnknowne to the people of this Nation, and then brought in by the French: and the stone was fetcht from Cane in Normandy.
This Mauricius deceased in the yeare 1107. Richard Beamor succéeded him in the Bishoppricke, who did wonderfully increase the said church, purchasing of his owne cost, the large stréetes and Lanes about it, wherin were wont to dwel many laye people, which ground he began to compasse about, with a strong wall of stone and gates. King Henry the first gaue to the said Richard, so much of the Mote (or Wall) of the castle, on the Thames side to the South, as should be néedfull to make the said wal of the church, and so much as should suffise to make a wall without the way on the North side, &c.

It should séeme that this Richard inclosed but two sides of the saide church or Semitorie of Saint Paule, to wit, the South and North sides: for King Edward the second, in the tenth of his raigne, graunted that the saide church yarde should be inclosed with a wall where it wanted, for the murthers and robberies that were there committed. But the cittizens then claimed the East part of the church yarde to bee the place of assembly to their folkemotes, and that the great stéeple there scituate was to that vse, their common bell,
The common3 bell in Paule: church yard rung, for the calling togi
ther of the Citizens to their folke
which being there rung, all the inhabitants of the citie might heare and come togither. They also claimed the West side, that they might there assemble themselues togither, with the Lorde of Baynardes castle, for view of their Armour in defence of the citie. This matter was in the Tower of London referred to Haruius de Stanton, and his fellow Iustices Itenerantes: but I finde not the decision or iudgement of that controuersie.
True it is, that Edward the third, in the seuentéene of his raigne, gaue commandement for the finishing of that wall, which was then performed, and to this day it continueth. Although now on both the sides (to wit, within and without) it be hidden with dwelling hou
ses. Richard Beamer deceased in the yeare 1127. and his successors in processe of time, performed the worke begunne.
The stéeple of this church was builded and finished in the yeare 1222. The crosse on the said stéeple fell downe, and a new was set vp in the yeare 1314. The new worke of Powles (so called) at the East ende aboue the Quire, was begun in the yeare 1251.
Henry Lacie Earle of Lincolne, Constable of Chester, and Custos of England, in his time was a great benefactor to this work, and was there buried, in the yeare 1310. Also Raphe Baldocke Bishop of London, in his life time gaue two hundreth markes to the building of the saide newe worke:
The newe woorke of Powles.
and left much by his Testa
ment, towards the finishing thereof, he deceased in the yeare 1313 and was buried in the Lady chappell.
The first of February, in the yeare 1444. about two of the clock in the afternoone, this stéeple was fiered by lightning,
Powles stee
fiered by lightning.
in the midst of the shaft or spéere, both on the West side, & on the South, but by la
bour of many well disposed people, the same was to appearance quenched with Uinegre, so that all men withdrew themselues

to their houses praising God: but betwéene eight and nine of the clock in the same night, the fire brast out again, more feruently then before, and did much hurt to the Lead and Timber, till by the great labour of the Maior and people that came thither, it was throughly quenched.
This stéeple was repaired
Pauls steeple repaired.
in the yeare 1462. and the Wea
ther Cocke againe erected: but one Robert Godwin winding it vp, the rope brake, and he was destroyed on the Pinacles, and the cock
Another cock of Pauls steeple.
was sore brused. But Burchwood (the Kings Plomer) set it vp againe: since the which time, néeding reparation, it was both taken down & set vp, in ye yeare 1553. it thē wayed 40. poūd. At which time it was found to be of copper gilt ouer, and the length from the bill to the taile, being 4. foote, and the breadth ouer the wings, 3. foote & a halfe: the crosse from the bole, to the Eagle (or Cocke) was fifteene foote, and sixe inches of a sise: the length thereof ouerthwart, was fiue foote and ten inches: and the compasse of the bole was nine foote and one inch. The inner bodie of this Crosse, was Oake, the next couer was Leade, and the vttermost was of Copper, red varnished. The boale and Eagle, or Cocke, were of Copper and gilt also. The height of the stéeple was 520. foote,
Height of the steeple.
wherof the stone worke, is 260. foote, and ye spire was likewise 260. foote: the length of ye whole church,
Length of Pauls Church.
is two hundred and fortie taylors yardes, which make 720. foote: the breadth thereof, is 130. foote: and the height of the body of that church, is 150. foote.
Gouernors> of this Church.
This church hath a Bishop, a Deane, a Precentor, Chauncelor, Treasurer, and fiue Archdeacons: to wit, of London, Middlesex, Essex, Colchester and S. Albons: it hath Prebendaries thirtie, Cannons twelue, Uickars Chorall six, &c.
The Colledge of Petty Cannons there,
Petie Can
nons of Pauls.
was founded by king Richard the second, in honor of Quéene Anne his wife, and of her progenitors, in the 17. of his raign. Their Hall and lands was then giuen vnto them, as appeareth by the Pattent, Maister Robert Dokesworth then being maister thereof.
There was also one great Cloyster on the North side of this church, inuironing a plot of ground, of old time called Pardō church yard, whereof Thomas More (Deane of Pauls) was either the first builder, or a most especiall benefactor, and was buried there.
Daunce of Pauls.
About this Cloyster, was artificially & richly painted, the dance of Macha

or dance of death, commonly called the dance of Pauls: the like wherof, was painted about S. Innocents cloister, at Paris in Frāce: the metres or poesie of this daunce, were translated out of French into English, by Iohn Lidgate, the Monke of Bery, & with ye picture of Death, leading all estates painted about the Cloyster: at the speciall request and dispence of Iankin Carpenter, in the Raigne of Henry the 6. In this Cloyster were buried many persons, some of worship, and others of honour: the monuments of whom, in num
ber and curious workemanship, passed all other that were in that church.
Ouer the East Quadrant of this Cloyster, was a faire Libra
rie, builded at the costs and charges of Walter Sherington, Chance
lor of the Duchie of Lancaster, in the raigne of Henry the 6. which hath béene well furnished with faire written bookes in Uellum: but fewe of them now do remaine there. In the middest of this pardon church yard, was also a faire Chapel, first foūded by Gilbert Becker, Portgraue and principal magistrate of this citie, in the raign of king Stephen, who was there buried.
Thomas Moore Deane of Pauls before named, reedified this Chappel, and founded thrée Chaplains there, in the raigne of Henry the 5.
In the yeare 1549. on the tenth of Aprill, the said Chappell by commaundement of the Duke of Summerset, was begun to bee pulled downe, with the whole Cloystrie, the daunce of Death, the Tombes, and monuments: so that nothing thereof was left, but the bare plot of ground, which is since conuerted into a garden, for the Pety Canons. There was also a Chapel at the North dore of Pauls, founded by the same Walter Sherington, by license of Henry the sixt, for two, thrée, or foure Chaplains, indowed with fortie pound by the yeare. This Chapell also was pulled downe in the raigne of Edward the sixt, and in place thereof, a faire house builded.
There was furthermore, a faire Chapel of the holy Ghost in Pauls church, on the North side: founded in the yeare, 1400. by Roger Holmes, Chauncelor and Prebendary of Pauls, for Adam Bery Alderman, Iohn Wingham and others, for seuen Chaplains, and called Holmes Colledge.
Holmes Col
Their common Hall was in Pauls church yard on the South side. This Colledge also was with others sup

in the raigne of Edward the sixt. Then vnder the Quire of Paules is a large chapel, first dedicated to the name of Iesu, founded the 37. of Henry the sixt, as appeareth by his patent thereof, dated at Crodowne to this effect. Many liege men, and Christian people hauing begun a fraternitie, and guild, to the honour of the most glo
rious name of Iesu Christ our Sauiour, in a place called ye crowdes of the Cathedrall church of Paules in London, which hath continu
ed long time peaceably, till now of late: whereupon they haue made request, and we haue taken vpon vs the name and charge of the foundation, to the laude of Almightie God, the Father, the Sonne and the holy Ghost, and especially to the honour of Iesu, in whose honour, the fraternitie was begun, &c.
The King ordained William Say then Deane of Pauls to bee the Rector, and Richard Ford, (a remembrancer in the Exchequer) and Henry Bennis (clarke of his priuie Seale) the Gardians of these brothers and sisters: they and theyr successors to haue a com
mon seale: license to purchase lands or tenements to the value of 40 pound by the yeare, &c.
This foundation was confirmed by Henry the seuenth, the two and twentie of his reigne, to Doctor Collet, then Deane of Powles, Rector there, &c. And by Henry the eight, the seuen and twentieth of his raigne, to Richard Pace, then Deane of Pauls, &c.
At the West ende of this Iesus chapell, vnder the Quire of Pauls, also was a Parish church of Saint Fayth, commonly cal
led Saint Faith vnder Pauls, which serued for the Stacioners and others, dwelling in Pauls church yard, Pater Noster Rowe, and the places neare adioyning. The said chapell of Iesus being sup
pressed in the raigne of Edward the sixt: the Parishioners of Saint Fayths church were remooued into the same Iesus chapell, as to a place more sufficient for largenesse and lightsomenesse, then their former church was, and so it still remaineth to that vse.
Then was there on the North side of this church yarde, a Charnell house for the boanes of the dead, and ouer it a chapell of an olde foundation, such as followeth. In the yeare one thousand two hundred eightie two, the tenth of Edward the first, it was a

4 that Henry Walles Mayor, and the citizens, for cause of shops by them builded, without the wal of the churh yard, should as
signe to God, and to the church of Saint Paul, ten markes of rent by the yeare for euer, towards the new building of a chapell of the blessed Uirgin Mary, and also to assigne fiue markes of yearly rent to a Chaplaine to celebrate there.
Moreouer in the yeare 1430. the eight of Henry the sixt, license was graunted to Iankin Carpenter, (executor to Richard Whittington) to establish vpon the said Charnell, a Chaplaine, to haue eight markes by the yeare: Then was also in this chapel, two brotherhoods. In this chapell were buried Robert Barton, and Henry Barton Maior, and Thomas Mirfin Maior, all Skin
ners, and were entombed with their Images of Alablaster ouer them, grated about with Iron: all which, was pulled downe in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred fortie nine, the bones of the dead, couched vp in a Charnill (by report of him who paid for the cariage) were conueied from thence into Finsbery fielde, amounting to more then one thousand cart loades, and there laid on a moorish ground,
in short space after raysed (by soylage of the citie) to heare thrée winde-milles.
The chapell and Charnill were conuerted into dwelling hou
ses, ware houses, and sheads for Stacioners, builded before it, in place of the Tombes. In the East part of this church yard, standeth Powles schoole, lately builded and endowed in the yeare 1512. by Iohn Collet Doctor of Diuinitie, and Deane of Powles, for 153. poore mens children, to be taught frée in the same scoole, for which hée appointed a Maister, a Surmaister, or Usher, and a Chaplaine, with large stipends for euer, committing the case and ouersight thereof, to the Maister, Wardens, and Assistants of the Mearcers in London, because he was borne in London, and was sonne to Henry Collet, Mearcer, sometime Maior. He left to these Mearcers, landes, to the yearelie value of one hundred and twentie pound or better. Neare vnto this schoole on the North side thereof, was of old time a great and high Clochier
Clochiard in Powles church yard.
(or Bel-house) foure square, builded of Stone, and in the same a most strong frame of Timber, with foure Belles, the greatest that I haue heard off: these were called Iesus Belles, and belonged to Iesus Chapell, but I

know not by whose gift: the same had a great speare of timber, co
uered with Lead, with the image of Saint Paul on the top, but was pulled downe by sir Miles Partredge knight, in the raigne of Henry the eight.
The common spéech then was, that he did set an hundred poūd vpon a cast at dice against it, and so wonne the saide Clocheard and belles of the King: and then causing the belles to be broken as they hoong, the rest was pulled downe and broken also. This man was afterward executed on the Tower hill, for matters concerning the Duke of Summerset, in the yeare 1551. the fift of Edward the sixt.
In place of this Clochearde, of olde times, the common Bell of the citie
Common bell of the Citie.
was vsed to be roong for the assembly of the citizens, to their Folke motes as I haue before shewed. About the middest of this church yard, is a Pulpit Crosse of timber, mounted vpon steppes of stone, and couered with Leade. In which, are sermons preached by learned Diuines euery Sunday in the forenoone. The very anti
quitie whereof, is to me vnknowne: but I reade, that in the yeare 1259. King Henry the third, commanded a generall assembly to be made at this Crosse, where he in proper person commaunded the Mayor, that on the next day following, he should cause to bee sworne before the Aldermen, euery stripling of twelue yeares of age, or vpward, to bee true to the King and his heires, Kings of Eng
Also in the yeare 1262. the same King caused to bee read at Pauls Crosse, a Bull obtained from Pope Vrban the fourth, as an absolution for him, and for all that were sworne to maintaine the Ar
ticles made in Parliament at Oxford. Also in the yeare 1299. the Deane of Pauls, accursed at Pauls Crosse, all those which had searched in the church of Saint Martin in the field, for an hoo5rd of Gold, &c.
Thomas Kemp Bishop of London, new builded this Pulpit and Crosse, in forme as it now standeth. In the yeare 1561. the fourth of Iune, betwixt the houre of thrée and foure of the Clocke in afternoone, the great speare of the stéeple of Saint Pauls church, was fiered by lightening, which brake fourth (as it séemed) two or thrée yardes beneathe the foote of the Crosse, and from thence it brent

downeward the speare to the battlements, stone worke and bels, so furiously, that within the space of foure houres, the same stéeple with all the Roofes of the church, were consumed, to the great sorow and perpetuall remembrance of all the beholders. After this mis
chance, the Quéenes Maiestie directed her letters to the Maior, willing him to take order for spéedie repairing of the same.
Spéedie repai
ring of Paules Church.
And she of her Gracious disposition, for the furtherance thereof, did present
ly, giue and deliuer in gold 1000. markes, with a warrant for 1000. loades of timber, to be taken out of her woods, or elsewhere.
The citizens also gaue first a great benenolence,
and after that thrée fiftéenes to be spéedilie paide.
The Queenes gift.
The Cleargie of England, likewise within the Prouince of Canterburie, graunted the fourth part of the value of their benefices, charged with first fruites, the thirtieth part of such as were not so charged, but the Cleargie of Lon
Dioces, graunted the thirtieth part of all that paide first fruites, and the twentieth part of such as hadde payde theyr fruites.
Six citizens of London, and two Pettie Canons of Powles church, hadde charge to further and ouersée the woorke, wherein such expedition was vsed, that within one moneth next following the burning thereof, the church was couered with boordes and lead, in manner of a false Roofe against the weather, and before the ende of the said yeare, all the said Iles of the church were framed out of new timber, couered with leade, and fully finished. The same yeare also, the great Roofes of the West and East endes were framed out of great timber in Yorkeshiere, brought thence to London by sea, and set vp, and couered with leade. But concerning the stéeple, litle was done, through whose default God knoweth: it was said, that the mo
ney appointed for newe building of the stéeple, was collected, and brought to the hands of Edmond Grindall then Bishop of Lon
. The monuments in this church
Monuments in Powles church.
be these. First as I reade, of Erkenwalde Bishop of London, buried in the olde church, about the yeare of Christ, seuen hundred, whose body was translated into the newe worke, in the yeare one thousand one hundred & fortie, being richly shrined, aboue the Quire behinde the high Al
Sebba or Seba King of the East Saxons, first buried in the old

Church, and after that, remooued into the new, and laid in a coffin of stone, on the North side, without the Quire. Etheldred King of the West Saxons, was likewise buried and remooued. William Nor
Bishop of London, in the reignes of Edward the Confessor, and of William the Conqueror, deceased, one thousand and seuenty, and is now buried in the West Ile, with an Epitaph, as in another place I haue shewed. Eustauchius de Fanconbridge Bishop of London 1228. buried in the South Ile, aboue the Quire. Roger Nigar Bishop of London 1241. buried on the North side the Quire. Fulco Basset Bishop of London 1259. Henry Wingham B. 1262. Henry Lacye, Earle of Lincolne, in the new worke of Powles, betwixt our Lady chapel, and S. Dunstons chapell, where a faire monument was raised for him, with his pic
ture in armour, crosse legged, as one professed for defence of the ho
ly land, against the infidels. His monument is foulely defaced.
The cause of monuments of the dead cross-legged.
Raphe Baldoke B. of London 1313. in our Lady chapell, where
of he was founder.
Some haue noted, that in digging the foundation of this newe woorke of Powles, there were founde more then an hun
dred scalpes of Oxen,
Scalpes of ox
en found in diging of a foundation.
or Kine, which thing (say they) confirmeth greatly the opinion of those which haue reported, that of olde time there had bene a Temple of IupiterMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, and that there was daily sacri
fice of beasts.
Othersome, both wise and learned, haue thought the Bucks head, boorne before the procession of Paules, on Saint Paules day, to signifie the like. But true it is, that I haue read an auncient déede to this effect.
Sir William Baud knight, the third of Edward the first,
A Bucks head borne before the procession at Powls.
in the yeare 1274. on Candlemas day6, grautned to Haruy de Borham, Deane of Powles, and to the chapter there, that in consideration of twentie two Akers of ground or land, by them granted within their manor of Westley in Essex, to be inclosed into his park of Curing
, he would for euer vpon the feast day of the conuersion of Saint Paul in winter, giue vnto them a good Doe, seasonable and swéete, and vpon the feast of the commemoration of Saint Paul in summer, a good Bucke, and offer the same at the high Alter, the same to bee

spent amongst the Canons residents: the Doe to bee brought by one man at the houre of Procession, and through the Procession to the high Alter: and the bringer to haue nothing: the Bucke to be brought by all his meyney in like manner, and they to haue payd vnto them by the Chamberlaine of the church, 12. pence onely, and no more to be required. This graunt he made, and for performance, bound the lands of him and his heires to bee distrained on: and if the landes shoulde bee euicted, that yet hee and his heires shoulde accomplishe the gift. Witnesses Richard Tilbery, William de Vockendon, Richard de Harlowe, Knights, Peter of Stanforde, Thomas of Waldon, and some o
Syr Walter Baude Knight, son7ne to William, confir
med this gift, in the thirtieth of the said King, and the witnesses thereunto, were Nicholas de Wokendon, Richard de Rokeley, Thomas de Mandeuile, Iohn de Rocheford, Knights, Richard de Broniforde; William de Markes, William de Fulham, and other. Thus much for the grant.
Now what I haue heard by report, and haue partly séene, it followeth. On the feast day of the Cōmemoration of Saint Paul, the bucke beeing brought vp to the steps of the high Alter in Powles church, at the houre of Procession, the Deane and chapter being apparelled in Coapes and Uestments, with garlands of Roses on their heads, they sent the body of the Bucke to baking, and had the head fixed on a powle, boorne before the Crosse in in their procession, vntill they issued out of the West doore, where the kéeper that brought it, blowed the death of the Bucke, and then the Horners that were about the Cittie, presentlie aunswered him in like manner: for the which paines, they had each one, of the Deane and Chapter, foure pence in money, and their dinner: and the kéeper that brought it, was allowed during his aboade there, for that seruice, meate, drinke and lodging, at the Deane and Chapters charges, and fiue shillings in money at his going away, togither with a loafe of bread, hauing the picture of Saint Paule vppon it, &c.

There was belonging to the church of Saint Paul for both the dayes, two speciall sutes of Uestments, the one imbrodered with Buckes, the other with Does, both giuen by the said Bandes (as I haue heard.) Thus much for ye matter. Now to the residue of the mo
numents, Henry Gylford, L. Marshall, was buried in the Postles chapellMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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1313. Richard Newport Bishop 1318. Sir Iohn Bew
, Constable of Douer, Wardon of the Portes, Knight of the Garter: sonne to Gwye Bewcampe, Earle of Warwicke, and brother to Thomas, Earle of Warwicke, in the body of the church on the South side 1358. where a faire monument remaineth of him: he is by ignorant people misnamed, to be Humphrey Duke of Gloster, who lyeth honourably buried at Saint Albons, twentie miles from London: and therefore such as merily professe them
selues to serue Duke Humphrey in Powles, are to bee punished here, and sent to Saint Albons, there to be punished againe, for theyr absence from theyr Maister, as they call him.
Sir Raphe de Hingham, chéefe Iustice of both Benches, successiuely buried in the side of the North walke, against the Quire, 1308. Sir Iohn Putteney Draper Mayor, 1348. in a faire chapell by him builded, on the North side of Powles, wherin he foū
ded 3. chaplains.
Richard de Plesseys in the North walke before Saint Geor
, 1361. Sir Symon Burley, Constable of Douer, and Chamberlaine to Richard the second, knight of the Garter behea
ded, lyeth buried in the North walke against the Quire. Adam de Bery Mayor, in the yeare 1364. buried in a Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen: or of the holy Ghost, called Holmes Col
Roger Holmes Chauncelor and Prebend of Powles, was buried there 1400. Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster 1399. buried on the North side the Quire, by Blanch his first wife, who deceased in the yeare 1368. The Dutchesse of Bedforde, sister to Philip Duke of Burgonie, one thousand foure hundred thirtie thrée. Robert Fitz Hewe, Bishop of London, in the quire, one thousand foure hundred thirtie fiue. Thomas Kempe Bishop of London, in a proper chapell of the Trinitie, by him founded in the body of the

Church on the North side, 1489. Iohn Collet Deane of Powles on the South side without the quire, 1519. Richard Fitz Iames, Bi
shop of London lyeth hard beneath the North-west Piller of Pauls steeple, vnder a faire tombe, and a chapell of timber with staires, mounting thereunto ouer his tombe,1521. his chapell was burned by fier, falling from the stéeple. Iohn Stokesly Bishop of London in our Lady chapell 1539. Iohn Neuel, Lord Latimere, in a chapell by the North doore of Powles, about the yeare, 1542. Sir Iohn Mason knight, in the North walke against the quire, 1566. Willi
am Herbert
Earle of Pembrooke, knight of the Garter, on the North side the quire, 1569. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord kéeper of the great Seale, on the South side of the Quire, 1578. Sir Philip Sidney aboue the Quire, on the North side the Quire, 1586. Sir Francis Walsingham knight, principall Secretarie, and chauncelor of the Duchie of Lancaster 1590. Sir Christopher Hatton Lord Chancelor of England, knight of the Garter, aboue the Quire, 1591 vnder a most sumptuous monument, whereof a mery Poet writ thus.
Philip and Francis haue no Tombe,
For great Christopher takes all the roome.
Iohn Elmare Bishop of London, before S. Georges chapell, 1594. The Lady Heneage, and her husband sir Thomas Heneage Chauncelor of the Dutchie, 1595. Richard Fletcher Bishop of London, 1596. These as the chéefe haue I noted, and so an end for Pauls church.
Without the North gate of Powles church, from the ende of the olde Exchange, West vppe Pater Noster Rowe, by the two lanes out of Pauls church, the first out of the crosse Ile of Pauls, the other out of the body of the church, about the middest thereof, and so West to the golden LyonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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, be all of this Warde, as is aforesaid: The houses in this stréete, from the first North gate of Pauls church
, vnto the next gate, was first builded without the wall of the churchyard, by Henry Walles Mayor, in the yeare 1282. The rents of those houses go to the maintenance of London bridge. This sreete is now called Pater Noster Rowe, because of Stacioners or Text writers that dwelled there, who wrote and solde all sorts of

bookes then in vse, namely, A. B. C. Or Abstes with the Pater Noster, Aue, Creede, Graces, &c.
There dwelled also turners of Beades, and they were called Pater Noster makers:
Pater Noster makers.
as I read in a Record of one Robert Nikke Pater Noster maker, and Citizen, in the raign of Henry the fourth, and so of other. At the end of this Pater Noster Rowe, is Aue Ma
, so called vpon the like occasion of text writers, and Beade makers, then dwelling there: and at the ende of that Lane is like
wise Creede Lane, late so called (but sometime Spurrier Rowe, of Spurriers dwelling there) and Amen Lane, is added thereunto, be
twixt the South end of Warwicke Lane, and the North end of Aue Mary Lane: at the North end of Aue Mary lane, is one great house builded of stone and timber, of olde time pertaining to Iohn Duke of Britaine,
Duke of Bri
taines house, since Pem
brookes Inne
, now Burgaue
ny house
Earle of Richmond, as appeareth by the Records of Edw. the second: since that it is called Pembrookes Inne, neare vnto Lud
, as belonging to the Earles of Pembrooke in the times of Ric. the 2. the 18. yeare: and of Henry the sixt, in the 14. yeare. It is now called Burgaueny house, and belonged to Henry, late Lorde of Burgaueny. Betwixt the South end of Aue Mary Lane, and the North end of Creede Lane, is the comming out of Powles church yard, on the East, and the high stréete on the West, towards Lud
, and this is called Bowier Rowe, of bowiers dwelling there in olde time, now worne out by Mearcers and others. In this stréete on the North side, is the Parish church of S. Martin, a proper church, and lately new builded: for in the yeare 1437. Iohn Michæl Ma
ior and the communaltie, granted to William Downe parson of S. Martins at Ludgate, a parcell of ground, containing in length 28. foote, and in breadth 24. foote, to set & build their stéeple vpon, &c. The Monuments here, be of Henry Belwase, and Iohn Gest, 1458. Wil
liam Tauerner
Gentleman 1466, Iohn Barton Esquire, 1439. Stephen Pecocke Mayor 1533. Sir Roger Cholemly, some say William Seuen-Oake Mayor, &c.
On the South side of this stréete, is the turning into the Black-Fryers, which order sometime had their house in Olde-Boorne, where they remained for the space of fiftie fiue yeares, and then in the yeare 1276. Gregory Roksley Mayor, and the Barons of this citie,
Maior and Ba
rons of this Citie.
granted and gaue to Robert Kilwarby Arch-Bishop of Can

two (Lanes or wayes) next the stréete of Baynards Castle, and also the Tower of Mountfichit, to bee destroyed: in place of which, the saide Robert builded the late new church of the Blacke-Fryers, and placed them therein. King Edward the first and Elya
his wife, were great benefactors thereunto. This was a large church, and richly furnished with Ornaments: wherein diuers Parliaments and other great méetings hath béene holden: namely in the yeare one thousand foure hundred and fiftie, the twentie eight of Henry the sixt, a Parliament was begun at Westminster, and adiourned to the Blacke-Fryers in London. In the yeare, 1527. the Emperor Charles the fifth, was lodged there. In the yeare 1524. the fiftéenth of Aprill, a Parliament was begun at the Black-Fryers, wherein was demaunded a subsidie of 800000. pound to bee ray
sed of goodes and lands, 4. shillings of euery pound, and in the ende was graunted 2. shillings of the pound, of goods or lands, that were woorth 20. pound, or might dispend 20. pounde by the yeare, and so vpward, to be paid in 2. yeares. This Parliament was adiourned to Westminster, amongst the blacke Monkes, & ended in the Kings Pallace there, the 14. of August, at 9. of the clocke in the night, & was therefore called the blacke Parliament.
Parliament at the Blacke-Fryers called the blacke Parliament.
In the yeare 1529. Cardinal Campenis the Legat with Cardinall Woolsey, sate at ye said Black Fryers, where before them as Legats and Iudges, was brought in question the Kings marriage with Quéen Kathren as to be vnlaw
full, before whom thè King and Quéen were cited and summoned to appeare, &c. Whereof more at large in other places hath béene tou
ched. The same yeare in the moneth of October, begā a Parliament in the Blacke-Fryers, in the which Cardinall Woolsey was con
demned in the priminerie: this house valued at 104. li. 15. shillings 5. d. was surrendred the twelfth of Nouember, the thirtieth of Henry the eight. There are interred, or buried in this Church, Margaret Quéene of Scots: Hubert de Brugh Earle of Kent, translated from their olde church, by Olde-Boorne: Robert de Attabeto Earle of Bellimon: Dame Izabel wife to Sir Roger Bygot, Earle Marshall: William and Iane Huse, children to Dame Ellis, Countesse of Arundell, and by them lyeth Dame Ellis, daughter to the Earle Warren, and after Countesse of Arundell.

Dame Ide wife to sir Walter daughter to Ferrers of Chartley, Richard de Brewes: Dame Iahu, daughter to Thomas, wife to Syr Gnight. Richard Strange, son to Roger Strange, Elizabeth daugh
ter to sir Bartholomewe Badlesmere, wife to sir William Bohanne Earle of Northampton. Marsh, the Earles of Marche, and Here
, and Elizabeth Countesse of Arondell. Dame Iohan daugh
ter to sir Iohn Ca8rne, first wife to sir Gwide Bryan. Hugh Clare Knight. The heart of Quéene Helianor the foundresse: the heart of Alfence her son, the harts of Iohn and Margaret, childrē to Wil. Valence, sir William Thorpe Iustice, the Lord Lyoth of Yreland: Maude wife to Geffrey Say, daughter to the Earle of Warwicke, Dame Sible, daughter to William Pattehulle, wife to Roger Bew
, and by her Sir Richard or Roger Bewchampe, Lord S. A
, & Dame Elizabeth his wife, daughter to the Duke of Lanca
: Sir Stephen Collington knight, Sir Wi. Peter knight. Sir Io. Tiptoste, Earle of Woorster beheaded 1470. William Paston, and Anne daughter to Edmond of Lancaster, the Lord Beamount, Sir Edmond Cromwell, Baron of Burford, the Lady Neuel wedded to the lord Douglasse, danghter9 to the Duke of Excester, Ri. Scroope Esquire, Dame Katheren Vaux, alias Cobham, Sir Th. Browne, and dame Elizabeth his wife, Iane Powell, Thomas Swinforth, Iohn Mawsley Esquire, 1432. Iohn de la Bere, Nicholas Carre Esquire, Geffrey Spring Esquire: William Clifford Esquire, Sir Thomas Brandon knight of the Garter, 1509. William Stalworth Merchantaylor, 1518. William Courtney Earle of Deuonshire, nominated, but not created, the third of Henry the eight, &c.
There is a Parish of Saint Anne within the Precinct of the Blacke-Fryers,
Parish church of S. Anne new builded in the Blacke Fryers.
which was pulled downe with the Friers church, by Sir Thomas Cardin, alias Carden: but in the raigne of Quéene Mary, he being forced to finde a church to the inhabitants, allowed them a lodging chamber aboue a staire, which since that time, to wit, the yeare 1597. fell downe, and was againe by collecti
ons therefore made, new builded in the same yeare, and was dedica
ted on the eleuenth of December. Now to turn again out of ye Black Fryers through Bowier Rowe, Aue-mary lane and Pater Noster Rowe, to the church of Saint Michæll ad Bladum, or at the corn, corruptlie at the Querne, so called, because in place thereof, was sometime a corne market, stretching vp West to the Shambles:

It séemeth that this church was first builded, about the raigne of Ed
the third
, Thomas Newton first parson there, was buried in the Quire, the yeare 1361. which was the 35. of Edward the third. At the East end of this church stood a crosse, called the old crosse, in West cheape, which was taken downe in the yeare, 1390. the 13. of Richard the second: since the which time, the said parish church was also taken downe, but new builded and inlarged, in the yeare 1430 the eight of Henry the sixt. William Estefield Mayor, and the com
munaltie, graunted of the common soyle of the citie, thrée féete and a halfe in breadth on the North part, and foure foote in breadth toward the East, for the enlarging thereof. This is now a proper church, and hath the monuments of Thomas Newton first parson, Roger Woodcocke Hatter, 1475. Thomas Ressell Brewer, 1473. Iohn Hulton Stacioner 1475. Iohn Oxney, Roger North Marchant, Haberdasher, 1509. Henry Pranel Uintener, one of the Sheriffes 1585. William Elkin one of the Sheriffes, 1586. Thomas Banckes, 1598. &c.
At the East end of this church, in place of the olde crosse, is now a water conduit placed. W. Estfielde Mayor, the 9. of Henry the 6. at the request of diuers common councels, granted it so to bee: wher
vpon in the 19. of the same Henry, one thousand markes was gran
ted by a common councell towards the workes of this conduit, and the reparations of other, this is called the litle conduit in West cheape by Powles gate. At the West ende of this parish church, is a small passage for people on foote, through the same church, and west from the said church, some distance, is an other passage out of Pater Noster Rowe, and is called of such a signe, Panyar Ally, which com
meth out into the North, ouer against S. Martins Lane. Next is Iuie Lane, so called of Iuie growing on the walles of the Prebend almes houses, but now the Lane is replenished on both the sides with faire houses, and diuers offices be there kept, by registers, namely for the prerogatiue court of the Archbishop of Canterburie, the Probate of willes, and for the Lord Treasurers remembrance of the Exchequer, &c.
This Lane runneth North to the West ende of S. Nicholas Shambles. Of olde time was one great house, sometimes belonging to the Earles of Britaine, since that to the Louels, and was called

Faringdon Warde within.
Louels Inne: for Mathild, wife to Iohn Louell, held it in the first of Henry the 6. Then is Eldenese Lane, which stretcheth North to the high stréete of Newgate Market, the same is now called War
wicke Lane
, of an auncient house there builded by an Earle of War
, and was since called Warwicke Inne. It is on record called a Messuage in Eldenese Lane, in the parish of S. Sepulchre, the 28. of Henry the 6. Cicille the Duches to Warwicke, possessed it. Now againe from the Conduit by Powles gate on the North side, is a large stréete, running West to Newgate: the first part whereof, from the Conduit to the Shambles, is (of selling bladders there) cal
led Bladder stréete. Then behinde the Butchers shoppes be now di
uers slaughter houses inward, and Tipling houses outward. This is called Mountgodard Stréete, by all likelihood of the Tipling hou
ses there, and the Goddards or Pots, mounting from the tap to the table, from the table to the mouth, and sometimes ouer the head. Al
so this stréete goeth vp to the North end of Iuie Lane. Before this Mountgodard stréete, stall boords were set vp by the Butchers, to shewe and to sell their flesh meate vpon, ouer the which stalboords, they first builded sheads to kéepe off the weather: but since that, in
croching by litle and litle, they haue made these stall boords & sheads, faire houses, méete for the principall Shambles. Next is Newgate Market, first of corne and meale, and then of other victualls, which stretcheth almost to Eldenese Lane. A faire, new, and strong frame of Timber couered with leade was therefore set vppe at the char
ges to the Citie, neare to the West corner of S. Nicholas shambles, for the meale to be weyed, in the 1. of Ed. the 6. Sir Iohn Gresham being then Maior. On this side the North corner of Eldenese Lane, was sometime a propper parish Church of S. Ewine, (as is before said) was giuen by Henry the 8. towards the erecting of Christes Church: it was taken downe, and in place thereof, a faire strong frame of timber was erected, wherein dwell men of diuers Trades. And from this frame to Newgate, is all of this Warde, and so an ende thereof. It hath an Alderman, his Deputie, Common Coun
cell 12. Constables 17. Scauingers 18. Wardmote Inquest, 18. and a Bedle. And is taxed to the fiftéene in London, at 54. pound, and in the Exchequer at 53. pound, 6. shillings 8. pence.


  1. Celebrated on 24 August. (KL)
  2. I.e. Englishmen (SM)
  3. Page cropped; context obvious. (SM)
  4. Page number should read 267. (NAP)
  5. Unclear. (SM)
  6. Celebrated on 2 February. (KL)
  7. Scan unclear; context obvious. (SM)
  8. Underinking. (SM)
  9. I.e. daughter. (SM)


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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Within. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

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Stow, John, and William fitz Stephen. Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Within. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Stow, J., & fitz Stephen, W. 2018. Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Within. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - fitz Stephen, William
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Within
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
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A1 Stow, John
A1 fitz Stephen, William
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Within
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname><nameLink>fitz</nameLink> Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Within</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>


