Troia-Noua Triumphans.

London Triumphing,
The Solemne, Magnificent, and Me-
morable Receiuing of that worthy Gentle-
man, Sir Iohn Svvinerton Knight, into
the Citty of London, after his Returne from
taking the Oath of Maioralty at Weſtminſter,
on the Morrow next after Simon and
Iudes day, being the 29. of
October. 1612

All the Showes, Pageants, Chariots of Triumph, with
other Deuices, (both on the Water and Land)

here fully expreſſed.

Printer’s Ornament

Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be ſold by Iohn
dwelling at Chriſt Church-gate. 1612.

Printer’s Ornament

To the Deſeruer of all thoſe Honors,
which the Cuſtomary Rites of this Day,

And the generall Loue of this City beſtow vpon
him; Sir Iohn Svvinerton, Knight, Lord
Maior of the renowmed City
of London.

HONOR (this day) takes you by the Hand,
and giues you welcomes into your New-
Office of Pretorſhip. A Dignity worthie
Cities beſtowing, and moſt worthy your
Receiuing. You haue it with the Harts of ma-
ny people
, Voices and Held-vp hands: they know it is a
Roabe fit for you, and therefore haue clothed you in it. May
Laſt-day of your wearing the ſame, yeeld to your Selfe as
much Ioy, as to
Others does this Firſt-day of your putting
it on. I ſwimme (for my owne part) not onely in the Maine
Full-ſea of the
General praiſe and Hopes of you. But powre
out alſo (for my particular) ſuch a ſtreame as my
can render, for a ſucceſſe anſwerable to the On-ſet: for it is
Field, vnleſſe it be Crowned with victory.
I preſent (Sir) vnto you, theſe labours of my Pen, as the
firſt and neweſt
Congratulatory Offrings tendred into
your hands, which albeit I ſhould not (of my ſelfe) deſerue to
ſee accepted, I know notwithſtanding you will giue to them
a generous and gratefull entertainement, in regard of that

Noble Fellowſhip and Society, (of which you Yeſterday


The Epistle Dedicatory.

were a Brother, and This Day a Father) who moſt freely
haue beſtowed
theſe their Loues vpon you. The Colours
of this Peece are mine owne; the Coſt theirs: to which no-
thing was wanting, that could be had, and euery thing had
that was required. To their
Laſting memory I ſet downe
This; And to your Noble Diſpoſition, this I Dedicate.
My wiſhes being (as euer they haue bene) to meete with a-
Obiect, whoſe reflexion may preſent to your Eyes, that
Loue and Duty, In which

I ſtand Bounden

To your Lordſhip.

Thomas Dekker.

Printer’s Ornament

Troia Noua Triumphans.

London Triumphing.

TRyumphes, are the moſt choice and dain-
tieſt fruit that ſpring from Peace and A-
; Loue begets them; and Much
brings them forth. Expectation feeds
vpon them, but ſeldome to a ſurfeite,
for when ſhe is moſt full, her longing
wants ſomething to be ſatisfied. So in-
ticing a ſhape they carry, that Princes themſelues take
pleaſure to behold them; they with delight; common
people with admiration. They are now and then the
Rich and Glorious Fires of Bounty, State and Magnificence,
giuing light and beauty to the Courts of Kings: And
now and then, it is but a debt payd to Time and Cuſtome:
And out of that dept come Theſe. Ryot hauing no hand
in laying out the Expences, and yet no hand in plucking
backe what is held decent to be beſtowed. A ſumptuous
in theſe Ciuil Ceremonies managing All. For
it were not laudable, in a City (ſo rarely gouerned and
tempered) ſuperfluouſly to exceed; As contrariwiſe it is
much honor to her (when the Day of ſpending comes)
not to be ſparing in any thing. For the Chaires of Magi-
ought to be adorned, and to ſhine like the Cha-
riot which caries the Sunne; And Beames (if it were poſ-
ſible) muſt be thought to be ſhot from the One as from
the Other: As well to dazle and amaze the common


London Triumphing.

Eye, as to make it learne that there is ſome Excellent, and
Extraordinary Arme from heauen thruſt downe to exalt
a Superior man, that thereby the Gazer may be drawne to
more obedience and admiration.
In a happy houre therefore did your Lordſhip take
vpon you this inſeperable burden (of Honor and Cares)
becauſe your ſelfe being Generous of mind, haue met
with men, and with a Company equall to your Selfe in
Spirit. And vpon as fortunate a Tree haue they ingraf-
ted their Bounty; the fruites whereof ſhoot forth
and ripen, are gathered, and taſte ſweetly, in the mouthes
not onely of this Citty, but alſo of our beſt-to-be-belo-
ued friends, the Nobleſt ſtrangers. Vpon whom, though
none but our Soueraigne King can beſtow Royall wel-
; yet ſhall it be a Memoriall of an Exemplary Loue
and Duty (in thoſe who are at the Coſt of theſe Triumphs)
to haue added ſome Heightning more to them then was
intended at firſt, of purpoſe to do honor to their Prince
and Countrey. And I make no doubt, but many worthy
in this City could gladly be content to be
partners in the Diſburſements, ſo they might be ſharers
in the Glory. For to haue bene leaden-winged now,
what infamy could be greater? When all the ſtreames
of Nobility and Gentry, run with the Tide hither. When
all Eares lye liſtning for no newes but of Feaſts and Tri-
: All Eyes ſtill open to behold them: And all harts
and hands to applaud them: When the heape of our
Soueraignes Kingdomes are drawne in Little: and to be
ſeene within the Walles of this City. Then to haue tied
Bounty in too ſtraight a girdle: Proh ſcelus infandum!
No; ſhe hath worne her garments looſe, her lippes haue


London Triumphing.

bene free in Welcomes, her purſe open, and her hands
liberall. If you thinke I ſet a flattering glaſſe before you,
do but ſo much as lanch into the Riuer, and there the
Thames it ſelfe ſhall ſhew you all the Honors, which this
day hath beſtowed vpon her: And that done, ſtep a-
gaine vpon the Land, and Fame will with her owne
Trumpet proclaime what I ſpeake; And her I hope you
cannot deny to beleeue, hauing at leaſt twenty thou-
ſand eyes about her, to witneſſe whether ſhe be a True-
tong’d Fame
or a Lying.
By this time the Lord Maior hath taken his oath, is
ſeated in his barge againe; a lowd thundring peale of
Chambers giue him a Fare-well as he paſſes by. And ſee!
how quickly we are in ken of land, as ſuddenly there-
fore let vs leap on ſhore, and there obſerue what hono-
rable entertainement the Citty affoords to their new
Prætor, and what ioyfull ſalutations to her noble Vi-
The firſt Triumph on the Land.

THE Lord Maior, and Companyes being landed, the
firſt Deuice which is preſented to him on the ſhore,
ſtands ready to receiue him at the end of Pauls-Chayne,
(on the ſouth ſide the Church) and this it is.
A Sea-Chariot artificially made, proper for a God of
the ſea to ſit in; ſhippes dancing round about it, with
Dolphins and other great Fiſhes playing or lying at the
foot of the ſame, is drawne by two Sea-horſes.
In this Chariot ſits Neptune, his head circled with a
Coronet of ſiluer, Scollup-ſhels, ſtucke with branches of


London Triumphing.

Corrall, and hung thicke with ropes of pearle; be-
cauſe ſuch things as theſe are the treaſures of the Deepe,
and are found in the ſhels of fiſhes. In his hand he holds
a ſiluer Trident, or Three-forked-Mace, by which ſome
Writers will haue ſignified the three Naturall qualiies
proper to Waters; as thoſe of fountaines to bee of a de-
litious taſte, and Chriſtalline colour: thoſe of the Sea,
to bee ſaltiſh and vnpleaſant, and the colour ſullen, and
greeniſh: And laſtly, thoſe of ſtanding Lakes, neither
ſweet nor bitter, nor cleere, nor cloudy, but altogether
vnwholeſome for the taſte, and loathſome to the eye.
His roabe and mantle with other ornaments are corre-
ſpondent to the quality of his perſon; Buskins of pearle
and cockle-ſhels being worne vpon his legges. At the
lower part of this Chariot ſit Mer-maids, who for their
excellency in beauty, aboue any other creatures belon-
ging to the ſea, are preferred to bee ſtill in the eye of
At Neptunes foot ſits Luna (the Moone) who beeing
gouerneſſe of the ſea, & all petty Flouds, as from whoſe
influence they receiue their ebbings and flowings, chal-
lenges to herſelfe this honour, to haue rule and com-
mand of thoſe Horſes that draw the Chariot, and there-
fore ſhe holds their reynes in her hands.
She is atired in light roabes fitting her ſtate and con-
dition, with a ſiluer Creſcent on her head, expreſsing
both her power and property.
The whole Chariot figuring in it ſelfe that vaſt com-
paſſe which the ſea makes about the body of the earth:
whoſe Globicall Rotundity is Hieroglifically repreſented
by the wheele of the Chariot.

London Triumphing.

Before this Chariot ride foure Trytons, who are feyned
by Poets to bee Trumpeters to Neptune, and for that
cauſe make way before him, holding ſtrange Trumpets
in their hands, which they ſound as they paſſe along,
their habits being Antike, and Sea-like, and ſitting vp-
on foure ſeuerall fiſhes, viz. two Dolphins, and two
Mer-maids, which are not (after the old procreation)
begotten of painted cloath, and browne paper, but are
liuing beaſts, ſo queintly diſguiſed like the natural fiſhes,
of purpoſe to auoyd the trouble and peſtering of Por-
ters, who with much noyſe and little comlineſſe are eue-
ry yeare moſt vnneceſſarily imployed.
The time being ripe, when the ſcope of this Deuice
is to be deliuered, Neptunes breath goeth forth in theſe
following Speeches.
Neptunes Speeches.
WHence breaks this warlike thunder of lowd drummes,
(Clarions and Trumpets) whoſe ſhrill eccho comes
Vp to our Watery Court, and calles from thence
Vs, and our Trytons? As if violence
Weere to onr1 Siluer-footed Siſter done
(Of Flouds the Queene) bright Thameſis, who does runne
Twice euery day to our boſome, and there hides
* Her wealth, whoſe Streame in liquid Chriſtall glides
Ebbe & Flow.
Guarded with troopes of Swannes? what does beget
Theſe Thronges? this Confluence? why do voyces beate
The Ayre with acclamations of applauſe,
Good wiſhes, Loue, and Praiſes? what iſ’t drawes
All Faces this way? This way Rumor flyes,


London Triumphing.

Clapping her infinite wings, whoſe noyſe the Skyes
From earth receiue, with Muſicall rebounding,
And ſtrike the Seas with repercuſsiue ſounding.
Oh! now I ſee the cauſe: vaniſh vaine feares,
*Iſis no danger feeles: for her head weares
Crowns of Rich Triumphes, which This day puts on,
And in Thy Honor all theſe Rites are done.
Whoſe Name when Neptune heard, t’was a ſtrange Spell,
Thus farre-vp into th’ Land to make him ſwell
Beyond his Bownds, and with his Sea-troops wait
Thy wiſh’t arriuall, to congratulate.
Goe therefore on, goe boldly: thou muſt ſaile
In rough Seas (now) of Rule: and euery Gale
Will not perhaps befriend thee: But (how blacke
So ere the Skyes looke) dread not Thou a Wracke,
For when Integrity and Innocence ſit
Steering the Helme, no Rocke the Ship can ſplit.
Nor care the Whales (neuer ſo great) their Iawes
Should ſtretch to ſwallow thee: Euery good mans cauſe
Is in all ſtormes his Pilot: He that’s ſound
To himſelfe (in Conſcience) nere can run-a-ground.
Which that thou mayſt do, neuer looke on’t ſtill:
For (Spite of Fowle guſts) calmer Windes ſhall fill
Thy Sayles at laſt. And ſee! they home haue brought
A Ship which Bacchus (God of Wines) hath fraught
With richeſt Iuice of Grapes, which thy Friends ſhall
Drinke off in Healths to this Great Feſtiuall.
If any at Thy happineſſe repine,
They gnaw but their Owne hearts, and touch not Thine.
Let Bats and Skreech-Owles murmure at bright Day,
Whiles Prayers of Good-men Guid Thee on the way.
Sownd old Oceanus Trumpeters, and lead on.


London Triumphing.

The Trytons then ſownding, according to his com-
mand, Neptune in his Chariot paſſeth along before the
Lord Maior. The foure Windes (habilimented to their
quality, and hauing both Faces and Limbes proportio-
nable to their bluſtring and boiſterous condition) driue
forward that Ship of which Neptune ſpake. And this
concludes this firſt Triumph on the Land.
Theſe two Shewes paſſe on vntill they come into
Pauls-Church-yard, where ſtandes another Chariot; the
former Chariot of Neptune, with the Ship, beeing con-
ueyd into Cheap-ſide, this other then takes the place:
And this is the Deuice.

The ſecond Land-Triumph.

IT is the Throne of Vertue, gloriouſly adorned & beau-
tified with all things that are fit to expreſſe the Seat of
ſo noble and diuine a Perſon.
Vpon the height, and moſt eminent place (as wor-
thieſt to be exalted) ſits Arete (Vertue) herſelfe; her tem-
ples ſhining with a Diadem of ſtarres, to ſhew that her
Deſcent is onely from heauen: her roabes are rich, her
mantle white (figuring Innocency) and powdred with
ſtarres of gold, as an Embleme that ſhe puts vpon Men,
the garments of eternity.
Beneath Her, in diſtinct places, ſit the Seauen liberall
Sciences, viz. Grammer, Rhetoricke, Logicke, Muſicke, A-
, Geometry, Aſtronomy
Hauing thoſe roomes alotted them, as being Mothers
to all Trades, Profeſsions, Myſteries and Societies, and the
readieſt guide to Vertue. Their habits are Light Roabes,


London Triumphing.

and Looſe (for Knowledge ſhould be free.) On their heads
they weare garlands of Roſes, mixt with other flowers,
whoſe ſweet Smels are arguments of their cleere and vn-
ſpotted thoughts, not corrupted with uice. Euery one
carrying in her hand, a Symbole, or Badge of that Learning
which ſhe profeſſeth.
At the backe of this Chariot ſit foure Cupids, to ſigni-
fie that Vertue is moſt honored when ſhe is followed by
This Throne, or Chariot, is drawne by foure Horſes:
vpon the two formoſt ride Time and Mercury: the firſt,
the Begetter and Bringer forth of all things in the world,
the ſecond, the God of Wiſedome and Eloquence. On the
other two Horſes ride Deſire and Induſtry; it beeing inti-
mated hereby, that Tyme giues wings to Wiſedome, and
ſharpens it, Wiſedome ſets Deſire a burning, to attaine to
Vertue, and that Burning Deſire begets Induſtry (earneſt-
neſtly3 to purſue her.) And all theſe (together) make men
in Loue with Arts, Trades, Sciences, and Knowledge, which
are the onely ſtaires and aſcenſions to the Throne of Ver-
, and the onely glory and vpholdings of Cities. Time
hath his wings, Glaſſe, and Sythe, which cuts downe All.
Mercury hath his Caduceus, or Charming Rod, his fethe-
red Hat, his Wings, and other properties fitting his con-
dition, Deſire caries a burning heart in her hand.
Induſtry is in the ſhape of an old Country-man, bearing
on his ſhoulder a Spade, as the Embleme of Labour.
Before this Chariot, or Throne (as Guardians and Pro-
to Vertue, to Arts, and to the reſt; and as Aſsiſtants
to Him who is Chiefe within the Citty for that yeare) are
mounted vpon horſebacke twelue Perſons (two by two)


London Triumphing.

repreſenting the twelue ſuperior Companyes, euery one
carrying vpon his left arme a faire Shield with the armes
in it of one of the twelue Companies, and in his right hand
a launce with a light ſtreamer or pendant on the top of
it, and euery horſe led and attended by a Footman.
The Lord Maior beeing approached to this Throne,
Vertue thus ſalutes him.

The Speech of Arete (Vertue.)

HAile (worthy Pretor) ſtay, and do Me grace,
(Who ſtill haue cald thee Patron) In this place
To take from me heap’d welcomes, who combine
Theſe peoples hearts in one, to make them thine.
Bright Vertues name thou know’ſt and heau’nly birth,
And therefore (ſpying thee) downe ſhe leapd to earth
Whence vicious men had driuen her: On her throne
The Liberall Arts waite: from whoſe breſts do runne
The milke of Knowledge: on which, Sciences feed,
Trades and Profeſſions: And by Them, the ſeed
Of Ciuill, Popular gouernment, is ſowne;
Which ſpringing vp, loe! to what heigth tis growne
In Thee and * Theſe is ſeene. And (to maintaine
The Alder-
This Greatneſſe) Twelue ſtrong Pillars it ſuſtaine;
Vpon whoſe Capitals, * Twelue Societies ſtand,
The twelue
(Graue and well-ordred) bearing chiefe Command
Within this City, and (with Loue) thus reare
Thy fame, in free election, for this yeare.
All arm’d, to knit their Nerues (in One) with Thine,
To guard this new Troy: And, (that She may ſhine
In Thee, as Thou in Her) no Miſers kay


London Triumphing.

Has bard the Gold vp; Light flies from the Day
Not of more free gift, than from them their Coſt:
For whats now ſpar’d, that only they count Loſt.
As then their Ioynd-hands lift Thee to thy Seate.
(Changing thereby thy Name for one More*
Lord Maior.
And as this City, with her Loud, Full Voice,
(Drowning all ſpite that murmures at the Choice,
If at leaſt ſuch there be) does Thee preferre,
So art thou bound to loue, both Them and Her.
For know, thou art not like a Pinnacle, plac’d
Onely to ſtand aloft, and to be grac’d
With wondring eyes, or to haue caps and knees
Heape worſhip on thee: for that Man does leeze
Himſelfe and his Renowne, whoſe growth being Hye
In the weale-publicke (like the Cypres tree)
Is neither good to Build-with, nor beare Fruit;
Thou muſt be now, Stirring, and Reſolute.
To be what thou art Sworne, (a waking Eye)
A farre off (like a Beacon) to deſcry
What ſtormes are comming, and (being come) muſt then
Shelter with ſpred armes, the poor’ſt Citizen.
Set Plenty at thy Table, at thy Gate
Bounty, and Hoſpitality: hee’s moſt Ingrate
Into whoſe lap the Publicke-weale hauing powr’d
Her Golden ſhewers, from Her his wealth ſhould hoord.
Be like thoſe Antient Spirits, that (long agon)
Could thinke no Good deed ſooner, than twas Don;
Others to pleaſure. Hold it Thou more Glory,
Than to be pleas’d Thy Selfe. And be not ſory
If Any ſtriue (in beſt things) to exceed thee,
But glad, to helpe thy Wrongers, if they need thee.

London Triumphing.

Nor feare the Stings of Enuy, nor the Threates
Of her inuenomd Arrowes, which at the Seates
Of thoſe Who Beſt Rule, euermore are ſhot,
But the Aire blowes off their fethers, and they hit not.
Come therefore on; nor dread her, nor her Sprites,
The poyſon ſhe ſpits vp, on her owne Head lights.
On, on, away.

This Chariot or Throne of Vertue is then ſet forward,
and followes that of Neptune, this taking place iuſt
before the Lord Maior: And this concludes the ſe-
cond Triumphant ſhew.

The third Deuice.

THe third Deuice is a Forlorne Caſtle, built cloſe to the
little Conduit in Cheap-ſide, by which as the Throne
of Vertue comes neerer and neerer, there appeare a-
boue (on the battlements) Enuy, as chiefe Comman-
dreſſe of that infernall Place, and euery part of it guar-
ded with perſons repreſenting all thoſe that are fellowes
and followers of Enuy: As Ignorance, Sloth, Oppreſsion,
Diſdaine, &c. Enuy her ſelfe being attired like a Fury,
her haire full of Snakes, her countenance pallid, mea-
gre and leane, her body naked, in her hand a knot of
Snakes, crawling and writhen about her arme.

The reſt of her litter are in as vgly ſhapes as the Dam, e-
uery one of thẽ being arm’d with black bowes, & arrows
ready to bee ſhot at Vertue. At the gates of this Fort of
Furies, ſtand Ryot and Calumny, in the ſhapes of Gyants,
with clubs, who offer to keep back the Chariot of Vertue,


London Triumphing.

and to ſtop her paſſage. All the reſt likewiſe on the bat-
tlements offering to diſcharge their blacke Artillery at
her: but ſhe onely holding vp her bright ſhield, dazzles
them, and confounds them, they all on a ſudden ſhrin-
king in their heads, vntill the Chariot be paſt, and then all
of them appearing againe: their arrowes, which they
ſhoote vp into the aire, breake there out in fire-workes, as hauing no power to do wrong to ſo ſacred a Deity as
This caue of Monſters ſtands fixed to the Conduit, in
which Enuie onely breathes out her poyſon to this pur-

The ſpeech of Enuy.

ENVY. ADders ſhoote, hyſſe ſpeckled Snakes;
Sloth craule vp, ſee Oppreſſion wakes;
(Baine to learning) Ignorance
Shake thy Aſſes eares, Diſdaine, aduance
Thy head Luciferan: Ryot ſplit
Thy ribbes with curſes: Calumny ſpit
Thy rancke-rotten gall vp: See, See, See,
That Witch, whoſe bottomeleſſe Sorcery
Makes fooles runne mad for her; that Hag
For whom your Dam pines, hangs out her flag
Our Den to ranſacke: Vertue, that whoore;
See, ſee, how braue ſhee’s, I am poore.
VERTVE. On, on, the beames of Vertue, are ſo bright,
They dazle Enuy, on: the Hag’s put to flight.
ENVY. Snakes, from your virulent ſpawne ingender
Dragons, that may peece-meale rend her:
Adders ſhoote your ſtings like quils

London Triumphing.

Of Porcupines, (Stiffe) hot Aetnean hils
Vomit ſulphure to confound her,
Fiendes and Furies (that dwell vnder)
Lift hell gates from their hindges: come
You clouen-foote-broode of Barrathrum,
Stop, ſtay her, fright her, with your ſhreekes,
And put freſh bloud in Enuies cheekes.
VERTVE. On, on, the beames of Vertue, are ſo bright,
They dazle Enuy: on the Hag’s put to flight.
OMNES. Shoote, Shoote, &c. All that are with Enuy.

Either during this ſpeech, or elſe when it is done, cer-
taine Rockets flye vp into the aire; The Throne of Ver-
tue paſſing on ſtill, neuer ſtaying, but ſpeaking ſtill
thoſe her two laſt lines, albeit, ſhee bee out of the
hearing of Enuy: and the other of Enuies Faction,
crying ſtill, ſhoote, ſhoote, but ſeeing they preuaile
not, all retire in, and are not ſeene till the Throne
comes backe againe.
And this concludes this Triumphant aſſault of Enuy: her
conqueſt is to come.

The fourth Deuice.

THis Throne of Vertue paſſeth along vntill it
come to theCroſſe in Cheape, where the preſenta-
tion of another Triumph attends to welcome the Lord
Maior, in his paſſage, the Chariot of Vertue is drawne
then along, this other that followes taking her place, the
Deuice bearing this argument.
Vertue hauing by helpe of her followers, conducted

London Triumphing.

the Lord Maior ſafely, euẽ, as it were, through the iawes
of Enuy and all her Monſters: The next and higheſt ho-
nour ſhee can bring him to, is to make him ariue at the
houſe of Fame, And that is this Pageant. In the vpper ſeat
ſits Fame crowned in rich attire, a Trumpet in her hand,
&c. In other ſeuerall places ſit Kings, Princes, and No-
ble perſons, who haue bene free of the Marchant-tailors:
A perticular roome being reſerued for one that repre-
ſents the perſon of Henry the now Prince of Wales.
The onely ſpeaker heere is Fame her ſelfe, whoſe
wordes ſound out theſe glad welcomes.

The ſpeech of Fame.

VVElcome to Fames high Temple: here fix faſt
Thy footing; for the wayes which thou haſt paſt
Will be forgot and worne out, and no Tract
Of ſteps obſeru’d, but what thou now ſhalt Act.
The booke is ſhut of thy precedentdeedes,
And Fame vnclaſpes another, where ſhee reades
(Aloud) the Chronickle of a dangerous yeare,
For Each Eye will looke through thee, and Each Eare
Way-lay thy Words and Workes. Th’haſt yet but gon
About a Pyramid’s foote; the Top’s not won,
That’s glaſſe; who ſlides there, fals, and once falne downe
Neuer more riſes: No Art cures Renowne
The wound being ſent to’th Heart. Tis kept from thence
By a ſtrong Armor, Vertues influence;
She guides thee, Follow her. In this Court of Fame
None elſe but Vertue can enrole thy Name.
Erect thou then a Serious Eye, And looke


London Triumphing.

What Worthies fill vp Fames Voluminous booke,
That now (thine owne name read there) none may blot
Thy leafe with foule inke, nor thy Margent quoate
With any Act of Thine, which may diſgrace
This Citties choice, thy ſelfe, or this thy Place:
Or, that which may diſhonour the high Merits
Of thy Renown’d Society: Roiall Spirits
Of Princes holding it a grace to weare
That Crimſon Badge, which theſe about them beare,
Yea, Kings themſelues ’mongſt you haue Fellowes bene,
Stil’d by the Name of a Free-citizen:
For inſtance, ſee, ſeuen Engliſh Kings there plac’d,
Cloth’d in your Liuery, The firſt Seate being grac’d
Then, that Fift (thundring) Henry: who all France ſhook:
By him, his ſonne (ſixth Henry) By his ſide
Fourth Edward: who the Roſes did diuide:
Richard the third, next him, and then that King,
Who made both Roſes in one Branch to ſpring:
A Sprig of which Branch, (Higheſt now but One)
Is Henry Prince of Wales, followed by none:
Who of this Brotherhood, laſt and beſt ſteps forth,
Honouring your Hall: To Heighthen more your worth.
I can a Regiſter ſhow of ſeuenteene more,
(Princes and Dukes All:) entombed long before,
Yet kept aliue by Fame; Earles thirty one,
And Barons ſixty ſix that path haue gone:
Of Viſecounts onely one, your Order tooke:
Turne ouer one leafe more in our vaſt booke
And you may reade the Names of Prelates there,
Of which one Arch-biſhop your cloth did weare.


London Triumphing.

And Byſhops twenty foure: of Abbots ſeuen,
As many Priors, to make the number euen:
Of forty Church men, I, one ſub-prior adde,
You from all theſe, Theſe from you honour had:
Women of high bloud likewiſe laid aſide
Their greater State ſo to be dignified:
Of which a Queene the firſt was, then a paire
of Dukes wiues: And to leaue the Roll more faire
Fiue Counteſſes and two Ladies are the laſt,
Whoſe Birth & Beauties haue your Order gracd.
But I too long ſpin out this Thrid of Gold;
Here breakes it off. Fame hath them All en-rold
On a Large File (with Others,) And their Story
The world ſhall reade, to Adde vnto thy Glory,
Which I am loath to darken: thouſand eyes
Yet aking till they enioy thee, win then that priſe
Which Vertue holds vp for thee, And (that done)
Fame ſhall the end crowne, as ſhe hath begun.
Set forward.
Thoſe Princes and Dukes (beſides the Kings nominated
before) are theſe.


London Triumphing.

Edward D. of Buckingham, In the time of Henry the
. with others, whoſe Rol is too long, here to be opened.
The Queene ſpoken of, was Anne wife to Richard the 2.
Dukes wiues theſe, viz.
The Dutcheſſe of Gloſter. In the time of Richard the 2.
Elionor Dutcheſſe of Gloſter. In the time of H. the 5.
Now for Prelates, I reckon onely theſe,
The Prior of Saint Bartholmewes,
And his Sub-prior.
The Prior of Elſing-ſpittle,
Henry Bewfort Biſhop of Winton.
The Abbot of Barmondſey.
The Abbot of Towrchill.
The Abbot of Tower-hill.
The Prior of Saint Mary Ouery.
The Prior of Saint Trinity in Cree-church.
The Abbot and Prior of Weſtminſter.
Kemp Biſhop of London.
George Neuill Biſhop of VVincheſter, and
Chauncelor of
Laurence Biſhop of Durham.

If I ſhould lengthen this number, it were but to trou-
ble you with a large Index of names onely, which I am
loath to do, knowing your expectation is to bee other-
wiſe feaſted.


London Triumphing.

The Speech of Fame therefore being ended, as ’tis ſet
downe before, this Temple of Hers takes place next be-
fore the Lord Maior, thoſe of Neptune and Vertue mar-
ching in precedent order. And as this Temple is carryed
along, a Song is heard, the Muſicke being queintly con-
ueyed in a priuate roome, and not a perſon diſcouered.


HOnor, eldeſt Child of Fame,
Thou farre older then thy Name,
Waken with my Song, and ſee
One of thine, here waiting thee.
Sleepe not now
But thy brow
Chac’t with Oliues, Oke and Baies
And an age of happy dayes
Vpward bring
Whilſt we ſing
In a Chorus altogether,
Welcome, welcome, welcome hither.

Longing round about him ſtay
Eyes, to make another day,
Able with their vertuous Light
Vtterly to baniſh Night.
All agree
This is hee
Full of bounty, honour, ſtore
And a world of goodneſſe more
Yet to ſpring
Whilſt we ſing


London Triumphing.

In a Chorus altogether,
Welcome, welcome, welcome hither.

Enuy angry with the dead,
Far from this place hide thy head:
And Opinion, that nere knew
What was either good or true
Fly, I ſay
For this day
Shall faire Iuſtice, Truth, and Right,
And ſuch happy ſonnes of Light
To vs bring
Whilſt we ſing
In a Chorus altogether,
Welcome, welcome, welcome hither.

Goe on nobly, may thy Name,
Be as old, and good as Fame.
Euer be remembred here
Whilſt a bleſsing, or a teare
Is in ſtore
With the pore
So ſhall Svvinerton nere dye,
But his vertues vpward flye
And ſtill ſpring
Whilſt we ſing
In a Chorus ceaſing neuer,
He is liuing, liuing euer.

And this concludes this fourth Triumph, till his
Lordſhips returne from the Guild-hall.


London Triumphing.

In returning backe from the Guild-hall, to performe
the Ceremoniall cuſtomes in Pauls Church, theſe ſhewes
march in the ſame order as before: and comming with
the Throne of Vertue, Enuy and her crue are as buſie a-
gaine, Enuy vttering ſome three or foure lines toward
the end of her ſpeech onely: As thus:
ENVY. FIends and Furies that dwell vnder,
Lift Hell-gates from their hindges: Come
You clouen-footed-brood of Barathrum,
Stop, ſtony her, fright her with your ſhreekes,
And put freſh bloud in Enuyes cheekes.
VERTVE. On, on, the beames of Vertue are ſo bright,
They dazzle Enuy: On, the Hag’s put to flight.

This done, or as it is in doing, thoſe twelue that ride
armed diſcharge their Piſtols, at which Enuy, and the reſt,
vaniſh, and are ſeene no more.

When the Lord Maior is (with all the reſt of their Tri-
) brought home, Iuſtice (for a fare-well) is moun-
ted on ſome couenient ſcaffold cloſe to his entrance at
his Gate, who thus ſalutes him.

The ſpeech of Ivstice.

MY This-dayes-ſworne-protector, welcome home,
If Iuſtice ſpeake not now, be ſhe euer dumbe:
The world giues out ſhee’s blinde; but men ſhall ſee,
Her Sight is cleere, by influence drawne from Thee.
For One-yeare therefore, at theſe Gates ſhee’l ſit,
To guid thee In and Out: thou ſhalt commit


London Triumphing.

(If Shee ſtand by thee) not One touch of wrong:
And though I know thy wiſdome built vp ſtrong,
Yet men (like great ſhips) being in ſtorms, moſt neere
To danger, when vp all their ſailes they beare.
And ſince all Magiſtrates tread ſtill on yce,
From mine owne Schoole I reade thee this aduice:
Do good for no mans ſake (now) but thine owne,
Take leaue of Friends & foes, both muſt be knowne
But by one Face: the Rich and Poore muſt lye
In one euen Scale: All Suiters, in thine Eye
Welcome alike; Euen Hee that ſeemes moſt baſe,
Looke not vpon his Clothes, but on his Caſe.
Let not Oppreſſion waſh his hands ith’ Teares
Of Widowes, or of Orphans: Widowes prayers
Can pluck downe Thunder, & poore Orphans cries
Are Lawrels held in fire; the violence flyes
Vp to Heauen-gates, and there the wrong does tell,
Whilſt Innocence leaues behind it a ſweet ſmell.
Thy Conſcience muſt be like that Scarlet Dye;
One fowle ſpot ſtaines it All: and the quicke Eye
Of this prying world, will make that ſpot thy ſcorne.
That Collar (which about thy Necke is worne)
Of Golden Eſſes, bids thee ſo to knit
Men hearts in Loue, and make a Chayne of it.
That Sword is ſeldome drawne, by which is meant,
It ſhould ſtrike ſeldome: neuer th’innocent.
Tis held before thee by anothers Hand,
But the point vpwards (heauen muſt that cõmand)
Snatch it not then in Wrath; it muſt be giuen,
But to cut none, till warranted by Heauen.
The Head, the politike Body muſt aduance


London Triumphing.

For which thou haſt this Cap of Maintenance,
And ſince the moſt iuſt Magiſtrate often erres,
Thou guarded art about with Officers,
Who knowing the pathes of Others that are gone,
Should teach thee what to do, what leaue vndone.
Nights Candles lighted are, and burne amaine,
Cut therefore here off, Thy Officious Traine
Which Loue and Cuſtome lend thee: All Delight
Crowne both this Day and Citty: A good Night
To Thee, and theſe Graue Senators, to whom
My laſt Fare-wels, in theſe glad wiſhes come,
That thou & they (whoſe ſtrength the City beares)
May be as old in Goodneſſe as in Yeares.

THe Title-page of this Booke makes promiſe of all the
Shewes by water, as of theſe On the Land; but Apollo
hauing no hand in them, I ſuffer them to dye by that
which fed them; that is to ſay, Powder & Smoake. Their
thunder (according to the old Gally-foyſt-faſhion) was
too lowd for any of the Nine Muſes to be bidden to it.
I had deuiz’d One, altogether Muſicall, but Times Glaſſe
could ſpare no Sand, nor lend conuenient Howres for
the performance of it. Night cuts off the glory of this
Day, and ſo conſequently of theſe Triumphes, whoſe
brightneſſe beeing ecclipſed, my labours can yeeld no
longer ſhadow. They are ended, but my Loue and Duty
to your Lordſhip ſhall neuer.

---Non diſplicuiſſe meretur,
Feſtinat (Prætor) Qui placuiſſe Tibi.



  1. I.e., our. The u is inverted due to a type-setting error. (SM)
  2. This should read Thameſis, as in the River Thames. (KMF)
  3. I.e., earnestly. The error is obviously due to mis-set type. (SM)

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MLA citation

Dekker, Thomas. Troia-Nova Triumphans, or London Triumphing. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

Chicago citation

Dekker, Thomas. Troia-Nova Triumphans, or London Triumphing. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Dekker, T. 2018. Troia-Nova Triumphans, or London Triumphing. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Dekker, Thomas
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Troia-Nova Triumphans, or London Triumphing
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Dekker, Thomas
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Troia-Nova Triumphans, or London Triumphing
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#DEKK1"><surname>Dekker</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">Troia-Nova Triumphans, or London Triumphing</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>


