The Triumphs of Truth.

A Solemnity vnparaleld for Coſt, Art,
and Magnificence at the Confirmation and
Eſtabliſhment of that Worthy and true Nobly-
minded Gentleman, Sir Thomas Middleton,
Knight, in the Honorable Office of his Ma-
ieſties Lieuetenant, the Lord Maior of the
thrice famous Citty of london.

Taking Beginning at his Lordſhips going, and proceeding
after his Returne from receiuing the Oath of Maior-
alty at Weſtminſter, on the Morrow next after
Simon and Iudes day, October 29. 1 6 1 3.

All the Showes, Pageants, Chariots, Morning, Noone,
and Night-Triumphes.

By Thomas Middleton.

Shewing also his Lordſhips Entertainement vpon Mi-
chaelmas day last, being the day of his Election, at that
moſt Famous and Admired Worke of the Running
Streame, from Amwell-Head into the Ceſterne at
Iſlington, being the ſole Coſt, Induſtry and Inuention
of the Worthy Mr. Hvgh Middleton of London,

Horizontal rule

L O N D O N,
Printed by Nicholas Okes. 1613.

Pectation of Vertue and Goodneſſe,
and moſt worthy of all thoſe Coſts and Honors,
which the Noble Fellowſhip and Society of Grocers,
and generall Loue of the whole City, in full heap’d bounties
beſtow vpon him, the truly Generous and Iudicious,
Sir Thomas Middleton, Knight, Lord Maior
of the Honorable Citty of London.
AS often as we ſhall fixe our
thoughts vpon the Almigh-
ty Prouidẽce, ſo often they
returne to our capacities
laden with Admiration, ei-
ther from the Diuine workes of his Mer-
cy, or thoſe incomprehenſible of his Iuſtice:
but here to inſtance onely his Omnipotent
Mercy, it being the Health and Preſer-
uation of all his workes: and firſt not onely
in raiſing, but alſo in preſerving your L.
from many great and inſident 1dangers, e-
A 2

The Epiſtle Dedicatory.

ſpecially in forraine Countries in the time
of your Youth and Trauels: and now with
Safety, Loue and Triumph, to eſtabliſh
You in this yeares Honor: crowning the
Perfection of your Daies, & the Grauity
of your Life, with Power, Reſpect & Re-
uerence. Next, in that my ſelfe (though
vnworthy) being of one Name with your
Lordſhip, notwithſtanding all Oppoſitions
of Malice, Ignorance and Enuy, ſhould
thus happily liue, protected by part of that
Mercy (as if one Fate did proſperouſly
cleaue to one Name) now to do Service to
your Fame and Worthineſſe, and my Pen,
onely to be employd in theſe Bounteous
and Honorable Tryumphs, being but ſha-
dowes to thoſe Eternall Glories that ſtand
ready for Deſeruers, to which I commend
the Deſerts of your Iuſtice, remaining euer,

To your Lordſhip, in the beſt
of my obſeruance,

Printer’s Ornament

Of Truth.

SEarch all Chronicles, Hiſtories,
Records, in what language or let-
ter ſoeuer; let the inquiſitiue man
waſte the dear Treaſures of his
Time and Eye-ſight, he ſhall con-
clude his life only in this certain-
ty, that there is no ſubiect vpon
earth receiued into the place of
his gouernement with the like State & Magnificence
as is the Lord Maior of the Citty of London. This be-
ing then infallible (like the Miſtreſſe of our Triumphs)
and not to be denied of any, how carefull ought thoſe
Gentlemen to be, to whoſe diſcretion and Iudgement
the weight and charge of ſuch a buſineſſe is entirely
referred and committed by the whole Society, to haue
all things correſpondent to that Generous and Noble
freeneſſe of coſt and liberality, the ſtreames of Art, to
æquall thoſe of Bounty; a Knowledge that may take
the true height of ſuch an Honorable Solemnity; the
miſerable want of both which in the impudent com-
mon Writer
, hath often forc’d from me much pitty and
ſorrow; and it would heartily grieue any vnderſtan-
ding ſpirit to behold many times ſo glorious a fire in

A 3

The Tryumphs of Truth

bounty and goodneſſe offering to match it ſelfe with
freezing Art, ſitting in darkneſſe, with the candle out,
looking like the picture of Blacke Monday.3 .
But to ſpeake truth, which many beſide my ſelfe can
affirme vpon knowledge, a care that hath beene ſel-
dome equal’d, and not eaſily imitated, hath been faith-
fully ſhowne in the whole courſe of this buſineſſe,
both by the Wardens and Committies, men of much
vnderſtanding, induſtry, and carefulneſſe, little weigh-
ing the greatneſſe of expence, ſo the coſt might pur-
chaſe perfection, ſo feruent hath beene their deſire to
excell in that (which is a learned and vertuous Am-
bition) and ſo vnfainedly pure the loues and affecti-
ons of the whole Company to his Lordſhip; If any
ſhall imagine that I ſet fairer colours vpon their De-
ſerts, then they vpon themſelues, let them but reade
and conceiue, and their owne vnderſtandings will
light them to the acknowledgement of their errors.
Firſt, they may here behold loue and bounty opening
with the morning, earlier then ſome of former yeares,
ready at the firſt appearing of his Lordſhip, to giue
his eare a taſte of the dayes ſucceeding glory, and thus
the forme of it preſents it ſelfe.
At Soper-lane end a Senate-houſe erected, vpon which
Muſitians ſit playing; and more to quicken time, a
ſweet voyce married to theſe words:

T H E S O N G.
Mother of many honorable Sonnes,
Thinke not the Glaſſe too ſlowly runnes
That in Times hand is ſet,
Becauſe thy worthy Sonne appeares not yet:
Lady be pleas’d, the hower growes on,
Thy ioy will be compleate anon;

The Triumphs of Truth.

Thou ſhalt behold
The man enrold
In Honours bookes, whom Vertue raiſes,
Loue-circled round,
His triumphs crownd
With all good wiſhes, prayers, and praiſes.
After this ſweet aire hath liberally ſpent it ſelfe, at
the firſt appearing of the Lord Maior from Guild-hall
in the morning, a Trumpet plac’d vpon that Scaffold,
ſounds forth his welcome; then after a ſtraine or two
of Muſicke, a Graue Fœminine Shape preſents it ſelfe,
from behinde a ſilke curtaine, repreſenting London, at-
tired like a reuerend Mother, a long white haire na-
turally flowing on either ſide of her: on her head a
modell of Steeples and Turrets, her habite Crimſon
ſilke, neere to the Honourable garment of the Citty:
her left hand holding a Key of gold, who after a come-
ly grace, equally mixt with Comfort and Reuerence,
ſends from her lips this Motherly ſalutation.

The Speech of London.
Honour and Ioy ſalute thee, I am raiſd
In comfort and in loue to ſee thee, glad
And happy in thy bleſsings, nor eſteeme
My words the leſſe, cauſe I a Woman ſpeake,
A womans counſell is not alwayes weake.
I am thy Mother, at that name I know
Thy heart do’s reuerence to me, as becomes
A Sonne of Honour, in whoſe ſoule burnes cleere
The ſacred lights of diuine feare and knowledge,
I know, that at this inſtant, all the workes
Of Motherly loue in me, ſhowne to thy Youth
When it was ſoft and helpeleſſe, are ſum’d vp

The Triumphs of Truth.

In thy moſt gratefull minde, thou well remembreſt
All my deere paines and care, with what affection
I cheriſh thee in my boſome, watchfull ſtill
Over thy wayes,
Set wholeſome and Religious Lawes before
The foot-ſteps of thy youth, ſhow’d Thee the way
That lead thee to the Glory of this Day.
To which (with teares of the moſt fruitfull ioy
That euer Mother ſhed) I welcome Thee.
Oh I could be content to take my part
Out of Felicity onely in weeping,
Thy Preſence and this Day is ſo deere to me.
Looke on my age (my Honorable Sonne)
And then begin to thinke vpon thy Office:
See how on each ſide of mee hang the cares
Which I beſtowed on Thee, in ſiluer haires.
And now the Faith, the Loue, the zealous Fires
With which I cheer’d thy Youth, my Age requires,
The duty of a Mother I have ſhowne,
Through all the Rites of pure affection,
In Care, in Gouernment, in Wealth, in Honour,
Brought Thee to what thou art, thow’ſt all from mee,
Then what thou ſhouldſt be I expect from Thee.
Now to Thy Charge, Thy Gouernment, Thy Cares,
Thy Mother in her age ſubmits her yeares.
And though (to my abundant griefe I ſpeake it,
Which now ore-flows my ioy) ſome Sonnes I haue
Thankleſſe, vnkind, and diſobedient,
Rewarding all my Bounties with Neglect,
And will of purpoſe wilfully retire
Themſelues, from doing grace and ſeruice to me,
When they have got all they can, or hope for, from me,
The thankfulneſſe in which Thy Life doth moue,

The Triumphes of Truth.

Did ever promiſe fairer fruits of Loue,
And now they ſhow themſelues, yet they haue all
My bleſsing with them, ſo the world ſhall ſee
’Tis their vnkindneſſe, no defect in me;
But go Thou forward (my thrice Honor’d Sonne)
In waies of goodneſſe, Glory is beſt wonne
When Merit brings it home, diſdaine all Titles
Purchaſ’d with Coine, of Honor take Thou hold,
By thy Deſert let others buy’t with Gold;
Fixe thy moſt ſerious Thought vpon the Weight
Thou goeſt to vndergo, ’tis the iuſt Gouernment
Of this Fam’d Citty, (Mee) whom Nations call
Their brighteſt Eye, then with what care & feare
Ought I to be ore-ſeene to be kept cleare?
Spots in deformed Faces are ſcarce Noted,
Faire cheekes are ſtrain’d if ner’e ſo little blotted.
See’ſt thou this Key of Gold? it ſhowes thy charge,
This place is the Kings Chamber, all pollution,
Sinne and Vncleanneſſe muſt be lock’t out here,
And be kept ſweet, with Sanctity, Faith & Feare,
I ſee Grace takes effect, Heavens Ioy vpon her,
’Tis rare, when Vertue opes the Gate to Honor,
My bleſsing be vpon thee, Sonne, and Lord,
And on my Sonnes all, that obey my Word.
Then making her Honour, as before, the Waites of
the Citty there in ſeruice, his Lordſhip and the Wor-
thy Company
, are lead forward toward the water ſide,
where you ſhall finde the Riuer deck’t in the richeſt
glory to receiue him; vpon whoſe Chriſtall Boſome
ſtands fiue Iſlands art-fully garniſhed with all manner
of Indian Fruite-Trees, Drugges, Spiceries, and the
like, the middle Iſland with a faire Caſtle eſpecially

The Tryumphs of Truth.

But making haſte to returne to the Citty againe,
where Triumph waites in more Splendor and Magni-
ficence, the firſt then that attends to receiue his Lord-
ſhip off the water at Bainards Caſtle, is Truths Angell
on Horſe-backe, his Raiment of white Silke powdred
with Starres of Gold: on his head a Crowne of Gold,
a Trumpeter before him on Horſe-backe, and Zeale
the Champion of Truth, in a Garment of Flame-
coloured Silke, with a bright haire on his head, from
which ſhoot Fire-beames, following cloſe after him,
mounted alike, his Right hand holding a flaming
Scourge, intimating thereby that as hee is the mani-
feſter of Truth, he is likewiſe the chaſtizer of Ignorance
and Error.

The Salutation of the Angell.
I have within mine Eye my bleſſed Charge,
Haile Friend of Truth, Safety and Ioy atttnds 4thee;
I am Truths Angell, by my Miſtreſſe ſent
To guard and guid thee, when thou took’ſt thy Oath
I ſtood on thy Right hand, though to thy eye
In viſible forme I did not then appeare,
Aske but thy Soule t’will tell thee I ſtood neere;
And ’twas a Time to take care of Thee then
At ſuch a Marriage before Heauen and Men,
(Thy Faith being wed to Honor) cloſe behinde thee
Stood Errors Miniſter, that ſtill ſought to blinde thee,
And wrap his ſubtill miſts about thy Oath,
To hide it from the nakedneſſe of Troth, 5
Which is Truths pureſt glory, but my light
Still as it ſhone, Expeld her blackeſt ſpite;
His Miſts fled by, yet all I could deuiſe,
Could hardly keepe them from ſome Peoples eyes,
But thine they flew from, thy Care’s but begun

The Triumphes of Truth.

Wake on, the Victory is not halfe yet wun,
Thou wilt be ſtill aſſaulted, thou ſhalt meete
With many dangers, that in uoyce ſeeme ſweet,
And waies moſt pleaſant to a worldlings eye,
My Miſtreſſe ha’s but One, but that leads hye
To yo’n triumphant Citty follow mee,
Keepe thou to Truth, Eternitie keepes to thee.
Zeale. On boldly Man of Honor, thou ſhalt win,
I am Truths champion, Zeale, the Scourge of Sin.

The Trumpet then ſounding, the Angell and Zeale
ranke themſelues iuſt before his Lordſhip, & conduct
him to Pauls-chaine, where in the South-yard Error
in a Chariot with his infernall Miniſters attends to aſ-
ſault him, his Garment of Aſh-colour Silke, his head
rowld in a cloud, ouer which ſtands, an Owle, a Moale
6on one ſhoulder, a Bat on the other, all Symboles of
blinde Ignorance and Darkneſſe, Miſts hanging at his
Eyes: cloſe before him rides Enuy his Champion, ea-
ting of a humane heart, mounted on a Rhenoceros, at-
tired in Red Silke, ſutable to the bloudineſſe of her
manners, her left Pap 7bare, where a Snake faſtens, her
Armes halfe Naked, holding in her right hand a Dart
tincted in bloud.
The greeting of Error.
Art come? O Welcome my triumphant Lord,
My Glories Sweet-heart! how many millions
Of happy wiſhes hath my loue told out
For this deſired minute, I was dead
Till I enioyd thy Preſence, I ſaw nothing,
A Blindneſse thicker then Idolatry,
Cloue to my Eye-bals, now I am all of Light,
Of Fire, of Ioy, Pleaſure runs nimbly through mee,
B 2

The Triumphes of Truth.

Lets ioyne together both in State and Triumph,
And down with beggarly and friendleſſe Vertue,
That hath ſo long impoueriſh’t this faire Citty,
My Beaſts ſhall trample on her naked breſt,
Vnder my Chariot-wheeles her bones lye preſt,
She ner’e ſhall riſe againe, great Power this day,
Is giuen into thy hand, make vſe on’t Lord,
And let thy Will and Appetite ſway the Sword,
Downe with them all now, whom thy heart enuies,
Let not thy Conſcience come into thine Eyes
This twelue-month, if thou lou’ſt reuenge or gaine,
Ile teach thee to caſt miſts, to blinde the plaine
And ſimple eye of Man, he ſhall not know’t,
Nor ſee thy wrath when ’tis vpon his throte,
All ſhall be carried with ſuch Art and Wit,
That what thy Luſt Acts, ſhal bee counted fit,
Then for Attendants that may beſt obſerve thee,
Ile picke out Seriantes of my band to ſerue thee,
Heres Gluttony and Sloth, two pretious 8Slaues,
Wil tell thee more then a whole Heard of Knaves,
The worth of euery Office to a Haire,
And who bids moſt, and how the Markets are,
Let them alone to ſmell, and for a need,
They’l bring thee in Bribes for Meaſure and light Bread,
Keepe thy eye winking, and thy hand wide ope,
Then thou ſhalt know what Wealth is, and the ſcope
Of rich Authority, Ho tis ſweete and deere,
Make vſe of Time then, thou’ſt but one poore Yeare,
And that will quickly ſlide, then be not nice,
Both Power and Profite cleaues to my Aduice,
And what’s he lockes his Eare from thoſe ſweet Charmes,
Or runs not to meet Gaine with wide-ſtretch’t Armes,
There is a poore thin thred-bare thing, cal’d Truth,

The Triumphs of Truth.

I giue thee warning of her, if ſhee ſpeake
Stop both thine eares cloſe, moſt Profeſsions breake
That euer delt with her, an Vnlucky thing,
Shee’s almoſt ſworne to nothing, I can bring
A thouſand of our Pariſh, beſides Queanes, 9
That nere knew what Truth meant, nor euer meanes.
Some I could cull out here, e’en in this Throng,
If I would ſhow my Children, and how ſtrong
I were in faction; ’laſſe poore ſimple Stray,
Shee’s all her lifetime finding out one way:
Shee’as but one fooliſh way, ſtreight on, right forward,
And yet ſhe makes a toyle on’t, and goes on
With Care and Feare forſooth, when I can run
Ouer a hundred with delight and pleaſure,
Backe-waies, and by-waies, and fetch in my Treaſure
After the wiſhes of my heart, by ſhifts,
Deceits, and ſlightes, and Ile giue thee thoſe giftes;
Ile ſhow thee all my corners yet vntold,
The very nookes where Bedlams 10hide their gold,
In hollow wals and chimneies, where the Sun
Neuer yet ſhone, nor Truth came euer neere,
This of thy Life Ile make the golden yeare: Follow me then.
Enuy Learne now to ſcorne thy Inferiours, thoſe moſt loue (thee,
And wiſh to eate their Hearts, that ſit aboue thee.
Zeale ſtird vp with Diuine Indignation, at the Im-
of theſe Hel-hounds, both forceth their retire-
ment, and makes way for the Chariot wherein Truth
his Miſtreſſe ſits, in a cloſe garment of white Sattin, which makes her appeare thin and naked, figuring
thereby her ſimplicity and neereneſſe of heart to
thoſe that embrace her; a roabe of white ſilke caſt
ouer it, fil’d with the eies of Eagles, ſhewing her deep
B 3

The Triumphs of Truth.

inſight, and height of wiſedome, ouer her thrice ſan-
ctified head a milke-white Doue, and on each ſhoul-
der one, the ſacred Emblemes of Purity, Meekeneſſe,
and Innocency, vnder her Feete, Serpents, in that ſhe
treads downe all Subtelty and Fraud, her Fore-head
empal’d with a Diadem of Stars, the Witneſſe of her
Eternall deſcent; on her Breaſt a pure round Criſtall,
ſhowing the brightneſſe of her thoughts and actions;
a Sun in her Right-hand, then which, nothing is truer,
a fan fild all with Starres in her left, with which ſhe
parts Darkeneſſe, and ſtrikes away the vapours of Ig-
; if you hearken to Zeale her Champion after
his holy anger is paſt againſt Error, and his crue, hee
will giue it you in better tearmes, or at leaſt more
ſmoothly and pleaſingly.

The Speech of Zeale.
Bold Furies, backe, or with this ſcourge of Fire
Whence ſparkles out Religious chaſt-deſire
Ile whip you downe to darkeneſſe; this a place
Worthy my Miſtreſſe, her Æternall Grace
Be the full obiect to feaſt all theſe eies
But Thine the firſt, hee that feeds here is wiſe;
Nor by the naked plaineneſſe of her weeds
Iudge thou her worth, no burniſht gloſſe Truth needs;
That Crowne of Starres ſhowes her deſcent from heauen;
That Roabe of white fild all with Eagles eies,
Her piercing ſight through hidden myſteries;
Thoſe milke-white Doues her ſpotleſſe Innocence;
Thoſe Serpents at her feete her victory ſhowes
Ouer deceite and guile, her rankeſt foes,
And by that Criſtall Mirrour at her Breſt,
The cleereneſſe of her Conſcience is expreſt;

The Triumphs of Truth.

And ſhowing that her deeds all darkeneſſe ſhun,
Her Right-hand holds Truths Symbole, the bright Sunne;
A Fan of Starres ſhee in the other twiſts,
With which ſhee chaceth away Errors miſts:
And now ſhee makes to thee, her ſo even Grace,
For to her Rich and Poore looke upon with one Face.

The Words of Truth.
Man rayſd by Faith and Loue, upon whoſe Head
Honour ſits freſh, let not thy Heart be led
In ignorant waies of inſolence and pride
From Her, that to this day hath bene thy guide;
I never ſhowed thee yet more Paths then one,
And thou haſt found ſufficient That alone
To bring Thee hether, then go forward ſtill,
And hauing moſt power, firſt ſubiect thy Will,
Giue the firſt Fruits of Iuſtice to thy Selfe,
Then doſt thou wiſely Gouerne, though that Elſe
Of Sin and Darkeneſſe ſtill oppoſing mee,
Counſels thy Appetite to Maſter Thee.
But call to minde what brought thee to this Day,
Was Falſhood, Cruelty, or Reuenge the way?
Thy luſt or pleaſures? peoples curſe or hate?
Theſe were no waies could raiſe Thee to this State
The ignorant muſt acknowledge, if then from Mee,
Which no Ill dare deny, or Sin controule,
Forſake mee not, that can aduance thy ſoule:
I ſee a bleſſed yeelding in thy Eye,
Thou’rt mine, leade on, thy Name ſhall neuer dye.
Theſe words ended, they all ſet forward, this Chariot
of Truth and her cœleſtiall hand-maids the Graces &
Vertues, taking place next before his Lord ſhip, Zeale
and the Angell before that, the Chariot of Error fol-

The Triumphes of Truth.

lowing as neere as it can get, all paſſing on, till they
come into Pauls Church-yard, where ſtand ready the
five Ilands, thoſe dumbe Glories that I ſpake of be-
fore vpon the water, vpon the heighth of theſe fiue
Ilands ſit fiue perſons repreſenting the fiue Sences,
Viſus, Auditus, Tactus, Guſtus, Olfactus, (or) Seeing,
Hearing, Touching, Taſting, Smelling; at their feete
their proper Emblemes, Aquila, Ceruus, Araneus,
Simia, Canis, an Eagle, a Hart, a Spider, an Ape, a
No ſooner can your eyes take leaue of theſe, but
they may ſuddenly eſpy a ſtrange Ship making to-
ward, and that which may raiſe greater aſtoniſhment,
it hauing neither Saylor nor Pilot, onely vpon a
white ſilke ſtreamer theſe two words ſet in letters of
Gold, Veritate Gubernor, I am Steer’d by Truth; the
Perſons that are contained within this little Veſſell
are onely foure; a King of the Moores,11 his Queene,
and two Attendants of their owne colour, the reſt of
their followers, people in the Caſtle that ſtands in the
middle Iland, of which company two or three on the
top appears to ſight, this King ſeeming much aſto-
nied at the many eies of ſuch a multitude, vtters his
thoughts in theſe words.
The Speech of that King.
I ſee amazement ſet vpon the faces
Of theſe white people, wondrings, and ſtrange gazes,
Is it at mee? do’s12 my Complexion draw
So many Chriſtian Eyes, that neuer ſaw
A King ſo blacke before? no, now I ſee
Their entire obiect, the’re all meant to thee
(Graue Citty gouernour) my Queene and I

The Triumphes of Truth.

Well honor d with the Glances that by,
I muſt confeſſe many wilde thoughts may riſe,
Opinions, Common murmurs, and fixt Eyes
At my ſo ſtrange arriuall, in a Land
Where true Religion and her Temples ſtand:
I being a Moore, then in Opinions lightneſſe
As far from Sanctity as my Face from whiteneſſe;
But I forgiue the Iudgings of th’Vnwiſe,
Whoſe Cenſures euer quicken in their Eyes,
Onely begot of outward forme and ſhow,
And I thinke meete to let ſuch Cenſurers Know,
How euer Darkeneſſe dwels vpon my Face,
Truth in my ſoule ſets vp the Light of Grace;
And though in daies of Error I did runne
To giue all Adoration to the Sunne,
The Moone & Stars; nay Creatures baſe and poore,
Now onely their Creator I adore:
My Queene and People all, at one time wun,
By the Religious Conuerſation
Of Engliſh Merchants, Factors, Trauailers,
Whoſe Truth did with our Spirits hold Commerſe
As their affaires with vs, following their path
Wee all were brought to the true Chriſtian Faith:
Such benefite in good Example dwels,
It oft hath power to conuert Infidels;
Nor could our Deſires reſt, till wee were led
Vnto this place, where thoſe good Spirits were bred;
And ſee how we arriu’d, in Bleſſed Time,
To do that Miſtreſſe Seruice, in the Prime
Of theſe her Spotleſſe Triumphs, and t’attend
That Honorable Man, her Late ſworne Frend.
If any wonder at the ſafe Arrive
Of this ſmall Veſſel, which all wethers driue

The Triumphs of Truth.

According to their Rages, where appears
Nor Marriner nor Pylot (arm’d gainſt feares)
Know this came hether from mans guidance free,
Onely by Truth Steer’d; as our Soules muſt bee;
And ſee where one of her faire Temples ſtands,
Do Reuerence, Moores, bow low, and Kiſſe your hands,
Behold our Queene.
Queene. Her Goodneſſes are ſuch
Wee cannot Honour Her, and Her Houſe too much.
All in the Shippe and thoſe in the Caſtle bowing
their bodies to the temple of Saint Paul, but Error
ſmiling betwixt Scorne and Anger to ſee ſuch a de-
uout humility take hold of that complexion, breakes
into theſe,
Error. What, have my Sweete-fac’ſt Devils forſooke me (too,
Nay, then my charmes will have enough to doo?
But Time, ſitting by the Frame of Truth his
Daughters Chariot, attir’d agree-able to his Conditi-
on, with his Hower-glaſſe, Wings, and Sithe, Know-
ing beſt himſelfe when it is fitteſt to ſpeake, goes for-
ward in this manner:
This Time hath brought t’effect, for on thy Day
Nothing but Truth and Vertue ſhall diſplay:
Their Virgin Enſigns, Infidelity,
Barbariſme and Guile ſhall in deepe Darkeneſſe lye.
O I could euer ſtand ſtill thus, and gaze,
Neuer turne Glaſſe agen; wiſh no more daies
So this might euer laſt, pitty the Light
Of this rich Glory muſt be caſde in Night;
But Time muſt on, I go, ’tis ſo decreed,
To bleſſe my Daughter Truth, and all her ſeed
With Ioyes Immortal, Triumphs neuer ending:
And as her Hand lifts mee, to thy Aſcending

The Triumphes of Truth.

May it be alwaies ready (worthy Sonne)
To haſten which, my Howers ſhall quickly run,
Seeſt thou yon place, thether Ile weekely bring thee,
Where Truths cœleſtiall Harmony Thou ſhalt heare,
To which I charge Thee bend a ſerious Eare:
Lead on, Times ſwift Attendants.
Then the fiue Ilands paſſe along into Cheape-ſide,
the Ship next after them; the Chariot of Truth ſtill
before his Lord-ſhip, and that of Error ſtill chac’ſt be-
fore it, where their Eies meete with another more ſub-
tile Obiect, planting it ſelfe cloſe by the little Con-
, which may beare this Character, the True
Forme and Faſhion of a Mount Triumphant, but the
Beauty and Glory thereof ouer-ſpred with a thicke
Sulphurous Darkeneſſe, it being a Fog or Miſt raiſde
from Error, enuiouſly to blemiſh that Place which
beares the Title Londons Triumphant Mount (the
chiefe Grace and Luſter of the whole Triumph) at
the foure corners ſit foure Monſters Errors Diſciples,
on whom hangs part of the Miſt for their cloathing,
holding in their hands little thicke Clubbes, colou-
red like their Garments; the Names of theſe foure
Monſters, Barbariſme, Ignorance, Impudence, Falſhood,
who at the neere approaching of Truths Chariot, are
ſeene a little to tremble, whilſt her Deity giues life to
theſe words.
Whats here? the Miſt of Error? dare his Spight
Staine this Triumphant Mount? where our delight
Hath bene Diuinely fixt ſo many Ages,
Dare darkeneſse now breathe forth her Inſolent Rages,
And hang in poyſnous Vapours o’re the Place
C 2

The Triumphes of Truth.

From whence wee recieu’d Loue and return’d Grace?
I ſee if Truth a while but turne her Eies,
Thicke are the Miſts that o’re faire Citties riſe:
Wee did expect to receiue welcome here,
From no deform’d Shapes but Diuine and Cleere,
In ſteed of Monſters that this place attends;
To meete with Goodneſſe and her Glorious Freinds,
Nor can they ſo forget mee to bee far,
I Know there ſtands no other enuious Bar:
But that foule Cloude to Darken this Bright Day,
Which with this Fanne of Starres Ile Chace away.
Vaniſh Infectious Fog that I may ſee
This Citties Grace, that takes her Light from Mee.
Vaniſh, give Way.
At this her powerfull command, the Cloude
ſuddenly riſes, and changes into a bright ſpred-
ding Canopy, ſtucke thicke with Starres, and
beames of Gold, ſhooting forth round about it,
the Mount appearing then moſt rich in Beauty and
Glory, the foure Monſters falling flat at the Foote of
the Hill; that graue Fœminine Shape, figuring London,
ſitting in greateſt Honour; next aboue her in the moſt
eminent place, ſits Religion, the Modell of a faire Tem-
ple on her Head, and a burning Lampe in her Hand,
the proper Emblemes of her Sanctity, Watchfulneſſe,
and Zeale; on her right Hand ſits Liberality, her head
circled with a Wreath of Gold, in her hand a Cornu-
, or Horne of Abundance, out of which ruſheth a
ſeeming Floud of Gold, but no way flowing to Prodi-
; for as the Sea is gouern’d by the Moone, ſo is
that wealthy Riuer by her Eie, (for Bounty muſt bee
led by Iudgement) and hence is Art-fully deriued
the onely difference betweene Prodigality and Boun-
, the one deales her Giftes with open eyes, the

The Tryumphs of Truth.

other blind-fold; on her left ſide ſits Perfect Loue,
his proper Seate being neereſt the Heart, wearing vp-
on his Head a wreath of white and red Roſes mingled
together, the Antient Witneſſe of Peace, Loue, and V-
, wherein conſiſts the Happineſſe of this Land, his
Right hand holding a Sphære, where in a Circle of
Gold is contained all 12 Companies Armes; and
therefore cal’d the Sphære of true Brother-hood, or An
nulus Amoris
, the Ring of Loue: vpon his left hand
ſtand two Billing Turtles,14 expreſſing thereby the hap-
py Condition of mutuall Loue and Society: on either
ſide of this Mount are diſplaid the Charitable and Re-
ligious workes of London (eſpecially the worthy Com-
pany of Grocers
) in giuing maintenance to Schollers,
Souldiers, Widdowes, Orphans, and the like, where
are plac’d one of each number: & on the two Heights
ſit Knowledge & Modeſty; Knowledge wearing a Crowne
of Starres, in her Hand a Perſpectiue Glaſſe, betoke-
ning both her High Iudgement, and Deepe In-ſight,
the Brow of Modeſtie circled with a Wreath all of red
Roſes, expreſſing her Baſhfulneſſe and Bluſhings, in
her hand a Crimſon Baner, fild with Siluer Stars, figu-
ring the white Purity of her Shamfaſtneſſe, her cheeks
not red with Shame or Guilt, but with Virgin-Feare,
and Honor. At the Backe of this Triumphant Mount,
Chaſtity, Fame, Simplicity, Meekneſſe, haue their Seats,
Chaſtity wearing on her Head a Garland of white Ro-
ſes, in her Hand a white Silke Banner, fild with Starres
of Gold, expreſſing the aeternity of her vn-ſpotted
Pureneſſe: Fame next vnder her, on her Head a
Crowne of Siluer, and a Siluer Trumpet in her hand,
ſhowing both her Brightneſſe and Shrilneſſe: Simpli-
with a Milke-white Doue vpon her Head, and
C 3

The Triumphs of Truth.

Meekneſſe with a Garland of mingled Flowers, in her
hand a white Silke Banner with a red Croſſe, a Lambe
at her Feet, by which both their Conditions are ſuffi-
ciently expreſt; The Mount thus made glorious by
the Power of Truth, and the Miſt expeld, London thus
Thicke Scales of Darkeneſſe in a Moments ſpace
Are fell from both mine Eyes, I ſee the Face
Of all my Friends about me (now) moſt cleerely,
Religions Siſters, whom I Honour deerely;
Oh I behold the worke, it comes from Thee
Illuſtrious Patroneſſe, thou that mad’ſt me ſee
In Dayes of blindeſt Ignorance, when this Light
Was ee’n extinguiſhed, Thou Redeem’ſt my ſight;
Then to Thy Charge (with Reuerence) I commend
That worthy Son of mine, the vertuous Friend,
Whom on my Loue and bleſsing I require,
To obſerue Thee Faithfully, and his Deſire
To imitate Thy will, and there lye bounded,
For Power’s a Dangerous Sea, which muſt be ſounded
With Truth and Iuſtice, or man ſoone runs on
’Gainſt Rockes and Shelues to Diſſolution;
Then that thou maiſt the Difference euer know,
Twixt Truth and Error, a few words ſhall ſhow;
The many Wayes that to blind Error ſlide
Are in the entrance broad, Hell-mouth is wide,
But when Man enters farre, he findes it then
Cloſe, Darke and Streight, for Hell returnes no Men;
But the One ſacred Way which Truth directs,
Onely at Entrance Mans Affection Checks,
And is there ſtrict alone, to which place throngs
All World’s Afflictions, Calumnies and wrongs.

The Triumphs of Truth.

But hauing paſt thoſe, then thou find’ſt a way
In bredth, whole Heaven, in length aeternall Day,
Then following Truth, ſhe brings Thee to that way;
But firſt obſerue what workes ſhe here requires,
Religion, Knowledge, Sanctity and Chaſt Deſires,
Then Charity, which Bounty muſt expreſſe,
To Schollers, Souldiers, Widdowes, Fatherleſſe;
Theſe haue been ſtill my Workes, they muſt be thine,
Honour and Action muſt together ſhine,
Or the beſt part’s Eclipſt, behold but this,
Thy very Creſt ſhowes Bounty, here ’tis put,
Thou giu’ſt the open Hand, keepe it not ſhut;
But to the Needie, or Deſeruing Spirit,
Let it ſpred wide, and Heauen enrowles that Merit;
Do theſe, and proue my Hopefull Worthy Sonne,
Yet nothing’s ſpoke, but needfully muſt bee done.
And ſo lead forward.
At which Words the whole Triumph moues in his
richeſt glory toward the Croſſe in Cheape, at which
place Error full of Wrath and Malice to ſee his Miſt
ſo chaced away, falles into this Fury.

Heart of all the Fiends in Hell!
Could her Beggarly Power expell
Such a Thicke and Poiſonous Miſt
Which I ſet Enuies Snakes to twiſt;
Vp Monſters, was her Feeble Frowne
Of Force to ſtrike my Officers downe?
Barbariſme, Impudence, Lies, Ignorance,
All your Hell-bred Heads aduance,
And once againe with Rotten Darkeneſſe ſhroud
This Mount Triumphant drop downe ſulphurous Cloud.

The Triumphs of Truth.
At which the Miſt falles againe, and hangs ouer all
the Beauty of the Mount, not a Perſon of Glory ſeene,
onely the foure Monſters gather courage againe, and
take their Seates, aduancing their Clubs aboue their
Heads, which no ſooner percieu’d, but Truth in her
Chariot making neere to the place, willing ſtill to reſ-
cue her Friends and Servants, from the Powers of Ig-
norance and Darkneſſe, makes vſe of theſe Words,

Dare yet the workes of Vglineſſe appeare
Gainſt this Dayes Brightneſſe, and ſee Vs ſo neere?
How bold is Sinne and Hell, that yet it dare
Riſe againſt Vſ? but know (Perditions Heire)
T’is Idle to contend againſt our Power,
Vaniſh againe Fowle Miſt from Honors Bower.
Then the Cloud diſperſing it ſelfe againe, and all the
Mount appearing Glorious, it paſſeth ſo on to the
, about which place, by Elaborate action from
Error it falles againe and goes ſo darkned, till it comes
to S. Laurence lane end, where by the former words by
Truth vtter’d, being againe chac’d away, London thus
gratefully requites her Goodneſſe.
AEternities bright Siſter, by whoſe Light,
Errors infectious Workes ſtill flye my Sight.
Receiue thy Servants Thankes; Now perfect Loue
Whoſe Right hand holds a Sphere, wherein doe moue
Twelve bleſt Societies, whoſe belou’d encreaſe,
Stiles it the Ring of Brother-hood, Faith and Peace,
From thy Harmonious Lips let them all taſte,
the Golden Counſell that makes Health long laſt.
Perfect Loue then ſtanding vp, holding in his right


The Triumphes of Truth.

hand a Sphaere, on the other, two Billing Turtles,
giues theſe words.
Firſt then I baniſh from this Feaſt of Ioy,
All Exceſſe, Epicuriſme, both which deſtroy
The Healths of Soule and Body, no ſuch Gueſt
Ought to be welcome to this Reuerend Feaſt
Where Truth is Miſtreſſe, who’s admitted here,
Muſt come for Vertues loue more then for Cheere,
Theſe two white Turtles may example giue
How Perfect Ioy and Brother-hood ſhould liue,
And they from whom Graue Order is expected,
Of rude Exceſſe muſt neuer bee detected;
This is the Councell which that Lady calles
Golden Aduice, for by it no man falles
Hee that deſires Dayes healthfull, ſound and bleſt,
Let moderate Iudgement ſerve him at his Feaſt,
And ſo lead on, may Perfect Brother-hood ſhine,
Still in Sphere, and Honor ſtill in thine.
This Speech ſo ended, his Lordſhip and the Com-
panies paſſe on to Guild-hall; and at their Returning
backe, theſe Triumphs attend to bring his Lordſhip
toward Saint Pauls Church, there to performe thoſe
yearely Ceremoniall Rites, which Antient and Graue
Order hath determined, Error by the way ſtill buſie
and in Action to drawe Darkneſſe often vpon that
Mount of Triumph, which by Truth is as often diſ-
perſt: then all returning homewards full of Beauty and
Brightneſſe, this Mount and the Chariot of Truth,
both plac’d neere to the Entrance of his Lordſhips
Gate, neere Leaden-hall 15; London, the Lady of that
Mount firſt giues vtterance to theſe words,

The Triumphes of Truth.

Before the Day ſprang from the Mornings wombe
I roſe, my Care was earlier then the Light,
Nor would it reſt till I now brought Thee Home,
Marrying to one Ioy both thy Day and Night;
Nor can we call this Night, if our Eyes count
The Glorious beames that dance about this Mount,
Sure did not Cuſtome guide’em, Men would ſay
Two Noones were ſeene together in one day,
The Splendor is ſo piercing, Triumph ſeemes
As if it ſparkled, and to Mens eſteemes
Threw forth his Thankes, wrapt up in Golden Flames,
As if hee would giue Light to reade their Names
That were at Coſt this Day to make him ſhine,
And be as free in Thankes, as they in Coine,
But ſee Time checkes me, and his Sithe ſtands ready
To cut all off, no State on Earth is ſteady,
Therefore Graue Sonne the Time that is to come,
Beſtow on Truth, and ſo Thour’t welcome Home.
Time ſtanding vp in Truths Chariot, ſeeming to
make an offer with his Sithe to cut off the Glories of
the Day, growing neere now to the Seaſon of Reſt
and Sleepe, his Daughter Truth thus meekely ſtayes his Hand.

Father deſiſt a while till I ſend forth
A few words to our Friend, that Man of Worth:
The Power that Heauen, Loue, and the Cities choyce,
Haue all confer’d on Thee with mutuall voyce,
As it is Great, Reuerend, and Honorable,
Meet it with equall Goodneſſe, ſtrive t’excell
Thy former Selfe, as thy Command exceeds
Thy laſt-yeares State, ſo let new Acts, old Deeds;

The Triumphes of Truth.

And as great men in Riches and in Birth
(Heightning their Blouds, and ioyning Earth to Earth,)
Beſtow their beſt houres and moſt ſerious cares
In chuſing out fit Matches for their Heires:
So neuer give Thou ouer day or howre
Till with a Vertue thou haſt matcht this Power:
For what is Greatneſſe if not ioyn’d with Grace?
Like one of High-bloud that hath married Baſe.
Who ſeekes Authority with an Ignorant Eye,
Is like a man ſeekes out his Enemy:
For where before his Follies were not ſpred
Or his corruptions, then theire cleerely read
Ee’n by the eyes of all men; ’tis ſo pure
A Criſtall of it ſelfe, it will endure
No poyſon of Oppreſſion, Bribes, Hir’d Law,
But ’twill appeare ſoone in ſome cracke or flaw,
How e’re men ſooth 16their hopes with Popular breath,
If not in Life, the’ile 17finde that crack in Death:
I was not made to fawne or ſtroake ſin ſmooth
Bee wiſe and heare me then that cannot ſooth:
I have ſet Thee High now, bee ſo in Example,
Made thee a Pinacle in Honors Temple,
Fixing ten thouſand Eyes upon thy Brow
There is no hiding of thy Actions now,
They muſt abide the Light, and imitate Mee,
Or bee throwne downe to fire where Errors bee.
Nor onely with theſe words thy eare I feede,
But giue thoſe part that ſhall in Time ſucceed,
To thee in preſent, and to them come
That Truth may bring you all with Honour home
To theſe your Gates, and to thoſe, after theſe
Of which your owne good Actions Keepe the Keyes;
Then as the Loues of thy Society
D 2

The Triumphes of Truth.

Hath flowde in Bounties on this Day and Thee,
Counting all Coſt too Little for true Art,
Doubling rewards there where they found Deſert,
In Thankefulneſse, Iuſtice, and Vertuous care
Perfect their hopes, thoſe thy Requitals are;
With Fatherly Reſpect embrace ’em all,
Faith in thy Heart, and Plenty in thy Hall,
Loue in thy Walkes, but Iuſtice in thy State,
Zeale in thy Chamber, Bounty at thy Gate:
And ſo to Thee and theſe a Bleſsed Night,
To thee Faire Citty, Peace, my Grace and Light.

Trumpets ſounding Triumphantly,

Zeale, the Champion of Truth on Horſe-backe, his
head circled with ſtrange Fires, appeares to his Mi-
ſtreſſe, and thus ſpeaks:
See yonder, Lady, Errors Chariot ſtands,
Brauing the Power of your incenſt commands,
Emboldned by the priuiledge of Night
And her blacke Faction, yet to crowne his Spight
Which Ile confound, I burne in Divine wrath.
Truth. Strike then, I giue thee leave to ſhoote it forth.
Zeale. Then here’s to the deſtruction of that Seate,
There’s nothing ſeene of Thee but Fire ſhall eate.

At which, a Flame ſhootes from the Head of Zeale,
which faſtening vpon that Cariot of Error ſets it on
Fire, and all the Beaſts that are ioynde to it.

The Fire-worke being made by Maiſter Hum-
phrey Nichols
, a Man excellent in his Art: and the


The Triumphs of Truth.

whole Worke and Body of the Triumph, with all the
proper Beauties af the Workemanſhip moſt Artfully
and Faithfully performed by Iohn Grinkin: and thoſe
furniſhed with Apparrell and Porters by Anthony
, Gentleman.
This proud Seate of Error lying now onely glowing
in Imbers, (being a Figure or Type of his Lord-ſhips
Iuſtice on all wicked offenders in the Time of his
Gouernement,) I now conclude, holding it a
more learned Diſcretion to ceaſe of my
ſelfe, then to haue Time cut mee off
rudely, and now let him ſtrike
at his pleaſure.

Guild Ornament

D 3

The Song with the Note.

Mother of many honorable Sonnes, thinke not

the glaſſe too ſlowly runs, That in Times hand is

ſet, becauſe thy worthy Sonne appeares not yet,

Lady be pleaſd, the houre growes on, thy ioys will be

compleat anon, thou ſhalt behold, the man in rold,

in honors booke whome vertue raiſes, loue circled,


round, his tryumphes crownd withall good wiſhes,

prayers, and praiſes.
What greater comfort to a Mothers heart,
Then to behold her ſonnes Deſert:
Goe hand in hand with loue,
Reſpect and Honor (Bleſſings from aboue)
It is of power all greefes to kill,
And with a floud of Ioy to fill.
Thy Aged Eyes,
To ſee him riſe,
With Glory dect, where Expectation.
Grace, Truth, and Fame,
Met in his Name,
Attends his Honors Confirmation.


F I N I S.


  1. Inſident: inherent. (JDC)
  2. I.e., ſpeci, for eſpecially. The inverted p is a compositorial error. (SM)
  3. Blacke Monday: Many scholars since the eighteenth century have commonly suggeſted that this is a reference to a rivalry with Anthony Munday, who produced the pageant for the following three years (Bullen 234). It has recently been suggested that this is a matter of inaccurate scholarly tradition, and that there is no evidence that the two had any rivalry (Bergeron 461). (JDC)
  4. Attends. (JDC)
  5. Troth: truth. (JDC)
  6. Moale: mole. (JDC)
  7. Pap: nipple, breast. (JDC)
  8. Pretious: precious, valuable. (JDC)
  9. Queanes: harlots, ſtrumpets, proſtitutes. (JDC)
  10. Bedlams: Bedlam was a shortened name for St. Mary’s of Bethlehem, a lunatic asylum. Bedlams here likely refers to madmen. (JDC)
  11. Moor was a term for both a person from the Barbary region on Northern Africa, and for a Turkiſh Muslim. This king is moſt likely an African, because he refers to his own black complexion. (JDC)
  12. Text supplied from other issue of Triumphs of Truth, STC 17903. (SM)
  13. In the first issue of this text, STC 17903, a compositing error caused this line to be transpoſed into the body of the next paragraph. In the second issue of the text, the error was corrected. (SM)
  14. Turtle-doves. (JDC)
  15. The residence of the Lord Mayor. (JDC)
  16. I.e., ſoothe. (JDC)
  17. I.e., they’ll (JDC)


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Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Truth. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,

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Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Truth. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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Middleton, T. 2018. The Triumphs of Truth. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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DA  - 2018/06/20
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
UR  -
UR  -
ER  - 


RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Middleton, Thomas
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Triumphs of Truth
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2018
FD 2018/06/20
RD 2018/06/20
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MIDD12"><surname>Middleton</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">The Triumphs of Truth</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>


