Honour of Fishmongers.
Applauding the aduancement of Mr.
Iohn Leman, Alderman, to the dignitie
of Lord Maior of LONDON.
Taking his Oath in the ſame authority at Weſtminſter,
on Tueſday, being the 29. day of October.
Performed in hearty loue to him, and at the charges of
his worthy Brethren, the ancient, and right
Worſhipfull Company of Fish-
Honour of Fishmongers.
Applauding the aduancement of Mr.
Iohn Leman, Alderman, to the dignitie
of Lord Maior of LONDON.
Taking his Oath in the ſame authority at Weſtminſter,
on Tueſday, being the 29. day of October.
Performed in hearty loue to him, and at the charges of
his worthy Brethren, the ancient, and right
Worſhipfull Company of Fish-
Worſhipfull, Iudicious, and tru-
ly generous Gentlemen, the Maſter,
Wardens, and Aſsiſtants, of the auncient
and worthie Companie of
Worſhipfull, Iudicious, and tru-
ly generous Gentlemen, the Maſter,
Wardens, and Aſsiſtants, of the auncient
and worthie Companie of
IT vvere a mightie
iniury (in my poore
opinion) that you,
being the main O-
cean, feeding all
the riuolets of this
painfull employment, and directing the
courſe of any current that way tending:
ſhould not receiue the iuſt retribution
and dutie, which (by inſtinct of nature)
all Riuers elſe ſend duly to their nurſing
iniury (in my poore
opinion) that you,
being the main O-
cean, feeding all
the riuolets of this
painfull employment, and directing the
courſe of any current that way tending:
ſhould not receiue the iuſt retribution
and dutie, which (by inſtinct of nature)
all Riuers elſe ſend duly to their nurſing
Mother the Sea. Therefore
men, I doe but ſend you that, which in
right and equity belongs vnto you, the
Patronage and protection of this Or-
phan childe, begotten in your ſeruice,
bredde vp hitherto by your fauour and
kinde cheriſhing, and not deſpayring
now to dye, through your want of re-
gard. It is your owne, welcome it in
loue and acceptance, and I haue as
much as I deſire, and will ſtudie hereaf-
ter to deſerue.
Yours in any ſeruice,men, I doe but ſend you that, which in
right and equity belongs vnto you, the
Patronage and protection of this Or-
phan childe, begotten in your ſeruice,
bredde vp hitherto by your fauour and
kinde cheriſhing, and not deſpayring
now to dye, through your want of re-
gard. It is your owne, welcome it in
loue and acceptance, and I haue as
much as I deſire, and will ſtudie hereaf-
ter to deſerue.
I Finde it faithfully recorded in Au-
thors of reuerend Antiquity, that
when Godfrey, Duke of Boloigne
(beeing choſen Generall of the
Chriſtian Army, for the freedome
and deliuerance of Ieruſalem from
Saladine, and al his other heathen miſcreants;) Euery
Chriſtian Kingdome did ayde him with their beſt
aſſiſtance: because it was a buſineſſe to Gods high
honour, and generall comfort of poore diſtreſſed
Chriſtians. As from all other Kingdomes, ſo from
England (among other bands of worthy men) went
the Merchants (trading in fiſh, oyle, flaxe, ſilkes and
other commodities) moſt frequently then termed
Fiſhmongers, and the Goldſmithes, then in a late be-
gun league of loue and amity, by many friendly
helpes and furtherances each to other, in diuers
dangerous aduentures, as well on the Seas, as the
land, no men being more forward in thoſe affaires,
and in thoſe times then they.
thors of reuerend Antiquity, that
when Godfrey, Duke of Boloigne
(beeing choſen Generall of the
Chriſtian Army, for the freedome
and deliuerance of Ieruſalem from
Saladine, and al his other heathen miſcreants;) Euery
Chriſtian Kingdome did ayde him with their beſt
aſſiſtance: because it was a buſineſſe to Gods high
honour, and generall comfort of poore diſtreſſed
Chriſtians. As from all other Kingdomes, ſo from
England (among other bands of worthy men) went
the Merchants (trading in fiſh, oyle, flaxe, ſilkes and
other commodities) moſt frequently then termed
Fiſhmongers, and the Goldſmithes, then in a late be-
gun league of loue and amity, by many friendly
helpes and furtherances each to other, in diuers
dangerous aduentures, as well on the Seas, as the
land, no men being more forward in thoſe affaires,
and in thoſe times then they.
After the moſt glorious victory obtained againſt
the Pagans, & Ieruſalem regained, they ioined toge-
ther in as glorious an action, of helping to build the
ruined Wall againe, from the Water-gate of com-
fort, to the Sheepe-gate of innocencie, or holineſſe.
And ſo much the rather, becauſe there was then
much neceſsity of their paines and endeuour, not
only (by Fiſhing and Shipping) to ſupply the daily
wants of the Souldiours: but also for bringing Gold
and Siluer thither, for beautifying Gods City and
the Pagans, & Ieruſalem regained, they ioined toge-
ther in as glorious an action, of helping to build the
ruined Wall againe, from the Water-gate of com-
fort, to the Sheepe-gate of innocencie, or holineſſe.
And ſo much the rather, becauſe there was then
much neceſsity of their paines and endeuour, not
only (by Fiſhing and Shipping) to ſupply the daily
wants of the Souldiours: but also for bringing Gold
and Siluer thither, for beautifying Gods City and
And as this league of loue and fellowſhip began
vpon ſo good an occaſion: So they continued, and
declared it in Englands Ieruſalem, our famous Me-
tropolis London, building the Wall and two North
Gates therein, Moore-gate, and Cripleſ-gate, as yet
their Armes and Memories on them do ſufficiently
teſtifie. The one performed by Thomas Faulconer,
Fishmonger, and the other by William Shaw1 Gold-
vpon ſo good an occaſion: So they continued, and
declared it in Englands Ieruſalem, our famous Me-
tropolis London, building the Wall and two North
Gates therein, Moore-gate, and Cripleſ-gate, as yet
their Armes and Memories on them do ſufficiently
teſtifie. The one performed by Thomas Faulconer,
Fishmonger, and the other by William Shaw1 Gold-
Moreouer, Fiſh and Oyle, as well as Golde, Spi-
ces, Silkes, &c. were firſt brought in by thoſe fore-
named Merchants: That the golden Lampe might
not want holy and precious oyle, nor rich and orient
Pearles (firſt found in ſhelles by painfull and indu-
ſtrious Fiſhermen) faile to be ſet in Iewels & Rings
of Gold, as beeing the pureſt mettall that the earth
can affoord. And hereupon, honourable Antiqui-
ty thought meete, to beſtow ſuch armory on them,
as (for euer) might continue their brotherly affec-
tion. Firſt, Peters keies, he being called from the
condition of a poore Fiſherman, to be the prime A-
ces, Silkes, &c. were firſt brought in by thoſe fore-
named Merchants: That the golden Lampe might
not want holy and precious oyle, nor rich and orient
Pearles (firſt found in ſhelles by painfull and indu-
ſtrious Fiſhermen) faile to be ſet in Iewels & Rings
of Gold, as beeing the pureſt mettall that the earth
can affoord. And hereupon, honourable Antiqui-
ty thought meete, to beſtow ſuch armory on them,
as (for euer) might continue their brotherly affec-
tion. Firſt, Peters keies, he being called from the
condition of a poore Fiſherman, to be the prime A-
poſtle: and thoſe ſuppoſed keyes, the Fiſhmongers
beare in their Enſignes of Armes, not ſuperſtiti-
ouſly any way, but to declare an earneſt zeale, of
entring into heauens Kingdome. Next, Dauids Cup
of sauing health, which the Gold-Smiths alſo beare
in their Banners. So much briefly, in approuing
their long continued loue and amity.
beare in their Enſignes of Armes, not ſuperſtiti-
ouſly any way, but to declare an earneſt zeale, of
entring into heauens Kingdome. Next, Dauids Cup
of sauing health, which the Gold-Smiths alſo beare
in their Banners. So much briefly, in approuing
their long continued loue and amity.
The Reaſon of our
preſent Shewe.
TIme hauing turned his yearely Glaſſe, for
lection of a Magiſtrate, a Brother of the Fiſh-
mougers Societie, comming (by right of
place, and general Sufferages of the Citizens) to the
high dignitie of Lord Maior of this Citie for the
yeere enſuing: our deuices for that ſolemne and Io-
uiall day, were and are accordingly proportioned,
by the diſcreete and well aduiſed iudgement of the
Gentlemen, thereto choſen and deputed, in man
ner and forme as followeth.
lection of a Magiſtrate, a Brother of the Fiſh-
mougers Societie, comming (by right of
place, and general Sufferages of the Citizens) to the
high dignitie of Lord Maior of this Citie for the
yeere enſuing: our deuices for that ſolemne and Io-
uiall day, were and are accordingly proportioned,
by the diſcreete and well aduiſed iudgement of the
Gentlemen, thereto choſen and deputed, in man
ner and forme as followeth.
Firſt therefore, because Fiſhing is the abſolute
Embleme of our preſent intendement, and Fiſh-
mongers, hauing beene ſuch worthy Merchants in
thoſe reuerend and authentique times: leauing
their matter of Commerce and Merchandiſe, and
ayming at their true Hierogliphical impreſſe for the
dayes intended honour, thus we marſhall the order
of proceeding.
Embleme of our preſent intendement, and Fiſh-
mongers, hauing beene ſuch worthy Merchants in
thoſe reuerend and authentique times: leauing
their matter of Commerce and Merchandiſe, and
ayming at their true Hierogliphical impreſſe for the
dayes intended honour, thus we marſhall the order
of proceeding.
Our firſt deuice that vſhers and leades the way,
is a very goodly and beautifull fiſhing Buſſe, called;
the Fiſhmongers Eſperanza, or Hope of London: be-
ing in her true old ſhape, forme and proportion, yet
is a very goodly and beautifull fiſhing Buſſe, called;
the Fiſhmongers Eſperanza, or Hope of London: be-
ing in her true old ſhape, forme and proportion, yet
diſpensed withall in ſome beautie, for the dayes ho-
nour. It may paſſe (by generall ſufferance) for the
ſame fiſhing Buſſe, wherein S. Peter sate mending
his Nets, when his beſt Maſter called him from
that humble and lowly condition, and made him a
Fiſher of men.2 If not ſo; take her for one of thoſe fiſh-
ing Buſſes, which not only enricheth our kingdome
with all variety of fiſh the Sea can yeelde: but hel
peth alſo (in that kind) all other lands. Fiſhermen,
in this fiſhing Buſſe are ſeriously at labour, draw-
ing vp their Nets, laden with liuing fiſh, and beſtow
ing them bountifully among the people.
nour. It may paſſe (by generall ſufferance) for the
ſame fiſhing Buſſe, wherein S. Peter sate mending
his Nets, when his beſt Maſter called him from
that humble and lowly condition, and made him a
Fiſher of men.2 If not ſo; take her for one of thoſe fiſh-
ing Buſſes, which not only enricheth our kingdome
with all variety of fiſh the Sea can yeelde: but hel
peth alſo (in that kind) all other lands. Fiſhermen,
in this fiſhing Buſſe are ſeriously at labour, draw-
ing vp their Nets, laden with liuing fiſh, and beſtow
ing them bountifully among the people.
Next followeth a crowned Dolphin, alluding ſom
way to the Lord Maiors coate of Armes, but more
properly to the Companies, and therefore may
ſerue indifferently for both. But becauſe it is a Fiſh
inclined much (by nature) to Muſique: Arion, a fa-
mous Muſicion and Poet, rideth on his backe, being
ſaued ſo from death, when Robbers and Pirates on
the Seas, would maliciouſly haue drowned him.
way to the Lord Maiors coate of Armes, but more
properly to the Companies, and therefore may
ſerue indifferently for both. But becauſe it is a Fiſh
inclined much (by nature) to Muſique: Arion, a fa-
mous Muſicion and Poet, rideth on his backe, being
ſaued ſo from death, when Robbers and Pirates on
the Seas, would maliciouſly haue drowned him.
Then commeth the King of Moores, gallantly
mounted on a golden Leopard, he hurling gold and
ſiluer euery way about him. Before, on either ſide,
and behinde him, ride fixe other his tributarie
Kings on horſe-backe, gorgeously attired in faire
guilt Armours, and apt furniutre thereto belonging.
They carry Ingots of golde and ſiluer, and each one
his dart, and in this order they attend on him: ſhew-
ing thereby, that the Fiſhmongers are not vnmind-
full of their combined brethren, the worthy Com
pany of Golde-Smithes, in this ſolemne day of tri
mounted on a golden Leopard, he hurling gold and
ſiluer euery way about him. Before, on either ſide,
and behinde him, ride fixe other his tributarie
Kings on horſe-backe, gorgeously attired in faire
guilt Armours, and apt furniutre thereto belonging.
They carry Ingots of golde and ſiluer, and each one
his dart, and in this order they attend on him: ſhew-
ing thereby, that the Fiſhmongers are not vnmind-
full of their combined brethren, the worthy Com
pany of Golde-Smithes, in this ſolemne day of tri
We next preſent a ſingular Embleme, correſpon-
ding with the Creaſt and Cognizance of the Lord
Maior, and bearing an eſpeciall Morality beſide.
A Leman tree,3 in full and ample forme, richly laden
with the fruite and flowers it beareth. Neere to the
ſtocke or roote thereof, a goodly Pellicane hath
built her neſt, with all her tender brood about her.
And becauſe her loue and care (according to the o-
pinion of Ariſtotle, Plinie, Geſner, and diuers other
good writers) makes her extraordinarily iealous of
them, as neuer daring to be abſent from them (the
ſuſtenance ſhe receiueth from the male Bird, being
inſufficient for their nouriſhing:) with her beake ſhe
launceth her breſt, and ſo ſupplieth that want with
her owne bloud. Our cited Authors variouſly af-
firme, that this loue and cheriſhing of them laſteth
the ſpace of a whole yeare, by which time, they be-
come ſtrong, and able for flight; and then, though
they ſuruiue, the Damme dyeth. An excellent type
of gouernment in a Magiſtrate, who, at his meere
entrance into his yeares Office, becommeth a nur-
ſing father of the Family: which, though hee bred
not, yet, by his beſt endeuour, hee muſt labour to
bring vp.
ding with the Creaſt and Cognizance of the Lord
Maior, and bearing an eſpeciall Morality beſide.
A Leman tree,3 in full and ample forme, richly laden
with the fruite and flowers it beareth. Neere to the
ſtocke or roote thereof, a goodly Pellicane hath
built her neſt, with all her tender brood about her.
And becauſe her loue and care (according to the o-
pinion of Ariſtotle, Plinie, Geſner, and diuers other
good writers) makes her extraordinarily iealous of
them, as neuer daring to be abſent from them (the
ſuſtenance ſhe receiueth from the male Bird, being
inſufficient for their nouriſhing:) with her beake ſhe
launceth her breſt, and ſo ſupplieth that want with
her owne bloud. Our cited Authors variouſly af-
firme, that this loue and cheriſhing of them laſteth
the ſpace of a whole yeare, by which time, they be-
come ſtrong, and able for flight; and then, though
they ſuruiue, the Damme dyeth. An excellent type
of gouernment in a Magiſtrate, who, at his meere
entrance into his yeares Office, becommeth a nur-
ſing father of the Family: which, though hee bred
not, yet, by his beſt endeuour, hee muſt labour to
bring vp.
If his loue and delight be ſuch to the Common-
wealth, as that of the Pellican to her young ones, by
broken ſleeps, daily and nightly cares, that the very
leſt harm should not happē to his charge: then doth
he iuſtly anſwere to our Embleme; and, as of her,
ſo of him, it may well be ſayd, his breſt and bowels
of true zeale and affection, are alwaies open, to feed
and cheriſh them (euen with his beſt endeuor and
wealth, as that of the Pellican to her young ones, by
broken ſleeps, daily and nightly cares, that the very
leſt harm should not happē to his charge: then doth
he iuſtly anſwere to our Embleme; and, as of her,
ſo of him, it may well be ſayd, his breſt and bowels
of true zeale and affection, are alwaies open, to feed
and cheriſh them (euen with his beſt endeuor and
diligence) to the expiration of his yeare. And
then, though the maine Authoritie of Gouerne-
ment (in him) may be ſayd to dye: yet it ſuruiueth in
other Pellicans of the ſame brood, and ſo it reacheth
to them in the ſame manner. And becauſe the
Leman Tree (by the affirmation of Iulius Solinus
Polyhiſtor, Dioſcorides, Pomponius Mela, Petrus
Mexius and Antonius Verdierus) both in fruite,
flowers, rinde, pith, and iuyce, are admirable pre-
ſeruers of the ſences in man, reſtoring, comforting
and relieuing any the leaſt decay in them: wee ſea-
ted the fiue Sences about the Tree, in their beſt and
liueliest repreſentations, as fitly iumping with our
Morall methode.
then, though the maine Authoritie of Gouerne-
ment (in him) may be ſayd to dye: yet it ſuruiueth in
other Pellicans of the ſame brood, and ſo it reacheth
to them in the ſame manner. And becauſe the
Leman Tree (by the affirmation of Iulius Solinus
Polyhiſtor, Dioſcorides, Pomponius Mela, Petrus
Mexius and Antonius Verdierus) both in fruite,
flowers, rinde, pith, and iuyce, are admirable pre-
ſeruers of the ſences in man, reſtoring, comforting
and relieuing any the leaſt decay in them: wee ſea-
ted the fiue Sences about the Tree, in their beſt and
liueliest repreſentations, as fitly iumping with our
Morall methode.
Our next deuice, before it be marſhalled in due
ranke and order, is a goodly Bower, ſhaped in
forme of a flowrie Arbour, and adorned with all
the Scutchions of Armes of ſo many worthy men,
as haue beene Lord Maiors of the Fiſhmongers
Company, and each mans name truely ſet downe
on them. It is appointed firſt to ſtand in Paules
Church-yard: And at ſuch a place as is thoght moſt
conuenient. In this Bower is a faire Tombe, where
on, in Armour lyeth the imaginary body of Sir
William Walworth, ſometime twiſe Lord Maior of
London, and a famous Brother of the Fiſhmongers
Company. The reaſon of this conceit, aimeth at
that tempeſtuous and troubleſome time of King
Richard the Second, and the fourth yeare of his
Raigne, whoſe life, Crowne and Dignitie (next vn-
der Gods omnipotent power) were manfully defen-
ded and preſerued, by that worthy man Walworth.
ranke and order, is a goodly Bower, ſhaped in
forme of a flowrie Arbour, and adorned with all
the Scutchions of Armes of ſo many worthy men,
as haue beene Lord Maiors of the Fiſhmongers
Company, and each mans name truely ſet downe
on them. It is appointed firſt to ſtand in Paules
Church-yard: And at ſuch a place as is thoght moſt
conuenient. In this Bower is a faire Tombe, where
on, in Armour lyeth the imaginary body of Sir
William Walworth, ſometime twiſe Lord Maior of
London, and a famous Brother of the Fiſhmongers
Company. The reaſon of this conceit, aimeth at
that tempeſtuous and troubleſome time of King
Richard the Second, and the fourth yeare of his
Raigne, whoſe life, Crowne and Dignitie (next vn-
der Gods omnipotent power) were manfully defen-
ded and preſerued, by that worthy man Walworth.
Suppoſe his Marble Statue (after the manner of
Knightly buriall) to lye vpon the Tombe, and both
it and the Bower to be worthily attended, by thoſe
fiue Knights in Armour, and mounted on Horſe-
backe, that were Knighted with Sir William in the
field, after he had ſlaine the proud inſulting Rebell,
Captaine and ring-leader to all the reſt. Sixe
Trumpetters well mounted and appointed, with
Trumpet banners of the Companies Armes, and a
gallant guard of Halberdiers, being 24. in number,
with watchet ſilke Coats, hauing the Fiſhmongers
Armes on the breſt, Sir William Walworths on the
backe, and the Citties on the left arme, white Hats
and Feathers, and goodly Halbards in their hands:
theſe likewiſe haue their rancke and place neere to
the Tombe and Bower. Londons Genius, a comely
Youth, attired in the ſhape of an Angell, with a
golden Crowne on his head, golden Wings at his
backe, bearing a golden Wand in his hand, ſits
mounted on Horſebacke by the Bower; with an
Officer at Armes, bearing the Rebels head on Wal-
worths Dagger. So ſoone as the Lord Maior is
come neere, and way made for his better attention:
the Genius ſpeaketh, the Trumpets ſound their ſeue-
rall Surden flouriſhes, Walworth ariſeth, and is con-
uaid on Horſebacke from the Bower, as you may
better perceiue by the ſpeeches apted for the pur-
poſe. The Bower and Tombe are likewiſe borne
along before him, for his more conuenient returne
to reſt againe.
Knightly buriall) to lye vpon the Tombe, and both
it and the Bower to be worthily attended, by thoſe
fiue Knights in Armour, and mounted on Horſe-
backe, that were Knighted with Sir William in the
field, after he had ſlaine the proud inſulting Rebell,
Captaine and ring-leader to all the reſt. Sixe
Trumpetters well mounted and appointed, with
Trumpet banners of the Companies Armes, and a
gallant guard of Halberdiers, being 24. in number,
with watchet ſilke Coats, hauing the Fiſhmongers
Armes on the breſt, Sir William Walworths on the
backe, and the Citties on the left arme, white Hats
and Feathers, and goodly Halbards in their hands:
theſe likewiſe haue their rancke and place neere to
the Tombe and Bower. Londons Genius, a comely
Youth, attired in the ſhape of an Angell, with a
golden Crowne on his head, golden Wings at his
backe, bearing a golden Wand in his hand, ſits
mounted on Horſebacke by the Bower; with an
Officer at Armes, bearing the Rebels head on Wal-
worths Dagger. So ſoone as the Lord Maior is
come neere, and way made for his better attention:
the Genius ſpeaketh, the Trumpets ſound their ſeue-
rall Surden flouriſhes, Walworth ariſeth, and is con-
uaid on Horſebacke from the Bower, as you may
better perceiue by the ſpeeches apted for the pur-
poſe. The Bower and Tombe are likewiſe borne
along before him, for his more conuenient returne
to reſt againe.
day of deliuerance, and the Fiſhmongers Fame for
euer, in Anno 1381. and on Corpus Christi day
in West Smithfield, where the like number of Re-
bels (as then) were neuer aſſembled. Leauing the
matter, a caſe of deſperate Rebellion; the manner,
a moſt baſe and barbarous kinde of proceeding, to
the great diſturbance of the King and State, and
vnauoydable ruine of this Cittie, but for the good
Angell of defence then guarding it, and the worthy
Lord Maior made the ſecond inſtrument: let vs i-
magine (though not in the magnificent forme as
then it was done, yet according to our compaſſe of
performance) that whatſoeuer hath formerly been
ſayd concerning Walworths reuiuing at the Tombe,
his Royall attending, and the beautifull Monument
following, is all but a ſhaddow of that triumphant
victorie in our apteſt alluſion.
euer, in Anno 1381. and on Corpus Christi day
in West Smithfield, where the like number of Re-
bels (as then) were neuer aſſembled. Leauing the
matter, a caſe of deſperate Rebellion; the manner,
a moſt baſe and barbarous kinde of proceeding, to
the great diſturbance of the King and State, and
vnauoydable ruine of this Cittie, but for the good
Angell of defence then guarding it, and the worthy
Lord Maior made the ſecond inſtrument: let vs i-
magine (though not in the magnificent forme as
then it was done, yet according to our compaſſe of
performance) that whatſoeuer hath formerly been
ſayd concerning Walworths reuiuing at the Tombe,
his Royall attending, and the beautifull Monument
following, is all but a ſhaddow of that triumphant
victorie in our apteſt alluſion.
Our Pageant Chariot, is drawne by two Mare-
men, & two Mare-mayds, as being the ſupporters to
the Companies coate of Armes. In the higheſt
ſeate of eminence, ſits the triumphing Angell, who
that day ſmote the enemy by Walworths hand, and
laid all his proud preſuming in the duſt. With one
hand (King Richard ſitting in a degree beneath
her) ſhe holds his Crowne on faſt, that neither for-
raine Hoſtilitie, nor home-bred Trecherie ſhould
euer more ſhake it. In the other hand hee holds
his ſtriking Rodde, inferring thus much thereby:
By mee Kings reigne, and their enemies are ſcatte-
red. All the forefront is beautified with Royall Ver-
tues, as Truth, Vertue, Honor, Temperance, For-
titude, Zeale, Equity, Conſcience, beating downe
men, & two Mare-mayds, as being the ſupporters to
the Companies coate of Armes. In the higheſt
ſeate of eminence, ſits the triumphing Angell, who
that day ſmote the enemy by Walworths hand, and
laid all his proud preſuming in the duſt. With one
hand (King Richard ſitting in a degree beneath
her) ſhe holds his Crowne on faſt, that neither for-
raine Hoſtilitie, nor home-bred Trecherie ſhould
euer more ſhake it. In the other hand hee holds
his ſtriking Rodde, inferring thus much thereby:
By mee Kings reigne, and their enemies are ſcatte-
red. All the forefront is beautified with Royall Ver-
tues, as Truth, Vertue, Honor, Temperance, For-
titude, Zeale, Equity, Conſcience, beating downe
Treaſon and Mutinie. Behind, and on the ſides,
ſits Iustice, Authority, Lawe, Vigilancy, Peace,
Plentie and Diſcipline, as beſt props and pillers to
any Kingly eſtate. Theſe, as all the reſt, are beſt
obſerued by their ſeuerall Emblems and properties,
borne by each one, and their adornments anſwera-
ble to them in like manner.
ſits Iustice, Authority, Lawe, Vigilancy, Peace,
Plentie and Diſcipline, as beſt props and pillers to
any Kingly eſtate. Theſe, as all the reſt, are beſt
obſerued by their ſeuerall Emblems and properties,
borne by each one, and their adornments anſwera-
ble to them in like manner.
Hauing thus briefly deſcribed the order of the
daies ſeruice, inſomuch as appertaineth to my
charge and place, (not omitting the Fiſhing-Buſſe,
Dolphine, Mer-man and Mer-mayd vpon the wa-
ter firſt, and afterward marſhalled in ſuch forme
as you haue heard on land:) wee come to ſet
downe the Speeches, according as they are appoin-
ted to be ſpoken, beginning firſt at the Bower and
Tombe in Paules-Church-yard, after my Lords re-
turne from Weſtminster, where the Citties Genius
thus beginneth.
daies ſeruice, inſomuch as appertaineth to my
charge and place, (not omitting the Fiſhing-Buſſe,
Dolphine, Mer-man and Mer-mayd vpon the wa-
ter firſt, and afterward marſhalled in ſuch forme
as you haue heard on land:) wee come to ſet
downe the Speeches, according as they are appoin-
ted to be ſpoken, beginning firſt at the Bower and
Tombe in Paules-Church-yard, after my Lords re-
turne from Weſtminster, where the Citties Genius
thus beginneth.
BY vertue of this powerfull wand,
Which in a minute can command
Graues, Vaults, and deepes yeeld vp their dead,
How late or long time buried:
Thou Image of that worthy man,
That Londons
Knight-hood firſt began,
In Office of the Mayraltie,
(A high and gracefull dignitie,)
Though yet thou ſleep’ſt in ſhade of death;
Here the Ge-
nius ſtrikes on
him with his
wand, whereat
he begins to
ſtir, and com-
ming off the
Tombe, looks
ſtrangely a-
bout him.
nius ſtrikes on
him with his
wand, whereat
he begins to
ſtir, and com-
ming off the
Tombe, looks
ſtrangely a-
bout him.
By me take power of life and breath.
The firſt ſound of Surden Trumpets.
Londons Genius giues
thee leaue,
An ayrie ſubſtance to receiue.
Speech like to Spirits rayſde from reſt,
Triumphs and pleaſures to digeſt
By power of ſacred Poeſie.
The ſecond Sound.
And ſeeing this dayes ſolemnitie
Honours thine owne Societie
Of Fiſhmongers, a
worthy band,
Fam’d both to Citie, and the Land,
By thy rare deed of loyaltie,
Vpon the Kings proud enemy:
Sir William
Walworth, doe what may
Remaine in thee, to crowne this day,4
With generall fulneſſe of content:
A full flouriſh without Surdens.
For thereto all our hopes are bent.
Sir William Walworth ſtanding
fore the Tombe and doing reuerence to
the Genius, ſpeaks this ſpeech.
fore the Tombe and doing reuerence to
the Genius, ſpeaks this ſpeech.
HE that aboue two hundred yeeres,
(Free from diſturbance cares and feares,)
Hath ſilent ſlept, and rayſd this day,
To doe what gracefull helpe I may
Vnto that band of worthy men,
That were, and are my Brethren;
And you graue Fathers of this State,
Which I my ſelfe did propagate
Twice, as L. Maior: Oh, yet to ſee,
This ancient famous dignity
Flouriſh ſo fairely: And (as then)
Bleſt with as wiſe and worthy men;
Mooues teares of ioy, and bids me call
Gods beniſon light on you all.
Here he doth re-
uerence to thē all.
uerence to thē all.
Your Charracter, Office and place,
Well wot I by that Sword & Mace,
With ſuch a difference, as before
This day, once happened, and no more.
Neuer any L. Maior a Ba-
cheler before M. Iohn Leman but one, and that was Sir Hugh Clapton Mercer An. 1491.
cheler before M. Iohn Leman but one, and that was Sir Hugh Clapton Mercer An. 1491.
The Genius ſpeakes you in mine eare,
A Mayden-man, a Batcheler.
You being the ſecond, let me ſay,
This is a bleſſed marriage day
Of you to that great dignity
Of your dread Soueraignes Deputie,
No doubt, but your chaſte thoughts and life,
Will be as chaste to ſuch a Wife.
All happy bleſſings crowne (I pray,)
Obſeruing that faire Liuerie;
Another full floriſh.
You are of mine owne Company.
How can I then, but ioy to ſee
Such eminence and high degree:
Grace ſtill our graue Society?
And ſee (my Lord) this Bower relates,
How many famous Magiſtrates,
From the Fiſhmongers
ancient name,
Succeſſiuely to honour came
In Londons
Maioraltie. Theſe faire Coats
Their ſeuerall Armes and titles noates.
Pointing to the Scutchiõs of Armes
as they hang in order on the Bower.
Louekin, Wroth, Pechie, Mordon,
Theſe before me were euery one:
Kneiſworth, Coppinger. Theſe being gon
And now Iohn Leman,6 who well I wot,
Welcome as any to this place,
With our kinde Brethrens loue and grace.
Aldermen we had many more
That neuer this high Office bore,
And therefore are not ranked heere;
But only ſuch as Lord Maiors were.
WAlworth, here ſtay: we may doe wrong,
And hold this worthy man too long
From thoſe great States, that at this feaſt
Are euery one a welcome Gueſt.
Thoſe Aldermen, that on the day,
(When the proud Rebel thou didſt ſlay,)
Were Knighted with thee in the field:
Are rayſde by me their loue to yeelde
With this faire Guard, and tend on thee,
In honouring this Solemnity.
Mount then thy Courſer, that we may
(In the remainder of this day,)
Doe more then time will now afford,
Set on then, Honourable Lord.
In the afternoone, when the
Maior returneth to Paules, all the Deuiſes
being aptly placed in order neere to the lit-
tle Conduit, they are (by Sir William
Walworth) deſcribed to him in
this manner.
Maior returneth to Paules, all the Deuiſes
being aptly placed in order neere to the lit-
tle Conduit, they are (by Sir William
Walworth) deſcribed to him in
this manner.
NOw worthy Lord, there is impos’d on me,
A briefe narration of each ſeuerall ſhew
Prouided for this Triumph, as you ſee,
In order to deſcribe them as they goe.
The Fiſhing Buſſe inſtructs you firſt to know
The toylſome trauell of poore Fiſher-men,
Subiected to all weathers, where and when.
In ſtormy tempeſts they omit no paine,
To bleſſe all lands with the Seas bounteous ſtore:
Their labour doth returne rich golden gaine,
VVhereof themſelues taſte leaſt by Sea or ſhore,
But (like good ſoules) contented euermore
VVith any benefit their toyle can bring;
The Fiſher well is term’d Contents true King.
This Embleme of the Dolphine, is the Armorie
Belonging to our brethren, and beſide
Speakes ſomewhat of that creatures qualitie,
By nature Muſicall, as hath been tryde:
Poeſie and Muſique therefore thus do ride
Vpon his back, in ſweete Arions ſhape,
VVho, by a Dolphine, thus did death eſcape:
The King of Moores thus mounted, and his traine,
Shewes your affection to that Company,
Which league with you in loue, and doth containe
The aptnes of your correſpondency
On either ſide, to hold inſeperably.
His Indian treaſure liberally is throwne:
To make his bounteous heart the better knowne.
This Leman Tree, your Honour may conceit
More, then I ſpeake, becauſe myſteriouſly
Some hidden ſecret thereon doth awayte
Knowne to your ſelfe. It ſpeakes ingeniously
The Character of your authoritie:
Figur’d in that faire Bird, foſtring her brood:
Though with the deare expence of her owne blood.
Continuall cares, and many broken ſleepes,
Heart-killing feares, which waite on Eminence
Hard at the heeles, and (tortringly) ſtill keeps
VVithin the ſoule imperious reſidence,
As whippes t’afflict both hope and patience;
Theſe in the Pellicane are figur’d heere:
And theſe you hardly will auoide this yeere.
But as the Sences ſit about the Tree,
And ſhewe you how their vertues are ſupplyed
Still with freſh vigor: So (no doubt) will be
Your buſieſt troubles ſweetly qualified,
By thoſe fiue helpes that hold vp dignitie,
Diſcretion, Policie, and Prouidence,
Courage, Correction, theſe barre all offence.
Laſtly, looke on a figure of that day,
VVhen by Heauens helpe, and Walworths happy hand,
That ſwarme of Rebells, who fought all to ſway,
And haue both King and Country at command:
Euen in their height of pride, I made them ſtand,
And, in my Soueraigns ſight, there I ſtrooke dead
Their chiefeſt Captaine and commanding head.
The reſt of that baſe rout, diſmayd thereby,
And all tumultuous troubles calmely ceaſt,
King Richard, to requite true loyaltie,
His gracious fauour preſently expreſt
In Royall manner, Knighting me and the reſt
Of Aldermen, that were in fielde with me.
London till then had
not that dignitie.
1381. Richard the fourth, Sir
Nicholas Brem-
ber, Sir Iohn Philpot, Sir Ni-
cholas Twiford, Sir Iohn Stan-
diſh,7 Sir Robert Launde.
As I, ſo theſe do repreſent
the men
ber, Sir Iohn Philpot, Sir Ni-
cholas Twiford, Sir Iohn Stan-
diſh,7 Sir Robert Launde.
Knighted in field, on Corpus Christi day.
And as my Dagger ſlew the Rebell then,
So to renowne the deede; And I dare ſay,
To honor London more
(if more it may)
The Red-Croſſe, in a Siluer-field before,
Had Walworths Dagger added to it more.
And now my Lord, this goodly Monument
Or, Chariot of Triumphall Victory
Some ſhape of that daies honour doth preſent,
By Heauens protection of True Maieſtie,
And beating downe Treaſon and Mutinie.
Adorning all the Throne with thoſe faire Graces:
That ought about a King to haue beſt places.
Truth, Vertue, Honour, ſober Temperance,
Fortitude, Zeale, Equitie, Conſcience,
Iuſtice, Authoritie, carefull Uigilance,
Peace, Plenty, Law, Councell, Obedience,
And Diſcipline, that whips all Errors hence,
Theſe (as beſt Pillars) do ſupport this State:
And euery Kingdome elſe doth propagate.
PHoebus hath hid his golden head
In Thetis lappe. And now are ſpred
The ſable Curtaines of the night,
Our Euenings purpoſe to delight.
The twinkling Tapers of the Skie
Are turn’d to Torches; and apply
Their clearest radiance, to conuay
Our Mayden Bridegroome on his way
Home to his owne abiding place.
Our Triumphs pompe ſhortens apace,
That could affoord more time to ſpend,
But gladly would no way offend.
You mariage Rites ſolemnized
Bequeathes you to the Bridall bed:
Where you and your chaſte wife muſt reſt.
London (it ſeemes)
did like you beſt,
(Although you are a Bacheler,)
To be her Husband for a yeere;
Loue her, delight her. Shee’s a Bride,
Nere ſlept by ſuch a Husbands ſide
But once before. She hath had many,
And you may proue as good as any
Haue gone before you in this place.
Twill be your Brethrens ioy and grace,
That Fiſhmongers
liue ſtill in fame,
And ſtill renowned by your name.
Their hearty loue by me they ſend yee,
And pray the hand of heauen defend yee
In all your actions. May your Fame,
Crowne ſtill their ancient worthie name
To all posteritie. So, Londons Lord
And Virgin Husband, in a word:
Old Walworth muſt to reſt againe,
Good-night to you, and all your trayne,
F I N I S.
- Bergeron notes that Munday may have meant Edmund Shaw, mayor in 1482.↑
- Matthew 4:18-20. (SM)↑
- A pun on the new Lord Mayor’s name, John Leman. (SM)↑
- Corrected against Bergeron. (MS)↑
- Fauconer was actually a Mercer, not a Fishmonger. (SM)↑
- This list of mayors includes both those who were Fishmongers and Stockfishmongers, which were originally two different companies. They were united in 1536. For a complete list of mayors of London, consult MASL. (SM)↑
- I.e., Ralph Standish. (SM)↑
Bergeron, David M., ed. Pageants and Entertainments of Anthony Munday: A Critical Edition. New York: Garland, 1985. The Renaissance Imagination Vol. 11.This item is cited in the following documents:
Early English Books Online (EEBO). Proquest LLC. Subscription.This item is cited in the following documents:
EEBO-TCP (EEBO Text Creation Partnership). [The Text Creation Partnership offers searchable diplomatic transcriptions of many EEBO items.] Web. -
Lancashire, Anne. Mayors and Sheriffs of London. Toronto: U of Toronto Digital Collections, 2008. Open. [We cite this resource parenthetically by the acronym MASL.]This item is cited in the following documents:
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Chrysanaleia. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 20 Jun. 2018,
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Chrysanaleia.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 20, 2018.
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The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
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Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Munday, Anthony ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - Chrysanaleia T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2018 DA - 2018/06/20 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
RT Web Page SR Electronic(1) A1 Munday, Anthony A6 Jenstad, Janelle T1 Chrysanaleia T2 The Map of Early Modern London WP 2018 FD 2018/06/20 RD 2018/06/20 PP Victoria PB University of Victoria LA English OL English LK
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MUND1"><surname>Munday</surname>, <forename>Anthony</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">Chrysanaleia</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2018-06-20">20 Jun. 2018</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>Personography
Cameron Butt
Encoder, research assistant, and copy editor, 2012–13. Cameron completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2013. He minored in French and has a keen interest in Shakespeare, film, media studies, popular culture, and the geohumanities.Roles played in the project
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Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad, associate professor in the department of English at the University of Victoria, is the general editor and coordinator of The Map of Early Modern London. She is also the assistant coordinating editor of Internet Shakespeare Editions. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), and Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, forthcoming). She is currently working on an edition of The Merchant of Venice for ISE and Broadview P. She lectures regularly on London studies, digital humanities, and on Shakespeare in performance.Roles played in the project
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Research assistant, 2013-15, and data manager, 2015 to present. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
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Quinn MacDonald
Undergraduate research assistant and encoder, 2013. Quinn is a fourth-year honours English student at the University of Victoria. Her areas of interest include postcolonial theory and texts, urban agriculture, journalism that isn’t lazy, fine writing, and roller derby. She is the director of community relations for The Warren Undergraduate Review and senior editor of Concrete Garden magazine.Roles played in the project
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Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present; Associate Project Director, 2015–present; Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014; MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
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Michael Stevens
Graduate research assistant, 2012-13. Michael Stevens began his MA at Trinity College Dublin and then transferred to the University of Victoria, where he completed it in early 2013. His research focuses on transnational modernism and geospatial considerations of literature. He prepared a digital map of James Joyce’s Ulysses for his MA project. Michael is a talented photographer and is responsible for taking most of the MoEML team photographs appearing on this site.Roles played in the project
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Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present; Junior Programmer, 2015 to 2017; Research Assistant, 2014 to 2017. Joey Takeda is an MA student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests include diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
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Zaqir Virani
Graduate Research Assistant, 2013-14. Zaqir Virani completed his MA at the University of Victoria in April 2014. He received his BA from Simon Fraser University in 2012, and has worked as a musician, producer, and author of short fiction. His research focuses on the linkage of sound and textual analysis software and the work of Samuel Beckett.Roles played in the project
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Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
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Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sarah Milligan
MoEML Research Affiliate. Research assistant, 2012-14. Sarah Milligan completed her MA at the University of Victoria in 2012 on the invalid persona in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese. She has also worked with the Internet Shakespeare Editions and with Dr. Alison Chapman on the Victorian Poetry Network, compiling an index of Victorian periodical poetry.Roles played in the project
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Sarah Milligan is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Sarah Milligan is mentioned in the following documents:
Roger Ascham is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Faulconer
Thomas Faulconer Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1403—1404 CE. Mayor from 1414—1415 CE. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Built Mooregate.Thomas Faulconer is mentioned in the following documents:
An influential Greek deity with multiple meanings and functions. Since the time of Homer, he has been defined as the god of divine distance.Apollo is mentioned in the following documents:
Stephen Forster
Stephen Forster Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1444—1445 CE. Mayor from 1454—1455 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Possible member of the Grocers’ Company.Stephen Forster is mentioned in the following documents:
Conrad Gessner
(b. 1516, d. 1565)Swiss naturalist, zoologist, and author of the five-volume Historiae animalium, now considered to be a landmark text of modern zoology.Conrad Gessner is mentioned in the following documents:
William Hampton
William Hampton Sheriff Mayor
(d. between 1482 and 1483)Sheriff of London from 1462—1463 CE. Mayor from 1472—1473 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Buried in St. Christopher le Stocks.William Hampton is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Kneseworth is mentioned in the following documents:
Allegorical character representing the city of London. See also the allegorical character representing Roman London, Troya-Nova.London is mentioned in the following documents:
John Lovekyn
John Lovekyn Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1368)Sheriff of London from 1342—1343 CE. Mayor from 1348—1349 CE, 1358—1359 CE, and 1365—1367 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company.John Lovekyn is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Munday
(bap. 1560, d. 1633)Playwright, actor, pageant poet, translator, and writer. Possible member of the Draper’s Company and/or the Merchant Taylor’s Company.Anthony Munday is mentioned in the following documents:
Pliny the Elder
(b. 23, d. 79)Roman naturalist, philosopher, and author of the Naturalis Historia, an encyclopedia of the world.Pliny is mentioned in the following documents:
George Purslowe is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard II
King Richard II
(b. 6 January 1367, d. 1400)King of England and lord of Ireland, and duke of Aquitaine. Son of Edward, the Black Prince.Richard II is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Edmund Shaw is mentioned in the following documents:
Gaius Julius Solinus
Gauis Julius Solinus
(fl. c. 200-c. 250)Third-century Latin grammarian and compiler. Author of De mirabilibus mundi (The Wonders of the World
).Gaius Julius Solinus is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Peter the Apostle is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of time. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Time is mentioned in the following documents:
William Walworth
William Walworth Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1370—1371 CE. Mayor from 1374—1375 CE and from 1380—1381 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company.William Walworth is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Allott
Sir John Allott Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1580—1581 CE. Mayor from 1590—1591 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Died in office.Sir John Allott is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Amcotts is mentioned in the following documents:
A mythical Greek poet and musician. Kidnapped by pirates but rescued by a dolphin attracted by his final song.Arion is mentioned in the following documents:
Aristotle is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Ralph Astry is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Nicholas Brembre
Sir Nicholas Brembre Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1388)Sheriff of London from 1372—1373 CE. Mayor from 1376—1378 CE and from 1383—1386 CE. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Knighted by Richard II for his help in suppressing the Peasant’s Revolt in 1381.Sir Nicholas Brembre is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Hugh Clopton is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Copynger is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Curtes
Sir Thomas Curtes Sheriff Mayor
(fl. between 1546 and 1558)Sheriff of London from 1546—1547 CE. Mayor from 1557—1558 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Buried in St. Dionis Backchurch.Sir Thomas Curtes is mentioned in the following documents:
Pedanius Dioscorides is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Exton is mentioned in the following documents:
London’s Genius
Personification of London’s genius. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.London’s Genius is mentioned in the following documents:
William Hulyn is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Robert Launde
Helped restore order in London following the Peasants’ Revolt in 1381. Knighted by Richard II as a result.Sir Robert Launde is mentioned in the following documents:
John Leman is mentioned in the following documents:
Pomponius Mela is mentioned in the following documents:
Petrus Mexius
Mentioned in Anthony Munday’s Chrysanaleia; possibly an ancient Roman writer.Petrus Mexius is mentioned in the following documents:
John Michell
John Michell Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1414—1415 CE. Mayor from 1424—1425 CE and from 1436—1437 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Not to be confused with John Michell.John Michell is mentioned in the following documents:
King of the Moors
A fictional representation of the king of the Moors. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.King of the Moors is mentioned in the following documents:
Simon de Mordone is mentioned in the following documents:
John Pecche is mentioned in the following documents:
John Perneys is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Philipot
Sir John Philipot Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1384)Sheriff of London from 1372—1373 CE. Mayor from 1378—1379 CE. Possible member of the Grocers’ Company or Fishmongers’ Company. Knighted by Richard II for his help in suppressing the Peasant’s Revolt in 1381.Sir John Philipot is mentioned in the following documents:
Alexander Polyhistor is mentioned in the following documents:
William Remyngton
William Remyngton Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London from 1487—1488 CE. Mayor of London from 1500—1501 CE. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company.William Remyngton is mentioned in the following documents:
John Reynwell is mentioned in the following documents:
(b. between 1137 and 1138, d. 4 March 1193)First sultan of Syria and Egypt and founder of Ayyubid dynasty. Led of Ayyubid army against Crusaders.Saladin is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Ralph Standish
Royal squire. Helped kill Wat Tyler during the Peasants’ Revolt in 1381. Knighted by Richard II as a result.Sir Ralph Standish is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Turke is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Nicholas Twyford
Sir Nicholas Twyford Sheriff Mayor
(d. between 1390 and 1391)Sheriff of London from 1377—1378 CE. Mayor from 1388—1389 CE. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Knighted by Richard II for his help in suppressing the Peasant’s Revolt in 1381.Sir Nicholas Twyford is mentioned in the following documents:
Wat Tyler is mentioned in the following documents:
Antonius Verdierus
Mentioned in Anthony Munday’s Chrysanaleia; possibly an ancient Roman writer.Antonius Verdierus is mentioned in the following documents:
John Wroth is mentioned in the following documents:
Godfrey of Bouillon
(b. 1060, d. 18 July 1100)French nobleman. One of the leaders of the First Crusade and first ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.Godfrey of Bouillon is mentioned in the following documents:
King David
(b. 1040 BCE, d. 970 BCE)Biblical king of Israel and Judah. The Gospels of Matthew and John list him as an ancestor of Jesus.King David is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster Palace is mentioned in the following documents:
Moorgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Cripplegate was one of the original gates in the city wall (Weinreb, Hibbert, Keay, and Keay 221; Harben). It was the northern gate of a large fortress that occupied the northwestern corner of the Roman city.Cripplegate is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Churchyard is mentioned in the following documents:
Smithfield is mentioned in the following documents:
The Mercers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Mercers
The Mercers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Mercers were first in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Mercers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history and bibliography.The coat of arms of the Mercers’ Company, from Stow (1633).[Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Drapers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Drapers
The Drapers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Drapers were third in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Drapers is still active and maintains a website at, with a history and short bibliography.The coat of arms of the Drapers’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Fishmongers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers
The Fishmongers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Fishmongers were fourth in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Company was originally two companies, the Stock-fishmongers and the Salt-fishmongers (or simply Fishmongers). They were united in 1536 under the designation ofThe Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Fishmongers of the City of London
(Herbert 4) The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers is still active and maintains a website at, including a section on their history and heritage.The coat of arms of the Fishmongers’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Goldsmiths’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths
The Goldsmiths’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Goldsmiths were fifth in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths is still active and maintains a website at, with a useful overview of their history and role in the annual Trial of the Pyx.The coat of arms of the Goldsmiths’ Company, from Stow (1633). [Full size image] This organization is mentioned in the following documents: