Survey of London (1633): Temporal Government
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Temporall Government.
Discoursed in briefe manner.
Discoursed in briefe manner.
THIS City of Lon
don being under the
government of the
and Saxons, the most
ancient and famous
City of the whole
Realme, was at length destroyed by the
Danes, and left desolate, as may appeare
by our Histories. But Aelfred King of
the West Saxons, having brought this
whole Realme (from many parts) into
one Monarchie, honorably repaired this
City, and made it againe habitable, and
then committed the custody thereof to
his Sonne in law Adhered, Earle of Mer
cia. After whose decease, the Citie, with
all other possessions pertaining to the
said Earle, returned to King Edward,
sirnamed the Elder, &c. And so remai
ned in the Kings hands, being governed
under him by Portgraves (or Portreves)
which name is compounded of the two
Saxon words,
betokeneth a Towne, and Gerefe
signifieth a Gardian, Ruler or Keeper of
the Towne.
don being under the
government of the
Patent. Ase
rius Mene
rius Mene
and Saxons, the most
ancient and famous
City of the whole
Realme, was at length destroyed by the
Danes, and left desolate, as may appeare
by our Histories. But Aelfred King of
the West Saxons, having brought this
whole Realme (from many parts) into
one Monarchie, honorably repaired this
City, and made it againe habitable, and
then committed the custody thereof to
his Sonne in law Adhered, Earle of Mer
cia. After whose decease, the Citie, with
all other possessions pertaining to the
said Earle, returned to King Edward,
sirnamed the Elder, &c. And so remai
ned in the Kings hands, being governed
under him by Portgraves (or Portreves)
which name is compounded of the two
Saxon words,
Porte and Gerefe or Reve-Porte
betokeneth a Towne, and Gerefe
signifieth a Gardian, Ruler or Keeper of
the Towne.
These Governors of old time (saith Ro
bert Fabian) with the lawes and customes
then used within this Citie,
in a Booke, called the Doomes-day Booke,
written in the Saxon Tongue: but of later
dayes, when the lawes and customes were
changed, and for that also the said Booke
was of a small hand, sore defaced, and hard
to be read or understood; it was lesse set by,
so that it was imbezeled and lost. Thus farre
bert Fabian) with the lawes and customes
then used within this Citie,
Lib. 8. Al
were registred
in a Booke, called the Doomes-day Booke,
written in the Saxon Tongue: but of later
dayes, when the lawes and customes were
changed, and for that also the said Booke
was of a small hand, sore defaced, and hard
to be read or understood; it was lesse set by,
so that it was imbezeled and lost. Thus farre
Notwithstanding, I have found by
search of divers old Registers and other
Records abroad; namely, in a Booke
sometime appertaining to the Monaste
ry of Saint Albans, of the Portgraves,
and other Governours of this City, as
search of divers old Registers and other
Records abroad; namely, in a Booke
sometime appertaining to the Monaste
ry of Saint Albans, of the Portgraves,
and other Governours of this City, as
First, that in the reigne of King Ed
ward the last,
gare was Portgrave, as may appeare by
the Charter of the same King, in these
ward the last,
Citizens of London called Burgesses.
before the conquest,1 Wolfegare was Portgrave, as may appeare by
the Charter of the same King, in these
Edward, King, greeteth Alfward Bishop,
and Wolfgar my Portgrave, and all the Bur
gesses of London. And afterward, that in
another Charter, King Edward greeteth
William, Bishop, and Swetman my Port
grave. And after that, in another Char
ter to the Abbey of Chertsey: To William,
Bishop, and Leofstane and Alffy Port
and Wolfgar my Portgrave, and all the Bur
gesses of London. And afterward, that in
another Charter, King Edward greeteth
William, Bishop, and Swetman my Port
grave. And after that, in another Char
ter to the Abbey of Chertsey: To William,
Bishop, and Leofstane and Alffy Port
In the reigne of William Conqueror,
William, Bishop of London, procured of
the said Conqueror his Charter of Li
berties, to the same William, Bishop, &
Godfrey, Portgrave, in the Saxon tongue,
and turned into English, thus:
William, Bishop of London, procured of
the said Conqueror his Charter of Li
berties, to the same William, Bishop, &
Godfrey, Portgrave, in the Saxon tongue,
and turned into English, thus:
shop, and Godfrey, Portgrave, and all the
Burgesses within London, French, and
English: And I grant that they be all their
law worth, that they were in Edward dayes
the King. And I will that each child bee his
Fathers heire. And I will not suffer that a
ny man doe you wrong: and God you
Charter of William Conqueror.
King, greeteth William, Bishop, and Godfrey, Portgrave, and all the
Burgesses within London, French, and
English: And I grant that they be all their
law worth, that they were in Edward dayes
the King. And I will that each child bee his
Fathers heire. And I will not suffer that a
ny man doe you wrong: and God you
And then in the reigne of the said
Conquerour, and of William Rufus, God
frey de Magnavile was Portgrave, (or
Sheriffe) as may appeare by their Char
Conquerour, and of William Rufus, God
frey de Magnavile was Portgrave, (or
Sheriffe) as may appeare by their Char
and Richard de Par was Provost.In the reigne of King Henry the first,
Hugh Buche was Portgrave, and Leofsta
nus, Goldsmith, Provost, buried at Ber
Hugh Buche was Portgrave, and Leofsta
nus, Goldsmith, Provost, buried at Ber
After them, Aubery de Vere was Port
and Robert Bar Querel, Provost.
This Aubery de Vere was slaine in the
reigne of King Stephen. It is to bee no
ted also, that King Henry the first gran
ted to the Citizens of London, the Shi
rifwicke thereof, and of Middlesex, as in
another place is shewed.
Temporall Government.
and Robert Bar Querel, Provost.
This Aubery de Vere was slaine in the
reigne of King Stephen. It is to bee no
ted also, that King Henry the first gran
ted to the Citizens of London, the Shi
rifwicke thereof, and of Middlesex, as in
another place is shewed.
In the reigne of King Stephen,
Becket was Portgrave, and Andrew Bu
chevet, Provost.
Becket was Portgrave, and Andrew Bu
chevet, Provost.
After him, Godfrey Magnavile, the
Sonne of VVilliam, the Sonne of God
frey Magnavile, by the gift of Maud the
Empresse, was Portgrave or Sheriffe of
London and Middlesex, for the yeerely
farme of three hundred pound, as ap
peareth by the Charter.
Sonne of VVilliam, the Sonne of God
frey Magnavile, by the gift of Maud the
Empresse, was Portgrave or Sheriffe of
London and Middlesex, for the yeerely
farme of three hundred pound, as ap
peareth by the Charter.
In the time of King Henry the se
cond, Peter Fitz Walter was Portgrave;
after him Iohn Fitz Nigel was Port
grave, after him, Ernulfus Buchel became
Portgrave; and after him VVilliam Fitz
cond, Peter Fitz Walter was Portgrave;
after him Iohn Fitz Nigel was Port
grave, after him, Ernulfus Buchel became
Portgrave; and after him VVilliam Fitz
These Portgraves are also in divers
Records called,
or Sheriffes, as being under an Earle;
for that they then, as since, used that of
fice as the Sheriffes of London doe till
this day. Some Authors do call them
Doomes-men, Eldermen, or Iudges of the
Kings Court.
Records called,
graves, since cal
led She
riffes, and Iudges of the Kings Court, & have ther
fore Vn
riffes, men lear
ned in the law, to sit in their Courts. Doomes
men, or Iudges of the Kings Court.
Vicecomites, Vicounties,
graves, since cal
led She
riffes, and Iudges of the Kings Court, & have ther
fore Vn
riffes, men lear
ned in the law, to sit in their Courts. Doomes
men, or Iudges of the Kings Court.
or Sheriffes, as being under an Earle;
for that they then, as since, used that of
fice as the Sheriffes of London doe till
this day. Some Authors do call them
Doomes-men, Eldermen, or Iudges of the
Kings Court.
VVilliam Fitz Stephen, noting the e
state of this City, & Government there
of in his time, under the reigne of King
Stephen, and of Henry the second, hath
these words:
state of this City, & Government there
of in his time, under the reigne of King
Stephen, and of Henry the second, hath
these words:
This Citie (faith he) even as Rome, is
divided into VVards, it hath yeerely She
riffes in stead of Consuls, it hath the dignity
of Senators and Aldermen, it hath Vnder-officers,
and according to the qualitie of
Lawes, it hath severall Courts, and generall
Assemblies upon appointed dayes.
divided into VVards, it hath yeerely She
riffes in stead of Consuls, it hath the dignity
of Senators and Aldermen, it hath Vnder-officers,
and according to the qualitie of
Lawes, it hath severall Courts, and generall
Assemblies upon appointed dayes.
Thus much for the antiquity of She
riffes, and also of Aldermen in severall
Wards of this Citie may suffice: and
now for the name of Bayliffes, and after
that, of Maiors as followeth.
riffes, and also of Aldermen in severall
Wards of this Citie may suffice: and
now for the name of Bayliffes, and after
that, of Maiors as followeth.
In the first yeere of King Richard the
bee governed by two Bailiffes, which
Bailiffes are in divers ancient dceds cal
led Sheriffes, according to the speech of
the Law, which called the Shire Balliva,
for that they (like as the Portgraves)
used the same office of Shrivewicke, for
the which the City paid to fee-farme,
300. l. yeerely as before, since the
reigne of Henry the first, which also is
yet paid by the City into the Exchequer
untill this day.
Bailiffes of London.
the Citizens of London obtained to
bee governed by two Bailiffes, which
Bailiffes are in divers ancient dceds cal
led Sheriffes, according to the speech of
the Law, which called the Shire Balliva,
for that they (like as the Portgraves)
used the same office of Shrivewicke, for
the which the City paid to fee-farme,
300. l. yeerely as before, since the
reigne of Henry the first, which also is
yet paid by the City into the Exchequer
untill this day.
They also obtained to have a Maior,
to bee their principall Governour and
Lieutenant of the City, as of the Kings
to bee their principall Governour and
Lieutenant of the City, as of the Kings
1189 The names of the first Bailiffes
or Officers, entring into their office
at the Feast of S. Michael2 the Arch
angell, in the yeere of Christ 1189.
were named Henry Cornehill, and Ri
chard Reynere, Bailiffes or Sheriffes.
Their first Maior was Henry Fitz-Alwin,
Draper, appointed by the said
King, and continued Maior from the
first of Richard the first, untill the 15. of
King Iohn, which was 24. yeeres and
somewhat more.
or Officers, entring into their office
at the Feast of S. Michael2 the Arch
angell, in the yeere of Christ 1189.
were named Henry Cornehill, and Ri
chard Reynere, Bailiffes or Sheriffes.
Their first Maior was Henry Fitz-Alwin,
Draper, appointed by the said
King, and continued Maior from the
first of Richard the first, untill the 15. of
King Iohn, which was 24. yeeres and
somewhat more.
1191 The third Sheriffes,
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
1192 The fourth,
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
1193 The fifth,
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
1194 The sixth,
Temporall Government.
VVilliam Fitz-Arnold:—
Maior, Henry Fitz Alwin.
An. Dom. 1195 The seventh
Robert Durant:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1197 The ninth
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1198 The tenth
Robert le Beau:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
King Iohn began his reigne the sixth of
April 1199.
April 1199.
An. Dom. 1199 The first of King Iohn,
Richard Fitz Bartholomew:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
King Iohn granted the Sheriffe
wicke of London, and Middlesex, to the
Citizens thereof, as King Henry the first
before had done, for the summe of 300. l. yeerely. Also he gave them authori
ty to chuse and deprive their Sheriffs at
their pleasure.
wicke of London, and Middlesex, to the
Citizens thereof, as King Henry the first
before had done, for the summe of 300. l. yeerely. Also he gave them authori
ty to chuse and deprive their Sheriffs at
their pleasure.
An. Dom. 1200 The second
Iames Bartholemew:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1201 The third
Simon de Aldermanbury:—
Maior, Henry Alwin.
An. Dom. 1202 The fourth
Iohn de Ely:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1203 The fifth
VV. Chamberlaine:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
VValter Brune, and Rosia his wife,
founded the Hospitall of Saint Mary
without Bishopsgate, commonly cal
led, Saint Mary Spittle.
founded the Hospitall of Saint Mary
without Bishopsgate, commonly cal
led, Saint Mary Spittle.
An. Dom. 1204 The sixth
Hamond Brond:—
Maior Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1205 The seventh
Richard de VVinchester:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1206 The eighth
Edmund Fitz-Gerard:—
Edmund Hard Le:—
Maior, Henry Firz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1208 The tenth
Thomas Neale:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
The King by his Letters Patents
granted to the Citizens of London liber
ty and authority, yeerely to chuse them
selves a Maior.
granted to the Citizens of London liber
ty and authority, yeerely to chuse them
selves a Maior.
An. Dom. 1209 The eleventh
William Blound:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1210 The twelfth
Stephen le Grasse:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1211. The thirteenth
Iohn Garland:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1212 The foureteenth
Constantine Iosue:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
This Henry Fitz-Alwin deceased,
and was buried in the Parish Church of
S. Mary Bothaw, neere to London Stone,
where he dwelt.
and was buried in the Parish Church of
S. Mary Bothaw, neere to London Stone,
where he dwelt.
An. Dom. 1213. The fifteenth
Peter Bate:—
Maior, Roger Fitz-Alwin.
1214 The sixteenth
Hugh Basing:—
Andrew Newland:—
Maior, VVilliam Hardel.
1216 The first
William Bluntivers:—
Temporall Government.
Ralph Holyland:—
Iohn le Spicer:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
1219 The fourth
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
1220 The fifth
Iohn Veil:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
1221 The sixth
Thomas Lambart:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
1222 The seventh
Thomas Lambart:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
Constantine Fitz-Arnulph raysed great
troubles in this Citie, and was hanged
with his Nephew and other.
troubles in this Citie, and was hanged
with his Nephew and other.
1223 The eighth
Andrew Bokerel:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
1224 The ninth
Andrew Bokerel:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
The King granted to the Comminal
tie of London, to have a common Scale.
tie of London, to have a common Scale.
1225 The tenth
Martin Fitz-William:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
1226 The eleventh
Martin Fitz William:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
This yeere the King confirmed to the
Citizens of London free Warren, or li
bertie to hunt a certaine circuite about
the Citie, in the Warren of Stanes, &c.
And also, that the Citizens of London
should passe tol-free throughout all En
and that the Keddles, or Weres
in the River of Thames, and Midway,
should be plucked up and destroyed for
ever, &c. Patent 11. Henry 3.
Citizens of London free Warren, or li
bertie to hunt a certaine circuite about
the Citie, in the Warren of Stanes, &c.
And also, that the Citizens of London
should passe tol-free throughout all En
and that the Keddles, or Weres
in the River of Thames, and Midway,
should be plucked up and destroyed for
ever, &c. Patent 11. Henry 3.
1227 The twelfth
Henry Cecham:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Roger Duke.
The liberties and Franchises of Lon
were ratified, and the King granted,
that either Sheriffe should have two
Clerkes, and two Serjeants: also, that
the Citizens should have a common
were ratified, and the King granted,
that either Sheriffe should have two
Clerkes, and two Serjeants: also, that
the Citizens should have a common
1228 The thirteenth
Henry Cocham:—
Maior, Roger Duke.
1229 The foureteenth
Robert Fitz Iohn:—
Maior, Roger Duke.
1230 The fifteenth
Iohn de VVoborne:—
Maior, Roger Duke.
1231 The sixteenth
VValter de Enfield:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1232 The seventeenth
Gerard Bat:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1233 The eighteenth
Roger Blunt:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1234 The nineteenth
Iohn Norman:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1235 The twentith
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1236 The one and twentith
Iordan of Coventry:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1237 The two and twentith
Gervais the Cordwainer:
Maior, Richard Renger.
1239 The foure and twentith
Ralph Ashwy:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, VVilliam Ioyner.
This VVilliam Ioyner, builded the
Quire of the Gray Friers Church in Lon
and became a Lay brother of that
Quire of the Gray Friers Church in Lon
and became a Lay brother of that
1240 The five and twentieth
Michael Tony:—
Maior, Gerard Bat.
This yeere Aldermen of London were
chosen, and changed yeerely, but that
order lasted not long. Gerard Bat was a
gaine elected Maior for that yeere to
come, but the King would not admit
him, being charged with taking mo
ney of the Victuallers in the precedent
chosen, and changed yeerely, but that
order lasted not long. Gerard Bat was a
gaine elected Maior for that yeere to
come, but the King would not admit
him, being charged with taking mo
ney of the Victuallers in the precedent
1241 The six and twentieth
Iohn Voyle:—
1242 The seven and twentieth
Ralph Ashwy:—
1243 The eight and twentieth
Adam Basing:—
Maior, Ralph Ashwy.
1244 The nine and twentieth
Nicholas Bat:—
Maior, Michael Tony.
1245 The thirtieth
Adam of Bewley:—
Lawrence Frowicke:—
Maior, Iohn Gisors.
Simon Fitz-Mary, founded the Hos
pitall of Mary, called Bethelem without
Bishopsgate. Queene Hith was now let to
farme to the Citizens of London.
pitall of Mary, called Bethelem without
Bishopsgate. Queene Hith was now let to
farme to the Citizens of London.
1247 The two and thirtieth
Nicholas Bat:—
Maior, Peter Fitz-Alwin.
1248 The three and thirtieth
Geffrey VVinchester:—
Maior, Michael Tony.
1249 The foure and thirtie
Iohn Tolason:—
Maior, Roger Fitz-Roger.
1250 The five and thirtieth
VVilliam Fitz-Richard:—
Maior, Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
The King now granted, that the
Maior should be presented to the Ba
rons of the Exchequer, and they should
admit him.
Maior should be presented to the Ba
rons of the Exchequer, and they should
admit him.
1251 The six and thirtieth
Nicholas Bat:—
Maior, Adam Basing.
1252 The seven and thirtieth
Thomas VVimborne:—
Maior, Iohn Tolason, Draper.
The Liberties of this City were sei
zed, and the Maior charged, that he
looked not to the Assise of bread.
zed, and the Maior charged, that he
looked not to the Assise of bread.
1253 The eighth and thirtieth
Richard Picard:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
1254 The nine and thirtieth
Robert of Limon:—
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
1255 The fortieth
Henry Walmond:—
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
The Maior, divers Aldermen, and
the Sheriffes of London were deprived,
and other placed in their roomes.
the Sheriffes of London were deprived,
and other placed in their roomes.
1256 The one and fortieth
Iohn the Minor:—
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
1257 The two and fortieth
William Ashwy:—
Maior, Richard Hardell; Draper.
The King caused the walles of this
Citie to bee repaired, and made with
Citie to bee repaired, and made with
1258 The three and fortieth
Iohn Adrian:—
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
1259 The foure and fortieth
Robert Cornhill:—
Maior, Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
1260 The five and fortieth
Henry Coventrie:—
Maior, William Fitz-Richard.
1261 The six and fortieth
Richard Picard:—
Maior, William Fitz-Richard.
1262 The seven and fortieth
Richard Walbrooke:
Maior, Thomas Fitz-Richard.
1263 The eight and fortieth
Osbert de Suffolke:—
Maior, Thomas Fitz-Richard.
1264 The nine and fortieth
Thomas de Detford:—
Peter Anger:—
Maior, Thomas Fitz-Thomas Fitz-Richard.
The Chaines and Posts in London
were plucked up, the Maior and prin
cipall Citizens committed to Ward,
and Otho Constable of the Tower, was
made Custos of the Citie, &c.
were plucked up, the Maior and prin
cipall Citizens committed to Ward,
and Otho Constable of the Tower, was
made Custos of the Citie, &c.
1266 The one and fiftieth
Iohn Walraven:—
The Earle of Gloucester entred the
Citie with an Army, and therein buil
ded Bulwarkes, cast Trenches, &c.
Citie with an Army, and therein buil
ded Bulwarkes, cast Trenches, &c.
1267 The two and fiftieth
Lucas de Batencourt:—
This Alen de la Souch, being a Baron
of this Realme, and also chiefe Iustice,
was in the yeere 1270. slaine in West
Hall, by Iohn warren Earle of
of this Realme, and also chiefe Iustice,
was in the yeere 1270. slaine in West
Hall, by Iohn warren Earle of
Thomas Fitz-Theobald, and Agnes his
wife, this yeere founded the Hospitall
of Saint Thomas of Acon in Westcheape.
wife, this yeere founded the Hospitall
of Saint Thomas of Acon in Westcheape.
1268 The three and fiftieth▪
William Duresme:—
A variance fell in London betweene
the Goldsmiths and the Taylors, wher
through many men were slaine.
the Goldsmiths and the Taylors, wher
through many men were slaine.
1269 The foure and fiftieth
Robert Cornehill:—
1270 The five and fiftieth
Philip Tailor:—
1271 The six and fiftieth
Henry Walleys:—
Maior, Iohn Adrian Vintner.
The steeple of Bow Church in Cheape
fell downe, and slew many people.
fell downe, and slew many people.
1272 The
Temporall Government.
1272 The seven and fiftieth
Iohn de Wodeley:—
1273 The first
Walter Potter:—
Maior, Sir Walter Harvy, Knight.
1274 The second
Henry Coventry:—
Maior, Henry Walleis.
1275 The third
Henry Frowicke:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley; chiefe Say
master of all the Kings Mints through
out all England, and keeper of the Kings
Exchange at London.
1276 The fourth
Ralph Blunt:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1277 The fifth
Ralph L. Fewre:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1278 The sixth
Walter Langley:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1279 The seventh
William le Meyre:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1280 The eighth
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1281 The ninth
Nicholas Winchester:—
Maior, Gregory Rakesley.
This William Farendon, Goldsmith,
one of the Sheriffes was Father to Ni
cholas Farendon: Of these two Faringden
Ward tooke that name.
one of the Sheriffes was Father to Ni
cholas Farendon: Of these two Faringden
Ward tooke that name.
1282 The tenth
Richard Chigwel:—
Maior, Henry Walleis.
This Henry Walleis builded the Tun
upon Cornehill, to bee a Prison, and the
Stocks to be a Market-house.
upon Cornehill, to bee a Prison, and the
Stocks to be a Market-house.
1283 The eleventh
Temporall Government.
Maior, Henry Walleis.
1284. The twelfth
Martin Box:—
Maior, Henry Walleis.
1285 The thirteenth
Roberts Rokesley:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley;
It was ordained, that Millers should
have but one halfe-penny for a quarter
of Wheat grinding: and the great water
Conduit in Cheape was now begun to be
have but one halfe-penny for a quarter
of Wheat grinding: and the great water
Conduit in Cheape was now begun to be
1286 The foureteenth
Iohn Wade:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1287 The fifteenth
Walter Hawteyne:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1288 The sixteenth
Thomas Stanes:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1289 The seventeenth
Iohn of Canturbury:—
This yeere a Subsidie was granted,
for the reparations of London-bridge.
for the reparations of London-bridge.
1290 The eighteenth
Custos, Sir Iohn Briton, Knight.
1291 The nineteenth
W. de Leyre:—
1292 The twentieth
Hamond Box:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1293 The one and twentieth
Henry Bell, or Bole,—
Elias Russell:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
Three men had their right hands cut
off at the Standard in Cheape, for rescu
ing of a prisoner, arrested by a Sergeant
of London.
off at the Standard in Cheape, for rescu
ing of a prisoner, arrested by a Sergeant
of London.
1294 The two and twentieth
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1295 The three and twentieth
Richard Gloucester:—
Adam de Halingbery:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Briton.
This yeere all the Liberties of the Ci
ty were restored, the Mairalty excepted.
ty were restored, the Mairalty excepted.
1297 The five and twentieth
Adam of Fulham:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Briton.
1298 The six and twentith
Thomas Sely:—
Maior, Henry Walleis.
Certaine Citizens of London brake up
the Tunne upon Cornehill, and tooke out
prisoners, for the which they were grie
vously punished.
the Tunne upon Cornehill, and tooke out
prisoners, for the which they were grie
vously punished.
1299 The seven and twentieth
Maior, Elias Russell.
1300 The eighth and twentieth
Richard Champnes:—
Maior, Elias Russell.
1301 The nine and twentieth
Peter de Besenho:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt, Knight.
1302 The thirtieth
Simon Paris:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
1303 The one and thirtieth
Iohn de Burford:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
1304 The two and thirtieth
Iohn de Lincolne:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
Geffrey Hertelepole, Alderman, was
elected to bee Recorder of London, and
tooke his oath, and was appointed to
weare his apparell as an Alderman.
elected to bee Recorder of London, and
tooke his oath, and was appointed to
weare his apparell as an Alderman.
1305 The three and thirtieth
Reginald Thunderley:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.9
1306 The foure and thirtieth
Simon Billet:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
Seacoale was forbidden to bee bur
ned in London, Southwarke, &c.
ned in London, Southwarke, &c.
1307 The first
Nigellus Drury:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
1308 The second▪
Iames Butteler:—
Iames of S. Edmond:—
Maior, Thomas Romaine.
1310 The fourth
Peter Blackney:—
Maior, Richard Reffam, Mercer.
The King commanded the Maior and
communaltie to make the Wall of Lon
from Ludgate to Fleetbridge, and
from thence to the Thames.
communaltie to make the Wall of Lon
from Ludgate to Fleetbridge, and
from thence to the Thames.
1311 The fifth
Richard Wilford:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
Order was taken that Merchant-strangers
should sell their wares within
forty dayes after their arrivall, or else
the same to be forfeited.
should sell their wares within
forty dayes after their arrivall, or else
the same to be forfeited.
1312 The sixth
Adam Lutkin:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
1313 The seventh
Hugh Garton:—
Maior, Nicholas Faringdon, Goldsmith.
Prices set on victuals: a fat stalled
Oxe, 24. shillings, a fat Mutton, 20.
pence, a fat Goose, two pence halfe pen
ny, a fat Capon, two pence; a fat Hen,
one penny; two Chickens, one penny;
three Pigeons, one penny; 24. egges
one penny, &c.
Oxe, 24. shillings, a fat Mutton, 20.
pence, a fat Goose, two pence halfe pen
ny, a fat Capon, two pence; a fat Hen,
one penny; two Chickens, one penny;
three Pigeons, one penny; 24. egges
one penny, &c.
1314 The eighth
Maior, Sir Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
Famine and mortality of people, so
that the quicke might unneath bury the
dead, horse flesh, and dogs flesh was
good meate.
that the quicke might unneath bury the
dead, horse flesh, and dogs flesh was
good meate.
1315 The ninth
William Bodeleigh:—
Maior, Stephen de Abingdon.
1316 The tenth
Ralph Balancer:—
Maior, Iohn Wingrave.
An earely Harvest: a Bushell of
Wheate that had beene sold for tenne
shillings, was now sold for tenne pence,
Wheate that had beene sold for tenne
shillings, was now sold for tenne pence,
1317 The eleventh
Maior, Iohn Wingrave.
Temporall Government.
Such a murren of Kine, that Dogs
and Ravens that fed on them were poi
and Ravens that fed on them were poi
1318 The twelfth
Iohn Dalling:—
Maior, Iohn Wingrave.
1319 The thirteenth
I. Preston:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.
Iohn Gisors, late Maior of London, and
many other Citizens fled the City, for
things layd to their charge.
many other Citizens fled the City, for
things layd to their charge.
1320 The foureteenth
Maior, Nicholas Farengdon, Goldsmith.
1321 The fifteenth
Richard de Hackney:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.10
Richard de Ely:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.12
Fish and Flesh market established at
the Stockes, in the midst of the Citie.
the Stockes, in the midst of the Citie.
1323 The seventeenth
Iohn of Oxford:—
Maior, Nicholas Farengdon, Goldsmith.
1324 The eighteenth
Iohn Cawson:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.13
1325 The nineteenth
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.14
The Citizens of London tooke the
Bishop of Excester, and cut off his head
at the Standard in Cheape.
Bishop of Excester, and cut off his head
at the Standard in Cheape.
1326 The twentieth
Roger Chaunteclere:—
Maior, Richard Britaine, Goldsmith.
This King Edward granted, that the
Maior should be Iustice for the Gaole
delivery at Newgate, that the Citizens
of London should not be constrained to
go out of the City of London to any
Warre. More hee granted, that the Li
berties & Franchises of the City should
not, after this time (for any cause) bee
taken into the Kings hands, &c. More
he granted by his Letters Patents, dated
the sixth of March, that no Escheter
should bee in the Citie, but the Maior
for his time only.
Maior should be Iustice for the Gaole
delivery at Newgate, that the Citizens
of London should not be constrained to
go out of the City of London to any
Warre. More hee granted, that the Li
berties & Franchises of the City should
not, after this time (for any cause) bee
taken into the Kings hands, &c. More
he granted by his Letters Patents, dated
the sixth of March, that no Escheter
should bee in the Citie, but the Maior
for his time only.
1327 The first
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.15
Henry Combmartin:—
Maior, Iohn Grantham, Grocer.
1329 The third
William Gisors:
Maior, Richard Swandland.
1330 The fourth
Thomas Whorwode:
1331 The fifth
Andrew Aubery:—
Iohn Preston, Draper,
This yeere was founded Elsing Spittle,
by W. Elsing, Mercer, that became first
Prior of that Hospitall.
by W. Elsing, Mercer, that became first
Prior of that Hospitall.
1333 The seventh
William Hansard:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Puleney, Drapes.
1334 The eighth
Iohn Kingstone, or Kington,
Walter Turke:—
Maior, Reginald at the Conduit,
1335 The ninth
Richard Vpton:—
Temporall Government.
1336 The tenth
W. Curtes:
Maior, Sir Iohn Pultney, Draper.
This Sir Iohn Pultney founded a Col
ledge in the Parish Church of S. Law
rence Pountney, by Candlewicke streete.
ledge in the Parish Church of S. Law
rence Pountney, by Candlewicke streete.
1337 The eleventh
Nicholas Crane:—
Maior, Henry Darcy.
1338 The twelfth
Maior, Henry Darcy.
The King granted, that the Sergeants
of the Maior and Sheriffes of London,
should beare Maces of Silver and gilt,
with the Kings Armes engraven on
of the Maior and Sheriffes of London,
should beare Maces of Silver and gilt,
with the Kings Armes engraven on
1339 The thirteenth
Roger Frosham:—
Andrew Aubery, Grocer,
1340 The foureteenth
Bartlemew Moris:—
Maior, Andrew Aubery, Grocer.
1341 The fifteenth
Iohn de Rokesley:—
Maior, Iohn of Oxenford, Vintner.
1342 The sixteenth
Richard Killingbery:—
Maior, Simon Francis, Mercer.
1343 The seventeenth
Iohn Aylesham:—
Maior, Iohn Hamond.
1344 The eighteenth
Thomas Leg:—
Iohn of Gloucester:
1346 The twentieth
William Clopton:
Maior, Geffrey Witchingham.
1347 The one and twentieth
Maior, Thomas Leggy, Skinner.
1348 The two and twentieth
Simon Dolseby:—
Maior, Iohn Loufkin Fishmonger.
A great Pest. Sir Walter Manny,
knight, now founded the Charter-house16
by Smithfield, to bee a buriall for the
knight, now founded the Charter-house16
by Smithfield, to bee a buriall for the
1349 The three and twentieth
Ralph of Lynne:—
Maior, Walter Turke, Fishmonger.
1350 The foure and twentieth
William of Worcester:—
Maior, Richard Killingbury.
1351 The five and twentieth
Gilbert of Stenineshorp:—
Maior, Andrew Aubery.
1352 The six and twentieth
Iohn Stotley:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Adam Francis, Mercer.
This Maior procured an Act of Par
liament, that no knowne whore should
weare any hood, or attire on her head,
except reyed, or striped cloth of divers
colours, &c.
liament, that no knowne whore should
weare any hood, or attire on her head,
except reyed, or striped cloth of divers
colours, &c.
1353 The seven and twentieth
Iohn Little:—
Maior, Adam Francis, Mercer.
This Adam Francis was one of the
Founders of the Colledge in Guild-Hal
Chappell, &c. H. Frowicke was the o
Founders of the Colledge in Guild-Hal
Chappell, &c. H. Frowicke was the o
1354 The eight and twentieth
Richard Smelt:—
Aldermen of London were used to be
changed yeerely, but now it was ordai
ned, that they should not be removed,
without some speciall cause.
changed yeerely, but now it was ordai
ned, that they should not be removed,
without some speciall cause.
1355 The nine and twentieth
Thomas Brandon:—
Maior, Simon Francis, Mercer.
1356 The thirtieth
Thomas Dolssel:—
Maior, Henry Picard, Vintner.
This Henry Picard feasted the Kings
of England, of France, Cypres, and Scots,
with other great Estates, all in one
of England, of France, Cypres, and Scots,
with other great Estates, all in one
1357 The one and thirtieth
Bartholmew Frostling:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Stody, Vintner.
1358 The two and thirtieth
Iohn Buris:—
Walter Berny:—
Maior, Iohn Wroth, Fishmonger.
1361 The five and thirtieth
Iames Tame:
Maior, Iohn Peche, Fishmonger.
1362 The six and thirtieth
Iames Andrew:—
Maior, Stephen Candish, Draper.
1363 The seven and thirtieth
Iohn Hiltoft:—
Maior, Iohn Not, Grocer.
1364 The three and fortieth
Simon de Mordon:—
Maior, Adam of Bury, Skinner.
1365 The nine and thirtieth
1366 The fortieth
Maior, Iohn Loufkin, Fishmonger.18
1367 The one and fortieth
William Dickeman:—
Maior, Iames Andrew, Draper.
1368 The two and fortieth
Adam Wimondham:—
Temporall Government.
Maior Simon Mordon, Stockfish
This yeere Wheat was sold for two
shillings six pence the bushell.
shillings six pence the bushell.
1369 The three and fortieth
Hugh Holdich:—
Maior, Iohn Chichester, Goldsmith.
1370 The foure and fortieth
Robert Gayton:—
Maior, Iohn Barnes, Mercer.
1371 The five and fortieth
Robert Hatfield:—
Maior, Iohn Barnes, Mercer.
1372 The six and fortieth
Nicholas Brembar:—
Maior, Iohn Piel, Mercer.
1373 The seven and fortieth
Iohn Fished:
Maior, Adam of Bury, Skinner.
1374 The eight and fortieth
William Woodhouse:—
Maior, William Walworth, Fish
1375 The nine and fortieth
William Newport:
Maior, Iohn Ward, Grocer.
1376 The fiftieth
Robert Laund:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Adam Staple, Mercer.
The Londoners meant to have slaine
Iohn, Duke of Lancaster: Adam Staple,
Maior, put downe, and Nicholas Brem
elected. Also the Aldermen were
deposed and other set in their places.
Iohn, Duke of Lancaster: Adam Staple,
Maior, put downe, and Nicholas Brem
elected. Also the Aldermen were
deposed and other set in their places.
1377 The first
Andrew Pikeman:—
Maior, Sir Nicholas Brembar, Gro
Iohn Philpot, a Citizen of London,
sent Ships to the Sea and scoured it of
Pirats, taking many of them prisoners.
sent Ships to the Sea and scoured it of
Pirats, taking many of them prisoners.
1378 The second
Thomas Cornwalis:—
Maior, Iohn Philpot, Grocer.
1379 The third
William Barrat:—
Maior, Iohn Hadley, Grocer.
1380 The fourth
William Knighthode:—
Maior, William Walworth, Fishmon
This William walworth arrested Wat
Tiler, the Rebell, and this yeere was
Knighted. Hee increased the Parish
Church of Saint Michael in Crooked-lane,
and founded there a Colledge. O
ther Aldermen were also then Knigh
ted with him, for their service in the
Tiler, the Rebell, and this yeere was
Knighted. Hee increased the Parish
Church of Saint Michael in Crooked-lane,
and founded there a Colledge. O
ther Aldermen were also then Knigh
ted with him, for their service in the
1381 The fifth
Iohn Hynde:—
Maior, Iohn Northampton, Draper.
1382 The sixth
Iohn Sely:—
Maior, Iohn Northampton, Draper, or
rather Skinner, as I find in some Record.
rather Skinner, as I find in some Record.
1383 The seventh
Iohn More:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Nicholas Brembar, Grocer.
Iohn Northampton, late Maior of Lon
was committed to perpetuall pri
son and his goods confiscated.
was committed to perpetuall pri
son and his goods confiscated.
1384 The eighth
Iohn French:—
1385 The ninth
Iohn Churchman:—
Maior, Sir Nicholas Brembar, Grocer.
The foresaid Iohn Churchman now
builded the Custome-house, neere to
the Tower of London, and did many o
ther workes for the commodity of this
builded the Custome-house, neere to
the Tower of London, and did many o
ther workes for the commodity of this
1386 The tenth
W. More:—
Maior, Nicholas Exton, Fishmonger.
This yeere the Citizens of London,
fearing the French, pulled downe hou
ses neere about their Citie, repaired
their Wals, and cleansed their dit
ches, &c.
fearing the French, pulled downe hou
ses neere about their Citie, repaired
their Wals, and cleansed their dit
ches, &c.
1387 The eleventh
William Venor, or Vinor,—
Hugh Falstalfe:—
Maior, Nicholas Exton, Fishmonger.
1388 The twelfth
Adam Carlehul:—
1389 The thirteenth
Iohn Love:—
1390 The fourteenth
Thomas Vivent:—
Maior, Adam Bamme, Goldsmith.
This Adam Bamme provided from
beyond the Seas, Corne in great abun
dance, so that the City was well able to
serve the Countrey.
beyond the Seas, Corne in great abun
dance, so that the City was well able to
serve the Countrey.
1391 The fifteenth
Henry Vamere:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Iohn Hind, Draper.
This Maior was, for displeasure ta
ken, sent to Windsor Castle, and the
King made a Custos or Warden of the
ken, sent to Windsor Castle, and the
King made a Custos or Warden of the
1392 The sixteenth
Thomas Newington:—
Maior, William Stondon, Grocer.
1393 The seventeenth
Richard Whitington:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Hardley, Grocer.
Faringdon Ward was now by Parlia
ment appointed to bee divided into
two Wards, to wit, infra, & extra.
ment appointed to bee divided into
two Wards, to wit, infra, & extra.
1394 The eighteenth
Thomas Knoles:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Froyshe, Mercer.
1395 The nineteenth
William Sevenoke:—
Maior, Sir William More, Vintner.
1396 The twentieth
William Parker:—
Maior, Adam Browne, Goldsmith.
1397 The one and twentieth
William Ascham:—
Maior, Sir Richard Whitington, Mer
1398 The two and twentieth
Temporall Government.
Iohn Warnar:—
Maior, Sir Drew Barentin, Goldsmith.
1399 The first
Maior, Sir Thomas Knoles, Grocer.
1400 The second
William Ebot:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Francis, Goldsmith.
1401 The third
Iohn Fremingham:—
1403 The fourth
Robert Chicheley:—
Maior, Iohn Walcote, Draper.
1403 The fifth
Thomas Poole:—
Maior, Sir William Ascham, Fish-monger,
1404 The sixth
Stephen Spilman:—
Maior, Iohn Hind, Draper.
William Cromer:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Woodcocke, Mercer.
This Maior caused all the Weres in
the River of Thames, from Stanes to
the River of Medwey, to bee destroyed,
and the Trinkes to be burned, &c.
the River of Thames, from Stanes to
the River of Medwey, to bee destroyed,
and the Trinkes to be burned, &c.
1406 The eighth
Geffrey Brooke:—
Maior, Sir William Stondon, Grocer.
1408 The tenth
William Norton:—
Maior, Sir Drew Barentine, Gold
1409 The eleventh
Iohn Law,—
William Chichley:—
A great play at Skinners well, which
lasted eight dayes, and was of mat
ter from the creation of the World:
the most part of all the great Estates of
England were there to behold it.
lasted eight dayes, and was of mat
ter from the creation of the World:
the most part of all the great Estates of
England were there to behold it.
1410 The twelfth
Thomas Pike:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Knowles, Gro
1411 The thirteenth
William Cotton:—
Maior, Sir Robert Chichley, Grocer.
1412 The foureteenth
William Sevenoke:—
Iohn Michaell:—
Maior, Sir William Cromar, Draper.
Sir Iohn Oldcastle assembled a great
power in Fickets field in London, which
power was overcome and taken by the
King and his power.
power in Fickets field in London, which
power was overcome and taken by the
King and his power.
1414 The second
Thomas Alen:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Falconer, Mercer.
This Maior caused the Posterne cal
led Moregate to be builded, and he lent
to the King 10000. markes upon Iew
els, &c.
led Moregate to be builded, and he lent
to the King 10000. markes upon Iew
els, &c.
1415 The third
Allen Everard,—
1416 The fourth
Iohn Coventrie:—
Maior, Sir Henry Barton, Skinner.
This Henry Barton ordained Lan
thornes with Lights, to bee hanged
out on the Winter evenings, betwixt
Hallontide and Candlemasse.
thornes with Lights, to bee hanged
out on the Winter evenings, betwixt
Hallontide and Candlemasse.
1417 The fifth
Iohn Gedney:—
Maior, Sir Richard Marlow, Iron
1418 The sixth
Maior, VVilliam Sevenoke.
Temporall Government.
This Willam Sevenoke, sonne to Wil
liam Rumsched of Sevenoke in Kent, was
by his Father bound an apprentice with
Hugh de Bois20 a Citizen and Ferrer of
London, for a tearme of yeares, which
being expired in the yeere 1394. the
eighteenth of Richard the second, Iohn
Hadley being Maior of London, and Ste
phen Spilman, Chamberlaine of the
Guild-Hall: hee alledged, that his ma
ster had used the trade or mystery of a
Grocer, and not of a Ferrer, and there
fore required to bee made free of the
Grocers Company, which was granted.
This William Sevenoke, founded in the
towne of Sevenoke in Kent, a free.
Schoole, and Almes-houses for the
liam Rumsched of Sevenoke in Kent, was
by his Father bound an apprentice with
Hugh de Bois20 a Citizen and Ferrer of
London, for a tearme of yeares, which
being expired in the yeere 1394. the
eighteenth of Richard the second, Iohn
Hadley being Maior of London, and Ste
phen Spilman, Chamberlaine of the
Guild-Hall: hee alledged, that his ma
ster had used the trade or mystery of a
Grocer, and not of a Ferrer, and there
fore required to bee made free of the
Grocers Company, which was granted.
This William Sevenoke, founded in the
towne of Sevenoke in Kent, a free.
Schoole, and Almes-houses for the
1419 The seventh
Iohn Butler:—
Iohn Welles:—
Maior, William Cambridge, Grocer.
1421 The ninth
William Weston:—
Maior, Sir Robert Chichley, Grocer.
This Maior gave one plot of ground
thereunto, to build the Parish
Church of Saint Stephen upon Wal
thereunto, to build the Parish
Church of Saint Stephen upon Wal
1422 The first
Robert Tatarsal:—
Maior, Sir William Walderne, Mercer,
sonne of Geffrey Walderne, of the Pa
rish of Walderne in Sussex.
sonne of Geffrey Walderne, of the Pa
rish of Walderne in Sussex.
1423 The second
1424 The third
Iohn Bywater:—
Temporall Government.
1425 The fourth
Iohn Brokle:—
Maior, Iohn Coventrie, Mercer;
sonne of William Coventrie, of the City
of Coventrie in Warwick-shire.
1426 The fifth
Iohn Higham:—
Three Wards in London discharged from Fif
teenes by this Maior.
Sir Iohn Rainewell, Fishmonteenes by this Maior.
ger, sonne of Robert Rainewell,21 Citizen,
and Haberdasher of London.
1427 The sixth
Robert Otely.—
1428 The seventh
Iohn Abbot:—
1429 The eighth
Ralph Holland:—
Maior, Sir William East-field, Mer
cer, sonne of William East field, of Tickel
in Yorkeshire. Ralph Holland the She
riffe gave to impotent poor one hun
dred and twenty pounds, to prisoners
fourescore pounds, to hospitals fortie
pounds, &c.
1430 The ninth
Walter Chertsey,
A Charita
ble She
—ble She
Robert Large:—
Maior, Nicholas Wotton, Draper, sonne
of Thomas Wotton of London, Gentle
man. Walter Chertsey, Draper, gave to
the poore, one hundred pounds, beside
twentie pounds, to the Hospitals, &c.
of Thomas Wotton of London, Gentle
man. Walter Chertsey, Draper, gave to
the poore, one hundred pounds, beside
twentie pounds, to the Hospitals, &c.
1431 The tenth
Stephen Browne:—
He builded the Stan
dard in Cheape
Sir Iohn de Welles, Grocer,
dard in Cheape
sonne of Iohn de Welles, of the City of
Norwich. This Iohn de Welles was a great
benefactor towards the new building of
the Chappell by the Guild-hall: besides
he builded the South Ile of the Quire
Temporall Government.
at Saint Antlins Church, as by his pi
cture, (strangely there found) his Motto
and Armes doth yet plainely appeare.
1432 The eleventh
Iohn Paddesley:—
1433 The twelfth
Iohn King:—
1434 The thirteenth
Simon Eyre:—
A great Frost of 14. weekes long.
Sir Roger Oteley, Grocer,
sonne to VVilliam Oteley of Vfford in
1435 The fourteenth
Robert Clopton:—
1436 The fifteenth
William Gregorie:—
Maior againe, Sir Iohn Michell, Stock
1437 The sixteenth
William Chapman:—
Maior againe,
and then made a Knight of the Bath.
This Maior a great benefactor to the water Conduits.
Sir William Easfield,
and then made a Knight of the Bath.
1438 The seventeenth
Nicholas Yowe:—
A great dearth Bread made of Fitches, Pease, Beanes, & Fearne rootes.
Sir Stephen Brown, Grocer, son
to Iohn Browne of Newcastle upon Tine.
Wheat was then sold for three shillings
the Bushell; but this Maior sent into
Prusia, and caused to bee brought from
thence, certaine Ships laden with Rie,
which caused great reliefe in so ex
treame a necessity.
1439 The eighteenth
Robert Marshall:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Robert Large, Mercer, sonne
of Thomas Large, Borne in London. Phi
lip Malpas, at his decease, gave one hun
dred and twentie pounds to poore Pri
soners: and every yeere, for five yeere,
foure hundred and three shirts and
Bountifull Charity.
fortie paire of sheets, and
one hundred and fiftie gownes of good
frize, to poore people. To poore maids
marriages, one hundred markes. To re
pairing high wayes, one hundred
markes: And to five hundred poore
people in London, every one six shillings
eight pence, &c.
1440 The nineteenth
William Welinhale:—
Hee was master of the money in the Tower of London.
Sir Iohn Paddesley, Goldsmith,
sonne to Simon Paddesley, of Bury Saint
Edmond in Suffolke.
1441 The twentieth
Richard Rich:—
1442 The one and twentieth
Richard Nordon:—
1443 The two and twentieth
Iohn Norman:—
1444 The three and twentieth
Hugh Witch:—
1445 The foure and twentieth
Godfrey Fielding:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Simon Eyre, Draper, sonne
to Iohn Eyre, of Brandon in Suffolke.
This Simon Eyre builded Leaden Hall
in London, to be a Common Carner for
the Citie.
1446 The five and twentieth
Godfrey Bullen:—
1447 The six and twentieth
Thomas Scot:—
Maior againe, Sir Iohn Gedney, Dra
1448 The seven and twentieth
William Marrow:—
Maior againe, Sir Stephen Browne,
1449 The eight and twentieth
Thomas Canning:—
1450 The nine and twentieth.
William Deare:—
Maior, Nicholas Wilford, but more
truely Wyfold, Grocer, sonne to Thomas
Wyfold of Hertley in Barkeshire.
1451 The thirtieth
Christopher Wharton:—
1452 The one and thirtieth
Richard Alley:—
Temporall Government.
A great Fray was this yeere at the westling.
Sir Geffrey Fielding, Mercer,
sonne to William Fielding of Litterworth
in Leicestershire. This Lord Maior was
made of the Councell to King Henry
the sixth, and King Edward the fourth.
1453 The two and thirtieth
Thomas Cooke:—
Sir Iohn Norman, Draper, son
to Io. Norman of Banbury in Oxfordshire.
This I. Norman was the first Maior that
was rowed by water to Westminster, to
take his Oath: he caused a Barge to be
made at his owne charge, and every
Company had severall Barges, well
decked & trimmed, to passe along with
him. For joy whereof, the Water
men made a Song in his prayse begin
to Io. Norman of Banbury in Oxfordshire.
This I. Norman was the first Maior that
was rowed by water to Westminster, to
take his Oath: he caused a Barge to be
made at his owne charge, and every
Company had severall Barges, well
decked & trimmed, to passe along with
him. For joy whereof, the Water
men made a Song in his prayse begin
Row thy Boate, Norman, &c.
1454 The three and thirtieth
William Taylor:—
Maior, Sir Stephen Foster, Fishmon
ger, sonne of Robert Foster of London,
Stock-fishmonger. This man enlar
ged Ludgate, for ease of the prisoners
1455 The foure and thirtieth
Thomas Oldgrave:—
1456 The five and thirtieth
Ralph Verney:—
1457 The six and thirtieth
Thomas Reyner:—
Geffrey Bullen of Salle in Norfolke.
This Maior gave 1000 li. to poore houshol
ders in London.
Sir Godfrey Bullen, sonne to
ders in London.
Geffrey Bullen of Salle in Norfolke.
1458 The seven and thirtieth
Richard Medham:—
Temporall Government.
1459 The eight and thirtieth
Iohn Stocker:—
Now were the wofull battailes of Blore
beath, Northhamp
ton, Wake
field, Saint Albanes, & Mortiners Crosse each ofter other.
Sir William Hulin, Fishmonbeath, Northhamp
ton, Wake
field, Saint Albanes, & Mortiners Crosse each ofter other.
ger, sonne to Nicholas Hulin of Fulham
in Middlesex.
1460 The nine and thirtieth
Iohn Lambert:—
King Edward the fourth began his reigne
the fourth of March, in the yeere
1460. after the account
of the Church of
the fourth of March, in the yeere
1460. after the account
of the Church of
1461 The first
Iohn Locke:—
1462 The second
Bartholomew Iames:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Cooke, Draper,
son of Robert Cooke of Lavenham in Suf
This Maior was made Knight
of the Bath,
This Maior was knight of the Bath and after Knighted in the field by the King.
and had great troubles
1463 The third
Thomas Muschamp:—
1464 The fourth
Iohn Stone:—
Temporall Government.
Sir Ralph Ioceline, Knight of the Bath in the field.
Sir Ralph Ioceline, Draper,
sonne to Geffrey Ioceline, of Sabridge
in Hertfordshire.
1465 The fifth
Henry Weaver,
William Constantine:—
1466 The sixth
Maior, Sir Iohn Yong, Grocer, sonne
of Thomas Young of the City of Bri
This Maior was made Knight in
the field: and this yeere began the trou
bles of Sir Thomas Cooke, and of other
Aldermen, as you may
large in my Summarie.
1467 The seventh
Humfrey Heyford:—
1468 The eighth
William Harriot:—
1469 The nint
Robert Drope:—
King Hen
rie the sixt delivered out of the Tower.
Sir Richard a Lee, sonne to
rie the sixt delivered out of the Tower.
Iohn a Lee, of the City of Worcester. This
yeere, the Tower of London being deli
vered the Lord Maior, and his brethren
the Aldermen, they deliverd, King Hen
the sixt, who was kept there Priso
1470 The tenth
Iohn Ward:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Iohn Stockton, Mercer,
sonne to Richard Stockton, of Bratoft in
Lincolneshire. Thomas Nevil, the Ba
stard Falconbridge, with a riotous com
pany, did this yeere set upon this Citie,
at Aldgate, Bishops-gate, the Bridge, &c.
And twelve Aldermen, with the Recor
der were Knighted in the field, by Edw.
the fourth, to wit, Iohn Stockton, Maior;
Ralph Verney, late Maior; Iohn Yong, late
Maior; William Taylor, late Maior; Ri
chard a Lee, late Maior; Mathew Phi
The most of these Knights were after
ward made Maiors.
late Maior, George Ireland; William
ward made Maiors.
Stocker; William Hampton; Thomas Stal
brooke; Iohn Crosby; Bartholomew Iames;
and Thomas Vrswike, Recorder.
1471 The eleventh
Iohn Shelley:—
Maior, Sir William Edwards, Grocer,
sonne to William Edwards of the Parish
of Hoton in Essex. The water-Con
duit in Aldermanbury, and the Stan
dard in Fleetstreete were this yeere fini
1472 The twelfth
Thomas Bledlow:—
Sir William Hampton, Fishhampton.
monger, sonne to Iohn Hampton of Min
in Glocestershire.
Punishmēt inflicted on strum
pets and Vaga
pets and Vaga
Maior punished Strumpets, and caused
stockes to be set up in every Ward, to
punish Vagabonds.
1473 The thirteenth
Robert Belisdon:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Tate, Mercer, sonne
of Iohn Tate,23
Serjeants and their yeomen appointed to the Sheriffes.
borne in the Citie of London.
This yeere the Sheriffes of Lon
were appointed (each of them) to
have sixteene Serjeants, & every Serje
ant to have his Yeoman. Also six
Clerkes, a Secondary, a Clerke of the
Papers, and foure other Clerkes, besides
the Vndersheriffes Clerkes.
1474 The fourteenth
Thomas Hill:—
Maior, Sir Robert Drope, Draper,
Temporall Government.
sonne to Iohn Drope of Saint Edes in
This Maior increased the Water-Conduit in Corne-hill.
1475 The fifteenth
Robert Colwich:—
1476 The sixteenth
William Horne:—
Maior againe,
Draper, Knight of the Bath, by whose
diligence the wals of the Citie were re
He corre
cted the Bakers & Victualers of this Ci
Sir Ralph Ioceline,
cted the Bakers & Victualers of this Ci
Draper, Knight of the Bath, by whose
diligence the wals of the Citie were re
1477 The seventeenth
Iohn Stocker:—
1478 The eighteenth
Robert Bifield:—
1479 The nineteenth
Thomas Ilam,
Tomas Il
am newely builded the great Conduit in Cheape side.
—am newely builded the great Conduit in Cheape side.
Iohn Ward:—
1480 The twentieth
William Bacon:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Browne, otherwise
called Iohn de Werks, Mercer, sonne of
Iohn Browne of Okeham in Rutland-shire.
1481 The one and twentieth
Temporall Government.
New buil
ding of Creplegate.
Sir William Heriot, or Harding of Creplegate.
Draper, sonne to Iohn Heriot late of
Segrave in the County of Leicester.
1482 The two and twentieth
Iohn Mathew:—
Maior, Sir Edmond Shaa, or Shaw,
Goldsmith, sonne to Iohn Shaa, late of
Donkenfield, in the County of Chester.
This Sir Edmond Shaa, caused the Po
sterne called Creplegate to bee newly
1483 The first
William Martia:—
Maior, Sir Robert Billesdon, Haber
dasher, sonne to Alexander Billesdon, of
Queeningborough in the County of Lei
1484 The second
3 Lord Maiors, & three She
riffes in one yeere, by reason of a swea
ting sicke
Sir Thomas Hill, Grocer: Sir
riffes in one yeere, by reason of a swea
ting sicke
William Stocker, Draper, and Iohn Ward,
Grocer. Thomas Hill was sonne to Wil
liam Hill of Hilston in the County of
Kent. William Stoker was sonne to Tho
mas Stocker of Eaton in the County of
Bedford: and Iohn Ward was sonne to
Richard Ward of Howdon in the Coun
tie of Yorke. Thomas Hill appointed by
his Testament, the water Conduit in
Grasse-street to be builded this yeere.
1485 The first
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Hugh Brice, Goldsmith,
sonne to Richard Brice of Dublin in Ire
This Hugh Brice was keeper of
the Kings Mints at London.
1486 The second
Hugh Clopton:—
This was father to him that builded Pauls Schoole.
Sir Henry Collet, Mercer, son
to Robert Collet of Wendover in the
County of Buckingham. This yeere the
Crosse in West Cheape was new buil
ded in beautifull manner.
1487 The third
William Remington:—
Maior, Sir William Horne, Salter,
sonne to Thomas Horne of Snaylewell in
the County of Cambridge. This William
was made Knight, in the field, by King
Henry the seventh, and gave to the re
pairing of high-wayes betwixt London
and Cambridge, five hundred Markes,
and bountifully to the Preachers at
Pauls Crosse.
1488 The fourth
1489 The fifth
Iohn Brooke:—
1490 The sixth
This man lived and dyed a Batchelor and never was Bat
chelour Maior be
Iohn Mathew, Mercer, being
chelour Maior be
first a Linnen Draper, and translated to
the Mercers. He was sonne to Thomas
Mathew of Sherington in the County of
1491 The
Temporall Government.
1491 The seventh
VVilliam Browne:—
Maior, Sir Hugh Clopton, Mercer,
sonne to Iohn Clopton of Stratford upon
Avon in the County of Warwicke, where
the said Hugh builded the goodly stone
1492 The eighth
William Welbeck:—
Maior, Sir William Martin, Skinner,
sonne to Walter Martin of the County
of Hertford. This yeere there was a
ryot made upon the Easterlings, by the
Mercers servants and others.
1493 The ninth
Iohn Winger:—
This Maior was made Knight by King Hen
ry the se
Sir Ralph Ostrich, or Astrie,
ry the se
Fishmonger, sonne to Geffrey Ostrich,
or Astrie, of Hitchin in the County of
Hertford. Robert Fabian, Alderman,
made Fabians Chronicle, a very paine
full labour, to the great honour of the
City, and the whole Realme.
1494 The tenth
Iohn Warner:—
1495 The eleventh
Henry Sommer:—
Maior againe,
cer. This yeere was much trouble, a
bout the entercourse betweene England
and Flanders.
One man twice Lord Maior.
Sir Henry Collet Mercer. This yeere was much trouble, a
bout the entercourse betweene England
and Flanders.
1496 The twelfth
Richard Haddon:—
Maior, Iohn Tate the yonger, sonne
to Thomas Tate of Coventrie, and bro
ther to Robert Tate, Maior before na
med. The King made this Maior, Ro
bert Shifield, Recorder, and both the
Sheriffes Knights, for their service a
gainst the Rebels at Blacke-Heath
1497 The
Temporall Government.
1497 The thirteenth
The level
ling of More-fields.
William Purchase, Mercer, son
ling of More-fields.
to Iohn Purchase of Gamelinghey in the
County of Cambridge. This yeere all
the Gardens in More-fields were de
stroyed, and made plaine ground.
1498 The fourteenth
Stephen Iennings;—
Made Knight in the field by the King.
Sir Iohn Percivall, Merchant-Taylor,
sonne to Roger Percivall of Lon
1499 The fifteenth
A good Maior for the poore.
Sir Nicholas Aldwine, Mercer,
sonne to Richard Aldwine of Spalding in
Lincolneshire. Hee gave twelve pence
a peece to three thousand poore people
in London, and the like to as many more
in and about Spalding.
1500 The sixteenth
William Steed:—
1501 The seventeenth
Henry Hede:—
The Lord Maiors first riding from the Guild hell to take Barge for Westminster.
Sir Iohn Shaa, Goldsmith, son
to I. Shaa of Rochford in Essex. This Maior
was made Knight in the field by the
King, and he caused his Brethren the
Aldermen to ride from the Guild-hall
to the waters side, when he tooke Barge
to Westminster, where he was sworne by
the Kings Councell. Hee first kept
Court in his owne house, and called
and redressed all matters comming be
fore him.
1502 The eighteenth
Nicholas Nives:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Bartholomew Rede, Gold
smith, sonne to Robert Rede of Crowmer
in Norfolke. Thomas Granger.
smith, sonne to Robert Rede of Crowmer
in Norfolke. Thomas Granger.
1503 The nineteenth
Robert Wats:—
Maior, Sir William Capell, Draper,
sonne of Iohn Capell of Stoke-Neyland,
Hee was Knighted by Henry the se
in the County of Suffolke. This Maior
first caused Cages to be set up in every
Ward, for the punishment of Rogues
and Vagabonds.
1504 The twentieth
William Browne:—
1505 The one and twentieth
Roger Grove:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Kneisworth, Fish
monger, sonne to Iohn Kneisworth, of
Kneisworth in Cambridgeshire. This Tho
mas Kneisworth appointed the water-Conduit
at Bishops-gate to be builded.
1506 The two and twentieth
William Copinger,
This Fitz-William, Merchant-Taylor, was after of councel to King Henry the eighth, He buil
ded also the grea
ter part of the Parish Church of Saint An
drew Vn
dershaft In London.
—ded also the grea
ter part of the Parish Church of Saint An
drew Vn
dershaft In London.
William Fitz-Williams:—
1507 The three and twentieth
Iohn Kerkby:—
Maior, VVilliam Browne, Mercer, son
of Iohn Browne, Citizen and Mercer of
London, for part of the yeere; and Law
rence Aylmer, Draper sonne of Thomas
Temporall Government.
Aylmer, of Ellesnam in Essex for the other part.
1508 The foure and twentieth
Richard Smith:—
Maior, Sir Stephen Iennings, Mer
chant-Taylor, sonne to William Iennings
of Woolnerhampton, in Staffordshire,
where he builded a Free-School, which
is still worthily maintained by the
Company of Merchant-Taylors of
1509 The first
Iohn Doget:—
Maior, Thomas Bradbury, Mercer,
sonne to William Bradbury of Branghin
in Hertfordshire, for part of the yeere,
and Sir William Capell for the rest.
1510 The second
Iohn Rest:—
He gave also 1000. li. to finish up his Pa
rish church of Alder
mary, with a steeple, not yet performed▪
Sir Henry Kebble, Grocer,
rish church of Alder
mary, with a steeple, not yet performed▪
sonne to George Kebble, Citizen and
Grocer of London. He new builded
the Parish Church of Aldermary by
1511 The third
Thomas Mirsine:—
Maior, Sir Roger Acheley, Draper, son
to Thomas Acheley, of Stanwardine in
A carefull Magistrate for Corne.
This Roger Acheley provided Corne for service of this Citie in
great plenty, and caused the same to be
stowed up in Leaden Hall, being called
the Common Garner.
1512 The fourth
Robert Fenrother:—
This Copin
ger gave halfe of his goods to his wife and the o
ther half to the poore that had most need
Sir William Copinger, Fishger gave halfe of his goods to his wife and the o
ther half to the poore that had most need
monger, sonne to Walter Copinger, of
Buckfeill in Suffolke for part of the
Temporall Government.
yeere, and Sir Richard Haddon for the
1513 The fifth
Maior, Sir William Browne, Mercer,
sonne to Iohn Browne, Citizen and Mer
cer of London. Iohn Tate Mercer, this
yeere builded the Church of Saint An
Hospitall in London.
1514 The sixth
Iohn Mundy:—
1515 The seventh
1516 The eighth
1517 The ninth
He made the water Conduit at London wall by Moregate.
Sir Thomas Exmewe, Goldsmith, sonne to Richard Exmewe, of Ru
in Flintshire.
1518 The tenth
Iames Spencer:—
1519 The
Temporall Government.
1519 The eleventh