MoEML’s Pedagogical Partnership Project (PPP) is launched!

Peter Herman’s class @ SDSU meets the MoEML team @UVic (in video insert) via Skype
Peter Herman’s class @ SDSU meets the MoEML team @UVic (in video insert) via Skype
MoEML is thrilled to announce that our pilot Pedagogical Partnership Project (PPP)—an innovative model for teachers, student researchers, and digital humanities projects—is now up and running.

What is the PPP?

We at MoEML are keen to honour our pedagogical origins while upholding scholarly standards. Thus, we have developed a partnership project whereby we team up with professors in other locations, supply teaching materials (i.e., a MoEML Encyclopedia topic that needs content; a blurb for their class syllabus; suggested forms of assessment; and comprehensive Research Guidelines for their students), and have the students contribute to MoEML (by researching their assigned topic and writing an encyclopedia article) under the close supervision of their professor (who acts as a MoEML Guest Editor for the article) on site.

Who Benefits?

We think we’ve devised a win-win-win model. The professors/Guest Editors benefit from having an innovative pedagogical experience to add to their teaching dossier not to mention the resulting online publication; the students benefit by honing their research skills and potentially having their work published on a widely-used scholarly website; and MoEML benefits by generating new content that has been guest edited by professionals with proven scholarly credentials.

Pedagogical Partners 2014

Our first two pedagogical partners are Professor Peter C. Herman at San Diego State University and Professor Kate McPherson at Utah Valley University. Professor Herman’s research seminar on Shakespeare will collectively produce an article on the Blackfriars Theatres and Professor McPherson’s Shakespeare’s Histories & Comedies class will write an article on The Curtain Theatre.

MoEML team meets Pedagogical Partners via Skype Video

MoEML team members recently met up with both partnership classes via Skype video calls. These Skype meetings gave us a chance to explain to our partners how their work will fit into the bigger MoEML picture, and gave the students the opportunity to ask us questions such as the following: I’m an undergraduate and I’ve never done research before. What happens if the work I do isn’t scholarly enough? Where do I go to find information on the Blackfriars Theatre—to the library or to the internet? Would you accept contributions from an individual student or just from a guest-edited classroom assignment?
MoEML team members meet Kate McPherson’s UVU class via Skype
MoEML team members meet Kate McPherson’s UVU class via Skype
We reassured the first student that the onsite professor would guide the class through the whole research process and also act as Guest Editor for the class’ contribution to ensure that it meets the appropriate scholarly standards. We pointed the second student to the comprehensive Guide for Student Researchers that we have posted on our website. We told the third student that we’re always willing to consider contributions from individual students. Each contributor just needs to follow our Contributor’s Guidelines and meet our scholarly criteria.
Meeting the 30-40 students from San Diego, California, and Orem, Utah via Skype was fun, but it also allowed our MoEML Research Assistants to see the potential reach of the work they do on the project every day. MoEML RA, Zaqir Virani, said the experience added a whole new dimension to the work I do on the project. It was the first time I’ve seen other people using our site. They exist, and were excited about MoEML! I can now picture the people who use the site and for what. Other words used to describe the Skype encounter included wicked, radical, and bodacious!
Ashley, one of Peter Herman’s students @ SDSU
Ashley, one of Peter Herman’s students @ SDSU
MoEML hopes that students from both San Diego and Orem will consider contributing stories about their participation in this innovative, international pedagogical experiment to our News pages, or to this, our Blog. We’ll keep you up-to-date with how things progress in the coming months. Watch this space!