
Steele and Iron Triumphing.

Applauding the aduancement of Sir Seba
ſtian Haruey
, Knight, to the dignitie
of Lord Maior of London.

Taking his oath in the ſame authoritie at
Weſtminſter, on Thurſday, being the 29.
day of October. 1618.

Performed in hearty loue to him, and at the
charges of his kinde Brethren, the right Wor
ſhipfull Company of Ironmongers.

Printer’s ornament

Printed by Nicholas Okes, dwel
ling in Foſter-lane. 1618.

Printer’s ornament

To the Maiſter, Wardens, and
whole Aſsiſtant body of the Iron
Worſhipfull Society
GEntlemen, the truſt by you re
poſed in me, I hope you finde
to be faithfully performed on
my behalfe, in the deſpight of
enuy, and calumnious imputa
tions. What the whole ſcope of the deuiſes aymed
at, and were ordered according to your direc
tion: are briefly ſet downe in this Booke, which
I dedicate the rather to your Worſhips, be
cauſe yours being the charge; what honour re
mayneth (next to his, for whom you intended
the ſolemne daies Triumph) ought in reaſon to
returne to you. And ſo (in diſcharge of mine
owne duty) I commend both my ſelfe and ſer
uice to your fauourable acceptation.
Your Worſhips to be commanded,

Printer’s Ornament

The Triumphes of Steele
and Iron.
THis famous and
moſt Honorable
Citie of London,
hauing (for many
hundred yeares)
had the Royall
preheminence, to
make choyce of
her chiefe Magiſtrate, by the title of Lord
, and two Sheireffes, as his worthy
Aſsiſtants in Office for the yeares au
thority, vnder the higheſt and ſupreme

power, enioying the ſame by free voice &
ſufferages of publick election, in the Guild-
of London. Now in this inſtant yeare
1618. Sir Sebaſtian Haruey, Knight, and
This text is the corrected text. The original is Aldermam (MK)Alderman of this Noble City, and free
of the Right Worſhipfull Company of
, being choſen into that great
and gracefull dignity; his affectionate &
kinde Brethren (according to ancient and
precedent cuſtome, obſerued to many
more Lord Maiors of the ſame Society)
did thus tender their willing and hearty
ſeruice to him, vpon the day of his inau
guration, when (paſsing by Barge with
the other Aldermen his Brethren) hee
went to take his Oath at Weſtminſter, on
Thurſday the 29. of October.
The firſt deuiſe, preſenting it ſelfe for
his Honors ſeruice, is an imaginary Iſland,
tearmed Lemnos, very ingeniouſly and
artificially fitted, ſutable to the dayes ſo
lemnity. And, becauſe fauourable con
ceit, muſt needs ſupply the defect of im
poſsible performance, eſpecially in ſo ſlen

der a compaſſe: let the Iſle it ſelfe be ſwal
lowed vp in the apparance of a goodly
Myne, aptly ſeated in the midſt thereof.
Therein Mulciber, the God of Mynes and
Mettals (eſpecially ſuch as conſiſt of Steele
Iron) ſheweth his perſonall attendance,
with diuers of his one-eyed Cyclops about
him, forming from the Mynes Oare, Gads
of Steele, Barres of Iron, & other ſuch like
matters out of the Mettals, for vſe of the
Ironmongers Societie, who are as Lords &
Maiſters of the ſayd Myne, and therefore
it is called the Ironmongers Myne. Theſe
feigned Cyclops, ſuted according to their
ſeruice and diligence (each with his Ham
mer buſily imployed, while others attend
the Fire and Bellowes) are nimble and
dexterious youthes, ſuch, as to the conti
nuall fall of their Hammers, in ſweet Mu
ſicall voyces, and delicate variety of plea
ſing changes; doe out-weare their worke
merrily, as accounting no toyle tedious,
thus beſtowed in the Societies ſeruice:
cloſing vp euery Stanza with Acier Dure,

the worde or Motto belonging to the
This Iſle or Myne being ſeated qua
drangle-wiſe, at the foure corners ſit foure
beautifull Nymphes or Graces; being na
med Chruſos, Argurion, Calcos and Sideros,
figuring the foure ages of the world, and
habited according to their true Carrac
ters and natures. The Golden-Age, the Sil
, and the Brazen-Age, hauing for
merly triumphed, according to their ſeue
rall turnes and times of eminency: doe
now giue way to the Iron-Age (wherein
wee liue) to haue her degree of ſoueraign-
ty, as holding chiefe predominance in this
daies Triumph. For, ſhe being ſole Com
mandreſſe, in Mettals of moſt vſuall im
ployment; affordeth out of her bounte
ous Myne, all kinds of Martiall and Mili
tary weapons, honouring with them
Armes and Souldiers. Likewiſe, for Til
lage and Husbandry, thoſe inſtruments
beſt agreeing therewith: becauſe it is the
ſuſtentation of life, and ſupporter of all o

ther manuary Trades. Being not vnmind
full alſo, of Nauigation & CommerceCõmerce with
forraigne Nations, which can haue no
conſiſtence, but by her helpe.
Beſide, the Companies Creaſt, of two
Lizzards, linked together with a Golden
Terret (which in their Coate of Armes,
is placed in the Cheueron) ſtands fairely
figured vpon the Myne. Aboue them all
is Iupiter, mounted vpon his Royall Eagle,
with his three-forked Thunderbolt in his
hand, made in the Iſle of Lemnos by Mul
. He is alſo clad in a faire Armour, in
tended for the ſeruice of MarsThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type apparently malformed or fractured. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JJ); but now
beſtowne on him, as an honourable pre
ſent by Mulciber, becauſe hee ſo graciouſly
vouchſafed, to bee perſonally preſent in
this Triumph, as Patron of all their pains,
and protector from foule-mouthed ſlan
der and detraction.
This deuiſe is drawne by two goodly
Eſtridges, as being ſupporters of the This text is the corrected text. The original is Sooi (MK)Soci
eties Armes, and therefore aptly alluded as
Guides to Mulcibers Myne, befitting none

other ſo well as that: for, naturally they
digeThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (ZV)ſt both Steele and Iron, as is auouched
by many credible Authors.
One other Millitary Engine alſo, ſee
ming to be forged in the ſame Myne, is ap
pointed to the ſecond place, which is a fair
and goodly Cannon, ſtrongly mounted
vpon her Carriage, with all neceſſarie fur
niſhment, for charging and diſcharging,
by her, as alſo diuerſe Chambers, to bee
ſhot off as occaſion ſerueth, and as the
Maiſter Gunner and his Mate (there pre
ſent) pleaſe to giue direction, or performe
the ſeruice in their owne perſons.
Certaine gallant Knights in Armour,
well mounted on their Courſers for ſer
uice, and readily prepared with their Pe
tronells; haue the charge or guiding of
this CannonThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type apparently malformed or fractured. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JJ);1 beſides a braue troupe of
Musketiers. This was firſt imployed on
the water, in the mornings ſeruice, and
afterward helpeth the dayes further Tri

The Speeches betweene the Maiſter Gun
and his Mate, at the Cannon.

Maiſt. Where are you Mate?
MateHere Sir, at hand,
To doe what ere the Maiſter ſhall command.
Maiſt. This goodly Cannon, forged for this day
In Lemnos, where great Mulciber beares ſway,
Hee and his Cyclops vſing all their skill,
To frame it in beſt forme, and for good will
They beare vnto that ancient Company,
For whom their Hammers walke continually,
Still to ſupply them from their plenteous Myne
With Steele and Iron: which as they refine
From the earths Oare; So to all Lands they ſend,
And all Artes elſe do bounteouſly befrend.
Becauſe, where Steele and Iron goe to wrack:
Thoſe Lands doe feele a lamentable lack.
Now Matethou ſeeſt, this is a Iouiall day,
And euery Trade triumphes as beſt it may,
(By yearly cuſtome) gladly to expreſſe,
Their free affection, in full chearfulneſſe.
Be not we idle then; Seeing to our charge,
This Cannon is committed: But at large
Declare our dilligence. Our Gunners Arte,
In this Triumphall day muſt beare a part.
Fall to thy paines.

Mate. Maiſter, with all my heart.
And no men ſhall deliuer (more then we)
How much we honour this dayes dignity.
All this hee
ſpeaketh an
ſwerable to
his action.
Firſt then, Ile Spunge her, as ſhe ought to be,
Then Lade her, to Report her luſtily.
Next Ramme her. Now this Bullet paſſeth in,
Which Ramd againe, lowder Report ſhall win.
And ſhooting not Point blanck, but out at length:
Ile mount her higher on her Carriage ſtrength.
Now I haue done Sir.
Maiſter. Then will I giue Fire;
And may all ſpeed no worſe then we deſire.
Next followeth a ſiluer Leopard, thick
ly beſpotted with blacke Pellets, being
the Creaſt of the Lord Maiors Armes. Vp
on the Leopard rideth an ancient Brittiſh
; For Bardes were eſteemed as Poets
or Propheticall Sooth-ſayers, and (in thoſe
reuerend times) held in no meane admira
tion and honour. Hee guideth the way to
the Mount of Fame, being a Pageant, and
aptly alluding to the other deuiſe; but in
a more morrall and ſignificant manner.
For therein is figured, a modell of Londons

happy Gouernement, in that ſupreame
dignity of the Maioraltie. Being a true
type of that moſt ſacred Maieſty, by whoſe
gracious fauour it is beſt ſupported, and
borroweth (from thence) all beames of
true light and ſplendor.
In the moſt eminent place ſitteth Fame,
ſeeming as if ſhee ſounded her Golden
Trumpet, the Banner whereof, is plenti
fully powdred with Tongues, Eyes and
Eares: implying, that all tongues ſhould
be ſilent, all eyes and eares wide open,
when Fame filleth the world with her ſa
cred memories.
This day, ſhee ſeemeth to preſent the
new ſworne Lord Maior to Soueraigne
Maieſty, whoſe Lieutenant and lawfull
Deputy hee is now inueſted for London.
Shee ſheweth him, what other gracious
perſonages ſhee hath there attending her,
for more honourable ſolemnity of this
generall Triumph; preſaging a happy and
ſucceſſefull courſe to his yeare of gouern
ment. By her is figured a goodly Shippe,

whereby ſhe conueighes all beatitudes of
Kingdomes, Cities and Nations, to the
furtheſt remoate Countries. Intimating
thereby, how the Magiſtrate may honour
his Prince, in that high truſt and care com
mitted to him, and ſupplying the State
ſtill with all needfull occaſions, as by
Trafficke and Commerce are continually
Expectation (ſitting ſomewhat lower on
Fames right hand) intimateth to him, that
there will be more then ordinary matter
expecte from himThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type apparently malformed or fractured. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JJ); in regard, that hee is
now mounted like a Beacon on an Hill,
to flame forth brightly, and not to burne
dimly. Whereof Hope (ſitting on the o
ther ſide) ſeemeth to giue a gracious per
ſwaſion. In regarde, that his worthy Fa
ther did formerly ſupply the ſame place,
and left ſuch ſenſible inſtructions to his
Sonne, as cannot but edge his temper the
more keenely, and quicken his ſpirits the
more induſtriouſly. Becauſe it is no commoncom
thing, for a Son, to ſucceed his Father

in ſuch eminencie, and therefore bindeth
him to the more ſerious obſeruance.
Wherein to encourage him the more,
ſhee ſheweth him all thoſe ſacred Vertues,
that gaue his Father comfort in his Magi
ſtracie, Iuſtice and Fortitude, who will as
forwardly further him; treading downe
thoſe vile Incendiaries, Ambition, Treaſon,
and Hoſtility, which ſeeke the ſubuerſi
on of all eſtates, by Bribing, Corruption,
and ſmoothing Inſinuation, or elſe by o
pen Fire and Sword. But becauſe this yeare
may be the better ſecured, againſt all their
violences and treacherous attempts; they
ſit gyued, and manacled together in Iron
ſhackles, purpoſely made and ſent from
the Ironmongers Myne, to binde ſuch baſe
villaines to their better behauiour.
Now, becauſe Fame cannot endure, that
any part of her Mount ſhould bee vnfitly
furniſhed: In a degree more backward, &
ſomewhat lower then her Seat, ſit her two
ſober Siſters, Feare and Modeſty; both vai
led, but ſo ſharpe-ſighted, that they can

diſcerne through the darkeſt obſcurities,
when any diſorder threatneth danger to
Maieſty, or to his carefull Deputie. When
any ſuch inconuenience happeneth, forth
with they informe Vigilancy & Prouidence,
ſitting next to them. Who hearing the La
rum and ſtriking clock in the Caſtle: they
awake Care the Sentinell, to ring the Bell in
the Watch-Tower, which calleth vp Courage
Councel, that euery one may haue imploimentimploi
, for ſafe preſeruing the MountMoũt of Fame.
For better vnderſtanding the true mora
lity of this deuiſe, the perſonages haue all
Emblemes and Properties in their hands,
& ſo neere them, that the weakeſt capacity
may take knowledge of themthẽ; which courſe
in ſuch ſolemne Triumphes hath alwaies
beene allowed of beſt obſeruation: both
for auoiding trouble to the Magiſtrate, by
tedious and impertinent ſpeeches, and de
uouring the time, which craueth diligent
Concerning our Brittiſh Barde, raiſed to
bee our Speaker, by ſacred power of the

Muſes, hee reuoluing ouer his ancient vo
lumes, concerning the courſe of times;
findeth, that in this yeare of 1618. the letter
H. ſhall haue predominance in three di
ſtinct perſons, as eminent Gouernours, &
namely in the City of London, viz.the L.
, and both the Shieriffes. And if his
predicting opinion doth not beguile it
ſelfe, he ſaith that their names will be Har
, Herne and Hamarſley, for ſo the booke
of Fate hath concluded of them, againſt
which can be no contradiction. Whereup
on making triall of his diuination by his
ſtaffe (which vſually directed him in all
ſuch courſes) as hee ſpeaketh to the Lord
; he ſmiteth the Staffe vpon his foot,
& ſuddenly iſſueth forth the three ſeuerall
letters of H. apparantly to be diſcerned of
all. So, finding his iudgement to be fallen
out true, & that the perſons figured by
thoſe three letters are alſo there preſent: he
proceedeth on in the reſt of his Speech,
which according to the Brittiſh garbe, and
as then he vttered it, is here ſet downe.

The Bardes firſt ſpeech, deliuered
to my Lord Mayor, at his go-
ing to Saint Paules Church
in the afternoone.
BLithe and bonny bin yee aw,
And meckle bliſſings ſtill befaw
Upon ſo faire and gudly meany,
As thilke like, nere ſawe I eny.
Brittiſh Barde, that long hath ſlept,
And in his Graue would ſtill ha kept:
But that the ſpirit of Poeſie
(Which haudeth higheſt Soueraigntie)
Hath raiſde me from my ſilent reſt,
To make ene in this Iouiall Feaſte.
Aw for your ſeke, moſt worthy man,
(Lowting as lowly as I can)
To creue your fauour, that I may,
For your Society ſomewhat ſey,
Of thilke their buxome looue to you,
Which they preſent but as your due.
As often they haue done befere,
To mickle of their Bretheren mere.
Among wha was your Fether one,
Which this high charge did vndergone.
O, let me ſey it to your fece,
It is a ſigne of ſpeciall grece,

This text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (ZV)Yee to ſupply your Fethers plece:
In ſike an encient femous Citty,
Under yer King, chiefe Deputie.
And let me tell yee ey thing mere,
Of Records haue I read good ſtere;
Yet neere could find the like befere,
As now hath hapt. Thilke dignitie,
Of Meire and Shrieffes authoritie,
Whilke London yearely greants to three:
Eyne letter H beginnes them aw,
And in ſo ſoote concordance faw:
That Heruey, Herne and Hemerſley,
Maken ey pleaſing Sympheny.
Eyne Enegreme ilke neme mey bliſſe,
Honor to be ſele Steffe and ſtey,
Heale to vphaude all eirie wey,
And Happineſſe ſa to attend.
Yer yeare may heue a happy end.
Thaeſe Shewes and Emblems ta expreſſe,
Mayne trouble yee with tediouſnes.
And ay, wha wud na way offend,
Yer kenning of them doe commend
Untill thilke Buke, whilke ſpeeks them aw,
Mere large than to my lot does faw.
Sa, Honor, Heale  and Happineſſe,
Giue aw yer actions gud ſucceſſe.

At night at my Lords Houſe.
THilke eye of day, whilke grec’de our ſpart,
Being claſed vp, mekes his reſarte
Till vnder-dwellers. Seble-night,
Was gledly lengthen ant delight:
But ſtandeth fearefull of offending,
Becauſe aw ioyes mun heue an ending.
Not, that we deſire to lieue yee,
But for yar awne heme mun receiue yee.
And, thereto maken baulde intruſion,
Was claſe vp aw with rude confuſion.
Whilke fare my Leard, my perting is,
Wiſhing yee mickle yeares of bliſſe,
That Iuſtice, Zeale and Payetie,
Mayne ſhine in yee with Meieſty,
That he wha puts yee in thilke truſt,
Mey finde yer rule ſa true and iuſt,
That efter times may talke, and ſey
Whan Heruey, Herne and Hemerſley
Aſ Meire and Sheriffes did beare ſwey:
True Honor, Helth and Heppineſſe,
Thilke yeare did their endeauours bliſſe.
Yer Bretherens loue I mun commend
To yer acceptance, ſa I end.



  1. Piece of type is a broken semi-colon or an italic colon. This piece of type appears on B2r, but also appears twice on the other side of the sheet, on both B2v and B4v. This mystery requires more investigation. (JJ)