Printer’s ornament

olde Draperie,
or the rich Cloathing
of England.

Performed in affection, and at the
charges of the right Worthie and firſt honou
red Companie of Drapers: at the enſtalment
of Sr.Thomas Hayes Knight, in the high office
of Lord Maior of London, on Satturday,
being the 29. day of October.

Printer’s ornament

Printed by Edward Allde. 1614.

Printer’s ornament


The Olde Draperie and Clothing
of England.
IN euery well-gouer
ned Kingdome and Com
mon-wealth, the chiefeſt
Citie and Citizens therein,
haue euermore held the
prime place and prioritie;
as well in matter of honor,
as due right of Antiquity. And as the Lacedemo
, the firſt inſtructers of the olde Romaines,
and ſo (from them) we, and all other Nations
deriued our forme of rule; As they (I ſay) made
a diſtinguiſhing of their moſt memorable So
cieties, from other of much leſſe note and me
rite: Euen ſo this famous Cittie of London,
whoſe continuall teeming wombe (from time
to time) brought forth many ſeuerall Myſteries

or Profeſſions, hath referred them all in emi
nencie of place, to twelue onely. Amongſt
which twelue gradations of honour and digni
tie, the firſt originall began in the firſt Compa
nie of all other in this Citie the ancient fellow
ſhip or Societie of Drapers
To approoue the ſociety of Drapers for the
firſt, when (as yet) there was none other: it is
auouched by *William Fitzſtephen, Iohn Bale, Roger
* He liued and wrote in the time of king Stephen.
and others, that the Wooll-winder,
(who was the olde Draper or Clothier, as bor
rowed from the word Drappier) did carde and
ſpinne his wooll, then weaue it into cloth, full,
rowe, ſheare, dreſſe, and dye it, and ſell in after
wards in his ſhop, performing all theſe ſeuerall
offices thereto, by himselfe and ſeruants: which
(ſince then) hath branched it ſelfe into diuers o
ther Companies, and of one entire Trade or
Myſterie, is become many.
Out of this liſt or band of Drapers, iſſued Sir
Henrie Fitz-Alwine
knight, descended from that
Alwine, Vnckle to king Edgar, who made him
Alderman of all England, when as (till then) the
name of Alderman, or Eldermen, was neuer
knowen. This Henrie Fitz-Alwine had the firſt
honour to be ſtiled *
* In the olde
Saxon tongue
from whence
it was deri
ued, it signifi
eth Dominus
or Lord
Maire, or Maior of London,
by favour of King Richard the firſt, ſurnamed
Cuer de Lyon, and was himſelfe (as is crediblie a
vouched) a Brother of the ſame Societie, in ho
nour of the man by him ſo aduanced, before his
iourney to the Holie Land. For, vntill his time,

the troubleſome combuſtions of the This text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)Citie be
ing not fully ſetled: the gouernment thereof
remained firſt in Portgreues, next in martiall
Provoſts, thirdly in Bayliffes, and laſtly in Lord
Maiors, as in meete place is more at large decla
Heere before I paſſe any further, it may ap
peare as a blemiſh on mine own browe, becauſe
in my Booke in the worthie Company of Gold
, I did ſet downe Henrie Fitz-Alwine, Fitz-
to be a Goldſmith, and the firſt Lord
Maior of London, alleadging my authoritie for
the ſame in the margent of the ſame booke, out
* The ancient Chronicler of
the Citie

of *Iohn Stowe, which now I may ſeem to denie,
and affirme the ſame man to be a Draper, to the
diſgrace of the forenamed Company, and mine
owne deepe diſcredit. What then I did, was by
warrant of my fore-alleaged Author, who fin
ding Henrie Fitz-Alwine, Fitz-Leofſtane, to bee
Maiſter or Guardian of the kings Mint, did ther
fore ſet him downe to bee a Goldſmith; which
was no error in me to doe the like, being there
to ſecured by him, and knowing (as then) no o
ther proofe to the contrary. But hauing perv
ſed more aſſured authority in the Drapers Hall,
that one, not named Henrie Fitz-Alwine Fitz-
, but Henrie Fitz-Alwine, a brother of the
olde Drapers, was Lord Maior of London, foure
and twentie yeares and a halfe (by yerely electi
on) and longer had been if he had longer liued,
who had alſo giuen his dwelling houſe by LondonLondŏ

ſtone, to his owne free brethren of the Drapers,
with an annuity yearely to be paide to the king,
out of ſuch land as is held of his by them; and
that hee lieth in the pariſh Church of S. Marie
buried, the Pariſh wherein hee liued
and died; whereas Iohn Stowe affirmeth him to
bee buried in the Priorie of the holy Trinitie,
called Chriſts Church, on the right hand with
in Aldegate, which is now called the Dukes
. Nay more, Maiſter Clarentius Cambden,
with the aduiſe of diuers other good Antiqua
ries beſide, hath (vnder his hand and Seale of
Office) confirmed him to be none other then a
Draper. What more free confeſsion can any
man make, then of his blinde miſleading by a
blinder guide? In whoſe behalf I dare yet boldly
maintaine, that no ſuch error eſcaped from him
wilfully or willingly, his care and endeauour
was ſo great, but miſ-information, or incapaci
tie of reading, may (as it hath done to many)
wrong better men then any that are concerned
in this caſe, yet without any preiudice or diſho
neſt taxation.
What offence then may the Companie of
take, who make challenge likewiſe to
the very ſame man, by miſtaking Peter Fitz-Al
(a Mercer indeed) for Henrie Fitz-Alwine
the olde Draper? Or that of the Fiſhmongers,
who deeme their worthy Wallworth, the firſt
Knighted Maior in the field, to be the ſame man
also, and that no man before him was Maior of

London? I This text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (JJ)anſwere freely for my ſelfe, and ap
peale to an eſpeciall Gentleman in the imag
ined iniured Companie of Goldsmiths (who
tooke no meane paines to be reſolThis text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (LS)ued in this
caſe) that no certaine aſſurance could be had
therein, but that it remained doubtful between
both the Societies. And therefore we perſona
ted old Faringdon, not Fitz-Alwine, as the booke
yet may be ſeene, to cut off all ſuch contentious
queſtions. Seeing then that reuerend anti
quitie, eminencie of honour, and due right of
merit; beſtowed ſo high a dignity vpon the
Drapers: I might well be iuſtly condemned, if
I ſhould ſeeke after any other argument of cre
dit for them (when ſo maine a buſines doth ne
ceſſarilie require it) then their owne due deſer
uing, ſo long time ſleeping in obliuion, yet now
reuiued, to their endleſſe honor.
The walles of any Citty, were termed by the
Gretians, according as we title our inſtant diſ
courſe, Himatia Poleos, The Cloathing or gar
ments of the Cittie. Intimating thereby, that
as garments and cloathing doe ingirt the body,
defending it continually from the extremities
of colde and heat: ſo walles, being the beſt gar
ments of any Citie, do preſerue it from all dan
gerous annoynances. Here on we lay the foun
dation of our deuiſe, inThis text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (LS)the honour of Draperie
the rich Clothing of EnglandEnglăd, which (long before
the knowledge of fantaſticke habites) clothed
both Prince & people all alike, to the This text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (NK)no1 meane

renowne of the Kingdome, and admiration of
forraigne nations, to whome our Draperie (a
bounding in her owne plenty) by meanes of na
uigation and commerce, affoorded the rich Li
uerie of this land; better imbraced by them, and
much more highly eſteemed, then all other tra
fficque whatſoeuer. As well appeared by that
famous Knight and trauayler, Sir Frances Drake,
who hauing roundedroŭded the whole world, and noa
ted the riches & beſt endowments of euery na
This text is the corrected text. The original is on (NK)tion: founde none to equall the Draperie and
cloathing of England. In regarde whereof, he
choſe to be a louing Brother of the Drapers So
, before all other Companies of the Citty.
Wherefore our firſt land deuiſe is a Shippe, ve
ry artificially and workemanly framed, called
the Barke-Hayes, fitted with Captaine, Maiſter,
Mate. &c. and ſuppoſedly laden with woollen
cloathes, to make exchaunge for other Coun
tries beſt commodities, and thought meet to v
ſher the way to the reſidue of the ſhowes,
which are directed to follow in this manner.
A beautifull Chariot, drawen by two golden
pelletted Lyons, and two golden Woolues Er
, after the manner of the triumphall
Chariots of the Romaine Emperours, is graced
with the ſuppoſed shape of King Richard the
, with the ſeuerall figures of ſo many Citties
in England about him, as conueniencie of place
and cariage graunted libertie vnto. Thoſe Cit
ties are diſciphered by their Eſchuchions of

Armes, and that their beſt aduantage euer en
ſued by making of woollen Cloathes, for the
continuall maintenance of Englands Draperie.
But London ſitting neereſt vnto himſelfe, as
chiefe Mother and matrone of them all: he ho
nours the head of his chiefeſt Chamber, with a
triple imperiall Crowne of golde, vnder battel
led or branched with Cloudes, and beames of
the Sunne, being the Armes of the Drapers So
, and declaring his loue and fauour beſto
wed on her, by his aduauncement of Sir Henrie
to the Maioraltie, in whom began
the olde Drapers dignitie.
After this Chariot, followeth a Pageant or
goodly Monument, figuring the whole eſtate of
Londons olde Draperie. In the ſupreame and
moſt eminent ſeate, ſitteth Himatia, or Cloa
, as Mother, Lady and commaundreſſe of
all the reſt, who by their diſtinct emblemes and
properties, (apted for the eaſieſt apprehenſion)
doe expreſſe their dutie and attendance on ſo
gratious a perſon, in their ſeuerall places and
offices to them belonging; As in Carding,
Spinning, Weauing, Rowing, Fulling, Shea
ring, Dreſſing, Dying, Tentering and perfor
ming all other ſeruices to woollen Cloathes,
which at first was done onely by the Draper, or
Clothier. Peace, Plentie, Liberalitie, Councell
and Diſcreet Zeale, doe ſupporte the floriſhing
condition of Himatiaes Common-wealth, and
ſtriue to preuent all occaſions which may

ſeeme ſiniſter or hurtfull thereto.
Our deuiſe which wee spake laſt of, and yet is
appointed the firſt in ſeruice, ſerueth both for
the water and land. Till the yeare 1453, the Lord (MK)L.
Maiors of London vſed to ride on horſebacke to
Weſtminſter, at ſuch time as each one went to
take his oath. But S. Iohn Norman Draper, being
then Maior, at his owne coſt and charge, and
for the reliefe of poore Watermen, who were
much diſtreſſed in thoſe daies: made a very
goodly Barge for himſelfe and his Brethren, to
be rowed therein by water to Weſtminſter, and ſo
to continue for a yearely cuſtome. It was a coſt
ly Barge, and the Oares are ſaid to bee couered
with ſiluer: in memorie whereof, and the ho
neſt benefite yerely found thereby: the Water
men made a pleaſant ſong called, Rowe thy Boate
Norman, &c
. This honour beginning likewiſe
in the Draper, and falling out ſo fitly to helpe
our invention: in a goodly faire Barge, made
meete for the purpoſe, attendeth the ſuppoſed
ſhadow of Sir Iohn Norman, with the ſeauen li
berall Sciences (all attired like graceful Ladies)
ſitting about him, vntill ſuch time as the Lord
Maior commeth to take water, and then he ſa
luteth him with this ſpeech.

S. Iohn Normans ſpeech
on the Water
WElcome to the water, worthy Brother
Draper. Imagine me to be the true
reſemblance of olde S. Iohn Norman,
ſometime Lord Maior of this famous Cittie,
and the firſt that deuiſed this water honour, ma
king my Barge at mine owne proper coſt, and
rowed with ſiluer Oares to Weſtminſter, when (as
you now) I then went to take mine oath. In re
gard whereof, I was the firſt Maior, that was
preſented to the Barons, of the Exchecquer.
The imaginarie ſhapes of the ſeauen liberall
Sciences, each one diſtinguiſhed by their true
charracter, are placed as my companions in my
Barge: in memorie of the loue I euer bare to
learning, and no meane bounties by me exten
ded for the maintenance thereof. I ioy, that in
uention would make vſe of my remembrance in
this manner, to doe any ſeruice to ſo deſertfull
a Brother, and to the Companie of Drapers
which I dearly affected. On then my hearts, and
as in those elder dayes you declared your loue
to olde Iohn Norman: ſo expreſſe ſomewhat
nowe to delight my honourd Brother, ſinging
cheerfully, Rowe thy Boate Norman.
Which beeing no sooner ended, but diuers
ſweet ſinging youths, belonging to the maiſter
that enſtructeth the yong Quiriſters of Pauls, be

ing all attired in faire wrought waſtcoates, and
caps belonging also to them, each hauing a ſil
uer Oare in his hand; do ſing a moſt ſweet dittie
of Rowe thy Boate Norman, and ſo ſeeme to rowe
vp along to Weſtminſter, in honour of the Lord
Maiors attendance.
For the ſeuerall peales of Ordinance, which
make better report in the aire, then they can be
expreſſed by pen: For the Drums, Fifes, Trum
pets, and other muſicall Inſtruments, whereof
each Company maketh their choice, to grace
this honourable ſeruice out and home againe,
in the true affection of louing Citizens, not ſuf
fering their chiefe Magiſtrate to want any part
of their kinde reſpect and furtherance: they can
much better ſpeake for themſelues then I, and
ſerue but as a breathing time to mee, vntill my
Lords returne and landing. When all onr deui
ſes being martialled in order, according as wee
haue formerly related, except a goodly Ramme
or Golden Fleece, with a Sheepheard ſitting by
it; as occation ſerueth, deliuereth his intenti
on in this enſuing ſpeech.
The Sheepheard.
WHy gaze yee ſo vpon me? am I not a
man, fleſh, bloud, and bone, as you are?
Or in theſe ſilken ſattin Townes, are
poore plaine meaning Sheepheards woondred
at, like Comets or blazing Starres? Or is it this

goodly beaſt by me, that fills your eyes with ad
miration? If it be ſo, let me then reſolue ye, that
it is an article of dutie which we Shepheards of
Cotſwold owe to the old Drapers of London, for ke
ping their flocks on the Cotſwold hills, that whenwhĕ
any worthy Brother of their Society comes to
be Lord (MK)L. Maior of this City, the very faireſt Ram
in all their flocks is ſent vnto them as a ſolemne
offring, as being the Creſt of their Companies
Armes, and the chiefe maintainer of Wooll
for cloathing. In which reſpect, my Father a
bout ſome ſix and twenty yeares ſince, when S.
Martin Calthrope
(a Brother of the ſame Society)
was Lord Maior, brought then the like goodly
Ramme as his oblation; and I hearing, that his
man S. Thomas Hayes, and another Martin, Mai
ſter Martin Lumley (by the bleſſing of heauen
and their owne vertuous endeauours) were the
next choſen Brethren of the ſame Band, the one
to ſucceed in the ſelfe ſame dignitie of the Ma
ioraltie, and the other of the Shriuealty; haue
brought this as my hearts free offring, in ho
nour of them that ſo dearely affect them, and in
my dutie to them both, with all my vtmoſt ſer
uice beſide. For thus ſay we in Cotſwolde.
From the Ramme
we haue the Lambe
From both our fineſt
woolles are ſhorne.

Wooll had thus from
the Ramme and Lambe,
Makes the beſt Cloath,
that can be worne.
Thanke then the Draper
that began:
To make ſuch Cloathing,
meete for man.

For, if wee haue no Ramme, wee are ſure to
haue no Lambe: no Lambe, no Wooll: no
wooll, no Cloth: no Cloth, no Draper.

Heauen graunt that we may neuer ſee these noes,
For we ſhall then feele twiſe as many woes: (ſtore:
But that of Ram, Lambe, Wooll, Cloth, ſtill we may haue
So ſhall the Drapers then thriue more and more.

As meane additions, to giue ſome ſmall This text is the corrected text. The original is I (JJ)luſt
er to the Showe, becauſe ouer many were
thought inconuenient; we make vſe of a golden
pelletted Lyon, a ſupporter to the Companies
Armes, with a Champion mounted on his back,
and a golden woolfe Erminnois, the Enſigne or
Impreſe belonging to the Lord Maiors Creaſt.
And with theſe fewe ſlender deuiſes, we vſher
his Honors way toward Guilde-Haule; vntill he
come to S. Laurence-Lane, where the figure of
S. Henrie Fitz-Alwine, thus fauourably ſtayeth

IN times of olde Antiquitie,
When men liu’d long and healthfully,
Deteſting ſloth and idleneſſe,
Which breeds but ſurfet and exceſſe.
When yea and nay was greateſt Oath,
And mens beſt weare, good woollen Cloath,
Yeleped Englands Draperie,
More worth then gaudie brauerie,
Of Silken twine, Siluer and Golde,
Nere knowen in those bleſt daies of olde:
Then liu’d that graue and worthie man,
That Londons honour firſt began,
By title of the Maioralty,
A high and famous dignity:
Henrie Fitz-Alwine was his name,
Noble by birth, and of much fame.
Whoſe ſubſtance though his graue hath kept,
Foure hundred yeares, where he hath ſlept:
Yet is his ſhadowe raiſde in me,
To grace this daies ſolemnitie.
For he being firſt that held the ſway
Of Maior in London, iuſtly may
Challenge (by right) prioritie,
In honouring his owne Companie,
With all that ſacred Poeſie can
Deuiſe, to grace ſo good a man,
As firſt with hearts, hands, and free voice,
Was thought meet in the peoples choice
To rancke in that rich rowle of fame:
That honoured firſt the Drapers name.
And worthie Brother here ſuruay

Thoſe ſeuerall kinds of Londons ſway
Till royall Richard firſt in me,
Altered the rule to Maioraltie.
Portgreues held firſt by ſtrict command,
Next Prouoſts with a ſterner hand,
Such from the Conqueſt was the caſe
Of Londons awe, till milder grace
Made choice of Bayliffes, men thought fit
In the Kings iudgement Courts to ſit,
And right all cauſes of contention:
By vpright cenſure, or preuention.
Yet all this could not pleaſe the king,
In two mens rule grew varying,
By leaning to what part each liſted,
So might by might was ſtill reſiſted.
Wrongs vnredreſt, offences flowing,
Garboyles & grudges each where growing.
Therefore as God had giuen him place,
Solely to rule, and iudge each caſe,
So would he plant a deputie,
To figure his authoritie,
In the true forme of Monarchie,
Then which, no better ſoueraigntie.
Which office being impoſde on me,
By ſuch a gracious Maiestie:
I held it foure and twentie yeares,
(Yearely elected, as appeares.)
Vntill my verie dying day.
Since when (my Lord) I can well say,
The Science of olde Draperie,
(Our louing kind Society)

Hath yeelded many a Magiſtrate,
The number
of 45. Lord
In the ſelfe-ſame degree of State.
And Time reſerueth in his ſtore,
For the like honour, many more.
On then before, for we muſt tend,
Till this daies triumph haue full end.
The ſolemnitie of ſo pompous a feaſt being
finiſhed, and his Honor (according to yearelie
cuſtome) returning towards Paules, with all the
former conceits gracefully borne before him:
he is mildlie ſollicited for a minutes ſtay by old
Sir Iohn Norman, who (in this manner) giueth
him a reaſon for it.
The Speech at the little Conduit in the after-
noone, at my Lords going to Paules.
HOnorable Lord and Brother, it is impo
ſed on olde Iohn Norman, brieflie to diſ
cribe theſe two beautifull deuiſes to yee.
In the firſt, which manifeſteth the Honor of
Draperie, your well iudging eye may eaſily con
ceiue, each perſon by their apt diſtinguiſhment.
The Mother, Olde Draperie, with her Daugh
ters and attendants placed about her, doe deli
uer the Drapers true antiquitie, and that which
he and his onely performed, is ſince become the
benifit of diuers trades or occupations. Car
ding, Spinning, Weauing, Fulling, Rowing,
Shearing, Dreſſing, Dying, Tentering, and what

elſe appertained to wollen cloath, was the aun
cient Drapers ſole profeſſion, and the chiefe ho
nour of this famous Kingdome: flouriſhing
thereby in so many happy bleſſings, and ſo for
tefied by Peace, Plenty, Bountie, Councell and Diſ
creete Zeale
, that all other nations ſate and admi
red thereat. You haue a taſte of this felicity in
that other Deuiſe, beautified with the chiefe
Clothing Cities of this Land, for maintenance
of auncient Draperie, whereof London ſitteth the
highest aduaunced, as being his choyce Cham
ber that first made a Draper the onely Gouernor
thereof. I am loath to hold yee long, and well
I wot, more ample relation hath beene made
vnto yee; and therefore to God and your good
deuotions I heartily commend yee.
Night folding vp bright day in dimme man
tles of darkeneſſe, and thoſe diuine ceremonies
ended, which waite as Henchmen on that daies
duetie, the Starres ſeeme to leaue their places
in their fixed Spheares, and become as ſo many
bright flaming Torches to grace our worthy
Magiſtrate home, euen to his houſe, (as it were)
in the malice of blacke-fac’d night, and to fur
ther the finiſhing of ſo ſolemne a Tryumph,
which endeth with this humble farewell giuen
to his Honor.


The Speech deliuered to the Lord
Maior at parting.

THe longeſt daies haue end at laſt,
And pleaſures pompe is but a blaſt,
You ſee my Lord that ſullen night,
Sworne enemie to daies delight,
(For all the pride theſe Tapers make,)
Whiſpers, that we muſt farewell take.
To doubt of your enſuing care,
Or to aduiſe yee, to prepare
For enuies ſtormes, or ſoothing ſmiles,
That wait on ſuch high place ſome whiles:
Longs not to me. For in your eie
Such true Charracters I eſpie
Of vertue, zeale, and vpright heed,
That you will prooue the man indeed,
Meet ſuch a charge to vndergoe:
Whereto heauens hand hath raiſde you ſo·
And that you’le equall any yet
That in the ſelfe-ſame place hath ſet.
Such is the hope of all that loue yee,
Mongſt whom, I cannot chooſe but moue yee
With their remembrance, that this day
Haue done as much as men well may
In honouring this Solemnity,
Their loue and bountie hath expreſt,
How with their fauours you are bleſt:
For, as their kindneſſe hath not ſcanted:
So hath no needfull ſeruice wanted.

For this daies honour and delight:
And ſo my worthie Lord good night.

Thus the worthy and firſt honoured Compa
ny of Drapers
, hauing (in louing and bountifull
manner) declared their kinde affection to as
affable a Magiſtrate: I may not omit one thing
more, wherein the duteous reſpect of them
ſelues, and loue to the Citie very manifeſtly ap
prooued their worth: for, when many ſolemne
meetings haue beene made in the Guild Hall,
for election of a Sheriffe by common conſent,
and as many refuſalls ſtill hapning day by day,
to the great diſquiet of the Companies, and
mighty delay of time; yet when no one would
vndergoe the Office and charge, a Draper hath
done it, worthily and willingly, though no Al
dermans place as then was voyd, witneſſe Mai
ſter Benedict Barneham, a learned and iudicious
Gentleman, who chearefully vndertooke the
Shrieualty in Anno 1591. Next, Maiſter Henrie
, but a yeare ſince, and Maiſter Martin Lum
now Sheriffe of London, all of them louing
Brethren of the Drapers Society.

To conclude, as the ſeuerall Inuentions (with
all their weakeneſſes and imperfections) were
mine owne: ſo the worth and credit of their
performance (if any may waite on ſo meane a
buſineſſe) belongeth to the exact and skilfull

Painter Maiſter Rowland Bucket, whoſe care, di
ligence, and faithfull dealing I muſt needs
commend, and ſhould wrong
him ouermuch if I did
not giue him due
praiſe to his


Printer’s ornament


  1. Facsimile unclear. Proofed in David Bergeron’s critical edition. (NK)
