Farringdon Without Ward

roseAgas Map


Farringdon Without Ward is west of Farringdon Within Ward and Aldersgate Ward and is located outside the Wall. This ward is called Without or Extra because the ward is located without Newgate and Ludgate and to differentiate it from Farringdon Within Ward. Farringdon Without Ward and its counterpart within the Wall are both named after William Faringdon, principle owner of Farringdon Ward, the greater ward that was separated into Farringdon Within Ward and Farringdon Without Ward in the 17 of Richard II.
1720: Blome’s Map of Farringdon Without Ward. Image courtesy of British Library Crace Collection. 
                        © British Library Board; Maps Crace Port. 8.24
1720: Blome’s Map of Farringdon Without Ward. Image courtesy of British Library Crace Collection. © British Library Board; Maps Crace Port. 8.24

Links to Chapters in the Survey of London

Watercolour painting of the alderman and deputy in charge of Farringdon Without Ward by Hugh Alley. Image courtesy of the Folger Digital Image Collection.
Watercolour painting of the alderman and deputy in charge of Farringdon Without Ward by Hugh Alley. Image courtesy of the Folger Digital Image Collection.

1603 Description of Ward Boundaries

The following diplomatic transcription of the opening paragraph(s) of the 1603 chapter on this ward will eventually be subsumed into the MoEML edition of the 1603 Survey.1 Each ward chapter opens with a narrative circumnavigation of the ward—a verbal beating of the bounds that MoEML first transcribed in 2004 and later used to facilitate the drawing of approximate ward boundaries on our edition of the Agas map. Source: John Stow, A Survey of London (London, 1603; STC #23343).
The boundes of which ward without Newgate and Ludgate are theſe. Firſt on the eaſt part thereof, is the whole precinct of the late priorie of ſaint Bartholomew, and a part of Long lane on the north, towardes Alderſgate ſtreete and Ducke lane, with the hoſpitall of ſaint Bartholomew on the Weſt, and all Smithfielde to the Barres in ſaint Iohn ſtreet. Then out of Smithfield, Chickē lane toward Turmile brooke, and ouer that brooke by a bridge of timber into the field, then backe againe by the Pens (or folds) in Smithfield, by Smithfield pond to Cow lane, which turneth toward Oldborne: and then Hoſiar lane out of Smithfield, alſo toward Oldborne, till it meete with a part of Cow lane. Then Cocke lane out of Smithfield, ouer againſt Pye corner, then alſo is Giltſpur ſtreete, out of Smithfield to Newgate, then from Newgate weſt by S. Sepulchres church to Turnagaine Lane: to Oldboorne Conduit, on Snor hill,2 to Oldboorne bridge, vp Oldboorne hill to the Barres3 on both ſides. On the right hand or north ſide, at the bottome of Oldboorne hill, is Gold lane, ſometime a filthy paſſage into the fields, now both ſides builded with ſmall tenementes. Then higher is Lither lane, turning alſo to the field, lately repleniſhed with houſes builded, and ſo to the Barre.
Now on the left hand or ſouth ſide from Newgate, lieth a ſtreet called the Old Bayly, or court of the Chamberlaine of this citty: this ſtretcheth downe by the wall of the Cittie unto Ludgate: on the weſt ſide of which ſtreete, breaketh out one other lane, called ſaint Georges lane, till ye come to the ſouthend of Seacole lane: and then turning towardes Fleetſtreete, it is called Fléete lane. The next out of the high ſtreet from Newgate turning down ſouth, is called the little Bayly, and runneth downe to the Eaſt of ſaint Georges lane. Then is Seacole lane which turneth downe into Fleete lane: neare vnto this Seacole lane, in the turning towardes Oldboorn Conduit, is an other lane, called in record windagaine Lane, it turneth downe to Turnemill Brooke, and from thence backe againe, for there is no way ouer. Then beyond Old boorn bridge to Shooe lane, which runneth out of Oldboorne unto the Conduit in Fleeteſtreet. Then alſo is Fewtars lane, which likewiſe ſtretcheth ſouth into Fleetſtreete by the eaſt end of ſaint Dunſtons church, and from this lane to the Bars, be the bounds without Newgate.
Now without Ludgate, this warde runneth vp from the ſayd gate to Temple barre, and hath on the right hand or north ſide the ſouth end of the old Bayly, then downe Ludgate hill, to the Fléet lane ouer Fléete bridge, and by Shooe lane, and Fewters lane, and ſo to New ſtréete (or Chancery lane) and vp that Lane to the houſe of the Rolles, which houſe is alſo of this ward, and on the other ſide to a lane ouer againſt the Roules, which entereth Ficquets field.
Then hard by the Barre is one other lane called Shyre Lane, becauſe it diuideth the Cittie from the Shire, and this turneth into Ficquets field.
From Ludgate againe on the left hand, or ſouth ſide to Fleetebridge, to bride lane, which runneth south by Bridewell, then to Water lane, which runneth down to the Thames.
Then by the White Fryers and by the Temple, eThis text has been supplied. Reason: Misprint or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (JZ)uen to the Barre aforeſaid, be the boundes of this Faringdon Warde without.

Note on Ward boundaries on Agas Map

Ward boundaries drawn on the Agas map are approximate. The Agas map does not lend itself well to georeferencing or georectification, which means that we have not been able to import the raster-based or vector-based shapes that have been generously offered to us by other projects. We have therefore used our drawing tools to draw polygons on the map surface that follow the lines traced verbally in the opening paragraph(s) of each ward chapter in the Survey. Read more about the cartographic genres of the Agas map.


  1. The 1603 Survey is widely available in reprints of C.L. Kingsford’s two-volume 1908 edition (Kingsford) and also in the British History Online transcription of the Kingsford edition (BHO). MoEML is completing its editions of all four texts in the following order: 1598, 1633, 1618, and 1603. (JJ)
  2. I.e., Snow Hill (JJ)
  3. I.e., Holborn Bars (JZ)
