Excerpts from The Staple of News

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] Alas! what is it to his Scene, to know
How many Coaches in Hide-parke did show
Last spring, what fare to day at Medleyes was,
If Dunstan, or the Phœnix best wine has? Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

THO. But the 4. Cardinall Quarters— P.IV. I, those Thom
THO. The Court, Sir, Pauls, Exchange, and Westminster-hall.
P.IV. Who is the Chiefe? which hath preceedencie?
THO. The gouernour o’the Staple, Master Cymball.
He is the Chiefe; and after him the Emissaries:
First Emissary Court, one Master Fitton,
He’s a Ieerer too. P.IV. What’s that? FAS. A Wit.
THO. Or halfe a Wit, some of them are Halfe-wits,
Two to a Wit, there are a set of ’hem.
Then Master Ambler, Emissary Paules,
A fine pac’d gentleman, as you shall see, walke
The middle Ile: And then my Froy Hans Buz,
A Dutch-man; he’s Emissary Exhange.
FAS. I had thought Mr. Burst the Marchant had had it.
THO. No,1
He has a rupture, hee has sprung a leake,

Emissarie Westminster’s vndispos’d of yet;
Then the Examiner, Register, and two Clerkes,
They mannage all at home, and sort, and file,
And seale the newes, and issue them.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] CLE. Sir, I tell her, she must stay
Till Emissary Exchange, or Pauls send in,
And then I’ll fit her.
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Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
CYM. And as they are issued. I haue the iust meoytie
For my part: then the other moeytie
Is parted into seuen. The foure Emissaries;
Whereof my Cozen Fitton here’s for Court,
Ambler for Pauls, and Buz for the Exchange,
Picklocke, for Westminster, with the Examiner,
And Register, they haue full parts: and then one part
Is vnder-parted to a couple of Clarkes;
And there’s the iust diuision of the profits!
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] CYM. True Paules bred,
I’the Church-yard. P. IV. And this at the West-dore,
O’th other side, Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
MIRTH. I remember it gossip, I went with you, by the same token, Mrs. Trouble Truth diswaded vs, and told vs, hee was a prophane Poet, and all his Playes had Diuels in them. That he kept schole vpo’ the Stage, could coniure there, aboue the Schole of Westminster, and Doctor Lamb too: Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
SHV. What Lick-finger? mine old host of Ram-Alley? Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…]
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] SHV. Hee minds
A curtesie no more, then London-bridge,
What Arch was mended last.
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P. SE. Where is’t you eat? P. IV. Hard by, at Picklock’s lodging.
Old Lickfinger’s the Cooke, here in Ram-Alley.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] P. CA. No ’faith,
Dine in Apollo2 with Pecunia,
At braue Duke Wadloos, haue your friends about you,
And make a day on’t.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] FIT. From a right hand I assure (you,
The Eele-boats here, that lye before Queen-Hyth,
Came out of Holland.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] THO. The perpetuall Motion,

Is here found out by an Alewife in Saint Katherines,
At the signe o’ the dancing Beares.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
SHV. Cannot your Office tell vs, what braue fellowes
Doe eat together to day, in towne, and where?
THO. Yes, there’s a Gentleman, the braue heire, yong Peny-boy.
Dines in Apollo.3 MAD. Come, let’s thither then,
I ha’ supt in Apollo!4
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Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
P. SE. Well bring your sixe in. Where ha’ you left Pecunia?
BRO. Sir, in Apollo,5 they are scarce set.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] P.SE. It is no pride in me!
But paine, paine; what’s your errand, Sir, to me?
Broker, returne to your charge, be Argus-eyed,
Awake, to the affaire you haue in hand,
Serue in Apollo,6 but take heed of Bacchus.
Goe on, Sir.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

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CENSVRE. A notable tough Rascall! this old Peny-boy! right City-bred!
MIRTH. In Siluer-streete, the Region of money, a good seat for a Vsurer.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
TAT. Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] I haue had better newes from the bake-house, by ten thousand parts, in a morning: or the conduicts in Westminster! all the newes of Tutle-street, and both the Alm’ries! the two Sanctuaries long, and round Wool-staple! with Kings-street, and Chanon-row to boot!
MIRTH. I, my Gossip Tatle knew what fine slips grew in Gardiners-lane; who kist the Butchers wife with the Cowes-breath; what matches were made in the bowling-Alley, and what bettes wonne and lost; how much grieft went to the Mill and what besides: who coniur’d in Tutle-fields, and how many? when they neuer came there. And which Boy rode vpon Doctor Lambe, in the likenesse of a roaring Lyon, that runne away with him in his teeth, and ha’s not deuour’d him yet.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)[…] SHV. Haue at you, then Lawyer.
They say, there was one of your coate in Bet’lem, lately,
ALM. I wonder all his Clients were not there.
MAD. They were the madder sort.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)

Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)
PIC. In all the languages in Westminster-Hall,
Pleas, Bench, or Chancery. Fee-Farme, Fee-Tayle,
Tennant in dower, At will, For Terme of life,
By Copy of Court Roll, Knights seruice, Homage,
Fealty, Escuage, Soccage, or Frank almoigne,
Grand Sergeanty, or Burgage.
Gap in transcription. Reason: (KL)


  1. This line appears to the side. (KL)
  2. I.e., room in the Devil’s Tavern. For more information about the Apollo, see Sugden 23-24. (KL)
  3. I.e., room in the Devil’s Tavern. For more information about the Apollo, see Sugden 23-24. (KL)
  4. I.e., room in the Devil’s Tavern. For more information about the Apollo, see Sugden 23-24. (KL)
  5. I.e., room in the Devil’s Tavern. For more information about the Apollo, see Sugden 23-24. (KL)
  6. I.e., room in the Devil’s Tavern. For more information about the Apollo, see Sugden 23-24. (KL)