MoEML’s Pedagogical Partnership Welcome Package


We’re very excited to have you as our Pedagogical Partner in the new term. Below you will find information to help you incorporate a MoEML module into your course. Please be in touch if you have any questions!

How will MoEML support you?

  • We can help you choose and refine a contribution.
  • We will give you a blurb to include on your syllabus.
  • We offer thorough Contributor Guidelines, the MoEML Guide to Editorial Style, student-friendly Research Guidelines, Tips on Writing for the Web Environment, and other resources listed on our teaching page.
  • We will Skype into your classroom at least once during the term so your students can meet us and learn about the potential scholarly impact and reach of their contribution.
  • If your class is co-authoring a single submission, and if you wish, we will offer your students a review of an early draft of their contribution, so they can learn about the scholarly review process.
  • We’ll do all the encoding for the completed article, unless your students wish to learn the basics of encoding in TEI.
  • If your students do wish to learn the basics of encoding, we will create a valid file for them to work on and point them to the relevant sections of our documentation for encoders.
  • MoEML subscribes to the Collaborators Bill of Rights and the Student Collaborators’ Bill of Rights. Your class’ biography, including each student contributor’s name, will appear on the MoEML site, ensuring that you are both credited and accountable for your work. As the pedagogical partner, you will be credited as Guest Editor.
  • Upon request, we’ll provide a letter to help you obtain institutional credit for participating in an innovative pedagogical partnership.

What do you need to do for MoEML?

  • You will act as a liaison between your students and MoEML. In most cases, we do not correspond directly with your students. If your student does wish to correspond with us directly, we need your permission to do so. (Without your permission, we might be inadvertently providing extra help to a student in ways that contravene your university’s policies or compromise the fairness of your assessment. We need to keep in mind that the MoEML module is subject to grading at your end.)
  • You are the Guest Editor of your students’ contributions. As such, you are responsible for ensuring that your students’ work complies with MoEML’s content, submission, and style guidelines. Once you have marked the students’ work, you may choose to send on the very best work to us. In effect, you are acting as a peer reviewer and deciding whether a student’s work should be accepted with minor revisions, resubmitted after major revisions, or deemed not publishable.
  • As early as possible before your class begins, provide a photograph (headshot) of yourself and a brief biography so we can include you as a partner on the pedagogical partnership page of our website. For a sample biography, look here.
  • Arrange for a suitable classroom (i.e., smart classroom with wired internet access) in which to hold 1-2 Skype sessions per term between your class and MoEML.
  • Share your syllabus and assignment rubrics/models with us for the benefit of future pedagogical partners. We will showcase them on our site and celebrate your work as a teacher.
  • Collect feedback from your students at the end of the term via the MoEML Feedback Form.
  • Document your involvement as a MoEML Pedagogical Partner (e.g., keep and share notes on what worked and what didn’t) so that we can continually improve the module.
  • If possible, take photographs of your class working on the module for our website. We will gladly celebrate your students and give you and them something to show your home institution. (Please ensure you obtain permission from your students to take and publish photographs.)
  • Submit your edited article to MoEML within 2 months of the class’ final meeting date.

Refining your Contribution

Here are a few places where contributions would be particularly welcome:
To determine which articles are still available, click on the Article status column to sort the entries by their status: assigned, complete, empty, or stub. Topics with a status of stub or empty are still available. We can easily add any location, playhouse, text, or topic that isn’t already listed, so you are not limited to what is currently on our site. Once we have assigned a topic, we will change its status to assigned.
Sample Blurb for Your Syllabus (Playhouse Option)
We are participating in a pedagogical partnership with The Map of Early Modern London (MoEML), a scholarly project that is used around the world in classes like ours. Our [first/major/final/group] project/s] will be a potential contribution to MoEML’s encyclopedia. We will follow the contributor guidelines for playhouses and produce an encyclopedia entry for [insert name of your playhouse]. I will mentor you through the research and writing process, and function as a Guest Editor for MoEML. If your work meets the standard for publication, the MoEML team in Victoria will encode and publish it. Your name will be listed on the MoEML site.

Managing the MoEML module (Playhouse option)

  • You and your students will conduct research into the neighbourhood, architecture, archaeology, surviving visual images, owners, playwrights, players, playing companies, staging, and repertory associated with your playhouse. You are free to modify the structure, expand sections, or add sections, depending on the focus of your course and/or the information available. If no archaeological data is available on a particular theatre because it has not yet been located, then there’s no need for an Archaeology section in your article.
  • You might consider posing the question Is there any particular technology associated with this playhouse?
  • If your course emphasizes Original Practices, you might like to divide the work into subheadings such as lighting, costumes, music, etc.

Adapting the Module (Playhouse option)

  • You could assign specific topics to individual students or to small groups. For example, you might divide a class of twenty into five groups of four students and assign general topics (1. Location and neighbourhood; 2. architecture/visual images; 3. literary significance/ playwrights; 4. owners, players, playing companies; 5. archaeology) to each group.
  • You could make students within each group responsible for researching one or two resources (e.g., World Shakespeare Bibliography, DEEP, EMLoT, standard printed texts on the playhouse, etc.).
  • If you have a large class, you could make the MoEML contribution optional. Janelle has offered a MoEML option in all of her Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama courses via the following invitation on the term project rubric:
Research Project: Presented in the Digital Medium
This topic is open only to students with excellent research and writing skills who would like to contribute to The Map of Early Modern London ( You require my permission to work on a digital project, and will want to work closely with me to narrow your topic. One possibility is to create an edition of a text from Shakespeare’s time that sheds some light both on a play we have read and on some aspect of London culture. Another possibility is to create a contribution to the Topics page of the London website (e.g., clowns and fools; a member of Shakespeare’s company; some social phenomenon that we have discussed). You are not responsible for the encoding, but you must provide a schematic of how you want your pages to be linked to each other. Hand in a digital copy of the text, Word files (via email attachment), and any images or other resources you want to add. Ask me for advice on how to organize your project. Note that writing for the internet is not the same as writing a linear argumentative essay. Headers, links, images, and short pithy sentences are stylistically desirable on the internet.

Building on the MoEML Module

  • Experience has shown that some students enjoy doing this research so much that they would like to pursue a particular topic for extra credit or as part of a separate Directed Reading course. Provided the student’s work is up to our standard, MoEML is very willing to consider such individual contributions for publication. Contact us if you would like to discuss such a possibility further.
  • Some students wish to encode their own contributions. We have successfully run two types of encoding pedagogical partnerships, one with a graduate seminar in Digital Humanities and another with an undergraduate student on a funded research scholarship.

Social Media

  • Facebook: We regularly post stories of general interest for scholars of London history. Please share, like, and invite your students to like our Facebook page.
  • Twitter: Some of your students may be active on Twitter. Encourage them to follow us so they can learn about scholarly uses of Twitter. @MoEMLondon
  • MoEML News: We would welcome a news story or blog post from you and/or your students about your work.