Graduate student contribution

Pedagogical Partner contribution

Articles to be inquired of, by the Minister, Churchwardens, and Sidemen, of euery Parish,1 and Precinct,2 within the Archdeaconrie of London, according to the speciall direction of certaine Letters, heeretofore sent to the Lord Bishop of London, from the right Honourable Lords of the Priuie Councell.
IMprimis, whether there be any in your Parish, either Parishioners, Soiourners, or such as be late came out of other Countries,3 into your parish, which do refuse, or neglect, to come to diuine Seruice, to their Parish Church, or else where: and what be their names, and Sir-names, & how long they haue refused so to do?
2 Item, hThis text is the corrected text. The original is a (TLG)ow many of their wiues, and Children, aboue the age of Sixteene yeares, Seruants, and other Soiourners abiding in their Houses, doe likewise refuse so to do? And what bee their names, and Sirnames, and how long they haue refused so to doe?
3 Item, whether there be any in your Parish, which bée suspected to haue béen reconciled to the Popish Religion? or to haue been absolued? or any that procured, or counselled any thereunto, and what be their names, and Sir-names?
4 Item, whether there bee any in your parish, which be suspected to bée Massing Priests, Reconcilers, Iesuits, Seminaries, or other persons which haue receiued any orders or authority from the Romish Church, to vse the like: And what be their names and Sir-names?
5 Item, whether there be any Schoolemaisters, within your Parish, which do not bring vp their youth, in the Religion now professed, or bee not themselues diligent, in repairing to diuine Seruice, or bringing their Scholers to it?
Obseruations materiall in this Inquirie.
IN euery Parish, where any manner of person dwelleth, or soiourneth, which refuseth, or neglecteth to go to the Church, to heare diuine Seruice; The Minister, & Churchwardens, of the parish, ar commanded, euery Moneth from henceforth, to go to euery such person, with the Sidemen, or else with two, or thrée honest witnesses, and before those Sidemen, or witnesses, to require euery such person, to repaire to the Church, to heare diuine Seruice. And the sayd Minister, and Churchwardens and Sidemen, are commanded to send a Certificate or pretentment in writing, signed with the hands, markes, and seales of the said Minister, Churchwardens, and Sidemen, to their Ordinarie, alwayes on the tenth day before Midsomer day,4 on the tenth day before Michaelmas day,5 on the tenth day before Christmas day,6 and on the tenth day before the Feast day, of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary,7 without further delay. So as returne of such Certificate may be made in time to the Custos Rotulorum at euery Sessions, next ensuing those Feasts, testifying as well the manner, and time of their admonishments, of such Recusants whatsoeuer they be, as their answers; And when, and whether they went to Church, euery Moneth, after such admonition giuen to them as aforesayd. Or whether any such person hath wilfully withdrawne himselfe, from taking, or vnderstanding such admonition; and also declaring the names, sirnames, and abiding places, of euery one that shall offend, in any part, or clause of the aboue written Articles. This euery Minister, and Churchwarden, is straightly charged, to shew his diligence in, and effectually to do, as they, and euery of them, shall and will answer to the contrary, at their perils.
You shall bring your Presentment into Mr. Hulets Office at the west end of old Fish street in London, ten dayes before euery Quarter, at the vttermost, specifying the proper, & Sirname, title, and addition, of euery person presented, and how many Monethes they haue refused, or neglected to come, to heare diuine Seruice, in their parish Church, before the day ofthe making of your Presentment.


  1. For a list of parishes in early modern London, see Parishes in the Placeography. (TLG)
  2. The area within the boundaries (real or imaginary) of a particular place or building; the interior; the grounds; esp. the (consecrated) ground immediately surrounding a religious house or place of worship (OED precinct, 1.a). (SK)
  3. See London Aliens for more information. (JT)
  4. Midsummer Day is celebrated on 24 June, so the date here is 14 June. (JT)
  5. Michaelmas Day is celebrated on 29 September, so the date here is 19 September. (JT)
  6. Christmas Day is celebrated on 25 December, so the date here is 15 December. (JT)
  7. Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated on 25 March, so the date here is 15 March. (JT)
