Survey of London (1633): Vintry Ward

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Uintrie Ward.
NOw I am to speak of
the other Wards,
Wards on the VVest side of Walbrooke, and first, of Vintrie VVard.
in number, all lying on
the West side of the
course of Walbrook: and
first of the Vintry ward,
so called of Vintners, and of the Vin
, a part of the banke of the River of
Thames, where the Merchants of Burde
, craned their Wines out of Ligh
ters, and other Vessels, and there lan
ded and made sale of them, within for
ty dayes after, untill the twenty eighth
of Edward the first
, at which time the
said Merchants complained, that they
could not sell their wines, paying poun
dage, neither hire houses or cellars to
lay them in: and it was redressed by
vertue of the Kings Writ, directed to
the Maior and Sheriffes of London, da
ted at Carlaveroke, or Carlile. Since the
which time, many faire and large hou
ses (with Vaults and Cellars for stow
age of VVines, and lodging of Bur
Merchants) have beene builded,
in place where before time were Cooks
houses: for Fitzstephen, in the reigne of
Henry the second, writeth, that upon
the Rivers side, betweene the VVine in
Ships, and the VVine to be sold in Ta
vernes, was a common Cookes Row,
&c. as in another place I have set down.
wherby it apeares, that in those daies,
(and till of late time) every man lived
according to his owne professed Trade,
Every man lived by his se
verall pro
fessed trade.

not any one interrupting another. The
Cookes dressed meat, and sold no wine;
and the Taverner sold wine, but dres
sed no meat for sale, &c.
This VVard beginneth in the East,
at the West end of Downegate Ward, at
the water-course of Walbrooke, which
parteth them, to wit, at Granthams lane ,
on the Thames side, and at Elbow lane,
on the Land side: it runneth along in
Thames street, West, some three hou
ses beyond the Old Swan, a Brewhouse,
and on the Land side, some three hou
ses West, beyond Saint Iames at Gar
licke hithe
In breadth, this VVard stretcheth
from the Vintrie North, to the wall of
the West gate of the Tower Royall: the
other North part is of Cordwainer street
Out of this Royall street by the South
gate of Tower-Royall, runneth a small
street, East to Saint Iohns upon Wal
, which street is called Horse
, of such a bridge sometime
over the brooke there, which is now
vaulted over.
Then from the South gate West,
runneth one other street,
ders street.
called Knight-riders
, by Saint Thomas Apostles
, on the North side, and Wring
wren lane
, by the said Church, at the
West end thereof, and to the East end
of the Trinity Church in the said Knight-riders
, where this Ward endeth
on that South side the street: but on the
North side, it runneth no farther than
the corner against the new builded Ta
verne, and other houses, in a plot of
ground where sometime stood Or
mond place
. Yet have yee one other
lane lower downe in Royall streete,
stretching forth from over against

Uintrie Ward.

Saint Michaels Church, to and by the
North side of Saint Iames Church by
Garlicke hith
, this is called Kerion lane:
And thus much for the bounds of the
Vintrie Ward. Now on the Thames side
west from Granthams lane, have ye Her
bert lane
, or Brickles lane, so called of
Iohn Brikles, sometimes owner there
Then is Simpsons lane, of one Simpson;
or Emperours-head lane, of such a signe:
then the Three Cranes lane, so called, not
onely of a signe of three Cranes at a Ta
verne doore, but rather of three strong
Cranes of Timber, placed on the Vin
by the Thames side, to crane
up Wines there, as is afore shewed:
this Lane was of old time, to wit, the 9.
of Richard the second
, called the Pain
ted Taverne lane
, of the Taverne being
Then next over against Saint Mar
, is a large house builded of
stone and timber, with vaults for the
stowage of wines,
The Vintry Record.
and is called the Vin
. There dwelled Iohn Gisers, Vint
ner, Maior of London, and Constable of
the Tower, and then was Henry Picard,
Vintner, Maior. In this house Henry
feasted foure Kings in one day; as
in my Summary I have shewed.
Then next is Vannars lane, so called of
one Vannar that was owner thereof, it is
now called Church lane, of the comming
up from S. Martins Church.
Next is Broad lane, for that the same is
broader for the passage of Carts from
the Vintrie Wharfe, than be the other
lanes. At the North-west corner of this
lane is the Parish-Clerks Hall, lately by
them purchased, since they lost their old
Hall in Bishopsgate street. Next is Spit
, of old time so called; since, Sto
dies lane
, of the owner thereof, named
Stodie. Sir Iohn Stodie, Vintner, Mai
or in the yeere 1357. gave it, with all
the Quadrant wherein Vintners Hall
now standeth, with the Tenements
round about, unto the Vintners: the
Vintners builded for themselves a faire
Almes-houses of the Vint
and also 13. Almes-houses there,
for 13. poore people, which are kept of
charity, rent-free.
The Vintners in London were (of old
time) called Merchants Vintners of
, and so I reade them in the
records of Edward the 2. the 11. yeere,
and Edward the 3. the ninth yeere, they
were as well Englishmen, as strangers
borne beyond the Seas, but then subjects
to the King of England, great Burdeaux
Merchants of Gascoyne and French wines;
divers of them were Maiors of this Ci
tie; namely, Ioh. Adrian, Vintner, Reig
at Conduit, Iohn Oxenford, Henry
, that feasted the Kings of Eng
land, France, Scotland
, and Cypres: Ioh
, that gave Stodies lane to the Vint
: which foure last named, were
Maiors in the reign of Edward the third,
and yet Gascoyne Wines were then to
be sold at London, not above 4. pence,
nor Rhenish Wines above 6. pence the
I reade of sweet Wines, that in the
50. of Edward the third, Iohn Peachie,
Fishmonger, was accused, for that hee
procured a Licence for the onely sale of
them in London: which notwithstan
ding he justified by Law, he was impri
soned and fined.
More I read, that in the 6. of Hen. 6.
the Lombards corrupting their sweet
Wines, when knowledge thereof came
to Iohn Rainwell, Maior of London, hee
(in divers places of the Citie) comman
ded the heads of the Buts and other ves
sels, in the open streets, to be broken, to
the number of one hundred and fifty, so
that the liquor running forth, passed
thorow the Citie like a streame of raine
water, in the sight of all the people;
from whence there issued a most loath
some savour.
I read in the reigne of Henry the 7.
that no sweet VVines were brought in
to this Realme, but Malmsies, by the
Longobards, paying to the King for his
Licence, 6. s. 8. d. of every But, besides
12. d. for Bottell-large. I remember,
within these 54. yeeres, Malmsey not
to be sold above 1. d. ob. the pint. For
proofe whereof, it appeareth in the
Church-Booke of S. Andrew Vndershaft,
that in the yeere 1547. I. G. and S. K.
then Church-wardens, for 80. pints of
Malmsey, spent in the Church, after 1. d.
halfepenny the pint, paid at the yeeres
end for the same tenne shillings.
More I remember, that no Sackes
were sold, but Rumney, and that for Me
dicine more than for drinke: but now

many kindes of Sackes are knowne and
used. And so much for Wines.
For the Vintrie,
The Kings sonnes supped in the Vintrie
to end therewith, I
read, that in the reigne of Henry the 4.
the yong Prince Henry, T. Duke of Cla
, I. Duke of Bedford, and Humfrey
Duke of Glocester
, the Kings sonnes, be
ing at supper amongst the Merchants
of London in the Vintrie, in the house of
Lewes Iohn,
Hen. Scogan
Henry Scogan sent to them
a Ballad, beginning thus:
My Noble Sonnes,
and oke my Lords deare,
I your Father
called unworthily,
Send unto you
this Ballad following here,
Written with mine
owne hand full rudely:
Although it be,
that I not reverently
Have written to your
Estates, I you pray,
Mine uncunning
take benignely,
For Gods sake,
and hearken what I say.
Then follow in like Meeter, 23. staves,
containing a perswasion from losing of
time foolishly, in lust and vice, but to
spend the same in vertue and godlines;
as ye may read in Geffrey Chawcer his
Chawcer fol. 334 & 335.
lately printed The successors
of those Vintuers and Wine-drawers,
that retayled by the Gallons, Pottell,
ners in
ted the 15. of Hen. 6.
and Pint, were all incorporated
by the name of Wine-tunners, in the
reigne of Edward the third, and confir
med the 15. of Henry the sixth.
Next is Palmers Lane, now called An
chor Lane
. The Plummers have their
Hall there, but are Tenants to the
Then is Worcester House, sometimes
belonging to the Earles of Worcester,
now divided into many tenements. The
Fruiterers have their Hall there.
Then is the Old Swan, a great Brew-house.
And this is all, on the Thames
side, that I can note in this Ward.
On the Land side, is the Royall street,
and Pater noster Lane, I thinke of old
time called Arches: for I read, that Ro
bert de Suffolke
gave to Walter Darford,
L. S. Mary Overie.

his tenement with the appurtenance, in
the Lane called Les Arches, in the parish
of S. Michael de Pater noster Church
, be
tweene the wall of the Field called Win
chester field
, on the East, and the same
Lane on the West, &c. More I reade
of a stone House, called Stoda de Win
, juxta Stodum bridge
, which in that
Lane was over Walbrooke water.
Then is the faire Parish Church of
S. Michael
Parish Church of S. Miihael de Pater no
, a Col
ledge, one Almes
house or Hospitall.
called Pater noster Church
in the Royall
. This Church was new
builded, and made a Colledge of S.
Spirit, and S. Mary, founded by Richard
, Mercer, foure times Maior,
for a Master, foure Fellowes, Masters of
Art, Clerkes, Conducts, Chorists, &c.
and an Almes-house, called Gods house
or Hospitall, for thirteene poore men,
one of them to be Tutor, and to have 16
pence the weeke, the other twelve, each
of them to have 14. pence the weeke
for ever, with other necessary provisi
on, an Hutch with three lockes, a com
mon scale, &c.
These were bound to pray for the
good estate of Richard Whittington, and
Alice his wife; their Founders; and for
Sir William VVhittington,
R. VVhit
, tington, son to Sir VV. VVhitting
, Knight.
Knight, and
Dame Ioan his wife; and for Hugh Fitz
, and Dame Molde his wife, the
Fathers and Mothers of the said Richard
, and Alice his wife; for
King Richard the second, and Thomas of
, Duke of Glocester, speciall
Lords and Promoters of the said Richard
, &c.
The Licence for this foundation was
granted by King Henry the fourth, the
eleventh of his reign
: and in the twelfth
of the same Kings reigne
, the Maior
and Communalty of London, granted to
Richard VVhittington a vacant peece of
ground, thereon to build his Colledge
in the Royall
: all which was confirmed
by Henry the 6. the third of his reigne,
to Iohn Coventry, Ienkin Carpenter, and
VVilliam Grove, Executors to Richard
This foundation was againe confir
med by Parliament, the tenth of Henry
the sixth
, and was suppressed by the
Statute of Edward the sixth. The Almes
houses, with the poore men, doe re
maine, and are paid by the Mercers.
This Richard Whittington was (in this

Church) three times buried:
Richard Whittington thrice bu
first, by
his Executors, under a faire Monument:
then, in the reigne of Edward the sixth,
the Parson of that Church, thinking
some great riches (as he said) to be bu
ried with him, caused his Monument
to be broken, his body to be spoiled of
his Leaden sheet, and againe the se
cond time to be buried. And in the
reigne of Queene Mary, the Parishio
ners were forced to take him up, to lap
him in Lead, as afore, to bury him the
third time, and to place his Monument,
or the like, over him againe, which re
maineth, and so he resteth.
Thomas Winford, Alderman, was bu
ried in this Church, 1448.
Arnold Macknam, Vintner a Merchant
of Burdeaux, 1457.
Sir Heere Tanke, or Hartancleux,
Knight of the Garter, borne in Almaine,
a noble Warrior in Henry the fifth and
Henry the sixth’s dayes.
Sir Edmond Mulshew, Knight, neere
to Thomas Cockham, Recorder of London.
The Lady Kyme.
Sir William Oldhall, Knight, 1460.
Sir Iohn Yong, Grocer, Maior 1466.
Agnes, daughter to Sir Iohn Yong, first
married to Robert Sherington, after to
Robert Mulleneux, then to William Chey
, Esquire.
Iohn Having, Gentleman.
William Roswell, Esquire.
William Postar, Clerk of the Crowne,
Sir William Bayly, Draper, Maior,
1533. with Dame Katharine his Wife,
leaving sixteene children.
Iohn Haydon, Mercer, Sheriffe, 1582.
who gave Legacies to the 13. Almes-men,
and otherwise for a Lecture.
Vt fragrans Nardus,
A goodly plaine Marble Tombe in the Chan
cell, with new Ban
ners to a
dorne it, very late
ly hung up.
famâ fuit iste Ricardus ,
Albificans villam
qui justè rexer at illam.
Flos Mercatorum,
fundator Presbyterorum,
Sic & regonarum
testis sit certus eorum.
Omnibus exemplum
barathrum vincendo morosum,
Condidit hoc Templum
Michaelis, quam speciosum?
Regia spes & pres:
divinis res rata turbis.
Pauperibus pr.
& Maior qui fuit urbis,
Martius hunc vicit,
en Annos gens tibi dicit.
Finiit ipse dies,
sis sibi Christe quies.
Ejus sponsa pia, Generosa, probata, sophia
Iungitur, &c.
Hic jacet Eduardus
Lupton cognomine dictus,
Occidit heu juvenis
cum spes foret omnibus una.
Pauperibus fuerat
studiosis ille patronus,
Mille & quingintos
tersaevos vidit ademptos
Moribus & studiis
qui vivens claruit olim;
Spiritus iste Iesus
mens à te suscipiatur.
Quisquis ades plora fata dolenda viri,
A faire plated stone be
fore the Commu
nion Ta
Hujus Collegii quique Magister erat;
Doctor, & in sacre Dogmate clarus erat;
Qui obiit Octobris & quoque nona fuit.
Credere nuncfas est spiritus astra tenet:
Spes me tua Iesus es, gratia, non opera.
At the upper end of this Street,
builded about Hen
the 1
. as may bee supposed.
the Tower Royall, whereof that street ta
keth name. This Tower and great place
was so called, of pertaining to the Kings
of this Realme:
King Ste
was lodged there.
but by whom the same
was first builded, or of what Antiquity
continued, I have not read more, than
that in the reigne of King Edward 1. se
cond, fourth, and seventh yeeres, it was
the tenement of Simon Beawmes. Also,
that in the 36. of Edward the third, the
same was called the Royall, in the Parish
of S. Michael de Pater noster
and that
in the three and fortieth of his Reigne,
he gave it by the name of his Inne, cal
led the Royall,2 in his Citie of London, in
value twenty pounds by yeere, unto his
Colledge of S. Stephen at Westminster.
Notwithstanding, in the reigne of Ri
the second
, it was called The
Queene Wardrobe, as appeareth by this
that followeth:
King Richard, having in Smithfield o
vercome and dispersed the Rebels, hee,

his Lords and all his Company,
The Lady Princesse lodged in the Tower Royall.
entered the
City of London, with great joy, and went
to the Lady Princesse his Mother, who was
then lodged in the Tower-Royall, called
the Queenes Wardrope, where shee had
remained three dayes and two nights, right
sore abashed. But when shee saw the King
her Sonne, she was greatly rejoyced and said,
Ah Sonne, what great sorrow have I suffe
red for you this day! The King answered
and said; Certainely, Madame, I know it
well, but now rejoyce, and thanke God, for
I have this day recovered mine heritage,
and the Realme of England, which I had
neere-hand lost.
This Tower seemeth to have beene
(at that time) of good defence, for when
the Rebels had beset the Tower of Lon
and got possession thereof, taking
from thence whom they listed, as in my
Annales I have shewed; the Princesse
being force to flye, came to this Tow
er Royall
▪ where shee was lodged, and
remained safe as yee have heard, and it
may bee also supposed, that the King
himselfe was at that time lodged there.
I reade, that in the yeere 1386. Lyon
King of Armony, being chased out of
his Realme by the Tartarians, received
innumerable gifts of the King and of his
King Ri
ged in the Tower-Royall.
the King then lying in the Roy
, where hee also granted to the said
King of Armony, a Charter of a thou
sand pounds by yeere during his life.
This for proofe may suffice, that Kings
of England have beene lodged in this
Tower, though the same (of later time)
hath been neglected, and turned into
stabling for the Kings, horses, and now
letten out to divers men, and divided
into Tenements.
In Horse-bridge street is the Cutlers
, Richard de Wilehale 1295. confir
med to Paul Butelor, this house and edi
fices, in the Parish of Saint Michael Pa
ter noster Church
, and Saint Iohns upon
, which sometime Lawrence
, and his son Peter Gisors did pos
sesse, and afterward Hugonis de Hingham,
and lyeth betweene the Tenement of
the said Richard towards the South, and
the lane called Hors-shoo bridge towards
the North, and betweene the way cal
led Pater noster Church on the West, and
the course of Walbrooke on the East, pay
ing yeerely one Clove of Gilliflowers
at Easter, and to the poore and Covent
of Saint Mary Overy, 6. s. this house
sometime belonged to Simon Dolesly,
Grocer, Maior, 1359. They of this
Company were (of old time) three
Arts, or sorts of Workmen, to wit, the
first were Smiths, Forgers of Blades,
and therefore called Bladers, and divers
of them proved wealthy men,
Bladers or Blade-Smiths.
as name
ly, Walter Nele, Blader, one of the She
riffes, the twelth of Edward the third
deceased, 1352. and buried in S. Iames
Garlicke hith
. He left Lands to the men
ding of High-waies about London, be
twixt Newgate and VVicombe, Ealdgate
and Chelmesford, Bishopsgate and VVare,
and Rochester, &c. The se
cond were makers of Hafts, and other
wise garnishers of Blades:
The third
sort were Sheathmakers for Swords,

Daggers, and Knives. In the 10. of Hen
the fourth
certaine ordinances were
made betwixt the Bladers, and the o
ther Cutlers, and in the fourth of Henry
the sixth
, they were all three Compa
nies drawne into one Fraternity or Bro
therhood, by the name of Cutlers.
Then is Knight riders street,
Knight riders street.
so called
(as is supposed) of Knights well armed
and mounted at the Tower Royall, riding
from thence through the street, West to
Creed lane, and so out at Ludgate towards
Smithfield, when they were: there to
Turney, Just, or otherwise to shew acti
vities before the King and States of the
Realme. In this streete is the Parish
Church of Saint Thomas Apostles
, by
Wring-wren lane, a proper Church, and
in the yeere 1629. well repaired and
finely garnished; but Monuments of
antiquity, I finde none beyond the
reigne of Henry the eighth, except some
Armes in the windowes, as also in the
stone-worke, which some suppose to be
of Iohn Barns Mercea, Maior of London,
in the yeere 1371. a great builder there
of, H. Causton Merchant, was a Bene
factor, and had a Chantry there about,
1396. T. Roman, Maior 1310. had also
a Chantry there 1319. Fitz-Williams al
so a Benefactor, had a Chantry there.
More, Sir VVilliam Littlesbury, alias
, (for King Edward the fourth so
named him) because he was a most ex
cellent blower in a Horne, hee was a

Salter, and Merchant of the Staple,
Maior of London in the yeere 1487. and
was buried in this Church, having ap
pointed (by his Testament) the Bels to
be changed for foure new Bels of good
time and found; but that was not per
formed: he gave 500. Markers towards
the repairing of high-wayes betweene
London and Cambridge; his dwelling
house, with a Garden, and appurtenan
ces in the said Parish, to be sold, and be
stowed in charitable actions, as his Ex
ecutors would answer before God.
His house called the George in Bread
he gave to the Salters,
George in Breadstreet given to the Sal
upon conditi
ons not perfor
they to
finde a Priest in the said Church, to have
six pounds, thirteene shillings, foure
pence the yeere, to every Preacher at
Pauls Crosse, and at the Spittle, 4. pence
for ever; to the Prisoners of Newgate,
Ludgate, Marshalsey
, and Kings Bench,
in victuals tenne shillings at Christmas,
and tenne shillings at Easter for ever;
which Legacies are not performed.
William Shipton, William Champneis,
and Iohn de Burford, had Chauntries
there: Iohn Martin, Butcher, one of the
Sheriffs, was buried there 1533. Those
Monuments that be extant of these lat
ter times, be these following:
There lieth buried neere this Monument,
On the North side of the Chancell.
Margaret one of the daughters of
the Lord Broke, Chiefe Baron of the Ex
chequer, in the reigne of King Henry
the eighth
: who lineally descended of the
House of Broke of in Che
; which said Margaret was first
married to William Whorwood, se
cond son to John VVhorwood of Com
in the County of Stafford, Esquire,
which said William dyed Atturney Ge
nerall to the said King Henry the 8. Af
ter whose death, shee tooke to her second
Husband, William Sheldon of Beeley
in the County of Worcester, Esquire;
who also dyed, leaving her a Widdow,
and so she continued many yeeres after;
and then dyed, being about the age of 80.
yeeres, and was buried in March, 1589.
in the 32. yeere of Qu. Elizabeth.
On the South side of the Chancell, a
very fine, neat and well-contrived Mo
nument, but without any date, where
on these Verses are insculpt:
In mortem suam haec Carmina
dum vixerat scripsit D.
Katharina Killigreia.
Dormio nunc Domino,
Domini vitute resurgam;
Et Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […] meum
carne videbo mea.
Mortua ne dicar,
fruitur pars altera Christo,
Et surgar capiti,
tempore, tota, meo.
Elizabethae in Obitum Katharinae
Sororis Epicaedia.
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […],
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […].
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […],
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […].
Chara valeto Soror,
in Caelo morte triumphas,
Mors tua vita tibi,
mors tamen illa tuis.
Mens tua labe carens,
pietas, doctrina, modesta
Vita, lepos suavis
digna fuere Deo.
Vt junxit Sanguis,
nos jungat in aethere Christus:
Interea taceo
mortua morte tua.
Felicissimae & in Christo charis
simae Memoriae Katharinae Kiligreiae,
Robertus Massonus Formanus Pa
stor Ecclesiae Londino-Gal
licae, his Versibus
Coelestem Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […]
conclusam pectore mentem
Audivi, aspexi,
saepius obstupui;
Caelicolam sancto
seclusam corpore mentem,
Quam colui carus,
maestus ovans{que} cano.
Quis non ereptas
tot dotes lugeat? & quis
Coelo caelestes
lividus invideat?
Cedere sed Patri
gnatos, terrena supernis
Est aequum, sequimur:
tu Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […] praei.

Epitaphium praestant. Feminae, Ka
tharinae Kiligreiae Autore Andrea
Palladis & Phoebi
comes una, & Pieris una,
Pieridum{que} Soror,
Pieridum{que} Parens.
Gratia, Suada, Lepos,
Gravitas, Constantia, Candor,
Relligio, Pietas,
& Pudor & Probitas,
At{que} Palestinae,
& Latiae, Graiae{que} Camenae
Clausit olim uno
omnes pectore, nunc tumulo.
Aliud Epitaphium Autore
Guilielmo Charco.
Hic Katharina jacet
de stemmate nobilitato
Cociadum, & claro
Kiligreio nupta marito:
Hoc satis est, Hospes:
Rhodanus nam caetera novit,
Et dives Rhenus
celebrat, sic fama Sororem
Musarum, & magnam
magnae Pietatis Alumnam.
Vnder the Communion Table, a
stone ingraven.
Here lyes interred the body of Mr. John
Vnder the Cōmuni
on Table.
Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of
London, who departed this life 1. De
cemb. 1625
. and left issue 4. Sonnes,
(viz.) John, George, Henry and Ri
Hee lived and dyed in the true
faith of Christ Iesus, which he hath amply
expressed, in a worthy annuall contribu
tion towards the poore of this Parish.
Then West from the said Church on
the same side, was one great Messuage,
sometime called Ipres Inne, of William of
a Flemming, the first builder there
of. This William was called out of Flan
King Ste
ged in the Tower-Royall.
with a number of Flemmings to the
aide of King Stephen, against Maude the
Empresse, in the yeere 1138. and grew
in favour with the said King for his ser
vice, so farre, that he builded this house
neere unto Tower-Royall, in the which
Tower it seemeth the King was then
lodged, as in the heart of the City, for
his more safety.
Robert Earle of Glocester, Brother to
the Empresse, being taken, was com
mitted to the custody of this William, to
be kept in the Castle of Rochester, till
King Stephen was also taken, and then
the one was delivered in exchange for
the other, and both set free: This Wil
of Ipres
gave Edredes Hith, now
called Queenes Hith, to the Prior and
Canons of the holy Trinity in London:
he founded the Abbey of Borley in Kent,
&c. In the first of Henry the second, the
said William, with all the other Flem
(fearing the indignation of the
new King) departed the Land, but it
seemeth that the said William was short
ly called back againe, and restored both
to the Kings favour, and to his old pos
sessions here, so that the name and fami
ly continued long after in this Realme,
as may appeare by this which follow
In the yeere 1377. the 51. of Edward
the third
, the Citizens of London min
ding to have destroyed Iohn of Gaunt,
Duke of Lancaster, and Henry Percy
Marshall, (for causes shewed in my Annals)
sought up and downe, and could not finde
them, for they were that day to dine with
Iohn of Ipres at his Inne, which the Lon
wist not of, but thought the Duke
and Marshall had beene at the Savoy, and
therefore poasted thither. But one of the
Dukes Knights seeing these things, came in
great haste to the place where the Duke was,
and after that hee had knocked, and could
not be let in, he said to Haveland the Por
, If thou love my Lord and thy life, open
the Gate: with which words hee gat entry,
and with great feare he tels the Duke, that
without the gate were infinite numbers of
armed men, and unlesse he tooke great heed,
that day would bee his last. With which
words the Duke leapt so hastily from his Oy
sters, that he hurt both his legs against the
forme: VVine was offered, but hee could
not drinke for haste, and so fled with his fel
low Henry Percy out at a backe gate, and
entring upon the Thames, never stayed
rowing, untill they came to a house neere
the Manor of KenningtonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

Send information
Kennington besides Lambeth.
where at that
time the Princesse lay, with Richard the
young Prince
; before whom hee made his
complaint, &c.

On the other side, I read of a Messu
age, called Ringed hall: King Henry the
the 32. of his reigne, gave the
same (with foure Tenements adjoy
ning) unto Morgan Philip, alias Wolfe,
in the Parish of St. Thomas Apostles in
London, &c.
Over-against Ipres Inne in Knight-ri
ders street
, at the corner towards Saint
Iames at Garlicke hith
, was sometime a
great house builded of stone, and called
Ormond place, for that it sometime be
longed to the Earles of Ormond. King
Edward the fourth in the fifth of his
, gave to Elizabeth his wife, the
Manor of Greenwitch, with the Tower
and Parke, in the County of Kent. Hee
also gave this Tenement called Ormond
, with all the appurtenances to the
same situate in the Parish of St. Trinity
in Knight-riders street in London. This
house is now lately taken downe, and
divers faire Tenements are builded
there, the corner house whereof is a Ta
Then lower downe in Royall street, is
Kerion lane, of one Kerion sometime
dwelling there. In this lane bee divers
faire houses for Merchants; and amongst
others, is the Glasiers Hall.
At the South corner of Royall street, is
the faire Parish Church of Saint Mar
, called in the Vintrie, sometime cal
led S. Martin de Beremand Church. This
Church was new buided about the yeer
1399. by the Executors of Mathew Co
Li. Trinitate London.
a stranger borne, a Burdeaux
Merchant of Gascoine and French Wines:
His Armes yet remaine yet in the East
Window; and is a Cheveron, betweene
three Columbins. There lye buried in
this Church, Sir Iohn Gisors, Maior,
1311. Henry Gisors, his sonne, 1343.
and Iohn Gisors, his brother, 1350. He
gave to his sonne T. his great Mansion
Gisors Hall, corruptly called Ge
rards Hall
called Gisors Hall, in the Parish
of Saint Mildred in Breadstreet
. This
Thomas had issue, Iohn and Thomas: Iohn
made a Feoffement, and sold Gisors hall,
and other his Lands in London, about
the yeere 1386. Thomas deceased 1395.
Henry Vennar. Bartholomew de la Vauch.
Thomas Cornwallis
, one of the Sheriffes,
1384. Iohn Cornwallis Esquire, 1436.
Iohn Mustrell, Vintner 1424. William
. William Castleton. Iohn Gray.
Robert Dalusse
, Barber, in the reigne of
Edward the fourth
, with this Epitaph.
As flowers in field,
thus passeth life,
Naked, then clothed,
feeble in the end.
It sheweth by Robert Dalusse,
and Alison his Wife:
Christ them save
from the power of the Fiend.
Hic jacet Petrus de la Genebra,
A faire Stone be
yond the Pulpit.
filius & he
res Ioannis de la Genebra, quondam Bur
gensis, & Mercatoris de Civitate Bur
degali. Qui obiit 27. die Martii, An.
Domini 1439
. Civis animae propitietur
Hic jacet Willielmus Stokesby,
A very faire pla
ted Stone under the Commu
nion Ta
Civis & Vintener London, & Iuliana
uxor ejus. Qui obbiit 25. die Decemb.
An. Dom. 1381
. Cujus, &c.
Hic jacet Thomas Cornwaleis,
Another close by it.
Civis London. Qui obiit quarto die
Ianuarii, Anno Domini 1384
. Cujus,
Honorabilis viri Radulphi Astri
A very goodly plated Stone at the en
trance in
to the Quire.
nuper Maioris ac Aldermanni
& Piscenarii Civitatis London: & prae
carissimarum Dominae Margeria, ac
Margareta uxorum ejus. Qui quidem
Radulphus obiit 18. die Novembris, An.
Dom. 1494
. Et dicta Domina Marga
reta obiit die Ac praedicta
Margeria ab hoc saeculo migravit 10. die
Martii. An. Dom. 1492
. Cujus, &c.
An anci
ent Mar
ble Tombe in the Chancell.
quondam Civis & vini
tarius London, & Ioanna uxor ejus, ac
pueri eorundem. Qui quidem Iohannes
obiit 17. die Aprilis, An. Dom. 1424.
Quorum animae per Dei immensam mi
sericordiam in pace perpetua permaneant,
ac requiem possideant.
Es testis, Christe,
quod non jacet hic lapis iste,
Corpus ut ornatur,
sed spiritus ut memoretur.
Hunc tu qui tum sis
magnus parvus puer ansis
Pro me funde preces,
quod sic mihi fit veniae spes.
Radulphus Astry,
Another faire stone close by the other.
Generos. unus filiorum
Rad. Astry, Militis, quondam Maioris
Civitatis London. Qui quidem Rad.

filius in sua florida juventute, ab hoc sae
culo migravit, 19. die mens. Septembris,
Anno Domini, 1501
Henry Gisors gist yci, Dieu de sa’ Ame
tien pittie, è Iohn le filz à mercy. Qui
morust le veille de S. Katharine, En
l’ An de Grace, 1343.
Martis Pascha tenes,
All these stones, fairely plated, are in the bo
dy of the Church.
Edward Rex luce tiburci
Hunc del Foorll. Dominum,
strage ruisse dolet.
Is dabat Gascon,
Anglus sum corde Ioannes,
In Campis Barnet
mortis amara tulit.
Bis septingeno,
decies sept. & simul uno,
Mane resurgente
obviat iste Iesu.
Anglicus haec relegens,
miserere tui Peregrini,
Et pro te moriens,
te sciat esse pium.
Haec petra substrati
Kirkman tegit ossa Roberti,
Qui Rector fuerat
istius Ecclesiae.
M. D. deme quater
septem Christi cadit Anno,
Aprilis terna
raptus ab orbe die.
Artibus ille Magister
erat, Ecclesia tandem,
Tristia post fati
gaudia dentur ei.
Sir Ralph Austrie, or Astry, Fishmon
ger, Maior, new roofed this Church
with Timber, covered it with Lead,
and beautifully glased it. Hee deceased
1494. and was there buried, with his
two wives. Ralph Austrie his son, Gent.
William Austrie, and other of that name.
Bertrand, wife to Grimond Descure, Es
quire, a Gascione, and Merchant of
Wines, 1494. Thomas Batson, Alice
, daughter and heire to Iohn How
, wife to Iohn Hulton. Iames Bartlet
and Alice his wife. William Fennor, Ro
ger Cotton
, Robert Stocker, Iohn Pember
, Philip de Plasse, Iohn Stapleton, Iohn
, William Lee, William Ham
, W. Stokesbie
, and Gilbert March,
had Chantries there.
Then is the Parish Church of Saint
, called at Garlicke Hith, or Gar
licke hive
,3 for that (of old time) on the
River of Thames, neere to this Church,
Garlicke was usually sold. This is a pro
per Church, whereof Richard Rothing,
one of the Sheriffes, 1326. is said to be
the new builder, and lyeth buried in
the same: so was Walter Nele, Blader,
one of the Sheriffes, 1337. Iohn of Ox
, Vintner, Maior, 1341. I read in
the first of Edward the third, that this
Iohn of Oxenford gave to the Priory of
the holy Trinity
, in London, two Tosts
of Land, one Mill, fifty Acres of Land,
two Acres of Wood, with the appurte
nances, in Kentish Towne, in value twen
ty shillings and three pence by yeere.
Richard Goodcheape, Iohn de Cressing
, and Iohn Whitthorne, and before
, Galfrid Moncley, 1281. founded
a Chantry there
Monuments remaining there: Ro
bert Gabeter
, Esquire, Maior of Newca
upon Tine, 1310.
Iohn Gisors, William Tiligham, Iohn
, L. Strange, eldest sonne to the
Earle of Darby, 1503.
Richard Lions, a famous Merchant of
VVines, and a Lapidary, sometime one
of the Sheriffes, beheaded in Cheape by
Wat Tylar, and other Rebels, in the
yeere 1381. his picture on his Grave
stone very faire and large, is with his
haire rounded by his eares, and curled,
a little beard forked, a gowne girt to
him, downe to his feet, of branched
Damaske, wrought with the likenesse
of flowers, a large Purse on his right
side, hanging in a Belt from his left
shoulder, a plain Hood about his neck,
covering his shoulders, and hanging
backe behind him.
Sir Iohn Wrotch, Fishmonger, Maior,
1361. deceased 1407.
Thomas Stonard of Oxfordshire.
Iohn Bromer, Fishmonger, Alder
man, 1474.
The Lady Stanley, mother to the
Lord Strange.
The Countesse of Huntington, The
Lady Herbert

A Countesse of Worcester, and one of
her children.
William Venor, Grocer, Maior, 1389.
William More, Vintner, Maior, 1395.
Robert Chichley, Maior, 1421.
Iames Spencer, Vintner, Maior, 1543.
Richard Plat, Brewer, founded a free
Schoole there, 1601.
Rogerus Iones,
A faire Tombe in the East end of the Chancels South Ile.
Middletoni, in Comitatu
Lancastrensi natus, vix puberta egressus,
se Londinum contulit, ubi Civitate dona
tus, & Artem Tinctoriam exercens, Ag
netem, Thomae Hacketti filiam, Matri
monio sibi junxit. Ex qua filios novem,
quatuor verò filias Suscepit. Quarum
una Patre adhuc superstite diem obiit. hic
cum varia Civitatis munia laudabiliter
obiisset, tandem in celebrem supremi or
dinis Senatum, Aldermannorum scilicet,
cooptatus est; Mox Aeques abillustris
simo Rege Iacobo creatus est, & paulo
post Vicecomes Civitatis London est de
signatus. Quo Magistratu nondum ex
pleto, non sine magno bonorum luctu, vi
cesimo quinto die mensis Iulii, Anno
Domini 1605
. piè in Domino requi
Here lyeth buried the body of Richard Plat
A comely Monumēt in the wall of the South Ile.
and sometime chosen Sheriffe of
London. The Founder of a free School,
and sixe Almes-houses, in Aldenham,
in the County of Hertford. Hee dyed
the 28. of November, 1600. having ta
ken to wife Alice Birtles, the daughter
of John Birtles, Esquire, and having is
sue foure sons and one daughter.
Here Edmund Chapman,
In the same wall a comely Monumēt.
clos’d in clay,
undoubtedly doth rest,
Who to his Neighbours (while he liv’d)
the fruits of love exprest:
Fine Pewes within this Church he made,
and with his Armes support,
The Table, and the Seats in Quire,
hee set in comely sort.
To Prisoners, and to Hospitals,
hee living, was a friend,
And ever sought, the innocent
from danger to defend.
Esquier-Ioyner to our Queene,
hee in his life time was,
And Yeoman of her Armory
at Greenwitch, in like case:
VVherein hee like a servant just,
for duty duly done,
Vnto himselfe of Prince and Peeres
the love and favour wonne.
Threescore seven yeeres hee lived here,
in worship and good name,
And left this life, to live with Christ,
to his eternall fame.
His Soule, the fourteenth day of May,
did from his body fleet,
Which he with cheerefull voyce did yeeld
to Christ his Saviour sweet:
And on the eighteenth of that moneth,
by computation just,
A thousand five hundred eighty eight,
his body was laid in dust.
But body and soule at last, be sure,
through Gods abundant grace,
Shall rise, and knit againe in one,
and stand before his face:
Where, with his Saints elect (we hope)
hee shall receive a Crowne,
And live for ever with sweet Christ,
in glory and renowne.
Thus, friends (by this deare friend of ours)
let’s learne to live and dye,
That after death wee may have life
above the starry skie.
And thus an end of Vintrie Ward, which
hath an Alderman, with a Deputy, com
mon Counsellors 9. Constables 9. Sca
vengers 4. Ward-mote inquest 14. and
a Beadle. It is taxed to the Fifteene, 6.
pound, 13. shillings, 4. pence.