Survey of London (1633): Bridge Ward Within

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BRidge Ward with
so called of
London Bridge;
which Bridge is a
principall part of
that Ward, and
beginneth at the
stulps on the south
end by Southwarke, runneth along the
Bridge, and North up Bridge-street,
commonly called (of the Fish-market)
New Fish-street: from Fish street hill, up
Grasse-street, to the North corner of
Grasse-church. All the Bridge is reple
nished on both the sides, with large,
faire and beautifull buildings, inhabi
tants for the most part rich Merchants,
and other wealthy Citizens, Mercers
and Haberdashers.
In New Fish-street bee Fishmongers
and faire Tavernes: on Fish-street Hill
and Grasse-street, men of divers Trades,
Grocers and Haberdashers.
In Grasse-street have ye one faire Con
duit of sweet water,
VVater Conduit in Grasse-street.
castellated with
crest and vent, made by the appoint
ment of Thomas Hill, Maior, 1484. who
gave by his Testament a hundred marks
towards the conveyance of water to
this place. It was begun by his Execu
tors, in the yeere 1491. and finished of
his goods whatsoever it cost.
On the East side of this Bridge ward,
have ye the faire Parish Church of S.
, in the which Church have bin
buried many men of good Worship,
whose Monuments are now for the most
part defaced. I finde,
Iohn Blund, Maior, 1307.
Henry Yeuele, Free Mason to Edward
the third
, Richard the second, and Henry
the fourth
, who deceased 1400. his
Monument yet remaineth.
Iohn Michell, Maior, 1436.
Iohn French, Baker, Yeoman of the
Crowne to Henry the seventh, 1510.
Robert Clarke, Fishmonger, 1521.
Richard Turke, one of the Sheriffes,
William Steed, Alderman.
Richard Morgan, Knight, chiefe Ju
stice of the Common Pleas, 1556.
Mauricius Griffith, Bishop of Roche
chester, 1559.
Robert Blanch, Girdler, 1567.
Robert Belgrave Girdler.
Iohn Cooper, Fishmonger, Alderman,
who was put by his turne of Maioralty,
Sir VVilliam Garrard,
This Mo
uument is lately re
edified, & new fen
ced by Sir Iohn Gar
, his sonne, & L. Maior 1602.
Maior 1555. a grave, sober, wise and
discreet Citizen, equall with the best,
and inferior to none of our time, decea
sed 1571. in the Parish of Saint Christo
, but was buried in this Church of
Saint Magnus
, as in the Parish where
he was borne. A faire Monument is
here raised on him.
Robert Harding, Salter, one of the
Sheriffes, 1568.
Simon Low, Merchant-Taylor, E
quire, &c.
Then is the Parish Church of Saint
on Fish-street Hill, a proper
Church; but Monuments it hath none;
onely one of note, and well worth the
observation, being unknowne, and not
found till very lately; whereof Master
VVood (the reverend Parson of the
Church, made mee acquainted by his

Clerke, to have me come see it; which
I did very thankfully. Finding it to bee
the figure of a man of good respect, ly
ing upon his Tombe, according to the
manner of persons of Antiquity. And
this inscription he delivered me, writ
ten with his owne hand:
An. Reg. Richardi Secundi, Octavo.
Testamentum irrotulat. in Hustingo Lon
, die Lunae in Festo S. Leonai di Ab
batis. An. Reg. Richardi Secundi, 9.
He lyeth buried in the said Church
wall, under the Marble stone in the
Window, next to S. Peters Altar on
the North side of the Church.
A foot-way passeth by the South side
of this Church, from Fish-street hill into
Vp higher on this Hill, is the Parish
Church of Saint Leonard Milke-Church
so termed of one VVilliam Melker, an e
speciall builder thereof, but commonly
called Saint Leonards East-cheape, be
cause it standeth at East-cheape corner.
Monuments there be of the Doggets,
VValter Dogget, Vintner, one of the
Sheriffes, 1380.
Iohn Dogget, Vintner, and Alice his
wife, about 1456.
This Iohn Dogget gave Lands to that
VVilliam Dogget, &c. And none else
of note.
This Church, and from thence into
Little East-cheape, to the East end of the
said Church, is of the Bridge Ward.
Then higher in Grasse-street, is the
Parish Church of Saint Bennet, called
Grasse-Church, of the Herbe Market
there kept: this Church also is of the
Bridge Ward, and the farthest North
end thereof. Some Monuments re
maine there undefaced:
As of Iohn Harding, Salter, 1576.
Iohn Sturgeon, Haberdasher, Cham
berlaine of London.
Philip Cushen, or Corsine, a Florentine,
and a famous Merchant, 1600.
The Customes of Grasse-church Mar
, in the reigne of Edward the third,
as I have read in a Booke of Customes,
were these: Every forraigne Cart, laden
with Corne, or Mault, comming thi
ther to be sold, was to pay one halfe
penny. Every forraigne Cart bringing
Cheese, two pence. Every Cart of Corn
and Cheese together (if the Cheese be
more worth than the Corne) two pence;
and if the Corne be more worth than
the Cheese, it was to pay a halfe-penny.
Of two horses laden with Corne or
Mault, the Bailiffe had one farthing:
the Cart of the Franchise of the Tem
ple, and of S. Mary le Grand,1 paid a far
thing: the Cart of the Hospitall of S.
Iohn of Ierusalem
, paid nothing of their
proper goods: and if the corne were
brought by Merchants to sell againe, the
loade paid a halfe-penny, &c.
On the West side of this Ward, at
the North end of London Bridge, is a
part of Thames street, which is also of
this Ward; to wit, so much as of old
time was called Stock-fishmonger Row, of
the Stock-fish-mongers dwelling there,
downe West to a Water gate, of old
time called Ebgate, since Ebgate lane, and
now the Old Swan, which is a common
staire on the Thames, but the passage is
very narrow, by meanes of encroch
On the South side of Thames street,
about the mid-way betwixt the Bridge
foot and Ebgate lane, standeth the Fish
mongers Hall
, and divers other faire
houses for Merchants.
These Fishmongers were sometimes
of two severall Companies, to wit Stock
ties of the Fishmon
, 1290
and Salt-fishmongers, of
whose antiquity I reade, that by the
name of Fishmongers of London, they
were for forestalling, &c. contrary to
the Lawes and constitutions of the Ci
tie, fined to the King at 500. Markes,
the 18. of King Edward the first. More,
that the said Fishmongers,
A trium
phant shew made by the Fishmon
for the victory of the King.
hearing of
the great victory obtained by the same
King against the Scots, in the 26. of his
, made a triumphant and solemne
shew thorow the Citie, with divers Pa
geants, and more than 1000. horsemen,
&c. as in the Chapter of Sports and
Pastimes. These two Companies of
Stocke-fishmongers and Salt-fishmon
, of old time had their severall
Halls, to wit, in Thames street twaine,

in New Fish-street twaine, and in Old
had 6. Hals in London.
in each place one for
either Company; in all six severall Hals,
the Company was so great, as I have
read, and can prove by Records.
These Fishmongers have beene jol
ly Citizens,
, 6. of them Mai
ors in 24. yeeres.
and sixe Maiors of their
Company in 24. yeeres; to wit, Walter
, 1350. Iohn Lofkin, 1359. Iohn
, 1361. Iohn Pechie, 1362. Simon
, 1369
. and William Walworth,
1374. It followed, that in the yeere
1382. through the counsel of Ioh. North
, Draper, then being Maior,
William Issex, Iohn More, Mercer, and
Richard Northbury,
for their gree
tings en
vied of the other com
the said Fishmon
were greatly troubled, hindred of
their liberties, and almost destroyed, by
congregations made against them: So
that in a Parliament at London, the con
troversie depending betweene the Mai
or and Aldermen of London, and the
Fishmongers there,
Nicholas Exton for the Fish
craved the Kings pro
Nic. Exton, Speaker
for the Fishmongers, prayeth the King
to receive him and his Company into
his protection, for feare of corporall
hurt. Whereupon it was commanded,
either part to keepe the peace, upon
paine of losing all they had. Hereupon
a Fishmonger starting up, replyed, that
the complaint brought against them by
the moovers, &c. was but matter of
malice; for that the Fishmongers, in
the reigne of Edward the third, being
chiefe Officers of the City,
by Parliamēt restored to their liberties.
had for their
misdemeanors then done, committed
the chiefe exhibitors of those petitions
to prison. In this Parliament, the Fish
(by the Kings Charter patents)
were restored to their Liberties. Not
withstanding, in the yeere next follow
ing, to wit, 1383. Iohn Cavendish, Fish
monger, craveth the peace against the
Chancellour of England,
Iohn Caven
craved the peace againg the Chancel
lor, chal
lenged him of ta
king a bribe.
which was
granted, and hee put in sureties, the
Earles of Stafford and Salisbury. Caven
challengeth the Chancellour for ta
king a bribe of 10. l. for favour of his
Case: which the Chancellour by oath
upon the Sacrament avoideth. In fur
ther triall, it was found, that the Chan
cellours man (without his Masters pri
vitie) had taken it. Whereupon Caven
was adjudged to prison, and to pay
the Chancellour 1000. Markes for slan
dering him.
After this, many of the Nobles assem
bled at Reding, to suppresse the seditious
stirres of the said Iohn Northampton, or
Combarton, late Maior, that had attem
pted great and heinous enterprizes, of
the which he was convict; and when he
stood mute, nor would utter one word,
it was decreed, that he should be com
mitted to perpetuall prison, his goods
confiscate to the Kings use, and that he
should not come within 100. miles of
London during his life. He was therfore
sent to the Castle of Tintegall,
Principall adverssa
ries to the Fishmon
demned to perpe
tuall pri
in the
confines of Cornewall, and in the meane
space the Kings servants spoiled his
goods. Iohn More, Richard Northbury,
and other, were likewise there convict,
and condemned to perpetuall prison,
and their goods confiscate, for certaine
congregations by them made against
the Fishmongers in the Citie of London,

as is aforesaid; but they obtained and
had the Kings pardon, in the 14. of his
, as appeareth of Record: and
thus were all these troubles quieted.
Those Stock-fishmongers and Salt
were united in the yeere
1536. the 28. of Henry the 8. their Hall
to bee but one, in the house given unto
them by Sir Iohn Cornwall, Lord Fan
, and of Ampthull,
Sir Ioh. Cornwall created Baron Fanhope in the 6. of Edw. 6.
in the Parish of
Saint Michael in Crooked-lane
, in the
reigne of Henry the sixth.
Thus much have I thought good to
note of the Fishmongers, men ignorant
of their Antiquities, and not able to
shew a reason why, or when they were
joyned in amity with the Goldsmithes,
ned in a
mity with the Gold

doe give part of their Armes, &c. Nei
ther to say ought of Sir William Walworth
(the glory of their Company) more than
that he slew Iack Straw, which is a meer
UU. VVal
dred by a fable of Iack Straw. T. VValsm. H. Knighton Lib. Ebor.
for the said Straw was after the
overthrow of the Rebels, taken, and by
judgement of the Maior beheaded;
whose confession at the Gallowes is ex
tant in my Annales, where also is set
downe the most valiant and praise-wor
thy act of Sir William Walworth, against
the principall Rebell, Wat Tylar: as in
reproofe of VValworth Monument in S.
Michaels Church
, I have declared, and
wished to be reformed there, as in other
On that South side of Thames street,
have yee Drinke-water VVharfe, and

Fish Wharfe, in the Parish of S. Mag
. On the North side of Thames street
is S. Martins lane, a part of which lane
is also of this Ward; to wit, on the one
side to a Well of water, and on the o
ther side, as farre up as against the said
Well. Then is S. Michaels Lane, part
whereof is also of this Ward, up to a
Well there, &c.
Then at the upper end of New-Fish-street, is a Lane turning towards Saint
Michaels Lane
, and is called Crooked-lane,
of the crooked windings thereof.
Above this Lanes end, upon Fish-street
, is one great house, for the most
part builded of stone, which pertained
sometime to Edward the blacke Prince,
sonne to Edward the third, who was in
his life time lodged there.
It is now altered to a common Ho
sterie, having the Blacke Bell for a signe.
Above this house, at the top of Fish-street
, is a turning into Great East-cheape,
and so to the corner of Lombard
, over against the North-west cor
ner of Grasse-Church. And these be the
whole bounds of this Bridge Ward
: The which hath an Alderman
and his Deputy; for the Common-Counsell,
16. Constable, 15. Scaven
gers, 6. for the Ward-more Inquest,
sixteene, and a Beadle. It is is taxed to
the Fifteene in London, at forty seven


  1. In the 1598 edition of Stowʼs Survey, this is called S. Martins le grand. (KL)

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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Bridge Ward Within. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 05 May 2022, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Bridge Ward Within. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2022. Survey of London (1633): Bridge Ward Within. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London (1633): Bridge Ward Within
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 7.0
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022/05/05
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1633): Bridge Ward Within</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>

