Survey of London (1633): City of Westminster

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VVith the Antiquities, Bounds, and
Liberties thereof.
NOw touching the Citie
of Westminster, I will be
gin at Temple Barre, on
the right hand or North
side, and so passe up
West, through a backe
lane or street, wherein doe stand three
Innes of Chancery: the first called Cle
ments Inne
, because it standeth neere to
S. Clements Church, but neerer to the
faire fountaine, called Clements Well. The
second, New Inne, so called as latelier
made of a common Hostery, and the
signe of our Lady, an Inne of Chancery
for Students then the other; namely,
about the beginning of the reigne of
Henry the seventh
, and not so ancient as
some have supposed, to wit, at the pul
ling downe of Strand Inne, in the reigne
of King Edward the sixt
, for I read, that
Sir Thomas More, somtime Lord Chan
cellor, was Student in this New Inne, and
went from thence to Lincolnes Inne, &c.
The third is Lyons Inne, and Inne of
Chancery also. This street stretcheth up
unto Drury lane, so called, for that there
is a house belonging to the Family of the
Druries. This lane turneth North toward
S. Giles in the field. From the South
end of this lane in the high-street, are di
vers faire buildings, Hosteries, & houses
for Gentlemen, and men of honor, a
mongst the which Cecil house is one,
which sometime belonged to the Par
son of Saint Martins in the field, and by
composition came to Sir Thomas Pal
, Knight, in the reigne of Edward the
, who began to build the same of
bricke, and Timber, very large and spa
cious. But of later time, it hath bin farre
more beautifully increased by the late
Sir William Cecill, Baron of Burghley,
Lord Treasurer, and great Counsellor
of the Estate.
From thence is now a continuall new
building of divers faire houses, even up
to the Earle of Bedfords house, lately buil
ded nigh to Ivie bridge, and so on the
North side, to a lane that turneth to the
Parish Church of Saint Martins in the
, in the liberty of Westminster. Then
had yee one house, wherein sometime
were distraught and lunatike people,1 of
what antiquity founded, or by whom I
have not read, neither of the suppression:
but it was said, that sometime a King of
An house belonging to Bethlem.
not liking such a kind of people
to remaine so neere his Palace, caused
them to be removed farther off, to Beth
without Bishops gate of London, and
to that Hospitall the said house by Cha
ring Crosse
doth yet remaine.
Then is the Mewse, so called of the
Kings Faulcons there kept by the Kings
Faulconer, which of old time was an of
fice of great account, as appeareth by a
Record of Richard the 2. in the first yeere
of his raigne
. Sir Simon Burley, Knight,
was made Constable for the Castles of
Windsore, Wigmore, and Gilford, and of the
Mannor of Kenington,
The Mewse now buil
ded for stabling of the Kings horses.
and also Master of
the Kings Faulcons at the Mewse, neere
unto Charing crosse by Westminster: but in
the yeere of Christ 1534. the 28. of
Henry the 8.
2 the King having faire sta
bling at Lomsbury (a Mannor in the far
thest west part of Oldboorne) the same
was fired and burnt, with many great
horses, and great store of Hay. After
which time the forenamed house, cal
led the Mewse by Charing crosse, was new
builded▪ and prepared for stabling of

The Citie of Westminster.

the Kings horses, in the raigne of Ed
the sixt
and Queene Mary, and so
remaineth to that use: and this is the far
thest building West on the North side
of that high streete.
On the South side of the which streete, in the liberties of Westminster (beginning
at Ivie bridge) first is Durham house, buil
ded by Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Dur
, who was made Bishop of that Sea,
in the yeere 1545. and late Bishop there
36. yeeres.
Amongst matters memorable con
cerning this house,
Iusting feast at Durham house.
this is one: In the
yeere of Christ 1340. the 32. of Henry
the 8.
on May day, a great and trium
phant Iusting was holden at Westmin
, which had been formerly proclai
med in France, Flanders, Scotland and
Spaine, for all commers that would un
dertake the Challengers of England,
which were Sir Iohn dudley, Sir Thomas
, Sir Thomas Poynings, and Sir
George Carew
, Knights, and Anthony
, and Richard Cromwel, Esquires.
All which came into the Lists that day
richly apparelled, and their horses trap
ped all in white velvet; there came a
gainst them the said day 46. Defen
dants, or Vndertakers, viz. the Earle
of Surrey formost, Lord William Howard,
Lord Clinton, and Lord Cromwell, sonne
and heire to Thomas Cromwell, Earle of
Essex, and Chamberlaine of England,
with other; and that day, after the Iusts
were performed, the Challengers rode
unto this Durham house, where they kept
open household, and feasted the King,
and Queene, with her Ladies and all mol:
the Court.
The 2. day Anthony Kingston, and Ri
chard Cromwel
were made Knights there.
The third day of May, the said Chal
lengers did Tourney on horseback with
swords, & against them 49. Defendants:
Sir Iohn Dudley and the Earle of Surrey
running first, which at the first course
lost their Gauntlets, and that day Sir Ri
chard Cromwell
overthrew Master Palmer
and his horse in the field, to the great
honour of the Challengers.
The fifth of May, the Challengers
fought on foote at the Barriers, and a
gainst thē came 50. Defendants, which
fought valiantly: but Sir Richard Crom
overthrew that day at the Barriers,
Master Culpepper in the field; and the 6.
the Challengers brake up their
In this time of their house-keeping,
they had not only feasted the King,
Queen, Ladies and all the Court, as is
afore shewed: but also they cheered all
the Knights & Burgesses of the common
house in the Parliament, & entertained
the Maior of London, with the Alder
men and their wives at a dinner, &c. The
King gave to every of the said Challen
gers, and their heires for ever, in reward
of their valiant activity 100. marks, and
a house to dwell in of yeerely revenue,
out of the lands pertaining to the Hos
pitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem
Now to speake somwhat of later time:
A row of old Stables belonging to Durham house.
concerning this Durham house, it was wel
knowne and observed, for how many
yeers, I know not, that the outward part
belonging thereto, and standing North
from the houses, was but a low row of
Stables, old, ruinous, ready to fall, and
very unsightly, in so publike a passage to
the Court & to Westminster. Vpon which
consideration, or some more especiall
respect in the mind of the right honora
ble, Robert, Earle of Salisbury, Lord high
Treasurer of England: it pleased him to
take such order in the matter, that (at
his owne costs and charges) that defor
med row of Stabling was quite altered,
by the erection of a very goodly & beau
tifull building in stead therof, and in the
very same place.
The shape of the new ordered worke, like the Royall Ex
Some shape of the mo
delling, though not in all respects alike,
was after the fashion of the Royall Ex
in London, with Sellers under
neath, a walke fairely paved above it, &
Rowes of Shops above, as also one be
neath answerable in manner to the o
ther and intended for the like trades and
This worke was not long in taking
This good
ly building erected in a small space of time.
nor in the erection againe; for the
first Stone was laid on the 10. day of
Iune, 1608
. and also was fully finished
in the next ensuing November after. Al
so on Tuesday, being the 10. day of
following, divers of the upper
shops were adorned in rich and beautifull
manner, with wares most curious
to please the eye; so ordered against his
Majesties comming thither, to give a
name to so good a building. On the day

The Citie of Westminster.

The King, Queene, &c. come to name it Britaines Bursse.
it pleased his highnesse, with
the Queene, Prince, the Duke of Yorke,
& the Lady Elizabeth, to come thither,
attended on by many great Lords, and
choise Ladies. Concerning their enter
tainment there, though I was no eye
witnesse thereof; yet I knew the inge
nuity and mind of the Nobleman to be
such, as nothing should want to wel
come so great an expectation. And ther
fore, what variety of devices, pleasing
speeches, rich gifts and presents as then
flew bountifully abroad, I will rather re
ferre to your imagination, than any way
come short of, by an imperfect narra
tion. Only this I adde, that it then plea
sed his most excellent Majestie, because
the worke wanted a name before, to en
title it Britaines Bursse or Busse.
Next beyond this Durham house,
The Bi
shop of Norwich his house.
another great house, sometime belon
ging to the Bishop of Norwich, and was
his London lodging, which now pertai
neth to the Arch-bishop of Yorke, by this
occasion: In the yeere 1529. when Car
dinall Wolsey, Archbishop of Yorke, was
indited in the Premunire, wherby King
Henry the 8.
was entitled to his goods
and possessions: hee also seazed into his
hands the said Arch-bishops house, com
monly called Yorke Place, and changed
the name thereof into White Hall: wher
by, the Arch-bishops of Yorke being dis
possed, and having no house of re
paire about London, Queene Mary gave
unto Nicolas Heth, then Arch-Bishop of
Yorke, and to his successors, Suffolke
in Southwarke, lately builded by
Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolke, as I
have shewed elsewhere.
This house the said Arch-bishop sold,
and bought the aforesaid house, of old
time belonging to the Bishops of Nor
, which (of the last purchase) is now
called Yorke house; the L. Chancelors or
L. Keepers of the great Seale of England,
have been lately there lodged.
Then was there an Hospitall of S. Ma
ry Rouncivall
, by Charing Crosse (a Cell
to the Priory and Covent of Rouncivall
in Navar, in Pampelone Dioces) where a
Fraternity was foūded in the fifteenth of
Edward the fourth
tage with a Chappell of S. Katha
but now the same is
suppressed, and turned into Tenements.
Neere unto this Hospitall was an Her
mitage, with a chappell of S. Katharine
overagainst Charing Crosse, which Crosse
builded of stone, was of old time a faire
piece of work, there made by command
ment of Edward the first, in the 21. yeere
of his reigne
, in memory of Eleanor his
deceased Queene, as is before declared.
West from this Crosse, stood some
time an Hospitall of S. Iames, consisting
of two hides of land, with the appurte
nances, in the Parish of S. Margaret in
Westminster, and founded by the Citizens
of London, before the time of any mans
memorie, for 14. Sisters, Maydens, that
were leprous, living chastly and honest
ly in divine Service.
Afterwards, divers Citizens of Lon
gave 56. l. rent thereunto, and then
were adjoined 8. Brethren to minister
divine Service there.
After this also, sundry devout men of
London gave to this Hospitall, foure
Hides of land in the field of Westminster;
and in Hendon, Calcote, & Hamsted, eight
Acres of land and Wood, &c. King Ed
the first
confirmed those gifts, and
granted a Faire to be kept on the Eve of
S. Iames,
S. Iames faire for 7. dayes.
the day, the morrow, & foure
dayes following
, in the eighteenth of his
This Hospitall was surrendred to Hen
the 8.
the 23. of his reigne
: the Sisters
being compounded with, were allowed
Pensions for terme of their lives, and the
King builded there a goodly Mannor,
annexing thereunto a Park, closed about
with a wall of brick, now called S. Iames
, serving indifferently to the said
Mannor, and to the Mannor or Palace
of VVhite Hall
South from Charing Crosse, on the
right hand, are divers faire houses, late
ly builded before the Parke:
Tilt-yard at Westmin
then a large
Tilt-yard for Noble-men and other, to
exercise themselves in Iusting, Turney
ing, and fighting at Barriers.
On the left hand from Charing Crosse,
be also divers faire tenements lately
builded, till ye come to a large plot of
ground inclosed with bricke, and is cal
led Scotland,
Scotland, a plot of ground so called.
where great buildings have
bin for receipt of the Kings of Scotland,
and other estates of that Countrey. For,
Margaret Q. of Scots, and Sister to King
Henry the 8.
had her abiding there, when
she came into England, after the death of
her husband, as the K. of Scotland hand in

The Citie of Westminster.

former times, when they came to the
Parliament of England.
Then is the said White Hall, sometime
belonging to Hubert de Burgh, Earle of
Kent, and Iusticier of England, who gave
it to the blacke Fryers in Oldboorne, as
I have before noted, King Henry the 8.
ordained it to be called an Honor, and
builded there a sumptuous Gallerie, and
a beautifull Gatehouse, thwart the high
street, to S. Iames Parke. &c.
In this Gallerie, the Princes, with
their Nobilitie, use to stand, or sit, and
at Windowes to behold all triumphant
Iustings, and other Militarie Exercises.
Beyond this Gallerie, on the left hand
is the Garden or Orchard belonging to
the said White Hall.
On the right hand be divers faire
Tennis Courts,
Tennis courts, Bowling Alleyes, and Cock
Bowling Alleyes, and a
Cocke-pit, all built by King Henry the
: and then one other arched Gate,
with a way over it, thwarting the street,
frō the Kings Gardens to the said Parke.
From this Gate, up Kings street, to a
Bridge over Longditch (so called, for that
the same almost insulateth the City of
Westminster) neere which Bridge, is a
way leading to Canon Row, so called, for
that the same belonged to the Deane &
Canons of S. Stephens Chappell, who
were there lodged, as now divers No
blemen and Gentlemen be: whereof, one
is belonging to Sir Edw. Hobbey, one o
ther to Ioh. Thin, Esquire, once stately
builded by Anne Stanhop, Dutchesse of
Somerset, Mother to the Earle of Hart-ford,
who now enjoyeth that House.
Next, a stately House, then in building
by William Earle of Darby; over-against
the which, is a faire House, builded by
Henry Clinton, Earle of Lincolne.
From this way, up to the Wooll-Staple,
and to the high Tower, or Gate, which
entreth the Palace Court, all is repleni
shed with Buildings and Inhabitants.
Touching this Wooll-Staple, I reade,
that in the raigne of Edward the first, the
Staple being at Westminster, the Parishi
oners of S. Margaret, and Merchants
of the Staple, builded of new the said
Church, the great Chancell excepted,
which was lately before new builded by
the Abbot of Westminster.
No Silver to be trās
that Edward the third, in
the 17. of his raigne, decreed, that no
Silver be carried out of the Realme, on
paine of death: And that whosoever
transported Wooll, should bring over,
for every Sacke, foure Nobles of Silver
In the 25. of his raigne,
Wooll-Staple at VV. slmin
he appointed
the Staple of Wooll to be kept onely at
Canturbury, for the honour of S. Thomas.
But in the 27. of the same King Edward,
the Staple of Wooll, before kept at
Bruges in Flanders, was ordained (by
Parliament) to be kept in divers places
of England, Wales, and Ireland; as at New-Castle,
Yorke, Lincolne, Canturburie, Nor
wich, Westminster, Chichester, Winchester,
Excester, Bristow, Caermarden, &c
. to the
great benefit of the King, and losse unto
strangers & Merchants. For there grew
unto the King by this meanes (as it was
said) the summe of a thousand, an hun
dred & two pounds by the yeere, more
than any his predecessors before had re
ceived: The Staple at Westminster, at
that time, began on the next morrow af
ter the feast of S. Peter ad Vincula.
The next yeere was granted to the
King by Parliament, towards the reco
verie of his Title in France, 50. shillings
of every Sacke of Wooll, transported
over Seas, for the space of six yeere next
ensuing: by meanes whereof, the King
might dispend dayly, during those
yeeres, more than a thousand Markes
starling: For by the common opinion,
there were more than an hundred thou
sand Sacks of Wooll yeerely transpor
ted into forraine Lands; so that during
six yeeres, the said grant extended to fif
teen hundred thousand pound starling.
In the 37. of Edward the third,
Staple at Callis let to farme.
it was
granted unto him for two yeers, to
take sixe and twentie shillings eight
pence upon every Sack of Wooll trans
ported: and the same yeere, the Staple
of Wooll (notwithstanding the Kings
Oath, and other great Estates) was or
dained to be kept at Callis, and sixe and
twenty Merchāts, the best & wealthiest
of all England, to be Farmers there, both
of the Town & Staple, for three yeeres,
every Merchant to have sixe men of
Armes, and foure Archers, at the Kings
cost. He ordained there also two Mai
ors, one for the Towne, and one for the
Staple, and he took for Mala capta, com
monly called Maltorth, 20. shillings.

The Citie of Westminster.

and of the said Merchants; Guardians
of the Towne, fortie pence upon every
Sacke of Wooll.
In the 44. of Edward the third, Quin
borough, Kingston
upon Hull, and Bo
, were made Staples of Wooll:
which matter so much offended some,
that in the fifty of his raigne, in a Par
liament at London, it was complained,
that the Staple of Wooll was so remo
ved from Callis, to divers Townes in
contrarie to the Statute, ap
pointing, that Citizens and Merchants
should keepe it there, and that the King
might have the Profits and Customes,
with the exchāge of Gold & Silver that
was there made, by all the Merchants in
Christendome (esteemed to amount to
eight thousand pound by yeere) the ex
change onely: And the Citizens and
Merchants so ordered the matter, that
the King spent nothing upon Souldiers;
neither upon defence of the Towne a
gainst the Enemies, whereas now he
spent eight thousand pound by yeere.
In the fifty one of Edward the third,

when the Staple was setled at Callis,
the Major of the Staple did furnish the
Captaine of the Towne, upon any Rode,
with an hundred Bill-men, two hun
dred Arcers, of Merchants and their ser
vants, without any wages.
In the yeere 1388. the twelfth of Ri
the second
Wooll-Staples at Middle
in a Parliament at
Cambridge, it was ordained, that the
Staple of Woolls should be brought
from Middleborough in Holland to Callis.
In the foureteenth of his raigne, there
was granted fortie shillings upon euery
Sacke of Wooll: and in the one and
twentieth, was granted fiftie shillings
upon every Sacke transported by En
, and three pounds by Stran
gers, &c.
It seemeth,
Staple-Merchants the most ancientst of this Realme.
that the Merchants of
this Staple be the most ancient Mer
chants of this Realme, and that all com
modities of the Realme are Staple Mer
chandizes by Law and Charter, as
Woolls, Leather, Wooll-fells, Lead,
Tynne, Cloth, &c.
King Henry the sixt had six Wooll
houses within the Staple at Westminster:
those he granted to the Deane and Ca
nons of S. Stephen at Westminster, & cōfir
med it the 21. of his raigne. Thus much
for the Staple have I shortly noted.
The eving lane.
And now to passe to the famous Mo
nasterie of Westminster
at the very en
trance of the Close thereof, is a lane that
leadeth toward the West, called Thee
ving lane
, for that theeves were led that
way to the Gatehouse, while the Sanctua
ry continued in force.
tion of VVestmin
by Se
a Chri
stian King not only in word, but in deede.
This Monasterie was founded and
builded by Sebert, King of the East Sax
, upon the perswasion of Ethelbert
King of Kent, who having imbraced
Christianity, and being baptized by
Melitus, Bishop of London, immediate
ly (to shew himselfe a Christian in
deede) built a Church to the honor of
God and Saint Peter, on the West side
of the City of London, in a place (which
because it was over-grown with thornes,
and environed with water) the Saxons
called Thorney, and now of the Monaste
rie and West situation thereof, is called
Westminster. What further I reade, con
cerning the first foundation of this
Church, followeth in this manner:
When the Church of God first began
to grow in Great Brittaine,
Ex Sulcard.
at such time
(saith Sulcardus) as Antoninus Pius,
The Tem
ple of Apol
thrown by an Earth-quake.
Emperour of Rome, the Temple of
Apollo, which was then seated on the
West side of the City of London, where
now Westminster standeth, fell downe by
the violence of an Earthquake. Of the
ruines wherof, Lucius (who was King of
the Britaines, and reigned heere by per
mission of the Romans) built a small
Church to the honor of Christ, in the
yeere of our Lord 170. which afterward
was utterly defaced, when the heat of
persecution (under Dioclesian) wasted
This place afterward (for a long time)
lay altogether neglected,
King Sebert built a Mo
nastery in the place where the Church stood.
and not regar
ded, but became all overgrowne with
thornes and bushes: in so much as the
English Saxons named it Thornez or
Thorney; untill Sebert King of the East
Saxons (or of Essex and Middlesex) who
was the first that subscribed to the wor
ship of Christ, built in that place a Mo
nasterie to Christ and Saint Peter, in the
yeere of Christ 605. whereupon, part
ly from the situation to the West, and
partly, from the Monasterie or Minster,
it began to take the name of Westminster:
But afterward when this Monasterie

The Citie of Westminster.

was destroyed in the furious warres of
the Danes,
The Mo
nastery de
stroyed by the Danes, and repai
red by S. Dunstan.
Dunstane, Archbishop of
Canturbury (by the favor of King Edgar)
repaired it, and granted, and gave it to
a small company of Monks.
Afterward King Edward, surnamed
the Confessor,
The Mo
nastery re
builded by K. Edward the Con
with the Tenthes of all
his revenewes, built it a-new, to be a
place for his own Sepulcher, and a Mo
nasterie for the Monks of S. Bennets or
der, and endowed it with revenewes ly
ing (here and there) in all places of Eng
, and it is an ancient Fabricke & ve
ry stately. Since which time this Mona
starie hath bin (and yet is) very famous,
for the consecration and Coronation of
the King of England, and the buriall of
many of them and other great Perso
nages, and for the custodie of the Rega
for the Coronation.
But 160. yeeres after,
A new Church builded in most good
ly and beautifull manner.
King Henry the
pulled downe that ancient Fabrick
of King Edward, and (with 50. yeeres
worke) built a Church of a most goodly
frame, with a multitude of Marble pil
lars, set in comely order: wherof he him
selfe layed the first stone, and covered
the roofe with Lead, in An. 1220. which
Church (afterward) the Abbots did
much inlarge to the Westward:
King Hen
the 7.
his Chap
pell the Miracle of the world.
And K.
Henry the 7.
in the yeere 1502. bestowed
14000. pounds on the East side, where
he built a Chappell of admirable beauty
(which Leland calls the Miracle of the
World: for any man that sees it, may
well say, that all elegancy of worship &
matter, is couched in it) to be a place of
Sepulture for himselfe, and all his poste
rity: wherein (at this day) is to be seene
his owne Tombe, most gorgeous and
great, made all of solid Brasse.
The alte
ration in the time of Henry eight.
when the Monkes were
expelled by K. Henry the eight, it was
eftsoones converted to divers governe
ments. First,
A Bishop of Westmin
it had a Deane and Preben
daries: Anon after, a Bishop, and that
onely one, named Thomas Thurlbey, in
Anno 1541. when the revenues of the
Church were abridged, he departed,
and left it to be governed by a Deane.
Within short time after,
A Nurserie for the collegiate Church of Westminster, instituted by Queen Elizabeth.
Queen Mary
brought in the Monks againe, with their
Abbat, who not long after, being expul
sed by Act of Parliament, Queene Eli
(of blessed memory) converted
it unto a Collegiate Church, or rather a
Nurserie for the Church, in the yeere
1560. For there she ordained (to the
glorie of God, and the propagation of
true Religion and good Literature) a
Deane, twelve Prebendaries, an upper
Master, and an Vsher for the Schoole,
forty Schollers, tearmed the Queenes
or Kings Schollers; who (at their due
times) are preferred to both the Vniver
sities: besides Ministers, Singers, and
Organists, tenne Quiristers, and twelve
poore Souldiers, &c.
The first Deane then of that Founda
The first Deane, ac
cording to the foun
was Master William Bill; who being
taken away within two yeeres, had for
his successor, Master Gabriel Goodman,
Doctor of Divinitie: who, when he had
governed this Collegiate Church (with
great commendation) the space of forty
yeeres, died in the yeere of our Lord
God, 1601. And then Master Lancelot
, Doctor also in Divinitie, suc
ceeded him: next, Doctor Neale; and af
ter him, Doctor Mountaine.
Sebert was buried in this Church, with
his wife Athelgoda; whose bodies, many
yeeres after, to wit, in the raigne of Ri
the second
(saith Walsingham) were
translated from the old Church to the
new, and there interred.
Edgar, King of the West-Saxons, re
paired this Monasterie about the yeere
of Christ, 958. Edward, the Confessor
builded it of new; whereupon T. Clif
writeth thus:
Without the Walls of London (saith he)
upon the River of Thames, there was in
times passed a little Monasterie, builded to
the honour of God and S. Peter, with a few
Benedictine Monks in it, under an Abbot,
serving Christ: very poor they were, & little
was given them for their reliefe. Heere the
King intended (for that it was neere to the
famous Citie of London, and the River of
, that brought in all kind of Mer
chandizes from all parts of the world) to
make his Sepulcher: He commanded there
fore, that of the tenthes of all his Rents, the
Worke should be begun, in such sort, as should
become the Prince of the Apostles.
At this his commandement, the
Worke was nobly begun, even from the
foundation, and happily proceeded, till
the same was finished: The charges be
stowed, or to be bestowed are not regar
ded. He grãted to this Church great pri

Liberties of the Dutchie.

above all the Churches in this
Land, as partly appeareth by this his
Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […]
Edward, King, greetes William Bi
shop, and Leosstane and Aeliffe Port
reeves, and all my Burgesses of London,
friendly: and I tell you, that I have this
given and granted to Christ and S. Peter,
the holy Apostle at Westminster
, full free
dome over all the land that belongeth to
that holy place, &c.
He also caused the Parish Church of
Saint Margaret
to bee newly builded,
without the Abbey Church of Westmin
, for the ease and commoditie of the
Monkes, because (before that time)
the Parish Church stood within the
old Abbey Church in the South Ile,
somewhat to their annoyance.
King Henry the third, in the yeere of
Christ, 1220. and in the fift of his
reigne, began the new worke of our
Ladies Chappell
, whereof he laid the
first stone in the foundation, and in the
yeere 1245. the wals and steeple of the
old Church (builded by King Edward)
were taken down, & inlarging the same
Church, caused them to bee made more
comely. For the furtherance whereof,
in the yeere 1246. the same King (de
vising how to extort money from the
Citizens of London towards the char
ges) appointed a Mart to bee kept at
Westminster, the same to last fifteene
A Mart at Westminster.
and in the meane space all trade
of Merchandize to cease in the Citie,
which thing the Citizens were faine to
redeeme with two thousand pound of
The worke of this Church, with the
houses of office, was finished to the
end of the Quire, in the yeere 1285.
the 14. of Edward the first.
All which labour of 66. yeeres,
Westminster with the Palace burned.
in the yeer 1299. defaced by a fire, kind
led in the lesser Hall of the Kings Pa
lace, at Westminster
, the same with ma
ny other houses adjoyning, and with
the Queenes Chamber were all consu
med, the flame thereof also (being dri
ven with the wind) fired the Monastery,
which was also consumed with the Pa
lace consumed.
Then was the Monastery againe re
paired by the Abbots of that Church,
King Edward the first and his succes
sours, putting to their helping hands.
Edward the second appropriated un
to this Church, the Patronages of the
Churches of Kelueden and Sabritswarth
in Essex, in the Diocesse of London.
Simon Langham Abbot (having beene
a great builder there in the yeere 1362.
gave foure hundred pound to the buil
ding of the body of the Church: but
(amongst others) Abbot Islip was (in
his time) a great builder there, as may
appeare in the stone worke, and glasse
windowes of the Church. Since whose
decease, that worke hath stayed as hee
left it, unperfected, the Church and
Steeple being all of one height.
King Henry the seventh,
New Chappell at Westmin
about the
yeere of Christ 1502. caused the Chap
pell of our Lady
builded by Henry the
, with a Taverne also called the
White Rose neere adjoyning, to bee ta
ken downe: in which plot of ground
on the 24. of Ianuary, the first stone of
the new Chappell, was layd by the
hands of Abbot Islip, Sir Reginald Bray,
knight of the Garter, Doctor Barnes,
Master of the Rolles, Doctor Wall,
Chaplen to the King, Master Hugh Ald
, Chaplen to the Countesse of Dar
and Richmond (the Kings Mother)3
Sir Edward Stanhop, knight, and divers
other: upon the which stone was en
graven the same day and yeere, &c.
The charges in building this Chap
pell amounted to the summe of 14000.
pound. The stone for this worke (as I
have beene informed) was brought
from Huddlestone Quarry in Yorke
The Altar and Sepulchre of the
same King Henry the seventh, wherein
his body resteth in this his new Chap
pel, was made and finished in the yeere
1519. by one Peter a Painter of Florence:
for which hee received 1000. pound
sterling, for the whole stuffe and worke
manship, at the hands of the Kings exe

The Citie of Westminster.
Richard, Bishop of Winchester, Ri
, Bishop of London, Thomas, Bishop
of Durham, Iohn, Bishop of Rochester,
, Duke of Norfolke, Treasurer of
England, Charles, Earle of Worcester,4 the
Kings Chamberlaine, Iohn Fineaux,
Knight, chiefe Iustice of the Kings
Bench, Robert Reade, Knight, chiefe Iu
stice of the Common pleas.
This Monasterie being valued to dis
pended by the yeere 3470. pounds,
a Bi
shops Sea.
was surrendred to Henry the eight in
the yeere 1539. Benson then Abbot, was
made the first Deane: and not long af
ter, it was advanced to a Bishops Sea, in
the yeere 1541. Thomas Thurleby, being
both the first & last Bishop there, who,
when he had impoverished the Church,
was translated to Norwich, in the yeere
1550. the fourth of Edward the sixt, and
from thence to Ely, in the yeere 1554.
the second of Queene Mary. Richard
, Doctor in Divinity (late Schoole-master
to King Edward the 6.) was made
Deane of Westminster, whom Queene
put out, and made Doctor Weston
Deane, untill the yeere 1556. and then
he being removed from thence on the
21. of November, Iohn Feckenham (late
Deane of Pauls) was made Abbot of
Westminster, and tooke possession of the
same, being installed, and 14. Monks
more received the habite with him that
day, of the order of S. Benedict: but the
said Iohn Feckenham, with his Monkes,
enjoyed not that place fully three yeers:
for in the yeere 1559. in the Moneth of
, they were all put out, and Queene
made the said Monasterie a
Colledge, instituting there a Deane,
twelve Prebends, a Schoolemaster, and
Vsher, 40. Schollers called commonly
the Q Schollers, 12. Almes men, and
so it was called the Collegiat Church
of Westminster
made a Collegiat Church.
founded by Queene Eli
, who placed Doctor Bill, first
Deane of that new erection, after whom
succeeded Doctor Gabriel Goodman, who
governed that Church fortie yeeres,
and after him Doctor L. Andrewes.
Kings and Queenes crowned in this
Kings and Queenes crowned at VVest
William, surnamed Conqueror,
and Matilda his wife, were the first, and
since them all other Kings and Queenes
of this Realme, have been there crow
Kings and Queenes buried in this
Church in order following, are these:
Sebert of the East Saxons, and Middle
Buried in the Chappell appointed for Kings.
that is, Essex and Middlesex,
King, the Sonne of Sledde, by Ricula,
Sister to Ethelbert, King of Kent, first
King of the East Saxons: by the perswa
sions of Ethelbert, received and embra
ced the Christian faith, and the Church
of Westminster
, which then was tear
med Thorney; erected to blessed Saint
, wherein, with his wife Athel
he lyeth buried. Hee dyed the last
day of Iuly
, in the yeere of our Redemp
tion, 616. And 691. yeeres after, to
wit, 1307. The Monks of Westmin
translated his body out of the old
Church into the new Kings Chappell, and
placed it therein a Sepulcher of Stone, at
the South part of the Lords Table, with
this Epitaph:
Labilitas, brevitas
mundanae prosperitatis,
Coelica, praemia, gloria,
gaudia danda beatis
Sebertum ceytum
jure dedêre satis.
Hic Rex Christicola
verax fuit hac regione,
Qui nunc coecolica
gaudet mercede coronae:
Rex humilis, docilis,
scius, & pius, inclytus iste
Sollicitè, nitidè, tacitè,
placidè (bone Christe)
Vult servire tibi
perficiendo sibi.
Ornat mores, spernit
flores, lucis avarae
Gliscens multum, Christi
cultum laetificare,
Ecclesiam nimiam nimio
studio sabricavit,
Haec illaesa manus
quae fundamenta locavit.
Hic sepringentis annis
terra cumulatus,
Christi clementis
instinctibus inde levatus,
Isto sub lapide
nunc jacet ipse, vide.
Atque domum Christo,
quia mundo fecit in isto,
Nunc pro mercede coeli

The City of Westminster.
requiescit in aede.
Respice mortalis,
promisso sit tibi talis:
Accipies si des,
nil capies nisi des;
Es Christo qualis,
Christus erit tibi talis.
Dapsilis esto sibi,
largus eritque tibi.
Effectus non affectus,
si reddere possis,
Debet censeri;
si nihil reddere possis,
Tunc bonus affectus
pro facto debet haberi.
Sicut de lignis per aquam
depellitur ignis;
Sic mala commissa
fiunt donando remissa.
Reddet ad usuram quod quis
dat nomine Christi,
Nam vitam puram
pro parvo dat Deus isti.
The fore-named King Sebert died
the last day of Iuly, Anno Domini,
. Whose wife, named Aetheloda, clo
sed up her latest day of life before the said
Sebert. viz. the 13. day of September,
Anno Domini, 615
. And with her hus
band Sebert (as already wee have said)
lyeth in this Church, which himself foun
ded, in a Tombe of Lead honourably
Vpon the wall by this Tombe, are these
Verses painted:
Hic Rex Seberte plausus,
mihi condita per te
Haec loca lustravi,
demùm lustrando dicavi.
He lyeth also buri
ed in the said Chap¦pell, ap
pointed for Kings.
King of England, for his singu
lar piety numbred among the Confessors,
was the Sonne of King Aetheldred.
The annuall pension of foure thousand
pound, called Dangelt, hee remitted to
the English Legates (as Matth. West.
writeth) He sent to Rome to Pope Da
, to be absolved of a Vow which hee
had promised by a journey to Rome, if
he obtained his Paternall Kingdome.
which Pope absolving his said Vow,
wrote backe unto him, That the Expen
ces prepared for his travaile, hee should
bestow upon the poore; and a Monaste
rie (in the honour of Saint Peter) hee
should either newly build, or repaire some
old one. The Legates being returned,
Vlfinus, sometime a Monke, perswa
ding, and all the Councell of the King
dome approving, hee repaired West
againe. He died Anno 1066.
and there lyeth honourably interred
in a Marble Tombe, checquered with
varietie of beautifull colours, in the
middest of the Chappell, with these
Omnibus insignis virtutum
laudibus haeres,
Rex venerandus,
Quinto die Iani moriens
Iuper aethera scandit.
Sursum Corda.
Obiit, Anno Dom. 1065.
She lyeth buried at the North side of S. Edwards Tombe, in the same Chappell▪
Queene of England, Daughter to
Goodwine Earle of Kent, and wife
to S. Edward, King and Confesser, a
woman of singular pietie and modestie,
Edward her husband (as Matthew
avoucheth) did not move this
Edith by marriage rites, to know the
manners of men, but whether in hatred
to her father, or love to Chastitie hee did
it, it remaineth uncertaine. Some doe af
firme, that this holy King was not wil
ling to beget any heires, that should
succeed him out of a treacherous race.
Shee is buried at the South side S. Ed
Tombe in the same Chappell.
Queene of England, Daughter
to Malcolme, King of Scots, and wife
to King Henry the first, brought unto
him children, William, Richard, and
Mary,5 which perished by shipwracke,
and Maude Empresse, who was wife to
Henry the fift, Caesar Augustus, and
Mother to King Henry the second.
This Queene (as Wil. Malmesbury
avoweth) every day in the Lent time
went to Westminster, bare-foot and
He is bu
ried in the South side of the Chappell in a good
ly Tombe, brought out of France by his Sonne Edward.
and wearing a garment of
haire. She died 1118. and lieth with
out any Tombe.
Henry the third, King of England, &c.
Sonne of King Iohn, by Isabell, Daugh
ter to the Earle of Angolesme, a very
pious Prince, and most hightly commen
ded for his vertues. In An. 1220. hee

The Citie of Westminster.

began the new worke of the Chappell of
our blessed Lady
at Westminster, and
himselfe layd the first Stone. And in
An. 1245. after, the Conventuall
Church of B. Peter the greater, he pul
led down, and new builded it, and on the
day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, he
caused it to be fully and decently built
and enlarged. He gave also to the said
Church very Royall gifts, of Copes,
Iewels and rich vessels, that it might e
quall in riches all the Cisalpine Chur
ches. Hee died, An. 1273. 11. Ka
lend. Decem.
when he had reigned fifty
sixe yeares, and eighteene dayes: upon
his Tombe are these verses,
Tertius Henricus jacet
hic, pietatis amicus,
Ecclesiam stravit istam,
quam post renovavit,
Reddet ei munus qui regnat
trinus & unus,
Tertius Henricus
est Templi conditor hujus.
Dulce Bellum
The Friend of pitie
and Almes-deed,
whilome of England King,
Who this Church brake,
and after his meed,
Againe renewed
into this faire building;
Now resteth here
which did so great a thing.
He yeelded his meed
that Lord of Deity,
That as one Godreignes
in Persons three.
Edward the first,
He lyeth in a Mar
ble Tomb at his Fa
thers head in the same Chappell.
King of England, Duke
of Normandy, and Aquitaine, Lord
of Ireland, Sonne to King Henry the
, by Eleanor daughter to the
Earle of Provence. Hee tooke to wife
Eleanor, daughter to Ferdinand the
, King of Castile, and Lyons. He
warred with the Scots, won Bar
, &c. Hee dyed in Anno 1308.
and hath this Epitaph on his Tomb.
Mors est moesta nimis,
magnos quae jungit in imis,
Maxima mors minimis,
conjungens ultima primis:
Nullus in Orbe fuit homo vivens,
nec valet esse,
Qui non morte ruit;
est hinc exire necesse.
Nobilis & fortis,
tibi tu confidere noli,
Omnia sunt mortis,
sibi subdit singula soli.
De mundi medio
magnum mors impia movit,
Anglia prae tedio satis
anxia plangere novit:
Corruit Edwardus vario
veneratus honore,
Rex nuper ut Nardus
fragrans virtutis odore,
Corde Leopardus,
invictus & abs{que} pavore,
Ad rixam tardus,
discretus & eucharis ore,
Viribus Armorum
quasi Gigas ardua gessit,
Colla superborum Prudens
per praelia pressit,
Inter Flandrenses fortuna
sibi bene favit,
Vt quoque Wallenses
& Scotos suppeditavit,
Rex bonus absque pari strenuè
sua regna regebat:
Quod na tura dare potuit
bonitatis habebat,
Actio justitiae, pax regni,
sanctio legis,
Et fuga nequitiae premunt
praecordia Regis,
Gloria tota ruit,
Rege capit haec modo fossa,
Rex quandoque fuit,
nunc nil nisi pulvis & ossa:
Filius ipse Dei quem corde
colebat, & ore,
Gaudia fecit ei nullo
permista dolore.
Dum vixit Rex & valuit sua
magna potestas,
Fraus latuit, Pax magna fuit,
regnavit Honestas.
Edwardus primus Scotorum
malleus hic est.
Pactum serva.

The City of Westminster.
Death is too dolefull,
which doth joyne
The highest estate
full low;
Which coupleth
greatest things with least,
And last
with first also.
No man hath bin
in world alive,
Nor any
may there be;
Which can escape
the dint of Death,
Needs hence
depart must we.
O Noble
and victorious man,
Trust not
unto thy strengh;
For all are subject
unto Death,
And all
must hence at length.
Most cruell Fate
from worldly Stage
Hath wrest
a worthy wight;
For whom all England
mourned lowd.
To see
his dolefull plight.
Edward is dead,
which was adorn’d
With divers
graces here:
A King, or fragrant
Nardus hight
A gracious
Princely Peere.
In heart the which
was Leopard like,
Right puissant,
voyd of feare.
Most slow to strife,
discreet and wise,
And gracious
every where.
In Armes, a Gyant
fierce and fell,
famous facts:
Most prudent,
did subdue the proud
By feate
of Martiall acts:
In Flanders,
Fortune gave to him,
By lot, right
good successe:
In Wales he wanne;
the Scottish rout
With Armes
he did suppresse.
This King
without his like alive
Did firmely guide
his Land:
And what good
nature could conceive,
He had it plight
at hand.
He was in Justice,
and in Peace
Laws tooke place,
Desire to chase
all wicked workes,
Did hold this Kings
good Grace.
He now doth lye
entombed here,
Which furthered
each good thing:
Now, nought he is
but dust and bones,
Which was
a worthy King.
The very SONNE of GOD,
whom erst
This King did love
right deere:
Hath given to him
immortall blisse,
For his good
living here.
Whil’st liv’d this King,
by him all things
Were in most
goodly plight:
Fraud lay hid,
great Peace was kept,
And Honestie
had might.
Her i
mage ly
eth on the Tombe in Brasse richly gil
ded in the same Chappell.
Eleanor, Queene of England, first wife
of Edward the first, the onely daughter
to Ferdinand the third, K. of Castile
and Lyons, by Ioane his second wife,

The Citie of Westminster.

Heire to Guydo, Earle of Ponthieu.
This Earledome of Ponthieu, by right,
became devolved to the Kings of Eng
, by the mother to Edward the se
,6 Shee departed this life Anno Do
mini, 1298
. and lyeth at the feete of
Henry the third, in a Marble Tombe,
having these Verse:
Nobilis Hispani jacet
hic soror inclyta Regis,
Eximii consors
Eleanora thori,
Edwardi primi Wallorum
Principis uxor,
Cui Pater Henricus tertius
Anglus erat.
Hanc ille uxorem gnato petit:
omnie Princeps
Legati munus
suscepit ipse bono.
Alfonso fratri placuit
felix Hymenaeus,
Germanam Edwardo
nec sine dote dedit,
Dos praeclara fuit,
nec tali indigna marito,
Pontino Princeps
munere dives erat.
Femina consilio prudens,
pia, prole beata,
Auxit amicitiis,
auxit honore virum.
Disce mori.
is here interr’d,
A worthy
Noble Dame:
Sister unto
the Spanish King,
Of Royall bloud
and fame.
first of that name,
And Prince of Wales
by right;
Whose father Henry,
just the third,
Was sure
an English Wight;
Who crav’d her wife
unto his Sonne:
The Prince himselfe
did goe
On that embassage
As chiefe
with many moe.
This knot
of linked marriage,
Her brother
Alphonse lik’d,
And so’tweene Sister
and this Prince,
The marriage
up was strik’d:
The Dowry rich
and Royall was,
For such a Prince
most meet;
For Pontine was
the marriage gift,
A Dowrie rich
and great.
A Woman both
in Counsell wise,
Religious, fruitfull,
Who did increase
her husbands friends,
And larg’d
his honour eke.
Learne to Dye.
Edward the third,
He lyeth buried in the South part of the Kingly Chappell, with his figure in Brasse richly gilded.
King of England, &c.
Sonne to Edward the second, by
Isabell, daughter to Philip the faire,
King of France, a most Martiall
man. When the brother by her
Mother dyed, no Heires Males be
ing left, and the French pretended
their Salique Law, which admitted
much lesse the Female Issue to suc
ceed: He denounced warre against
them, which very sharpely hee pur
sued. Callis hee conquered, recove
ring Aquitaine and Normandy by his
forces. Iohn King of France, and
David King of Scots hee tooke in
warre, and kept them prisoners.
The Armes the Title of France hee
added to his owne: and when (like
a Triumphant Monarch) hee had
reigned fifty yeares, hee yeelded
to the stroke of Death in Ann. 1377.
And these verses are annexed by the

The Citie of Westminster.
Hic decus Anglorum,
flos praeteritorum,
Forma futurorum,
Rex clemens, pax populorum,
Tertius Edwardus:
regni complens Iubilaeum,
Invictus Pardus,
pollens bellis Machabeus;
Prosperè dum vixit
regnum pietate revixit,
Armipotens rexit:
jam Coelo Coelice Rex sit.
Tertius Edwardus
fama super aethera notus.
Pugna pro Patria.
In every part of this Tombe,
The Sons and daugh¦ters of K. Edward the third.
are all
the Sonnes and Daughters of this Kings
expressed in solid Brasse. On the right
side, Edward Prince of Wales; Ioane
of the Tower
, given in marriage to the
King of Spaine; Lionel, Duke of Cla
rence; Edmund
, Duke of Yorke; Mary,
Duchesse of Britaine; and William of
Hatfield. On the left side, Isabell, Lady
of Coucy; William of Windsor; Iohn
Duke of Lancaster; Blanch, of the
Tower of London; Margaret Countesse
of Pembrooke; and Thomas Duke of
Of English Kings
here lyes the beautifull flower,
Of all before passed,
and a mirror to them shall shew;
A mercifull King,
of peace conservatour;
the death of whom may rue
All English men;
for he by Knighthood due
Was Libard invict,
and by feat Martiall:
To worthy Macabe
in vertue perregall.
The Sword, which this most
Potent and warrelike King Edward
the third
used in warre, is to bee
seene by his Tombe, weighing eigh
teene pound, and seven foote in
She hath a beauti
full Tomb and her Figure in Alablaster upon it.
Queene of England, wife to
Edward the third, daughter to William
of Bavaria, Earle of Henault, a woman
of singular Piety, and a Mother of most
Noble Children, dyed Anno Domini,
. And lyeth at the feet of Edward
her husband, and these Verses annexed:
Gulielmi Hannonis
soboles posterma Philippa,
Hic Roseo quondam
pulchra decore jacet.
Tertius Edwardus
Rex ista conjuge laetus
Materno suasu
Nobiliumque fuit:
Frater Iohannes
Comes Mavortius Heros,
Huic illam voluit
consociare viro.
Haec junxit Flandors
conjunctio sanguinis Anglis:
In Francos venit hinc
Gallica dira leus.
Dotibus haec raris viguit
Regina Philippa,
Forma praestanti,
Religione, Fide.
Foecunda nata
est proles numerosa parenti,
Insignes peperit
magnanimosque Duces,
Oxonii posuit
studiosis optima Nutrix
Regineas aedes,
Palladiamque Scholam.
Conjux Edwardi
jacet Regina Philippa.
Disce Vivere.
Faire Philip,
William Henaults child,
And youngest
daughter deere;
Of Roseate hue,
and beautie bright,
In Tombe lyes
hilled heere.
through Mothers will,
And Nobles
good consent,
Tooke her to wife,
and joyfully

The Citie of Westminster.
With her his time
he spent.
His Brother Iohn,
a Martiall man,
And eke a
valiant Knight,
Did linke this woman
to this King
In bonds of
Marriage rite.
This Match and Mariage
thus in bloud,
Did binde
the Flemings sure
To Englishmen,
by which they did
The Frenchmens
wracke procure.
This Philip flowr’d
in gifts full rare,
And treasures
of the mind;
In Beautie bright,
Religion, Faith,
To all and each
most kind.
A fruitfull Mother,
Philip was
Full many a Sonne
shee bred:
And brought forth many
a worthy knight,
Hardy, and full
of dread:
A carefull Nurse
to Students all;
At Oxford
shee did found
Queenes Colledge; she,
Dame Pallas Schoole,
That did her
fame resound.
Learne to live.
About this Tombe are round placed
the Images of these Princes,
Royall or
naments there pla
ced, to il
lustrate the beau
tie of the Tombe.
and their
Armes to expresse them, as in an old
Manuscript Booke they were found.
At the feet, the King of Navarre, the
King of Bohemia, the King of Scotland,
the King of Sicily, and the King of
At the head, Willia Earle of He
, father to the said Queene; Iohn,
King of France; Edward the third,
King of England, and her Husband,
Lodowicke, the Emperor; and Edward,
Prince of Wales, her first begotten
On the left side of the Tombe, Ione,
Queene of Scotland, Iohn of Eltham,
Earle of Cornewall; Ione, Princesse of
Wales; Lionel, Duke of Clarence; Isa
, Countesse of Bedford; Iohn, Duke
of Lancaster; Ione, Duchasse of Cla
rence;7 Edmurd
, Earle of Cambridge;
, Duchesse of Lancaster, Thomas,
Earle of Buckingham.
On the right side, the Empresse,8 mo
ther to the said Queene; her Brother
also, Marcus Duke of Gelderland, Elea
,9 Duchesse of Gelderland; Iohn,
Earle of Henault; Mary Duchesse of
Britaine,10 Lodowicke, Duke of Bavaria;
the Countesse of Prembrooke;11 Chorles,
Sonne to the King of France, Duke of
Henry the fifth,
He lyeth in the up
permost part of that King
ly Chap
pell, with a Statue of gilt Plates.
King of England, Sonne
of Henry the fourth, vanquished the
French in many battels, and at length
was created Regent of France. He tooke
to wife Katharine, daughter to Charles
the sixth
. He dyed, Anno Dom. 1422.
And these verses are fixed there in me
mory of him.
Gallorum mastix jacet
hic Henricus in urna.
Domat omnia Virtus
Pulchrum virumque suum
sociat tandem Katharina.
O mercifull God,
what a Prince was this,
Which his short time
in martiall Acts spent
In honour of conquest,
that wonder to me it is,
How he might compasse
such deeds excellent.
And yet for that
his minde nothing detent,
All ghostly counsell
for his Soule to provide,
Out of this world,
ere he fatally should slide.
So though I had Tully
his eloquence,
Or of Seneca
the grave moralitie,

The Citie of Westminster.
Or of Salmon
the perfect Sapience,
Or the sweet Ditties
of Dame Calliope;
Yet might I not
in Prose or other dittie,
Accordingly advance
this Prince his fame,
Or with due honour
to enhaunce the same.
Considering his acts,
whereof parcell appeare
In this rude worke,
with many more left out:
The time also was
lesse than ten yeare,
That he so shortly
brought all things about,
By Divine grace
furthered no doubt:
That mighty Lord he holpe
his ghostly Knight;
With grace and honour
to passe this worlds fight.
And to have reward
double and condigne,
And first for Martiall acts
by him done.
To be advanc’d amongst
the worthies nine,
And for his vertue us’d
by him eftsoone,
With many good deeds
which he on earth had done.
Above the Hierarchies,
he is (I trust) now stall’d,
That was in earth
the King of Kings call’d.
katharine Valois,
Her body now lyeth in a smal place by her hus
band un
Daughter to Charles
the sixth
, King of France, and wife
to Henry the fifth, who (hee being
dead) tooke in marriage Owen Teu
, borne in Wales, his race descen
ding from King Cadwallader. Of her
he begot Edmund Earle of Richmund,
, Duke of Bedford, and another
that tooke on him a Monasticall ha
bite at Westminster.12 She dyed in An.
. and was buried by K. Henry 5.
jacet, Francorum filia Regis
Haeres & Regni
(Carole Sexte) tui,
Henrici Quinti thalamo
bis laeta jugali,
Nam sic vir duplici
clarus honore fuit:
Iure suo Anglorum,
Katharinae jure triumphans
Francorum obtinuit jus,
decus imperii.
Grata venit laetis
felix Regina Britannis,
Perque dies celebrant
quatuor ore Deum.
Edidit Henricum gemibunda
puerpera Regem,
Cujus in imperio
Francus & Anglus erat,
Non sibi nec Regno
felici sidere natum,
Sed patri & matri
Religione parem.
tertia proles,
Nobilis Edmundus te
Katharina beat:
Septimus Henricus
quo non praestantior alter,
Filius Edmundi,
Gemma Britanna fuit:
Felix uxor ergo, mater,
ter filia felix,
Ast Avia haec felix
terque quaeterque fuit.
Otium fuge.
Here lyes Queene Katharine
clos’d in grave,
The French Kings
Daughter faire,
And of thy Kingdome
The true
undoubted Heire.
Twice joyfull wife
in marriage matcht
by name:
Because, through her,
hee nobled was,
And shin’d
in double Fame.
The King of England
by descent,
And by Queene
Katharins right:
The Realme of France
he did enjoy,

The Citie of Westminster.
Triumphant King
of might.
A happy Queene
to English-men,
Shee came right
gratefull here:
And foure dayes space
they honoured God,
With mouth
and reverend feare.
this Queene brought forth
In painefull
labour plight:
In whose Empire
a French-man was,
And eke an
English wight.
Vnder no lucky
Planet borne
Vnto himselfe
nor Throne:
But equall
with his Parents both,
In pure
after this,
The next Sonne
Edmund was,
a renowned Prince,
That did
in glory passe.
a Britaine Pearle,
A Gemme of
Englands joy:
A peerelesse Prince
was Edmunds Sonne
A good and
gratious Roy:
Therefore a happy wife
this was,
A happy
mother pure:
Thrice happy Child,
but Grandame she,
More than thrice
happy sure.
His owne and his wives fi
gures are in gilt Brasse cu
riously done up
on the Tombe.
RICHARD the second, of England and
France King, Lord of Ireland, Sonne
to Edward Prince of Wales, by Ioane
Daughter to the Earle of Kent. Hee
made new the hall at Westminster,
and when hee had reigned 22. years,
Anno dom. 1399. he was bereaved of
his kingdome, by Henry of Lanca

(and not long after) murdered, and
buried at Langley among the Domini
Afterward, An. 1414. (as Tho
mas Walsingham
saith) his body was
brought to Westminster, and layd in a
Royal Tombe, builded of gilded brasse,
at the great charges of King Henry the
, with theseverses added:
Prudens & mundus
Richardus, jure Secundus,
Per Fatum victus,
jacet his sub marmore pictus,
Verax sermone
fuit & plenus ratione:
Corpore procerus,
animo prudens ut Homerus:
Ecclesiae favit,
elatos suppeditavit,
Quemvis prostravit
regalia qui violavit.
Obruit haereticos,
& eorum stravit amicos:
o clemens Christe,
tibi devotus fuit iste,
Votis Baptistae
salves quem protulit iste.
His jacet immiti consumptus
morte Richardus.
Fuisse Felicem
Perfect and prrudent Richard,
by right the second,
Vanquished by Fortune,
Iyes here now graven in stone:
True of his word,
and thereto well resound,
Seemely in person,
and like to Homer, as one,
In worldly prudence,
and ever the Church in one
Vpheld and favoured,
and casting the proud to ground,
And all that would
his royall estate confound.
She lyeth in the same Tombe with the King het Husband.
Queene of England, first wife to
Richard the Second, Daughter to
Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia,13 and Em
peror of the Germanes, dyed in Anno
1394. and at Westminster is buricd,
having this Epitaph.

The Citie of Westminster.
Sub petralata nunc Anna
jacet tumulata,
Dum vixit mundo
Richardo nupta secundo,
Christo devota
fuit haec, facilis bene nota,
Pauperibus prona
semper sua reddere dona.
Iurgia sedavit,
& praegnantes relevavit.
Corpore formosa,
vultu miti speciosa,
Praebens solamen,
viduis, aegris medicamen.
Anno milleno,
ter centum quarto nonageno,
Iulii septeno
mensis migravit amoeno.
Hoc jacet Anna
loco Britonum redimita corona,
Cui vir Richardus
jure secundus erat:
Cui pater illustris,
gnata, generó que superbus,
Romaeter felix,
induperator erat.
Winceslaus illam magna
comitante caterva,
Londinum misit laetus
euānsque pater:
Cujus in adventu ludi,
spectacula fiunt,
Regali pompa
regia virgo venit.
Sed bona sunt hominum
tenni pendentia filo
Reges, Reginas mors capit,
omne rapit.
Haec Regina fuit
magna de stripe Quiritum,
Omnibus illa fuit femina
chara viris.
Larga, coloratis virtutum
splendida gemmis:
Nunquam laeta parens,
nam sine prole jacet.
Forma fragilis.
Lyeth buried
in this place:
Adorned with
the Britaines Crowne,
With whom shee
found much grace.
Whose Noble Sire,
of Daughter proud,
Of Sonne in Law,
full glad:
Of Rome, thrice happy
Emperour was
And that large
Empire had.
Winceslaus so call’d
by name,
Who thus
in joyfull plight,
Sent her to London,
guarded well,
With valiant men
of might.
Against whose comming
Playes were made,
And sights and shewes
were seene:
With Princely pompe
to gratifie
This Noble
Virgin Queene.
But all mens treasures
last not long,
They hang
but on a twine
Or slender threed:
Death, Kings and Queenes
Doth all catch
up in fine.
This Queene
was of the Royall race
Of Romans
by descent:
Of all belov’d,
most deare to most,
In honour
Full liberall
and bountifull,
Adorn’d with
vertues rare:
No child shee had,
but issuelesse,
She lyes
without such care.
She lyeth also in the Royall Chappell of Kings.
daughter and fifth child to Ed
the fourth
, King of England,
and France, and Lord of Ireland, and
Lady Elizabeth his royall Queene and
wife, was borne the 19. day of April,
Anno Dom. 1472.
and dyed the 11.
day of December

The Citie of Westminster.
Nobibitas & forma,
decorque, tenella juventus
In simul hîc ista
mortis sunt condita cistâ,
Vt genus & nomen, sexum,
tempus quoque mortis
Noscas, cuncta tibi
manefestat margo sepulchri.
Thomas of Woodstocke,
He lyeth under Marble, adorned with Brasse in the pave
ment by his Father
Duke of Gloce
, sixth Sonne to King Edward the
, a man of great Nobility and
authority; whom King Richard the
, his Nephew, suddenly and
forcibly tooke and sent to Callis,
where endighted upon a capitall
cause, hee was beheaded, Anno
. 1397.
Ecce, nunc in pulvere dormio.
His heart is buried in the Coffin with S. Edward.
sonne to Richard, King of the
Romans, and Earle of Cornewall, re
turning from the Holy Land, while
he was hearing Masse at Viterbium
in Italy, by Simon and Guydo, sonnes
to Simon Mountfort, Earle of Leice
: He was slaine in Anno 1269.
His body lyes buried in the Mona
sterie of Hailes: Math. Westmonast.
She lyeth at the feet of King Henry the third.
daughter to King Henry the
, is buried in a Tombe of
blacke Marble, having also this In
Elizabetha, illustrissimi Regis Angliae,
Franciae, & Hiberniae, Henrici Septimi,
& Dominae Elizabethae Reginae serenis
simae confortis suae filia & secunda pro
les, quae nata fuit secundo die mensis
Iulii, Anno Dom. 1492
. & obiit de
cimo quarto die mensis Novembris, An.
. 1495
. Cujus animae propitietur
Hîc post fata jacet
proles Regalis in isto
Sarcophago, juvenis,
Nobilis Elizabeth,
Princeps illustris,
Henr. Sept. filia Regis,
Qui bini Regni florida
Sceptra tenet.
Atropos hanc rapuit
saevissima nunci a mortis,
Sit super in Coelo
vita perennis ei.
The Chaire of the Kings of
King Edward the first, having subdued
the Scots in An. 1297. triumphantly
returned, with the Scepter and Crowne
of the Kings of Scots, as also the Chaire,
wherein those Kings used to be crowned,
In a Table hanging by are these ver
ses set downe.

bringing it into the Church of West
: which Chaire as yet remai
neth in the Royall Chappell, with Ia
Stone, as they callit, placed in it.
Siquid habent veri
vel Chronica cana fidusve,
Clauditur hac cathedra
nobilis ecce lapis.
Ad caput eximius Iacob
cuondam Patriarcha,
Quem posuit cernens
numina mira poli;
Quem tulit ex Scotis spolium
quasi victor honoris,
Edwardus primus,
Mars velut armipotens,
Scotorum domitor,
noster validissimus Hector,
Anglorum decus,
& gloria Militiae.
In the great and Kingly Chappell
of King HENRY the
Henry the seventh,
He lyeth in a small Chappell made all of richly gilded Brasse.
King of England,
, and Lord of Ireland, the first
begotten Sonne of Edmund, Earle of
Richmund, by Margaret, daughter
and heire to Iohn, Duke of Somerset:
When hee had justly deprived (both of
Crowne and life) Richard the third at
Bosworth: Hee was enstalled in the
Kingdome in An. 1485. and before hee
was 23. yeeres aged, hee qualified the
loud and grievous garboyles, betweene
the Families of Lancaster and Yorke,
resting in the Lord, Anno 1509. And
in this magnificent Chappell, which hee
himselfe builded, with Elizabeth his
Queene and wife: Hee lyeth in a most
glorious Tombe of solid Brasse, compos
sed about with these verses:
Tumulo requiescit in isto,
Qui Regum splendor,
lumen & orbis erat.

The City of Westminster.
Rex vigil, & sapiens, comis,
virtutis amator,
Egregius formae,
strenous atque potens.
Qui peperit pacem regno,
qui bella peregit
Plurima, qui victor
semper ab hoste redit.
Qui naras binis conjunxit
Regibus ambas,
Regibus & cunctis
foedere junctus erat.
Qui sacrum hoc struxit Templum,
statuitque sepulchrum,
Pro se, próque sua
conjuge, prole, domo.
Lustra decem, atque annos tres
plus compleverat annis,
Nam tribus octenis
Regia Sceptra tulit.
Quindecies Domini
centenus fluxerat annus,
Currebat nonus,
cùm venit atra dies.
Septima termensis
lux tunc fulgebat Aprilis,
Cum clausit summum
tanta corona diem.
Nulla dedêre prius
tantum tibi saecula Regem
Anglia, vix similem
posteriora dabunt.
On the other side, under the
Queenes Image.
Hic jacet Regina Elizabetha,
This Queene died in the Tower of London.
quondam Regis filia; Edwardi
Regis quondam nominati Soror;
Henrici Septimi olim Regis Conjux; at
que Henrici octavi Regis mater inclyta.
Obiit autem suum diem in Turre Lon
doniarum die 11. Feb. Anno Domini,
37. Annorum aetate functa.
Edward the sixt,
He lieth at the head of his Grand
father, K. Henry the seventh.
King of England, France,
and Ireland, &c. Sonne to King Hen
the eight
by Iane Seymour, was
crowned King the 28. day of Ianua
ry, 1546
. Hee dyed (over-soone) in
his younger yeeres the 6. day of Iuly,
. and lyeth under the Brasse
richly gilded Altar, most curiously
wrought with good workemanship.
Mary, Queen of England, France and Ire
She Hath buried in the North part of the great Roy
all Chap
Daughter to King Henry the
, by Katharine, Daughter to
Ferdinand, King of Spaine, suceeded
her Brother Edward, An. 1553. The
Romish Religion, which her Father
and Brother had expelled, she againe
restored, marrying with Philip, King
of Spaine: And died when she had
reigned 5. yeeres, 1558.
Vpon her gloriou. & goodly Tombe made by King Iames is this en
suing in
Queen of England, France and
Ireland, Daughter to King Henrythe
, by his second wife Anne Bullen,
and Sister to Mary; succeeded her in
Anno 1558. She was a most potent
Princesse, and (for all vertues) to bee
compared with the greatest Kings or
Queenes whatsoever. Having reig
ned 44. yeeres, foure Moneths, and
eight dayes in highest glory (to for
raigne admiration, and love of her
owne people, England, acknowled
ging her rather a Mother than a com
mander) she yeelded her Soule to
Christ both piously and contentedly,
the 24. day of March, Anno Domini.
Memoriae Sacrum.
Religione ad primaeuam sinceritatem restau
In the great and Royall Chappell of King Henry the seventh.
Pace fundata, Moneta ad justum
volorem reducta, Rebellione domestica
vindicata, Gallia malis intestinis praeci
piti sublevata, Belgio sustentato, Hispa
nica classe profligata, Hibernia pulsis
Hispanis, & Rebellibus ad deditionem
coactis pacata, Redditibus utriusque A
cademiae lege annonaria plurimum adau
ctib. Tota denique Anglia Ditata, Pru
dentissimèque annos XLV. administrata;
Elizabetha Regina victrix, triumpha
trix, pietatis studiosissima, felicissima,
placida morte septuagenaria soluta, mor
tales reliquias dum Christo jubente re
surgant immortales, in hac Ecclesia cele
berrima ab ipsa conservata, & denuò
fundata, deposuio.
Obiit 24. Martii, Anno salutis,
. Regni XLV.
Aetatis LXX.
Vpon the remove of her body from
Richmond (where she dyed) to
White Hall, by water, these
lines were written.

The Citie of Westminster.
The Queene was brought
by water to White Hall,
At every stroke
the Oares teares let fall.
More clung about the Barge,
Bish under water
Wept out their eyes of Pearle,
and swom blind after:
I thinke the Barge-men
might with easier thighes,
Have row’d her thither
in her peoples eyes,
For howsoever, thus much
my thoughts have scann’d,
Sh’ad come by water,
had she come by land.
This young In
fant lived not above 3. or 4. dayes.
daughter to IAMES, King of great
Britaine, borne at Greenwich, the 22.
day of Iune, 1606.
the 3. day after
ended her life, and is buried in the
same Chappell, where the Queenes,
Mary and Elizabeth do rest in the
Shee is buried in the South part of the Chappell in a good
ly Monu
Countesse of Richmond and
Darby, daughter, and only Heyre
to Iohn, Duke of Somerset, by Mar
, daughter to the Lord Bello
, or Beauchampe of Powicke: first
married to Edmund the Son of Owen
, who begate Henry the 7. King
of England; and afterward, to Thomas
, Earle of Darby: Two Col
ledges (namely, of Christ, and Saint
Iohn Baptist) she erected for Students
in Cambridge. She instituted also two
divinity Lectures, one at Cambridge,
and the other at Oxford, &c. This E
pitaph was made for her.
Aspirate meis Elegis
pia turma sororum,
collacrimate piam.
Haec sub mole latet Regis
celeberrima mater
Henrici magni,
quem locus iste fovet,
Quem locus iste sacer celebri
celebrat Polyandro,
Illius ingenitrix
hac tumulatur humo.
Cui cedat Tanaquil
(Titus hanc super astra reportet)
Cedat Penelope
charus Vlyssis amor;
Haec Abigail, velut Hester
erat pietate secunda,
En tres jam proceres
nobilitate pares:
Pro Domina precor implora,
pro Principe tanta
Flecte Deum precibus
qui legis hos aspices.
Plura referre piget,
calamus corpore rigescit,
Dormit Moecenas,
negligitur probitas:
Nec juvat aut modicum
prodest nunc ultima versu
Fata recensere
(mortua mors reor est)
Quaeris quid decus est?
decus est modo dicier hircus:
Cedit honos hirco,
cedit honorque capro.
Falleris ipse Charon,
iterum surrexit Abyron,
Et Stygios remos
despicit ille tuos.
Vivitur ex voto,
mentis praecordia tangunt
Nulla sepulchra Ducum,
nec monumenta patrum,
Non Regum, non ulla
hominum labentia fato
Tempora, nec toties
mortua turba ruens.
Hinc statuo certè
periturae parcere chartae,
Seu Iuvenalis ovat
eximius Satyrus.
She lyes buried in a goodly tombe of Alabaster in the same Chappell.
Countesse, of Levenox, daugh
ter to Archibald Dowglasse, Earle of
Angus, by Margaret, Queen Dowager
of Scotland, daughter to Henry the
, King of England; wife al
so to Mathew Stuart, Earle of Leve
, to whom she brought Henry,
Lord of Darnly, father to Iames the
, King of Scotland, Charles, Earle
of Levenox, and other children that
died in their younger yeers. Shee de
parted this life the 10. day of March,
Anno Domini, 1577.
and hath this E
Heere lyeth the Noble Lady Margaret,
Countesse of Levenox, daughter and
sole heire of Archibald, Earle of An

The City of Westminster.

by Margaret Queene of Scots his
wife, that was eldest daughter to K.
Henry the 7.
who bare unto Mathew,
Earle of Levenox her husband, foure
sons, and foure daughters. This Lady
had to her great Grandfather, King
Edward the fourth
; to her Grand
father, King Henry the seventh; to her
Vncle, King Henry the eight; to her
Cousin Germane, King Edward the
, to her Brother King Iames, of
Scotland the fifth, to her Sonne, King
Henry the first
; and to her Grand
child, King Iames the sixth.
Having to her great Grandmother,14
and Grandmother,15 two Queens, both
named Elizabeth; to her Mother,
Margaret Queene of Scots; to her
Aunt, Mary, the French Queene; to
her Cousins Germanes, Mary and
Elizabeth, Queenes of England; to
her Niece and Daughter in law, Ma
, Queene of Scots.
Henry, second sonne to this Lady, was
King of Scots, and father to Iames the
, now King. This Henry was mur
dered at the age of 21. yeeres: Charles
her youngest Sonne, was Earle of
Levenox, father to the Lady Arbella,
hee dyed at the age of 21. yeeres, and
is here entombed.
Charles his Sonne,
He lyeth buried in the vault with his mother.
and Earle of Levenox,
who tooke in marriage the daughter
of William Cavendish, Knight, and had
Arbella to his onely daughter, dyed in
Anno 1576.
A childe of two moneths old.
first Sonne to King Henry the 8.
by Queene Katharine of Spaine, lyeth
buried at the doore of the Royall
Queene Anne,
She lyeth in the South part of the ve
wife to King Richard the
, daughter to Richard Nevil,
Earle of Warwicke, dyed in Anno Do
mini, 1484
. not without suspicion of
Anne of Cleve,
She lyeth in a Tombe as yet not finished.
Sister to William, Duke
of Cleve, and Gulich, whom King Hen
the eighth
repudiated, when he
tooke to wife Katharine Howard, died
in Anno 1557. and lyeth buried at the
head of King Sebert.
Anne of Somerset, wife to the most Noble
Prince Edward, Duke of Somerset, and
the daughter to Sir Edward Stanhop,
Knight, by his wife Elizabeth, daugh
ter to Fulke Bourchier, Lord Fitzwaren,
died the 16. of the Calends of May,
Anno 1580.
&c. with this inscription
on her Tombe:
Heere lyeth intombed the Noble Du
chesse of Somerset,
She lyeth in a good
ly Tombe in S. Ni
Chappell, the Tombe being 24. foote in height.
Anne, Spouse un
to that renowned Prince Edward,
Duke of Somerset, Earle of Hertford,
Vicount Beauchamp, and Baron Sey
, Companion of the most famous
Knightly Order of the Garter, vncle
to King Edward the sixth, Governour
of his Royall Person, and most wor
thy Protector of all his Realmes, Do
minions, and Subjects; Lieutenant
Generall of all his Armies, Treasurer
and Earle Marshall of England, Go
vernour and Captaine of the Isles of
Garnesey & Iersey. Vnder whose pros
perous Conduct, glorious Victorie
hath beene so often and so fortunately
obtained at Edenborough, Leith, and
Muscleborough field.
A Princesse descended of Noble Li
nage, being daughter to the worthie
Knight, Sir Edward Stanhop, by Eliza
his wife, that was daughter to Sir
Foulke Bourchier
, Lord Fitzwaren, from
whom our Moderne Earles of Bathe are
sprung. Sonne hee was to William, Lord
Fitzwaren, that was Brother to Henry
Earle of Essex, and Iohn Lord Berners,
whom William their Sire (sometime
Earle of Ewe in Normandie) begate on
Anne, the sole heire of Thomas of Wood
, Duke of Glocester, younger Sonne
to the mightie Prince, King Edward the
, and of his Wife Eleanora, coheire
unto the tenth Humphrey de Bohun, that
was Earle of Hereford, Essex, and North
, High Constable of England.
Many children bare this Lady unto her
Lord of either sort, to wit, Edward Earle
of Hertford, Henry, and younger Edward;
, Countesse of Warwicke, Margaret,
Iane, Mary, Katharine
, and Elizabeth:
And with firme faith in Christ, and in a
most mild manner, rendred she this life
at 90. yeeres of age, on Easter day, the
16. of April, Anno, 1587.

The Citie of Westminster.

The Earle of Hertford, Edward, her
eldest sonne, in this dolefull dutie care
full and diligent, doth consecrate this
Monument to his deare Parent: not for
her Honour, wherewith (living) she did
abound, and now departed, flourisheth;
but, for the dutifull love he beareth her,
and for his last testification thereof.
Lady Wenefrid,
She lyeth in a faire Tombe of of Alaba
ster in S. Nicholas Chappell.
Marchionesse of Win
, sprung of the worthy Family of
Bruges, who first married with Richard
, Knight, and Chancellor of the
Exchequer: by her he had Thomas, Lord
Buckhurst, and the Lady Dacres16 of the
South, beside other children. Afterward,
she married with Iohn Powlet, Mar
quesse of Winchester, and at length,
well in yeeres, and a Widdow, died, An
no Domini
, 1586.
Hic jacet in tumulo
clarissima femina, primùm
Fortunata bonis
clarisque Parentibus: illi
Sollicitè aetatem
tenerae flexêre puellae
Ad studium verae virtutis,
& optima facta,
Externo addentes
internum lumen honori,
Pòst adolescentis
feliciter extitit aetas:
Cum matura, viro
veteri de stemmate nupsit,
Qui genus à proavis
longè ante Trophaea Guilielmi
Normanasque acies,
patria de gente trahebat:
Quocum jucundè
transegit tempora vitae,
Donec mors illum rapuit:
post fata mariti
Moesta diu vitam
tenebris luctuque trahebat.
Sed melior tandem
viduam fortuna revisit,
Nobilitate potens ubi
Marchio amabilis illam
Connubio accepit firmo
propriaroque dicavit:
At nunc ter felix
transcendit spiritus astra,
Cumque suo regnat, coluit
quem ante omnia, Christo.
They lye buried in S. Nicholas Chappell, in a good
ly Tombe.
Countesse of Oxenford, Daughter
to William Cecill, Baron of Bourgh
, with Mildred her Mother, in one
Sepulcher, with Magnificent Collumnes
of Porphyrie and let Stone, 24. foot in
height, lie buried together, which the said
Baron of Bourghley caused to be there
Elizabeth Cecill,
Shee lyeth at the doore of the same Chappell.
Daughter of William
, Baron Cobham, the wife deare
ly affected of Robert Cecill, Knight,
one of the Privie Councell to the illustri
ous Queene Elizabeth, upon her Tombe
hath these Dialogue Verses: 1591.
Regina a Cameris,
Baronis filia, chari
Fida Equitis conjux
Vnus amor nobis,
una indivulsa voluntas,
Cor unum, una fides
inviolata fuit:
Ille mei si quando potest
deponere curam,
Ille potest animae
non memor esse suae.
Si lachrimis constaret amor
(charissima conjux)
Prosequere lachrimis
funera saepe tua.
Nam mihi quàm fueris redamata,
tuum pia sponsa
Testatur meritum,
conscius ipse mihi:
Sed nec amor patitur
socia regnante dolere,
Et Christi major
te sibi strinxit amor.
Ergo tuo dilecta
bono cum pace fruare:
Spero mihi tecum
portio pacis erit.
A Brooke by name,
the Baron Cobhams child,
A Newton was she
by her Mothers side:
Cecill her husband
this for her did build,
To prove his love

The City of Westminster.
did after death abide:
Which tels unto the world
that after come,
The worlds conceit
whilst heere she held a roome:
How nature made her wise
and well beseeming,
Wit and condition,
silent, true and chaste:
Her vertues rare
wan her much esteeming,
In Court with Soveraigne
still with favour grac’d.
Earth could not yeeld
more pleasing earthly blisse,
Blest with two Babes,
the third brought her to this.
William of Windsore,
They lye buried in Saint Edmund Chappell.
Sonne of King Ed
the third
, so called, because he
was borne at Windsore with his Sister,
named Blanch of the Tower, because
in the Tower of London her Mother
was delivered of her, lye both toge
ther under a Marble Tombe.
Iohn of Eltham,
Buried al
so in the same Chappell.
Earle of Cornewall, se
cond Sonne to King Edward the se
, by Isabel, daughter to Philip le
, King of France: his Tombe of A
labaster is on the left hand the dore,
without any inscription.
She lieth buried al
so in the same Chappell.
Dutchesse of Suffolke, daughter
to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolke,
and Mary, Queene of France, daugh
ter to King Henry the seventh. She
was first married to Henry Gray, Mar
quesse Dorset, who was created Duke
of Suffolke by King Edward the sixth:
And after to Adrian Stokes, Esquire,
who raised this Alabaster Monument
to her living remembrance.
Anno. 1563.
Nil decus aut splendor,
nil regia nomina prosunt,
Splendida divitiis
nil juvat ampla domus.
Omnia fluxerunt,
virtutis sola remansit
Gloria, Tartareis
non abolenda rogis:
Nupta Duci priùs est,
uxor pòst Armigeri Stokes,
Funere nunc valeas
consociata Deo.
The noble Lady Iane Seimour,
She was honorably buried in the floore of the Chappell.
to the renowned Prince Edward, Duke
of Sommerset, Earle of Hertford, Vi
count Beauchamp, Baron Seymour;
And to the right noble Lady Anne,
Duchesse of Sommerset his wife, de
parted this life in her Virginitie, at
the age of 19. yeeres, the 19. of
March, Anno. 1560.
in the second
yeere of the most happy reigne of
Queene Elizabeth
-Edward, Earle of
Hertford, and Baron Beauchampe, her
deare brother, caused this Monument
to be made in her memorie:
Ingenio praestans,
& vultu Iana decore,
Nobilis arte fuit
vocis, & arte manus.
Hinc Venus & Pallas
certant utra debet babere:
Vult Venus esse suam,
Pallas & esse suam:
Mors vero in virgineo
figens in pectore telum:
Neutrius (inquit) erït,
sed mihi praeda jacet.
Corpore Iana jacet,
tellurem terra subibit,
Sed pius in Coeli
spiritus arce sedet.
The Right Honourable Lady Katharine
She lyeth also buried in the floore of the same Chappell.
chiefe Lady of the Queenes
Majesties Bed-chamber, and wife to
Sir Francis Knowles, Knight, Treasu
rer of her Highnesse houshold, depar
ted this life the 15. day of Ianuary,
at Hampton Court, and was ho
norably buried in the floore of this
Chappell. This Lady Knowles, and the
Lord Hunsdon17 her brother, were the
children of William Carey, Esquire, &
of the Lady Mary his wife, one of the
Daughters and heires of Thomas Bul
, Earle of Wiltshire and Ormond:
which Lady Mary was Sister to Anne,
Queen of England, wife to King, Hen
the eight
, Father and Mother to
Elizabeth, Queene of England.
Quae Francisce fuit tibi
conjux en Katharina,
Mortua sub gelido
marmore Knolle jacet.
Excidet ex animo tibi mortua,

The Citie of Westminster.
sat scio nunquam,
Viva tibi vivo
semper amata fuit.
Illa tibi proles sex
& bis quinque Marito
Protulit, aequalis
foemina masque fuit,
Haec tecum multos
utinam vixisset in annos,
Et tua nunc conjux
facta fuisset anus:
Noluit at Deus, hoc voluit
sed sponsa maritum
In Coelis maneas,
ô Katharina, tuum.
Heere lyeth entombed the noble Fran
A goodly Monumēt is made where she is buried in the Chappell of S. Bene
Countesse of Hertford, deare
spouse unto the noble Edward, Earle
of Hertford, and Baron Beauchampe,
Sonne of the renowned Prince Ed
, Duke of Sommerset, Earle of
Hertford, Vicount Beauchampe, and
Baron Seymour. A Lady descended of
right noble linage, being daughter
of the noble Lord William, Baron
Howard of Effingham, companion of
the most famous order of the Garter,
High Admirall to Queene Mary, and
Lord Chamberlaine of the houshold,
and Lord Privie Seale to Queene E
. Sonne was hee to the right
noble Prince Thomas, Duke of Nor
, and Earle of Surrey, Earle Mar
shall of England, &c.
This Lady, highly Renowned for her
many vertuous gifts and graces both
of mind and body, greatly favoured
by her gracious Soveraigne, and
dearely beloved of her Lord, after
long sickenes, in firme faith in Christ,
and constant patience, departed this
life at 44. yeeres of age, the 24. day
of May, An. 1598.
in the 40. yeere of
the most happy reigne of our most
gracious Soveraigne Lady Queene
To whose memory, the said Earle her
loving Lord and husband, much la
menting her death, in testification of
his great love towards her, and of
his carefull diligence in this dolefull
dutie, doth consecrate this Monu
Foy Pour
Desir N’a
Heere lyeth the most honorable Lady
She lieth in a good
ly Tombe of Alaba
ster, and various Marbles polished, in the Chappell of S. Paul.
sometimes Countesse of Sus
, daughter to Sir William Sidney of
Pensehurst, Knight, wife and Wid
dow to that most noble, most wise,
and most Martiall Gent. Thomas Rat
, Earle of Sussex. A woman while
she lived, adorned with many and
most rare gifts, both of mind and bo
dy; towards God truely and zealous
ly religious, to her friends and kins
folkes most liberall; to the poore pri
soners, to the Ministers of the Word
of God alwayes most charitable. By
her last will and Testament, shee
instituted a Divinitie Lecture, to bee
read in this Collegiate Church. And
by the same her testament, gave also
5000. pound, towards the building
of a new Colledge in the Vniversitie
of Cambridge, with sufficient yeerely
revenue, for the continuall mainte
nance of one Master, tenne Fellowes,
and 20. Schollers, either in the same
Colledge, or else in another house in
the said Vniversitie already builded,
commonly called Clare Hall. She li
ved 58. yeeres, and died the ninth of
, and was buried the 15. day of
April, 1589
Misericordia & Charitate.
Beati mortui qui Domino moriuntur.
Omnia plena malis,
fert Deus unus opem,
Veni Domine Iesu, veni cite.
Pietate & Prudentia.
Fide conjugali.
Henry Carey,
He lyeth buried in the midst of S. Iohn Baptists Chappell, with a goodly Monumēt.
Baron of Hunsdon, Lord
Chamberlaine of the houshold to Q.
, and allied to her in blood,
Lord Governor, or Commander of
the Towne of Barwicke, Knight of the
noble Order of the Garter, and one of
her Majesties most Honorable Privie
Councell, died in Anno, 1596.
Sepulturae familiae de Hunsdon
In Domine hîc obdormit Henricus Carey,
Baro de Hunsdon, villae Berwici limitis
que tam orientalis quàm medii versus

The City of Westminster.

Scotiam olim Praefectus: Pentionarorum
Generosorum Capitaneus; Forestarum cis
Trentam Iusticiarius summus; Garteriani
ordinis Eques Auratus; Dominae Reginae
Camerarius; a sacris Consiliis, eidemque
consobrinus. Vnà cum illo conditur uxor
charissima, filia Thomae Morgan Equitis
aurati, quae plures illi liberos peperit, è
quibus sunt superstites, Georgius, Iohannes,
Edmundus, Robertus, equites aurati: Ca
, Comitissa Nottinghamiae, Phila
delphe, Baronissa Scroope, & Margareta,
Domina Hoby. Obiit 23. Iulii, 1596.
Aetatis LXXI. Patri optimo Georgius Ca
rey filius, Baro de Hunsdon, ordinis Gar
terii Socius, Vectae Insulae Praefectus, Regi
nae Elizabethae Camerarius, & à sacris con
siliis: Maritoque charissimo Anna uxor,
honoris & memoriae ergô sibique & suis
mortalitatis memores posuerunt.
In Australi plaga Ecclesiae.
Galfridus Chaucer,
He lyeth buried in the South part of the Church.
Poëta celeberrimus, qui
primus Anglicam Poësin ita illustravit,
ut Anglicus Homerus habeatur. Obiit
1400. Anno vero 1555. Nicholaus
, Musarum nomine hujus ossa
transtulit, & illi novum tumulum ex
marmore, his versibus inscriptis posuit:
Qui fuit Anglorum Vates
ter maximus olim,
conditur hoc tumulo.
Annum si quaeras Domini,
si tempora mortis;
Ecce notae subsunt,
quae tibi cuncta notant.
25. Octobris, 1400.
Aerumnarum requies, Mors.
N. Brigham hos fecit
Musarum nomine sumptus.
Si rogitas quis fueram,
forsan te fama docebit:
Quod si fama neget,
mundi quia gloria transit,
Haec Monumenta lege.
The works of this famous Poet Gef
frey Chaucer
, were partly published in
Print by VVilliam Caxton, Mercer, that
first brought the incomparable Art of
Printing into England; which was in the
reigne of King, Henry the sixt: After
ward, increased by Master VVilliam
, Esquire, in the reigne of King
Henry the eight. Since then, corrected
and twice encreased through mine own
painefull labours, in the reigne of
Queene Elizabeth
, to wit, in the yeere,
1561. And againe, beautified with di
vers ample notes, by mee collected out
of sundry Records and Monuments,
which I delivered to my loving and
learned friend, Master Thomas Speight.
And he (having drawne them into a
good forme and methode, as also, ex
plained most of the old and obscure
words) published the same worke a
gaine, in Anno, 1597.
Edmundus Spencer,
He lieth also buried in the same South part of the Church.
Londinensis, Angli
corum Poetarum nostri saeculi facilè
Princeps, quod ejus Poemata, faven
tibus Musis, & victuro genio con
scripta comprobant. Obiit immatura
morte, Anno salutis, 1598. & prope
Galfridum Chaucerum conditur, qui
felicissimè poesin Anglicis literis pri
mus illustravit. In quem haec scripta
sunt Epitaphia.
Hic prope Chaucerum
situs est Spenserius, illi
Proximus ingenio,
proximus ut tumulo.
Hic prope Chaucerum
Spensere Poeta poetam
Conderis, & versu,
quàm tumulo proprior,
Anglica te vivo vixit,
plausitque Poesis;
Nunc moritura timet,
te moriente, mori.
A Magni
ficent Mo
nument made by our most Royall So
veraigne K. Iames, for his Mother.
Queene of Scots, and Dowager of
France, her body was translated from
Peterborough to Westminster, and
on her Tombe are these inscriptions:
D. O. M.
Mariae Stuartae, Scotorum Reginae, Fran
ciae Dotariae, Iacobi V. Scotorum Regis
Filiae, & haeredis unicae Henrici VII.
Ang. Regis ex Margareta majori natu fi
lia (Iacobo IIII. Regi Scotorum matri
monio copulata) proneptis, Edwardi
. Angliae Regis ex Elizabetha filia
rum natu maxima abneptis, Francisci II.
Angliae Regis ex Elizabetha filia
rum natu maxima abneptis, Francisci II.

The Citie of Westminster.

Gallorum Regis conjugis, Cornae An
gliae, dum vixit, certae & indubitatae hae
redis, & Iacobi Magnae Britanniae Mo
narchae potentissimi Matris.
Stripe verè regia & antiquissima prognata
erat, maximis totius Europe Principi
bus agnatione & cognatione conjuncta, &
exquisitissimis animi & corporis dotibus
& ornamentis cumulatissima. Verùm ut
sunt variae rerum humanarum vices,
postquam annos plus minus viginti in cu
stodia detenta, fortiter & strenuè (sed
frustrà cum malevolorum obtrectationi
bus, timidorum suspicionibus▪ & inimi
corum capitalium insidiis conflictata es
set, tandem inaudito & infesto Regibus
exemplo securi percutitur.
Et contempto mundo, devicta morte, lassato
carnifice, Christo Servatori animae salu
tem, Iacobo filio spem regni & posterita
tis, & universis caedis infaustae specta
toribus exemplum patientiae cōmendans,
piè, & intrepidè cervicem Regiam securi
maledictae subjecit, & vitae caducae sor
tem cum coelestis regni perennitate com
Vlt. Idus Februaril.
Anno Christi, MDLXXXVII
Aetatis, XXXXVI.
Obruta frugifero sensim
sic cespice surgunt
Semnia, per multos
quae latuere dies.
Sanguine sancivit foedus
cum plebe Iehova,
Sanguine placabant
numina sancta patres:
Sanguine conspersi
quos praeterit ira Penates;
Sanguine signata est
quae modò credit humus.
Parce Deus, satis est,
infandos siste dolores,
Inter funestos
pervolet illa dies.
Sit Reges mactare nefas,
ut sanguine posthac
Purpureo nunquam
terra Britanna fluat.
Exemplum pereat
caesae cum vulnere Christae;
Inque malum praeceps
author & actor eat.
Si meliore sui
post mortem parte triumphet,
Carnifices sileant,
tormina, claustra, cruces.
Quem dederant cursum
superi Regina peregit:
Tempora laeta Deus,
tempora dura dedit.
Edidit eximium
fato properante Iacobum;
Quem Pallas, Musae,
Delia fata colunt.
Magna viro, major natu,
sed maxima partu,
Conditur hic regum
filia, sponsa, parens.
Det Deus ut nati
& qui nascentur ab illa
Aeternos videant
hinc sine nube dies.
Although that famous and worthie
A Monu
ment all of pure gold were too little for a Prince of such high hope and merit.
eldest Sonne to our deare
Soveraigne Lord King IAMES, hath
(as yet) no Tombe or Monument made
for him there in Westminster, but liveth
still in the love and memory of all true
English hearts: yet this excellent Epi
taph was purposely made for him.
Reader, wonder
thinke it none,
To heare me speake,
that am a Stone.
Heere is shrin’d
Celestiall dust,
And I keepe it
but in trust;
Should I not
my Treasure tell,
VVonder then thou
might’st as well,
How this stone
could chuse but breake,
If it had not
learn’d to speake.
Hence amaz’d,
and aske not me,
VVhose these
Sacred Ashes be.
it is conceal’d,
For, if that
should be reveal’d,
All that reade,
would by and by
Melt themselves
to teares and dye.

The Citie of Westminster.
Within this Marble Casket lyes,
A matchlesse Iewell of rich price,
Which Nature (in the worlds disdaine)
But shew’d, and then shut up againe.
This Church hath had great privi
ledge of Sanctuarie within the precinct
ry at VVestmin
to wit, the Church, Church
yard and Close, &c. from whence it
hath not beene lawfull for any Prince or
other, to take any person that fled thi
ther for any cause. Which priviledge
was first granted by Sebert, King of the
East Saxons; since increased by Edgar,
King of the West Saxons; renewed and
confirmed by King Edward the Confes
, as appeareth by this his Charter fol
Edward, by the grace of God, King of
Englishmen: I make it to bee knowne to
all generations of the world after me, that by
especiall commandement of our holy Father
Pope Leo, I have renewed, and honoured
the holy Church of the blessed Apostle, Saint
Peter of Westminster
, and I order and
establish for ever, that what person, of what
condition or estate soever he be, from whence
soever he come, or for what offence or cause
it bee, either for his refuge into the said ho
ly place, he be assured of his life, liberty and
limbs. And over this, I forbid (under the
paine of everlasting damnation) that no Mi
nister of mine, or of my Successors, inter
meddle them with any the goods, lands or
possessions of the said persons, taking the said
Sanctuary: for I have taken their goods and
livelode into my speciall protection; and ther
fore I grant to every each of thē (in as much
as my terrestriall power may suffice) all man
ner freedome of joyous liberty, & whosoever
presumes or doth contrary to this my grant; I
will he lose his name, worship, dignity and
power, & that with the great traytor Iudas,
that betrayed our Saviour, he be in the ever
lasting fire of hell. And I will and ordaine,
that this my grant endure as long, as there
remayneth in England either love or dread
of Christian name.
More of this Sanctuary ye may read
in our Histories, and also in the Statute
of Henry the eighth the 32. yeere.
The Parish Church of Saint Mar
sometime within the Abbey,
was by Edward the Confessor removed,
and builded without, for ease of the
This Church continued till the dayes
of Edward the first, at what time the
Merchants of the Staple, and Parishio
ners of Westminster builded it all of new,
the great Chancell excepted, which
was builded by the Abbots of Westmin
, and this remaineth now a faire Pa
rish Church,
In the reigne of Edward the sixth.
though sometime in dan
ger of downe pulling.
In the South Ile of this Church, is a
faire Marble Monument of Dame Mary
, the heyre of Robert Nesenham of
Conington, in Huntington shire, first mar
ried to William Coton, to whose Issue her
inheritance alone descended, remaining
with Robert Cotõ at this day, heyre of her
& her first husbands family. Her second
husband was Sir Thomas Billing, Chiefe
Iustice of England; and her last, whom
likewise she buried, was Thomas Lacy,18
erecting this Monument to the memo
rie of her three husbands, with whose
Armes shee hath garnished it, and for
her owne buriall, wherein she was in
terred in the yeere 1499.
Next to this famous Monastery, is the
Kings principall Palace, of what Anti
quity it is uncertaine: but Edward the
held his Court there, as may
appeare by the testimonie of sundry; and
namely, of Ingulphus, as I have before
told you. The said King had his Palace,
and for the most remained there: where
hee also ended his life, and was buried
in the Monastery which he had builded.
It is not to be doubted, but that K. Willi
the first
, as he was crowned there, so
he builded much at this Palace, for he
found it farre inferiour to the building
of Princely Palaces in France.
And it is manifest by the testimonie
of many Authors, that William Rufus,
builded the great Hall there, about the
yeere of Christ, 1097. Amongst others,
Roger of Windover and Mathew Paris, doe
write, that K. VVilliam (being returned
out of Normandy into England) kept his
feast of Whitsontide very royally at
Westminster in the new hall which he had
lately builded, the length whereof (say
some) was 270. foote, and seventy foure
foot in bredth. And when he heard men
say, that this Hall was too great, hee

The Citie of Westminster.

answered and said:
Liber Wood
This Hall is not bigge
enough by the one halfe, and is but a Bedde-chamber,
in comparison of that I meane to
A diligent searcher (saith Mathew
might find out the foundation of
the Hall, which he had supposed to
have builded, stretching from the river
of Thames
, to the common high way.
This Palace was repaired about the
Palace re
1163. by Thomas Becket, Chan
cellor of England, with exceeding great
celerity and speed, which before was
ready to have fallen downe. This hath
been the pricipall seate and Palace of
all the Kings of England, since the Con
quest:19 for here have they in the great
Hall kept their Feasts, of Coronation
especially, and other solemne Feasts as
at Christmas and such like most com
monly. For proofe whereof, I find recor
Record Tow.
that in the yeere, 1236. and the
twentieth of Henry the third, on the 29.
of December
, William de Haverhull, the
Kings Treasurer, was commanded, that
upon the day of the Circumcision of our
Lord,20 he should cause 6000. poore
people to be fed at Westminster, for the
state of the King,
The use of the great Hall was to feed the poore.
the Queene, and their
children. The weake and aged to bee
placed in the great Hall, and in the les
ser those were more strong and in rea
sonable plight: In the Kings Chamber
the children, and in the Queeues: and
when the King knew the charge, hee
gladly allowed it in the accounts.
In the yeere 1238. the same King
kept his Feast of Christmas at
Westminster in the great Hall,
Mathew Paris great feasts in VVestmi
so did hee
in the yeere 1241. where he placed the
Legate in the most honorable place of
the table; to wit, in the middest, which
the Noblemen tooke in evill part.
The King sate on the right hand, and
the Archbishop on the left, and then all
the Prelates and Nobles, according to
their estates: for the King himselfe did
set the guests.
The yeere 1242. hee likewise kept his
Christmas in the Hall, &c.
Also, in the yeere 1243. Richard,
Earle of Cornewall
, the Kings brother,
married Cincia, daughter to Beatrice,
Countesse of Provence
, & kept his mar
riage Feast in the great Hall at Westmin
, with great royalty and company of
Noble men: in so much, that there were
told (triginta millia) 30000. dishes of
meats at that dinner.
In the yeere 1256. King Henry sate in
the Exchequer of this Hall,
Henry the 3. sate in the Exche
quer, and amerced the She
and there
set downe order for the appearance of
Sheriffes, and bringing in of their ac
counts: there was 5. Marks set on every
Sheriffes head for a fine, because they
had not distrained every person, that
might dispend 15. l. land by the yeere,
to receive the order of Knighthood, ac
cording as the same Sheriffes were com
Also, the Maior, Aldermen and She
riffes of London, being accused of oppres
sion & wrongs done by them, and sub
mitting themselves in this place before
the King, sitting then in judgment upon
that matter; they were condemned to
pay their fines for their offences com
mitted, and further, every one of them
discharged of assise and ward.
In the yeeres 1268. and 1269. the
same King kept his Christmas Feasts at
Westminster, as before: and also in the
same yeere 1269. he translated (with
great solemnitie) the body of King Ed
the Confessor
Translatiō of Edward the Con
into a new Chap
pell, at the back of the high Altar: which
Chappell he had prepared of a marvai
lous workemanship, bestowing a new
Tombe or Shrine of gold.
And on the day of his translation, he
kept a Royall Feast in the great Hall of
the Palace
: Thus much for the Feasts of
old time in this Hall.
We read also,
Marshes about VVool
that in the yeere, 1236.
the River of Thames overflowing the
bankes, caused the Marshes about Wool
to bee all on a Sea, wherein Boats
and other Vessels were carried with the
streame, so that besides cattell, the grea
test number of men, women & children,
Inhabitants there, were drowned.
In the great Palace of Westminster,
Wherries rowed in VVestmin
did row with Wherries in the middest
of the Hall, being forced to ride to their
Moreover, in the yeere 1242. the
Thames overflowing the bankes about
Lambith, drowned houses and fields, by
the space of 6. miles, so that in the great
Hall at Westminster
, men tooke their
horses, because the water ran over all.
This Palace was (in the yeere 1299.

The Citie of Westminster.

the 27. of Edward the first) burnt by a
vehement fire, kindled in the lesser Hall
of the Kings house, the same with ma
ny other houses adjoining, and with the
Queenes Chamber, were consumed,
but after that repaired.
In the yeere, 1313. the 31. of Ed
the first
The Kings treasury at Westminster robbed.
the Kings treasurie at
Westminster was robbed, for the which
Walter, Abbot of Westminster, with 49.
of his Brethren,
The Ab
bot and Monkes sent to the Tower.
and 32. other were
throwne into the Tower of London, and
indighted of the robbery of an hundred
thousand pound: but they affirming
themselves to be cleare of the fact, and
desiring the King of speedy justice, a
Commission was directed for inquiry
of the truth, and they were freed.
In the yeere 1316. Edward the se
did solemnize his Feast of Pente
cost at Westminster,
Edward the 2. kee
ping his feasts at Westminster hall, was presented with a complaint of not re
warding Souldiers.
in the great Hall,
where sitting Royally at the table, with
his Peeres about him, there entred a
woman adorned like a Minstrell, sitting
on a great horse, trapped as Minstrels
then used, who rode round about the
tables, shewing pastime, and at length
came up to the Kings table, and layd be
fore him a Letter, and forthwith turning
her horse, saluted every one, and depar
ted. The Letter being opened, had these
Our Soveraigne Lord the King, hath no
thing courteously respected his Knights, that
in his Fathers time, and also in his owne
have put forth their persons to divers perils,
and have utterly lost, or greatly diminished
their substance, for honor of the said King,
and he hath inriched abundantly such as
have not borne the weight (as yet) of the
businesse, &c.
This great Hall was begunne to be re
paired in the yeere 1397. by Richard the
, who caused the wals, windowes
and roofe, to be taken downe, and new
made, with a stately porch, and divers
lodgings of a marvailous worke, and
with great costs. All which hee levied
of Strangers banished, or flying out of
their Countries, who obtained licence
to remaine in this Land by the Kings
Charters, which they had purchased
with great summes of money, Iohn Bo
being then Clarke of the works.
This Hall being finished in the yeere
1399. the same King kept a most roy
all Christmas there, with daily Iu
Great feasts at Westminster Hall.
and runnings at Tilt, where
unto resorted such a number of people,
that there was every day spent twenty
eight, or twenty sixe Oxen, and three
hundred sheepe, beside fowle without
He caused a Gowne for himselfe to
bee made of Gold,
Ro. Iuelefe.
garnished with
Pearle and precious Stones, to the va
lue of three thousand Markes. He was
garded by Cheshire-men, and had about
him commonly thirteene Bishops, be
sides Barons, Knights, Esquires, and
other more than needed: in so much,
that to the household came every day to
meate, ten thousand people; as appea
reth by the messes told out from the
Kitchin to three hundred Servitors.
Thus was this great Hall, for the ho
nour of the Prince, oftentimes furnished
with ghests, not onely in this Kings time
(a prodigall Prince) but in the time
of other also, both before and since,
though not so usaully noted. For when
it is said, the King held his Feast of
Christmas, or such a Feast at Westmin
; it may well bee supposed to bee
kept in this great Hall, as most sufficient
to such a purpose.
I find noted by Robert Fabian (some
time an Alderman of London) that King
Henry the seventh, in the ninth of his
King Henry the 7. fea
sted the Maior of London, &c.
(holding his Royall Feast of
Christmas at Westminster) on the twelfth
day, feasted Ralph Austry, then Maior of
London, and his brethren the Aldermen,
with other Commoners in great num
ber, and after dinner, dubbed the Mai
or, Knight, caused him with his bre
thren, to stay and behold the disguisings
and other disports in the night follow
ing shewed in the great Hall, which
was richly hanged with Atras, and sta
ged about on both sides. Which dis
ports being ended, in the morning, the
King, the Queene, the Ambassadors,
and other Estates, being set at a table of
stone, 60. Knights and Esquires served
60. dishes to the Kings Messe, and as
many to the Queenes (neigher flesh nor
fish) & served the Maior with 24. dishes
to his Messe, of the same manner, with
sundry wines in most plenteous wife.
And finally, the King and Queene
being conveyed with great lights into

The Citie of Westminster.

the Palace; the Maior with his Compa
ny in Barges, returned and came to Lon
, by breake of the next day. Thus
much for building of this great Hall,
and feasting therein.
It moreover appeareth,
ments kept in VVestmin
that many
Parliaments have been kept there: for I
find noted, that in the yeere 1397. the
great Hall at Westminster, being out of
reparations; and therefore, as it were,
new builded by Richard the second (as is
afore shewed) the same Richard in the
meane time having occasion to hold a
Parliament, caused (for that purpose) a
large house to be builded in the middest
of the Palace Court, betwixt the clocke-Tower,
and the gate of the old great
This house was very large and long,
made of Timber, covered with Tyle,
open on both the sides, and at both the
ends, that all men might see and heare
what was both said and done.
The Kings Archers (in number 4000.
Cheshire men) compassed the house a
bout with their bowes bent,
I find of Record the 50. of Ed. the 3. that the Chapter-house of the Abbot of VVestm. was then the usuall house for the Com
mons in Parliamēt. Bouch of Court.
and Ar
rowes nocked in their hands, alwayes
ready to shoote: they had Bouch of
Court (to wit, meate and drinke) and
great wages, of six pence by the day.
The old great Hall being new buil
ded, Parliaments were againe there
kept as before: namely, one in the yeere
1399. for the deposing of Richard the
. A great part of this Palace at
was once againe burnt in the
yeere, 1512. the fourth of Henry the
; since the which time, it hath not
beene reedified: onely the great Hall,
with the offices neere adjoining, are
kept in good reparations, and serveth as
afore, for Feasts at Coronations, Ar
raignements of great persons charged
with treasons, keeping of the Courts of
Iustice, &c. But the Princes have beene
lodged in other places about the City,
as at Baynards-Castell, at Bridewell, and
White-hall, sometime called Yorke place,
and sometime at S. Iames.
This great Hall hath beene the usuall
place of pleadings, and ministration of
Iustice, whereof some what shortly I
will note.
In times past,
Magna Charta.
the Courts & Benches
followed the King, wheresoever hee
went, as well since the Conquest, as
before, which thing at length being
thought cumbersome, painefull, and
chargeable to the people; it was in the
yeere 1224. the 9. of Henry the third a
greed, that there should be a standing
place appointed, where matters should
be heard and judged, which was in the
great Hall at Westminster.
Common pleas in VVestmin
. T. Smith.
In this Hall he ordained three judge
ment seates, to wit, at the entry on the
right hand, the Common Pleas, where
civill matters are to bee pleaded, speci
ally such as touch Lands or contracts. At
the upper end of the Hall, on the right
hand, or South East corner, the Kings
, where Pleas of the Crowne have
their hearing:
Court of the Chan
And on the left hand or
Southwest corner, sitteth the Lord
Chancellor, accompanied with the Ma
ster of the Rolls, and other men, learned
for the most part in the Civill law, and
called Masters of the Chancery, which
have the Kings fee.
The times of pleading in these
Courts are foure in the yeere, which
are called Tearmes.
The first is Hilarie Tearme, which
beginneth the three and twentieth of
Ianuary, if it be not Sunday, and endeth
the twelfth of February.
The second is Easter Tearme, and be
ginneth seventeene dayes after Easter
day, and endeth foure dayes after As
cension day.
The third Tearme beginneth six or
seven dayes after Trinitie Sunday, and
endeth the Wednesday fortnight af
The fourth is Michaelmas Tearme,
which beginneth the ninth of October,
if it be not Sunday, and endeth the 28.
of November.21
And heere is to bee noted,
Kings of this Realme have sate on the Kings Bench in VVest
that the
Kings of this Realme have used some
times to sit in person in the Kings Bench:
namely, King Edward the fourth, in the
yeere, 1462. in Michaelmas Tearme, sate
in the Kings Bench three dayes together,
in the open Court, to understand how
his lawes were ministred and executed.
Within the Port, or entry into the
Hall, on either side are ascendings up
into large Chambers, without the Hall
adjoining thereunto, wherein certaine
Courts be kept,
Court of the Exche
namely, on the right
hand, is the Court of the Exchequer, a

The City of Westminster.

place of account, for the revenewes of
the Crowne: the hearers of the account
have Auditors under them; but they
which are the chiefe for accounts of the
Prince, are called Barons of the Exche
quer, whereof one is called the Chiefe Ba
. The greatest officer of all, is called
the High Treasurer. In this Court be
heard those that are delators,
or infor
mers, in popular and penall actions, ha
ving thereby part of the profit by the
law assigned unto them.
In this Court, if any question bee,
it is determined after the order of the
Common Law of England by twelve
men, and all Subsidies, Taxes and Cu
stomes, by account: for in this office, the
Sheriffes of the Shire doe attend upon
the execution of the commandements
of the Iudges, which the Earle should
do, if he were not attending upon the
Prince in the warres, or otherwise a
bout him. For, the Chiefe Office of the
Earle was, to see the Kings Iustice to
have course, and to bee well executed
in the Shire, and the Princes Revenewes
to bee well answered, and brought into
the Treasurie.
If any Fines or Amerciaments bee
extracted out of any of the said Courts
upon any man, or any Arrerages of ac
counts of such things as is of Customes,
Taxes, and Subsidies, or other such like
occasions; the same the Sheriffe of the
Shire doth gather, and is answerable
therefore in the Exchequer.
As for other ordinary Rents of Patri
moniall Lands, and most commonly of
Taxes, Customes and Subsidies, there
be particular Receivers and Collectors,
which doe answere it into the Exche
This Court of the Exchequer hath of
old time, and as I thinke, since the Con
quest, beene kept at Westminster, not
withstanding, sometimes remooved
thence by commandement of the King,
and after restored againe; as namely, in
the yeere, one thousand two hundred
and nine
, King Iohn commanded the
Exchequer to bee remooved from West-minster
to Northhampton, &c.
On the left hand above the staire, is
the Dutchie Chamber, wherein is kept
the Court for the Dutchie of Lancaster,
by a Chancellor of that Dutchie, and o
ther ther Officers under him.
Then is there in another Chamber,
Office of Receit.

the Office of the receits of the Queenes
Revenewes for the Crowne.
Then is there also the Starre-Cham
, where, in the Tearme time, every
weeke once at the least, which is com
monly on Fridaies and Wednesdaies,
and on the next day after the Tearme
endeth, the Lord Chancellor and the
Lords, and other of the Privie-Coun
cell, and the chiefe Iustices of England,
from Nine of the Clocke, till it bee
Eleven, doe sit.
This place is called the Starre-Cham
, because the Roofe thereof is decked
with the likenesse of Starres gilt: there
be plaints heard, of Ryots, Rowts, and
other misdemeanours, which if they be
found by the Kings Councell, the party
offender shall be censured by these per
sons, which speake one after another,
and he shall bee both fined and com
manded to prison.
Then at the upper end of the great
by the Kings Bench,
The court of Wards and Live
is a going up
to a great Chamber, called the White-Hall,
Court of Requests. S. Stephens Chappell.
wherein is now kept the Court of
Wards and Liveries, and adjoining
thereunto is the Court of Requests.
Then is S. Stephens Chappell, of old
time founded by King Stephen, King
in the seventh of his reigne
, gran
ted to Baldwinus de London, Clarke of his
Exchequer, the Chappleship of Saint
Stephens at Westminster
, &c.
This Chappell was againe since (of a
farre more curious workemanship) new
builded by King Edward the third, in
the yeere 1347. for thirty eight persons
in that Church to serve God, to wit, a
Deane, twelve secular Canons, thirteene
Vicars, foure Clarks, sixe Chorists, two
Servitors, to wit, a Verger, and a keeper
of the Chappell. He builded it for them
from the house of receit, along nigh to
the Thames, within the same Palace,
there to inhabite: and since that, there
were also buildings for them, betwixt
the Clock-house, and the Wool-staple, cal
led the Wey-house.
Hee also builded to the use of this
Chappell (though out of the Palace
) some distance West,
Little Sanctua
in the
little Sanctuarie, a strong Clochard of
Stone and Timber, covered with Lead,

The Citie of Westminster.

and placed therein three great Bels,
since usually rung at Coronations, Tri
umphs, Funerals of Princes, and their
Obits. Of those Bels men fabuled,
that their ringing sowred all the drinke
in the Towne. More, that about
the biggest Bell was written:
King Edward made mee
thirtie thousand and three,
Take me downe and weigh mee,
and more shall ye find mee.
But these Bels being taken down in
deed, were found all three not to weigh
twenty thousand.
True it is, that in the Citie of Roane,
in Normandy, there is one great Bell,
that hath such an Inscription as fol
Qui trente cinq mille pois:
Mes lui me pesera,
Trente six mill me trovera.
Thirtie five thousand in pois:
But he that shall weigh me,
Thirtie six thousand shall find me.
The said King Edward endowed this
Chappell with lands to the yearly va
lue of five hundred pound. Doctor
Iohn Chambers
Cloyster of Saint Stephens Chappell builded.
the Kings Physitian,
the last Deane of this Colledge, buil
ded thereunto a Cloyster, of curious
workemanship, to the charges of ele
ven thousand Markes. This Chap
pell, or Colledge, at the suppression,
was valued to dispend in lands by the
yeere one thousand eighty five pound,
ten shillings five pence,
Parliamēt House.
and was surren
dred to Edward the sixth: since the
which time, the same Chappell hath
served as a Parliament House.
By this Chappell of S. Stephen, was
sometime one other smaler Chappell,
called our Lady of the Piew; to the
which Lady, great Offerings were u
sed to be made: Amongst other things
I have read, that Richard the second, af
ter the overthrow of Wat Tilar, and o
ther the Rebels, in the fourth of his
raigne, went to Westminster, and there
giving thankes to God for his victory,
made his Offering in this Chappell.
But as divers have noted, namely, Iohn
, in the yeare 1252. on the seven
teenth of February
, by negligence of
a Scholler, appointed by his Schoole
master to put forth the Lights of this
Chappell, the Image of our Lady rich
ly decked with Iewels, precious Stones,
Pearles, and Rings, more than any
Ieweller could judge the price, for so
saith mine author; was with all this
Apparell, Ornaments, and Chappell
it selfe, burnt: but since againe reedi
fied by Anthony, Earle Rivers, Lord
Scales, and of the Isle of Wight, Vncle
and Governor to the Prince of Wales,
that should have beene King Edward
the fifth
, &c.
The said Palace,
Clocke-house at VVestmin
before the entry
thereunto, hath a large Court, and in
the same a Tower of Stone, containing
a Clocke, which striketh every houre
on a great Bell, to bee heard into the
Hall in sitting time of the Courts, or o
therwise: for the same Clocke, in a
calme, will bee heard into the City of
London. King Henry the sixth gave the
keeping of this Clock with the Tower,
called the Clock-house, and the ap
purtenances, unto William Walsby,
Deane of Saint Stephens, with the wa
ges of sixe pence the day out of his
Exchequer. By this Tower standeth a
taine in the Palace Court.
which at Coronations, and
great Triumphs is made to runne with
Wine out of divers spouts.
On the East side of this Court,
or com
mon lan
ding place▪
is an
Arched Gate to the River of Thames,
with a faire Bridge and landing place
for all men that have occasion.
On the North side, is the South end
of Saint Stephens Alley, or Canon-Row,
and also a way into the old Wooll sta
ple: and on the West side is a very
faire Gate, begun by Richard the 3. in
the yeere 1484. and was by him buil
ded a great height, and many faire
lodgings in it, but left unfinished,
and is called the high Tower at West
Thus much for the Monasterie and
Palace may suffice. And now will I
speake of the Gate-house, and of Tote
, stretching from the West
part of the Close.
The Gate-house is so called of two

The City of Westminster.

Gates, the one out of the Colledge
Court toward the North, on the
East side whereof was the Bishop of
Londons Prison, for Clerkes convict,
and the other Gate adjoyning to the
first; but towards the West, is a
Gaole or Prison for offenders thi
ther committed. Walter Warfield,
Celerer to the Monasterie, caused
both these Gates (with the appur
tenances) to be builded in the reigne of
Edward the third
On the South side of this Gate,
Almes-houses of Henry the seventh.

King Henry the seventh, founded
an Almes-house for thirteene poore
men: one of them to bee a Priest,
aged five and forty yeeres, a good
Grammarian, the other twelve to bee
aged fiftie yeeres, without wives,
every Saturday the Priest to receive
of the Abbot, or Prior, foure pence
by the day, and each other two
pence halfe penny by the day for ever,
for their sustenance, and every yeere
to each one a Gowne and a Hood
ready made. And to three women
that dressed their meat, and kept
them in their sicknesse, each to have
every Saturday sixteene pence, and
every yeere a Gowne ready made.
More to the thirteene poore men
yeerely fourescore quarters of Coales,
and one thousand of good Fagots to
their use: In the Hall and Kitchin
of their Mansion, a discreet Monke
to bee over-seer of them, and hee to
have forty shillings by the yeere, &c.
and herunto was every Abbot and Prior
Neere unto this house Westward,
was an old Chappell of Saint Anne,
over against the which, the Lady
, Mother to King Henry the
erected an Almes-house for
poore women,
Almes-house founded by Lady Margaret.
which is now turned
into lodgings, for the singing men
of the Colledge: the place wherein
this Chappell and Almes-house stan
deth, was called the Eleemosinary or
Almory, now corruptly the Ambry,
for that the Almes of the Abbey
were there distributed to the poore.
And therein I slip, Abbot of Westmin
Printing of Bookes at VVestm. the first in England.
erected the first Presse of Book
Printing that ever was in England, a
bout the yeere of Christ, 1471. W.
, Citizen of London, Mercer,
brought it into England, and was the
first that practised it in the said Abbey;
after which time, the like was practised
in the Abbeys of S. Augustin at Cant. S.
Albans, and other Monasteries. From
the West gate runneth along Totehill
, wherein is a house of the Lord
Gray of Wilton
, and on the other side,
at the entry into Totehill field, Stour
ton house
, which Giles, the last Lord
Dacre of the South,22
Hospitall founded by Lady Anne Dacre.
purchased and
built new, whose Lady and wife Anne
sister to T. the Lord Backhurst, left mo
ney to her Executors, to build an
Hospitall for twenty poore women,
and so many children to be brought up
under them, for whose maintenance
shee assigned lands, to the value of
one hundred pounds by the yeere,
which Hospitall, her Executours have
since begunne in the field adjoyning.
From the entry into Totehill field, the
streete is called Pettie France, in which,
and upon S. Hermits hill, on the South
side thereof, Cornelius van Dun (a
Brabander borne, Yeoman of the
Guard to King Henry the eighth, King
Edward the sixth
Almes-houses for poore wo
Queene Mary, and
Queene Elizabeth) built twenty Hou
ses, for poore women to dwell rent-free: And neere hereunto was a Chap
pell of Mary Magdalen
, now wholly
In the yeare of Christ 1256. the 40.
of Henry the third, Iohn Mansell, the
Kings Counsellor, and a Priest, did
invite to a stately Dinner, the Kings
and Queenes of England and Scotland,
the Kings sonne, Earles, Barons
and Knights, the Bishop of London,
and Divers Citizens: whereby his
guests did grow to such a number,
that his house at Totehill could not re
ceive them,
Seven hundred Messe of Meat at one Din
ner in Totehill.
but that hee was forced to
set up Tents and Pavillions, to re
ceive his guests; whereof there was
such a multitude, that seven hundred
Messe of Meat did not serve for the
first Dinner.
The Citie of Westminster,
ment of VVestmin
for Ci
vill Government, is divided into
twelve severall Wards, for the which,
the Deane of the Collegiate Church
of Westminster
, or the high Steward,
doe elect twelve Burgesses, and as

The Citie of Westminster.

many Assistants, that is, one Bur
gesse and one Assistant for every
Ward: out of the which twelve
Burgesses, two are nominated yeere
ly, upon Thursday in Easter weeke;
for chiefe Burgesses, to continue for
one yeere next following, who have
authority given them by the Act of
Parliament, 27. Elizabeth, to heare,
examine, determine, and punish, ac
cording to the Lawes of the Realme,
and lawfull Customes of the Citie of
London, matters of Incontinencie,
common Scolds, Inmates, and com
mon Annoyances, and likewise to com
mit such persons as shall offend a
gainst the Peace, and thereof to give
knowledge within foure and twenty
houres, to some Iustice of Peace, in the
County of Middlesex.


  1. I.e., Bethlehem Hospital. (KL)
  2. Stow’s two methods of dating here do not match. The 28th year of the reign of Henry VIII was 1536-1537. (SM)
  3. I.e., Lady Margaret Beaufort. (KL)
  4. In 1598, Stow references Edward Somerset instead. (ML)
  5. Richard and Mary likely did not exist, as traditions surrounding Matilda’s issue tended to be largely folkloric. See related ODNB entry for Matilda of Scotland. (ML)
  6. I.e., Eleanor of Castile. (ML)
  7. Stow may have been confused here; Joan of Clarence likely never existed. (ML)
  8. I.e., Joan of Valois. (ML)
  9. Marcus and Eleanor of Gelderland likely did not exist. (ML)
  10. Possibly Marie of Brittany. (ML)
  11. Possibly Mary de St. Paul. (ML)
  12. I.e., Edward Tudor. (ML)
  13. Stow confuses Anne’s father, Charles IV of Bohemia, with her brother, Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia. (ML)
  14. I.e., Elizabeth Woodville. (ML)
  15. I.e., Elizabeth of York. (ML)
  16. I.e., Anne Fiennes. (ML)
  17. I.e., Henry Carey. (KL)
  18. Stow appears to have confused the order of Mary’s husbands; Thomas Lacy was her second, while Sir Thomas Billing was her third and last. (ML)
  19. I.e., 1066. (KL)
  20. I.e., 1 January 1236. (KL)
  21. We have not marked up the dates in this paragraph because Stow is describing the calendar of the legal terms. (JJ)
  22. According to Kingsford, the last Lord Dacre of the South was Gregory Fiennes (Kingsford 380). (CD)

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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): City of Westminster. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 05 May 2022, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): City of Westminster. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2022. Survey of London (1633): City of Westminster. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London (1633): City of Westminster
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 7.0
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022/05/05
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1633): City of Westminster</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>
