Spirituall Gouernor.
Gouernors of the Citie of
London, and first of the Ecclesiasticall,
Bishops, and other Ministers there.
HAuing thus run thorow the description of these
cities of London and Westminster, as well in
their Originall foundations, as in their increa
ses of buildings and Ornamēts, togither with
such incidēts of sundry sorts, as are before, both
generally and particularly discoursed: It re
maineth, that somewhat bee noted by me, tou
ching the policie and gouernment, both Ecclesi
asticall and Ciuill, of London, as I haue already done for West
, the order wherof, is appointed by late Statute, euen as that
of London is maintained by the customes therof,
Antiquities of
most laudably v
sed before all the time of memorie. And first, to begin with the Eccle
siasticall Iurisdiction, I read, that the Christian faith was first prea
ched in this Iland (then called Britaine) by Ioseph of Aramathia,
and his brethren Disciples of Christ, in the time of Aruiragus, then
Gouernor here, vnder the Romane Emperor: after which time,
Lucius (King of the Britaines) sent his Ambassadors Eluanus, and
Meduuinus (two men learned in the Scriptures) with letters to E
Lib. consti L.
died in the
yeare, 186.
when he had
sitten Bishop
15 yeares.
Bishop of Rome, desiring him to send some deuout and
learned men, by whose instruction he and his people might be taught
the faith and religiō of Christ. Eleutherius baptised those messēgers,
making Eluanus a Bishop, and Meduuinus a Teacher, and sent o
uer with them into Britaine, two other famous Clerkes, Faganus
and Deuuianus, by whose diligence, Lucius and his people of Bri
, were instructed in the faith of Christ, and baptised: the Tem
ples of Idols, were conuerted into Cathedrall churches, & Bishops
were placed where Flāmines before had bin: at London, Yorke, and
Carleon vpon Vske, were placed Archbishops, &c. The Epistle said
to be sent, by Eleutherius to king Lucius, for the establishing of the
faith, ye may read in my Annalles, Sommaries, & Chronicles, truly
translated & set downe, as mine author hath it,
Liber albus
for some haue curtol
led and corrupted it, and then fathered it vpon the reuerend Bede,
who neuer wrote word thereof, or otherwise, to that effect.

Gouernment Spirituall.
But to my matter of our London Bishops, as I finde it written:
First, there remaineth in the Parish church of Saint Peter vppon
in Londō, a Table, wherein is written, that Lucius foun
ded the same church to be an Archbishops See, and Metrapolitane,
or chiefe church of his Kingdome, and that it so indured the space
of foure hundred yeares, vntill the comming in of Augustine the
Moonke, and others, from Rome, in the raigne of the Sax
The Archbishops names, I finde onely to be set downe by Io
of Furdes
This text is the corrected text. The original is S (KL)Jocelin of
in his book of Brittish Bishops, and not elsewhere.
1. Thean (saith hee) was the first Archbishop of London in the time
of Lucius, who builded the said church of S. Peter, in a place called
Cornhill in London, by the ayde of Ciran, chiefe butler to the king
2. Eluanus was the second, and hee builded a Library to the
same Church adioyning, and conuerted many of the Dreudes
(learned men in the Paganne lawe) to the Christian faith.
3. Cadar was the third: then followed,
4. Obinus.
5. Conan.
8. Iltute.
9. Dedwin.
10. Thedred.
11. Hillary.
13. Vodimus, he was slaine by the Saxons.
14. Theanus (the fourtéenth and the last) for he fled with the Bri
taines into Wales, about the yeare of Chrst, 587. Thus much out of
Iocelin of the Archbishops:
This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (SM)I1. Tome com.
the credit whereof I leaue to the iudge
ment of the learned: for I reade of a Bishop of London (not before
named) in the yeare of Christ 326. to bee present at the 2. generall
Councell holden at Arles, in the time of Constantine the great,
who subscribed thereunto in these wordes, Ex prouincia Bri
taniæ Ciuitate Londinensi Restitutus Episcopus
: as plainely
appeareth in the first Tombe of the Counsailes.

Gouernment Spirituall.
he writeth not himselfe Archbishop, and therefore maketh the matter
of Archbishops doubtfull, or rather ouerthroweth that opinion.
The Saxons being Pagons, hauing chased the Brittons, with the
Christian Preachers, into the Mountaines of Wales and Corne
: and hauing deuided this Kingdome of the Brittons amongst
themselues, at the length (to wit, in the yeare 596.) Pope Gregorie
moued of a godly instinction (sayeth Bede) in the 147. yeare, after
the arriual of the Angles (or Saxons) in Britaine
,2 sent Augustine,
Miletus, Iustus, and Iohn, with other Moonks, to preach of Gospel,
to the said Nation of the Angles in Britaine: these landed in the Ile
of Thanet, and were first receiued by Ethelbert, King of Kent,
whom they conuerted to the Faith of Christ, with diuers other of his
people in the 34. yeare of his Raigne:3 which Ethelbert gaue vnto
Augustine, the Citie of Canterburie.
This Augustine in the yeare of Christ, 604. consecrated Meli
, and Iustus Bishops, appointing Melitus to preach vnto the East
Saxons, whose chiefe Citie was London: and there King Sebert
Nephewe to Ethelbert by preaching of Melitus, receiued the word
of life: the then Ethelbert (King of Kent) builded in the Citie of
London, Saint Pauls,
Saint Pauls
London first
Church wherein Melitus began to bee Bi
shop, in the yeare, 619.
1. Melitus first
Bishop of Lon
, 619.
and sate fiue yeares. Ethelbert by his Char
ter, gaue lands to this Church of Saint Paule: so did other kings
after him: King Sebert through the good life and like preaching
of Melitus, hauing receiued Baptisme, To shew himself a Christian,
builded a Church, to the honour of God and S. Peter, on the West
side of London, which Church is called Westminster, but
the Successors of Sebert (beeing Pagannes) expelled Meli
2. Iustus, 24.
the second, Bishop for a time, and then Melitus againe:
after whose decease, the seate was voyde for a time: at length Si
(sonne to Sigebert, brother to Sebert) ruled in Essex, heh
became a Christian, and tooke to him, a holy man named Cedde,
or (Chadde) who wan many by preaching, and good life to the Chri
stian Religion.
3. Cedde, B. of
London, 58.
and Tilberrie.
Cedde or (Chad) was by Finan consecrated Bishop of the
East Saxons, and he ordered Priests and Deacons in all the parts
of Essex, but especially at Ithancaster, and TiThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)lberry.

Gouernment Spirituall.
This Citie (saith Raphe Cogshall) stoode on the banque of the Ri
uer Pont, that runneth by the Maldun in the hundred of Danesey,
but now that Citie is drowned in Paute, so that nothing remaineth
but the ruine of the Cittie in the Riuer, Tilburie (both the West
and East) standeth on the Thames side, nigh ouer against Graues
4. Wina, 666.
expelled from the church of Winchester, by Cenewalche
the King, was adopted to be the fourth Bishop of London, in the
raigne of Wolferus, King of Mercia, and sat 9. yeares.
5. Erkenwald
(borne in the Castle, or towne of Stallingborough
in Lindsey) first Abbot of Crotesey, was by Theodore, Archbishop
of Canterburie, appointed to be Bishop of the East Saxons, in the
Citie of London. This Erkenwald in the yeare of Christ, 677. (be
fore that he was made Bishop) had builded two Monasteries, one
for himselfe (being a Monke) at Crotsey
Crotesey, or
in the Ile of Crote, in Sur
, by the Riuer of Thames, and an other for his sister Edilburge,
being a Nun, in a certaine place, called Berching in Essex: he decea
sed at Berching, in the yeare, 697. and was buried in Pauls church,
and was from thence, translated into the newe Church of Saint
, on the eightéenth kallendes of December, in the yeare,
6. Waldhere
Bishop of London, Sebba King
King Sebba
became a
Monke in
Pauls church.
of the East Sax
ons, came to this Waldhere, Bishop of London, and at his hands
receiued the habite of a Monke (for at that time, there were Monkes
in Pauls Church, as writeth Radulphus Dedicato, and others) to
this Bishop he brought a great summe of money, to be bestowed and
giuen to the poore, reseruing nothing to himselfe, but rather desired to
remaine poore in goods, as in Spirit, for the Kingdome of Heauen:
when he had raigned 30. yeare, he deceased at Powles, and was
there buried, and lyeth now in a coffin of stone on the North side of
the Ile next the Quire.
Ingwaldus the Bishop of London, was at the Consecration
of Tatwine, Archbishop of Canterbrie: and hee confirmed the
foundation of Crowland in the yeare, ſeuen hundred ſixtéene,
(saith Ingulfus) and deceased in the yeare, 744. as saith Ho

Gouernment Spiritually.
Engulfe Bishop of London.
Wichet. or Wigerns Bishop of London.
Eaderightus, or Edbrithe, Bishop of London.
Eadgain or Eadgarus, Bishop of London.
Kenewallth, Bishop of London.
Eadbaldus Bishop of London.
Heatbright, or Hutbright, Bishop of London, deceased 802. saith
Osmondus Bishop of London: hee was witnesse to a Charter
made to Crowland in the yeare 833. saith Engulfe.
Ethelnothe Bishop of London.
Elbertus, or Celbertus Bishop of London.
Caulfe4 Bishop of London.
Swithulfus Bishop of London: hee likewise was witnesse to a
Charter of Crowland 851.
Edstanus Bishop of London, witnesse to a Charter to Crowland,
Vlsius5 Bishop of London.
Etheliuardus, Bishop of London.
Elstanus Bishop of London, dyed in the yeare 900. saith Asser,
and all these (saith the Author of Flores Historiarum)6 were buried in
the old church of S. Paul: but there remaineth memories there.
Theodoricus Bishop of Londō: this man confirmed king Edreds
Charter, made to Winchester, in the yeare, 947. whereby it séemeth
that he was B. of London of a later time, then he is héere placed.
Welstanus Bishop of London.
Brithelme Bishop of London.
Dunstanus Abbot of Glastonberry, thē B. of Wircestar, & thē B.
of London: hee was afterward translated to Canterburie, 960.
Ealfstanns Bishop of London, the 28.
Edgare Bishop of London: hée confirmed the grauntes made to
Winchester and to Crowland, 966. and againe to Crowland 970.
the Charter of Etheldred, concerning Vlfrunhampton, 996.
Elphinus Bishop of London.
Alwinus Bishop of London.
Alfhune Bishop of London: he was sent into Normandie in the
yeare 1013. saith Asser.

Gouernment Spirituall.
Robert Bishop of London, 7. yeares a Monke of Gemet, in
Normandie: afterward translated from London to Canterburie.
Spechasius elected but reiected by the King.
William a Norman, Chaplaine to Edward the Confessor, was
made Bishop of London, 1051. sate 17. yeares, and deceased 1070.
he obtained of William the Conqueror, the Charter of liberties for
the Cittie of London, as I haue sette downe in my Sum
Hugh de Orwell Bishop of London: hee died of a Leaprosie
when he had sitten fiftéene yeares.
Mauricius Bishoppe of London: in whose time (to wit, in the
yeare, 1086.) the Church of Saint Paul was brent, with the most
part of this Citie: and therefore hee laide the foundation of a newe
large church, and hauing sitten twentie two yeares, he deceased 1107
saith Paris.
Richard Beames (or Beamor) Bishop of London, did won
derfully increase the worke of this church begunne, purchasing the
stréetes and Lanes adioyning of his owne money, and hee founded
the Monastery of S. Osyth in Essex, he sat Bishop 19. yeares, and
deceased, 1127.
Gilbertus Vniuersalis a Canon of Lyons, elected by Henry the
. he deceased 1141, when he had sitten 14. yeares.
Robert de Segillo a Monke of Reading, whom Mawde the
Empresse, made Bishop of London: where hee sate eleuen yeares.
Geffrey de Magnauile, tooke him prisoner, at Fulham, and he decea
sed, 1152.
Richard Beames, Arch-deacon of Essex, Bishop of London 10.
yeares, who deceased 1162.
Gilbert Foliot Bishop of Hereford, from whence hee was
translated to London, and there sate twentie thrée yeares, and decea
sed, 1186.
Richard Fitz Nele the kings treasurer, Arch-deacon of Essex,
elected Bishop of London, at Pipwell, 1189. hee sate nine yeares,
and deceased 1198. this man also tooke great paines about the buil
ding of Powles church, and raised, many other goodly buildings in
his decease.
William S. Mary Church, a Norman, Bishop of London,

Spirituall Gouernments.
who was one of the thrée Bishops that by the Popes commande
ment executed his interdiction or curse vpon the whole realme of
England, but hee was forced with the other Bishops to flie the
Realme in 1208. and his Castle at Stortforde in Essex, was by
commandement of king Iohn ouerthrown, 1210. This William
in company of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and of the Bishop
of Ely went to Rome, and there complayned against the King
1212. and returned, so as in the yeare 1215. King Iohn in the
Church of Saint Paule, at the hands of this VVilliam tooke vpon
him the Crosse for the holy land, hée resigned his Bishopricke of
his owne voluntarie, in the yeare 1221. saieth Cogshall.
1221. Eustachius de Fauconbridge, Treasurer of the Exche
quer (sayeth Paris) Chancelor of the Exchequer (sayeth Textor,
and Cogshall) Bishoppe of London, 1223. whilest at Chelmes
hee was giuing holy orders, a great Tempest of wind and
rayne annoyed so many as came thether, whereof it was gathe
red, how highly God was displeased with such as came to receiue
orders, to the end they may liue a more easie life of the stipendes
appointed to Church men giuing themselues to banqueting, and so
with vncleane and filthie bodies, (but more vncleane soules) pre
sume to minister vnto God, the author of purity and cleanenesse.
Falcatius de Brent, was deliuered to his custody in the yeare
1224: this Eustacius deceased in the yeare 1228. and was bu
ried in Paules church, in the southside without the Quire.
1229. Roger Niger Archdeacon of Cholchester, made Bi
shop of London, in the yeare 1230. (sayeth Paris vppon the feast
day of the conuersion of S. Paule) when he was at Masse in the
Cathedrall Church of S. Paule, a great multitude of people be
ing there present, sodenly the weather waxed darke, so as one could
skantly sée another, and an horrible thunder clap lighted on the
church, which so shooke it that it was like to haue fallen, and there
withall out of a darke cloude proceeded such a flash of such light
ning, that all the church seemed to bee on fire, whereupon such a
stench ensued, that all men thought they should haue dyed, thou
sandes of men and women, ran out of the Church, and being asto
nied fell vpon the ground, voide of all sence, and vnderstanding,
none of all the multitude tarried in the church, saue the Bishop &
one Deacon, which stood still before the high Alter, awaiting the

Spiritual Gouernments.
will of God, and when the aire was clensed, the multitude retur
ned into the Church, and the Bishop ended the seruice.
This Roger Niger is commended to haue beene a man of
worthy life, excellently well learned, a notable Preacher, pleasant
in talke, milde of countenance, and liberall at his table, hee fell
sicke, and dyed at his Mannor of Bishops hall in Stebunheth, in
the yeare 1241. and was buried in Paules Church, on the North
side of the Quire, in a fayre Tombe of gray Marble.
1241. Fulco Basset, Deane of Yorke, Bishop of London,
deceased on the 21. day of May, in the yeare 1259. (as sayeth
Textor) and was buried in Powles church.
1259. Henry Wingham Chancelor of England, made Bishop
of London, deceased in the yeare 1262, (sayeth Textor) and was
buried in Powles Church, on the south side without the Quire in
a marble monument.
1262. Richard Talot Bishop of London, straight waies after
his consecration deceased, saith Euersden.
1262 Henry Sandwich Bishop of London deceased in the yere
1273. as the same Author affirmeth.
1273. Iohn Cheshull Deane of Poules, Treasurer of Eng
, and keeper of the great Seale, was Bishop of London, and
deceased in the yeare 1279. saith Euersden.
1280 Fulco Louel, Archdeacon of Colchester, elected bishop
of London, but refused the place.
1280. Richard Grauesend, Archedeacon of Northampton
Bishop of London. It appeareth by the Charter warren granted
to this Bishop, that in this time there were two woods in the pa
rish of Stebunhith
pertaining to the said Bishop: I haue my selfe
knowne the one of them by Bishops Hall, but nowe they are both
made plaine, and not to be discerned from other grounds. Some
haue fabuled that this Richard Grauesend Bishop of London,
in the yeare 1392. the 16. of Richarde the second, purchased the
Charter of liberties, to this Citie: which thing hath no possibilitie
of trueth, as I haue proued, for hee deceased in the yeare 1303. al
most 90. yeares before that time.
Fable of Ri
chard Graues
1303 Ralphe Baldoke Deane of Paules, Bishop of London
consecrated at Lions by Peter Bishop of Alba in the yeare 1307.
he was a great furtherer of the new worke of Paules, to wit, The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye east

Spirituall Gouernments.
This text is the corrected text. The original is 3 (KL)404
end called our lady chapel, & other adioyning this Ralph deceased in
The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye yere 1313. & was buried in The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye said Lady Chapel, vnder a flat stone.
1313. Gilbert Segraue was consecrated Bishop of London,
and sate 3. yeares.
1317. Richard Newport Bishop of London sate 2. yeares,
and was buried in Paules Church.
1318. Stephen Grauesend Bishop of London sate 20. yeares.
1338. Richard Wentworth or Bentworth, Bishop of London
and Chancellour of England, deceased the yeare 1339.
1339. Ralphe Stratford Bishop of London, he purchased the
peece of groūd called Nomans land, besides Smithfield, and dedi
cated it to the vThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)se of buryall, as before hath appeared: he was borne
at Stratford vpon Auon: and therefore builed a chapel to S. Tho
there, he sate 14. yeres, deceased at Stebinhith.
1354. Michael Norbroke Bishop of London deceased in the
yeare 1361. sayth Mirimouth, sate 7. yeares.
1362. Simond Sudbery Bishop of London sate 13. yeares,
translated to be Archebishop of Canterbury in the yeare 1375.
1375. William Courteny translated from Hereford to the bi
shopricke of London, and after translated from thence to the Arch
bishopricke of Canterbury in the yeare 1381.
1381. Robert Breybroke Chanon of Lichfielde, Bishop of
London, made Lord Chancellour in the 6. of Richard the second,
sate Bishop 20. yeres, and deceased in the yeare 1404, he was bu
ried in the said Lady chapel at Paules.
1405. Roger Walden Treasurer of England, Archbishop of
Canterbury, was deposed and after made Bishop of London: hee
deceased in the yeare 1406. and was buried at S. Bartilmewes
in Smithfield.
1506. Nicholas Bubwithe Bishop of London, Treasurer of
England, translated to Salisbury, and from thence to Bathe, and
lieth buried at Wells.
1407. Richard Clifford remoued from Worcester to Lon
, deceased 1422. as saith Thomas Walsingham, and was bu
ried in Paules.
1422. Iohn Kempe fellow of Martin colledge in Oxford, was
made Bishop of Rochester, from This text has been supplied. Reason: Dirt on the page, tearing, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)whence remoued to Chiche

Spirituall Gouernments.
ster, and thence to London: he was made Lord Chancellour in the
yeare 1425. the 4. of Henry the sixt, and was remoued from Lon
to Yorke in the yeare 1426. hee sate Archbishop thence 25.
yeares, and was translated to Canterbury: hee was afterwards
made Cardinall in the yeare 1352. In the Bishop of Londons
house at Fulham he receiued the Crosse, and the next day the Pale
at the hands of Thomas Kempe Bishop of London, hee deceased
in the yeare 1454.
1426. William Gray Deane of Yorke, consecrated Bishop
of London, who foūded a colledge at Thele in Hartfordshire for a
Maister & 4. chanons, and made it a cell to Elsing Spittle in Lon
, it had of old time bene a colledge decayed, and therefore newly
founded: hee was translated to Lincolne 1431.
1432. Robert Fitzhugh Archdeacon of Northampton, conse
crated Bishop of London, sate 5. yeres, deceased in the yeare 1435,
and was buried on the south side of the Quire of Pawles.
1435 Robert Gilbert Doctor of Diuinitie, Deane of Yorke,
consecrated Bishop of London, sate 12. yeares, deceased 1448.
1449. Thomas Kempe, Archdeacon of Richmond, consecra
ted Bishop of London at Yorke house, (now White hall) by the
handes of his vnckle Iohn Kempe, Archbishop of Canterbury,
the eight of Februarie, 1449. he founded a Chappell of the Tri
in the body of S. Pawles Church on the North side, he sate
Bishop of London 39. yeares, and 48. dayes, and then deceased
in the yeare 1489. was there buried.
1489 Iohn Marshall Bishop of London deceased in the yere
1493 Richarde Hall bishop of London, deceased 1495. and
was buried in the body of S. Paules Church.
1496. Thomas Sauage first bishop of Rochester, then bishop
of London 5. yeares, was translated to Yorke 1501. where hee
sate Archbishop 7. yeres, and was there buried in the yeare 1507.
1502 William Warrham Bishop of London, made kéeper
of the great Seale, sate 2. yeares, was translated to Canterburie
1504 William Barons Bishop of London, sate 10. moneths,
and 11. dayes, deceased in the yeare 1505.
1505. Richard Fitz IameThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)s fellow of Martin Colledge in Ox
in the raigne of Henrie the 6. was made Bishop of Roche
, after bishop of Chchester, and then Bishop of London, hee

Spirituall Gouernments.
deceased 1521. and lyeth buried hard beneath the Northwest pil
lar of the Steple in Paules, vnder a faire Tombe of Marble, now
remoued, ouer the which was builded a faire Chappell of tymber,
with stayres mounting thereunto: this chappell was burned with
fire from the Steple. 1561.
1521. Cuthbert Tunstal, doctour of law, Master of the rowles,
Lord Priuy Seale, and bishop of London, was thence translated
to the bishopricke of Durham in the yeare 1529.
1529. Iohn Stokley Bishop of London sat 13. yeares, deceased
in the yeare 1539, and was buried in the Lady chaple in Paules.
1539 Edmond Boner Doctor of the ciuill law, Archdeacon of
Leycester, was elected to London in the yeare 1539. being then
Bishop of Hereforde, whilest hee was beyond the seas Embassa
dour for the King. On the firſt of Septemb. 1549. hee preached at
Paules Crosse, for The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye which sermō he was charged before the kings
councell by William Latimer Parson of S. Lawrence Poltney,
and Iohn Hoper, sometime a white Monke, and béeing conuented
before certaine Commissioners at Lambith, was for his disobedi
ence to the kings order on the 20. day of the ſame month sent to the
Marshalsey and depriued from his bishopricke.
1550. Nicolas Ridley bishop of Rochester, was elected Bi
shop of London. This man by his deede dated the xii. day after
, in the 4. yere of Edward the 6. gaue to The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye king the Mā
nors of Branketrie & Southminster, and the patronage of The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye church
of Cogshall in Essex, the Mannors of Stebunheth, otherwise cal
led Stebinhith and Hackney, in the County of Middlesex, and the
Marshe of Stebunheth or Stebinhith: and the aduowson of the
viccarage of the Parish Church of Cogshall in Essex aforesaide:
which graunt was confirmed by the Deane & Chapter of Paules,
The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye same day and yere, with exception of such lands in Southminster,
and Hacknoy, as only pertained to them. The saide
King Edward by his letters patents dated the 16. of Aprill in the
said 4. yeare of his raigne, graunted to Sir Thomas Wentworth,
L. Wentworth L. Chāberlane of The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye kings houshold, for his good ser
uice before done (a part of the late receiued gift) to witte, the Lord
ships of Stebunheth and Hackney, and the landes in Shorditch,
Holiwel stréete. White chapel, Stratford at Bow, Poplar, North

Spirituall Gouernments.
stréete, Lymehouses, Ratliffe, Cleuestréete, Brockestréete, Myle
, Bletenehall gréene, Oldford, Westheth, Kingsland Shakel
, Newinton stréete, Clopton, Churchstréete, welstréete, Hūbar
, Grouestréete, ston stréete, alias Morestréete in the coūty of
, together with the Marshe of Stebinhith &c. the Man
nor of Hackney
was valued at lxi.£.ix SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGsiiij.ď. by yeare: and the
Mannor of Stebunhith at cxl.£.viij,SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs xi,ď.ob. by yeare. This Bi
shop Nicolas Ridley, for preaching a Sermon at Paules Crosse,
on the 16. of Iuly in the yeare 1553. was cōmitted to the Towre
of London
, where he remained prisoner till the 10. of Aprill in the
yeare 1554
. and was thence sent to Oxford, there to dispute with
the Diuines and learned men of the contrary opinion: and on the
16. of October 1555. hee was burned at Oxford for opinions a
gainst the Romish order of Sacraments &c.
1553. Edmond Boner aforesaid being released out of the Mar
, was restored to The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye bishoprick of London, by Quéen Mary,
on the 5. of Auguſt in the yeare 1553. & againe deposed by Quéene
, in the moneth of Iuly An. 1559. and was eftsoones
committed to the Marshalsey, where he died on the 5. of Septemb.
. and was at midnight buried amongst other prisoners in S.
1559. Edmond Grindal Bishop of London, being consecrated
the 21 of December 1559. was translated to Yorke, in the yeare
1570. and from thence remoued to Canterbury, in the yere 1574.
he died blynd 1583. On the 6. of Iuly, and was buried at Cro
in Surrey.
1570. Edwine Sands being translated from Worcester to the
Bishopricke of London in the yeare 1570. was thence trans
lated to Yorke in the yeare 1576. and died in the yeare 1588.
1576. Iohn Elmere Bishop of London deceased in the yeare
1594. on the 3. of Iune, at Fulanham, and was buried in Paules
, before S. Georges chappel.
1594. Richard Fletcher, Bishop of Worcester, was on the 30.
of December
in Paules Church elected Bishop of London, and
deceased on the 15. of Iune 1596. Hee was buried in Paules
, without any solemne funerall.
1597. Richard Bancroft doctor of Diuinite, nowe sitteth Bi

Spirituall Gouernments.
shop of London in this yeare 1598. being enstaled there.
This much for the succession of the Bishops of London, whose
Diocesse containeth The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye city of London, The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye whole shyres in Middlesex
and Essex, & a part of Hartfordshyre. These Bishops haue for As
sistants in the cathedrall Church of S. Paules, a Deane, a Chaun
ter, a Chauncelor, a Treasurer, 5. Archdeacons, to witte, Lon
, Middlesex, Essex, Colchester
and S. Albons, and 30. pre
bendaries: there appertaineth also to the said Church for furniture
of the Quire in diuine seruice, and ministration of the sacraments,
a Colledge of xij.petychanons, 6. vickars, choral & Queristars. &c.
This Dyocesse is diuided into Parishes, euery Parish hauing
his Parson, or vicar at the least, learned men for the most part, and
sufficient Preachers to instruct the people. There were in this city
& within the suburbs thereof in the raign of Henrie the 2. (as wri
teth Fitz Stephens) 13. great conuentuall Churches, besides the
lesser sort called Parish Churches, to the number of 126. all which
conuentuall Churches, and some others since that time founded,
are now suppressed and gone, except the cathedrall Church of S.
in London, and the colledge of S. Peter at Westminster:
of all which Parish Churches though I haue spoken, yet for more
ease to the reader, I will here againe set them downe in manner of
a Table, not by order of Alphabete, but as they bee placed in the
wards and suburbes.


  1. Overinking. (SM)
  2. According to Bede, the Angles arrived in Britain in 449. 147 years after 449 is 596. (KL)
  3. The length of Æthelberht’s reign is debated. According to Bede, Æthelberht became king in 560 or 561 and reigned for 56 years. In contrast, Gregory of Tours describes Æthelberht at the time of his marriage as the son of the King of Kent, suggesting that he was not yet king between approximately 575-581. Different manuscript versions of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle are also inconsistent—one claims that Æthelberht became king in 565 and reigned for 53 years. When sources are put together, it appears that Æthelberht’s reign was either from 560-616 or 565-618; however, these dates are still up for debate. (KL)
  4. I.e., Deorwulf. (KL)
  5. I.e., Wulfsige. (KL)
  6. I.e., Roger of Wendover. (ML)

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MLA citation

Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London (1598): Spiritual Government. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 05 May 2022, mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_spiritual_government.htm.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London (1598): Spiritual Government. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022. mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_spiritual_government.htm.

APA citation

Stow, J., & fitz-Stephen, W. 2022. Survey of London (1598): Spiritual Government. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/editions/7.0/stow_1598_spiritual_government.htm.

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T1  - Survey of London (1598): Spiritual Government
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname>fitz-Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1598): Spiritual Government</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>, <ref target="https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_spiritual_government.htm">mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_spiritual_government.htm</ref>.</bibl>
