The Citie of VVestminster, with the
Antiquities, Boundes, and Liberties thereof.
NOw touching the Citie of Westminster,
I will beginne at Temple Barre, on the
right hand or Northside, and so passe vp
west, through a Backe lane or streete,
wherein do stand three Innes of Chancery
the first is called Clementes Inne, because
it standeth neare to S. Clementes church,
but nearer to the fayre fountaine called Clementes well, the se
cond is New Inne so called, as Lateliar made an Inne of Chance
ry for students, then another, to witte, aboute the beginning
of the raigne of Henry the seauenth, and not so late as some haue
supposed, to witte at the pulling down of Strand Inne in the raign
of King Edward the sixt
: for I reade that Sir Thomas Moore
sometime Lord Chancellor was a student in this New Inne, and
went from thence to Lincolnes Inne &c. The thirde is Lions
, an Inne of Chancerie also. This streete stretcheth vp vnto
Drury lane, so called, for that there is a house belonging to the
Family of the Druries. This lane turneth North towarde S.
Giles in the field
, from the south end of this lane in the high street
are diuers fayre buildinges, Hosteries, and houses for Gentlemen,
and men of honor, amongst the which Cecile house is one, which
sometime belonged to the Parson of S. Martins in the fielde, and
by composition came to Sir Thomas Palmer knight in the raign
of Edwarde the sixt
, who began to builde the fame of Bricke, and
Timber, very large and spatious, but of later time it hath beene
farre more bewtifully encreased by the late Sir William Cecile
Baron of Burghley, Lord Treasurer, and greate Councellor of
the estate of England.
From thence is now a continuall new building of diuers fayre
houses euen vp to the Earle of Bedfordes house, which is a good
ly house, lately builded nigh to Iuy Bridge, ouer against the olde
Bedforde house
, namely, called Russell house and Dacres house,

The Citie of Westminster.
now the house of Sir Thomas Cecile Lorde Burghley, and so
on the North side to a lane that turneth to the Parish Church of
S. Martin in the fielde
, and stretcheth to S. Giles in the fielde.
Then had ye the Chappell of our Lady called the Pew, with an
house wherein sometime were distraight and Lunatike people.1
Amongst other thinges of this Chappel I haue read that on
the 17. of Februarie in the yeare of Chriſt 1452. by negligence
of a scholler appointed by his Scholemaister, to put forth the lights
of this Chappell, the Image of our Lady richly decked with Iew
els, pretious stones, pearles, and ringes (more then any Ieweller
could iudge the price) (for so sayeth mine Author) was with all this
apparrell, ornamentes and Chapple it selfe brent.
Then is the Mewse so called of the kinges Faulchons there
kept by the kinges Faulconer, which of olde time was an office of
great account, as appeareth by a Recorde of Richarde the second,
in the first of his raigne
, for Sir Symon Burley knight, was
made Constable for the Castles of Windsor, Wigmore and Guil
forde, and of the Manor of KeningtonThis text is the corrected text. The original is ,, (CH) , and also Maister of the
kinges Faulcons, at his Mewse neare vnto Charing Crosse by
west. Of later time king Henry the eight hauing fayre stabling
there for horses in the yeare 1534. and the 28. of his raigne,2 it
was burned with many great houses and much hay therein:
The Meuse burned.
it was againe reedified in the raignes of king Edwarde the sixt,
and Queene Marie, and this is the farthest building westwarde,
on the northside of that high streete.
On the southside of the which street, in the Liberties of West
(beginning at Iuie bridge) first is Durham house, buil
ded by Thomas Hatfielde Bishop of Durham, who was made
Bishop of that See in the yeare 1345. and sat Bishop there 36.
Amongst matters memorable concerning this house, this is one,
In the yeare of Christ 1540. the 32. of Henry the eight, on
May day a great and triumphant Iusting
Iusting feast
at Durham
was holden at West
, which had been formarly proclamed in France, Flanders,
, and Spaine, for all commers that woulde vndertake
the challengers of England, which were Sir Iohn Dudley, Sir
Thomas Seymar
Sir Thomas Ponings, and Sir George Ca

The Citie of Westminster.
rew knightes, and Anthony Kingston, and Richarde Crum
Esquiers, at which came into the Lists that dayrichly appa
relled and their horses trapped all in white Ueluet, there came a
gainst them the saide day 46. Defendantes or Undertakers vz
the Earle of Surrey formost, Lord VVilliam Howarde, Lord.
, and Lord Cromwell, son and heire to Thomas Crom
Earle of Essex, and Chamberlaine of England with other,
and that day after the Iustes performed the Challengers rode vn
to this Durham house where they kept open householde, and fea
sted the king and Queene with her Ladyes and all the Court, the
ſecond day Anthonie Kingston, and Richarde Cromwell were
made knightes there, the thirde day of May the saide chalengers
did Turney on horsebacke with swordes, and against them came
49. Defendantes: Sir Iohn Dudley, and the Earle of Surrey
running first, which at the first course lost their Gauntletes: and
that day Sir Richarde Cromwell ouerthrew maister Palmer
and his horse in the fielde to the great honor of the chalengers, the
fift of May the Chalengers fought on foote at the Baryars, and
against them came 50. Defendantes, which fought valiantly: but
Sir Richarde Cromwell ouerthrew that day at the Barryars
maister Culpepper in the fielde, and the ſixt day the chalen
gers brake vp their householde.
In this time of their housekeeping they had not onely feasted
the king,
Queene, Ladyes and all the court, as is afore shewed,
but also they cheared all the knightes and Burgesses of the com
mon house in the Parliament, and entertayned the Maior of Lon
with the Aldermen and their wiues at a Dinner &c. The
king gaue to euery of the saide challengers, and their heires for e
uer, in rewarde of their valiant actiuitie one hundred markes and
a house to dwell in of yearely reuenewe out of the landes pertay
ning to the Hospitall of S. Iohn of Ierusalem.
Next beyond this Durham house is one other great house som
time belonging to the Bishop of Norwitch, and was his London
lodging, which now pertayneth to the Archbishop of Yorke by
this occasion. In the yeare 1529. when Cardinall VVolsey
Archbishop of Yorke was indighted in the Premunirey, whereby

king Henry the eight was intituled to his goodes and possessions:
hée also seazed into his hands, the saide Archbishoppes house, com
monly called Yorke place, and changed the name thereof into
White hall whereby the Archbishops of Yorke being dispossessed
and hauing no house of repayre about London, Quéene Marie
gaue vnto Nicholas Heth then Archbishoppe of Yorke and to his
successors, Suffolke house in Southwarke, lately builded by
Charles Bramdon Duke of Suffolke, as I haue shewed.
This house the saide Archbishops solde, and bought the a
foresaide house of olde time belonging to the Bishoppes of Nor
wich, which of this last purchase is now called Yorke house,
the Lord Chancellors, or Lorde Keepers of the great Seale of
England, haue beene lately there lodged.
Then was there an Hospitall of S. Marie Rounceual by Cha
ring Crosse
(a Cell to the Priorie & Couent of Rounceual in Na
in Pampelion Diocesse) where a Fraternitie was founded
in the 15. of Edwarde the fourth, but now the same is suppressed
and turned into Tenementes.
Neare vnto this Hospitall was an Hermitage, with a Chap
pell of S. Katherine
ouer against Charing Crosse, which Crosse
builded of stone, was of old time a fayre péece of worke there made
by commandement of Edwarde the first, in the one and twentith
yeare of his raigne
, in memorie of Helenor his deceased Quéene
as is before declared.
West from this Crosse stoode sometime an Hospital of Saint
, consisting of two hydes of Land with the appurtenances
in the parish of Saint Margaret in Westminster, and founded by
the Citizens of London, before the time of any mans memorie,
for foureteene sisters maidens that were leprouse, lyuing chastly,
and honestly in diuine seruice.
Afterwardes diuers Citizens of London, gaue six and fifty
pound rent thereunto, and then were adioyned eight Brethren to
minister diuine seruice there. After this also sundrie deuout men
of London gaue to this Hospitall foure hydes of land in the fielde
at Westminster, and in Hendon, Calcote, and Hampsted, eighty
acres of Lande and Woode &c. king Edwarde the first, con

The Citie of Westminster.
firmed those giftes and granted a Fayre to
S. Iames Fayre
for 7. dayes.
be kept on the Eue
of S Iames, the day, the morrow, and foure dayes following
, in
the eighteenth of his raigne.
This Hospitall was surrendred to Henry the eight the thrée
and twentith of his raigne
, and the Sisters being compounded
with all were allowed Pensions for terme of their liues, and the
king builded there a goodly Mannor, annexing thereunto a
Parke, closed about with a wall, of bricke now called S. Iames
seruing indifferently to the saide Mannor, and to the Man
nor or Pallace of White hall
South from Charing Crosse on the right hand, are diuers
fayre houses lately builded before the Parke, then a large Tylt
yarde for Noble men,
Tylt yarde at
and other to exercise themselues in Iusting,
Turning, and Feighting at the Barryars.
On the left hand from Charing Crosse, be also diuers fayre,
Tenementes lately builded till yee come to a large plot of ground
inclosed with bricke, and is called Scotland,
Scotland a
plot of gThis text is the corrected text. The original is i (KL)round
so called.
where great building
hath beene for receipt of the kinges of Scotland, and other estates
of that Countrie: for Margaret Quéene of Scots and Systar to
king Henry the eight had her abiding there, when shee came into
England after the death of her husband, as the king of Scotland,
had in former times, when they came to the Parliament of Eng
Then is the saide White hal sometime belonging to Hubart
de Brugh
Earle of Kent, and Iusticiar of England, who gaue it
to the Blacke Fryars in Oldborne as I haue before noted. King
Henry the eight
ordayned it to bée called an honor, and builded
there a sumptuous Gallery and a bewtifull Gate house, thwart
the high streete to S. Iames Parke, &c.
In this Gallorie the Princes with their Nobility, vse to stand
or sit, and at Windowes to beholde all triumphant Iustinges, &
other militarie exercises.
Beyond this Gallerie on the left hand is the garden or orchyard
belonging to the saide White hall. On the right hand bée diuers
fayre Tennis courtes, bowling Allies, and a Cocke pit,
Tennis courts
Bowling Allies
and Cocke pit
all built
by king Henry the eight, and then one other arched gate with a

The Citie of Westminster.
way ouer it thwarting the streete from the kinges gardens to the
saide Parke.
From this gate vp kinges streete, to a Bridge ouer Long ditch
(so called for that the same almost insulateth the Citie of West
) neare which Bridge is a way leading to Chanon Row,
so called for that the same belonged to the Deane and Chanons of
S. Stephens Chappell, who were there lodged as now diuers No
blemen, and Gentlemen be.
From this way vp to the Woolestable and to the high Tow
er, or gate which entreth the Pallace Court, all is replenished
with buildinges, and inhabitantes.
Touching this Woolestable, I reade that in the raign of Ed
the first
, the Staple being at Westminster the parrishio
ners of S. Margaret, and Marchantes of the Staple builded of
new the saide Church, the great Chancell excepted, which was
lately before new builded, by the Abbote of Westminster.
Moreouer that in the 27. of Edwarde the thirde the Staple
of Woole, before kept at Bruges in Flanders, was ordayned by
Parliament to bee kept in diuers places of England, Wales, &
Ireland, as at Newcastle, Yorke, Lincolne, Canterbury, Nor
witch, Westminster, Chichester, Winchester, Excester,
Bristow, and Carmarden, &c. to the greate benefit of the king,
and losse vnto strangers, and marchantes. For there grew
vnto the king by this meanes (as it was saide) the summe of one
thousand a hundred and two pounds by the yere more then any his
predicessors before had receiued, the Staple at Westminster at
that time began on the next morrow after the feast of S. Peter
Ad vincula
.3 The next yeare there was granted to the king by
Parliament towardes the recouery of his title in France, fifty
shillinges of euery sacke of Wooll transported ouer seas, for the
space of six yeares next ensuing, by meanes whereof the king
might dispend dayly during those yeares, more then a thousande
markes starling. For by the common opinion there were more
then 100000. sackes of Wool yearely transported into forrain
landes, so that during six yeares the saide grant extended to fiftéene
hundred thousand pound starling.
In the 37. of Edwarde the thirde it was granted vnto him for

The Citie of Westminster.
two yeares to take six and twenty shillinges eight pence, vppon
euery sacke of Woolle transported and the same yeare the Staple
of Woole (notwithstanding the kings oth and other great estates)
was ordayned to bée kept at Callis and six and twenty marchants
the best and welthiest of all England, to be Farmers there, both
of the Towne and Staple for three yeares, euery marchant to
haue six men of Armes, and foure Archers at the kinges cost.
Hée ordayned there also two Maiors, one for the towne, and one
for the Staple, and hée tooke for mala capta commonlie called
Maltorth (I thinke Custome) twentie shillinges, and of the said
marchantes Gardians of the Towne forty pence, vppon euery
sacke of Woolle.
In the 44. of Edwarde the thirde, Quamborough King
vpon Hull, and Boston, were made Staples of Wooll,
which matter so much offended some, that in the 50. of his raigne
in a Parliament at London, it was complayned that the Staple
of Woole, was so remoued from Callis to diuers townes in
England contrary to the statute, appointing that Citizens and
marchantes should kéepe it there, and that the king might haue
the profites and customes with the exchange of golde and siluer
that was there made, by all the Marchantes in Christendome (e
stemed to amount to 8000 £. by yeare) the Exchange onely:
and the Citizens and marchantes so ordred the matter that the
king spent nothing vpon souldiers neither vpon defence of the town
against the ennemies, whereas now hee spent eight thousande
pound by yeare.
In the yeare 1388. the twelfth of Richarde the second,
Manuscript. French.

in a Parliament at Cambridge, it was ordayned that the staple
of Wooles
Wooll Staple
at Middle
should be brought from Middlebrough in Holland to
In the fouretéenth of his raigne there was granted 40. SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. v
pon euery sacke of Woole, and in the one and twentith was gran
ted 50. SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. vpon euery sacke transported by english men, and thrée
pound of by strangers &c. It séemeth that the marchantes of
this staple be the most ancient marchantes of this Realm, and that
all commodities of the Realme or Staple,
Staple Mar
chantes the
most ancientst
of this realme.
marchandizes by law
& Charter, as Wooles, Leather, Wool fels, Lead, Tyn, cloth &c.

The Citie of Westminster.
King Henrie the sixt had sixe Wooll houses within the Staple
at Westminster: those he graunted to the Deane and Cannons
of S. Stephen at Westminster, and confirmed it the 21. of his
. Thus much for the Staple haue I shortly noted:
And now to passe to the famous Monasterie of Westminster:
At the very entrance of the Close thereof is a lane that leadeth to
ward the West, called Théeuing lane, for that theeues were led
that way to the Gate house, while the Sanctuarie continued in
This Monasterie was founded and builded by Sebert king of
the East Saxons, vpon the perswasion of Ethelbert king of Kent,
of Westmin
by Sebert
a Christian
king not only
in word but
in deed.
who hauing imbraced christianitie, and being baptized by Meli
Bishop of London: immediatly (to shew himselfe a christian
indéede) built a church to the honor of God and Saint Peter, on
the West side of the cittie of London, in a place (which because it
was ouergrowen with thornes, and enuironed with water) the
Saxons called Thorney, and now of the Monastery and West
situation thereof is called Westminster.
In this place (saith Fulcardus) long before was a Temple of
Apollo, which being ouerthrowne, King Lucius built therein a
Church of Christianitie.
Sebert was buried in this church, with his wife Athelgoda,
whose bodies many yeares after, to wit in the raigne of Richard
the second
(saith Walsingham) were translated from the old church
to the new, and there interred.
Edgare King of the West Saxons repaired this Monasterie a
bout the yeare of Christ 958. Edward the Confessor builded it
of new, wherevpon T. Clifford writeth thus.
Without the walles of London (saith he) vppon the Riuer of
there was in times passed a little Monasterie, builded
to the honor of God, and Saint Peter, with a few Benedict
Monkes in it, vnder an Abbotte seruing Christ: very poore
they were, and little was giuen them for their reliefe, here the
king intended (for that it was néere to the famous citie of London
and the Riuer of Thames, that brought in all kind of Marchan
dizes from all partes of the worlde) to make his Sepulcher,

The Citie of Westminster.
he commanded therefore that of the tenthes of all his rentes, the
worke should be begunne in such sort as should become the Prince
of the Apostles.
At this his commandement the work is nobly begun, euen from
the foundation and happely procéedeth till the same was finished:
the charges bestowed, or to be bestowed are not regarded. He
graunted to this church great priuiledges, aboue all the churches
in this land as partly appeare by this his Charter.
Ꜫꝺꝩeaꞃꝺ Cynȝ ȝꞃæꞇ ꝩillm biseope Ꞁ leoꝼsꞇane Ꞁ
Alꝼfie Poꞃꞇ ȝeꞃeꝼen. Ꞁ ealle minꞃe buꞃhþeȝn on Lú
ꝺen ꝼꞃeonꝺlice: Anꝺ ic cyþe eoꝩ ꝥ ic hæbbe seo ȝiꝼꞇa
ȝyꝼen Ꞁ vnnam Chꞃisꞇ Ꞁ S. Peꞇeꞃ þam haliȝan Apos
ꞇel inꞇo ꝩestminsteꞃ: ꝼulꞃa ꞃeoꝺome oꝼeꞃ ealle þa
land þe lonȝaþ inꞇo þæꞃe haliȝan sꞇoꝩ. &c.
Edwarde King greet William Bishop and Leofstane and
Aelfsie Portreeues, and all my Burgesses of London friendly,
and I tell you that I haue this giuen and granted to Christ &
S. Peter the holy Apostle at Westminster full freedome ouer
all the land, that belongeth to that holy place. &c.
He also caused The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye parish Church of S. Margaret to be newly buil
ded, without the Abbie church of Westminster for the ease & com
moditie of the Monks, because before that time the parish Church
stoode within the old Abbey church in the South Isle, some what
to their annoyance. This church of S. Margaret (which that
king Edward builded) continued till the daies of King Edwarde
the first
, at what time the staple of woolles was at Westminster,
and then the parishioners and Merchantes of the Staple builded
it all of new (the great chancell excepted, which was done by the
Abbots of Westminster as is afore shewed.
King Henry the third in the yeare of Christ 1220. began the
new worke of our Ladies Chappell, and in the yeare 1245. the
walles and stéeple of the olde Church (builded by king Edwarde)

The Citie of Westminster.
were taken downe, and inlarging the same Church, caused them
to be made more comely, for the furtherance whereof in the yeare
1246. the same king (deuising how to extort money from the ci
tizens of London towardes the charges) appointed a Mart to be
kept at Westminster,
A Mart at
the same to last fiftéene dayes, and in the
meane space all trade of Merchandise to cease in the Cittie, which
thing the citizens were faine to redéeme with two thousand pound
of siluer.
The worke of this Church with the houses of Office, was fini
shed to the end of the Quire in the yeare 1285. the 14. of Edward
the first
. All which labour of 66. yeares, was in the yeare
1299. defaced by a fire kindled in the lesser Hall of the Kinges
Pallace at Westminster
with the pal
lace burned.
the same with many other houses
adioyning, and with the Quéenes chamber were all consumed,
the flame thereof also (being driuen with the wind) fired the Mo
nasterie, which was also with the pallace consumed.
Then was this Monastery againe repaired by the Abbotes of
that Church, king Edward the first and his successors putting to
their helping handes.
Edward the second apropriated vnto this Church the patro
nages of the Churches of Kelueden and Sabritsworth in Essex
in the Diocesse of London.
Simon Langham Abbot (hauing béene a great builder there in
the yeare 1362.) gaue 400. £. to the building of the bodie of the
church: but (amongst others) Abbot Islip was in his time a great
builder there, as may appeare in the stone worke, and glasse win
dowes of the Church.
Since whose decease that worke hath staide as hee left it, vn
perfected, the Church and stéeple being all of one height.
King Henry the seuenth about the yeare of Christ 1502. cau
sed the Chappell of our Ladie, builded by Henry the third, with a
Tauerne also called the White Rose neare adioyning to be taken
downe: In which plot of ground, on the 24. of Ianuary, the first
stone of the new chappell was laid by the handes of Abbot Islip,
Sir Reginald Bray, Knight of the Garter, Doctor Barnes, mai
ster of the Rolles, Doctor Wall, Chaplen to the King, Maister
Hugh Aldham, Chaplen to the Countesse of Darbie, and Rich

The Citie of Westminster
mond (the kinges mother)4 Sir Edward Stanhop knight, and di
uers other: vpon the which stone was ingrauen the same day and
yeare, &c.
The charges in building this Chappell amounted to the summe
of 14000. pound: the stone for this worke (as I haue béene in
formed) was brought from Huddlestone quarrie in Yorke shire:
The Altar and sepulture of the same King Henry the seuenth,
wherein his bodie resteth in this his new chappell, was made and
finished in the yeare 1519. by one Peter a Painter of Florence:
for the which hee receyued 1000. pounde starling for the whole
stuffe and workemanship, at the handes of the kinges executors,
Richard Bishop of Winchester, Richard Bishoppe of London,
Thomas Bishop of Durham, Iohn Bishoppe of Rochester, T.
Duke of Norfolke, Treasurer of Englande, Edward Earle of
Worcester the kinges Chamberlaine, Iohn Fineaux knight,
Chiefe Iustice of the Common place, &c.
This Monasterie being valued to dispend by the yeare 3470.
pound &c. was surrendered to Henry the eight, in the yeare 1539.
And Benson then Abbot was made the first Deane and not long
after it was aduaunced to a Bishoppes Sea,
a Bishops sea.
in the yeare 1541.
Thomas Thurley being both the first and last Bishop there, who
when he had impouerished the church was translated to Norwich
in the yeare 1550. the fourth of Edward the sixt, and from thence
to Elie, in the yeare 1554. the second of Quéene Mary. Richard
Doctor in Diuinitie (late schoolmaister to king Edward 6.)
was made Deane of Westminster, whom Quéen Mary put out,
& made Doctor Weston Deane, vntill the yere 1556. and then he
being remoued from thence on the 21. of Nouember, Iohn Fe
(late Deane of Paules) was made Abbot of Westmin
, and tooke possession of the same, being installed, and fourtéene
Monkes more receyued the habbot with him that day of the order
of Saint Benedict: but the saide Iohn Feckenham with his
Monkes enioyed not that place fully thrée yeares, for in the yeare
1559. in the moneth of Iuly they were all put out, and Quéene
made the saide Monasterie a Colledge,
made a col
there a Deane, twelue Prebendes, twelve poore Almes men, and

The Cittie of Westminster.
This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)f5ortie schollers, calling them the Queenes schollers: and so was
it named the Colledge at Westminster, founded by Q. Elizabeth.
D. Bill one of her Maiesties Chaplens was made the first Dean:
after whom succéeded M. D. Gabriel Goodman, now Resident.
Of the Kinges and Quéenes crowned
Kings and
Queenes crow
ned at West
in this Church William
surnamed Conqueror
, & Matilde his wife were the first: & since
them all other Kings and Quéenes of this realme, haue béene here
The kinges and Quéenes buried
Kinges and
buried at
in this Church are these:
Sebert king of the East Saxons, with his wife Athelgode,
Harold surnamed Herefote, king of the West Saxons: Ed
the simple, surnamed Confessor
, sometime richly shrined in
a Tombe of siluer and Gold, curiously wrought by commande
ment of William the Conqueror, Egitha his wife was there bu
ried also, King Henry the third, whose Sepulture was richly
garnished with precious stones of Iasper, which his sonne Ed
the first
brought out of Fraunce for that purpose: Eleanor
wife to Henry the thirde, Edwarde the first who offred to the
shrine of Edward the Confessor the chaire of marble, wherein
the Kinges of Scotlande were crowned, with the scepter and
Crowne also to the same king belonging. Hee gaue also to that
church landes to the value of 100. pounde by the yeare, twenty
pound thereof yearely to be distributed to the poore for euer: then
there lyeth Eleanor his wife, daughter, to Ferdinando king of
Castile, Edward the third by Quéene Phillip of Henault his
wife. Richard the second and Anne his wife, with their images
vpon them, with cost more then foure hundred markes for the
guilding: Henry the fift with a royall image of siluer and guilt,
which Katherine his wife caused to be laid vpon him, but the head
of this image being of massie siluer is broken off, and conuayed a
way with the plates of siluer and guilt that couered his bodie: Ka
his wife was buried in the old Lady chappel, but her corps
being taken vp in the raigne of Henry the seuenth (when a newe
foundation was to bee laide) she was neuer since buried, but
remayueth aboue grounde in a coffin of bordes behinde the East
ende of the Presbyterie: Henrie the seuenth in a sumptuous

The Citie of Westminster.
sepulture, and chappell before specified, and Elizabeth his wife,
Edwarde the sixt in the same Chappell without any monument,
Quéene Mary without any Monument in the same chappell:
Matilde daughter to Malcolne king of Scottes, wife to Henry
the first
, lyeth in the Reuestrie: Anne wife to Richard the third,
Margaret Countesse of Richmond and Darbie, mother to Hen
the seuenth
, Anne of Cleue, wife to Henry the eight: Edmond
second sonne to Henry the third, first Earle of Lancaster, Darby,
and Leycester, and Aueline his wife, daughter and heire to Wil
liam de Fortibus
Earle of Albemarle. In S. Thomas chappel
lie the bones of the children of Henry the third, and of Edward the
, in number nine. In the Chapter house, Alianor countesse
of Barre, daughter to Edward the first, William of Windsore,
and Blaunch his sister, children to Edward the thirde: Iohn of
Earle of Cornewell, sonne to Edward the second, Elia
wife to Thomas of Woodstock Duke of Gloucester: Tho
of Woodstocke
by king Edward the third his father: Mar
daughter to Edward the fourth, Elizabeth daughter to
Henry the seuenth, William de Valence Earle of Pembrooke,
Aimer de Valence Earle of Pembrooke, Margaret and Iohn
sonne and daughter to William de Valence, Iohn Waltham Bi
shop of Sarum Treasurer of England, Thomas Ruthall Bishop
of Durham 1522. Gyles Lord Dawbeny Earle of Bridgewa
, Chamberlaine to king Henry the seuenth 1508. and his wife
of the family of the Arundelles in Cornewell, Iohn Vicount
, 1498. The Ladie Katherine daughter to the Dutchesse
of Norfolke, Sir. T. Hungerford knight, father to Sir Iohn
of Downampney knight, a son & daughter to Hum
frey Bohun
Earle of Hereford and Essex, and Elizabeth his
wife, Philip Dutchesse of Yorke, daughter to the Lorde Mohun,
thrice maried, to the Lord Fitzwalter, Sir Iohn Golofer, and
to the Duke of Yorke:6 William Dudley Bishop of Durham,
Nicholas Baron Carew, Walter Hungerford sonne to Edmond,
Sir Iohn Burley Knight, and Anne his wife, Sir Iohn Golo
Knight, Humfrey Bourchere, Lorde Cromwell, Henry
sonne and heire to the Lord Barons, and both slain at

The Citie of Westminster.
Barnet, Sir William Trussell knight, Sir Thomas Vaughan
knight, Francis Brandon Dutchesse of Suffolke, Mary her
daughter, Sir Iohn Hampden Knight, Sir Lewes Vicount
Knight, Lord Bourchere of Henalt, and his wife daugh
ter and heyre to the Lord Bourchere: Robert Browne and Wil
liam Browne
Esquires: The Ladie Iohane Tokyne daughter
of Dabridge court: George Mortimer bastarde, Iohn Felby
Esquire, Anne wife to Iohn Watkins, William Southwike Es
quire, William Southcot Esquire, Raph Constantine gentle
man, Arthur Troffote Esquire, Robert Hall Knight, slaine in
that church, Sir Richard Rouse Knight, Sir Geffrey Maun
Earle of Essex, and Athelard his wife, Sir Foulk of New
, Sir Iames Barons Knight, Sir Iohn Salisberie knight,
Margaret Dowglasse Countesse of Lineaux, with Charles her
sonne, Earle of Lineaux: Henry Scogan a learned Poet, in the
cloyster. Geffrey Chaucer the most famous Poet of England,
Geffrey Chau
the famous
poet of
also in the Cloyster, 1400. but since Nicholas Brigham Gentle
man, raysed a Monument for him in the South crosse Ile of the
Church: his workes were partly plublished in print by William
in the raigne of Henry the sixt: Increased by William
Esquire, in the raigne of Henry the eight: Corrected
and twice increased through mine owne painefull labours, in the
raigne of Queene Elizabeth, to wit, in the yeare 1561. and
again beautified with noates, by me collected out of diuers Re
cordes and Monumentes, which I deliuered to my louing friende
Thomas Speight, & he hauing drawne the same into a good forme
and methode, as also explaned the old and obscure wordes &c. hath
published them in Anno 1597.
Anne Stahanhope Dutches of Sommerset & Iane her daugh
ter, Anne Cecill Countesse of Oxford daughter to the Lorde
Burghley,7 with Mildred Burghley her mother, Elizabeth
Countesse of Ormond, Frauncis Sidney Countesse of
Sussex, Elizabeth Countesse of Hertford, Thomas Baron
, Thomas Baron Wharton: Iohn Lorde Rustell,
Sir Thomas Bromley Lord Chauncellor, Sir Iohn Puckering
Lord Kéeper. &c.

The Cittie of Westminster.
This Church hath had great priuiledge of Sanctuarie
Sanctuary at
the precinct therof, to wit, the church, churchyard, and close, &c. from
whence it hath not béene lawfull for any Prince or other, to take
any person that fledde thether for any cause: which priuiledge was
first granted by Sebert king of the East Saxons, since increased
by Edgare king of the West Saxons, renewed and confirmed
by king Edward the Confessor, as appeareth by this his charter
Edward by the grace of God, King of Englishmen: I
make it to be knowne to all generations of the world after
me, that by speciall commandement of our holy Father
Pope Leo, I haue renewed & honored the holy church
of the blessed Apostle S. Peter of Westminster
, & I order
and establish for euer, that what person of what conditi
on or estate soeuer he be, from whenThis text is the corrected text. The original is e (CH) c e soeuer hee come,
or for what offence or cause it be, eyther for his refuge in
to the said holy place, he be assured of his life, liberty and
limmes: And ouer this I forbid vnder the paine of euer
lasting damnation, that no minister of mine, or of my suc
cessors intermeddle them with any the goods, landes or
possessions of the said persons taking the said Sanctuary:
for I haue taken their goodes and liuelod into my speci
all protection, and therefore I graunt to euery each of
them in as much as my terrestriall power may suffice,
all manner freedome of ioyous libertie: And whosoe
uer presumes or doth contrary to this my graunt, I will
he lose his name, worshippe, dignitie, and power, and
that with the great traytor Iudas that betrayed our Saui
our, he be in the euerlasting fier of hell, and I will and or
daine that this my graunt endure as long as there remay
neth in England, eyther loue or dread of christian name.
More of this Sactuarie ye may read in our histories, and also in
the statute of Henry the eight, the 32. yeare.

The Citie of Westminster.
This text is the corrected text. The original is 386385
Next to this famous Monastery, is the Kings principall Pal
, of what antiquitie it is vncertaine: but This text is the corrected text. The original is F (CH)Edward the Confessor
held his Court there: as may appeare by the testimony of sundrie,
and namely of Ingulphus, as I haue before told you. The said king
had his Pallace, and for the most part remained there: where he al
so ended his life, and was buried in the Monastery which he had
builded. It is not to be doubted, but that King William the first,
as he was crowned there, so he builded much at this Pallace: for he
found it farre inferiour to the building of princely pallaces in France.
And it is manifest, by the testimony of many Authors, that William
builded the great Hall there, about the yeare of Christ, 1097
amongst others, Roger of Windouar, and Mathewe Parris, doo
write, that King William (being returned out of Normandie into
England) kept his feast of Whitsontide very royally at Westmin
, in the new Hall which he had lately builded, the length where
of (say some) was 270. foote, and seuentie foure foote in breadth, and
when he heard men say, that this Hall was too great, he answered,
Liber Wood
and said: this Hall is not bigge inough, by the one halfe, and is but
a Beade chamber in comparison of that I meane to make: a dili
gent searcher (saith Paris) might finde out the foundation of the hall,
which he had supposed to haue builded, stretching from the Riuer of
, euen to the common high way. This Pallace was re
paired about the yeare,
Pallace repai
1163. by Thomas Becket, Chauncelor of
England, with excéeding great celeritie and spéede: which before,
was ready to haue fallen downe. This hath béene the principall
seate and Pallace of all the Kings of England, since the Conquest:8
for héere haue they in the great Hall kept their feasts of Coronation
especially, and other solemne feasts, as at Christmas, and such like,
most commonly: for proofe whereof, I finde Recorded, that in the
yeare, 1236. and the twentieth of Henry the third, on the 29. of
William de Hauarhull the Kings Treasurer, is com
maunded, that vpon the day of Circumcision of our Lord,9 hee
The vse of
great Halles
was to feede
the Poore.
6000. poore people to be fed at Westminster, for the state of the
King, the Quéene, and their children: the weake and aged to be pla
ced in the great Hall: and in the lesser, those that were most strong,
and in reasonable plight: in the Kings Chamber, the children in the
Quéenes: and when the King knoweth the charge, he would allow

The Citie of Westminster.
it in the accounts. The like commaundement, the said King Henry
gaue to Hugh Gifford and William Browne, that vpon Fryday
next after the Epiphany
, they should cause to be fed in the great Hal
of Windfor
, at a good fire, all the poore and néedy children that could
be found, and the kings children, being waighed and measured, their
waight and measure to be distributed for their good estates.
In the yeare 1238. the same King Henry kept his feast of
Christmas at Westminster, in the great Hall: so did he in the yeare
1241. where he placed the Legate in the most honourable place of
the Table, to wit, in the middest, which the Noble men tooke in euill
part: the King sate on the right hand, and the Archbishop on the
left, and then all the Prelates and Nobles according to their estates:
for the King himselfe set the Guests. The yeare 1242. he likewise
kept his Christmas in the Hall, &c. Also in the yeare 1243. Richard
Earle of Cornwell
the Kings brother, married Cincia, daughter to
Beatrice, Countesse of Prouince, and kept his marriage feast in the
great Hall at Westminster, with great royalty and company of No
ble men: insomuch, that there were tolde (triginta milia) 30000. di
shes of meates at that dinner.
In the yeare 1256. King Henry sate in the Exchequer
H. the 3. sate
in the Exche
quer and mer
ced the She
of this
Hall, and there sette downe order for the appearance of Sheriffes,
and bringing in of their accounts: there was fiue Markes set on
euery Sheriffes head for a fine, because they had not distrained eue
ry person, that might dispend fiftéene pound land by the yeare to re
ceiue the order of Knighthoode, as the same Sheriffes were com
In the yeares 1268 and 1269. the same king kept his Christmas
feasts at Westminster as before, and also in the same, 1269. he trans
lated with great solemnitie, the body of king E. the Confessor,
Translation of
E. the Con
into a
new Chapell, at the backe of the high Alter: which Chapell hee had
prepaired of a meruailous workmanship, bestowing a new Tombe
or Shrine of Golde, and on the day of his translation, hee kept a
royall feast in the great Hall of the Pallace: thus much for the feast
of olde time in this Hall.
We read also, that in the
Marshes about
yeare 1236. the riuer of thames ouer
flowing the Banques, caused the Marshes about Woolwitch to
bee all on a Sea, wherein Boates and other vesselles were carried

The Citie of Westminster.
with the streame, so that besides cattell, the greatest number of men
women, and children, inhabitants there, were drowned: and in the
great Pallace of Westminster, men did rowe with wheries,
Wheries row
ed in West
minster Hall
in the
middest of the hall, being forced to ride to their chambers.
Moreouer, in the yeare 1242. the Thames ouerflowing the banques
about Lambhithe, drowned houses and fields, by the space of sixe
miles, so that in the great hall at Westminster, men tooke their hor
sse, because the water ran ouer all. This Pallace was (in the yeare,
1299. the twentie seuenth of Edward the first, brent by a vehement
fire, kindled in the lesser hall of the Kings house, the same with many
other houses adioyning, and with the Quéenes chamber, were con
sumed, but after that repaired. In the yeare, 13This text is the corrected text. The original is 1 ()03. the 31. of E. the first,
the kings treasury at Westminster was robbed,
The kings
Treasury at
for The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye which, Wal
of Westminster,
The Abbot &
Monkes sent to
the Tower.
with 49. of his brethren, and 32. other
were throwne into the Tower of London, and indighted of the rob
berie, of an hundred thousand pound: but they affirming themselues
to be cleare of the fact, and desiring the King of spéedie iustice, a com
mission, was directed for inquirie of the truth, & they were freed. In
the yeare 1316 E. the 2. did solemnize his feast of Penticost, at West
, in the great Hall,
E. the 2. kee
ping his feasts
at Westm. hal. was presented
with a com
plaint, of not
where sitting royally at the table, with his
Peares about him, there entred a woman adorned like a Minstrell,
sitting on a great horse, trapped as Minstrelles then vsed, who rode
round about the tables, shewing pastime, and at length, came vp to
the kings table, and laide before him a letter, and forthwith turning
her horse, saluted euery one, and departed. The letters being opened,
had these contents. Our Soueraigne Lord the King, hath nothing
courteously respected his knights, that in his fathers time, and also
in his owne, haue put forth their persons to diuers perils, and haue
vtterly lost, or greatly diminished their substance, for honor of the said
King, and he hath inriched aboundantly such as haue not borne the
waight as yet, of the businesse, &c. This great Hall was begun to be
repaired in the yeare, 1397. by Ri. the 2. who caused the walles, win
dowes, and roofe, to be taken downe, and newe made, with a stately
portch, & diuers lodgings of a meruailous worke, & with great Costs:
all which, he leuied of strangers banished, or flying out of their coun
tries, who obtained license to remain in this land by the kings char
ters, which they had purchased with great summes of money.

The Citie of Westminster.
This hall being finished in the yeare, 1399. the same King kept a
most royall Christmas there, with dayly Iustings and runnings at
Tylt, whereunto resorted such a number of people, that there was
euery day spent, twentie eight, or twentie sixe Oxen, and thrée hun
dreth Shéepe, besides fowle, without number: hee caused a gowne
for himselfe to be made of Golde, garnished with Pearle and preci
ous Stone, to the value of 3000. Markes: he was garded by
Cheshiere men, and had about him commonly thirtéene Bishops,
besides Barons, Knights, This text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. ()Esquires, and other more then néeded:
insomuch, that to the houshold, came euery day to meate 10000.
people, as appeared by the messes tolde out from the Kitchen to 300.
Thus was this great Hall for the honour of the Prince often
times furnished with guests, not onely in this kings time (a prodi
gall Prince) but in the time or other also, both before & since, though
not so vsually noted. For when it is said, the King held his Feast of
Christmas, or such a Feast at Westminster, it may well bee suppo
sed to bee kept in this great Hall, as most sufficient to such a pur
I finde noted by Robert Fabian, the Chronickler (some
time a Citizen and an Alderman of London) that king Henry the
, in the ninth of his raigne
(holding his royall feast of Christ
mas, at Westminster) on the twelfth day, feasted Raphe Austry,
then Mayor of London, and his brethren the Aldermen, with other
Commoners in great
King Henry
the 7
. feasted
the Mayor of
London, &c.
number, and after dinner, dubbing the Ma
yor Knight, caused him with his brethren, to stay and behold the dis
guizings and other disports, in the night following, shewed in the
great Hall, which was richly hanged with Arras, and Staged about
on both sides: which disports being ended in the morning, the King,
the Quéene, the Ambassadors, and other states, being set at a table
of stone, 60. knights, and Esquires, serued 60. dishes to the Kings
Messe, and as many to the Quéenes (neither flesh nor fish) and ser
ued the Mayor with twentie foure dishes to his Messe, of the same
manner, with sundrie wynes, in most plentious wise: and finally, the
King and Quéene, beeing conueyed with great lights into the
Pallace, the Mayor with his Company in Barges, returned and
came to London, by breake of the next day. Thus much for buil

The Citie of Westminster.
ding of this great hall, and feasting therein. It moreouer
kept in West
minster Hall
that many Parliaments haue beene kept there: for I finde noted,
that in the yeare 1397. the great Hall at Westminster, beeing out
of reparations, and therefore (as it were newe builded by Richard
the second
, (as is before shewed) the same Richard in the meane
time hauing occasion to holde a Parliament, caused for that pur
pose a large house to be builded in the middest of the Pallace Court,
betwixt the clocke Tower, and the gate of the olde great Hall, this
house was very large and long, made of timber, couered with
Tyle, open on both the sides, and at both the endes, that
all men might see and heare what was both sayde and done.
The Kings archers (in number, 4000. Chesheire men) com
passed the house about with their Bowes bent, and Arrowes noc
ked in their hands, alwayes ready to shoote: they had bouch of
Bouch of
(to wit, meat and drinke) and great wages, of sixe pence by the
The olde great Hall being new builded, Parliaments were a
gaine there kept as before: namely, one in the yeare 1399. for the
deposing of Richard the second. A great part of this Pallace at
was once againe brent in the yeare 1512. the fourth
of Henry the eight
, since the which time, it hath not béene reedi
fied: onely the great Hall, with the offices neare adioyning, are
kept in good reparations, and serueth as afore it did, for feasts at
Coronations, Arraignments of great persons charged with trea
sons, kéeping of the courts of iustice, &c. But the Princes haue
béene lodged in other places about the citie, as at Baynards Castle,
at Bridewell, and White Hall, sometime called Yorke Place, and
sometimes at S. Iames.
This great Hall hath béene the vsuall place of pleadings, and
ministration of Iustice, whereof somewhat shortly I will note. In
times past, the courts and benches followed the King, wheresoeuer
he went, as well since the conquest, as before, which thing
Magna carta. Cōmon place
in Westmin
ster Hall
at length
being thought combersome, painfull, and chargeable to the people, it
was in the yeare 1224. the 9. of H. the 3. agreed, that there should be
a standing place appointed, where matters should be heard and iud
ged, which was in the great Hall at Westminster.

The Citie of Westminster.
In this Hall, be ordained thrée iudgement seates, to wit, at the entry
on the right hand, the common place, where ciuill matters are to be
pleaded, specially such as touch lands, or contracts, at the vpper end
of the Hall, on the right hand (or Southeast corner) the Kings bench
where pleas of the Crowne haue their hearing: and on the left hand
or Southwest corner, sitteth the Lord Chancelor, accompanied with
the master of the Rowles, and with certain other of the 11. mē (lear
ned for the
Court of the
most part in the Ciuill Lawe, and called maisters of the
Chauncery) which haue the Kings fée. The times of pleading in
these courts are foure, in the yeare which are called Termes, the
first is Hillary Terme, which beginneth the 23. of Ianuarie (if it
be not Sunday) and endeth the 12. of Februarie. The second, is
Easter Terme, and beginneth 17. dayes after Easter day, and
endeth 4. dayes after Assencion day. The third Terme beginneth
6. or seuen dayes after Trinitie Sunday, and endeth the Wednes
day fortnight after. The fourth is Michelmas Terme, which be
ginneth the 9. of October (if it be not Sunday) and endeth the 28. of
And here is to be noted, that the
Kings of this
Realme haue
sate on the
Kings Bench,
in West. Hall.
Kings of this Realme, haue
vsed sometimes to sit in person in the Kings Bench, namely, King
Edward the fourth
, in the yeare, 1462. in Michelmas Terme sate
in the Kings Bench thrée dayes togither, in the open Court, to vn
derstand how his lawes were ministred and executed.
Within the Port, or entry into the Hall, on either side,
are ascendings vp into large chambers: without the Hall adioyning
thereunto, wherein certaine Courts be kept, namely, on the right
hand, is the court of the Exchequer, a place of account, for the reue
newes of the crowne:
Court of the
the hearers of the account, haue Auditors
vnder them, but they which are the chéefe for the accounts of the
prince, are called Barons of the Exchequer, wherof one is called the
chéefe Baron. The greatest officer of al, is called the high Treasurer
of England. In this court be heard, those that are delators (or infor
mers) in popular and penall actions, hauing thereby part of the pro
fit by the law assigned vnto them.
In this Court,
(if any question bee) it is determined after the
order of the common Law of England, by twelue men, and all sub

Citie of Westminster.
sidies, Taxes, and Customes, by account, for in this office, the
Sheriffes of the Shire do attend vpon the execution of the com
maundements of the iudges, which the Earle should do, if he were
not attending vpon the Princes in the Warres, or otherwise about
him: for the chéefe office of the Earle was, to sée the Kings iustice
to haue course, and to bee well executed in the Shire, and the
Princes Reuenewes to bee well aunswered and brought into the
If any fines or amerciaments bee extracted out of any of the
said courts vpon any man, or any arrerages of accounts, of such
things as is of customes, taxes and subsidies, or other such like occa
sions, the same the Sheriffe of the Shire doth gather, and is answe
rable therefore in the Exchequer, as for other ordinary rents, of pa
trimoniall lands, and most commonly of taxes, customes, and sub
sidies, there be particular receiuers and collectors, which do answer
it into the Exchequer. This Court of the Exchequer, hath of olde
time (and as I thinke, since the conquest) béene kept at Westmin
, notwithstanding, sometimes remooued thence by commaun
dement of the king, for a time, and after restored againe, as name
ly, in the yeare, 1209. King Iohn commaunded the Exche
quer to be remooued from Westminster, to Northampton, &c.
On the left hand aboue the staire is the Duchie chamber, where
in is kept, the court for the Duchie of Lancaster, by a Chauncelor of
that Duchie, and other officers vnder him. Then is there in an o
ther chamber, the office of receits
office of receit
of the Quéenes Reuenewes, for
the Crowne: then is there also, the Starre chamber, where in the
Tearme time euery wéeke once at the least, (which is commonly on
Fridayes and Wednesdayes, and on the next day after, the Terme
endeth) the Lord Chauncelor and the Lords, and other of the priuie
counsell, and the two chief Iustices of England, from 9. of the clock,
till it be 11. do sit. This place is called the Starre chamber, because
the roofe thereof is decked with the likenesse of Starres guilt, there
be plaints heard, of ryots, rowtes, and other misdemeanors, which if
they be found by the Kings Councell, the partie the offender, shalbe
censured by these persons, which speake one after another, and hee
shalbe both fined and commaunded to the prison.

The Citie of Westminster.
Then at the vpper ende of the great Hall, by the Kings Bench, is a
going vp, to a great chamber, called the white Hall, wherein is now
kept the Court of Wardes, and Liueries:
The court of
Wardes and
and adioyning thereunto,
is the Court of Requests.
Court of
Then is Saint Stephens chappell, of olde
time founded by King Stephen, and againe since, of a farre more cu
rious workemanship, newe builded by King Edward the third, in
the yeare, 1347. for thirtie eight persons, in that church to serue
God, to wit, a Deane, twelue secular Cannons, thirtéene Uickars,
foure Clarkes, sixe Chorsles, two Seruitors, to wit, a Uerger, and
a kéeper of the Chappell. Hee builded for those, from the house of re
ceit, along nigh to the Thames, within the same Pallace, there to
inhabite, and since that, there was also builded for them, betwixt the
the clocke house, and the wooll staple, called the wey-house. Hee al
so builded to the vse of this chapell, (though out of the Pallace court)
some distance West, in the little Sanctuarie,
Litle Sanctu
a strong Clotchard
of stone and timber, couered with Leade, and placed therein, thrée
belles, about the biggest of the which (as I haue béene informed)
was written.
King Edward made mee,
Thirtie thousand and three,
Take me downe and wey mee,
And more shall yee finde mee.
The said King Edward, endowed this chapell with lands, to the
yearely value of 500. pound. Doctor Iohn Chambers, the kings phi
sitian (the last Deane of this Colledge) builded thereunto a cloyster
Cloyster of S.
Stephens Cha
of curious workemanship, to the charges of 11000. Markes. This
chapel (or colledge) at the suppression, was valued to dispend in lands
by the yeare 1085. pound 10. shillings 5. pence, and was surren
dred to E. the 6. since the which time, the same chapell hath serued as
a Parliament house.
This Pallace (before the entry thereinto)
hath a large court, and in the same, a tower of stone, containing
a clocke,
Clock house at
which striketh euery houre on a great bell, to be heard into
the Hall, in sitting time of the courts, or otherwise: for the same clock
(in a calme) will be heard into the citie of London. King H. the sixt,
gaue the kéeping of this clock,
Fountaine in
the Pallace
with the Tower, called the clock house
and the appurtenances, vnto W. Walsby, Deane of S. Stephens,
with the wages of six pence by the day, out of the Exchequer. By this

The Citie of Westminster.
Tower standeth a Fountaine, which at the Coronations, and other
great triumphes, is made to run with wine out of diuers spouts. On
the East side of this court, is an arched gate to the riuer of Thames,
with a faire bridge and landing place,
or com
mon landing
for all men that haue occasion.
On the North side, is the South end of S. Stephens Alley, or Canon
; and also, a way into the olde wooll staple: and on the west side
is a very faire gate begun by Ri. the 3. in the yeare 1484. and was
by him builded a great heigth, and many faire lodgings in it, but left
vnfinished, and is called the high Tower at Westminster. Thus
much for the Monastery and Pallace, may suffise. And now will I
speake of the Gate-house, and of Totehilstréete, stretching from the
West part of the Close. The Gate-house is so called of two Gates,
the one out of the colledge court toward the North, on the East side
wherof, was the Bishop of Londons prison, for clarkes conuict, and
the other gate adioyning to the first, but towards the west, is a gaile,
or prison for offenders thither committed. Walter Warfield celerar
to the Monastery, caused both these gates with the appurtenances to
be builded in the raigne of E. the 3. On the South side of this gate,
King H. the 7. founded an almeshouse,
Almeshouse of
Henry the 7.
for 13. poore men: one of
them to be a Priest, aged 45. yeares, a good Gramarian, the other 12
to be aged fiftie yeares without wiues, euey Satterday the Priest to
receiue of the Abbot, or Pryor, 4. pence by the day, and each other 2
pence halfe penny by the day for euer, for their sustenance, and eue
ry year to each one a gowne and a hood ready made: and to 3. womē
that dressed their meat, and kept them in their sicknesse, each to haue
euery Satterday 16. pence, and euery yeare a gowne ready made.
More to the 13. poore men yearely 80. quarters of cole, and 1000.
of good faggots to their vse: in the hall and kitchen of their mansion,
a discréete Monk to be ouerseer of them, and he to haue 40. shillings
by the yeare, &c. and hereunto was euery Abbot and Pryor sworne.
Neareunto this house westward, was an olde chapell of S. Anne,
ouer against the which, the Lady Margaret, mother to king H. the 7
erected an Almeshouse for poore women, which is now turned into
lodgings for the singing men of the colledge: the place wherein this
chapell and Almeshouse standeth, was called the Elemosinary or Al
, now
founded by
Lady Marga
corruptly the Ambry, for that the Almes of the Abbey
were there distributed to the poore. And therein Islip Abbet of West

The Citie of Westminster.
minster, first practized and erected the first Presse of booke Printing
that euer was in England,
Printing of
bookes at
Westm. the
first in Eng
about the yeare of Christ, 1471. From
the West gate runneth along Totehill stréete, wherein is a house of
the Lord Gray of Wilton, and on the other side at the entry in
to Totehill field, Stourton house, which Gyles, the last L. Dacre of
the South,11 purchased and built new, whose Lady, and wife Anne,
(sister to Thomas the Lord Buckhurst) left money to her Executors
to build an Hospitall for 20. poore women, and so many children to
be brought vp vnder thē, for whose maintenance she assigned lands,
to the valew of 100. pound by the yeare: which Hospitall,
Hospitall foun
ded by Lady
Anne Dacre
her Exe
cutors haue new begun, in the field adioyning. From the entry into
Totehil field, the stréete is called Petty Fraunce, in which, and vpon
S. Hermits hill, on the South side thereof, Cornelius van dun (a
Brabander borne, Yeomen of the Guard, to King H. the 8. King E.
the 6
. Quéene Mary and Quéene Elizabeth) built 20. houses for
poore women to dwell rent frée:
for poore wo
and neare hereunto was a chappell
of Mary Magdalen
, now wholly ruinated. The citie of Westmin
for ciuill gouernment is diuided in 12. seuerall Wardes, for
the which, the Deane of the Collegiat church of Westm. or the high
Steward, do elect 12. Burgesses, and as many assistants, that is,
one Burgesse,
of Westmin
and one Assistant, for euery Warde, out of the which
12 Burgesses, 2. are nominated yearely, vpon Thursday in Easter
wéeke, for chief Burgesses to continue for one yeare next following,
who haue authoritie giuen them by the Act of Parliament 27. Eliza
, to heare, examine, determine, and punish according to The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye lawes
of the Realme, and lawfull customes of the citie of London, matters
of incontinencie, common scoldes, inmates, and common annoyan
ces, and likewise, to commit such persons as shall offend against the
peace, and thereof to giue knowledge within 24. houres to some Iu
stice of peace, in the countie of Midlesex.


  1. I.e., Bethlehem Hospital. (KL)
  2. Stow’s two methods of dating here do not match. The 28th year of the reign of Henry VIII was 1536-1537. (SM)
  3. Celebrated on 29 June. (KL)
  4. I.e., Lady Margaret Beaufort. (KL)
  5. Letter missing; catchword from preceding page is fortie. (SM)
  6. I.e., Edward of Norwich. (KL)
  7. I.e., Sir William Cecil. (KL)
  8. I.e., 1066. (KL)
  9. I.e., 1 January 1236. (KL)
  10. We have not marked up the dates in this paragraph because Stow is describing the calendar of the legal terms. (JJ)
  11. According to Kingsford, the last Lord Dacre of the South was Gregory Fiennes (Kingsford 380). (CD)

Cite this page

MLA citation

Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London (1598): City of Westminster. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 05 May 2022, mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_WEST6.htm.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London (1598): City of Westminster. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022. mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_WEST6.htm.

APA citation

Stow, J., & fitz-Stephen, W. 2022. Survey of London (1598): City of Westminster. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/editions/7.0/stow_1598_WEST6.htm.

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - fitz-Stephen, William
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London (1598): City of Westminster
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 7.0
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022/05/05
CY  - Victoria
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname>fitz-Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1598): City of Westminster</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>, <ref target="https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_WEST6.htm">mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_WEST6.htm</ref>.</bibl>
