Liberties of the Dutchie.
NExt without the barre and libertie of the citie of Lon
and the liberties of the Dutchy of Lancaster,
Without the barre of the Citie, called Temple barre, and first of the Dutchy of Lancaster.
the said south side or left hande neere vnto the Riuer
of Thames
, amongst other buildings memorable for
greatnesse, the first was Excester house, so called for
that the same belonged to the Bishop of Excester, and was their
Inne or London lodging: the same hath béene sithence called Pa
, because the Lord William Paget enlarged and posses
sed it. Then is Leycester house so named because Robert Dud
late Earle of Leycester, of late new builded there. And now
Essex house,
Excester house since Leycester house, now Essex house.
of the late Earle of Essex there inhabiting.
Then west was a Chappell dedicate to the Holy Ghost, called
S. Spirit,
Chapell of S. Spirit.
vpon what occasion founded I haue not read.
Then is Milford lane downe to the Thames, why so called I
haue not heard nor can coniecture.
Then was the Bishop of Bathes Inne, lately new builded, for
a great parte thereof by the Lorde Thomas Seamer Admirall,
which came sithence to be possessed by the Earle of Arondell,1 and
thereof called Arundell house.
Next beyond the which on the stréet side, was sometime a faire
Cemitorie (or Churchyard) and in the same a parish Church, cal
led of the natiuitie of our Ladie, and the innocents at the Strand,
and of some, by meane of a brotherhood kept there, called of S. Vr
at the Strand

Suburbes without the walles.
And neere adioyning to the said church, betwixt it and the riuer
of Thames
, was an Inne of Chauncery, commonly called Cho
sters Inne
Chesters Inne or Strand Inne an Inne of Chauncery.
(because it belonged to the Bishoppe of Chester) by
others named of the situation Strand Inne.
Then had yee in the high stréete a faire bridge called Strande
, and vnder it a lane or way downe to the landing place
on the banke of the Thames.
Then was the Bishoppe of Chesters Inne, or his London
lodging. And next adioyning to it the Bishoppe of Worcesters
The Bishop of Worcesters Inne.
all which to wit, the parrish of Saint Mary at Strande,
Strand Inne, Strand bridge, with the lane vnder it, the Bishop
of Chesters Inne
, the Bishoppe of Worcesters Inne, with all
the tenementes adioyning were by commandement of Edwarde
Duke of Sommerset
vncle to Edward the sixt, and Lord Protec
tor, pulled downe, and made leuell ground, in the yeare 1549. In
this place whereof he builded that large and goodly house, now cal
led Somerset house.
In the high stréete néere vnto the Strande sometime stoode a
crosse of stone against the Bishoppe of Couentrie or Chester his
house, whereof I reade, that in the yeare 1294. and diuers o
ther times, the Iustices Itinerantes, sate without London, at
the stone crosse ouer against the Bishop of Couentries house, and
sometime they sate in the Bishops house, which was hard by the
Stone crosse at Strand.
Then next is the Sauoy so called of Peter Earle of Sauoy, and
Sauoy house first builded by Peter Earle of Sauoy & Richmond.
sonne to Thomas Earle of Sauoy, brother to Boni
Archbishop of Canterbury, and vncle vnto Helenor wife to
king Henry the third.
He first builded this house in the yeare 1245. and here is some
occasion offered to proue that this Peter of Sauoy was also Earle
of Sauoy. Wherefore out of a booke of the Genealogies of all the
whole house of Sauoy, compiled by Phillebert Pingonio, Baron
of Guzani, remaining in the hands of W. Smith, alias RoThis text is the corrected text. The original is n (CH)uge
dragon officer of armes, I haue gathered this. Thomas Earle of
Thomas Earle of Sauoy his pedegrie by occasion.
had issue by Beatrix daughter to Aimon Earle of Geneua
9. sons, & 3. daughters: Amades his first son succeeded Earle of Sa
in the yere 1253. Peter his second son, Earle of Sauoy, and of

Suburbes without the walles.
Richmond, in 1268. Philip his third sonne Earle of Sauoy and
Burgundie, 1284. Thomas the 4. Earle of Flaunders and prince
of Piemon, Boniface the eight, Archbishop of Canterbury, Bea
Beatrix sister to Peter Earle of Sauoy, mo
ther to fiue Queenes.
his daughter maried to Reymond Beringarius of Aragon,
Earle of Prouince and Narbone, had issue, & was mother to fiue
Quéenes: The first Margaret wife to Lewes king of Fraunce,
2. Elianor wife to Henry the 3. King of England: 3. Sanctia,
wife to Richard king of Romaines. 4. Beatrix, wife to Charles
king of Naples
. 5. Iohanna, wife to Philip king of Nauarre.
2 To returne againe to the house of Sauoy, Quéene Eleanor wife
to king Heury the third, purchased this place afterwardes of the
Fratres de mōte Iouis or Priory de Cor
nuto by haue
ring at the boowre.
or brethren of Montioy (vnto whome Peter as it sée
meth gaue it) for her sonne Edmond Earle of Lancaster (as M.
hath noted out of a register booke, of the Dukes of Lan
, Henry Duke of Lancaster repaired or rather new buil
ded it with the charges of 52000. Markes, which money hee had
gathered together at the towne of Bridgerike.
Iohn the French King was lodged there, in the yeare 1357.
and also in the yeare 1363. for it was at that time the fayrest
Mannor in England.
In the yeare 1381. the rebelles of Kent and Essex burnt this
house, vnto the which there was none in the realme to be compa
red in beauty, and statelinesse (saith mine Author.) They set fire
oThis text is the corrected text. The original is u (SM)n it round about, and made Proclamation that none (on payne
to lose his head) should conuert to his own vse any thing that there
Sauoy brent blowne vp with GuThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (SM)n
but that they should breake such plate and vessell of Gold and
siluer, as was found in that house, (which was in great plentie)
into small peeces and throwe the same into the riuer of Thames:
Rebels more malicious thē couetous, spoile all before them.
Precious stones they shoulde bruse in morters that the same
might bee to no vse: and so it was done by them: One of their
companiens they burned in the fire, because he minded to haue re
serued one goodly péece of plate.
They found there certaine barrels of Gunpowder, which they
thought had béene Gold or siluer,
Liber mane script, french.
and throwing them into the
fire, more suddenly then they thought, the Hall was blowne
vppe, the houses destroyed, and themselues verie hardly escaped

Suburbes in libertie of the Dutchie.
This house being thus defaced and almost ouerthrown by these
rebelles for malice they bare to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lanca
of later time came to the Kings hands, and was againe raised
and beautifully builded, for an Hospitall of S. Iohn Baptist, by
king Henry the seuenth, about the yeare 1509, for the which Ho
spitall (retayning still the old name of Sauoy3
Sauoy builded for an Hospi
) he purchased landes
to be imploied vpon the relleuing of an hundred poore people: This
Hospitall being valued to dispend 529. pound, fifteene shillings &c.
by yeare, was suppressed the tenth of Iune, the seuenth of Ed
the sixt
: the beddes, bedding and other furniture belonging
thereunto, with seuen hundred marks of the said landes by yeare,
he gaue, to the Citizens of Londō, with his house of Bridewell, to
the furnishing thereof, to be a workehouse for the poore and idle per
sons, and towardes the furnishing of the Hospitall of S. Thomas
in Southwarke lately suppressed.
Hospitall of Sauoy sup
This Hospitall of Sauoy
Hospitall of Sauoy a new foundation thereof.
was againe new founded, erected, cor
porated and endowed with landes by Queene Mary, the thirde of
: in the fourth of her raigne one Iackson tooke posses
sion, and was made maister thereof in the same Moneth of No
. The Ladies of the Court, and Maidens of honour (a
thing not to be forgotten) stored the same of new with beddes, bed
ding and other furniture, in very ample manner &c. and it was by
pattent so confirmed at Westminster the ninth of May the fourth
and fift of Phillip and Mary.
The Chappell of this Hospital serueth now as a Parish church
to the tenements thereof neere adioyning and others.
The next was sometime the Bishoppe of Carliles his Inne,
which now belongeth to the Earle of Bedford, & is called Russell
or Bedford house. It stretcheth from the Hospitall of Sauoy,
West to Iuie bridge. And thus farre on this South side the high
stréete is of the libertie of the Dutchy of Lancaster.
Iuie bridge in the high streete hath a way or low going downe
vnder it, stretching to the Thames: the like as sometime had the
Strand bridge before spoken of.
This whole streete
The street be
twixt Temple Barre and the Sauoy first pa
ued the 24. of Henry the 6.
from Temple Bar to the Sauoy was
commanded to be paued, and Tole to bee taken towards the char
ges thereof in the 24. yeare of Henry the sixt.

Suburbes in libertie of the Dutchie.
Now to beginne againe at Temple Barre ouer against it. In
the high streete standeth a payre of Stockes, and then one large
middle Row of houses and small Tenements builded partly ope
ning to the south, partly towardes the North. Amongst the which
standeth the Parish church of S, Clement Danes so called because
Harolde a Danish king and other Danes were buried there, and
in that Churchyarde, This Harolde whome king Canutus had
by a Concubine, raigned three yeares and was buried at West
, but afterwarde Hardicanutus the lawfull sonne of Ca
, in reuenge of a displeasure done to his mother by expelling
her out of the Realme, and the murder of his Brother Allured,
commanded the body of Harold to be digged out of the earth and
to be throwne into the Thames, where it was by a Fisherman
taken vp, and buried in this Churchyarde. This saide Middle
of houses stretching west to a stone Crosse now headlesse,
by or against the Strand including the saide parish Church of S.
, is wholy of the libertie of Dutchie of Lancaster, which
libertie is gouerned by the Chancelor of that saide Dutchie,
Chancelor of the Dutchie of Lancaster.
at this present, Sir Robert Cecill knight principall Secretarie
to her Maiestie, and one of her Maiesties most Honorable priuie
Councellors, there is vnder him a Stewarde that keepeth court
and Leete for the Queene, giueth the charge and taketh the othes
of euery vnder Officer, then is there foure Burgesses, and 4.
Assistantes to take vp Controuersies, a Bayliffe which hath two
or three vnder Bayliffes that make Arests within that libertie, 4.
Constables, foure Wardens that keepe the Lands and Stocke
for the poore, foure Wardens, for high wayes, a Iury or Inquest
of foureteene or sixteene to present defaultes, foure Alecunners
which loke to assisse of weightes and measures, &c. foure Sca
uengers and a Beadle, and their common Prison is Newgate.
Thus much for the Suburbe in the Libertie of the Dutchie of


  1. I.e., Henry fitz-Alan. (The MoEML Team)
  2. Stow is mistaken in his belief that Joan II of Navarre was the daughter of Beatrice of Savoy. (KL)
  3. I.e., Savoy Hospital. (The MoEML Team)