BRedstréete Ward beginneth in the high stréete
of West Cheape
, to wit, on the South side,
from the Standard, to the great Crosse. Then
is also a part of Watheling stréet of this ward,
to wit, from ouer against the Red Lyon on the
North side vp almost to Powles gate, for it
lacketh but one house of S. Augustins Church.
And on the South side, from The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye Red Lyon gate
to the Old Exchaunge, and down the same Exchaunge on the East
side, by the West end of Mayden Lane, or Distar Lane, to Knight
rydars stréete
, or as they call that part thereof, Old Fishstréete. And
all the North side of the said Old Fishstréete, to the South ende of
Bredstréete, and by that still in Knightridars stréete, till ouer against
the Trinitie Church, and Trinitie Lane. Then is Bredstréet it selfe
so called of bread in old time there sold: for it appeareth by records,
that in the yeare 1302. which was the 30. of Ed. the 1. The Bakers
of London were bounden to sell no bread in their shops or houses,
but in the Market, and that they should haue 4. Hall motes in the
yeare, at foure seuerall termes, to determine of enormities belon
ging to the said Company.
This stréete giuing the name to the whole Warde, beginneth
in West Cheape, almost by the Standard, and runneth downe
South, through or thwart Watheling stréete, to Knightridars stréet
aforesaid, where it endeth. This Bredstréete is wholly on both sides
of this Warde. Out of the which stréete on the East side, is Basing
, a péece whereof, to wit, too and and ouer against the backe
gate of the Red Lyon
in Watheling stréete, is of this Bredstréete
Then is there one other stréete, which is called Friday stréete,
and beginneth also in West Cheape, and runneth downe South
through Watheling stréete, to Knightrider stréete (or Old Fishstréet)
This Friday stréete is of Bredstréete Warde, on the East side from
ouer against the Northeast corner of saint Mathewes Church, and
on the West side from the South corner of the said Church, downe
as aforesaid.

In this Fryday stréete on the West side thereof, is a Lane, com
monly called Mayden Lane, or Distaffe Lane, corruptly for Distar
, which runneth West into the olde Exchange: and in this lane
is also one other Lane, on the South side thereof, likewise called Di
star Lane
, which runneth downe to Knightriders Stréete, or olde
: and so be the boundes of this whole Warde. The Mo
numents to bee noted here, are first, the most bewtifull frame and
front of faire houses and shops, that be within all the walles of Lon
, or elsewhere in England, commonly called Godsmithes rowe,
betwixt Breadstréet end, and the Crosse in Cheape, but is within
this Breadstréete Warde: the same was builded by Thomas Wood
Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffes, in the yeare 1491. It continueth
in number, tenne faire dwelling houses, and fouretéene shops, all in
one frame vniformely builded, foure stories high, bewtified towards
the stréete, with the Goldsmithes Armes, and the likenesse of wood
men (in memorie of his name) riding on monstrous beasts, all which
is cast in Leade, richly painted ouer, and guilt: these hee gaue to the
Goldsmithes, with stockes of money to be lent to young men, ha
uing those shops &c.
This said Front was againe new painted and guilt ouer, in
the yeare 1594. Sir Richard Martin being then Maior, and kéeping
his Maioraltie in one of them, and seruing out the time of Cutbert
in that office, from the ſecond of Iulie, til the 28. of October.
Then for Watheling Stréete, which Leyland calleth Atheling or
Noble stréet: but since he sheweth no reason why it was so called, I
rather take it so named of the great high way of the same calling.
True it is, that at this present as of olde time also, the inhabitants
thereof were and are, wealthy Drapers, retailors of woollen cloathes
both broad and narrowe, of all sortes, more then in any one stréete of
this Citie. Of the olde Exchange, heere I haue noted in Faring
don Warde
: wherfore I passe downe to Knightriders stréet, wher
of I haue also spoken in Cordwainer stréete Ward, but in this part
of the said Knightriders stréete, is a fishmarket kept, and therefore
called olde Fishstréete, for a difference from new Fishstréete.
In this olde Fishstréete, is one rowe of small houses, placed along in
the middest of Knightriders stréete, which rowe is also of Bredstréete
, these houses now possessed of Fishmoongers, were at the

first but mooueable boordes (or stables) sette out on market dayes, to
shewe their fish there to be sold: but procuring license to set vp sheads,
they grewe to shops, and by litle and litle, to tall houses, of thrée or 4.
stories in heigth, and now are called Fishstréete. Bredestréet, so cal
led of bread solde there (as I sayd) is now wholely inhabited by rich
Marchants, and diuers faire Innes be there for good receipt of car
riers, and other trauellers to the citie. On the East side of this stréet,
at the corner of Watheling Stréete, is the proper church of Alhal
lowes in Bred street
, wherin are the monuments of Iames Thame
Goldsmith, Iohn Walpole Goldsmith 1349. Thomas Bea
Alderman, one of The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye Sheriffes, 1442. Sir Richard Chaury
Salter Maior, 1509. Sir Thomas Pargitar Salter Maior, 1530.
Henry Sucley Marchantailor, one of the Sheriffes 1541. Richard
Alderman, that serued & was taken prisoner in Scotland, 1545
Robert House one of the Sheriffes, 1586. William Albany: Richard
, and Roger Abde Marchantaylors. The stéeple of this church
had sometime a faire spéere of stone, but taken downe vpon this oc
casion. In the yeare 1559. the fifth of September, about noone or mid
day, fell a great tempest at London, in the ende whereof, happened
Speare of Al
ple taken
great lightening, with a terrible clap of thunder, which strooke the
said speere about nine or tenne foote beneath the top thereof: out of
the which place fell a stone, that slew a dogge, and ouerthrew a man
that was playing with the dogge: the same speere being but litle
damnified hereby, was shortly after taken downe, for sparing the
charges of reparation. On the same side is Salters Hall, with sixe
almes houses in number, builded for poore decayed brethren of that
company: This Hall was burned in the yeare 1539. and againe ree
Lower downe on the same side, is the parish church of Saint
Mildred the Uirgine
. The monuments in this Church bee of the
Lord Trenchaunt, of Saint Albons knight, who was supposed to
be eyther the new builder of this Church, or best benefactor to the
works therof, about the year 1300. & odde. Cornish gentleman 1312.
William Palmer Blader a great benefactor also 1356. Iohn Shad
Mayor, 1401. who gaue the parsonate house, a reuestry, and
Churchyard, in the yeare 1428. and his monument is pulled down.
Stephen Bugge Gentleman, his Armes be 3. water bugges, 1419
Roger Forde Uintoner, 1440. Thomas Barnwell Fishmonger,
one of the Sheriffes, 1434. Sir Iohn Hawlen Clarke, Parson of
that Church, who built the Parsonage house newly, after the same
Parson of S.
his man bur
bene burned to the ground, togither with the Parson and his
man also, burned in that fire, 1485. Iohn Pranell 1510. William
Pewterer to the King, 1526. Christopher Turner
Chirurgian to King Henry the 8. 1530. Raphe Simonds Fishmon
ger, one of the Sheriffes, in the yeare 1527. Thomas Laugham
gaue to the poore of that Parish foure Tenements, 1575. Tho
mas Hall
Salter, 1582. Thomas Collins Salter, Alderman. Sir
Ambrose Nicholas
Salter, Maior, 1575. was buried in Sir Iohn
Out of this Bredstréet, on the same East side, is a Basing lane,
a part whereof (as is afore shewed) is of this Warde, but howe it
tooke the name I haue not read: other then that in the 20. yeare of
Richard the second
, the same was called the Bakehouse: whether
ment for the Kings Bakehouse, or of Bakers dwelling there, and
baking bread to serue the Market in Bredstréete, where the bread
was solde, I knowe not: but sure I am, I haue not reade yet of a
ny Basing, or of Gerrarde the Gyant, to haue any thing there to
On the South side of this Lane, is one great house, of old time
builded vpon Arched Uaultes of stone, and with Arched Gates,
now a common Ostrey for receit of Trauellers, commonly and
corruptly called Gerardes Hall, of a Gyaunt saide to haue dwel
led there.
A Pole of 40.
foote long,
and This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)115. inches
about, fabuled
to be the iu
sting staffe of
Gerarde a Gi
In the high Rooffed Hall of this house, sometime stood a
large Firre Pole, which reached to the roofe therof, and was said to
be one of the staues that Gerarde the Gyant vsed in the warres, to
runne withall. There stoode also a Ladder of the same length,
which (as they say) serued to ascende to the toppe of the Staffe.
Of later yeares this Hall is altered in building, and diuers roomes
are made in it. Notwithstanding the Pole is remoued to one cor
ner of the Hall, and the Ladder hanged broken vp on a Wall
in the yarde. The Hostelar of that house saide to me, the Pole
lacked halfe a foote of fortie in length: I measured the compasse,

and founde it to bee fiftéene inches. Reason of the Pole, coulde
the maister of the Hostrey giue me none, but badde me reade
the great Chronicles, for there he had heard of it. Which aun
swere séemed to me insufficient, for hée meant the description of
Brittaine, before Reinwoolfes Chronicle, wherein the Authour
writing a Chapter of Gyaunts, and hauing béene deceiued by
some Authours, too much crediting their smoothe spéeche, hath
set downe more matter then troth, as partly (and also against
my will) I am enforced to touch. R.G.
A stone said to
be a toothe,
and so by con
iecture, a man
to be 28. foote
of height.
in this briefe collection
of Histories hath these wordes. I the writer hereof, did sée the
tenth day of March, in the yeare of our Lord 1564. and had
the same in my hande, the Toothe of a man, which waighed
tenne Ounces of Troy waight. And the skull of the same man
is extant and to be seene, which will holde fiue Peckes of wheate.
And the shinne bone of the same man is sixe foote in length, and
of a maruellous greatnesse. Thus farre of R.G. Wherevn
to is added in the saide discription, that by coniecturall simetrie
of those partes, the bodie to be twentie eight foote long or more.
From this hee goeth to an other matter, and so to Gerard the
and his staffe. But to leaue these fictions and to return where
I left, I will note what my selfe haue obserued concerning that
I reade, that Iohn Gisors
Gisors Hall
restored to his
old name.
Mayor of London, in the yeare
1245. was owner thereof, and that Sir Iohn Gisors Knight
Mayor of London, and Constable of the Tower, one thouſand
thrée hundreth and eleuen
. And diuers others of that name and
family since that time owed it. For I reade that William Gi
2 was one of the Sheriffes, one thouſand thrée hundreth twen
tie nine
. More, that Iohn Gisors had issue, Henry and Iohn.
Which Iohn had issue, Thomas.3 Which Thomas deceasing in the
yeare one thouſand thrée hundreth and fiftie, left vnto his sonne
Thomas, his Messuage called Gysors Hall, in the
Gerards Hall
with Gerard
the Giant
, and
his great speThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)ar.
Parish of Saint
Mildred in Bredstréete
: Iohn Gisors4 made a Feofment thereof,
one thouſand thrée hundreth eightie ſixe, &c. So that it appea
reth that this Gisors Hall of late time by corruption hath bin called
Gerards Hall, for Gisors Hall, as Bosomes Inne for Blossoms In.

Beuis Markes, for Buries Marke. Marke Lane, for Marte Lane:
Belliter Lane, for Belsetters Lane: Gutter Lane, for Guthuruns
: Cry church, for Christes church: S. Mihell in the Querne,
for Saint Mihell at Corne, and sundrie such others. Out of this
Gisors Hall, at the first building thereof, were made diuers Arched
doores, yet to be séene, which séeme not sufficient for any great
monsture, or other then men of common stature to passe through,
the Pole in the Hall might be vsed of olde time (as then the custome
was in euery parish) to be set vp in the streete, in the Summer as a
Euery mans
house of olde
time was dec
ked with holly
and Iuie in the
winter, especi
ally at Christ
before the principall Hall, or house in the parish, or streete,
and to stand in the Hall before the scrine, decked with Holme & Iuie,
all the feast of Christmas. The lader serued for decking of the May
pole, & Roofe of the Hall. Thus much for Gisors Hal & for The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye side of
Bredstreet, may suffice. Now on The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye West side of Bredstréet, amongst
diuers fayre and large houses for merchants, and faire Innes for
passengers, had yee one prison house pertaining to the Sheriffes of
London, called the compter in Bredstréete: but in the yeare 1555
the prisones were remooued from thence, to one other new Compter
in Woodstréete, prouided by the cities purchase, and builded for that
purpose: the cause of which remooue was this. Richard Husband
Pastelar, kéeper of this Coumpter in Bredstréet, being a wilful and
headstrong man, dealt for his owne aduantage, hardly with the pri
Prisoners re
moued from
the Coumpter
in Bredstreete

to a new
coumter in
Keeper of the
counter sēt to
vnder his charge, hauing also serThis text is the corrected text. The original is n (KL)uants such as himselfe liked
best for their bad vsage, and woulde not for any complaint bee refor
med: whereupon in the yeare 1550. Sir Rowland Hill beeing
Mayor, by the assent of a court of Aldermen, he was sent to the gayle
of Newgate,for the cruell handling of his prisoners: and it was cō
maunded to the kéeper to set those irons on his legges, which are
called the widows almes: These he ware from Thursday, till Sun
day in the afternoone, and being by a court of Aldermen released, on
the Tuesday, was bound in an hundred markes, to obserue from
Quest of in
quirie indight
the keepers of
the gayles for
dealing hard
ly with their
an act made by the common councell, for the ordering
of prisoners in the Compters: all which notwithstanding, hee
continued as afore: whereof my selfe am partly a witnesse: for be
ing of a Iurie to enquire against a Sessions of Gayle deliuerie, in
the yeare one thouſand fiue hundred fiftie two, wee found the pri
soners hardly dealt withall, for theyr achates and otherwise, and

that théeues and strumpets were there lodged for foure pence
They indigh
ted the bow
ling Allies, &This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)c.
night, whereby they might be safe from searches that were made a
broad: for the which enormities, and other not néedfull to bee reci
ted, he was indighted at that Session, but did rubbe it out, and could
not be reformed, til this remoue of The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified form.ye prisoners for the house in Bred
was his owne by Lease, or otherwise, so that he could not bee
put from it. Such Gaylors buying their offices, will deale hardly
with pittifull prisoners. Now in Fryday stréete, so called of Fish
dwelling there, and seruing frydayes market, on the East
side, is a small parish church, commonly called S. Iohn Euangelist,
the monuments therein, be of Iohn Dogget Marchantaylor, one of
the Sheriffes, in the yeare 1509. Sir Christoper Askew Draper,
Mayor, 1533. Then lower downe, is one other parish church of S.
Margaret Moyses
, so called (as séemeth) of one Moyses, that was
founder, or new builder thereof. The monuments there, bee of sir
Richard Dobbet
Skinner, Mayor, 1551. William Dane Iron
moonger, one of the Sheriffes, 1569. Sir Iohn Allet Fishmoonger,
Mayor 1591.
On the West side of this Fryday stréete, is Mayden Lane,
so named of such a signe, or Distaffe Lane, for Distar Lane, as I
reade in record of a Brew-house, called the Lambe in Distar Lane,
the sixtéenth of Henry the sixt. In this Distar Lane, on the North
side thereof, is the Cord-wayners, or Shoomakers Hall, which com
pany were made a brotherhood or fraternitie, in the eleuenth of Hen
ry the fourth
. On the South side of this Distar Lane, is also one o
ther Lane, called Distar Lane: which runneth downe to Knightri
ders stréete
, or olde Fishstréete, and this is the ende of Bredstréete
: which hath an Alderman, his Deputie, Common Councell
tenne. Constables ten. Skauengers eight. Wardmote Inquest thir
téene, and a Beadle. In standeth taxed to the fiftéene in London, at
thirtie seuen pound, and in the Exchequer at thirtie sixe pound tenne


  1. Unclear; context obvious. (SM)
  2. Stow is here incorrectly referring to Henry de Gisors as William Gisors. Henry de Gisors was Sheriff of London from 1329-1330. (JZ)
  3. Stow may be incorrectly referring to John de Gisors as Thomas. According to Sir John Gisor’s ODNB article, his eldest son John de Gisors bequeathed ownership of Gerrards Hall to his son also named John de Gisors who was Mayor of London and died in 1351. (JZ)
  4. John Gisors died in 1351. See Kingsford (1908) 349, l. 36 for a note about this transaction. (JB)