Honor of Citizens, and worthinesse
of men in the same.
THis Citie (saith Fitzstephen) is glorious
in manhoode: furnished with munitions:
populous with inhabitants, insomuch that
in the troublesome time of king Stephen, it
hath shewed at a muster twentie thousand
armed horsemen, and threescore thousand
footemen, seruiceable for the warres. More
ouer saith hee, the Citizens of London,
The modest
matrons that
haue beene
and ought to
wheresoeuer they become, are notable before all other Citizens in
ciuillitie of manners, attire, table, & talke. The matrons of this ci
tie are the very modest Sabine Ladies of Italy. The Londi
sometime called Trinobantes, repelled Cesar,
Worthines of
men Citizens
of London.
which alwaies
made his passage by shedding blood, whereupon Lucan song.
Territa quæsitis ostendit terga Britannis.
The citie of London hath bred some, which haue subdued ma
ny kingdomes, and also the Romaine Empire. It hath also
brought forth many others, whome vertue and valour hath high
lie aduanced, according to Apollo, in his Oracle to Brute, sub
occasu solis: &c
. In the time of christianitie, it brought foorth
that noble Emperor Constantine, which gaue the cittie of Rome
and all the emperiall ensignes to God, S. Peter and Pope Sil
: choosing rather to be called a Defendor of the church, then
an Emperour: and least peace might be violated, and their eyes
troubled by his presence, he retired from Rome, and built the cittie
of Constantinople. London also in late time hath brought
forth famous kinges: Maude the Empresse, king Henry, sonne
to Henry the second &c. thus far Fitzstephen: whereunto may
bee added innumerable persons of honor, borne in London, and
actions done by worthie citizens,
actions done
by the worthie
whereof I will onely note a few
best knowne to the comminalty.
In the yere, 1216. the Londiners: sending out a Nauie, tooke
65. ships of Pirates and sea robbers: besides innumerable others

Honor of Citizens, & worthinesse of men in the same.
that they drowned, which had robbed on the riuer of Thames.
In the yeare 1235. Walter Brune, a Citizen of London, and
Rosia his wife founded the Hospitall of our Lady, called S. Ma
the Spittle
without BThis text is the corrected text. The original is l (KL)ishopsgate of London, a house of such
releefe to the needy, that there was found standing at the suppres
sion thereof, ninescore beds well furnished for receipt of poore peo
ple. In the yeare 1247. Simon Fitzmary, one of the Shiriffes
of London, founded the Hospitall of S. Marie called Bethleme,
also without Bishopsgate. In the yeare 1283. Henry Wallice,
then Maior, builded the Tunne vpon Cornhill, to be a prison for
night walkers, and a market house called the Stockes, both for
fish and flesh, standing in the midst of the Citie. In the yeare
1332, William Elsing Mercer of London, founded Elsing spittle
Elsing Spittle
for 100. poore
blinde men.
within Criplegate, for sustentation of 100. poore blind men, & be
came himselfe the first Prior of that Hospital, In the yere 1363.
Patent recorde.
Henry Picad
Henry Picard
Maior of Lon
foure Kinges.
in one day.
sometime Maior, in one day royally feasted Edward
the thirde
, king of England, Iohn king of France, Dauid king of
Scots, the king of Cipres, (then ariued in England) Edwarde
Prince of Wales, with many other noble men, and after kept his
hall for all commers that were willing to play at Dice, and ha
sarde. In like manner the Lady Margaret his wife, kept her
Chamber to the same intent &c. In the
Iohn Filpot.
a most
yeare 1378. Iohn Fil
sometime Maior, hyred with his owne money, 1000. Soul
diers, and defended the Realme from the incursions of the enne
mie, so that in a small time his hired men tooke Iohn Mercer, a
sea-rouer, with al his Shippes, which hee before had taken from
Scarberow, and fifeteene Spanish ships laden with great riches.
In the yeare 1380. Thomas of VVodstocke, Thomas Percie,
Henry Calueley,1 Robert Knowles
, and others, being sent with
a great power to aide the Duke of Britaine, the saide Iohn Fil
hyred ships for them of his owne charges, and released the
Armour, which the souldiers had pawned for their victuailes,
more then 1000. in number. This most noble Citizen (saieth
Thomas VValsingham) that had trauelled for the commoditie
of the whole Realme, more then all other of his time, had often
releeued the king, by lending him great sommes of money, and o
therwise, deceased in anno 1384. after that he had assured Lands

Honor of Citizens and worthinesse of men.
to the City for the reliefe of 13. poore people
William Wal
s Vali
for euer. In the yere
1381. William Walworth then Mayor a most prouident, valiant
and learned Citizen, did by his arrest made vpon VVat Ty
(a presumptuous
William Wal
and o
ther knighted
in the field.
Rebell, vpon whome no man durst lay hands)
deliuer the king and kingdome from the danger of most wicked
Traitors, and was for his seruice knighted in the fielde.
Nicholas Brembar, Iohn Filpot, Robert Laund, Nicho
las Twiforde
, and Adam Francis, Aldermen were then for their
seruice likewise knighted, and Sir Robert Knoles, for assisting
of the Maior was made free of this Citie. This Sir Roberte
thus worthilie enfranchised a Citizen, founded a Colledge
with an Hospitall at Pontfract, and hee also builded the greate
stone bridge at Rochester, ouer the riuer of Medway, &c. In
the yere 1391. Adam Bamne Maior, in a great dearth procured
corn from parts beyond the seas, to be brought to London in such
aboundance as sufficed to serue the Citie, and the Countries nere
adioyning, to the furtherance of which good woorke, he tooke out
of the Orphants chest in the Guildehall, 2000. Markes to buy
the saide corne and each Alderman laide out 20.l. to the like pur
pose. In the yere 1415. Thomas Faulconer Maior, lent to king
Henry the fift
towards the maintenance of his wars in France,
Marks vpon Iewels. In the yeare 1420. Richarde
Maior founded Whitingtons Colledge for the
poore, with diuinitie lectures to be reade there, for euer: Hee also
builded Newgate &c. In the yeare 1427. Iohn Rinwell Maior
gaue to discharge certaine wardes of London, from fiftéenes, and
other payments. In the yeare 1432. Iohn Wels Maior conuey
ed fresh water from Teyborne to the Standarde in west Cheape
for seruice of the Citie. In the yeare 1438. William Eastfielde
Maior, conueyed water to the Conduite in Fleetestreete to Al
, and to Criplesgate. In the yeare 1439. Stephen
Maior sent into Prussia, and caused corne to bee brought
thence to London in greate quantitie, whereby he brought down
the prize of wheate from iij.SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. the Bushell, to lesse then halfe that
money. In the yeare 1446. Simon Eyre Maior, builded the
Leaden hall, for a common Grayner of corne to the vse of
this Citie, and left 5000. markes to bee bestowed in charitable

Honor of Citizens and worthinesse of men.
actions for releefe of the poore. In the yeare 1471. Iohn Stoc
Maior, and 11. Aldermen of London, with the Recorder
were all made knightes in the fielde, by Edwarde the fourth, for
their good seruice done vuto2 him. In the yeare 1483. Edmond
Maior, builded Criplesgate. In the yeare 1491. Hugh
Maior, builded the great stone arched bridge at Stratford
vpon Auon. In the yeare 1494. Robert Fabyan,
Robert Fabian
labored and
spent his time
and goods in
writing for
and one of the Shiriffes gathered out of diuers good Authors, as
well Latine as French, a large chronicle of England and France,
which hee published in English to his greate charges, for the ho
nor of this citie, and common vtilitie of the whole Realme. In
the yeare 1554, Sir Thomas VVhite Maior founded S. Iohns
Colledge in Oxforde, and gaue greate summes of money to di
uers Townes in England for releefe of the poore. In the yere
1566. Sir Thomas Gresham Mercer, builded that stately Ex
change Royal
in London, and left his dwelling house in Bishops
gate streete
, to be a colledge of readings &c. as in my summary.
About the yeare 1570. Margaret Dan, widowe to William
, late one of the Sheriffes of London gaue by her testament
more then 2000. pound to charitable actions.
Also about the yeare 1577. Dame Mary Ramsey wife to Sir
Thomas Ramsey
Mayor, being seased of landes in fée simple of
her inheritance to the yearely value of 243. pound, by his consent
gaue the same to Christs Hospitall in London, towardes reliefe
of poore children there, and otherwise, as in my summarie and a
bridgement I haue expressed, and as farith by monumentes
erected in Christes Hospitall: which gift she afterward in her wi
dowhode confirmed, and greatly augmented.
In the yere 1577. William Lamb Clothworker builded a wa
ter Conduite at Oldbourne Crosse, to his charge of 1500.l. and
did many other charitable acts, as in my summarie.
In the yeare 1582. Iohn Haydon Alderman, gaue large
Legacies, and more then 3000.l. for releefe to the poore. In
the yeare 1583. Barnalde Randulph, common Serieant of
London, gaue and deliuered with his hand 906.l. towardes the
building of water Conduites, which was performed. Moreouer
he gaue by his Testament 1000.l. to bee imployed in deedes of
charity, but that money being left in holdfast hands, I haue not

The Citie deuided into partes.
heard how it was bestowed.
Thus much for the worthinesse of Citiizens in this Citie,
touching whom Iohn Lydgate a Monke of Bury, in the raigne
of Henry the sixt
made (amongst other) these verses following.
Of Seauen thinges I praise the Citie.
Of true meaning and faithfull obseruance.
Of righteousnes, truth, and equity.
Of Stablenes aye kept in Legiance.
And for of vertue, thou hast suffisance,
In this lond here, and other londs all,
The kinges Chamber, of Custome men thee cal.


  1. Henry Calveley is most likely Sir Hugh Calveley. (The MoEML Team)
  2. I.e., vnto. (SM)
  3. See Fabian’s Chronicle of London with Stow’s annotations at the Stow’s Books Exhibit. (The MoEML Team)


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MLA citation

Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London (1598): Honour of Citizens. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 05 May 2022, mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_honour.htm.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London (1598): Honour of Citizens. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022. mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_honour.htm.

APA citation

Stow, J., & fitz-Stephen, W. 2022. Survey of London (1598): Honour of Citizens. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/editions/7.0/stow_1598_honour.htm.

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T1  - Survey of London (1598): Honour of Citizens
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname>fitz-Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1598): Honour of Citizens</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>, <ref target="https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_honour.htm">mapoflondon.uvic.ca/edition/7.0/stow_1598_honour.htm</ref>.</bibl>
