THE MAGNIFICENT Entertainment:
Giuen to King Iames, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, vpon the day of his Maiesties Trvumphant Passage (from the Tower) through his Honourable Citie (and Chamber) of London, being the 15. of March. 1603.
As well by the English as by the Strangers: VVith the speeches and Songes, deliuered
in the seuerall Pageants.
Tho. Dekker.
❧ A DEVICE (projected downe, but till now not publisht) that should have served at his Maiesties1 first accesse to the Citie.
THe sorrow and amazement, that like an earthquake began to shake the distempered bodie
of this Ilād (by reasson of our late Soueraignes2 departure,) being wisely and miraculously preuented, and the feared wounds of a ciuill
sword, (as Alexanders fury was with Musicke) being stopt from bursting forth, by the sound of Trompets
that proclaimed King James: All mens eyes were presently turned to the North, standing euen stone stil in their
Circles, like the poynts of so many Geometricall needles, through a fixed & Adamantine
desire to behold this 45. yeares wonder now brought forth by Tyme: their tongues neglecting all language else, saue that which spake zealous prayers,
and vnceasable wishes, for his most speedy and longd-for arriuall. Insomuch that the
Night was thought vnworthy to be crownd with sleepe, and the day not fit to be lookt
vpon by the Sunne, which brought not some fresh tydings of his Maiesties more neare
and neerer approach.
and neerer approach.
At the length Expectation (who is euer waking) and that so long was great, grew neare the time of her deliuery,
Rumor comming all in a sweate to play the Midwife, whose first comfortable words were,
that this Treasure of a Kingdome (a Man-Ruler) hid so many yeares from vs, was now brought to light,
and at hand.
Martiall. Et populi vox er at una, Venit.
And that he was to be conducted through some vtter part of this his Citie, to his
royall Castle the Tower, that in the age of man (till this very minute) had not bene acquainted nor borne
the name of a Kings Court. Which Entrance of his (in this manner) beind fam’de abroad,
Because his louing Subjects the Citizens would giue a taste of their dutie and affection:
The Deuice following was suddeinly made vp, as the first service, to a more royall and serious
ensuing Entertainment; And this (as it was then purposed) should haue beene perfōrmed
about the Barres beyond Bishops-gate.3
The Deuice.
SAint George, Saint Andrew, (the Patrons of both Kingdomes) hauing along time lookt vpon each other, with coutenances
rather of meere strangers, then of such neare Neighbours, vpon the present aspect
of his Maiesties approach toward Iondon, were (in his sight) to issue from two seuerall places on horsebacke, and in compleate
Armour, their Brestes and Caparisons suited with the Armes of England and Scotland, (as they are now quartered) to testifie their leagued Combination, and newe sworne
Brother-hood. These two armed Knights, encountring one another on the way, were to
ride hand in hand, till they met his Maiestie. But the strangenesse of this newly-begotten amitie, flying ouer the earth, It calles
vp the Genius of the Cittie, who (not so much mazde, as wondring at the Noueltie) Intersepts their Passage.
And most aptly (in our Iudgement) might this Domesticum Numen (the Genius of the place) lay iust clayme to this preheminence of first bestowing Salutations
and welcomes on his Maiestie, Genius being held (Interfictos Deos) to be God of Hospitality and Pleasure: and none but such a one was meet to receiue
so excellent and princely a Guest.
Or if not worthy, for those two former respects: Yet being Deus Generationis, and hauing a power aswell ouer Countries, hearbs and trees, as ouer men, and the
Cittie hauing now put on a Regenoration, or new birth; the induction of such a Person, might (without a Warrant from the
court of Critists) passe very currant.
To make a fasse flourish here with the borrowed weapons of all the old Maisters of
the noble Science of Poesie, and to keepe a tyrannicall coyle, in Anatomizing Genius, from head to foote, (only to shew how nimbly we can carue vp the whole messe of
the Poets) were to play the Executioner, and to lay out Cities houshold God on the
rack, to make him confesse, how many paire of Latin sheets, we haue shaken & cut into
shreds to make him a garment. Such feates of Actiuitie are stale, and common among
Schollers, (before whome it is protested we come not now (in a Pageant) to Play a
Maisters prize) For Nunc ego ventosæ Plebis suffragia venor.
The multitude is now to be our Audience, whose heads would miserably runne a wooll-gathering,
if we doo but offer to breake them with hard words. But suppose (by the way) contrary
to the opinion of all the Doctors) that our Genius (in regarde the place is Feminine, and the person it selfe, drawne Figura Humana, sed Ambiguo sexu) should at this time be thrust into womans apparell. It is no Schisme: be it so:
our Genius is then a Female, Antique; and reuerend both in yeares and habit: a Chaplet of mingled
flowres, Inter wouen with branches of the Plane Tree (crowning her Temples: her haire
long and white: her Vesture a loose roabe, Changeable and powdred with Starres: And
being (on horsebacke likewise) thus furnished, this was the tune of her voyce.
Genius Locj
STay: we coniure you, by that Potent Name,
Of which each Letter’s (now) a triple charme:
Stay; and deliuer vs, of whence you are,
And why you beare (alone) th’oftent of Warre,
When all hands else reare Oliue boughs and Palme:
And Halcyonean dayes assure all’s calme.
When every tongue speakes Musick: when each Pen
(Dul’d and dyde blacke in Galle) is white agen,
And dipt in Nectar, which by Delphick fire
Being heated, melts into an Orphean-quire.
When Troyes proud buildings shew like Fairie-bowers,
And Streets (like Gardens) are perfum’d with Flowers:
And Windowes glazde onely with wondring eyes;
(In a Kings looke such admiration lyes!)
And when soft handed Peace, so sweetly thriues,
That Bees in Souldiers Helmets build their Hives
When ioy a tip-toe stands on Fortunes Wheele,
In silken Robes: How dare you shine in Steele?
Ladie, What are you that so question vs?
I am the places Genius, whence now springs
A Vine, whose youngest Braunch shall produce Kings:
This little world of men; this precious Stone,
That sets out Europe: this (the glasse alone,)
Where the neat Sunne each Morne himselfe attires,
And gildes it with his repercussiue fires.
This Iewell of the Land; Englands right Eye:
Altar of Loue; and Spheare of Maiestie:
Green Neptunes Minion, bou’t whose Virgin-waste
Isis is like a Cristall girdle cast.
Of this are we the Genius; here haue I
Slept (by the fauour of a Deity)
Fortie-foure Summers and as many Springs,
Not frighted with the threats of forraine Kings.
But held up in that gowned State I have,
By twise Twelue-Fathers politique and graue:
Who with a sheathed Sword, and silken Law,
Do keepe (within weake Walles) Millions in awe.
I charge you therefore say, for what you come?
What are you?
Knights at Armes.
For Scotlands honour I.
For Englands I.
Both sworne into a League of Vnitie.
I Clap my hands for Ioy, and seate you both
Next to my heart: In leaves of purest golde,
This most auspicious loue shall be enrold.
Be ioynde to us: And as to earth we bowe,
So, to those royall feet, bend your steelde brow,
In name of all these Senators, (on whom
Vertue builds more, then these of Antique Rome)
Shouting a cheerefull welcome: Since no clyme,
Nor Age that has gon or’e the head of Time,
Dide’re cast up such Ioyes, nor the like Summe
(But here) shall stand in the world, yeares to come,
Dread King, our hearts make good, what words doe want,
To bid thee boldly enter Troynouant.
Rerum certa salus, Terrarum gloria Cæsar!
Sospite quo, magnos credimus esse Deos:
Dilexere priùs pueri, Iuvenesque senesque,
At nunc Infantes te quoque Cæsar amant.
This should haue beene the first Offring of the Citties Loue: But his Maiestie not making his Entrance (according to expectation) It was (not vtterly throwne from the Alter) but layd by.
Mart. Iam Crescunt media Pægmata celsa via.
By this time Imagine that Poets (who drawe speaking Pictures) and Painters (who make dumbe Poesie) had their heads & handes full; the one for natiue and sweet
Inuention: the other for liuely Illustration of what the former should deuise: Both
of them emulously contending (but not striuing) with the propest and brightest Colours
of Wit and Art, to set out the beautie of the great Triumphant day.
For more exact and formall managing of which Businesse, a Select number both of Aldermen
& Commoners (like so many Romane Ædiles) were (Communi Consilio) chosen forth, to whose discretion, the Charge, Contriuings, Proiects, and all other Dependences, owing to so troublesome a worke, was intirely, and Iudicially committed.
Many dayes were thriftily consumed, to molde the bodies of these Tryumphes comely,
and to the honour of the Place: & at last, the stuffe whereof to frame them, was beaten
out. The Soule that should giue life, & a tongue to this Entertainment, being to breathe out of Writers Pens. The Limmes of it to lye at the hard-handed
mercy of Mychanitiens.
In a moment therefore of Time, are Carpenters, Ioyners, Caruers, and other Artificers
sweating at their Chizzells.
Vir. Accingunt Omnes operi.
Not a finger but had an Office: He was held vnworthy euer after to sucke the Hony dew of Peace, that (against his comming. by whom our Peace weares a triple Wreathe) would offer to play the Droane. The Streets are surueyed; heigthes, breadths, and
distances taken, as it were to make Fortifications, for the Solemnities. Seauen pieces of ground, (like so many fieldes for a battaile) are plotted foorth,
vppon which these Arches of Tryumph must shew themselves in their glorie: aloft, in
the ende doe they aduance their proude fore-heads.
Virg:—Circumpueri, Innuptæque Puellæ,
Euen childrē (might they haue bin suffred) would gladly haue spent their little strength,
about the Engines, that mounted vp the Frames: Such a fire of loue and ioy, was kindled in euery brest.
The day (for whose sake, these wonders of Wood, clymde thus into the clowdes) is now
come; being so earely vp by reason of Artificiall Lights, which wakened it, that the
Sunne ouer-slept himselfe, and rose not in many houres after, yet bringing with it
into the very bosome of the Cittie, a world of people. The Streets seemde to bee paued
with men: Stalles in stead of rich wares were set out with children, open Casements
fild vp with women.
All Glasse windowes taken downe, but in their places, sparkeled so many eyes, that
had it not bene the day, the light which reflected from them, was sufficient to haue
made one: hee that should haue compared the emptie and vntroden walkes of London, which were to be seen in that late mortally-destroying Deluge, with the thronged
streetes now, might haue belieued, that vpon this day, began a new Creation, & that the Citie was the onely Workhouse wherein sundry Nations were made.
A goodly and ciuil order was obserued, in Martialling all the Companies according
to their degrees: The first beginning at the vpper end of Saint Marks Lane, and the last reaching aboue the Conduit in Fleetstreete: their Seats, being double-railde: vpon the vpper part wheron they leaned, the Streamers,
Ensignes, and Bannerets, of each particular Company decently fixed: And directly against
them, (euen quite through the body of the Citie, so hie as to Temple-Barre) a single Raile (in faire distance from the other) was likewise erected to put off
the multitude. Amongst whose tongues (which in such Consorts neuer lye still,) tho
there were no Musicke, yet as the Poet sayes:
Mart. Voxdiuersa sonat, populorum est vox tamen vna.
NOthing that they speake could bee made any thing, yet all that was spoken, sounded
to this purpose, that still his Maieftie was comming. They haue their longings: And
behold, A farre off they spie him, richly mounted on a white Iennet, vnder a rich
Canopy, sustained by eight Barons of the Cinqueports; the Tower seruing that morning but for his with-drawing Chamber, wherein hee made him ready:
and from thence stept presently into his Citie of London, which for the time might worthily borrow the name of his Court Royall: His passage alongst that Court, offering it selfe for more State) through seuen
Gates, of which the first was erected at Fanchurch.
Thus presenting it selfe.
IT was an vpright Flat-square,
(for it contained fiftie foote in the perpendiculer, and fiftie foote in the Ground-lyne)
the vpper roofe thereof (one distinct Grices) bore vp the true moddells of all the notable Houses, Turrets, and Steeples, within
the Citie. The Gate vnder which his Maiestie did passe, was 12. foote wide, and 18.
foote hie: A Posterne likewise (at one side of it) being foure foote wide, and 8.
foote in heigth: On either side of the Gate, stood a great French Terme, of stone,
aduanced vpon wodden Pedestalls; two half Pilasters of Rustick,
standing ouer their heads. I could shoote more Arrowes at this marke, and teach you without the Carpenters Rule how to measure all the proportions belonging to this Fabrick. But an excellent hand being at this instant curiously describing all the seuen, and bestowing on them their faire prospectiue limmes, your eye shall hereafter rather be delighted in beholding those Pictures, than now be wearied in looking vpon mine.
standing ouer their heads. I could shoote more Arrowes at this marke, and teach you without the Carpenters Rule how to measure all the proportions belonging to this Fabrick. But an excellent hand being at this instant curiously describing all the seuen, and bestowing on them their faire prospectiue limmes, your eye shall hereafter rather be delighted in beholding those Pictures, than now be wearied in looking vpon mine.
❧ The Personages (as well Mutes as Speakers) in this Pageant, were these: viz.
2 At her feet, fate Diuine Wisdome.
3 Beneath her, stood The Genius of the City, A man.
4 At his right hand was placed a Personage, figuring, The Counsell of the City.
5 Vnder all these lay a person representing Thamesis the Riuer.
Sixe other persons (being daughters to Genius) were aduaunced aboue him, on a spreading Ascent of which the first was,
1 Gladnesse.
2 The second, Veneration.
3 The third, Promptitude.
4 The fourth, Vigilance.
5 The fift, Louing affection.
6 The sixth, Vnanimity.
Of all which personages, Genius and Thamesis were the only Speakers: Thamesis being presented by one of the children of her Maiesties Reuels: Genius by M. Allin (seruant to the young Prince6) his gratulatory speach (which was deliuered with excellent Action, and a well tun’de
audible voyce) being to this effect:
That London may be prowd to behold this day, and therefore in name of the Lord Maior7 and Aldermen, the Councell, Commoners and Multitude, the heartiest Welcome is tendered to his Maiesty, that euer was bestowed on any
King, &c.
Which Banquet being taken away with sound of Musicke,
The Wayts & Haultboyes of London.
there, ready for the purpose, his Maiestie made his entrance into this his Court
Royall: vnder this first Gate, vpon the Battlements of the worke, in great Capitalls
was inscribed, thus:LONDINIVM.
And vnder that, in a smaller (but not different) Caracter, was written,
CAMERA REGIA: The Kings Chamber.
Too short a time (in their opinions that were glewed there together so many houres,
to behold him) did his Maiestie dwell vpon this first place: yet too long it seemed
to other happy Spirits, that higher vp in these Elizian fields awaited for his presence: he sets on therefore (like the Sunne in his Zodiaque)
bountifully dispersing his beames amongst particular Nations: the brightnesse and
warmth of which, was now spent first vpon the Italians, & next vpon the Belgians: The space of ground, on which their magnificent Arches were builded, being not vnworthy to beare the name of the great Hall to this our
Court Royal: wherein was to be heard & seene the sundry languages & habits of Strangers,
which vnder Princes Roofes render excellent harmony.
In a paire of Scales doe I weigh these two Nations, and finde them (neither in hearty
loue to his
Maiestie, in aduancement of the Cities honor, nor in forwardnesse to glorifie these Triumphes) to differ one graine.
Maiestie, in aduancement of the Cities honor, nor in forwardnesse to glorifie these Triumphes) to differ one graine.
To dispute which haue done best, were to doubt that one had done well. Call their
inuentions therefore Twynnes: or if they; themselues doe not like that name, (for happily they are emulous of
one glory) yet thus may we speake of them.
—Facies non omnibus vna,
Nec diuersa tamen, Qualem decet esse sororum.
Because, whosoeuer (fixis oculis) beholds their proportions,
The street, vpon whose breast, this Italian Iewell was worne, was neuer worthy of that name which it carries, till this houre:
For here did the Kings eye meete a second Obiect, that inticed him by tarrying to
giue honor to the place. And thus did the queintnesse of the Engine seeme to discouer it selfe before him.
The Italians Pageant.
THe building tooke vp the whole bredth of the Street, of which, the lower part was
a Square, garnished with foure great Columnes: In the midst of which Square, was cut
out a fayre and spacious high Gate, arched, being twenty seuen foot in the perpendicular
lyne, and eyghteene at the ground lyne: ouer the Gate, in golden Caracters, these
verses (in a long square) were inscribed:
Tu Regere Imperio populos Iacobe memento,
Parcere Subiectis, & debellare superbos.
And directly aboue this, was aduanc’d the Armes of the Kingdome, the Supporters fairely
cut out to the life: ouer the Lyon (some prety distance from it) was written,
And aboue the head of the Vnicorne, at the like distance, this,
In a large Square erected aboue all these, King Henry the seuenth was royally seated in his Imperiall Robes, to whome King Iames (mounted on horsebacke) approches, and receyues a Scepter, ouer both their heads
these words being written,
Betweene two of the Columnes, (on the right hand) was fixed vp a Square table, wherein, in liuely and excellent
colours, was lim’d a woman, figuring Peace, her head securely leaning on her left hand, her body modestly bestowed (to the length)
vpon the earth: In her other hand, was held an Oliue branch, the Ensigne of Peace, her word was out of Virgil, being thus,
—Deus nobis hæc otia fecit.
Beneath that peece, was another square Table, reaching almost to the Bases of the
two Columnes: In which, 2. (seeming) Sea personages, were drawne to the life, both of them lying,
or rather leaning on the bosome of the earth, naked; the one a woman, her backe onely
seene; the other a man, his hand stretching and fastning it selfe vpon her shoulder:
the word that this dead body spake, was this,
I Decus, I Nostrum.
Vpon the left-hand side of the Gate, betweene the other two Columnes, were also two square Tables: In the one of which were two persons portrayed to the
life, naked, and wilde in lookes, the word,
Expectate solo Trinobanti.
And ouer that, in another square, carying the same proportion, stoode a woman vpright,
holding in her hand a Shield, beneath whom was inscribed in golden Caracters,
—Spes fidissima rerum.
And this was the shape and front of the first great Square, whose top being flat, was garnished with Pelasters, and vpon the roote was directed a great Pædestall, on which stood a Person carued out to the
life (a woman) her left hand leaning on a sword, with the poynt downeward, and her right hand reaching foorth a Diadem, which shee seemde by bowing of her knee and head, to bestow vpon his Maiestie.
life (a woman) her left hand leaning on a sword, with the poynt downeward, and her right hand reaching foorth a Diadem, which shee seemde by bowing of her knee and head, to bestow vpon his Maiestie.
On the foure corners of this vpper part, stoode foure naked portraytures (in great)
with artificiall Trumpets in their hands.
In the Arch of the Gate, was drawne (at one side) a companie of Palme trees, young,
and as it were but newly springing, ouer whose branches, two naked winged Angels,
flying, held foorth a Scroll, which seem’d to speake thus,
Spes altera.
On the contrarie side, was a Vine, spreading it selfe into many branches, and winding
about Oliue, and Palme trees: two naked winged Angels hanging likewise in the Ayre ouer them, and holding
a Scrol betweene them, fild with this inscription,
Vxor tua, sicut vitis abundans,
Et filii tui, sicut palmites Oliuarum.
If your imaginations (after the beholding of these obiects) will suppose, that this
Maiestie is now gone to the other side of this Italian Trophee; doe but cast your eyes backe, and there you shall finde iust the same proportions,
which the fore-part, or Brest of our Arch carrieth, with equall number of Columnes, Pedestals, Pilasters, Lim’d peeces, and Carued Statues. Ouer the Gate, this Disticho presents it selfe.
Nonne tuo Imperio satis est Iacobe potiri?
Imperium in Musas, Aemule quæris? Habes.
Vnder which verses, a wreathe of Lawrell seem’d to be ready to be let fall on his Maiesties head, as hee went vnder it, being
held betweene two naked Antique women, their bodies stretching (at the full length)
to compasse ouer the Arch of the Gate. And aboue those verses, in a faire Azure table,
this inscription was aduanc’d in golden Capitals:
Itali statuerunt laetitiae & cuus Signum.
On the right hand of this backe-part, betweene two of the Columnes was a square table, in which was drawne a Woman, crown’d with beautifull and fresh
flowres, a Caducæus in her hand: Al’ the notes of a plenteous and liuely Spring being caried about her,
the soule that gaue life to this speaking picture, was:
—Omnis seret omnia Tellus.
Aboue this peece, in another square, was portrayed a Tryton, his Trumpet at his mouth, seeming to vtter thus much,
Dum Cælum stellas.
Vpon the left hand of this back part, in most excellent colours, Antikely attir’d,
stood the 4. kingdoms,
England, Scotland, France and Ireland, holding hands together, this being the language of them all,
England, Scotland, France and Ireland, holding hands together, this being the language of them all,
Concordes stabili Fatorum Numine
The middle great Square, that was aduaunced ouer the Freeze of the Gate, held Apollo, with all his Ensignes and properties belonging vnto him, as a Sphere, Bookes, a Caducæus, an Octoedron, with other Geometricall Bodies, and a Harpe in his left hand: his right hand with a golden Wand in it, poynting
to the battel of Lepanto fought by the Turks, (of which his Maiestie hath written a Poem) and to doe him Honour, Apollo himselfe doth here seeme to take vpon him to describe: his word,
Fortunate Puer.
These were the Mutes, and properties that helpt to furnish out this great Italian Theater: vpon whose Stage, the sound of no voice was appointed to be heard, but of one, (and
that, in the presence of the Italians themselues) who in two little opposite galleries vnder & within the Arch of the gate,
very richly and neately hung, deliuered thus much Latine to his Maiestie:
The Italians speach.
SAlue, Rex magne, salue. Salutem Maiestati tuæ Itali, fælicissimum Aduentum læti, fælices
sub Te futuri, precamur. Ecce hic Omnes, Exigui munere, pauculi Numero: Sed magni
erga Maiestatem tuam animi, multi obsequij. At nec Atlas, qui Cœlum sustinet, nec
ipsa Cœli conuexa, altitudinem attingant meritorum Regis optimi. Hoc est, eius, quem
de Teipso expressisti doctissimo (Deus!) et admirabili penicillo: Beatissimos populas,
vbi & Philosophus regnat, & Rex Philosophatur. Salue, Rex nobilissime, salue, viue,
Rex potentissime fæliciter. Regna, Rex sapientissime, fæliciter, Italioptamus omnes,
Itali clamamus omnes: Omnes, omnes.
Hauing hoysted vp our Sailes, and taken leaue of this Italian shore, let our next place of casting anker, be vpon the Land of the 17. Prouinces;
where the Belgians, (attired in the costly habits of their own natiue Countrey, without the fantasticke
mixtures of other Nations) but more richly furnished with loue, stand ready to receyue
his Maiestie: who (according to their expectation) does most gratiously make himselfe
& his Royall traine their Princely ghests. The house which these Strangers haue builded to entertaine him in, is thus contriu’de.
The Pageant of the Dutch-men, by the Royall Exchange.
THe Foundation of this, was (as it were by Fate) layd neere vnto a royall place; for it was a royall and magnificent labour: It was
bounded in with the houses on both sides the street, so prowdly (as all the rest also
did) did this extend her body in bredth. The passage of State, was a Gate, large,
ascēding eighteene foot high, aptly proportion’d to the other lymmes, and twelue foot
wyde, arched; two lesser Posternes were for common on feet, cut out and open’d on
the sides of the other.
Within a small Freeze, (and kissing the very forhead of the Gate) the Aedifice spake thus,
Vnicus à Fato surgo non Degener Hæres.
Whilst lifting vp your eye to an vpper larger Freeze, you may there be enriched with these golden Capitalls,
But bestowing your sight vpon a large Azure Table, lyned quite through with Caracters
of gold, likewise you may for your paynes receiue this inscription,
Aboue which (being the heart of the Trophee) was a spacious square roome, left open, Silke Curtaines drawne before it, which
(vpon the approch of his Maiestie) being put by, 17. yong Damsels, (all of them sumptuously adorned, after their countrey fashion,) sate as it were
in so many Chaires of State, and figuring in their persons, the 17. Prouinces of Belgia, of which euery one caried in a Scutchion (excellently pencilde) the Armes and Coate
of one.
Aboue the vpper edge of this large Square Roome, and ouer the first Battlement, in
another front, aduanc’d for the purpose, a square Table was fastened vpright, in which
was drawne the liuely picture of the King, in his Imperial Robes; a Crowne on his head, the Sword and Scepter in his handes:
vpon his left side stood a woman, her face fixed vpon his, a burning hart in her right hand, her left hanging by, a Heron standing close vnto her: vpon his other side stood vpright (with her countenance directed likewise vpon him) another woman, winged, and in a Freeze beneath them, which tooke vp the full length of this Square: this inscription set out it selfe in golden wordes:
vpon his left side stood a woman, her face fixed vpon his, a burning hart in her right hand, her left hanging by, a Heron standing close vnto her: vpon his other side stood vpright (with her countenance directed likewise vpon him) another woman, winged, and in a Freeze beneath them, which tooke vp the full length of this Square: this inscription set out it selfe in golden wordes:
—Viroque Satellite Tutus.
Suffer your eyes to be wearied no longer with gazing vp so high at those Sun-beams, but turne thē aside to looke below through the little Posternes: whose State sweld quickly vp to a greatnes, by reason of 2. Columnes, that supported them on either side. In a Table, ouer the right-hand Portall, was in perfect colours, drawne a Serpēt, pursude by a Lion: betweene them, Adders
and Snakes, chasing one another, the Lion scornfully casting his head backe, to behold
the violence of a blacke storme, that heauen powred downe, to ouertake them: the sound
that came from all this, was thus:
—Sequitur grauis Ira feroces.
The opposite body to this (on the other side, and directly ouer the other Portall, whose pompe did in like maner leane vpon, and vphold it selfe by two mayne Columnes) was a square peece, in which were to be seene, Sheepe browzing, Lambes nibbling,
Byrds flying in the Ayre, with other arguments of
a serene and vntroubled season, whose happinesse was proclaymed in this maner,
a serene and vntroubled season, whose happinesse was proclaymed in this maner,
—Venit alma Cicuribus Aura.
Directly aboue this, in a square Table, were portrayed two Kings, reuerently and antiquely attyrde, who seem’d to walke vpon these golden lines,
Nascitur in nostro Regum par Nobile Rege
Alter lesiades, Alter Amoniades.
From whome, leade but your eye, in a straight line, to the other side, (ouer the contrary
Posterne) and there in a second vpper Picture, you may meete with two other Kings, not fully so antique, but as rich in their Ornaments; both of them, out of golden
letters, composing these wordes,
Sextus, & hic sanxit, sextus & ille fidem.
And these were the Nerues, by which this great Triumphall Body was knit together, in the inferiour parts of it, vpon the shoulders whereof,
(which were garnished with rowes of Pilasters, that supported Lions rāpant, bearing vp Banners) there stood another lesser Square,
the head of which wore a Coronet of Pilasters also; and aboue thē, vpon a Pedestal, curiously closed in betweene the tayles of two Dolphins, was aduanced a Women, holding
in one hand, a golden Warder, and poynting with the fore-finger of the other
hand vp to heauen. She figur’d Diuine Prouidence, for so at her feete was written.
hand vp to heauen. She figur’d Diuine Prouidence, for so at her feete was written.
Prouida Mens Cæli.
Somewhat beneath which, was to bee seene an Imperiall Crowne, two Scepters being fastened
(crosse-wise) vnto it, and deliuering this speach,
—Sceptra haec concredidit vni.
At the elbowes of this vpper Square, stood vpon the foure corners of a great Pedestall, foure Pyramides, hollow, and so neately contriu’de, that in the night time (for anger that the Sunne
would no longer looke vpon these earthly beauties) they gaue light to themselues,
and the whole place about them: the windowes, from whence these artificiall beames
were throwne, being cut out in such a fashion, that (as Ouid, describing the Palace of the Sunne, sayes)
So did they shine afarre off, like Crysolites, and sparkled like Carbuncles: Betweene
those two Pyramides that were lifted vp on the right hand, stood Fortitude; her Piller resting it selfe vpon this golden line,
Perfero curarum pondus, Discrimina temno.
Betweene the two Pyramides on the other side, Iustice challenged her place, being knowne both by
her habit and by her voyce, that spake thus,
her habit and by her voyce, that spake thus,
Auspice me Dextra solium Regale peremnat.
Wee haue held his Maiestie too long from entring this third Gate of his Court Royall; It is now hie time, that those eyes, which on the other side ake with rolling vp
and downe for his gladsome presence, should inioy that happinesse. Beholde, hee is
in an instance passed thorough; The Objects that there offer themselues before him,
being these:
Our Belgick Statue of Triumph, weares on her backe, as much riches, as she caried vpon her brest, being
altogether as glorious in Columnes, standing on Tip-toe, on as loftie and as proude Pyramides; her walkes encompa’st with as strong and as neate Pilasters: the colours of her garments are as bright, her adornements as many: For,
In the square Field, next and lower, ouer one of the Portals, were the Dutch Countrey
people, toyling at their Husbandrie; women carding of their Hemp, the men beating
it, such excellent Art being exprest in their faces, their stoopings, bendings, sweatings,
&c. that nothing is wanting in them but life (which no colours can giue) to make them
bee thought more than the workes of Paynters.
Lift vp your eyes a little aboue them, and beholde their Exchange; the countenaunces of the Marchants there being so liuely, that bargaines seeme to
come from their lippes.
But in stead of other speach, this is onely to bee had,
Ouer the other Portall, in a square (proportion’d, to the bignes of those other) men,
women & childrē (in Dutch habits) are busie at other workes: the men Weauing, the
women Spinning, the children at their Hand-loomes, &c. Aboue whose heads, you may
with little labour, walke into the Mart, where as well the Froe, as the Burger, are buying and selling, the praise of whose industrie (being worthy of it) stands
publisht in gold, thus,
Iust in the midst of these foure Squares, and directly ouer the Gate, in a large Table,
whose feete are fastned to the Freeze, is their fishing & shipping liuely and sweetely set downe: The Skipper (euen though he be hard tugging at his Net) loudly singing this:
Quod Celeb: hoc Emporium prudenti industria suos,
Quouis Terrarum Negotiatores emittat, exteros
Humaniter admittat foris famam, domi diuitias augeat.
Let vs now clime vp to the vpper battlementes; where, at the right hand Time standes: at the left (in a direct line) his daughter Trueth; vnder her foote is written,
And vnder his,
Sincera Durant.
In the midst of these two, three other persons are rancked togeather, Art, Sedulitie, and Labour: beneath whom, in a Freeze rouing along the whole breadth of that Square, you may
find these wordes in gold.
Artes, Perfecit, Sedulitate, Labor.
As on the foreside, so on this, and equall in height to that of Diuine Prouidence, is the figure of a Woman aduaunced: beneath whom, is an imperiall Crowne, with branches
of Oliue, fixed (crosse-wise) vnto it, and giues you this word.
Sine Cæde at Sanguine.
And thus haue we bestowed vpon you, all the dead Cullours of this Picture, (wherein
not withstanding, was left so much life) as can come from Art. The speaking instrument,
was a Boy, attyred all in white Silke, a wreath of Lawrell about his temples: from
his voyce came this sound.
Sermo ad Regem.
Qvæ tot Sceptra tenes forti, Rex maxime, dextra,
Prouida Mens summi Numinis illa dedit,
Aspice ridentem per gaudia Plebis Olympum.
Reddentem et plausus ad sua verba suos,
Tantus honos paucis, primi post secula mundi
Obtigit, et paucis, tantum vnus incubuit,
Nam Regere imperijs populum fælicibus vnum,
Arduares, magnis res tamen apta viris.
At non vnanimes nutu compescere gentes,
Non homines pensum, sed labor ille Dei,
Ille ideò ingentes qui temperet orbis habenæs,
Adiungit longas ad tua fræna manus.
Et menti de mente sua prælucet, et Artem
Regnandi, regnum qui dedit illa, docet.
Crescentes varijs Cumulat virtutibus annos,
Quas inter pietas, culmina summa tenet.
Hac proauos reddis patriæ, qui barbara Gentis
Flexêre inducto Namine, corda feræ.
Et leue persuades quod trahis ipse iugum,
Illi fida comes terram indignata profanam,
Aut nunc te tanto Regereuersa Themis.
Assidat et robusta soror, ingentibus ausis
Pro populo carum tradere prompta caput.
Quin et Regis amor, musæ et dilectus Apollo,
Regali gaudent subdere plectra manu.
Aurea et vbertas solerti nata labore,
Exhibet aggestas Ruris et vrbis opes.
Sunt hæc dona Poli, certa quæ prodita fama
Venimus et Belgæ, patrijs Gens exul ab oris
Quosfouit tenero matter Eliza sinu.
Matri sacratum, Patri duplicamus amorem,
Poscimus et simili posse fauore frui.
Sic Deum Panthaeci tibi proferat alitis æuum,
Sceptra per Iunumeros qui tibi tradit Auos,
Sic Regina tua pars altera, et altera proles,
Whilst the tongues of the Strangers were imployed in extolling the gracious Aspect of the King, and his Princely behauiour
towardes them, his Maiestie (by the quicknes of Time, and the earnestnesse of expectation, whose eyes ran a thousand wayes to finde him)
had won more ground, and was gotten so far as to S. Mildreds Church in the Poulterie: close to the side of which, a Scaffold was erected; where (at the Citties cost)
to delight the Queene15 with her owne country Musicke, nine Trumpets, and a Kettle Drum, did very sprightly
& actiuely sound the Danish march:
Whose cunning and quicke stops, by that time they had toucht the last Ladyes care in the traine, behold, the King was aduaunced vp so hie as to Cheapeside: into which place (If Loue himselfe had entered, and seene so many gallant Gentlemen, so many Ladyes, and beautifull creatures, in whose eyes glaunces (mixt with modest lookes) seemde to daunce courtly Measures in their motion) he could not haue chosen, to haue giuen the Roome any other name, then, The Presence Chamber.
Whose cunning and quicke stops, by that time they had toucht the last Ladyes care in the traine, behold, the King was aduaunced vp so hie as to Cheapeside: into which place (If Loue himselfe had entered, and seene so many gallant Gentlemen, so many Ladyes, and beautifull creatures, in whose eyes glaunces (mixt with modest lookes) seemde to daunce courtly Measures in their motion) he could not haue chosen, to haue giuen the Roome any other name, then, The Presence Chamber.
The stately entraunce into which,
was a faire Gate in height 18. foote. In breath 12. The thicknesse of the passage
vnder it, being 24. Two Posternes stoode wide open on the two sides, either of them being 4. foote wide,
and 8. foote high. The two Portals that ietted out before these Posternes, had their
sides open foure seuerall wayes, and serued as Pedestalles (of Rusticke) to support
two Pyramides, which stoode vpon foure great Balles, and foure great Lions: the Pedestalles, Balles,
and Pyramides, deuowring in their full vpright heigth, from the ground line to the top, iust 60.
foote. But burying this Mechanicke Body in scilence, let vs now take note in what
fashion it stood attyred. Thus then it went appareled.
The Deuice at Soper-lane end.
VVIthin a large Compartiment, mounted aboue the forehead of the Gate, ouer the Freeze,
in Capitalles was inscribed this Title:
Vnder that shape of Arabia, this Iland being figugured:16 which two names of New, and Happie, the Countrey could by no merit in it selfe, challenge to be her due, but onely by
meanes of the secret influence accompanying his Maiestie wheresoeuer hee goes, and
working such effectes.
The most worthy personage aduaunced in this place, was Arabia Britannica, a WThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The
text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)oman, attyred all in White, a rich Mantle of Greene cast about her, an imperiall Crowne
on her head, and a Scepter in one hand, a Mound in the other; vpon which she sadly
leaned: a rich Veyle (vnder the Crowne) shadowing her eyes, by reason that her countenaunce
(which till his Maiesties approach, could by no worldly obiect be drawne to looke
vp) was pensiuely deiected: her ornamentes were markes of Chastetie and Youth: the Crowne, Mound, and Scepter, badges of Soueraigntie.
Directly vnder her in a Cant by her selfe, Fame
stood vpright: A Woman in a Watchet Roabe, thickly set with open Eyes, and Tongues, a payre of large golden Winges at her backe, a Trumpet in her hand, a Mantle of sundry cullours trauersing her body: all these Ensignes desplaying but the propettie of her swiftnesse, and aptnesse to disperse Rumors.
stood vpright: A Woman in a Watchet Roabe, thickly set with open Eyes, and Tongues, a payre of large golden Winges at her backe, a Trumpet in her hand, a Mantle of sundry cullours trauersing her body: all these Ensignes desplaying but the propettie of her swiftnesse, and aptnesse to disperse Rumors.
In a Descent beneath her, being a spatious Concaue roome, were exalted fiue Mounts,
swelling vp with different ascensions: vpon which sate the fiue Sences, drooping: Viz.
Appareled in Roabes of distinct cullours, proper to their natures; and holding Scutchions
in their handes: vpon which were drawne Herogliphicall bodyes, to expresse their qualities.
Some prettie distaunce from them (and as it were in the midst before them) an artificiall
Lauer or Fount was erected, called the Fount of Arate (Vertue.) Sundry Pipes (like veines) branching from the body of it: the water receiuing libertie
but from one place, and that very slowly.
At the foote of this Fount, two personages (in grea-
ter shapes then the rest) lay sleeping: vpon their brestes stucke their names, Detractio, Obliuio: The one holdes an open Cuppe; about whose brim, a wreath of curled Snakes were winding, intimating that whatsoeuer his lippes toucht, was poysoned: the other helde a blacke-Cuppe couerd, in token of an enuious desire to drowne the worth and memorie of Noble persons.
ter shapes then the rest) lay sleeping: vpon their brestes stucke their names, Detractio, Obliuio: The one holdes an open Cuppe; about whose brim, a wreath of curled Snakes were winding, intimating that whatsoeuer his lippes toucht, was poysoned: the other helde a blacke-Cuppe couerd, in token of an enuious desire to drowne the worth and memorie of Noble persons.
Vpon an Ascent, on the right hand of these, stood the three Charites or Graces, hand in hand, attyred like three Sisters.
Aglaia, Thalia, Euphrosine, } Figuring { Brightnesse, or Maiestie. Youthfulnes, or florishing. Chearfulnes,
or gladnes.17
They were all three Virgins: their countenaunces laboring to smother an innated sweetnes
and chearefulnes, that appareled their cheekes; yet hardly to be hid: their Garmentes
were long RoaThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The
text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)des of sundry coloures, hanging loose: the one had a Chaplet of sundry Flowers on her
head, clustard heere and there with the Fruites of the earth. The seconde, a Garland
of eares of Corne. The third, a wreath of Vinebranches, mixt with Grapes and Oliues.
Their haire hung downe ouer their shoulders loose, and of a bright cullour, for that
Epithite is properly bestowed vpon them, by Homer in his Himne to Apollo.
The Bright Hayrde Graces.
They helde in their handes pensild Shieldes: vpon the first, was drawne a Rose: on
the second, 3. Dyce: on the third, a branch of Mittle.
In a direct line against them, stoode the three Howres, to whom in this place we giue the names of Loue, Iustice, and Peace: they were attyred in loose Roabes of light cullours, paynted with Flowers: for so
Ouid apparrels them.
Conueniunt pictis incinctae vestibus Horæ.
Winges, aThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The
text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (KL)t their feete, expressing their swiftnesse, because they are Lackies to the Sunne:
lungere equos Tytan velocibus imper at Horis, Ouid.
Each of them helde two Goblets; the one full of Flowers (as Ensigne of the Spring,) the other full of rypened Figges, the Cognisance of Summer.
Vpon the approch of his Maiestie (sad and solemne Musicke hauing beaten the Ayre all
the time of his absence, and now ceasing,) Fame speakes.
Turne into Ice mine eye-balls, whilst the sound
Flying through this brazen trump, may back rebound
To stop Fames hundred tongues, leauing them mute,
As in an vntoucht Bell, or stringlesse Lute,
For Vertues Fount, which late ran deepe and cleare,
Drie, and melts all her body to a teare.
You Graces! and you houres that each day runne
On the quicke errands of the golden Sunne,
O say! to Vertues Fount what has befell,
That thus her veines shrinke vp.
Wee cannot tell.
Behold the fiue-folde guard of Sence which keepes
The sacred streame, sit drooping: neere them sleepe
Two horred Monsters: Fame! summon each Sence,
To tell the cause of this strange accidence.
Heereupon Fame sounding her Trumpet; Arabia Britannica, lookes cheerefully vp, the sences are startled: Detraction and Obliuion throw off their iron slumber, busily bestowing all their powers to fill their cups
at the Fount with their olde malitious intention to sucke it drie; But a strange and
heauenly musicke suddainly striking through their eares, which causing a wildnes and
quicke motion in their lookes, drew them to light vpon the glorious presence of the
King, they were suddainly thereby daunted and sunke downe; The Fount in the same moment
of Tyme, flowing fresh and aboundantly through seuerall pipes, with Milke, Wine, and Balme,
whilst a person (figuring Circumspection) that had watcht day and night, to
giue note to the world of this blessed Tyme, which hee foresawe would happen, steps forth on a mounted Stage extended 30. foote in length from the maine building, to deliuer to his Maiestie the interpretation of this dumbe Mysterie.
giue note to the world of this blessed Tyme, which hee foresawe would happen, steps forth on a mounted Stage extended 30. foote in length from the maine building, to deliuer to his Maiestie the interpretation of this dumbe Mysterie.
This Presenter was a Boy, one of the Choristers, belonging to Paules.
His Speech.
Great Monarch of the West, whose glorious Stem,
Doth now support a triple Diadem,
Weying more thā that of thy grand Grandsire Brute,
Thou that maist make a King thy substitute,
And doest besides the Red-rose and the white,
With the rich flower of France thy garland dight,
Wearing aboue Kings now, or those of olde,
A double Crowne of Lawrell and of gold,
O let my voyce passe through thy royall eare,
And whisper thus much, that we figure here,
A new Arabia, in whose spiced nest
A Phœnix liu’d and died in the Sunnes brest,
Her losse, made sight, in teares to drowne her eyes,
The Eare grew deafe, Tastelike a sick-man lyes,
Finding no rellish: euery other Sence,
Forgat his office, worth and excellence,
Whereby this Fount of Vertue gan to freeze,
Threatned to be drunke by two enemies,
Snakie Detraction, and Obliuion,
But at thy glorious presence, both are gone,
Thou being that sacred Phœnix, that doest rise,
From th’ashes of the first: Beames from thine eyes
So vertually shining, that they bring,
To Englands new Arabia, a new Spring:
For ioy whereof, Nimphes, Sences, Houres, & Fame,
Eccho loud Hymnes to his imperiall name.
At the shutting vp of this Speech, his Maiestie (being readie to goe on,) did most
graciouslie feede the eyes of beholders with his presence, till a Song was spent:
which to a loude and excellent Musicke (composed of Violins & an other rare Artificiall
Instrumēt, wherein besides sundrie seuerall sounds effus’d (all at one time) were
also sensibly distinguisht the chirpings of birds, was by two Boyes (Choristers of
Paules) deliuered in sweete and rauishing voyces.
Troynouant is now no more a Citie:
O great pittie! is’t not pittie?
And yet her Towers on tiptoe stand,
Like Pageants built on Fairie land,
And her Marble armes,
Like to Magicke charmes,
binde thousands fast vnto her,
That for her wealth & beauty daily wooe her,
yet for all this, is’t not pittie?
Troynouant is now no more a Cittie.
Troynouant is now a Sommer Arbour,
or the nest wherein doth harbour,
The Eagle, of all birds that flie,
The Soueraigne, for his piercing eie,
If you wisely marke,
Tis besides a Parke,
Where runnes (being newly borne)
With the fierce Lyon, the faire Vnicorne,
or else it is a wedding Hall,
Where foure great Kingdomes holde a Festiuall.
Troynouant is now a Bridall Chamber,
whose roofe is gold, floore is of Amber,
By vertue of that holy light,
That burnes in Hymens hand, more bright,
Than the siluer Moone,
or the Torch of Noone,
Harke what the Ecchoes say!
Brittaine till now nere kept a Holiday:
for Ioue dwels heere: And tis no pittie,
If Troynouant be now no more a Cittie.
Nor let the scrue of any wresting comment vpon these words,
Troynouant is now no more a Citie.
Enforce the Authors inuention away frō his owne cleare strength and harmelesse meaning:
all the scope of this fiction stretching onely to this point, that London (to doo honour to this day, wherein springs vp all her happines) beeing rauished
with vnutterable ioyes, makes no account (for the present) of her ancient title, to
be called a Citie, (because aluring these tryumphes, shee puts off her formall habite
of Trade and Commerce, treading euen Thrift it selfe vnder foote, but now becomes
a Reueller and a Courtier. So that, albeit in the end of the first Stanza tis said,
Yet for all this, is’t not pittie,
Troynouant is now no more a Cittie.
By a figure called Castigatio or the mender, heere followes presently a reproofe; wherein tytles of Sommer Arbor;
The Eagles nest, a wedding Hāll, &c. are throwne vpon her, the least of them being
at this time by vertue of Poeticall Heraldrie, but especiallie in regard of the State
that now vpholds her, thought to be names of more honour, than that of her owne. And
this short Apologie, doth our verse make for it selfe, in regard that some, (to whose
setled iudgement and authoritie the censure of these Deuises was referred,) brought
though not bitterly the life of those lines into question: But appealing with Machaetas to Phillip, now these reasons haue awakend him: let vs followe King Iames, who hauing passed vnder this our third gate, is by this time, graciously receauing
a gratulatorie Oration from the mouth of Sir Henry Mountague, Recorder of the Citie, a square lowe gallorie, set round about with pilasters, beeing for
that purpose erected some 4. foote from the ground, and ioyned to the front of the
Crosse in Cheape; where likewise stood all the Aldermen, the Chamberlaine, Towne-clarke, and Counsell
of the Citie.
The Recorders Speech.
High Imperiall Maiestie, it is not yet a yeere in dayes since with acclamation of
the People, Citizens, and Nobles, auspitiouslie heere at this Crosse was proclaimed
your true succession to the Crowne. If then it was ioyous with Hats, hands, and hearts,
lift vp to heauen to crie King Iames, what is it now to see King Iames? Come therefore O worthiest of Kings as a glo-
rious Bridegroome through your Royall chamber: But to come neerer, Adest quem querimus. Twentie and more are the Soueraignes wee haue serued since our conquest, but Conquerour of hearts it is you and your Posteritie, that we haue vowed to loue and wish to serue whilst London is a Citie. In pledge whereof my Lord Maior, the Aldermen, and Commons of this Citie, wishing a golden Reigne vnto you, present your Greatnes with a little cup of gold.
rious Bridegroome through your Royall chamber: But to come neerer, Adest quem querimus. Twentie and more are the Soueraignes wee haue serued since our conquest, but Conquerour of hearts it is you and your Posteritie, that we haue vowed to loue and wish to serue whilst London is a Citie. In pledge whereof my Lord Maior, the Aldermen, and Commons of this Citie, wishing a golden Reigne vnto you, present your Greatnes with a little cup of gold.
At the end of the Oration three Cups of gold were giuen (in the name of the Lord Maior,
and the whole Body of the Citie,) to his Maiestie, the young Prince, and the Queene.
All which but aboue all (being gifts of greater value) the loyall hearts of the Citizens,
beeing louingly receaued; his Grace was (at least it was appointed he should haue
beene) met on his way neere to the Crosse, by Syluanus drest vp in greene Iuie, a Cornet in his hand, being attended on by foure other Syluans in Iuie likewise, their bowes and quiuers hanging on their shoulders, and winde Instruments
in their hands.
Vpon sight of his Maiestie, they make a stand, Syluanus breaking forth into this abrupt passion of ioy.
Stay Syluans, and let the loudest voyce of Musicke proclayme it (euen as high as Heauen) that
he is come.
Which acclamation of his was borne vp into the ayre, and there mingled with the breath
of their mu
sicall Instruments: whose sound beeing vanished to nothing, Thus goes our Speaker on.
sicall Instruments: whose sound beeing vanished to nothing, Thus goes our Speaker on.
Most happie Prince, pardon me, that being meane in habite, and wilde in apparance,
(for my richest liuorie is but leaues, and my stateliest dwelling but in the woodes,)
thus rudely with piping Syluanes. I presume to intercept your royall passage. These are my walkes: yet stand I heere,
not to cut off your way, but to giue it a full and a bounteous welcome, beeing a Messenger
sent from the Lady Eirene my Mistresse, to deliuer an errand to the best of all these Worthies, your royall
selfe. Many Kingdomes hath the Lady sought out to abide in, but from them all, hath
shee beene most churlishly banished: not that her beautie did deserue such vnkindnes,
but that (like the eye of Heauen) hers were too bright, and there were no Eagles breeding
in those nests, that could truly beholde them.
At last heere she ariued, Destinie subscribing to this Warrant, that none but this Land should be her Inheritance. In
contempt of which happines, Enuie shootes his impoisoned stings at her heart, but his Adders (being charmed) turne
their daungerous heads vpon his owne bosome. Those that dwell far off, pine away with
vexing to see her prosper, because all the acquaintauce which they haue of her, is
this, that they know there is such a goodly Creature as Eirene, in the world, yet her face they know not: whilst all those that heere sleepe vnder
the warmth of her wings, adore her by the sacred & Cœlestiall name of Peace, for number being (as her blessings are) infinite.
Her daughter Euporia (well knowne by the name of Plentie, is at this present with her, (being indeede neuer from her side) vnder yonder Arbour
they sit, which after the daughters name is called, Hortus Euporiæ (Plenties Bower:) Chast are they both, and both maydens in memorie of a Virgine, to whom they were
nurse children: for whose sake (because they were bound to her for their life,) mee,
haue they charged to lay at your imperiall feete, (being your hereditarie due) the
tribute of their loue: And with it thus to say.
That they haue languished many heauie moneths for your presence, which to them would
haue beene, (& proud they are that it shall be so now,) of the same operation and
influence, that the Sunne is to the spring, and the spring to the earth: hearing therefore
what trebble preferment you haue bestowed vpon this day, wherein besides the beames
of a glorious Sunne, two other cleare and gracious starres shine cheerefullie on these
her homely buildings: Into which (because no dutie should bee wanting) shee hath giuen
leaue euen to Strangers, to bee Sharers in her happines, by suffering them to bid
you likewise welcome. By mee (once hers now your vassaile,) shee entreates, and with
a knee sinking lower than the ground on which you tread, doo I humbly execute her
pleasure, that ere you passe further, you would deigne to walke into yonder Garden:
the Hesperides liue not there but the Muses, and the Muses no longer than vnder your protection.
Thus farre am I sent to conduct you thither, prostrately begging this grace, (since
I dare not, as beeing vnwoorthie, lackey by your royall side) in
that yet these my greene Followers and my selfe may bee ioyfull fore-runners of your expected approch, away Syluanus.
that yet these my greene Followers and my selfe may bee ioyfull fore-runners of your expected approch, away Syluanus.
And being (in this their returne) come neare to the Arbor, they gaue a signe with
a short florish from all their Cornets, that his Maiestie was at hand: whose princely
eye whilest it was delighting it selfe with the quaint obiect before it, a sweete
pleasure likewise courted his eare in the shape of Musicke, sent from the voyces of
nine Boyes (all of them Queristers of Paules) who in that place presenting the nine Muses sang the dittie following to their Viols
and other Instruments.
But, least leaping too bluntly into the midst of our Garden at first, we deface the
beautie of it, let vs send you round about it, and suruey the Walles, Allies, and
quarters of it as they lye in order.
This being the fashion of it.
The passages through it were two gates, arched and grated Arbor-wise, their heigth
being 16. foote, their breadth 10. from the roofe, and so on the sides, downe to the
ground, Cowcumbers, Pompions, Grapes, and all other fruits growing in the land, hanging
artificially in clusters: Betweene the two gates, a payre of stayres were mounted
with some 20 assents: at the bottome of them (on two pillers) were fixed two Satiers
carued out in wood; the sides of both the gates, being strengthened with foure great
French frames standing vpon pedestals, taking vp in their full height 20. foote.
The vpper part also caried the proportion, of an
Arbor, being closde with their round tops, the midst whereof was exalted aboue the other two, Fortune standing on the top of it. The garnishments for the whole Bower, being Apples, Peares, Cheries, Grapes, Roses, Lillies, and all other both fruits and flowers most artificially molded to the life. The whole frame of this somer banqueting house, stood (at the ground line) vpon 4 foore; the Perpendicular stretching itselfe to 45. Wee might (that day) haue called it, The Musicke roome, by reason of the chaunge of tunes, that danced round about it; for in one place were heard a noyse of cornets, in a second, a consort, the third, (which sate in sight) a set of Viols, to which the Muses sang.
Arbor, being closde with their round tops, the midst whereof was exalted aboue the other two, Fortune standing on the top of it. The garnishments for the whole Bower, being Apples, Peares, Cheries, Grapes, Roses, Lillies, and all other both fruits and flowers most artificially molded to the life. The whole frame of this somer banqueting house, stood (at the ground line) vpon 4 foore; the Perpendicular stretching itselfe to 45. Wee might (that day) haue called it, The Musicke roome, by reason of the chaunge of tunes, that danced round about it; for in one place were heard a noyse of cornets, in a second, a consort, the third, (which sate in sight) a set of Viols, to which the Muses sang.
The principall persons aduancde in this Bower, were, Eirene (Peace) and Euporia (Plenty) who sate together.
Peace: Was richly attired, her vpper garment of carnation, hanging loose, a Robe of White
vnder it, powdred with Starres, and girt to her: her haire of a bright colour, long,
and hanging at her back, but interwouen with white ribbands, and Iewels: her browes
were encompast with a wreath compounded of the Oliue, the Lawrell, & the Date tree:
In one hand shee held a Caducæns, (or Mercuries rod, the god of eloquence:) In the other, ripe eares of corne gilded: on her lap
sate a Doue: All these being ensignes, and furnitures of Peace.
Plenty: Her daughter sate of the left hand, in changable colours, a rich mantle of Gold
trauersing her bodie: her haire large and loosely spreading ouer her shoulders: on
her head a crowne of Poppy & Mustard seede; the antique badges of Fertilitie & Abundance, In her right hand a Cornucopia, filde with flowers, fruits, &c.
Directly vnder these, sate Chrusos, a person figuring Gold, his dressing, a tinsell Robe of the colour of Gold.
And close by him, Argurion, Siluer, all in white tinsell; both of them crownde, and both their hands supporting
a Globe, betweene them, in token that they commaunded ouer the world.
Pomona, the goddesse of garden fruits; sate at the one side of Gold and Siluer; attirde
in greene, a wreath of frutages circling her temples: her armes naked: her haire beautifull,
and long.
On the other side sate Ceres, crowned with ripened eares of Wheate, in a loose straw-coloured roabe.
In two large descents (a little belowe them) were placde at one end,
The nine Muses. { Clio. Euterpe. Thalia. Melpomene. Terpsicore. Erato. Polymnia. Vranio. Calliope. } With musicall instrumentes in their hands, to which they sung all the day.19
At the other end.
The 7 liberall Artes. { Grammer. Logique. Rhetorique. Musicke. Arithmeticke.20 Geometry. Astrology. } Holding shieldes in their hands, expressing their seuerall offices.21
Vpon the verie vpper edge of a faire large Freeze, running quite along the full breadth
of the Arbor, and iust a their feete were planted rankes of artificiall Artichocks
and roses.
To describe what apparrell these Arts, and Muses wore, were a hard labour, and when
it were done, all were but idle. Few Taylors know how to cut out their garments: they
haue no Wardrob at all, not a Mercer, nor Merchant, though they can all write and
read verie excellently well, will suffer them to bee great in their bookes. But (as
in other countries) so in this of ours, they goe attirde in such thin clothes, that
the winde euerie minute is readie to blowe through them: happy was it for them, that
they tooke vp
their lodging in a summer arbour, and that they had so much musicke to comfort them, their ioies (of which they do not euerie daie tast,) being notwithstanding now infinitelie multiplied, in this, that where before they might haue cryed out till they grew horse, & non would heare thē, now they sing.
their lodging in a summer arbour, and that they had so much musicke to comfort them, their ioies (of which they do not euerie daie tast,) being notwithstanding now infinitelie multiplied, in this, that where before they might haue cryed out till they grew horse, & non would heare thē, now they sing.
Aderitque vocatus Apollo.
Chorus in full voices answering it thus.
Ergo alacris Syluas, & cætera rura a voluptas
Panaque pastoresque tenet, Driadasque puellas,
Nec Lupus insidias pecori, nec retia Ceruis
Vlla dolum meditantur, amat bonus otia Daphnis;
Ipsi lætitia voces ad sidera iactant
Intonsi montes: ipsæ iam carmina Rupes,
Ipsasonant Arbusta, Deus, Deus ille!
Syluanus (as you may perceiue by his office before) was but sent of an errand: there was another
of a higher calling, a Trauailer, and one that had gon ouer much grownd, appointed
to speake to his Maiesty, his name Vertumnus, the maister Gardner, and husband to Pomona: To tell you what cloathes hee had on his backe were to doo him wrong, for hee had
(to say truth) but one suite: homelie it was, yet meete and fit for a Gardener: In
steade of a hat, his browes were bound about with flowers, out of whose thicke heapes,
here and there peeped a queene apple, a cherie, or a peare, this boon-grace hee made
of purpose to keepe his face from heate, (because he desired to looke louelie) yet
the sunne found him out, and by casting a continuall eye at him, whilst the old man
was dressing his arbours, his cheekes grew tawnie, which
colour for the better grace, he himselfe interpreted blushing. A white head he had, & sunne-burnt hands: in the one he held a weeding hooke, in the other a grafting knife: and this was the tenor of his speech. That he was bound to giue thanks to heauē, In that the arbour and trees which growing in that fruitfull Cynthian garden, began to droop and hang downe their greene heades, and to vncurle their crisped forlocks, as fearing and in some sort, feeling the sharpenesse of Autumnian malice, are now on the sudden by the deuine influence apparelled with a fresh and more liuely verdure than euer they were before. The nine Muses that could expect no better entertainement than sad banishment, hauing now louely and amiable faces: Arts that were threatned to be trod vnder foot by Barbarisime, now (euen at sight of his Maiestie who is the Delian Patrō both of the Muses & Arts) being likewise aduanced to most high prefermēt whilst the very rurall & Syluane troopes dancd for ioy; the Lady therfore of the place Eirene, (his mistris) in name of the Prætor, Consuls & Senators of the City, who carefully pruine this garden, (weeding out al hurtful & idle branches that hinder the growth of the good,) and who are indeede, Ergatai Pistoi, faithfull Laborers in this peice of ground, Shee doth in all their names, (& he in behalfe of his Lady) offer them selues, this Arbor, the bowers & walkes, yea her children gold & siluer, with the louing & loyall harts of all those the Sons of peace, standing about him, to be disposde after his royal pleasure. And so wishing his happie Arriual, at a more glorious bower, to which he is now
going, yet welcoming him to this, & praying his Maiesty not to forget this poore Arbor of his Lady, Musicke is commanded to cary all their praiers for his happie reigne, with the loud Amen of all his Subiects as hie as heauen.
colour for the better grace, he himselfe interpreted blushing. A white head he had, & sunne-burnt hands: in the one he held a weeding hooke, in the other a grafting knife: and this was the tenor of his speech. That he was bound to giue thanks to heauē, In that the arbour and trees which growing in that fruitfull Cynthian garden, began to droop and hang downe their greene heades, and to vncurle their crisped forlocks, as fearing and in some sort, feeling the sharpenesse of Autumnian malice, are now on the sudden by the deuine influence apparelled with a fresh and more liuely verdure than euer they were before. The nine Muses that could expect no better entertainement than sad banishment, hauing now louely and amiable faces: Arts that were threatned to be trod vnder foot by Barbarisime, now (euen at sight of his Maiestie who is the Delian Patrō both of the Muses & Arts) being likewise aduanced to most high prefermēt whilst the very rurall & Syluane troopes dancd for ioy; the Lady therfore of the place Eirene, (his mistris) in name of the Prætor, Consuls & Senators of the City, who carefully pruine this garden, (weeding out al hurtful & idle branches that hinder the growth of the good,) and who are indeede, Ergatai Pistoi, faithfull Laborers in this peice of ground, Shee doth in all their names, (& he in behalfe of his Lady) offer them selues, this Arbor, the bowers & walkes, yea her children gold & siluer, with the louing & loyall harts of all those the Sons of peace, standing about him, to be disposde after his royal pleasure. And so wishing his happie Arriual, at a more glorious bower, to which he is now
going, yet welcoming him to this, & praying his Maiesty not to forget this poore Arbor of his Lady, Musicke is commanded to cary all their praiers for his happie reigne, with the loud Amen of all his Subiects as hie as heauen.
Shine Titan shine.
Let thy sharpe raies be hurld
Not on this vnder world,
For now tis none of thine.
These first 4. lines were sung by one alone, the single lines following, by a Chorus in full voices.
Chor. No, no tis none of thine.
But in that spheare,
Where what thine armes infolde,
Turnes all to burnisht gold,
Spend thy guilt arrowes there,
Chor. Doe, doe, shoote onelie there.
Earth needes thee not:
Her childbed daies are done,
And Shee another Sunne,
Faire as thy selfe has got.
Chor. A new new Sunne is got.
O this is had!
Whose new beames make our Spring,
Men glad and birdes to Sing,
Hymnes of praise, ioy, and glee.
Sing, Sing, O this is hee!
That in the North
First rizing: shonne (so far)
Bright as the morning Starre,
At his gaie comming forth.
Chor. See, see, he now comes forth.
How soone ioies varie?
Here staide had still! O then
Happie both place and men,
But here had list not tarrie.
Chor. O griefe! had list not tarrie.
No, no, his beames,
Must equall deuide,
Their heate to Orbes beside,
Like nourishing siluer streames.
Chor. Ioies slide awaie like streames.
Yet in this lies
Sweete hope: how far soeuer,
Hee bides, no cloudes can seuer,
His glorie from our eyes.
Chor. Drie, drie, your weeping eies.
And make heauen ring,
His welcomes showted loudelie,
For Heauen it selfe lookes proudly,
That earth has such a King.
Chor. Earth has not such a King.
His Maiestie dwelt here a reasonable long time, giuing both good allowance to the
song & Musick, and liberally bestowing his eye on the workemanship of the place: from
whence at the length departing, his next entrance was, as it were, into the closet
or rather the priuy chamber to this our Court royall: through the windowes of which
he might behold the Cathedrall Temple of Saint Paule: vpon whose lower batlements an Antheme was sung, by the Quiristers of the Church
to the musicke of loud instrumēts: which being finisht, a latine Oratiō was Viua voce deliuered to his grace, by one of maister Mulcasters Schollers, at the dore of the
free-schole fownded by the Mercers.
Oratio habita, & ad Regem, & coram Rege præ schola Paulina. (...)
BReuis ero, ne ingratus sim, Rex serenissime, licet, & planè, & plenè putem Regem tam
prudentem, in tam profusa suorum lætitia, ita se hodie patientia contra taedium armauisse,
ne vllius tœdij ipsum posset tœdere. A Edificium hoc magno sumptu suo extructum Dominus
Iohannes Collettus Ecclesiæ Paulinæ Decanus, sub Henrico septimo, maiestatis tuæ prudentissimo abauo, erudiendae pueritiæ consecrauit, vt huius scholæ
infantia tuo in Regnum. Anglicanum iure coetanea existat. Tanta magnificentia conditum
parique magnificentia dotatum fidelissimæ Mercerorum huius vrbis primaria semper,
hodie etiam Prætoriæ societati tuendum testamento moriens commendauit. Quæ societas,
& demortui fundatoris spei, & nostrae educationis studio fidem suam sanctissimè exoluit.
Hic nos cum multis alijs erudimur, qui communi nomine totius pueritiæ Anglicanæ, a
Domino Rege,
licet sponte sua ad omnia optima saris incitato, bumillimè tamen contendimus, vt quemadmodum sua ætatis ratione, in omnire adultioribus prospicit, ita in summae spei Principis Henrici gratiam tenerioribus, parique cum ipso ætate pueris, in scholarum cura velit etiam consulere. Virgæ enim obsequium sceptriobedicntiā & parit, & præit inquit preceptor meus. Quique metu didicit iuuenis parere puerque, grandibus imperiis officiosus erit. Habent scholæ Anglicanae multa, in quibus Regiam maiestatis correctionem esflagitant, ne inde in Academias implumes euolent vnde in Rempublicam implumiores etiam è prima nuditate emittuntur. Quod malum à Preceptore nostro accepimus: qui annos iam quatuor supra quinquaginta publice, priuatimque erudiendæ pueritiæ praefuit, & hæc scholarum errata, cum aliquo etiam dolore suo, & passim, & sparsim deprehendit. Nostra hæc schola fundatorem Collettum hominētam pium; tutores Merceros homines tam fidos cousequuta, quam esset fœlix, si placeret, Domino etiam Regi, quod Regibus Angliae, ad summam apud suos charitatem saepissimè profuit, huic Mercerorum principi societati,
fratrem se, & conciuem adscribere, Quantum huic vrbi ornamentum, quantum socierati honestamentum, Quantum scholae nostræ emolumentum? Quantus etiam Regi ipsi honos inde accederet, mauult, qui hoc vuit alias inter alia per otium Regi suo apperire, quam hodie cum tædio & præter aream eidem explicare. Omnipotēs Deus Iesus Christus & cum co, ac per cum noster, et Pater, et Deus serenissimum Regē Iacobum, honoratissimam Reginam Annam, nobilissimum Principem Henricum, reliquamque Regiæ stirpis ad omnia summa natam sobolem diu nobis ita incolumes tueatur, vt cum huius vitæ secundissimum curriculum confeceritis, beatissimam vitæ cælestis æternitatem cousequamini. Dixi.
licet sponte sua ad omnia optima saris incitato, bumillimè tamen contendimus, vt quemadmodum sua ætatis ratione, in omnire adultioribus prospicit, ita in summae spei Principis Henrici gratiam tenerioribus, parique cum ipso ætate pueris, in scholarum cura velit etiam consulere. Virgæ enim obsequium sceptriobedicntiā & parit, & præit inquit preceptor meus. Quique metu didicit iuuenis parere puerque, grandibus imperiis officiosus erit. Habent scholæ Anglicanae multa, in quibus Regiam maiestatis correctionem esflagitant, ne inde in Academias implumes euolent vnde in Rempublicam implumiores etiam è prima nuditate emittuntur. Quod malum à Preceptore nostro accepimus: qui annos iam quatuor supra quinquaginta publice, priuatimque erudiendæ pueritiæ praefuit, & hæc scholarum errata, cum aliquo etiam dolore suo, & passim, & sparsim deprehendit. Nostra hæc schola fundatorem Collettum hominētam pium; tutores Merceros homines tam fidos cousequuta, quam esset fœlix, si placeret, Domino etiam Regi, quod Regibus Angliae, ad summam apud suos charitatem saepissimè profuit, huic Mercerorum principi societati,
fratrem se, & conciuem adscribere, Quantum huic vrbi ornamentum, quantum socierati honestamentum, Quantum scholae nostræ emolumentum? Quantus etiam Regi ipsi honos inde accederet, mauult, qui hoc vuit alias inter alia per otium Regi suo apperire, quam hodie cum tædio & præter aream eidem explicare. Omnipotēs Deus Iesus Christus & cum co, ac per cum noster, et Pater, et Deus serenissimum Regē Iacobum, honoratissimam Reginam Annam, nobilissimum Principem Henricum, reliquamque Regiæ stirpis ad omnia summa natam sobolem diu nobis ita incolumes tueatur, vt cum huius vitæ secundissimum curriculum confeceritis, beatissimam vitæ cælestis æternitatem cousequamini. Dixi.
Our next Arch of triumph, was erected aboue the Conduit in Fleetstreete, into which (as into the long and beauteous gallery of the Citie) his Maiestie being
entered; a farre off (as if it had beene some swelling Promentory, or rather some
inchanted Castle guarded by tenne thousand harmelesse spirits) did his eye encounter
another Towre of Pleasure.
Presenting it selfe.
Fourescore and ten foote in height, and fiftie in breadth; the gate twentie foote
in the perpendicular line, and fourteene in the ground line: The two Posternes were
answerable to these that are set downe before: ouer the posternes riz vp in proportionable
measures, two turrets, with battlementes on the tops: The middest of the building
was laid open to the world, and great reason it should be so, for the Globe of the
world, was there seene to mooue, being fild with all the degrees, and states that
are in the land: and these were the mechanicall and dead limmes of this carued bodie.
As touching those that had the vse of motion in it, and for a neede durst haue spoken,
but that there was no stuffe fit for their mouthes.
The principall and worthiest was Astraea (Iustice) sitting alost, as being newly descended from heauen, gloriously attirde; all her
garments being thickely strewed with starres: a crowne of starres on her head: a Siluer
veile couering her eyes. Hauing tolde you that her name was Iustice, I hope you will not put mee to describe what properties
she held in her hands, sithence euery painted cloath can informe you.
she held in her hands, sithence euery painted cloath can informe you.
Enuy, vnhandsomely attirde all in blacke, her haire of the same colour, filletted about
with snakes, stood in a darke and obscure place by her selfe, neere vnto Vertue, but making shew of a fearefulnesse to approach her and the light: yet still & anon,
casting her eyes, sometimes to the one side beneath, where on seuerall Greeces sate
the foure cardinall vertues:
And sometimes throwing a distorted and repining countenance to the other opposite
seate, on which, his Maiesties foure kingdomes were aduanced.
All of them, in rich Robes and Mantles; crownes on their heads, and Scepters with
persild scutchions
in their hands, lined with the coats of the particular kingdomes: for very madnesse, that she beheld these glorious obiects, she stood feeding on the heads of Adders.
in their hands, lined with the coats of the particular kingdomes: for very madnesse, that she beheld these glorious obiects, she stood feeding on the heads of Adders.
The foure Elements in proper shapes, (artificially and aptly expressing their qualities)
vpon the approch of his Maiestie, went round in a proportionable and euen circle,
touching that cantle of the Globe, (which was open) to the full view of his Maiestie,
which being done, they bestowed themselues in such comely order, and stood so, as
if the Eronie had beene held vp on the tops of their fingers.
vpon distinct Ascensions, (neatly raisde within the hollow wombe of the Globe) were
placed all the states of the land, from the Nobleman to the Ploughman, among whom
there was not one word to bee heard, for you must imagine as Virgil saith:
Aegl. 4. Magnus ab integroseclorum nascitur ordo.
Iam redit at * virgo redeunt Saturnia regna.
That it was now the golden world, in vhich there were few parts.
And thus went his speach.
THe populous Globe of this our English Ile,
Seemde to mooue backward, at the funerall pile,
Of her dead female Maiestie. All states
From Nobles downe to spirits of meaner Fares,
Mooude opposite to Nature and to Peace,
As if these men had bin Th’Antipodes,
But see, the vertue of a Regall eye,
Th’attractiue wonder of mans Maiestie,
Our Globe is drawne in a right line agen,
And now appeare new faces, and new men.
The Elements, Earth, Water, Ayre, and Fire,
(Which euer clipt a naturall desire,
To combat each with other, being at first,)
Created enemies to fight their worst,
See at the peacefull presence of their King,
How quietly they moude, without their sting:
Earth not deuouring, Fire not defacing,
Waternot drowning, & the Ayre not chasing:
But proping the queint Fabrick that heere stands,
Without the violence of their wrathfull hands.
Mirror of times, lo where thy Fotune sits,
Aboue the world, and all our humaine wits,
But thy hye Vertue aboue that: what pen,
Or Art, or braine can reach thy vertue then?
At whose immortall brightnes and true light,
Enuies infectious eyes haue lost their sight,
Her snakes (not daring to shoot-forth their stings
Gainst such a glorious obiect) downe she flings
Their forkes of Venome into her owne mawe,
Whilst her ranke teeth the glittering poisons chawe,
For tis the property of Enuies blood,
To dry away at euery kingdomes good,
Especially when shee had eyes to view,
These foure maine vertues figurde all in you,
And then so rich an Empyre, whose fayre brest,
Contaynes foure Kingdomes by your entrance blest
By Brute diuided, but by you alone,
All are againe vnited and made One,
Whose fruitfull glories shine so far and euen,
They touch not onely earth, but they kisse heauen,
From whence AstrThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process.
Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (KL)æa is descended hither,
Who with our last Queenes Spirit,25 fled vp thither,
Fore-knowing on the earth, she could not rest,
Till you had lockt her in your rightfull brest.
And therefore all Estates, whose proper Arts,
Liue by the breath of Majestie, had harts
Burning in holy Zeales immaculate fires,
With quenchles Ardors, and vnstaind desires,
To see what they now see, your powerful Grace,
Reflecting joyes on every subjects face:
These paynted flames and yellow burning Stripes,
Vpon this roab, being but as showes and types,
Of that great Zeale. And therefore in the name
Of this glad Citie, whither no Prince euer came,
More lou’d, more long’d for, lowely I intreate,
You’ld be to her as gracious as y’are great:
So with reuerberate shoutes our Globe shall ring,
The Musicks close being thus: God saue our King.
If there be any glorie to be won by writing these lynes, I do freelie bestow it (as
his due) on Tho. Meddleton, in whose braine they were begotton, though they were deliuered heere: Qnæ nos non ecimus ipsi, vix ea nostra voco.
But hauing peiced vp our wings now againe with our owne feathers; sufter vs a while
to be pruning them, and to lay them smooth, whilst this song, which
went foorth at the sound of Hault-boyes, and other lowde instruments, flyes along with the trayne.
went foorth at the sound of Hault-boyes, and other lowde instruments, flyes along with the trayne.
Where are all these Honors owing?
Why are seas of people flowing?
Tell mee, tell me Rumor,
Though it be thy Humor
More often to be lying,
Than from thy breath to haue trueth flying:
Yet alter, now that fashion,
And without the streame of passion,
Let thy voyce swim smooth and cleare,
When words want gilding, then they are most deere
Behold where Ioue and all the States,
Of Heau’n, through Heau’ns seauen siluer gates,
All in glory riding
(Backs of Clowds bestriding)
The milky waie do couer,
With starry Path being measur’d ouer,
The Deities conuent,
In Ioues high Court of Parliament.
Rumor thou doest loose thine aymes,
This is not Ioue, but One, as great, King IAMES.
And now take we our flight vp to Temple-bar, (the other ende of this our Gallery) where by this time, his Majestie is vpon the
poynt of giuing a gratious and Princely Fare-well to the Lord Major, and the CitieThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The
text has been supplied based on guesswork. (KL). But that his eye meeting a seauenth beautifull object, is invited by that, to delay
awhile his (lamented) departure.
The Building being set out thus.
The Front or Surface of it was proportioned in euery respect like a Temple, being
dedicated to Ianus, as by this inscriptiō ouer the Ianus head may appeare.
Iano Quadri fronti Sacrum.
The height of the whole Aedifice, from the grownd line to the top, was 57. foote,
the full bredth of it 18. foote: the thicknes of the Passage 12.
The personages that were in this Temple, are these.
1. The principall person, Peace.
2. By her stood, Wealth.
3. Beneath the feet of Peace, lay Mars (War) groueling.
4. And vpon her right had (but with some little descent) was seated Quiet, the first hand-maid of Peace.
5. Shee had lying at her feete, Tumule.
6. On the other side was the seconde hand-mayd, Libertie at whose feete lay a Catte.
7. This person trod vpon Seruitude.
8. The third handmaid was Safety.
9. Beneath her was Danger,
10 The fourth attendant was, Fælicitie:
11 At her feete, Vnhappines.
Within the Temple was an Altar, to which, vpon the approch of the King, a Flamin appeares, and to him, the former Genius of the Citie.
The effect of whose speech was, that whereas the Flamin came to performe rites there, in hônour of one Anna a goddesse of the Romaines, the Genius vowes, that none shall doe Sacrifice there, but himselfe, the offring that he makes
being, the Heart of the Citie, &c.
And thus haue wee (lowely and aloofe) followed our Soueraigne through the seauen Triumphal
gates of this his Court Royall, which name, as London receiued at the rysing of the Sunne; so now at his going from her (euen in a moment) She lost that honour: And being
(like an Actor on a Stage) stript out of her borrowed Maiestie, she resignes her former
shape & title of Citie; nor is it quite lost, considering it went along with him,
to whom it is due. For such Vertue is begotten in Princes, that their verie presence
hath power to turnea Village to a Citie, and to make a Citie appeare great as a Kingdome.
Behold how glorious a Flower, Happinesse is, but how fading. The Minutes (that lackey
at the heeles of Time) run not faster away then do our joyes. What tongue could haue exprest the raptures
on which the soule of the Citie was carried beyond it selfe, for the space of manie
houres? What wealth could haue allurde her to haue closde her eies, at the comming
of her King, and yet See, her Bridegrome is but stept from her, and in a Minute (nay
in shorter time, then a thought can be borne) is she made a Widdow. All her consolation
being now, to repeate ouer by roate those Honors, which lately she had perfectly by
hart: And to tell of those joyes, which but euen now, shee reallie behelde; yet thus
of her absent, beloued, do I
heare her gladly and heartily speaking.
heare her gladly and heartily speaking.
In freta dum Fluvii Current: dum montibus vmbra,
Lustrabvnt Conuexa, Polus dum sidera pascet,
Semper Honos, Nomenque tuum, Laudesque manebunt.
The Pageant in the Strond.
THe Citie of Westminster and Dutchy of Lancaster, perceiuing what preparation their neighbor citie made to entertain her Soueraigne;
though in greatnes they could not match her, yet in greatnes of Loue and Duetie, they
gaue testimonie, that both were equall. And in token they were so, hands and hearts
went together: and in the Strond, erected vp a Monument of their affection.
The Inuention was a Rayne-bow, the Moone, Sunne, and the seauen Starres, called the
Pleiades, being aduaunced betweene two Pyramides: Electra (one of those seauen hanging in the aire, in figure of a Comet) was the speaker,
her words carrying this effect.
That as his Majestie had left the Citie of London, happy, by deliuering it frō the noyse of tumult: so he would crowne this place with
the like joyes; which being done, shee reckons vp a number of blessings, that will
follow vpon it.
The worke of this was thought vpon, begun and made perfect in xij. daies.
As touching those fiue which the Citie builded, the Arbor in Cheap-side, and the Temple of Ianus, at Temple-bar, were both of them begun and finisht in sixe weekes. The rest were taken in hande,
first in March last, after his Majestie was proclThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the
whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to
this text (context, etc.). (KL)aymeth,
vpon which, at that time, they wrought till a Moneth after S. Iames his day following,27 and then gaue ouer by reason of the sicknes: At this second setting vpon thē, six weekes more were spent.
vpon which, at that time, they wrought till a Moneth after S. Iames his day following,27 and then gaue ouer by reason of the sicknes: At this second setting vpon thē, six weekes more were spent.
The Citie elected sixteene Comitties, to whom the Mannaging of the whole busines was
absolutely referred: of which number, foure were Aldermen, the other grauè Commoners.
There were also Committies appoynted as Ouerseers, and Serueyors of the workes.
Artificum Operarium que in hoc tam celebri apparatu, summa. summa.
THe Citie imployed in the Framing, building, and setting vp of their fiue Arches, these officers and worke-men.
A Clarke that attended on the Committies.
Two officers that gaue Summons for their meetings. &c.
A clarke of the Workes.
Two master-Carpenters.
Of which nnmber, those that gaue the maine direction, and vndertooke for the whole
busines, were only these seauen.
{ William Friselfield. George Mosse. Iohn Knight. Paul Isacson. Samuell Goodrick. Richard Wood. George Heron. }28
Caruers. | 2429 |
Ouer whom, Stephen Harrison Ioyner was appoynted chiefe; who was the sole Inuentor of the Architecture, and from
whom all directions, for so much as belonged to Caruing, Ioyning, Molding, and all
other worke in those fiue Pageants of the Citie (Paynting excepted) were set downe.
Ioyners | 80 |
Carpenters. | 60 |
Turners. | 6 |
Laborers to them. | 6 |
Sawyers. | 12 |
Laborers during all the time, and for the day of the Triumph. | 70 |
Besides these, there were other Artificers, As:
Plommers, Smythes, Molders.
To the Reader.
REader, you must vnderstand, that a regard, being had that his Majestie should not
be wearied with teadious speeches: A great part of those which are in this Booke set
downe, were left vnspoken: So that thou doest here receiue them as they should haue
bene deliuered, not as they were. Some errours wander vp and downe in these sheetes,
vnder the Printers warrant: which notwithstanding may by thy Authoritie be brought
in, and receiue their due Correction. As in F. 2. For, From his owne cleare strength, Read, cleare, straight, &c. And within fewe lines beneath that: In steede of, (Because alluring this tryumph) Read, because that during these, &c. In the Cant. likewise, beginning thus, Shine Titan Shine, In steed of, O this is Had, read, O this is He. And in the sixt staffe: For, Here stayd, Had still. But here Had list not tary. Read for euery Had, hee. Other faults pardon, these I thinke are the grosest.
- I.e., James VI and I. (KL)↑
- I.e., Elizabeth I. (KL)↑
- I.e., the Bars by St. Mary Spital. (JZ)↑
- I.e., fumenque. (KL)↑
- In the facsimile, the dropcap
appears after the numbers1
(KL)↑ - I.e., Henry Frederick. (KL)↑
- I.e., Thomas Lowe. (KL)↑
- I.e., ardescitque. (KL)↑
- I.e., pacique. (KL)↑
- It is unclear to which
King Edward
Thomas Dekker refers. (KL)↑ - I.e., Flammasque. (KL)↑
- I.e., subigisque. (KL)↑
- I.e., vterque. (KL)↑
- I.e., capiatque. (KL)↑
- I.e., Anne of Denmark. (KL)↑
- This word appears at the end of the line. The duplicate
is a compositorial error. (KL)↑ - See facsimile image for the layout of this list. (KL)↑
- See facsimile image for the layout of this list. (KL)↑
- See facsimile image for the layout of this list. (KL)↑
- Period added for clarity. (KL)↑
- See facsimile image for the layout of this list. (KL)↑
- See facsimile image for the layout of this list. (KL)↑
- See facsimile image for the layout of this list. (KL)↑
- I.e., Henry Frederick. (KL)↑
- I.e., spirit of Elizabeth I. (KL)↑
- See facsimile image for placement of
(KL)↑ - St. James Day is celebrated on 25 July, so the date here is 25 August. (KL)↑
- See facsimile image for the layout of this list. (KL)↑
- See facsimile image for the layout of
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The Magnificent Entertainment.The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by , U of Victoria, 05 May 2022,
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The Magnificent Entertainment.The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022.
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The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
2022. The Magnificent Entertainment. In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, RefWorks, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Dekker, Thomas ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - The Magnificent Entertainment T2 - The Map of Early Modern London ET - 7.0 PY - 2022 DA - 2022/05/05 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#DEKK1"><surname>Dekker</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>.
<title level="a">The Magnificent Entertainment</title>. <title level="m">The Map of
Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name
ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>,
<publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>,
<ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>
Jamie Zabel
Research Assistant, 2020-2021. Managing Encoder, 2020-2021. Jamie Zabel was an MA student at the University of Victoria in the Department of English. She completed her BA in English at the University of British Columbia in 2017. She published a paper in University College London’s graduate publication Moveable Type (2020) and presented at the University of Victoria’s 2021 Digital Humanities Summer Institute. During her time at MoEML, she made significant contributions to the 1598 and 1633 editions of Stow’s Survey as proofreader, editor, and encoder, coordinated the encoding of the 1633 edition, and researched and authored a number of encyclopedia articles and geo-coordinates to supplement both editions. She also played a key role in managing the correction process of MoEML’s Gazetteer.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Primary Encoder
Transcription Proofreader
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Jamie Zabel is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Lucas Simpson
Research Assistant, 2018-2021. Lucas Simpson was a student at the University of Victoria.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Lucas Simpson is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Lucas Simpson is mentioned in the following documents:
Kate LeBere
Project Manager, 2020-2021. Assistant Project Manager, 2019-2020. Research Assistant, 2018-2020. Kate LeBere completed her BA (Hons.) in History and English at the University of Victoria in 2020. She published papers in The Corvette (2018), The Albatross (2019), and PLVS VLTRA (2020) and presented at the English Undergraduate Conference (2019), Qualicum History Conference (2020), and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute’s Project Management in the Humanities Conference (2021). While her primary research focus was sixteenth and seventeenth century England, she completed her honours thesis on Soviet ballet during the Russian Cultural Revolution. During her time at MoEML, Kate made significant contributions to the 1598 and 1633 editions of Stow’s Survey of London, old-spelling anthology of mayoral shows, and old-spelling library texts. She authored the MoEML’s first Project Management Manual andquickstart
guidelines for new employees and helped standardize the Personography and Bibliography. She is currently a student at the University of British Columbia’s iSchool, working on her masters in library and information science.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Transcription Proofreader
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Kate LeBere is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Kate LeBere is mentioned in the following documents:
Tracey El Hajj
Junior Programmer 2018-2020. Research Associate 2020-2021. Tracey received her PhD from the Department of English at the University of Victoria in the field of Science and Technology Studies. Her research focuses on the algorhythmics of networked communications. She was a 2019-20 President’s Fellow in Research-Enriched Teaching at UVic, where she taught an advanced course onArtificial Intelligence and Everyday Life.
Tracey was also a member of the Linked Early Modern Drama Online team, between 2019 and 2021. Between 2020 and 2021, she was a fellow in residence at the Praxis Studio for Comparative Media Studies, where she investigated the relationships between artificial intelligence, creativity, health, and justice. As of July 2021, Tracey has moved into the alt-ac world for a term position, while also teaching in the English Department at the University of Victoria.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Junior Programmer
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Tracey El Hajj is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Tracey El Hajj is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017. Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
CSS Editor
Copy Editor
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Junior Programmer
Markup Editor
Post-Conversion Editor
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Joey Takeda is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Joey Takeda is mentioned in the following documents:
Joey Takeda authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle and Joseph Takeda.
Making the RA Matter: Pedagogy, Interface, and Practices.
Making Things and Drawing Boundaries: Experiments in the Digital Humanities. Ed. Jentery Sayers. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2018. Print.
Amorena Roberts
Research Assistant, 2016, 2018. Student contributor enrolled in English 362: Popular Literature in the Renaissance at the University of Victoria in Spring 2016, working under the guest editorship of Janelle Jenstad.Roles played in the project
CSS Editor
Markup Editor
Transcription Proofreader
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Amorena Roberts is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Amorena Roberts is mentioned in the following documents:
Mark Kaethler
Mark Kaethler is Department Chair, Arts, at Medicine Hat College; Assistant Director, Mayoral Shows, with MoEML; and Assistant Director for LEMDO. They are the author of Thomas Middleton and the Plural Politics of Jacobean Drama (De Gruyter, 2021) and a co-editor with Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Janelle Jenstad of Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media: Old Words, New Tools (Routledge, 2018). Their work has appeared in The London Journal, Early Theatre, Literature Compass, Digital Studies/Le Champe Numérique, and Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, as well as in several edited collections. Mark’s research interests include digital media and humanities; textual editing; game studies; and early modern drama.Roles played in the project
Assistant Project Director
CSS Editor
Guest Editor
Markup Editor
Mark Kaethler is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Mark Kaethler is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge, 2018).Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Author (Preface)
Author of Preface
Copy Editor
Course Instructor
Course Supervisor
Data Manager
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Peer Reviewer
Project Director
Transcription Proofreader
Contributions by this author
Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Janelle Jenstad is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle and Joseph Takeda.
Making the RA Matter: Pedagogy, Interface, and Practices.
Making Things and Drawing Boundaries: Experiments in the Digital Humanities. Ed. Jentery Sayers. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2018. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.
Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.
The Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L. Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..The City Cannot Hold You
: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s Shop. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.The Gouldesmythes Storehowse
: Early Evidence for Specialisation. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Public Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.
Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed. Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Smock Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.
Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Using Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.
GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed. Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Versioning John Stow’s A Survey of London, or, What’s New in 1618 and 1633?.
Janelle Jenstad Blog. -
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Internet Shakespeare Editions. U of Victoria.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed.
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Geo-Coordinate Researcher
Markup Editor
Post-Conversion Editor
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the three Graces in Greek mythology. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Aglaia is mentioned in the following documents:
Brutus of Troy
Brutus King of Great Britain
King of Britain and founder of London. Husband of Innogen. Father of Albanact, Camber, and Locrine. Son of Aeneas. Appears in Geoffrey of Monouth’s History of the Kings of Britain.Brutus of Troy is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Creede is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Dekker is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Dekker authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Bevington, David. Introduction.
The Shoemaker’s Holiday.
By Thomas Dekker. English Renaissance Drama: A Norton Anthology. Ed. David Bevington, Lars Engle, Katharine Eisaman Maus, and Eric Rasmussen. New York: Norton, 2002. 483–487. Print. -
Dekker, Thomas, and John Webster. Vvest-vvard hoe As it hath been diuers times acted by the Children of Paules. London: [William Jaggard] for Iohn Hodgets, 1607. STC 6540.
Dekker, Thomas. Britannia’s Honor.
The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker.
Vol. 4. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1961. Print. -
Dekker, Thomas. The Dead Tearme. Or Westminsters Complaint for long Vacations and short Termes. Written in Manner of a Dialogue betweene the two Cityes London and Westminster. 1608. The Non-Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. Ed. Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. 5 vols. 1885. Reprinted by New York: Russell and Russell, 1963. 1–84. Print.
Dekker, Thomas. The Gull’s Horn-Book: Or, Fashions to Please All Sorts of Gulls. Thomas Dekker: The Wonderful Year, The Gull’s Horn-Book, Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish, English Villainies Discovered by Lantern and Candelight, and Selected Writings. Ed. E.D. Pendry. London: Edward Arnold, 1967. 64–109. The Stratford-upon-Avon Library 4.
Dekker, Thomas. If it be not good, the Diuel is in it A nevv play, as it hath bin lately acted, vvith great applause, by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants: at the Red Bull. London: Printed by Thomas Creede for John Trundle, 1612. STC 6507.
Dekker, Thomas. Lantern and Candlelight. 1608. Ed. Viviana Comensoli. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2007. Publications of the Barnabe Riche Society.
Dekker, Thomas. Londons Tempe, or The Feild of Happines. London: Nicholas Okes, 1629. STC 6509. DEEP 736. Greg 421a. Copy: British Library; Shelfmark: C.34.g.11.
Dekker, Thomas. Londons Tempe, or The Feild of Happines. London: Nicholas Okes, 1629. STC 6509. DEEP 736. Greg 421a. Copy: Huntington Library; Shelfmark: Rare Books 59055.
Dekker, Thomas. Londons Tempe, or The Feild of Happines. London: Nicholas Okes, 1629. STC 6509. DEEP 736. Greg 421a. Copy: National Library of Scotland; Shelfmark: Bute.143.
Dekker, Thomas. London’s Tempe. The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Vol. 4. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1961. Print.
Dekker, Thomas. The magnificent entertainment giuen to King Iames, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, vpon the day of his Maiesties tryumphant passage (from the Tower) through his honourable citie (and chamber) of London, being the 15. of March. 1603. As well by the English as by the strangers: vvith the speeches and songes, deliuered in the seuerall pageants. London: T[homas] C[reede, Humphrey Lownes, Edward Allde and others] for Tho. Man the yonger, 1604. STC 6510
Dekker, Thomas. The Magnificent Entertainment: Giuen to King James, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, ypon the day of his Majesties Triumphant Passage (from the Tower) through his Honourable Citie (and Chamber) of London being the 15. Of March. 1603. London: T. Man, 1604. Treasures in full: Renaissance Festival Books. British Library.
Dekker, Thomas. The owles almanacke Prognosticating many strange accidents which shall happen to this kingdome of Great Britaine this yeare, 1618. Calculated as well for the meridian mirth of London as any other part of Great Britaine. Found in an iuy-bush written in old characters, and now published in English by the painefull labours of Mr. Iocundary Merrie-braines. London: E[dward] G[riffin] for Laurence Lisle, 1618. STC 6515.
Dekker, Thomas. Penny-vvis[e] pound foolish or, a Bristovv diamond, set in t[wo] rings, and both crack’d Profitable for married men, pleasant for young men, a[nd a] rare example for all good women. London: A[ugustine] M[athewes] for Edward Blackmore, 1631. STC 6516.
Dekker, Thomas. The Second Part of the Honest Whore, with the Humors of the Patient Man, the Impatient Wife: the Honest Whore, perswaded by strong Arguments to turne Curtizan againe: her braue refuting those Arguments. London: Printed by Elizabeth All-de for Nathaniel Butter, 1630. STC 6506.
Dekker, Thomas. The seuen deadly sinnes of London drawne in seuen seuerall coaches, through the seuen seuerall gates of the citie bringing the plague with them. Opus septem dierum. London: E[dward] A[llde and S. Stafford] for Nathaniel Butter, 1606. STC 6522.
Dekker, Thomas. The Shoemaker’s Holiday. Ed. R.L. Smallwood and Stanley Wells. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1979. The Revels Plays.
Dekker, Thomas. The shomakers holiday. Or The gentle craft VVith the humorous life of Simon Eyre, shoomaker, and Lord Maior of London. As it was acted before the Queenes most excellent Maiestie on New-yeares day at night last, by the right honourable the Earle of Notingham, Lord high Admirall of England, his seruants. London: Valentine Sims, 1600. STC 6523.
Dekker, Thomas, Stephen Harrison, Ben Jonson, and Thomas Middleton. The Whole Royal and Magnificent Entertainment of King James through the City of London, 15 March 1604, with the Arches of Triumph. Ed. R. Malcolm Smuts. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works. Gen. ed. Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. 219–279. Print.
Dekker, Thomas. Troia-Noua Triumphans. London: Nicholas Okes, 1612. STC 6530. DEEP 578. Greg 302a. Copy: Chapin Library; Shelfmark: 01WIL_ALMA.
Dekker, Thomas. TThe shoomakers holy-day. Or The gentle craft VVith the humorous life of Simon Eyre, shoomaker, and Lord Mayor of London. As it was acted before the Queenes most excellent Maiestie on New-yeares day at night last, by the right honourable the Earle of Notingham, Lord high Admirall of England, his seruants. London: G. Eld for I. Wright, 1610. STC 6524.
Dekker, Thomas. Westward Ho! The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. Vol. 2. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1964. Print.
Middleton, Thomas, and Thomas Dekker. The Roaring Girl. Ed. Paul A. Mulholland. Revels Plays. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1987. Print.
Munday, Anthony, Henry Chettle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Heywood, and William Shakespeare. Sir Thomas More. 1998. Remediated by Project Gutenberg.
Munday, Anthony, Henry Chettle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Heywood, and William Shakespeare. Sir Thomas More. Ed. Vittorio Gabrieli and Giorgio Melchiori. Revels Plays. Manchester; New York: Manchester UP, 1990. Print.
Smith, Peter J.
The Shoemakers’ Holiday. By Thomas Dekker. London: Nick Hern, 2004. 108–110. Print.
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I Queen of England Queen of Ireland Gloriana Good Queen Bess
(b. 7 September 1533, d. 24 March 1603)Queen of England and Ireland 1558-1603.Elizabeth I is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the three Graces and goddess of joy, mirth, and happiness in Greek mythology. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Euphrosyne is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of fame. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows, Richard Johnson’s Nine Worthies of London and John Stow’s Survey of London.Fame is mentioned in the following documents:
Neptune is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of virtue. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows, Richard Johnson’s Nine Worthies of London and John Stow’s Survey of London. See also Arete.Virtue is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of tragedy or lyre playing. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Melpomene is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of comedy. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Thalia is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of music or flute playing. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Euterpe is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of dancing, chorus, or lyric poetry. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Terpsichore is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of lyric and erotic poetry or hymns. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Erato is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of epic poetry. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Calliope is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of astronomy. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Urania is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of dancing or geometry. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Polymnia is mentioned in the following documents:
One of the nine muses in Greek mythology. Patron of history. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows and Richard Johnson’s Nine Worthies of London.Clio is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of hearsay and rumour. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Rumour is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of envy. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows and Richard Johnson’s Nine Worthies of London. -
Personification of lawfulness and fairness. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows and Richard Johnson’s Nine Worthies of London.Justice is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of wisdom. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Wisdom is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of fortune. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows, Richard Johnson’s Nine Worthies of London and John Stow’s Survey of London.Fortune is mentioned in the following documents:
Stephen Harrison is mentioned in the following documents:
Stephen Harrison authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Dekker, Thomas, Stephen Harrison, Ben Jonson, and Thomas Middleton. The Whole Royal and Magnificent Entertainment of King James through the City of London, 15 March 1604, with the Arches of Triumph. Ed. R. Malcolm Smuts. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works. Gen. ed. Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. 219–279. Print.
Harrison, Stephen. The arch’s of triumph erected in honor of the high and mighty prince. Iames. the first of that name. King, of England. and the sixt of Scotland at his Maiesties entrance and passage through his honorable citty & chamber of London. London: John Sudbury [and] George Humble, 1613. STC 12863a.
Henry VIII
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 8VIII King of England King of Ireland
(b. 28 June 1491, d. 28 January 1547)King of England and Ireland 1509-1547.Henry VIII is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VII
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 7VII King of England
(b. 1457, d. 1509)Henry VII is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Frederick
(b. 19 February 1594, d. 6 November 1612)Prince of Wales. Son of James VI and I and Anne of Denmark. Brother of Charles I and Elizabeth Stuart of Bohemia. Died of typhoid fever at the age of eighteen.Henry Frederick is mentioned in the following documents:
James VI and I
James This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I King of Scotland King of England King of Ireland
(b. 1566, d. 1625)James VI and I is mentioned in the following documents:
James VI and I authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
James VI and I. Letters of King James VI and I. Ed. G.P.V. Akrigg. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984. Print.
Rhodes, Neill, Jennifer Richards, and Joseph Marshall, eds. King James VI and I: Selected Writings. By James VI and I. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
Personification of love. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Love is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Middleton is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Middleton authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Bawcutt, N.W., ed.
The Changeling. By Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. London: Methuen, 1958. Print. -
Brissenden, Alan.
A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. By Thomas Middleton. 2nd ed. New Mermaids. London: A&C Black; New York: Norton, 2002. xi–xxxv. Print. -
Daalder, Joost, ed.
The Changeling. By Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. London: A&C Black, 1990. xii-xiii. Print. -
Dekker, Thomas, Stephen Harrison, Ben Jonson, and Thomas Middleton. The Whole Royal and Magnificent Entertainment of King James through the City of London, 15 March 1604, with the Arches of Triumph. Ed. R. Malcolm Smuts. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works. Gen. ed. Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. 219–279. Print.
Holdsworth, R.V., ed.
A Fair Quarrel. By Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. London: Ernest Benn, 1974. xi-xxxix. Print. -
Middleton, Thomas, and Thomas Dekker. The Roaring Girl. Ed. Paul A. Mulholland. Revels Plays. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1987. Print.
Middleton, Thomas. A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. Ed. Alan Brissenden. 2nd ed. New Mermaids. London: Benn, 2002.
Middleton, Thomas. Civitatis Amor. Ed. David Bergeron. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works. Gen. ed. Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. 1202–8.
Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Honour and Industry. London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1617. STC 17899.
Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Integrity. Ed. David Bergeron. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works. Gen. ed. Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. 1766–1771.
Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Love and Antiquity. London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1619. STC 17902.
Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Truth. London, 1613. Ed. David M. Bergeron. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works. Ed. Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Oxford: Clarendon, 2007. 968–976.
Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Truth. London, 1613. STC 17903. [Differs from STC 17904 in that it does not contain the additional entertainment.]
Middleton, Thomas. The Triumphs of Truth. London, 1613. STC 17904. [Differs from STC 17903 in that it contains an additional entertainment celebrating Hugh Middleton’s New River project, known as the Entertainment at Amwell Head.]
Middleton, Thomas. The Works of Thomas Middleton, now First Collected with Some Account of the Author and notes by The Reverend Alexander Dyce. Ed. Alexander Dyce. London: E. Lumley, 1840. Print.
Taylor, Gary, and John Lavagnino, eds. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works. By Thomas Middleton. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. The Oxford Middleton. Print.
St. Andrew the Apostle is mentioned in the following documents:
St. George is mentioned in the following documents:
Troya-Nova New Troy
Personification of the geographic area and settlement of Roman London. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Troya-Nova is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of wealth. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Wealth is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of silver. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Argurion is mentioned in the following documents:
Astraea is mentioned in the following documents:
Ceres is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of gold. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Chrusos is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of counsel. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Counsel is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of expectation. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Expectation is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of fortitude. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Fortitude is mentioned in the following documents:
London’s Genius
Personification of London’s genius. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.London’s Genius is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of happiness. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Happiness is mentioned in the following documents:
Homer is mentioned in the following documents:
Jupiter is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of labour. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Labour is mentioned in the following documents:
Lucius of Britain is mentioned in the following documents:
Mars is mentioned in the following documents:
Alexander Polyhistor is mentioned in the following documents:
Pomona is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of providence. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Providence is mentioned in the following documents:
Titan is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of vigilance. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Vigilancy is mentioned in the following documents:
Virgil is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of zeal. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Zeale is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of smelling. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Olfactus is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of tasting. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Gustus is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of touching. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Tactus is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of hearing. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Auditus is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of seeing. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Visus is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of geometry, one of the liberal sciences. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Geometry is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of astronomy, one of the liberal sciences. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Astronomy is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of music, one of the liberal sciences. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Music is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of arithmetic, one of the liberal sciences. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Arithmetic is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of logic, one of the liberal sciences. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Logic is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of rhetoric, one of the liberal sciences. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Rhetoric is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of grammar, one of the liberal sciences. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Grammar is mentioned in the following documents:
John Colet is mentioned in the following documents:
Jesus Christ is mentioned in the following documents:
James the Great is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne of Denmark
Anne Queen consort of Scotland Queen consort of England Queen consort of Ireland
(b. 12 December 1574, d. 2 March 1619)Queen consort of Scotland 1589–1619. Queen consort of England and Ireland 1603–1619. Wife of James VI and I. Daughter of Frederick II of Denmark and Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow. Sister of Christian IV of Denmark, Elizabeth of Denmark, and Ulric of Denmark.Anne of Denmark is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Lowe
Thomas Lowe Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1595-1596. Mayor 1604-1605. Member of the Haberdashers’ Company. Buried at St. Peter le Poor.Thomas Lowe is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of temperance. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Temperance is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of safety. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Safety is mentioned in the following documents:
Janus is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Montagu is mentioned in the following documents:
Silvanus is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Allin is mentioned in the following documents:
W. Bourne
Servant in the court of James I and VI.W. Bourne is mentioned in the following documents:
Isis is mentioned in the following documents:
British Monarchy
Personification of the British monarchy. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.British Monarchy is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of veneration. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Veneration is mentioned in the following documents:
Charites Horae
Goddesses of the seasons in Greek mythology. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Charites Horae is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of promptitude. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Promptitude is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of affection. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Affection is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of consensus. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Unanimity is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of an edifice. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Edifice is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of art. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Art is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of sedulity. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Sedulity is mentioned in the following documents:
Arabia Britannica
Personification of Arabian Britain. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Arabia Britannica is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of detraction. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment and John Stow’s Survey of London.Detraction is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of oblivion. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment and John Stow’s Survey of London.Oblivion is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of pleasantness. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Pleasantness is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of accord. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Accord is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of flourishing. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Flourishing is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of circumspection. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Circumspection is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of castigation. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Castigation is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of destiny. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Destiny is mentioned in the following documents:
Eirene is mentioned in the following documents:
Vertumnus is mentioned in the following documents:
Anna Perenna is mentioned in the following documents:
Electra is mentioned in the following documents:
William Friselfield
Director of the entertainment held in honour of James I and VI’s coronation. Appears in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.William Friselfield is mentioned in the following documents:
George Mosse
Director of the entertainment held in honour of James I and VI’s coronation. Appears in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.George Mosse is mentioned in the following documents:
John Knight
Director of the entertainment held in honour of James I and VI’s coronation. Appears in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.John Knight is mentioned in the following documents:
Paul Isacson
Director of the entertainment held in honour of James I and VI’s coronation. Appears in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Paul Isacson is mentioned in the following documents:
Samuel Goodrick
Director of the entertainment held in honour of James I and VI’s coronation. Appears in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Samuel Goodrick is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Wood
Director of the entertainment held in honour of James I and VI’s coronation. Appears in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment. Not to be confused with Richard Wood.Richard Wood is mentioned in the following documents:
George Heron
Director of the entertainment held in honour of James I and VI’s coronation. Appears in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.George Heron is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of quiet. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Quiet is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of unhappiness. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Unhappiness is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of danger. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Danger is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of liberty. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Liberty is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of tumult. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Tumult is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of servitude. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Servitude is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of felicity. Appears as an allegorical character in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Felicity is mentioned in the following documents:
Stock skipper character. Appears in Thomas Dekker’s The Magnificent Entertainment.Skipper is mentioned in the following documents:
Machatas of Elimeia is mentioned in the following documents:
Philip II of Macedon
Philip This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II King of Macedon
King of Macedon 359–336 BC . Father of Alexander the Great.Philip II of Macedon is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Man the Younger
Denizen of London.Thomas Man the Younger is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Finlason
Printer. -
Niddries Wyneheide
Tower of London is mentioned in the following documents:
London is mentioned in the following documents: