of Loue and Antiquity.

An Honourable Solemnitie performed through
the Citie, at the confirmation and eſtabliſh-

ment of the Right Honourable Sir William
Knight, in the office of his
Maieſties Lieutenent, the Lord Maior of
the Famous Citie of London.

Taking beginning in the morning at his Lord-
ſhips going, and pThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)erfecting1 it ſelfe after his returne
from receiving the oath of Maioralty at Weſtmin-
, on the morrow after Symon and Iudes
October 29. 1619.
Horizontal rule
Horizontal rule

Printer’s Ornament

Horizontal rule

Printed by Nicholas Okes. 1619.

Printer’s Ornament
ternity of Skinners
, his worthy Brothers, haue
dedicated their Loues in Coſtly Triumphs, The
Right Honorable, Sir William Cockayn,
Knight, Lord Maior of this Renowned Citie. And
Lord Generall of his Military Forces.
LOve, Triumph, Honor, all the glorious graces,
This Day holds in her gift; fixt Eyes, and Faces
Apply themſelves in Ioy all to Your Looke:
in Duety then, my Seruice, and the Booke,
At your Lordſhips
Tho. Middleton.

Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Loue
and Antiquity.
IF Forreine Nations haue beene
ſtruck with admiration at the
Forme, State, and Splendour of
ſome yearly Triumphs, where
in Art hath bene but weakely
imitated, and moſt beggerly
worded: there is faire hope that things where
Inuention flouriſhes, Cleare Art and her gracefull
proprieties, ſhould receiue fauour and encourage
ment from the content of the Spectator, which
(next to the ſeruice of his Honour, and honoura
ble Society) is the principall Reward it looks for;
and not deſpairing of that common fauor (which
is often caſt vpon the vndeſeruer, through the
diſtreſſe and miſerie of Iudgement) this takes de
light to preſent it ſelfe.

The Triumphs of
And firſt to beginne early with the Loue of
the Citie to his Lordſhip, let mee draw your at
tentions to his Honours entertainment vpon
the water, where Expectation big with the Ioy of
the Day, but beholding to free Loue for Lan
guage and expreſsion, thus ſalutes the Great Mai
ſter of the Day and Triumph.

The Speech, to entertaine his Lordſhip
vpon the Water.

Honor and Ioy double their BThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)leſſings on thee,
I, the Dayes Loue, the Cities geThis text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)nerall Loue
Salute thee in the Sweetneſſe This text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)of content,
All that behold me worthily, may ſee,
How full mine eye ſtands of the Ioy This text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)of Thee
The more, becauſe I may with Confidence ſay,
Deſert and Loue will be well matcht to day:
And herein the great’ſt pitty will appeare,
This match can laſt no longer then a yeare.
Yet let not that diſcourage thy good wayes,
Mens Loues will laſt to crowne thy end of dayes,
If thoſe should faile, which cannot eaſly dye,
Thy good workes wed thee to AEternity.
Let not the ſhortneſſe then of Time diſmay
The largeneſſe of thy worth; gaine euery day,

Loue and Antiquity.
So many yeares Thou gainſt, that ſome haue loſt;
For they that thinke their Care is at great coſt
If they do any good, in Time ſo ſmall,
They make their Yeare but a poore Day in all.
For as a Learned Man, will comprehend
In Compaſſe of his Howre, Doctrine ſo ſound,
Which giue another a whole yeare to mend,
He ſhall not equall, vpon any ground:
So the Iudicious vvhen he comes to beare
This powerfull Office, ſtrucke vvith Diuine feare,
Collects his ſpirits, redeemes his howres with care,
Thinkes of his Charge, and Oath, what Tyes they are,
And with a Vertuous Reſolution then
Workes more good in one yeare, then ſome in Ten.
Nor is this ſpoken any to detract,
But all t’encourage to put Truth in Act.
Me thinkes I ſee Oppreſſion hang the head,
Falſhood and Iniury with their guilt ſtrucke dead
At this Tryumphant Hovvre, Ill Cauſes hide
Their Leprous Faces, daring not t’abide
The Brightneſſe of this day; and in mine eare
Me thinkes the Graces Siluer Chimes I heare.
Good vviſhes are at vvorke novv in each hart,
Throughout this ſphere of Brotherhood play their part,
Chiefly thy Noble owne Fraternity,
As neere in hart, as they’re in place to thee.
The Enſignes of whoſe loue Bounty diſplayes,

Loue and Antiquity.
Yet eſteemes all their Coſt ſhort of thy praiſe:
There will appeare elected Sonnes of Warre,
Which this faire City boaſts of for their Care,
Strength and experience, ſet in Truth of heart;
All great and glorious Maiſters in that Art
Which giues to man his Dignity, Name and Seale,
Prepar’d to ſpeake Loue in a Noble Peale.
Knowing two Tryumphs muſt on this day dwell,
For Magiſtrate, one, and one for Coronell,
Returne Lord Generall, that’s the Name of State
The Souldier giues Thee: Peace, the Magiſtrate.
On then, Great Hope, here that good care begins,
Which now earths Loue and, Heauens hereafter wins.

At his Lordſhips returne from Weſtminſter,
thoſe worthy Gentlemen, whoſe loues & worThis text has been supplied. Reason: Heavy type or writing on reverse obscuring text. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)ths
were prepared before in the concluſion of the
former Speech by water, are now all ready to ſa
lute their Lord Generall with a Noble Volley, at
his Lordſhips Landing: and in the beſt and moſt
commendable Forme, anſwerable to the noble
neſſe of their free Loue and Seruice, take their
march before his Lordſhip, who beeing ſo Ho
nourably conducted, meetes the firſt Tryumph
by land, waiting his Lordſhips moſt wiſhed arri
uall, in Paules Church yard, neere Paules Chaine,

The Triumphs of
which is a Wilderneſſe, moſt gracefully and
artfully furniſh’t with diuerſe kindes of Beaſts
bearing Furre, proper to the Fraternity, the Pre
ſenter, the Muſical Orpheus, Great Maiſter, both in
Poeſy and Harmony, who by his excellent Mu
ſicke, drew after him wild Beaſts, Woods and
Mountaines; ouer his Head an Artificiall Cocke,
often made to crow, and flutter with his wings.
This Orpheus at the approch of his Lordſhip,
giues life to theſe words.

The Speech deliuered by Orpheus.

reat Lord, Example is the Cryſtall Glaſſe,
By which wiſe This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)Magiſtracy ſets his face,
Fits all his This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)Actions to their comliest Dreſſe,
For there he ſees honour and Seemelineſſe;
Tis This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)not like flaThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)ttring glaſſes, thoſe falſe Bookes
Made to ſet Age, back, in great Courtiers Lookes;
Like Clocks on ReuThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)elling nights, that nere goe right,
Becauſe the ſports may yeeld more full delight,
But when they breake This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)off then they finde it Late,
The Time and Truth appThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)earesThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK), ſuch is their State,
Whoſe death by flatteThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)ries is ſet back, awhile
But meetes’em in the midſt of their ſafe Smile.
Such horrors theſe This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)forgetfull Things This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)mend,

The Triumphs of
That onely minde their ends, but not their End;
Leaue them to their falſe Truſt; Liſt Thou to me,
Thy power is great, ſo let thy vertues be,
Thy care, thy watchfulneſſe, which are but things
Remembred to thy praiſe, from thence it ſprings,
And not from feare of any want in Thee,
For in this Truth I may be comely, free,
Never was man aduanc’d, yet waited on
With a more Noble Expectation;
That’s a great Worke to perfect: and as Thoſe
That haue in Art a Maſtry, can oppoſe
All comers, and come off with Learned Fame,
Yet thinke not skorne ſtill of a Schollers name
(A Title which they had in ignorant youth:)
So he that deales in ſuch a weight of Truth
As th’execution of a Magiſtrates place,
Though neuer ſo exact in forme and Grace,
Both from his owne Worth, and mans free Applauſe,
Yet may be cal’d a Labourer in the cauſe,
And be thought good to be ſo, in true cThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)are,
The Labour being ſo glorious, iust, and faire.
Behold then in a rough EThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)xample here
The Rude and thorny wayes thy This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (SM)care muſt cleare,
Such are the vices in a City ſprung,
As are yon’ Thickets that grow cloſe and ſtrong:
Such is oppreſſion, Coſnage, Bribes, falſe Hires,

Loue and Antiquity.
As are yon’ catching and entangling Briers:
Such is Gout-Iuſtice, that’s, Delay in Right,
Demurs in Suites, that are as cleare as Light.
Iust ſuch a Wilderneſſe is a Common-wealth,
That is vndreſt, vnpruin’d, wilde in her health;
And the rude multitude, the Beaſts a’th wood,
That know no lawes, but onely Will and Blood:
And yet by faire Example, Muſicall Grace,
Harmonious gouernment of the Man in place,
(Of faire Integrity, and wiſedome framde)
They ſtand as mine doe, rauiſht, charmde, and tamde.
Euery wiſe Magiſtrate that gouerns thus,
May well be cald a powerfull Orpheus.
Behold yon’ Bird of ſtate, the vigiliant Cocke,
The Mornings Herald and the Plow-manThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)s Clocke,
At whoſe ſhrill Crow the very Lyon trembles,
The ſturdieſt Prey-taker that here aſſembles;
How fitly d’os it match your Name, and power
Fixt in that Name now by this glorious Houre;
At your iuſt Voyce to ſhak the bold’ſt offence
And ſturdieſt ſinne, that ere had reſidence
In ſecure man, Yet with an equall Eie,
Matching graue Iuſtice with faire Clemency;
It being the property Hee chiefly ſhowes,
To giue Wing-warning, ſtill before he Crowes,
To Crow before he ſtrike, by his clapt Wing,

Loue and Antiquity.
To ſtir himſelfe vp firſt (which needfull thing
Is euery mans firſt duty) by his Crow
A gentle call, or warning, which ſhould flow
From euery Magiſtrate, before he extend
The Stroake of Iuſtice, he ſhould reprehend,
And trie the vertue of a powerfull word,
If that preuaile not, then the Spurre, the Sword.
See, herein honors to his Maieſtie
Are not forgottten, when I turne, and ſee,
The ſeuerall Countries, in thoſe faces, plaine,
All owing Fealty to one Soueraigne,
The Noble Engliſh, the faire Thriuing Scot,
Plaine hearted Welch, the Frenchman bold and hot,
The ciuilly inſtructed Iriſh man,
And that kind Sauage, the Virginian;
All louingly aſſembled, ee’n by FThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)ate;
This thy Daies Honour to congrThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)atulate.
On then; and as your ſeruice fills this place,
So through the Citie doe his Lordship Grace.
At which words, this part of Triumph moues
onward and meetes the full Body of the Shew in
the other Paules Church–yard: This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)then diſperſing it
ſelfe, according to the ordering of the Speeches
following, one part which is the This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MK)Sanctuary of
Fame, plants it ſelfe neere the little Conduit in
; another which hath the Title of the Par

The Triumphs of
liament of Honor, at S. Laurence Lane end, Vpon
the Battlements of that beautious Sanctuary, a
dorned with ſix & twenty bright burning lamps,
hauing Alluſion to the ſix and twenty Aldermen,
(they being for their Iustice, Gouernment and Ex
ample, the Lights of the Citty) a Graue Perſonage,
crownd with the Title and Inſcription of Ex
, breathes forth theſe ſounds.

FRom that rough Wildernes, which did late preſent
The perplext State, and cares of Gouernment,
Which every painfull Magiſtrate muſt meete;
Here the Reward ſtands for thee, a chiefe Seate
In Fames faire Sanctuary, where ſome of old
Crownde with their Troubles now, are here enrolde
In Memories ſacred ſweetneſſe, to all ages;
And ſo much the Worlds Voyce of Thee preſages.
And theſe ſit for many, with their graces
Freſh as the Buds of Roſes, though they ſleepe,
In thy Society had once high places,
Which in their good Workes they for euer keepe;
Life cald ’em in their Time, Honours faire Stars,
Large Benefactors, and ſweet Gouernors.
If here were not ſufficient Grace for Merit,
Next Obiect, I preſume, will raiſe thy Spirit.

The Triumphs of
In the Maiſter-peice of Art, Fames Illuſtrious
Sanctuary, the Memory of thoſe Worthies ſhine
gloriouſly, that haue beene both Lord Maiors of
this Citie, and Noble Benefactors, and Brothers
of this worthy Fraternity, to wit,
That Sir Henry Barton an Honour to Memo
ry, was the firſt, that for the ſafety of Trauellers,
& ſtrangers by night through the Citie, cauſed
lights to be hung out fromfró Alhollontid to Candle
mas; therefore in this Sanctuary of Fame, where
the beauty of good actions ſhine, he is the moſt pro
perly and worthily recorded. His Lordſhip by
this time Gracefully conducted toward that Par
liament of Honour, neere S. Laurence Lane end,
Antiquity from its Eminence, thus gloriouſly ſa
lutes Him.

Antiquity in the Parliament of Honor.
GRaue Citie Gouernor! ſo much honour doe me,
Vouchſafe thy preſence and thy patience to me,
And I’le Reward that Vertue with a Story,
That ſhall to thy Fraternity and Glory,

Loue and Antiquity.
Then to thy Worth no meane part will ariſe,
That art ordaynde Chiefe for that glorious Prize.
Tis I, that keepe all the Records of Fame,
Mother of Truths, Antiquity, my Name;
No Yeare, Moneth, Day, or Houre, that brings in place
Good Workes and Noble, for the Cities Grace,
But I Record; that After Times may ſee
What Former, were, and how they ought to be,
Fruitfull, and Thankfull, in faire Actions flowing,
To meete Heauens bleſsings, to which much is owing;
For inſtance, Let all Gratefull Eyes be plac’ſt
Vpon this Mount of Royalty, by Kings, grac’ſt
Queenes, Prince, Dukes, Nobles, more by numbring (gain’d
Then can be in this narrow Sphere contain’d.
7. Kings, 5. Queenes, only one Prince alone,
8 Dukes, 2. Earles, Plantagenets twenty one;
All theſe of this Fraternity made Free,
Brothers and Siſters of this Company;
And ſee with what propriety, the Fates
Haue to this Noble Brotherhood knit ſuch States;
For what Society, the whole Citie brings,
Can with ſuch Ornaments Adorne their Kings,
Their onely Robes of State, when they conſent
To ride moſt glorious, to High Parliament;
And marke in this their Royall intent ſtill,
For when it pleaſde the Goodneſſe of their Will,
To put the richeſt Robes of their Loues on

The Triumphs of
To the whole Citie, the Moſt, euer came
To this Society, which Records here proue,
Adorning their Adorners, with their Loue;
Which was a Kingly AEquity:
Be carefull then, Great Lord, to bring forth Deedes,
To match that Honor, that from hence proceedes.

At the cloſe of which Speech, the whole Tri
umph takes the leaue of his Lordſhip, for that Time,
and till after the Feaſt at Guild-hall, reſts from
Seruice. His Lordſhip accompanied with many
Noble perſonages, the Honorable Fellowſhip of
Ancient Magiſtrates and Alderman of this Citty;
the two new Sheriffes, the one, of his owne Fra
ternity (the complete Brotherhood of Skinners)
the Right Worſhipfull M. Sheriffe Deane, a very
Bountifull and worthy Citizen, not forgetting
the Noble paines and loues of the Heroyick Cap
taines of the Citty, & Gentlemen of the Artillery
Garden, making with two glorious Rankes a
manly & Maieſtick paſſage for their Lord Gene
ral, his Lordſhip, thorough Guild-hall yard; and
afterward their Loues to his Lordſhip reſounding
in a ſecond Noble Volley.
Now, that al the Honors before mentioned, in
that ParliamentParliamēt, or Mount of Royalty, may arriue
at a cleere and perfect Manifeſtation, to preuent

Loue and Antiquity.
the ouer-curious & Inquiſitiue Spirit; the Names
and Times of thoſe Kings, Queenes, Prince,
Dukes and Nobles, free of the Honorable Frater
nity of Skinners
in London, ſhal here receiue their
proper Illuſtrations.
Anno 1329. K. Edward the third, Plantagenet, by
whom, in the firſt of his Reigne this worthy So
ciety of Skinners
was incorporate, Hee, their
firſt Royall Founder and Brother, Q. Philip his
wife, yonger Daughter of William Earle of Henalt,
the firſt Royall Siſter, ſo gloriouſly vertuous, that
ſhe is a rich ornament to Memory, Shee both
founded and endowed Queenes Colledge in Ox
ford, to the continuing eſtate of which, I my ſelfe
wiſh all happineſſe: This Queene at her death de
ſired three curteſies, ſome of which are rare in
theſe dayes. Firſt, that her debts might be payd to
the Merchants; ſecondly, that her gifts to the
Church might be performed: thirdly, that the
King when he died would be at Weſtminſter be in
terred with her.
Anno 1357. Edward Plantagenet, ſurnamed the
Black Prince, ſonne to Edward the third, Prince of
Wales, Duke of Guien, Aquitaine, and Cornwall,
Earle Palatine of Cheſter.
In the Battell of Poitiers in France, hee with
8000. Engliſh against 60000. French, got the vi

The Triumphs of
ctory, tooke the King, Philip his ſonne, ſeuenteene
Earles, with diuerſe other Noble perſonages, pri
King Richard the Second, Plantagenet, this K.
being the third Royall brother of this hono
rable Company, and at that time the Society con
ſiſting of two Brotherhoods of Corpus Chriſti,
the one at S. Mary Spittle, the other at S. Mary
without Biſhops Gate, in the eighteenth
of his Reigne
graunted them to make their two
Brotherhoods one, by the name of the Fraterni
ity of Corpus Chriſti of Skinners
; which worthy
Title ſhines at this day gloriously amongſt ’em:
and toward the end of this kings reigne, 1396. a
great feaſt was celebrated in Weſtminſter Hall,
where the L. Maior of this City ſate as Gueſt.
Anno 1381, Q. Anne his wife, daughter to the Em
perour Charles the 4
. and ſiſter to Emperor Wen
, whoſe modeſty then, may make this Age
bluſh now; ſhe being the firſt that taught women
to ride ſideling on horſebacke; but who it was
that taught ’em to ride ſtradling, there is no Re
cords ſo immodeſt that can ſhew me, onely the
impudent Time, and the open profeſsion; this
Faire Preſident of womanhood dyed at Sheine,
now Richmond, for griefe wherof K. Richard her
Lord abandoned and defaced that goodly houſe.

Loue and Antiquity.
Anno 1399. K. Henry the 4. Plantagenet, Sur
named Bullingbrooke, a forth Royall Brother: in
his time, the Famous Guild hall in London was e
rected, where the Honorable Courts of the Citie
are kept, and this Bounteous Feaſt yearely cele
In the Twelth yeare of his Reigne, the River
of Thames flowed thrice in one day.
Q. Ioane, or Iane, Ducheſſe of Britten, late wife
of Iohn, D. of Britten, and Daughter to the King
of Nauarre
; another Princely Siſter.
Anno 1412. K. Henry the 5. Plantagenet, Prince
of Wales
, proclaimed Maior & Regent of France,
He won that famous Victory on the French, at
the Battaile of Agincourt.
Q. Catherine his Wife, Daughter to Charles 6. K.
of France
K. Henry the 6. Plantagenet, of the Houſe of
K. Edward the 4. Plantagenet, of the Houſe of
This King feaſted the Lord Maior, Richard
, and the Aldermen his Brethren, with
certaine Commoners, in Waltham Forreſt; after
dinner rode a hunting with the King, who gaue
him plenty of Veniſon, & ſent to the Lady Maio
reſſe, and her Siſters the Aldermens Wiues, 2.

The Triumphs of
Harts, 6. Bucks, and a Tun of Wine, to make mer
ry, and this Noble feaſt was kept at Drapers Hall.
An 1463. Q. Elizabeth Grey, his Wife, Daughter to
Richard, Wooduile, Earle Rivers, & to the Dutcheſſe
of Bedford
, ſhe was Mother to the Lord Grey of
, that in his time was Marqueſſe Dorſet.
K. Richard the 3. Brother to Edward 4. D. of
, and the House of Yorke.
Lionel Plantagenet, 3 Sonne to the 3 Edward,
D. of Clarence, and Earle of Vlſter; Philip his
Daughter, and Heire, married Edward Mortimer,
Earle of March
, from whom the Houſe of Yorke
Henry Plantagenet, Grandchild to Edmond
, 2. Sonne to Henry 3.
Iohn Plantagenet, 3 Sonne of Henry 4. So No
ble a Souldier, and ſo great a terror to the French,
that when Charles the 8. was mooued to deface
his Monument (being buried in Roane) the King
thus anſwered: Pray let him reſt in peace being
dead, of whom we were all afraid when he liued.

Loue and Antiquity.
The Royall Somme.
7: Kings, 5-Queenes, 1. Prince. 7. Dukes. 1. Earle
21 Plantagenets
7. Kings, 5. Queenes, 1. Prince. 8. Dukes. 2. Earles.
1. Lord, 24. Skinners.

The Feaſt ended at Guild-hall, his Lordſhip (as
yearely Cuſtome inuites it) goes accompanied
with the Triumph before him towards S. Paules,
to performe the noble and reuerend Ceremo
nies which Diuine Antiquity religiouſly ordai
ned, and is no leſſe then faithfully obſerued. Holy
Seruice and Ceremonies accompliſht, his Lord
ſhip returnes by Torch-light to his owne houſe,
the whole Triumph placſt in comely and decent
order before him, the Wilderneſſe, the Sanctuary of
of Fame
adornd with Lights, and the Parliament of Ho
, and the Triumphant Chariot of Loue, with his
Gracefull Concomitants; the Chariot drawne
with 2. Luzarns: neer to the entrance of his Lord
ſhips gate, Loue, prepar’d with his welcome, thus
ſalutes him,

The Triumphs of
I Was the firſt, Graue Lord, that welcomde Thee
To this Dayes Honor, and I ſpake it free,
Iuſt as in euery heart I found it plac’ſt,
And tis my turne againe now to ſpeake laſt;
For loue is circular (like the bright Sunne,)
And takes delight to end where it begun,
Though indeed neuer ending, in true Will,
But rather may be ſayd beginning ſtill;
As all great workes are of Cæleſtiall Birth,
Of which, Loue is the Chiefe in Heauen and Earth.
To what Bleſt ſtate then are thy Fortunes come,
Since, That both brought thee forth, and brings thee (home?
Now, as in common courſe which cleeres things beſt,
Ther’s no free gift but lookes for thankes at leaſt;
A Loue ſo bountifull, ſo free, ſo good
From the whole City, from thy Brotherhood,
(That Name I ought a while to dwell vpon,)
Expect ſome faire Requitall from the Man
They’ue all ſo largely Honord. What’s deſirde?
That which in Conſcience ought to be requirde,
Oh thanke ’em in thy Iustice, in thy Care,
Zeale to right wrongs, Workes that are cleere & faire,
And will become thy Soule (whence Vertue ſprings)
As thoſe rich Ornaments thy Brother-Kings.
And ſince we cannot ſeparate Loue and Care,

Loue and Antiquity.
For where Care is, a Loue muſt needes be there,
And Care where Loue is; tis the Man and Wife,
Through euery Eſtate that’s fixt in Life;
You are by this the Cities Bride-groome proou’d,
And She ſtands wedded to her beſt Belou’d;
Then be, according to your Morning-Vowes,
A Carefull Husband, to a Louing Spouſe;
And Heauen giue you great Ioy (both It and Thee;)
And to All Thoſe that ſhall Match after Yee.

Horizontal Rule.

The names of thoſe Beaſts, bearing Furr, and now
in vſe, with the Bountifull Society of Skinners.

The moſt of which preſented in the Wilderneſſe, where
Orpheus predominates!

ERmine, Foyne, Sables, Martin, Badger, Beare,
Luzerne, Budge, Otter, Hipponeſſe and Hare,
Lamb, Wolf, Fox, Leopard, Minck, Stote, Miniuer,
Racoone, Moaſhye, Woluerine, Caliber,
Squirrell, Moale, Cat Musk, Ciuet, Wild & Tame,
Cony white, Yellow, Black muſt haue a Name;
The Ounce, Rowſ-Gray, Ginnet, Pampilion,
Of Birds, the This text is the corrected text. The original is Vul urVultur, Bitter, Eſtridge, Swan;
Some worne for Ornament, and ſome for Health,
All to the Skinners Art bring Fame and Wealth.

The Triumphs of
The Seruice being thus faithfully performed,
both to his Lordſhips Honour, and to the Credit
and content of his moſt generouſly-bountifull
Society, the Seaſon commends all to ſilence; yet
not without a little leaue taken, to reward Art
with the comely Dues that belong vnto it,
which hath beene ſo richlie expreſt in the Body
of the Triumph, with all the proper Beauties of
Workemanſhip, that the Citie may (without In
iury to Iudgement) call it the Maiſter-piece of her
Triumphs; the Credit of which Workemanſhip,
I muſt iuſtly lay vpon the Deſerts of Maſter Gar
ret Criſmas
and Maiſter Robert Norman, ioyn’d-
Partners in the performance.


  1. Text unclear because of smudged ink. Supplied from Taylor and Lavagnino text. (SM)