Conduit (Cornhill)

Not labelled on the Agas map, the Conduit upon Cornhill is thought to have been located in the middle of Cornhill Ward and opposite the north end of Change Alley and the eastern side of the Royal Exchange (Harben; BHO). Made of stone, it was built to bring fresh water from Tyburn to Cornhill.
As Stow writes, Conduit upon Cornhill was formerly the Tunn upon Cornhill, a prison for for night walkers, & other ſuſpitious perſons. In 1401, it was converted into a Ceſterne for ſweete water conueyed by pipes of Leade frō the towne of Tyborne, and was from thence forth called the conduite vpon Cornhill (Stow 1598, sig, L3r). It was destroyed in the Great Fire and not rebuilt.
