Survey of London (1633): Suburbs Without the Walls

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Suburbs without the Wals.
Wals of the said City,
briefly touched.
As also, without the Liberties, more
at large described.
HAving spoken of this Ci
tie, the originall, and in
crease by degrees: The
wals, gates, ditch, castles,
towers, bridges, schooles
and houses of learning:
Of the orders and customes, sports and
pastimes: Of the honour of Citizens
and worthinesse of men: And last of all,
how the same City is divided into
parts and Wards: And how the same
are bounded. And what Monuments of
Antiquity, or Ornaments of building be
in every of them, as also in the Bo
rough of Southwarke: I am next to
speake briefly of the Suburbs, as well
without the Gates and Wals, as with
out the Liberties, and of the Monu
ments in them.
Concerning the estate of the Sub
urbs of this City, in the
reigne of Henry
the second
, Fitz-Stephen hath these
: Vpwards on the West (saith hee)
is the Kings Palace, which is an incompara
ble building, rising with a Vawmure and
Bulwarke, aloft upon the River, two
miles from the Wall of the City, but yet
conjoyned with a continuall Suburbe. On
all sides, without the houses of the Sub
urbs, are the Citizens Gardens and Or
chards, planted with Trees, both large,
sightly, and adjoyning together. On the
North side are Pastures and plaine Me
dowes, with Brookes running thorow them,
turning Water-mils, with a pleasant noise.
Not farre off is a great Fortest, a well
woodded Chase, having good Covert for
Harts, Buches, Does, Bores, and wilde
Buls. The Corne fields are not of a hungry
sandy mould; but as the fruitfull fields of
Asia, yeelding plentifull increase, and fil
ling the Barnes with Corne. There are
neere London, on the North side, especiall
Wels in the Suburbs, sweete, wholesome,
and cleare.
Liber Albo.
Amongst which, Holywell,
, and Saint Clements well
are most famous, and most frequented by
Scholars and Youths of the City in Summer
evenings, when they walke forth to take the
Thus far out of Fitz-Stephen, for the
Suburbs of that time.
The second of Henry the third,
Suburbe without the Po
sterne by the Tower of London.
Forrest of Middlesex, and the Warren
of Stanes were disaforested: since the
which time, the Suburbs about London
have bin also mightily increased with
buildings: for first, to begin the East,
by the Tower of London, is the Hospitall
of S. Katharine
, founded by Matilde, the
Queen, wife to King Stephen, as is afore
shewed in Portsoken Ward.
From this Precinct of S. Katharine,
Wapping in the East.
Wapping in the East, the usuall place of
execution for hanging of Pirats and
Sea-Rovers, at the low water marke,
there to remaine till three tides had o
verflowed them, was never a house stan
ding within these 50. yeeres: but since
(the Gallowes being after removed far
ther off) a continuall streete, or filthy
straight passage, with Alleyes of small
Tenements or Cottages is builded, in
habited by Saylors and Victuallers, a
long by the River of Thames, almost to
Radcliffe, a good mile from the Tower.
The new Chappell in Wapping Ham
bler, in the Parish of Whitechappell, was

Suburbs without the Wals.

builded in the yeere 1617. the charge
being about 1600. l. was gathered
some part of it of the severall Inhabi
tants in the same Hamblet; the rest (be
ing the greater part) was gathered by
Letters Patents for collections in seve
rall Counties: the Citizens of London,
being worthy Benefactors toward it,
procured by the principall care of Ma
ster Rowland Catmore, Robert Bourne, and
Robert Mott, and others of the same
Parish: Master Richard Sedgwicke being
the first Minister in that Chappell, and
so continueth to this yeere 1631.
Written upon a high beame in the
middest of the Chappell.
This Chappell was dedicated to Almigh
tie God, and consecrated to the honour and
glory of his great and wonderfull Name, the
seventh day of Iuly, 1617. by the right re
verend father in God, Iohn King, then
Lord Bishop of London.
A faire Gallery built on the South
side of the Chappell, with part of the
benevolence that was given for the use
of the Chappell by the Mariners that
went to the East Indies, Anno 1616. in
the Royall Iames, under the command of
Captaine Martin Pringe, procured by
the care of Master Rowland Catmore,
then Master of the said ship, and now
at the building, hereof Warden of the
Chappell, 1622.
Master Richard Gardner being at that
time of building of the Chappe, Rector
of Whitechappell, who had to continued
47. yeeres, being 77. yeeres of age, as it
was found in a glasse window made at
his owne charge at the upper end of the
Richardus Gardenerus Whitechappell
Rector 1617. An. Resident. suae 47.
Aetatissaae 77. 1617.
A weekly Lecture maintained in the
same Chappell by Master
who hath given ten pounds yeerly for
ever toward it.
Friday the 24. of Iuly 1629. King
having hunted a Stragge or Hart
from wansted in Essex, kild him in Nigh
tingale lane
, in the Hamblee of Wapping,
in a garden belonging to one
who had some damage among his
herbes, by reason the multitude of peo
ple there assembled suddenly.
In the Hamlet of VVapping, in the
Parish of VVhitechappell, was builded in
Anno 1626
. a large house of timber by
Master William Turner, Gentleman, Ma
ster George Lowe, Gentleman, and Tho
mas Iones
, Gentleman, and others, for
the making of Allome, which grew to
such an inconvenience through the an
noyance that was with boyling of Vrine
and other materials, by reason of the ill
savour of it, and the excrement of it be
ing found to be annoyance to the river
of Thames
, that upon the complaint of
the Inhabitants to the King and Coun
cell, it was proceeded withall, as ap
The sixteenth of Iuly 1627. being
Munday, and the tide being neere a
low water, about eight of the cloke in
the evening of the same day, there was
a Lighter of Allome grease lying in the
Hermitage Docke, which was taken
out of a ship, lying there overthwart
the mouth of the Docke. And upon the
emptying of the water (out of the Ligh
ter) which issued from the grease, there
did arise a most noysome stinking scum
of a frothy substance, and did spread all
about the mouth of the Docke, and run
downe into the Thames: and there was
a Vessell caused to be filled with it, and
it did so stinke, that wee were not able
to endure the sent of it, insomuch
that endangered all the Wels and
Ponds thereabouts: This was seene and
done in the presence of these under
To the right worshipfull his Majesties
Iustices of the Peace for the County
of Meddlesex, and Commissioners
for annoyances, and to all other his
Majesties Officiars, whom in this
case it shall concerne.
WEe his Majesties loving Sub
jects inhabiting within the
Parish of Whitechappell, in the
County of Middlesex, and St. Buttolphs
without Ealdgate London, and in the
Hamblets of Stepney, VVapping, East
, and Saint Katharines neere
the Tower of London, finding and being
continually choaked and poysoned up
with the daily and continuall stinke and
most noysome infectious smell that is
lately begun amongst us, by a worke-house
for making of Allome (as is re
ported) by Master VVilliam Turner, Ma
ster George Lowe, and Master Thomas
, and others, erected at the VVest
end of Wapping; adjoyning upon the Ri
ver of Thames
, & neere unto the Tower
of London
, and to his Majesties Store-house
on Tower hill, where the provi
sion for his Highnesse shipping is daily
provided, doe humbly shew, that wee
findo, that the noysome smell that com
meth of the making of the said Allome
(which we suppose to be Vrine and such
other infectious materials) being long
kept, and then boyled for the use afore
said, doe breed and make such an in
fectious and most noysome smell a
mongst us, that wee are not able to live
in our houses, nor to keepe our families
at worke about us, the detestable stinke
thereof is so infectious and intolerable
now this Winter time (much more will
it be in the heate of Summer:) So that
if speedy redresse thereof bee not had,
we shall not be able to continue our ha
birations there, wherein wee have long
time lived. And it is generally thought,
it will be a decay & dangerous infecti
on to all inhabitants both on this side
and the other side the water, within
two miles compasse of the place it stan
deth; for the stinke thereof (as the wind
standeth) is further smelled, both by
land and water: and daily complaint
made thereof. And now there is begun
but two or three Furnaces, but shortly
there wil be many more Furnaces made
there, to the further great damage and
annoyance of his Majesties Subjects,
which wee humbly referre to your
Worships grave consideration, humbly
desiring your speedy aide and reforma
tion herein, otherwise we shall be com
pelled to leave our houses & dwellings
to our utter undoings: for the noysome
smell is so dangerous, that no man will
dwell thereabouts, if he might have his
house rent-free: And wee as bound,
shall daily pray for your Worships:
To the Kings most excel
lent Maiesty.
The humble Petition of your Maje
sties Liege-people and Subjects, be
ing in number many thousands, in
habiting within one mile compasse
of your Majesties Tower of Lon
, within Middlesex and Sur
rey, and the Borough of South
Most humbly sheweth,
THat whereas of late divers
Roomes have beene newly ere
cted in the Parish of St. Mary
, commonly called White chap
, in the County of Middlesex, by
VVilliam Turner, Gentleman, George
, Gentleman, and Thomas Iones,
Gentleman, and others, neere unto ma
ny great Brewhouses, which breweth
Beere for the use and service of your
Majesties Navie, and for divers within
London and Middlesex, which said
Roomes have been ever since their first
erection imployed for boyling of Vrine
for making of Allome, which hath and
doth daily cast so noysome a savour and
evill ayre to all the parts thereabouts,
and to all passengers that way, or by the
River of Thames, that they are in no sort
able to endure the same, nor their dwel
ling houses by reason thereof, and the
same hath already cast many of them
into extremity of great sicknesses and
diseases, by which evill and unwhole
some savour, of late many Fishes in the
Thames there neere unto, have beene
found ready to die, and dead, supposed
to be poysoned by some ill substance is
suing into the River of Thames: and all
the Inhabitants thereabouts are much
annoyed, and all the pasture ground ly
ing neere thereabouts is tainted and
spoiled in such manner, that the Cattell
doe refuse to feed on the same. And
they further humbly shew, that they ha
ving preferred their grievances unto
your Majesties Commissioners of an
noyances, and having caused the same
to bee presented unto them by Indict
ment, by severall Iurors, sworne upon
oath before your Majesties Iustices of
the Peace, in their generall Sessions for
Middlesex, upon due proofe and the te
stimony of witnesses there also sworne
and examined, upon which Evidences
the said Iurors have given up severall
verdicts, and presented upon their
oathes the same annoyance to be excee
ding great and intolerable to all inhabi
tants dwelling thereabouts, and to all
other passengers by the same, or upon
the River of Thames: Yet your Petitio
ners having no redresse thereby, are
compelled by extreme necessity to com
plaine unto your Majesty, and with
much griefe, and with all humility be
seech your Majesty to take to conside
ration the speedy redresse in that be
halfe, the same annoyance being so
great and unsavoury, that otherwise
your poore Subjects, being many thou

Suburbs without the Wals.

in number, shall be compelled to
forsake their houses, and abandon their
dwellings, to the losse of their trades
and lives, and the utter undoing of them
and their families: Wherefore they
Most humbly beseech your Majesty
to cōmit the examination there
of unto the right Honourable
Thomas Earle of Cleveland, Sir
Allen Apsley
, Knight, Lievtenant
of the Tower, Sir Henry Spiller,
Knight, Thomas Sanderson, and
George Long, Esquires, or any
three or two of them, or any o
thers, being Justices and Com
missioners of annoyances within
the said County of Middlesex,
who by your Majesties gracious
reference being thereunto requi
red, may examine and heare the
Allegations on all parts, and that
upon the Certificate of their opi
nions therein, your Majesty will
bee pleased to vouchsafe your
poore Subjects such reliefe as the
case requireth.
And the Petitioners, according
to their bounden duties and
legiance, shall daily pray for
your Majesties long and pro
sperous reigne over us.
At White-Hall the 25. of Iuly,
Lord Keeper.
Lord Treasurer.
Earle of Dorset.
Earle of Bridgewater.
Master Secretary Cooke.
M. of the Rolles.
M. Chancelor of the Duchy.
WHereas upon a complaint for
merly made by divers Alder
men of the City of London, on
the behalfe of the Inhabitants of the
Parishes of St. Buttolphs Ealdgate, and
divers other Parishes thereabouts, con
cerning a great annoyance unto the
said Inhabitants, caused by certaine Al
lome workes, erected thereabouts by
his Majesties Farmers of the said works:
It was by an order of the twentieth of
this present moneth
ordered, that the
President of the Colledge of Physici
ans, accompanied with sixe other Doctors
of Physicke of that Society, as
likewise, that some of the Aldermen
should upon view of the said workes,
and such observations by them made as
fals within their experience, returne
Certificate to the Boord, of their opi
nions touching the same: Forasmuch
as those whose names are here under
written, did this day accordingly make
their Certificate in writing to the
Boord, as followeth; In haec verba: May
it please your Lordships, according to
an order of this Honourable Boord of
the twentieth of Iuly last; Wee have
viewed and observed the Allome works
at Saint Katharines, and considered the
materials therein used and imployed.
And thereupon doe humbly certifie
unto your Lordships, and are of opini
on, that the workes standing in that
place, must necessarily breed great an
noyances both to the neere Inhabitants,
and by the spreading vapours from
thence issuing to many places more re
mote, and to all such passengers as ei
ther by land or by water have occasion
to frequent those parts, not onely by
their continuall noysome savours to
make all their habitations grievous and
unpleasant, but also by their putrid qua
lity to endanger their healths: And so
we humbly rest at your Lordships com
mands, Iuly the 24. An. 1627. Signed,
Iohn Argent, Pref. Iohn Gifford, Willi
am Harvey
, William Clement, Robert
, Samuel Baskernite, Ottnell Move
and by Hugh Hamersley. Their
Lordships upon consideration had
thereof, did resolve, that the said Al
lome works in and about the City, were
fit to bee supprest. Neverthelesse, for
that a Petition was now presented to
the Boord by the Farmers of the said
Allome workes, shewing that it was
not possible for them to erect and finish
any new workes in the Country before
our Lady day next, and that if they
should be restrained from working here
in the meane time, the Kingdome
would be unserved of Allome, of which

Suburbs without the Wals.

there is great use, and they likewise dis
abled to pay his Maiesties rent. And
therefore besought the Boord that they
might have leave to proceed in their
making of Allome here untill our Lady
day next as aforesaid. It was thereupon
thought fit & ordered that they should
be at liberty to make Allome in those
places where their works are already e
rected untill our Lady day next only
and no longer; and that in the meane
time they presume not to erect any o
ther works in any places in or about this
cittie; Provided neverthelesse that they
suffer not the dreggs and excrement
proceeding from the boyling and ma
king of the said Allom to be cast or fall
into any places leading into the River of
, but that they cause the same
from time to time to be either buried in
the night time in the grounds where
their works now are, or otherwise to be
carried and buried in the night time in
some other convenient place, where
the same may breed no infection or an
noyance to any his Majesties subjects.
At White Hall the 12. of September,
Anno 1627.
Lord President.
Earle of Holland.
Earle of Kellie.
Master Secretarie Cooke.
Master Chanch. of the Exchequer.
Chanc. of the Duchie.
WHereas an humble Petitiō
was this day exhibited
to the boord in the name
of the inhabitants of the Parishes of
S. Buttolphs neere Ealdgate, S. Katharine,1
White-Chappell, Stepney, Reddriffe, S. O
, and others adjacent and neere his
Majesties Tower of London. Shewing
that whereas it had pleased the boord
(on the 27. of Iuly last, after divers hea
rings and reports made by six Doctors
of the Colledge of Physitions of London)
to order that the Farmer of his Maje
sties Allome works (who had transpor
ted themselves out of the Northerne
parts of the Kingdome neere unto his
Majesties Royall chamber and Citty of
London) should not presume to erect any
other worke in or about, nor suffer the
dreggs or excrement of the boiling of
Allom to be cast or fall into the river of
, but bury the same in the night
time in some convenient place where it
might not breed any infection or annoy
ance, yet neverthelesse that sithence the
making of the said order, and especially
on the 16. of August last the said Far
mers, their deputies or assignes, have in
contempt of the order, powred or cau
sed the said filth, dreggs or excremēts to
fall into the Ponds or ditches leading to
the Thames, wherby some of the Petitio
ners have found their wells of water ap
pointed for brewing so tainted with the
tast & savour of Allom excremēt, as that
within a very short space the Fish have
been poisoned, and the water altogether
unwholesome, for brewing or any other
use, as by certificate under divers of the
said Petitioners hands the chiefe offi
cers and inhabitants of the Tower ap
peared, and therfore humbly prayed re
dresse of the growing mischiefe and
dangerous contagion proceeding from
the said Allom works, seconded with a
presumptuous cōtempt of the said order
of the Boord, to the end that by a sud
den reformation the Petitioners may
enjoy the benefit of the aire, and not be
suffocated with the horrid and putrid
savours occasioned by the said Allom
works. The Boord taking this com
plaint into their due and serious consi
deration and finding that the former or
der of the boord was not observed, as is
before mentioned and that the annoy
ance caused hereby, extendeth it selfe to
the extreme parts of the Citty, and
even so farre as his Majesties Court
when the wind sitteth that way (which
cannot but be of dangerous consequence
by corrupting of both the aire and the
water, whereof beere is made for his
Majesties service & otherwise:) thought
fit and ordered that the said Allom
workes: should be presently suppressed
from working, and utterly removed by
the Farmers or others whom it may
concerne within a convenient time, not
withstanding the former order (which
on their parts have not been observed)
and that some one of the Messengers of

Suburbs without the Wals.

his Majesties Chamber shalbe sent with
a transcript of this their Lordships or
der, to the Farmers or deputies of
the said worke, and see the same due
ly executed, and of the performance
thereof to give accompt to their Lord
ships within ten or twelve dayes af
ter the date hereof. And of this their
Lordships order as well the said Far
mers & the Messenger, as others whom
it may concerne, are to take notice, and
to regulate themselves accordingly, as
they will answere the contrary.
To the right Honorable
Lords, and others of his Ma
jesties most Ho
norable Privie
The humble petition of the Inhabi
tants of S. Buttolphs Ealdgate,
S. Katharines, White-Chap
, Stepney, Redriffe, S. O
, and others adjacent and neere
his Majesties Tower of London.
WHereas it pleased this ho
norable Boord the 27. of
Iuly last
, after divers hea
rings and a report made by six Doctors
being of the Colledge of Physitians Lon
, to order that the Farmers of his Ma
jesties Allom workes (who had trans
planted themselves out of the North
parts neere unto his Majesties Royall
Chamber and Citty of London) should
not presume to erect any other works in
or about the same, nor suffer the dreggs
or excrement proceeding of the boi
ling of Allom to be cast or fall into the
River of Thames, but to bury the same
in the night time where it might not
breed any infection or annoyance.
But so it is right Honourable, that di
vers times sithence the order of this ho
norable Boord, but especially upon the
16. of this instant August, the said Far
mers, their deputy or assignes, have in
Contempt of the said order, powred or
caused the said filth, dreggs or excre
ment to fall into the Ponds or ditches
leading to the Thames, whereby some
of your Petitioners have found their
wells of water appointed for brewing
so tainted and grownered with the tast
and savour of Allom excrement, as that
within three houres after about 40. Fi
shes were apparently found poisoned, as
by the annexed Certificate appeareth.
For redresse of which growing mis
chiefe and dangerous Contagion, secon
ded with a presumptuous Contempt of
your honourable order, as formerly
the Petitioners flye to this honourable
Boord, beseeching a sodaine reformati
on: To the end that your petitioners may
enjoy the benefit of the aire, and not be
suffocated with the horrid and putrid
savours proceeding from the said Al
lome works.
And the petitioners shalbe
(as ever) bound to pray
for your honours, 1627.
Wee his Majesties Subjects whose
Names are subscribed doe for a truth
certifie and wilbe ready to depose, that
sithence the 25. day of Iuly last, the Al
lome farmers or their assignes, have ere
cted new erections at or neere Wap
, where there Allome works are:
And that upon the 16. day of this in
stant moneth of August
, by meanes of
the excrement or filth falling or being
cast and washed out of the said Allome
works, by the flowing of the River of
was carried into wells belon
ging to Brewers thereabouts; and where
divers poore people for their meanes,
doe resort, and from thence doe carry
water to divers houses, and to dresse
their meate and diet for their families:
As by example, at that time into one
well or pond of one Ioseph Iaques, a
Brewer neere thereunto, where Ecles,
and other fishes to the number of 40.
and upwards, which within three houres
after, therein were suffocated and poi
soned, in the presence of these certificats.
Witnesse our hands hereunto put the
day of August, 1627.

Suburbs without the Wals.
At White Hall the 12. of December,
Anno 1627.


Lord Keeper.
Lord Treasurer.
Lord President.
Lord Admirall.
Earle of Suff.
Earle of Dorset.
Earle of Salisbury.
Earle of Exeter.
Earle of Bridgwater.
Earle of Carlile.
Earle of Holland.
Earle of Banbury.
Lord Vis. Grandison.
Lord Bishop of Duresme.
Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells.
Master Treasurer.
Master Comptroller.
Master of the Wards.
Master Secretary Coke.
Master Chanc. of the Exchequer.
Master Chanc. of the Dutchy.
VVHereas by an Order of
this Boord, made in
Iuly last, for reasons in
the said order mentioned, the Allome
works were suffered to be in those places
neere London, where they were then
erected, untill our Lady day next only
and no longer. And afterwards the 12.
of September last
for contempts, in not
pursuing the said order of the 25. of Iu
, and for prevention of growing mis
chiefe that might come by sufferance of
the said Allome works; it was ordered
that the said Allome works should be
presently suppressed, & removed; which
being not as yet done, although the Far
mers of the said works have sought out
other places, whither to remove the said
works. Now the Boord upon the peti
tion of the Company of Diers, being in
formed that in these times of warrs, and
danger, the Dyers and other Artificers
using Allome cannot be furnished with
that commodity, from any other per
sons, or places, but onely from the Far
mers aforesaid, and their Magazines.
And that the said artificers, for want
thereof shall be forced to give over their
Trades to the great dammage of the
Commonweale. And the said Farmers
informing that by reason of some Ship
wracks, and the danger of passages
from out of the North hither, they have
failed, nor cannot bring their Alloms
hither to London, as they were wont. In
consideration of all which; and for that
their Lordships doe conceive that the
said works will be lesse offensive to the
Inhabitants dwelling in those parts in
this winter season, the Boord hath
thought fit and ordered, that the said
Farmers, their Deputies, and Assignes,
shall be permitted, untill our Lady day
next according to the permission given
by the former order of the 25. of Iuly, to
convert the Materialls now upon their
hands into Allome, at their house in S.
, erected for that purpose, and
to sell the same, for the use of his Maje
sties subjects: And presently upon our
Lady day next to remove the said
works to some other place more remote
from the Citty of London, and the Sub
urbs thereof. And it is ordered, that
in the meane while the said Farmers,
their Deputies and Assignes, or some of
them shall seeke, and find out some
convenient place for their said works,
& signifie unto the Boord of what place
they have made choice, to the end they
may have their Lordships allowance
and approbation, for their Settlement
in the same, whereof all persons whom
it may concerne, are to take knowledge,
and accordingly to governe themselves,
as they and every of them will answere
the contrary at their perills. Provided
always, and it is hereby willed and com
manded, that all things else required
and set downe to be done by the said
Farmers, in either of the said Orders, be
fore mentioned, concerning the excre
ment of the Allome, & otherwise what
soever, be duly observed and performed
by the said Farmers of the said Allome
On the East side, and by North of
the Tower, lieth East-Smithfield, Hogs
, and Tower hill, and East from
them both, was the new Abbey called
Grace, founded by Edward the third.
From thence Radeliffe, up East Smith
, by Nightingall lane, (which run
neth South to the Hermitage, a Brew

Suburbs without the Wals.

so called of an Hermite sometime
being there,)
beyond this lane to the
Mannor of Bramley (called in Record of
Richard the second, Villa East Smithfield,
and Villa de Bramley) and to the Man
nor of Shadwell, belonging to the Deane
of Pauls, there hath been of late, in place
of Elme trees, many small Tenements
raised, towards Radcliffe: And Radcliffe
it self hath been also encreased in buil
ding Eastward (in place where I have
knowne a large high-way, with faire
Elme trees on both the sides) that the
same hath now taken hold of Lime-Hurst, Lime-Host, corruptly called Lime
, sometime distant a mile from
Having said thus much for building, at
Wapping, East Smithfield, Bramley, and
Shadwell, all on the South side of the
high-way to Radcliffe; now one note on
the North side also, concerning Pyrates:
I reade, that in the yeere 1440. in the
Lent season, certaine persons, with sixe
shippes brought from beyond the Seas
fish, to victuall the Citie of London;
which fish when they had delivered,
and were returning homeward, a num
ber of Sea-theeves in a Barge, in the
night came upon them, when they were
asleepe in their Vessels, riding at anchor
on the River Thames, and slew them, cut
their throats, east them over-boord,
tooke their money, and drowned their
ships, for that no man should espy or ac
cuse them. Two of these theeves were
after taken and hanged in chaines upon
a gallowes set upon a raised Hill, for the
purpose made, in the field beyond East
, so that they might be seene
farre into the River Thames.
The first building at Radcliffe in my
youth (not to be forgotten) was a faire
Free Schoole,
Free Schoole & Almes
houses at Radisse.
and Almes-houses, foun
ded by Avice Gibson, wife to Nich. Gib
, Grocer, as before I have noted. But
of late yeeres, Ship-wrights, and (for
the most part) other Marine men, have
builded many large and strong houses
for themselves, and smaller for Smylers,
from thence almost to Poplar, and so to
Blacke well.
Now for Tower hill,
Tower hill without the walls.
the plaine there is
likewise greatly diminished by Mer
chants, for building of small tenements:
from thence towards Ealdgate, was the
Minories, whereof I have spoken.
From Ealdgate East againe lieth a large
street, replenished with buildings, to
wit, on the North side the Parish
Church of Saint Buttolph
, and so other
building to Hoglane, and to the barres2
on both sides.
Suburbe without Ealdgate,
without the Barres, both the
sides of the Street be pestered with
Cottages and Allies, even up to White
; and almost halfe a
mile beyond it, into the common field:
all which ought to lye open and free for
all men. But this common field (I say)
being sometime the beauty of this Citie
on that part, is so incroched upon, by
building of filthie Cottages, and with
other Purprestures, Inclosures, and Lay
stalls, that (notwithstanding all Procla
mations and Acts of Parliament made
to the contrarie) in some places it scarce
remaineth a sufficient high-way for the
meeting of Cariages and Droves of
Cattell, much lesse is there any faire,
pleasant, or wholesome way, for people
to walke on foot: which is no small ble
mish to so famous a Citie, to have so un
savourie and unseemely an entrie or pas
sage thereunto.
Now of White Chappell Church some
what and then back againe to Ealdgate.
This Church is as it were a Chappell
of ease to the Parish of Stebunhith,
and the Parson of Stebunhith hath the
Gift thereof: which being first dedica
ted to the name of God, and the Blessed
Virgin, is now called Saint Mary Mat
, About the yeere 1428. in the sixt
of King henry the sixt
, a devout widow
of that Parish had long time cherished
and brought up, of Almes, a certaine
Frenchman, or Briton borne,
A devout widow murdered.
which most
unkindly and cruelly in a night murthe
red the said widow sleeping in her bed,
and after fled with such Iewels and o
ther stuffe of hers, as he might carsie.
But he was so freshly pursved; that (for
feare) he tooke the Church of Saint
George in Southwarke
, and challenged
Priviledge of Sanctuarie there, and so
abjured the Kings Land. Then the Con
stables (having charge of him) brought
him into London, intending to have con
veyed him Eastward: but so soone as he
was come into the Parish, where before
he had committed the Murther; the

Suburbs without the Wals.

wives cast upon him so must filth and
ordure of the streete, that (notwithstan
ding the best resistance made by the
Constables) they slew him out of hand:
And for this feat it hath beene said, that
Parish to have purchased that name of
Saint Mary Matfellon; but I finde in Re
cord, the same to be called Villa beatae
Mariae de Matfellon
, in the 21. of Richard
the second
More, we reade, that in the yeere
1336. the 10. of Edward the third, the
Bishop of Alba, Cardinall and Parson of
Stebunhith, Procurator generall in Eng
, presented a Clerke to be Parson in
the Church of blessed Mary, called Mat
, without Ealdgate of London, &c.
Now againe from Ealdgate North
west to Bishopsgate,
Suburb without Bishopsgate.
lyeth Hounds-ditch,
and so to Bishopsgate.
North and by East from Bishopsgate,
lyeth a large street, or high-way, having
on the West side thereof, the Parish
Church of S. Buttolph
Then is the Hospitall of S. Mary of
, founded by a Citizen of Lon
, and as before is shewed, up to the
Barres, without the which, is Norton fall
, a libertie so called, belonging to the
Deane of Pauls. Thence up to the late
dissolved Priorie of S. Iohn Baptist, cal
led Holywell, a House of Nunnes, of old
time founded by a Bishop of London.
Stephen Gravesend
, Bishop of London, a
bout the yeere 1318. was a Benefactor
thereunto, reedified by Sir Thomas Lo
, Knight of the Garter, who builded
much there, in the reignes of Henry the
, and of Henry the eight. Hee en
dowed this House with faire Lands, and
was there buried in a large Chappell by
him builded for that purpose. This
Priorie was ualued, at the suppression,
to have of Lands two hundred ninetie
three pound by yeere, and was surren
dred 1539. the one & thirtieth of Henry
the eight
. The Church thereof being
pulled downe, many houses have beene
builded for the Lodgings of Noblemen,
of Strangers borne, and other.
From Holywell, in the high Street, is
a continuall building of Tenements to
Sewers ditch, having one small side of a
field already made a Garden Plot. Ouer-against
the North corner of this Field,
betweene it & the Church of S. Leonara
in Shore-ditch,
A Crosse at Shores-ditch, now a Smiths Forge.
sometime stood a Crosse,
now a Smiths Forge, dividing three
Waies: Forthright the high-way is buil
ded upon either side, more than a good
flight shoot towards Kings land, New
ington, Totenham, &c
On the left hand is Ealdestreet, which
reacheth West to a stone Crosse, over-against
the North end of Golding lane,
and so to the end of Goswell street. On the
right hand of this Ealdestreet not farre
from Shores-ditch,
but on the North side
thereof is Hoxton, a large street with
houses on both sides, and is a Prebend
belonging to Pauls Church in London,
but of Shores-ditch Parish.
On the right hand beyond Shores-ditch
, toward Hackney, are some
late builded houses upon the common
soile, for it was Lay-stall, but those
houses belong to the Parish of Stebun
On the other side of the high-way,
from Bishopsgate and Hounds-ditch, is the
the Dolphin, a common Inne for receipt
of Travellers, then a house builded by
the L. Iohn Powlet, afterward called Fi
, and so up to the West end of
Berwardes Lane, is a continuall building
of small cottages, then the Hospitall
called Saint Mary Spittle, hard within
the Barres, whereof I have spoken in Bi
From the which Bars towards Shores-ditch
on that side,
Shores-ditch so called more than 400. yeeres since, as I can prove by record.
was all along, a conti
nuall building of small and base Tene
ments, for the most part lately erected.
Amongst the which (I meane of the
ancient’st building) was one row of
proper small houses, with Gardens for
poore decayed people, there placed by
the Prior of the said Hospitall:
Almes-houses in Shores-ditch.
one Tenant whereof payd one pennie
rent by the yeere at Christmas, and di
ned with the Prior on Christmas day.
But after the suppression of the Hospi
tall, these houses for want of reparations
in few yeers were so decayed, that it was
called Rotten Rowe, & the poor worne out
(for there came no new in their place)
the houses (for a smal portion of money)
were sold from Goddard to Russell a Dra
per, who new builded them, & let them
out for rent enough, taking also large
Fines of the Tenants, neere as much as
the houses cost him purchase and buil

Suburbs without the Wals.

for he made his bargaines so hard
ly with all men, that both Carpenter,
Bricke-layer, & Plaisterer, were by that
Worke undone. And yet in honour of
his name, it is now called Russels Row.
Now for the Parish Church of Saint
Leonards in Shoresditch
, the Arch-deacon
of London is alwayes Parson thereof, and
the Cure is served by a Vicar.
In this Church have been divers ho
nourable persons buried, as appeareth
by Monuments yet remaining. Sir Iohn
, with Margaret his wife, daugh
ter & heire to Thomas Lord Itchingham,
widow to William Blount, sonne & heire
to Walter Blount, the first Lord Mount
: which Margaret died, 1481.
Orate pro animabus Humfredi Starky,
An anciēt Marble Tombe in the Quire.
nuper Capitalis Baronius de
Scaccario Domini Regis Hen. 7. &
Isabella uxoris ejus, & omnium, &c.
This Monument is erected in memorie, that
within this Church doe lye buried the bo
dies of the right Honourable & Noble La
A very faire Tombe in the upper end of the Quire.
Lady Katharine Stafford, daugh
ter to Edward Duke of Buckinghā, &
wife to Ralph, Earle of Westmerland,
who dyed 1553. Lady Elianor, daughter
to Sir William Paston, Knight, and
wife to the right honourable Lord Tho
, Earle of Rutland, buried 1551.
Lady Margaret Nevell, daughter to
Ralph, Earle of Westmerland, & wife
to Henry, Earle of Rutland, who died
1560. And the Lady Katharine Nevell,
wife to Sir John Constable of Holder
, Knight, and daughter to Henry,
Earle of Westmerland. And Lady
Anne Manners
, daughter to Thomas,
Earle of Rutland: which Katharine
died the seven and twentieth day of
, Anno Domini 1591.
And that here doe lye also the bodies of two
right worthie Gentlemen, honourably des
cended; namely, of Sir Thomas Man
, Knight, and Oliver Manners, Es
quire, Brethren, being the fourth & fifth
sonnes of the aforesaid Thomas, Earle of
Rutland. The first died about his age of
50. in Iune, 1591. after many valiant
Services performed by him for his Prince
and Countrey, both in Ireland and in
Scotland, where he was Knighted; and
witnessed by sundrie great wounds he
therein received. The second died in his
younger yeeres, 1563. about his age of
twentie, yet not before good proofe made
of his valour and forwardnesse, in the Ser
vice of New-haven, against the French;
where hee tooke the sicknesse, whereof hee
died shortly after, in Shores-ditch.
Founded by the Lady Adeline Neuell,
at the direction of the said Lady
Katharine Constable, deceased, her
Sister, in February, 1591.
Oleum effusum nomen tuum,
Ideo Adolescentulae dilexe
runt te. Cant. 1.
Fallax est gratia, & vana pul.
chritudo: mulier timens De
um, ipsa laudabitur. Pro. 11.
Hac tuleris quicunque gradum sta, per
lege, plora,
Hic decor,
A comely Monumēt in the wal, neere to the Tōbe.
hic pietas, Nobilitas{que} jacet.
Virgo annis animisque Dei (Theodosia)
Qua meritis certat fama, decore pudor.
Sed famam meritis superavit, moribus
Ingenio sexum, Religione genus.
Quam neque Nobilitas tumidam, nec
forma procacem▪
Fecerat, una humilis, clara, pudica, de
Flos aevi, florem dixi? dixi ergo dolorem
Vt matura brevi est, heu ita rapta brevi
Rapta sed Aethereis Rosa transplantan
da viretis,
Laeta ubi perpetui tempora veris aget.
Inter & aeternas Agni comes Agna cho
Ignotum casto succinet ore melos.
Candida virginei tumulo date Lilia
Virginis O partus, virginis esto memor.
Ereptam Domino sociat lux ultima faelix.
O faelix virgo quod cupit usque tenet.
Anno Domini 1616. Martii 17.
Here lyeth buried Elizabeth,
A faire Tombe in the Chan
the wife of the
late Reverend Father in God, Iohn Sko
, late Bishop of Hereford. The said Re
verend Father, in the reigne of King Ed
the sixt
, was Bishop of Rochester,
& translated from thēce to Chichester.
Hee departed this life at Whitborne, in
the Countie of Hereford, the 26. day of
, Anno Domini 1585. And the
said Elizabeth deceased in Holywell, in
this Parish, the 8. day of March, 1592.

Suburbs without the Wals.

Beati mortui qui Domino moriuntur.
Her Corps heere lyes in Chest,
Her Soule in Heaven now lives;
And she enjoyes that Rest,
Which God to his Saints gives:
For in Christ did she trust,
That he will her restore
Againe out of the dust,
To live for evermore.
Heere lyeth the body of Sir Thomas Sey
An anciēt Marble Tombe in the Chan

Knight, late Alderman and Lord
Maior of London, and Dame Mary
his wife. The which Sir Thomas decea
sed the eleventh day of December, Anno
Domini 1532
Heere-under lye the ashes and the
Of Thomas Leigh,
An engra
uen Place in the Northwall of the Quire.
that good
and learned Knight;
Whose hastie death (alas) the god
ly still bemones,
Though his soule alwayes rejoyce
in Gods sight.
Great was his wisedome, and grea
ter was his wit,
His visage comely, with no sad
change dismayed:
A man in all affaires, a King to
serve most fit,
Had not death so soone his mortall
life betrayed.
He died the 25. day of November,
Anno Domini, 1545.
A table made at the costs and charge
of Henry Hodge, Citizen and Brewer of
London, containing the names of the Be
nefactours to the Church, and the poore
of the Parish of S. Leonards in Shore-ditch.
Which table hangeth up in the Chan
cell neere the Communion table; set up
there, Anno Domini 1623.
William Thornton of this Parish Tai
lour, gave the Vestry house with a roome
under for the Minister to dwell in, and
a tenement by it to this parish for ever:
He likewise built the Gallery at the
comming in at the great doore in the
Church, and made the bricke wall on
the West side of the Church-yard at
his owne charge, Anno Domini 1581.
Iohn Fuller of Bishops-Hall Esquire,
gave a summe of money for the building
of 12. Almes-houses, for 12. poore wid
dowes of this parish; which poore wo
men doe receive during the life of the
Lady his late wife, and after wife to Sir
Thomas Mansfield the summe of 8. l. per
. And after the Ladies decease
there is to come 50. l. per annum to the
said poore almes women for ever. The
Lady being dead they doe now re
ceive it.
William Peake of this Parish Esquire,
gave to be dealt in bread unto the poore
of this Parish weekely the summe of 2.
s’. on every Sunday for ever.
Robert Brainforth, of this parish
Gentleman gave yeerely 8. l. for ever
unto the poore of this Parish, viz. upon
every S. Thomas day before Christmas
to 60. poore persons 3. l. and upon eve
ry Good Friday unto 30. poore persons
the summe of 50. s’. and upon every
Sunday for ever the summe of 12. d’. in
bread to the poore of this Parish. This
money is to be paid accordingly out of
the Hospitall of S. Thomas in South
for ever. He hath also given a
greene Carpet of broad cloth for the
Communion table.
Thomas Russell of London Draper,
hath given to the poore of this Parish
the summe of 12. d’. weekely to be di
stributed to the poore of the Parish for
ever, to be paid by the companie of the
Drapers in London.
George Clarke Citizen and Vintner of
London, gave unto the use of the poore
of this Parish the summe of 100. marks
in money.
Simon Burton of London Wax-chand
, gave to 30. poore widdowes of this
parish the summe of 30. groats yeerely
for ever, to be distributed every S. Tho
George Palin of London Girdler, hath
given 10. l. in money to the use of the
poore of this parish for ever.
Robert Spence of London Fishmonger,
gave 50. s’. a yeere to the poore of this
Parish for ever, to be paid by the com
pany of Fishmongers
Thomas Scriven Esquire, hath given
10. l. in money to the use of the poore
of this Parish for ever.
Robert Rogers of London Leather seller,
gave the summe of 30. pound in money

Suburbs without the Wals.

for a stocke for the poore of this parish
to buy sea-coles, which is to be laid out
at best time for the benefit of the said
poore for ever, reserving the stocke
Steven Scudamore of London Vint
ner, gave the summe of 26. every yeere
for ever, to be given in sagots to the
poor of this Parish about Michaelmasse.
This is to be paid by the company of
in London.
Iohn Eomans, alias Tice of this parish
tuftafata-weaver, gave to the use of the
poor of this parish the summe of 10. l. in
money, to be distributed to the 12. poor
Almes women in one chaldron of sea-coles
yeerely for ever among thē. Cicely,
late wife of the said Iohn Eomans, & after
wife to Master Iohn Heath, gave to the
use of the poore, the summe of 20. pound
in money, for a stock to buy sea-coles for
the poor of this parish for ever. Likewise
she gave 20. pound to buy a flagon of sil
ver for wine for the Communion. Like
wise she gave 20. pound in money, for
the maintenance of two sermons yeerely
for ever, viz. one vpon the Lady day, in
harvest, and the other upon the Lady
, in Lent.
Anne Smith widdow late wife of Wil
liam Nisam
deceased, gave weekly to be
dealt in bread to the poore of this parish
upon every Sunday 2. s’. for ever, to be
paid out of the company of Drapers in
London. Likewise she gave a pulpit cloth
and cushion to this Church.
Nicolas Wilkinson, alias Tooly, Gentle
men deceased, late of this parish, gave
the summe of 80. pound in money, to
remaine a stocke that upon every Sun
day after morning praier, there should
be distributed to 32. poore people 32.
wheaten loaves for ever. And the Vicar,
Church-wardens and Vestry-men out
of their provident care, have made a
purchase of a rent-charge yeerely, issu
ing out of the George in Holywell streete,
for the true performance thereof for
Besides these benefactours in the ta
ble, since we have had these M. Zachary
, Officiall to the Archdeacon of
London, together with his brother M.
Edmond Elmer, gave a flagon of silver for
the wine in the communion; And Willi
am Badger
gardiner in Shore-ditch gave a
nother; And a parishioner unknowne
gave also another, every one cost 20. l.
a peece. Also Iohn Leavis Weaver, gave
a chalice, in which the communion wine
is delivered; and Isabell Iackson widdow,
late wise to William Iackson Grocer, living
in this parish, gave a plate of silver to ca
ry the bread in the communion. William
Gardiner in this parish, gave a cha
lice to the communion table and foure
pewter flaggons for the wine.
Ioane Smales widdow of this Parish &
formerly wife to Iohn Cooke of this Pa
rish, gave allowance for 4. sermons eve
ry yeere on foure Holy dayes: Namely,
the feast day of S. Iohn Baptist, S. Michael,
S. Stephen, and the Purification of the Vir
gin Mary
; and she bequeathed also 40. l. yeerly to be given to the poore of our
On the North side of the Church a
gallery was made at the cost of well dis
posed parishioners, in the yeere 1617.
William Badger, and Iohn Clarke, being
Church-wardens. And another on the
South part by Iames Slade, Captaine &
servant to the East Indian company, was
set up in the yeere 1630. And a long
seate betweene, reaching from one gal
to the other, for the catechising of
youth out of the pulpit, according to the
order then given, Iohn Squire being Vi
car, Thomas Crowther, and Henry Empson,
Church-wardens. Vnder this gallery is
set, Not every one that saith unto me Lord,
Lord, shall enter into the Kingdome of Hea
ven, but he that doth the will of my Father
which is in Heaven
, Matth. 7. 24.
He loveth our nation and hath built us
a Synagogue, Luc. 7. 5.
Virgo annis animis{que} Dei (Gap in transcription. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other available values. foreign […]) donum,
Aethereis rosa transplantanda viretis.
A Tombe on the South side
of the chancell.
Iane the wife of Ralfe Hansby Esquire,
daughter to William Vavasour Es
quire, Grandchild to Thomas Manners
Knight, died the 22. day of Iuly, in the
yeere of our Lord 1617. and of her age
the 23. To whose blessed memory her
her deare husband hath dedicated this sad
monument to signifie that with her his
joy lies here interred.

Suburbs without the Wals.

Si genus & virtus, & moribus au
cta figura
Pulchra bonis, pietas si quid ho
noris habent;
Hunc Ianae tumulum spectans ve
nerare Viator,
Cum qua tot bona tam bella se
pulta jacent.
Nec minor his aderat victrix pa
tientia victae,
Nec spolium mortis sed pudor il
la fuit.
If birth, if vertue,
if faire feature deckt
With gifts of minde,
if piety breeds respect;
Her tombe then view,
and grace kinde Passenger,
With whom so many graces
buried were:
Conquered, By patience
yet she overcame,
Nor was her youth deaths
triumph but his shame.
In the middle chancell this inscription
in brasse is placed upon a grave stone.
Georgius Gips, Generosus, fide subjectus, spe
erectus, charitate Deo unitus, vitam
mortalem mutavit pro immortali, 12.
Iulii 1611
. Quatuor genuit filios, fili
asque undecim. Quorum Richardus,
Georgius, Thomas, Anna, Maria, &
Martha, Patris clauserunt, reliquorum
ipse clausit lumina.
A little below in the same chancell is set
upon a grave stone.
May 22. 1618. Richard Leigh, Mer
chant and Citizen of London, placed
this stone in memoriall of his deare wife
Anne Leigh; Who lyeth heere interred
by the body of Richard Brattuph her
first husband, and of her 3. children, Ri
, Sara
, and Iohn, which she bare
to the said Richard Brattuph.
In some, sad sicknesse paine,
and paine impatience,
In thee a patient
penitence it wrought,
Thy sicknesse joy,
thy tribulation hope,
The bodies death gave life
unto thy soule.
Thus for his lambes
the Lord can hony draw,
From th’all devouring
cruell lions jaw.
Vbi tua, O mors, victoria?
Vbi tuus, O sepulchra, tumulus?
And over against this tombe in the wall
on the South side of the chancell in a
monument of brasse.
Here lieth Katharine Liveley, wife of Ed
ward Liveley
Gentlemen, and daughter
of Henry Hodge Citizen and Brewer of
London, and Ioice his wife, who after
she had runne a vertuous and religious
course of life 21. yeeres, finished the same
the 15. day of Iuly, Anno Domini,
1623. Proverbs 10. 7.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Furthermore, (of late time) one Vi
car there, for covetousnesse of the Brasse,
which hee converted into coyned Sil
ver, plucked up many Plates fixed on
the Graves, and left no memorie of such
as had beene buried under them. A
great injurie both to the living and the
dead, forbidden by publike Proclama
tion, in the reigne of our Soveraigne
Lady Queene Elizabeth, but not for
borne by many, that either of a prepo
sterous zeale, or of a greedie minde,
spare not to satisfie themselves by so
wicked a meanes.
One note of Shores-ditch, and so an
end of that Suburbe.
I reade,
A Fuller of Shores-ditch, for falsely ac
cusing, hā
ged and quartered.
that in the yeere 1440. the
eighteenth of Henry the sixt, a Fuller of
Shores-ditch appeached of Treason ma
ny worthie Esquires and Gentlemen of
Kent: but he being proved false, was at
tainted, condemned, and had judge
ment to be drawne, hanged, and quar
tered; which was done, his head set on
London Bridge, and his Quarters on the
Gates. This Iustice was done, according
to the sixteenth of Deuteronomie,
Deut. 16.
Iudges shall make diligent inquisition
The re
ward of a false bro
if the witnesse be found false, and to have
given false witnesse against his brother, then
shall they doe unto him, as he had thought to
doe unto his brother, &c
I reade of the Kings Mannor, called
Shores-ditch Place, in the Parish of Hack

Suburbs without the Wals.

But how it tooke that name, I know
not; and therefore I will turne backe
from Shores-ditch Crosse to Bethelem
Bethelem Crosse.
and so passe through that Hos
pitall into the Moore-field, which lyeth
without the Posterne called Moore-gate.
This Field (of old time) was called
the Moore; as appeareth by the Charter
of William the Conquerour to the Col
ledge of Saint Martin, declaring a run
ning Water to passe into the Citie from
the same Moore. Also Fitz-Stephen wri
teth of this Moore, saying thus: When the
great Fenne, or Moore, which watereth the
Walls on the North side, is frozen, &c
This Fenne, or Moore-field, stret
ching from the Wall of the City, be
twixt Bishops-gate and the Posterne cal
led Cripplegate, to Finsbery, and to Holy
Finsbery fields and More-fields an unpro
fitable ground.
continued a waste and unprofita
ble ground a long time, so that the
same was all letten for foure markes
the yeare, in the raigne of Edward the
. But in the yeare 1415. the third
of Henry the fifth
, Thomas Fawconer,
Maior, as I have shewed, caused the
wall of the City to bee broken toward
the said Moore, and builded the Posterne
called Mooregate, for ease of the Citi
zens to walke that way upon Causies
towards Iseldon and Hoxton. Moreo
ver, hee caused the Ditches of the Ci
tie, and other the Ditches from Shores
to Deepe ditch, by Bethelem into the
Moore ditch, to be newly cast and clean
sed, by meanes whereof the said Fenne
or Moore was greatly dreined or dryed.
But shortly after, to wit, in 1477. Ralph
, Maior, for repairing of the
Wall of the City, caused the said Moore
to be searched for Clay & Bricke to be
burnt there, &c. by which meanes this
field was made the worse for a long
In the yeere 1498. all the Gardens
which had continued time out of mind,
Gardens without Mooregate, destroyed and made plaine ground Ditches cast to drein the the More-field.

without Mooregate, to wit, about and be
yong the Lordship of Finsbury, were
destroyed; And of them was made a
plaine field for Archers to shoote in.
And in the yeere 1512. Roger Atchley,
Maior, caused divers dikes to be cast,
and made to drein the waters of the said
Moorefields, with Bridges arched over
them, and the grounds about to be leve
led, whereby the said field was made
somewhat more commodious,
Sluce to convey the stan
ding wa
ter out of the Moore.
but yet it
stood full of noisome waters. Where
upon, in the yeere 1527. Sir Thomas Sey
, Maior, caused divers Sluces to be
made to convey the said waters over the
Towne Ditch, into the course of Wal
, and so into the Thames: and by
these degrees was this Fenne or Moore at
length made maine and hard ground,
which before being overgrowne with
Flagges, Sedges and Rushes, served to
no use, Since the which time also, the
farther grounds beyond Finsbury Court,
Moorefields raised and wind-Mils set there

have beene so everheightned with
Laystalls of dung, that now divers
Wind-mills are thereon set, the Ditches
be filled up, and the Bridges ouer-whel
And now concerning the inclosures
of common grounds about this City,
whereof I mind not much to argue; Ed
ward Hall
setteth downe a note of his
time, to wit, in the fift or rather 6. of
H. the 8
Before this time (saith he) the Inhabi
tants of the Townes about London, as Isel
, Hoxton, Shores-ditch and others,
had so inclosed the cōmon fields with hedges,
and ditches, that neither the young men of
the City might shoot, nor the ancient persons
walke for their pleasures in those fields; but
that either their bowes and arrowes were
taken away or broken, or the honest persons
arrested or indighted, saying: That no Londo
ner ought to goe out of the City, but in the
This saying so grieved the Londoners,
that suddainly this yeere, a great number of
the City assembled themselves in a mor
ning, and a Turner in a fooles coate came
crying thorow the City, shovels and spades,
shovels and spades. So many of the people fol
lowed, that it was wonder to behold; and
(within a short space) all the hedges about
the City were cast downe,
Hedges pulled downe & ditches fil
led up.
and the ditches
filled up, and every thing made plaine; such
was the diligence of those worke-men.
The Kings Councell hearing of this assem
bly, came to the Gray Fryers, and sent for
the Maior and Councell of the Citie, to know
the cause, who declared to them the injurie
& annoying done to the Citizens, & to their
Liberties, which though they would not seeke
disorderly to redresse, yet the Communalty
and young persons could not be stayed thus to
remedy the same. When the Kings Councell

Suburbs without the Wals.

had heard their answere, they dissimuled
the matter, and commanded the Maior to
see that no other thing were attempted, but
that they should forth-with call home the
younger sort: who having speedily atchie
ved their desire, returned home before the
Kings Councell, and the Maior departed
without more harme: after which time
(sayth Hall) those fields were never
But afterward wee saw the thing in
worse case than ever,
ting hou
ses like Banque
routs, bea
ring great shew and little worth.
by meanes of in
closure for Gardens, wherein are buil
ded many faire Summer houses, and as
in other places of the suburbes, some of
them like Midsummer Pageants, with
Towers, Turrets, and Chimney tops,
not so much for use or profit, as for
shew and pleasure, and bewraying the
vanity of mens mindes, much unlike to
the disposition of the ancient Citizens,
who delighted in the building of Hos
pitals, and Almes-houses for the poore,
and therein both imployed their wits,
and spent their wealths in preferment
of the common commoditie of this
our City.
But now to come backe againe to
Suburbe without Cripplegate.
and from thence West
through a narrow passage, called the
Posterne, because it hath at either end a
doore to shut in the night season, be
twixt the More-ditch inclosed with
Brick for Tenteryardes, and the Gar
dens of the said Morefield, to Morelane:
a part of the Suburbe without Cripple
, without this posterne called Crip
, also lay a part of the said More,
even to the River of Wels, as in an other
place I have shewed, and no houses
were there builded, till the latter end
of the raigne of William the Conque
, and his Sonne William Rufus, about
which times, some few houses were
there builded along East and West,
thwart before the said Gate. One Alfune
builded for the inhabitants a Parish
Church which is of S. Giles, somewhat
West from the said Gate, and is now
on the banke of the Towne ditch, and
so was there a street since called Fore
, as standing before the Gate.
This Alfune in the raigne of Henry
the first
, became the first Hospiteler of
Saint Bartholomewes Hospitall in Smith
, as in another place I have noted.
And this Parish Church of S. Giles, be
ing at the first a small thing, stood in
place where now standeth the Vicarage
house, but hath beene since (at divers
times) much enlarged, according as
the Parish hath increased, & was at the
length newly builded in place where
now it standeth. But the same new
Church being large, strongly builded,
& richly furnished with Ornamēts, was
in the yeere 1545. by casualty of fire
sore burnt and consumed: not withstan
ding, it was againe (within short space
of time) repaired as now it sheweth.
Some little distance from the East
end of this Church, standeth a faire
Conduit castellated in Forestreet. Then
had yee a Bosse of sweet water in the
wall of the Church-yard, lately made a
Pumpe, but already decayed.
Then had yee a faire Poole of sweet
water neare to the Church of S. Giles,
wherein Anne of Lodbery was drowned
as I have before declared.
In the East end of Forestreet is More
: then next is Grub street, of late
yeares inhabited (for the most part) by
Bowyers, Fletchers, Bow-string makers
and such like, now little occupied; Ar
chery giving place to a number of bow
ling Allies, and Dicing houses, which
in all places are increased, and too much
This street stretcheth North Everades
Well street
, which thwarteth it to White
Crosse street
: the next from Forestreet
North is White Crosse street, likewise ex
tending it selfe up to the West end of
Everades Well street, and from the end
there of to Ealdestreet.
From the West end of Forestreet lyeth
Red Crosse street, from the which Crosse,
on the right hand East lyeth Beech
, and reacheth to the White Crosse
. From Red Crosse North lyeth
Golding lane, which stretcheth up to a
Crosse in Ealde street, which Golding
(on both the sides) is replenished
with many Tenements of poore
On the left hand, and West of the
Red Crosse lyeth a street, of old time
called Hounds-ditch, & of later time na
med Barbican, of such cause as I have
before noted. And thus have you all the
Suburbe without Cripplegate, being al

Suburbs without the Wals.

altogether in the Parish of Saint
, which hath more than 1800.
Housholders, and above 4000. Com
Without Aldersgate,
Suburb without Aldersgate.
on the left hand,
is the Parish Church of S. Buttolph, on
the North side of the which Church
lyeth a way, called Little Britaine street,
towards the Priory of Saint Bartholo
3 in Smithfield; but the high-way
without Aldersgate, runneth straight
North from the said gate unto Houns
, or Barbican streete on the right
hand, and Long lane on the left hand,
which runneth into Smithfield.
Then from the farther end of Al
dersgate street
, straight North to the
Barre, is called Goswell street, repleni
shed with small Tenements, Cottages,
and Allies, Gardens, Banqueting hou
ses and bowling places.
Beyond these Barres,4 leaving the
Charter-house on the left hand, or the
West side of the way, stretcheth up
towards Iseldon, & on the right hand or
East side (at a red Crosse) turneth into
Ealde-street, so called, for that it was
the old high-way from Aldersgate
, for the North-east parts of Eng
, before Bishopsgate was builded,
which streete runneth East to a Smiths
Forge, sometime a Crosse before
Shores-ditch Church, from whence the
Passengers & Carriages were to turne
North to Kings-land, Totenham, Wal
tham, Ware, &c
There was sometime in this Suburbe
without Aldersgate,
Hospitall without Aldersgate.
an Hospitall for the
poore; but an Alien of Cluny, a French
order, and therefore suppressed by King
Henry the fift
, who gave the house with
lands and goods, to the Parish of Saint
, and a Brother-hood of the Tri
nity was there founded, which was af
terward suppressed by Henry the 8. or
Edward the 6.
There is (at the farthest North cor
ner of this Suburbe) a Wind-mill,
which was sometime by a tempest of
wind overthrowne, and in place thereof
a Chappell was builded by Queene
The Mount.
(first wife to Henry the eight)
who named it the Mount of Calvary be
cause it was of Christs Passion, and was
in the end of Henry 8. pulled downe, and
a Windmill newly see up as afore.
Without Newgate lieth the West
and by North Suburb,
Suburbe without Newgate.
on the right
hand or North side whereof (betwixt
the said gate, and the Parish of S. Se
turneth away towards West
, called, Giltspurre street, or
Knight riders street; then is Smithfield it
selfe, compassed about with buildings,
as I have before declared in Faringdon
Ward without
And without the Bars of West Smith
, lieth a large street or way, called of
the house of S. Iohn there S. Iohns street, & stretcheth toward Iseldõ: On the right
hand whereof stood the late dissolved
Monastery, called the Charter-house,
founded by Sir Walter Manny, Knight,
a stranger borne, Lord of the Towne
of Manny in the Diocesse of Cambrey,
beyond the Seas, who for service done
to King Edward the third, was made
Knight of the Garter.
This house he founded upon this oc
casion: A great Pestilence entring this
Iland, began first in Dorsetshire, then
proceeded into Devonshire, Somerset
shire, Glocestershire
, and Oxfordshire, and
at length came to London, and over
spread all England, so wasting the peo
ple, that scarce the tenth person of all
sorts was left alive, and Church-yards
were not sufficient to receive the dead,
but men were forced to chuse out cer
taine fields for burials: whereupon
Ralph Stratford, Bishop of London, in the
yeere 1348. bought a piece of ground,
called No mans land,
No mans land.
which he inclosed
with a wall of Bricke, and dedicated
for buriall of the dead, builded there
upon a proper Chappell, which is now
enlarged, and made a dwelling house:
and this burying plot is become a faire
Garden, retaining the old name of Par
don Church-yard
About this time, in the yeere 1349.
the said Sir Walter Manny, in respect of
danger that might befall in this time of
so great a plague and infection, purcha
sed 13. Acres and a Rod of ground,
adjoyning to the said Nomans land, and
lying in a place called Spittle Croft, be
cause it belonged to Saint Bartholomews
, since that called the New
Church Haw
, and caused it to bee conse
crated by the said Bishop of London to
the use of burials.

Suburbs without the Wals.

In this plot of ground, there was (in
that yeere) more than 50000. persons
buried, as I have read in the Charters
of Edward the third.
Also I have seene and read an In
scription fixed on a stone Crosse, some
time standing in the same Church-yard
and having these words:
Anno Domini, 1349. Regnante magna
pestilentia, consecratum fuit hoc Coemite
rium, in quo & infra septa praesentis Mo
nasterii, sepulta fuerunt mortuorum cor
pora, plusquam quinquaginta millia, prae
ter alia multa abhinc usque ad praesens,
quorum animabus propitietur Deus, A
In consideration of the number of
Christian people here buried, the said
Sir Walter Manny caused first a Chap
pell to be builded, where (for the space
of twenty three yeares) offerings were
made: and it is to be noted, that above
100000. bodies of Christian people
had in that Church-yard beene buried,
for the said Knight had purchased that
place for the buriall of poore people,
Bull of Pope Cle

Travailers, and other that were disea
sed, to remaine for ever; whereupon,
an order was taken, for the avoyding
of contention betweene the Parsons of
Churches and that house,
Churchyard prepared of the poore of poore, so to re
maine for ever.
to wit, that
the bodies should bee had unto the
Church where they were Parishioners,
or dyed, and after the funerall service
done, had to the place where they
should be buried.
And the yeere 1371. he caused there
to bee founded an house of Carthusian
, which he willed to be called
the Salutation, and that one of the
Monkes should be called Prior, and he
gave them the sayd place of 13. Acres
and a Rod of land, with the Chappel,
and houses there builded for their ha
bitation. He also gave them the three
Acres of land, lying without the wals
on the North part, betwixt the lands
of the Abbot of Westminster, and the
lands of the Prior of Saint Iohn; which
three Acres being purchased, inclosed,
and dedicated by Ralph Stratford, Bi
shop of London,
Vse for the Fryery Cart.
as is aforeshewed, re
mained till our time, by the name of
Pardon Church-yard, & served for bury
ing of such as desperately ended their
lives, or were executed for Felonies,
who were fetched thither usually in a
close cart, bayled over and covered
with blacke, having a plaine white
crosse thwarting, and at the fore-end
a S. Iohns Crosse without, and within a
Bell ringing by shaking of the Cart,
wherby the same might be heard when
it passed, & this was called the Fryery
Cart, which belonged to S. Iohns, and
had the priviledge of Sanctuary.
In this Charter-house were the Monu
ments of the said
Sir Walter Manny, and
Margaret his wife, Marmaduke Lumley,
Laurence Bromley, Knight, Sir Edward
, Knight, Sir William Manny,
Knight, Dame Iohan Borough, Iohn Dore,
want Water, Knight, Robert Olney, Es
, Katharine, daughter Sir William
, Knight, Blanch, daughter to
Hugh Waterton, Katharine, wife to Iohn
at Poot
, daughter and heire to Richard
, William Rawlin, Sir Iohn Len
, and Dame Margaret his wife,
daughter to
Iohn Fray, Iohn Peake Es
, William Baron, and William Baron,
Esquires, Sir Thomas Thawites Knight,
Philip Morgan, Bishop of Ely, 1434.
In the Cloystrie, Bartholomew Rede,
Knight, Maior of London, buried 1505.
Sir Iohn Popham, &c.
This Monastery, at the suppression in
the 29. of Henry the 8. was valued at
642. l. 4. d. halfe penny yeerely.
Here now I find fit time, to commend
to all succeeding posterity,
The wor
thie re
mēbrance of M. Tho
mas Sutton
the duely de
served praises of that truely worthy (&
never to be forgotten) Gentleman, Ma
ster Thomas Sutton, the right Phoenix of
Charity in our times. This late dissol
ved Charter-house, by West Smithfield,
belonging then to the Right Honorable
Thomas Earle of Suffolke, after Lord
Treasurer of England, is sufficiently
knowne to bee a very large and goodly
Mansion, beautified with spacious Gar
dens, Walkes, Orchards and other
I have truely set downe all this, as it was deli
vered mee in writing by a Gen
tleman of good worth and credit.
enriched with divers depen
dencies of Lands and Tenements ther
to belonging, and very aptly seated
for wholesome ayre, and many other
commodities. All which commodious
nesse of situation, and largenesse of cir
cuit, gave occasion to this well-minded
Gentleman Master Sutton, to affect that
house, as the onely place, whereon to

Suburbs without the Wals.

build the foundation of his Religious
purpose. For, among other his Chri
stian determinations, hee had former
ly intended to build an house at Hal
lingbury Bouchers
in Essex, to be an Hos
pitall for such poore men and Children
as he himselfe (in his life time, or fu
ture Governors for the same to bee de
puted) should thinke fit to bee lodged
and relieved there: Also, for a Schoole-master
and Vsher,
His first purpose at Hallingbu
in Es
to teach Children
to reade and write, and instruct them
in the Latine and Greeke Grammar:
with a Learned Divine likewise to
preach the Word of God to them all,
and a Master beside, to governe all
those people belonging to that house.
To this blessed end and purpose,
How hee intended to tearme the Hos
had procured (by earnest suit) power
by an Act of Parliament, to build such
an Hospitall in the Towne of Halling
bury Bouchers
, and that the same should
be named, The Hospitall of King Iames,
founded in Hallingbury in the Coun
tie of Essex, at the humble Petition,
and at the onely costs and charges of
Thomas Sutton, Esquire: Appointing
also such Honourable, Reverend and
Worthy persons, as by the said Act of
Parliament were nominated and ap
pointed, to bee the first and instant Go
vernors of the Lands, Possessions,
Goods and Reveneues of the said Hos
But afterward, upon more grounded
The Char
ter house
more ne
cessary for an Hos
pital than Hallingbury
and finding this goodly
house of the Charter-house, to bee much
more convenient for the purpose, than
that to be builded at Hallingbury could
be: hee became an earnest suiter to the
Earle of Suffolke, to purchase that
house of him, acquianting his Honor
with the alteration of his minde con
cerning Hallingbury, and his earnest de
sire to make the Charter-house his Hos
pitall. The Earle being honourably
enclined to so godly a motion, the mat
ter sustained the lesse debating between
them: but the price being concluded
on, the bargaine and sale was assured.
The summe disbursed for this purpose,
amounted to 13000, l. which was paid
downe in hand, before the ensealing of
the Conveyance.
Then he became suiter againe to his
Majestie, to performe all that at the
Charter-house, which he had formerly
intended at Hallingbury: whereto the
King readily yeelded, being graciously
affected to so charitable a Worke, and
granted his Letters Patents to the same
The first Gover
nors ap
pointed by Letters Patents, of King James his Hospitall, founded in the Charter-house.
And the right Reverend Father
in God, George, Archbishop of Cantur
Thomas Lord Ellesmere, Lord
Chancelor of England; Robert Lord
high Treasurer of England; Iohn the e
lect Bishop of London; Lancelot Bishop
of Ely; Sir Edward Coke, Knight,
chiefe Iustice of the Common Pleas;
Sir Thomas Foster, Knight, one of his
Majesties Iustices of the Common
Pleas; Sir Henry Hobard, Knight and
Baronet, Attourney generall; Iohn O
, Deane of Pauls in London;
George Mountaine
, Deane of Westminster;
Henry Thursby
, Esquire, one of the
Masters of the Chancerie; Geffrey Nigh
, Esquire; Richard Sutton, Es
quire; Iohn Law Gentleman; Thomas
, Gentleman; and the Master of
the Hospitall of King Iames, founded in
the Charter-house, within the Country of
, at the humble petition, and
the onely costs and charges of Thomas
, Esquire, were elected, nomi
nated and ordained by the Kings most
excellent Majestie in his Letters Pa
tents granted, to bee the first Gover
nors of the Lands, Possessions, Revenues
and goods of the fore-said Hospitall,
and continuall maintenance thereof in
forme following.
All his Mannors and Lordships of
The lands made over by Master Sutton for the main
tenance of the said Hospitall for ever, in the County of Essex.
Norton, Little Hallingbury,
alias Hallingbury Bouchers, and Much-Stanbridge,
in the County of Essex.
All those his Mannors and Lord
ships of Bastingthorpe, alias, Bustingthorpe
and Dunnesby in the County of Lin
All those his Mannors and Lord
ships of Salthorp,
In the County of Lincolne.
alias, Saltrop, alias,
Haltrop, Chilton and Blackgrove, in the
County of Wilts.
In the County of Wilts.
And also all those his
Lands & pasture-grounds, called Black
Lands & Pasture grounds in Wilts.
contayning by estimation 200.
Acres of pasture, with the appurte
nances in Balckgrove and Wroughton, in
the said County of Wilts.
In the Counties of Cam
bridge, Essex
and Middlesex
And also in
that his Mannor of Missenden, otherwise
called the Mannor of Missunden,
in the Parishes of Wroughton, Lydierde

Suburbs without the Wals.

and Tregose, in the said County.
All that his Mannor of Elcombe, and a
Parke, called Elcombe Parke, in the said
All that his Mannor of Watelescote, ali
as Wiglescete, alias Wigleskete, in the said
County of Wilts.
All that his Mannor of Westcote, alias,
Westcete, with the appurtenances in the
said County of Wilts. And also all those
his Lands and Pastures, containing by
estimation 100. Acres of Land, and 60.
Acres of pasture, with the appurtenan
ces in Wiglescote and Wroughton, in the
said County of Wilts. And all that his
Mannor of Vffcote with the appurtenan
ces. And also those his two Messuages,
and 1000. Acres of Land, 2000. Acres
of Pasture, 300. Acres of Meddowe, and
300. Acres of Wood, with the appur
tenances, in Brodehinton, in the said
County of Wilts.
All those the Mannors & Lordships
of Camps, alias, Campes Castell, otherwise
called Castle Campes, with the appurte
nances situate, lying, being, and exten
ding in the Counties of Cambridge and
Essex, or in either of them, or elsewhere
within the Realme of England. His Man
nor of Balsham, in the County of Cam
. And all his Messuages and Lands
which are in the Parishes of Hackney &
Totenham in the County of Middlesex,
or in either of them.
A briefe Rehearsall of the for
mer grants.
And all and singu
ler the Mannors, Lordships, Messuages,
Lands, Tenements, Reversions, Servi
ces, Meddowes, Pastures, Woods, Ad
vowsons, Patronages of Churches, and
Hereditaments of the said Thomas Sut
whatsoever, situate, lying or being
within the said County of Essex, Lin
colne, Wilts, Cambridge
and Middlesex,
or in any of them, with all and every of
their rights, members and appurtenan
ces whatsoever.
Except all his Mannors or Lordships
of Littlebury and Haddestocke,
with their
appurtenances in the Countie of Essex.
Beside all this bountie of his Hospi
Legacies given to charitable uses.
behold what Legacies he hath given
to charitable uses.
To the poore people in Barwicke,
100. Markes.
To the poore of Stoke-Newington.
10. li.
To the poor Fishermen of the Towne
of Oastend in the Low-Countries. 100. li.
To the mending of the High-wayes
betweene Islington and Newington,
All these works to be done, and the monies payd with
in a yeere after his decease.
in the
County of Middlesex, 40. Markes.
To the mending of the High-wayes
betweene Ashden and Walden, called
Walden lane, in the Countie of Essex,
100. li.
To the mending of the High-wayes,
betweene great Lynton, in the Countie
of Cambridge, and the said Towne of
Wolden, 60. li. 13. s. 4. d.
Towards the mending of Horseth lane.
60. li.
To the mending of the Bridges and
ordinary High-wayes, betweene South
and Malden in Essex, 100. li.
To the Chamber of London,
To ten poore Mer
1000. li.
to be yeerely lent to ten young Mer
chants, not having any great stockes of
their owne. And those tenne men to
be appointed by the Lord Maior and
Aldermen of the City for the time be
ing, and the Deane of Pauls: They are
not to pay any use for the money, nor
any to enjoy it above the space of one
To the poore people of Hadstocke,
Legades to the poore in sundry Tonnes.

20. li.
To the poore of Littlebury and Bal
, 40. li.
To the Parson and Church-wardens
of Balsham, for the time being, towards
the buying a Bell, to be hanged up in the
Steeple, to amend the Ring there,
20. li.
To the poore of Southminster, 20. li.
To the poore of Little Hallenbury,
20. li.
To the poore of Dunsby Com. Lincoln.
20. li.
To the poore prisoners in the prisons
of Ludgate,
The poore Prisoners.
Newgate, the two Comp
ters in London, the Kings-Bench, and the
Marshalsey, 200. li. to be paid and divi
ded among the same Prisoners by even
and equall portions.
To the Master,
His love to Lear
Fellowes and Schol
lers of the Corporation of Iesus Col
ledge in Cambridge, 500. Markes.
To the Master, Fellowes and Schol
lers of the Corporation of Magdalen
Colledge in Cambridge, 500. li.
Towards the building of his intended
To his Hospitall.
Chappell and Schoole-house
five thousand pounds, if he lived not to

Suburbs without the Wals.

see it performed in his life time. Beside,
hee hath given into the Treasury or
Store-house of the same intended Hos
pitall, to begin their stocke with, & to
defend the rights of the house 1000. l.
To every one of his Feoffees, put in
trust about his intended Hospital, 26. l.
13. s. 4. d.
To the Poore of Beverley, a Close in
To the Poore of Lincolne, a remain
der of yeeres in the Rectory of Glen
tham, Com. Lincolne
To Master Hutton, Vicar of Little
bury, 20. l.
To the Poore of Camps Castell, 10. l.
To the Poore of Elcombe, 10. l.
To M. Floud, Parson of Newington,
13. l. 6. s. 8. d.
To the Poore of the Parish of Hack
. 10. pounds.
His Hospitall consisting of a Master,
Governor, a Preacher, a Free-Schoole,
with a Master and Vsher, 80. poore
people, and 40. Schollers, maintained
with sufficient cloathing, meat, drinke,
lodging and wages:
The whole number in the house, with the attendāte, in 180.
beside Officers
and ministers to attend on them, and
the number to increase, according as
the Revenues upon the expiration of the
Leases is increased.
This famous Hospitall of King Iames,
with the value of the Lands layd unto
it, the purchase of the House, stocke
layd in, & allowance towards the buil
ding: Also, the remainder of his goods
unbequeathed, his large gifts and Le
gacies to divers Honourable and wor
thy friends, beside, great store of farre
more inferiour account,
The grea
test and most com
mendable that ever was given in England by one man, and to pious uses.
surpassing my
capacity to number, and the residue of
20000. pound left to the discretion of
his Executors, may well and worthily
be said to be the very greatest and most
bountifull gift, that ever at any time
was given in England, no Abbey (at the
first foundation thereof) excepted, or
therewith to be compared, being the
gift of one man onely.
But alas,
M. Sutton died be
fore hee could see his hopes take their effect.
what perpetuity is there to
be expected in this life, where there is
no other certainty than of change?
While all eyes stand gazing on this
hopefull intention, and every eare liste
ning to heare when it would come to
effect: that enemy to infinite good and
godly purposes, Death, takes away
the worthy Master-workeman, yet, not
unprovided, as too many are; for hee
had his needfull occasions, befitting
provision for so long a journey, readily
sealed up in the peace of a good Con
science, & that which the tyrant Death
had bereft him of, he left to the perfor
mance of his faithful Executors, Master
Richard Sutton,
The Exe
cutors to M. Sutton.
and Master Iohn Lawe,
men of religious and upright soules,
and (God be thanked) the worke is ac
complished. And on the Munday after
Michaelmas day, being the third day of
, An. Dom. 1614. the Captaines
& Gentlemen entred into their famous
prepared Hospital; to the glory of God,
honour of the Kings most Royall Maje
stie, credit of the Governors, comfort
of them appointed to it, and joy of all
good minds to behold it.
Thus, though no tongue or penne
can either so amply expresse, or suf
ficiently set downe the great deserts
of this so good and worthy a man:
yet death having given a period to his
life, and layd him in a goodly Tombe,
in the Chappell of his owne Hospitall;
there we must now leave him, with this
Inscription thereon engraven.
Sacred to the Glory of God, in
gratefull memory of Thomas
, Esquire.
HEere lyeth buried the body of
Thomas Sutton,
A very costly and beautifull Tombe in the West side of the Quire.
late of Ca
stell Camps
, in the County
of Cambridge, Esquire: at whose
onely costs and charges this Hospital was
founded, and endued with large possessi
ons, for the reliefe of poore men and chil
dren. Hee was a Gentleman, borne at
Knayth, in the County of Lincolne, of
worthy and honest parentage. He lived to
the age of 79. yeers, and deceased the 12.
day of December
, An. Dom. 1611.
Master Hutton was the first Master of
this Hospitall,
Masters that have beene of the Hos
according to the minde
of M. Sutton.
M. Pearne was the second.
M. Hooker the third, who dyed there
in his Mastership, and lyeth buried in
the Chappell.
M. Iohn Lawe, one of M. Suttons Ex
ecutors, lyeth also there buried in the

Suburbs without the Wals.

Chappell, and hath a Monument or re
membrance of him, fixed in the East
wall of the said Chappell.
An Epitaph written by a
Friend to Goodnesse.
WHen bad men dye, the memory
Of their corruptions and un
Intended to bee hung in a faire Ta
ble by the Tombe.
As merit to their mis-applyed
Out of ill actions forming as ill
For Vertue wounded by their deepe
Leav’s Shame to their Posterity and
When good men dye, the memory re
Of their true Vertue, and most
Christian wayes;
As a due guerdon to their godly
Out of good actions forming as good
For Vertue cherished by their deeds
of grace,
Leaves Fame to their posterity and
Among those good (if goodnesse may
be said
To be among the seede of mortall
In upright ballance of true merit
Needs must we reckon famous Sut
In whom, as in a mirror doth ap
That faith with works did shine in
him most cleere.
And let us not, as is a common
Measure him by a many other
In death, to cover their bad lifes
To lanch out then some bounty of
their store.
No, Sutton was none such, his Hos
And much more else beside, speakes
him to all.
For as God blest him with abundant
Like to a carefull Steward he im
And ordered all things in his best
of health,
As glad to leave it, as when he en
And being prepared every houre
to dye,
Disposed all his gifts most Christi
In Abrahams bosome sleeps he with
the blest,
His workes, they follow him, his
worth survives,
Good Angels guide him to eternall
Where is no date of time, for yeeres
or lives.
You that are rich, doe you as he hath
And so assure the Crowne that hee
hath won.
A little without the Barres of West
, is Charterhouse lane, so called,
for that it leadeth to the said plot of the
late dissolved Monastery, in place wher
of, first the Lord North, but since, Tho
mas Howard
, late Duke of Norfolke, have
made large and sumptuous buildings,
both for lodging and pleasure.
Conduit by the Charter-house.

At the gate of this Charter-house is a
faire water-conduit, with two Cockes,
serving the use of the neighbours to
their great commodity.
Saint Iohns street, from the entring
this lane, is also (on both sides) repleni
shed with buildings, up to Clarken well.
On the left hand of which street, lyeth
a lane called Cow Crosse, of a Crosse
sometime standing there, which lane
turneth downe to another lane called
Turne-Mill streete, which stretcheth
up to the West side of Clarken well, and
was called Turne-Mill streete, for such
cause as is afore declared.
One other lane there is, called Saint
Peters lane
, which turneth from Saint
Iohns street
to Cow-Crosse.

Suburbs without the Wals.

On the left hand also stood the late
dissolved Priory of Saint Iohn of Ieru
in England, founded about the
yeere of Christ 1100. by Iorden Briset,
Baron, & Muriel his wife neere unto
Clarkes well, besides West Smithfield,
which Briset, having first founded the
the Priory of Nunnes at Clarkes Well,
bought of them ten Acres of Land, gi
ving them in exchange ten Acres of
Land in his Lordship of Welling Hall,
in the County of Kent. Saint Iohns
was dedicated by Heraclius,
Patriarke of the holy Resurrection of
Christ at Ierusalem, in the yeare 1185.
& was the chiefe seat in England of the
Religious Knights of S. Iohn of Ierusa
. Whose profession was (besides
their dayly service of God) to defend
Christians against Pagans, and to fight
for the Church; using for their habite
a blacke upper garment, with a white
Crosse on the forepart thereof, and for
their good service was so highly estee
med, that when the order of Templers
was dissolved, their Lands and posses
sions were (by Parliament) granted un
to these, who after the losse of Ierusa
, recovered the Ile of Rhodes, from
the Turke, and there placed them
selves, being called thereof (for many
yeeres) Knights of the Rhodes, but after
the losse thereof 1523. removed to the
Ile of Malta, manfully opposing them
selves against the Turkish invasions.
The Rebels of Essex and of Kent
1381. set fire on this house, causing it to
burne by the space of 7. dayes together,
not suffering any to quenchit: since the
which time, the Princes of that house
have new builded both church & houses
thereunto appertaining, which Church
was finished by Thomas Docwray, late
Lord Prior there, about the yeere 1504.
as appeareth by the inscription over the
Gate-house, yet remaining. This house
at the suppression in the 32. of Hen. the
was valued to dispend in lands 3385.
l. 19. s. 8. d. yeerely. Sir W. Weston being
then Lord Prior, died on the same 7. of
, on which the house was suppres
sed, so that great yeerely pensions being
granted to the Knights by the King, and
namely to the Lord Prior, during his
life 1000. l. but he never received pen
ny: The King tooke into his hands all
the lands that belonged to that house,
& to that order wheresoever in England
and Ireland, for the augmentation of his
This Priory, Church and house of
S. Iohn
was preserved from spoyle or
downe pulling, so long as King Henry
the eight
reaigned, and was imployed as
a Store-house for the Kings Toyles and
Tents for Hunting, & for the wars, &c.
But in the third of King Edward the
, the Church for the most part, to
wit, the body and side Iles, with the
great Bell-tower, (a most curious piece
of workemanship, graven, gilt, and in
ameled, to the great beautifying of the
City, and passing all other that I have
seene) was undermined and blowne up
with Gun-powder, the stone thereof
was imployed in building of the Lord
Protectors house
at the Strand. That
part of the Quire which remaineth,
with some side Chappels, was by Car
dinall Poole
(in the raigne of Queene
) closed up at the West end, and
otherwise repaired, and Sir Tho
mas Tresham
, Knight, was then
made Lord Prior there, with re
stitution of some Lands; but the
same was againe suppressed in the
first yeere of Queene Elizabeth.
There was buried in this Church,
Brethren of that house, and Knights of
that order
, Iohn Botell, William Bagecore,
Richard Barrow, Iohn Vauclay; Thomas
, Iohn Mallory, William Turney,
William Hulles, Hils or Hayles, Iohn We
, Redington, William Longstrother,
Iohn, Longstrother, William Tong, Iohn
. Then of other; Thomas Thorn
, Gentleman, William West, Gent.
Iohn Fulling, & Adam Gill, Esquires, Sir
Iohn Mortimor
, and Dame Eleaner his
, Nicholas Silverston, William
, Esquire, Margaret Tong, and
Isabell Tong, Walter Bellingham, alias,
Ireland, K. of Armes of Ireland, Tho
mas Bedle
, Gent. Katharine daughter
William Plompton, Esquire, Richard
, Gent. Ione wife to Alexander
, Iohn Bottell and Richard Bottle,
Esquires, Rowland Darcy, Richard Sut
, Gent. Richard Bottill, Gent. Sir W.
, Knight, Robert Kingston, Es
quire, and
Margery his wife, Iohn Roch,
Richard Cednor, Gent. Simon Mallory,

Suburbs without the Wals.

1442. William Mallory, Robert Longstro
, Ralph Astely, William Marshall,
Robert Savage, Robert Gondall, Esquire,
Margery his wife, William Babthorpe,
Baron of the Exchequer 1442.
North from the house of S. Iohns was
the Priory of ClarkenWell, so called of
Clarkes well adjoyning, which Priory
was also founded about the yeere 1100.
by Iorden Briset, Baron, the sonne of
Ralph, the sonne of Brian Briset: who
gave to Robert a Priest, foureteen Acres
of land, lying in the field next adjoining
to the said Clarkes VVell, thereupon to
build an house of Religious persons,
which he founded to the honor of God,
and the Assumption of our Lady, and
placed therein blacke Nuns. This Ior
den Briset
, gave also to that house one
piece of ground, thereby to build a
Windmill upon, &c. Hee and Muriell
his wife were buried in the Chapter-house
there. More buried in this
Church, Iohn VVikes, Esquire, and Isa
his wife, Dame Agnes Clifford, Ralph
, Esquire, Dame Iahan, Ba
ronnesse of Greystocke
, Dame Iahan La
dy Ferrar.
And of later time in the Parish
Church, Constantius Bennet, a Greeke
borne, he gave two houses, the one in
Saint Iohns street, the other in Turne
mill street
, the rents of them to be distri
buted in Coales every yeere against
Christmas, to the poore of that Parish.
Heereunder lyeth buried Francis White,
An engra
ven Plate in the South wall of the Chancell.

the 14. Sonne of Sir Thomas White of
Southwerborne, Knight, deceased, and
of Lady Anne his wife: who dyed at his
age of sixteene, the last day of February,
Anno Domini, 1566. he being their
nineteenth Childe.
Hic jacet Isabella Sackuill,
A faire plated Stone in the Chan
quae fuit
Priorissa nuper Prioratus de Clarken
, tempore dissolutionis ejusdem
Prioratus, quae fuit 21. Octobris,
Anno Domini, Millesimo Quin
gentesimo Septuagesimo
, & An.
Reg. Elizab. Dei gratia, &c. duo
Vnder this Stone lyeth the body of the good,
The like stone close by it.
charitable, and vertuous Gentlewoman,
Mistris Anne Blunt, daughter unto
Walter Blunt, of Blunt Hall in the
Country of Stafford Esquire, and Sister
unto the right VVorshipfull, the Lady
, deceased and to the Lady Siden
, now living. VVhich Anne died the
24. day of April, An. Domini, 1504.
Contegit hoc marmor Doctorem no
mine Bellum,
A faire Stone by the Com
munion Table.
Qui bene tum rexit Praesulis officiū.
Moribus, ingenio, vitae pietate vige
Laudatus cunctis, cultus & eloquio.
Anno Domini, 1556. die August. 11.
There is an ancient Marble Tombe
in the North wall of the Chancell,
A tombe seeming of great Antiquity.
the figure of a dead man by in his
shrowd: and all the plates are stolen a
way, only one piece remaining, contai
ning these words:
Hospitalitate inclytus, genere praeclarus:
There an Armes,
Hanc urna officii causu.
Here lyeth the body of the Lady Elizabeth
A faire pla
ted Stone by the Commu
niō Table.
sometime the wife of Wil
liam Dallyson
, and one of the Iu
stices of the Kings Bench: And after
ward wife to Sir Francis Ascough,
Knight. The which Lady departed this
life the 6. day of December, Anno Do
mini, 1570
And here also lyeth William Dallison,
Esquire, eldest son to the said William
and Elizabeth, which William the
Sonne deceased the 9. day of November,
Anno Domini, 1585.
Heere lyeth the body of Francis Butler,
A plated stone in the Chan

fourth Sonne of Sir Iohn Butler, of Hat
field Woodhall
in the County of Kent,
Knight. Obiit 4. Martii, 1615.
The Lady Elizabeth Barckley of the
Queenes Majesties Bed-Chamber,
A faire Tombe in the North wall of the Chancell.
second wife to Sir Maurice Barckley,
Knight, deceased (Standard-bearer to
her Majestie, to her Father, and to her
Brother) departed this life in this Parish,
the 16. day of Iune, An. Dom. 1585.
(being 52. yeeres old) in the faith of Ie
sus Christ, and was buried in the floore
under this Tombe. This Lady was the
daughter of Anthony Sonds, Esquire.
She had children, two sonnes and one
daughter, Robert, Margaret and Iohn.

Suburbs without the Wals.
Rogero Wood Armigero,
A comely Monumēt in the same North wall.
Servienti ad
Arma, tam Serenissimo Regi, quam ho
noratissimo conventui Parliamenti. Rosa
Conjunx hoc posuit amoris pii, momoriae
perpetuae, observantiae debitae, Sacrum
Qui legis, qui luges,
Rogerum Wood
Ne perisse putes,
superesse scias,
Extinctus extat,
peremptus perennis est,
Vivit in suorum
desideriis, in bonorum
in Coelrum gaudiis.
Obiit 18. Martii, 1609.
Aetatis suae 46.
Iohn Palmer of Clarkenwell,
A faire Monumēt in the South wall of the Cahncel.
was buried here the 18. day of February,
An. Dom. 1585. He married Panclin,
the daughter of Anthony Sondes of
Kent, Esquire: she was also buried in
this Chancell: By whom he had issue An
thony Palmer
, Elizabeth Cheiney,
Iane Thursby
, and Mary Palmer. Iane
had also one of her daughters
here buried, named Elizabeth.
In obitum Generosissimae, cha
rissimae{que} Elizabethae Croftes, nuper
uxoris Caroli Croftes, Armigeri:
Christoph. Brooke devotissimus, hoc me
moriae pignus posuit. Obiit 20.
Decemb. 1597.
GEntle beholder of these dolefull
A Table hanging on the wall over her grave.
With carefull mutes and mournfull
accents sounding,
Resolve to teares, viewing these sad
Of driery sorrow, and hearts deepest
Consuming Time, abridging worlds
Insulting death, feareful, prodigious,
Eclipsing, waxing heat of Natures
With wayning forc’d, and necessarie
Since you have done your worst to
date her dayes,
Whilome the worlds, now heavens
gratious ghest:
I, this sad memory of her liues
Presume to write, in skilfull Arts
the least.
She was descended of right gentle
Kinde, courteous, affable and milde
by nature,
Modest her thoughts, her disposition
Her mind Exchequers store to eve
Her Conscience spotles, her Religion
Her life sincere, her studie contem
Her hope was heaven, with life
aye to endure,
Her faith was constant in her soules
Her vertuous care her children to
Conform’d to reason in her husbands
Her bounty to her servants, friends
Desire to helpe, and wish no neigh
Thrice happy then (breath-lesse) in
Tombe that lyest:
Earth hath but earth, thy better
part survives:
From worldly warfare, summon’d
to the highest,
Whose death from life, a second life
Death life confirmes, Heaven earth
unites in one:
Her life in death, and blisse when
world is done.
Here lieth the body of Thomas Beding
A faire plated Stone in a comely Chappell by the Pulpit.
Esquire, second sonne unto Sir
Henry Beding field
, Knight, late of the
County of Norf. and one of the privy
Councell to Queene Mary. Also this
Thomas Bedingfield, was one of the
honorable band of Gentlemen Pen
sioners unto the late famous Queene
. & Master of the Tents & Pavili

Suburbs without the Wals.

unto the most mighty King
, Monarch of Great Britaine.
He departed this life the 11. day of
, An. Dom. 1613.
This Monument was made and pla
ced here, at the cost and charges of
Iohn Skillicorne, Esquire, being
his Executor.
William Herne, a Master of defence,
and yeoman of the Guard, 1580. gave
Lands and Tenements to the Cloth
in London, they to pay yeerely
for ever, 14. pound to the Church war
dens of Clarken Well, and 14. l. on the
Churchwardens of S. Sepulchres, to
wards reparation of these Churches,
and reliefe of the poore men. More hee
gave after the death of one man, then
living, 8. l. the yeare for ever, to the
mending of High-wayes.
Thomas Sackeford, Esquire, one of the
Masters of Requests, gave to the poore
of that Parish 40. s. the yeere for ever,
out of his Almes-house at Woodbridge
in Suffolke, where he is buried.
Henry Stoke, Gardener, buried there,
gave 20. s. the yeere for ever towards
reparation of that Church.
This Priory was valued to dispend
262. l. 9. s. by yeere, and was surren
dred the 30. of H. the 8. Many faire
houses are now builded about the Prio
rie, namely, by the high-way towards
So much of the Church which re
maineth: for one great Ile thereof,
which fell downe, serveth now as a Pa
rish Church of S. Iames
, not onely for
the Tenements and neere Inhabitants,
but also (as is aforesaid) for all up to
Highgate, Moswell, &c.
Neere unto this Church, besides
Clarkes Well lane, were divers other
Wels, namely, Skinners Well, Fags Well,
Tode Well, Loders Well, Rede Well, &c
now damned up.
Now to returne to Giltspurre streete,
where I first began with this Suburb,
there standeth the Parish Church of
S. Sepulchre
in the Bayly, as is before
shewed, from this streete to Turnea
gaine lane
by Hosier lane, Cow lane, and
Oldboorne Conduit, downe Snore hill,
to Oldboorne bridge, and up Oldboorne
, by Gold lane on the right hand, and
Lither lane beyond it, to the Barres; be
yond the which Barres on the same side
is Port Poole, or Grayes Inne lane, so cal
led of the Inne of Court, named Grayes
, a goodly house there situate: by
whom builded or first begun I have not
yet learned, but it seemeth to be since
Edward the 3. time, and is a Prebend
to Pauls Church in London.
This lane is furnished with faire
buildings, and many tenements on both
the sides, leading to the fields towards
Highgate and Hamsted.
On the high street have ye many faire
houses builded, and lodgings for Gen
tlemen, Innes for Travellers, and such
like, up almost (for it lacketh but lit
tle) to S. Giles in the fields: amongst
the which buildings, for the most part
being very new, one passeth the rest in
largenesse of roomes, lately builded by
a Widow,
Widow A
her building.
sometime wife to Richard A
, Esquire, which Rich. Alington de
ceased in the yeare 1561. And thus
much for that North side of Oldboorne.
Now from Newgate on the left hand
or South side,
South side of Old
lyeth the Old Bayly, & so
downe by Seacoale lane end to Oldboorne
, up Oldboorne hill, by Shoo lane,
and Fewters lane, to the Barres.5
Beyond the Barres had ye (in old
time) a Temple,
Old Temple.
builded by the Tem
, whose order first began in the
yeere of Christ 1118. the 19. of Henry
the first
. This Temple was left, and fell
to rune since the yeere 1184. when the
Templers had builded them a new Tem
in Fleetstreet, neere to the River of
. A great part of this old Tem
ple was pulled downe but of late, in the
yeere 1595.
Adjoyning to this old Temple,
The Bi
shop of Lincolnes Inne.
sometime the Bishop of Lincolnes Inne,
wherein he lodged when he repaired to
this City. Robert de Curars, Bishop of L.
builded it about the yeere 1147. I. Rus
, Bishop of Lincolne, Chancelor of
England, in the raigne of Richard the
, was lodged there. It hath of late
yeeres belonged to the Earles of South
ton house.
and therefore called South
hampton house
. Agaster Roper hath of late
builded much there, by means whereof,
part of the ruines of the old Temple was
seene to remaine, builded of Cane stone,
round in forme as the New Temple by

Suburbs without the Wals.
Temple Barre, and other Temples in Eng
Beyond this old Temple and the Bi
shop of Lincolnes house, is New-streete, so
called in the raigne of Henry the third,
when he (of a Iewes house) founded the
house of Converts betwixt the old
Temple and the new.
The same streete hath since been cal
led Chancery lane, by reason that King
Edward the third
annexed the house of
Converts by Patent, to the office of Cu
stos Rotulorum
, or Master of the Rolles,
in the 15. of his raigne.
In this streete, the first faire building
to be noted on the East side, is called
the Cursitors Office, builded with divers
faire lodgings for Gentlemen, all of
Bricke and Timber, by Sir Nicolas Ba
, late Lord Keeper of the great
Neere unto this Cursitors Office, be
divers faire houses and large Gardens,
builded and made in a ground, some
time belonging to one great house on
the other side the street, there made by
Ralph Nevill, Bishop of Chichester. This
ground he had by the gift of Henry the
, as appeareth.
The King granted to Ralph, Bishop of
Chichester, Chauncelor, that place, with
the Garden which Iohn Herlirum forfeited
in that street, called Newstreet, over
against the land of the said Bishop, in the
same streete, which place, with the Garden
and appurtenance, was the Kings Exchete,
by the libertie of the Citie of London, as it
was acknowledged before the King, in his
Court of the Tower of London, in the last
Pleas of the Crowne of that City, Cart. 11.
H. 3
Then was the house of Converts,
wherein now the Rolles of Chancery be
kept. Then the Serieants Inne, &c.
On the West side of Newstreete, to
wards the North end thereof, was (of old
time) the Church, and house of the prea
ching Friers: the which house I find that
in the yeere of Christ 1221. the Fryers
Preachers, 13. in number, came into
England, and having to their Prior one
named Gilbert de Fraxineto, in company
of Peter de la Roch, Bishop of Winchester,
came to Canturburie, where presenting
themselves before the Archbishop Ste
, he commanded the said Prior to
preach, whose Sermon he liked so well,
that ever after hee loved that Order.
These Fryers came to London, and had
their first house without the Wall of
the City
by Oldboorne, neere unto the
old Temple.
Hubert de Burgo,
Earle of Kent burl
ed in the Blacke Fryers.
Earle of Kent, was a
great benefactor unto these Fryers, and
deceasing at his Mannor of Bansted in
Surrey, or after some writers, at his Ca
stell of Barkamsted in Hartfordshire, in
the yeere 1242. was buried in their
Church, unto the which Church he had
given his place at Westminster, which the
said Fryers afterward sold to Walter
, Archbishop of Yorke, and hee left
it to his successors in that Sea, for ever
to be their house, when they should re
paire to the City of London. And ther
fore the same was called Yorke-place,
which name so continued, untill the
yeere, 1529. that King Henry the eight
tooke it from Thomas Woolsey, Cardinall
and Archbishop of Yorke, and then gave
it to name, White-Hall.
Margaret, Sister to the King of Scots,6
Widdow to Geffrey, Earle Marshall,
deceased 1244. and was buried in this
In the yeere 1250. the Fryers of this
Order of Preachers, thorough Christen
dome, and from Ierusalem, were by a
Convocation assembled together, at
this their house by Old-boorne,
tion of Blacke Fryers by Oldboorne.
to en
treat of their estate, to the number of
400. having meate and drinke found
them of Almes, because they had no
possessions of their owne. The first day
the King came to their Chapter, found
them meate and drinke, and dined with
them. Another day the Queene found
them meat and drinke: afterward the
Bishop of London, then the Abbot of
Westminster, of S. Albons, Waltham, and
others. In the yeere 1276. Gregory Roke
, Maior, and the Barons of London,
granted and gave to Robert Kilwarby,
Archbishop of Canturburie, two lanes or
wayes next the street of Baynards Castell,
and the Tower of Mountfichet, to be de
stroyed. On the which place the said Ro
builded the late new Church, with
the rest of the Stones that were left of
the said Tower. And thus the Black-Fryers
left their Church and house by
Oldboorne, and departed to their new.

Suburbs without the Wals.

This old Frier-house, (juxta Holboorn
saith the Patent) was by King Edward
the first
in the sixteenth of his raigne,
given to Henry Lacy, Earle of Lincolne.
Next to this house of Fryers, was one
other great House, sometime belonging
to the Bishop of Chichester, whereof Ma
thew Paris
writeth thus:
Ralph de nova villa, or Nevill, Bishop
of Chichester, and Chancelor of England,
sometime builded a noble house, even
from the ground, not farre from the
New Temple and house of Converts, in
the which place he deceased, in the
yeere 1244.
In this place after the decease of the
said Bishop, and in place of the house of
before spoken of, Henry
Earle of Lincolne, Constable of Che
, and Custos of England, builded his
Inne, and for the most part was lodged
there: hee deceased in this house in the
yeere, 1310. and was buried in the new
worke (whereunto he had been a great
benefactor) of Saint Pauls Church, be
twixt our Lady Chappell, and Saint
Dunstanes Chappell. This Lincolnes
, sometime pertaining to the Bi
shops of Chichester, as a part of the said
great house, is now an Inne of Court,
retaining the name of Lincolnes Inne, as
afore, but now lately encreased with
faire buildings, and replenished with
Gentlemen, studious in the Common
Lawes. In the raigne of Henry the eight
Sir Thomas Lovell was a great builder
there, especially he builded the Gate
and forefront towards the East,
placing theron aswell the Lacies Armes,
as his owne. He caused the Lacies
Armes to be cast and wrought in Lead,
on the Lover of the Hall of that house,
which was in the 3. Escutcheons a Ly
on Rampant for Lacie, 7. Mascules voy
ded for Quincie, and 3. Wheat sheaves
for Chester. This Lover being of late re
payred, the said Escutcheons were left
out. The rest of that side, even to Fleet
, is replenishd with faire buildings.
Now the high Oldborne streete, from
the North end of New-streete stretcheth
on the left hand (in building lately fra
med) up to S. Giles in the field, which
was an Hospitall, founded by Matilda
the Queene, wife to Henry the first, a
bout the yeere 1117. This Hospitall,
saith the Record of Edward the third,
the nineteenth yeere
, was founded
without the Barre, Veteris Templi Lon
& Conversorum
This Hospitall was founded, as a Cell
to Burton Lagar of Ierusalem, as may ap
peare by a deede dated the foure and
twentieth of Henry the seventh in these
Thomas Norton,
Burton Lagar an Hos
pitall in Leicester shire.
Knight, Master of
Burton Lagar of Ierusalem in England, and
the Brethren of the same place, keepers
of the Hospitall of Saint Giles, without
the Barres of the Old Temple of London,
have sold to Geffrey Kent, Citizen and
Draper of London, a messuage or house,
with two sollars above edified in the
Parish of Alhallowes Hony lane, in West
, adjoyning to the West part of
a Tenement, called the Goate on the
, pertaining to the Drapers of Lon
, for 31. l.
At this Hospitall,
S. Giles bowle.
the Prisoners, con
veyed from the City of London towards
Teyborne, there to be executed for Trea
sons, Felonies, or other trespasses, were
presented with a great Bowle of Ale,
thereof to drinke at their pleasure, as to
be their last refreshing in this life.
Now without Ludgate,
Suburbe without Ludgate.
lyeth the
South end of the Old Baily, then downe
Ludgate hill by Fleet lane, over Fleet
, up Fleet street, by Shoo lane, Few
ters lane
, Newstreet
, or Chancerie lane, and
to Shire lane by the Barre on the right
hand. And from Ludgate, on the left
hand or South side, by Bridge-lane, Water-lane,
Crokers-lane Serjeants Inne
, and the
New Temple by the Barre,7 all which is of
Faringdon Ward, as is aforesaid shewed.


  1. The Liberty or Precinct of St. Katherine’s was not a parish but an extra-parochial area according to the Historic Towns Trust’s The Parishes of London map from 1520 (1520 Parishes Map). (JZ)
  2. I.e., Aldgate Bars. (CH)
  3. Since Stow’s mention of St. Bartholomew’s Priory here is a part of his delineation of boundaries current to 1598, it is most likely that he means St. Bartholomew the Great but has referred to it as the late Priory because the dissolution of the monasteries was within living memory of the time in which Stow was writing. As such, we have tagged this toponym as St. Bartholomew the Great. (JZ)
  4. I.e., Aldgate Bars. (CH)
  5. I.e., Holborn Bars. (CH)
  6. I.e., Alexander II of Scotland. (CH)
  7. I.e., Temple Bar. (CH)
