Faultes escaped in this booke.
Page. Line. Errat. Correction.
1. 19. for Themantius reade Theomantius.
3. 9. Cominus Comius.
4. 15. forfeyted fortified.
5. 21. come Rome.
7. 15. Cornwell Cornwall.
ibid. 27. Trinauant. Trinobant.
8. 3. Ethelrod Ethelred.
9. 20. the same the same wall.
10. 13. Tedwell Todwell.
13. 7. writing written.
16. 23 Bulman Bulmar.
21. 5 15. 215.
23. 6 stage siege.
36. 6 weaklely new.
49. 22. 3. 16.
ibid. 25. 7. 17.
52. 22 Efford Voffurd.
73. 24. bray Berie.
74. 25. Libnor Licour.
79. 16. Picad Picard.
ibid. 29 Henry Hugh.
100. 4.8.9 Troynage. Tronage.
109. 35. Michel Nychell.
124. 10. Breadstreet Brodestreet.
154. 14. 1482. 1582.
ibid. 17. Hudstone Rudstone.
155. 1. About at.
168. 34. of Mayor of mayoraltie 1584. sir William
283. 9. this his
306. 20 Sir George Saint George.
336. 17 lane place.
444. 26 Senins Ienins.