The Triumphs of Fame and Honour

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Fame and Honovr:

compliſh’d ſolemnity, full of Coſt, Art
and ſtate, at the Inauguration and Eſtabliſh
ment of the true worthy and right nobly min
ded ROBERT PARKHVRST, into the Right
Honourable office of Lord Maior of

The particularities of every
Invention in all the Pageants, Shewes and
Triumphs both by Water and Land, are here
following fully ſet downe, being all performed
by the Loves, Liberall Coſts, and charges
of the Right Worſhipfull and worthy Bro
ther-hood of the Cloth-workers
the 29
of October 1634.
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Imprinted at London 1634.

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expected Pattern and Patron of Vertue and
Goodneſſe, the hopefull deſerver of all the Coſts
and Honours which the Noble Fellowſhip and
Brother-hood of Clothworkers and ample Love of
the whole City, in full and generous Bounty be
ſtow upon him, the Right Honourable and

Lord Major of the famous Ci
ty of London.
RIght Honourable Patron, to your ſtate
In duty I theſe Triumphs dedicate,
Wherein your Worthy Brother-hood Approves
Greatneſſe and goodnes of their minds, and loves.
Their true affections and their liberall charge,
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The Epiſtle dedicatory.
They have moſt bountifull expreſt at large,
And London in theſe Triumphs is renownd
Above all cities in the worlds wide Round:
For no Kings Deputy, or Magiſtrate
Is with ſuch pompous ſtate inaugurate,
As Londons Mayor is, which moſt plainly ſhowes
The Kings illuſtrious greatneſſe whence it flowes;
To whom then ſhould my dedication run,
But unto you, for whom theſe things were done?
Your power is Londons watch-towre to eſpie,
Dangers far off, and perills that are nigh:
Your foreſight muſt ſee much, and it is plaine,
Millions of eyes will looke on you againe,
For envy and detraction pries and ſtares
T’aſſault true honour, and t’intrap in ſnares
All that is good, for it is manifeſt
That envie alwaies feeds upon the beſt.
This citie (the Kings Chamber) muſt be kept
Cleane for his uſe, from foule pollution ſwept,
And ſure, that power that hath you thus advanc’d,
To be thus honour’d, lov’d and countenanc’d,
Will ever be your portion, and content,
And governe you in this your government.
That you (at helme) a ſteddy courſe may ſteare
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The Epiſtle dedicatory.
Twixt Juſtice, and bleſt Mercy, many a yeare
Eſpecially in this your greateſt ſtate,
Let Hoſpitality ſtill keepe your Gate;
And Liberality, with welcome ſtand,
To greet men with a free and open hand,
Then Muſes, Graces, Arts, the praiſe ſhall ſing
Of you (my Lord) Lieutenant to my King.
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Horizontal rule
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The firſt ſhew that is to be preſented on the
water is a veſſell like a Boat or Barge, adorned
with the armes and Impreſſes of the honoura
ble Citie and Company, with ſeeming pro
perties of being loaden, with Packs, dryfats,
and divers other commodities, that marchants and others
that are free of the Company of Cloth-workers, doe re
ceive from foreigne parts by ſea; this Barge attends the
Lord Mayor and meets him about Pauls wharfe or attends
further up the River. Thetis (the Goddeſſe of the ſea) and
Thames, or Thamiſis (being one of her faireſt daughters)
ſitting In the head of the Boate; Thetis being habiliment
ed in a mantle of ſea-Greene, with a corronet of ſhels of
divers ſorts of ſea-fiſh on her head with a great whelk-fiſh
in her hand with adornments of ſtrange fiſhes and other
ſignificant repreſentations. Thamiſis being habited in
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
a white or ſilver coloured Robe, having on her head a
Chaplet of green Reeds, Flowers and Ruſhes, and about
her feet deck’d with Sedge, Bulruſhes and Flaggs, at which
preſentment Thetis ſpeaks this following ſpeech;
Know worthy Troop, that I great Thetis am,
Who (hearing of theſe Triumphs) hither came
From th’Azure court of my moſt deepe Abyſſe
To grace my faireſt daughter Thamiſis,
I every twelve houres, by this Child of mine,
Do ſend your ſilks and velvets, oyle, and wine,
Gold, ſilver, Jewels, fiſh, ſalt, ſundry ſpices,
Fine and courſe linnen, druggs of divers prices:
What every Realme or climate can produce,
I ſee it ſafe tranſported for your uſe.
Thus from the boſome of the Deepe my floods
(By Thames) doe every Tyde ſend up your goods,
For which this matchleſſe well deſerving River,
Your Cloth doth backe againe to me deliver,
With other riches, which I o’re the Sea
Unto my other daughters doe convay;
For your commodities I’le ever flow
Unto Danubis, Iſter, Rhine, and Poe,
To Maze, Seine, Volga, Ems, Elve, and Tanales,
To Tygris, Nilus, Ganges, Euphrates,
To Tyber, Jordan, Xanthus, Jndus, Tagus,
Paſt Aſphaltites, or Blacke Mortus Lacuus

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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
As far as Sol or Cynthia ſpread their beames,
As far as Oceanus ſends his ſtreames,
So far will I your ſervant ever be,
In any thing you’l deigne to put on me:
And humble thanks faire Thames and I doe render
To you, who of her well-fare are ſo tender,
Who with great coſt and care doe lend your hands,
To cleare your ſervant Thames from ſhelves and ſands:
Go on and cleanſe her, as you have begun,
And ſhe ſhall doe for you as ſhe hath done.
We are aſſur’d that Heaven will ever bleſſe
Your ſtores, who doe her injuries redreſſe,
Thetis and Thames, their ſervices ſhall ſhew
To you, as long as they doe ebb and flow.
This with our humble dutious bending downe,
Long may this Citie flouriſh with renowne.
Then the Rowers (conſiſting of foure in number, being
two Saylours, two watermen) being ouer-joyed, pike
their oares, and every of them drinks his Kan as a health,
toſſing them up, and preſently falling into a Rugged
friskin daunce, returne to Pauls wharfe, and landing
the ſaid Barge, ſhe is carried as the formoſt Pageant in the
ſhew through the Citie.
The ſecond is a Pageant repreſenting the figures of
Time and Mercury (Time being habited in a blew roabe
with his Sithe in his hand) which do wait and attend the
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
Lord Mayor in Paules Church-yard, The ſpeakers being
Mounted on two Griphons (the Supporters of the Cloth
workers Armes) which at the approach of my Lord,
Mercury (upon one of the Griphons) with his Caduceus
or charming rod in his hand, with wings on his head to
ſignifie quickneſſe of Invention, Acuteneſſe of wit, and
Volubility of tongue with Eloquence of ſpeech. He hath
alſo wings on his feet to ſignifie his ſwiftneſſe; as Meſſen
ger to the Gods. Time ſpeakes as followeth.
The Speech of Time.
Almoſt 500 daies, beheld have I
The Triumphs of Great Londons Mayoralty,
And ſure old Time, with Joy doth truely ſay,
He n’re was better pleaſ’d that at this day;
Not that I thinke a temporizing Lord,
Or Pleaſer of the Time ſhall weild the ſword,
But as your Honourable Predeceſſors
Have mended Time, by puniſhing Trangreſſors;
So Time hopes that th’addition of your yeare,
Will make him more Illuſtrate, pure and cleare.
For of all fading things ’tis manifeſt,
As Time is uſ’d, hee’s either worſt or beſt.
All thoſe that rightly have their Honours won:
Have uſ’d Time well, (as you my Lord have done.)
This Honour was ordaind you, from your youth
You ever lov’d my lovelieſt daughter Trvth,
And ſhe hath rais’d you; and ſhe did prefer
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
You to this dignity to Maintaine her.
I doe command her, ſtill with you t’abide,
Doe you defend her, ſhe ſhall be your guide:
For truth-ſake Time ſhall be your ſervant ſtill;
And in your juſt commands, obey your will.
Time ſhall tranſport your Marchandiſe and wares,
Time ſhall aſſiſt you in your great’ſt affaires:
Time ſhall be alwaies yours Auſpitiouſly,
And Time will bring you to Eternity.
Her’s Hermes, from his Spheares circumferance
Hath brought the Poet wit, and Eloquence;
And quick Invention, likewiſe he Inflam’d
Into the Artiſts that theſe pageants fram’d,
That for your future Honour, this may be
A day of well Compoſ’d Variety
Or Speach and ſhew, theſe Triumphs we preſent,
We hope (as they are meant ſhall give content)
We humbly wiſh, that you this yeare may finde,
Full of true worth as is your worthy mind.
Next and neere to this Pageant of Time and Mercury,
is the forme of a Citie repreſenting London, with walls,
Battlements, Gates, Churches, Towers, Steeples and lofty
Buildings, and ſome Antique ſhapes here and there on the
tops of the higheſt Edifices: Alſo with ſhops and men at
worke upon cloth, as Cloth-workers, fullers, ſhermen, and
others, the walls of the Citie being adorned round, with
Armes and ſcoutcheons of the Cittie and company as
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Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
alſo divers figures, as 1 of Antiquitie, 2 Record, 3 Memo
, 4 Wiſedome, and others the like; alſo an ancient
Matron in a civill grave robe with her haire long hanging
downe in trammels diſhevelled behind her backe, ſitting
in one of the Gates of the Citie, ſhee ſpeaks in the perſon
of London to the Lord Mayor and company as follow
By me faire London in obedience ſhewes
The ſervice, love, and duty that ſhe owes
To this daies Triumph, but my aime is higher,
My thankfulneſſe doth up to heaven aſpire,
Which unto me hath ſo propitious beene,
That I doe ſee this day, and now am ſeene
The Queene of Cities, Empreſſe of content,
And Princeſſe of unmatched government;
Weigh well my ſtate, and think on other ſtates,
Thebes is ruin’d with her hundred Gates;
Numantia, Carthage, great Jeruſalem,
And Babylon, what are become of them?
Conſtantinople doth in ſorrow lye,
And groane beneath the Turkiſh tyranny:
Rome, and all Cities that hold Rome ſupreme,
Their glorie’s are eclips’d or but a dreame;
Whilſt fire and ſword doth Germany moleſt,
London’s ſecure, with peace and plenty bleſt,
Turke, Pope, and war, beare here no rule or ſway,
For I one God, one King, one Law obey;
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
Ther’s my ſecurity, and my ſtate doth ſtand
Supported by the unſupported hand,
Theſe are the meanes and inſtruments whereby
We riſe to Honour, painfull Induſtry.
An Idle Citizen is like a Moth,
One ſpoyles b’example t’oher ſpoyles the Cloth,
True Citizens are the true Cities ſonnes,
The others are but baſtards, mad that runnes,
Like Runnagates, or curſed Imps of Caine,
And never ſhall to Honours ſeat Attaine:
Worke on my Lads, and you in time may be,
Good members of this Honour’d Company,
And though good Freeman (of this Corporation)
Deceaſ’d before his halfe yeares expiration,
Yet Heaven hath ſoone provided for our good
Another worthy of this Brother-hood.
And now my Lord, I give my ſelfe and mine,
To your command and charge, and I divine
That as great is the Honour of your ſeat,
Your Government ſhall be more good than great.
The next is a Pageant in the forme of a Tower, which
doth import a Tower of Honour, on the top of which
Tower ſits one in royall robes, with a majeſtique Impale
ment on his head, a ſcepter in one hand, and a Ball in the
other: under him (in the next deſcent) ſit in equall
diſtances the figures of a Lord Mayor, a Biſhop, a Lawyer,
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Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
and a warlike Captaine or Generall. On the right hand of
the Lord Mayor is placed the figure or emblem of Ho
: next the Biſhop is placed piety or the feare of God:
on the right hand of the Judge, a figure repreſenting
power is ſeated, and by the Generall or Captaine ſtands
victory. In the deſcent below the Lord Mayor is an appren
tice, and by him ſtands obedience: beneath the Biſhop is a
ſcholler, and by him is placed patience, under the Judge a
clark, and by him diligence; & under the Lord Generall is
a Common Souldiour, and by him is placed vertue, which
ſhewes that by vertuous actions and true induſtry meane
men have aſcended and may be raiſed to Honourable
places, which is an encouragement and paterne for others
to purſue and follow thoſe moſt worthy wayes to
Honour and Renowne. The Tower being round or circu
lar, and the Baſis or Ground-worke ſquare or Quadrangle,
on each corner whereof ſits, the foure prime or Cardinall
Vertues, namely Juſtice, Fortitude, Temperance and Pru
, every one of them habited in Robes, ſignificant and
Emblematically ſhewing that thoſe vertues doe adorne
and dignifie the above preſented noble perſonages. This
Pageant attending my Lord Mayor, in Pauls Church
or at the upper end of Cheapſide neere the little Con
; he that ſits higheſt in the place and perſon of Honour
ſpeakes this following Specch.
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
The Speech of Honour.
Low ſteps begin to mount the higheſt hills,
Great Rivers have their heads from little Rills:
From ſervitude growes freedome, and from thence
(Through Induſtry) ſprings Worth and Eminence.
All ſuch as will true Honours ſeat aſcend,
Muſt doe (as theſe have) firſt obey and bend:
For though Humility to man ſeemes low,
The fruit of it as high as Heaven doth grow:
Tis diligence doth the puny-clarke prefer,
To be a Reverend Judge, or Counceller;
Paines and much perill oft obtaines the grace,
A common Souldiour gaines a Generals place:
The pooreſt Schollers ſtudy (by degrees)
Aſcends the height of ſpirituall dignities,
And from th’apprentice ſeven yeares ſervitude
Proceeds the grave gowne, and the Livery-Hood,
Till (in the end) by merit, paines and care,
They win the Grace to ſit in Honours chaire;
Thus Humble ſervice is advanc’d and rear’d
To Honours ſeat, obey’d, belov’d and fear’d.
Authoritie’s the touch-ſtone of the minde,
And ſhewes which way the bearer is inclin’d:
For having power joyned to his will,
It makes him much more good, or much more ill:
It makes him to foreſee, with Judgements eye,
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
That Juſtice without Mercie’s cruelty:
That Mercy without Juſtice is much worſe,
Breeds ſcorne, contempt, makes power to leeſe her force.
When you in ſcales of Equity doe lay
The ſword of Juſtice, who dares but obey.
Your faith and Honour are in marriage joynd
By oath this day, which no man can unbinde,
Therefore my Lord (whoſe ſervice and true merit
Hath made this Honour your’s which you inherit)
Tis treble Joy that you doe wiſely know
To mix thoſe vertues well, and to beſtow
Them juſtly, as occaſion ſhall incite:
To gard the good, and make wrong render right,
In which expectance all our hopes abounding,
Joy crowne this day with Drums and Trumpets ſounding.
Then his Lordſhip being come to Saint Laurence
end in Cheapſide, he is ſaluted by Endimion, or a ſhep
herd rideing on a Rams back, (the Ram being the creſt
of the Cloth-workers armes) there being neere or next
unto him an ancient monument of fame: at the approach
of my Lord the ſhepherd entertaines him with this ſpeech,
The Speech of Endimion.
My Honour’d Lord, let me, (a rurall Swaine,
And humble ſhepherd from the lowly plaine)
As plainly bid thee welcome to this ſtate
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
Of Englands greateſt civill Magiſtrate.
A ſhepherd joyes to ſee this day, and I
Will fleece my flock’s t’nrich thy company:
I am Endimion, that of yore did keepe
Upon th’Arcadian hils my harmeles ſheepe:
Whereas by ſtudy, and by obſervations
I found the Moones change and her variations,
And for my ſake the Swaines doe ſtill prefer
The booke ycleap’d the ſhepherds Kallender.
Apollo kept Admetus ſheepe (tis ſaid)
And Tamberlaine (whom Mighty Kings obey’d)
Was once a ſhepherd, and the Time was when
That ſhepherds were the nobleſt, ableſt men.
This golden creſted Ram, on which I ride
To welcome you, and ſee you dignifide,
Is the Celeſtiall ſigne, (Aries by name)
Come from the Zodiack to adorne your fame.
And from the Ram, and his increaſing breed
Neere halfe mankinde have meanes to Cloath and feed.
By picking wooll, thouſands releife doe gaine,
As many carding, ſpinning doth maintaine:
Wooll-men, a great and wealthy trade doe drive,
Weavers, in great abundance worke and live,
The Clothiers, Fullers, Tuckers, Shermen, Dyers,
From the ſheepes fleece have feeding and attires.
But all theſe Trades, which I doe here infer,
Have all relation to the Cloth-worker,
For were it not for him the reſt were nothing,
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
He onely makes it Cloth, and fit for Clothing.
Without the Cloth-worker, the Drapers Trade
And Merchants Traffick would decay and fade,
Theſe from the fleece get Clothes and nutriment,
For (under heaven) the Ram’s the Inſtrument.
And when bright Phœbus ſhall in March begin
To take the Ram for his celeſtiall Inne
Such golden tincture on his fleece hee’le ſet,
Which many golden peeces ſhall beget,
And whereas men (to make their worths appeare)
Doe give their ſervants Liveries once a yeare,
The Ram (in bounty) paſſeth man I note,
And gives his Maſter every yeare a coate
Thus poore Endimion, with the beaſt he rides,
Doth wiſh you proſperous windes, and happy tides,
That by commerce, and good Negotiation,
Wooll turn’d to Cloth, and Cloth by transformation,
Be turn’d to gold, that you may ſay with joy,
That Iaſons fleece (to yours) was but a toy.
A dance of ſhephards with drinking in leather
bottles to the monument.
Laſtly, at night, when his Lordſhip returnes from Pauls,
the Pageants being ſix in number, going all before him
in their order, attending him to his houſe, then the laſThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)t
PageanThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (CH)t
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Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
Pageant being an ancient Monument of Fame, ſhall pre
ſent it ſelfe to his Lordſhip, in the front of which peece
is erected a figure repreſenting Fame, with a ſilver Trum
pet in her hand, the Monument being adorn’d with the
Armes, Eſcucheons, Hatchments and Impreſſes of divers
Lord Mayors that have bin of the worſhipfull company
of the Cloth-workers
, whom (though Time hath inter
red) Fame revives, ſounding their praiſes, and inforceth
Time to revive their noble Memory, encouraging his
Lordſhip to follow them in all their Honourable actions,
that when Time ſhall determinate, his Lordſhips ſhield
of Honour may be added to the reſt of his predeceſſors;
and as this Pageant of the Monument of Fame is a repre-
ſentation of the night, ſo the night, and this following
ſpeech at his Lordſhips Gate is a concluſion and dutifull
farewell to the daies Triumph and ſolemnity.
Time ſpeaks.
Time, that this day his ſervice hath expreſt,
In duty brings your Lordſhip to your rest:
Yet er’e I take my leave, (for your content)
I’le ſhew the meaning of this Monument.
Then know, this ruind peece doth ſhew that ſtones
And tombes conſume, as doe their owners bones,
For Time is circular in his effects,
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The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
Builds and throwes downe, and ruins and erects:
But fortune, death or fame, or Time cannot
Make vertuous men, or vertue be forgot.
For Immortallity is pleaſd to make
Fame with his Trumpe the drowſie world to wake,
Who from demolliſhed delapidations
Proclaimes the memorable nominations
Of worthies of this worthy company,
Who Honourd liv’d, and did with Honour die.
Sir William Hewet was, as you my Lord,
To poyz the ballance and to weild the ſword:
Did rule this Citie juſtly by the lawes;
Next was Sir Edward Oſboorne Londons Mayor;
Then Sir Iohn Spencer gaind the honourd Chaire,
Sir Thomas Schinner after had the place;
Next did Sir Nicholas Moſley gaine the Grace;
Then Sir Iohn Watts his yeare with Honour paſt,
And Noble Freeman who deceaſed laſt.
King Iames the wiſeſt, and the learnedſt King,
Whoſe fame throughout the ſpacious world doth ring,
He knew your merits, worth and dignity,
And therefore choſe your worthy company
To be his Brother-hood; he did underſtand,
You were moſt fit for his fraternall band.
And you my Lord, whom Time hath brought to be
The nobleſt Branch of this fraternity,
Time here ſalutes you, wiſhing you may move
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Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
More high in Honour, as you doe in love.
Tis truly ſaid, that man that rules his paſſions,
Doth conquer more, than he that conquers Nations.
As you have rul’d your ſelfe, let it appeare
In ruling London this enſuing yeare,
So you, with Time ſhall be together bleſt,
And Time ſhall bring you to Eternall Reſt.
For a period to theſe Triumphs, (and to give deſert
her due) It were ſhamefull impudence in mee to aſſume
the invention of theſe Structures and Architectures to my
ſelfe, they being buſines which I never was inured in, or
acquainted with all, there being little of my directions in
theſe ſhewes; onely the Speeches; and Illuſtrations which
are here printed I doe juſtly challenge as mine owne,
all the reſt of the Compoſures and Fabricks were form
ed and framed by the ingenious and induſtrious Master (MK)M’r Ro
bert Norman
Citizen and Painter of London, who was
indeed the prime inventor proſecuter and finiſher of
theſe works, with the aſſiſtance of Zachary Taylor a
quaint and well knowne curious Carvar, which being
gracefully accepted & approved of, after good CHRIST
, the authors may be the more merry at the next.
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Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
The explanation of the firſt Pageant of Thetis.
THetis, daughter to the ſea-god Nereus, ſhe was wife
to King Peleus, alſo Thetis was the mother of
Achilles, who was ſeven cubits in height, and the moſt
valiant Captaine amongſt the Greekes at the ſiege of Troy.
Danubia is a great River that runs through Hungaria
by the famous Cities of Buda, Brundufium, and Belgrad,
and ſo it paſſeth into Germany, by the Towne of Regenſ-
, and through Swabe, Bavaria, and Auſtria; it is alſo
called Donawe, but paſſing into Illyria it is at a part of
Thracia cald Iſtria changed into the name of Iſter, it
receives 60 rivers into it, the moſt part of which are na-
vigable, it falls into the ſea called Pontus Euxinus, or the
Euxine ſea.
Po a famous river in Italy. Seine a river in France
which runs through Paris. Volga a river that runs through
the large Empire of Ruſſia. Ems in eaſt Frizland, from
whence the Citie of Emden hath name. Elve or Albe, is a
river that paſſeth from Bohem, through Saxony, Miſnia,
and ſo to the townes of Hamborough and Stoad, into the
German Ocean. Tanais, a great river northward, which
parts Aſia from Europe. Nilus a famous river that runs
through Ethiopia and Egypt, and becauſe it never raines
in Egypt, it is watered and made fruitfull once a yeare by
Printer’s 0rnament

Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
the overflowing of Nilus. Ganges is a mighty river that
runs through and divides India, it is one of the foure
rivers of Paradiſe, and is called by Moſes Phiſon. Tigris
one of the foure named Hiddekell. Euphrates paſſeth by
Babylon, and was alſo one of the rivers of Paradiſe named
by Moſes Perah, and the Tyber a river that runs through
Rome. Iordan a river that runs betwixt Gallile and Iudea,
and fals into Mare mortuum or the dead ſea. Xanthus a river
in Phrygia neere Troy, of which it is ſaid that if ſheepe
dranke of the water, their fleeces became yellow. Indus a
great and goodly navigable river, that hath its head from
the mountaine Taurus or Caucaſus, it incompaſſeth India
on the weſt, and falls by Aſia into the Lake called Pau
lus Meotis
, and part into the Indian ſea. Aſphaltites is
the dead ſea or Mare mortuum, it is in Siria, and it is held
to be the place where Sodom, Gomorah, and the reſt of the
five Cities ſtood which were conſumed with fire and
brimſtone from heaven.
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Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
The meaning of the ſecond Pageant being
Time and Mercury.
2 TIme hath ſeene 426 ſeverall daies of Mayoralty,
which is ſo many yeares ſince the Cities govern
ment was changed (by King Richard the firſt) from
Portgraves, Provoſts and Bayliffs, to the Honourable title
and dignity of Lord Mayor. Men that come rightly to
places of Honour & dignity muſt make good uſe of Time.
Truth is the daughter of Time, who though falſhood may
obſcure her, yet Time will bring her forth at laſt, where her
bright vertue ſhall outſhine the Sun: there is nothing
goes beyond Time but Eternity.
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Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
Vpon the third Pageant which repreſented a Citie.
LOndon doth expreſſe her duty and thankfullneſſe, in
acknowledging her happy preſervation and govern
ment, when many of the goodlieſt Cities in the world are
either ruind, and confounded, or elſe far ſhort of her
peacefull and plentifull felicity. As firſt, Thebes was a
great Citie in Egypt, it was built by King Buſiris, it
had 100 gates about the walls, it was 40 miles in
compaſſe, the walles were 30 ſtads high, and ſix ſtads
in breadth; it is written that 200 watchmen watched at
euery gate: when it was deſtroy’d by Allexander the
, there were found the Toombs of 77 Kings, (and
good Kings they had bin) for the law was amongſt
them that bad Kings ſhould have no buriall. Alſo there
was another Thebes in Boetia built by Cadmus, and a third
Thebes in Cillicia, where it is ſaid Andromche the wife to
the worthy Hector was borne. Numantia was in Spaine,
and being beſieged by the brave roman Scipio, rather than
they would yeeld their Citie, they burned it with their
wives, children, goods and families. Carthage was a good
ly Citie in Affrica, it was 40 Engliſh miles in circuit, it
was held againſt the Romans 44 yeares when Rome was in
her greateſt greatneſſe, it brought forth the valiant Cap
taine Haniball, and was at laſt deſtroy’d by Scipio Affri
144 yeares before Chriſts birth; the place and coun
try where it ſtood is now called Tunis, which is a harbour
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Printer’s ornament
The Triumphs of Fame and Honour.
or Receptacle for Pirats, ſea-Rovers and misbeleeving
Turkes. Ieruſalem the chiefe Citie of Iudea, where King
Salomons Temple was, and where our Saviour ſuffered his
paſſion, it is now a ruind peece under the ſubjection of the
Turk. There are two Babylons, one in Caldea, where Nim
Tower was erected, and another Babylon there was in
Egypt, they being (as their names doe ſignifie) both in
confuſion under the Turk. Conſtantinople was the metro
polis and the head Citie of the Grecian or Eaſterne Em
pire, it was won from the Chriſtians the 29 of May 1453.
by the Turkiſh Emperour Mahomet the ſecond, which
Mahomet did alſo win the Empire of Trebizond, and tooke
12 Kingdomes and 200 Cities from the Chriſtians. Rome
nor any Citie that holds Rome for chiefe, cannot declare
any ſuch true Reality in their happineſſe and government,
as London juſtly may doe.
Theſe few expreſſions I thought fit to ſet downe here
for the illuſtration of ſuch words and places as may ſeeme
hard and obſcure to ſome meane Readers.
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