Survey of London (1633): Bishopsgate Ward

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THe next is Bishopsgate
, whereof a
part is without the
Gate, and of the
Suburbs, from the
Barres by S. Mary
to Bishops
, and a part of
Hounds-ditch, almost halfe thereof, also
without the Wall, of the same Ward.
Then within the Gate is Bishopsgate
, so called of the Gate, to a
pumpe, where sometime was a faire
Well with two buckets, by the East
end of the parish Church of S. Martin
, and then winding by the west
corner of Leaden Hall, downe Grasse
, to the corner over against Grasse-Church:
and these are the bounds of
that Ward.
Monuments most to bee noted, are
these: The parish Church of Saint But
without Bishopsgate
, in a faire
Church-yard, adjoyning to the Towne-Ditch,
upon the very banke thereof,
but of old time inclosed with a comely
wall of bricke, lately repaired by Sir
William Allen
, Maior in the yeere 1571.
because hee was borne in that parish,
where also hee was buried.
An Anchoresse (by Bishopsgate) re
ceived forty shillings the yeere of the
Sheriffes of London.
The Monuments that I observed in
the Church of Saint Buttolph without
, were these:
Faire pla
red stones lying one by another on the ground in the Chan
Johannes Threll Armig. Nobilli familia
Sussexiae ortus, hic jacet. Vixit usque ad
annum sexagesimum tertium: Mortuus
est sexto die Octobris, Anno Domini,
Sub hoc Marmore jacet corpus Johannis
, quondam hujus Ecclesiae Re
ctoris bene meriti: qui ab hac luce mi
gravit tertio die Iulii, Anno Domini,
Hic jacet Johannes Picking, Magister
Artium, nuper Rector istius Ecclesiae, qui
Obiit 6. die Septemb. An. Dom. 1490.
Hereunder lyeth the body of Joane Wood,
At the en
trance in
to the Quire, in the mid
dle Ile.

wife to Robert Wood, Citizen and
Brewer of London, who had issue, two
sonnes, and three daughters; viz. Iohn,
Richard, Ioane, Anne
and Francis.
She deceased the 25. day of November,
An. Dom. 1600
. She gave large gifts
and legacies to this Parish, as hereunder
is expressed:
At her buriall she gave tenne pounds
to the poore.
She gave tenne shillings yeerely for
a Sermon on Midsummer day.
For a friendly meeting among the
neighbours, forty shillings.
In bread weekly to the poore for e
ver, two shillings.
Also foure load of Char-coales yeer
ly to the poore for ever.
To the Parson of the parish yeerely
for ever, tenne shillings.
To the Two Church-wardens, tenne
shillings to each in like manner.
To the Clerke 6. s. 8. d. and to the
Sexton, 5. s. yeerely for ever.
For a friendly meeting of the Parson
and parishioners, accompanying him
yeerely in walking the bounds of the
parish, thirty shillings.
To the poore of the parish, in mo
ney yeerely (for ever) to be distributed,
eight pounds.
And the remainder of the yeerly rents
for the halfe Moone, and halfe Moone

Alley, to remaine in the Church stocke,
towards the repairing of the Church.
Over and beside the memorable cha
rity of this worthy Widdow, Mistris
, God hath raised divers other
good Benefactors to the poore in the
same Parish, as appeareth by this small
This gift is perfor
med by the Company of Tallow-Chandlers yeerely.
Iohn Heyward, Citizen and Alder
man of London, had his last Will and
Testament enrolled in the Court of
Hustings in the Guild-Hall of London,
on munday next before the Feast of
Saint Cuthbert the Bishop, in the thir
teenth yeere of Edward the fourth
, after
the Conquest.
Wherein hee gave to the poore peo
ple of this Parish, five and twenty
Quarters of Char-coales, yeerely to be
delivered by the Companie of Tal
, betwixt the Feast of
All Saints, and the Nativity of our
blessed Saviour; with a penalty of for-feiture
of twenty shillings for the first
Quarter, if they bee not delivered as
aforesaid; and forty shillings for the
second Quarter; foure pounds for the
third Quarter; and eight pounds for
the whole yeere, if they bee not delive
red: And so double still from Quar
ter to Quarter, if defect of payment
herein be made.
Iohn Bricket, Citizen and Tooth
drawer of London, (by his last Will
and Testament, dated the eleventh day
of February, 1554
.) gave for ever at
the Feast of Easter, twelve Sackes of
Char-coales, to the poore of this Pa
rish: out of two Tenements, the one
now in the occupation of Andrew Par
, Tallow-Chaundler; the other
late in occupation of Andrew Seywell,
Bricklayer, both joyning together at the
South side of Bell Alley gate in this Pa
We receive of the gift of Mistris Ma
ry Wilkinson
deceased, out of 2. faire hou
ses in S. Mary Spittle, 4. load of coalés
out of each house, 30. quarters being. 2.
load: the first 30. quarters to be given
to the poore of this parish, in the month
of November for ever; the next thirty
quarters to bee likewise given to the
poore of this parish, in December for
ever: provided that out of each
load, the Overseers of the Precinct of
Norton Folgate shall have tenne Sacks, to
be by them given to the poore of that
Likewise is paid yeerly by the Com
pany of Ironmongers
, the summe of
thirty shillings per annum, of the gift
of Sir William Allen, to bee distributed
among the poore in bread.
Also of the Company of Vintners,
the summe of twenty shillings, yeerely
for ever, of the gift of Sir Stephen Scuda
, Knight, and Alderman of Lon
Also of Mistris Wood, the Relict of
Master Thomas Wood, late of Saint But
without Ealdgate
, the summe of
tenne shillings yeerely for ever, to bee
received on Saint Thomas day, issuing
out of certaine Tenements in Katharin
, in this Parish, of the gift
of Mary Webster, Widdow.
The mir
rour of this Age for a matchlesse woman.
Mistris Price, in the time of her wid
dow-hood, did at her owne charge new
build the Pulpit, in the yeere of our
Lord, 1614. and shortly after, did
likewise send (to furnish the same) faire
and rich Ornaments for the said Pulpit,
as also for the Communion Table. For
the Pulpit, a costly Cloth of Crimson
Velvet, edged in the bottome with a
deepe gold fringe, and laced about
with a faire gold lace.
Likewise, a Cushion sutable to the
same, with a very faire Verge to adorne
the upper part of the Pulpit, edged like
wise with a deepe gold fringe.
or did she this worthy service to God here onely, but in other Parishes beside, as at Pauls, Christs-Church, &c.
And for the Communion Table, a
goodly large Carpet of Crimson Vel
vet, edged with a deepe gold fringe;
also a faire Table-cloth of fine Cam
bricke, to be used upon the Communi
on dayes, with a Cambricke Cloth la
ced, to cover the Bread upon the Table:
Also a faire Surplice of Cambricke, for
the Parsons use: all which were, with a
new haire Brush, kept in a Sarsanet
Case, to bee locked up in a new waine
scot Chest, by her bought for the same
purpose, and so carefully kept for their
severall uses. To the which Chest was
set two Locks; the two severall Keyes
wherof the one to be kept by the Parson
of the parish, the other by the Church-warden
of the same parish, for the safe
keeping thereof.

to God of


As for the Kings Armes imbroidred
upon the said Pulpit Cloth; it was
made, set on and freely given by Hum
frey Swan
of this parish, Imbroiderer, in
remembrance of Gods great mercy ex
tended towards him, in the yeere of the
great visitation, 1625. for in that yeere
he had buried his wife, with divers of
his family; himselfe also, lying a long
while under the Lords heavy hand,
without all hope of recovery; by Gods
gracious providence hee was at the last
restored to his former health. In regard
whereof, and to expresse his further
thankefulnesse to Almighty God, hee
adorned the said Pulpit Cloth as now
it is.
Moreover, in the same Parish Church
of Saint Buttolph
, among other benevo
lences given thereto, may not be omit
ted the bountifull gift of Master William
, Citizen and Ale-brewer of Lon
, to wit, the Tenor Bell in the Stee
ple, bearing his owne name, and called
Hobby, which hee caused to bee foun
ded at his owne cost and charges:
And afterwards to bee re-cast two se
verall times, onely to make it tunable
with the other Bells in the Steeple;
which was performed accordingly, and
they are now as perfect and pleasing a
ring of Bels, as can be wished.
When hee gave this Bell to the Pa
rish, he enjoyned this condition, that at
what time soever any man deceased,
that had borne any place of eminence
and office in the Parish, and afterward
hapned (by any crosse or misadventure)
to fall in decay: That yet hee should
have the benefit of this Bels service free
ly bestowed on him at his buriall, not
paying any costs or duties therefore to
the Church. No doubt but this man
had an honest meaning, and most cha
ritable minde, both in the promise
(which was in merriment, and when he
expected not place of degree or office to
fall on him) and likewise in the perfor
mance; wherein he shewed himselfe no
way slacke, but so forward as any man
could bee. Let his worthy example in
cite on others; to the like good inclina
tion (one way or other) towards the
M. Pinder gift of threescore pounds.
Mr. Ralph Pinder, Citizen and Dra
per of London, Aldermans Deputy of
this Ward, who was buried the 28. of
May, 1622
. gave to the poore of this
Parish in mony 60. l. for which is given
to 13. poore people every Sunday in the
yeere for ever 2. pence a peece in good
wheaten bread.
In the yeere, 1626. Nichlas Reive,
The bene
volence of Nicholas Reive a Scrivener in Cornehill

Scrivener in Cornehill (whose Father
was Clerke of this Parish) gave by his
last will and testament, the summe of
406. l. 5. s. to the said parish, to buy so
much land as the said monies will ex
tend unto, and the rents and profits ther
of to bee given and distributed to the
comfort of such people within this pa
rish. With which monies was purcha
sed certaine lands lying at Stratford Bow,
now in the tenure of Henry Chester, the
rent of which lands is 25. l. per annum.
In the yeere, 1628. the 20. of Iune,
The chari
ty of the Eearle of Devonshire.
William Earle of Devonshire dyed at De
without Bishopsgate, and
gave 100. l. for ever, to the use of the
poore of this parish, for which the
Church-wardens doe give every Sun
day in the yeere to 15. poore people of
this parish 2. d. a peece in good whea
ten bread.
WHereas the sixth day of No
last past, T. C. Ci
tizen and Armorer of Lon
, humbly petitioned unto the Court, that
they would bee pleased to receive into the
Chamber of London the summe of 100. l.
presently to be paid, in allowing and paying
therfore yeerly frō the Birth of our Lord God
1629. for ever to the releefe & comfort of 5.
aged poore Widdowes of the Parish of Saint
Buttolph without Bishopsgate
, London,
the summe of five pounds to be given and e
qually distributed to and amongst them,
eighteene dayes before Christmas yeerely, as
of the free gift and benevolence of him the
the said T. C. at the oversight and direction
of the Parson and Church-wardens, for the
time being of that parish. whereupon in fur
therance of that pious and charitable worke,
this Court was pleased to accept of the said
100. l. and to grant performance of that
his petition: As by an order in that behalfe
made it may and doth appeare: which said
100. l. was the 13. day of the said moneth
of November
last, accordingly paid and
delivered by the said T. C. into the said
Chamber of London, to and for the intent

and purpose aforesaid. Now the said T. C.
in further declaration of his full minde and
intent concerning the distribution of the said
five pounds, yeerely and for ever, as afore
said; he hath expressed and declared, that the
same shall bee done and performed in this
manner, viz. that of and with the same five
pounds yeerely and for ever, there shall bee
bought and provided by the said T. C. du
ring his life, and after his decease by the
Parson and Church-wardens of the said pa
rish of Saint Buttolph without Bishops
aforesaid for the time being and their
successors, five Wastcoats and five Kirtles,
ready made up of good Kersey or Cloth, the
Kersey or Cloth of every Wastcoat and Kir
tle to be worth fifteene shillings at the least,
and five paire of Stockings and five paire of
shooes, every paire of the same Stockings to
be worth eighteene pence at the least, and e
very paire of the said shooes to be worth two
shillings at the least. Which Wastcoats, Kir
tles, Stockings and shooes, shall bee yeerely
and for ever delivered on the Feast day of S.
Thomas the Apostle
, as the free gift of the
said T. C. After in the parish Church of
St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate
said, unto five aged poore Widdowes within
the same parish, being knowne or reputed to
be of honest life and conversation, and past
their labour (that is to say) to every of the
same five poore Widdowes a Wastcoat and
Kirtle, a paire of Stockings and a paire of
Shooes. And that the same five poore Wid
dowes shall bee yeerely nominated and ap
pointed by the said T. C. during his life,
and after his decease the same five poore Wid
dowes shal be at the nomination and appoint
ment of the Parson and Church-wardens of
the said parish of S. Buttolph without Bi
aforesaid, for the time being, and
their successors yeerely and for ever. Where
in the meaning and desire of the said T. C.
is, that those five poore Widdowes, or so many
of them which shall bee living at the time of
his decease, that shall bee nominated by him
in his life time, for to have receive the gifts
and benevolences aforesaid, shall and may e
very one of them yeerely, during their lives,
respectively have and receive one Wastcoat
and Kirtle, a paire of Stockings and a paire
of Shooes, of the gift aforesaid; provided that
they and either of them bee of good life and
Petty-France, neere to the Town ditch.
Now without this Churchyard wall,
was a Cawsey, leading to a Quadrant
called Petty-France, of divers French-men
dwelling there, and to other dwel
ling houses, lately builded on the banke
of the said ditch by some Citizens of
London, that more regarded their owne
private gaine, than the common good
of the Citie. For by meanes of this
Cawsey raised on the banke, and soy
lage of houses, with other filthines cast
into the ditch, the same became infor
ced to a narrow channell, and almost fil
led up with unsavoury things, to the
danger of impoisoning the whole City.
For prevention whereof, and in a
worthy charitable disposition of so ho
nourable a Citie (in regard that this pa
rish was greatly unprovided of the bu
riall for their dead) that needlesse Caw
sey or passage to Petty-France, was given
by the Citie to the said Parish,
A new place of buriall, made by the other Church-yard.
for the
same intent; which they have (since
then) made good and firme ground,
walling it about with a good strong
bricke wall, serving as a lower and sup
plying Church-yard by it selfe; and
towards the charges whereof, divers
good Parishioners (that desire to bee
namelesse) gave large and honest con
tribution. And because they would not
shew themselves unthankfull to the Ci
tie for so great a benefit, their expressi
on standeth thus fixed over the Gate,
at entrance into the said Church-yard.
Coemeterium hoc inferius Civitate Londi
nensi huic Parochiae concessum, sumpti
bus ejusdem Parochiae mure lateritio
septum est. An. Dom. 1615. Stephano
, Rectore, Thomo Johnsono &
Johanne Hedicio, Ecclesiae Gardianis.
This Churchyard being consecrated
the 4. day of Iune, 1617. the first man
buried therein chanced to be a French
man borne; upon whose buriall, these
Verses were written by my friend Mr.
Th. Collins.
A Frenchman borne,
Was the first man
was buried in this ground,
A Schoolemaster he was:
And this a part of our
Neere-neighbouring point,
of Petty France small bound,

may well be said
T’have dyed in England,
yet in France was laid.
August 10. 1626.
The me
mory of a Persian bu
ried out of the Church-yard.
In Petty France out of Christian bu
riall, was buried Hodges Shaughsware a
Persian Merchant, who with his sonne
came over with the Persian Ambassa
dour, and was buried by his owne Son,
who read certaine prayers, and used o
ther Ceremonies, according to the cu
stome of their owne Country,
This was thus En
glished by his inter
and Evening, for a whole moneth after
the buriall: for whom is set up at the
charge of his Sonne, a Tombe of stone
with certain Persian Characters thereon;
the exposition thus, This Grave is made
Hodges Shaughsware, the chiefest ser
vant to the King of
Persia, for the space of
20. yeeres, who came from the King of
and dyed in his service. If any Persian
commeth out of that Country, let him read
this and a prayer for him, the Lord receive
his soule, for here lyeth
Maghmote Shaugh
, who was borne in the Towne of No
voy in Persia.
The bounds of Saint Buttolphs Parish
without Bishopsgate
, London, are thus:
From Bishopsgate (under a part of which
the Citie Ditch runneth) Westward,
close by the Ditch, they passe along by
Petty France, into Moore-field: under the
wall and Cawsey thereof (towards Be
;) there did runne a ditch, and
from the North part of the said Field,
still doth, so farre as Hog lane, which is
at the upper end of the Garden Alleys.
Close to which ditch, the Parish exten
deth all along on the inside, and taketh
in one side of Hog-lane.
Thence straight forth, it beginneth
on the further side of Norton Folgate:
thence into S. Mary Spittle, and thence
into a part of Petticoat lane, so farre as
Gravell-lane end: and so through divers
Gardens on the backe side of Fishers-Folly,
into Hounds-ditch, at the signe of
the Hand and Still. So to the Ditch and
Citie Wall: thence right opposite, on
to Bishopsgate againe. My friendly fur
therance here, was by the helpe of Mr.
Richard Weoley, Parish Clerke there.
Next unto the Parish Church of S.
, was a faire Inne for receipt of
Travellours: then an Hospitall of Saint
Mary of Bethlem
, founded by Simon Fitz
, one of the Sheriffes of London, in
the yeere 1246. He founded it to have
beene a Priory of Canons, with Bre
thren and Sisters: and King Edward the
granted a Protection (which I
have seene) for the brethren, Militiae
beatae Mariae de Bethlem
, within the Ci
tie of London
, the 14. yeere of his reigne.
It was an Hospitall for distracted peo
ple. Stephen Gennings, Merchant-taylor,
gave 40. l. toward purchase of the Pa
tronage, by his Testament, 1523. The
Maior and Communalty purchased the
patronage thereof, with all the Lands
and Tenements thereunto belonging,
in the yeere 1546.
The Copie of an ancient Deed of
Gift, given to Bethlem or Bedlem,
by Simon the sonne of
TO all the children of our Mother
holy Church, to whom this present
writing shall come; Simon the
sonne of Mary
sendeth greeting inour Lord.
Where among other things, and before other
Lauds, the high altitude of the heavenly
Councells, marvelously wrought by some
readier devotion, it ought to be more wor
shipped; of which things the mortall sicknes
(after the fall of our first Father Adam)
hath taken the beginning of this new repay
ring: Therefore forsooth, it beseemeth wor
thy, that the place, in which the Sonne of
God is become man, and hath proceeded
from the Virgins wombe, which is increaser
and beginner of mans redemption, namely
ought to be with reverence worshipped, and
with beneficiall portions to bee increased.
Therefore it is, that the said Simon, sonne
of Mary
; having speciall and singulor devo
tion to the Church of the glorious Virgin at
, where the same Virgin of her
brought forth our Saviour incarnate, and
lying in the Cratch, and with her own milke
nourished; and where the same Child to us
there borne, the Chivalrie of the heavenly
Company, sang the new Hymne, Gloria in
excelsis Deo
. The same time, the increa
ser of our health, (as a King, and his Mo
ther a Queene) willed to bee worshipped of
Kings: a new starre going before them at

the honour and reverence of the same Child,
and his most meeke Mother: And to the
exaltation of my most Noble Lord, Henry,
King of England; whose wife and child the
foresaid Mother of God, and her onely Son,
have in their keeping and protection: And
to the manifold increase of this Citie of Lon
, in which I was borne: And also for
the health of my soule, and the soules of my
predecessors and successors, my Father, Mo
ther, and my friends: And specially for the
soules of Guy of Marlowe, John Durant,
Ralph Ashwye, Maud, Margaret, and
Dennis, women: Have given, granted,
and by this my present Charter, here have
confirmed to God, and to the Church of S.
Mary of Bethelem
, all my Lands which I
have in the Parish of S. Buttolph without
of London; that is to say,
whatsoever I there now have, or had, or in
time to come may have, in houses, gardens,
pooles, ponds, ditches and pits, and all their
appurtenances, as they be closed in by their
bounds; which now extend in length from
the Kings high street East, to the great ditch
in the West, the which is called Deepe ditch
and in breadth, to the Lands of Raph Dow
in the North: and to the Land of the
Church of Saint Buttolph in the South. To
have and to hold the foresaid Church of Be
in free and perpetuall Almes: And
also to make there a Priorie, and to ordaine
a Prior and Canons, Brothers and also Si
sters, when Iesus Christ shall enlarge his
grace upon it. And in the same place, the
Rule and order of the said Church of Bethe
solemnly professing, which shall beare
the token of a Starre openly in their Coapes
and Mantles of profession, and for to say di
vine Service there for the soules aforesaid,
and all Christian soules: And specially to
receive there the Bishop of Bethelem, ca
nons, Brothers and Messengers of the Church
of Bethelem
for evermore, as often as they
shall come thither. And that a Church or
Oratory there shall be builded, as soone as
our Lord shall enlarge his grace: under such
forme, that the order, institution of Pri
ors, Canons, Brothers, Sisters of the visita
tion, correction and reformation of the said
place, to the Bishop of Bethelem and his
successors, and to the Charter of his Church,
and of his Messengers, as often as they shall
come thither, as shall seeme them expedient,
no mans contradiction notwithstanding, shall
pertaine for evermore: Saving alway the
services of the chiefe Lords, as much as per
taineth to the said Land. And to the more
surety of this thing, I have put my selfe out
of this Land, and all mine: And Lord God
, then chosen of the Nobles of the Citie
of Rome, Bishop of Bethelem, and of the
Pope confirmed then by his name in Eng
, in his name, and of his successors, and
of his Chapter of his Church of Bethelem,
into bodily possession: I have indented and
given to his possession, all the foresaid lands,
which possession hee hath received, and en
tred in forme abovesaid. And in token of
subjection and reverence, the said place in
London without Bishopsgate, shall pay
yeerely in the said Citie, a Marke sterling
at Easter, to the Bishop of Bethelem, his
Successors of his Messengers, in the name of
a Pension. And if the faculties or goods of
the said place (our Lord granting) happen
to grow more, the said place shall pay more,
in the name of pension, at the said terme, to
the Mother Church of Bethelem. This
(forsooth) gift and confirmation of my deed,
and the putting to of my Scale for mee and
mine heires, I have stedfastly made strong,
the yeere of our Lord God,
Anno 39.
Hen. 3
A thousand, two
hundred, forty seven
, the Wednesday after
the Feast of S. Luke the Evangelist: These
being witnesses, Peter the sonne of Allen,
then Maior of London, Nicholas Bet, then
Sheriffe of the said Citie, and Alderman
of the said Ward; Raph Sparling, Alder
man; Godfrey of Campes, Simon Co
, Simon Ronner, Rob. of Wood
, Thomas of Woodford, Walter
, Walter of Woodford, &c.
The same yeere, King Henry the 8.
gave this Hospitall unto the Cittie: the
Church and Chappell whereof were
taken downe in the reigne of Queene
, and houses builded there, by
the Governors of Christs Hospitall in
London. In this place, people that be di
straught in their wits, are (by the suite
of their friends) received and kept as a
fore, but not without charges to their
bringers in.
At a Court of Aldermen, holden on
Tuesday, the 20. of Ianuary, An. 4. Ed. 6.
a Carre-roome was freely given to the
inhabitants of Bishopsgate Ward, to the
intent, that they should cause the utter
parts of the said Ward without the gate
to be kept cleane.

Also, at a Court of Aldermen, hol
den on Tuesday the 7. of April, An. 5.
Edw. 6
. It was ordered that the inhabi
tants within the precinct of Bethlem
should be (from thenceforth) united to
the parish Church of Saint Buttolph
without Bishopsgate
, and so by the Par
son and parishioners of the same parish
accepted and taken; and to bee allotted
and charged with them, to all offices and
charges (Tithes and Clarkes wages ex
cepted:) In consideration whereof, the
Parson of the said parish was to receive
yeerely out of the Chamber of London
20 shillings, and the Parish Clarke 6.
shillings 8. pence.
In the yeere 1569. Sir Thomas Roe,
Buriall for the dead prepared.

Merchant-Taylor, Maior, caused to bee
inclosed (with a wall of brick) about one
Acre of ground, being part of the said
Hospitall of Bethlem, to wit, on the bank
of a deepe ditch so called, parting the
said Hospitall of Bethlem from the
Moore field: this he did for buriall, and
ease of such parishes in London, as wan
ted ground convenient within their
Parishes. The Lady his wife was there
buried (by whose perswasion hee inclo
sed it) but himselfe borne in London, was
buried in the Parish Church of Hack
From this hospitall Northward upon
the streets side, many houses have been
builded with Allies backward, of late
time too much pesterd with people (a
great cause of infection) up to the Bars.1
The other side of this high streete
from Bishopsgate and Hounds-ditch, the
first building is, a large Inne for receit
of travellers, and is called the Dolphin, of
such a signe.
In the yeere 1513. Margaret Ricroft
Widdow, gave this house with the
Gardens and appurtenances, unto Willi
am Gam
, R. Glye, their wives, her daugh
ters, and to their heires, with condition,
they yeerely give to the Warden or
Governour of the Gray Fryers Church
within Newgate
fortie shillings, to finde
a Student of Divinity in the Vniversity
for ever.
Then is there a faire house of late
builded by Iohn Powlet. Next to that, a
farre more large and beautifull house,
with Gardens of pleasure, howling al
lies, and such like, builded by Iasper Fi
, free of the Goldsmiths, late one of
the sixe Clerkes of the Chancery, and
a Iustice of peace. It hath since (for a
time) beene the Earle of Oxfords place.
The late Queene Elizabeth hath lod
ged there: It now belongeth to the
Earle of Devonshire. This house being so
large and sumptuously builded, by a
man of no great calling, possessions or
wealth, (for hee was indebted to many)
was mockingly called Fishers folly, and a
Rithme was made of it, and other the
like, in this manner;
Spinilas pleasure, and Megses glory.
And so of other like buildings about
the Citie, by Citizens, men have not
letted to speake their pleasure.
From Fishers folly, up to the west end
of Berwards lane, of old time so called,
but now Hogge lane, because it meeteth
with Hogge lane, which commeth from
the Barres without Ealdgate, as is afore
shewed; is a continuall building of te
nements, with Allies of Cottages, pe
stered, &c. Then is there a large Close,
called Tazell Close, sometime, for that
there were Tazels planted for the use of
Cloth-workers: since letten to the
Crosse-bow makers, wherein they used
to shoote for games at the Popingey.
Now the same being inclosed with a
Bricke wall, serveth to bee an Artillery
, or Garden, whereunto the Gun
ners of the Tower weekely doe repaire;
namely, every Thursday, and there le
velling certaine Brasse Pieces of great
Artillery against a But of earth, made
for that purpose, they discharged them
for their exercise. Present use is made
thereof, by divers worthy Cittizens,
Gentlemen and Captaines, using Mar
tiall Discipline, and where they meete
(well-neere) weekely, to their great
commendation in so worthy an exer
cise, wherof hereafter I will speake
more at large.
Then have ye the late dissolved Pri
ory and Hospitall,
Walter Brune Mer
cer, one of the Sheriffes of London, 1203.
commonly called,
Saint Marie Spittle, founded by Walter
, and Rosia his wife, for Canons
regular; Walter, Archdeacon of London,
laid the first stone in the yeere 1197.
William of Saint Mary Church, then
Bishop of London, dedicated it to the

honour of Iesus Christ, and his Mother
the perpetuall Virgin Mary by the
name of Domus Dei, and Beatae Mariae, ex
tra Bishopsgate
, in the parish of S Buttolph,
the bounds whereof, as appeareth by
composition betwixt the Parson & Prior
of the said Hospitall, concerning tithes,
beginneth at Berwards lane toward the
south & extendeth in breadth to the Pa
rish of S. Leonard of Sores ditch
the North,
Soreditch so called more than 400. yeers since.
and in length, from the
Kings streete on the West to the Bi
shops of Londons field, called Lollesworth
on the East. The Prior of this Saint Ma
, for the emortising and pro
priation of the Priory of Bikenacar in
Essex, to his said house of S. Mary Spit
, gave to Henry the seventh 400. l.
in the two and twentieth of his reigne.
This Hospitall surrendred to Henry the
, was valued to dispend 478. l.
wherein was found, besides ornaments
of the Church, and other goods pertai
ning to the Hospitall, 180. beds well
furnished, for receipt of the poore: for
it was an Hospitall of great reliefe. Sir
Henry Plesington
, Knight, was buried
there, 1452.
In place of this Hospitall, and neere
adjoyning, are now many faire houses
builded, for receipt and lodging of wor
shipfull persons. A part of the large
Church-yard pertaining to this Hospi
tall, and severed from the rest with a
Brick wall, yet remaineth as of old time,
with a Pulpit Crosse therein,
Sermons in the Ea
ster holy
dayes at the Spittle.
like to that in Pauls Church-yard. And
against the said Pulpit on the South side
before the Charnell and Chappell of
Saint Edmond the Bishop, and Mary
, which Chappell was foun
ded about the yeere 1391. by W. Eue
, Citizen and Peperer of London,
who was there buried; remaineth also
one faire builded house of two stories in
height for the Maior, and other hono
rable persons, with the Aldermen and
Sheriffes to sit in, there to heare the
Sermons preached in the Easter holy
dayes. In the Loft over them stood the
Bishop of London, and other Prelates;
but now the Ladies, and Aldermens
Wives doe there stand at a faire Win
dow, or sit at their pleasure.
And here is to bee noted, that time
out of minde, it hath beene a laudable
custome, that on good Fryday in the af
ter-noone, some especiall learned man,
by appointment of the Prelates, hath
preached a Sermon at Pauls Crosse,
treating of Christs passion: and upon
the three next Easter Holydayes, Mun
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the like
learned men, by the like appointment,
have used to preach on the forenoones
at the said Spittle, to perswade the Ar
ticle of Christs resurection: and then
on Low Sunday, one other learned man
at Pauls Crosse, to make rehearsall of
those foure former Sermons, either
commending or reproouing them, as to
him (by iudgement of the learned Di
vines) was thought convenient. And
that done, he was to make a Sermon of
his owne studie, which in all were fiue
Sermons in one. At these Sermons so
severally preached, the Maior with his
Brethren the Aldermen were accusto
med to bee present in their Violets at
Pauls on good Fryday, and in their
Scarlets at the Spittle in the Holydaies,
except Wednesday, in Violet, and the
Maior with his Brethren on Low Sun
day in Scarlet, at Pauls Crosse, continu
ed untill this day.
Touching the Antiquity of this
Custome, I find that in the yeere 1398.
King Richard having procured from
Rome, confirmation of such statutes, and
ordinances, as were made in the Parlia
ment, begun at Westminster, and ended
at Shrewsbury, he caused the same con
firmation to be read and pronounced at
Pauls Crosse and at Saint Mary Spittle,
in the Sermons before all the people.
Philip Malpas one of the Sheriffes in
the yeere 1439. gave 20. shillings by the
yeere to the three Preachers at the Spit
House in S. Mary Spittle Church-yard builded for the Maior and Aldermen Pulpit Crosse in Spittle Church-yard new builded.
Stephen Forstor Maior in the yeere
1594. gave forty pounds to the Prea
chers of Pauls Crosse and Spittle. I
finde also, that the aforesaid house,
wherein the Maior and Aldermen doe
sit at the Spittle, was builded (for that
purpose) or the goods, and by the exe
cutors of Rich. Rawson Alderman, and
Isabel his wife, in the yeere 1488. In the
yeere 1594. this Pulpit being old, was
taken downe, and a new one set up, the
Preachers face turned towards the
South, which was before toward the
West. Also a large house (on the East

side of the said Pulpit) was then buil
A house in Spittle Church-yard buil
ded for the Gover
ners and Children of Christs Hospitall.
for the Governours and Children
of Christs Hospitall to sit in: and this
was done of the goods of William Elkin
Alderman, late deceased. But within the
first yeere, the same house decaying,
and like to have fallen, was againe (with
great cost) repaired at the Cities charge.
Here I may not omit an especiall mat
ter, because in my remebrance, nor
else (in my reading) I finde not the
like. On Munday in Easter weeke,
On Mun
day in Ea
ster week, An. Dom. 1617. A Saint Ma
ry Spittle
ing April 21. 1617. our most Gracious
Soveraigne King Iames, being gone on
his Journey to Scotland: It pleased di
vers Lords and other of his Majesties
most Honourable Privie Councell, to
visit this place of Saint Mary Spittle,
and there to remaine in company (du
ring the Sermon time) with the Lord
Maior, Sir Iohn Lemman, and his wor
thy Brethren the Aldermen of this City.
The Sermon being ended, they rode
home with the Lord Maior to his house
neere Belingsgate, where they were loving
ly and honourably both welcommed
and entertained with a most liberall and
bountifull Dinner, and all the Gentle
men attending on them. The Lords,
were the right reverend Father in God,
George Lord Archbishop of Canturbury,
Sir Francis Bacon, Lord keeper of the
great Seale of England; the Earle of
Worcester; the Lord Lisle, Lord Cham
berlaine to her Majesty, the Lord Bi
shop of London; the Lord Carew; the
Lord Knivet; Sir Iulius Caesar; Sir Tho
mas Edmonds
; Sir Iohn Digby, with di
vers other Knights and worthy Gentle
men, &c. And the Preacher that then
preached, was Master Doctor Page, of
Detford in Kent.
On the East side of this Churchyard ly
eth a large field, of old time called Loles
Buriall of the Romans in Spittle field.
now Spittle field, which about the
yeere 1576. was broken up for Clay to
make Bricke: in the digging thereof
many earther pots called Vrnae, were
found full of Ashes,
Old Mo
numents of the Ro
and burnt bones of
men, to wit of the Romans that inhabi
ted here. For it was the custome of the
Romans, to burne their dead, to put their
Ashes in an Vrne, and then bury the
same with certain Ceremonies, in some
field appointed for that purpose neere
unto their City.
Every of these pots had in them (with
the Ashes of the dead) one piece of
Copper money, with the inscription of
the Emperour then reigning: some of
them were of Claudius, some of Vespasian,
some of Nere, of Antoninus Pius, of Tra
, and others. Besides those Vrnes,
many other pots were found in the same
place, made of a white earth, with long
necks, and handles, like to our stone
Jugs: these were empty, but seemed
to be buried full of some liquid matter,
long since consumed and soked through.
For there were found divers Vials, and
other fashioned Glasses, some most cun
ningly wrought, such as I have not seen
the like, and some of Chrystall, all
which had water in them, nothing dif
fering in clearnesse, taste, or savour from
common spring water; whatsoever it
was at the first. Some of these Glasses
had Oyle in them very thick, and earth
ly in savour. Some were supposed to
have Balme in them, but had lost the
vertue: many of these pots and Glasses
were broken in cutting of the Clay, so
that few were taken up whole.
There were also found divers Dishes
and Cups, of a fine red coloured earth,
which shewed outwardly such a shining
smoothnesse, as if they had been of Cur
rall. Those had (in the bottomes) Ro
letters printed, there were also
Lampes of white earth and red, artifi
cially wrought with divers Antiques a
bout them, some three or foure Images,
made of white earth, about a span long
each of them: one I remember was of
Pallas, the rest I have forgotten. I my
selfe have reserved (amongst divers of
those antiquities there) one Vrne, with
the Ashes and bones, and one pot of
white earth very small, not exceeding
the quantity of a quarter of a wine pint,
made in shape of a Hare, squatted upon
her legs, and betweene her eares is the
mouth of the por.
There hath also been found (in the
same field) divers Coffins of stone,
Troughs of Stone found in the Spittle field.
taining the bones of men: these I sup
pose to bee the burials of some speciall
persons, in time of the Brittons, or Sax
, after that the Romans had left to go
verne here. Moreover, there were also
found the scuis and bones of men, with
out Coffins, or rather whose Coffins

(being of great timber) were consumed.
Great Nayles of Irō found in the field and fond opinions of men.

Divers great Nayles of Iron were there
found, such as are used in the Wheeles
of shod Carts, being each of them as
big as a mans finger, and a quarter of a
yard long, the heads two inches over.
Those Nayles were more wondred at
than the rest of the things there sound,
and many opinions of men were there
uttered of them, namely, that the men
there buried, were murthered by dri
ving those Nayles into their heads; a
thing unlikely: for a smaller Nayle
would more aptly serve to so bad a pur
pose, and a more secret place would
lightly be employed for such buriall.
But to set downe what I have obser
ved concerning this matter, I there be
held the bones of a man lying (as I no
ted) the head North, the feet South,
and round about him (as thwart his
head, along both his sides, and thwart
his feet) such Nayles were found. Wher
fore I conjectured them to be the nayles
of his Coffin, which had been a trough,
cut out of some great tree, and the same
covered with a planke of a great thick
nesse, fastened with such Nayles, and
therfore I caused some of the Nayles to
be reached up to me; and found under
the broad heads of them, the old wood,
skant turned into earth, but still retai
ning both the graine and proper colour.
Of these Nayles (with the wood under
the head thereof) I reserved one, as al
so the nether jaw-bone of the man, the
teeth being great, sound, and fixed,
which (amongst many other Monu
ments there found) I have yet to shew;
but the Nayle lying dry, is by scaling
greatly wasted. And thus much for this
part of Bishopsgate Ward, without the
Gate: for I have in another place spo
ken of the Gate, and therefore I am to
speake of that other part of this Ward,
which lyeth within the Gate.
And first to begin on the left hand of
Bishopsgate street,
Clarkes Hall and their alms
houses in Bishopsgate street.
from the Gate ye have
certaine Tenements of old time pertai
ning to a brotherhood of St. Nicholas,
granted to the Parish Clarkes of London
for two Chaplens to bee kept in the
Chappell of St. Mary Magdalen, neere
unto the Guild hall of London, in the 27.
of Henry the sixth
. The first of these
house towards the North, and against
the Wall of the City, was sometime a
large Inne or Court, called the Wrastlers
of such a signe, and the last in the high
street towards the South, was sometime
also a faire Inne called the Angel, of such
a signe. Amongst these said Tenements
was (on the same street side) a faire En
try or Court to the common Hall of the
said Parish Clarks, with proper Almes-houses,
seven in number, adjoyning, for
Parish Clarkes, and their Wives, their
Widdowes, such as were in great yeeres
not able to labour. One of these, by the
said Brotherhood of Parish Clarkes,
was allowed sixteene pence the weeke,
the other sixe had each of them nine
pence the weeke, according to the Pa
tent thereof granted. This Brotherhood
(amongst other) being suppressed: In
the reigne of Edward the sixth, the said
Hall with the other buildings there, was
given to Sir Robert Chester, a Knight of
Cambridge-shire, against whom the Pa
rish Clarkes commencing sute, in the
reigne of Queen Mary, and being like to
have prevailed, the said Sir Robert Che
pulled down the Hall, sold the tim
ber, stone and lead, and thereupon the
sute was ended. The Almes-houses re
mained in the Queenes hands, and peo
ple were there placed, such as could
make best friends. Some of them ta
king the pension appointed, have let
forth their houses for great rent, giving
occasion to the Parson of the Parish, to
challenge tithes of the poore, &c.
Next unto this is the small Parish
Church of Saint Ethelburge
, Virgin, and
from thence some small distance is a
large Court, called little S. Helens, be
cause it pertained to the Nunnes of St.
Priory of S. Helens and almes-houses.
and was their house: there were
seven Almes-roomes or houses for the
poore, belonging to the Company of
. Then somewhat more
West is another Court with a winding
lane, which commeth out against the
West end of Saint Andrew Vndershafts
. In this Court standeth the
faire Church of Saint Helen, sometime
a Priory of blacke Nunnes, and in the
same a parish Church of S. Helen.
This Priory was founded before the
reigne of Henry the third. William Ba
, Deane of Pauls was the first Foun
der, and was their buried, and William
Basing, one of the Sheriffes of London,
in the second yeere of Edward the se
, was holden also to be a Founder,
or rather an helper there. This Priory
being value at 314. l. 2. s. 6. d. was
surrendred the 25. of November, the 30.
of Henry the 8
. The whole Church,
the partition betwixt the Nuns Church
and Parish Church being taken down,
remaineth now to the Parish, and is a
faire Parish Church, but wanteth such
a steeple, as Sir Thomas Gresham promi
sed to have builded, in recompence of
ground in their Church filled up with
his Monument.
The Nuns Hall, and other housing
thereto pertaining, was since purchased
by the Company of Leather sellers, and
is their common Hall: which Compa
ny was incorporate in the 21. yeere of
Richard the second
In the Church of S. Hellen, have yee
these Monuments of the dead:
Thomas Langton, Chaplaine, buried
in the Quire, 1350.
Adam Francis, Maior 1354.
Elizabeth Vennar, wife to William
, Alderman, one of the Sheriffes
of London, 1401.
Ioane, daughter to Henry Seamer, wife
to Richard, sonne and heire to Robert
Lord Poynings, dyed a Virgin, 1420.
Nicholas Marshall, Ironmonger, Al
derman, 1474.
Sir Iohn Crosby, Alderman, 1475.
and Anne his wife.
Thomas Williams, Gentleman, 1495.
Ioane Cocken, wife to Iohn Cocken, E
squire, 1509.
Mary Orrell, wife to Sir Lewes Orrell,
Henry Sommer, and Katharine his
John Langthrop, Esquire, 1510.
John Gower, Steward of Saint Helens,
Robert Rochester, Esquire, Serjeant
of the Pantrie to Henry the eighth.
Elianor, daughter to Sir Thomas Butler, Lord Sudley.
Thomas Benolt, alias Clarentiaulx,
King at Armes, 1534.
William Hollis, Maior, 1540.
John Fauconbridge, Esquire, 1545.
Hacket, Gentleman of the Kings
Sir Andrew Iud, Maior, 1551.
Sir Thomas Gresham, Mercer, 1579.
William Skegges, Serjeant Poulter.
Quiescit hic Gulielmus Pickeringus, Pa
A very
in the
side of the

ter, Equestris Ordinis vir, Miles Mari
scallus. Qui obiit 19. die Maii, An
no Salutis a Christo, 1542
Iacet hic etiam Gulielmus Pickeringus,
Filius, Miles, corporis animi{que} bonie in-signiter
ornatus; Literis excultus, & Re
ligione Sincerus; linguas exacte percal
luit. Quatuor Principibus Summa cum
laude inservivit: Henrico Scilicet octa
, Militari virtue: Edvardo sexto,
Legatione Gallica: Regine Mariae, ne
gotiatione Germanica : Elizabethae, Principi omnium illustrissimae,
summis officiis devotissimus. Obiit Londini, in
adibus Pickeringiis, Etate 58. Anno
Gratie, 1574. Ianuarii quarto.
Cujus Memorie, Thomas Henneagius,
Miles, Camer & Regi & Thesaurarius;
Johannes Asteley, Armiger, Iocalium
Magister; Drugo Drureius, & Tho
mas Wotton
Armig. Testamenti Sui
Executores, Monumentum hoc posuere.
Here lyeth the body of William Bond, Al
A goodly
in the
wall of the

derman, and sometime Sheriffe of Lon
; A Merchant Adventurer, and
most famous (in his age) for this great ad
ventures both by Sea and Land. Obiit
30. die Maii, 1576
Flos Mercatorum,
quos terra britanna creavit,
Ecce sub hoc tumulo
Ille mari multum
pass us per saxa per undas,

Vitavit Patrias
Peragrinis mercibus oras.
Magnanimum Greci
mirantur Iasona vates,
Aurea de gelido
retulit guiavellera Phasi.
Grecia decta tace,
Graii concedite vates,
Hicjacet Argolico
Mercator Iafone Major.
Vellera multa tulit,
magis aurea vellere phryxi,
Etsreta multa Scidit
magis ardua Phasidos undis:
Hei mihi quod nullo
morsest Superabilis auro,
Fles Mercatorum,
A faire
Tombe in
the south
Ile of the
Quire, as
in a Chap
pell by it
Hic situs eft Ioannes Spencer, Eques Au
rasus Civis & Senator Loadinenfis,
ejufdem Civitatis Pretor, An. Dom.
1594. Lui ex Alicia Bromefeldia
Vxore, unican reliquit Filiam Eli
, Gulielmo, Baroni Compton e
nuptam. Obit 30. die Martii, Anno ſa
lutis. M.D. C.IX
Socero bene merico Gulielmus Baro
Compton gener pofuis.
A faire
ment be
neath the
body of
Church in
the North
Within this monument lyeth the earthly
parts of Iohn Robinson, Merchant of
the Staple in England, free of the Mer
chant Taylors
, and sometime Alderman
of London: And Christian his wife,
eldest daughter of Thomas Anderson,
Grocer. They spent together in holy wed
locke 36. yeeres, and were happy (be
sides other worldly blessings) in nine
Sonnes and Seven Daughters. Shee chan
ged her mortall habitation for a heaven
ly, on the 24. day of April, An. Dom.
. Her Husband following her, on
the 19. day of February, 1599. Both
much beloved in their lives, and more
lamented at their deaths; especially by
the poore, to whom their good deeds (being
alive) begot many prayers, now (being
dead, many teares. The Glaffe of his life
held 70. yeeres and then ranne out. To
live long, and happy, is an honour; but
to dye happy, a greater glory: Both these
aspired to both. Heaven (no doubt)
bath their foules, and this house of stone
their bodies, where they Sleepe in peace,
till the summons of a glorious resurrecti
on wakens them.
Here lieth the body of William Kerwin,
A comely Alabaster Tombe, standing in the midst of the Church below.

of this Citie, free Mason. Who departed
this life the 26. day of Decemb. 1594.
Aedibus Attalicis
Londinum qui decoravi,
Exiguum tribuunt
hanc mihi fata domum.
Me duce surgebant
aliis regalia tecta,
Me duce conficitur
ossibus urna meis.
Here also lyeth the body of Magdalen Ker
, his wife, by whom he had issue, two
sonnes and two daughters. She deceased
the 23. day of August, 1592.
Magdalena jacet
virtus post fata superstes,
Conjugiique fides,
Religioque manent.
Corpus humo tectum,
Christo veniente resurget,
Vt mentis consors
astra suprema colat.
Christus mihi vita.
Mors mihi lucrum.
Nos quos certus amor
primis conjunxit ab annis,
Iunxit idem Tumulus,
junxit idemque polus.
There is a faire Grave-stone, engra
ven on the plaine stone, being there laid
in memoriall of Mr. Abraham Orelius,
a learned Preacher of the French
Church; it lyeth neere to Sir Iohn Spen
s Tombe, in the South Ile of the
Chancell; but none new else beside.
A yong new-borne childe was taken
A printed memory hanging up in a Table, at the en
tranced to the Church doore.
betweene the great Ware-house
and Sir Iohn Spencers backe gate, being
(by a most unnaturall mother) there bu
ried in a great dung-hill of Sea-coale
ashes, with the face upward; yet found
alive by Richard Atkinson, who used to
make cleane the passage there of the
soyle, carrying it thence with his wheel-barrow.
The child had not any ragge
or cloth about it, but was all bloudied,
by reason that the Navillstring was un
tyed, and the body meerely crusted o
ver with the Sea-coale dust. Yet being
made cleane by the poore mans wife, it

was found to be a most goodly Man
child, strong and well featur’d, without
any blemish or harm upon it: but stran
gled inwardly, by sucking in the noy
some filth and ashes.
It was christened, and named Iob cl
nere extractus
; Iob taken out of the ashes
It lived 3. dayes, and dying, lyes buried
in the Churchyard, the 5. of September,
. Richard Ball, Minister; William
, and Richard Westney, Church-wardens;
Thomas Edwards and Abra
ham Gramer
, Side-men; Iohn Harvey,
The charity that I finde in this Parish
given to the poore, is 2. s. every Sun
day (for ever) in Bread, allowed by the
gift of the fore-remembred Mr. Robin
. And 1. s. also in Bread every Sun
day given by Mistris Scioll.
The bounds and limits of S. Helens
, called Bishopsgate-street, the fur
thest house on the East side, wherein
Thomas Childe now dwelleth, towards
the South, abutteth upon the tenement
now in the occupation of Iames Austen,
in the Parish of Saint Martins Otes
. The furthest house, wherein Ed
ward Higges
, Sadler, now dwelleth, to
wards the North, abutteth upon the
Parsonage house of Saint Ethelburges
, enclosing (withall) little S. He
, wherein the Leather-sellers
, other Tenements, and Almes-houses
belonging to the said Company,
doe stand. As also great Saint Helens
; wherein the Parish Church,
with a thorow-fare to the backe-gate,
leading into S. Mary at the Axe; and
the utmost house belonging to the said
Parish, is next adjoyning to the said
gate towards the South, and openeth
into the street there, commonly called
Saint Mary at Axe.
On the West side of the street, cal
led Bishopsgate-street, the furthest house,
wherein Thomas Goodson now dwelleth,
(towards the South) abutteth upon the
gate, wherein Mr. Richard Foxe, Alder
mans Deputy, then dwelled, in the Pa
rish of S. Martin Oteswich
. And the
furthest house, wherin Nathaniel Wright
then also dwelled, towards the North,
abutteth upon the messuage or Tene
ment Inne, called the Blacke Bull, in
the said Parish of Saint Ethelburge.
By me, Io. Warner, Parish-Clerke there.
Then have ye one great house, called
Crosbie Place, because the same was
builded by Sir Iohn Crosbie, Gracer and
Woollman, in place of certaine Tene
ments, with their appurtenances, letten
to him by Alice Ashfeld, Prioresse of S.
, and the Covent, for ninety
nine yeeres, from the yeere 1466. unto
the yeere 1565.
for the annuall rent of
eleven pounds six shillings eight pence.
This house hee builded of stone and
timber, very large and beautifull, and
the highest at that time in London: hee
was one of the Sheriffes, and an Alder
man in the yeere 1470. knighted by
Edward the fourth, in the yeere 1471.
and deceased in the yeere 1475. so short
a time enjoyed he that his large and
sumptuous building.
He was buried in Saint Helens, the
Parish Church, a faire Monument of
him and his Lady is raised there: hee
gave towards the reforming of that
Church five hundred markes, which
was bestowed with the better, as ap
peareth by his Armes, both in the
stone-worke, roofe of Timber, and gla
I hold it a fable said of him, to be na
med Crosbie, of being found by a crosse;
for I have reade of other to have that
name of Crosbie before him; namely, in
the yeere 1406. the 7. of Henry the 4.
the said King gave to his servant Iohn
, the wardship of Ioan, daughter
and sole heire to Iohn Iordaine, Fish
monger, &c. This Crosbie might bee
Father or Grandfather to Sir Iohn
Richard Duke of Glocester, and Lord
Protector, afterward King, by the name
of Richard the third, was lodged in this
house: since which time, among other,
Anthony Bonvice, a rich Merchant of I
, dwelled there; after him Garmain
. Then William Bond, Alderman,
increased this house in heighth, with
building a Turret on the top thereof:
Hee deceased in the yeere 1576. and
was buried in Saint Helens Church.
Divers Ambassadours have beene lod
ged there; namely, in the yeere
1586. Henry Ramelius, Chancellour

of Denmarke, Ambassadour unto the
Queens Majesty of England, from Fre
the second
, King of Denmarke:
An Ambassadour of France, &c. Sir
Iohn Spencer
, Alderman, lately purcha
sed this house, made great reparations,
kept his Maioralty there, and since
builded a most large ware-house neere
From this Crosby place, up to Leaden
corner, and so downe Grasse-street,
among other tenements, are divers faire
and large-builded houses for Mer
chants and such like.
Now for the other side of this Ward,
namely the right hand,
hard by within
the Gate, is one faire water-Conduit,
which Tho. Knesworth, Maior in the yeer
1505. founded, hee gave 60. pounds,
the rest was furnished at the common
charges of the Citie. This Conduit
hath since beene taken downe, and new
builded. David Woodroffe, Alderman,
gave 20. pounds towards the convey
ance of more water thereto. From this
Conduit have ye (amongst many faire
tenements) divers faire Innes, large for
receit of travellers, and some houses for
men of Worship; namely, one most
spacious of all other there about, buil
ded of bricke and timber,
Sir Thomas Greshams house builded.
by Sir Tho
mas Gresham
, Knight, who deceased in
the yeere 1579. and was buried in S.
Helens Church
, under a faire Monu
ment, by him prepared in his life: hee
appointed by his Testament, this house
to be made a Colledge of Readers, as
before is said in the Chapter of schools
and houses of learning.
Somewhat West from this house, is
one other faire house, wherein Sir Wil
liam Hollis
kept his Maioralty, and was
buried in the Parish Church of Saint
. Sir Andrew Iud also kept his
Maioralty there, and was buried at S.
Sir An
drew Iud
his Almes houses.
He builded Almes-houses for
six poore Almes-people, neere to the
said Parish Church and gave Lands to
the Skinners, out of which they are to
give 4. shillings every weeke to the six
poore Almes-people, 8. d. the peece,
and 25. s. 4. d. the yeere in Coales a
mongst them for ever.
Then in the very West corner, over
against the East end of S. Martins Otes
, (from whence the street
windeth towards the south, you had, of
old time, a faire Well with two Buc
kets, so fastned, that the drawing up of
the one let downe the other; but now
of late that Well is turned into a
From this to the corner over against
the Leaden Hall, and so downe Grasse-street,
are many faire houses for Mer
chants and Artificers, and many faire
Innes for travellours, even to the corner
where that Ward endeth, over against
Thus much for this Bishopsgate Ward
shall suffice: which hath an Alderman,
two Deputies, one without the Gate,
another within; Common Counsel
lors, 6. Constables, 7. Scavengers, 7.
for Wardmore inquest, 13. and a Bea
dle: it is taxed to the Fifteene at 13. l.


  1. I.e., the Bars by St. Mary Spital (JZ)