Survey of London (1633): Tower Street Ward

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THe first Ward in the
East part of this Ci
tie, within the wall,
is called Tower-street
and exten
deth along the Ri
ver of Thames, from
the said Tower in the East, almost
to Belingsgate in the VVest: one halfe of
the Tower, the ditch on the West side,
and Bulwarkes adjoyning, doe stand
within that part, where the wall of the
Citie (of old time) went straight from
the Posterne gate South to the River of
, before that the Tower was
builded. From and without the Tower
west and by north, is the said
Tower Hill, sometime a large plot of
ground, now greatly streightned by in
croachments (unlawfully made and suf
fered) for Gardens and houses, some on
the banke of the Tower-ditch, whereby
the ditch is marred, and more neere un
to the wall of the Citie from the Po
north, till over against the princi
pall fore-gate of the Lord Lumleyes
, &c. but the Tower ward goeth
no further that way.
Vpon this Hill is alwaies readily pre
pared (at the charges of the Citie) a
large Scaffold and Gallowes of timber,
for the execution of such Traitors or
Transgressors, as are delivered out of
the Tower, or otherwise to the Sheriffes
of London by writ, there to be executed.
I read, that in the fifth of King Edward
the fourth
, a Scaffold and Gallowes
were there set up by other the Kings Of
ficers, and not of the Cities charges;
whereupon the Maior and his Brethren
complained, but were answered by the
King, that the Tower hill was of the li
berty of the Citie; and whatsoever was
done in that point, was not in deroga
tion of the Cities liberties, and there
fore commanded Proclamation to bee
made, aswell within the Citie as in
the Suburbs, as followeth:
Forasmuch as the ſeventh day of this pre
ſent moneth of November
, Gallowes were
erect and set up besides our Tower of Lon
, within the liberties and franchises of
our Citie of London, in derogation and pre
judice of the liberties and franchises of this
Citie: The King our Soveraigne Lord
would have it be certainely understood, that
the erection and setting up of the said Gal
lowes was not done by his commandement:
wherefore, the King our Soveraigne Lord
willeth, that the erection and setting up of
the said Gallowes, be not any president, or
example thereby hereafter to be taken, in
hurt, prejudice or derogation of the franchi
ses, liberties and priviledges of the Citie,
which he at all times hath had, and hath in
his benevolence, tender favour, and good
grace, &c.
Apud Westminst. nono die Novembris,
Anno regni nostri quinto
Many Controversies have beene in
times past, betwixt the Lord Maior and
Citizens of London, on th’one party, and
the Lieutenant of the Tower of London
on th’other party, touching their liber
ties: The Lieutenant usurping divers
priviledges which were against the
Lawes of the Realme: as for example:
If A. B. were indebted to C. D. dwel
ling in the precinct of the Tower, and
would suffer himselfe to be arrested and
prosecuted by the said C. D. in the
Court held within the Tower, and there
to have judgement upon the said debt
obtained against him: after which
judgement obtained, a Precept was

awarded under the seale of office of the
Lieutenant, redirected unto the Porter
of the Tower or to his deputy, to take
A. B. in execution for the same debt.
And after that A. B. is so taken in exe
cution, there is returne made of the exe
cution of the said Precept; and there
upon the Lieutenant not onely appoin
teth about a dozen or more Keepers to
the said A. B. and such as the said A. B.
will nominate;
This pre
tended Priviledge is directly against the Lawes of the Realm, as her
under is resolved by the Iudges.
but also suffereth the
said A. B. to goe at liberty, giving unto
him a Protection under the seale of his
Office: And thereby commandeth all
Officers in any wise to forbeare to arrest
or trouble the said A. B. for the space of
one whole yeere, beeing his prisoner.
Then if it shall happen that the said A.
. shall be arrested, being in the custo
dy of any of his Keepers, and having the
said Protection to shew; if immediate
ly upon the shewing of the same, he bee
not set at liberty againe, In such case,
the Lieutenant pretendeth that he hath
power to arrest the body of any person,
dwelling in such Citie or Countie,
wherein the said A. B. was so arrested
and troubled, if any such person can bee
found within the liberties of the Tower,
and the body of the same person to de
taine in safe custody, untill such time as
the said A. B. shall be enlarged.
By which meanes the execution of
the Lawes of the Realme is hindred,
and the Subjects wronged.
The forme of a Precept of
the Lieutenant of the Tower,
for the taking of one in executi
on, with the returne of the
same Precept.
PRæceptum est Ianitori Turr. prædict.
quod capiat Willm. Aston de Lond.
Civem & Haberdasher: Ita quod
habeatur corpus ejus corā Edwardo VVar
, milite, Locumtenen. Dominæ Reginæ
Turr. præd. & ejus Senescall. ibi ad prox.
Cur. infra Turr. præd. tenend. ad satisfaci
end. Johanni Thomson viginti lib. legalis
monetæ Angliæ, quas idem Johannis in
eadem Curia recuperavit adversus præfat.
VVillm. & xxj. s. pro miss. & custag.
Curiæ, quæ eidem Iohanni in eadem Curia
adjudicat. fuerunt. Et qualiter hoc Præ
ceptum per te fuerit executum constare fac,
adpræfat. Cur. Et hoc non omitt. periculo
incumbent. Dat. apud Turr. præd. sub si
gillo quo utor in hoc officio, decimo tertio die
Novembris, Anno Regni Elizabethæ, Dei
gratia, Angliæ, Franciæ, & Hyberniæ Re
ginæ, primo.
Ianitori Turris Lond.
aut suo Deputato.
CEpi Corpus supranominati Willm.
, & eum paratum habeo,
prout mihi superiùs prcæipitur.
Christoph. Southows.
The forme of a Protection,
granted by the Lieutenant of the
Tower, to a Prisoner being in exe
cution for debt, to goe
at large.
EDwardus VVarner Miles, Locum
tenens Dominæ Reginæ Turr. s
prædict. omnibus Officiariis, mini
stris, & subditis dictæ Dominæ Reginæ, sa
lutem. Cùm secundum privilegium & con
suetudinem in Curia Turris prædictæ ab an
tiquo usitat. & opprobat. quilibet condem
natus in Curia prædictae ad sectam alicujus
in placito debiti, ac in custodia dicti Locum
tenentis sivè ejus deputat. pro eodem debitoquia
existen. super certas considerationes ipsum
Locumtenentem moventes, prædict. con
demnat. ire & redire quò voluerit infra
regnum Angliæ permissus fuerit. Et quia
VVillm. Aston de London Civis & Ha
berdasher, coram me præfato Locumtenente
& Senescall. in Curia Turris prædictæ, ve
nit ad sectam cujusdam Johannis Thom
in placito debiti, super demand. viginti
librarum bonæ & legalis monetæ Angliæ,
& xxj. s. pro missis & custagiis Curiæ

condemnat. existit, & in prisona Turris
prædictæ sub custodia mei præfati Locumte
nentis, prout mos est, pro eodem debito ex
isten. Sciatis me præfatum Locumtenentem
considerantem statum & paupertatem præ
dicti VVillm. Aston, ac eò quòd citiùs de
bitum suum prædictum de amicis & bonis
suis propriis levare possit, presentium.
VVillm. cum custode seu latore præseatium
super considerationem prædictam, quo vo
luerit, dimiss. fore a die dat. præsentium
pro uno Anno integro prox-futuro. Igitur ex
parte dictæ Dominæ Reginæ, vobis & cuili
bet vestrii mando, Quod prædictu Willm.
prisonarium meum, cum Custode seu latore
præsentium, in aliquo non molestatis nec ar
restetis pro aliqua personali actione. Nec
quantum in vobis ab aliis infer. permitt.
periculo incumbent. Dat. apud Turr. præd.
sub sigillo quo utor in hoc officio, Decimo
tertio die Novembris
, An. Regni Elizabe
, Dei gratia, Angliæ, Franciæ, & Hi
berniæ Reginæ, fidei Defensoris, &c.
Edward VVarner.
Also in the yeere of our Lord God,
Ex Relati
one Hum. Dyson No
taris Pub.

1585. Sir Owen Hopton, Knight, Lieute
nant of the Tower of London, by colour
of his office, pretending title to a Gar
den-plot neere the Tower, did cause his
servants violently to take possession ther
of, and to bring those persons before him
that kept the possession, whom he im
prisoned in the Tower. Whereupon, a
Writ of Habeas Corpus was sued forth of
the Kings Bench for the removing of the
body of Robert Shapeley, one of the pri
soners, which Writ was brought and
delivered unto the Lieutenant by Robert
, then Solicitor of the City of Lon
, but the Lieutenant would not re
ceive nor obey the Writ, but would
have compelled the said Robert Smith to
carry it backe againe with him: which
hee refusing, the Lieutenant put the
Writ into his pocket, and abused and
imprisoned also the said Robert Smith in
the Tower: For redresse of which
wrongs, and of many others, there was
complaint made to the Lords of the Pri
vie Councell
, who referred the hearing
of those controversies, and the exami
nation of the rights and priviledges
which the Lieutenant pretended to be
long unto his Office, to the Lords chiefe
Iustices and to the Master of the Rolles,
who were to certifie their opinions
therof in writing, as by the letters of the
Lords of the Councell in that behalfe
sent and directed unto them, of the te
nor following, appeareth.
The Councels letters to the
Lords chiefe Iustices, and to
the Master of the Rolles.
AFter our very hearty Commendati
ons, &c. There hath been complaint
made unto us in the behalfe of the
Lord Maior and Citizens of London, a
gainst Sir Owen Hopton, Knight, Lieu
tenant of the Tower, whom they charge with
some disordered dealing by him used towards
one Robert Smith, a Soliciter for the City,
sent lately unto him with a Writ of Habeas
, out of the Court of her Majesties
Bench, for the removing of the body of one
Robert Shapeley, a servant to one Willi
am Wikins
a Citizen, imprisoned by the
Lieutenant upon some pretended quarrell of
priviledge; the manner whereof shall best
appeare unto you by the severall complaints
and articles herein inclosed, exhibited unto
us by the said Smith and VVikins.
And forasmuch as the Maior, Aldermen
and Citizens of London, have heretofore of
tentimes found themselves grieved, with
sundry actions of unkind and violent dea
lings, offered by the said Lieutenant and
his Officers as they have enformed, to the
breach of their Charters and liberties, wher
by there is growne some division and dissen
tion betweene them (which we desire by all
good meanes to have removed;) and whereas
the Lieutenant seemeth to warrant his do
ings by ancient priviledges and customes of
the Tower, whereunto the Citizens on their
parts, upon opinion of the validities of
their Charters, refuse to yeeld: VVee consi
dering what inconvenience may ensue of the
private dissention betweene them, have
thought good to require you, calling Master
Lieutenant before you, and the parties,
whose complaints are herewith sent unto
you; with such proofes and witnesse as may
be produced, effectually to examine the mat
ters thereby informed against him: and that
you also take knowledge of such other com
plaints and controversies, as the L. Maior

and the Recorder of London shall deli
ver unto you against the Lieutenant of the
Tower concerning their former debates and
strifes, for matter of liberties, prescriptions
and customes, and the like on the behalfe of
the Lieutenant against them, praying you
to take some paines to beare the matters at
large on both sides; and to see upon what
priviledges, customes, and prescriptions,
their severall claims are grounded and pre
tended: as also to consider of their strength
and validity in Law, wherein after you shal
have spent some time, and heard and under
stood the matters at large, wee require you
then to make report unto us what you shall
have found on both sides, as well touching
the complains of Smith and Wikins, as
of the Lord Maior and Citizens, with your
opinions of their said complaints and con
troversies, and what course were fittest to be
taken betweene them, which we pray you to
doe with as convenient speed as you may:
And so bid you heartily farewell.
From the Court at Greenwitch. Subscribed by Bromley Cancellarius.
Hunsdon, Chamberl.
M. Treasurer.
M. Controller.
M. Secretary.
Sir Walter Mildmay.
Directed to the Lords chiefe Iusices,
and to the Master of the Rolles.
Vpon the receit of which letters, the
said Lords chiefe Iustices, and Master
of the Rolles, did at large heare the al
legations and proofes of both parties,
and did accordingly certifie their opini
ons thereof to the Lords of the Privie
in manner following:
The Certificat, touching as well the Ar
ticles and Complaints made to your Ho
nours, by Robert Smith and VVilliam
, against Sir Owen Hopton,
Knight, Lieutenant of the Tower, as
the controversies between the Ma
ior and Citizens of London
and the said Lieutenaut.
FIrst, upon examination of the mat
ter, touching the said Smith and
VVikins, mentioned in your Ho
nours letters, it appeareth unto us, that
(some controversie being betweene the
Maior and Citizens, and the said Lieu
tenant, touching a Garden-plot neere
the said Tower) one Ralph Gasken, ser
vant to the said Lieutenant, violently
did draw forth of the said Garden, one
Shapeley, servant to the said VVikins, then
labouring there for his said Master, in
such violent manner, as thereby blood
was drawne of him in severall places,
and carried him to the Tower, and there
kept him in prison eight dayes; and that
one Shawe, another of the Lieutenants
servants, was present with the said Gas
ayding him, but that he did not hurt
the said Shapeley; which Gasken and
Shawe did detaine some of the apparell
of the said Shapeley, and yet doe for any
thing knowne to us.
And that likewise one Payne was ta
ken forth of the said Garden, and carri
ed to the Tower, and there imprisoned
three dayes, and then delivered upon
bond, to render his body to the Tower
when he should be required, and that
Payne hath left a pawne of the value of
tenne shillings for his meat and drinke.
And that Her Majesties VVrit of
Habeas Corpus for the body of Shape
was sued forth of her Bench, directed
to the Lieutenant, which carried and
delivered to him by the said Smith, who
prayed the said Lieutenant to make al
lowance thereof, and paid him the Fee
due therefore. But forthwith he would
have forced the said Smith to have recei
ved the money againe and the VVrit:
which Smith refused to doe, praying
him not to be offended for bringing of
her Majesties Processe.
And thereupon Master Lieutenant
said he would put his VVrit in his poc
ket, as he had done many, and there
with rubbed Smith on the cheekes, and
threatned to imprison him, if he would
not carry backe the VVrit againe and
the money: whereupon the said Lieu
tenant imprisoned Smith, and detained
him about three houres, untill upon a
Bill of his hand to returne to prison
when the Lieutenant should send for
him, he was delivered; which matter
the Lieutenant confesseth to be true.
And touching such liberties as Ma
ster Lieutenant claimeth to have beene

used for the Officers and Attendants in
the Tower, as not to be arrested by any
Action in the Citie of London, and
Protections to be granted to them by
Master Lieutenant, and not obeying of
VVrits of Habeas Corpus, we thinke such
persons as are daily attendant in the
Tower, serving her Majesty there, are
to be priviledged, and not to be arrested
upon any plaint in London. But for
VVrits of execution, or Capias ut liga
, and such like, we thinke they ought
to have no priviledge.
Moreover, touching Protections gran
ted by Master Lieutenant, for such as be
condemned in any action in the Court
kept in the Tower, to goe at large, and
not to be arrested by any Processe out
of the Queenes high Courts, or else
where, or any other Protection to that
effect, for any priviledged person, we
thinke the same against Her Majesties
Lawes and dignity.
Item, That Master Lieutenant ought
to returne every Habeas Corpus, out of
any Court at Westminst. so as the Justi
ces before whom it shall bee returned,
(as the cause shall require) may either
remand it with the body, or retaine the
matter before them, and deliver the bo
dy, as Justice shall require.
As touching the jurisdiction of the
Court in the Tower, and the contro
versies for certaine liberties upon the
Tower-hill, and the soile there, and di
vers places about the Tower, we are not
yet fully resolved, but desire your Lord
ships to have some further time to con
sider thereupon: for, that there be ma
ny matters alleaged, and to be shewed
in writing for the same, as we are infor
med, which we have not yet seene.
Item, The said Lieutenant doth claime
a liberty, that if any person priviledged
in the Tower be arrested in London, that
he may take the body of any Citizen
that shall come within the liberties of
the Tower, and keepe his body there,
untill the other be delivered: which we
thinke altogether against the Lawes of
this Realme.
Christopher Wray.
Edmond Anderson.
Gilbert Gerrard.
After the Lords of the Privie Coun
had received the same Certificat,
they did thereupon make this finall Or
der and Decree following, viz.
At Nonsuch, the third day
of October. 1585
Lord Treasurer.
Lord Admirall.
Lord Chamberlaine.
Master Treasurer.
Master Secretary.
WHereas sundry variances
& contentions have here
tofore arisen, and have of
late yeeres depended, betwixt the Lord
Maior and Communalty of the City of
London, on the one part; and the Lieu
tenant of Her Majesties Tower of Lon
, on the other part, touching matters
of liberties, prescriptions, customes, and
other claimes and pretences: by reason
wherof, and for lack of order for stay of
those variances and contentions, divers
tumults have heretofore growne, and
Her Majesties Peace hath many times
beene in hazard to be dangerously bro
ken; whereupon, severall complaints
have beene heretofore exhibited to the
Lords and others of Her Majesties most
Honourable Privie Councell, by the
Lord Maior and Communalty afore
said, against the said Lieutenant, for di
vers injuries alleaged to bee offered on
his part to the Citizens of London, with
out order of Law or equity: After con
sideration had of which severall com
plaints, it pleased their Lordships (ha
ving care to procure an end of those
controversies, for avoiding of inconve
niences that might ensue) by their Ho
nourable letters to give order to Sir
Christopher Wray
, Knight, Lord chiefe
Justice of England; Sir Edmond Ander
, Knight, Lord chiefe Justice of the
Common Pleas; and to Sir Gilbert Ger
, Knight, Master of the Rolles, that
they (calling the said Lieutenant and
the parties complainants before them)
should effectually heare and examine
the controversies (on both sides,) and
certifie their Lordships what they
should finde, together with their opi

nions touching the same, who having
called the parties accordingly before
them, and advisedly and with good de
liberation sundry times heard their Al
legations and answers, as well by writing
as by word, with counsell learned on all
parts, have signified their opinions of
the said controversies in writing, as
hereafter followeth:
First, touching such liberties as M.
Lieutenant claimeth to have beene used
for the Officers and Attendants in the
Tower, as not to be arrested by any acti
on in the City of London, and prote
ctions to be granted to them, by Master
Lieutenant, and not obeying of writs
of This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JZ)Habeas Corpus1 we thinke such persons as bee
dayly attendant in the Tower serving
her Majestie there, are to be priviledged
and not to be arrested upon any plaint in
London, but for writs of Executions, or
This text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (JZ)Capias ut ligatum2 and such like, wee
thinke they ought to have no privi
Secondly, concerning protections
granted by Master Lieutenant for such
as bee condemned in any action in the
Court, kept in the Tower, to goe at
large, and not to be arrested by any Pro
cesse out of the Queenes high Courts,
or elsewhere, or any other protection to
that effect for any priviledged person,
we thinke the same against her Majesties
lawes and dignitie.
Thirdly, that M. Lieutenant ought
to returne every Habeas Corpus out of a
ny Court at Westminster, so as the Iusti
ces before whom it shall be returned (as
the cause shall require) may either re
mand it with the body, or retaine the
matter before them, and deliver the bo
dy as Iustice shall require.
Lastly, whereas the Lieutenant doth
also claime a liberty, that if any person
priviledged in the Tower be arrested in
London, hee may take the body of any
Citizen that shall come within the li
berties of the Tower, and keepe his bo
dy there untill the other bee delivered,
we thinke the same to bee altogether a
gainst the lawes of the Realme.
The Lords therefore of her Majesties
said Privie Councell, upon grave and
deliberate considerations had of the cer
tificate and opinions of the said Lords
chiefe Iustices and Master of the Rolles,
and to the end occasions of contenti
on, trouble, and disorder, and the dan
ger of breach of her Majesties peace,
which have heretofore of late yeeres a
risen and growne upon the controversies
aforesaid, may from henceforth cease,
and bee althougher removed and taken
It was this day by their Lordships or
dered and decreed, betwixt the Lord
Maior, Communalty and Citizens of
London, and their successors, and the
Lieutenant of her Highnesse said Tower
of London
, and all other Lieutenants and
Officers of the Tower at any time here
after to succeed: That the matters, points
and articles contained in the Certificate
of the said Iustices and Master of the
Rolles before mentioned, wherein their
resolutions, opinions and determinati
ons be set downe, declared and signifi
ed, shall at all times from henceforth
stand and remaine for rules and resoluti
ons and finall determination and decisi
on: for so much and so many of the
points of controversies as are contained
in the said Certificate (whereof they
have delivered their opinions) to be for
ever hereafter duely observed and kept,
and that nothing bee hereafter at any
time done, or attempted on either part,
to the violating or interrupting of the
On the North side of this hill, is the
said Lord Lumleyes house, and on the
West side, divers houses lately builded,
and other encrochments along South
to Chicke lane, on the East of Barking
, at the end whereof you have
Tower-street, stretching from the Tower-hill,
West to Saint Margaret Pattens
Church Parsonage
Now therefore, to begin at the East
end of the Street, on the North side
thereof, is the faire Parish Church, cal
led, Alhallowes Barking, which standeth
in a large, but sometime far larger Ce
mitery or Church-yard. On the North
side whereof was sometime builded a
faire Chappell, founded by King Ri
the first
; some have written that
his heart was buried there under the
high Altar. This Chappell was confir
med and augmented by King Edward
the first
. Edward the fourth gave licence

to his Cousin Iohn, Earle of Worcester, to
found there a Brotherhood for a Master
and Brethren, and hee gave to the Cu
stos of that fraternity, which was Sir
Iohn Scot
, Knight, Thomas Colte, Iohn
, and Iohn Croke, the Priory of To
, and the avousion of the Parish
Church of Stretham in the Country of
Surrey, with all the members and appur
tenances, and a part of the Priory of Oke
in Wiltshire, both
Priors Aliens,
and appointed it to be called the Kings
Chappell of Chantry
, In Capella beatæ
Mariæ de Barking
King Richard the third, new builded
and founded therein a Colledge of
Priests, &c. Hamond de Lega was buri
ed in that Chappell. Robert Tate, Maior
of London, 1488. and other were there
This Colledge was suppressed and
pulled downe in the yeere 1548. the
second of,King Edward the ſixth
, the
ground was imployed as a Garden-plot
during the reignes of King Edward,
Queene Mary, and part of Queene Eli
, till at length a large strong frame
of Timber and Bricke was set thereon,
and imployed as a Store-house of Mer
chants goods brought from the Sea, by
Sir William Winter, &c.
Monuments in the Parish Church of
Alhallowes Barking
, not defaced are
Sir Thomas Studinham of Norwich Di
oces, Knight, 1469.
Thomas Gilbert Draper, and Merchant
of the Staple, 1483.
Iohn Bolt, Merchant of the Staple,
Sir Iohn Stile, Knight, Draper, 1500.
William Thinne, Esquire, one of the
Clarks of the Greene cloth, and Master
of the Houshold to King Henry the 8.
Humfery Monmouth, Draper, one of
the Sheriffs, 1535. buried in the Church
VVilliam Denham, one of the She
riffes, 1534.
Richard Browne Esquire, 1546.
Philip Dennis, Esquire, 1556.
Andrew Evenger, Salter.
VVilliam Robinson, Mercer, Alderman
VVilliam Armorer, Clothworker, Es
quire, Governour of the Pages of Ho
nour, or Master of the Hance men, ser
vant to Henry the eight, Edward the sixt
and Queene Mary, buried 1560. Be
side, which, there be divers Tombes
without inscription.
Iohn Crolys and Thomas Pike, Citizens
of London, founded a Chantery there,
Vpon further view of this Parish
Church, and the monuments, I finde
these following:
In the Chancell lyeth a faire Marble
stone with a plate of Brasse engraven,
bearing this inscription:
All these Moun
ments are in the Chancell on the ground neere to one ano
ther as they are here set downe.
Hic jacet Ioannes Ruche, Generosius, qui
obiit octavo die Menſis Maii, An. Dom.
. Cujus animæ propitietur Deus.
Vpon a faire large Marble stone, by
occasion lately taken up, and being bu
ried somewhat deep in the ground, on a
Brasse plate fixed thereon was this in
scription: Hic concluduntur ossa Iacobi Zamboni,
illustrissimi Dom. Veneti Secretarii,
Agentis apud Serenissimum hunc Angliæ,
&c. Regem.
On a faire Marble stone, but without
any plate, are these lines following en
In this Vault hereunder lyeth Elizabeth,
late Wife unto William Denham, Al
derman of London, and Merchant of
the Staple at Callis: VVho departed un
to God, on Wednesday, at 5. of the clock
in the after-noone, in Easter-weeke, the
laſt day of March, 1540. On whose soule
Iesus have mercy, Amen.
And by the Grace of God, the said Willi
am Denham
, purposing to lye here by
her, departed unto God the day of
Close by it is another stone thus in
scribed: Hic jacet Dom. Thomes Vyrby, quondam
Vicarius istius Eccles. Qui obiit 2. die
Menſis Decemb. 1453
. Cujus anima,

Neere unto it is another stone, thus
inscribed: Hic jacet Nicholaus Bremisgrave, quon
dam Vicarius istius Eccles. Qui obiit
II. die Menſ. Auguſt. An. Dom. 1416.
Cujus, &c.
By it also another stone, thus inscri
bed: Hic jacet M. Radulphus Darling, Almæ
Vniuer. Oxoniæ olim Magist. in Arti
bus, & huius Eccles. quondam Vicarius
peritissimus. Qui obiit An. Dom. 1500.
9. die Menſ. Octob.
Cuius, &c.
By it also another stone, thus inscri
bed: Hic jacet tumulatus M. Thomas Cayfi.
Can. & Baccalaurius in Art. vir perit.
& unus Vicar. istius Eccles. Qui obiit
6. die Menſ. Feb. 1475. Cuius, &c.
By it also another stone, thus inscri
bed: Hic jacet Dom. Willielm. Tylling, quon
dam Capellanus istius Eccles. Qui obiit
24. die Menſ. Iulii, An. Dom. 1430.
Cuius, &c.
On the same stone: Ac Johannes Vale, nuper Capellanus, &
bonus reparator Cantar. ejusdem Eccles.
Qui obiit 10. die Novemb. An. Dom.
. Cuius, &c.
Vpon a very faire Marble stone, ver
ged about with plates of brasse, and con
cluding with the like plates in the mid
dle, is thus ingraven: Pray for the soule of M. William Thinne,
Esquire, one of the Masters of the honou
rable houshold to King Henry the 8. our
Soveraigne Lord. He departed from the
prison of this fraile life, the 10. day of
Auguſt, An. Dom. 1546
. in the 38.
yeere of our said Soveraigne Lord the
, which body, and every part there
of, in the last day shall bee raised up a
gaine, at the sound of the Lords Trum
pet. In whose comming, that we may all
ioyfully meet him, our heavenly Father
grant us, whose mercy is so great towards
us, that hee freely offereth to all them
that earnestly repent their sinnes, ever
lasting life, through the death of his
dearely beloved Sonne, Iesus: To whom
be everlasting praise. Amen.
Before the entrance into the Vestrie,
lyeth a faire Marble stone, without any
plate of Brasse, but thus engraven upon
Nicholas Andrewes to his dearest wife
Anne, doth this last office of love: for
she was,
She lived but 25. yeeres, and dyed at Chig
in Essex, the 12. day of Iune, 1606.
and was here-under interred (in great
sorrow) the munday following: leaving
behind her living, two sonnes, William
and Nicholas.
Hard by it is another stone, thus in
scribed: Here resteth the body of Agnes Bond,
Widdow, sometime the wife of William
, Esquire; the which William and
Agnes had issue betwixt them, 8. sonnes
and 8. daughters; which Agnes decea
sed the 4. day of February, in the yeere of
our Lord God, 1552
Lower in the Chancell toward the
doore, is another faire stone plated, and
thus engraven: Hereunder lyeth the body of Roger James,
late of London, Brewer, who being of
the age of 67. departed this life the ſe
cond day of March, An. Dom. 1591
leaving behind him Sara his wife, eight
sonnes, and one daughter.
Neere unto it, another stone, thus in
scribed: Here under this Marble stone lyeth, M.
Henry Poulsted, Esquire, and Alice
his wife; the which Henry deceased the
10. of December, 1556. and begot of
her body one sonne and one daughter, Ri
and Mabell, &c.
Close by it, another smaller stone,
thus inscribed: Here lyeth buried Barbara Thornix,
Daughter of Thomas Thornix Esquire,

who deceased the eleventh day of April,
. being of the age of three yeeres.
By it another faire stone, thus inscri
bed: Here lyeth the body of Mary Burnell, late
wife of Iohn Burnell, Citizen and Mer
chant of London, the onely daughter of
Mathew Brownrig of Ipswich, in Suf
, Esquire, a woman sincerely living
in the feare of God, and dying constantly
in the faith of Christ Iesus. She departed
this life the 5. day of April, 1612. be
ing of the age of 20. yeeres: Having fi
nished in wedlocke with her said husband
2. yeeres and 5. moneths, and bearing
him issue, one sonne, whereof she dyed in
childbed, and expecteth now (with the
Elect of God) a joyfull resurrection.
Then there is a goodly ancient faire
Tombe, dividing the North Ile from
the Chancell, bearing these ingraven
lines: Hic jacet Iohannes Bacon, quondam Ci
vis & Woolman London, Qui obiit 6.
die Menſ. Maii, Anno Dom. 1437
. Et
Ioanna Vx. eius.
There is a very goodly Tombe,
In the North Ile of the Quire.
much defaced, and the Brasse plates
stolne off from it: but so many of the
words as are remaining, are these: Stapulo fuit seniorum, & unius Londiniis
habitans, sermone fidelis, cum Marga
Domina castaq; beata. Hunc rapuit
Michael ad Cœli gaudi a lati, &c.
By it is a faire Monument in the wall,
bearing this inscription: Hic jacet Hieronymus Benalius, Bergami
netus, qui dum vixit, pietatem coluit,
& futuræ vitæ resurrectionem expectat.
Obiit 4. dic Martii, An. Dom. 1585.
Ætatis suæ, 58.
On the ground in the middest of the
way, lyeth a faire stone, by the appea
entring into a Vault. The stone
is thus ingraven:
This stone belongeth to Francis Cherry,
Merchant, Vintner, and to his heires.
Here lyeth Margaret Cherry, the wife of
Francis Cherry, by whom he had issue
11. children, 4. sonnes, and 7. daugh
ters, and dyed of the 12. child, 1695.
A small Brasse plate is fixed in the
wall East, thus inscribed: Of your charity pray for the soule of Philip
, of London, Esquire: whose
body lyeth buried before this stone. Who
dyed the 3. day of September, 1556.
A faire Marble Tombe much defa
In the South Ile of the Quire.
whereon are figured kneeling, a
man and a woman, hee having three
sonnes kneeling behinde him, and shee
foure Daughters. A labell proceedeth
from his mouth, with these words: Ego resurgam, & in carne mea videbe te
Iesum, Deum Sabvatorem meum.
Another from her, thus: Qui Lazarum resuscitasti à monumento
fetidum, dona nobis requiem.
Vpon the ground, somewhat neere to
one another, are divers faire Grave
stones, bearing these inscriptions:
Vnder this stone lyeth William Roberts,
Citizen and Mercer of London, and
Merchant of the Staple at Callis, sonne
of William Roberts, Alderman of the
said place: which William his sonne de
ceased the ſeventh day of Ianuary, Anno
Domini, 1555
Here lyeth buried the body of Christopher
, late Mercer of London, and
Merchant of the Staple at Callis, who
deceased the ſecond day of October, An
no Domini, 1518
Here-under lyeth Master VVilliam Ro
, Alderman of London, Citizen
and Mercer, and Merchant of the Sta
ple at Callis, and Elizabeth his wife.
He deceased the thirtieth day of Decem
ber, 1552
Here under this stone lyeth buried the body
of Mistris Iane Russell, one of the Gen
tlewomen of the Privie Chamber to Qu.
, and wife to William Russell,
Serjeant of the Celler to our late Sove
raigne Lady, Queene Elizabeth: And

deceased the 16. day of Ianuary, Anno
Domini, 1558
Gods blessings bestowed on the poore
of this Parish, by the benevolence and
charity of wel-disposed people.
Given by Margaret Martin, of the
Parish of Alhallowes Barking in London,
in the yeere 1557. to and amongst the
poor of the said Parish, yeerly for ever,
26. s. 8. d. And to the Churchwardens
for their paines, 20. d. to each, to bee
paid them yeerely for ever.
Given by Mr. William Armorer, to
hold for tenne yeeres, one load of Char
coales, and two hundred of Faggots, by
his wife to be delivered every Christ
masse, to and amongst the poore of the
same Parish.
Given by Mistris Alice Polsted, to the
use of the poore of the same Parish, the
summe of 6. l. 13. s. 4. d. to bee paid
them yeerely for ever.
Given by Mr. William Haines, 5. l.
a yeere for ever, after the death of Alice
his wife.
Given by Richard Smith, his dwelling
house, knowne and called by the name
of the White-Lion, situate neere to the
Tower Hill, to the use of the poore of
the said Parish: after the decease of his
wife, and Richard and Margaret his chil
dren, if they happen to dye without
Given by Mr. Wilkinson, after the
decease of his wife, the lease of the house
situate at Tower Hill, to be let by the
Churchwardens of the said Parish: and
they to give out of the same rent, during
the said lease, forty shillings yeerely to
the poore of the Parish, and twenty
shillings yeerely to the Preacher or Le
cturer there. And the residue of the
said rent to be distributed in such sort as
in her will is mentioned.
Concerning the bounds and limits of
this Parish, according to our precedent
order: They goe Northward from the
Church, so farre as the corner, where is
the backe gate, sometime belonging to
Sir Francis Walsingham, but now to Sir
Nicholas Salter
. Thence they goe on a
along by the Garden wall belonging to
the Lady Lumley, to the East corner:
where going over, they passe on so farre
as the house of one Peter Porter, right
over against the great gate of the Lady
s house, where turning backe
downe a passage to the South part of
Mr. Covelles garden, in the midst wher
of Eastward, upon London wall, their
marke is fixed. Returning backe that
way againe, they crosse Southward o
ver Tower Hill, where sometime stood
a Crosse, distinguishing the Tower li
berty and Alhallowes.
So they goe on the Tower-docke,
to the house of Mr. Clay, Brewer, where
they go up petty Wales, to the Custome-house
gate. And there they turne up
Water-lane, on the East side onely, till
they come forth thereof, and crosse o
ver into Mart-lane, so farre as Sir Henry
house, where they turne over
East, and so passe on that end of Mart-lane
South, where turning againe East
to Sydon-lane, they goe up that Lane
North, so farre as part of the house be
longing to Sir Nicholas Salter, and there
fixe their marke; returning to Chappell-Alley,
and there ending where they be
Here I confesse my selfe beholding
to Mr. Edward Abbot, Parson of Alhal
lowes Barking
, and the Officers that there
gave me friendly assistance.
By the West end of this Parish
Church and Chappell, lyeth Sydon-lane,
now corruptly called Sything-lane, from
Tower-street up North to Hart-street.
In this Sydon-lane divers faire and
large houses are builded; namely, one
by Sir Iohn Allen, sometime Maior of
London, and of Councell unto King Hen
the eighth
: Sir Francis Walsingham,
Knight, principall Secretary to the
Queenes Majestie that then lived, was
lodged there, and so was the Earle of
Essex, &c.
At the North-west corner of this lane
standeth a proper Parish Church of
Saint Olave
, which Church, together
with some houses adjoyning, and also
others over against it in Hart-street, are
of the said Tower-street Ward.
Monuments in this Parish Church of
Saint Olave
, be these:
Richard Cely, and Robert Cely, Fel

mongers, principall builders and bene
factors of this Church.
Dame Ioane, wife to Sir Iohn Zouch,
Iohn Clarentiaulx, King of Armes.
Sir Richard Haddon, Mercer, Maior,
Thomas Burnell, Mercer, 1548.
Thomas Morley, Gentleman, 1566.
Sir Iohn Radcliffe, Knight, 1568. And
Dame Anne his wife, 1585.
Chapone, a Florentine Gent. 1582.
George Stoddard, Merchant, &c.
In the wall,
In the Chancell.
on the North side, is an
ancient Monument, but very much de
faced, appearing to belong to Sir Ri
chard Haddon
, Mercer and Lord Maior
of London, with some shew of two wives,
two sonnes, and three daughters: but
the plates of memory are gone.
A faire Marble stone lyeth by the
Communion Table,
On the ground.
and a large plate
upon it, on the top whereof these La
tine Verses are ingraven:
Ortu præclarus curans illustrior Arte
Efficier, patriam deserit iste suam,
Discendi studio varias transiverat oras,
Heu tandem febrius Anglia fintiter.
Nobilitas, virtus, pietas, doctrina bearūt,
Schraderum si vis pergere plura scies.
In the midst are two faire Coats of
Armes, the one having Schrader as the
Motto, and the other, Non Wechtelt.
Lower is this inscription fairely in
graven: Georgius Schraderus, Brunswigæ, An.
1580. Menſ. Februarii, nobili Familia
Patre autore Schradero, à Consiliis se
cretissimis illustrissimorum Duc. Bruns
& Luneb. Matre Catharina à
Vechtelt natas, in vera Dei notitia e
ducatus, postquam maximum Germaniæ
partem, totam Galliam, Brabant. Fland.
vidisset, in Angliam se recepit, inde do
mum ut rediret, febri verè correptus,
placidè in Domino obdornivit, 3. Octob.
An. ſalutis, 1605
. Ætatis suæ, 24. &
in hoc tumulo requiescit.
Two faire Marble stones lye some
thing neere to this, bearing these inscri
Orate pro anima Roberti Byrche, Wool
packer: Qui obiit viceſſimo ſeptimo die
Iulii, Anno Dom. 1433
. Cuius animæ
propitietur Deus.
D. O. M.
Matthæo Babalio, Nobili Ragusino, pieta
te ac probitate insigni, immaturáq; mor
te vita defuncto, Anno ætatis suæ, 27.
Domini vero, 1567. Menſ. Iunio
Nicholaus Gozzius amicus posuit.
A faire Marble Tombe, with a Knight
in Armour lying along on it, and his
wife kneeling by him, thus inscribed:
Hic jacet Joannes Radcliffe, Miles, filius
Roberti, Comitis Sussexiæ: Qui obiit
(nullis susceptis liberis) nono die Novem
bris, Anno Domini, 1585
Here lyeth Dame Anne, the wife of Sir
John Radcliffe
, Knight, who dyed the
tenth of Decemb. An. Dom. 1568.
A faire Monument, erected behind
the Tombe of Sir Iohn Radcliffe, but
somewhat higher, with halfe the lively
figure of the party it concerneth, inscri
bed thus:
Memoriæ Sacrum
Petro Turnero, Gulielmi Turneri Patris
inclyto filio, probitatis ac eruditionis fa
ma, illustriq; Medicinæ Doctori peri
tissimo; quem Cantabrigia aluit, Heidel
brigia Doctoris insignibus honoravit, Ox
onium cohonestavit, Pascha Turnera
Conjux mœstissima æternum pietatis, a
moris ac doloris sui Monumentū. L. M. P.
Henricus Parreus Episc. Wigorniensis,
Paschæ Turneræ frater mœroris consors,
Piis defucti manibus hoc Epicediū parētauit.

Obiit Maii 27. Anno Dom. 1614. Æ
tatis suæ, 72.
In the South-east wall, a stone ingra
ven, with out any plate, bearing this in
scription: Gulielmo Turnero, Medico, ac Theologo
peritissimo, Decano Wellens. Per Annos
triginta in utraq; scientia exercitatissi
mus, Ecclesiæ & Reipublicæ profuit, &
contra utriusq; pernitiosissimos hostes;
maximè vero Romanum Antichristum
fortissimus Jesu Christi Miles acerrimè
dimicavit, ac tandem corpus senio & la

boribus compertum, in spem beatissim. re
surrectionis hic deposuit; devictis Chri
virtute mundi, carnisq; civibus cap.
triumphat in æternum.
Magnus Apollinea,
quondam Turnerus in arte,
Magnus & in vera
religione fuit:
Mors tamen obrepens,
majorem reddidit illum,
Civis enim Cœli
regna superna tenet.
Obiit 7. die Iulii, An. Dom. 1568.
Vnder it, upon a small plate is thus
In God is my whole trust. I. O. 1591.
Iohn Orgen, and Helen his wife.
As I was, so be ye,
As I am, you shall be.
What I gave, that I have,
What I spent, that I had:
Thus I count all my cost,
What I left, that I lost.
There is a very faire Tombe erected
in the South wall of the Quire, where
on these lines are engraven: Hic juxta in Choro situs est Jacobus
, Eques auratus, vir bonus & in
operibus charitatis, qui primo Susannā
filiam Christopheri Bumsted Generos.
Vxorem habuit, ex qua unicum suscepit
filiolum. Postea Elizab. filiam Hugon.
Armigeri, Alderm. Lond. De
inde Elizab. filiam Richardi Thorne
Armig. & viduam Christopheri
Arm. duxit conjugē, ex qua duas
genuit filiolas, nullam tamen relinquens
prolem, se moriente, superstitem, An. Æ
tatis, 63. 15. Maii, 1608. in Domino.
Two faire stones plated, one by ano
ther, thus inscribed:
Here lyeth buryed (in the mercie of God)
the bodies of Thomas Beckingham, E
squire, Merchant of the Staple at Callis,
and Anne his wife. He deceased the 4.
day of Decemb. An. Dom. 1576
. And
she the 22. of May, 1565.
Here lyeth Thomas Prenthoit, Citizen
and Vpholder of London, and Joane his
wife. Hee deceased the 7. day of April,
Anno Domini, 1521
A faire Alabaster Tombe,
In the Northside of the Quire.
and the
figure of a man kneeling on it, thus in
D. O. M.
Hic situs est Petrus Caponius, Florentinus
in vita Nobilitate clarus, morum inte
gritate, summis Principibus gratissimus,
exilium quod iniquiore fato subierat con
stanter tulit. Obiit An. ætatis, 32. Cal.
1582. 6. Cal. Novembris.
Mortuum Britannia, quem vivum in sinu
tulerat, in sinu nec dum discincto conser
Petrus Landus, ex parentibus Florentinis,
apud Lugdunum Galliæ natus, hoc amo
ris & mœroris Monumentum P
Vpon two plates fixed in the wall,
these inscriptions:
Here-under lyeth buried the body of Phi
lip Van Wyllender
, Esquire, Musici
an, and one of the privie Chamber to King
Henry the eight
of most famous memory,
and to King Edward the sixth. Who dy
ed the 24. day of February, Ann. Dom.
. And had issue by Frances his
wife, foure sonnes, and two daughters,
Here lyeth buried the body of Thomas Bur
, late Citizen and Mercer of Lon
, and Merchant of the Staple at Cal
. He deceased the 26. day of February,
Ann. Dom. 1448
Comming now to the charities given
to the poore in this Parish, I finde no
nomination of any, but of one Mistris
, and Sir Iames Deane, whose
gifts are benevolence in bread weekely
to the poore. There standeth also in the
lower part of the Church, a memory of
one yet living, inscribed thus: Iohn High-Lord, senior, of London,
Skinner, in his life time, and in the 85.
yeere of his age, gave forty shillings yeere
ly for ever, to be bestowed in New-castle
Coales, for the reliefe of the poore in this
Parish of S. Olave in Hare-street.
There are many men of great and
good account in this Parish, who at
divers times are bountifull unto the
poore in money, and as they send it, it

is faithfully divided among them.
Now for the limits and bounds of
the Parish, they go on from the Church
West, and turning downe on the East
side of Mart-lane, crosse the way over
to Sir Henry Bakers house, and so go up
on the West side, till turning into Hart
, they goe on into Sydon-lane, so
farre as their marke standeth, on the
house of Sir Nicholas Salter, joyning to
theirs of Barking Parish. Then they goe
over on the West side, and so passe
downe Crochet Friers, to Tower-hill,
to the further part of the Lady Lumleys
garden wall, and the backe gate of the
foresaid Sir Nicholas, where turning
backe to Porters house, and going on
Northward, they goe into an Alley,
which guideth them to the North end
of Master Covels garden, and there they
fix their marke by theirs of Barking, on
London Wall
So returning againe, they goe up
towards Aldgate on the East side, so far
as directly against the signe of the
Cocke, returning backe on the West
side to the Pumpe in Crochet Friers, and
then to the place where they began.
Here I was favoured by Master Iohn
, Parson of S. Olaves, and the
friendly Officers there.
Then have ye out of Tower street also
on the North side,
Mart-lane, of a Mart kept about Blanch Chappelton, or Appleton.
one other lane, called
Mart-Lane, which runneth up towards
the North, and is for the most part of
this Tower-street Ward; which lane is
about the third quarter thereof, divided
from Aldgate Ward, by a chaine to bee
drawne thwart the said lane, above the
West end of Hart-street. Cokedon-lane,
sometime at the South-west end of
Mart-lane, I read of.
A third lane out of Tower-street on the
North side, is called Mincheon-lane, so
called of Tenements there, sometime
pertaining to the Minchuns or Nunnes
of S. Helens in Bishopsgate-street: This
Lane is all of the said Ward, except
the corner house towards Fen-Church
In this lane of old time dwelled di
vers strangers borne, of Genoa and those
parts; these were commonly called
Galley-men dwel
led there.
as men that came up in the
Galleys, brought up Wines and other
Merchandises, which they landed in
Thames street, at a place called Galley
: they had a certaine coyne of siluer
amongst themselves, which were halfe
pence of Genoa, and were called Galley
halfe-pence. These halfe-pence were
forbidden in the 13. yeere of King Hen
the 4
. and againe by Parliament in
the 4. of Henry the 5. it was enacted,
that if any person bring into this Realm
Galley halfepence, Suskins, or Dodkins,
he should be punished as a Thiefe, and
he that taketh or payeth such money,
shall lose an hundred shillings, whereof
the King shall have the one halfe, and
he that will sue, the other halfe: not
withstanding in my youth I have seene
them passe currant, but with some diffi
culty, for that the English halfe-pence
were then (though not so broad) some
what thicker and stronger.
The Cloth-workers Hall is in this
Lane. Then at the West end of Tower
have ye a little turning towards
the North, to a faire house, sometime
belonging to one named Griste, for hee
dwelled there in the yeere 1449. And
Iack Cade, Captaine of the Rebels in
Kent, being by him in this his house fea
sted, when he had dined, like an unkind
guest, robbed him of all that was there
to be found worth the carriage.
Next to this is another faire house,
sometime builded by Angell Dunne,
Iohn Champneis, Alderman blind.
Alderman of London; since pos
sessed by Sir Iohn Champneies, Alder
man and Maior of London. He builded
in this house an high Tower of Bricke,
the first that ever I heard of in any pri
vate mans house, to overlooke his neigh
bours in this Citie. But this delight of
his eye was punished with blindnesse
some yeeres before his death. Since
that time, Sir Percevall Hart, a jolly
Courtier, and Knight Harbenger to the
Queene, was lodged there, &c.
From this house somewhat West, is
the Parish Church and Parsonage house
of Saint Margaret Pattens, to the which
Church and house on the North side,
and as farre over against on the South,
stretcheth the farthest West part of this
Ward. And therefore, to begin againe
at the East end of Tower-street; on the
South side have ye Beare-lane, wherein
are many faire houses, and runneth
downe to Thames-street. The next is

Sporiar-lane, of old time so called, but
since and of later time, named, Water-lane,
because it runneth downe to the
Water-gate by the Custome House in
Thames-street: then is there Hart-lane
for Harp-lane, which likewise runneth
downe into Thames-street.
In this Hart-lane is the Bakers Hall,
sometime the dwelling house of Iohn
, Chamberlaine of London, who
was son to William Chichley, Alderman
of London, brother to William Chichley,
Archdeacon of Canturbury, Nephew to
Robert Chichley, Maior of London, and to
Henry Chichley Archbishop of Cantur
This Iohn Chichley (saith our Leyland)
had foure and twenty children. Sir Tho.
of Kent, after he had been long
prisoner in France, married Elizabeth,
one of the Daughters of this Chichley, by
whom he had this Chichleyes house.
This Elizabeth was secondly married
to Sir Ralfe Ashton, Knight Marshall:
and thirdly, to Sir Iohn Bourchier, Vncle
to the late Bourchier, Earle of Essex, but
she never had child. Edward Poynings
made part with Bourchier, and Elizabeth
to have Ostenhanger in Kent, after their
death, and entred into it they living.
In Tower-street, betweene Hart-lane,
and Church-lane, was a quadrant, called
Galley Row, because Galley men dwel
led there. Then have yee two lanes
Church lane. by East.
of Tower-street, both
Church lane in the West.
called Church-lanes,
because one runneth downe by the East
end of Saint Dunstans Church, and the
other by the West end of the same: out
of the West lane, turneth another lane,
West toward Saint Mary Hill, and is
called Fowle-lane, which is for the most
of Tower-street Ward.
This Church of Saint Dunstane is cal
led in the East, for difference from one
other of the same name in the West: it
is a faire and large Church of an ancient
building, and within a large Church-yard:
it hath a great Parish of many rich
Merchants, and other occupiers of divers
trads; namely Salters and Ironmongers.
The Monuments in that Church bee
In the Quire Iohn Kennington Parson
there buried, 1374.
Willim Islip, Parson, 1382.
Iohn Kiryoll Esquire, brother to Tho
mas Kiryoll
, 1400.
Thomas Barry, Merchant, 1445.
Robert Shelley, Esquire, 1420.
Robert Pepper, Grocer, 1445.
Iohn Norwich, Grocer, 1390.
Alice Brome, wife to Iohn Coventry,
sometime Maior of London, 1433.
William Isaack, Draper, Alderman,
Edward Skales, Merchant, 1521.
Iohn Ricroft, Esquire, Serjeant of the
Larder to Henry the seventh and Henry
the eighth
, 1532.
Edward Waters, Esquire, Serjeant at
Armes, 1558.
Sir Bartholomew Iames, Draper, Maior
1479. buried under a faire Monument,
with his Lady.
Ralfe Greenway, Grocer, Alderman,
put under the stone of Robert Pepper,
Thomas Bledlow, one of the Sheriffes,
Iames Bacon, Fishmonger, Sheriffe,
Sir Richard Champion, Draper, Maior
Henry Herdson, Skinner, Alderman,
William Hariot, Draper, Maior, 1481.
buried in a faire Chappell, by him buil
ded, 1517.
Iohn Tate, sonne to Sir Iohn Tate, in
the same Chappell, in the North wall.
Sir Christopher Draper, Ironmonger,
Maior, 1566. buried 1580. and many
other worshipfull personages besides,
whose monuments (for the most part)
are altogether defaced, but such as re
maine, and merit memory, I will de
clare them in this order following.
On the South side of the Chancell,
standeth an ancient Marble Tombe,
In the Chancell.

cooped about with filliting of brasse
plates, bearing these words engraven on
them: Hic jacet Bartholomeus Iames, Miles,
Civis & Pannarius, ac Aldermannus,
necnon quondam Maior hujus inclitæ
Civitatis London, &c.
Close by it standeth another very
faire Alabaster Tombe, richly and curi
ously gilded, and two ancient figures

of Aldermen in Scarlet kneeling, the
one, at one end of the Tombe in a good
ly Arch, the other, at the other end in
like manner, and a comely figure of a
Lady betweene them, who was wife to
them both. By the one standeth a Ta
ble, with this inscription:
Here lyeth Henry Heardsons corps,
within this Tombe of stone:
His soule (through faith in Christs death,)
to God in Heaven is gone.
VVhiles that he lived an Alderman,
and Skinner was his state:
To Vertue bare hee all his love,
To vice hee bare his hate.
His Almes that weekely he bestowed,
within this Parish here,
May witnesse to the poores releefe,
what good-will hee did beare.
Hee had to wife one Barbara,
which made this Tombe you see:
By whom he had of issue store,
eight Sonnes and Daughters three.
Obiit 22. Decemb. An. Dom. 1555.
By the other standeth the like Table,
thus inscribed:
The corps of Richard Champion, Knight,
Maior and Draper, herein doth rest:
Whose soule by most assured hope,
with Christ in heaven is blest.
His life was such, and so imployed,
to right from wrong; that hee
Whom God did so direct in life,
must needs with comfort dye:
Both rich and poore did like him well,
and yet doe praise his name:
Though he behinde him left no child,
which might declare the same.
His weekely almes that is bestowed,
within this Parish here:
Doth witnesse to the poores comfort,
the good will he did beare.
Obiit 30. Octobris, An. Dom. 1568.
There is a faire Alabaster Tombe,
In the South Ile of the Quire.

principally belonging to Sir Christopher
, Knight, yet bearing all these in
scriptions following, in regard of the se
verall marriages of his daughters:
Sir Christopher Draper; Knight, Iron
monger, and Lord Maior of London,
1560. deceased, being 70. yeeres of age.
Lady Margaret his wife made this Mo
nument for him.
Sir William Webbe, Knight, Salter
and Lord Maior of London, 1591. de
ceased the fourth day of Iuly, 1599. La
dy Bennet his Wife, yet living, Daugh
ter to Sir Christopher Draper, Knight
performed this in her love to him.
Sir Wolstane Dixie, Knight, Skinner
and Lord Maior of London, An. Dom.
1582. deceased, being 69. yeeres of age.
Lady Agnes his Wife, Daughter to Sir
Christopher Draper
, Knight, decea
sed in the 37. yeere of her age.
Sir Henry Billingsley, Knight, Haber
dasher, and Lord Maior of London,
1596. yet living in An. 1602. Mistris
Bridget his Wife, Daughter to Sir
Christopher Draper
, Knight, decea
sed in the 44. yeere of her age. Master
Christopher Woodroffe, sonne to the
said Mistris Bridget, deceased 37. yeers
of age.
Hoc Monumentum amoris ergo posuit Do
mina Benet Webbe superstes in memo
riam sui coniugis dignissimi equitis Guil
, defuncti 4. Iulii, 1599. Vt
etiam in observantiam officii erga paren
tes suos Dom. Christ. Draper, & Mar
Vxorem eius, necnon cæteros
tune sorores tum posteros præfixos.
Vnderneath it is an ancient Marble
Monument, and upon a plate are these
words engrauen: Here lyeth buried Iames Bacon, late of
London Alderman, who departed this
mortall life, the 5. day of Iune, Anno
Dom. 1573
. Having issue by Mary his first wife, one Son and three Daugh
ters. And by Margaret his second wife,
three sonnes, and one Daughter. And by
Anne his third wife, no child, &c.
On the North side of the Chancell is
a faire Monument erected in the wall,
bearing this inscription: Iohannes Hawkins, Eques Auratus, cla
riss. Regiæ Marinarum causarum The
saurarius. Qui cum XLIIII. annos mu
niis bellicis, & longis periculosisque na
vigationibus detegendis novis regionibus,
ad Patriæ utilitatem, & suam ipsius glo
riam, strenuam & egregiam operam na
vasset, in expeditione, cui Generalis præ
fuit ad Indiam occidentalem dum in
Auchoris ad portum S. Ioannis in insa
la Boriquena staret, Placidè in Domino


ad Cœlestem Patriam emigravit, 12. die
Novembris, Anno ſalutis, 1595
. In
cujus memoriam ob virtutem, & res
Domina Margareta Hawkins,
Vxor mœstissima, hoc monumentum cum
lacrymis posuit.
By the Tombe hangs a faire Table,
fastned in the wall, with these Verses in
a Widdow well affected,
This Monument
of memory erected,
Deciphering unto
the viewers sight,
The life and death
of Sir Iohn Hawkins, Knight,
One fearing God,
and loyall to his Queene,
True to the State
by tryall ever seene,
Kind to his Wives,
both Gentlewomen borne,
whose counterfeits
with grace this work adorn.
the first, of rare report,
the last, of Court consort,
Attendant on
the Chamber and the Bed
Of Englands Queene
ELIZABETH, our head
Next under Christ,
of whom all Princes hold
Their Scepters, States,
and Diadems of Gold:
Free to their friends
on either side his kinne,
Carefull to keepe
the credit he was in:
Vnto the Sea-men
As testifieth
Chattams Hospitall.
The poore of Plimouth,
and of Debtford Towne,
Have had, now have,
and shal have many a crown;
Proceeding from
his liberality,
By way of great
and gracious Legacie.
This Parish of
(Wherein he dwelt
full thirty yeeres at least)
Hath of the springs
of his good will a part,
Derived from
the Fountaine of his heart,
All which bequests,
with many moe unsaid,
hath bountifully paid.
Deepe of conceit,
in speaking graue and wise,
Endighting swift,
and pregnant to devise;
In conference
revealing haughty skill,
In all affaires
having a Worthies will,
On Sea and Land
spending his course & time,
By steps of yeeres
as he to age did climbe.
God hath his soule,
the Sea his body keepes,
Where (for a while)
as Ionas, now he sleeps;
Till he which said
To Lazarus, Comeforth;
Awake this Knight,
and give to him his worth.
In Christian faith,
and faithfull penitence,
In quickning hope,
and constant patience,
He running ranne
a faithfull Pilgrims race,
God giving him
the guiding of his grace.
Ending his life
with his experience,
By deepe decree
of Gods high providence,
His yeeres to six times
ten and three amounting,
The ninth, the seventh
Climactericke by counting:
his first religious Wife,
Saw yeeres thrice tenne
and two of mortall life:
Leaving the world the sixth,
the seventh ascending,
Thus he and she,
alike their compasse ending,
Asunder both
by death of flesh alone,

Together both insoule,
two making one,
Among the Saints above,
from troubles free,
Where two in one shall meet,
and make up three.
The Christian Knight
and his good Ladies twaine,
Flesh, Soule and Spirit
united once againe;
Beholding Christ,
who comfortably saith,
Come, mine Elect,
receive the Crowne of faith.
Give God, saith Christ,
give sar lawfull right,
Owe no man, saith Saint Paul,
ne mine, ne mite
Save love, which made
this chaste memoriall,
Subscribed with
Truths testimoniall.
Now, in regard that this Parish of S.
is the last (in our account) of
Tower-street Ward, we are to speake of
Gods blessings there to the poore, which
I finde to be seven shillings three pence
every Sunday through the yeere, given
in ready money, beside bread and other
gifts, according to the wils and disposi
tions of Sir Richard Champion, and Ma
ster Alderman Heardson, with Coales
given beside at certaine times. More, I
finde, that one man hath given yeerely
for ever, an whole Oxe to be distributed
by a quarter thereof quarterly, and a
pecke of Oate-meale there withall to the
poore. But yet so discreetly ordered,
that they that have the quarter of Beese
and pecke of Oate-meale at one quarter,
must stay till other poore bee so served,
and that it comes to their turne againe.
Other charities there are which came
in gifts of ready money, and are accor
dingly truly distributed.
In the perambulation of this Parish,
they goe first so farre North from the
Church, as to the house next William
, and thence returning, walke
down on the North side of Tower-street,
so farre as Mincheon-lane, and to the
house of Master Dumbelowe, next to
Clothworkers Hall, where they returne
againe, and so goe on to the signe of the
Dolphine in Tower-street, being a Ta
verne. There they crosse the way, and
goe downe the West side onely of Wa
, and then walke along Thames-street,
leaving the Custome house, pas
sing on to Smarts-key; whence returning
backe into the Crosse-lane, so farre as
Sir Cuthbert Buckles house, now in the
custody of Sir Iohn Lemnian, Knight,
and Lord Maior of London, they goe
home to the place where they began.
Here I was favoured by Master Iohn
, Doctor of Divinity, my wor
thy good friend, and his diligent Offi
Now as concerning the two Church-lanes,
they meeting on the South side
of this Church and Church-yard, doe
joyne in one: and running downe to the
Thames-street, the same is called Saint
Dunstans Hill
: at the lower end where
of the said Thames-street (toward the
West, on both sides almost to Belins-gate
but towards the East up to the VVater-gate,
by the Bulwarke of the Tower) is
all of Tower-street VVard. In this street
on the Thames side, are divers large lan
ding places, called VVharffes, or Keys,
for Cranage up of VVares and Mer
chandise, as also for shipping of Wares
from thence to be transported.
These Wharffes and Keys common
ly beare the names of their owners, and
are therefore changeable. I read, in the
26. of Henry the sixth, that in the Parish
of Saint Dunstane in the East
, a tene
ment called Passekes Wharffe, and ano
ther called Horners Key in Thames-street,
were granted to William Harindon Es
quire. I read also, that in the sixth of
Richard the second, Iohn Churchman Gro
cer, for the quiet of Merchants, did new
ly build a certaine house upon the Key,
called Wool-wharffe, in the Tower-street
, in the Parish of Alhallowes Bar
, betwixt the tenement of Paul Sa
, on the East part, and the Lane
called the Water-gate on the West, to
serve for Tronage, or weighing of
VVools in the Port of London: Where
upon, the King granted, that during the
life of the said Iohn,
Tronage of Wools.
the aforesaid Tro
nage should be held an kept in the said

house, with easements there for the
Ballances and Weights, and a counting
place for the Customer, Controwlers,
Clerkes and other Officers of the said
Tronage, together with ingresse and re
gresse to and from the same, even as
was had in other places, where the said
Tronage was wont to be kept, and that
the King should pay yeerely to the said
Iohn (during his life) forty shillings, at
the termes of S. Michael and Easter, by
even portions by the hands of his Cu
Custome house.
without any other payment to
the said Iohn, as in the Indenture there
of more at large appeareth.
Neere unto this Customers Key, to
wards the East, is the said Water-gate,
and West from it, Porters Key: then
Galley Key, where the Galleys were u
sed to unlade, and land their Merchan
dizes and wares: and that part of Thames
was therefore of some called Gal
, but more commonly, Petty-Wales.
On the North side, as well as on the
South of this Thames-street, are many
faire houses, large for stowage, builded
for Merchants, towards the East end
thereof, namely, over against Galley Key,
Wooll Key
, and the Custome-house. There
have beene of old time some large buil
dings of stone, the ruines whereof doe
yet remaine, but the first builders
and owners of them are worne out of
memory: wherefore the common peo
ple affirme Iulius Cæsar to be the builder
thereof, as also of the Tower it selfe, but
thereof I have spoken already. Some
are of another opinion, and that a more
likely, that this great stone building,
was sometime the lodging appointed
for the Princes of Wales, when they re
payred to this City, and that therefore
the streete in that part is called Petty
Princes of Wales their lodging.
which name remaineth there most
commonly untill this day: even as
where the Kings of Scotland were used
to be lodged betwxit Charing-crosse, and
White-hall, it is likewise called Scotland:
and where the Earles of Brittain were
lodged without Aldersgate, the street is
called Brittain street, &c.
The said building might (of old time)
pertaine to the Princes of Wales, as is s
foresaid, but is since turned to other
It is before noted of Galley Key, that
the Gallies of Italy,
The Mer
chants of Italy their lodging by their Gal
and other parts, did
there discharge their VVines and Mer
chandizes brought to this City. It is
like therefore that the Merchants and
Owners procured the place to build up
on for their lodgings and store-houses,
as the Merchants of Haunce of Almaine
were licensed to have an house, called
Guilda Teutonicorum, the Guild-Hall of
the Germanes
Also the Merchants of Burdeaux were
licensed to build at the Vintry, strongly
with stone, as may yet be seene, and see
meth old, though often repaired: much
more cause have these buildings in Petty
(though as lately builded, and
partly of the like stone brought from
Cane in Normandy) to seeme old,
No Gal
lies landed here in memory of men li
for many yeeres, to wit, since the Gal
lies left their course of landing there,
hath fallen to ruine, and been letten out
for stabling of horses, to Tipplers of
Beere, and such like. Amongst others,
one Mother Mampudding (as they ter
med her) for many yeeres kept this
house, or a great part thereof, for victu
alling: and it seemeth, that the builders
of the Hall of this house were Ship
wrights, and not house-Carpenters:
for the frame thereof (being but low)
is raised of certaine principall posts of
maine timber,
A strange kind of building by the Shippe-wrights or Galley-men.
fixed deep in the ground,
without any groundsell, boorded close
round about on the inside, having none
other wal from the ground to the roofe:
those boords not exceeding the length
of a Clap-boord, about an inch thicke,
every boord ledging over other, as in a
Ship or Gally nayled with Ship nayles
called rough, and clench, to wit, rough
nayles with broad round heads, and
elenched on the other side with square
plares of Iron. The roofe of this Hall is
also wronght of the like boord, and nay
led with rough and clench, and seemeth
as it were a Gally, the Keele turned up
wards: and I observed, that no worme
or rottennesse is seene to have entred in
to either boord or timber of that Hall,
and therefore, in mine opinion, of no
great antiquity.
I read in the 44. of Edward the third,
An Hospi
tall for lu
naticke or phrensie people.

that an Hospitall in the Parish of Bar
, was founded by Robert
Chaplen, for the sustentation of

poore Priests, and other both men and
women, that were sicke of the Phrenzie,
there to remaine till they were perfectly
whole, and restored to good memory.
Also I read, that in the sixth of Hen.
. there was in the Tower ward, a Mes
suage or great house, called Cobhams
: and in the 37. of Henry the sixth,
a Messuage in Thames street, pertaining
to Richard Longvile, &c. Some of the
ruines before spoken of, may seeme to
be of the foresaid Hospitall, belonging
peradventure to some Prior Alien, and
so suppressed amongst the rest, in the
reigne of Edward the third, or Henry the
, who suppressed them all.
Thus much for the bounds and Anti
quity of this Ward, wherein noted,
first, the Tower of London, three Pa
rish Churches, the Custome-house,
and two Hals of Companies; to wit,
the Cloth-workers, and the Bakers.
This Ward hath an Alderman, his
Deputy, Common Counsellors eight,
Constables thirteen, Scavengers twelve,
VVard-mote men thirteene, and a Bea
dle: it is taxed to the Fifteene at six and
twenty pounds.


  1. Gap corresponds exactly to Latin text in Stow’s relation of the Lord Chief Justices’ and Master of the Rolles’ original certificate transcribed above on pp. 129. (JZ)
  2. Gap corresponds exactly to Latin text in Stow’s relation of the Lord Chief Justices’ and Master of the Rolles’ original certificate transcribed above on pp. 129. (JZ)