Survey of London (1633): Honour of Citizens

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Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.
Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse both of men
and women in the same.
THis Citie (saith Fitzste
phen) is glorious in Man
hood: furnished with muni
tions, populous with inhabi
tants; insomuch that in the troublesome time of King Stephen, it hath
shewed at a Muster 20000. armed Horse
men, and threescore thousand Foot-men,
serviceable for the Warres. Moreover (saith
the Citizens of London, wheresoever
they become, are notable before all other Ci
tizens, in civility of manners, attire, table,
and talke.
The mo
dest Ma
trons that have bin, & ought to be.
The Matrons of this Citie, are
the very modest Sabine Ladies of Italie.
The Londoners, sometime called Trino
, repelled Caesar, who alwaies made
his passage by shedding blood: whereupon
Lucan sung: Territa quaesitis ostēdit terga Britannis.
The Citie of London hath bred some,
nesse of men, Citi
zens of London.

which have subdued many Kingdomes, and
also the Romane Empire. It hath also
brought forth manyothers, whom Vertue
and Valour hath highly advanced, accor
ding to Apollo in his Oracle to Brute,
Sub occasu Solis, &c
. In the time of
Christianity, it brought forth that Noble
Emperour Constantine,
Constatine the Em
perour borne in London.
which gave the Ci
tie of Rome, and all the Imperiall signes, to
God, Saint Peter, and Pope Silvester, chu
sing rather to be called a Defender of the
, than an Emperour. And lest peace
might be violated, and their eyes troubled
by his presence, he retired from Rome, and
built the Citie of Constantinople. Lon
also in late time hath brought forth fa
mous Kings: Maude the Empresse, King
Henrie, sonne to Henry the second, and
Thomas the Archbishop, &c.
This Thomas, surnamed Becket, borne
in London,
A Sheriffs Clerke of London be
came chancelor of England, and Arch
bishop of Canturbury.
brought up in the Priory of
Marton, and a Student at Paris, be
came the Sheriffes Clerke of London for
a time, then Parson of S. Mary-hill, he
had a Prebend at London, another at
Lincolne, studied the Law at Bononie,
&c. was made Chancellour of England,
and Archbishop of Canturbury, &c.
Vnto these might be added innumera
ble persons of honour,
ble actions done by the wor
thy citi
zens of London.
wisedome and
vertue, borne in London: but of actions
done by worthy Citizens, I will onely
note a few, and so to other matters.
The Citizens of London,
Hospitall of S. James in the fields.
time out of
minde, founded an Hospitall at Saint
Iames in the fields, for leprous women
of their Citie.
In the yeere 1197. Walter Brune,
VValter Brune.
Citizen of London, and Rosia his wife,
founded the Hospitall of our Lady, cal
led Domus Dei, or S. Mary Spittle, with
out Bishopsgate in London, an house of
such reliefe to the needy, that there was
found standing at the surrender thereof,
ninescore beds, well furnished for re
ceipt of poore people.
In the yeere 1216. the Londoners sen
ding out a Navie, tooke 95. ships of Pi
rates and Sea-robbers, besides innume
rable others that they drowned, which
had robbed on the River of Thames.
In the yeere 1247.
Simon Fitzmary.
Simon Fitzmary,
one of the Sheriffes of London, founded
the Hospitall of S. Mary, called Beth
, without Bishopsgate.
In the yeere 1283. Henry Wallis,
Henry VVallis,
Maior, builded the Tunne upon Corne
, to bee a Prison for night-walkers,
and a Market-house called the Stocks,
both for fish and flesh, standing in the
middest of the Citie. Hee also buil
ded divers Houses on the West and
North side of Pauls Church-yard, the
profits of all which buildings are to the
maintenance of London Bridge.
In the yeere 1332. William Elsing,
VVilliam Elsing,

Mercer of London, founded Elsing Spit
tle, within Creplegate, for fustentati
on of an hundred poore blinde men, and
became himselfe the first Prior of that
Sir Iohn Poultney, Draper,
Sir Iohn Poultney.
4. times
Maior, 1337. builded a faire Chappell
in Pauls Church, wherein he was buri
ed. He founded a Colledge in the Parish
Church of S. Laurence, called Poultney.
Hee builded the Church called lit
tle Alhallowes, in Thames streete:

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

and the Carmelite Friers Church in
Coventry: he gave reliefe to prisoners
in Newgate and the Fleet, and ten shil
lings the yeere to Saint Giles Hospitall
by Oldborne for ever, and other legacies
long to rehearse.
Iohn Stody Vintner,
Iohn Stody.
Maior, 1358.
gave to the Vintners all the Quadrant,
wherein the Vintners Hall now stan
deth, with all the tenuments round a
bout, from Stodies Lane, where is foun
ded thirteene Almes-houses, for so ma
ny poore people, &c.
Henry Picard,
Henry Picard.
Vintner, Maior, 1357.
In the yeere 1363. did in one day sum
ptuously feast Edward the third, King of
England; Iohn, King of France; David,
King of Scots; the King of Cipres, then
all in England; Edward, Paince of Wales,
with many other Noblemen, and after
kept his Hall for all commers, that were
willing to play at dice and hazard; the
Lady Margaret his wife kept her cham
ber to the same effect, &c.
Iohn Lofken Fishmonger,
Iob. Lofken.
foure times
Maior, 1367. builded an Hospitall cal
led Magdalens, at Kingstone upon
Thames, gave thereunto 9. tenements,
10. shops, one Mill, 125 acres of Land,
10 acres of meddow, 120. acres of pa
sture, &c. More, in Lond. he builded the
faire parish Church of Saint Michael in
crooked Lane, and was there buried.
Iohn Barnes,
Joh. Barnes.
Maior, 1371. gave a
Chest with three locks, & 1000. marks
therein, to be lent to yong men upon suf
ficient pawne, and for the use thereof,
to say De profundis, or Pater noster, and
no more: he also was a great builder of
S. Thomas Apostles Parish Church, as
appeareth by his Armes there both in
stone and glasse.
In the yeere 1378. Iohn Filpot,
Ioh. Filpot.
time Maior, hired with his mony 1000.
Souldiers, and defended the Realme
from incursions of the enemy; so that in
small time his hired men tooke Iohn
, a Sea-rover, with all his ships,
which he before had taken from Scar
, and fifteene Spanish ships, laden
with great riches.
In the yeere 1380. Thomas of Wood
stocke, Thomas Percy, Hugh Calverley, Ro
bert Knowles
, & others, being sent with
a great power to ayde the Duke of Bri
, the said Iohn Filpot hired Ships
for them of his owne charges, and re
leased the Armour, which the Souldi
ers had pawned for their victuals, more
than a thousand in number.
This most Noble Citizen, (saith Thomas
Walsingham) that had travelled for the com
modity of the whole Realme, more than
all other of his time, had often relieved the
King, by lending him great summes of
money, and otherwise. He deceased in
the yeere 1384. after that he had assu
red lands to the Citie, for the reliefe of
thirteene poore people for ever
In the yeere 1381. William Walworth,
William Walworths valiancy.

then Maior, a most provident, valiant,
and learned Citizen, did by his arrest of
Wat Tylar, (a presumptuous Rebell, up
on whom no man durst lay hands) deli
ver the King and Kingdome from the
danger of most wicked Traitors, and
was for his service knighted in the field,
as before hath beene related.
Nicholas Brembar, Iohn Filpot, Robert
Laund, Nicholas Twiford
, and Adam Fran
, Aldermen, were then for their ser
vice likewise Knighted, and Sir Robert
, for assisting of the Maior was
made free of the City.
Sir Robert Knowles,
Ro. Knowles.
thus worthily en
franchised a Citizen, founded a Col
ledge with an Hospitall at Pountfract:
he also builded the great stone bridge
at Rochester, over the River of Medway.
Iohn Churchman Grocer,
Iohn Churchman.
one of the
Sheriffes, 1386. for the quiet of Mer
chants, builded a certaine house upon
Wooll wharse, in Tower ward to serve
for Ternage, or weighing of wools, and
for the Customer, Comptrollers,
Clerkes, and other Officers to sit, &c.
Adam Bamme,
Adam Bamme.
Goldsmith, Maior,
1091, in a great dearth, procured corne
from divers parts beyond the Seas, to
be brought hither in such abundance,
as sufficed to serve the Citie, and the
Countries neere adjoyning: to the fur
therance of which good worke, he took
out of the Orphants Chest in the Guild
, 2000. Marks to buy the said corne,
and each Alderman laid out 20. pound
to the like purpose.
Tho. Knowles,
Thomas Knowles.
Grocer, Maior, 1400. with
his brethren the Aldermen, began to
new build the Guild-hall in London, and
in stead of an old little Cottage in
Alderman-bury street, made a faire

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

and goodly house, more neere unto S.
Laurence Church in the Jurie. Hee re
edified S. Anthonies Church, and gave
to the Grocers his house neere unto the
same, for reliefe of the poore for ever.
More, he caused water to be conveied
to the gates of Newgate and Ludgate, for
reliefe of the prisoners there.
Iohn Hinde,
Iohn Hinde.
Draper, Maior 1405. new
ly builded his parish Church of Saint
Swithen by London stone, his monument
is defaced, save onely his Armes in the
glasse windows.
Thomas Falconer Mercer,
Thomas Falconer.
Maior, 1414
lent to King Henry the 5. towards main
tenance of his warres in France, 10000.
markes upon Iewels: more, hee made
the posterne called Mooregate, caused
the ditches of the Citie to be cleansed,
and did many other things for good of
the same Citie.
William Sevenock Grocer,
VVilliam Sevenock.
Maior 1419.
founded in the Towne of Sevenock in
Kent, a free schoole for poore mens chil
dren, and 13. Almes-houses: his Testa
ment saith 20. poore men and women.
Richard Whittington Mercer,
Richard VVhitting
3. times
Maior, in the yeere 1421. began the Li
brary of Gray Friers in London, to the
charge of foure hundred l. his execu
tors (with his goods) founded and buil
ded Whittington Colledge, with Almes
houses for 13. poore men, and Divinity
Lectures to be read there for ever. They
repaired Saint Bartholomews Hospitall
in Smithfield, they bare some charges to
the glazing and paving of the Guildhall,
they bare halfe the charges of building
the Library there, and they builded the
west gate of London, of old time called
Newgate, &c.
Iohn Carpenter,
Iohn Car
Towne-Clerke of Lon
, in the reigne of Henry the fifth,
caused (with great expences) to be cu
riously painted upon boord, about the
North Cloister of Pauls, a monument
of death, leading all estates, with the
speeches of death,
Dance of death, cal
led the dance of Pauls.
and answer of every
state. This Cloyster was pulled downe
1549. He also gave Tenements to the
Citie, for the finding and bringing up
of foure poore mens children, with
meat, drinke, apparell, learning at the
Schooles in the Vniversity, &c. untill
they might be preferred, and then other
in their places for ever.
Robert Chichley,
Ro. Chichley.
Grocer, Maior, 1422.
appointed by his Testament, that on his
birth-day, a competent dinner should be
ordained for two thousand foure hun
dred poore men, housholders of this Ci
tie, and every one to have two pence in
money. More, he gave one large plot
of ground, thereupon to build the new
parish Church of S. Stephen neere unto
Walbrooke, &c.
Iohn Rainwell Fishmonger,
Ioh. Rainwell.
1427. gave Tenements to discharge
certaine Wards of London of Fifteenes,
and other payments.
Iohn Welles Grocer,
Ioh. VVels.
Maior, 1433. a
great builder of the Chappell or Col
ledge of the Guild-hall, and was there
buried: he caused fresh water to be con
veyed from Teyborne, to the Standard in
West Cheap, for the service of the Citie.
William Eastfield Mercer,
VVilliam Eastfield.
1438. ap
pointed his executors, of his goods, to
convey sweet water from Teyborne, and
to build a faire Conduit by Alderman
Church, which they performed, as
also made a Standard in Fleetstreet, by
Shew-lane end: they also conveyed wa
ter to Creplegate, &c.
Stephen Browne Grocer,
Stephen Browne.
Maior 1439.
sent into Prusia, causing corne to bee
brought from thence, whereby hee
brought downe the price of Wheat,
from three shillings the bushell, to lesse
than halfe that money: for corne was
then so scarce in England, that poore
people were enforced to make them
bread of Fearne roots.
Philip Malpas,
Philip Malpas.
one of the Sheriffes,
1440. gave by his Testament 125. l. to
reliefe of poore prisoners, and every
yeere for five yeeres, 400. shirts and
smocks, 40. paire of sheets, and 150.
gownes of Freeze to the poore. To 500
poore people in London, every one six
shillings eight pence: to poore maids
marriages, 100. markes: to high-waies,
an hundred markes: twenty markes the
yeere to a Graduate to preach, twen
tie pounds unto Preachers at the
Spittle on the three Easter holy-daies,
Robert Large Mercer,
Robert Large.
Maior 1440.
gave to his parish Church of S. Olive in
Surrey 200. l. to S. Margarets in Loth
25. l. to the poore twenty pounds:
to London bridge one hundred markes.

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

Towards the vaulting over the water
course of Walbroke two hundred marks.
To poore Maids marriages, one hun
dred markes: to poore House-holders,
one hundred pounds, &c.
Richard Rich Mercer,
Richard Rich.
one of the She
riffes, 1442. founded Almes houses at
Hodsdon in Hertfordshire.
Simon Eyre Draper,
Simon Eyre.
Mayor, 1346.
builded the Leaden-hall, for a common
Garner of corne, to the use of this City,
and left five thousand markes to chari
table uses.
Godfrey Bullein,
Godfrey Bullein.
Maior of London,
1458. by his Testament gave liberally
to the prisons, hospitals, and Lazer-hou
ses; besides a thousand pound to poore
house-holders in London, and 200. l. to
poore householders in Norfolke.
Richard Rawson,
Richard Rawson.
one of the She
riffes, 1477. gave by Testament large
Legacies to the Prisoners, Hospitals and
Lazer-houses. To other poore, to high
wayes, to the water-conduits, besides to
poore Maids marriages, 340. pounds,
and his executors to build a large house
in the Churchyard of S. Mary Spittle,
wherein the Maior and his brethren do
use to sit, and heare the Sermons in the
Easter holy-dayes.
Thomas Ilam,
Tho. Ilam.
one of the Sheriffes,
1480. newly builded the great Conduit
in Cheape, of his owne charges.
Edward Shaw Goldsmith,
Edw. Shaw.
Maior 1483
caused Creplegate of London to bee buil
ded of his owne goods, &c.
Thomas Hill Grocer,
Tho. Hill.
Maior, 1485.
caused of his goods, the Conduit of
Grasse-street to be builded.
Hugh Clopton Mercer,
Hugh Clop
during his life
a batchelour, Maior 1492. builded the
great stone arched Bridge at Stratford
upon Avon in Warwickshire, and did ma
ny other things of great charity, as in
my Summary.
Robert Fabian,
Robert Fabian.
one of the Sheriffes,
1494. gathered out of divers good Au
thors, aswell Latine as French, a large
Chronicle of England and of France,
which he published in English, to his
great charges, for the honor of this Ci
tie, and common utility of the whole
Sir Iohn Percivall Merchant-Taylor,
Iohn Perci

Maior, 1498. founded a Grammar
schoole at Macklefield in Cheshire, where
he was borne, hee endowed the same
schoole with sufficient Lands, for the
finding of a Priest, master there, to
teach freely all children thither sent,
without exception.
The Lady Thomasine his wife,
Rich. Carew.
ded the like Freeschoole, together with
faire lodgings for the Schoolemasters,
Scholars, and other, and added twenty
pound of yeerely revennue for suppor
ting the charges, at Saint Mary Wike in
Devonshire, where she was borne.
Stephen Gennings,
Stephen Gennings.
Maior 1509. founded a faire Grammar
schoole at Vlfrimhampton in Stafford
, left good lands, and also builded a
great part of his Parish Church, called
Saint Andrewes Vndershaft in London.
Henry Keble Grocer,
Hen. Keble.
Maior 1511. in
his life a great benefactor to the new
building of old Mary Church, and by
his Testament gave a thousand pounds
toward the finishing thereof. He gave to
highwaies two hundred pound; to poor
Maids marriages, one hundred markes.
To poore husbandmen in Oxford and
Warwickshires, one hundred and forty
Ploughshares, and one hundred and for
ty Cultars of iron, and in London to se
ven Almes-men, six pence the week for
Iohn Collet,
Ioh. Collet.
a Citizen of London by
birth, and by dignity Deane of Pauls,
Doctor of Divinity, etected and buil
ded one Free-schoole in Pauls Church
yard, 1512. for 3. hundred fifty three
poore mens children, to be taught free
in the same schoole, appointing a Ma
ster, a submaster and a Chaplaine, with
sufficient stipends to endure for ever,
and committed the oversight there
of to the Mercers in London, because
himselfe was sonne to Henry Collet, Mer
cer, Maior of London, and endowed the
Mercers with Lands, to the yeerely va
lue of 120. pound, or better.
Sir William Fitzwilliam the elder,
William Fitzwilliam
ing a Merchant-taylor, and servant som
time to Cardinall Wolsey, was chosen
Alderman of Breadstreet Ward in Lon
, in Anno 1506. Going afterward to
dwell at Milton in Northamptonshire, in
the fall of the Cardinall his former ma
ster, he gave him kinde entertainement
there at his house in the Countrey.
For which deed being called before the

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

King, and demanded how he durst en
tertaine so great an enemy to the State?
His answer was, that hee had not con
temptuously or wilfully done it; but on
ly because he had beene his Master, and
(partly) the meanes of his greatest for
A just and royall dis
position in the King.
The King was so well pleased
with his answer, that saying, himselfe
had too few such servants, immediate
ly he knighted him, and afterward made
him a Privie Counsellour.
This worthy Knight dying,
The libe
rall and bountifull minde of this Fitz-William. His death.
gave an
hundred pounds to poore maids marri
ages. His debts and debtors (over
whose names he had written, Amore Dei
he freely forgave. He gave to
the Vniversities forty pounds; to the
poore, thirty pounds; to mend the high
waies betwixt Chigwell and Copersall in
Essex, fifty pounds. To mend other high
waies, about Thorney and Sawtry Chap
pell, and the Bridge, fifty pounds more.
And to the Merchant-Taylors his Bre
thren, he gave his best standing Cup, as
a friendly remembrance of him for e
Iohn Tate, Brewer,
Iohn Tate.
then a Mercer,
Maior, 1514. caused his Brewhouse,
called the Swanne, neere adjoyning to
the Hospitall of Saint Anthonie in Lon
, to be taken downe, for the inlar
ging of the said Church, then new buil
ded, being a great part of his charge:
This was a goodly foundation, with
Almes houses, a Free Schoole, &c.
George Monnox Draper,
George Monnox.
Maior 1515.
re-edified the decayed Parish Church
of Waltamstow or Walthamstow in Essex,
he founded there a Free Schoole, and
Almes-houses for thirteene Almes-peo
ple: He made also a cawsey of Timber
over the Marshes, from Walthamstow to
Locke-Bridge, &c.
Sir Iohn Milborne,
Iohn Mil
Draper, Maior,
1522. builded Almes-houses, foureteen
in number, by the crossed Friers Church
in London, there to be placed foureteen
poore people, and left to the Drapers,
certaine Messuages, Tenements, and
Garden-plots, in the Parish of Saint O
in Hartstreet, for performance of
stipends to the said Almes people, and
other uses. Looke more in Aldgate
Ward, where you shall be further satis
Robert Thorne,
Robert Thorne.
Merchant-Taylor, de
ceasing a Batchelour, in the yeere 1532.
gave by his Testament to charitable a
ctions, more than foure thousand, foure
hundred and forty pounds, and legacies
to his poore kindred more, five thou
sand, one hundred forty two pounds, be
sides his debts forgiven, &c.
Sir Iohn Allen,
Sir Iohn Allen.
Mercer, Maior of Lon
, and of counsell to King Henry the 8.
deceased 1544. buried at Saint Thomas
of Acres, in a faire Chappell by him
builded. He gave to the Citie of Lon
a rich collar of gold, to be worne by
the Maior, which was first worne by
Sir William Laxton. He gave five hun
dred Markes to be a stocke for Sea-cole,
his Lands purchased of the King, the
rent thereof to bee distributed to the
poore in the Wards of London for ever.
He gave besides to the Prisons, Ho
spitals, Lazer houses, and all other poore
in the Citie, or two miles without, very
liberally, and over-long to be recited.
Sir William Laxton,
Sir William Laxton.
Grocer, Maior,
1545. founded a faire free Schoole at
Owndale in Northamptonshire, with six
Almes-houses for the poore.
Sir Iohn Gresham,
Sir Iohn Gresham.
Mercer, Maior 1548
founded a Free schoole at Holt, a Mar
ket Towne in Norfolke: He gave to e
very Ward in London tenne pounds, to
be distributed to the poore; and to 120.
poore men and women, every one of
them three yards of broad cloth, of 8.
or 9. shillings the yard, to be made in
Gownes ready to their backes. He gave
also to Maids marriages, and to the Ho
spitals in London, aboue 200. pounds in
ready money.
Sir Rowland Hill,
Sir Rowland Hill.
Mercer, Maior,
1550. caused to be made divers caw
seyes, both for horse and man: he made
foure Bridges, two of stone, containing
18. Arches in them both. He builded
one notable Free-schoole at Drayton in
Shropshire: he gave to Christs hospitall in
London, 500. pounds, &c.
Sir Andrew Iud Skinner,
Sir Andrew Iud.
Maior 1551.
erected one notable Free-scoole at Tun
in Kent, and Almes-houses nigh
Saint Helens Church in London, and
left to the Skinners, Lands to the value
of threescore pounds, 3. shillings eight
pence the yeere, for the which they bee
bound to pay 20. l. to the Schoolmaster,
8. l. to the Vsher yeerely for ever,

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

and foure shillings the week to the sixe
almes people, and twenty five shillings
foure pence the yeere in coales, for e
Sir Thomas White,
The fa
mous me
mory of Sir Thomas White.
Lord Maior of this
honourable City in Anno 1554. and a
worthy Brother likewise of the Mer
chant-Taylors Society, being a lover
of learning, & an earnest furtherer ther
of, first purchased the Hall in Oxenford,
called Glocester Hall,
Glocester Hall in Oxenford.
for Schollers and
Students, to receive there the benefit
of learning. But his private thoughts
very often soliciting him, that he should
(in time) meet with a place, where two
Elmes grew, and that there his further
purpose should take effect. At length,
he found out the place, where (at his
owne cost and expences) hee founded
the famous Colledge, called Saint Iohn
The buil
ding of S. Iohn Baptist Colledge in Oxen
and where these two
Elmes (as I have heard) are yet standing
endowing it with such liberall gifts,
lands and revenues, as would require
too much time, here to be remembred
of set downe.
Beside his provision for learning in
this worthy place,
Other Schooles by him builded & maintai
hee erected other
Schooles: as at Bristow, Reading, and a
Colledge at Higham Ferries. More, he
gave to the City of Bristow, the summe
of two thousand pounds to purchase
His great bounty to the City of Bristow.
amounting to the yeerely value of
an hundred and twenty pound: The
Maior and Citizens paying therefore
yeerely an hundred pounds. Eight hun
dred pounds must bee lent to sixteene
poore Clothiers, fifty pounds each man,
for the space of ten yeeres, sufficient se
curity being given by them for the same.
Afterward that eight hundred pounds,
was to passe to other sixteen poore clo
thiers, according to the discretion of
them put in trust.
Provision of Corne for the poore.
Two hundred pounds
beside was reserved, for provision of
corne, and needefull occasions for the
poore, in the order and care of the Ma
ior, Aldermen and Citizens, &c.
Then according to his will, which re
maineth yet to be seen, out of this boun
tifull gift to Bristow,
His order out of his gift to Bri
these memorable
branches, and benevolences, were (by
himselfe) devised, and thus ordered, be
ginning in the yeere 1577. and so thence
forward, they went on according to his
owne direction. Then on the Feast of
Saint Bartholmew was brought to the
Merchant-Taylors Hall,
An hun
dred and 4. pounds brought to Merchant Taylors Hall al
waies on Bartholo
an hundred
and foure pounds, the hundred pound
to be lent (for ten yeeres space) to foure
poore young men in the City of Yorke,
Free-men and Inhabitants being Clo
thiers: and the foure pound overplus, to
bee imployed about the charges and
paines, that no man (used in the busi
nesse) might receive discontentment.
Then in 1578. the like sum was to bee
delivered thence to Canturbury: and
so thence forward, the same summes
(yeerely) to the Cities and Townes fol
lowing orderly.
1579 Reading.
The order of the yeerely lending.
1580 The Merchant-Taylors them
1581 Glocester.
1582 Worcester.
1583 Excester.
1584 Salisbury.
1585 West-Chester.
1586 Norwich.
1587 Southampton.
1588 Lincolne.
1589 Winchester.
1590 Oxenford.
1591 Hereford East.
1592 Cambridge.
1593 Shrewsbury.
1594 Linne.
1595 Bathe.
1596 Derbie.
1597 Ipswich.
1598 Colchester.
1599 New-Castle.
This sum of one hundred and foure
The hun
dred and foure pounds is yeerely delivered at the Merchant Taylors Hall.
passing thus yeerly to the fore
named places, is delivered still at the
Merchant-Taylors Hall, and to the
good intended uses of the giver; and
that there might be no breathing while
for so just a Stewards talent, but to have
it still kept in continuall employment
for the poore: the same order was ap
pointed, to take beginning againe (as
before) at the City of Yorke, and so suc
cessively (while the world endureth) to
the Townes before named,
Passing still in or
der from place to place.
in the selfe
same course as it had the Originall; with
great care and observance in them, to
whom it belongeth, that the dead may
not be abused, nor poore mens right in

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

But did he thus shut up his purse, and
say to himselfe; I have given sufficient?
His libe
ral bounty to the Ci
ty of Co
, it being then in great di
he did cast his pitying eye next on
the City of Coventry, distressed (at that
time) in great and grievous manner:
What his instant benevolence was, hee
tooke it to be but as an houres Sun-shine
after a whole day of storme and tem
pest; although it might yeeld some
comfort, were the season never so short.
But to establish a certainty, that no dis
may or doubt should ever after bee able
to remove (even as a worthy Pyramides
erected to perpetuity) he gave to the Ci
ty of Coventry, 1400. pounds, therewith
to purchase lands, rising to the annuall
value of seventy pounds.
Twelve poore a
ged Inhabitants of Coventry yeerely.
Twelve aged
poore inhabitants of that City, were to
have (in free Almes) 24. pounds, each
man 40. shillings yeerly, on the eleventh
day of March, or within six dayes after
Foure poore young men also were to
have 40. pounds lent them in free lone,
Foure poore yong men of the same City.

ten pound each man, and for nine yeers
space, upon sufficent security given.
And their turnes being thus served, then
foure other poore young men were to
have the like summes, and for like li
mitation, and so from 9. yeeres to nine
yeeres for ever.
Afterward, it was ordered (in free
lone) to two poore men of the same Ci
ty, and lastly, to one: in which nature
(according to the severall limitations)
it doth yet, and doubtlesse shall for ever
continue. Also the same summe was
appointed to one yong man in Northam
for 9. yeeres in free lone,
next, to
one in the City of Leicester;
thirdly, to
one in Nottingham;
Nottingham VVarwicke.
fourthly, to one in
Warwicke; and for the like time. Then
returning againe to Coventry for one
yeere, it repasseth to the said Townes a
gaine, each after other in like nature, for
ever. And lest his worthy intent should
faile in the continuance, he enlarged his
first gift to Coventry of 1400. l. to 2000.
and 60. pound to be employed as hath
been remembred: 40. l. being yeerely
paid out of it, to Saint Iohn Baptist Col
ledge in Oxenford, and allowances also
by himselfe given in each place, that
bonds should bee made, without any
charge to the receiver.
Edward Hall Gentleman,
Edward Hall.
of Grayes
Inne a Citizen by birth and office, as
common Serjeant of Lond. & one of the
Iudges in the Sheriffes Court, he wrote
and published a famous and eloquent
Chronicle, intituled, The uniting of the
two noble Families, Lancaster and Yorke
Richard Hils Merchant-Taylor,
Richard Hils.
gave 500. pound towards the purchase
of an house, called, the Mannor of the
Rose, wherein the Merchant-Taylors
founded their free Schoole in London:
he also gave to the said Merchant-Tay
lors one plot of ground, withcertainsmal
Cottages on the Tower hill, where he
builded faire Almes-houses for foure
teene sole women.
About the same time,
W. Lambert.
William Lam
Esquire, free of the worshipfull
Company of. Drapers, borne in Lon
, a Iustice of the peace in Kent, foun
ded a Colledge for the poore, which he
named of Queene Elizabeth in East
William Harper. Merchant-Taylor,
Sir VVilli
am Harper.

Maior, 1562. sounded a a free Schoole
in the Towne of Bedford where he was
borne and also buried.
Sir Thomas Gresham Mercer,
Sir Thomas Gresham.
builded the Royall Exchange in London,
and by his Testament left his dwelling
house in Bishopsgate street, to be a place
for readings; allowing large stipends to
the Readers, and certaine Almes-houses
for the poore.
William Patten Gentleman,
VV. Patten.
a Citizen
by birth, and customer of London out
ward, Iustice of Peace in Middlesex, the
Parish Church of Stokenwenton being
ruinous, he repaired or rather new buil
Sir Thomas Rowe Knight,
Sir Thomas Rowe his worthy liberality.
Lord Maior
of the City of London, in 1568. a wor
thy brother also of the Merchant-Tay
lors Company, beside his charitable cost
and charges, in building the new Church
yard in Bethlem, containing neere one
Acre of ground, and inclosed with a
wall of bricke, and a Sermon to be prea
ched every Whit-Sunday in the morning,
in presence of the Lord Maior and Al
dermen; as also giving one hundred
pounds, to be lent to eight poore men:
gave to the merchant-Taylors, lands, or
Ten poore men to be maintai
ned for ever.
out of them to be given 40.
pounds yeerely, to maintaine ten poore
men for ever, such as were not brethren
of his owne society, but chosen out of

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

five severall Companies,
viz. Clothwor
kers, Armorers, Carpenters, Tylars
, and
As considering, that by over
toyling labour,
fall, bruises
and such like inconveniences,
they were
soonest like to become impotent, and
unable to help or maintaine themselves.
Therefore, to each of these ten men, he
freely gave the summe of foure pounds,
quarterly to bee paid them at the Mer
chant-Taylors Hall, during their lives.
And then to succeed to other men in the
same Companies, according to due con
sideration of just cause, and most neces
Ambrose Nicholas Salter,
Ambrose Nicholas.
Maior 1576.
founded 12. Almes-houses in Monks
street, neere unto Creplegate, where
in he placed 12. poore people, having
each of them 7. d. the weeke, and once
every yeere, 5. sackes of coles, and one
quarter of a hundred Faggots, all of his
gift for ever.
William Lambe Esquire, sometime a
Gentleman of the Chappell to King
Henry the eighth,
VVilliam Lambe Ci
tizen and Clothwor
ker of Lon
and in great favour
with him: was also a free Brother of
the worshipfull Company of Clothwor
kers, and a kind loving Citizen to the
City of London. Out of his love to Lear
ning and Schollers, in the Town of Sut
ton Valens
in Kent, where hee was borne,
at his owne proper cost and charges he
erected a free Grammar-Schoole,
A free Grammar Schoole at Sutton Va
in Kent.
the education & instruction of youth, in
the feare of God, good manners, know
ledge, and understanding, allowing
yeerely to the Master twenty pounds,
and ten pouuds yeerely to the Vsher,
from time to time, as either place shall
be supplied by succession, and for their
yeerely stipends or perpetuall pensions.
In the same Towne of Sutton also,
Almes-houses at Sutton for the poore.
the reliefe of poore people, he caused to
bee builded sixe Almes-houses, having
an Orchard and Gardens, and the sum
of ten pounds yeerely payed them.
At Maidstone likewise in Kent,
Free Schoole at Maidstone.
hath given ten pounds yeerely to the
free Schoole for ever: with this speciall
caution, that needy mens children may
bee preferred onely, to the enjoying of
this benefit.
The Gentleman foresecing,
His reliefe to poore Clothiers in divers places.
in his
life time, the decay of sundry Trades
and Occupations, to the utter undoing
of very many, especially poore Clothi
ers, whose impoverishing deserved
greatly to be pittied, freely gave to the
poore Clothiers in Suffolke, in Bridge
and in Ludlow in Shropshire, 300.
pounds to be paid by even portions: to
each severall Towne of the said Coun
ties, one hundred pounds apeece, for
their supportation and maintenance, at
their worke or occupation.
And as his charity extended it selfe
thus liberally abroad in the Countrey,
His buil
ding of the Conduit neere to Oldborn, and the Standard at Oldborn bridge.

so did the Citie of London likewise taste
thereof not sparingly. For neere unto
Holborne hee founded a faire Conduit,
and a standard with a Cocke at Holborne
, to convey thence the waste.
These were begun the six and twentieth
day of March, 1577. and the water car
ried along in pipes of Lead, more than
two thousand yards, all at his owne cost
and charges, amounting to the summe
of fifteene hundred pounds, and the
worke fully finished the foure and twen¦tieth
of August in the same yeere.
Poore wo
men bene
fited by the Con
he gave to poore women,
such as were willing to take paines, 120
Pailes, therwith to carry & serve water.
Being a member (as I have already
said) of the Cloth-workers Company,
His gift to the wor
shipfull Company of Cloth

and to shew that he was not unmindfull
of them, hee gave them his dwelling
house in London, with other Lands and
Tenements to the value of thirty pound
yeerely, besides, 4. pounds more also
yeerely, by them to be thus bestowed;
to wit, for the hyring of a Minister to
read divine Service, thrice every weeke,
as Sunday, Wednesday and Friday,
throughout the yeere, in the Chappell
or Church belonging to his house, cal
led by the name of Saint Iames in the
Allowance for foure yeerely Sermons.
by Creplegate; and for foure Ser
mons there to be preached, a competent
allowance for each. And also out of the
thirty pounds yeerely,
Every pooreman and poore woman, a shirt, a smock and a gowne, and a payre of shooes, &c.
it is provided,
that a deduction be made by the said
Clothworkers, for apparelling of twelve
men, and as many women, in forme as
followeth: To every of the twelve men
a Freeze gowne, one Lockeram shirt,
and a good strong paire of Winter
shooes. To the twelve women likewise,
a Freeze gowne, a Lockeram smocke,
and a good paire of Winter shooes, all
ready made for their wearing. Alwaies

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

remembred, that they be persons both
poore and honest, to whom this chari
table deed is to be extended; and this
is yeerely done on the first of October.
To the Parish Church of Saint Giles
without Creplegate,
S Giles without Creplegate.
hee gave fifteene
pound to the Bels and Chime, inten
ding a further liberality thereto, if they
had taken due time.
To the worshipfull Company of the
Stationers he gave a legacie of sixe l.
13. s. 4. d. for perpetuall reliefe of the
His gift to the Com
pany of Stationers.
in the Parish Church of Saint
Faiths under Pauls: namely, to twelve
poore people, twelve pence in money,
and twelve pence in bread, every Friday
throughout the yeere.
To Christs Hospitall in London,
His gift to Christs Hospitall.
the bringing up of poore mens children
he hath given 6. l. yeerely for ever: and
an hundred pounds in ready money to
gether, therewith to purchase Lands,
that their reliefe (by the revennues of
the same) may be perpetuall.
To Saint Thomas Spittle or Hospital
in Southwarke,
His gift to S. Thomas Hospitall.
towards the succour of
the sicke and diseased, he gave foure l.
yeerely for ever.
An hundred pounds he intended to
the Hospitall called the Savoy,
His intent to the Sa
but by
reason that such agreements could not
be made as he thought convenient, his
contribution that way, (much against
his minde) went not forward.
For the reliefe of poore prisoners in the
two Compters,
His reliefe for poore prisoners.
Newgate, Ludgate, the
Marshalseas, the Kings-Bench, and the
White Lion, he dealt very bountifully
and discreetly; giving unto the two
Compters six pound apeece, and to bee
paid unto them by twenty shillings each
moneth. To the other Prisons fore-men
tioned, six mattresses apeece, the whole
number being two dozen and an halfe.
He was not unmindful of poore maids
Marriage money for poore maids.
but gave twenty pounds to
be equally divided among forty, by e
quall portions of tenne shillings apiece.
Yet with this proviso, that those poore
maids to be married, should be of good
name and fame.
His love and bounty to his servants,
His love and libe
rality to his ser
also the hundred and eight Freeze
gownes ready made, which he bequea
thed at his Funerall to poore men and
women, with dispersing the remnant of
all his goods after his buriall, where
need and reason required, I am conten
ted to passe over, referring what else is
further to be said of him, till I come to
speake of the place where he lyeth bu
Sir T. Offley,
Sir Thomas Offley be
queathed much to the poore.
Merchant-Taylor, Mai
or, deceased 1580. appointed by his
Testament, the one halfe of all his
goods, and two hundred pounds dedu
cted out of the other halfe, given to his
sonne Henry, to be given and bestowed
in deeds of charity, by his executors, ac
cording to his confidence and trust in
Barnard Randulph,
Bernard Randolph, Common Serjeant of London, his liberall bounty.
Common Serjeant
of London, 1583. This man (in his life
time) somewhat before his death, gave
and delivered with his owne hand, to
the Company of Fishmongers in Lon
, the summe of nine hundred pounds;
of good and lawfull money of England,
to be imployed towards the conducting
of Thames water, cesterning the same in
For con
veying of Thames water.
and cassteling it with stone, in the
Parishes of Saint Mary Magdalen, and
Saint Nicholas Cold-Abbey, neere unto
old Fishstreet, seven hundred pounds.
The other two hundred pounds, to pay
for ever yeerely, the sum of ten pounds:
to wit, towards the maintenance of a
poore Scholler,
For a poor Scholar.
in the Vniuersitie of Ox
, yeerely, foure pounds. Towards
mending the high-waies in the Parish
of Tisehurst,
For men
ding high wayes.
in the County of Sussex
where the said Barnard was borne, every
yeere foure pounds.
For the poore in divers parishes.
And to the poore
people of the Parishes of Saint Nicholas
in Breadstreet, and St. Mary Mag
neere to old Fishstreet, forty shil
lings; to wit, twenty shillings to either
Parish for ever.
More he willed and bequeathed by
his last will and testament, to be bestow
ed in land or annuities, for reliefe of the
poore, inhabiting in the Wards of
Queen Hith, and Castle Baynard in the
City of London, and in the forenamed
Parish of Tisehurst, in the County of
Sussex, the summe of 1000 pounds.
Master Thomas Ridge,
Master Tho. Ridge.
Grocer, gave
1163. l. 6. s. 8. d. to godly and chari
table uses in forme following.
To the Company of Grocers,
Benefit of yong be
for the
benefit of Young-men, free of the same
Society, and to be lent unto them for a

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

certaine time one hundred pound.
To the Hospitals in and about Lon
, 100. l.
For the releefe of poore Preachers,
Love to Religion. Care of poore tradesmen
400. l.
For the helpe of poore and decayed
Trasedmen, in and about London, 300. l.
To a Lecture in Grasse-Church in Lon
, 100. l.
To his men and maid servants, 63. l.
In gownes for poore men, 100. l.
Master Iohn Haydon Mercer,
Master Iohn Haydon his boun
tifull cha
man, and one of the Sheriffes of London, deceasing in the time of his Shrievalty
1583. gave these christian and liberall
gifts following.
An hundred gownes, which cost 100. l. given to an hundred poore men,
To the poore in gownes.
every man 12. d. in mony beside.
For the benefit of young beginners in
the world he gave,
Benefit of young be
to his owne Com
pany of the Mercers, 600. l. to bee lent
to young men, after the allowance of 3. l. 6. s. 8. d. in the hundred pound.
And the 20. pound yeerely arising by
that money, yeerely to be given to the
To the same Company also he gave
400. l. more, to bee likewise lent out,
according to the former rate: and the
benefit ensuing thereby; of 3. l. 6. s. 8.
d. yeerely,
Love to Religion.
allowed towards the main
taining of a Lecture at Saint Michaels
Church by Pater noster row, called St.
Michaels in the Querne.
He gave to Christs Hospitall 500. l.
Hee gave to the eleven chiefe wor
shipfull Companies,
Care for young be
ginners and the poore.
beside his owne,
the summe of 1100. l. to bee lent out
(for time) to young beginners, at 3. l.
6. s. 8. d. in the hundred pound, and
the benefit of 20. pound arising thereby
yeerely, to goe to the Hospitals, and
sixteene pound besides to the poore
To seve
rall Cities for the be
nefit of young be
ginners and the poore pri
He gave to the City of Excester one
hundred pound.
To the City of Bristow one hundred
To the City of Glocester, one hundred
This money is intended to be lent to
poore young beginners in trading, at
the rate of benefit (by the money) of 3. l. 6. s. 8. d. in the 100. l. And that
benefit should go to the reliefe of poore
prisoners, and other poore people.
He gave to the Towne of Wardbury,
in the County of Glocester, 6. l. 13. s.
4. d.
He gave to his Company of the Mer
brance of his Company and of his servants.

to make them a Cup, 40. l.
He gave to his servants among them
all, 240. l.
What remained out of this moity, as
an over-plus, he gave to the before re
membred Companies, viz. 50. pound
to each of them and to the uses fore-na
Master Richard Walter Girdler,
Richard Walter.
pound to the foure Hospitals of London.
And 500. pound towards building and
maintaining a Free-Schoole at Thiryden
in Northampton shire.
William Norton, Stationer, sometime
Treasurer of Christs Hospitall,
VVilliam Norton his benevo
gave the
summe of 6. l. 13. s. 4. d. yeerely to
his Company to be lent to young men,
free of the same Society: And 6. l. 13.
s. 4. d. yeerely for ever, he gave also un
to Christs Hospitall.
Thomas Iennings,
Thomas Iennings his love to the poore.
Fishmonger, to 7.
Parishes in London, gave 4. l. 13, s. 2.
d. yeerely.
To Christs Hospitall he gave 40. s.
To the Towne of Braughin in Hart
shire, where he was borne, he gave
6. l. 13. s. 4. d.
Master Peter Blundell,
Peter Blun
his most libe
rall chari
Clothier of
London, a man very godly and christian
ly disposed all his life time, dying in
Anno 1599. gave by his last will and te
stament, these bountifull gifts follow
He gave to Christs Hospitall in Lon
To Hos
pitals in and about London.
500. l.
To S. Bartholomews Hospitall 250. l.
To S. Thomas Hospitall 250. l.
To Bridewell Hospitall yeerely 8. l.
To the Church of Tiverton, in which
Towne he was borne, 50. l.
Towards mending the High-waies
there, 100. l.
To the twelve chiefe Companies in
For the reliefe of poore pri
to each of them 150. l. toward
the releeving of poore prisoners, and o
ther charitable uses, the whole summe
amounting to 1800. l.
Towards the helpe of poore Maides
marriages in the Towne of Tiverton,
To poore maides marriages
400. l.

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

He gave to the City of Excester,
To helpe poore Ar
bee lent there to poore Artificers nine
hundred pound.
He gave toward the building of a free
Grammar-Schoole in Tiverton,
To a free Schoole and Offi
cers there
to belon
More afterward laid out by his exe
cutors 1000. pound.
To the Schoole-master yeerely, fifty
To the Vsher yeerly, 13. l. 6. s. 8. d.
To the Clerke yeerely, 40. s.
To place foure boyes Apprentises in
husbandry yeerely 20. pound.
For Ap
For the maintenance of six Schollers
His love to Lear
ning and Schollers.
three in Oxenford, and the o
ther three in Cambridge, 2000. l.
Robert Comin,
Robert Chil
a wor
thy ser
vant to so good a Master.
alias Chilcot, servant
sometime to the said Peter Blundell, imi
tated the worthy steps of his Master, so
farre as power permitted him leave, gi
ving as insueth.
He gave to Christs Hospitall in Lon
, 100. l.
To poore prisoners,
Reliefe of poore pri
whose debts did
not amount above five pound, 100. l.
Towards the building of an ordinary
His love to lear
ning and the poore.
that children might bee
made apt and ready for his Masters free
Grammar-Schoole in Tiverton, where
he himselfe also was borne, 400. l.
Towards the maintaining of the said
lesser schoole,
To the Schoole and the attending Officers.
and for reliefe of certaine
poore people yeerely, 90. l.
To the Schoole-master yeerely 20.
To the Clerke yeerely 3. l.
For reparations yeerely 4. s.
For 15. poore mens Gownes,
For the poore.
each of them 2. s. in money yeerly 16.
l. 10. s.
To 15. poore Artificers 15. pound.
To as many poore people weekely,
Repairining the Church.
6. d. to each.
Towards repayring the Church 19. l.
10. s.
To mend the High-waies there ten
To other uses foure pound.
Iohn Holmes Draper,
Iohn Holms.
gave to the Pa
rish of Saint Sepulchres, in Anno 1588.
his dwelling house in the same Parish,
yeelding yeerely, 32. pound.
Thomas Atkinson Baker,
Thomas Atkinson.
gave also to
the same Parish, 10. l. yeerely.
Master Thomas Cure, Sadler, and
Squire Sadler to Queene Elizabeth,
Thomas Cure his hospitall in South
his sonne also was after him, did build
an Hospitall in Southwarke, having some
helpe afforded him by the Parish of St.
Saviour: but the main and chiefe charge
was his owne proper cost. The house
was for 18. poore people each of them
having two Chambers, and allowance
of 4. pound ten shillings to each person
yeerely. The building of the Hospitall
cost above three hundred pounds.
Master George Bishop, Stationer, gave
6. pound yeerly to his Company:
George Bi
his memora
ble cha
hath allowed ten pound yeerely for ever
towards maintaining Preachers at Pauls
Crosse. Hee gave likewise sixe pound
yeerly to Christs Hospitall.
Master Richard Culverwell,
Richard Culverwell.
gave to the Hospitall of Bridewell, two
hundred pound.
Master William Whitmore,
William VVhitmore
sher, gave also to the same hospitall,
200. pound.
Master Iohn Norton,
Iohn Nor
full of the poore, and of his Company.
Stationer, gave
to his owne Company the summe of
one thousand pound to purchase lands
amounting to the value of fifty pound
yeerly, and some part to be lent to poore
yong men.
He gave also one hundred and fifty
pounds to the Parish of S. Faiths under
Pauls, to purchase seven pounds tenne
shillings yeerely for ever, to be given to
the poore.
Master Henry Fisher, Fishmonger,
gave to his Company nine pound yeer
Henry Fisher his love to learning.
to maintaine a Scholar in the Col
ledge of Brazen-nose in Oxenford, with
the allowance of nine pound and two
shillings yeerely for two Sermons.
Master Thomas Aldersey,
Thomas Aldersey his love to religi
on and the poore.
out of an Appropriation which he had
at Bunbery in Cheshire, gave the allow
ance of two hundred Markes yeerely,
one hundred Markes whereof was for
the maintenance of a Preacher.
He gave to the Minister 20. pound.
He gave to a Schoole, thirty pound.
He gave to the poore, ten pound.
Master Robert Offley,
Robert Offley his liberall charity.
to the Maior and communalty of Che
gave sixe hundred pound to be lent
there to young Traders.
For reliefe of the poore, and men in
prisons, besides other charitable uses
two hundred pound.

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

More, he gave two hundred pounds,
to pay tenne pounds yeerely to the
poore of the Company.
Reliefe for two poore scholars yeerely.
he gave two hundred pounds,
that tenne pounds might be yeerely gi
ven to either of the Vniversities, toward
the maintaining of two Scholars there,
one in each.
Hee gave to Bethlem, one hundred
He gave to the other Hospitals, to pri
sons, and to the poore, one hundred and
threescore pounds.
Master Thomas Fisher,
Tho. Fisher his love to lear
ning, and respect of the poore.
Skinner, gave
forty five pounds yeerely, out of which,
twenty pounds was to be yeerely allow
ed, for a Free-schoole at Standon in the
County of Hertford.
To buy paper, bookes, pennes and
inke, yeerely for the Scholars, 5. poends.
To Christs Hospitall yeerely, tenne
For the redemption of Prisoners in
either of the Compters and Ludgate, ly
ing there for three pounds debt, twenty
Master Florence Caldwell,
Florence Caldwell his charity
sher, to divers poore Parishes in London
gave twenty pounds yeerely.
Divers wel-disposed Citizens of Lon
The love of divers Citizens to lear
desirous (as yet) not to be named,
being born in or neere to Ashborn in the
Peake, in the Country of Derby, combi
ning their loving benevolence together,
have builded there a faire School-house,
with convenient lodgings for a Master
and Vsher, and liberall maintenance
yeerely allowed thereto.
Master Robert Rogers,
The Chri
stian and charitable works of Robert Ro
and a Batchelour, like a most liberall
and bountifull benefactor, gave these
gifts following:
To the Prisons in and about London,
twelve pounds.
To the poore of two severall Townes
in the west Countrey, thirteene pounds
sixe shillings eight pence.
To the poore of the Towne of Poole,
where he was borne, tenne pounds.
For the building of Almes-houses
there, three hundred thirty three l.
For the reliefe of poore prisoners,
A speciall note of a godly di

such as were neither Atheists nor Pa
pists, and might be delivered, each man
at the summe of twenty Nobles, an hun
dred and fifty pounds.
For the benefit of poore Preachers,
Care of Religion.
allowing to each man tenne pounds,
an hundred pounds.
For the comfort of poore decayed
Artificers, being charged with wife and
children, and of knowne honest reputa
tion, one hundred pounds.
He gave to the Company of Mer
chant Adventurers,
His care for poore decayed brethren.
for the reliefe of
poore decayed people, and toward the
support of yong Free-men, foure hun
dred pounds.
He gave to Christs Hospitall, to pur
chase Lands for the reliefe of the house,
five hundred pounds.
For the erection of certaine Almes-houses
in and about London,
His pro
vident care for the poore in divers places and Pa
and also for
the maintenance of twelve poore peo
ple, six hundred pounds.
To the Parish wherein he dwelt, 10. l.
That two dozen of bread may every
Sunday (through the yeere) for ever be
given to the poore, an hundred pounds.
He gave to Christs-Church Parish, fif
teene pounds.
For reliefe of the poore in sundry Pa
rishes without the wals, as Newgate, Cre
plegate, Bishopsgate
, and the Parish of S.
George in Southwarke; unto every one of
them he gave twenty sixe pounds, thir
teene shillings, fourepence.
Moreover, he gave to S. Georges Pa
rish in Southwarke, Saint Sepulchres, S.
Olaves beyond the Bridge, Saint Giles
without Creplegate, and S. Leonard in
Shorditch, to buy coales for the poore in
each Paris, thirty pounds apeece.
He gave beside to either Parish of S.
Buttolph, without Aldgate and Bishops
, twenty pounds.
For the maintaining of foure Scholars,
His love and libe
rality to Learning.
two in Oxenford, and two in Cambridge,
Students in Divinity, 400, l. Of which
the Company of Leather-sellers have
great respect, and not onely see it dili
gently performed; but also have added
their bounty thereto.
Master Iohn Fuller,
Iohn Fuller his Almes-houses and charity.
Esquire, and one
of the Judges in the Sheriffes Court in
London, by his last will and testament,
bearing date the 10. of Iune, 1592. ap
pointed his wife, her heires and assignes,
to erect certaine Almes-houses in the
Parish of Stoken-heath, for twelve poore
aged single men, being aged fifty yeeres
or upwards.

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

He appointed also the like Almes-houses
to be builded in the Parish of S.
Leonard in Shorditch,
For poore aged wid
for twelve poore
Widdow women of the like age, and
shee to endow them with the yeerely
maintenance of one hundred pounds;
namely, to each fifty pounds by the
yeere for ever. And that mony to be de
ducted out of his Lands in Lincolnshire,
assuring over the same to certaine Feof
fees in trust, by a Deed of Feoffement.
Feoffees put in trust to see his will perfor
hee gave his Messuages,
Land, and Tenements, lying and being
in the severall Parishes of S. Bennet, and
S. Peter by Pauls wharfe, to Feoffees in
trust, yeerely for ever, to disburse all the
issues and profits of the said Lands and
Tenements, to the relieving and dis
charging of poore prisoners, in the Hole
or Two-penny wards,
Care for the reliefe and dis
charge of poore prisoners.
in either of the
Compters in London, by equall porti
ons to each Compter. Provided, that
the debt doe not exceed the summe of
twenty shillings eight pence, for every
prisoner at any time to be set free.
Master Edward Elmer,
Edward Elmer.
Grocer, gave
to both the Compters in London, an hun
dred pounds, partly to bee laid out in
Faggots for the Prisoners in cold wea
ther; and for two load of straw yeerely
to Bethlem.
Master William Nelson,
William Nelson his love to learning.
Grocer, to
wards the maintaining of twelve poore
Scholars in Oxenford and Cambridge,
gave foure hundred pounds, to be paid
yeerely to each place twenty pounds;
and thirty three shillings foure pence
to each man. And to the Prisons, 33. l.
Master Rafe Newbery,
Rafe New
Stationer, gave
a stocke of Bookes, and priviledges of
Printing, to bee sold for the benefit of
Christs Hospitall and Bridewell.
Master Robert Row, Haberdasher, for
the furtherance of poore Scholars in
both the Vniversities,
Robert Row a savourer of lear
gave 20. l. yeere
ly, and the remainder of his goods that
were not bequeathed.
Master Edmond Stile,
Edmond Stile his charity.
Grocer, and
Sheriffe of London, gave to be distribu
ted among the said Hospitals in London,
the summe of threescoure pounds.
Iohn Stockley,
Iohn Stock
his cha
rity and love to learning.
Merchant-taylor, gave
to Christs Hospitall, and the other Ho
spitals beside, towards the education
of poore children in the feare of God,
the summe of forty pounds.
He gave besides to the Vniversities,
forty pounds more, towards the main
tenance of foure poore Scholars, to bee
disposed by the Master and Wardens of
the Merchant-taylors, with consent of
his Executors and Overseers; desiring
that S. Iohn Baptists Colledge in Oxen
should have the prerogative of the
gift, if such be there to be found, as are
capable of the same.
Gaius Newman,
Gaius New
his charity.
Goldsmith, gave to
Christs Hospitall, five pounds: to Saint
Bartholomews Hospitall, six pounds, thir
teene shillings, foure pence: and to the
hospitall of Bridewell, three pounds.
Iohn Newman,
Iohn New
his charity.
Grocer, gave to Christs
Hospitall; three pounds: to Saint Bar
hospitall, six pounds: and to
Saint Thomas in Southwarke, and Bride
hospitall, forty shillings to each
Richard May,
Richard May his love-tokē to London, and chari
ty to the poore.
Merchant-taylor, gave
(by his last will and testament) to the
Chamber of London, the summe of three
hundred pounds, toward the new buil
ding of old, ruined and decayed Blackwell
Hall, in London: It being a Market
place for the selling of woollen clothes,
on such usuall market-dayes as are ther
unto assigned. Vpon the receipt of this
gift, the said Hall was taken downe, a
new foundation laid; and within the
space of tenne moneths following, the
worke was finished, with the full charge
of 2500. pounds.
He gave besides to Christs Hospitall,
the summe of ninety pounds.
Peter Chapman,
Peter Chap
his charity, & love to learning.
Ironmonger, gave to
the eight Prisons in and about London,
the summe of threescore pounds.
He gave also to two poore Scholars
of Oxenford, studying Divinity, 5. l. to
each yeerely.
To poore Scholars in Cambridge also,
following the same study, hee gave the
like summe of money.
To the poore of the Towne of Coke
in Barkeshire, where it appeared he
was borne, he gave the summe of five
pounds yeerely.
Iohn Carre,
Iohn Carre his care for lear
ning, and the poore.
Ironmonger, gave a gift
of twenty pounds yeerely, for the
space of one and twenty yeeres. Five
pounds thereof was to goe to a Preacher
at Standon in Essex.
Concerning the other 15. pounds, it

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

was ordered to passe in this manner of
The first yeere, it was for the bene
fit of certaine poore Parishes in London,
thereto appointed.
The second yeere it was for the helpe
of two poore Scholars, one in Oxenford,
and the other in Cambridge.
The third yeere it was appointed for
reliefe of the poore in Standon. And so
(according to this course) to continue
for time and place, during the space of
one and twenty yeeres.
Henry Cowche,
Henry Cowche his charity.
or Croutch, Merchant-Taylor,
gave unto Christs Hospitall the
benefit of his house, known by the name
of the Crowne without Aldgate, having
divers yeeres as then to come in the
Lease, and yeelding yeerely the summe
of fifteene pounds. Five pound is yeere
ly appointed to be paid to the poore of
the Parish, and tenne shillings to a
Preacher. The rest remaineth to the
Hospitall, and after the Leases expira
tion, it is judged to yeeld above an hun
dred markes yeerely.
David Smith,
David Smith his care of the poore.
Embroiderer, at his
owne charge did build certaine Almes
houses, upon the hill called S. Peters hill,
neere unto old Fishstreet, allowing suf
ficient maintenance to them.
He gave also five and twenty pounds
yeerely to the Company of Ironmon
gers, appointing it to be distributed a
mong the poor, in the Wards of Queen
, and Castle Baynard.
Iohn Scot,
Iohn Scot his charity to the poore.
Salter, gave to his Compa
nie the summe of twenty pounds yeere
ly, because they should allow to the six
poore Almes-men of the Company,
each man twelve pence weekely. The
rest is to be divided among other poore,
and thirty shillings to bee bestowed in
Coles yeerely for the poore.
William Stoder,
William Stoder his charity.
Grocer, gave to Christs
, for reliefe of the poore chil
dren there, fifty pounds yeerely.
William Mascall,
William Mascall his charity.
Brewer, gave to the
same hospitall, and to the same intent,
nine pounds yeerely.
Stephen Skidmore,
Stephen Skidmore his love & charity to the poore.
Vintner, gave a gift
of forty foure pounds yeerely, and or
dered in this manner:
To seventeene poore Parishes in Lon
, appointed by nomination, seven
teene pounds.
To the poore of the Parish of S. Ste
in Colemanstreet, twelve pence week
ly in bread.
To the poore of Corke in Ireland,
(where it seemeth he was borne) being
twelve in number, to each poore body
forty shillings.
Richard Iacob,
Richard Iacob his charity to hospitals & prisons.
Vintner, gave a gift of
sixteene pounds for ever, that it should
be distributed to Christs Hospitall, Saint
Bartholomews, Bridewell, and Saint Tho
in Southwark, forty shillings to each
house yeerely: and the other eight
pounds to be given to certaine appoin
ted poore Parishes in London.
He gave moreover (for so long time
as two hundred yeeres should last) the
summe of twenty eight pounds yeerely.
A time of honest & large con

Of which portion of money, sixteene
pounds was appointed for poore Priso
ners, that lay imprisoned in any of the
eight Prisons in and about London yeer
ly; to each Prison forty shillings: as the
Gatehouse, the Fleet, both the Compters
of the Poultry and Woodstreet, Ludgate,
the Marshallsea, the Kings Bench, and the
White Lion.
What remained of the over plus of
the money, was to be distributed to the
poore of divers appointed Parishes.
Iohn Russell,
Iohn Russell his chari
table deeds.
Draper, gave the summe
of fourescore pounds yeerely for ever:
out of which these summes following
should be deducted, and the rest remain
to be employed by the Company of
He gave thirteene pounds nine shil
lings yeerely to thirteene poore people.
For reliefe of the poore,
His espe
ciall re
spect of the poore.
to be bestow
ed in bread yeerely, two and fifty shil
To be bestowed in Coales yeerely for
the poore, three pounds.
For the maintaining of Preachers
yeerely at Pauls Crosse,
His love to religiō and lear
tenne pounds.
Toward the maintaining of two Scho
lars, one in Oxenford and the other in
Cambridge, the sum of thirteene pounds
six shillings eight pence.
For maintaining a Scholemaster at
Burton in Staffordshire, thirteen pounds,
sixe shillings, eight pence.
Rob. Gale his love to lear
ning, and respect of the poore.
To the Visher, five pounds.
And to the Visitors, thirty shillings.
Robert Gale, Vintner, out of his Lands
lying in divers places, gave the summe

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

of one hundred and forty pounds yeere
ly, to be imployed in manner following,
after the decease of Dorothy his wife.
To six of the poorer sort of Scholars
in Corpus Christi Colledge, in the Vni
versity of Oxenford, usually commorant
and residing in the said Colledge, and
yeerely to be chosen on the Feast day of
Saint Thomas the Apostle, by George La
, his heires or assignes, under his or
their hand and seale: To each Scholar
he gave three pounds, six shillings eight
pence yeerely for ever, to be paid by the
said Lacocke, his heires or assignes for
ever, out of his Lands in Claipoole, in
the County of Lincolne, and Brassington,
in the County of Derby.
To the poore Towne of Chippenham,
in Wiltshire, he gave twenty pounds.
To the Preacher there, 20. shillings.
To the Bailiffe and Burgesses, as a
friendly remembrance, yeerely twenty
To Christs Hospitall in London, twen
ty pounds.
To the Company of Vintners, twen
ty pounds.
To the poore in Lincolne, 20. pounds.
To a Preacher there yeerely, ten shil
To the Maior and Chamberlaine,
twenty shillings.
To the Minister of S. Markes Church
there, ten shillings.
Iohn Quarles,
Iohn Quarles his charity.
Draper, gave yeerely
to be bestowed in bread, for reliefe of
the poore, six pounds.
William Dummer,
William Dummer his charity.
Draper, gave to the
poore the summe of 13. pounds, 18.
shillings, 4. pence yeerely for ever.
William Parker,
W. Parker his charity
a Brother also of the
same Society, gave towards the main
taining of a Lecture yeerely at Saint
Antlins, six pounds.
Owen Clun, another Brother also of
the same Society,
Owen Clun his charity
gave to the poore of
the said Company yeerely for ever, the
summe of twenty five pounds.
Iames Stoddard,
Iames Stoddard his loue to Learning.
Grocer, for the main
taining of two poore Scholars, the one
in the Colledge of Brazen-nose in Oxen
, and the other to be of Queenes Col
in Cambridge, gave 10. l. yeerely to
be paid for ever, out of his Tenement
called the Swan with two neckes, in the
Parish of S. Laurence old Jury.
Iohn Skeete,
Iohn Skeete his respect of the poore, and his love to learning.
Draper, for reliefe and
maintenance of the poore, in the Hospi
tals in and about London, gave the sum
of three hundred pounds.
Moreover, hee gave to foure poore
Scholars studying Divinity in the Vni
versity of Oxford, and which are not a
ble to proceed in their degrees, five
pounds to each Scholar, to be paid at
the next Act or Commencement.
The like liberality he gave to the o
ther Vniversity of Cambridge, for so ma
ny Scholars, five pound to each, and at
the same time.
Roger Owfield,
Roger Ow
, his love to learning.
Fishmonger, gave the
summe of one hundred pounds towards
the maintenance of poore Scholars, that
studied. Divinity in the Vniversities of
Oxenford and Cambridge, or else where.
And his desire was, that some of them
might be of the Towne of Ashborne, if
any such could there be found fit for it.
Otherwise he appointed the money to
be imployed in Scholarships, in Sidney
or Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge. Be
side, hee gave to Christs Hospitall one
hundred pounds.
Iohn Berriman,
Iohn Berry
his re
spect of the poore.
of Bishops Tawton, in
the County of Devonshire, Clothier, and
said to be a free Draper of London, gave
to Christs Hospitall, an hundred pounds:
to Saint Bartholomews, five pounds: to
Saint Thomas, six pounds: to Bridewell,
forty shillings: and to Bethlem fifty
Iohn Ireland,
Iohn Ireland his charity
Salter, gave to Christs
, foure pounds: to Saint Bar
, foure pounds: to Saint Tho
and Bridewell, twenty shillings to
each house.
Thomas Thorney,
Thomas Thorney his charity.
Barber Chirurgion,
gave to Christs Hospitall, five pounds, and
to Bridewell, five pounds.
Francis Evington,
Francis E
his charity & love to learning.
gave to Christs Hospitall, tenne pounds,
and to Saint Bartholomews Hospitall,
tenne pounds.
Hee gave also to poore Scholars in
both the Vniversities, sixe pounds to
each Scholar.
Henry Butler, Draper, gave to Saint
Thomas Hospitall,
Henry But
his cha
tenne pounds: to
Christs Hospitall, five pounds: and to S.
Bartholomews and Bridewell, five pounds
to each house.
Peter Hall,
Peter Hall his charity
Draper, gave to Christs

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.
Hospitall, tenne pounds: to Saint Bar
, three pounds: and the like to
Saint Thomas.
Roger Ienkins,
Roger Ien
his love to Learning.
Barber Chirurgion, to
the poore Scholars in Christs Hospitall,
gave five pounds, to buy them Bookes
at the discretion of the Treasurer.
George Chamberlaine,
George Chāberlaine his charity
gave to Christs Hospitall, tenne pounds;
to Saint Thomas, five pounds: to Saint
Bartholomews, five pounds: and to Bride
, tenne pounds.
Thomas Church,
Tho. Church his charity
Draper, gave to
Christs Hospitall, tenne pounds: to Bride
, tenne pounds: to Saint Bartholo
five pounds; and to Saint Thomas,
five pounds.
Andrew Banning Grocer, gave for e
Andrew Banning his love to learning.
120. pounds to the Company of
Grocers, therewith to purchase lands of
five pounds value yeerely, for the reliefe
of some poore Scholar in the Vniversity
of Cambridge.
Randall Manning,
Randall Manning His love to Lear
Skinner, gave to
ward the reliefe of foure poore Scholars
yeerely, forty shillings to each Scholar,
being of Christs and Emanuel Colledges
in Cambridge, and this gift to continue
the space of thirty yeeres. Katharine,
wife to the said Randall Manning, gave
also the summe of one hundred pounds,
that her husbands will might the more
effectually be kept and performed.
Hugh Cappe,
Hugh Cappe his liberall charity.
Plaisterer, gave for re
liefe of the poore children in Christs Ho
spitall, the summe of 100. pounds. He
gave also to the two Hospitals of Saint
Bartholomews and S. Thomas in South
, tenne pounds to each house.
Lewes Randall,
Lewes Ran
his charity.
Pewterer, gave unto
Christs Hospitall, fifty pounds: and to S.
Thomas Hospitall, twenty shillings.
Henry van Hilton,
A strāgers charity.
Merchant Stran
ger, and a free Denison of London, gave
unto Christs Hospitall, thirty pounds.
Humfrey Fox,
Hufrey Fox his charity.
Draper, gave to the
poore childrens succour in Christs Hospi
, the summe of fifty pounds.
William Parker,
William Parker his bountifull charity.
Merchant-taylor, gave
to Christs Hospitall, to purchase lands for
maintenance of the poore children, five
hundred pounds.
He gave also to the Treasurer of Bride
, to set forty Boyes on worke, which
should bee taken up begging in the
streets, and there bound Apprentices
for 7. yeeres, to learne severall Trades;
for each boy should five pound be paid
to the Treasurer, untill the summe of
two hundred pound should fully be run
Of this man expect more when I
come to speake of the new building of
George Palin,
George Pa
his boū
tifull cha
Merchant, and free of
the Girdlers Society, by his last Will
and Testament,
Those Almes
houses are builded neere to Creplaegate.
to good and charitable
uses gave these gifts following:
First, he gave nine hundred pounds
towards the erection or building of cer
taine Almes-houses, in or about the Ci
tie of London, wherein six poore people
should have the yeerely allowance of
six pounds, thirteene shillings and foure
pence to each person.
More, he gave towards the having a
sweet Chime in Bow Church in London,
one hundred pounds.
He gave to Saint Iohn Baptist,
His care & love to Learning.
and Bra
Colledges in Oxenford, towards
the maintaining of foure Scholars there
yeerely, three hundred pounds, to each
Colledge, and to each Scholar, foure
pounds yeerely.
To the six severall Prisons in and a
bout London,
His care for priso
ners, and the poore.
he gave threescore pounds.
He gave unto Christs Hospitall to pur
chase Lands after the rate of twenty
pounds yeerely, for benefit of the poore
children there, the summe of three hun
dred pounds.
His zeale to lear
in further expression of
his zeale and love to learning, and for
the like uses as we have before declared,
he gave to Trinity and Saint Iohns Col
ledge in Cambridge, the summe of six
hundred pounds.
To the Hospitall of Saint Thomas in
Southwarke, he gave fifty pounds.
Towards the bearing of such Scho
lars charges,
The fruits of a Chri
stian faith
as should come (from time
to time) to preach at Pauls Crosse, hee
gave the summe of 200. pounds.
He gave 132. pounds to be distribu
ted to certaine Parishes in London, to
some tenne pounds, to others twenty
He gave to the Towne of Wrenbury
in Cheshire,
His care of poore people in the coūtry
200. l. to purchase Lands,
after the rate of twenty markes by the
yeere, for reliefe of the poore there.
He gave also for behoof of the Church

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

there, the summe of thirty pounds.
He gave for forty poore Gownes, for
ty pounds.
Laurence Campe,
Laurence Campe his love to learning.
Draper, gave forty
pounds towards the maintenance of
poore Schollers in Cambridge, at the dis
cretion of Robert Meakin, Preacher of
S. Iohns Church in Walbrooke.
Robert Dove, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor
of London,
The wor
thy chari
table gifts of Master Robert Dove
gave (in his life time,
and long before he dyed) to the Master,
Wardens, and Assistants of that wor
shipfull Company, the summe of two
thousand, nine hundred, fifty eight l..
tenne shillings, to be yeerely imployed
in these good uses following:
This cha
rity extē
deth only to poore brethren of the same com
for the mantaining of thirteen
poore Almes-men, in gownes of good
cloth, well lined, with a silver Dove up
on each mans left sleeve. And six other
poore men, termed Reversioners, to suc
ceed in the roomes of the deceased
Gowne-men, they wearing Cloakes of
good cloth in the meane time, with a
silver Dove also upon each mans left
arme: the yeerely allowance to per
forme this is one hundred and seven
He gave to the Schoolemaster eight
He gave also to the poore of Saint
Buttolphs without Aldgate, in which Pa
rish he dwelt and dyed, twenty pounds,
nine shillings.
To Saint Iohn Baptists Colledge in
Oxenford he gave 100. pounds.
His love to lear
To the prisoners in the two Coun
ters of London, and to the Prisons of Lud
and Newgate, hee gave twenty
He gave to Christs Hospitall in Lon
, to purchase Lands, after the rate of
tenne pounds yeerely, and for one to in
struct the boyes in singing, two hundred
and forty pounds.
He gave to the Parish of S. Sepulchers
the summe of fifty pounds,
A notable and moste Christian care for poor con
demned persons, and their going to their death.
that after
the severall Sessions in London, when
the Prisoners remaine in the Gaole, as
condemned men to death, expecting
execution on the morrow following,
the Clerke of the Church should come
in the night time, and likewise early in
the morning, to the window of the pri
son where they lye, and there ringing
certaine toules with a hand-bell, ap
pointed for the purpose, he doth after
ward (in most Christian manner) put
them in minde of their present conditi
on, and ensuing execution, desiring
them to be prepared therefore as they
ought to bee. When they are in the
Carts, and brought before the wall of
the Church, there hee standeth ready
with the same Bell, and after certaine
toules, rehearseth an appointed Prayer,
desiring all the people there present to
pray for them. The Beadle also of Mer
chant-taylors Hall hath an honest al
lowed stipend, to see that this be duely
What else remaineth concerning this
man, expect when I come to speake of
the Hall.
Randulph Woolley,
Randulph Wolley his love to learning, and care for the poore.
gave to the Governours of Christs Ho
spitall, therewith to pay yeerely for e
ver, five pounds, to the Reader of Oare
Chappell, in the Parish of Mucklestone,
in the County of Stafford, by fifty shil
lings at each halfe yeere. For which he
is to teach freely the children of the in
habitants of Aston, in the fore-named
Parish of Mucklestone.
He gave more to the said Hospitall
one hundred pounds, for the allowing
of fifty shillings yeerely every Easter
day, that the poore children may then
eat roast meat.
He gave moreover to the said Go
vernours one hundred pounds, there
with to pay yeerely unto the poore of
the Parish of Muckle stone five pounds.
He gave also to Saint Bartholomews
Hospitall, three pounds.
Henry Walcot,
Henry Wal
, his cha
Grocer, gave to Saint
Bartholomews Hospitall twenty pounds:
to Christs Hospitall, five pounds: to S.
Thomas in Southwarke, five pounds: to
Bridewell, three pounds sixe shillings,
eight pence: and to Bethlem, three
pounds, six shilling eight pence.
Henry Woolaston,
Henry VVoolaston his chari
Draper, gave to S.
Thomas Hospitall, forty pounds: and to
the foure Beadles, Coats of good new
Also he gave to every Governour, go
ing to his buriall, and staying there the
Sermon time, halfe a crowne to each
man, to dine together afterward.
Iohn Vernon,
Iohn Vernō his cha
Merchant-Taylor, gave
to Christs Hospitall, forty pounds: to S.

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.
Bartholomews Hospitall, fifty pounds: to
Bridewell and S. Thomas, five pounds to
each house.
Edward Harvist,
Edward Harvist his charity.
Brewer, gave unto
Christs Hospitall, the summe of one hun
dred pounds: and fifty pounds, to bee
equally divided betweene the two Ho
spitals of S. Bartholomews and S. Thomas
in Southwarke.
Iohn Brown,
Iohn Brown his chari
Wool-winder, and Mag
his wife, gave certaine lands ly
ing in Barking in Essex, amounting then
to 5. l. 6. s. 8. d. yeerely. And this gift
they gave unto Christs Hospitall for
Iohn Porter,
Iohn Porter his chari
of Porters Key, Fish
monger, gave unto Christs Hospitall,
twenty pound.
Lewis Randall,
Lewis Ran
his charity.
Pewterer, but a Brewer
by his profession, of his owne free cost
and charge, paved (with faire free Stone)
the East Ile of Christs Hospital Cloyster,
and renewed all the Armories of former
liberall Benefactors to that house, wher
of himselfe was one of the Governours.
Hee gave beside 50. pound to the
His love to the children.
that the poore children there
maintained, might eate roste-meat, at
dinner, on every Saint Mathias day, if
it fall out of Lent. But if it fall in Lent,
then they are to eat good and well made
Furmenty, both at dinner and supper.
Iohn Whithall,
Iohn VVhithall his chari
Skinner, gave to the
Childrens reliefe in Christs Hospitall,
40. pound.
William Iones,
VVilliam Iones his bountifull charity.
Merchant, and free of
the worshipfull Company of Haberda
shers, in his life time did many charita
ble deeds, and by his Will and Testa
ment ordained many more, putting his
owne Society in trust to see them per
formed, as shall briefly be declared.
His Chri
stian care for Reli
gion in his coun
many yeeres before he dyed, he
allowed 50. pound yeerely to a Prea
cher at Monmouth, there to instruct the
people in Gods true Religion. After
ward hee grew to settle a certaine sti
pend there, amounting to the summe of
100. Markes yeerely, to maintaine a
good Preacher there. Providing also,
that a convenient house should be built
for him, with all necessary matters be
longing to it, that hee might (with the
more comfort) dwell there among them.
His care for the mainte
nance of Learning.
Also, for the instruction of youth in
Learning and Religion, he ordained to
have a faire Free-Schoole there built at
his owne charge, and a faire house also
to be erected for the chiefe Master. Al
lowing him yeerly (for ever) 60. pound,
and 30. pound also yeerly to the Visher.
His pro
vidence for the poore and needy people in Monmouth.
being Christianly mindfull
of the poore and needy people in those
parts, he tooke order for the building of
an Hospitall in the same Towne, ordai
ning it for twenty poore people: giving
to every one of them a good Gowne
yeerely, and 2. shillings 6. pence apeece
weekely. And because himselfe (being
farre absent) could bee no Surveyor of
these workes, hee committed the care
thereof to the loving Brethren of his
Company, paying to them (in his life
time) the summe of 8000. pound. And
left them by his will, 1000. pound
more, for the full finishing of so good a
Still his Piety and Christian Charity walk hand in hand together.
he appointed to the said Com
pany of Haberdashers, the summe of
5000. pound by them to be disbursed,
for the maintenance of a good Preacher
at Newland in Glocester shire, and of cer
taine poore people in the same Parish.
His care for poore decayed brethren of the Company.
Hee gave to the same Society,
one thousand foure hundred and forty
pounds, to allow unto nine poore men,
being free Brethren of the same Com
pany, eight pounds apeece yeerely for
His main
taining of a Preacher in the Ci
ty of Lon
for ever.
he left (by his will) 600.
pound in money, and a faire house in the
City of London, to the disposition of the
Company, to bestow the yeerely pro
fits, for the yeerely maintenance of a
godly Preacher in this City for ever,
which Preacher from time to time is to
benominated by the Company. As alrea
dy they have thereto appointed Master
Iohn Downham, Batchelor in Divinity,
and a very learned Preacher.
His love to poore Preachers.
hee gave the summe of 1000.
pound to bee faithfully distributed a
mong poore Preachers here in England.
To be distributed among the severall
Hospitals in London,
His chari
ty to Hospi
tals and poore people be
yond the Seas.
he gave the summe
of 500. pound.
To the poore in Stoad hee gave 200.
To the poore of Hamborough, he gave
50. pound.
Beside, to such poore English men as
lived in Hamborough, he gave 50 pound.

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

He gave likewise a good summe of
money (by way of gratitude and thank
fulnesse) to his owne Company,
His love to his own Company
as a
token of his love, for their care and
paines-taking, in the managing of so se
rious a businesse.
The Hospitall at Monmouth was
built (by the Company) in his life time,
What care and dili
gence the worthy Company have taken in the exe
cution of his will, according to the times and severall appointed places.

and the poore people placed in it.
Since his death, the house for the
Preacher there, the Free-schoole, and
the house for the Schoolmaster, all these
are (by this time) neere hand finished.
An house also for the Preacher at
Newland, and the Hospitall for tenne
poore people there, is already (by them)
begun, and in very good forwardnesse.
His intended care for a Preacher in
London, is already performed, and the
same continued in a Lecture, at S. Bar
Church, neere to the Ex
change, every Thursday in the after
Whatsoever else remaineth, concer
ning the trust reposed in them, they wil
(with all speed) both truely and faith
fully effect.
Here I could enter into a further rela
Divers men yet living, have been and still are most bountifull benefa
ctors to the poore, and many other reli
gious uses
concerning some men yet living,
whose liberall bounty and most Chri
stian charity, doth deserve no meane
commendation, and is very little infe
riour to many of them already named.
But because they account it honour e
nough to them, that divers poore peo
ple (in private) should rather sufficient
ly finde it, than the world (in publike)
know it, I am content to spare their no
mination, as knowing very well, that
they who have beene so liberall in their
life time, have (no doubt) set downe ex
traordinary determinations, which nei
ther death, nor any deceiving Execu
tors, can or shall frustrate and disap
Let me commend that truly-religious
The testi
mony of a good and godly con
science in
who perceiving the heavy want of
divers honest house-holders, laboriously
endevouring (night and day) to main
taine their charge; but that the worlds
extremity frowned too fiercely upon
them. I know the man, and oftentimes
in teares hath he said to mee; Here is
true poverty indeed, too modestly silent
in speaking their mighty need and mi
sery, and therefore justly deserving pit
tie. To two, three, foure, and many
times more of these, hath he beene, and
is, a liberall Benefactor (weekely) with
his owne hands: yet not in his owne
name, or as comming from himselfe,
(he being so meanely disguised at such
times of his comming to them, and so
sudden also in departing from them,
that they were not able to distinguish
him;) but alledging, that the reliefe
was sent them from some, who under
stood their neede (almost) as well as
themselves, and willed them to bee
thankfull onely to God for it.
Oh that London had a Park neer adjoi
ning to it, stored with many such choise
Deere; as doubtlesse it hath, though
not easily knowne. For some build
Almes-houses, Free-Schooles, Caw
seyes and Bridges in very needfull pla
ces: yea, and repaire old ruined Chur
ches, releeving Hospitals also in very
bountifull manner, and are weekly Be
nefactors to Prisons: yet performed by
such agents faithfully, that the true be
stowers are not noted, though vehe
mently suspected; and the glory they
shunne here, will (for ever) shine on
them else-where. But God stirre up the
mindes of many more, to imitate them
in this tonguelesse liberality.
Master William Masham,
William Masham his love to Learning.
Grocer, and
Alderman of London, gave (beside his
liberall charity to the Hospitall) toward
the maintenance of poore Scholars, at
both the Vniversities, twenty pounds.
Master Henry Prannel,
Henry Prannel his charity.
Vintner, and
Alderman of London, gave among the
said Hospitals the summe of 50. pounds
Master William Elkin,
William El
his bountifull charity.
Mercer, and Al
derman of London, in the yeere 1593.
gave to Christs Hospitall in London, and
for certaine charitable uses, the summe
of 800. pounds.
He gave also to the Prisons in and a
bout London, threescore pounds.
Beside, he gave to Emanuel Colledge
in Cambridge, five pounds, and to both
the Vniversities together, threescore
Master Richard Gurney,
Richard Gurney his charity.
Slater and Al
derman of London, gave to be distribu
ted among the severall Hospitals in and
about London, threescore pound. And to

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

the Vniversities yeerely five pound.
Master Hugh Offley,
Hugh Offley his love to learning and care for the poor.
Leather seller and
Alderman of London, gave for the main
taining of Scholars in both the Vniver
sities, 77. pound.
He gave to Christs Hospitall in Lon
, the like summe of 77. pound.
Beside, hee gave to the prisoners in
and about London, 20. pound, and 35.
shillings yeerly to continue for certaine
Master Robert Brooke,
Robert Brook his chari
Grocer and Al
derman of London, gave to be distribu¦ted
among the Hospitals in London, the
summe of sixe and thirty pound.
Master Benedict Barnham,
Benedict Barnham, his chari
Draper and
Alderman of London, gave to be distri
buted among the severall Prisons in
London, fifty pounds.
Master Robert Taylor,
Robert Tay
his charity.
and Alderman of London, gave in distri
bution to the Hospitals in London, the
summe of one hundred pound.
Master Paul Banning,
Paul Ban
his charity.
Grocer, and
sometime an Alderman of London, gave
unto Christs Hospitall the sum of one
hundred pounds.
Sir Richard Goddard,
Sir Richard Goddard.
Draper and Al
derman of London, gave to the Hospitall
of Bridewell, two hundred pound.
Master William Walthall,
VVilliam VValthall his chari
table be
Mercer and
Alderman of London, gave to the Ho
spitals of London, two hundred pounds.
More, he gave to poore Scholars in
Cambridge, nine pound yeerely.
To the Prisons beside, in and about
London, he gave one hundred thirty five
Beside his former gifts, hee gave ten
pound yeerely to Christs Hospitall.
To his Company of the Mercers he
gave five hundred pounds to be lent to
young men that begin the world.
Care for young be
Sir Robert Hampson,
Sir Robert Hampson, his chari
lor, and Alderman of London, gave to
the charitable reliefe of poore prisoners,
one hundred and fifty pounds in ready
money, and the reversion of two Tene
ments beside.
Sir Henry Anderson,
Henry An
, his love to learning.
Grocer and Al
derman of London, and Richard Anderson
his sonne, gave to the Colledge of Bra
in Oxenford, for the reliefe of
poore Scholars there, one hundred and
thirteen pounds.
Sir William Glover
VVilliam Glover his charity.
Dyer and Alder
man of London, gave also to the Hospi
tals, in and about London, the summe of
two hundred pounds,
Sir William Rumney,
VVillia, Rumney his charity.
Haberdasher, and
Alderman of London, gave also to be di
stributed among the same Hospitals, the
summe of threescore and five pounds.
Sir Roger Iones,
Roger Jones his chari
Dyer and Alderman
of London, gave likewise to the said Ho
spitals, two and twenty pounds.
Master Richard Faringdon,
Richard Faringdon his chari
ker, and Alderman of London, gave also
to be distributed among the same Ho
spitals, the summe of threescore and six
pound thirteene shillings foure pence.
Nicholas Stile,
Nicholas Stile, his charity, and care for poore Sea-men.
Grocer, and Alder
man of London, gave unto Christs Ho
spitall five pound, to St. Bartholomews,
10. pound, and to St, Thomas Hospitall
three pound.
Moreover, he gave to poore maimed
Sea-faring souldiers, in S. Bartholomews
Hospitall ten pound, if no house were
erected in or about London, for the har
bour and reliefe of such maimed Souldi
diers and Saylors.
Master Ieffrey Elwes,
Ieffrey Edwes his charity.
lor, and Alderman of London, gave un
to Christs Hospitall the summe of one
hundred pounds. And to the Hospitall
of St. Bartholomew, and St. Thomas in
Southwarke ten pounds to each house.
Master Cuthbert Martin,
Cuthbert Martin his charity.
and Alderman of London, gave unto
Christs Hospitall, the summe of twenty
Sir Iames Deane,
Iames Dean his chari
Draper, gave to be
distributed among the severall Hospi
tals in and about London, the summe of
one hundred and thirty pounds. And to
the Prisoners threescore and ten pounds.
Master George Smithes,
George Smithes his charity.
Goldsmith, and
Alderman of London, gave to Christs
Hospitall, ten pounds. And to Bridewell
ten pounds.
Sir William Bowyer,
VVilliam Bowyer, his charity.
Grocer, Alder
man and Lord Maior of London, in the
yeere 1543. gave to the severall Prisons
in and about London, the summe of two
hundred pounds.
Sir Iohn Lion, Grocer, Alderman, and
Lord Maior of Lond,
Sir Iohn Lyon his charity.
in the yeere 1554.
gave to Christs Hospitall. St. Bartholo
, S. Thomas in Southwark, and Bride
, one hundred pounds.

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

Sir Richard Champion,
Sir Richard Champion his chari
ty for re
liefe of the poore.
Drapet, Alder
man and Lord Maior of London, in the
yeere, 1565. gave the summe of nine
teene pound and foureteene shillings
yeerely, to a Christian and charitable
worke, formerly begun by Sir Iohn Mil
, Draper, Alderman and Lord
Maior of London likewise, and with the
like yeerely allowance of nineteene
pounds and fourteene shillings towards
the maintenance of 13. poore Almes-houses
at Tower-hill, and neere to the
dwelling of the Lord Lumley.
Sir Christopher Draper,
Sir Christo
pher Draper
his chari
Alderman and Lord Maior of London,
in the yeere 1566. gave to the Prisons
in and about London, and Bethlem with
all, threescore and eight pounds.
Sir Lionel Ducket,
Sir Lionel Ducket his charity.
Mercer, Alderman
and Lord Maior of London, in the yeere
1572. gave to be distributed among the
Hospitals in London, the summe of one
hundred pounds.
Sir Thomas Ramsey,
Sir Thomas Ramsey his charity.
Grocer, Alder
man and Lord Maior of London, in the
yeere 1577. gave also in distribution a
mong the said Hospitals threescore
Sir Wolstane Dixie,
Sir VVol
stane Dixie
his chari
table be
Skinner, Maior,
1586. gave as followeth.
He founded a Free-schoole at Bosworth
and endowed it with twenty pound
To Christs Hospitall in London hee
gave yeerely for ever two and forty
For a Lecture in St. Michaels Bassings
Hall, yeerely, ten pounds.
To the poore of Newgate, twenty
His boun
ty to Pri
sons in di
vers pla
To the two Compters, and to Lud
and Bethlem, to each of them tenne
To the foure Prisons in Southwarke,
twenty pounds, thirteene shillings, and
foure pence.
To the poore of Bassings Hall, tenne
To Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge,
Out of his love to learning.

to buy lands for the maintenance or two
Fellowes, and two Scholars, sixe hun
dred pounds.
To the building of the Colledge, fifty
To bee lent unto poore Merchants,
To poore Merchants.

five hundred pounds.
To the Hospitals of Saint Bartholo
To Hospi
tals and poore maids marria
ges, &c.
and Saint Thomas, fifty pounds to
To the the poore of Bridewell, twenty
To poore Maids marriages, one hun
dred pounds.
To poore Strangers of the Dutch and
French Church, fifty pounds.
Towards the building of the Pesthouse,
To the Pesthouse.
two hundred pounds.
Sir Iohn Hart,
Sir Iohn Hart his care of Learning, and re
spect of the poore.
Grocer, Alderman and
Lord Maior London, in the yeere 1589.
erected and founded a Free-schoole in
Yorkeshire, with the allowance of thir
ty pound yeerely to a Master and an
Sir Iohn Allot,
Sir Iohn Allot his charity.
Fishmonger, Alder
man and Lord Maior of London, gave
likewise in distribution among the said
Hospitals, threescore and sixe pound
thirteene shillings.
Sir William Webbe,
Sir William VVebbe his charity.
Salter, Alderman
and Lord Maior of London, in the yeere
1591. gave likewise to be distributed
among the said Hospitals, fourescore
Sir Stephen Slanie,
Sir Stephen Slanie, his charity.
Skinner, Alder
man and Lord Maior of London, in the
yeere 1595. beside his bountifull chari
ty to the severall Hospitals, gave to bee
bestowed among the severall Prisons,
the summe of one hundred pounds.
Master Thomas Skinner,
Thomas Skinner his charity.
ker, Alderman and Lord Maior of Lon
, in the yeere 1596. gave to the seve
rall Hospitals in and about London one
hundred and twenty pound to be equal
ly divided among them.
Sir Robert Lee,
Sir Robert Lee his charity.
Alderman and Lord Maior of London,
1602. gave also in distribution among
the said Hospitals, two and forty pound.
Sir Iohn Wattes,
Sir Iohn VVats, his charity.
Clothworker, Al
derman and Lord Maior of London, in
the yeere 1606. gave unto Christs Ho
spitall the summe of ten pound, and to
Saint Thomas hospitall in Southwarke,
twenty pounds.
Sir Henry Rowe,
Sir Henry Rowe his charity.
Mercer, Alderman
and Lord Maior of London, 1607. gave
likewise to bee distributed among the
same hospitals, the summe of one hun
dred pounds.
Sir Humfrey Weld,
Sir Humfrey VVeld his charity.
Grocer, and Lord
Maior of London, in the yeere 1608.

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

gave to be distributed among the seve
rall hospitals, the summe of one hun
dred pounds.
Sir Thomas Cambell,
Sir Thomas Cambell his charity.
Alderman and Lord Maior of London,
in the yeere 1609. gave to Christs Ho
spitall the summe of twenty pounds.
And to the two Hospitals of S. Bartholo
, and Saint Thomas, five pound to
each house.
Sir Iames Pemberton,
Sir Iames Pemberton his love to learning and to the poore.
Goldsmith, and
lately Lord Maior of London, in the yeere
1611. in his life time founded a Free-schoole
at Heskin in the Parish of Ek
, in Lamcashire, endowing it with
fifty pounds yeerely.
Hee gave also to Christs Hospitall,
five hundred pounds.
Hee gave to his Company of Gold
smiths, two hundred pounds.
To divers Prisons hee gave one hun
dred pounds.
And to sundry poore Parishes hee
gave charitably, leaving it to his Execu
tors discretion.
Sir Iohn Swinnerton,
Sir Iohn Swinnerton his chari
lor, Alderman and Lord Maior of Lon
, in the yeere 1612. gave unto Christs
Hospitall the summe of one hundred
pound. And to the other three hospi
tals, of Saint Bartholomews, Saint Tho
, and Bridewell, tenne pound to each
Sir Henry Rowe,
Sir Henry Rowe his love to learning.
Mercer, Alderman
and Lord Maior of London, beside his
former bounty to the hospitals, gave to
the two Vniversities, Oxenford and Cam
, forty pound to poore scholars
that study Divinity: and when they
shall proceed Masters of Arts, to each
scholar forty shillings.
Sir Thomas Hunt,
Sir Thomas Hunt his charity.
Skinner, gave to
be divided among the poore of Christ
Church, Saint Bartholomews, Saint Tho
in Southwarke, and Bridewell, one
hundred pounds.
Sir William Rumney,
William Rumney his love to learning.
and Alderman of London, beside his for
mer liberality to the hospitals, gave to
40. poore scholars in Cambridge, the sum
of twenty pounds.
Sir William Stone,
William Stone his charity.
gave to the severall Prisons in London,
the summe of fifty pounds.
Master Ieffrey Elwes,
Ieffrey Elwes his love to learning.
lor, and Alderman of London, over and
beside his bountifull charity to the Ho
spitals in London, gave to the Chance
lor, Master and scholars of the Vniver
sity of Oxenford, to the use of the body
and corporation of the said Vniversity,
and to Saint Iohn Baptist Colledge, the
summe of three hundred pounds.
Thus much for famous Citizens have
I noted, concerning their charitable
actions, for the most part done by them
in their life time. The residue left in
trust to their Executors, I have knowne
some of them hardly (or never) perfor
med. Wherefore I wish men to make
their owne hands their Executors, and
their eyes their Overseers, not forget
ting the old Proverbe,
Women be forgetfull,
Children be unkinde,
Executors bee covetous,
and take what they finde.
If any body aske where
the deads goods became,
They answer;
So God mee helpe and holydome,
hee dyed a poore man.
And now of some women, Citizens
wives, deserving memory, for example
to posterity, shall be noted.
Dame Agnes Foster widdow,
Agnes Fo
time wife to Sir Stephen Foster, Fish
monger, Maior, 1455. having enlarged
the Prison of Ludgate, in 1463. shee
procured in a common Councell of this
City, certaine Articles to be established
for the ease, comfort and reliefe of poor
Prisoners there, as in the Chapter of
Gates I have set downe.
Avice Gibson,
Avice Gib
ded a Chappell, a Free-schoole, and Almes houses at Radcliffe.
wife unto Nicholas Gib
, Grocer, one of the Sheriffes, 1539.
by licence of her husband, founded a
Free-schoole at Radcliffe neere unto
London, appointing to the same for the
instruction of threescore poore mens
children, a Schoole-master and Vsher
with fifty pound. Shee also builded
Almes-houses for foureteene poore and
aged persons, each of them to receive
quarterly sixe shillings eight pence the
peece for ever. The government of
which Free-schoole and Almes-houses,

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

she left in confidence to the Coopers in
This vertuous Gentlewoman, was
afterward joyned in marriage with Sir
Anthony Knevet,
Cursed is hee that removeth his neigh
bours marke, have I read.
Knight, and so called
the Lady Knevet. A faire painted Table
of her picture was placed in the Chap
pell, which she had built there, but of
late removed thence, by the like reason,
as the Grocers Armes (fixed on the
outer wall of the Schoole-house, are
pulled downe, and the Coopers set in
Margaret Danne,
Margaret Danne.
Widdow to Willi
am Danne
, Ironmonger, one of the She
riffes of London, 1570. gave by her te
stament to the Ironmongers two thou
sand pounds, to be lent to young men of
that Company, paying after the rate of
5. pounds the yeere for every hundred,
which hundred pounds so arising yeerly
was to be imployed on charitable acti
ons, as shee then appointed; but not
performed in more than thirty yeeres
The Lady Baineham, sometime an
Aldermans Widdow of this City,
The Lady Baineham her chari
to the poore of the Drapers Company,
ten pounds yeerely for ever.
The Lady Forman gave to be distri
buted among the severall hospitals forty
The Lady Forman her charity.
The Lady Barne,
The Lady Barne her charity.
Wife to Sir George
, Haberdasher, and Lord Maior of
London, gave also to the said hospitals,
fourescore pounds.
The Lady Anne Saunders,
The Lady Saunders her chari
also an Aldermans wife of London, gave
unto the reliefe of the said Hospitals,
the summe of one hundred and twenty
The Lady Anne Hunt,
The Lady Hunt her charity.
Wife to Sir
Thomas Hunt, Skinner, gave in like
manner for reliefe of the several Ho
pitals in London, the summe of one hun
dred and fourescore pounds.
The Lady Frances Ierningham,
The Lady Ierningham her chari
dow, out of her Christian and charita
ble disposition to the said Hospitals,
gave liberally the summe of three hun
dred and forty pounds.
The Lady Frances,
The Coun
tesse of Sussex her charity.
sometime Coun
tesse of Sussex, but a great friend and
well-willer to the City of London, and
knowne to be a very godly and religious
Lady, gave to the said Hospitals the
summe of one hundred pounds.
The Lady Katharine Constable,
The Lady Constable her chari
said to be bred and brought up in this
Honourable Citie, declared her love
thereto at her death, and gave unto the
Hospitals the summe of two hundred
The Lady Webbe, sometime Wife
to Sir William Webbe,
The Lady VVeb her charity.
Ironmonger, Al
derman and Lord Maior of London,
gave to be distributed among the seve
rall Hospitals, the summe of three hun
dred pounds.
The Lady Gresham, wife sometime
to Sir Thomas Gresham,
The Lady Gresham her chari
Mercer, and A
gent beyond the Seas to Queene Eli
of famous memory, gave also to
the Hospitals, fourescore and tenne
The Lady Mary Ramsey,
The Chri
stian and bountifull charity of the Lady Ramsey.
wife to Sir
Thomas Ramsey, Grocer, Alderman and
Lord Maior of London, about the yeere
one thousand, five hundred, seventy se
ven, being seized of Lands in Fee-sim
ple of her owne inheritance, amounting
to the yeerely value of two hundred
forty three pounds; by consent of her
said husband, gave the same to Christs
Hospitall in London, towards the reliefe
of the poore children there, and other
charitable uses, as shall bee decla
To the Master and Vsher of the
Schoole belonging to Christs-Church,
she gave yeerely twenty pounds.
To the Schoolemaster of Hawsted,
Her love to lear
the yeere for ever, shee gave twenty
To tenne poore Widdowes, beside
apparell and houses, yeerely twenty
To two poore people,
Her care of the poore.
a man and a
woman by her appointed, during their
lives she gave unto each of them yeere
ly, two pounds thirteene shillings and
foure pence.
To two Fellowes of Peter-house, in the
Vniversity of Cambridge, and towards
the reliefe of foure Schollers yeerly for
ty pounds.
To St. Bartholemews Hospitall, tenne
To Newgate, Ludgate, and both the
Her cha
rity to the poore pri
each of them, ten pounds.
After the expiration of certaine Lea
ses, there is to come unto Christs Ho

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

yeerely the summe of one hun
dred and twenty pounds.
To three severall Parishes in London,
To pari
shes in London.

namely, Saint Andrews Vndershaft, Saint
Peters the poore, and Saint Mary Wol
in Lumbardstreet, tenne pounds to
Towards the maintenance of sixe
poore Scholars in Cambridge, twenty
Towards the reliefe of tenne poore
maimed Souldiers,
Care for poore maimed Souldiers.
beside cassoks, caps,
hose and shooes yeerely, the summe of
twenty pounds.
For two Sermons yeerely, forty shil
She gave to the poore of Christschurch
Parish yeerely for ever, the summe of
fifty shillings.
To the poore of the Company of
Drapers in London, she gave ten pounds
All these gifts already rehearsed, are
to continue for every yeerely.
Moreover, to each of these five Com
Her care for poore beginners in the world.
of Grocers, Drapers, Gold
smiths, Haberdashers, and Merchant-Tailors,
shee gave the summe of one
thousand two hundred pounds, to bee
lent to young Trades-men for foure
Shee gave to the Maior and Com
munalty of Bristow, a thousand pounds,
to be imployed toward the new hospi
tall there, and other charitable uses, by
the consent of her Executors.
To certaine Parishes in the Coun
Her cha
rity to di
vers Pa
rishes in the coun
as Berden, Newport, Clavering,
Langley, Rickling, Quenden, Stocking,
, and Walden, she gave the sum
of one hundred pounds, to buy forty
Gownes of Freeze for women, and sixty
Coats for men, the remainder and over
plus to goe to the poore.
She gave to poore maids marriages,
forty pounds.
Moreover, shee gave the summe of
five hundred pounds, towards the relea
sing of such prisoners, as lye for the debt
of forty shillings, in any of the prisons
in London and Southwarke.
She gave beside, the summe of three
thousand pounds, to other good and
godly uses.
The Lady Elizabeth Billingsley,
The Lady Billingsley her love to learning.
to Sir Henry Billingsley, Haberdasher,
Alderman and Lord Maior of London,
gave to her said husband, the summe of
4000. pounds, therewith to purchase
lands in convenient time, and willed,
that the residue of the profits of the said
lands, should be bestowed upon a Scho
larship and a Fellowship, in the Vniver
sity of Cambridge, in Saint Iohns Col
ledge, or any other Colledge there at
his discretion.
The Lady Anne Iones, sometime wife
to Sir Roger Iones,
The Lady Iones her love to learning.
Dier, and Alderman
of London, gave towards the encourage
ment of poore Scholars in the Vniversi
ties, 29. pounds, at the discretion of her
The Lady Spencer,
The Lady Spencer her charity.
sometime wife to
Sir Iohn Spencer, Clothworker, Alder
man and Lord Maior of London, gave to
be distributed among the Hospitals, the
summe of threescore and ten pounds.
The Lady Anne Glover,
The Lady Glover her charity.
wife to Sir William Glover, Dier, Alder
man of London, gave to reliefe of the
Hospitals, the summe of fourescore
The Lady Barbara Stone,
The Lady Stone her charity.
wife to Sir William Stone, Clothworker,
gave to the reliefe of Christs Hospitall,
one hundred pounds.
Mistris Elizabeth Walter,
Mistris Walter her love to learning.
wife to Richard Walter, Girdler, gave 2.
Fellowships to Emanuel Colledge in
More, for the reliefe of poore Prea
chers, such as want livings, she gave the
summe of three hundred pounds.
Mistris Alice Barnham,
Mistris Barnham her love to lear
mother to M.
Benedict Barnham, Draper and Alder
man of London, gave to both Vniversi
ties, 20. pound.
Mistris Elizabeth Scot,
Mistris Scot, her love to learning.
wife to Iohn Scot, Salter, gave to the re
liefe of poore Scholars in the Vniversi
ties, forty pounds.
Mistris Katharine Garway gave also
to the same benefit of poore Scholars,
Mistris Garway her love to learning.

twenty pounds.
Mistris Cicely Hawes,
Mistris Hawes her love to learning.
gave to poore
Scholars in the Vniversities, twenty
Mistris Alice Hill,
Mistris Hill her chari
Widdow, gave
for the reliefe of poore prisoners, in the
severall Prisons in and about London, one
hundred pounds.
Mistris Elizabeth Packingten,
Mistris Packingten her chari

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

gave to Christs Hospitall,
Mistris Packington her chari
score pounds.
Mistris Elizabeth Smith,
Mistris Smith her charity.
gave to be distributed among the Ho
spitals, fourescore pounds.
Mistris Elizabeth Flicton,
Mistris Electon her charity.
wife to Robert Electon, Grocer, gave un
to Christs Hospitall, the summe of 66.
Mistris margery Simcotes,
Mistris Simcotes her chari
wife to George Simcotes, Grocer, gave
unto Christs Hospitall, for reliefe of
the poore Children, one hundred
Mistris Margaret Search,
Mistris Search her charity.
gave unto Christs Hospitall, twenty
Mistris Iane Allington,
Mistris Allington her chari
gave unto Christs Hospitall, twenty
Mistris Iane Baker,
Mistris Baker her charity.
widdow gave to
the reliefe of poore maids marriages, an
hundred pounds.
Mistris Sambach,
Mistris Sambach her chari
widdow, gave to
the poore of the parish of Saint Brides
in Fleetstreet, the summe of twenty five
pounds yeerely.
Mistris Venables,
Mistris Ve
her charity.
widdow, in her love
to Christian Religion, gave for the help
of poore Preachers, the summe of five
thousand pounds.
Mistris Clarke,
Mistris Clarke her love to Learning.
widdow, late wife of
Roger Clarke, Salter, and Alderman of
London, in the Parish of Saint Margaret
, gave for the maintenance of
poore Scholars, and other charitable
uses beside, the summe of one thousand
foure hundred pounds.
Mistris Ioane Doxie,
Mistris Doxie her charity.
Widdow, of
Saint Bennet Grasse-Church in London,
gave unto Christs Hospitall 5. pounds.
She gave to poore Maids marriages,
twenty pounds.
She gave to the Company of Armo
rers, for reliefe of foure poore wid
dowes, for ever yeerely, five pounds to
each widdow, desiring to have it called
The poore Widdowes Mite.
She gave also towards the mainte
nance of the Lecture in Grasse-Church,
fifty shillings yeerely.
Mistris Bakhouse,
Mistris Bakhouse her love to learning.
widdow, gave to
the worshipfull Company of Haber
dashers, the summe of forty pounds
yeerely, towards the maintaining of 8.
poore Scholars in the Vniversities; al
lowing to each Scholar yeerely five
Mistris Katharine Woodward,
Mistris Woodward her chari
gave two hundred pounds to the Com
pany of Ironmongers, to be lent out to
yong men for their helpe.
She gave two hundred pounds more,
to be distributed unto poore Scholars,
the Hospitals, poore Prisoners, poore
Parishes, poore Householders, poore
Maids marriages: and three pounds
thereof for three Sermons yeerely.
Mistris Iane Baker,
Mistris Ba
her love to learning.
widdow, over and
besides her former gift, for the helpe of
poore Maids marriages, gave to three
poore Scholars in Cambridge, and as ma
ny in Oxenford, the summe of twenty
foure pounds, that when they shall se
verally take degree of Batchelours of
Arts, they are to receive foure pounds
each man.
Mistris Sibilla Iacob,
Mistris Ia
her charity.
widdow unto
Richard Iacob, Vintener, gave unto
Christs Hospitall, three pounds, and to
Saint Thomas, three pounds.
Mistris Margery Philips,
Mistris Philips her charity.
gave unto Christs Hospital five pounds,
and to Saint Thomas, five pounds.
Mistris Anna Whitmore,
Mistris Whitmore her liberal charity.
wife to Master William Whitmore, Ha
berdasher, out of her most bountifull
charity, gave unto Christs Hospital the
summe of foure hundred pounds.
More, she gave to Saint Thomas Ho
spitall, twenty pounds.
To Saint Bartholomews Hospitall,
threescore pounds.
She gave also to the Hospitall of
Bridewell, to set the poore on worke, an
hundred pounds.
Mistris Margaret Awdley of Hackney,
Mistris Awdley her charity.

Widdow, gave unto Christs Hospitall,
one hundred pounds.
She gave to Saint Bartholomews, fifty
And to Saint Thomas Hospitall, fifty
Mistris Alice Elkin,
The wor
thy chari
ty of Mi
stris Alice Owen.
widdow to Ma
ster William Elkin, Mercer and Alder
man of London, was afterward married
to the learned Lawyer, Master Thomas
, one of the learned Judges of the
Land. This Mistris Alice Owen, caused
(in her life time) an Hospitall to bee
builded at Istington, for tenne poore
women, with very convenient roomes,

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

and Gardens to them adjoyning. Many
other good workes were by her perfor
med, and in her life time: and accor
ding as shee franckly and freely gave
them, so will I set them downe in order,
as followeth.
The ma
nifest te
stimony of her af
fection to learning.
she gave to the Library in the
Vniversitie of Oxenford, the summe of
two hundred pounds.
She gave also to the Library in the
Vniversity of Cambridge the summe of
twenty pounds.
For the foundation of one Fellow
ship, as also one Scholarship, in Ema
Colledge in the Vniversity of Cam
, shee gave a summe of money,
the certaine value thereof is not as yet
come to my hands.
She gave unto Christs Hospitall in
Her care of the poore.
to the end that twelve pence a
peece weekely might be given to cer
taine poore people of Islington, three
score pounds.
Towards the beautifying of the Cloi
sters of Christs Hospitall, shee gave the
summe of sixty six pounds, thirteene
shillings, foure pence.
Shee gave, towards the maintai
ning of a Schoole-house at Edmunton,
twenty pounds.
For a great Bell,
A token of her love to the Coun
to be rung and used
in the Parish of Condover in Shrop
, shee gave the summe of fiftie
Item, The building of the Almes
houses at Islington, and purchasing of
the Land laid to them, did cost her the
sum of one thousand, foure hundred and
fifteene pounds.
Close to the said Almes-houses,
Her pro
vidence for the poore in her almes-houses.
builded a Schoolehouse and a Chappel
of ease, that the poore might not goe
over-far to Church, the charges where
of did cost her the summe of three hun
dred, sixty one pounds.
Yeerely also shee gave good summes
of money,
All these things were done in her life time.
to poore Preachers unbene
ficed, as also to the Prisons in and about
London, all these being done in her life
By her last Will and Testament,
Gifts ap
pointed by her will.
hath provided, that 22. pounds yeerely
shall be purchased, for the maintenance
of the Schoole at Islington.
She hath bequeathed to poore Prea
chers the summe of 35. pounds.
She hath given to the Parish of Bash
, (wherein sometime she dwelt)
to increase the stocke of the poore there,
twenty pounds.
She hath given to the Prisons, eight
To the Company of Brewers in Lon
, to whose trust and care shee hath
committed the government and over
sight of the forenamed Almes-houses
and Schoole-house at Islington; as a
gratefull remembrance of her love, and
that their paines should not goe altoge
ther unregarded, she hath given in plate
and money, one hundred pounds.
And here let mee tell you, that the
charity of this vertuous and religious
A worthy example, and well deserving imitation.
deserveth the more to bee re
membred, and commended also to po
sterity; because she made her owne eyes
the witnesses, to all or the greater part
of the severall summes, first mentioned
and given in her life time.
And yet at the time of her death,
of children and childrens children, she
had no lesse than two and twenty: A
motive very able to hinder charity, espe
cially in a worldly and covetous minde.
Neverthelesse, looking on all the
parts disposed to her children, and the
other dividents beside, she selected out
so bountifull a portion for those poore
members of Christ, that (even to the
worlds end) may successively remember
her good done to them, and justly
terme her their liberall and mercifull
One thing (above the rest) I may not
forget; because in deliverances from a
ny dangers, wee owe a more speciall
duty and gratitude to God.
This worthy woman being borne at
A great danger she esca
ped in her childhood.
in the time of her childhood,
she hapned there to escape a great dan
ger, by meanes of an Arrow shot at
randome in the field, where shee was
then sporting among other children,
the Arrow missing all the other, pierced
quite thorow the hat on her head, and
(God be praised for it) did not touch
her with any other harme:
The reasō of ere
cting her Almes-houses.
in the Towne of her birth, and where
shee escaped such an expected perill,
shee made choice to expresse her thank
fulnesse to GOD, upon the Altar of her

Honour of Citizens, and worthinesse of men.

charitable Almes-houses and Schoole.
Thus much for the worthinesse of
Citizens (both men and women) in
this Citie,
Iohn Lid
, in praise of Londoners of his time.
touching whom, Iohn Lid
, a Monke of Bury, in the reigne of
King Henry the sixth, made (amongst
other) these Verses following:
Of seven things I praise this Citie:
Of true meaning and faithfull observance,
Of righteousnesse, truth and equity;
Of stablenesse aye kept in Legiance,
And for of vertue thou hast suffisance:
In this lond here, and other londs all,
The Kings Chamber of Custom men thee call.

Cite this page

MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Honour of Citizens. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 30 Jun. 2021, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Honour of Citizens. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 30, 2021. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2021. Survey of London (1633): Honour of Citizens. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 6.6). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London (1633): Honour of Citizens
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 6.6
PY  - 2021
DA  - 2021/06/30
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1633): Honour of Citizens</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>6.6</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2021-06-30">30 Jun. 2021</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>

