Gazetteer (Y)

Toponym Variant Authority Name MoEML @xml:id Agas Map All Variants (alternate names and variant spellings) Location category
yard St. Paul’s Churchyard STPA3 Agas Map Cemitory of S.Paule | church yard of Powles | church yard of Saint Paules | Church-yard | Church-yard of Pauls | churchyard | Churchyarde | Paules | Paules church yard | Paules Church yard | Paules Church-yard | Paules Church-yarde | Paules churchyard | Paules Churchyarde | Paules Church–yard | Paules-Church-yard | Pauls | Pauls Church | Pauls Church yard | Pauls church yard | Pauls Church-yard | Pauls Church-yarde | Pauls Churchyard | Pauls-Church-yard | Paul’s Churchyard | Paul’s churchyard | Paul’s Cross Churchyard | Powles church yard | Powles Church yarde | Powles Church-yard | S. Pauls Church Yard | Saint Paules | Saint Paules Church | South Church yard of Powles | South Church-yard of Pauls | ſouth churchyeard of ſaint Paules | St Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s | St. Paul’s Churchyard | St. Paul’s churchyard | yard Churches
Yengellane Maiden Lane (Wood Street) MAID1 Agas Map Engain lane | Engain Lane | Engaine | Engaine lane | Engaine Lane | Engainlane | Engeyne Lane | Englenelane | Ingaine | Ingene lane | Ingenelane | Inglane | Maiden lane | Maiden Lane | Maiden Lane (Wood Street) | Mayden lane | Mayden Lane | Yengellane Streets
York House Westminster Palace WEST5 Agas Map Colledge of S. Stephen at Weſtminſter | houſe at Weſtminſter | Kinges Pallace at Weſtminſter | Kings Palace, at Westminster | Kings principall Pallace | Palace at Westminster | palace at Weſtminſter | Palace Court | Palace of Westminster | Pallace at Weſtminſter | Pallace atWeſtminſter | Pallace Court | Pallace court | Pallace of Weſtminſter | VVestminster | Westminster | Weſtminſter | westminster | Westminster Palace | York House Sites
York House York House YORK1 Agas Map Biſhop ofNorwitch hishouſe | Norwich House | Norwich houſe | Norwich Place | Suffolk Place | Suffolke Place | Suffolke place | York House | Yorke houſe Sites
York house Whitehall WHIT5 Agas Map Court of Whitehall | Mannor or Palace of VVhite Hall | Mannor or Pallace of White hall | Palace of Whitehall | White hal | White Hall | White hall | white hall | white Hall | White-hall | White-Hall | Whitehall | Whitehall Palace | York house | York Place | Yorke house | Yorke houſe | Yorke Place | Yorke place | Yorke-place Sites
York Place Whitehall WHIT5 Agas Map Court of Whitehall | Mannor or Palace of VVhite Hall | Mannor or Pallace of White hall | Palace of Whitehall | White hal | White Hall | White hall | white hall | white Hall | White-hall | White-Hall | Whitehall | Whitehall Palace | York house | York Place | Yorke house | Yorke houſe | Yorke Place | Yorke place | Yorke-place Sites
Yorke house Whitehall WHIT5 Agas Map Court of Whitehall | Mannor or Palace of VVhite Hall | Mannor or Pallace of White hall | Palace of Whitehall | White hal | White Hall | White hall | white hall | white Hall | White-hall | White-Hall | Whitehall | Whitehall Palace | York house | York Place | Yorke house | Yorke houſe | Yorke Place | Yorke place | Yorke-place Sites
Yorke houſe Whitehall WHIT5 Agas Map Court of Whitehall | Mannor or Palace of VVhite Hall | Mannor or Pallace of White hall | Palace of Whitehall | White hal | White Hall | White hall | white hall | white Hall | White-hall | White-Hall | Whitehall | Whitehall Palace | York house | York Place | Yorke house | Yorke houſe | Yorke Place | Yorke place | Yorke-place Sites
Yorke houſe York House YORK1 Agas Map Biſhop ofNorwitch hishouſe | Norwich House | Norwich houſe | Norwich Place | Suffolk Place | Suffolke Place | Suffolke place | York House | Yorke houſe Sites
Yorke Place Whitehall WHIT5 Agas Map Court of Whitehall | Mannor or Palace of VVhite Hall | Mannor or Pallace of White hall | Palace of Whitehall | White hal | White Hall | White hall | white hall | white Hall | White-hall | White-Hall | Whitehall | Whitehall Palace | York house | York Place | Yorke house | Yorke houſe | Yorke Place | Yorke place | Yorke-place Sites
Yorke place Whitehall WHIT5 Agas Map Court of Whitehall | Mannor or Palace of VVhite Hall | Mannor or Pallace of White hall | Palace of Whitehall | White hal | White Hall | White hall | white hall | white Hall | White-hall | White-Hall | Whitehall | Whitehall Palace | York house | York Place | Yorke house | Yorke houſe | Yorke Place | Yorke place | Yorke-place Sites
Yorke-place Whitehall WHIT5 Agas Map Court of Whitehall | Mannor or Palace of VVhite Hall | Mannor or Pallace of White hall | Palace of Whitehall | White hal | White Hall | White hall | white hall | white Hall | White-hall | White-Hall | Whitehall | Whitehall Palace | York house | York Place | Yorke house | Yorke houſe | Yorke Place | Yorke place | Yorke-place Sites

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MLA citation

The MoEML Team The MoEML Team. Gazetteer (Y). The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 30 Jun. 2021,

Chicago citation

The MoEML Team The MoEML Team. Gazetteer (Y). The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 6.6. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 30, 2021.

APA citation

The MoEML Team The MoEML Team. 2021. Gazetteer (Y). In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 6.6). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - The MoEML Team The MoEML Team
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Gazetteer (Y)
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 6.6
PY  - 2021
DA  - 2021/06/30
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#TEAM1" type="org">The MoEML Team <reg>The MoEML Team</reg></name></author>. <title level="a">Gazetteer (Y)</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>6.6</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2021-06-30">30 Jun. 2021</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>




Variant spellings