Do Little Lane

Do Little Lane was a small lane that ran north-south between Carter Lane in the north and Knightrider Street in the south. It ran parallel between Sermon Lane in the west and Old Change Street in the east. It lay within Castle Baynard Ward. It is labelled as Do lytle la. on the Agas map.
Stow says this about it: In this Parrish Church of S. Mary Magdalen, out of Knightriders street vp to Carter lane, be two small lanes, the one of them called Do Little lane, as a place not inhabited by Artificers, or open shop keepers, but seruing for a neare passage from Knightriders street, to Carter lane (Stow 2:18).
According to Kingsford, Do Little Lane was later called Knightrider’s Court (2:359, n.18), but even this name no longer appears on today’s maps of London. St. Peter’s Hill is now in roughly the same place.
