The Survey of London (1633): Queenhithe Ward

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NExt unto Breadstreete
on the South
side thereof, is Queene
, so called
of a Water-gate, or
Harborow for Boates,
Lighters, and Barges, and was (of old
time) for Ships, at what time, the Tim
ber Bridge of London was drawne up,
for the passage of them to the said Hith,
as to a principall strand for landing and
unlading against the middest and heart
of the City. This VVard beginneth in
the East, in Knight-Riders street, on the
South side thereof, at the East end of
the Parish Church called the Holy Tri
, and runneth VVest on the South
side, to a Lane called Lambart hill,
which is the length of the VVard in
Knight-Riders street. Out of the which
street are divers Lanes, running South
to Thames street, and are of this VVard.
The first is Trinity lane, which runneth
downe by the VVest end of Trinitie
. Then is Spuren lane, or Spoo
ners lane
, now called Huggen lane. Then
Breadstreet hill. Then St. Mary Mount
: out of the which Lane, on the
East side thereof, is one other Lane,
turning East through S. Nicholas Olaves
Church-yard,to Breadstreet hill. This
Lane is called Finimore lane, or Five foot
, because it is but five foot in breadth
at the VVest end. In the middest of this
Lane, runneth downe one other Lane
broader, South to Thames street, I think
the same to be called Desborne lane, for
I reade of such a Lane to have beene in
the Parish of S. Mary Summerset, in the
22.of Edward the third, where there is
said to lye betweene the Tenement of
Edward de Mountacute, Knight, on the
East part, and the Tenement sometime
pertaining to William Gladwine, on the
VVest, one plot of ground, containing
in length towards Thames street twenty
five foot, &c.
Last of all, have you Lambart hill, so
called of one Lambart owner thereof:
and this is the farthest VVest part of
this VVard.
On the North side, comming downe
from Knight-Riders street, the East side
of Lambart hill is wholly of this Ward:
and the VVest side from the North end
of the Black-smiths Hall (which is a
bout the middest of this Lane) unto
Thames street. Then part of Thames street
is of this VVard, to wit, from a Cooks
house called the signe of King David,
three houses west from the Old Swanne
in the East, unto Huntington
, over-against Saint Peters Church
in the West, neere unto Pauls Wharfe:
And on the Lane side, from a Cookes
house called the Blue Boore, to the West
end of Saint Peters Church, and up
Saint Peters hill, two houses North a
bove the said Church. And these bee
the bounds of this VVard: in which
are Parish Churches seven, Hals of
Companies two, and other Ornaments,
as shall be shewed.
First, in Knight-Riders streete is the
small Parish Church of the Holy Trini
, lately very old, & in danger of down
falling: collections were made for the
repairing thereof, but they would not
stretch so farre, untill a generall meanes
was made, as appeareth by a publike no
tice therof declared in the said Church.
Iohn Brian, Alderman in the reigne of
Henry the fifth
, was a great benefactor:
Iohn Chamber had a Chauntry there.
Thomas Rishby, Esquire, and Alice his
wife buried within the Chancell. Iohn
, Auditor of the Exchequer,
1471. Sir Richard Fowlar of Rickes in
Oxfordshire, 1528. George Cope, se
cond sonne to Sir Iohn Cope of Copes

Ashby, in Northamptonshire, 1572.
Towards the West end of Knight-Riders
, is the Parish Church of
Saint Nicholas Cold Abbey
, a proper
Church, somewhat ancient, as appea
reth by the waies raised thereabout, so
that men are forced to descend into the
body of the Church. It hath been cal
led of many Colden Abbey, of some Cold
, or Cold Bey, and so have the most
ancient writings, as standing in a cold
place, as Cold Harbor, and such like.
The Steeple or tall Tower of this
Church, with the South Isle, hath bin
of later building, to wit, the first of Ri
the second
, when it was meant
that the whole old Church should have
been new builded, as appeareth by the
Arching begunne on the East side the
Steeple, under the which, in the stone
worke, the Armes of one Buckland, E
squire, and his wife, daughter to Beau
, are cut in stone, and also are in the
Glasse windowes; whereby it appea
reth, he was the builder of the Steeple,
and repairer of the residue. The sixe
and twentieth of Edward the third
, An
drew Aubery
being Maior, Thomas Frere,
Fishmonger, gave one peece of ground
to the said Parish Church of Saint Ni
, containing fourescore and sixe
foot in length, and three and forty foot
at one end, and foure and thirty at an
other, in breadth for a Cemitory or
Church-yard. The twentieth of Richard
the second
, Thomas Barnard, Castle
Clerke. Iohn Sonderash, Clerke, and
Iohn Nouncy, gave to the Parson and
Church-wardens of the said Church
and their successors, one Messuage and
one Shop, with the appurtenances in
Distaffe lane, and Old Fishstreet, for the
reparation of the body of the late
Church, the Belfrey or Steeple, and
Buried in this Church, Iohn Calfe, and
William Cogeshall, 1426.
Walter Turke, Fishmonger, Maior,
Richard Esgastone, Fishmonger, 1330.
Nicholas Wolberge, Fishmonger, 1407.
Thomas Padington, Fishmong. 1485.
Robert Hary Fishmonger.
Iohn Suring, 1490.
Roger Darlington, Fishmonger, 1557.
Rich. Lacy, Parson, under a faire tombe
on the North side of the Quire, 1491.
Iames Pitman, 1507.
Thomas Nicholas, Fishmonger, 1527.
William Brade, Fishmonger, 1528.
The 14. day of May, An. Dom.
Leonard Smith, Fishmonger,
A faire plated stone in the East end of the chan
ended his dayes,
He feared the Lord,
and walkt in his wayes:
His body here
in earth doth rest,
His Soule with Christ
in heaven is blest.
Here lye buried the bodies of Dorothy
A faire plated stone by the Com
munion table.
late wife of Robert Halye, of
Ipswitch, in the County of Suffolke,
Merchant: And of William Wymer,
son of William Wymer, and Mary his
wife, daughter of the said Robert and
Dorothy, which William the son de
ceased the 19. day of Auguſt; and the said
Dorothy the 20. day of September next
following, An. Dom. 1601.
Hic jacet Magister Wil. Sandhill,
A faire plated stone un
der the Commu
nion table.
nonicus Eccle.—magni London.
Et huius Ecclesiæ quondam Rector:
Qui obiit 26. die Menſ. Auguſti, An.
Dom. 1445
. Cuius animæ, &c.
Hic jacet in cossa,
A faire plated stone in the mid
dle Isle.
putredo mortis & ossa,
Cum mulieris quie
in cœlis vivit amœnè,
Vt puto per vitam
morum signis redimitam,
Anno Millino
qt. i. C. X. quæ seno
Bisque die deno
cum perit en Elena,
Cum quarto pleno,
requiem tenet hic in ceno,
Quo cujus Iane
consternis corpus inane.
On the North side of this Church,
in the wall thereof, was of late builded
a covenient Cesterne of Stone & Lead
for receit of Thames water, conveighed
in pipes of Lead to that place, for the
ease & commodity of the Fishmongers,

and other inhabitants in and about Old
. Barnard Randolph
, Com
mon Sergeant of the City of London,
did (in his life time) deliver to the
Company of Fishmongers, the summe
of nine hundred pounds, to be imploy
ed towards the conducting of the said
Thames water, and cesterning the
same, &c. In the Parishes of St. Mary
, and Saint Nicholas Cold Ab
, neere unto Fishstreet, seven hundred
pounds, and other two hundred pounds
to charitable deedes. Hee deceased
1583. and shortly after, this Conduit
with the other was made and finished.
In Trinity lane, on the VVest side
thereof is the Painter-stainers Hall; for
so of old time were they called: but
now that workmanship of staining is
departed out of use in England.
Lower downe in Trinity lane,
Earle of Cornwall his house.
on the
East side thereof, was sometime a great
Messuage, pertaining unto Iohn, Earle
of Cornwall
, in the 14. of Edward the
On Breadstreet hill, downe to the
, on both sides, bee divers faire
houses, inhabited by Fishmongers,
Cheesemongers, and Merchants of di
vers Trades. On the VVest side where
of is the Parish Church of Saint Nicho
las Olave
, a convenient Church, having
the Monuments of W. Newport, Fish
monger, one of the Sheriffes, 1375.
Richard Welles, Parson, 1391.
Richard Sturges, Fishmonger, 1470.
Thomas Lewen, Ironmonger, one of
the Sheriffes, 1537. who gave his Mes
suage (with the appurtenances) where
in he dwelt, with 14. Tenements in the
said Parish of S. Nicholas, to be had, af
ter the decease of Agnes his wife, to the
Ironmongers, and they to give stipends,
appointed to Almes-men, in five hou
ses by them builded in the Church
yard of that Parish; but now they are
converted into foure. More to poore
Scholars in Oxford and Cambridge, &c.
Blitheman, an excellent Organist of
the Queenes Chappell lyeth buried
there, with an Epitaph, 1591.
Hic jacet Richardus Sturges,
An anciēt Tombe in the South wal of the Quire.
Civis &
Piscenarius London, & Katharina
uxor ejus. Qui quidem Rich. obiit
3. die menſis Iulii, Ann. Dom. 1479.
Et prædicta Katharina obiit, &c.
Hic jacet Dominus Henricus Welleus,
A faire plated stone un
der the Commu
nion table.

quondam Rector istius Ecclesiæ. Qui
obiit 4. die Maii, An. Domini 1391.
Cujus animæ. &c.
Here Blitheman lies, a worthy wight,
An engra
ven plate in the North wall of the Chancell.
who feared God above,
A friend to all, a foe to none,
whom rich and poore did love.
Of Princes Chappell, Gentleman,
unto his dying day;
Whom all tooke great delighe to heare
him on the Organs play.
Whose passing skill in Musickes Art,
a Scholar left behinde;
Iohn Bull (by name) his Masters veine
expressing in each kinde.
But nothing here continues long;
nor resting place can have;
His soule departed hence to Heaven,
his body here in Grave.
He died on Whitsunday, Anno
Domini 1591
Here, before this place,
A small Monumēt in the North wall of the Chancell.
lieth buried the bo
die of Iohn Widnell, Citizen and
Merchant-Taylor of London, sometime
Master of that Company, and Deputy of
this ward; who deceased the 15. day of
February, 1601
. being of the age of 70.
Here lie the bodies of Thomas Lewen,
An anciēt Tombe in the North Isle of the body of the Church.

Ironmonger, and sometime Alderman of
this City of London, and Agnes his
wife. Which Thomas deceased the 29.
day of Iune, Anno Domini 1555
. And
the said Agnes deceased the 26. day of
October, An. Dom. 1562
The next is Old Fishstreet hill, a pas
sage so called, which also runneth down
to Thames street. In this Lane, on the
East side thereof, is the one end of Fini
, or Five foot lane.
On the west side of this Old Fishstreet
, is the Bishop of Herefords Inne, or
Lodging; an ancient House, and large
Roomes, builded of Stone and Timber,
which sometime belonged to the
Mounthaunts in Norfolke. Radulphus de
, Bishop of Hereford, about
1234. bought it of the Mounthaunts,
and gave it to the Bishops of Hereford,
his successors. Charles, both Bishop of

Hereford, and Chancellour of the Mar
, about the yeere 1517. repaired it:
Since the which time, the same is great
ly ruinated, and is now divided into
many small Tenements: the Hall and
principall roomes, are an house to make
Suger-loaves, &c.
Next adjoyning is the Parish Church
of Saint Mary de Monte alto
, or Mount
, this is a very small Church, and
at the first builded, to bee a Chappell
for the said house of the Mounthaunts,
and for Tenements thereunto belong
ing. The Bishop of Hereford is Patron
Monuments in this Church of Iohn
, Alderman, 1345. who
gave Salt-wharfe, for two Chauntries
Iohn Skip, Bishop of Hereford, 1539.
sate 12. yeeres, dyed at London in time
of Parliament, and was buried in this
There was sometime a faire house in
the said Parish of Saint Mary Mount
, belonging to Robert Belkenape, one
of the Kings Iustices,
Robert Bel
his house gi
ven to VV. Wick
but the said Belke
being banished this Realme, King
Richard the second
, in the twelfth of his
, gave it to William Wickham, Bi
shop of Winchester.
On the East side of this Old Fishstreet
, is one great house, now letten out
for rent, which house sometime was
one of the Hals pertaining to the Com
pany of Fishmongers
ger Hall-motes, six in num
at such time as
they had sixe Hall-motes or meeting
places: namely, twaine in Bridgestreet,
or New Fishstreet,
twaine in Old Fish
, whereof this was one, and twaine
in Stockfishmonger Rowe, or Thames street,
as appeareth by a Record the 22. of Ri
the second
Next West-ward, is one other Lane,
called Lambard hill, the East side where
of is wholly of this Ward, and but halfe
the West side, to wit, from the North
end of the Black-smiths Hall.
Then in Thames street, of this Ward,
and on the North side over-against the
Queenes Hith, is the Parish Church of
S. Michael
, a convenient Church, but
all the Monuments therein are defaced.
I finde that Stephen Spilman, Gentle
man, of that Family in Norfolke, some
time Mercer, Chamberlaine of London,
then one of the Sheriffes, and Alder-man,
in the yeere 1404. deceasing
without issue, gave his Lands to his Fa
mily the Spilmans, and his goods to the
making or repairing of Bridges, and o
ther like godly uses: and amongst o
thers, in this Church hee founded a
Chauntry, and was buried in the Quire.
Also Richard Marlow, Ironmonger,
Maior, 1409. gave twenty pounds to
the poore of that Ward, and ten Marks
to the Church.
Richard Gray,
His Mo
nument yet remai
Ironmonger, one of the
Sheriffes, 1515. gave 40. l. to that
Church, and was there buried.
At the West end of that Church, go
eth up a Lane, called Pyellane. On the
same North side, at the South end of S.
Mary Mounthaunt lane
, is the Parish
Church of Saint Mary Summerset
, over-against
the Broken Wharfe: it is a pro
per Church, but the Monuments are all
defaced, except a Grave-stone lately
there layed, with this inscription:
Here lieth buried the body of Master Ri
chard Randall
of this Parish,
A faire plated stone in the chan
cell by the Com
mmunion Table.
who had
issue by Margaret his first wife foure
sons and seven daughters, one only daugh
ter surviving, named Ioyce. He was by
freedome a Pewterer, by trade a Brewer,
and one of the Governours of Christs
. Hee departed this life the 7.
day of Iune, An. Domini 1616
. being
aged 75. yeeres.
No cause to mourne,
though here he lye,
That gave to many
cause to cry.
For though his body
turne to dust,
His Soule doth live
among the just.
I thinke the same to bee of old time
called Summers Hith, of some mans
name, that was owner of the ground
neere adjoyning, as Edreds Hith was so
called of Edred, owner thereof, and
since called Queene Hith, as pertaining
to the Queene, &c.
Then is a small Parish Church of St.
; called Parva, or little, neere unto
Pauls Wharfe: In this Church no Mo
numents doe remaine.

At the West end thereof is a Lane,
called St. Peters Hill: but two houses
up that Lane, on the East side, is of this
Ward, and the rest is of Castle Baynard
On the South side of Thames streete,
beginning againe in the East, among
the Cookes; the first in this VVard is
the signe of David the King.
Then is Townes-end lane, turning down
to the Thames.
Then is Queene Hith, a large Recep
tacle for Ships, Lighters, Barges, and
such other Vessels. Touching the Anti
quity and use of this Gate and Hith, first
I finde, that the same belonged to one
named Edred, & was then called Edreds
: which since falling to the hands
of King Stephen,
Lib. Trini
it was by his Charter
confirmed to William de Ypre: the Farme
thereof in Fee and in Heritage. William
de Ypre
gave it unto the Prior and Co
vent of the Holy Trinity within Eald
, as appeareth by this Charter.
To Theobald, by the grace of God, Arch
bishop of Canturbury, Primate of Eng
, and Legate Apostolike to the Bishop
of London, and to all faithfull people,
Clerkes and Lay-men, William de Ypre
sendeth greeting: Know ye me to have given
and granted to God, and to the Church of
the Holy Trinity
of London, to the Prior
and Canons there, serving God, in perpetu
all Almes, Edreds Hith, with the appur
tenances, with such devotion, that they shall
send every yeere twenty pounds, unto the
maintenance of the Hospitall of Saint Ka
, which Hospitall they have in their
hands, and an hundred shillings to the
Monkes of Bermondsey, and threescore
shillings to the Brethren of the Hospitall of
Saint Giles
, and that which remaineth, the
said Prior and Canons shall enjoy to them
selves. Witnesses, Richard de Luce, Ralph
, &c.
This Edreds Hith,
after the aforesaid
Grants, came again to the Kings hands,
by what meanes I have not read: but it
pertained unto the Queene; and there
fore was called Ripa Reginæ, the Queens
, or Queenes Hith, and great pro
fit thereof was made to her use, as may
appeare by this which followeth.
King Henry the third, in the ninth of
his reigne
, commanded the Constables
of the Tower of London,
Ships of the Ports arrested, and forced to bring their Corne to Queene Hith.
to arrest the
ships of the Cinque-Ports on the River
of Thames
, & to compell them to bring
their Corne to no other place, but to
the Queenes Hith only. In the eleventh
of his reigne
, he charged the said Con
stable, to distraine all Fish offered to be
sold in any place of this City, but at the
Queenes Hith. Moreover, in the 28. of
his reigne
, an Inquisition was made be
fore William of Yorke, the Provost of Be
Henry of Bath, and Hierome of
, Justices Itinerantes, sitting in
the Tower of London, touching the Cu
stomes of Queene Hith, observed in the
yeere last before the warres betweene
the King and his father, and the Barons
of England, and of old customes of other
times, and what customes had beene
changed, at what time the taxe and
payment of all things comming thither,
and betweene Woorepath, and Anede
, were found and seized, according
to the old order, aswell Corne and Fish,
as of other things.
Liberty of the Queens Hith from the Steele
to the Blacke Fri
All which customes
were as well to be observed in the part
of Downegate, as in Queene Hith, for the
Kings use. When also it was found,
that the Corne arriving betweene the
gate of the Guild Hall of the Merchants
of Colleyne
, and the Soke of the Archbi
shop of Canturbury
(for he had a house
neere unto the Blacke Friers) was not to
be measured by any other quarter,
Soke is Court.
by that of the Queenes Soke.
After this, the Bailiffes of the said Hith
complained, that since the said Recog
nition, foureteene forraine Ships, laden
with Fish, arrived at Belinsgate, which
Ships should have arrived at the said
Hith: And therefore it was ordered,
that if any forraigne Ship laden with
Fish, should in forme aforesaid arive
else-where than at this Hith, it should
be at the Kings pleasure to amerce them
at 40. s. Notwithstanding, the Ships
of the Citizens of London were at liber
ty, to arrive where the owners would
appoint them.
After this,
Queene Hith let to farme to the Maior and Com
munalty of London.
the said Henry the third
confirmed the Grant of Richard Earle
of Cornewall
, for the Farme of Queene
, unto Iohn Gisors, then Maior, and
to the Communalty of London, and
their successors for ever, as by this his
Charter appeareth.

Henry by the grace of God, King of Eng
, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Guien,
and Earle of Anjou, to all Archbishops, &c.
Be it knowne, that wee have seene the Cove
nant betweene our Brother Richard, Earle
of Cornwall
, of the one party, and the
Maior and Communalty of London on the
other party, which was in this sort. In the
thirtieth yeere of Henry,
Lib. Trinit. Lon.
the sonne of King
, upon the Feast of the Translation of
S. Edward at Westminster, this Cove
nant was made betweene the Honourable
Lord Richard, Earle of Cornwall, and
Iohn Gisors, then Maior of London; and
the Commons thereof, concerning certaine
exactions and demands pertaining to the
Queene Hith of London. The said Earle
granted for himselfe and his heyres, that
the said Maior, and all Maiors ensuing,
and all the Commons of the City, should
have and hold the Queene Hith, with all
the Liberties, Customes, and other appur
tenances, repaying yeerly to the said Earle,
his heires and assignes, fifty pounds, at
Clarken-well, at two severall termes; to
wit, the Sunday after Easter 25. pounds,
and at Michaelmas 25. pounds. And for
more surety hereof, the said Earle hath set
thereunto his Seale, and left it with the
Maior, and the Maior and Communalty
have set to their Seale, and left it with the
Earle. Wherefore We confirme and establish
the said Covenant, for Vs and for our heires.
Witnesses, Ralph Fitz-Nichol, Richard
, Iohn and Will. Brithem, Paulin
, Ralph Wancia, Iohn Cum
and other: At Windsor, the 26. of
February, the 31. of our reigne
The charge of this Queene Hith was
then committed to the Sheriffes, and so
hath continued ever since; the profits
whereof are sore diminished; so that (as
writeth Robert Fabian) it was worth (in
his time) little above 20. Markes,
Rob. Fabian Lib. Constit.
or 15.
pounds one yeere with another.
Now, for Customes of this Queene
Custome of Queene Hith.
In the yeere 1302. the thirtieth
of Edward the first
, it was found by the
oath of divers men, that Bakers, Brew
ers, and others, buying their Corne at
Queen Hith, should pay for Measuring,
Portage, and Carriage, for every Quar
ter of Corne whatsoever, from thence
to West Cheape, to S. Anthonies Church,
to Horse-shoo Bridge, and to Woolsey street,
in the Parish of Alhallowes the lesse,
and such like distances, one ob. q. to
Fleetstreet, to Newgate, Creplegate, to
Birchovers lane, to East-Cheape, and Bil
A Corne-Meater, 8 Master Porters, and 24. Porters under them, at Queene Hith.
one penny. Also, that the Mea
surer (or the Meater) ought to have
eight chiefe Master Porters, every Ma
ster to have three Porters under him,
and every one of them to finde one
Horse, and seven Sackes, and hee that
so did not, to loose his Office. This Hith
was then so frequented with Vessels,
bringing thither Corne (besides Fish,
Salt, Fuell, and other Merchandizes)
that all these men, to wit, the Meater,
and Porters, thirty seven in number,
for all their charge of Horses and
Sackes, and small stipend, lived well
of their labours: but now the Bakers
of London, and other Citizens, tra
vell into the Countries, and buy their
Corne of the Farmers, after the Far
mers price.
King Edward the second,
Lib. Guild,
in the first
of his reigne
, gave to Margaret, wife
to Peter de Gavestone, forty three pounds,
twelve shillings, nine pence halfe pen
ny farthing, out of the Rent of London,
to be received of the Queenes Hith. Cer
taine impositions were set upon Ships
and other Vessels comming thither, as
upon Corne, Salt, and other things, to
ward the charge of cleansing Roomeland
there, the 41. of Edward the third.
The third of Edward the fourth, the
Market at Queene Hith being hindered
by the slacknesse of drawing up London
, it was ordained, that all man
ner of Vessels, Ships, or Boates, great
or small, resorting to the City with vi
ctuall, should be sold by retaile, and that
if there came but one Vessell at a time,
were it Salt, Wheate, Rie, or other
Corne from beyond the Seas, or other
Graines, Garlicke, Onions, Herrings,
Sprats, Eeles, Whiting, Plaice, Cods,
Mackarell, &c. then that one Vessell
should come to Queene Hith, and there
to make sale. But if two Vessels came,
the one should come to Queene Hith, the
other to Billinsgate:
Queene Hith to be more fre
quented of Ships & Boates than Bil
if three, two of them
should come to Queene Hith, the third
to Billinsgate, &c. alwaies the more to
Queene Hith. If the Vessell being great,
comming with Salt from the Bay, and
could not come to these Keyes, then the

same to be conveied by Lighters, as be
fore is meant.
One large house,
Garner for Corne at Queene Hith.
for stowage of
Corne, craned out of Lighters and Bar
ges, is there lately builded. Sir Iohn Li
, Grocer, Maior 1554. by his Testa
ment gave 100. l’. towards it: But since
it hath beene increased and made lar
ger, at the charges of the Citie, in the
yeere 1565.
Against this Queenes Hith, on the Ri
ver of Thames
, of late yeeres was placed
a Corne-Mill,
A Corne Mill upon Barges or Lighters on the Thames.
upon, or betwixt two
Barges or Lighters, and there ground
Corne, as Water-Mills in other places,
to the wonder of many, that had not
seene the like. But this lasted not long
without decay: such as caused the same
Barges and Mill to be removed and ta
ken asunder, are soone forgotten. I read
of the like to have been in former time,
as thus:
In the yeere 1525. the 16. of Henry
the 8
. Sir William Bayly being Maior,
Iohn Cooke of Glocester, Mercer, gave
to the Maior and Communalty of London,
and theirs for ever, one great Barge, in the
which two great Corne-mills were made
and placed;
Two Corne Mils in one Barge given to this City, 1525.
which Barge and Mills were set
in and upon the streame of the River of
, within the jurisdiction and liber
tie of the said Citie of London. And also
he gave to the Citie all such Timber, Boords,
Stones, Iron, &c. provided for making,
mending, and repairing of the said Barge
and Mils: in reward whereof, the Maior
gave him 50. l’. presently, and 50. l’. yeere
ly, during his life: and if the said Cooke
deceased before Ioane his wife, then shee to
have forty Markes the yeere during her life.
Next adjoyning to this Queene Hith,
on the West side thereof, is Salt Wharfe,
named of Salt taken up, measured, and
sold there.
The next is Stew lane, of a Stew, or
Hot-house there kept.
After that is Timber Hith, or Timber
, so called, of Timber, or Boords,
there taken up and wharfed: It is in the
Parish of S. Mary Somers-Hith, as I read
in the 56. of Henry the third, and in the
ninth of Edward the second.
Then is Brookes Wharfe, and Broken
, a Water-gate or Key so called,
of being broken, and falne downe into
the Thames.
By this Broken Wharfe remaineth one
large old building of stone, with arched
Gates; which Message, as I find, in the
reigne of Henry the third, the 43. yeere,
pertained unto Hugh de Bygot; and in the
11. of Edward the third, to Thomas Bro
, the Kings Brother, Earle of
Norfolke, Marshall of England. In the 11.
of Henry the 6
. to Iohn Mowbray, Duke
of Norfolke, &c.
Within the Gate of this House (now
belonging to the Citie of London) is late
An En
gine for enforcing of Thames water.
to wit, in the yeere 1594. and 1595
builded one large house, of great height,
called an Engine, made by Bevis Bul
, Gentleman, for the conveying and
forcing of Thames water, to serve in the
middle and West parts of the Citie.
The ancient great Hall of this Messuage
is yet standing, and pertaining to a great
Brew-house for Beere.
West from this is Trigge lane, going
downe to the Thames. Next is called
Bosse lane, of a Bosse of water, like unto
that of Belinsgate, there placed by the
Executors of Richard Whitington.
Then is one great Messuage, sometime
belonging to the Abbots of Chartsey in
Surrey, and was their Inne, wherin they
were lodged when they repaired to the
Citie: it is now called Sandie house, by
what reason I have not heard: I thinke
the Lord Sands hath been lodged there.
And this is an end of this Queen Hith
; which hath an Alderman, and
his Deputy; Common-Counsell, sixe;
Constables, nine; Scavengers, eight;
Ward-mote Inquest, thirteene, and a
Beadle. It is taxed to the Fifteene in
London, twenty pounds, and in the Ex
chequer, at nineteene pounds, sixteene
shillings, two pence.


  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Queenhithe Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Castle Baynard Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Bridge Ward Without (Southwark). The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,