The Survey of London (1633): Bread Street Ward

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BReadstreet ward beginneth
in the high street of West
, to wit, on the
South side, from the Stan
to the great Crosse.
Then is also a part of Watheling street of
this Ward, to wit, from over against
the Red Lion, on the North side, up al
most to Pauls gate; for it lacketh but one
house of Saint Augustines Church. And
on the South side, from the Red Lion
to the Old Exchange; and downe
the same Exchange, on the East side,
by the West end of Maiden Lane, or
Distar lane, to Knight-Riders street, or,
as they call that part thereof, Old
. And all the North side of
the said Old Fish-street, to the South
end of Breadstreet, and by that, still in
Knight-Riders street, till over against
the Trinitie Church, and Trinitie
Then is Breadstreet it selfe, so called,
of Bread in old time there sold: for it
appeareth by Records, that in the yeere
1302. which was the 30. of Edward the
, the Bakers of London were bounden
to sell no bread in their shops or houses,
but in the Market; and that they
should have foure Hall-motes in the
yeere, at foure severall termes, to deter
mine of enormities belonging to the said
This street, giving the name to the
whole Ward, beginneth inWest Cheape,
almost by the Standard, and runneth
downe South, through or thwart Wathe
ling street
, to Knight-Riders street afore
said, where it endeth. This Breadstreet
is wholly on both sides of this Ward.
Out of the which street, on the East side,
is Basing lane, a piece whereof, to wit, to
and over against the backe gate of the
Red Lion
in Watheling street, is of this
Breadstreet Ward.
Then is Friday street, beginning also
in West Cheape, and runneth downe
South through Watheling street, to Knight
Riders street
, or Old Fish-street. This
Friday street is of Breadstreet Ward, on
the East side, from over against the
North-east corner of Saint Matthewes
, and on the West side, from
the South corner of the said Church,
downe as aforesaid.
In this Friday street, on the West
side thereof, is a Lane, commonly cal
led Mayden Lane, or Distaffe Lane, cor
ruptly for Distar Lane, which runneth
West into the Old Exchange: and in
this Lane is also one other lane, on the
South side thereof, likewise called Di
star Lane
, which runneth downe to
Knight-Riders street, or Old Fish-street:
And so beThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MR)e1 the bounds of this whole
Monuments to be noted here: first
at Breadstreet corner, the North-east end
1595. of Thomas Tomlinson, causing in
the high street of Cheape a Vault to bee
digged and made, there was found at
fifteene foot deepe,
A faire pa
ved way
found, 15.
foot deep,
in Cheape
a faire pavement,
like unto that above ground; and at the
further end, at the Chanell, was found
a Tree, sawed into five steppes, which
was to steppe over some Brooke, run
ning out of the West, towards Wal
: and upon the edge of the said
Brooke, as it seemeth, there were found
lying along, the bodies of two great
Trees, the ends whereof were then saw
ed off, and firme Timber, as at the first
when they fell; part of the said Trees
remaine yet in the ground undigged. It
was all forced ground, untill they went
past the Trees aforesaid, which was
about seventeene foot deepe, or better;
thus much hath the ground of this
Citie (in that place) beene raised from
the maine.

Next to be noted, the most beautifull
Frame of faire houses and shops, that
be within the Wals of London, or else
where in England, commonly called
Goldsmiths Rowe, betwixt Breadstreete
end and the Crosse in Cheape, but is
within this Breadstreete Ward; the same
was builded by Thomas Wood, Gold
smith, one of the Sheriffes of London,
in the yeere 1491. It containeth in
number ten faire dwelling houses, and
foureteene shops, all in one Frame, uni
formely builded foure stories high,
beautified towards the streete with the
Goldsmiths Armes, and the likenesse
of Wood-men, in memory of his name,
riding on monstrous Beasts; all which
is cast in Lead, richly painted over, and
gilt: these hee gave to the Goldsmiths,
with stockes of money to bee lent to
young men, having those shops, &c.
This said Front was againe new pain
ted and gilt over in the yeere 1594.
Sir Richard Martin being then Maior,
and keeping his Maioralty in one of
them; serving out the time of Cutbert
, from the ſecond of Iuly, till the
28. of October
Then for Watheling streete, which Ley
calleth Atheling or Noble street: but
since hee sheweth no reason why, I ra
ther take it to be so named, of the great
high-way of the same calling. True it
is, that at this present the inhabitants
thereof are wealthy Drapers, retaylers
of Woollen Clothes, both Broad and
Narrow, of all sorts, more than in any
one street of this City.
Of the Old Exchange, I have noted in
Faringdon Ward: VVherefore I passe
downe to Knight-Riders street, whereof
I have also spoken in Cordwainer streete
. But in this part of the said Knight-
Riders street
, is a Fish-Market kept, and
therefore called Old Fishstreet, for a dif
ference from New Fishstreet.
In this Old Fishstreet is one Rowe of
small houses,
ket, called
Old Fish
placed along in the mid
dest of Knight-Riders street, which Rowe
is also of Breadstreet Ward. These hou
ses, now possessed by Fishmongers,
were at the first but moveable Boords
(or Stals) set out on Market daies, to
shew their Fish, there to bee sold: but
procuring licence to set up Sheds, they
grew to Shops, and by little and little,
to tall Houses, of three or foure stories
in height, and now is called Fishstreete.
Walcer Turke, Fishmonger, Maior,
1349. had two Shops in Old Fishstreet,
over-against Saint Nicholas Church, the
one rented five shillings the yeere, the
other foure shillings.
Breadstreet, so called of Bread sold
there (as I said) is now wholly inhabi
ted by rich Merchants, and divers faire
Innes be there, for good receit of Car
riers, and other Travellers to the City.
On the East side of this street, at the
corner of Watheling street, is the proper
Church of Alhallowes in Breadstreete,
wherein are the Monuments of Iames
, Goldsmith.
Iohn Walpole, Goldsmith, 1349.
Thomas Beaumont, Alderman, one of
the Sheriffes, 1442.
Robert Basset, Salter, Maior, 1476.
Sir Richard Chaury, Salter, Maior,
Sir Thomas Pargitar, Salter, Maior,
Henry Sucley, Merchant-Taylor, one
of the Sheriffes, 1541.
Richard Reade, Alderman, that served
and was taken prisoner in Scotland,
Robert House, one of the Sheriffes,
William Albany, Richard May, and Ro
ger Abdy
, Merchant-Taylors.
Hic jacent Thomas Beaumond,
An anciét
gray Mar
ble tomb,
as in a
by it selfe.
Civis, Sal
ter, & quondam Vicecomes Civitatis
London, Alicia, & Alicia uxores ejus.
Qui quidem Thomas obiit 14. die men
ſis Auguſti, Anno Domini, 1457
. Quo
rum animabus propetietur Deus. Es te
stis Christe, &c.
Corporis ut Christi
festum possit venerari,
Hic magis instituit
Salter iter Beaumond.
Cui Deus uxoribus
binis Cœleste solamen,
Detque suis pueris:
Sit benedićtus. Amen.
All these
have faire
stones by
the Com
table, and
lie not far
each from
Here lieth buried the body of William Al
, Esquire, Citizen, and Merchant-Taylor
of London, with his two wives,
Thomasine, by whom hee had issue five

sonnes, and foure daughters, who decea
sed the 15. of December, 1565. And
Ioane, who dyed without issue, the 7. of
Iuly, 1579
. And the said William
yeelded his soule to the Almighty the 18.
day of February, 1589
. being of the
age of 82. yeeres: so rest they all here
in the assured hope of a blessed resurre
Respice & prospice finem.
Here lieth Henry Suckley, late Sheriffe,
Citizen, and Merchant-Taylor of Lon
, which Henry deceased the one and
twentieth day of Iuly, Anno Domini,
. And his foure wives, Anne
, Elizabeth English, Alice
, and Agnes Cachemaide,
Here lieth Robert Mellishe, Citizen and
Merchant-Taylor of London, which de
ceased the thirtieth day of March, Anno
Domini 1562
. &c.
Robert Hulson lyeth here,
A white
stone by it
self, neere
to the
In his time well knowne to all;
He lived well, and died so,
When God from hence did him call.
In the three and twentieth of Henry
the eighth
, the ſeventeenth of Auguſt
two Priests of this Church fell at vari
ance, that the one drew bloud of the o
ther: Wherefore the same Church was
and no Service sung or said
therein for the space of one moneth af
ter; the Priests were committed to pri
son, and the fifteenth of October, being
injoyned penance, went before a gene
rall Procession, bare-headed, bare-foo
ted, and bare-legged, before the Chil
dren, with Beades and Bookes in their
hands, from Pauls, through Cheap, Corn
, &c.
More to bee noted of this Church,
which had sometime a faire spired
Spire of
AlhallowesThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (MR),2
by Tem

Steeple of stone. In the yeere 1559.
the fifth of September
, about mid-day,
fell a great Tempest of Lightning, with
a terrible clap of Thunder, which struck
the said spire about 9. or 10. foot beneath
the top; out of the which place fell a
stone, that slew a Dogge, and over
threw a man that was playing with
the Dogge. The same Spire, being but
little damnified thereby, was shortly
after taken downe, for sparing the char
ges of reparation.
On the same side is Salters Hall, with
sixe Almes-houses in number, builded
for poore decayed Brethren of that
Company. This Hall was burned in the
yeere 1539. and againe re-edified.
Lower downe,on the same side, is
the Parish Church of St. Mildred the
The Monuments in this Church be,
of the Lord Trenchaunt, of Saint Albans,
Knight, who was supposed to be either
the new builder of this Church, or best
Benefactor to the Workes thereof, a
bout the yeere 1300. and certaine Cor
Gentlemen, 1312.
William Palmer, Blader, a great Bene
factor also, 1356.
Iohn Chadworth, Maior, 1401. who
gave the Parsonage house, a Revestry,
and Church-yard to that Parish, in the
yeere 1428. notwithstanding, his Mo
nument is pulled downe.
Stephen Budge, Gentleman; his
Armes be three Water-Budges, 1419.
Henry Budge founded a Chauntry
there, 1419.
Roger Forde, Vintner, 1440.
Thomas Barnwell, Fishmonger, one of
the Sheriffes, 1424.
Sir Iohn Hawlen, Clarke, Parson of
that Church,
Parson of
& his man burned.
who built the Parsonage
house newly, after the same had beene
burned to the ground, together with
the Parson and his man also, burned in
that fire, 1485.
Iohn Parnell, 1510.
William Hurstwaight, Pewterer to the
King, 1526.
Ralph Simonds, Fishmonger, one of
the Sheriffes, in the yeere 1527.
Thomas Langham gave to the Poore
of that Parish 4. Tenements, 1575.
Thomas Hall, Salter, 1582.
Thomas Collins, Salter, Alderman.
Sir Ambrose Nicholas, Salter, Maior,
1575. was buried in sir Iohn Chadworths

An Obite consecrated to the happy
Memoriall of Sir John Chadworth,
A very
Tombe in
the North
side of the

or Shadworth, Knight, sometime Mer
cer, and Lord Maior of this City of Lon
; who gave a Vestry to this Church,
an house for the Pastor to dwell in, and a
Church-yard to the Parishioners, where
in to bury their dead. He deceased the 7.
day of May, An. Dom. 1401
Here lieth a man,
A faire in
on the
Faith and Works did even
(Like fiery Chariots)
mount him up to Heaven:
He did adorne this Church.
When words were weake,
And men forget, the
living Stones will speake,
He left us Land: This
little Earth him keepes,
These blacke words Mourners,
and the Marble weepes.
Here lieth the body of Thomas Copyn
A plated
stone be
fore the
nion table
the which deceased the 14. day of
November, in the yeere of our Lord God,
. On whose soule, &c.
Here lieth buried Thomas Clivelod,
The like
stone by
the other.
Warmoster, in the County of VVilt
, Clothier; who deceased the 24.
day of Iune, An. Dom. 1558
Here lieth Sir Cuthbert Barne,
One faire
stone pla
ted, for
both these, by
the Com
who deceased the 16. day of October, in
the yeere of our Lord God, 1521
. On
whose, &c.
Here lieth Roger Forde, Vintner of Lon
, with Ioane and Margaret his
wives. The which Joane deceased the
eighth day of Auguſt, Anno Domini,
. And Margaret deceased the
eleventh day of Iune, Anno Domini.
. And the foresaid Roger decea
sed, &c.
Here lye buried the bodies of Iohn Ire
A faire
stone in the South
Citizen and Salter of London,
and Elizabeth his wife, who were mar
ried together about nine and forty or fif
tie yeeres: And hee had issue by her sixe
sonnes and sixe daughters, and hee lived
in this Parish sixty yeeres. He was De
putie of this VVard fifteene yeeres, and
was the first Master of the Company of
. She deceased the ſecond day of
April, 1613
. being of the age of seventy
and five yeeres. And hee deceased the
five and twentieth day of Iune, being a
ged 83. yeeres.
So rest they both here in the
bed of death, in hope of a
joyfull resurrection.
Respice & prospice finem.
Out of this Breadstreet,
Basing lane
called the
on the same
side, is Basing lane, a part whereof (as is
afore shewed) is of this VVard, but
how it tooke the name of Basing I have
not read. In the twentieth yeere of Ri
the second
, the same was called
the Bakehouse, whether meant for the
Kings Bakehouse, or of Bakers dwel
ling there, and baking Bread to serve
the Market in Breadstreet, where the
Bread was sold, I know not: but sure I
am, I have not read of Basing, or of Ger
the Gyant
, to have any thing there
to doe.
On the South side of this Lane is one
great house, of old time builded upon
arched Vaults, and with arched Gates
of stone brought from Cane in Norman
. The same is now a common Ostrey
for receit of Travellers, commonly and
corruptly called Gerards Hall, of a Gy
ant said to have dwelled there. In the
high rooffed Hall of this house some
time stood a large Firre-Pole,
A Pole of
40. foot
long and
15. inches
about, fa
buled to
be the ju
sting staffe
of Gerard
a Gyant
reached to the roofe thereof, and was
said to be one of the staves that Gerard
the Gyant
used in the warres to runne
withall. There stood also a Ladder of
the same length, which (as they said)
served to ascend to the top of the staffe.
Of later yeers this Hall is altred in buil
ding, and divers roomes are made in it.
Notwithstanding, the Pole is removed
to one corner of the Hall, and the Lad
der hanged broken, upon a wall in the
yard. The Hosteler of that house said
to mee, the Pole lacked halfe a foote of
forty in length. I measured the com
passe thereof, and found it fifteene in
ches. Reason of the Pole could the Ma
ster of the Hostery give me none, but
bade mee reade the great Chronicles;
for there he heard of it. Which answer

seemed to me insufficient: for he meant
the description of Britaine, for the most
part drawne out of Iohn Leyland his
Commentaries, (borrowed of my selfe)
and placed before Reyne Wolfes Chroni
cle, as the labours of another (who was
forced to confesse, that he never travel
led further than from London to the
Vniversity of Oxford) hee writing a
Chapter of Gyants or monstrous men,
hath set down more matter than troth,
as partly (against my will) I am enfor
ced here to touch. R. G.3 in his briefe
Collection of Histories (as he termeth
it) hath these words:
I the writer hereof, did see the tenth day
of March, in the yeere of our Lord, 1504
and had the same in my hand, the tooth of a
man, which weighed ten ounces of Troy
weight: and the scull of the same man is ex
tant and to bee seene, which will hold five
peckes of wheate; and the shin-bone of the
same man, is sixe foote in length, and of a
marvellous greatnesse: this saw R. G.4
The errour thereof is thus: he affir
meth a stone to be the tooth of a man,
R. G.5 saw a
stone, and
said the
same to be
a tooth,
but being
by my self
proved a
there fai
led both
scull and
bone, and
followed a
cluster of
lies toge
ther, yet
since in
creased by

which stone (so proved) having no
shape of a tooth, had neither scull nor
shin-bone. Notwithstanding, it is ad
ded in the said description, that by con
jecturall symetry of those parts, the
body to be twenty and eight foote long
or more. From this he goeth to another
like matter, of a man with a mouth six
teene foote wide, and so to Gerard the
, and his staffe. But to leave these
fables, and returne where I left, I will
note what my selfe hath observed con
cerning that house.
I reade, that Iohn Gisors, Maior of
stored to
his old
in the yeere 1245. was owner
thereof, and that Sir Iohn Gisors, Knight,
Maior of London, and Constable of the
Tower 1311. and divers others of that
name and family, since that time owed
it. William Gisors was one of the She
riffes, 1329. More, Iohn Gisors had is
sue, Henry and Iohn: which Iohn had is
sue, Thomas: Which Thomas deceasing
in the yeere 1350. left unto his sonne
Thomas his messuage,
with Ge
his great
called Gisors Hall,
in the Parish of Saint Mildred in Bread
: Iohn Gisors6 made a Feoffment
thereof 1386. &c. So it appeareth, that
this Gisors Hall of late time (by corrup
tion, hath been called Gerards Hall, for
Gisors Hall, as Bosomes Inne, for Blossoms
, Bevis Markes
, for Buries Markes,
Marke lane
, for Mart lane, Billiter lane,
for Belzetters lane, Gutter lane, for Gu
thuruns lane
, Cry Church
, for Christs
, Saint Michael in the Querne,
for Saint Mihel at Corne, and such o
thers. Out of this Gisors Hall, at the first
building thereof, were made divers ar
ched doores yet to be seen, which seem
not sufficient for any great Monster, or
other than men of common stature to
passe thorow. The Pole in the Hall
might bee used of old time (as then the
custome was in every Parish) to bee set
up in the Summer a May-Pole, before
the principall house in the Parish or
house of
old time
was dec
ked with
Holly and
Ivie in the
Winter, e
at Christ
and to stand in the Hall before
the Scrine, decked with Holme and
Ivie, at the Feast of Christmas. The
Ladder served for the decking of the
May-Pole, and Roofe of the Hall. Thus
much for Gisors Hall, and for that side
of Breadstreet may suffice.
Now on the West side of Breadstreet,
amongst divers faire and large houses
for Merchants, and faire Innes for pas
sengers, had yee one Prison-house, per
taining to the Sheriffes of London, cal
led the Compter in Breadstreet: but in
the yeere 1555. the Prisoners were re
moved from thence, to one other new
Compter in Woodstreet, provided by the
Cities purchase, and builded for that
purpose: the cause of which remove
was this: Richard Husband, Pastelar,
keeper of this Compter in Breadstreete,
from the
in Bread
to a
new Cóp
ter in

of the
sent to

being a wilfull and head-strong man,
dealt (for his owne advantage) hard
with the prisoners under his charge, ha
ving also servants, such as himselfe li
ked best for their bad usage, and would
not for any complaint bee reformed:
whereupon, in the yeere 1550. Sir Row
land Hill
being Maior, by the assent of a
Court of Aldermen, he was sent to the
Goale of Newgate, for the cruell hand
ling of his prisoners: and it was com
manded to the Keeper, to set those I
rons on his legges, which are called the
Widowes almes. These he ware from
Thursday, till Sunday in the afternoon,
and being by a Court of Aldermen re
leased on the Tuesday, was bound in an
hundred Markes, to observe from
thenceforth an Act made by the Com

mon Councell, for the ordering of pri
soners in the Compters: all which not
withstanding, hee continued as afore,
whereof my selfe am partly a witnesse:
For being on a Iurie,
Quest of
the Kee
pers of
the Goals
for dea
ling hard
ly with
their pri
They in
the Bow
lies, &c.
to enquire against
a Sessions of Goale delivery, in the
yeere 1552. wee found the prisoners
hardly dealt withall for their achates
and otherwise, as also that Theeves and
Strumpets were there lodged for foure
pence the night, whereby they might
be safe from searches that were made
abroad:for the which enormities, and
other not needfull to be recited, hee was
indighted at that Session, but did rubbe
it out, and could not bee reformed, till
this remove of the prisoners: for the
house in Breadstreete was his owne by
lease, or otherwise, so that he could not
be put from it. Note that Iaylors, buy
ing their offices, will deale hardly with
pitifull prisoners.
Now in Friday street, so called of Fish
mongers dwelling there, and serving
Fridayes Market, on the East side is a
small Parish Church,
Church of
S. Iohn E
, sometime
of S. Wer
commonly called
Saint Iohn Evangelist. The Monuments
therein, be of Iohn Dogget, Merchant-Taylor,
one of the Sheriffes in the yeere
Sir Christopher Askew, Draper, Mai
or, 1533.
William de Avinger, Farrier, was bu
ried there in the 34. of Edward the se
Then lower downe is one other Pa
rish Church of S. Margaret Moyses
, so
called (as seemeth) of one Moyses, that
was founder or new builder thereof.
The Monuments there, be of Sir Ri
chard Dobbes
, Skinner, Maior, 1551.
William Dane, Ironmonger, one of the
Sheriffes, 1569.
Sir Iohn Allot, Fishmonger, Maior,
There was of elder time buried, Ni
cholas Stanes
, and Nicholas Bray, they
founded Chauntries there.
Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur.
APOC. 14.
To William Dane that sometime was
A Monu
ment in
the South
wall of the
An Ironmonger; where, each Degree
He worthily (with praise) did passe.
By wisedome, truth, and heed, was he
Advanc’d an Alderman to be:
Then, Sheriffe; that, he with justice prest,
And cost, performed with the best.
In Almes franke, of Conscience cleare;
In grace with Prince, to People glad:
His vertuous wife, his faithfull Phèere,
Margaret, this Monument hath made:
Meaning (through God) that as shee had
With him (in house) long lived well;
Even so in Tombes blisse to dwell.
Obierunt in Christo.
Ille, Sabat. 5. Septemb. 1573. Æ
tatis 56.
Hæc vero 18. Novemb. An. 1579.
April. 5. An. Domini,
The Monument of the Right Honourable
Sir Iohn Allot,
A faire
in the
North wal
of the
Knight, late Lord
Maior of this City of London, and
Maior of the Staple of England; who
deceased the ſeventeenth day of Septem
ber, Anno 1591
. in the time of his
Maioralty. Ætatis suae 66.
Here lieth the body of Alice Daniel,
A faire
stone un
der the
nion table
wife of Iohn Daniel, Esquire, and mo
ther of Gerard Daniel, Fishmonger.
Which Alice deceased the thirteenth day
of October, Anno Domini 1481
. OThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (MR)n9
whose, &c.
Ever doe well.
On the West side of this Friday street
is Mayden lane, so named of such a
Signe, or Distaffe lane, for Distar lane,
as I reade in Record of a Brew-house,
called the Lambe in Distar lane, the six
teenth of Henry the sixth
In this Distar lane, on the North side
thereof, is the Cordwayners or Shoo
makers Hall
; which Company were
made a Brotherhood or Fraternity, in
the eleventh of Henry the fourth.
Of these Cordwayners I reade, that
since the fifth of Richard the second,
(when he tooke to wife Anne, daughter
to Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia)10 by her
example the English people had used
piked Shooes,
Long pi
ked shoos,
tied to
the knees.
tyed to their knees with
Silken Laces, or Chaines of Silver and
Gilt: Wherfore in the fourth of Edward
the fourth
it was ordained and proclai
that Beakes of Shin and Bootes
should not passe the length of two in

ches, upon paine of cursing by the Cler
gie, and by Parliament to pay 20. s. for
every paire. And every Cordwayner
that shod any man or woman on the
Sunday, to pay 30. s.
On the South side of this Distar lane,
is also one other Lane, called Distar lane;
which runneth downe to Knight-Riders
, or Old Fishstreet.
And this is the end of Breadstreete
: Which hath and Alderman, his
Deputy, Common Councell ten, Con
stables ten, Scavengers eight, Ward
mote Inquest thirteene, and a Beadle. It
standeth taxed to the Fifteene in Lon
, at seven and thirty pounds, and in
the Exchequer, at sixe & thirty pounds,
eighteene shillings, two pence.


  1. Smudged ink: smudged letter obvious from context. (MR)
  2. Mark is unclear and could be a comma or a period. (MR)
  3. I.e., Richard Grafton (MR)
  4. I.e., Richard Grafton (MR)
  5. I.e., Richard Grafton (MR)
  6. John Gisors died in 1351. See Kingsford (1908) 349, l. 36 for a note about this transaction. (JB)
  7. I.e., Church of S. Werbridge. (MR)
  8. Either Stow or the gravestone is mistaken because Edward II had only a twenty year reign. (LS)
  9. Smudged ink: smudged letter obvious from context. (MR)
  10. Wenceslaus was Anne’s brother. Anne’s father was Charles IV. (MR)
