The Suburbes without the
Walles of the Citie, briefly touched. As also with
out the Liberties, more at large described.
HAuing spoken of this citie, the originall, and in
crease, by degrées. The Walls, Gates, Dich,
Castles, Towers, Bridges, the Schooles and
Houses of learning. Of the Orders and Cu
stomes, Sports and Pastimes. Of the honour
of Citizens, and worthinesse of the men. And
last of all, how the same Citie is diuided into
parts and Wards. And how the same be boun
ded. And what Monuments of antiquitie, or Ornaments of buil
ding be in euery of thē, as also in the Borough of Southwarke. I am
next to speak briefly of the Suburbs, as well without the gates and
walles, as without the Liberties. And of the Monuments in them.
Concerning the estate of the Suburbs of this Citie, in the raigne
of H. the 2.
This text is the corrected text. The original is E (SM)Fitz Stephens hath these words. Upwards on the West
(saith he) is the Kings Pallace, which is an incomparable building,
rising with a Uawmure & Bulwark. Aloft vpon the riuer, two myles
from the wall of the citie, but yet conioyned with a continuall Su
burbe. On all sides, without the houses of the Suburbes, are the ci
tizens Gardens and Orchards, planted with trées, both large, sight
ly, and adioyning togither. On the North side, are pastures, & plaine
medows, with brookes running through them, turning water mils,
with a pleasant noyse. Not far off, is a great Forrest, A well wodded
Chase, hauing good couert for Harts, Buckes, Does, Boores, and
wilde bulles. The corne fields are not of a hungry sandie mould, but
as the fruitfull fields of Asia: yéelding plentifull encrease, and filling
the barnes with corne. There are neare London on the North side,
especiall welles in the Subburbes, swéete, holesome, and cleare. A
mongst which, Holywell, Clarkenwell, and S. Clemons well, are

Subburbes without the Walles.
most famous, and most frequented, by schollers & youthes of The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified citie
in Summer euenings, when they walke forth to take the ayre. Thus
farre out of Fitz Stephen, for the Subburbes at that time.
Libar albo.
2. yeare of H. the 3. the Forrest of Midlesex, and the Warren of
Stanes were disaforested: since the which time, the Subburbs about
London hath bin also mightily increased with buildings: for first, to
begin in the East, by the Tower of London,
Subburbe with
out the Po
sterne by the Tower of Lon. Wapping in the Wose.
is the Hospitall of S.
, founded by Matilde the Quéene, wife to King Stephen,
as is afore shewed in Porsoken Warde, from this Precinct of
Saint Kathren, to Wapping in the Wose, and Wapping it selfe,
(the vsuall place of Execution for the hanging of Pyrates and sea
Rouers, at the lowe water marke, and there to remaine, till thrée
Tydes had ouerflowed them) and neuer a house standing within
these fortie yeares, but is now made a continuall stréete, or ra
ther a filthy straight passage, with Lanes and Allyes, of small
Tenements inhabited by Saylors, and Uictuallers, along by
the Riuer of Thames, almost to Radliffe, a good myle from the
Now on the East side, and by North of the Tower, lyeth
East-Smithfield, Hogs stréete, and Tower hill: and East from
them both, was the New Abbey called Grace, founded by Edward
the third
. From thence towards Radliffe, vp East Smithfielde, by
Nightingale Lane (which runneth South by the Hermitage,
The hermitage by S. Kathrēs. Villa Estsmith field and Villa de Brambly.
Wapping) to the maner of Brambley, called in the records of Ri
the second
, Vila East Smithfield, and Villa de Bramb
Not farre from thence, of very late, (where of olde time, stoode
the mannor of Shadwell,
Mannor of Shadwell.
belonging to the Deane of Powles, there
haue béene raised many small Tenements towards Radliffe: and
Radliffe it selfe, hath bin so increased in building Eastward (in place
where, I haue knowne faire hedges, long rowes of Elme, and other
trées) that the same haue now taken hold of Lime hurst, (or Lime
it selfe) commonly called Lime house, sometime distant a mile
from Radliffe, &c.
Now for Tower hill:
Tower Hall without the Walles.
the plaine there, is likewise greatly dimi
nished, by incrochments for building of small tenements, and ta
king in of garden plots, timbaryars, or what they list.

Suburbes without the Walles.
From this Tower Hill towards Aldegate, (being a long continu
all streete) amongst other buildings, was that Abbey of Nunnes,
called the Minorities, or Minories, whereof I haue spoken. And
on the other side of that stréete, lyeth the Ditche, without the wall of
the Citie, from the Tower vnto Aldegate.
From Aldegate East,
Suburbe with
out Aldegate.
againe lyeth a large stréete, replenished
with buildings: to wit, on the North side, the parish church of Saint
, and so other buildings to Hog Lane, and to the Barres1
on both the sides. Also without the Barres, both the sides of the stréet
be pestered with Cotages & Allies, euen vp to white Chapple church:
and almost halfe a myle beyond it, into the common field: all which
ought to lye open & frée for all men. But this common field, I say, be
ing sometimes the beautie of this Citie on that part, is so incroched
vpon by building of filthy Cotages, and with other prepesterous like
inclosures and Laystalles, (that notwithstanding all Proclamations
and Acts of Parliament made to the contrary) that in some places it
scarce remaineth a sufficient high way for the méeting of Carriages
and droues of Cattel, much lesse is there any faire, pleasant, or whol
some way for people to walk on foote: which is no small blemish to so
famous a citie, to haue so vnsauery and vnséemly an entry or passage
therunto. Now of white Chaple Church somwhat, & thē back again
to Aldegate. This church is as it were a chapple of ease, to the parish
of Stebinhithe
, and the Parson of Stebinhithe hath the gift therof:
which being first dedicated to the name of God, and the blessed Uir
gin, is now called S. Mary Matfellon, vpon this occasiō following.
About the yeare 1428. the 6. of King H. the 6. A deuout Widow
A deuout wi
dow murdered
that parish had long time cherished, and brought vp of Almes, a cer
taine Frenchman or Briton borne, which most vnkindly & cruelly, in
a night murthered the said widow sléeping in her bed, and after fled
with such Iewels & other stuffe of hers as he might carry: but he was
so freshly pursued, that for feare he tooke the church of S. George in
, and challenged priuiledge of Sanctuary there, and so
abiured The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified Kings land. Then the Constables (hauing charge of him)
brought him into London, intending to haue conueyed him East
ward) but so soone as he was come into the Parish, where before he
had committed the murther, the wiues cast vpon him so much filth
and ordure of the stréete, that (notwithstanding the best resistance

Suburbes without the Walles.
made by the Constables,) they slew him out of hand: And for this
fact, that Parish purchased the name of Mary Mat-fellon. Now
againe from Algegate, Northwest to Bishops gate,
Suburbe with- Bishops gate.
lyeth Howndes
, and so to Bishops gate. North and by East from Bishops
, lyeth a large stréete or high way, hauing on the West side ther
of, the Parish church of S. Buttolphe. Then is the Hospitall of S.
Mary of Bethelem
, founded by a citizen of London, as before is
shewed. Thence vp to the Barres, and to Norton fall gate (a liber
tie so called, belonging to the Deane of Powles. Thence also vp to
the late dissolued Priory of S. Iohn Baptist, called Holywell, a
house of Nuns, of olde time founded by a Bishop of London: reedi
fied by Sir Thomas Louell, brought vp in Lincolnes Inne, who
builded much there. And in this place, in the raignes of H. the 7. and
H. the 8. he endowed this house with faire landes, and was there
buried in a large chapple by him builded for that purpose. This Prio
ry was valued at the suppression, to haue of landes by yeare,
and was surrendred 1539. in the 31. of H. the 8. The church ther
of being pulled downe, many houses haue bene their builded for the
lodgings of Noble men, of straungers borne, and other. And neare
thereunto, are builded two publique houses for the acting and shewe
of Comedies, Tragedies, and Histories, for recreation. Whereof
the one is called the Courtein,
The Courtin.
the other the Theatre:
The Theatre.
both standing
on the Southwest side towards the field.
From Hollywell in the high stréete, is a continuall building of
Tenements to Sors Ditche, or Sewers Ditche, sauing one small
side of a fielde, alreadie made a Gardein plotte. Ouer against
the North corner of this field, betwéene it and the church of S.
in Soersditch, sometime stood a Crosse, now a Smithes
A Crosse at Soersditch, now a Smithes Forge.
diuiding thrée wayes: foorth right the high way, is builded
vpon either side, more then a good flight shot, towards Kings Land,
Newington, Totenham, &c
On the left hand is Ealdestréete, which reacheth West to a
stone Crosse, ouer against the North ende of Grubstréete, and so
to the end of Goswell stréet. On the right hand of this Ealdestréete,
not farre from Soers Ditch, but on the North side thereof is Hox
, a long stréete, with houses on both sides, and is a Prebend be
longing to Powles church in London, but of Soers ditch parish.

Suburbes without the Walles.
On the right hand beyond Soersditch Church toward Hack
, are some late builded houses vpon the common soyle (for it was
a Laystall) belonging to the Parish of Stebinhithe. On the other
side of the high way, from Bishopsgate and Hownsditch, the first
building is a large Inne for receipt of Trauellers: then a faire house
lately builded by the Lorde Iohn Powlet. Next to that, a large
house, with Gardens of pleasure, builded by Iasper Eisher. From
this vp to the West ende of Hog Lane, is a continuall building of
small cottages.
Then was the Hospitall called Saint Mary Spittle, harde
within the Barres,2 whereof I haue spoken, in Bishopsgate Ward.
From the which Barres towards Soersditch, is all along a conti
nued building of small and base Tenements, for the most part
lately erected. Amongst the which (I meane of the auncientest buil
dings) was one rowe of proper small houses
Almes houses in Soersditch.
with Gardens for poore
decaied people, there placed by the Pryor of the saide Hospitall:
euery one Tennant whereof, paide one penny Rent by the yeare
at Christmas: and dyned with the Pryor on Christmas day: but
after the suppression of the Hospitall, these houses (for want of re
parations) in fewe yeares were so decaied, that it was called Rot
ten Rowe
: and the poore worne out (for there came no new in their
place) the houses were solde from Goddard, to Russell a Draper,
who new builded them, and let them out for Rent inough, taking
also large Fines of the Tenants, (which some thinke to be neare
as much as the houses cost him in the purchase, and building: for
he made his bargaines so hardly with all men, that both Carpen
ter, Bricklayer, and Playsterer, were by that worke vtterly vn
done. And yet in honour of his name, it is now called Russels
Now for the Parish of S. Leonards at Soersditch, the Arch
deacon of London, is alwaies Parson thereof, and the Cure is ser
ued by a Uicure. In this Church haue bene diuers honourable per
sons buried, as appeareth by their Monuments
Monuments defaced.
yet remaining. Not
withstanding that of late, one Uicure there for couetousnesse of the
brasse which he cōuerted into coyned siluer, plucked vp many plates
fixed on the graues, and left no memorie of such as had bene buried
vnder them: A great iniurie both to the liuing and the dead, forbid

Suburbes without the Walles.
den by publicque proclamation, in the raigne of our soueraigne
Ladie the Quéene
that now is: but not forborne by many, that ey
ther of a preposterous zeale, or of a greedie minde, spare not to sa
tisfie themselues, by so wicked meanes.
Now wil I passe through the Hospitall of S. Mary Bethelem,
into Moore fielde, which lyeth without the Posterne called Moore
Suburbe with
out the Po
stern of More
This field of olde time was called the Moore. As appeareth by
the Charter of William Conqueror, to the Colledge of S. Martin:
declaring a runnning water to passe into the Citie from the same
Moore. Also Fitz Stephen writeth of this Moore, saying thus. When
the great Fenne or Moore, which watereth the walles on the North
side is frozen, &c.
Fensberry fields, & More fields, an vn
profitable ground.
This Fen or Moore field, stretching from the wall of
the citie, betwixt Bishopsgate and the Posterne called Criples gate,
to Fensberry, and so to Holywell, continued a waste and vnprofi
table grounde, a long time, so that the same was all letten for foure
Markes the yeare, in the raigne of Edward the 2. But in the yeare
1415. the 3. of Henry the 5. Thomas Fawconer Mayor, as I
haue shewed, caused the wall of the Citie to be broken toward the
saide Moore, and builded the Posterne called Mooregate, for the ease
of the Citizens, to walke that way vpon Causwayes into the fieldes
towards Iseldon and Hoxton. Moreouer, he caused the Ditche of
the Citie
, and other Ditches thereabout, to be new cast and clensed,
by meane whereof, the said Fen or Moore was greatly dreyned and
dried. And shortly after, to wit, 1477. Raphe Ioceline Mayor, for
repairing of the wall of this Cittie, caused the saide Moore to bee
searched for Clay and Bricke to be brent there, &c. by which means
this field was made the worse for a long time.
In the yeare 1498. all the Gardens which had continued
time out of minde, without Mooregate,
Gardens with out Moore
, destroy
ed and made plaingrounde.
to wit, about, and beyond
the Lordship of Fensberry, were destroyed. And of them was made
a plaine field for Archers so shoote in. And in the yeare 1512.
Roger Archley Mayor, caused diuers Dikes to be cast, and made
to drene the waters of the saide Moore fields,
Ditches cast to dreine the Moore Field.
with Bridges Arched
ouer them, and the grounds about to be leuelled, whereby the
saide fielde was made somewhat more commodious, but yet it
stood full of noysome waters: Wherepon in the yeare 1527.

Suburbues without the Walles.
Sir Thomas Semor Mayor, caused diuers Slewces
Slewces to conuey the standing water out of the Moore.
to be made, to
conuey the sayde waters, ouer the Towne Ditch, into the course of
Walbrooke, and so into the Thames: and by these degrees, was
this Fenne or Moore, at length made maine and hard ground, which
before béeing ouergrowne with Flagges, Sedges, & Rushes, serued
to no vse, since the which time, also the further groundes beyond
Fensbury Court, haue béene so ouerheigthned with Laystalles of
Doong, that now thrée windmilles are thereon:
Moorefielde raised, & wind
milles set thereon.
the ditches be fil
led vp, and the bridges ouerwhelmed.
And now concerning the inclosures of common grounds about
this citie: Edward Hall setteth downe a note of his time, to wit, in
the 5. or rather the sixt of Henry the eight. Before this time saith he,
the inhabitants of the Townes about London, as Iseldone, Hox
, Shorsdich and others, had so inclosed the common fieldes with
hedges, and diches, that neither the young men of the citie might
shoote, nor the auncient persons walke for their pleasures in those
fieldes, but that eyther their Bowes and Arrowes were taken a
way or broken, or the honest persons arested or indighted: Saying,
that no Londoner ought to goe out of the Cittie, but in the high
wayes. This saying so greeued the Londoners, that suddainly this
yeare, a great number of the Citie, assembled themselues in a mor
ning, and a Turner in a fooles coate, came crying through the cittie,
shouelles and spades, shouelles and spades: so many of the people
followed, that it was a woonder to behold: and within a short space al
the hedges
Hedges pulled downe and diches filled vp.
about the Citie were cast downe, and the diches filled vp,
and euery thing made plaine, such was the diligence of these worke
men. The kings counsaile hearing of this assembly, came to the gray
, and sent for the Mayor, and councell of the citie, to know the
cause, which declared to them, the iniurie and annoying done to the
citizens, and to their liberties, which though they would not séeke
disorderly to redresse, yet the communaltie and young persons could
not be stayed, thus to remedy the same: whē the kings counsaile had
heard their answer, they dissimuled the matter, and commanded the
Mayor to sée that no other thing were attempted, but that they
should forthwith call home the yoonger sort: who hauing spée
dily atchieued their desire, returned home before the Kings
Councell, and the Mayor departed without more harme,

Suburbes without the walles.
after which time (saieth Hall,) these fieldes were neuer hedged,
but now wee see the thing in worse case then euer, before it was
by the meanes of inclosure for gardens,
Banqueting houses like Banqueroutes bearing great shew and little worth.
wherein are builded many
fayre Sommer houses, and as in other places of the Suburbes,
some of them like Midsommer Pageants, with Towers, Turrets
and Chimney tops, not so much for vse, or profites, as for shew
and pleasure, bewraying the vanitie of many mens mindes,
much vnlike to The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified dispositiō of the ancient Citizens, who delighted
in the building of Hospitalles, and Almes houses for the poore and
therein both imployed their wits, and spent their wealthes in pre
ferment of the common commoditie of this our Citie.
But to come backe againe to Moregate and from thence
west through a narrow lane called the Posterne, because it hath
at eyther ende a dore to bee shut in the night season, betwixt the
More ditch inclosed with bricke for Teyntar yards, and the Gar
dens of the said More fielde, to More lane: a parte of the Sub
urbe, without Criples gate,
Suburbe with
out Cripple gate.
and without this Posterne called
Criples gate, also lay a part of the saide More euen to the riuer
of the Wels
(as in another place I haue shewed) and no houses
were there builded, till the later ende of the raigne of William the
and the raigne of his sonne William Rufus, aboute
which times some few houses being there builded along east and
west thwart before the saide gate. One Alfune builded for the
Inhabitants a parish Church which is of S. Giles somewhat
west from the saide gate, on the banke of the Towne ditch, and so
was there a streete since called Forstreete, as standing before the
This Alfune in the raigne of Henry the first became the first
Hospitaler of S. Bartilmewes Hospital in Smithfielde, as in a
nother place I haue noted. And this Parish church of S. Giles
being at the first a smal thing stoode in place where now standeth
the Uicarage house: but hath beene since at diuers times much
enlarged according as the parish hath encreased, and was at the
length newly builded in place where now it, standeth. But the
same new church being large, stronglie builded and richly furnish
ed with ornamentes, was in the yeare 1545. sore brent and con
sumed, notwithstanding it was againe within a short space of

Suburbes without the walles.
time restored as now it sheweth.
Some little distance from the east end of this Church, standeth
a fayre Conduite castellated in Forstreete. Then had yee a Bosse
of sweete water in the wall of the Church yarde now lately made
a Pumpe, but already decayed.
Then had yee a fayre Poole of sweete water neare to the
Church of S. Giles wherein Anne of Lodbery was drowned
as I haue before declared.
In the east end of Forestreete is More lane, then next is
Grubstreete, of late yeares inhabited (for the most part by Bow
yers, Fletchers, Bowstring makers, and such like, occupations,
now little occupied, Archerie giuing place to a number of Bow
ling Allies and dycing houses in all places are increased, and too
much frequented.
This streete stretcheth north to Euerades well streete which
thwarteth it to White Crosse streete, the next from Forestreete
North is White Crosse streete, likewise extending it selfe vp to the
west end of Euerades well streete, and from the ende thereof
to Ealdstreete.
From the west ende of Forstreete lyeth Red crosse street from
the which Crosse on the right hand east lyeth Bech lane, and
reacheth to the White crosse street. From that Crosse north ly
eth Golding lane which stretcheth vp to a Crosse in Ealdestreete
which Golding lane on both the sides is replenished with many
Tenementes of poore people.
On the left hand and west of the Red Crosse lyeth a streete
of old time, called Houndes ditch, and of later time named Barbi
, of such cause as I haue before noted. And thus haue you
all the suburbe without Criplegate being almost altogether in the
parish of S. Giles which hath more then 1800. Householders,
and aboue 4000. Communicantes.
Without Aldersgate on the left hand is the parish Church of
S. Buttolph
on the north side of the which church lyeth a way
called Little Britaine streete, towardes the Priorie of Saint
in Smithfielde, but the high way without Alders
Suburbe with
out Aldersgate
runneth straight north from the saide gate vnto Houndes
or Barbican streete on the right hand, and Long lane on the
left hand which runneth into Smithfielde.

Suburbes wthout the walles.
Then from the farther ende of Aldersgate streete, straight
north to the Barre is called Goswell street replenished with smal
Tenementes, Cottages and Allies, Gardens banqueting houses,
and Bowling places.
Beyond these Bars,3 leauing the Charterhouse on the left hand
or the west side the way stretcheth vp towardes Iseldon, and on
the right hand, or east side at a red Crosse turneth into Ealdstreet
(so called, for that it was the old high way from Aldersgate streete
for the northeast partes of England before Bishopsgate was buil
ded) which streete runneth East to a Smithes Forge, sometime
a Crosse before Shoreditch Church from whence the Passengers
and Carriages were to turne North to Kinges land, Totenham,
Waltham, Ware, &c.
There was sometime in this suburbe without Aldersgate an
Hospitall without Al
for the poore, but an Alien of Cluny, a French order
and therefore suppressed by king Henry the fift, who gaue The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified house
with landes and goods, to the parish of S. Buttolph and a Bro
therhoode of the Trinitie was there founded which was afterward
suppressed by Henry the eight or Edwarde the sixt.
There is at the farthest north corner of this Suburbe a wind
mill which was sometime by a Tempest of winde ouerthrowne
and in place thereof a Chappell was builded by Queene Kathe
(first wife to Henry the eight,) who named it the mount of
The Mount.
because it was of Christes passion, and was in the end
of Henry the eight pulled downe, and a Windmill newly set vp
as afore.
Without Newgate lyeth the west, and by North Suburbe,
Suburbe with
out Newgate.
on the rThis text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)ight hand or Northside whereof betwixt the saide gate and
the Parish of S. Sepulchre turneth a way towards west Smith
, called as I haue shewed Giltspurre streete, or Knightridars,
street, then is Smithfielde it selfe compassed about with buildinges
as I haue before declared in Faringdon warde without.
And without the Barre of west Smithfield lyeth a large stréet
or way called of the house of S. Iohn theThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (SM)re S. Iohns streete and
stretcheth towarde Iseldon, on the right hand whereof stoode the
late dissolued Monasterie, called the Charter house founded by Sir
VValter Many
knight, a stranger borne Lord of the towne of

Suburbes without the walles.
Many in the Dioces of Cambrey, beyond the seas, who for seruice
done to king Edwarde the third was made knight of the Garter.
This house he founded vpon this occasion, a great Pestilence en
tring this Iland, began first in Dorset shire, then proceeded into
Deuonshire, Somerset shire, Glocester shire, and Oxforde shire,
and at length came to London, and ouerspread all England, so
wasting the people, that scarse the tenth person of all sortes was
left aliue, and Churchyards were not sufficient to receiue the dead
but men were forced to chuse out certain fieldes for burials, where
upon Ralph Stratforde Bishop of London, in the yeare 1348.
bought a peece of ground called no mans land, which he inclosed
with a wall of Bricke and dedicated for buriall of the deade, buil
ded thereupon a proper Chappell, which is now enlarged and
made a dwelling house, as this burying plot is, became a fayre
Garden, retayning the olde name of Pardon Church yarde.
After this in the yeare 1349. the saide Sir Walter Many in re
spect of danger that might befall in this time of so great a plague
and infection, purchased thirteene acres and a rode of ground ad
ioyning to the said no mans land, and lying in a place called Spit
tle Crost
, because it belonged to S. Bartilmewes Hospitall, since
that called the New Church Haw, and caused it to be consecrated
by the saide Bishop of London, to the vse of Burialles.
In this plot of ground there was in that yeare more then
50000. persons buried, as I haue reade in the Charters of Ed
the thirde
: Also I haue seene and read an inscription fixed
on a stone crosse, sometime standing in the same Church yard and
hauing these wordes: Anno Domini 1349. regnante
magna pestilentia consecratum fuit hoc coemiterium, in
quo & infra septa presentis monasterii sepulta fuerunt mor
tuorum corpora plusquam quinquaginta millia, præter alia
multa abhinc, vsque ad presens, quorum animabus propiti
etur Deus, Amen
. In consideration of the number of Christian
people here buried, the saide Sir VValter Many caused first
a Chappell to be builded, where for the space of 23. yeares offe
ringes were made, and in the yeare 1371. hee caused there to bee
founded an house of Carthusian Monkes, which hee willed to be called the Salutation, and that one of the Monkes should be called

Suburbes without the walles.
Prior, and he gaue them the saide place of thirteene Acres and a
Rode of land with the Chappell, and houses there builded for their
habitation: But the three Acres of land lying without the walles
on the north part betwixt the landes of the Abbote of Westmin
, the landes of the Prior of S. Iohn, (which three Acres were
purchased, inclosed and dedicated by Ralph Stratforde Bishop of
London, as is afore shewed,) remained till our time, by the name
of Pardon Church yard, & serued for burying of such as desperately
ended their liues, or were executed for Felonies, who were fetched
thether vsually in a close cart, vayled ouer and couered with blacke,
hauing a plaine white Crosse thwarting, and at the fore ende a
S. Iohns Crosse without, and within a Bell ringing whereby
the Cart might be heard when it passed, and this was called the
Frery Cart, which belonged to S. Iohns, and had the priueledge
as Sanctuarie. In this Charter house be the monumentes of the
saide Sir VValter Many and Margaret his wife, Marmeduke
, Lawrence Brumley, knight, Sir Edwarde Heder
knight, Sir William Many knight, Dame Iahan Borough
Iohn Dore, Want water knight, Robert Olney Esquier, Ka
daughter to Sir VVilliam Babington knight, Blanch
daughter to Hugh Waterton, Katherine wife to Iohn at Poote
daughter and heire to Richarde Lacie, VVilliam Rawlin,
Sir Iohn Lenthaine and Dame Margaret his wife, daughter to
Iohn Fray, Iohn Peake Esquier, William
, and William Baron Esquier, Sir Thomas Thawites knight.
In the Cloystrie monuments of Bartilmew Rede knight, Mai
or of London, buried 1505. Sir Iohn Popham &c.
This Monastery at the suppression in the 29. of Henry the 8.
was valued at 642 £. foure pence halfepenny yearely.
A little without the Bars of west Smithfielde is Charter
house lane
so called, for that it leadeth to the said plot of the late dissolued monasterie in place whereof, first the Lord North, but
since Thomas Howarde late Duke of Norfolke, haue made
large and sumptuous buildinges both for lodging and pleasure. At
the gate of this Charterhouse
Conduite by the Charter
is a fayre water Conduite with
two Cockes seruing the vse of the neighbors to their greate com

Suburbes without the walles.
Saint Iohns streete from the entring this lane is also on both
the sides replenished with buildinges vp to Clarken well. On the
left hand of which streete lyeth a lane called Cow crosse, of a crosse
sometime standing there, which lane turneth downe to another
lane called Turnemill streete which stretcheth vp to the west
side of Clarken well, and was called Turnemill streete, for such
cause as is afore declared.
One other lane there is called S. Peters lane, which turneth
from S. Iohns streete to Cow Crosse.
On the left hand also stoode the late dissolued Priorie of
S. Iohn of Ierusalem
in England, founded aboute the yeare of
Christ, 1100. by Iorden Brises Baron and Muriell his wife,
neare vnto Clarkes well besides west Smithfielde, which Brian
hauing first founded the Priory of Nuns at Clarkes well bought
of them ten acres of land, giuing them in exchange ten acres of land
in his Lordshippe of Welling hal in the County of Kent, S. Iohns
was dedicated by Eraclius Patriarke of the whole resur
rection of Christ at Ierusalem, in the yeare 1185. and was the
chiefe seate in England of the religious knightes of S. Iohn of
, whose profession was besides their dayly seruice of
God to defend Christians against Pagans, and to fight for the
Church, vsing for their habite a blacke vpper garment, with a
white crosse on the fore parte thereof, and for their good seruice
was so highly esteemed, that when the order of Templars was
dissolued, their landes & possessions were by Parliament granted
vnto these, who after the losse of Ierusalem recouered the Isle of
Rodes from the Turke, and there placed themselues, being cal
led thereof for many yeares knightes of the Rhodes, but after the
losse thereof 1523. they remoued to the Isle of Malta, manful
ly opposing themselues against the Turkish inuasions.
The Rebels of Essex and of Kent 1381, set fire on this
house, causing it to burne by the space of seauen dayes together,
not suffering any to quench it, since the which time the Priors
of that house haue new builded both the Church and houses there
unto appertayning, which church was finished by Thomas Doc
late Lord Prior there, about the yeare 1504. as appeareth
by the inscription ouer the Gate house, yet remaining, this house

Suburbes without the walles.
at the suppression in the 32. of Henry the eight, was valued to
dispend in landes 3385.£.19.SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. 8 ď yearely, Sir VVilliam
being then Lord Prior, dyed on the same ſeuenth of May,
on which the house was suppressed, so that great yearely pensions
being granted to the knights by the king, and namely to the Lord
Prior during his life 1000.l. he neuer receiued pennie.
The king tooke into his handes all the landes that belonged to
that house and that order wheresoeuer in England, and Ireland,
for the augmentation of his Crowne.
This Priorie Church and house, of S. Iohn was preserued
from spoile, or down pulling, so long as king Henry the eight,
raigned, and was imployed as a store house for the kinges toyles
and tentes, for hunting, and for the wars &c. but in the thirde of
king Edwarde the sixt
, the Church for the most part, to wit the
body and side Isles with the great Bell Tower (a most curi
ous peece of workemanshippe, grauen, guilt, and inameled to the
greate beutifiyng of the Citie, and passing all other that I haue
seene) was vndermined and blowne vp, with Gunpowder, the
stone thereof was imployed in building of the Lorde Protectors
at the Strand: that part of the Quire which remained with
some side Chappels, was by Cardinall Poole in the raigne of
Queene Mary
, closed vp at the west end, and otherwise repayred,
and Sir Thomas Tresham knight was then made Lorde Prior
there, restitution of some lands, but the same was againe suppres
sed in the first yeare of Queene Elizabeth.
There was buried in this Church Brethren of that house, &
knightes of that order
, William Begecote Richarde Barrow
Iohn Vanclay, Thomas Launcelen, Iohn Mallore, William
, VVilliam Hulles, Hils, or Hayles, Iohn Weston, Re
VVilliam Longstrother, Iohn Langstrother, Willi
am Tong
, Iohn Wakeline. Then of other Thomas Thornburgh
Gentleman, VVilliam VVest Gentleman, Iohn Fulling, and
Adam Gill Esquiers, Sir Iohn Mortimor and Dame Elianor
his wife, Nicholas Siluerston, William Plompton Esquier,
Margaret Tong, and Isabel Tong, Walter Bellingham, alias
Ireland, king of Armes of Ireland, Thomas Bedle Gentleman,
Katheren daughter of William Plompton Esquier, Richarde

Suburbes without the walles.
Turpin Gentleman, Iohan Wife to Alexander Dikes, Iohn
, and Richarde Bottle Esquiers, Rowland Darcie,
Richarde Sutton Gentleman, Richarde Bottill Gentleman,
Sir William Harpden knight, Robert Kingston Esquier, and
Margery his wife, Iohn Roch, Richarde Cednor Gentleman,
Symon Mallory Esquier, 1442. William Mallorie Esquier,
Robert Longstrother Esquier, Ralph Asteley Esquier, VVil
liam Marshall
, Esquier, Robert Sauage Esquier, Robert Gon
Esquier, and Margery his wife, William Babthorpe Ba
ron of the Exchequer
Beyond this house of S. Iohns north from the house was the
Priorie of Clarken well so called of Clarkes well adioyning,
which Priorie was also founded aboute the yere 1100. by Iorden
Baron the sonne of Ralph, the sonne of Brian Bryset:
who gaue to Robert a Priest, foureteene Acres of land lying in
the fielde next adioyning to the saide Clarkes well, thereupon to
builde an house of religious persons, which hee builded to the ho
nor of God, and the Assumption of our Lady, and placed therein
Black Nuns, this Iorden Briset gaue also to that house one peece
of ground, thereby to builde a Windmill vppon &c. hee and Muri
his wife were buried in the Chapter house there, and there lye
buried in this Church Iohn Wikes Esquier, and Isabell his
wife, Dame Agnes Clifforde, Ralph Timbleby Esquier,
Dame Iahan Baronnesse of Greystocke, Dame Iahan Lady
Ferrars &c. This house was valued to dispend 262.£. 19. SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGsby
yeare, and was surrendred in the 31. of Henry the eight. Many
fayre houses for Gentlemen and others, are now builded aboute
this Priorie, especially by the high way towardes Iseldon.
So much of the Church which remaineth, (for one great Ile
thereof fell downe) serueth as a Parish church of S. Iohn, for not
onely the Tenementes and neare inhabitantes, but also (as is
afore saide for all vp to Highgate, Moswell &c. Neare vnto this
Church besides Clarkes well, lye diuers other wels, as I tolde
you, namely Skinners well, Fags well, Todewell, Loders wel,
Redewell &c. Now to returne againe to Giltspurre street where
I first began with this suburbe, there standeth the parish church
of Saint Sepulchre
in the Bayly, as is before shewed, from this
street to Turnagaine lane by Hosiar lane, Cow lane & Holborne

Suburbes without the walles.
conduit down Snore hill to Oldborne bridge, and vp to Oldborne
, by Gold lane on the right hand, and Lither lane beyond it, vp
to the Barres, beyond the which barres on the same side is Porte
Poole lane
or Greyes Inne lane, so called of the Inne of Court,
named Greyes Inne, a goodly house there situate, by whom buil
ded or first begun I haue not yet learned, but seemeth to be since
Edward the thirdes time, and is a prebend to Paules Church in
London. This lane is furnished with faire buildings, and many
tenements on both the sides, leading to the fieldes, towards High
gate and Hamsted.
On the high street haue ye many faire houses builded, and lodg
ings for Gentlemen, Innes for trauellers, and such like vp almost
(for it lacketh but little) to S. Giles in the fieldes: amongst the
which buildinges for the most part being very new, one passeth
the rest in largenesse of roomes lately builded, by a widdow
Widow A
lington her building.
time wife to Richard Allington Esquire, which Richard Al
deceased in the yeare 1561. And thus much for that
North side of Oldborne.
Now from Newgate on the left hande or south side lyeth the
Old baylie, and so downe by Seacole lane end to Oldborne bridge,
vp Oldborne hill,
South side of Oldborne.
by Shooe lane and Fewters lane to the barres.4
Beyond the Barres had ye in olde time a Temple builded by
the Templers, whose order first began in the yeare of Christ
1118. in the 19. of Henry the first. This temple was left and fel
to ruine since the yeare 1184. when the Templers had builded
them a new Temple in Fléetstréet, neere to the riuer of Thames.
A great part of this olde Temple was pulled downe but of late in
the yeare 1595. The same was after the Bishoppe of Lincolnes
, where he lodged when he repaired to the Cittie, and Iohn
Bishop in Lincolne,
The Bishop of Lincolnes Inne in Old
Lord Chauncelor in the raigne of
Richard the 3
. was lodged there. It hath of late yeares belonged
to the Earles of Southampton, and is therefore calledua Southam
. One Mayster Roper hath of late builded there, by
meanes whereof, part of the ruines of the old Temple were séene
to remaine builded of Cane stone, round informe as the new tem
ple by Temple barre. Beyond this Southampton house is New
, so called in the raigne of Henry the 3. when hee founded

Suburbes without the walles.
the house of Conuertes, betwixt the Old Temple and the new.
The same stréet hath sithence béene called Chauncery lane, by
reason that king Edward the third annexed the house of Conuerts
by Pattent to the office of Custos Rotulorum, or maister of the
Rolles, in the 15. of his raigne.
In this stréete the first faire building to bee noted on the East
side, is called the Coursitors office, builded with diuers faire lodg
ings for Gentlemen, all of Bricke and timber, by Sir Nicholas
late Lord Keeper of the great seale, deceased in the yeare
Neere vnto this Coursitors Office be diuers faire houses and
large gardens builded and made in a ground, sometime belonging
to one great house on the other side the stréete there made by Raph
Bishop of Chichester. Then was the house of Conuerts
wherein now the Rolles of Chauncerie be kept. Then the Ser
ieants Inne
On the West side towardes the North end thereof was of old
time the church and house of the preaching Friers: the which house
I finde that in the yeare of Christ 1221. the Friers preachers
13. in number came into England, and hauing to their Prior one
named Gilbert de Fraxineto, in company of Peter de la Roche
Bishop of Winchester, came to Canterbury, where presenting
themselues before the Archbishop Stephen, he commanded the said
Prior to preach, whose sermon he liked so well, that euer after he
loued that Order. These Fryers came to London, and had their
first house without the wall of the Citie by Oldborne, neere vnto
the old Temple.
Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent was a great benefactor vn
to these Fryers, and deceasing at his Mannor of Bansted in Sur
, or (after some writers) at his Castle of Barkamsted in Hart
, in the yeare 1242. was buried in their Church, vnto
the which Church he had giuen his place at Westminster, which
the said Fryers
Earle of Kent buried in the Blacke Fryers.
afterward solde to Walter Grey Archbishoppe of
Yorke, & he left it to his successors in that Sea, for euer to be their
house when they shoulde repaire to the Citie of London. And
therefore the same was called Yorke Place, which name so
continued vntill the yeare 1529. that King Henry the eight tooke

Suburbes without the walles.
it from Thomas Wolsey Cardinall, and Archbishoppe of Yorke,
and then gaue it to name White hall.
Margaret sister to the king of Scottes,5 widowe to Geffrey
Earle Marshall deceased 1244. and was buried in this church.
In the yere 1250. the Fryers of this order of preachers through
Christendome and from Ierusalem, were by a Conuocation
Conuocation of black Fry
in Old
sembled together, at this their house by Oldborne to entreat of
their estate, to the number of 400. hauing meat and drinke found
them of almes, because they had no possessions of their owne. The
first day the king came to their Chapter, founde them meate and
drinke and dined with them. An other day the Quéene founde
them meat and drinke: afterward the Bishop of London, then
the Abbot of Westminster, of S. Albones, Waltham, and others.
In the yeare 1276. Gregory Rokesley Mayor, and the Barons
of London graunted and gaue to Robert Kilwerbie Archbishop
of Canterbury, two lanes, or wayes next the stréet of Baynards
, and the Tower of Mountfichet, to bee destroyed. On
the which place the said Robert builded the late new church, with
the rest of the stones that were left of the said Tower. And thus
the blacke Fryers left their Church and house by Oldborne, and
departed to their new. This old Fryer house (iuxta Holborne
saith the Pattent) was by King Edward the first, in the 16. of
his raigne
giuen to Henry Lacy Earle of Lincolne.
Next to this house of Fryers, was one other great house,
sometime belonging to the Bishop of Chichester, whereof Ma
thew Paris
writeth thus: Raph de Noua villa or Neuill, Bi
shop of Chichester, and Chauncellor of England sometime buil
ded a noble house, euen from the ground not farre from the newe
, and house of Conuertes, in the which place hee deceased
in the yeare 1244. In this place after the decease of the said
Bishoppe, and in place of the house of Blacke Fryers, before
spoken of, Henry Lacie Earle of Lincolne, Constable of
Chester, and Custos of Englande, builded his Inne, and
for the most parte was lodged there: hee deceased in this house
in the yeare 1310. and was buried in the new worke, (whereunto
he had been a great benefactor) of S. Pauls church betwixt our La
die Chappell, and S. Dunstones Chappell. This Lincolnes

Suburbes without the walles.
Inne sometime pertaining to the Bishoppes of Chichester as a
part of the said great house, is now an Inne of Court, retayning
the name of Lincolnes Inne as afore, but now lately increased
with faire buildings, and replenished with Gentlemen studious
in the common lawes: this house was greatly increased with new
In the raigne of Henry the eight Sir Thomas Louell was a
great builder there, especially hee builded the gate house and
forefront towardes the east, placing thereon aswell the Lacies
armes, as his owne: he caused the Lacies armes to bee cast and
wrought in leade, on the louer of the hall of that house, which was
in the 3. Escutcheons, a Lyon rampant for Lacie, 7. Masculles
voyded for Quincie, and 3. Wheat sheaues for Chester. This
Louer being of late repayred the saide Escutcheons were left out.
The rest of that side euen to Fléetstreet is replenished with faire
Now the high Oldborne street, from the North end of New
, stretcheth on the left hand in building lately framed, vp to
S. Giles in the fielde, which was an Hospitall founded by Matil
the Quéene, wife to Henry the first, about the yeare 1117.
This Hospital (saith the record of Edward the third the 19. yeare)
was founded without the barre veteris Templi London con
. Moreouer (saith the same Recorde) in the 20. of
Edward the third
, the saide King sent commandement vnder his
great seale, to the Mayor and Sheriffes of London,
Hospitall of S. Giles founded for Leprose persons of the cittie of Lon
and shire of Middlesex.Pattent.
willing them
to make proclamation in euery Ward of the Citie and suburbes,
that all leprous persons, within the saide Citie & suburbes should
auoid within fiftéen daies, and that no man suffer any such leprose
person to abide within his house, vppon paine to forfeite his saide
house, and to incurre the Kinges farther displeasure. And that
they shoulde cause the saide Lepers to bee remoued into some out
places of the fieldes,
All leprose heople to be voided the citie & su
from the haunt or company of all sound peo
ple: wherevpon it followed that the citizens required of the Gar
dian of Saynt Giles Hospitall, to take from them and to keepe
continually the number of fouretéene persons, according to the
foundation of Matilde the Quéen which was for Leprose persons
of the Citie of London and the shire of Middlesex. At this Hos

Suburbes in libertie of the Dutchie.
pitall the prisoners conueyed towards Tyborne, there to be execu
ted, were saluted with a Bowle of Ale, thereof to drinke as their
last refreshing in this life.
Now without Ludgate lyeth the south end of The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified old Baylie, then
downe Ludgate hill by Fléet lane ouer Fléet bridge, vp Fléetstréet
by Shooe lane, Fewters lane, Newstréet, or Chauncery lane & to
Shire lane by the barre on the right hand. And from Ludgate
Suburbe with
out Ludgate.
the left hand or south side by Bride lane, Water lane, Crokers
, Sergeantes Inne, and the new Temple by the Barre,6 all
which is of Faringdon Ward, as is afore shewed.
Liberties of the Dutchie.
NExt without the barre and libertie of the citie of Lon
and the liberties of the Dutchy of Lancaster,
Without the barre of the Citie, called Temple barre, and first of the Dutchy of Lancaster.
the said south side or left hande neere vnto the Riuer
of Thames
, amongst other buildings memorable for
greatnesse, the first was Excester house, so called for
that the same belonged to the Bishop of Excester, and was their
Inne or London lodging: the same hath béene sithence called Pa
, because the Lord William Paget enlarged and posses
sed it. Then is Leycester house so named because Robert Dud
late Earle of Leycester, of late new builded there. And now
Essex house,
Excester house since Leycester house, now Essex house.
of the late Earle of Essex there inhabiting.
Then west was a Chappell dedicate to the Holy Ghost, called
S. Spirit,
Chapell of S. Spirit.
vpon what occasion founded I haue not read.
Then is Milford lane downe to the Thames, why so called I
haue not heard nor can coniecture.
Then was the Bishop of Bathes Inne, lately new builded, for
a great parte thereof by the Lorde Thomas Seamer Admirall,
which came sithence to be possessed by the Earle of Arondell,7 and
thereof called Arundell house.
Next beyond the which on the stréet side, was sometime a faire
Cemitorie (or Churchyard) and in the same a parish Church,
Parish church of S. Mary at the strand.
led of the natiuitie of our Ladie, and the innocents at the Strand,
and of some, by meane of a brotherhood kept there, called of S. Vr
at the Strand

Suburbes without the walles.
And neere adioyning to the said church, betwixt it and the riuer
of Thames
, was an Inne of Chauncery, commonly called Cho
Chesters Inne or Strand Inne an Inne of Chauncery.
(because it belonged to the Bishoppe of Chester) by
others named of the situation Strand Inne.
Then had yee in the high stréete a faire bridge called Strande
, and vnder it a lane or way downe to the landing place
on the banke of the Thames.
Then was the Bishoppe of Chesters Inne, or his London
lodging. And next adioyning to it the Bishoppe of Worcesters
The Bishop of Worcesters Inne.
all which to wit, the parrish of Saint Mary at Strande,
Strand Inne, Strand bridge, with the lane vnder it, the Bishop
of Chesters Inne
, the Bishoppe of Worcesters Inne, with all
the tenementes adioyning were by commandement of Edwarde
Duke of Sommerset
vncle to Edward the sixt, and Lord Protec
tor, pulled downe, and made leuell ground, in the yeare 1549. In
this place whereof he builded that large and goodly house, now cal
led Somerset house.
In the high stréete néere vnto the Strande sometime stoode a
crosse of stone against the Bishoppe of Couentrie or Chester his
house, whereof I reade, that in the yeare 1294. and diuers o
ther times, the Iustices Itinerantes, sate without London, at
the stone crosse ouer against the Bishop of Couentries house, and
sometime they sate in the Bishops house, which was hard by the
Stone crosse at Strand.
Then next is the Sauoy so called of Peter Earle of Sauoy, and
Sauoy house first builded by Peter Earle of Sauoy & Richmond.
sonne to Thomas Earle of Sauoy, brother to Boni
Archbishop of Canterbury, and vncle vnto Helenor wife to
king Henry the third.
He first builded this house in the yeare 1245. and here is some
occasion offered to proue that this Peter of Sauoy was also Earle
of Sauoy. Wherefore out of a booke of the Genealogies of all the
whole house of Sauoy, compiled by Phillebert Pingonio, Baron
of Guzani, remaining in the hands of W. Smith, alias RoThis text is the corrected text. The original is n (CH)uge
dragon officer of armes, I haue gathered this. Thomas Earle of
Thomas Earle of Sauoy his pedegrie by occasion.
had issue by Beatrix daughter to Aimon Earle of Geneua
9. sons, & 3. daughters: Amades his first son succeeded Earle of Sa
in the yere 1253. Peter his second son, Earle of Sauoy, and of

Suburbes without the walles.
Richmond, in 1268. Philip his third sonne Earle of Sauoy and
Burgundie, 1284. Thomas the 4. Earle of Flaunders and prince
of Piemon, Boniface the eight, Archbishop of Canterbury, Bea
Beatrix sister to Peter Earle of Sauoy, mo
ther to fiue Queenes.
his daughter maried to Reymond Beringarius of Aragon,
Earle of Prouince and Narbone, had issue, & was mother to fiue
Quéenes: The first Margaret wife to Lewes king of Fraunce,
2. Elianor wife to Henry the 3. King of England: 3. Sanctia,
wife to Richard king of Romaines. 4. Beatrix, wife to Charles
king of Naples
. 5. Iohanna, wife to Philip king of Nauarre.
8 To returne againe to the house of Sauoy, Quéene Eleanor wife
to king Heury the third, purchased this place afterwardes of the
Fratres de mōte Iouis or Priory de Cor
nuto by haue
ring at the boowre.
or brethren of Montioy (vnto whome Peter as it sée
meth gaue it) for her sonne Edmond Earle of Lancaster (as M.
hath noted out of a register booke, of the Dukes of Lan
, Henry Duke of Lancaster repaired or rather new buil
ded it with the charges of 52000. Markes, which money hee had
gathered together at the towne of Bridgerike.
Iohn the French King was lodged there, in the yeare 1357.
and also in the yeare 1363. for it was at that time the fayrest
Mannor in England.
In the yeare 1381. the rebelles of Kent and Essex burnt this
house, vnto the which there was none in the realme to be compa
red in beauty, and statelinesse (saith mine Author.) They set fire
oThis text is the corrected text. The original is u (SM)n it round about, and made Proclamation that none (on payne
to lose his head) should conuert to his own vse any thing that there
Sauoy brent blowne vp with GuThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (SM)n
but that they should breake such plate and vessell of Gold and
siluer, as was found in that house, (which was in great plentie)
into small peeces and throwe the same into the riuer of Thames:
Rebels more malicious thē couetous, spoile all before them.
Precious stones they shoulde bruse in morters that the same
might bee to no vse: and so it was done by them: One of their
companiens they burned in the fire, because he minded to haue re
serued one goodly péece of plate.
They found there certaine barrels of Gunpowder, which they
thought had béene Gold or siluer,
Liber mane script, french.
and throwing them into the
fire, more suddenly then they thought, the Hall was blowne
vppe, the houses destroyed, and themselues verie hardly escaped

Suburbes in libertie of the Dutchie.
This house being thus defaced and almost ouerthrown by these
rebelles for malice they bare to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lanca
of later time came to the Kings hands, and was againe raised
and beautifully builded, for an Hospitall of S. Iohn Baptist, by
king Henry the seuenth, about the yeare 1509, for the which Ho
spitall (retayning still the old name of Sauoy9
Sauoy builded for an Hospi
) he purchased landes
to be imploied vpon the relleuing of an hundred poore people: This
Hospitall being valued to dispend 529. pound, fifteene shillings &c.
by yeare, was suppressed the tenth of Iune, the seuenth of Ed
the sixt
: the beddes, bedding and other furniture belonging
thereunto, with seuen hundred marks of the said landes by yeare,
he gaue, to the Citizens of Londō, with his house of Bridewell, to
the furnishing thereof, to be a workehouse for the poore and idle per
sons, and towardes the furnishing of the Hospitall of S. Thomas
in Southwarke lately suppressed.
Hospitall of Sauoy sup
This Hospitall of Sauoy
Hospitall of Sauoy a new foundation thereof.
was againe new founded, erected, cor
porated and endowed with landes by Queene Mary, the thirde of
: in the fourth of her raigne one Iackson tooke posses
sion, and was made maister thereof in the same Moneth of No
. The Ladies of the Court, and Maidens of honour (a
thing not to be forgotten) stored the same of new with beddes, bed
ding and other furniture, in very ample manner &c. and it was by
pattent so confirmed at Westminster the ninth of May the fourth
and fift of Phillip and Mary.
The Chappell of this Hospital serueth now as a Parish church
to the tenements thereof neere adioyning and others.
The next was sometime the Bishoppe of Carliles his Inne,
which now belongeth to the Earle of Bedford, & is called Russell
or Bedford house. It stretcheth from the Hospitall of Sauoy,
West to Iuie bridge. And thus farre on this South side the high
stréete is of the libertie of the Dutchy of Lancaster.
Iuie bridge in the high streete hath a way or low going downe
vnder it, stretching to the Thames: the like as sometime had the
Strand bridge before spoken of.
This whole streete
The street be
twixt Temple Barre and the Sauoy first pa
ued the 24. of Henry the 6.
from Temple Bar to the Sauoy was
commanded to be paued, and Tole to bee taken towards the char
ges thereof in the 24. yeare of Henry the sixt.

Suburbes in libertie of the Dutchie.
Now to beginne againe at Temple Barre ouer against it. In
the high streete standeth a payre of Stockes, and then one large
middle Row of houses and small Tenements builded partly ope
ning to the south, partly towardes the North. Amongst the which
standeth the Parish church of S, Clement Danes so called because
Harolde a Danish king and other Danes were buried there, and
in that Churchyarde, This Harolde whome king Canutus had
by a Concubine, raigned three yeares and was buried at West
, but afterwarde Hardicanutus the lawfull sonne of Ca
, in reuenge of a displeasure done to his mother by expelling
her out of the Realme, and the murder of his Brother Allured,
commanded the body of Harold to be digged out of the earth and
to be throwne into the Thames, where it was by a Fisherman
taken vp, and buried in this Churchyarde. This saide Middle
of houses stretching west to a stone Crosse now headlesse,
by or against the Strand including the saide parish Church of S.
, is wholy of the libertie of Dutchie of Lancaster, which
libertie is gouerned by the Chancelor of that saide Dutchie,
Chancelor of the Dutchie of Lancaster.
at this present, Sir Robert Cecill knight principall Secretarie
to her Maiestie, and one of her Maiesties most Honorable priuie
Councellors, there is vnder him a Stewarde that keepeth court
and Leete for the Queene, giueth the charge and taketh the othes
of euery vnder Officer, then is there foure Burgesses, and 4.
Assistantes to take vp Controuersies, a Bayliffe which hath two
or three vnder Bayliffes that make Arests within that libertie, 4.
Constables, foure Wardens that keepe the Lands and Stocke
for the poore, foure Wardens, for high wayes, a Iury or Inquest
of foureteene or sixteene to present defaultes, foure Alecunners
which loke to assisse of weightes and measures, &c. foure Sca
uengers and a Beadle, and their common Prison is Newgate.
Thus much for the Suburbe in the Libertie of the Dutchie of


  • Drouillard, Tara. Executions. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
  • Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Portsoken Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Farringdon Ward Without. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Cornhill Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Suburbs. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,