The Survey of London (1633): Aldersgate Ward

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THe next is Alders
, taking
name of that North
Gate of the City;
this Ward also
consisteth of divers
Streetes and Lanes,
lying as well with
in the Gate and Wall, as without; and
first, to speake of that part within the
Gate, thus it is. The East part thereof
joyneth unto the West part of Creple
in Engain lane or Maiden lane.
It beginneth on the North side of that
Lane, at Staining lane end, and runneth
up from the Haberdashers Hall, to St.
Mary Staining Church
: and by the
Church East winding almost to VVood
. And west through Oate lane, and
then by the South side of Bacon house in
Noble streete, backe againe by Lilipot
, which is also of that VVard to
Maiden lane, and so on that North side
west to Saint Iohn Zacharies Church,
and to Foster lane.
Now on the South side of Engaine or
Maiden lane, is the west side of Guthe
rons lane
, to Kery lane, and Kery lane it
selfe (which is of this Ward) and backe
againe into Engaine lane, by the North
side of the Goldsmiths Hall, to Foster
, almost wholly of this Ward, which
beginneth in the South toward Cheape,
on the East side, by the North side of
Saint Fosters Church, & runneth downe
North-west by the west end of Engaine
by Lilipot lane, and Oate lane, to No
ble streete
, and through that by Shelly
, (of old time so called, as belong
ing to the Shellies) Sir Thomas Shelley,
Knight, was owner thereof in the first
of Henry the fourth
. It is now called Ba
con house
, because the same was new
builded by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord
Keeper of the great Seale. Downe on
that side by Serjeant Fleetwoods house,MoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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Recorder of London, who also new buil
ded it to Saint Olaves Church in Silver
, which is by the North-west end
of this Noble streete.
Then againe in Foster lane, this Ward
beginneth on the west side therof, over
against the South-west corner of Saint
Fosters Church
, and runneth downe by
Saint Leonards Church, by Pope lane
end, and by Saint Annes lane end, which
Lane is also of this Ward, North to the
stone wall, by the wall of the City,
over-against Bacon house, which stone
wall, and so downe North to Creplegate
on that side, is of Faringdon Ward.
Then have yee the maine streete of
this VVard, which is called Saint Mar
tins lane
, including Saint Martin on the
East side thereof, and so downe on both
the sides to Aldersgate. And these be the
bounds of this VVard within the wall
and gate.
Now, before wee speake of that part
of the wall without, let us say some
what of the Gate it selfe. Aldersgate be
ing very old, ruinous, and in danger of
some further decay; the Lord Maior &
his Brethren, with the advice of the
worthy Commoners, determined to
have it taken downe, and builded again
in beautifull manner. For the more
hastening of which intention, a worthy
M. William Parker, Ci
tizen and Merchāt-Taylor of london, gave three thousand pounds towards the new building of Alders
Master VVilliam Parker, (of
whose Christian and liberall charities,
wee have in briefe manner spoken be
fore) out of his owne bountifull dispo
sition, gave the sum of three thousand
pounds, towards the furtherance of so
good a worke, in new re-edifying and
building the Gate, requiring & appoin
ting (by his VVill) that it should bee
new builded, within the space of three
yeeres after his decease. And the mony
to bee payd (by his Executor) to the
Lord Maior of London, and the Alder
men his Brethren (for the time being)

for the said use of new building the said
Gate, in manner and forme following.
That is to say,
The man
ner and forme of paying the said mony.
200. pounds thereof
at the taking downe of the first Tile:
Other 200. l. thereof, at the laying of
the first stone, which was laid by the
right Worshipfull,
The first Tile was taken downe the last day of March, 1617.
Sir William Cravon,
Knight, and Alderman of the City of
London, on Munday, the 26. day of May,
. Other 200. l. thereof, when the
new building should bee a yard in
height above the ground. Other 200. l.
thereof, when the new building should
be arched over the Gate. And the other
200. l. in full payment, when the said
building shall be full finished. Master
Richard Foxe, Citizen and Clothworker
of London (a most painfull and industri
ous Gentleman) having the oversight,
direction, and ordering of the said buil
VVithout the Gate, the maine street
called Aldersgate streete, runneth up
North on the East side, to the west end
of Hounds-ditch, or Barbican streete: A
part of which streete is also of this
Ward. And on the west side to Long
, a part whereof is likewise of this
VVard. Beyond the which Aldersgate,
is Goswell streeteMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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up to the Barres.
Goswell streetMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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And on the west side of Aldersgate
, by Saint Buttolphs Church, is
Briton streete, which runneth west to a
Pumpe, and then North to the Gate,
which entreth the Church-yard, some
time pertaining to the Priory of Saint
on the East side: and on
the west side towards Saint Bartholo
, to a paire of posts there
fixed. And these bee the bounds of this
Aldersgate VVard without.
The Antiquities bee these: First, in
Staining lane, of old time so called, as
may bee supposed, of Painterstainers
dwelling there.
On the East side thereof, adjoyning to
the Haberdashers Hall,
Almes-houses there.
be ten Almes-houses,
pertaining to the Haberdashers,
wherein bee placed ten Almes people
of that Company, every of them ha
ving eight pence the peece every Friday
for ever, by the gift of Thomas Huntlow,
Haberdasher, one of the Sheriffes, in
the yeere, 1539.
More, Sir George Barne gave them ten
pounds by the yeere for ever.
Then is the small Parish Church of
Saint Mary
, called Staining, because it
standeth at the North end of Staining
. In the which Church, being but
newly builded, there remaine no Monu
ments worth the noting, but one lately
Here lieth the body of George Smithes,
A goodly Monu
ment in South wall of the Chancell.

Goldsmith and Alderman of London,
who tooke to wife, Sarah, the daughter
of Anthony Wolhouse, Citizen, and
Haberdasher of London: by whom hee
had issue foure sonnes and five daugh
ters. He departed this life the eleventh
day of Iuly, Anno Domini, 1615
. be
ing 52. yeeres of age.
To whose memory, Sarah his wife,
being sole Executrix of his last
Will and Testament, at her own
proper cost and charges, caused
this Monument to be erected.
Then is Engaine lane, or Maiden lane,
and at the North-west corner thereof,
the Parish Church of Saint Iohn Zacha
, a faire Church, with the Monu
ments well preserved, of Thomas Lich
, who founded a Chauntry there,
in the foureteenth of Edward the second,
of Sir Nicholas Twiford, Goldsmith,
Maior, 1388. and Dame Margery his
wife: of whose goods the Church was
made and new builded, with a Tombe
for them, and others of their race, 1390.
Drugo Barentine, Maior, 1398. He gave
faire lands to the Goldsmiths: he dwel
led right against the Goldsmiths Hall.
Betweene the which Hall and his dwel
ling house, he builded a Gallory thwar
ting the streete, whereby he might goe
from the one to the other, hee was bu
ried in this Church, and Christian his
wife, 1427. Iohn Adis, Goldsmith,
1400. and Margaret his wife. Iohn Fran
, Goldsmith, Maior, 1400. and Eli
his wife, 1450. I. Sutton, Gold
smith, one of the Sheriffes, 1413. Bar
tholomew Seman
, Gold-beater, Master
of the Kings Mints, within the Tower
of London
, and the Towne of Calice,
1430. Iohn Hewet
, Esquire, 1500. Wil
liam Breakespeare
, Goldsmith, 1461.
Christopher Eliot, Goldsmith, 1505.
Bartholomew Reade, Goldsmith, Maior,

1502. was buried in the Charter-house,
and gave to this Parish 100. l. His wife
was buried here with a faire Monu
ment, her picture in habit of a widow.
Thomas Keyton, Lorimar, 1522. Willi
am Potken
, Esquire, 1537. Iohn Cornish
with an Epitaph, 1470. Robert Fenrbu
, Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffes in
the yeere, 1512.
Hereunder lieth buried sir Nicholas Twi
These words are engraven on an an
ciēt place in the Chancell.
Knight, sometime Lord Maior of
this City, and Dame Margery his wife;
of whose goods this Church was made a
Tombe for themselves, and for many
other more. He died in Anno Domini,
Hic jacet Iohannes Adys,
A faire plated in the South Ile of the Quire.
Civis, & Au
rifaber London, & Margareta uxor
ejus, Obiit ultimo die Februarii,
. Et Margareta, &c.
Here lieth Iohn Hewet,
The like stone close by it.
of London, E
squire, the which Iohn deceased the first
day of May, in the yeere of our Lord God
. and in the fifth yeere of the reigne
of King Henry the seventh
, &c.
Here lieth the body of Iohn Sutton,
The like stone and in the same Ile.
zen, Goldsmith, and Alderman of Lon
, who died the 6. day of Iuly, 1450.
Here lieth buried before this place,
A small Plate with his Armes in the South wall.
the body
of Iohn Strelley, Esquire, who decea
sed the ninth day of December, 1595.
being about 86. yeeres of age.
Here lieth buried within this Ile,
A comely Monumēt in the East end of the South Ile.
the bodies
of Iohn Greenwood, Citizen, and
Painter-Stainer of Lond. who descen
ded of a younger house of Greenwood,
of Greenwoodley in Yorekshire:
And Elizabeth his wife, by whom hee
had many children; but at the time of
their death, left onely one sonne and a
daughter, Robert, and Ioane, which
Robert, after many yeeres spent in this
Parish, was laid by his father and mo
ther the 23. of Iune, 1585. In memory
of whom this Monument was erected by
his sisters sonne, Samuel Thompson, the
sixth of September, Anno 1602.
Hic jacet Dominus Thomas Randolf,
A faire stone within the Chancell doore.

Capellanus. Qui obiit 29. die No
vembris, Anno Domini, 1459
. Cu
jus animae propitietur Deus.
Hic jacet Ioannes Frances,
A very faire pla
ted stone by the Commu
nion Ta
Civis, &
Aurifaber, & quondam Maior Lon
. Qui obiit 13. die Decemb. An.
Dom. 1405
. Cujus, &c.
Hic jacet Elizabeth ux. dict. Ioan. Qui
obiit 11. Mensis Octobris, An. Dom.
. Cujus, &c.
Hic jacet Drugo Barantine,
The like faire pla
ted stone close by the other.
Civis &
Aurifaber, & quondam Maior Lon
. Qui obiit 15. die Mensis De
cemb. An. Dom. 1415
. Cujus, &c.
Hic jacet Christiana, ux. dict. Drugo
. Quae obiit 11. die Mensis Martii,
An. Dom. 1427
. Cujus, &c.
This Monument is erected to the memory
of Sir Iames Pemberton,
A very goodly Monu
ment in the East end in the Chancell.
Knight, who
being Sheriffe of this City at the com
ming in of King IAMES, entertained
neere 40. Earles and Barons in his house
on the day of the Kings being proclai
med. Afterwards, Anno 1612. was
elected Maior of this most honourable
Citie of London. Hee erected a Free-schoole
in the Parish of Ecleston in Lan
, sixteene yeeres before his death,
and gave fifty pounds by the yeere to the
maintaining thereof for ever. Hee gave
also five hundred pounds to Christs Hos
, and two hundred pounds to the
Company of Goldsmiths, besides many
liberall gifts to the poore of his Kinred,
and many other most charitable uses: He
died the eighth day of September, 1613.
aged, 68. yeeres.
Marble nor Touch,
nor Alabaster can
Reveale the worth of
the long buried man:
For oft (we see) mens goods,
when they are gone,
Doe pious deeds, when
they themselves did none.
Mine (while I liv’d) no
goodnesse did expresse,
’Tis not Inscriptions make
them more or lesse:
In Christ I hope to rise
amongst the Iust,
Man is but grasse, all must
to Wormes and Dust.
both enamoured
On worthy PEMBERTON,
in heate of Love,
To be possest of
that each coveted,
Thus did they dialogue,
and thus they strove.
WHat Vertue challengeth,
is but her right.
What Death layes claime to,
who can contradict?
Vertue, whose power
exceeds all other might.
Where’s Vertues power,
when Death makes all submit?
I gave him life;
and therefore he is mine.
That life he held
no longer than I list.
J made him more than
mortall, meere Divine.
How hapt he could not
then Deaths stroke resist?
Because (by Nature)
all are borne to dye.
Then thine owne tongue
yeelds Death the victory.
No, Death, thou art deceiv’d,
thy envious stroke
Hath given him life
immortall, ’gainst thy will:
VVhat life can be, but
vanisheth as smoake?
A life that all thy darts
can never kill.
Have I not lockt his
body in my grave?
That was but dust, and
that I pray thee keepe.
That is as much
as I desire to have,
His comely shape in
my eternall sleepe.
But wher’s his honourable
life, renowne, and fame?
They are but breath,
them I resigne to thee.
Them I most covet.
I preferre my claime,
His body mine.
Mine his Eternity.
And so they ceast,
Death triumphs o’re his grave,
Vertue o’re that which
Death can never have.
And as faire Trophees,
fit to beautifie
His Hearse, Vertue hangs
up these Ornaments:
His Justice, VVisedome,
and Integritie,
His courage, dreadlesse
of what are events,
His upright soule
in that high dignitie,
VVhich London gives
her chiefest Presidents.
Free from compare
with such as went before,
Or should succeed.
It was his sole desire
Truth might report those
actions lesse or more,
Which honest thoughts
did in his heart inspire.
His care of learning
and his liberall minde
Vnto the poore,
love to his Company,
Kinred and Friends, to
whom he was most kinde,
And with whom he dealt
truly bounteously:
These graces better doe
become his Grave,
Than wastfull words
of fruitlesse flattery,
And their due merit
(doubtlesse) he shall have,
Among the blessed
in Eternity.
VVhereto faire Vertue now
hath brought her son,
Worthily honour’d,
A. M.
On the East side of this Foster lane, at
Engaine lane end, is the Goldsmiths
, a proper house, but not large. And
therefore to say that Bartholomew Read,
Goldsmith, Maior in the yeere, 1502.
kept such a feast in this Hall, as some
have fabuled, is farre incredible, and
altogether unpossible, considering the
smalnesse of the Hall, and number of the

guests, which as they say, were more
than 100. persons of great estate. For
the messes and dishes of meats to them
served, the paled Parke in the same
Hall, furnished with fruitfull trees,
beasts of Venery, and other circumstan
ces of that pretended feast well weigh
ed, Westminster Hall would hardly have
sufficed; and therefore I will over-passe
it, and note somewhat of principall
First, J reade, that Leofstane, Gold
smith, was Provost of this City, in the
reigne of Henry the first. Also, that
Henry Fitz Alewin, Fitz Leafstane,
The first Maior of London was a Gold
smith, was Maior of London, in the first
of Richard the first
. Also, that Gregory
, chiefe Say-master of all the
Kings Mints within England (and there
fore by my conjecture,
Principall men of the City, Gold
a Goldsmith)
was Maior in the third of Edward the
, and continued Maior seven yeeres
together. Then William Faringdon,
Goldsmith, Alderman of Faringdon
, one of the Sheriffes, 1281. the
ninth of Edward the first, who was a
Goldsmith, as appeareth in record, and
shall bee shewed in Faringdon Ward.
Then Nicholas Faringdon his son, Gold
smith, Alderman of Faringdon Ward,
foure times Maior in the reigne of Ed
the second
, &c. For the rest of la
ter time are more manifestly knowne;
and therefore I leave them: the men of
this mystery were incorporated or con
firmed in the sixteenth of Richard the
Then at the North end of Noble street
is the Parish Church of Saint Olave in
Silver streete, a small thing, and with
out any note-worthy Monuments, but
these following.
Here under this stone lieth buried the body
of Iohn Darcy,
A faire plated stone in the Chan
second son to Iohn, Lord
Darcy of Ehie
, who died in An. 1593.
aged, 33-yeeres.
Here lieth Grisseild Windsore,
Another stone neer to it.
of Henry, Lord Windsore, and Lady
his wife, daughter and heyre of
Sir Thomas Rivet, Knight, who de
parted this life the seven and twentieth
day of Iune, and in the yeere of our Lord
God, 1600
A Remembrance of Master IOHN
, Chirurgeon, and Li
centiate in Physicke.
GReat men that ne’re did
good in all their dayes,
But at the very instant
of their death,
Finde yet no meane
commenders of their praise,
Although it lasts no
longer than a-breath:
Shall then good men,
though lesser in degree,
Finde none to give
them right and equity?
If one shall say, The great
mans life was such,
So good, so full
of hospitality:
When God doth know,
he ne’re did halfe so much,
Though thus he must
be grac’d with flattery.
Shall meane men, who
such workes truly did,
Be nothing spoken of?
Oh God forbid.
Not then, as equalling
with any Great,
My fatherly good
friend, Iohn Banester:
No more but truth of
thee let me repeate,
A Sonnes Love-teares,
thy body to interre.
That such as knew thee
better same than I:
May say, Thy vertues
did not with thee dye,
Thy Skill and Practice,
that it selfe commends,
Some of the best have
truely found the same,
Not partially employed
to wealthy friends,
But even the poorest wretch,
the sicke and lame
Felt of the best. Some
difference there might be:
The rich payd somewhat,

poore men had it free.
Thy care and cost layd out
for common good,
In greater measure
than came in againe:
But that heavens blessing
with thy bounty stood,
Hardly had stretcht
so many to sustaine.
But it is true: The
liberall heart God loves,
And from him still all
cause of lacke removes,
Thy weekly charity
given to the poore
In Bread, beside, in
money from thy Purse:
Even in the hardest yeeres
dealt at thy doore,
When some repin’d that
every day did worse;
Makes poore men say:
Our good reliefe is gone,
Let them goe to thy
find-faults and have none.
Poore maymed Souldiers,
sore-sicke hearted men,
That under miseries
hard Crouch did bow,
Were freely cur’d, me thinkes
they cry: Lord, when,
Where shall we finde
our good Physician now?
I doubt not, but some
others will as much:
Yet (in these dayes) we
finde not many such.
Sleepe then, thou happy
Soule, in endlesse rest,
All good mens groanes
be powred on thy grave:
Live thou in Abrahams
bosome with blest;
Where Faith and VVorkes
due recompence shall have,
My sight growes dimme,
sighing my heart makes sore:
Teares blot my paper,
I can write no more.
On the west side of Foster lane is the
small Parish Church of S. Leonards, for
them of St. Martins le graund. A num
ber of Tenements being lately builded
in place of the great Collegiate Church
of Saint Martin
, that Parish is mighti
ly increased.
In this Church remaine these Monu
ments: First, without the Church is
graven in stone on the East end, Iohn
Broke it well
, an especiall re-edifier or
new builder thereof.
In the Quire graven in brasse, Ro.
, Grocer, 1507.
Robert Traps, Goldsmith, 1526. with
this Epitaph:
When the Bels be merrily rung,
And the Masse devoutly sung:
And the meate merrily eaten,
Then shall Robert Traps his wife
and children be forgotten.
Sub hoc Marmore requiescit corpus
Humfred. Barret,
A stone at the en
tring into the Quire
filli Iohannis Bar
, Generosus. Qui obiit, An. Do
mini 1501.
Live to Dye.
All flesh is grasse,
A faire stone in the Chan
cel, name
and needs must fade,
To earth againe, whereof it was made.
Felici, piae, & munificentissimae fe
A faire Monu
ment in the North wall of the Chancell.
Iodocae Franckland viduatae,
siliae Roberti & Ioannae Trappes
Londinensium: Gratitudinis hoc of
ficii & pietatis Monumentum adop
tione filii Principalis & Scholares
Collegii de Brasennose apud Oxoni
ensee exhibùûre.
Dilecti cineres, non sic
requiescitis urna
In tenui, ut vobis sola haec
monumenta parantur,
Quae tandem vel sera
dies pessundare possit:
Aenea vos monumenta tegunt,
vivumque Trophaeum
(Aeternum meruistis enim
vivumque Trophaeum)
Vobis vestra dedit Iodoca,
perenniùs aere,
Nes etenim aeternumqne omnes,
quos postera nobis
Secla dabunt vobis sumus
immortale Sepulchrum.
Then in Pope lane, so called of one Pope
that was owner thereof, on the North

side is the Parish Church of Saint Anne
in the willowes
, so called, I know not
upon what occasion: but some say, of
willowes growing thereabouts: but
now there is no such voide place for
willowes to grow, more than the
Church-yard, wherein doe grow some
high Ash trees.
This Church by causualty of fire, in
the yeere 1548. was burnt, so farre as it
was combustible; but since being new
ly repaired, there remaine a few Monu
ments of antiquity, of Thomas Lekhimp
, Clarke of the Pipe, who was buried
there, 1499. Ralph Caldwell, Gentleman
of Greyes Inne, 1527. Iohn, Lord Shef
, Iohn Herenden, Mercer, Esquire,
1572. And these Verses are on an anci
ent Table, hanging in the Quire.
Vt tibi praeceptis mens
conformetur honestis,
Sex animo semper,
sunt repetenda tuo.
Principio Deus est, noster
servator & Author,
Hostis in opposita
stat regione Sathan.
Tertia res praesens est,
vita simillima ventis,
Mors sequitur nobis,
quae prope semper adest.
Ordine sunt quinto,
Coeli palatia summis,
Tartara sunt sexto,
constituenda loco.
Haec animo tacitè secum,
qui saepe revolvit,
Miror in hoc vitij,
siquid inesse potest.
Gualterus Haddonus.
A table in the North Ile of the Chancell.
Quos anguis Tristi de iro cum vulnere strauit
hos sanguis Christi miro Tum munere lauit
Corda, manus, oculos,
aures, animosque levemus,
Et Domino, voces, sua sunt,
& ei sua demus.
Quos amor aeterno vivos
in foedere junxit,
Concordes tumulo mors
sic conjunxit in uno.
Non sors unanimes, nec
mors disjungit amantes,
Sed post fata vides
inviolata amant.
Here lieth buried the body of Edward He
A hand
some smal Monumēt in the North wal of the Quire.
Esquire, Citizen and Mercer
of London, and Millescent his wife,
daughter of Richard Samond, of An
sley Woodhouse
, in the County of
Nottingham, Esquire: who had issue
then living, Edmund, Henry, and Sey
their sonnes; Frances, Martha,
, and Judith, their daugh
ters: which Edward Herenden was
sonne and heyre of Richard Herenden
of West Farleige, in the County of Kent,
Esquire, An. 1572.
Memorare novissima, & in
aeternum non peccabis.
Eccles. 7.
Here lieth the bodies of Edmund Heren
A smaller Monumēt by the other.
Gentleman, sonne and heyre of Ed
ward Herenden
, Esquire, whose Mo
nument next adjoyneth. Which Ed
had to his first wife, Helen,
daughter of William Dunkeyn, Citi
zen, and Merchant-Taylor of London:
And he had issue by her nine sonnes, and
foure daughters. Hee had to his second
wife, Helen, daughter of Iohn Bird,
Citizen and Draper of London. Obiit
10. die Aprilis, 1590
Here-under this stone lieth the body of Ste
phen Brakynbury
A faire plated stone un
der the Commu
nion table.
Gent. Vsher to King
Henry the 8. Edward the 6. Queene
, and Queen Elizabeth, and Ioan
his wife: which Stephen died the 2. day
of Febru. An. 1563
. & Ioane died, &c.
Orate devotè pro anima
Magistri Ioannis Pem
Another stone by the Com
munion Table.
utriusque Juris
Baccalaurii, quond. Resi
dentiar. Eccles. Cath. de
Rippon, Ebor. Diocesis, hujus{que} alius
Eccles. Rectoris. Qui obiit 12. die
Septemb. An. Dom. 1499
. Cujus, &c.
William Gregory, Skinner, Maior of Lon
in the yeere 1451. was there buried,
and founded a Chauntry, but no Mo
nument of him remaineth.
Then in St. Martins lane was (of old
time) a faire and large Colledge, of a

Deane and secular Canons or Priests,
and was called Saint Martins le graund,
founded by Ingelricus, and Edwardus his
brother, in the yeere of Christ, 1056.
and confirmed by William the Conque
, as appeareth by his Charter dated
1068. This Colledge claimed great
priviledges of Sanctuary,
Lib. S. Mar
and other
wise, as appeareth in a booke written
by a Notary of that house, about the
yeere 1442. the nineteenth of Henry the
, wherein amongst other things, is
set downe and declared, that on the first
of September, in the yeere aforesaid
, a
Souldier, prisoner in Newgate, as hee
was led by an Officer towards the Guild
of London, there came out of Panyer
five of his fellowship, and tooke
him from the Officer, brought him into
Sanctuary, at the West doore of Saint
Martins Church
, and tooke grithe of
that place. But the same day Philip
, and Robert Marshall, then She
riffes of London, with many other entred
the said Church, and forcibly tooke out
with them the said five men thither
fled; led them fettred to the Compter,
and from thence chained by the neckes
to Newgate: of which violent taking,
the Deane and Chapter in large man
ner complained to the King, and requi
red him as their Patron, to defend their
priviledges, like as his Predecessors had
done, &c. All which complaint and
sute, the Citizens by their councell,
Markam, Serjeant at the Law, Iohn
Argument against priviledge challen
ged by the Deane of S. Martins.
late Common Clarke of the
City, and other, learnedly answered,
offering to prove, that the said place of
Saint Martin had no such immunity or
liberty as was pretended; namely, Car
offered to lose his live-lode, if that
Church had more immunity than the
least Church in London: notwithstanding,
after long debating of this con
troversie, by the Kings commande
ment, and assent of his Councell in the
Starre-Chamber, the Chancellour and
Treasurer sent a Writ unto the Sheriffs
of London, charging them to bring the
said five persons, with the cause of their
taking, and withholding afore the King
in his Chancery, on the Vigill of All
. On which day, the said She
riffes, with the Recorder and Councell
of the City, brought and delivered
them accordingly, afore the said Lords,
whereas the Chancelor, after hee had
declared the Kings commandement,
sent them to Saint Martins, there to a
bide freely, as in a place having franchi
ses, whiles them liked, &c.
Thus much out of that Booke have I
noted concerning the Priviledge of that
place, challenged in those dayes; since
the which time, to wit, in the yeere
1457. the 36. of the said Henry the sixth,
an Ordinance was made by the King
and his Councell, concerning the said
Sanctuary men in S. Martins le graund,
whereof the Articles are set downe in
the Booke of K. within the Chamber of
the Guild hall, in the leafe 299.
Henricus Dei gratia, Rex Angliae &
Franciae, & Dominus Hyberniae:
Omnibus ad quos presentes literae
perventium, salutem. Inspeximus te
norem quondam ordinationis, con
cessionis, & stabilimenti certorum
Articulorum infra Sanctuarin li
berae Capellae nostrae, S. Martini
infra Civitatem nostram London
observandam & custodiendam, co
ram Nobis & Concilio nostro, 5. die
Februarii ultimo praeterito, apud
Westmon. in Camera Stellata, or
dinatorum & stabilitorum, Nobis
in Cancellar. nostram de mandato
nostro missum factū in haec verba:
THe fifth of Feverer,
Set downe according to the English then used, and as it standeth in the Re
the yeere of
the Reigne of our Soveraigne
Lord, King Henry the 6. thirty
: at Westminster, in the Sterred Cham
, our said Soveraigne Lord, calling
to his high remembrance, the good and
blessed entent that his full Noble Pre
genitours have at all times had, to the
honour, worship, conservation and wele
of the Free Chappell of Saint Martins,
within the Citie of London, of the
which the King our said Soveraigne
Lord is founder and Patron: desiring
to doe all that may serve to th’ ease and
restful roule of the same; and conservati
on of the Sanctuary, Immunity, Privi
leges and Liberties, as appertaine to
the said Chappell and place, willing

that hereafter none occasion be yeven,
to the breach or hurting of them.
Offence taken by the City, against the indi
rect cour
ses used in the San
membring also the great complaints,
grudging, and displeasure that his sub
jects have taken, and specially the Citi
zens and Commonalty of the said City
of London, of the demeaning of misru
led persons comming and abiding in
the said place, under umbre and colour
of the Sanctuary there, the which have
at divers times issued out of the said
Sanctuary, and committed many ry
ots, robberies, man-slaughters, and o
ther mischiefes; where-through the
said Sanctuary hath be greatly dislaun
dered, and (over that) great inconve
nience like to ensue.
After great deliberation and com
munication had as well with Doctors
of Divinity, as of Law Civill and Ca
nonicall, called also thereto the Iudges
of this our Land, and their advices had
in that behalfe, other men also of great
wisedome and experience for the
weale and conservation of the said San
ctuary, and to eschew the said misgo
vernance and mischiefe, called also be
fore our said Soveraigne Lord and his
Councell the Maior and the Aldermen
of the said City, and Master Richard
, Deane of the said place of
Saint Martins.
Order from the King and his Coun
cell to the Deane of the San
Our said Soveraigne
Lord (by the advice of his Councell a
bove said) Ordained, granted, and esta
blished certaine Articles under writ
ten, to bee kept and observed within
the said Sanctuary, from this time
forth, without any interruption of
them. VVilling and ordaining, that
the said Deane that now is promit by
his oath the observance of the same
for the time that hee shall bee Deane
there. And that every Deane after him
in his admission to the said Deanary,
be sworne to keepe the said Articles in
semblable wise, and make them to bee
kept within the said Sanctuary: the
which Articles beene such as follow:
1. First,
For fugi
tives clai
ming be
nefit of the San
ctuary, & the causes moving thkm thereto.
That every person fugitive
comming unto the said Sanctuary for
tuition, and challenge to enjoy the im
munities and priviledges thereof, at his
entree, as soone as hee commodiously
and reasonably shall now present him
selfe unto the said Deane, his Commis
sarie, or Depute in that behalfe, and
before him declare the cause of the
feare moving him to come to the said
Sanctuary, be it for treason, felony,
surmised upon him, or for other causes,
and that the said declaration and cause
bee registred in the common Register,
ordained therefore in the said Sanctu
ary, and the name of the said fugitive.
2. Item, That hee at his first entree
present and deliver unto the said
Deane, Commissary, or Depute, all
manner of weapon and armour that
hee bringeth with him as well invasive
as defensive,
Against armour & weapons in the Sanctuary
and that he be not suffered
to weare or use any such weapon or ar
mour, or it to have in his keeping with
in the said Sanctuary in any wise, Ex
cept a reasonable knife, to kerve with
all his meate, and that the said knife be
3. Item, That every ervaunt and o
pen Theefe,
For theeves, felons, murde
rers, and infamous persons.
Robber, Murderer, and
Felon, notoriously noised by the com
mon fame of the people, or if the said
Deane, Commissary, or Depute bee
credibly informed, or due proofe bee
yoven or made, that hee is such one
repairing to the said Sanctuary, to
the intent that hee shall not (under co
lour of the said Sanctuary) intend to
doe further mischiefe, finde sufficient
seurte to bee made unto the King, as
well by his owne obligation, as by the
obligations of other, of his good bea
ring for the time of his abode (within
the said Sanctuary, and for a quar
ter of a yeere after his departing out
of the same. And that hee bee kept in
ward into the time hee have found and
made the said seurte: And if it so bee,
that it bee complained or shewed un
to the Kings Highnesse,
ning secu
rity for good be
haviour to be gi
that the said
seurte bee not sufficient, that then at
the commandement of the said Coun
cell (if it bee thought necessary) the
said Deane, Commissary, or Depute
shall take other and better securte, or
else commit them to ward unto the
time better securte bee sound. Fore
seene alway that if the said fugitive
will depart out of the said Sanctua
ry, that hee may so doe when hee
4. Item, That all the out gates, as
well posternes, doores, as all other issues

outward whatsoever they be of the said
For close keeping the gates and po
sternes of the San
ctuary nightly.
bee surely closed and shut
nightly at nine of the clocke. And so
remaine shut from the same houre, un
to sixe of the clocke in the morning,
from the Feast of Alhallowes,1 unto the
Feast of Candlemasse.2 And the rema
nent of the yeere nightly from the said
houre of nine unto foure of the clocke
in the morning, or unto the time that
the first Masse beginneth within the
said place: And that all those that been
fled to the said Sanctuary for treason
or felony, bee within the closure on
nights time.
5. Item,
For bring
ing stolne goods in
to the Sanctuary▪
If any such theefe, murde
rer, or felon resort to the said Sanctu
ary for tuition of the same, with any
manner robbery, or stollen goods, if
the party robbed make fresh sute there
fore, and prove by open evidence, that
the same felon hath brought into the
said Sanctuary the said goods so
stolne thence, the said Deane, Com
missary, or Depute, shall put in true
devoire, withouten any dissimulation,
fraud, or malengyne, to make full re
stitution unto the party so grieved of
the same stolne goods, if they can bee
had. And semblably, if any Fugitive
come to the said Sanctuary with other
mens goods, merchandize, or things,
intending there to live with the same:
And the owner of the said goods, mer
chandize, or things, make proofe that
they bee his, and verifie that they bee
brought into the said Sanctuary, the
said Deane, Commissary, or Depute
shall put him in full devoire, to make
restitution, to the party so proving, that
the same goods, merchandizes, or
things were his. And no Fugitive, nor
none dwelling within the said Sanctu
ary shall receive, conceale, nor buy
any such goods; but that they bee
brought to the said Deane, Commis
For resti
tution or amends making to the ow
or Depute, to the intent the ow
ners may have the sooner knowledge
of them. And if the said goods so
stolne and brought to the said Sanctu
ary, be concealed from the said Deane,
Commissary, or Depute, and bought
by any dwelling in the said Sanctuary:
that then the ouyer (abiding there)
make restitution or satisfaction to the
party grieved, proving the said goods
so stolne to bee his, and so sold in the
same Sanctuary.
6. Item,
For offen
ces com
mitted by Sanctuary persons.
If any person having tuiti
on of the said Sanctuary, from thence
issue out by day or by night, and com
mit or doe any robbery, murder, trea
son, felony, or battery, without the
said Sanctuary. And thereupon resort
againe to the said Sanctuary for tuition;
the said Deane, Commissary, or De
pure, shall upon credible information
given unto him of the said robbery,
murder, treason, felony, or battery so
done (withoutensorth) commit the
same misdoer to ward, there to remaine
as long as he will abide in the said San
ctuary. And if so bee hee will depart
from thence, he shall depart at an houre
to be assigned unto him by day betwixt
sunne and sunne.
7. Item,
For Pick
lockes, counter
feiters of divers no
torious crimes.
That subtle pickers of
Lockes, counterfeitours of Keyes, con
trivers of Sealx, forgers of false eviden
ces, workers of counterfeit Chaines,
Beades, Brouches, Ouches, Rings,
Cups, Spoones silvered, and plates of
Copper gilt, uttered for Gold, unto the
common hurt of the people, be not suf
fered in the said Sanctuary. And if any
being within the said Sanctuary be hol
den suspect of the things abovesaid, let
him be committed to ward, till he find
sufficient surety, as in the third Article
8. Item,
For strum
pets, bawdes, & other foule li
That common Putuers,
Strumpers, and Bawdes be not suppor
ted in the said Sanctuary: And if they
claime the tuition of the said Sanctu
ary, that they bee set in open ward on
day times, till shame cause them to de
part, or to amend their vicious living.
9. Item,
Against unlawfull games.
That deceitfull games, as
playes at hazzard, the Dice, the Guek,
the Kayelles, the Cloysh, and other
such unleefull and reprovable games
bee not used, supported, nor cherished
within the said Sanctuary.
10. Item,
For Artifi
cers dwel
ling in the San
That all Artificers dwel
ling within the said Sanctuary (as well
Barbours as other) keepe holy the
Sundayes and other great Festivall
dayes without breach, or exercising of
their craft, in such wise as done the
Inhabitants of the said City of Lon
. And if they doe the contrary,
to bee committed to ward, till they

finde sufficient surety, as in the third
Article abovesaid, to use their crafts
in manner and forme as doe the Inhabi
tants of the said City, and according to
the ordinances of the same City.
11. Item,
For such as come to live in the San
ctuary, to take an oath.
That every person com
ming to the said Sanctuary for immu
nity and tuition of the same, that hee at
his admission to the said Sanctuary, bee
sworne on a booke, to obey, keepe, and
observe the Articles abovesaid, and e
very each of them with their pains and
rules appertaining to the same. And the
King by the advice abovesaid would,
granted and ordained, that this Act be
exemplified under his great Seale, and
be enrolled in his Chancellary, to the
intent that the ordinance abovesaid re
maine of Record, and that his subjects
may have knowledge thereof.
Nos autem tenore praecedentium ad requi
sitinem dilecti & fidelis nostri Galfridi
, Maioris Civitatis nostrae Lon
, & Aldemannorum ejusdem Civita
tis, duximus exemplificandum per prae
sentes: In cujus rei testimonium has li
teras nostras fieri fecimus Patentes, Te
ste meipso apud Westmon. 24. die No
vembris, Anno Regni nostri, 36.
Examinatur per Io

Fankes, &
Thomam Ive.

By the meanes and friendly helpe of
Master William Williams, clarke of the
Chamber of London, I prevailed to have
the true copy of the said Articles: and
therefore in this manner have here in
This Colledge was surrendred to
King Edward the sixth, the second of
his reigne
, the yeere of Christ, 1548.
And the same yeere, the Colledge
Church being pulled down, in the East
part thereof a large VVine-Taverne
was builded; and withall, downe to the
west, and throughout the whole pre
cinct of that Colledge, many other hou
ses were builded, and highly priced,
letten to strangers, borne, and other such
as there claimed benefit of priviledges,
granted to the Canons, serving God
day and night (for so bee the words in
the Charter of William the Conqueror)
which may hardly be wrested to artifi
cers, buyers, and sellers, otherwise than
is mentioned in the 21. of S. Matthewes
Matth. 21.
Lower downe, on the west side of
Saint Martins lane, in the Parish of St.
, almost by Aldersgate, is one great
house, commonly called Northumber
land house
: it belonged to Henry Percy.
King Henry the fourth, in the seventh
of his reigne
gave this house, with the
tenements thereunto appertaining, to
Queene Iane3 his wife, and then it was
called her VVardrope: it was afterward
a Printing-house; but now a Taverne.
VVithout Aldersgate, on the East side
of Aldersgate streete, is the Cooks Hall:
Which Cookes (or Pastelars) were ad
mitted to be a Company, and to have a
Master and VVardens, in the two and
twentienth of Edward the fourth
. From
thence, along unto Hounsditch, or Barbi
can streete
, bee many faire houses. On
the west side also be the like faire buil
dings, till yee come to Long lane, and so
to Goswell streete.
In Britaine streete, which tooke that
name of the Dukes of Britaine lodging
there, is one proper Parish Church of
Saint Buttolph
: In which Church was
sometime a Brotherhood of Saint Fa
and Sebastian, founded in the yeere
1377. the 51. of Edward the third, and
confirmed by Henry the fourth, in the
sixth of his reigne
. Then Henry the
, in the 24. of his reigne
, to the ho
nour of the Trinity, gave licence to
Dame Ioane Astley, sometime his Nurse,
to R. Cawood and T. Smith, to found the
same a Fraternity, perpetually to have
a Master and two Custos, with Brethren
and Sisters, &c. This Brotherhood was
indowed with Lands, more than thirty
pounds by the yeere, & was suppressed
by Edward the sixth.
There lye buried, Iohn de Bath, Wea
ver, 1390.
Philip at Vine, Capper, 1396.
Benet Gerard, Brewer, 1403.
Thomas Bilsington founded a Chaun
try there, and gave to that Church an
house, called the Helmet upon Cornhill.
Iohn Bradmote, Chirurgeon, Margaret
and Katharine his wives, 1411.
Iohn Michael Serjeant at Armes,
Allen Bret, Carpenter, 1425.
Iohn Trigilion, Brewer, 1417.
Iohn Mason, Brewer, 1431.
Rob. Cawood, Clerke of the Pope in
the Kings Exchequer, 1466.
I. Hartshorne, Esquire, servant to the
King, 1400. And other of that Fami
ly, great Benefactors to that Church.
W. Marrow, Grocer, Maior, and Ka
his wife, were buried there, a
bout 1468.
The Lady Anne Packington, widdow,
late wife to Iohn Packington, Knight,
Chirographer of the Court of Com
mon Pleas: she founded Almes houses
neere unto the white Friers Church in
Fleetstreet, the Clothworkers in London
have oversight thereof.
Here lye buried the bodies of Richard
An anciēt Tombe in the South Ile of the Quire.
and Joane his wife. which
Richard deceased the day of
1500. And the said Joane dyed the 13.
day of Ianuary, 1519
Hic jacet Johannes Rukeby,
In the South Ile a plated Grave
nuper Ci
vis & Atturnatus London, & Elizabe
uxor ejus. Qui quidem Ioh. obiit
1 die Mensis Septembris, 1427.
The Corps of Iohn Milsam lyeth here,
A grave
stone in the South Ile of the Quire.
Who lived fourescore and one yeere.
Free of the Notaries he was,
a friendly Citizen;
And eke a long time in Guild-Hall,
an Atturney hath been:
Who willingly this mortall life
did yeeld with constant mind,
Inperfect hope through Christ his blood,
th’ immortall life to find:
And now is gone the way before,
that we also must wend;
For Death is due to every man,
by it all things must end.
Ianuary the 18. day, 1567.
Out of this life he tooke the way.
Domina Margareta & Lichtervelde fi
lia Iohannis supremi Flandriae Prae
In the same Ile upon a painted Table.
nuptum primum Nobili viro
Johanni Wits, Topatchae Bouchar
diriae, & Franconatus apud Flandros,
Burghi Magistro: Peperit ei Ferdi
nandum, Jacobum, & Margare
tam,D. Domino Adolpho à Meet
kerck Equiti Aurato, & summo Flan
driae, ex quo Mater facta est Edovar
di, Elizabethae & Salomes. Matrona
excellentissimo ingenio, ornatissimis
moribus, insigni pietate, aliis{que} sum
mis praedita virtutibus. Marito in u
tra{que} fortuna assidua comes, Exiliiq,
postremi fida socia. Vixit Ann. 45.
Mens. 7. dies 14. Piè in Deo obdor
mivit, Idus Novembris, M.D.XC.IIII.
Londini Anglorum. His
additus est tumulus Nobilis viri Pau
li Knibbii, i. Ser. Daniae Regis, Con
siliarii generei supradicti Adolphi à
Meetkerck, qui dum apud Ser. Aug.
Reginam dicti Regis Legatum agit
Lond. Piè defunct. est, 8. Id. Octob.
Cinibus hosce suis
posuit Van Heilus honores
Digna horum meritis
alii Monumenta reponent.
Patience Vaincra.
Here resteth the body of William Purde,
A grave
stone in the same South Ile.

Esquire, late Clerke of the Pipe and Pri
vie Seale, which payed the generall tri
bute of Nature, divided from the mun
dane vexations by natural death, the 15
day of August
, the 31. yeere, in the reigne
of King Henry the eighth
Hic jacet Petrus Swift, de London,
A grave
stone in the same Ile:
neros. dum vixit Auditor Eccles. Ca
thedrali D. Pauli
London. Qui obiit
2. die Septemb. An. Dom. 1562.
Cujus, &c.
Pars Terrestris.
Joannis Coston,
A small Monu
ment on a pillar in the same Ile.
Registrarii sedis Ar
chiepiscopalis Cantuar. Principalis,
Almae{que} Curiae Cant. de Arcubus
Lond. Procuratorum generalium u
nius. Sexaginta annos cum multa pi
etate & probitate sub Polo praeter
gressus, 3. Iulii, 1614. animam effla
vit. Relictis Simone & Anna, flio
& filia unicis in sacros cineres redact.
sub pedibus diem novum expectat.
Heere lyeth Robert Greene, Gentleman,
who departed this world on Thursday,
the twelfth of November, and was bu

ried in this Church, upon Saturday,
the foureteenth day of the same Moneth,
Here under this Tombe lyeth the body of
Dame Anne Packington,
An anci
ent Tomb in the East end of the Chancell.
widdow, late
wife of Sir Iohn Packington, Knight,
late Chirographer in the Court of Com
mon Pleas: which Dame Anne deceased
the 22. day of August, in the yeere of our
Lord God, 1563
Iohannes Sotherton,
A small Monumēt in the East end of the Chancell.
Baro Scaccarii, sin
cera fretus in Deum pietate, studiosa
in Principem fidelitate, spectata in
omnes humanitate & benevolentia,
annum aetatis ingress. octogesimum,
placidè in Christo obdormivit, 26.
Octob. Anno Domini, 1605
. & una
cum duabus conjugibus, Francisca &
Maria castiss. feminis hic sepultus.
Francisca, filia & haeres de Iohannes
Smith de Cromer, Norff. Per quam
habuit unum filium Christopherum,
obiit Octob. 1563.
Maria, filia Edovardi Woton, Medici
nae Doctoris, per quam habuit alte
rum filium Iohannem, & unicam fili
am Mariam. Obiit 10. Iunii.
Iohan. primogenitus Franciscae, unige
nitus Mariae privignus, non ingratus
Christopherus Sotherton posuit.
An. Dom. 1604. Martii 31. Obiit.
Michael Crud,
A small Monumēt in the East end of the Chancell.
Divini Verbi Concio
nator, atque hujus Ecclesiae Past or fi
delis, post vitam piè gestam, tam in
partibus transmarinis, quam in natali
solo, in Anno aetatis suae quinquage
simo, pacificè dormivit in Christo,
atque juxta tumulatur impensis Mar
garetae ejus relictae, quae hoc fieri in
foelicem Marici memoriam curavit.
D. O. M.
Gulielmo Mill,
A comly Monu
ment in the End of the Chan
Armigero, fide, chari
tate, & in arduis constantia celeber
rimo, Marito charissimo conjunx a
mantissima, in honoris perpetui tes
seram Monumentum hoc lugubre
moerens posuit.
Gulielmus iste Croydoniae (Surriae
Comitatus emporio) natus, Guliel
mi Mill, & Hawisiae Harwell secun
do genitus, ex antiqua Millorum de
Horscombe (Agri Governiensis) fa
milia oriundus, liberaliter educatus,
Graiensis Hospitii Alumnus, in literis
foeliciter versatus, Consilii Sanctioris
in Camera quam Stellatam dictitant
amanuensis prius per annos quinqua
ginta, deinde Clericus, & Actuarius
summus, viginti plus minus ibidem
suis meritis evasit. Fratres duos Ni
cholaum & Iohannem innuptos, Eli
zabetham, Franciscam, Milicentam,
Margaretam atque Annam, uterinas,
& Margaretam sororem habuit. Mar
garetam, Thomae Greeke, Fisci Re
gii Baronis, filiam, (Gulielmi Butleri
viduam) in uxorē grandaevus duxit.
Tandem Londini in Carthusianis 16.
die Iulii, Anno Verbi incarnati, 1608
Aetatis suae 71. (nulla suscepta prole)
vitam erumnosam ut Christo viveret,
piè sed placidè commutavit.
Non temerè sepimur,
nec nos Fortuna gubernat,
Sed Deus es vitae,
Dux es & ipse via.
Fraternae Pietatis Symbolum.
Iohannis Mill,
A small Monu
ment on a pillar in the Chan
Gulielmi Patris Armi
geri, de Croydon, filius secundò ge
nitus, vita integerrima defunctus hic
coelebs requiescit, corpore autem sub
Marmore istic pulverescente; Ani
mus in Coelis secundam per Chri
stum Iesum, repurgatae carnis assum
ptionem expectat. Obiit 27. die
Mensis Augusti, An. Domini, 1595
Aetatis suae 57. Gulielmo Fratre
primaevo at{que} unico (sanctioris in Ca
mera Stellata Consilii Clerico) su
What Epitaph
shall we afford this Shrine?
Words cannot-grace
this Pyramid of thine:
A faire Pyrami
des ere
cted a
gainst a pillar.
Thy sweet perfections,
all summ’d up, were such,
As Heavens (I thinke)
for faith did thinke too much.
Religious zeale
did thy pure heart command,
Pitty thine eye,
and Charity thy hand:
These Graces, joyn’d
with more of like degree,

Make each mans word
an Epitaph for thee.
Calme was thy death,
well-ordered was thy life,
A carefull Mother,
and a loving wife.
Aske any, how
these Vertues in thee grew?
Thou wast a Spencer,
and a Mountague.
Katharina Mountague obiit 7. die De
cembris, Anno Domini, 1612
Mortua Tamworthi
spectas Monumenta viator?
A faire Tombe of white stone in the Chan
Quin potius vivus,
disce quis ille fuit.
Si proavos quaeras,
Generoso sanguine ductus,
Vsque per innumeros
invenietur Avos.
Si mores, dicam mores?
nec amantior aequi,
Nec Patriae quisquam,
nec probitatis erat.
Si quae conditio,
(si quid sit laudis in illa)
Vita sub illustri
Principe clara fuit.
Et si Principibus
laus est placuisse probatis,
Laudibus haec pars est
annumeranda suis.
Iam volucris sua Iustra
novem transegerat aetas,
Quum Mors hunc saeva
falce cruenta metat.
Haec satis hospes, abi,
nec vivere differ in horas,
Quae sua pars hodie,
cras tua forsan erit.
Obiit 19. die Aprilis, 1569.
Iohanni Morlcio Armigero,
Another beautifull Pitamides directly opposite to the o
& Eliza
bethae Wotton Conjugi, parentibus
charissimis, Iohannes Morleius de
Halnaker, in Comitatu Sussexiae, Mi
les, & Edwardus filii, pietatis & me
moriae ergô hoc posuerunt.
Vixerunt Conjuges annos 16. Ille obiit
die 20. Novembris, 1587. Illa die 7.
Novembris, 1603
. Tres filios toti
dem{que} filias superstites reliquerunt:
Iohannem, Edwardum, Willielmum
Mariam, Elizabetham, & Magdale
Hereunder lyeth buried in the mercy of
A faire plated stone under the Com
munion Table.
the body of Thomas Goodwin,
Esquire, who married Anne the daugh
ter of Thomas Peacocke, by whom hee
had issue, one daughter, named Anne.
which Thomas deceased the 27. day of
ianuary, An. Dom. 1565
Hoc latet in Tumulo
praestanti corpore Nympha
Margareta quidem
repsque parente sata.
A faire Grave
stone by the said Table.
Censor erat genitor,
Sponsus venerabilis extat,
Woodhouse; bis decies
quinaque arista tulit.
Siste pedes igitur
sternis qui busta prophanus,
Nam Christi cupiens,
sic bonitatis erat.
Vixit & illa piè,
moriens & sancta vocatur,
Exemplo simili
vivere disce piè.
Here lyeth buried the body of Frances,
Another stone, by the said Table.
wife of Iohn Sotherton, forraine Appo
ser of the Queenes Majesties Exchequer;
who departed this present life, in the true
faith of Christ, the 20. of Octob. 1563.
Barbara Bradburii
simul & Marianna Someri,
Progenies pariter
Tumulo conduntur in isto,
Vtraque Conjugio
Thomae conjuncta Pagetto,
Vna virum moriens
septena in prole reliquit,
Altera fuit sterilis
parili quoque tempore conjux;
Ambarum pia vita fuit,
pia mors{que} secuta est.
Primae 24. Februarii, An. Dom. 1583.
Alterae Decembris ultimo, Anno, 1598.
Heere lyeth buried the body of Thomas
A grave
stone in the North Ile of the Quire.
one of the Barons of the Queens
Majesties Court of Exchequer; who dy
ed the 18. day of November, in the 20.
yeere of the reigne of our Soveraigne La
dy, Queene Elizabeth
. Hee lived 63.
Here under lyeth buried the body of Tho
mas Neale
Another in the same Ile.
the sonne of Francis Neale
Esquire, one of her Majesties Auditors

of the Exchequer; who deceased the 8.
day of December, 1597
. Aetatis suae,
Here lyeth the body of Anne,
A faire Garve
stone in the same North Ile.
daughter of
John Branche, Citizen and Draper of
London, by Ioane his wife, daughter
and heire of Iohn Wilkinson, sometime
Alderman of this Citie. She was marri
ed first to Robert Dunne, and (after his
death) to Richard Stoneley, Esquire.
By Dunne she had three sonnes; Sir Da
niel Dunne
, Knight, and Doctor of Law,
her eldest; Samuel Dunne, and Wil
liam Dunne
, the yongest, Doctor of Phy
sicke. And by Stoneley she had divers
children, whereof two lived to be marri
ed, Dorothie, to William Dantrey,
of Sussex; Anne, to William Hig
of Essex, Esquire. Her life was
vertuous and godly, and so dyed the ele
venth day of Ianuary, An. Dom. 1611
being of the age of fourescore and six yeers,
having seene her childrens children, to the
fourth generation: and lyes here buried
betweene her husbands, and among some
other of her children, according to her de
Hic jacet Susanna,
A small Monu
ment in the South wall in the body of the Church.
Andreae Lionis Pa
tria Garnseyensis unica filia, uxor
Roberti Creswell, alias Blew-mantle,
Prosecutoris ad Arma Serenissimae
Elizabethae, Angliae Reginae.
Quae modo fida Deo,
quae vixit chara marito,
Non invita animam
Christo moribunda reliquit.
23. Decemb. Anno
Domini, 1590.
And thus and end of this Ward, which
hath an Alderman, his Deputy; Com
mon Counsellors, five; Constables,
eight; Scavengers, nine; for the Ward
mote inquest, fourereene, and a Bea
dle. It is taxed to the Fifteene in Lon
, seven pounds, and in the Exche
quer, six pounds, nineteene shillings.


  1. Celebrated 1 November. (KL)
  2. Celebrated 2 February. (KL)
  3. Stow likely means Joan of Navarre. (KL)


  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Aldersgate Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
  • Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Portsoken Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.