THe first Warde in the East parte of this ci
tie within the wall, is called Towerstreete
, and extendeth along the riuer of
, from the said Tower in the East,
almost to Belingsgate in the West: One
halfe of the Tower, the ditch on the West
side and bulwarkes adioyning do stand with
in that parte, where the wall of the Citie of
old went, straight from the Posterne gate, South to the Riuer of
, before that the Tower was builded. From and with
out the Tower ditch West and by North is the said Tower hill
sometime a large plot of grounde nowe greatly strengthened by
meanes of incrochments, (vnlawfully made and suffred) for gar
dens and houses, some on the banke of the Tower ditch, (where
by the ditch is marred) but more neere vnto the wall of the Citie
from the Posterne North till ouer against the principall fore gate
of the Lord Lumleyes house, &c. But the Tower warde goeth
no further that way. Upon this hil is alwayes readily prepared at
the charges of the Citie a large Scaffold, and gallowes of timber,
for the execution of such traitors or other transgressors, as are de
liuered out of the Tower, or otherwise to the Sheriffes of Lon
by writ there to be executed. I reade that in the fift of King
Edward the fourth
Liberl. folio
, a Scaffold and gallowes was there set vppe
by other the kinges officers, and not of the Cities charges, where
vpon the Mayor and his brethren complained, but were answered
by the king, that the Tower hill was of the libertie of the Citie,
And whatsoeuer was done in that point was not in derogation of
the citties liberties, and therevpon commanded proclamation to
be made, aswell within the citie as in the suburbes, as followeth:
W. Dunthorne
For as much; as the 7. day of this preſent moneth of Nouember,
gallowes were erect and set vppe besides our Tower of London,
within the liberties and franchises of our Citie of London, in de

rogation and preiudice of the liberties and franchises of the Citie,
The king our soueraigne Lord would it be certainly vnderstood,
that the erection and setting vp of the saide gallowes was not done
by his commaundement, wherfore the King our soueraigne Lord
willeth that the erection and setting vp of the said gallowes be not
any president or example thereby hereafter to bee taken, in hurt,
preiudice, or derogation, of the franchises, liberties, & priuiledges,
of the said Citie, which hee at all times hath had, & hath in his be
neuolence tender fauour and good grace &c. Apud Westminst. 9.
die Nouemb. Anno Regni nostri quinto
. On the North side
of this hill, is the said Lord Lumleyes house, and on the West side
diuers houses lately builded, and other incrochments along south
to Chicke lane, and to Berwardes lane, on the East of Barking
, at the end whereof you haue Tower stréete stretching
from the Tower hill, West to Saint Margeret Patten’s church
Now therefore to beginne at the East end of the stréete, on
the North side, there is the fayre parish church called Alhallowes
Alhallowes Barking a pa
rish church.
which standeth in a large (but sometime far larger) ce
mitory or Churchyarde. On the North side thereof was some
time builded a fayre Chappell, founded by King Richard the first,
confirmed and augmented by king Edwarde the first. Edward
the fourth
gaue licence to Iohn Earle of Worcester, to founde
there a brotherhood for a Maister and brethren, and he gaue to the
Custos of that fraternitie, which was Sir Iohn Scotte Knight,
Thomas Colt, Iohn Tate, and Iohn Croke, the Priorie of
Tottingbroke in the Countie of Surrey, with all the members
and appurtenances, and a parte of the Priorie of Okeborne in
Wiltshire both Priors Aliens, and appointed it to bee called the
Kinges Chappell or Chauntrie, In Capella beatæ Mariæ de
. King Richard the third newe builded this Chappell,
and founded therein a Colledge of Priests &c. Robert Tate May
or of London in the yeare 1488. when he deceased, 1501. was
buried there. This Chappell and Colledge was suppressed and
pulled downe in the yeare 1548. the second of King Edwarde the
, the ground was imploied as a garden plot, during the raignes
of King Edward, Quéene Mary, and part of Quéene Elizabeth,

till at length a large strong frame of timber and bricke was set
thereon, & imployed as a fayre house of Marchants goods brought
from the sea, by Sir William VVinter &c. Monumentes in
the parish Church of Alhallowes Barking not defaced are these:
Sir Thomas Studinham, of Norwich diocesse Knight 1469.
Thomas Gilbart Draper and Marchant of the Staple 1483.
Iohn Bolt marchant of the Staple 1459. Sir Iohn Stile knight,
Draper, 1500. VVilliam Thinne Esquire, one of the clearks
in houshold to K. Henry the eight, 1546. Humfrey Monmouth
Draper, one of the Sheriffes, 1535. buried in the church yarde
VVilliam Denham, one of the Shiriffes, 1534. Henry
Earle of Surrey beheaded 1546. Lord Ferrers, Ri
chard Browne
Esquire, 1546. Phillip Dennis Esquire 1556.
Andrew Euenger Salter, VVilliam Robinson Mercer, Al
derman, 1552. William Armorer Clothworker Esquire, Gouer
nor of the Pages of honor, seruant to Henry the eyght, Edwarde
the sixt
, & Quéene Mary, buried 1560. Besides which there be di
uers Tombes without inscription. By the West ende of this
parrish Church and Chappel, lieth Sydon lane, from Tower stréet
vp North to Hart stréete. In this Sydon lane diuers fayre and
large houses are builded, namely one by Sir Iohn Allen, sometime
Mayor of London, and of counsell vnto King Henry the eight:
Sir Frauncis VValsingham Knight principall Secretarie to
the Quéenes Maiestie that now is, was lodged there, and so was
the Earle of Essex,1 &c. At the North West corner of this lane,
standeth a proper parrish Church of S. Olaue, which Church
together with some howses adioyning, and also with others
ouer against it in Hartstréete, are of the said Tower stréet warde.
Monuments in this parish Church of Saint Olaue be these: Ry
chard Cely
, and Robart Cely, Felmongers, principall builders
and benefactors of this church: Dame Ioahan wife to Sir Iohn
1439. Iohn Clarentiaulx Herralde 1427. Thomas
, Sir Richard Haddon Mercer, Mayor 1512. Thomas
Mercer 1548. Thomas Morley Gentleman 1566.
Sir Iohn Radcliffe Knight 1568. And Dame Anne his wife,
1585. Chapone a Florentine Gentleman 1582. Sir Hamond
Knight, George Stoddard Merchant. &c.

VVoodroffe lane towardes the Tower is in this Parish.
Then haue yee out of Towerstreete, also on the North side,
one other lane, called Marte lane, which runneth vp towards
the North, and is for the most
Mart lane of
a Mart kept a
boute Blanch
part, of this Towerstreete warde,
which lane is aboute the thirde quarter thereof deuided, from
Aldegate warde, by a chaine to be drawn, twhart the saide lane,
aboue the west end of Hart streete, a thirde lane out of
, Galley
men dwelled
, on the North side is called Mincheon or Minion lane: this
lane is all of the saide warde, except the corner house towardes
Fenchurch streete. In this lane of olde time, dwelled diuers
Strangers born of Genoa, and those partes, these were common
ly called Gallie men, as men that came vp in the Gallies, brought
vp wines and other marchandizes which they landed in Thames
, at a place called Galley key: they had a certaine coyne of
Siluer amongst themselues which were half pence of Genoa, and
were called Gallye halfe pence: these halfe pence were forbidden
in the thirtenth of Henry the fourth, and againe by Parliament
in the thirde of Henry the fift, by the name of halfe pence of Genoa
forbidden to passe as vnlawfull payment amongst the English sub
iectes. Notwithstanding in my youth, I haue seene them passe cur
rant, but with so me difficultie, for that the English halfepence
were then (though not so broade) somewhat thicker and stronger.
There was at that time also forbidden certaine other coynes cal
led Seskaris, and Dodkins, with all Scottish monies.
The Clothworkers hall is in this lane: Then at the west ende
of Towerstreete haue ye a little turning towardes the North to a
fayre house sometime belonging to one named Grista, for he dwel
led there in the yeare 1449. And Iack Cade captaine of the re
bels in Kent, being by him, in this his house feasted, when he had
dined (like an vnkind guest) robbed him of al that was there to be
founde worth the carriage. Next to this is one other fayre house,
sometime builded by Angel Dune Grocer, since possessed by Sir
Iohn Champneis
Alderman & Maior of London, he builded in this
house an high Tower of Bricke, the first that euer I hearde of in
any priuate mans house to ouerlooke his neighboures in this
Iohn Champ
man blinde.
citie. But this delight of his ey was punished with blindnes, some
yeres before his death, since that time Sir Perceual Hart knight,

a Iolly courtier and knight harbenger to the Queene, was lodged
there &c. From this house somewhat West is the parish church
and Parsonage house of S. Margarets Pattentes
, to the which
church and house on the North side, and as far ouer against on the
south stretcheth the farthest west part of this warde. And there
fore to beginne againe at the East end of Towerstreete, on the
south side, haue ye Beare lane, wherein are many fayre houses,
and runneth downe to Thames streete: The next is Sporiar
, of olde time so called, but since, and of later time named
Water lane, because it runneth downe to the Water gate, by
the Custome house in Thames streete: then is there Hart lane,
or Harpe lane which likewise runneth downe into Thames
. In this Hart lane is the Bakers hal, sometime the dwel
ling house of Chichley Camberlaine of London, who was Bro
ther to Chichley the Archbishop: he had 24. children. Sir Tho
mas Kirriell
of Kent, after that hee had béene long Prisoner in
France, married Elizabeth one of the daughters of this Chich
, by whom he had this Chichleis house. This Elizabeth was
secondly married to Sir Ralfe Ashton, knight Marshall: and
thirdly to Sir Iohn Burchier, vnckle to the late Burchier, Earle
of Essex, but shee neuer had childe. Edwarde Poininges made
parte with Burchier, and Elizabeth to haue Ostenhanger in
Kent, after their death, and entred into it, they liuing. In Tower
betwéene Hart lane and Church lane, was a Quadrante
called Galley Row, because Galley men dwelled there. Then
haue ye two lanes out of Towerstreete, both called Church lanes
because one
Church lane
in the west.
runneth down by the east end of S. Dunstones church
and the other by the west end of the same: out of the west lane,
turneth an other lane, west towardes S. Marie hill, and is called
Fowle lane, which is for the most part of Towerstreete warde.
This Church of SThis text is the corrected text. The original is ,. Dunstone is called in the East, for difference
from one other of the same name in the west: it is a fayre and large
Church of an ancient building, and within a large Church yarde,
Parish church
of S. Dunstone

This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph does not include the whole surface. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)i2n the east.
it hath a great parish of many rich Marchantes and other occupi
ers of diuers Trades, namely Saltars and Ironmongers.
The monumentes in that Church bee these. In the Quire
Iohn Kenington Parson there buried, 1374. William Islip,
Parson, 1382. Iohn Kryoll Esquier, brother to Thomas Kryol,

1400. Nicholas Bond, Thomas Barry Marchant, 1445. Ro
bert Shelly
Esquier, 1420. Robert Pepper Grocer, 1445. Iohn
Grocer. 1390. Alice Brome, wife to Iohn Couentry
sometime Maior of London. 1433. VVilliam Isaack Draper
Alderman, 1508. Edward Skales Marchant, 1521. Iohn Ri
Esquier, Sargiant of the Larder, to Henry the seuenth,
and Henry the eight, 1532. Edwatars Esquier Sargeant at
Armes, 1558. Sir Bartilmew Iames Draper Maior, 1479.
buried vnder a fayr Monument, with his Lady. Ralph Greenway
Grocer, Alderman, put vnder the stone of Robert Peppar 1559.
Thomas Bledlow one of the Shiriffes. 1472. Iames Bacon
Fishmonger Shiriffe, 1573. Sir Richarde Champion Draper
Maior, 1568. Henry Herdson Skinner Alderman. 1555. Sir
Iames Garnado
knight, VVilliam Hariote Draper Maior.
1481. buried in a fayre Chappell by him builded, 1517. Iohn
sonne to Sir Iohn Tate, in the same Chappell, in the north
wal, Sir Christopher Draper Ironmonger Maior, 1566. bu
ried 1580. and many other worshipfull Personages besides,
whose monumentes are altogether defaced. Now for the two
church lanes, they meeting on the south side of this Church and
Churchyarde, do ioyne in one: and running down to the Thames
: the same is called S. Dunstans hill, at the lower ende
whereof the said Thames streete, towards the west on both sides
almost to Belins gate, but towards the east vp to the water gate,
by the Bulwarke of the Tower, is all of Towerstreete warde.
In this streete on the Thames side are diuers large landing pla
ces, called wharffes, or keyes, for Cranage vp of wares and mar
chandizes, as also for shipping of wares from thence to bee tran
sported. These wharffes and keyes commonly beare the names of
their owners, and are therefore changeable. I read in the 26. of
Henry the sixt
that in the parish of S. Dunstone in the East a
Tenement called Passekes wharffe and an other called Horners
in Thames streete, were granted to VVilliam Haringdon
Esquire. I reade also that in the sixt of Richarde the second Iohn
Grocer, for the quiet of Marchantes, did newlie
build a certaine house vpon the key, called Wooll wharfe, in the
Towerstreete ward, in the Parish of Alhallowes Barking, be

twixt the Tenement of Paule Salisberry on the east part, and the
lane called the water gate on the west, to serue for Troynage, or
weighing of wooles in the Port of London: Whereupon the king
granted that during the life of the saide Iohn, the aforesaid Troy
nage should be held and kept in the saide house, with easementes
there, for the ballances and waightes, and a counting place, for
the Customer, Controwlers, Clarkes, and other Officers of the
saide Troynage together with ingresse and
Tronage of
egresse to and frō the
same, euen as was had in other places, where the said Troynage
was wont to be kept, and that the king should pay yearely to the
saide Iohn, during his life xl.SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. at the termes of S. Michaell and
Easter, by euen portions by the handes of his Customer without
any other payment to the saide Iohn, as in the Indenture thereof
more at large appeareth.
Neare vnto this Customers key towardes the East, is the
saide watergate, and west from it Porters key, then Galley key,
where the Gallies were vsed to vnlade, and land their marchandi
zes and wares: and that part of Thames streete, was therefore
of some called Galley Row, but more commonly Petty Wales.
On the North side, as well as on the South of this Thames
is many fayre houses large for stowage, builded for Mar
chantes, but towardes the east ende thereof, namely ouer against
Galley key, Woole key, and the custome house, there haue been,
of old time some large buildings of stone, the ruines whereof doe
yet remaine, but the first builders and owners of them are worn
out of memorie, wherefore the common people affirme Iulius
to bee
Iulius Cesars
house by the
Tower as was
the builder thereof, as also of the Tower it selfe. But
thereof I haue spoken alreadie. Some are of an other opinion, and
that a more likely, that this great stone building was sometime
Princes of
Wales their
the lodging appointed for the Princes of VVales, when they re
payred to this cittie, and that therefore the streete in that part, is
called Pety Wales, which name remaineth there most commonly
vntill this day: euen as where the kinges of Scotland were vsed
to be lodged betwixt Charing crosse and white hall, it is likewise
called Scotland: and where the Earles of Briton, were lodged
without Aldersgate, the streete is called Britaine streete, &c.
The saide building might of olde time pertaine to the Princes

of VVales as is aforesaide, but is since turned to other vse.
It is before noted of Galley key that the Gallies of Italie,
and other partes did there discharge their
The Mar
chantes of I
taly their lod
ging by their Gallies.
wines and marchandi
zes brought to this Citie. It is like therefore that the Marchants
and Owners procured the place to builde vpon for their lodgings
and storehouses, as the Marchantes of the Haunce of Almayne,
were licensed to haue an house called, Gilda Teutonicorum the
Guild hall of the Germaines. Also the Marchantes of BurdThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (SM)e3
were licensed to builde at the Uintry, stronglie with stone, as
may bee yet seene and seemeth olde, though often repayred: much
more cause hath these building in Pety Wales (though as lately
builded, and partly of the like stone, brought
No Gallies
landed here in
memorie of
men liuing.
from Cane in NoThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)r4
,) to seeme olde which for many yeares (to wit since the
Gallies left their course of landing there) hath fallen to ruine and
beene letten out, for stabling of horses, to Tiplers of Beere, and
such like amongst others, one mother Mampudding (as they ter
med her) for many yeares kept this house (or a greate parte there
of) for victualing, and it seemeth that the builders of the hall of
A strange kind
of building by
or Gally men
this house were shipwrightes, and not house Carpenters: for the
frame thereof (being but low) is raised of certaine principall posts
of maine timber, fixed deepe in the ground, without any ground
sell boorded close round aboute, on the inside, hauing none other
wall from the ground to the roofe, those Boordes not excée
ding the length of a Clapboorde, aboute an inch thicke, euery
boorde ledging ouer other, as in a Ship or Gallie nayled with
ship nayles, called rugh, and clenches, to wit rugh nayles with broad
round heads, and clenched on the other side with square plates of i
ron, the roofe of this hall is also wrought of the like boorde & nay
led with rugh and clench, & seemeth as it were a Galley, the keele
turned vpwardes, and I obserued that no worme or rottennes
is seene to haue enterred, eyther boorde or timber, and therefore
(in mine opinion) of no great antiquity, but I leaue euery man
to his owne iudgement, and passe to other matters.
I read in the 44. of Edward the third, that an Hospitall in the
parish of Barking Church was founded there by Robert Dentō
An Hospitall
for Lunatike
or phrensie
Chaplen, for the suffentation of poore Priestes, and other both
men and women, that were sicke, of the Phrensie, there to remain

till they were perfectly whole, and restored to good memorie. Also
I read that in the 6. of Henry the fift, there was in the Tower
, a Messuage or great house, called Cobhams Inne, and
in the 37. of Henry the sixt, a Messuage in Thames streete per
tayning to Richarde Longuile &c. Some of the ruines before
spoken of, may seeme to be of the foresaide Hospitall, belonging
peraduenture to some Prior Alien, and so suppressed amongst
the rest, in the raigne of Edwarde the thirde, or Henry
the fift
, who suppressed them all. Thus much for the boundes
and antiquities of this warde, wherein is noted the Tower of
, three parrish Churches, the Custome house, and two
Hals of Companies, to wit, the Clothworkers and the Bakers.
This warde hath an Alderman his Deputie, common Counsel
lors eight, Constables thirteene, Scauengers twelue, Ward
mote men thirteene, and a Beadle: it is taxed to the fifteen at
46.£. and accounted in the Exchequer at 45.£. 10.SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs.


  1. I.e., Robert Devereux. (MR)
  2. Scan cut off; context obvious. (SM)
  3. Underinking. (SM)
  4. Unclear; context obvious. (SM)
