The Wall
Those walles of stone,as they were described by John Stow in A Survey of London, encircled the City of London, shaping both the urban footprint of the city and its social practices (Stow). Originally built as a Roman fortification for the provincial city of Londinium in the second century C.E., the London Wall remained a material and spatial boundary for the city throughout the early modern period. Described by Stow as
high and great,the London Wall dominated the cityscape and spatial imaginations of Londoners for centuries. Increasingly, the eighteen-foot high wall created a pressurized constraint on the growing city; the various gates functioned as relief valves where development spilled out to occupy spaces
outside the wall.Various church names in London today, such as St. Botolph-without-Aldgate, still retain the designation of their location within or without the city wall and a major street along the wall’s route bears the name of London Wall.
The London Wall started at the River Thames, near the eastern side of the White Tower in the Tower of London complex. From there, the wall ran north by northwest, crossing Tower Hill to Aldgate. At Aldgate it changed direction, running west by northwest to Bishopsgate. Continuing west from Bishopsgate, the wall began a long, almost straight stretch along the northern side of the city,
ending at a bastion that still stands in the Churchyard of St. Giles, Cripplegate. Here the wall turned south, running parallel to Monkwell Street and Noble Street, before making an irregular
jogto the west again. From there, the wall continued past Aldersgate before turning, just south of St. Bartholomew the Great, south toward the river, crossing Newgate Street and Ludgate Hill. From there, the exact course to the Thames is unknown, as the path of the Roman wall had been changed in the medieval era (Bell 23-24). In the later fourth-century C.E., the Romans extended the wall along the River Thames, a site of current archaeological interest (Smith), fully walling in the city. The riverside Roman wall, eroded by the elements, had collapsed by the twelfth-century. The last riverside portions of the wall were pulled down, with Thames Street laid out along its former course (Merrifield 222).
¶The Roman Wall

While Stow reports that the wall was built in 306 C.E., the building of the Roman Wall in London dates from much earlier. London was first founded as a trade port during the Roman Emperor Claudius’s conquests in Britain beginning in 43 C.E. After the native uprising against the occupying Roman force, led by Queen Boudica in 61 C.E., Londinium was burned and destroyed. At the time Boudica attacked, London had no encircling wall. The Romans subsequently rebuilt and expanded the city, including
a fortifying wall, as part of the development of the provincial capital for Roman
Britain. During the next thirty to forty years, the early settlement was rebuilt in the Roman
style, with new streets laid out and large public buildings constructed (Bell 17). Between 120 and 130 C.E., the wall was finished, an imposing defensive structure that became the greatest
manmade landmark of London through the early modern period—Stow’s
walles of stone.The area enclosed by the wall made London the largest Romano-British town, and the fifth largest town of the Roman Empire north of the Alps (Bell 17-18).
¶Medieval Era

After the Roman withdrawal in the early fifth-century, few records of London exist for the next few hundred years. Although St. Augustine arrived in Britain in 597 C.E., he made little mention of London. The next historical mention of the Roman Wall appears in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, when Alfred the Great drove the Danes from London (c. 871-872 C.E.) and ordered the restoration of the city and its defenses (Bell 42-43).
In 1080, William the Conqueror began building the White Tower along the Roman Wall, using one of its towers or bastions for its base, thus establishing the Tower of London complex. Later construction under Henry III, begun around 1238 C.E. and continued by Edward I, saw the enlargement of the Tower of London and the demolition of that segment of the Roman Wall to make space for new defensive curtain walls and a moat (Bell 45).
By 1276, the Order of Dominican Friars had settled into the district that is still known today as Blackfriars. At this location, they built a church and convent house, but their home was outside
of the wall. However, these friars enjoyed such favour and prestige that, in 1282, they were given permission from Edward I to pull down the wall near their site and rebuild the wall to enclose their religious
house. This medieval portion of the wall forms the irregular jog along the western
end of the wall (Bell 46-47; Stow). A continuous structure from the Tower to Blackfriars, the Roman Wall stood until it was cleared away in the eighteenth century. For 1600 years, London was a walled city.

Because the wall had an extensive history of being rebuilt and reinforced, the materials
that made up the wall varied. An imposing eighteen feet high, the majority of the
wall was built of Kentish rag-stone most likely harvested in the Maidstone district
in Kent. The wall was originally built on a foundation constructed of flints and puddled
clay often mixed with broken pieces of rag-stone. The external base of the wall, or
the plinth, contains material made primarily of sandstone, also believed to be of
Kentish origin. The base was then reinforced with a triple layer of brick. The stone
of both the interior and exterior faces of the wall is coarse and set in a hard, white
mortar (Cook 1-7). To further protect the integrity of the wall and to keep the construction level,
double or triple rows of flat, red tiles were laid for every four to five courses
of stone (English Heritage). Additional measures were taken as the wall aged in order to reinforce its outer
and inner defenses. Originally, the wall was supplemented by an external ditch, ranging
from about 10.5 to 15 feet from the base. An earthen bank was built up against it,
and further defensive techniques were put in place in the form of additional, semi-circular
bastions on the wall’s exterior (Cook 1-7; Stow).
¶Literary Significance
In addition to its functions of security and boundary marking, the wall also served
governmental monitoring functions, controlling ingress and egress, and, as such, registered
in the literary imagination of London writers.
¶Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer lived in apartments above Aldgate from 1374 to 1386. Chaucer was witness to the spectrum of life passing in and out of the gates, writing two
of his works, The Parliament of Fowles and The House of Fame, while residing at the gate’s entrance (Benson xvi-xviii; Lyons). He may have there witnessed the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, where a tumultuous mob pressed its way through the city gate (Lyons), physically and symbolically laying claim to the elite space of London. In the Nun’s Priest Tale of The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer makes an oblique reference to the Peasants’ Revolt (Astell), comparing the uproar of the barnyard at the fox’s intrusion to the rabble of the
crowd streaming in through Aldgate under the leadership of Jack Straw:
So hydous was the noyse, a benedictee!Certes, he jakke straw and his meyneeNe made nevere shoutes half so shrilleWhan that they wolden any flemyng kille.
(Chaucer 3393-3396)
¶William Shakespeare
While Shakespeare is primarily associated with urban London life, upon first coming to London he lived outside the wall in Shoreditch (Aubrey 97), a town known for its crime-ridden back alleys. The site of the first purpose-built
theatres, the Theatre (built in 1576) and the Curtain (built in 1577), Shoreditch became the
Bohemian haunt of Elizabethan London(Nicholl 39). Shoreditch lies just north of Bishopsgate, one of the major entrances into the City of London. Tax records of the time show that Shakespeare’s first recorded address inside the wall was in the north-eastern area of London, near Bishopsgate (Wood 131). In the Parish of St. Helen’s in Bishopsgate stood many inn yards such as the Four Swans Inn and the Black Bull Inn, where wooden galleries, three stories high, could be rented for a penny a night. Nearby lodgings would naturally have been a draw for the young playwright, as the inn yards were frequented by artists, poets, and actors. This area of London was within walking distance, approximately a mile away, to The Theatre in Shoreditch where Shakespeare continued to work.
The distinction between the relative order and protection within the walls and the
lack thereof for those consigned to live outside of the city boundaries formed part
of Shakespeare’s daily life as he passed through Bishopsgate from his residence inside the city wall to the Theatre, beyond the city gate. Outside the wall, there was a different world: over three
hundred inns and brothels could be found outside the city walls, along with bull and
bear baiting rings, and skittle and bowling alleys (Wood 186). Also just outside of Bishopsgate was the original site of the Bethlehem Hospital, which became known as Bedlam, a mental asylum. Walking along the streets there at night, one would have likely
heard the howling of dogs, the roaring of chained bears, and even screams from patients
at Bedlam Asylum.
Shakespeare subsequently moved to the quieter environs of Silver Street, near Cripplegate, where he was a lodger in a house at the corner of Silver Street and Monkwell Street (identified as Muggle Street on the Agas map) (Nicholl 4-6). Though farther from the boisterous world of the playgoers, Shakespeare’s daily life at his Silver Street residence provided a constant reminder of the spatial and social divisions formed
by the wall: his lodgings were located just a short half-block from the section of
the Wall that bounded Noble Street, marking the western boundary of the city.

The spatial and social barriers created by the London Wall find expression in Shakespeare’s plays in imagery of division and exclusion. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, for example, the physical wall that separates the lovers Pyramus and Thisbe in the play-within-the-play is humorously embodied by the actor Snout. The inanimate materiality of the wall, observes Alexander Leggatt,
achieves human qualities(Leggatt 203).
O wicked Wall through whom I see no bliss! / Cursed be thy stones for thus deceiving me!(Shakespeare 5.1.175-176), cries Pyramus. The wall separates the two lovers, causing the melodramatic strife of the rustics’ drama. But Pyramus’s dying words suggest the possibility for social redemption:
the wall is down that parted their fathers(Shakespeare 5.1.301). For early modern playgoers, this scene might have evoked the spatial and social boundaries imposed by the rough stones of the ancient Roman Wall in London.
The London Wall, as the primary remaining artifact of Roman London, may well have inspired Shakespeare to think about the connections between his early modern society and Roman times.
Fully one third of Shakespeare’s plays are set in Italy, Rome, or the Mediterranean, and his play Cymbeline takes up the lore of the Roman War campaign. As Gail Kern Paster has noted,
Shakespeare is particularly drawn to those moments in the Roman past which brought the internal order of the city to a point of critical change when one kind of city was giving way to another(Paster 58). Like the Rome depicted in plays like Coriolanus and Julius Caesar, early modern London was indeed such a city undergoing critical changes due to urbanization, immigration, and the emergence of an increasingly powerful mercantile class.
¶John Stow’s Survey of London
As in Shakespeare’s work, Stow’s Survey of London gives evidence of
the ubiquitous presence of Rome in Elizabethan culture(Miola 11), the lingering trace of Roman culture in defining the city’s boundaries, and the sense of continuity with the original builders of the wall. Stow repeatedly regards the Romans with admiration, claiming the Britons were unskilled,
not able to defend themselvesand thus sent word to Rome so that the
Romaines woulde rescue them out of the hands of their enemies(Stow). Stow writes approvingly of the Romans’ impact on London such that, when describing the distance between the wall’s gates, he uses the Roman unit of measurement known as a
perch.There was both admiration as well as
ambivalence inherent in Britain’s emulation of Rome(Kahn 161), as evidenced by how the Agas map appropriates the language of Roman imperialism and downplays Britain’s former role as a colonized territory.
¶The Wall on the Agas Map
The wall of the
ancient and famous City of Londonis depicted on the Agas map as a significant dividing line, keeping the inner city contained and rural practices strictly outside the wall. Strikingly, there are no human figures depicted within the enclosure of the wall. In this way, the urban space of the map adopts emerging cartographic practices of Ptolemaic-based mapping, emphasizing place names and linearity, while the surrounding countryside displays ethnographic practices of the medieval mappa mundi (Roland 128) as well as early modern landscape representations. The difference in shading between the top of the wall and the bottom on the Agas map suggests keen attentiveness to the realistic depiction of the multiple materials used to erect and maintain the wall. The main gates that allow passage in and out of the city, and the bastions in between, are prominently featured on the map.
There are two cartouches engraved on the Agas map, one poetic and the other a laudatory
introductionto the City of London. The two cartouches, located near the bottom of the map, connect London to a mythological Roman heritage, each proudly stating that the city was
founded by Brute the Trojanwho, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae, had come from Troy to claim a new land for himself and his people. The text of the prose cartouche emphasizes the fact that London was bounded: it is
compaſſed with corne & paſture groundand
incloſed with the river of Thames.The poetic cartouche, in contrast, points to King Lud’s increasing of the bounds of the city. On the map, many buildings push up against the very perimeter of the wall, enacting this process of exceeding the Roman-built boundaries. Compared to the openness of the countryside, London inside the city walls is compact, made up only of largely contiguous buildings. The people working the land, playing, fighting, or navigating boats along the Thames serve as a pastoral contrast to the crowded built environment inside the wall.
The cartouches not only proclaim London’s imperial history but also praise its abundant natural resources: London’s
very good soyle,the Thames’s provision of
all kind of fresh water-fishand a navigation system that
bringeth abundance of commodities from all parts of the world.By incorporating Geoffrey of Monmouth’s myth of the founding of London, referenced in later works from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to Holinshed’s Chronicles, the Agas map makes a claim that London, with its ample resources and prime location, is the global successor to the legacy of Rome. The decorative banner at the top of the map reinforces this message, by proclaiming the Latin title
Civitas Londinumto be the subject of the map.
¶Great Fire of 1666

Londons Fier began Setember the Second 1666(Samuel Rolle). Image courtesy of the Folger Digital Image Collection.
By the time the Agas map was completed in 1561, London was pushing past the confines of the wall. But the Great Fire of 1666 provided the definitive blow to the definition of the city as primarily enclosed
within the London Wall.1 There had long been warnings of the potential for a destructive fire due to London’s narrow streets, thatched roofs, and strong east winds, all exacerbated by the unusually
hot, dry summer of 1666. London was built mainly out of timber construction and the summer’s drought had drastically
depleted the city’s water reserves (Robinson). Due to the high death rate from the plague, fires were the last thing on Londoner’s
minds, the warnings were largely disregarded, and few precautions were taken. In the
late hours of 2 September 1666, a spark in a baker’s unextinguished oven set the Great Fire in motion: the fire
spread quickly, jumping over twenty houses at a time while gathering force from combustibles
such as hemp, oil, tallow, hay, timber, coal, and spirits. Citizens began tearing
down buildings, desperately hoping to widen the gap between buildings and deprive
the fire of further fuel. Four days after the fire began, however, 13,200 houses,
84 churches, and 44 company halls had been destroyed, along with a third of London Bridge. Fewer than ten lives were lost, but 373 acres of land, approximately 80% of the
interior walled London, had burned (
Great Fire of London Map). Almost 100,000 people (1/6 of London’s population) became homeless (Robinson). Most of these homeless camped outside the walls of London; due to soaring rent rates from lack of housing, most eventually moved to other villages or found accommodation outside the city walls. Wealthier families began building larger residences, claiming valuable space within the city.

A Plan of the City and Liberties of London; Shewing the Extent of the Dreadful Conflagration in the Year 1666(Wenceslaus Hollar). Image courtesy of Map and Plan Collection Online (MAPCO).
The fire irrevocably altered the spatial constructs of London: in October 1666, Charles II and the City appointed Commissioners to preside over the rebuilding of London. The gates damaged by the Great Fire, Ludgate, Newgate, and Moorgate, were rebuilt by the end of the 1670s (Hughes n.p.). In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the gates, now superfluous in regulating
egress and ingress, were removed (Schofield). Surviving sections of the wall remain visible in London today and parts of the riverside wall can be seen within the Tower of London (
Londinium Today: Riverside Wall). Near the current site of the Museum of London, sections of the wall and the ruins of one of the bastions still stand (
Londinium Today: City Wall and Gates). Neighborhoods around London still bear the names of the historic gates, providing a linguistic trace of the initial plan of the City of London.
By the time the Agas map was created, the city had rebuilt and repurposed the Wall, re-territorializing the city’s prior position as a colonized province of Rome. Sigmund
Freud suggested a
phantasyusing the city of Rome as an analogy for the complexity of human memory in which
all the earlier phases of development continue to exist alongside the latest one(Freud 18).
If we want to represent historical sequence in spatial terms,Freud suggested,
we can only do it by juxtaposition in space(Freud 19). While Freud ultimately rejects this pictorial model of human memory, this juxtaposition in space of the Roman wall amid the development of the city, asserted a visible, if fragmentary, trace of London’s Roman past as part of early modern English culture. Remnants of the past remain within the wall’s multiple layers and fragmentary remains, often side-by-side with contemporary streets and buildings, revealing a history of inspiration, exclusion, and control, and continuing to define the geographical and cultural space of modern day London.
- See
The Great Fire of London
for more information about this event.↑
Astell, Ann.The Peasants’ Revolt: Cock-crow in Gower and Chaucer.
Essays in Medieval Studies 10 (1993): 53–61.This item is cited in the following documents:
Aubrey, John.Brief Lives,
Chiefly of Contemporaries, Set Down by John Aubrey, Between the Years 1669 and 1696. Ed. Andrew Clark. Vol. 1. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1898. Remediated by Internet Archive.This item is cited in the following documents:
Bell, Walter George, F. Cottril, and Charles Spon. London Wall: Through Eighteen Centuries, A History of the Ancient Town Wall of the City of London with a Survey of the Existing Remains. London: Balding and Mansell, 1937. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Ed. F.N. Robinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. Remediated by Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.This item is cited in the following documents:
Cook, Norman. Old Wall and The City of London. London: Corporation of London, 1951. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Freud, Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents. Trans. James Strachey. New York: W.W. Norton, 1961. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Great Fire of London Map.
British Library Learning Timelines: Sources from History. British Library. item is cited in the following documents:
History of London Wall.
English Heritage. item is cited in the following documents:
Hughes, E.H. The Gates of London: An Illustrated Survey. London: The Lion and Unicorn P, 1953. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Kahn, Coppélia. Roman Shakespeare: Warriors, Wounds, and Women. London: Routledge, 1997. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Leggatt, Alexander. Citizen Comedy in the Age of Shakespeare. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1973. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Londinium Today: City Wall and Gates.
Living in Roman London. MoLA. item is cited in the following documents:
Londinium Today: Riverside Wall.
Living in Roman London. MoLA. item is cited in the following documents:
Lyons, Bex.Chaucer’s Aldgate.
Medieval Bex. item is cited in the following documents:
Merrifield, Ralph. London, City of Romans. Berkeley: U of California P, 1983. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Miola, Robert S. Shakespeare’s Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1983. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Nicholl, Charles. The Lodger Shakespeare: His Life on Silver Street. New York: Viking, 2007. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Paster, Gail Kern. The Idea of the City in the Age of Shakespeare. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1985. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Robinson, Bruce.London’s Burning: The Great Fire.
BBC History. BBC. item is cited in the following documents:
Roland, Meg.After Poyetes and Astronomyers: English Geographical Thought and Early English Print.
Mapping Medieval Geographies: Geographical Encounters in the Latin West and Beyond, 300–1600. Ed. Keith Lilley. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014. 127–151. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
Schofield, John.London After the Great Fire.
BBC History. BBC. item is cited in the following documents:
Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Ed. Suzanne Westfall. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.This item is cited in the following documents:
Smith, Roff.London’s Big Dig Reveals Amazing Layers of History.
National Geographic. item is cited in the following documents:
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online. [Kingsford edition, courtesy of The Centre for Metropolitan History. Articles written 2011 or later cite from this searchable transcription.]This item is cited in the following documents:
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online.This item is cited in the following documents:
Wood, Michael. In Search of Shakespeare. London: BBC Books, 2003. Print.This item is cited in the following documents:
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The Wall.The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,
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<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#MAUN1_1" type="org">Marylhurst University English
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<title level="a">The Wall</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>,
edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>,
<publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>,
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Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017. Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
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Tye Landels-Gruenewald
Data Manager, 2015-2016. Research Assistant, 2013-2015. Tye completed his undergraduate honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.Roles played in the project
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Kim McLean-Fiander
Director of Pedagogy and Outreach, 2015–present. Associate Project Director, 2015–present. Assistant Project Director, 2013-2014. MoEML Research Fellow, 2013. Kim McLean-Fiander comes to The Map of Early Modern London from the Cultures of Knowledge digital humanities project at the University of Oxford, where she was the editor of Early Modern Letters Online, an open-access union catalogue and editorial interface for correspondence from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She is currently Co-Director of a sister project to EMLO called Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO). In the past, she held an internship with the curator of manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library, completed a doctorate at Oxford on paratext and early modern women writers, and worked a number of years for the Bodleian Libraries and as a freelance editor. She has a passion for rare books and manuscripts as social and material artifacts, and is interested in the development of digital resources that will improve access to these materials while ensuring their ongoing preservation and conservation. An avid traveler, Kim has always loved both London and maps, and so is particularly delighted to be able to bring her early modern scholarly expertise to bear on the MoEML project.Roles played in the project
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Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge, 2018).Roles played in the project
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Contributions by this author
Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Janelle Jenstad is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle.
Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.
Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.
The Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L. Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..The City Cannot Hold You
: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s Shop. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.The Gouldesmythes Storehowse
: Early Evidence for Specialisation. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Public Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.
Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed. Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Smock Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.
Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Using Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.
GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed. Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Versioning John Stow’s A Survey of London, or, What’s New in 1618 and 1633?.
Janelle Jenstad Blog. -
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
Author of abstract
Markup editor
Name Encoder
Post-conversion and Markup Editor
Post-conversion processing and markup correction
Contributions by this author
Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Meg Roland
Meg Roland is a MoEML Pedagogical Partner. She is Associate Professor and Chair of Literature and Art at the Marylhurst University.Roles played in the project
Guest Editor
Meg Roland is mentioned in the following documents:
Meg Roland authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Roland, Meg.
After Poyetes and Astronomyers: English Geographical Thought and Early English Print.
Mapping Medieval Geographies: Geographical Encounters in the Latin West and Beyond, 300–1600. Ed. Keith Lilley. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014. 127–151. Print.
Alfred the Great
Alfred the Great King of Wessex King of the Anglo-Saxons
(b. between 848 and 849, d. 899)King of Wessex 871-886. King of the Anglo-Saxons 886-899.Alfred the Great is mentioned in the following documents:
Charles II
Charles This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II King of England King of Scotland King of Ireland
(b. 1630, d. 1685)King of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1660-1665.Charles II is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Chaucer
(b. 1340, d. 1400)Poet and administrator. Author of The Canterbury Tales. Buried at Westminster Abbey.Geoffrey Chaucer is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Chaucer authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Ed. F.N. Robinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. Remediated by Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.
Edward I
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I King of England Longshanks Hammer of the Scots
(b. between 17 June 1239 and 18 June 1239, d. in or before 27 October 1307)Edward I is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry III
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 1 October 1207, d. 16 November 1272)Henry III is mentioned in the following documents:
Raphael Holinshed
(b. 1525, d. 1580)Historian. One author of the Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland.Raphael Holinshed is mentioned in the following documents:
Raphael Holinshed authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Holinshed, Raphael. The firste volume of the chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande. London, 1577. The Holinshed Project. Open.
Holinshed, Raphael, William Harrison, and others. The first and second volumes of Chronicles comprising 1 The description and historie of England, 2 The description and historie of Ireland, 3 The description and historie of Scotland: first collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: now newlie augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memorie) to the yeare 1586. by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell Gent and others. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes. London, 1587. EEBO. Reprint. Subscr. STC 13569.
William Shakespeare is mentioned in the following documents:
William Shakespeare authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Munday, Anthony, Henry Chettle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Heywood, and William Shakespeare. Sir Thomas More. Ed. Vittorio Gabrieli and Giorgio Melchiori. Revels Plays. Manchester; New York: Manchester UP, 1990. Print.
Shakespeare, William. All’s Well That Ends Well. Ed. Helen Ostovich. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. Antony and Cleopatra. Ed. Randall Martin. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. The Comedy of Errors. Ed. Matthew Steggle. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. The first part of the contention betwixt the two famous houses of Yorke and Lancaster with the death of the good Duke Humphrey: and the banishment and death of the Duke of Suffolke, and the tragicall end of the proud Cardinall of VVinchester, vvith the notable rebellion of Iacke Cade: and the Duke of Yorkes first claime vnto the crowne. London, 1594. STC26099. [Transcription available from Internet Shakespeare Editions. Web.]
Shakespeare, William. Henry IV, Part 1. Ed. Rosemary Gaby. Internet Shakespeare Editions. 11 May 2012. Open.
Shakespeare, William. Henry V. Ed. James D. Mardock. Internet Shakespeare Editions. 11 May 2012. Open.
Shakespeare, William. King Lear. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Ed. David Bevington. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2004. 1201–54.
Shakespeare, William. King Richard III. Ed. James R. Siemon. London: Methuen, 2009. The Arden Shakespeare.
Shakespeare, William. The Life of King Henry the Eighth. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Ed. David Bevington. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2004. 919–64.
Shakespeare, William. Measure for Measure. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Ed. David Bevington. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2004. 414–54.
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Ed. Suzanne Westfall. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. Mr. VVilliam Shakespeares comedies, histories, & tragedies Published according to the true originall copies. London, 1623. STC 22273. [Book facsimiles available from Internet Shakespeare Editions. Web.]
Shakespeare, William. Much Ado About Nothing. Ed. Grechen Minton. Internet Shakespeare Editions. 11 May 2012. Open.
Shakespeare, William. The Passionate Pilgrim. Ed. Hardy M. Cook. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. The Phoenix and the Turtle. Ed. Hardy M. Cook. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. Richard II. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Ed. David Bevington. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2004. 740–83.
Shakespeare, William. Richard the Third (Modern). Ed. Adrian Kiernander. Internet Shakespeare Editions. 6 March 2012. Open.
Shakespeare, William. The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Ed. David Bevington. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2004. 552–984.
Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Ed. Brent Whitted and Paul Yachnin. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. Titus Andronicus. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Ed. David Bevington. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2004. 966–1004.
Shakespeare, William. Troilus and Cressida. Ed. W. L. Godshalk. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night. Ed. David Carnegie and Mark Houlahan. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Shakespeare, William. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Ed. Melissa Walter. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
John Stow
(b. between 1524 and 1525, d. 1605)Historian and author of A Survey of London. Husband of Elizabeth Stow.John Stow is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Blome, Richard.
Aldersgate Ward and St. Martins le Grand Liberty Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M3r and sig. M4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Aldgate Ward with its Division into Parishes. Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections & Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3r and sig. H4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Billingsgate Ward and Bridge Ward Within with it’s Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Y2r and sig. Y3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bishopsgate-street Ward. Taken from the Last Survey and Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. N1r and sig. N2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bread Street Ward and Cardwainter Ward with its Division into Parishes Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B3r and sig. B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Broad Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions, & Cornhill Ward with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, &c.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. P2r and sig. P3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cheape Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.D1r and sig. D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Coleman Street Ward and Bashishaw Ward Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G2r and sig. G3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cow Cross being St Sepulchers Parish Without and the Charterhouse.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Creplegate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Additions, and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I3r and sig. I4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Farrington Ward Without, with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections & Amendments.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2F3r and sig. 2F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Lambeth and Christ Church Parish Southwark. Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z1r and sig. Z2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Langborne Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey. & Candlewick Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. U3r and sig. U4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of St. Gilles’s Cripple Gate. Without. With Large Additions and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St. Dunstans Stepney, als. Stebunheath Divided into Hamlets.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F3r and sig. F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary White Chappel and a Map of the Parish of St Katherines by the Tower.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F2r and sig. F3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of Lime Street Ward. Taken from ye Last Surveys & Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M1r and sig. M2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of St. Andrews Holborn Parish as well Within the Liberty as Without.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2I1r and sig. 2I2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parishes of St. Clements Danes, St. Mary Savoy; with the Rolls Liberty and Lincolns Inn, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.O4v and sig. O1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Anns. Taken from the last Survey, with Correction, and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L2v and sig. L3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Giles’s in the Fields Taken from the Last Servey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K1v and sig. K2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Margarets Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Martins in the Fields Taken from ye Last Survey with Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I1v and sig. I2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Pauls Covent Garden Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L3v and sig. L4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Saviours Southwark and St Georges taken from ye last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. D1r and sig.D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James Clerkenwell taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James’s, Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K4v and sig. L1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St Johns Wapping. The Parish of St Paul Shadwell.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Portsoken Ward being Part of the Parish of St. Buttolphs Aldgate, taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B1v and sig. B2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Queen Hith Ward and Vintry Ward with their Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2C4r and sig. 2D1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Shoreditch Norton Folgate, and Crepplegate Without Taken from ye Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G1r and sig. G2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Spitt Fields and Plans Adjacent Taken from Last Survey with Locations.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F4r and sig. G1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
St. Olave and St. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey Southwark Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. C2r and sig.C3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Tower Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Walbrook Ward and Dowgate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Surveys.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2B3r and sig. 2B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Wards of Farington Within and Baynards Castle with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Q2r and sig. Q3v. [See more information about this map.] -
The City of London as in Q. Elizabeth’s Time.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
A Map of the Tower Liberty.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
A New Plan of the City of London, Westminster and Southwark.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
Pearl, Valerie.
A Survey of London. By John Stow. Ed. H.B. Wheatley. London: Everyman’s Library, 1987. v–xii. Print. -
Pullen, John.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary Rotherhith.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z3r and sig. Z4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof (both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then, continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Stow, John. The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London. London, 1580. Rpt. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A Summarie of the Chronicles of England. Diligently Collected, Abridged, & Continued vnto this Present Yeere of Christ, 1598. London: Imprinted by Richard Bradocke, 1598. Rpt. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A suruay of London· Conteyning the originall, antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description of that city, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow citizen of London. Since by the same author increased, with diuers rare notes of antiquity, and published in the yeare, 1603. Also an apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that citie, the greatnesse thereof. VVith an appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet, 1603. STC 23343. U of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus) copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. U of Victoria copy.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv [i.e., Purslow] for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. British Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online.
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online. [Kingsford edition, courtesy of The Centre for Metropolitan History. Articles written 2011 or later cite from this searchable transcription.]
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. 23341. Transcribed by EEBO-TCP.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Folger Shakespeare Library.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet for John Wolfe, 1598. STC 23341. Huntington Library copy. Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Coteyning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne eſtate, and deſcription of that City, written in the yeare 1598, by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Since by the ſame Author increaſed with diuers rare notes of Antiquity, and publiſhed in the yeare, 1603. Alſo an Apologie (or defence) againſt the opinion of ſome men, concerning that Citie, the greatneſſe thereof. With an Appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de ſitu & nobilitae Londini: Writen by William Fitzſtephen, in the raigne of Henry the ſecond. London: John Windet, 1603. U of Victoria copy. Print.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Strype, John, John Stow. A SURVEY OF THE CITIES OF LONDON and WESTMINSTER, And the Borough of SOUTHWARK. CONTAINING The Original, Antiquity, Increase, present State and Government of those CITIES. Written at first in the Year 1698, By John Stow, Citizen and Native of London. Corrected, Improved, and very much Enlarged, in the Year 1720, By JOHN STRYPE, M.A. A NATIVE ALSO OF THE SAID CITY. The Survey and History brought down to the present Time BY CAREFUL HANDS. Illustrated with exact Maps of the City and Suburbs, and of all the Wards; and, likewise, of the Out-Parishes of London and Westminster, and the Country ten Miles round London. Together with many fair Draughts of the most Eminent Buildings. The Life of the Author, written by Mr. Strype, is prefixed; And, at the End is added, an APPENDIX Of certain Tracts, Discourses, and Remarks on the State of the City of London. 6th ed. 2 vols. London: Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, and S. Birt, R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, and seven others, 1754–55. ESTC T150145.
Strype, John, John Stow. A survey of the cities of London and Westminster: containing the original, antiquity, increase, modern estate and government of those cities. Written at first in the year MDXCVIII. By John Stow, citizen and native of London. Since reprinted and augmented by A.M. H.D. and other. Now lastly, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged: and the survey and history brought down from the year 1633, (being near fourscore years since it was last printed) to the present time; by John Strype, M.A. a native also of the said city. Illustrated with exact maps of the city and suburbs, and of all the wards; and likewise of the out-parishes of London and Westminster: together with many other fair draughts of the more eminent and publick edifices and monuments. In six books. To which is prefixed, the life of the author, writ by the editor. At the end is added, an appendiz of certain tracts, discourses and remarks, concerning the state of the city of London. Together with a perambulation, or circuit-walk four or five miles round about London, to the parish churches: describing the monuments of the dead there interred: with other antiquities observable in those places. And concluding with a second appendix, as a supply and review: and a large index of the whole work. 2 vols. London : Printed for A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. ESTC T48975.
The Tower and St. Catherins Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Wheatley, Henry Benjamin.
A Survey of London. 1603. By John Stow. London: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1912. Print.
William I
William This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I King of England the Conqueror
(b. between 1027 and 1028, d. 1087)William I is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Augustine of Canterbury
Saint Augustine Archbishop of Canterbury
(d. 26 May 604)Archbishop of Canterbury 597-604. First official missionary to the Anglo-Saxons in Britain.St. Augustine of Canterbury is mentioned in the following documents:
Jack Straw
Leader of the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381.Jack Straw is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey of Monmouth
Geoffrey Bishop of St. Asaph
(d. between 1154? and 1155?)Bishop of St. Asaph 1152-1155. Author of History of the Kings of Britain.Geoffrey of Monmouth is mentioned in the following documents:
Lud King of Britain
King of Britain. Appears in Geoffrey of Monouth’s History of the Kings of Britain. Early modern Londoners believed him to be a historical figure.Lud is mentioned in the following documents:
Claudius Emperor Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
(b. 10 BCE, d. 13 October 54)Emperor of the Roman Empire 41-54.Claudius is mentioned in the following documents:
Dramatic character in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Played by Nick Bottom in the play-within-the-play in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.Pyramus is mentioned in the following documents:
Dramatic character in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Played by Francis Flute in the play-within-the-play in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.Thisbe is mentioned in the following documents:
Tom Snout
Dramatic character in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.Tom Snout is mentioned in the following documents:
London is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Botolph (Aldgate)
St. Botolph, Aldgate was a parish church near Aldgate at the junction of Aldgate Street and Houndsditch. It was located in Portsoken Ward on the north side of Aldgate Street. Stow notes that theChurch hath beene lately new builded at the speciall charges of the Priors of the holy Trinitie
before the Priory was dissolved in 1531 (Stow).St. Botolph (Aldgate) is mentioned in the following documents:
London Wall (street)
London Wall was a long street running along the inside of the northern part of the City Wall. It ran east-west from the north end of Broad Street to Cripplegate (Prockter and Taylor 43). The modern London Wall street is a major traffic thoroughfare now. It follows roughly the route of the former wall, from Old Broad Street to the Museum of London (whose address is 150 London Wall).London Wall (street) is mentioned in the following documents:
The Thames is mentioned in the following documents:
White Tower is mentioned in the following documents:
Tower of London is mentioned in the following documents:
Tower Hill
Tower Hill was a large area of open ground north and west of the Tower of London. It is most famous as a place of execution; there was a permanent scaffold and gallows on the hillfor the execution of such Traytors or Transgressors, as are deliuered out of the Tower, or otherwise to the Shiriffes of London
(Stow).Tower Hill is mentioned in the following documents:
Aldgate was the easternmost gate into the walled city. The nameAldgate
is thought to come from one of four sources: Æst geat meaningEastern gate
(Ekwall 36), Alegate from the Old English ealu meaningale,
Aelgate from the Saxon meaningpublic gate
oropen to all,
or Aeldgate meaningold gate
(Bebbington 20–21).Aldgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Bishopsgate is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Giles Churchyard (Cripplegate) is mentioned in the following documents:
Monkwell Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Noble Street
Noble Street ran north-south between Maiden Lane in the south and Silver Street in the north. It isall of Aldersgate street ward
(Stow). On the Agas map, it is labelled asNoble Str.
and is depicted as having a right-hand curve at its north end, perhaps due to an offshoot of the London Wall.Noble Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Aldersgate is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Bartholomew the Great is mentioned in the following documents:
Newgate Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Fleet Hill or Ludgate Hill is mentioned in the following documents:
Thames Street
Thames Street was the longest street in early modern London, running east-west from the ditch around the Tower of London in the east to St. Andrew’s Hill and Puddle Wharf in the west, almost the complete span of the city within the walls.Thames Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Blackfriars (Farringdon Within)
The largest and wealthiest friary in England, Blackfriars was not only a religious institution but also a cultural, intellectual, and political centre of London. The friary housed London’s Dominican friars (known in England as the Black friars) after their move from the smaller Blackfriars precincts in Holborn. The Dominicans’ aquisition of the site, overseen by Robert Kilwardby, began in 1275. Once completed, the precinct was second in size only to St. Paul’s, spanning eight acres from the Fleet to Puddle Dock Hill and from Ludgate to the Thames. Blackfriars remained a political and social hub, hosting councils and even parlimentary proceedings, until its surrender in 1538 pursuant to Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries (Holder 27–56).Blackfriars (Farringdon Within) is mentioned in the following documents:
A suburban neighbourhood located just north of Moorfields and outside Londonʼs City Wall, Shoreditch was a focal point of early modern theatrical culture. Following a boom in Londonʼs population from 1550 to 1600, the neighbourhood became a prime target for development. The building of the Theatre in 1576 and the Curtain in the following year established Shoreditchʼs reputation as Londonʼs premier entertainment district, and the neigbourhood also featured a growing number of taverns, alehouses, and brothels. These latter establishments were often frequented by local players, of whom many prominent members were buried on the grounds of nearby St. Leonardʼs Church. Today, Shoreditch faces the potential revival of its early modern theatrical culture through the efforts of the Museum of London Archaeology and the Tower Hamlets Theatre Company.Shoreditch is mentioned in the following documents:
The Theatre
For information about the The Theatre, a modern map marking the site where the it once stood, and a walking tour that will take you to the site, visit the Shakespearean London Theatres (ShaLT) article on The Theatre.The Theatre is mentioned in the following documents:
The Curtain
In 1577, the Curtain, a second purpose-built London playhouse arose in Shoreditch, just north of the City of London. The Curtain, a polygonal amphitheatre, became a major venue for theatrical and other entertainments until at least 1622 and perhaps as late as 1698. Most major playing companies, including the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, the Queen’s Men, and Prince Charles’s Men, played there. It is the likely site for the premiere of Shakespeare’s plays Romeo and Juliet and Henry V.The Curtain is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Helen (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
Four Swans Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Black Bull Inn (Bishopsgate Street)
For information about the Black Bull Inn, Bishopsgate Street, a modern map marking the site where the it once stood, and a walking tour that will take you to the site, visit the Shakespearean London Theatres (ShaLT) article on Black Bull Inn, Bishopsgate Street.Black Bull Inn (Bishopsgate Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Bethlehem Hospital
Although its name evokes the pandemonium of the archetypal madhouse, Bethlehem (Bethlem, Bedlam) Hospital was not always an asylum. As Stow tells us, Saint Mary of Bethlehem began as aPriorie of Cannons with brethren and sisters,
founded in 1247 by Simon Fitzmary,one of the Sheriffes of London
(Stow 1: 164). We know from Stow’s Survey that the hospital, part of Bishopsgate ward (without), resided on the west side of Bishopsgate Street, just north of St. Botolph’s church (Stow 1: 165).Bethlehem Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
Silver Street
Silver Street was a small but historically significant street that ran east-west, emerging out of Noble Street in the west and merging into Addle Street in the east. Monkwell Street (labelledMuggle St.
on the Agas map) lay to the north of Silver Street and seems to have marked its westernmost point, and Little Wood Street, also to the north, marked its easternmost point. Silver Street ran through Cripplegate Ward and Farringdon Ward Within. It is labelled asSyluer Str.
on the Agas map and is drawn correctly. Perhaps the most noteworthy historical fact about Silver Street is that it was the location of one of the houses in which William Shakespeare dwelled during his time in London.Silver Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Cripplegate was one of the original gates in the city wall (Weinreb, Hibbert, Keay, and Keay 221; Harben). It was the northern gate of a large fortress that occupied the northwestern corner of the Roman city.Cripplegate is mentioned in the following documents:
London Stone
London Stone was, literally, a stone that stood on the south side of what is now Cannon Street (formerly Candlewick Street). Probably Roman in origin, it is one of London’s oldest relics. On the Agas map, it is visible as a small rectangle between Saint Swithin’s Lane and Walbrook, just below thend
consonant cluster in the labelLondonſton.
London Stone is mentioned in the following documents:
London Bridge
As the only bridge in London crossing the Thames until 1729, London Bridge was a focal point of the city. After its conversion from wood to stone, completed in 1209, the bridge housed a variety of structures, including a chapel and a growing number of shops. The bridge was famous for the cityʼs grisly practice of displaying traitorsʼ heads on poles above its gatehouses. Despite burning down multiple times, London Bridge was one of the few structures not entirely destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666.London Bridge is mentioned in the following documents:
Located in Farringdon Within Ward, Ludgate was a gate built by the Romans (Carlin and Belcher 80). Stow asserts that Ludgate was constructed by King Lud who named the gate after himselffor his owne honor
(Stow 1: 1).Ludgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Newgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Moorgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Black Friars (Dominicans)
The Blackfriars, named for their customaryblack mantle and hood,
were an order of mendicant friars founded by St. Dominic in France in 1216 (Dominican Order). Intent on spreading Catholicism, St. Dominic sent members of his order to England, where, no later than 1247, the order had bases in Oxford and London (Jarrett 2-3). In the wake of the Reformation, members of the order fled the country or remained in England andeither drifted into poverty, or else entered the ranks of the secular clergy
(Jarrett 169).This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Marylhurst University English 386 Summer 2014 Students
Marylhurst University English 386 Summer 2014 Student Group 1
Student contributors enrolled in English 386: The Eternal City: Rome in the Western Literary Imagination at Marylhurst University in Summer 2014, working under the guest editorship of Meg Roland.Student Contributors
Marylhurst University English 386 Fall 2014 Student Group 2
Student contributors enrolled in English 386: The Eternal City: Rome in the Western Literary Imagination at Marylhurst University in Summer 2014, working under the guest editorship of Meg Roland.Student Contributors
Variant spellings
Documents using the spelling
Citie wall
Documents using the spelling
Citie Wall
Documents using the spelling
city wal
Documents using the spelling
City Wall
Documents using the spelling
City wall
Documents using the spelling
city wall
Documents using the spelling
City Wall and Ditch
Documents using the spelling
city walls
Documents using the spelling
London Wall
- Our Pedagogical Partners
- 19 September 2014: Pedagogical Partnership expands as MoEML Director visits Washington College, MD
- The Survey of London (1633): Cheap Ward
- The Survey of London (1633): Limestreet Ward
- The Survey of London (1633): Tower Street Ward
- The Survey of London (1633): Cripplegate Ward
- Conduit (London Wall)
- Old Bailey
- All Hallows (London Wall)
- Finsbury Field
- Fleet Street
- Ball Alley
- The Wall
- St. George’s Lane
- Moorfields
- Barbican Tower
Documents using the spelling
London wall
- Survey of London: Broad Street Ward
- Survey of London: Temporal Government of London
- Survey of London: Orders and Customs
- The Survey of London (1633): Broadstreet Ward
- The Survey of London (1633): Aldgate Ward
- The Survey of London (1633): Limestreet Ward
- The Survey of London (1633): Tower Street Ward
- The Survey of London (1633): Cripplegate Ward
Documents using the spelling
Roman Wall
Documents using the spelling
the VVall
Documents using the spelling
The Wall
Documents using the spelling
the Wall
Documents using the spelling
the wall
Documents using the spelling
the wall of the Citie
Documents using the spelling
Documents using the spelling
VVall of London
Documents using the spelling
VVall of the City
Documents using the spelling
Documents using the spelling
wal of the Citie
Documents using the spelling
Documents using the spelling
Documents using the spelling
wall of London
Documents using the spelling
wall of the Citie
Documents using the spelling
Wall of the Citie
Documents using the spelling
wall of the city
Documents using the spelling
wall of the City
Documents using the spelling
wall of this Cittie
Documents using the spelling
Documents using the spelling
Walles of London
Documents using the spelling
walles of London
Documents using the spelling
Documents using the spelling
Documents using the spelling
wals of this Citie